Plate Tectonics and the Boundary between Alps and Apennines
Plate Tectonics and the Boundary between Alps and Apennines
09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 317 Ital.J.Geosci. (Boll.Soc.Geol.It.), Vol. 128, No. 2 (2009), pp. 317-330, 7 figs. (DOI: 10.3301/IJG.2009.128.2.317) Plate Tectonics and the Boundary between Alps and Apennines ANDREA ARGNANI (*) ABSTRACT retroarco (REHAULT et alii, 1984; MALINVERNO & RYAN, 1986; KAet alii, 1988) richiedono l’esistenza di un’ampia area oceanica ubicata a ovest del Promontorio Adriatico. Pertanto, la collisione continentale che ha dato origine alle Alpi s.s. non poteva continuare verso SO ma doveva passare lateralmente, lungo il margine di placca, ad una subduzione oceanica. L’inversione di polarità nella subduzione che si osserva attualmente andando dalle Alpi, dove la placca africana sovrascorre quella europea, agli Appennini, dove avviene il contrario, è ritenuta una caratteristica originaria del sistema orogenico mediterraneo, attiva sin dall’inizio della convergenza. La ricostruzione cinematica del movimento delle placche consente di ricostruire il tracciato del punto nel quale avviene il passaggio da una polarità all’altra. Dal Cretaceo superiore all’Eocene il movimento relativo verso nord del Promontorio Adriatico ha portato il punto che marca il passaggio di polarità a spostarsi nel tempo lungo il margine. Pertanto, aree che avevano subito la collisione continentale alpina sono state successivamente interessate da una subduzione oceanica a polarità opposta, appenninica. Questa sequenza di eventi ha portato al collasso della catena alpina della Corsica (e.g., BRUNET et alii, 2000) e successivamente all’apertura del bacino di retroarco balearico, che sì è originato dall’Oligocene superiore al Miocene inferiore al disopra di una subduzione oceanica arretrante verso est (REHAULT et alii, 1984). Il Tirreno settentrionale, invece, si è originato nel Miocene medio (MAUFFRET & C ONTRUCCI , 1999) a causa della delaminazione della litosfera continentale del margine adriatico che ha fatto seguito alla consunzione della litosfera oceanica durante la rotazione della microplacca Sardo-Corsa (ARGNANI, 2002). La principale implicazione della ricostruzione proposta è che il limite Alpi-Appennino non va considerato come una linea tettonica ma piuttosto come un segmento di catena che è stato inizialmente interessato da una tettonica alpina e poi, successivamente, da una tettonica appenninica. STENS A new proposal attempting to solve the long-debated issue of the polarity of subduction in the Corsica-Northern Apennine system is presented. Models adopting an original W-dipping subduction and models preferring a flip in the polariy of subduction, from E-dipping to W-dipping, encounter major difficulties at a regional scale. It is considered here that the main inconsistencies faced by both models are due to the two-dimensional approach of reconstructions. The Late Cretaceous to Present-Day kinematics of the Central Mediterranean has been reconstructed using the magnetic anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean and assuming a solid connection between Africa and Adria. Oligocene to Present calcalkaline volcanism and backarc extension in the Balearic and Tyrrhenian basins requires the presence of a wide oceanic embayment to the west of the Adriatic Promontory. It follows that the continental collision that gave rise to the Alps s.s. could not continue SW-ward of Adria. The flip of subduction polarity that can be currently observed, going from the Alps, where Africa is overriding Europe, to the Apennines, where the opposite occurs, was likely on original feature since the beginning of convergence. Kinematic reconstructions allow the point along the plate boundary where the flip of polarity occurs to be tracked back in time. Following the N-ward motion of the colliding Adriatic Promontory, the point of polarity flip moved along the plate boundary from Late Cretaceous to Eocene. As a result, areas that previously experienced continental collision were subsequently affected by oceanic subduction. This sequence of events led to the collapse of the Alpine belt of Corsica and to the opening of the Balearic backarc basin above a retreating oceanic subduction. A similar kinematic evolution is currently ongoing in Taiwan. Finally, the Northern Tyrrhenian basin opened when delamination affected the Adriatic continental margin, following the consumption of oceanic lithosphere at the end of Corsica-Sardinia rotation. KEY WORDS: Alps-Apennines boundary, Alpine Corsica, Northern Apennines, Plate kinematics, subduction polarity. TERMINI CHIAVE: Limite Alpi-Appennino, Corsica Alpina, Appennino settentrionale, cinematica delle placche, polarità di subduzione. INTRODUCTION RIASSUNTO La Tettonica delle Placche e il limite tre Alpi e Appennino. Viene presentata una nuova ipotesi interpretativa che cerca di risolvere il dibattuto problema della polarità della subduzione nel sistema Corsica–Appennno settentrionale. Sia i modelli che adottano un’unica subduzione immergente verso ovest (es. PRINCIPI & TREVES, 1984), sia i modelli che seguono l’ipotesi di un flip di polarità, inizialmente est-immergente poi ovest-immergente (es. BOCCALETTI et alii, 1971), incontrano problemi a una scala regionale. Si ritiene che buona parte di queste incongruenze sia legata all’approccio sostanzialmente bidimensionale che viene adottato. La cinematica del Mediterraneo centrale dal Cretaceo superiore all’attuale è stata ricostruita utilizzando i poli di rotazione derivati dalle anomalie magnetiche dell’Oceano Atlantico (DEWEY et alii, 1989; MAZZOLI & HELMAN, 1994) e considerando Adria come un promontorio africano (CHANNELL, 1996). Il vulcanismo calcalcalino dell’intervallo Oligocene-Attuale (SAVELLI, 1988) e l’apertura dei bacini di (*) ISMAR-CNR. Via Gobetti, 101 - 40129 Bologna. E-mail: The geology of the region encompassing Corsica, the Northern Apennines and Western Alps is remarkably puzzling as the opposite structural polarity observed in Alpine Corsica and the Northern Apennines has to be explained and related to the evolution of the Alps (ALVAREZ, 1976). These issues have been addressed by several Authors, who mostly focussed on the relationships between Corsica and the Northern Apennines; in some occasions the relationships of both orogenic belts to the Alps has been also attempted (e.g., ELTER & PERTUSATI, 1973; ALVAREZ, 1991). Interpretations concerning Corsica and the Northern Apennines can be broadly framed within two groups. In the first group the initial eastward (European) subduction was followed by a flip of polarity, leading to the westward (Apennine) subduction of Adria (e.g., BOCCALETTI et alii, 1971a,b, 1980; ALVAREZ, 1991; DOGLIONI et alii, 1998; MALAVIEILLE et alii, 1998). In contrast, a single west-dipping subduction, active since Late Cretaceous is required by the interpre- 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 318 318 A. ARGNANI tations of the second group (e.g., PRINCIPI & TREVES, 1984; JOLIVET et alii, 1998). These interpretations, however, cannot fully account for all the geological data. Models implying only a west dipping subduction face some difficulties in explaining the westward emplacement of high pressure/low temperature (HP/LT) ophiolites and European crystalline basement in Corsica (MOLLI & TRIBUZIO, 2004), moving further to the north the problem of the connection with the E-SE-dipping Alpine subduction in the Western Alps. Moreover, many models predict a continental collision that is accomplished between Late Eocene and Late Oligocene, independently from the initial polarity of subduction (BOCCALETTI et alii, 1980; MALAVIEILLE et alii, 1998; PRINCIPI & TREVES, 1984; JOLIVET et alii, 1998; BRUNET et alii, 2000). This interpretation implies that the post Oligocene evolution of the Northern Apennines occurred by continental subduction, and contrasts with the opening of the Balearic backarc basin behind the rotating Corsica-Sardinia microcontinent, which requires the subduction of an oceanic lithosphere (REHAULT et alii, 1984). This contribution aims to show that many of these problems are due to the 2D approach that has been adopted in the tectonic reconstructions. Moreover, the geological evolution of the Mediterranean region in Late Cretaceous-Tertiary has been largely controlled by the relative convergence between the African and European plates (e.g., DEWEY et alii, 1973; LE PICHON et alii, 1988), I therefore present a new interpretation that attempts to reconcile most of the geological data within the kinematic framework of Africa-Europe convergence, following an earlier work (ARGNANI, 2002). A brief summary of the key geological features of the region will be presented and discussed, introducing the proposed evolutionary model. ALPINE CORSICA AND NORTHERN APENNINES. TERMS OF A CONTROVERSY The gross geological features of the Corsica-Northern Apennine system (fig. 1) are summarised below. However, since the geology of the Western Alps is not subject to major controversy, I will only recall some relevant features when necessary. ALPINE CORSICA The Europe-vergent Alpine belt of Corsica presents HP/LT rocks assemblages (mostly middle Jurassic ophiolites from the Tethyan domain) and non metamorphic ophiolites that are included in the upper nappe (MATTAUER & PROUST, 1976; WARBURTON, 1986). The stack of nappes rests on the Hercynian basement of Corsica and consists of, from top to bottom: i) an upper nappe (Macinaggio, Nebbio and Balagne units) composed of a mix of unmetamorphosed ophiolites with their sedimentary cover and of upper Triassic to Eocene carbonates resting on pre-Carboniferous schists, belonging to Ligurian and Adria domains, respectively; ii) a Schistes Lustrés nappe with HP metamorphic ophiolites which represent remnants of the partly subducted crust and sediments of the Tethys ocean; slices of HP metamorphosed crystalline basement (Farinole and Serra di Pigno gneiss) are also included in this unit; and iii) deformed Variscan basement with Alpine metamorphic overprint up to blueschist facies (MOLLI & TRIBUZIO, 2004; MALASOMA et alii, 2006), belonging to the former European continental margin (Tenda Massif). A small flexural basin filled by about 500 m of Eocene flysch sediments was developed over the Variscan basement, in front of the thrust belt (Solaro basin; WATERS, 1990), whereas early-middle Miocene shallow water sediments were deposited unconformably on top of the nappe stack in the S. Florent region (FERRANDINI et alii, 1998). The architecture of the Alpine Corsica nappe piles and the inferred geological evolution suggest a strong similarity with the Western Alps (DURANDDELGA, 1984). The Schistes Lustrés unit (calcschists with metabasites and ophiolites) presents top-to-the-W shear and HP/LT metamorphism of approximately Late Cretaceous age which are related to obduction/collision (MATTAUER & PROUST, 1976; WARBURTON, 1986; MALAVIEILLE et alii, 1998). Units belonging to the continental margin of Corsica were also involved in subduction during Late Cretaceous-Middle Eocene (MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 2003; MOLLI & TRIBUZIO, 2004). Most authors agree that greenschist-facies E-dipping shear zones with top-to-the-E sense of shear overprinted the HP-LT assemblages in the Schistes Lustrés unit (BRUNET et alii, 2000; MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 2003; MOLLI et alii, 2006; LEVI et alii, 2007) during Oligocene/late Oligocene to early Miocene. This deformation event could represent a collapse of the accretionary wedge. The tectonic regime affecting Alpine Corsica during Late Eocene-?early Oligocene, instead, is still controversial, varying from continental collisional (MALAVIEILLE et alii, 1998), to continuous westward nappe emplacement (BRUNET et alii, 2000), and to dominant strike slip or transpression (MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 2003; MOLLI et alii, 2006). It is worth noting that the N-S-trending Central Corsica Fault Zone, representing the western boundary of Alpine Corsica, was active from Oligocene to early Miocene with left-lateral strike-slip motion (WATERS, 1990). This fault appears to be connected to the south with the fault system that includes the Solenzara Fault and the Aleria Fault (fig. 1) which bounds to the west the deep (more than 8 km of sediments) Corsica basin for which a pull-apart origin has been proposed (MAUFFRET & CONTRUCCI, 1999; MAUFFRET et alii, 1999). Palaeomagnetic data indicate that during early-middle Miocene the Corsica-Sardinia block rotated counter-clockwise (CCW) (NAIRN & WESTPHAL, 1968; ZIJDERVELD et alii, 1070; TODISCO & VIGLIOTTI, 1993; VIGLIOTTI & LANGENHEIM, 1995; SPERANZA, 1999; GATTACCECA et alii, 2007), and the solid rotation of Corsica and Sardinia (VIGLIOTTI et alii, 1990) implies a common subduction system. This rotation accompanied the Balearic backarc opening that followed the late Oligocene rifting between Corsica-Sardinia and Europe (REHAULT et alii, 1984; FACCENNA et alii, 1997; CHAMOT-ROOKE et alii, 1997; GUEGUEN et alii, 1998; ROLLET et alii, 2002). Subduction of oceanic lithosphere under Sardinia is testified by continuous calcalkaline volcanism between 33 and 13 Ma (SAVELLI, 1988), and a similar oceanic subduction has to be assumed underneath Corsica (ROLLET et alii, 2002). NORTHERN APENNINES The Northern Apennines are composed of a tectonic stack of mainly east-vergent thrust units. The Ligurian 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 319 PLATE TECTONICS AND ALPS-APENNINES BOUNDARY 319 Molasse Basin Jura Mnt. Austroalpine Southern Alps Dinarides Po Plain TPB Adriatic Sea A Voltri massif Deformed units of European continental margin and Valais Crystalline massifs, Tenda massif and Tuscan metamorphics Units of Brianconnais continental terrane Sesia-Margna continental terrane Alpine Corsica Central Corsica Fault Zone Solenzara F. Balearic Sea Aleria F. Tyrrhenian Sea Sardinia Units of Piemont-Ligurian ocean Units with little metamorphism deformed with W-ward vergence Units with ophiolites and HP metamorphism Unmetamorphosed units with little or no ophiolites Naples epi-Ligurian sediments, including Corsica basin and TPB Fig. 1 - Simplified gelogical map of the Western Alps, Corsica and Northern Apennines (adapted from various sources). The Piemont-Ligurian units with little metamorphism and W-ward vergence include the Internal Ligurian units of the Northern Apennines also shown in figs. 5 and 7. TBP stands for Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The approximate location of the Antola Unit within the Internal Ligurian units is marked with «A». – Carta geologica semplificata delle Alpi occidentali, della Corsica e dell’Appennino settentrionale (adattata da varie fonti). Le unita del dominio ligure-piemontese a basso metamorfismo e vergenza occidentale includono le unità Liguridi interne, che sono anche mostrate nelle figg. 5 e 7. TBP: Bacino Terziario Piemontese. La posizione approssimata dell’unità di Antola all’interno delle Liguridi interne è indicata con «A». terranes and their sedimentary cover are the uppermost unit and overlie the deformed successions of the Adriatic continental margin. The Ligurian terranes represent a complex assemblage of highly deformed Jurassic to Paleogene sediments deposited within an oceanic basin, with ophiolitic base- ment rocks (ABBATE & SAGRI, 1970). These terranes are conveniently subdivided into two groups, Internal and External Ligurian, depending upon their stratigraphic and structural position (e.g. MARRONI & TREVES, 1998; MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 2007). The Internal Ligurian present a Jurassic oceanic basement overlain by a thin suc- 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 320 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 320 A. ARGNANI cession of Jurassic-lower Cretaceous pelagic sediments and then by hemipelagic shales and turbiditic sandstones of late Cretaceous-Paleogene age. The External Ligurian, on the other hand, show a thick succession of calcareous turbidites, ranging in age from late Cretaceous to middle Eocene, that rests over a shaly melange. Altogether, the Ligurian units represent an accretionary prism related to the subduction of the Alpine Tethys oceanic domain. Although the Ligurian units have the most internal provenance, and have been the earliest to be deformed during the orogeny, they presently occur in an external structural position, a character shared by many fold-and-thrust belts (RODGERS, 1997). In the Internal Ligurian an early west-vergent deformation appears to be related to underplating within a east-dipping oceanic subduction context (HOOGERDUIJN STRATING & VAN WAMEL, 1989; MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 1996; MARRONI et alii, 2004; LEVI et alii, 2007). These structures were later overprinted by east-vergent deformation probably linked to vertical thinning and exhumation. A comparable deformation history has been observed also in the Antola Unit (LEVI et alii, 2006) that has presently an uppermost position in the Apennine edifice, and is unconformably covered by the Tertiary Piedmont Basin succession. The Antola Unit is composed of Upper CretaceousPalaeocene deep water sediments, mostly turbidites, and was deformed at a shallow structural level, recording both the Alpine and the subsequent Apennine deformation. Clasts of Internal Ligurian rocks, preserving this succession of deformational events, have been found in the upper Eocene Portofino Conglomerates. As the youngest sediments involved in the underplating are of early Paleocene age, the timing of this deformation can be constrained between Paleocene and late Eocene. Similarly, clasts of eclogites dated about Middle Eocene have been found in the Early Oligocene conglomerate of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (FEDERICO et alii, 2004, 2005) that rests unconformably on the Voltri Massif, suturing the SestriVoltaggio tectonic line (e.g., SPAGNOLO et alii, 2007). The history of exhumation for the Internal Ligurian and Voltri Massif is therefore comparable to what is observed in Alpine Corsica, where the Alpine units show a progressive cooling since Late Eocene (FELLIN et alii, 2006). This complex deformational history has not been observed within the External Ligurian which present only E-vergent folds and thrusts (MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 1996). The epi-Ligurian sedimentary succession crops out in the outermost part of the Apennines and is characterized by sediments ranging in age from late Eocene to Pliocene that rest unconformably on the deformed Ligurian units (SESTINI, 1970; CIBIN et alii, 2000). The stratigraphic succession shows a general shallowing upward trend with relatively deep-marine sedimentation from Eocene to early Burdigalian, followed, after a substantial hiatus, by shelfal deposits of late Burdigalian age (CIBIN et alii, 2000; DI GIULIO et alii, 2000). A deepening upward trend characterises the depositional environments of Langhian to Tortonian sediments, with the shallow water Messinian evaporites capping the sedimentary succession. The epiLigurian sediments of the Northern Apennines show a pattern of post early Miocene CCW rotations, closely resembling the rotation of Corsica-Sardinia (MUTTONI et alii, 1998; 2000), suggesting that the Ligurian terranes were emplaced on the Adriatic continental margin during the opening of the Balearic backarc basin. The system of foredeep basins progressively migrating north-eastward records the advancement of the thrust front from late Oligocene to Present (RICCI LUCCHI, 1986; ARGNANI & RICCI LUCCHI, 2001). The turbidite sediments of the Canetolo Unit, that were deposited in a position intermediate between the continental and the oceanic domains (ABBATE & SAGRI, 1970), are here taken to represent the onset of the migrating foredeep system (ARGNANI, 2002). NORTHERN TYRRHENIAN AND TUSCAN PROVINCE MAGMATISM The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is characterized by an Oligocene to Pliocene sedimentary cover resembling the epi-Ligurian and Tertiary Piedmont basins overlying a substrate made of Alpine and Ligurian units which has been affected by extensional tectonics from Oligocene to early Pliocene (see ARGNANI, 2002 for a summary). Outcrops of Neogene magmatic rocks are found in Corsica, in the Elba, Giglio, Montecristo and Capraia islands, and in Tuscany. Magmatic rocks become progressively younger eastwards, from the 7.3 Ma Montecristo granite to the 0.2 Ma Amiata volcanics (SERRI et alii, 1993; BARBERI et alii, 1994; SAVELLI, 2000); although the onset of the Neogene magmatic cycle occurred in Corsica as an isolated event (Sisco lamproites, 14.2 Ma; SERRI et alii, 1993). The magmatic evolution is indicative of delamination of continental lithosphere (SERRI et alii, 1993), with the first, and isolated, product (Sisco lamproites) occurring just after the rotation of Corsica-Sardinia had been accomplished. These pieces of evidence indicate that continental delamination of the Adriatic lithosphere could not have started much earlier than middle Miocene (ARGNANI, 2002). KINEMATIC RECONSTRUCTIONS Whereas most plate kinematic reconstructions pay attention to the large scale picture (DEWEY et alii, 1973, 1989; LE PICHON et alii, 1988; DERCOURT et alii, 1993; RICOU, 1996; STAMPFLI & BOREL, 2002) the aim of this paper is to account for the geological complexity of a limited region, which in this case encompasses Corsica, the Western Alps and Northern Apennines. The kinematic reconstruction of Africa-Europe convergence has been performed using the rotational poles described by DEWEY et alii (1989) and MAZZOLI & HELMAN (1994) who derived the rotational parametres from the study of the magnetic anomalies of the Atlantic ocean, computing the finite difference solution between individual anomalies. Adria has been considered an African promontory since Mesozoic time, according to the recent reviews of Mediterranean palaeomagnetic data (CHANNELL, 1996; MUTTONI et alii, 2001). For a given magnetic anomaly (i.e. time) the positions of Africa, inclusive of the Adriatic promontory, have been mapped respect to Europe, kept fixed in its present position (fig. 2). As Africa moved several hundreds of km towards Europe from Cenomanian to Chattian, and 200-300 km of convergence occurred in Eocene-Oligocene time, any reconstruction that does not take into account this relative motion is bound to face problems in explaining the geological data. Following the Alpine collision average N-S 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 321 PLATE TECTONICS AND ALPS-APENNINES BOUNDARY Europe European margin units 321 Alpine Molasse Basin Apulian plate units Chattian Rupelian Santonian area of large CCW rotation and orogen-perpendicular extension trace of inferred trench-trench transform separating the opposite Alpine and Apennine subductions Maastrichtian Fig. 2 - Africa-Europe relative plate motion from Santonian to Chattian. Africa, identified by present-day coastline, is moving w.r.t. fixed Europe. – Movimento relativo delle placche africana ed europea fra il Santoniano e il Cattiano. Africa, identificata dalla linea di costa attuale, si muove rispetto all’Europa, tenuta fissa. convergence between Africa and Europe slowed down since the Chattian, promoting the rollback of subducted lithosphere that initiated the opening of the Western Mediterranean backarc basins. An additional constraint comes from the NW-ward subduction of oceanic lithosphere that is testified by calcalkaline volcanism along the European margin (Sardinia, offshore western Corsica, Provence). The Balearic backarc basin opened from late Oligocene to early-middle Miocene (REHAULT et alii, 1984; CHAMOT-ROOKE et alii, 1997; FACCENNA et alii, 1997; ROLLET et alii, 2002) whereas the Tyrrhenian backarc basin opened from Late Miocene to Pleistocene (MALINVERNO & RYAN, 1986; KASTENS et alii, 1988; ARGNANI & SAVELLI, 1999). Following these chronological constraints the subducted oceanic domains have been restored within the plate kinematic reconstructions. At Present the polarity of subduction changes along strike at the Mediterranean plate boundary. The European lithosphere is subducted under the Alps whereas the African lithosphere is subducted under the Apennines, the Dinarides and the Hellenic arc. In the Alps and in the Eastern Mediterranean the present polarity of subduction has been active since the beginning of plate convergence. For the Western Mediterranean, the current polarity of subduction can be traced back till the Oligocene, as indicated by the age of arc volcanism. In the kinematic reconstructions presented here, the current polarity of subduction of the Western Mediterranean is extended back to the onset of subduction. Two adjacent subductions having opposite polarity can operate if they are separated by a trench-trench transform boundary (WILSON, 1965). Moreover, in order to avoid the locking as convergence progresses, the trenchtrench transform has to propagate outward from the plate boundary (fig. 3, inset). Major tectonic discontinu- Fig. 3 - Geological hints supporting the occurrence of a lineament in Adria which acted as a trench-trench transform (see text for further details). The lineament is well imaged by satellite Free Air gravity anomalies (ARGNANI, 2002). The sketch in the inset illustrates that a propagating trench-trench transform (dashed line) is required for two opposite subductions to operate without locking. Large open arrow is plate convergence. The panel on the right shows that the trench-trench transform grows in length when trench rollbak (black arrow) occurs. By analogy with this last example, it is expected that present-day continent-continent collision in the Alps is occurring only to the north of the transform fault. – Indizi geologici che supportano la presenza di un lineamento nella placca Adriatica che ha agito da trasforme fra le due subduzioni, alpina e appeninica (ulteriori dettagli nel testo). Il lineamento è evidente dalle anamalie gravimetriche in aria libera (ARGNANI, 2002). Lo schema nel riquadro mostra una trasforme fra due subduzioni opposte e illustra la necessità che questa trasforme si propaghi in una delle due placche (linea tratteggiata) affinché la subduzione non si blocchi. La freccia grande indica la convergenza fra le placche. Il pannello a destra mostra che la lunghezza della trasforme aumenta se è presente un arretramento della placca subdotta (freccia nera). Per analogia con quest’ultimo esempio, si ritiene che la collisione continente-continente nelle Alpi avvenga attualmente soltanto a nord della trasforme. ities inherited from the extensional evolution, such as large-scale oceanic transforms, can possibly become trench-trench transforms during the subsequent plate convergence; in this event, the trace of these discontinuites can be followed out from the plate margin. Following ARGNANI (2002) it is here assumed that the lineament in fig. 3 represents the trace of the discontinuity through which the polarity flip occurs in present-day configuration; in pre-convergence time it was likely a large scale transform zone along the Adriatic continental margin (ARGNANI et alii, 2004, 2006). The following lines of evidence support the interpretation that the lineament acted as a trench-trench transform between the Alpine and Apennine subduction. 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 322 322 A. ARGNANI SANTONIAN CHATTIAN EURASIA EURASIA Alps Dinarides inactive subduction collapsed Alpine belt Golija-Pelagonian Alpine Tethys Neo-Tethis AFRICA AFRICA Neo-Tethis Shallow water carbonate platform Basin on continental crust (A) 1000 km Deep water basin (oceanic domain) 1000 km (B) Fig. 4 - Tentative palaeogeography at Santonian (83 Ma) and Chattian (25.5 Ma) time (panels A and B, respectively) after kinematic repositioning. Note that the Apennine-vergent oceanic subduction is progressively taking over in Alpine Corsica as Adria moves northward, leaving an inactive subduction in Corsica. The sector of the Alpine belt that likely collapsed following the progressive substitution from Alpine to Apennine subduction is indicated with a gray pattern in the Chattian panel. – Ipotesi di ricostruzioni paleogeografiche al Santoniano (83 Ma) e al Cattiano (25,5 Ma) a seguito del riposizionamento delle placche (riquadri A e B, rispettivamente). Si noti che la subduzione a vergenza appenninica prende il sopravvento nella Corsica alpina durante il movimento verso nord di Adria, lasciando la subduzione inattiva in Corsica. Il settore di catena alpina che collassa a seguito della progressiva sostituzione della subduzione alpina con quella appenninica è indicato col pattern grigio nella ricostruzione del Cattiano. i) the lineament is currently bounding the Southern Alps crustal-scale backthrust and the western extent of the foreland Molasse basin on the northern side of the Alps (fig. 3; BIGI et alii, 1990), suggesting that the continent-continent Alpine collision is passing to a less tight collision in the south-western Alps (e.g., FORD et alii, 2006). ii) the Moho isobaths in the Alpine region (SCHMID & KISSLING, 2000) show that the base of the European crust is deeper than the base of the Adriatic crust underneath the orogen, as expected with a European subduction; however, the Adriatic Moho is deeper than the European Moho in the Western Alps, to the SW of the intersection between the Alpine belt and the above mentioned lineament, indicating a possible change in subduction polarity. iii) in the Western Alps focal mechanisms are dominantly extensional, with a directon of extension that is perpendicular to the the trend of the mountain belt (EVA et alii, 1997; SUE et alii, 1999); this evidence contrasts with the compression normal to the mountain belt that is observed in the rest of the Alps (KIRATZI & PAPAZACHOS, 1995; BECKER, 2000) and may be related to the upperplate extensional regime that is occurring above the retreating Apennine subduction. iv) flexural subsidence in the western Alps foredeep ended in early Oligocene time (FORD et alii, 1999) and only a limited thickness of sediments was deposited subsequently (LICKORISH & FORD, 1998); on the contrary, a succession of up to 5000 m of Oligo-Miocene sediments were deposited in the Molasse basin, west of the Jura Montains (KUHLEMANN & KEMPF, 2002). v) palaeomagnetic work shows a post-Oligocene large CCW vertical axis rotation in the southern Western Alps and in Liguria (fig. 3; COLLOMBET et alii, 2002), suggest- ing a pre-existing linear trend of the Alpine belt; the large CCW rotation of this segment of the Alps may be related to the retreating Apennine subduction that is expected to occur south of the lineament. From the constraints and assumptions mentioned above, and using stratigraphic data for the African foreland together with the re-located oceanic areas, a Santonian palaeogeographic reconstruction is proposed as a starting point (fig. 4a). The main features are the continental promontory of Adria bounded on its western side by a wide oceanic embayment, and the polarity flip of subduction along the plate boundary. The ensuing geological reconstruction for c.a. Palaeocene time (fig. 5a) shows that the collision in the Alps, including Alpine Corsica, is passing to oceanic subduction, with opposite polarity, to the SW where the Ligurian ocean embayment is located. The implication is that the Alps as a collisional orogen did not continue all along the plate margin but terminated somewhere in Corsica (see also, FORD et alii, 2006). Continuing plate motion causes a lateral shift along the plate boundary and terminates the collision in Alpine Corsica as Alpine continental subduction is laterally substituted by an oceanic Apennnine subduction (figs. 4b and 5b). It follows that the polarity flip, that changed the setting from continental collision to oceanic subduction is caused by lateral plate motion and, therefore, cannot be reproduced by reconstructions based on a 2D cross section without facing geological incongruities. As a consequence of polarity flip the Alpine belt of Corsica suffered an extensional collapse that is represented by the top-to-East shear zones in greenschist facies observed in Corsica (BRUNET et alii, 2000). The collapse of the Alpine 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 323 PLATE TECTONICS AND ALPS-APENNINES BOUNDARY (A) orogenic belt (km) 0 A A A' 15 30 European passive margin 45 A' (km) proto-Apennines 0 B Adria margin B' 15 A' B trace of Trench-Trench-transform subduction accretionary prism External Ligurian domain 200 B' A' (km) (km) 100 A trace of Trench-Trench-transform N Ext. Ligurian domain 0 Adriatic passive margin collapsed Alpine belt (including Internal Ligurian) 30 Alpine Corsica (B) Alpine orogenic belt Alpine Corsica N 323 0 B Ext. Ligurian domain B' 100 200 Apennine subduction accretionary prism Fig. 5 - A) Map-view tectonic reconstruction of the Corsica-Apennine region for Santonian-Paleocene time. Note that continental collision is occurring in Alpine Corsica, while the External Ligurian domains are undergoing deformation by oceanic subduction. Lithospheric- and crustalscale cross sections illustrate the two different tectonic settings north and south of the inferred trench-trench transform (modified after ARGNANI, 2002); B) Tectonic reconstruction for Late Eocene-Early Oligocene time, after the roughly north-ward motion of the Adriatic promontory (see fig. 2). Note that the Alpine orogenic belt of panel A has collapsed on top of the Apennine accretionary prism, following the substitution of Alpine subduction with Apennine subduction. – A) Ricostruzione paleotettonica in pianta della regione compresa fra Corsica e Appennino settentrionale per l’intervallo Santoniano-Paleocene. Si noti che la collisione continentale si realizza nella Corsica alpina, mentre il dominio delle Liguridi esterne era sottoposto a deformazione in regime di subduzione oceanica. Le sezioni a scala litosferica e crostale illustrano i diversi assetti tettonici presenti a nord e a sud della ipotizzata trasforme che collega le due subduzioni (modificata da ARGNANI, 2002); B) Ricostruzione paleotettonica riferita all’Eocene superiore-Oligocene inferiore, dopo lo spostamento verso nord del promontorio adriatico (vedi fig. 2). Si noti che la catena alpina del riquadro A è collassata sopra al prisma di accrezione appenninico, a seguito della sostituzione della subduzione alpina con quella appenninica. belt is interpreted as occurring within an actively convergent system, and it is mainly related to the large topographic contrast between the collisional orogenic belt and the adjacent subuctive accretionary prism (see cross sections in fig. 5a). As oceanic subduction laterally substituted the continental collision, the orogen adjusted to a new equilibrium by collapsing to a lower taper (figs 5b, 7). Extension due to gravitational collapse likely affected the upper parts of the orogen, leading to exhumation of deep seated rocks. In the external parts of the accretionary wedge, as well as at deep levels, compression continued to operate. The evolution described above is illustrated with a geological cross section between Corsica and the Northern Apennines (fig. 7) that takes into account the large lateral plate motion that is accomplished in Middle-Late Eocene-Early Oligocene (fig. 4). As discussed below close similarity exists between the late Cretaceous-Palaeogene evolution of this area and the recent evolution of the northern part of Taiwan. After the polarity flip, westward-dipping oceanic subduction continued until Langhian in the Northern Apennines, accommodating the CCW rotation of Corsica-Sardinia. Following the consumption of oceanic lithosphere, delamination affected the Adriatic continental margin, leading to extensional tectonics and magmatism in the Northern Tyrrhenian basin (ARGNANI, 2002). It might be interesting to note that the character of the metasomatism in the mantle presently under Tuscany and its inferred Eocene age (PECCERILLO, 1999), support the occurrence of a former Alpine subduction which can be related to the pre-flip evolution (fig. 5). The palaeogeographic reconstructions presented here follow ARGNANI (2002) and match pretty well those of FORD et alii (2006) for the Eocene-early Miocene, which are based on works carried out in the Western Alps. In fact, the left-lateral strike slip fault that has been inferred by FORD et alii (2006) at the SW end of the Western Alps would find a better plate kinematic location if intepreted as a trench-trench-tranform fault separating two subductions with opposite polarity, as in fig. 4. TAIWAN: A «MIRROR ANALOGUE» TO ALPINE CORSICA-NORTHERN APENNINES The evolution of subduction for the last 10 Ma that has been reconstructed in Taiwan (e.g., TENG, 1996; SIBUET & HSU, 2004) offers a useful analogue that can help understanding of the latest Cretaceous-Paleogene evolution of the Alpine Corsica-Apennine system (fig. 6). In central-southern Taiwan, where an orogenic belt is actively deforming, the continental Eurasian plate is currently being subducted E-ward, underneath the oceanic lithosphere of the Philippine Sea plate (fig. 6a). The orogenic belt in Taiwan is created because the Luzon volcanic arc is colliding with the Eurasian continental margin. To the north of the island, instead, the oceanic lithosphere of the Philippine Sea plate is being subducted N-ward underneath Eurasia, where the Okinawa backarc basin is opening behind the Ryukyu trench. The two subductions with opposite polarity encounter in the northern part of Taiwan, where the orogenic belt is currently 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 324 324 A. ARGNANI 30 N continental plate Eurasian Plate collision 3 Ma Okinawa basin collapsed orogen oceanic plate trench-trench transform orogenic collapse 2 Ma Ryukyu trench Taiwan FTB oceanic plate Gagua Ridge slab sinking Luzon arc Philippine Sea Plate Manila trench BAB opening trench retreat 1 Ma 7 cm/yr trench retreat Present Luzon Arc a 10 N 115 N Okinawa basin 135 E 7 cm/yr Ryukyu Islands b Fig. 6 - a) Taiwan Present-day plate tectonic setting. Lines with solid triangles mark oceanic subduction; line with open triangles marks soft collision (volcanic arc-continent) in Taiwan. FTB: fold-and-thrust belt. The Luzon volcanic arc is interpreted to represent the trench-trenchtransform fault depicted in (b); b) Tectonic reconstruction of Taiwan for the last 3 My (adapted after TENG, 1996). The maps represent a conveniently rotated mirror image that shows analogies with the Late Cretaceous-Early Miocene evolution of the central Mediterranean (see fig. 4). The coastline of Taiwan is indicated in the maps with a dashed line, for comparison to the present-day setting shown in (a). The schematic lithospheric cross sections illustrate the flip of subduction polarity driven by plate motion. BAB: backarc basin. – a) Assetto tettonico attuale di Taiwan. Le linee con i triangoli pieni marcano la subduzione oceanica; la linea col triangolo aperto marca la collisione arco vulcanico-continente a Taiwan. FTB: catena e pieghe e sovrascorrimenti. L’arco vulcanico di Luzon è interpretato come la trasforme fossa-fossa indicata in (b); b) Ricostruzione tettonica per Taiwan negli ultimi 3 Ma (adattata da TENG, 1996). Le mappe sono state appositamente riflesse e ruotate per evidenziare l’analogia con l’evoluzione del Mediterraneo centrale dal Cretaceo superiore al Miocene inferiore (vedi fig. 4). La costa di Taiwan è indicata nelle mappe per facilitare la comparazione con la situazione attuale, illustrata in (a). Le sezioni litosferiche schematiche illustrano il flip di polarità della subduzione dovuto al movimento delle placche. BAB: bacino di retroarco. undergoing an extensional collapse (fig. 6b). The plate reconstructions for the last 5 Ma show that the Rukyu oceanic subduction has progressively moved S-ward along the plate boundary (TENG, 1996; SIBUET & HSU, 2004), causing the orogen collapse in northern Taiwan. If displayed in a conveniently rotated mirror image, the recent evolution of Taiwan resembles closely what might have happened in the central Mediterranean during the latest Cretaceous-Eocene (fig. 6). The obvious difference being that the role played by the colliding Luzon Arc, in Taiwan, is taken by the Adriatic Promontory in the central Mediterranean. In order for the two adjacent subductions with opposite polarity to operate a trench-trench transform boundary is required (WILSON, 1965). In Taiwan the most obvious discontinuiy that seems to act as a transform boundary is the Luzon Arc. In the Adriatic Promontory this discontinuity has been interpreted as a former continental transform that separated Adria from the Alpine Tethys (fig. 4a, Santonian; ARGNANI, 2002; ARGNANI et alii, 2004, 2006). DISCUSSION The geological reconstruction of the region encompassing Corsica and the Northern Apennines has been tackled by a large number of papers, often resulting in substantially different interpretations. Several of these interpretations cannot fully account for all the observed geological evidence. In many instances, as discussed below, these interpretations suffer from the 2D approach that they have adopted. The interpretations that attempt to reconcile the opposite polarity of Alpine Corsica and the Northern Apennines can be broadly framed within two groups of hypotheses, as previously mentioned. A group that envisages an initial eastward European subduction, followed by a flip of polarity leading to the westward subduction of Adria, and a group that proposes a single west-dipping subduction since the onset of convergence. Models that prefer a flip of subduction polarity assume an initial intraoceanic subduction and the subsequent collision of a volcanic arc (BOCCALETTI et alii, 1971; MALAVIEILLE et alii, 1998) or a microcontinent (BOCCALETTI et alii, 1980; ALVAREZ, 1991; MOLLI & TRIBUZIO, 2004). It is worth noting that whereas these models assume a close similarity between Western Alps and Alpine Corsica for the early subduction stage, the evolution of the Alps suggests that subduction occurred near the Adria continental margin since the inception (POLINO et alii, 1990; ROSENBAUM & LISTER, 2005). Moreover, it is worth noting that the solution of placing a volcanic arc or a microcontinent (Nebbio) in the ocean located between Adria and Europe is highly speculative, as only some small slices of continental crust are present within the Nebbio unit of Corsica (WARBURTON, 1986) and no remains of volcanic arc are present. 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 325 PLATE TECTONICS AND ALPS-APENNINES BOUNDARY In order to account for the geological complexity of Corsica and the Northern Apennines a complicated evolution was initially envisaged (BOCCALETTI et alii, 1971). The attempt to explain all the geological data along a cross section, however, has led to a not too sound «ad hoc» sequence of events to be inferred, consisting of: i) a subduction flip (Late Oligocene) followed by ii) two coexisting west-dipping subductions, and by iii) a volcanic arc collision (with Adria in Langhian), before reaching the final continental collision in Tortonian. A model assuming a Late Cretaceuos volcanic arc collision and based on the tectonic evolutions reconstructed for the Cretaceous in Oman has also been applied to Corsica (MALAVIEILLE et alii, 1998). Unlike in Oman, however, no large slice of oceanic lithosphere is present in Corsica. Moreover, the Miocene rollback of Apennine subduction is interpreted to follow the Eocene continental collision, when no oceanic domain is left for subduction. Analogy between Corsica and Taiwan, which represents a modern analogue of Continent-Arc collision, has been attempted (HUANG et alii, 2000). However, remnants of the colliding Luzon volcanic arc are preserved in the Coastal Range of Taiwan, and no HP/LT ophiolites occur in the mountain belt (SUPPE, 1987). The comparison with Alpine Corsica, therefore seems rather poor, as processes that totally remove the volcanic arc have to be inferred in the evolution step from Taiwan to Corsica. To overcome these problems, some Authors have adopted the solution of placing a microcontinent (Nebbio) that separates two oceanic domains located between Adria and Europe (e.g., BOCCALETTI et alii, 1980; ALVAREZ, 1991; MOLLI & TRIBUZIO, 2004). The occurrence of a colliding microcontinent causing the flip of subduction, however, poses other questions, like, for instance: i) it is expected that the stratigraphic evolution of the two oceans separated by a microcontinent should be somewhat different; in the Southern Apennines, for instance, the Lagonegro-Ionian basin (mid Triassic rifting) is separated from the Alpine Tethys (late Triassic rifting) by the microcontinent onto which the Apennine platform were deposited (e.g., ARGNANI, 2005). However, the sedimentary successions of the oceanic domains of the Western Alps, Alpine Corsica and the Northern Apennines are all very similar, in age and stratigraphic evolution (PRINCIPI et alii, 2004; MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 2007) suggesting deposition within a single oceanic domain. ii) only some small slices of continental crust are present within the Nebbio unit of Corsica, although it seems unlikely that a microcontinent that was large enough to cause a collision should disappear almost completely. Think, for instance, of Corsica-Sardinia that collided with Adria to form the Apennines, or of the Sesia-Margna unit of the Western Alps, that has been interpreted as a continental block involved in Alpine subduction (ROSENBAUM & LISTER, 2005) and that presents a significant dimension on the map (fig. 1). iii) the inferred flip of subduction affected the whole of the western Mediterranean subduction and, therefore, the Nebbio microcontinent was likely connected to a larger continental terrane that was supposed to extend over most of the western Alpine Tethys (Alkapeca domain; e.g., MICHARD et alii, 2002), implying that a Corsica-like Alpine belt is extending further to the south (e.g., ALVAREZ, 1976), but again not much evidence of the rem- 325 nants of such a belt can be found in the Tyrrhenian basin and further to the west, as the only comparable «Alpine» units appear in the Betics (MICHARD et alii, 2002). In fact, the Alpine units of Calabria, after palinspastic restoration, can be easily located near Corsica, and the HP/LT metamorphism in the Kabylie is younger (30-25 Ma) than that of Alpine Corsica and appears related to an African subduction (MICHARD et alii, 2006). The occurrence of the Nebbio microcontinent in between Africa and Eurasia has implications on the evolution of northern Calabria, where Alpine units are cropping out, as recognized by ALVAREZ (1991). A discussion of the palaeogeography of Calabria is outside the scope of this work, although the arguments presented above, that lead to rejection of the occurrence of a microcontinent in Alpine Corsica, can be also applied to northern Calabria. In a somewhat different approach an initial Alpine subduction was followed by the development of a large backthrust, responsible for the onset of the Apennine foredeep during early Oligocene, and leading to a flip of subduction polarity in late Oligocene (DOGLIONI et alii, 1998). The two opposite subductions are thought to coexist during the late Oligocene-early Miocene time interval. However, the activity of the Alpine front in Corsica ended by middle-late Eocene, and the Oligo-Miocene calcalkaline volcanic belt encompassing Provence, offshore Western Corsica, and Sardinia requires a mature west-dipping subduction underneath Alpine Corsica which would impede any E-dipping subduction. Models implying a single west-dipping subduction, on the other hand, have some difficulty in accounting for the Middle Eocene HP metamorphism of units belonging to the Corsica continental margin and the subsequent westward emplacement of ophiolites and crystalline basement rocks onto the European margin (MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 2003; MOLLI & TRIBUZIO, 2005; MOLLI et alii, 2006; LEVI et alii, 2007). In addition, these models cannot easily account for the structural features observed in the Internal Ligurian units that indicate a deformation by underthrusting within a west-vergent accretionary prism (HOOGERDUIJN STRATING & VAN WAMEL, 1989; MARRONI & PANDOLFI, 1996; MARRONI et alii, 2004; LEVI et alii, 2006). Moreover, by adopting an Appenine subduction, active since late Cretaceous underneath Corsica, these models implicitly assume that the (transform) boundary between Apennine and Alpine subduction is located north of Corsica since Late Cretaceous; a look at plate motion from Maastrichtian to Present (fig. 2) shows that within that assumption the Western Alps would be now part of the Apennines, as the transform boundary moves to the north with the plates. Recent attempts to relate a westward subduction in Corsica with the easward subduction in the Alps (VIGNAROLI et alii, 2008) face some kinematic inconsistencies as the authors, in order to explain a middle-late Eocene metamorphic peak in the Voltri Massif, infer that oceanic lithosphere was consumed at about 50 Ma, in the region encompassing Corsica and Liguria. The absence of oceanic lithosphere makes it difficult to open the Balearic backarc basin by a slab rollback process, and cannot help in explaining the calcalkaline volcanism in Provence. Moreover, it is assumed that the change from Alpine to Apennine subduction occurred in Liguria with a two- 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 326 Pagina 326 A. ARGNANI sided (ablative) subduction, a process which is not currently observed along the present plate boundaries worldwide and which seems unlikely to occur in plate tectonics on Earth (GERYA et alii, 2008). Finally, many models predict a continental collision that is accomplished between Late Eocene and Late Oligocene, independently from the initial polarity of subduction (BOCCALETTI et alii, 1980; MALAVIEILLE et alii, 1998; PRINCIPI & TREVES, 1984; JOLIVET et alii, 1998; MARRONI & TREVES, 1998; BRUNET et alii, 2000). These models assume that the post-Oligocene evolution of the Northern Apennines occurred by continental subduction, and face the problem that such a process cannot be mechanically sustained for too long because of the buoyancy of continental lithosphere (CLOOS, 1993; RANALLI et alii, 2000). Moreover, a continental subduction contrasts with the opening of the Balearic backarc basin, with related calcalkaline volcanisms, behind the rotating Corsica-Sardinia microcontinent which requires the subduction of an oceanic lithosphere (REHAULT et alii, 1984; ROLLET et alii, 2002). In summary, models that assume a west-dipping subduction active since Late Cretaceous can hardly account for the Middle Eocene HP/LT metamorphism of units belonging to the Corsica continental margin, whereas most of the reconstructions that imply a polarity flip are based on a 2D approach and face some mechanical incongruities, besides requiring, in some instances, a great deal of geological complexity. CONCLUSIONS Plate motion played a major control in the evolution of the Alpine orogen s.l. as large-scale horizontal plate motions, in the order of several hundreds of km, occurred. For this reason the reconstructions presented in the literature and based on a 2D approach are often not adequate to account for the geological observables. The Late Cretaceous-Pliocene geological evolution of the Corsica-Northern Apennine system can be summarized in a series of steps (fig. 7), based on reconstructed plate kinematics and on a critical review of the geological and geophysical data. Each step is characterized by a distinct structural, stratigraphic, and magmatic pattern. A map view of the tectonic evolution concerning the crucial timing when continental collision was substituted by oceanic subduction (fig. 7, upper two panels) is shown in fig. 5. a) late Cretaceous – middle-late Eocene: Consumption of oceanic lithosphere and incipient continental collision of Adria promontory with Europe led to the building of the Alpine belt of Corsica with W-ward emplacement of HP/LT metamorphic rocks belonging to the European continental margin. The oceanic sediments of the Internal Ligurian units were deformed during this stage within a west-vergent accretionary prism. Oceanic subduction with opposite polarity continued further to the south, underneath Sardina (and Calabria), as a wide oceanic embayment was present in the African plate west of the Adriatic promontory; the sediments of the External Ligurian units were deposited in this deep water domain. The Alpine belt s.s. (continent-continent collision), therefore, did not continue further SW along the plate boundary. b) middle-late Eocene-early Oligocene: Continuing convergence of Africa towards Europe led to lateral motion of the Adriatic promontory, causing left-lateral strike slip and a polarity flip in the Corsica sector of the plate boundary. The onset of orogenic collapse of Alpine Corsica is promoted by this lateral polarity flip as oceanic subduction took the place of continental collision and, therefore, is not directly related to the Balearic extension. Because of the polarity flip and ensuing orogenic collapse, the Internal and External Ligurian domains were tectonicaly juxtaposed. It is worth noting that deep water sedimentation still occurred in the External Ligurian domain. Sediments in the epi-Ligurian basins record a provenance from ophiolites and other rocks of the Ligurian domain that were possibly exposed along extensional faults as a consequence of the orogenic collapse. The gravitational collapse here envisaged is comparable to the extensional collapse that has been inferred to affect the Internal Ligurian domain and the Ligurian Alps in Late Paleocene-Early Eocene (HOOGERDUIJN STRATING & VAN WAMEL, 1989; HOOGERDUIJN STRATING, 1994). The role of Paleogene extension in the evolution of the Voltri Massif, however, is still debated (cfr. SPAGNOLO et alii, 2007 with VIGNAROLI et alii, 2008). In this respect, it is worth noting that 40Ar/39Ar ages in the clasts of high pressure rocks, sampled in the basal succession of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, document a pre-Late Eocene fast exhumation in the Ligurian Alps, followed by very slow exhumation (CARRAPA et alii, 2003). The episode of fast exhumation may correspond to the extensional collapse of the SW part of the Alpine belt (fig. 5b). As convergence continued, compressional tectonics resumed soon after, as shown by the late Oligocene-early Miocene thrusting involving both the Voltri basement and the overlying Tertiary Piedmont Basin sediments (CAPPONI et alii, 2001; CAPPONI & CRISPINI, 2002). It follows, therefore, that the boundary between the Alps and the Apennines, often considered as a single tectonic line, should be regarded as a segment of the orogenic belt that has been first affected by Alpine tectonics and later by Apennine deformation. The area extending from the Tertiary Piedmont Basin to the southern Tyrrhenian-Northern Apennines can be considered as such an overlapping segment and is characterized by units showing mixed Alpine and Apennine features. The Corsica basin may have originated at this time because of the concomitant collapse of the Alpine belt and left-lateral motion along the plate boundary (ARGNANI, 2002). Calcalkaline volcanism in Sardinia and Provence further support the W-dipping subduction of oceanic lithosphere. c) late Oligocene-middle Miocene: The gravitational instability of the subducted oceanic lithosphere, together with the reduced convergence rates, caused the sinking and rolling back of the Adriatic plate and the ensuing opening of the Balearic backarc basin. The opening occurred in the early-middle Miocene and was preceded by late Oligocene rifting. The CCW rotation of the Corsica-Sardinian block suggests that the rollback increased from north Corsica to south Sardinia, according to the availability of oceanic lithosphere. The Ligurian terranes were emplaced on the Adriatic continental margin during the Corsica-Sardinia CCW rotation (MUTTONI et alii, 1998; 2000). Deformation of the Adriatic margin, on the other hand, started at this time, as indicated by the Apuane Alps metamorphism (KLIGFIELD, 1979; COLI, 09 234 -Argnani 317-330 27-07-2009 8:55 Pagina 327 PLATE TECTONICS AND ALPS-APENNINES BOUNDARY Alpine Corsica X HP/LT Eocene subduction polarity flip orogen collapse IL EL early Oligocene X rollback Balearic basin rifting Macigno foredeep Apennines Apuane rollback late Oligocene late Burdigalian Langhian delamination Marnoso-arenacea foredeep Sisco Langhian asthenosphere wedging delamination Extensional Tectonics late Miocene Pliocene Plutons + + Fig. 7 - Schematic cross sections showing the evolution from Eocene to Pliocene along a Corsica - Northern Apennines transect. IL and EL indicate the Internal and External Ligurian, respectively. The Apuane deformation is depicted at its early stage, before subsequent deeper burial. Note that a large left-lateral motion is occurring along the plate boundary from Eocene to Early Oligocene. Modified after ARGNANI, 2002. The pins in the last three cross sections indicate that there is no convergence between Corsica-Sardinia and Adria. – Sezioni geologiche schematiche che illustrano l’evoluzione dall’Eocene al Pliocene lungo un transetto dalla Corsica all’Appenino settentrionale. IL ed EL indicano, rispettivamente, le unità Ligurdi interne ed externe. La deformazione delle Alpi Apuane è indicata nella sua fase iniziale, prima del successivo seppellimento. Si noti l’importante movimento sinistro che avviene lungo il margine di placca fra l’Eocene e l’Oligocene inferiore. Modificata da ARGNANI, 2002. I chiodi nelle ultime tre sezioni indicano l’assenza di convergenza fra il blocco sardo-corso e Adria. 1989; CARMIGNANI & KLIEGFIELD, 1990; MOLLI & VASELLI, 2006). During this stage calcalkaline volcanic activity continued in Sardinia. d) Langhian-early Pliocene: Following the end of oceanic subduction the Corsica-Sardinia microcontinent docked onto the Adriatic continental margin without giving rise to a fully developed collision (soft collision, e.g., BURCHFIEL & ROYDEN, 1991). The Adriatic continental lithosphere was then affected by delamination with associated magmatism, with the Sisco lamproite (c.a. 14 Ma) recording the onset of continental delamination. The asthenospheric inflow caused by delamination heated the crust and originated the granitic magmas that were then emplaced as pluton in an extensional tectonic regime. Altogether, crustal melts and melts from the mechanical boundary layer characterize the magmatism of this time interval (SERRI et alii, 1993). The progressive 327 deformation of the Adriatic continental margin and its sedimentary cover is reflected in the eastward migration of foredeep basins (RICCI LUCCHI, 1986; ARGNANI & RICCI LUCCHI, 2001). In summary, the kinematic reconstructions presented here suggest that a flip in subduction polarity did occur along the Corsica-Northern Apennines transect, but this flip was simply due to the 3D nature of plate motions; it can be explained once the relative Africa-Europe convergence is taken into account, and is not related to collision of buoyant objects like a microcontinent or a volcanic arc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Laura Federico and Walter Alvarez are gratefully thanked for their careful and constructive reviews that have greatly improved the quality of the paper. REFERENCES ABBATE E. & SAGRI M. (1970) - The eugeosynclinal sequences. In: Development of the Northern Apennines Geosyncline. Sestini G. (ed.), Sedimentary Geol. Spec. Issue, 4, 251-340. ALVAREZ W. 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