Outbound Sept 2010


Outbound Sept 2010
Ruthie’s Bitchin’ Kitchen
It’s September, and with that comes a little
nip in the air…and who doesn’t like a little nip
now and then? I certainly do, damnit! I’m thankful that summer is over (it’s been a hot one), and
that fall is slowly edging its way into the Rusty
Nail Trailer Park. As autumn arrives I like to kick
off my flip-flops and settle my keester in the
kitchen! And why not? It’s a great time to get
cooking and start savoring all of those comfort
foods we’ve sacrificed for bikini season. After all,
we’ve been denying our appetites all season just
to appease the two most hated words in the
English language... “Pool Party.”
Well, it’s time to toss the Speedos aside
(something I recommend all boys do upon entering my trailer), and start sucking down
casseroles, creamy soups and more. That’s why
I wanted to take a break from answering reader
mail for a month, and focus on sharing some
yummy recipes perfect to say “adios summer”
and “hello fall!”
Before we do that, however, I just want to
thank the gang at the Milwaukee Art Museum
for inviting me to participate in the Moulin
MAM event last month! An insanely hot
group of gals (Your Brew City Bombshells)
entertained the crowd with bumps and
grinds, boobies and garters. Next up, a drag
pageant to name the MAM Queen of the
night. Congratulations to Shawna Love for
nabbing the top spot! I adored judging the
pageant which was emceed to perfection by
Ted Perry of FOX 6. What a night!
Well, enough about me! Let’s consider a
few recipes sent in by readers just like you!
(In other words, they’re not professional
cooks…or least, not that I know of!) These
no-fuss bites are perfect for fall. You’ll love
‘em. Trust me! Now…eat good and shut up!
Outbound’s Dear Ruthie with Ted Perry of FOX 6
Mike of Shorewood sent this recipe a while
back, but I’ve been saving it for fall. Thanks
Mike! This thick and yummy soup has been a
favorite of mine since you shared with me! Your
free Bitchin’ Kitchen T-shirt is on its way!
1 teaspoon butter
1 small onion, very finely chopped
1 cup beer
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Dash garlic powder
2 cans (10-3/4 oz each) condensed cream
of celery soup
¾ pound Velveeta cubed
Melt the butter over low heat in a large
saucepan. Add the onion and saute until tender. Add the remaining ingredients. Stir until
the cheese is melted. Do not let the mixture
come to a boil.
R ut hi e’ s Cul in a r y C l ues
Add a dash of paprika and/or chopped parsley if you want to impress. For variety, stir in a
tablespoon of salsa, a dash of hot sauce or
even a handful of cooked and cubed chicken.
Serve with dollops of sour cream or croutons
if you’d like.
Here’s a real artery-clogger, that’s sure to become
a hit in your house. Thanks to Stacey for sending
this meal-in-one my way. It combines the flavor
of a cheeseburger with French fries…and who
the hell doesn’t like that combo!
2 pounds ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
1 can (4 oz) mushroom stems and pieces
1 can (10-3/4 oz) condensed cheddar
cheese soup, undiluted
1 can (10-3/4 oz) condensed golden
mushroom soup, undiluted
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
1 package (20 oz) frozen French fries
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Meanwhile,
cook the beef, onion and mushrooms in a
large skillet over medium heat until meat is
no longer pink. Drain. Stir in the soups,
ketchup and mustard. Pour into a greased
13x9-inch baking dish that’s been spritzed
with cooking spray.
Set frozen fries on top of beef mixture. Bake,
uncovered, for 50-60 minutes or until the fries
are golden brown and the mixture is bubbling.
R ut hi e ’s Cu li na r y Cl ue s
Don’t like mushrooms? Leave ‘em out of
the recipe! Like extra cheese on your burger?
Toss in a handful of shredded cheddar into
the beef/soup mixture. Watching your
weight? Replace the beef with ground turkey
or even meat-free veggie crumbles. You can
also try this hearty dish with Tater Tots...you
may need to cook the casserole a bit longer,
Got a recipe for Ruthie? Send it to her at
dearmsruthie@yahoo.com. If she publishes
your dish, you’ll get a free Bitchin’ Kitchen Tshirt.
How did the summer of 2010 fly by so fast?
Doesn’t it seem like we should just be wishing our
fair country a Happy Birthday? Well time does fly
and here we are once again going back to the regular regime. As autumn quickly approaches, it’s back
to school as either teacher or pupil, or just hunkering down and letting reality slowly seep in.
With September always comes the Wisconsin
AIDS Walk. This year it’s set for Sunday, September
19. To get up-to-the-minute info, please go on-line:
www.aidswalkwis.org or call 1-800-348-WALK.
This walk raises necessary funds and awareness for
the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW).
It’s never too early to sign up, form a team, or start
soliciting gifts.
Once again, the Johnson and Pabst LGBT Humanity Fund will offer up a $5,000 challenge grant
with the uber popular Raising the Bar, statewide
Fundraiser. This “challenge” goes out to the bars –
gay and/or gay-friendly to raise as much money as
possible. Through the Walk and their team, or
through fundraising, whichever establishment wins,
with the highest amount raised, gets the additional
5 K from the uber generous Johnson and Pabst Humanity Fund.
I had a ball at the Witches Night Off Cabaret performed by the talented cast of “Wicked” proceeds
going to benefit ARCW. What a great theater Cardinal Stritch has. Go figure, Cardinal Stritch’s niece
is Broadway legend Elaine Stritch currently wowing
them in “A Little Night Music”. Besides the funds
gathered for the reasonable fee of $25, there was a
Silent Auction of signed posters and gift baskets,
etc… there were two Live Auctions and I literally had to sit on
my hands for these treasures.
One was a VIP Tour, watching
Elphaba be transformed green, be
photographed with the Wicked
Witch, as well as the entire Cast,
and two tickets! So popular was
this package, the powers that be
decided to award it to the two top
bidders at $1,000 a piece. I’m sure
the two winners had a most memorable evening. I only wish my
personal budget allowed!
The other major prize went for
4 K - - A Walk On Role! What I wouldn’t have
done! But with my luck, I would have been a flying
monkey and I’m terrified of heights! A lovely lady
was the lucky winner and her gentleman escort very
generously bid and awarded her the opportunity to
be apart of the show. The auctioneer Mark David
Kaplan from Chicago was flawless in getting everyone into the spirit of the auction, and putting their
money where their mouth was.
A post party with cast was open for an additional $25 – at Bay Shore’s Coa. Enrique and Crew
made us all feel so welcome and it was great fun
rubbing elbows with this high energy, fun, vibrant
cast. “Wicked” is now in Minneapolis, and will return to Wisconsin, (Madison) the end of September, so if you didn’t have a chance to see it here, it
was sold-out most nights drive to our state capitol,
you will not be disappointed.
Friday, September 24 George Watts & Son, Inc.
turns 140 years old! Don’t miss the Birthday Celebration at 761 North Jefferson Street, drop in and
wish all the best to: Sam, Lance, Lee, Sister CashBox,
and Debbie, while you select your pattern!
The Saturday Softball Beer League (SSBL) has announced their inductees for the 2010 SSBL Hall of
Fame, these dedicated Wisconsinites have been
elected in: Marshall Eheler, Mark Hagen, Dear
Ruthie, Erikka Mixdorf, Teddie Quartuch, the late Jack
Schulz, Bob Walley, and Pam Woythal. These sterling citizens join a most impressive roster of Hall of
Fame-rs: Suzy Arnold, Kurt Baldwin, Steve Behl,
Chuck Brotz, Ron Burbey, Chuck Cicirello, Shirley
Fitzpatrick, David Fre, Arnie Garcia, Mona Garcia,
“Wicked” Cabaret
Mike Hughes, Jim Hunnicut, Rick Kowal, Lou La though Roland and everyone has been raving about
Sota, Darwin Lauterbach, Todd Muma, Dan Nelson, Frank Sanchez’ new emporium of fine Mexican cuiDawn Pinkowski, Brian Reinkober, Brian Rochon, sine forever it seems. Never bother with the menu,
Velveeta HeadCheez, Tom Rowland, Frank Villarreal, look at the daily specials and you will not be disapBill Wardlow, Jerry Warzyn, Mike Westley, and Jim pointed! Everyone remembers Frank was the genius
behind Tacquera Azteca on the South side, now you
Not that I usually get into the political world, but must venture North to: 2730 North Humboldt
I do enjoy shopping and a very important item has Boulevard www.riowestcantina.com 414-562-5540.
been brought to my attention from Jay Reinke. Tar- Lots of handsome, friendly, familiar faces too!
get, where all of us go to do numerous purchases
The Cream City Foundation (CCF) truly knows
has done something as of late, you may not be how to host a sensational summer soiree – “My
aware of – I know I wasn’t. It seems that the Target Best Friend is Straight Party” included music, sculpCorporation has made a very large contribution tures, gardens, and great people – a recipe for a
(over $150,000.) to a very large anti-Gay, anti-pro- wonderful time! This year’s locale was the newly
gressive candidate for the Governor of Minnesota – christened Lynden Sculpture Garden, nee Bradley
State Rep. Tom Emmer – a far right Republican. Sculpture Garden. Kudos to Honorary Event Chair:
While I’ll defend anyone’s personal right to make Chuck Grosz and Localicious Catering and their
any personal contribution to any thing they believe Celebrity Servers! Enjoying the festivities were:
in - - it’s hard to believe a business, which makes a Roger, Jason, Ron – you flatter me, by wanting to be
fortune from a very diverse population can put their photographed with me, Tim Clark, Joe Pabst, Jody
resources behind any particular political candidate Armata – fabu garden hat,
at all. Because when you boil it down, it is our
Dr. Beto & Tim, Gina Graham of G.E. and her
money that has helped make Target the powerhouse daughter, beautiful Bethany, Aurora Health Care’s
it is today. Target’s Board of Directors should be Jerry Janis, PrideFest’s very own Kate Sherry, Patrick
made aware that all of America would not be be- Farrell & Jim Schroeder, Fluid’s Damian & Michael,
hind this candidate. Gregg Steinhafel is the CEO, let Dawn & Craig of Club Charlie’s along with Chef
him know what you think… and think twice before Gabe, Rick, Tony Rhodes, Dr. Robert Starshak & Ross
shopping at Target, unless you don’t mind making Draegert, Rochelle, Jeff Schmidt,
indirect political contributions. Here is a link:
DJ A, Jim Ollrogge & Cory Haywood, the Milhttp://pol.moveon.org/state/target/?id= waukee Gay Arts Center’s Paul Masterson, Filmdom’s Carl Bogner, Jerry Johnson, Vala Mohr, Kathy
I received the very fun Boulevard Theatre Papineau, Susan Paynter, of course Executive DirecNewsletter and Mark Bucher has some great escape tor of CCF, Maria Cadenas and Jennifer and their
on the boards for us this month - - “Four Play” – adorable little tot, and in spite of the mosquitoes,
Four Comedies of Seduction: John Patrick Shanley’s and humidity we persevered and had a great evening
“The Red Coat”, “Dead Right” by Elaine Jarvik, “Sure of it. Post party was at Club Charlie’s and if those
Thing” written by: David Ives, and a Pinter play – walls could talk!
“The Lover” by Harold Pinter. Running now Cream City Foundation’s
through Sunday, September 5.
“My Best Friend Is Straight”
Besides my usual Victor’s on Van Buren,
which is always delicious – I got the chance to
sup at Triskele’s finally! Yes I know you’ve all
been raving about this little bistro and after
dining there I know why! First off they have
three different selections – Vegetarian, Sea
Food, and Traditional. I sampled all three and
was immensely pleased!
Triskele’s is a hop and a skip from the bars,
located at 1801 South Third Street, a charming
old tavern – which was reminiscent of the original M&M Club, prior to their 1985 facelift.
JoLinda Klopp is the Chef/Co-Owner and you
got give it a try! Call 414-837-5950/414-7632843www.triskelerestaurant.com, or e-mail:
Walter & Jon and Don and Joseph threw a most
fetching Garden Party as well – in fact North Jackson
Rio West Cantina is another nu-find for me, even Street will never be the same! Nothing could keep
Michael with Joe Pabst
us from this extravaganza – be it oral surgery, falls
from ladders, and stitches needing to be seen to –
this party came first, and what a time…
Maybe Brady Street only got one day, this year to
celebrate, but it made no matter…we had three
days of fun in one! The talents of Lady Gia, Christina
Chase, Randy Thompson all the way from Key
West, Shauna Love and Others proved ever so glamorously that Brady Street is “For All Walks of Life”
– and then some!
We started at Bosley’s on Brady for real cocktails and toured, enjoying everything and everyone in sight! We ended at the Hybrid Lounge,
taking in camels, paintings, drag, drinks, and
again some of the most attractive faces – Collin,
Matt, Jerry, Roland, Jim, Jeff, Roger, Jamie Gays…
Nothing like it, anywhere …
So glad the new places are doing so well, besides
the Hybrid Lounge, there is Tempt next door to Karl
Ratzsch’s, here you’ll find Steve, Nick, Eric, Jason,
and a bevy of beauteous bartenders. Recently I was
sipping there and the ever-dashing Scott, Eric, Mark
& Co came in from a fundraiser at Discovery World
decked out in all their collective finery.
D.I.X. (featured on our cover) is quite the place
holding up First Street and National Avenue.
Known still as Timers, for a short bit The General,
now D.I.X. – which I have been informed stands for
whatever you want it to stand for! Ask a stupid
question… Cory and Elizabeth the first brother and
sister team to take on Bar-dom are having fun with
Raymond who is on Thursdays and Sundays, Candy,
doing Saturday night prime time is Jim or as I call
him for no reason at all Dan – Alzheimer’s?
New Orleans Day was sure something – red beans
and rice, jambalaya, wild videos of Southern Decadence and Mardi Gras, great music, Hurricanes (in
the glass), shirtless, dancing on top of the bar, bartenders, and a raffle with all the proceeds
going to the struggling
fisheries of New Orleans.
You never know what is
going to happen there…
Matt Pamperin won the
main raffle prize a trip for
two to “The Big Easy”,
while Jerry Warzyn, Andy
Cicero, Charlie, The Ball
Game’s Greg AKA Myrna,
and many others were
being beaded and treated!
Please patronize the
bars enduring the construction obstruction –
The Ball Game and Boom/The Room greatly appreciate your patronage and your continuing support.
Rumor has it that the west side of the street should
be completed right after Labor Day or as you are
reading this very column… we shall see.
Boom did host the debut of Falcon Exclusive SuperStar Landon Conrad quite the performer…
Speaking of performers, please come see Brad the
new bartender in Boom on Sundays and Mondays
You won’t be disappointed!
Steve Gustafson the vision and spatula behind The
Pasta Tree is back on the eastside once again and looking as dazzling as ever! Everyone in the pool!
The marvelous Miss Maple whom I’ve had quite
a time with in raising funds and fun, doing Holiday
Shows, and BINGO! Among other special projects
has been formally christened by Carl T. no she is
not a Syrup, Leaf, Tree, or Streisand, per GodFather
Carl T. – Miss Maple Veneer, she does love wood,
I’m just saying…
GermanFest sure made for a fun summer festival no fear of a drought there between the two
floods and the beer!
Lady Samantha rang in her regal sixth decade,
touring the clubs with her man-in-waiting sharing
cup cakes and fabulous stories of yesteryear.
Samantha is credited with being the first Show Director at Club 219 and then La Cage!
And before that, 1000 East and J.J. Garlic’s with the
“Whose No Lady Review” which also featured The
M&M Club’s DeDe! The stories Samantha has to
share – mercy! A kin to “Priscilla Queen of the
Desert” meets “To Wong Foo Julie Newmar”!
That’s it for this time out, remember it’s the
glamour, not the grammar as I remain STILL
Cordially yours,.
Well, here we are in September back in school and
all that jazz. But there is a bonus to the summer taking its leave of Wisconsin. Fall and winter are the best
times to get pierced and tattooed! So let’s get to it
cause I know all you filthy little bastards out there want
to me to get into some down and dirty nitty gritty that
will leave you wanting to use your own homemade
“glue” to stick the pages of your favorite rag together.
But this time I don’t know if I should go that direction
or take the high road. And speak about this from a
purely objective and almost medical point of view.
Course then I remembered who I am writing this for
and was forced to drink a few shots of Jaegermiester
just to get though it and not feel dirty about myself.
There I feel better about venting, so let’s talk about
uhmm, uhmmm, hmm. Holy shit I don’t have any
ideas! Guess we will just have to do another reader
mail column! Besides there is nothing more I like than
answering hate mail with a buzz! And now onto the
first reader!
I have been getting pierced for a long time now but
every so often my piercings start to hurt again. Some of
these I have had for over ten years, is it possible that they
aren’t healed yet?
Well Steve what you are experiencing is actually
pretty normal. It happens to me about once a month.
It is usually caused by the way you sleep. While you
are sleeping you are undoubtedly rolling around and
laying on your piercings. The piercing really doesn’t like
this and thus it ends up getting a little pissy (yes that
is a technical term) and then it hurts for a few days to
remind you that it’s pissy. The best advice I have for
you is to try to tape down your piercings when you go
to bed to help protect them. Thanks for the letter.
I want to get my navel pierced but I have a history of
passing out. Should I still go through with it?
Sharon, having a nack for passing out is never a good
thing, and you can still go through with getting pierced
but I would recommend that you take the following steps to help your body deal with the
piercing and hopefully not pass out on you. First
I would suggest that you eat a medium to large
meal about 1 to 2 hours before you come in and
get pierced, this will give your body the energy to
deal with the piercing process. Also I would bring
a soda, or other drink high in sugar, with you so
that if you do feel light headed then you can drink
it and it will give your body a boost of energy.
And finally when you come in stay relaxed. The
more stressed out you get the worse the piercing
experience will be as well as the more stress you
will place on your body which can make you more
likely to pass out. Thanks for writing in.
I have a slight problem with my tongue piercing.
I didn’t get it done by you and I am starting to wish
that I did. I got it pierced about a week ago and it
is crooked! It doesn’t sit straight up and down in
my mouth and it leans really far over to the right
side of my mouth. How can I fix this?
~Not Quite Straight
Wow, NQS first and foremost I always tell
people to check out their piercer thoroughly, remember to ask questions and talk to people who
have had work done there. NQS part of me
wants to tell you to go back to that shop and get
their advice because I kind of feel like I get stuck
fixing everyone else’s work in this city but I won’t.
(Because then I would have to take a few more
shots so that my conscience will shut up!) First
there is nothing that you can do about a crooked
piercing stay for one thing. Take it out and start
over again. Sorry but there is no fix, you are going
to have to take it out, wait about a week or so
and then get it re-pierced.
Well, it seems that I have once again run out
of time and space in this month’s column. Guess
we will have to wait to see that wonderful hate
mail until next time. What a waste of a good
buzz! And just in time, my cocktail is empty.
Until next time get pierced and tattooed and
don’t forget to show it off! Also don’t forget to
register to Vote in the upcoming election(s)! I say
we pick whoever has the biggest bulge and the
most scandalous webpage! (Now I really do need
another cocktail I think I just made myself sick!)
If you have any questions or want to see a specific topic talked about, send in your grievances
and bitchy hate mail to avantgarde@voyager.net
just put Skin and Steel in the subject line.
OutBound Magazine - Serving Metro Milwaukee & Southeastern Wisconsin for 9 years!
P.O. Box 1961 Green Bay, WI 54305 toll free 800-578-3785 or 920-655-0611
email:editor@quest-online.com Publisher: Mark Mariucci, Za’s Publications; OutBound & Quest
OutBound Magazine is published monthly by Za’s Publications. © 2010, Za’s Publications, all rights reserved.
Distributed FREE at selected GLBT friendly businesses. Reproduction in part or whole is strictly prohibited unless consent is given expressly by the publisher. OutBound’s use of photos or accompanying editorial material does
not imply any sexual orientation of people or businesses depicted or mentioned within said photos or editorial material.
OutBound does not assume responsibility for statements by advertisers. All unsolicited photographs, letters and editorials are subject to OutBound’s right to copyright and publish with rights to change, edit or comment.
Colt Studio’s stable of the
hottest, most muscular men
in the business is complimented by their Buckshot offshoot which offers equally
gorgeous collegiate lads. In the
newest Buckshot release,
R u m p e r R o o m , the theme
is, as ever, “boys at play.”
Mario Costa and Damon
Audigier are hanging out
watching Brandon Lewis
and Jake Lyons battling on
the big screen, each with a
Nintendo’s Wii joystick in
hand. Mario has a better
idea about how to pass the
time. Once Mario brings out
his colossal hooded monster, it is clear no one’s joystick is bigger. Mario toys with it enticingly and
Damon is entirely enthralled. He quickly hops
down onto his knees to pay homage. Game lad
that he is, Damon downs inch after inch, then eagerly spreads his curvaceous butt cheeks.
Damon’s hardon is indefatigable as Mario pile-drives into him relentlessly until Damon finally
erupts, tagging at his balls as shot after shot of
cum coats his abdomen.
Then it is back to Brandon and Jake. The onscreen
game on they are playing doesn’t look all that sexy
but the two can’t keep their hands off their other,
stiffening joystick. Here is a pairing off opposites.
Brandon is the proverbial All-American frat boy: tall,
good-looking, solidly built with a light dusting of
hair on his chest. Jake is slight and smooth, has dark
hair and a perky hooded shaft that is soon poking
out of the longjohns he’s wearing.
Then it is back to the game room and since Jake
is losing anyways, he decides to exchange one joystick for another. Jake pulls down Brandon’s shorts
and engulfs his opponent’s primed piston. Brandon
makes a show of continuing the game but Jake’s
lips on his stiffie prove too distracting. A long, slow
sensual body hug allows both Brandon to start fingering Jake’s hole and the cameramen to capture
that Jake is literally dripping with excitement. Brandon thrusts first fingers, then tongue and finally his
sheathed manmeat into Jake’s bowels, all the while
keeping Jake positively panting. Their final position
however is awkward and despite flailing away manfully, all Jake can generate is a dribble or two.
The third scene, boasting the pairing of John
Rumper Room & Skin on Skin
Magnum and Benjamin
Bradley, continues the
theme of game playing but
lacks the playfulness of previous scenes. One problem
is that neither Bradley nor
Magnum is exactly a fresh
face. Bradley, one of the
handsomest men in the
business, has exchanged
boyish charm for added
muscle. A real pro, in no
time he’s torn off Magnum’s
shorts and swallowed whole
the substantial truncheon
which is laid out before him.
Magnum in turn offers a bit
of head polishing before he
bends Bradley over and sinks
in deep into his bottom
boy’s meaty flanks.
Rob Ryder and David Stone, both blond and gorgeous, have now taken over in the game room.
Again, the tone is playful. David is clearly fascinated
with Rob’s butt, pulling down his opponent’s
shorts time and again under the guise of distracting him. Why wouldn’t he? Rob’s bubble butt perfectly framed by the red jock he’s wearing under his
shorts. Once the game is over, Rob wastes no time
pulling down David’s shorts revealing his erect ivory
column refreshingly free of excessive manscaping.
Rob is selfless; he strokes, caresses, tongues and
swallows David’s steely shaft down to the pubes
mercilessly. David lavishes nearly as much attention
on Rob’s furry pucker, priming him for a right,
proper anal assault. The pair starts doggy fashion,
David sliding his long, hard cock in slow and easy.
Then a switch has Rob setting down a spell, fully
impaled on David’s rock hard ramrod, his own erection bobbing stiffly at attention. Rob rides him like
a pro, clearly not his first time at the rodeo. Rob’s
release is exhausting even to watch while David in
turn fires off a right impressive gusher.
Other than the routine pairing of John Magnum
and Benjamin Bradley, R u m p e r R o o m director
Kristofer Weston has sought and for the most part
found an approach that’s both playful and dead
sexy. In R u m p e r R o o m , Weston has proved extremely successful in bringing together performers
who generate some real heat. This chemistry especially shines through in scene two as Brandon Lewis
and Jake Lyons look to continue even after the camera stops rolling. Rating ***1/2 of *****
S k i n o n S k i n , Bel Ami
“No inhibitions... no condoms.” So boasts this latest Bel Ami foray into bareback entertainment. Although nominally released by Lukas Ridgeston, the
four bareback scenes contained in S k i n o n S k i n originated as online content on Bel Ami’s highly successful website. Despite the boast of “no inhibitions”
Ridgeston provides relatively few surprises. As usual
there are handsome boys possessing some very substantial endowments. The sex in S k i n o n S k i n is
much as fans have come to expect from Bel Ami with
one exception: the young men fuck sans condom. Although lacking any stellar names, there are plenty of
familiar faces here including horse-hung Trevor Yates,
Manuel Rios and one of the now infamous Peters
brothers: Milo. Milo’s scene with Ennio Guardi possesses surprising energy and passion as well as being
exceptionally well filmed. A playful ménage à trois featuring Trevor Yates, Henri Gaudin and Manuel Rios cements Rios’s claim as Bel Ami’s best bottom boy. all
in all, S k i n o n S k i n is another Bel Ami winner.
Rating **** of *****
On the Cover….D.I.X.
D.I.X, formerly The General’s, recently opened during pride weekend of 2010. The building was
constructed in 1880 and has a beautiful 1904 Tigerwood Brunswick bar. Owner Cory Bartel
moved back to Milwaukee from New Orleans to assist his sister Elizabeth Kujawa in operating the establishment. Hence, the tag line “Where North Meets South” and “Home of the
Hurricane”. The bar strives to be energetic while still maintaining a neighborhood vibe. On
the weekends you can find people dancing in the back bar room while in the front patrons can
mingle and watch videos. D.I.X. is the place to be for homemade bloody mary’s every Sunday at 11am. Cory and Elizabeth are avid packer fans and will be showing every game on the
huge back bar video screen and catering to the patrons with free food that correlates to the
city that the packers play.’
On the cover left to right Cory Bartel, Elizabeth Kujawa, Ray-Ray
Milwaukee Map Listing
* Art Bar M, W
722 Burleigh, (414)372-7880
1 Ballgame M, F
196 S 2nd (414)273-7474
2 Boom & The ROOM M, Cr, P, St
625 South 2nd St (414)277-5040
3 Boot Camp Saloon M, LL, Cr
209 E National (414)643-6900
4 DIX 739 S 1st St (1st & National)
5 ETC (Lower Level) M,W,V,F,G
801S 2nd, (414)383-8330
6 Fluid M, W, G
819 South 2nd (414)643-5843
7 Harbor Room M, LL, Cr, F, P
117 E. Greenfield (414)672-7988
* Hybrid Lounge M, W, F
707 E Brady St (414)810-1809
354 E. National (414)272-KRUZ
5 LaCage M,W,V,D,DJ,S,
801S 2nd, (414)383-8330
9 Midtowne Spa (Men’s Health Club)
315 S. Water St. (414)278-8989
10 Mona’s M,W,DJ,P,F,D,V,Cr,
1407 S. 1st St. (414)643-0377
5 Montage (2nd Level LaCage)
801S 2nd, (414)383-8330
11 Nut Hut 1500 W Scott (414)647-2673
* PUMP @ Decibel (Sunday only)
1905 E North Ave (414)272-3337
* PURR 3945N. 35th (off 35th & Capitol)
12 This Is It 418 E Wells (414)278-9192
13 Triangle M,W,V,P,S
135 E National (414)383-9412
14 Tempt
324 E Mason St 414-221-0228
15 Tropical Ultra Lounge
626 South 5th St. (414)460-6277
16 Walker’s Pint W, P
818 S 2nd St (414)643-7468
18 Woody’s M,W,G,Cr,F
1579 S. 2nd (414) 672-0806
Rascals (920)954-9262
702 E. Wisconsin, Appleton
Ravens (920)364-9599
215 E. College Ave, Appleton
Napalese (920)432-9646
1351 Cedar St, Green Bay
Sass (920)437-7277
840 S. Broadway, Green Bay
Shelter (920)432-2662
730 N. Quincy, Green Bay
XS Nightclub M,W, V, DJ, G
1106 Main, Green Bay
Deb’s Spare Time (920)235-6577
1303 Hrrrison St., Oshkosh
Blue Light (920)457-1636
1029 N. 8th St., Sheboygan
5 Applegate Ct (608)277-9700
Plan B (NEW Dance Bar!)
924 Williamson Street
Shamrock 117 W. Main
Key to symbols - Men, Women, Food (608)255-5029
Dancing, Shows, Strippers, Cruising, Woof’s woofsmadison.com
Patio, Games, Video, LL = Levi & Leather 114 King St. (608)204-6222
* means not on map
6305 120th Kenosha (262)857-3240
JoDees MWS (262)634-9804
2139 Racine St, Racine