Affordable Housing Advocates Reception


Affordable Housing Advocates Reception
Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association
Affordable Housing Advocates Reception
Thursday, March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Maggiano’s, 240 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook, IL
Guest Speakers:
The Affordable Housing Committee of the IMBA created the Affordable Housing Leadership Award
to honor individuals and organizations who have demonstrated achievement in increasing affordable
housing opportunities throughout the state. Fourteen affordable housing advocates have received
this special award and this year’s award recipient is Kristin Faust, President of Neighborhood
Housing Services of Chicago. As president, she is responsible for providing visionary and creative
leadership to address the changing needs of the communities and populations that are served by the
organization. NHS has a 40-year track record of serving over 200,000 clients, funding nearly
$600,000,000 in loans and creating nearly 35,000 new homeowners.
Also joining us to discuss the evolving mortgage marketplace is Teresa Bryce Bazemore. Teresa
is President of Radian Guaranty, Inc. and is responsible for all of Radian Guaranty’s domestic and
international mortgage insurance business operations. Nearly all Americans dream of owning a
house and yet the current home ownership rate is lower than ever before. According to the Joint
Center for Housing Studies, minorities are expected to drive 76 percent of net household growth
over the next 10 years and fully 85 percent over the next 20 in America. Teresa will talk about the
issues of access, affordability and sustainability and explain what the current demographic,
economic and social changes mean for housing in America and what protections are available to
homebuyers, particularly first-time homebuyers, through mortgage insurance products.
Networking Reception with Drinks and Appetizers: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Kristin Faust/Teresa Bryce Bazemore’s Remarks: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Registration Fee: IMBA/NAHREP Members:_____@$45.00 each
Non-Members:_____@$90.00 each
Event Sponsor: Cost: $300.00 - includes 2 tickets to the reception and recognition that evening.
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You can register securely at; or FAX your registration with credit card billing to:
(312) 236-7117 or complete, scan and email to: or call the IMBA office at (312) 236-6208 to
register over the phone.
Bill my: _____MasterCard _____VISA _____ American Express
Card#______________________________________________________________Exp. Date:_____________
Total Amount of Charge $ _______________. Signature: __________________________________________
Make checks payable to: Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association, 111 W. Washington St, #1311, Chicago, IL 60602
Cancellations must be received at the IMBA office 48 hours prior to the event. Questions: Call IMBA at 312-236-6208.
IMBA’s Tax Id: 36-0902710.