November 2012 - Région K - GWRRA


November 2012 - Région K - GWRRA
GoldWing Road Riders Association
Region K, Chapter ON—Q
Quinte Region
Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Chapter “ON-Q” Team
Chapter Director
Don Hicks
(613) 399-2066
Assistant Chapter Directors
Dave & Barb Pattison
(613) 961-1710
Chapter Couple Of the Year
Skip & Deb Redden
(613) 779-7093
Rider Education
Position Vacant
Member Enhancement
Sharon Craven
(613) 475-1380
Wendy McGeachy
(613) 967-1823
Sunshine Person
Judy Archbold
(613) 969-0429
Pins and Badges
Andrea Randall
(613) 967-4390
Ride Coordinator
Al Randall
(613) 967-4390
Thursday Night Ride Coordinator
Les McGeachy
(613) 967-1823
Public Relations
Paul Haller
(613) 966-1805
Road Construction Alerts
Mike Drake
Newsletter Editor/Hug Collector
Terry Archbold
(613) 969-0429
Dave Pattison
(613) 961-1710
November, 2012
My sources tell me that everyone had a great time at the
Halloween party. The Margarita Machine was working at
capacity. On behalf of the chapter I would like to thank Jamie and Glenda
for hosting.
The mall show was a great success. A big thanks goes out to everyone who
participated. A special thank you goes out to Paul Haller who organized
the event. I even heard that a member went the extra mile by going table
to table at the food court selling tickets. In the end 312 tickets were sold
and $557.00 was raised. Great job, well done everyone, especially Barb
who went above and beyond the call of duty. So far, between the Home
Hardware BBQs and Mall ticket sales, $ 1250.00 has been raised. More
tickets need to be sold to achieve our target of $2000.00 raised in past
I will be stepping down at the end of this year as your Chapter Director.
Dave and Barb Pattison will become your new Chapter Directors. They
will be seeking a new Assistant Chapter Director and Chapter Educator.
Anyone interested in stepping into these positions can talk to either Dave
or myself. These are volunteer positions as are all the other positions on
the Chapter Executive. Without those who volunteer for these positions we
would not have a Chapter.
Wing Ding 35
July 3rd - July 6th, 2013.
TD Convention Center
Exposition Drive
Greenville, SC 29607
GPS: 34.852042, -82.354571
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
On a sad note we have lost another GWRRA member, Ginger Zehr from Chapter E Kitchener who passed away on
Oct. 24th. We send our condolences to her family and Chapter E.
I’d like to thank Jamie and Glenda for hosting the Halloween Party on
night. Jamie
and Glenda
were the perfect hosts as
always and
many complements were
shared at the
Gathering. Mother Superiority and the Monsignor Haller
took home first prize. I’m speechless and will say no more.
Paul Haller set up the Mall Show again this year and with
the help from our members who came out to work the mall
show we sold quite a few tickets. So far we have made just
over $1,200.0.
I’m going to change the next dinner night to a MONDAY
night Nov. 12th. We are going to go Linguine’s @ 257 North
Front St. in Belleville. They are offering a 3 course dinner
for $19.95, your choice of Soup of the day or Italian salad, a
choice of one of 18 pastas and homemade Tiramisu for Dessert. You can also order off the menu. I’ve had their pepper
steak and it’s awesome. So if you haven’t signed up and
want to Join us I’ll be sending out a reminder about a week
in advance and let me know.
The Cookie exchange is being held after our gathering in
November on SUNDAY AFTERNOON Nov. 25th @ 2:00pm
at Barb and Dave Pattison’s. Their new address is 115
Gavey St. in Belleville. If you go north on Hwy 62 and continue past Lowe’s then turn left onto Maitland Dr., continuing to Cox Dr., (the first street turning left), and follow it to
the ‘T’ intersection. Turn left onto Gavey St. It winds around
until you come to a dead end. Barb and Dave are on your
left and you can see Lowe’s back yard. If you are participating you need to bring along 11 dozen cookies, squares, tarts,
or 11 loaves of bread. Barb is extending an invitation for
those not wishing to take part in the exchange but would
still like to come. Bring your beverage of choice and a snack.
I think this will be a fun afternoon and I hope to see all of
you there.
Our Christmas Party on Friday, Dec. 07th is fast approaching. Once again we will be at the #413 Wing in Trenton.
Cocktails @ 6:00pm Dinner @ 7:00pm. Dave has tickets at
$25.0 per person which covers the cost of the hall, the band,
and the buffet dinner. This is a cash bar but the drinks are
really reasonable. I have been working on ornaments for
every person who attends again this year, so make sure you
visit the ornament tree before you pick a table. We are asking our members to bring some wrapped gifts for spot
dances and door prizes. I’d really like to thank Dave for putting this wonderful evening together again this year. If you
November, 2012
wish to bring friends or family please do so as all are welcome.
Our Bar B Q draw is being held Saturday Dec. 08 th at the Home
Hardware in Picton. Try to come out and support the chapter
and the Picton Home Hardware. Food for Learning is the recipient of the very much needed cash we donate and with the donation of the Bar B Q we dedicate all ticket proceeds to them. If
you have not purchased tickets yet please see Dave Pattison.
On Wednesday Dec. 12th we will be going out to dinner at 5:30 at
Thai House Cuisine, 230 Front St. Belleville, and then attending
the Empire Theatre for the Peter Potter Mayan Calendar of
Doom. This should be a great evening. The tickets are at the
Theatre and we will pick them up when we arrive. I booked row
K the entire middle row of seats we had last year and 3 seats of
Row J. So we have excellent seating and a night full of fun. Anyone wishing to go out for dinner with us and are not going to the
theatre are welcome to join us. I will be sending out a sign-up
sheet at the next Breakfast gathering in November.
Chapter K is again inviting our chapter to come out and join
them for their Christmas party on Saturday Dec. 15 th @ the
South Fredericksburg Community Hall @ 7:00pm. Tickets for
Dinner & Dance are $15.0 each or just the dance $10.0 each. See
Terry Brinklow for tickets.
On Wednesday January 9th your executive will be meeting to set
up the Social Events Schedule for 2013. I have sent around Survey Sheets for all of you to participate in. I’m looking for ideas
for events that you are interested in participating in.
Dates to Remember
Nov. 12th, @ 6:00pm, Dinner night out @ Linguine’s, 257 North
Front St. in Belleville
Nov. 25th Sunday Breakfast Gathering @ 9:00am - Northway
Restaurant, Belleville. This is the last meeting for 2012, (NO
meeting in December.)
Nov.25th Sunday afternoon, @ 2:00pm, Cookie Exchange at Dave
and Barb’s, 115 Gavey St., Belleville.
Nov. 30th to Dec.02nd Buffalo Get-away with chapter M
Dec. 07th Friday, @ 6:00pm Chapter Q’s Christmas Dinner &
Dance. Cocktails @ 6:00 Dinner @ 7.oopm @ 413 Wing Trenton.
Dec. 08th Saturday @ 2:00pm, Bar B Q draw at the Picton Home
Dec. 12th Wednesday @ 8:00pm, Empire Theatre, Dinner @
5:30pm Thai House Cuisine, 230 Front St.
Dec. 15th Saturday @ 7:00pm, Chapter K’s Christmas Dinner
Jan. 09th. @ 7:00pm Executive meeting“ Barb & Dave’s home.
If you have an idea for a Chapter activity please call me @ 613475-1380 or E Mail me @
Member Enhancement Coordinator
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
GWRRA Social Events Schedule 2012
Breakfast Gatherings are held on the 4 th Sunday of every month, excluding December.
Where: Northway Restaurant, 205 North Front St., Belleville
Time: 9:00am
Sept. 28 – 30 Fri. to Sun.
The North Bay Colour Run -weekend get away
Oct.12,13,14 Friday Saturday &
Creative Festival Toronto International Center
Oct. 17 Wednesday
Wednesday Dinner Night, @ Kalays Seafood Restaurant at
393 Sidney St. Belleville
Oct. 19,20, Friday
9:30 to 9:00
Oct. 27 Saturday
9:30 to 6:00
Quinte Mall Show, Bar B Q ticket sales for Bar B Q donated by Picton Home Hardware
Host & Address Change
Halloween Party hosted by Jamie & Glenda Scott at 214
Whites Road , Brighton
Oct. 28 Sunday
Sunday Breakfast Gathering, Northway Restaurant
Nov. 07 Wednesday
Wednesday Dinner Night, (to be announced)
Nov. 24 Saturday
Cookie Exchange @ Barb and Dave Pattison’s home
Sunday Breakfast Gathering, Northway Restaurant
Nov. 25 Sunday
Last Chapter Gathering in 2012
Nov. 30 to Dec. 02
Buffalo weekend get- away joining Chapter M for shopping & eating and lots of fun.
Friday to Sunday
Dec. 07 Friday
Chapter Q Christmas Dinner and Dance Held @ #413 Wing Trenton, Cocktails @ 6:00pm Dinner @ 7:00pm, $25.00 per person
Dec. 08 Saturday
Picton home Hardware, Bar B Q Draw
Dec. 12 Wednesday
Empire Theatre, Peter Potter & the Mayan Calendar of Doom,
tickets are $33.21 per person (dinner and an evening at the theatre).
Dec. 15 Saturday
Jan. 09 Wednesday
Chapter K Christmas Party ,more info to come
Executive meeting @ Barb and Dave Pattison’s. Social events for
British Humour From classified ads placed in British newspapers.
FOR SALE BY OWNER. Complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 45 volumes.
Excellent condition, £200 or best offer.
No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything.
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
Rider Education:
As announced in the August Newsletter, Harold has resigned as Chapter Educator. We are hoping that someone will step
forward to accept this very important position. In the meantime, I’ll try to find relevant articles to place here.
Terry Archbold.
It’s All About the Traction
We’ll shortly be turning the calendar to December and, suddenly, winter is here! The signs of winter are everywhere: the cold
temperatures, snow flurries, freezing rain, and ice on puddles. In winter we see the most driving
problems, (accidents
and spin outs), when conditions include freezing rain and black ice. It does not matter that
we are driving
our four-wheeled vehicles. When the road surface is icy, traction is greatly reduced. So
when there is
ice on the road, the best thing to do is stay home. If you have to drive in icy conditions,
and smoothly. No, check that. Go VERY slowly, and VERY smoothly!
As we know from our motorcycle training, when we lose traction, we lose braking and
steering control of our vehicle. The same applies to a car. Even with four tires on the ground, it is
easy to lose control of a vehicle on ice. To increase traction in icy conditions, look for surfaces with more
texture. This can be the
unpaved shoulder of the road where gravel can provide more resistance to sliding and skidding tires. Crusty snow gives more
traction, too. This can sometimes be present in the center of the lane (the middle track) where tires seldom crush and pack it
down. Almost any surface provides better traction than ice! If you have the choice to drive on ice or another surface, try to move
your vehicle smoothly onto the other surface.
Keep in mind that accelerating, braking and steering inputs should all be made smoothly to maintain traction and control of your
vehicle. Use a light touch on the accelerator. You will not be able to accelerate rapidly on ice anyway, so just plan to keep speeds
down. With the limited traction available on ice, stepping on the gas will just cause tire spin. Give yourself plenty of time slow down
before entering curves, and maintain a steady speed through the turn.
Increase your following distance behind other cars to allow more time to stop. You will need it when ice on the ground limits
your traction. The additional space will also give you a cushion if the vehicle in front of you loses control and goes into a spin.
That space can give you room to manoeuvre and time to react so you can avoid a collision.
Consider using your emergency flashers for added conspicuity and to warn others of the problem.
They might not be as aware of the conditions as you are. As always, it is important to scan aggressively all around you for hazards and other drivers who might lose control. Think constantly about
your best escape route or your reaction to various situations that might arise. Keep alert to your
safest options.
Learn how your vehicle handles on ice in an empty icy parking lot. It is important to see and feel
how it reacts when you are travelling at low speed and step on the brake or turn the wheel. It will
be different than driving on dry pavement. By learning how it behaves, you are better prepared to
take the right action in a surprise situation on the road. Just like a motorcycle training class, you
want to practice in a safe space. And remember, it’s all about the traction!
Ride Smart & Be Safe!
Bruce & Melissa Thayer
A blond man shouts frantically into the phone
"My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two
minutes apart!"
"Is this her first child?" asks the Doctor.
"No!" he shouts, "this is her husband!"
November, 2012
An Italian tourist asks a blonde man: "Why do
Scuba divers always fall backwards off their
To which the blonde man replies: "If they fell forward, they'd still be in the boat."
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
Sunshine; what’s that??? The rain just keeps on coming and as I write this, we’ve just finished battening
down the hatches for the “FRANKENSTORM”. I hope that everyone is ready and comes thru with no serious problems. It’s a good day to hunker down with a good book or movie.
All of our members appear to be healthy if not wealthy & wise! Barb Pattison is repaired, Les McGeachy is
hardy enough for his hunting trips, and Al Randall is recuperating from some minor surgery which left him
with a black eye, (at least that’s his story & he’s sticking to it!).
Our thanks go out once again to Jamie & Glenda Scott for stepping up and hosting our Hallowéen Party.
Thank you for opening your beautiful home to the bunch of crazies who invaded.
But just a word from your Sunshine Person; When our members offer their homes, time, and efforts to host
various activities, the least we can do is to try to attend. I realize that everyone has a life and family outside
of GWRRA, but these activities are planned well in advance so please try to make it out. With a little effort
on all our parts we can make our Chapter a very successful one both biking and socially. Off my soapbox
Take care everyone. Here is a simple appetizer or treat for those visiting grandchildren.
Easy Apple Cheddar Melts
(What’s Cooking Magazine)
1 small red apple, cut into 20 slices
½ Cup sugar
½ cup ground cinnamon
1 pkg. (227), Cracker Barrel Extra Old Cheddar Cheese, cut into
20 slices.
1 small green apple, cut into 20 slices
40 Triscuit Crackers
Prep Time: 15 min.
Total Time: 20 min.
Preheat oven to 350 ° F.
Mix sugar & cinnamon in a medium bowl. Add apples; toss to coat.
Cut cheese slices in half diagonally. Place crackers on baking sheet; top each cracker with 1 cheese slice and 2 apple slices.
Bake 4 to 5 min or until cheese is melted.
Serve warm.
Makes 20 servings of 2 topped crackers each.
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
Wingin’ It by Bob Hagerman
The morning temperature is climbing quickly as we head up the hill south of Front Royal Virginia onto the Blue Ridge Parkway. We pay our five bucks at the toll booth and the guy in the
smokey bear hat says we can use the parkway anytime for a whole week. The speed limit is 35 and that's great; lots of
time to look at the scenery and anyway, that's fast enough for a road like that.
They have improved it a lot since we were last on the parkway. It’s wider now in most places, but there is still a
place where you can see three thousand feet down on both sides of the road at the same time. A cluster of bones by the
roadside reminds me to check my deer whistles at the next rest stop. By the time we reach the three thousand foot
level the temperature has dropped to a nice 72 degrees. Its 96 on the valley floor.
Sometimes I wish Doris could drive so I could take more time to look at the tiny roads and houses which make up the
Virginia countryside far below. As I lean through a left turn I catch a three-second glimpse of a large snake sunning
itself on the pavement. It’s about four feet long and the size of my arm and has a grey diamond pattern on its back. As
my hand closes on the brake lever Doris yells in my ear "We are NOT going back!!" I resume speed.
A few miles further on we come to a restaurant with a tourist information booth manned by a couple of park rangers. One is about thirty and the other is maybe sixty-three. I go in and ask "What kind of snake has big diamonds on its
back?", just to be sure of what I had seen.
"That there war a diamond back rattler" says the older ranger. "y'all watch out fer them cause they always travel in
pairs". Just as well I hadn't stopped.
The two of them get into a lively discussion about rattlesnakes. The young man says “how long do them dang things
live, anyhow?"
"They live till somebody kills 'em." says the old-timer.
Ah can say this now cause ah'm gonna retire this fall; y'all remember that chevy wagon ah had a few years back?" The
young man nods.
"Ah was comin to work one mornin when ah saw two of em sunnin themselves on the road. Ah just locked up all four
wheels and skidded over em. Then ah opened the door and put my feet on the ground when ah hear em strikin' at the
bottom of the car. Ah pull my feet back in real quick and back up. They wasn't even daid. Musta drove over em six
times fore I got em."
He goes on to explain how to kill a rattlesnake by rapping it behind the head with a small stick. I thank them for
their information, and as I leave they are still deeply engaged in the subject of rattlesnakes. Henceforth I shall be a
little more cautious while off the bike in those parts, or when emerging from our tent.
After a leisurely lunch we fire up the Wing and head south past Big Meadows, watching a distant thunderstorm far
away down the Shenandoah Valley.
See if you can figure out what these seven words all have in common?
1. Banana, 2. Dresser, 3. Grammar, 4. Potato, 5. Revive, 6. Uneven, 7. Assess,
Are you peeking or have you already given up? Give it another try....
Look at each word carefully. You'll kick yourself when you discover the answer. This is so cool.....
No, it is not that they all have at least 2 double letters….
Answer is on Page 10
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
Classified Ads
Lowering Link for an 1800 Gold Wing
This device will lower your 1800 Gold Wing about 1 inch.
For those who are vertically challenged and have trouble touching the ground.
It takes about 2 hours for your mechanic to install this unit.
The US price is $385.00
The unit is for sale for $225.00 and includes a shorter centre stand.
Call me at 1-613-969-0702 or email me at
Bill Tryan
2007 GoldWing & Trailer For Sale
$20,000.00 OBO
Excellent condition – Matching Blue GoldWing and Sarasota Trailer
Bike has been Detailed - new front and rear tires,
oil change, and breather changedTrunk rack and carry bag for extra cargo,
Navigation system, heated grip & heated seat
C.B & intercom system.
Driver highway pegs, front & rear cup holders
ABS, driver’s backrest, floorboards, fog lamps,
PIAA driving lights, Spoiler
Receiver Hitch, chrome receiver, chrome ball cover, clip and pin
LED lights , front and rear wheel, backs & under steps,
Full and Half cover included for bike and full cover for trailer
Over $6000.00 in extra chrome and accessories.
Warranty expires Sept 2014
Owner selling due to health
For more info please e-mail me with your phone number or call me at 613-366-5012
Or reply to this e-mail address
Ron & Sue Kolodij
Ottawa Valley Wings
Chapter Directors
H: (613)989-1597
C: (613) 552-2277
Web Site:
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
About one year old I can not use it any longer because of medical reasons, this is the Accuciser that is advertised on the radio by Jim Wright and sold at the Bellville Mall
Ernie Shaw 613-962-661
Most Efficient Exercise Device
for Restoring Circulation of Lymph and Blood
~ Where There's Circulation, There's Vital Energy and Relief of Pain ~
Removes Lactic Acid, Uric Acid, and Waste from the Body, Tissues, and Fluids
Loosens Muscles, Removes Scar Tissue, Freeing Up Tight Joints and Organs
The Accuciser aids in the treatment of:
Joint Pains
Prostate Hypertrophy
Along with many other conditions including:
November, 2012
Lower Back Pain
Liver Problems
Stiff Joints and Muscles
Cold Feet & Hands
Muscle Aches and Pains
Muscle Atrophy
Uteral problems
Lymph Congestion
Bladder Problems
Kidney Problems
Varicose Veins
Chronic Fatigue
Abdominal Disorders
Protruding or Hanging Belly
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
Bike $11,000
Trailer $3,000
Ernie Shaw 535 Sidney St Belleville 613-962-6611
2000 GL1500se Current Mileage 155164 Ks
Color matched 2000 Dart trailer
New tires on trailer last year
New Tires On Bike 2011 no more than 1000 miles on tires
Pearl Coronado Blue with blue inserts
All services have been done. Timing belts changed at 136,441 Km’s
New Dunlop Elite 3’s recently installed on bike last year
Many extras included inc. one full cover.
Tall windshield by Tulsa
Highway pegs
Garaged when not in use
C.B radio
Comp-u-fire alt and battery
Front suspension changed to Progressive 2004
Custom seat available at an extra cost. Seat blue velour and passenger back rest same. Seat includes built in back
Markland floorboards with heel toe shifter
Organizer in rear trunk lid
Side marker lights on rear bags
Trailer hitch with wiring
Gettaway Trailer For Sale
Trailer is in excellent condition with good tires.
Sale includes a SHIG storage system
((Store High In Garage))
This is a system that lifts the trailer off the floor and stores it up under your garage rafters.
Well priced at only $2500.00 for both.
Contact Jim Remington
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
Road Construction Alerts: Mike Drake
Thanks Mike for keeping us up to date on road construction this past summer. We hope to see your column again next
Rules for Halloween for Seniors
You know you are too old to Trick or Treat when:
10. You keep knocking on your own front door.
9. You remove your false teeth to change your appearance.
8. You ask for soft high fibre candy only.
7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your balance and fall over.
6. People say...'Great Boris Karloff Mask,'...And you're not wearing a mask.
5. When the door opens you yell, 'Trick or...' And you can't remember the rest.
4. By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.
3. You have to carefully choose a costume that doesn't dislodge your hairpiece.
2. You're the only Power Ranger in the neighbourhood with a walker.
And the number one reason Seniors should not go
Trick Or Treating...
1. You have to keep going home to pee.
Answer: In all of the words listed, if you take the first letter, place it at the end of
the word, and then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word.
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
ul Ha
05, Pa y Drake
09, Ke
ois Tryan
12, Bill & L
Deb Redden
24, Skip &
Have I missed anyone? Please ensure that I
have your birthday/anniversary if you’d
like it to appear on this page. Send it to:
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
Ride Schedule
W/P= Weather Permitting
R/S= Rain or Shine
Sunday of each month at Northway Restaurant, N. Front St. Belleville.
2nd Sunday of each month or as indicated below
from Tim Horton’s, Bell Blvd., (at Reid’s Dairy,
Every Thursday from Tim Horton’s, Bell Blvd., (at
Reid’s Dairy, Belleville
Chapter Ride
July 22
Breakfast Mtg. & Ride
Aug. 12
Chapter Ride
Aug. 26
Breakfast Mtg. & Ride
Upper Canada Village, Morrisburg
Chapter Ride
1000 Island Boat Cruise
Sept. 23
Breakfast Mtg. & Ride
Oct. 8
Norwood Fair
Oct. 14
Chapter Ride
Oct. 28
Breakfast Mtg. & Ride
Breakfast Meetings
Alternate Rides
9:00 A.M.
Coffee Night
Rides (Not Shown
July 8
7:00 P.M.
Sept. 1
9:00 A.M.
Harold Craven
Terry Archbold
Sept. 9
Sept. 15
Al Randall
Ride planners and leaders are needed for those rides that have not yet been planned.
Chapter rides after breakfast or alternates will not proceed in rainy weather.
Management of the Northway requests that when attending our
Breakfast Gatherings, we park in the rear lot.
It seems that when the front lot is full, business drops off a bit as
people seems to think the restaurant is full and we’re there considerably longer than their average diner.
They treat us very well at the Northway, so lets help out by parking in the rear lot.
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge
Don’t forget our Chapter Christmas Party Dinner & Dance
Dec. 7, 2012, 413 Wing, 230 N. Murray St. Trenton
Cocktails at 6 PM, Dinner at 7 PM
Dancing to the Texas Tuxedos
Tickets only $25.00
Chapter K, (Kingston) Christmas Party Dinner & Dance
Dec. 15, 2012 at S. Fredericksburg Community Hall, CR 8, Napanee.
Cocktails at 6 PM, Dinner at 7 PM
Dancing to the Texas Tuxedos
Tickets only $15.00
A Note To Our Readers:
This newsletter is sent to all Chapter members as well as to other
members of GWRRA. This list includes several members who do not
participate in Chapter activities for one reason or another. With that in
mind we would ask that should you not wish to continue receiving
this newsletter, you contact the editor, Terry Archbold, at to unsubscribe.
November, 2012
Friends For Fun, Safety & Knowledge