July 14 Newsletter
July 14 Newsletter
July 2014 GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL PASTOR’S CORNER ~ ALL are encouraged to participate on Sunday, September 7th ~ What is “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday? “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. On Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014, the nearly 10,000 congregations of this church gather to serve communities in ways that share the love of God with all of God’s people. We are a church that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work. Whether it’s 30,000 young people doing community volunteer work at an ELCA Youth Gathering, the passionate volunteers of the ELCA homeless ministry network or the devoted members of our congregations who fight for peace and justice in their communities every day, we are a church that boldly does God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities. When one congregation or a group of congregations gather for service in their local communities, they are the church in that place, taking care of that part of God’s vineyard. But this is all work that we do together. When one congregation works to feed people who are hungry, that is also the entire church coming together, says ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. ‘God’s work. Our hands.’ Sunday reminds us that we are church together for the sake of the world. Our lives have been changed by our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and it’s that encounter with Jesus that frees us to make a difference. As you participate Sept. 7, 2014, in the dedicated day of service, may you witness the love of God, who knows and loves each one of us. You work every day to love your neighbors and make your community a better place. Now let’s do it together. The idea for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is this: ELCA members are called to put their faith into action by engaging in service activities in their neighborhood, surrounding community or designated area. While service opportunities are endless, ELCA members and congregations are invited to identify service projects that make sense for their local context and the congregation’s service capacity. In other words, the idea is to deepen a congregation’s and/or member’s experience in their community and offer some way for congregations to play a critical part in addressing community needs. Luther Memorial will be participating from 1pm-4pm at Willowfield, Lutherdale Bible Camp, and Twin Oaks Please sign-up on the bulletin board to help serve at one of these locations You can order God’s Work, Our Hands T-shirts for $6.00 youth to adult sizes, XL sizes avail for an additional cost. GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL Page 2 Help Wanted! If you are interested in serving during worship as an usher, greeter, communion assistant, lector, tech or Journey guide, please sign-up on the bulletin board! We are in need of people to serve in these capacities at both services. We will work around your schedule each month. Our new website is now live!... Check it out at Luther-memorial.org The parade starts at 3 p.m. - Fri., July 4th and will go through downtown Delavan. Come out, celebrate our independence, and cheer on Luther Memorial!! “Weird Animals - Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-kind” is the theme for VBS this year! Will be held here at Luther Memorial from August 3rd-August 7th 6pm-8pm daily. Any child 3 years to 6th grade are welcome (All children must be potty trained). Please talk to Irina Ertl or Carrie Reeves with any questions. Your help is needed!!!! We are looking for your involvement whether it is one night or all nights!!! There are opportunities from assisting at snack, leading a small group around for the night, participating in song and dance, opening skits, and much more! Please see Irina or Carrie if you are interested and willing to hang out with us and Weird Animals!!! Register online today! www.luther-memorial.org VBS KICK-OFF Sunday, August 3rd at 4:30 pm ALL animals welcome! (leashes or cages required) BRING YOUR DOGS, CATS, FISH, GOATS, CHICKENS, OR YOU FAVORITE STUFFED ANIMALS; ALSO INCLUDING PICTURES IN MEMORIAM. Hot dogs, chips and beverages will be served. Page 3 GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL We welcome Terry Haines as new members of our congregation. Payton Hintz, Jessica Lawson, Makayla Graham, and Alexis Wojcik for making your confirmation On Sunday, June 8th. UPDATE: On June 15th our congregation approved financing to move forward on the first phase of our remodeling project; which includes sealing and re-striping the parking lot, repairing/reroofing the mansard part of the roof, and the renovation/remodel of the house. Currently… Council affirmed the following at the June 23rd meeting: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Education and Worship and Music committees for putting together the beautiful cake receptions for graduation and confirmation Confirmation students who were confirmed this summer: Payton, Alexis, Jessica, and Makayla along their families for their hard work and dedication Scott Emmerich and to Council in their leadership of the special meeting in June Dee Fisher for taking minutes at the special congregational meeting The Ancevics for helping with arranging for the flowers to be brought in and displayed for those special worship services (Christmas, Easter, Confirmation) Milt Ancevic for sharing expertise in the nursery attendant search Donn Fisher for all of the hours completing the application for the refinancing loan, working on permits, and preparing bill for Willowfield Matt Huebner who gathered up all of the bids for the building project and getting contracts ready. Thanks to Property committee for their continued work and preparation to see this project through Planning, Finance, and Property committees for their continued work Irina and Carrie for taking on VBS All in the congregation who stepped up on Sunday mornings and substituted at the last minute for various positions The Band for their flexibility in scheduling practices and their time and commitment Mindi and Brent for their leadership and organization for Dinner and a Bible Jessica Lawson and Brent and Irina for their dramatic readings • Finishing the permit process • Sealing and re-striping the parking lot on Sunday, July 6th at 1pm thru July 7th • Samples of color schemes for the roof will be available soon for the congregation to choose Praise in the Park every Thursday night 7pm at the Phoenix Park Bandshell in Delavan. July 31st - YOUR VERY OWN BACKROW Come enjoy the concert and support our Luther Memorial ministry! For the month of July the Delavan Food Pantry is in need of the following items: Peaches, cream-style corn, green beans, tuna, pancake mix. Thank you to all who share! Dinner & A Bible Sunday, July 27th 6:00—8:00 p.m. GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL Page 4 Celebrating A Birthday HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: This Month! 07/04 William & Cindy Schenk 07/09 Bruce & Janice Knutson 07/10 Steve & Mary McWherter 07/01 Evelyn Klein 07/17 Chad & Michelle Hetzel 07/01 Morgan O’Neill 07/20 Kyle & Krista Schwent 07/04 Cody Chelminiak 07/21 Frank & Sandie Dingfeldt 07/04 Nathan Johnson 07/05 Julie Lodahl 07/05 Teresa Davis 07/06 Lorri Emmerich 07/07 Steven Carlson 07/08 Dana Truckenbrod 07/10 William Klein 07/11 William Horne 07/13 Sheryl Anderson 07/15 Bruce Knutson 07/15 David Fladten 07/17 Mike Yambor 07/18 Gannon Emmerich 07/21 Suzanne Stoneburner 07/21 George Hetzel 07/23 Michal Guzman 07/25 Lorraine Ollerich 07/25 Charles Fladten 07/25 David Vander Zee 07/26 Dan Veto 07/28 Landon Schwent 07/30 Nick Duerig 07/31 Alex Miller PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Our members: Paul & Sandy Moyer, Bill & Evelyn Klein, Franklin & Suzanne Stoneburner, Jamie Finch, Dorothy Radford, Frank Dingfeldt, Mae Kittleson, Sue Bergstrom, Craig Davis Others in our prayers: Suella Edler, Bob Gunderson, Juliet Larson, Ruth Gronke, Susan Laird, All our Military, Sandy Gold, Jan Sonnentag, Dorothy Kozeluh, Kristin Welsh, Ben Rupnik (father of Ted Rupnik), George & Pauline Mumm (Tim Mumm’s parents), Aliyah Edler (niece of Jeff & Callie Davis), Robin Helms, Deb Bernstorff (sister of Cindy Schenk), Gail Groth, Nelsine Christensen (Chris Groth’s mom), Ron Pryble, Cindy Rapp, Steven Guzman, McCarthy Family, Mai & Bob Horn (Carol Mueller’s parents), Kevin Finch, Ray Fleming, Linda’s sister, Ashley, Dorothy Novy (mother of Sue Bergstrom), Betty Plapp (mother of Larry Plapp), Sue Garske (Mona Miller’s mom), Pastor Mary Ann Moller-Gunderson, Jason Stone, Gloria Densmore (Denise Robinette’s mom), Misty Mitchell, Paul Lockwood, MaryAnn Trussler, Maureen Foley (Dee Fisher’s neice), Kelly Armstrong, Stephanie Vierck, Vicki, Barb, Irene Goodman, Greene Roberts, Steve Spencer (Kathy Vierck’s son-in-law), Sam M., Bonnie Rice Page 5 GOOD NEWS FROM LUTHER MEMORIAL Sunday, July 6th we will be taking a special offering an ordination gift for Ben Groth on behalf of the congregation. ~ Your prayers and presence are requested ~ Please join in celebrating this joyous occasion, this new calling, and this day of prayer for the Spirit of God to continue moving in and among us. By the grace of God and the call of the Church Benjamin Andrew Groth will be ordained to the ministry of Word and Sacrament Saturday, July 12th, 2014 at 4:00 PM All Peoples Lutheran Church 2600 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 The Reverend Jeff Barrow Bishop of the Greater Milwaukee Synod of Wisconsin, presiding. A cake and punch reception will follow the service. Ben has been called as Associate Pastor to serve the people of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, ELCA, in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Choir and will begin again in September. If anyone is interesting in joining us, please contact Chris Groth 728-5631 or email caba@chater.net. A special message for summer travelers If you think you may miss worship this summer due to travel or other commitments, consider setting up an automatic giving schedule. Your consistent support is vital to our church, especially during summer months. To set up a recurring contribution, contact Donn Fisher email: donnfisher@fishermgmt.com or phone (262) 728-9593, or Dave Mueller email: cardave@sbcglobal.net or phone (262) 728-2190. Your support is greatly appreciated! We are looking for ANY wool sweaters for a service project. Please see Deedee Murray if you have any to donate. Thank You! Holton Manor is in the early stages of implementing a “Music and Memory” program. In order for our program to be successful we are looking for new or gently used IPODS, shuffles, portable CD players, record players, etc. Musical favorites tap deep memories not lost to dementia and can bring residents and clients back to life. Anyone who is able to help, please drop off at Holton House next to Holton Manor at 640 N Broad St, Elkhorn Mon. - Fri. 8am-4pm. Questions, feel free to call 262-723-4963. Page 6 Summer Schedules: If you serve in any capacity at either service and know you will not be available for certain weekends over the summer, please let Dee Fisher know by the 15th of the month preceding your absence. Leave a note in box #2 or e-mail fisherdd@charter.net. Worship Helpers for the Month of July July 6 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Bill Schenk Donn Fisher Communion Terry Haines Bruce Knutson and Kathy Vierck Greeter Suzanne Stoneburner Larry and Kathie Plapp Usher Dave and Wallie Leitzke Nursery Acolyte/Tech Emily Graham Altar Guild Dee Fisher Dee Fisher Coffee Fellowship July 13 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Bob Dahl Lisa Schmelz Communion Milt and Carol Ancevic Jane Olinger and Ginny Andersen Greeter Jeff and Kay Horne Ross and Christine Fisher Usher Jim and Sue Davis Nursery Acolyte/Tech Altar Guild Dave Mueller Davis Family Coffee Fellowship July 20 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Millie Veto Mindi Huebner Communion Lorrie Emmerich Denise Robinette and George Ballman Greeter Barb Williams Matt and Tori Huebner Usher Bill and Cindy Schenk Nursery Acolyte/Tech Rylie Emmerich Altar Guild Vander Zee Family/Fisher Family Larry Plapp Coffee Fellowship July 27 8:30 am 10:30 am Lector/Journey Guide Sandy Vander Zee David Reinhart Communion Steve and Marilyn Carlson Hank and Lisa Schmelz Greeter Delores Grover Duerig Family Usher Brian and Alice Davis Nursery Acolyte/Tech Altar Guild Coffee Fellowship Dee Fisher Diane Sherin Good News in July From: Luther Memorial Church 910 E. Geneva St. (HWY 50) P.O. Box 563 Delavan, WI 53115-0563 SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES: 8:30 am Traditional Service 10:30 am Contemporary Service— “The Journey” TO REACH US: OFFICE: 262/728-6482 WEBSITE: www.luther-memorial.org EMAIL: office@luther-memorial.org Time Value Material. Please do not delay. Mission Statement Sharing the journey of a loving, meaningful relationship with Jesus Mission Actions WORSHIP • PRAY • INVITE • EQUIP • SERVE Core Values • Anchored in scripture • Welcome and accept one another as Christ has welcomed and accepted you • Encourage one another • Be forgiving • Give thanks always • Respond to God’s command to tithe our time, talents, and treasure • Speak and act with integrity Bedrock Beliefs We believe in the Triune God meaning that God relates to us in three different ways. God relates to us as: • God the Father who is creator of everything • Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, who died for our sins and through his resurrection offers forgiveness and new life. • The Holy Spirit who calls, gathers, and empowers the church, the community of believers, to be in the world. We believe that all people are sinful and have fallen short in our relationship with God. Therefore, by God’s grace, meaning God’s unconditional love for us, and through our faith, we receive salvation. We cannot earn it in any way. Though we receive God’s grace every day, we also receive and acknowledge grace through the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. • Baptism is a gift from God welcoming all people to become a part of God’s family, granting forgiveness and eternal life. Because this is what God does for us, we baptize people of all ages including infants and children. • Communion is a gift from God that through the real presence of Christ, all may receive assurance of forgiveness and salvation as well as being united with all Christians of every time and every place.
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