We have the right attitude!
We have the right attitude!
“We have the right attitude!” Page 1 of 19 "exclusive provider of offshore services" Page 2 of 19 Offshore Since QP started implementation of their Offshore Preventative in Co. Maintenance Schedule 1978-1979, H.B.K. Oil & Gas Services has been responsible for the great majority of corrosion control programme. This has consisted of a planned programme of recoating the 410,000 square meters of the PSI, PS2 and PS3 facilities and associated wellhead jackets. This does not include PS4, which to date has not been quantified, nor does it include Halul Island with its 9 crude oil storage tanks and associated pipe work and services. The policy of QP is to let out annual contracts which typically cover 50,000- 80,000 square meters of area and have to be completely self sustained. This has resulted in HBK Oil & Gas Services Co. becoming efficient in the handling and management of marine spreads; the servicing of men and equipment in difficult environment; all to the exacting safety and time requirement of the C l i e n t , QP. HBK Oil & Gas Services Co. is currently carrying out all corrosion control protection coating a c t i v i t i e s a t offshore for various c l i e n t s s u c h a s QP, OXY & R a s G a s , as well as being shutdown sub-contractor work offshore, on all which speaks for itself. Page 3 of 19 Onshore Apart from the offshore work, HBK Oil & Gas Services Co. is active onshore in the various Industrial Complexes. These includes QAPCO, QAFCO, QVC, Q-Chem, QASCO, NODCO, NGL, QP, OXY, RasGas and various industrial establishments . HBK organization has track record of completion of work within time frame and in accordance with the specifications at all times. Long list of satisfied clients is an indication endeavours to to meet our the relenting organization objectives and for customer satisfaction. Highlights of our capabilities onshore are the e s t a b l i s h e d facilities in our yard located in Salwa Road. Ras Laffan Common Cooling Water System Project c o n s i d ered one of the prestigious and challenging contracts so far in Qatar was awarded to CCIC for construction and installation of carbon steel pipes for Qatar Petroleum. HBK Oil & Gas Services Co. stood up to demanding situation of handling surface preparation and coating of 8-12” pipes of about 3M diameter and 24M long daily. Handling system, unique in its kind and innovative in design was built in record time fulfilling all safety requirements and was integrated with blast shop and paint shop. We had also been awarded the prestigious blasting and painting scope of QAFC0-4 Expansion Project which was carried out successfully as per contractual requirement in our yard in Doha and Mesaieed simultaneously. Page 4 of 19 HAMAD BIN KHALID OIL & GAS SERVICES CO. POST BOX NO. 2903, DOHA - QATAR COMPANY DETAILS Company details Name HAMAD BIN KHALID OIL & GAS SERVICES CO. Address to appear on Tender communications POST BOX NO. 2903, DOHA – QATAR Telephone number 44687174 / 44687176 / 44685699 Fax number 44687460 Country of registration QATAR Registration number 19389 Class of Company WITH LIMITED LIABILITY Address of registered office POST BOX 2903, DOHA – QATAR Date Company Formed 1973 Paid-up Capital 1,800,000/- Contact for enquiries Name FAROOQ A. YASSIN Title GENERAL MANAGER Telephone number 44687174 / 44687176 / 44685699 Fax number 44687460 Email admin@hbkogs.com Address POST BOX 2903, DOHA – QATAR Page 5 of 19 ORGANIZATION CHART Page 6 of 19 MAJOR ONGOING & COMPLETED PROJECT DURING THE PAST FEW YEARS Sr. No. Job No. Description Client Work Order Value (QAR) Duration 1. J: 880 Contract No: CA 1561, Refurbishment of Protective Coating & Scaffolding Works at Offshore Structures at PS-1 OXY 16.5 Million 15.05.04 - 31.07.07 2. J: 881 Painting of Steel Pipes, Millennium Village Facilities. Morganti-AICI JV 715,000.00 01.12.04 to 28.02.05 3. J: 884 Painting of Spools, Cement Lined Pipes and Non-Cement Lined Pipes. Dopet 1 Million 08.02.06 to 30.09.05 4. J: 885 Contract No: GTC 05/143/MCO - Maintenance Support Services for PS-2/3 Shutdown Works. Trags 1.7 Million 10.05.05 to 30.06.05 5. J: 887 Painting of Pipes and Fittings, Dolphin Project Upstream and Compression Facilities. Taisei Corp. 400,000.00 15.07.05 to 31.03.06 6. J: 888 Dolphin Upstream and Compression Facilities at Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar. Dodsal 3 Million 01.10.06 - 31.08.07 7. J: 889 Coating of Bare Pipes, Miter Bends and Flanges, Qatar Gas II Development Project. Hyojong Ind. Co. 1.2 Million 01.10.05 to 31.03.06 8. J: 891 Contract No: GTC 04/129R/MCO - Refurbishment of Protective Coatings & Scaffolding Works at Offshore Locations. QP 63.1 Million 20.02.06 - 31.01.10 9. J: 892 Blasting and Painting Works for QASCO HBI/DRI Combo Plant, Mesaieed. Jurong Eng. Ltd. 2.1 Million 20.02.06 to 19.03.07 10. J: 893 Blasting and Painting of Slug Catcher, Qatar Gas II LNG Onshore Development Project. CCIC Teyseer 2.5 Million 03.06.06 to 31.12.06 11. J: 894 12" & 18" Pipelines Remedial Works at Dukhan Field Gas Lift Project. Black Cat 1.2 Million 20.11.06 to 31.03.07 12. J: 896 Blasting & Painting works of 4nos. Spheres & 8nos. Tanks and Accessories Including Scaffolding Works. Manco 2 Million 05.06.07 - 31.08.08 13. J: 897 Contract No: CA 1815 - Refurbishment of Protective Coatings & Scaffolding Works at PS-1 Offshore Location. OXY 12.2 Million 03.06.07 - 02.06.11 14. J: 102 EPIC of Mesaieed Tank Farm Upgrade - Phase II. Scaffolding, Blasting & Painting Works. Manco 2.8 Million 15.09.07 - 30.06.11 15. J: 104 QAFCO Melamine & Urea-1 Revamp Project (Painting & Scaffolding Works). QCON 5.4 Million 10.01.08 - 31.07.10 Page 7 of 19 16. J: 105 Supply of Scaffolding Materials at ORYX GTL Shutdown & QCHEM. QCON 725,000/- 09.02.08 - 31.05.08 17. J: 106 Contract No: CA 1894 - Offshore Coatings Refurbishment Services & Scaffolding Works. OXY 10.8 Million 01.08.08 - 31.12.11 18. J: 107 Coating of Structural Steel and Piping Spools. Black Cat 620,000/- 26.07.08 - 05.09.08 19. J: 108 Blasting & Painting of Piping, Spools, Fittings and Structurals including Scaffolding Works VOC Project. QCON 16.7 Million 04.09.08 - 30.09.10 20. J: 109 Painting of Sheet Piles at Halul Island CECC 900,000/- 22.01.09 - 30.06.09 21. J: 110 Garnet Blasting & Painting of Fabricated Structurals, EPIC for Smokeless Flare and Automatic Blowdown System & New Control Room at FSP. Black Cat 1.7 Million 25.01.09 - 15.07.09 22. J: 111 Painting & Scaffolding Works for Crude Oil Tank T-13 & Re-Blasting & Re-Painting Works of Painted and Erected Piping Inside QP Tank Farm Manco 2.2 Million 01.04.09 - 05.07.09 23. J: 113 Contract No: CT/RG35/G244/08 - Refurbishment of Offshore Protective Coating. RasGas 58.7 Million 14.05.09 - 31.12.14 24. J: 114 Painting & Scaffolding Works - QAFCO 5 (Ammonia & Urea) Project. Hyundai 19 Million 19.05.09 - 31.05.11 25. J: 115 Subcontract works for Blasting & Painting of Steel Pipes, Fittings & Fabricated Spools. Civil & Industrial Construction Group 840,000/- 20.05.09 - 31.06.09 26. J: 116 Painting & Scaffolding Works for the Tank D, F & Foam Tank; CLSCSEF Tank Farm Expansion Project for Dolphin Energy Limited. QCON 3 Million 20.05.09 - 30.10.10 27. J: 117 Blasting & Painting of Piping Spools/Supports for GSVC Project. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 1.2 Million 01.07.09 - 30.10.09 28. J: 118 Coating of Steel Pipes. Dong Young Eng. 1.2 Million 01.03.10 - 30.11.10 29. J: 119 Project GC09102200/FP - EPIC of Sweet Fuel Gas Supply to Dukhan Consumers, Blasting, Painting & Wrapping Scope - HBK Yard & Site. Black Cat 2.4 Million 15.05.10 - 31.12.11 30. J: 120 EPIC of Berths & Port Infrastructure for Ras Laffan Port Expansion Project – Coating of Corrugated Beams. CCC – Teyseer 2.2 Million 01.11.10 - 31.01.11 31. J: 121 Epic for produced water treatment & Injection Phase-2. Blasting & Coating of Pipe and Structure. Black Cat 3.5 Million 25.12.10 - 25.11.11 32. J: 122 Internal Lining & External Coating of Fire Water Spools & Pipes - SGTP Project. Punj Lloyd Ltd. 620,000.00 08.01.11 - 30.06.11 32. J: 123 Contract No: CA 1894 - Offshore Coatings Refurbishment Services and Scaffolding Works. OXY 10.8 Million 01.08.08 - 31.12.11 33. J: 124 Painting & Scaffolding Works for Tank D; CLSCSEF Tank Farm Expansion Project for Dolphin Energy Limited. QCON 1.6 Million 10.08.11 - 30.09.11 Page 8 of 19 34. J: 125 Contract No: CA 2100 - Provision of Coating Refurbishment and Scaffolding Works – ISND Remotes. OXY 30 Million 01.08.11 - 31.07.14 35. J: 126 FAU2 Onsite MEG Storage Tank Replacement Project – MEG Storage Tank (30-T602) EPC Scope (RFS-054) – Painting & Scaffolding Works. QCON 268,000/- 31.01.12 - 09.02.12 36. J: 127 GSF Project – Storage Tanks Works at Mesaieed/Dukhan. Manco 173,631/- 01.02.12 - 30.04.12 37. J: 128 EPIC for New Desalination Plant and Potable Water Storage Tanks at Halul Island, State of Qatar - Internal and External Coating of Potable Water Tanks and Scaffolding Works. Archirodon 766,482/- 10.03.12 - 30.06.12 36. J: 129 Pipe Painting Works for Barzan - Off Plot - General Works at Ras Laffan. QCON 3,428,071/- 01.07.12 – 31.07.14 37. J: 130 Contract No: GC10109800 - Refurbishment of Protective Coatings & Repair/Replacement of Pipe Support and Scaffolding Works at Offshore Locations. QP 337,351,357/- 22.04.12 - 30.04.16 38. J: 131 Contract No: LTC/OP/1659/11 - For Internal Re-Coating of Condensate Storage Tanks on Call off Basis at Ras Laffan. Qatar Gas 9,472,825/- 04.07.12 - 03.07.16 39. J: 132 Contract No: GC12100300 - Provision of Maintenance Painting & Scaffolding Works in Ras Laffan Industrial City. QP 7,644,900/- 15.09.12 - 14.09.17 40. J: 501 Barzan Onshore Project - Insulation Works QCON 879,057/- 01.10.13 - 31.12.13 40. J: 501 Fire Proofing of Steel Structures of MIC Workshop Future Eng. 250,000/- 01.12.13 - 31.01.14 41. J:133 Contract No: GC131098A0 - Painting, Insulation, Vinyl Ester Wrapping Services on a Call-Off Basis in Dukhan Fields - Field Support Department. QP 32,224,116.10 01.08.14 - 31.07.19 42. J: 134 Contract No: CA 2426 - Provision Remote Location Coating Refurbishment Services. OXY 46 Million 01.08.14 - 31.07.17 43. J: 135 Contract No: LTC/C/MNT/1099/14 - Painting of Tank Farm Area on Call-Off Basis. Qatar Gas 22,902,970/- 01.07.14 - 31.07.18 44. J: 136 Supply & Application of Intumescent Fireproofing Paints to Structural Steel - Musheireb Downtown Doha Project, Phase 3. HBK Contracting 2,610,232/- 01.01.15 – 31.01.17 Page 9 of 19 KEY PERSONNELS 1. Name Designation Tel No. (O) E-mail Add : : : : Farooq A. Yassin General Manager +974 – 44687174 / 44687176 / 44685699 yassin@hbkogs.com; admin@hbkogs.com 2. Name Designation Tel No. (O) Cell No. E-mail Add : : : : : Ahmed Al-Yasin Project Manager – Onshore +974 – 44687174 / 44687176 / 44685699 +974 – 55807709 ahmed@hbkogs.com 3. Name Designation Tel No. (O) Cell No. E-mail Add : : : : : Suresh Raghavan Asst. QA/QC Manager +974 – 44687174 / 44687176 / 44685699 +974 – 33773052 suresh@hbkogs.com 4. Name Designation Tel No. (O) Cell No. E-mail Add : : : : : Mohd. Farooque Joad Projects Manager – Offshore +974 – 44687174 / 44687176 / 44685699 +974 – 55847841 fkjoad@hbkogs.com 5. Name Designation Tel No. (O) Cell No. E-mail Add : : : : : V.K. Varghese Accounts Manager +974 – 44687174 / 44687176 / 44685699 +974 – 55825489 vkvarghese@hbkogs.com 6. Name Designation Tel No. (O) Cell No. E-mail Add : : : : : Luke John Logistics Manager +974 – 44687174 / 44687176 / 44685699 +974 – 55225387 logistics@hbkogs.com Page 10 of 19 HUMAN RESOURCES Classification Number of Employees Home Office Office Manager 01 Engineers 04 Technical Staff 09 Support Services 05 Procurement 02 Project Managers 02 QA/QC Manager 01 Accounts Manager 01 Logistics Manager 01 Painting Inspectors 13 Insulation Inspectors 03 Classification Craft Labor Foremen Carpenters 02 - Drivers 14 - Electricians 02 - Equipment Operators 04 - Mechanics 08 02 Scaffolders 62 07 Welders 03 - Blasters 80 05 Spray Painters 40 04 Insulators 20 02 Fire Proofing Applicators 10 02 Fitters 15 01 Fabricators 05 - Safety Officers 12 - Painters / Helpers 76 04 Page 11 of 19 Nationality: We have a diverse work force with people from different racial, educational and social backgrounds. Majority of our work force hails from the following nationalities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jordan Egypt Indian Bangladesh Srilanka Pakistan Labour Accommodation: We have one labour accommodation located at Salwa Road which can accommodate a minimum of 400 personnel’s at a time. We also have a labour accommodation comprising 2,500m² within Dukhan Fields. Moreover, we have started construction on our new labour accommodation at Al Khor that can accommodate 200 personnel’s at a time. We expect the new labour accommodation to be ready by mid of Year 2015. Laydown: We have a laydown yard in Salwa Road to carry out in-house blasting, painting and fire proofing works. We have another laydown yard totalling 3,000m² which includes site office facilities, material storage area and blasting & painting shop in Ras Laffan. Moreover, we also have a laydown yard comprising 3,750m² within Dukhan Fields Area which includes site office facilities, material storage area and blasting & painting shop. Page 12 of 19 PLANT, EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES Description Capacity Manufacturer Year of Manufacture Qty 1 2 3 4 Mobile Compressor Mobile Compressor Mobile Compressor Mobile Compressor 800 cfm 800 cfm 800 cfm 800 cfm Atlas Copco Ingersollrand Ingersollrand Ingersollrand 2011 2011 2012 2008 2 14 2 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mobile Compressor Mobile Compressor Mobile Compressor Mobile Compressor Mobile Compressor Mobile Rough Terrain Mobile Rough Terrain Fork Lift Fork Lift Fork Lift Tractor (Farm Type) Light Truck Pick Up 4WD Pick Up 4WD Pick Up 4WD Passenger Bus Passenger Bus Passenger Bus Passenger Bus Tractor and Trailer Tractor and Trailer Cargo Truck Cargo Truck Water Tanker Generator 352 Kva Generator 250 Kva Generator 66Kva 800 cfm 800 cfm 800 cfm 185 cfm 375 cfm 35 ton 35 ton 3 ton 5 ton 7 ton Med 3.5 ton 1 ton 1 ton 1 ton 32 Seater 32 Seater 15 Seater 56 Seater 40 ton 40 ton 06 Ton 05 Ton 10,000 ltr 352 Kva 250 Kva 66 Kva Ingersollrand Atlas Copco Atlas Copco Ingersollrand Ingersollrand Tadano RT Kato Komatsu Toyota Komatsu Deutz Dropside Cargo Mitsubshi Nissan/Toyota Isuzu/Toyota Nissan Urvan Mitsubshi Nissan Ashok Leyland Mercedes ISUZU/NISSAN Cargo Truck - Mercedes Cargo Truck - HINO Mercedes Caterpillar Onan, Victor Perkins 2006 2006 2007 2006 2009 1988 1991 2005 2006 2009 1985 2006/2012/2014 2015 2005/2008 2008/2010 /2015 2007 2015 2012 1999/2001/2003 1988 x 2 2009-10 1999 2015 2009 2012 1992 2013 6 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 Registration No Remarks 9252 11854 17121 17556 33817 2978 136061 - 226107 - 273885 284435 / 279883 129611/129614 206957 / 207108 / 250519 169575 / 129896 162913 142137 92132,104706,105521 78636 - 86758 5703 - 200308 - 91684 82294 282152 193433 RR & Victor OH in 97,98 Page 13 of 19 BLASTING, PAINTING AND OTHER EQUIPMENTS No Capacity Manufacturer Year Qty 1 Automatic Blast Machine 4 Wheel Target Equipment 1995 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Blast Pot Blast Pot Blast Pot Blast Pot Vacuum Blasting Machine Mini Blast Pot Airless Paint Spray Unit Airless Paint Spray Unit Airless Paint Spray Unit Airless Paint Spray Unit After Cooler After Cooler 200 ltr 240 ltr 240 ltr 100 ltr 76ltr, 2 Heads 15 ltr 68 to 1 56 to 1 45 to 1 20 to 1 2 Pot Cap. 2 Pot Cap. Clemco/Blastline Euroblast Euroblast Clemco SurfaceDecon Blastline Graco Graco Graco Graco Euroblast Euroblast 2012/13/15 2006 2008 60 12 8 6 1 5 8 16 20 2 20 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hydracat HP Washer Unit Diesel HP Washing Machine (pneumatic) Wet Blast Units Mucking Pump Air Extractor Fans Air Lights Explosion Proof Light Internal Blasting Machine Internal Coating Machine Shot Blasting Machine - 500E Shot Blasting Machine - 350 Re-Cycling Plant Garnet/Steel Shot Re-Cycling Plant Garnet/Steel Shot HP 3-4000 psi 20 to 1 1unit to 2 Pot 600 cfm at 100 PSI 18" 250 watts 24 V From 3" to 36" From 3" to 36" 130 Sqm/Hr 100 Sqm/Hr 4 Blast Pot Capacity 200 Ltr 4 Blast Pot Capacity 200 Ltr Graco Karcher Graco Hydraclean Airblast Eagle Ind. Various Wolf 25 26 Description Cleanblast Cleanblast Blastrac Contec Sybrandy RC 50-160 Target Equipment 1997 2012/14 2012/13 2005/06 1998 2012 2011 2011 2012 2015 1998 2002 4 4 12 2 2 5 5 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 Remarks Up to 24 Inch piping Mini Pot Closed Blasting No Dust Delicate Blasting 7 x 2002, 9 x 2003 8 x 1994, 8 x 92 ,4 x 90 2 x 1990 Air flow upto 1800 NM3/H Air flow upto 1800 NM3/H Addition to Wet Blast Production Rate 3-5 Ton/hr 02 outlet x 16 nos light 24v -100 w Fully automatic with winch controlled has been modified to be easily moved and relocate has been modified to be easily moved and relocate Page 14 of 19 Page 15 of 19 QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL Page 16 of 19 ISO CERTIFICATE Page 17 of 19 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT Page 18 of 19 MV KHALDIYAH-1 "offshore support marine work vessel of HBK Oil & Gas Services Co." Page 19 of 19