New Corporate Identity Handbook.indd


New Corporate Identity Handbook.indd
Identity Handbook
Welcome to the new edition of the Corporate
Identity Handbook!
also in order to make it possible for you to use it in
presentations. Just open it in your PDF reader and use
it on fullscreen, very handy!
In order to communicate a unified image of an Assocation like ELSA, a corporate identity is crucial for
the recognition of the Association and its events, materials etc.
For the binding regulations concerning the uniformity
of ELSA, please see the Marketing part of the Council Meeting Decision Book, page 54 onwards.
Please note that these guidelines are non-binding
guidelines for you to create materials that are in line
with ELSA’s image. However, do not be shy to be
creative and look beyond the horizon of the ELSA
Corporate Identity.
The current Corporate Identity has existed in ELSA
since 2008 and the Corporate Identity Handbook has
not been updated since then.
The updated version of the Handbook communicates
a simplified and fresher approach to the Corporate
Identity in order to make it easier for ELSA officers
all around Europe to undertand and to implement the
Anders Liljeberg
Vice President for Marketing
ELSA International 2012/2013
The Identity Handbook also has a new layout in order
to make it easier for you to read it on a screen and
The ELSA Logo
ELSA becomes visibile through a wide range of publications, marketing materials, social media materials, websites
and much more. In order to build a unified image of the
Association, the logo is essential. The logo rules are regulated in the Council Meeting Decision Book , Marketing part,
Uniformity section article 1.
In this scope, the assembly and organisation of the figurative
mark (1) and the word mark (2) is fixed and predetermined.
The position of the individual elements of the word/figurative mark is defined by the width of the bar in the letter “L”
(A). The arrangement of the word mark towards the figurative mark is always centred below.
The name of National and Local ELSA groups stands
centered below the word mark wiht an interspace of A
- the same space as in between the animation and the
Logo colours
The ELSA Logo shall be featured in four colours. The Logo shall
always, if possible, be displayed in “Logo standard blue“. For dark background, the inverted (white) version could be used. For black and white
documents (mostly for print), use the black logo. The grey logo is rarely
used in the ELSA Network and should be used unless you really feel the
necessity to use it.
Logo inverted
The inverted, white version of the
logo is used when the logo is to be
placed against dark backgrounds,when
the blue logo cannot be used.
Logo black
The black logo is used on faxes or
master copies (that are to be photocopied).
Logo standard blue
The logo in ELSA blue is the standard logo and is to be used for all
coloured publications
Logo grey
The grey logo is used in order to place
emphasis on something or not to
distract from important content.
The protected zone
Give the logo space!
X = vertical height l
A logo needs to be surrounded by an
area that is left clear. To be representative, the ELSA logo needs an expansion space. This clearly defined protected zone is to be respected in all
The size of this protected zone is
determined by the cap height of
the letter L in the ELSA logo and is
to be respected for all directions.
Have a look at the figures to the right
to get a clear picture of the safe zone
of the logo!
Modifications of the Logo
Do not modify the ELSA Logo!
All modifications lead to the distortion of the character of the word/
figurative mark and are therefore illegitimate. These include in particular irregularities in the typefaces, the omittance of individual parts, the turning
and deforming of the word/figurative
mark as well as variations in terms of
The logo shall neither be used in connection with any state or national symbols of any country nor be animated
in any way.
ELSA colours
CMYK: 0 0 0 0
Colours are essential components of a corporate design!
RGB: 255 255 255
As a principle, it is recommended to use CMYK (cyan-magenta-yellow-black)
shades for all print productions. RGB-colours (redgreen-blue) are used for all
screen and projector presentations. The system of
hexadecimal colour definitions was created especially
for internet applications.
Three consecutive, two digit
hexadecimal numbers each
represent one colour of the
RGB colour space.
HKS 42
CMYK: 0 0 0 100
CMYK: 100 95 0 0
RGB: 0 0 0
RGB: 10 48 135
WEB: #000000
WEB: #0B3087
HKS 10
CMYK: 0 0 0 60
CMYK: 0 83 92 0
RGB: 135 136 138
RGB: 249 71 17
WEB: #87888A
WEB: #F94711
ELSA fonts
Arial black
abcdefghijklmnopqr stuvwxyzäöü
Garamond, an Antiqua-type of fonts that clearly differs from the widely spread Times fonts, is
mainly used for texts, letters, articles etc.
ARIAL regular
For headings and prominent paragraphs,
Helvetica Neue or Arial is used. In this context, the word ELSA is always in bold and in
Garamond regular
Helvetica neue 95 black
Garamond bold
Helvetica Neue
Garamond italic
Business cards
The ELSA business card is one of few
items regulated in the ELSA Council Decision Book. The business card
unites ELSA Officers all around Europe and it is important in the perception towards external stakeholders.
55 mm
The ELSA business cards are regulated in the Council Meeting Decision
book Article 2 in the uniformity section
of the Marketing part of the Council
Meeting Decision Book.
85 mm
Corporate Identity samples
On the following pages, you can
find a few Corporate Identity
samples describing how materials within the framework of the
Corporate Deisgn could look like.
ELSA International
Monthly update
June 2013
Cologne, Germany
7th - 14th of April 2013
The European Law Students’ Association
These samples are not binding. Do
not hesitate to find your own way of
using the Coprorate Identity and what
suits your ELSA Group the best.
Corporate Partner of ELSA
Also, do not hesitate to contact
Vice President for Marketing of
ELSA International for further
tips, templates or to brief ideas!
LL.M. Partner of ELSA
Human Rights Partner of ELSA
LL.M. Partner of ELSA
English Language Partner of ELSA
Hate Speech
ELSA in cooperation with the Council of Europe
ELSA goes online – also
in the field of law!
The year of 2013 is going to be all about Online Hate Speech and we want you to join us!
wenty years ago, ELSA decided to express its commitment to raising the awareness of Human Rights through
Vice President for
Academic Activities
legal education into the Philosophy
ELSA International
Statement. From 1992 until today,
ELSA has worked hard on organising
high quality Human Rights projects in order to... that’s right –
taking the association one step closer “A just world in which
there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity”
Vasco Silva
Once again, it is time again for ELSA to join the Council
of Europe in one of its campaigns, the Online Youth
Campaign. Although, the challenge will be even greater this
time. ELSA will launch four new international projects that
include an Essay Competition, an Online Survey, a Europeanwide Legal Research Group and an international Conference.
The year of 2013 is going to be all about Online Hate Speech
and we want you to join us!
Maybe you are asking – why should ELSA join this campaign? The main goal of ELSA’s involvement is to raise awareness among law students and young lawyers about the topic
of the campaign and contributing to its high quality legal academic discussion. The campaign includes all forms of online
hate speech, mainly the ones that mostly affect young people,
such as cyber-bullying and cyber-hate.
The Online Hate Speech Essay Competition is the project that is first out in the list of projects. The competition
is focused on online hate speech and whether it is a right or a
crime. With this competition, ELSA aims to develop the field
of Legal Writing and the promotion of the ELSA Vision –
you should know it by now!
Do not miss the opportunity to take part in
some of the most valuable projects
of the year, this is your opportunity
to contribute!
Before I finish this article, I would also like to tell you
about the International Legal Research Group on Online
Hate Speech. A Legal Research Group is a group of law
students carrying out a research on a specified topic of law
with the aim to make their conclusions accessible for the public society. As a part of the Online Hate Speech Campaign,
a Legal Research group on this topic will be launched during
2013. Online Hate Speech as topic and we are aiming high;
our goal is to have is to have one Research Group in each
of the 41 National Groups in ELSA. The Legal Rresearch
Group will be complemented by a Final Conference to present the resultss takin place in December 2013. You are of
course more than welcome to attend – more information will
be out during 2013.
Do not miss the opportunity to take part in some of the most
valuable projects of the year, this is your opportunity to contribute!
For more information, visit:
...or stay tuned on Facebook: