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Catalog - The OB/Gyn’s Favorite Catalog Hospital Acquirin g Your Practice? We can accomm odate an y billing & shipp arrangem ing ent! Free Shipping Catalog 2012-13 Visit us online at Table of Contents medgyn FOR REA L EndoSampler SAVING S as low as $ 4eac.h95 Designed for obtaining clearly differentiated endometrial tissue without anesthesia, in an outpatient setting. Recommended for both pre- and post-menopausal women, for diagnostic purposes. M-Spray, T-Spray, Transeptic Spray, Transducer Covers, Sony Imaging Paper, Mitsubishi Imaging paper, Ultrasound Gels, Gel Warmer, Fetal Monitoring Straps, Fetal monitoring Paper Underpads, Incontinence, Treatment Room Supplies.....6 Underpads, Urine Specimen Containers, Personal Wipes, Toilet Seat Covers, Lubricating Jelly Pregnancy Tests, Strep-A Tests …………………………...7 QuickVue Pregnancy Test, HS Pregnancy, Beckman Coulter pregnancy, Clarity Pregnancy, QuickVue Strep-A, Clarity Strep-A Urine Test Strips, Fecal Occult…………………................. 8 Multistix, Chemstrips, Generic Urine Strips, Quidel UrinChek, Seracult, Hemoccult Diagnostic Testing Products………………….....................9 FOR REA L bioteque $ The Curelle are is used to obtain a sample of the mucosal lining for histological study in cancer screening, endometrial dating or bacterial culturing. see pg 12 $ UTI Testing, Genzyme Urinary Albumin, Chlamydia Test, HIV Test, G.vaginalis, pH testing, Trichomonas Rapid test SAVING S as low as 7per5. 50 box Preferred Curelle 7eac.h CoaguChek, Hgb Pro, INRatio Meter, OSOM Influenza A & B, Uricult, Dispette 2, A1C Now meter, Diabetes Test Strips, Meter Tischler Biopsy Punch, Kevorkian-Younge Biopsy Forceps, Townsend Biopsy Punch, Biopsy Curette, Coren Ear Piercer, OB-GYN Wheel, Summit Fetal Dopplers Endometrial Samplers, HSG Catheters, Cannula ……...12 Sonohysterography Catheter Set, Zinnanti HSG Catheter Set, EndoSampler, Suction Pipette, Preferred Curelle, ETO Curelle, Aspiration Kit, Wallach Endocell, Endometrial Cannula Women Fertility, Block needles…………………………...13 Intrauterine Insemination Catheter, Potocky Needle, Needle Extenders, Morton IUI Catheter, Flex Sound, Amniocentesis Tray, Laminaria, Laminaria Inserter, Os Cervical Dilator Set Pessaries, Word Catheters, Anatomical Charts…….14-15 Bioteque Pessaries, Pessary Fitting Kit, Trimo-San Vaginal Jelly, Word Bartholin Catheters, StirrUp Mates, Cuddle Caps Colposcopy, Cytology, Cryosurgery…………………16-17 bioteque 95 Flu A&B, PT/INR Testing, Hemoglobin, Diabetes………10 Surgical Instruments, Fetal Dopplers……………………11 SAVING S as low as Welch Allyn KleenSpec, Metal Speculums, Disposable Vaginal Speculums. Loop Surgery Specula Ultrasound Products……………………………………... 4-5 see pg 12 FOR REA L Vaginal Speculums, Illumination System …………........... 3 Medgyn Colposcope, Microscope Slides and Cover Glass, T-Zone Electrode, Cervical Scrapers, Cytology Brushes, K.O.H., Wallach Cryosurgical System, Wallach Loop Electodes, Generic Loop Electrodes, Electrosurgical Unit, Dispersive Pads, Aaron Cauteries, Lugol’s Solution, Monsel’s Solution Ultra Catheter Set Aspirator, DNC Vacuum Supplies, Misc. Equipment...…18 for Sonohysterography The simple, cost effective method to examine the uterus using ultra sound. Sterile. see pg 12 Portable Aspirator, Suction Tubing, Uterine Aspiration Curettes, Exam Floor Lamp, Physician Scale, Mayo Stand, Pulse Oximeter, Histofreezer, Hurricaine Anesthetics Exam Paper Products………………….........................19-21 Graham/Tidi Exam Table Paper Rolls and Exam Gowns, Low-Cost Generic Table Paper Rolls and Economy Exam Gowns, Graham Exam Capes and Economy Exam Capes, Drape Sheets, Pillowcases, Mammography Capes, Specialty Garments Paper Supplies, Masks, Sterile Field, Applicators……..22 Sanitary Napkins & Liners, Waste Can Liners, Biohazard Waste Collection Bags, Facial Tissues, C-Fold Towels, Roll Towels, Toilet Tissue, Masks, Ob/Gyn Applicators, Scopettes, Sterile Towels Exam Gloves……………………… . …………………...… 23 Latex Powdered, Powder-Free Gloves, Nitrile, Non-Latex, Surgeons Gloves ZINNANTI HSG Catheter Set Autoclaves & Supplies ………………………………….... 24 see pg 12 Tuttnauer Autoclave, Clean & Simple, Alconox, Autoclave Indicator Tape, Miltex Instrument Cleaner, Sterilization pouches, CSR Wrap, Chex-All Pouches & Tubes, Instrument Soak Disinfectant Solutions, Wipes, Soaps…………………... 25 Cidex, Medica, Wavicide, CaviWipes, Metricide, Sani-Cloth, Dial Soap, Tincture Green Soap FOR REA L For Hysterosalpingography or Sonohysterography. Maximum Balloon Control for Endometrial or Endocervical Placement $ SAVING S as low as 1p9e 9. 00 r box Set contains: 5fr or 7fr catheter, Guide Sheath, and 3cc or 6cc Syringe Treatment Room Supplies…………………………..... 26-27 Betadine Solutions, Towelettes, Ozium, Lysol Spray, Citrace, Rubbing Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Alcohol Prep Pads, Swabsticks, OB Towelettes, Hand Sanitizer, Cotton-Tip Applicators, Tampons, P.A.W.S., Spill Kit, Tongue Depressors, Scrub Brush, Sundry Jars, Cotton Balls, Silver Nitrate Applicators, Plastic & Paper Cups Adhesive Bandages, Surgical Tapes...........……………. 28 Band-Aid®, Coverlets, Generic Bandages, Telfa Pads, Micropore, Durapore, Transpore Surgical Tapes Gauze Sponges, Surgical Dressings, Blood Collection …. 29 Dynarex Gauze Sponges, Combine Dressing, Kendall Gauze Sponges, Versalon, Curity, Surflo Injection Plugs, Winged Blood Collection Sets, Unistik, Monolet Lancets Blood Collection, Sharps Containers ……………...……30 FOR REA L medscand Endorette™ Endometrial Cannula $ SAVING S as low as 9pe3r . 00 box Microtainer Lancets, Winged Blood Collection Sets, All sizes Sharps Containers Infusion Sets, I.V. Cathethers, Needles, Syringes….......31-32 Terumo Winged Infusion Sets, Tourniquets, Safe-T-Fill, Sets, I.V. Catheters, Spinal Needles, Tuberculin Syringes, Needles/Syringes Adminisration Sets, Basic Solutions……………………. 33 I.V. Administration Sets, Sterile Water, Dextrose, Normal Saline, Lactated Ringer, Pour Bottles, Bags Blades & Scapels, Surgical Trays………………………...34 The First Endometrial Cannula with Two Openings, not just one - so surface area exposed to its vacuum suction (created by pulling the piston)Promotes greater sampling accuracy and patient comfort. Comes w/6 cervical Dialators. Miltex, Bard Parker, Myco Blades and Scalpels, SurgiGuide, Suturing Tray, Minor Laceration Tray, Incision & Drainage Tray Sutures, Removal Kits, Skin Closures………………….. 35 Ethicon, Look Sutures, Steri-Strips, Skin Staplers, Suture Removal Kits, Closure Strips Thermometry.…………………………………………….... 36 SureTemp Thermometer, Digital Thermometer, Filac, Thermoscan, Tempa-DOT, Thermometer Probe Covers, Sheaths Diagnostic Instruments, Misc. Supplies…………………37 3.0mm wide x 25cm length see pg 12 Otoscopes, Insufflator, KleenSpec Specula, Generic Specula, Ophthalmoscope, Wall Transformer, Diagnostic Sets, Welch-Allyn Rechargeable Batteries, Bulbs & Handles Blood Pressure Units, Stethoscopes & Accessories….38-39 Baumanometer Wall Blood Pressure Unit, Desk Model, Standby Model. Welch Allyn Blood Pressure Units, Blood Pressure Accessories, ADC Stethoscopes, 3M/Littmann Stethoscopes Not Responsible for Typographical Errors or Misprints Injectables & Pharmaceuticals ……………………… 40-47 Terms & Conditions……………………………………….. 62 Vaginal Speculums, Illumination System dynarex welch allyn Disposable Vaginal Specula KleenSpec® Cordless Illumination System •Individually pre-lubricated with Silicone •Clear, non-toxic, FDA grade plastic resin •Wide range adjustment • One-hand operation • Graves style The NEW KleenSpec Disposable Vaginal Speculum with the innovative Cordless Illumination System offers greater convenience for you, added comfort for your patients •Advanced light source provides better visualization •New, wider handle for improved maneuverability •Cordless and rechargeable - no cord to get in the way or break during procedures, continuous on time of 80 minutes, recharge time: six hours •Automatic on/off •Compatible with your current illumination system Cat. No. 79910 79920 79900 73910 75910 FOR REA L KleenSpec® Disposable Vaginal Specula Cat. No. 59000XS 59000 59001 59004 $ $ 3. 69 per bag Metal Specula Pederson Speculum Price 279.00 379.00 179.00 129.00 129.00 Graves Vaginal Specula Miltex Economy Cat. No. M-30-10 GN395 Size Small; 3/4” x 3” Small; 3/4” x 3” Price 34.95 11.95 Box 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 Can use Welch Allyn Light Source with these and save a bundle! Absolutely the same as the original Welch Allyn KleenSpec® at a fraction of the price! Same look, same packaging, same feel, everything the same! “Loop” Surgery Specula Miltex Economy M-30-15 GN396 Med; 1-3/8” x 4” Med; 1-3/8” x 4” 34.95 11.95 Miltex Economy M-30-20 GN397 Large; 1-1/2” x 4-1/2” Large; 1-1/2” x 4-1/2” 41.95 11.95 Pederson Vaginal Specula (narrow flat blades) Miltex Economy Miltex Miltex Economy Cat. No. M-30-50 GN398 M-30-55 M-30-62 GN399 Size Small; 1/2” x 3” Small; 1/2” x 3” Med; 7/8” x 4” X-Narrow; 5/8” x 4” Med; 7/8” x 4” Price 45.95 12.95 45.95 63.95 12.95 Miltex Economy M-30-60 GN400 Large; 1” x 4-3/4” Large; 1” x 4-3/4” 49.95 12.95 Cat. No. 9086500 9086501 9086502 •Clean polystyrene •Single-patient use •Accepts Welch-Allyn Light Source #78810! • Graves style too! Equiv. to llyn Welch A s. rie e s 58000 ice! r P t Grea Description Graves, Sm; 3/4”x3” Graves, Med; 1-1/4”x4-1/2” Graves, Lge; 1-3/8”x5” Price 135.00 135.00 135.00 FOR REA L Pederson Specula $ The narrow blades are more comfortable for small patients. Coated. Description Small; 1/2”x3.5” Medium; 1”x4” Large; 1”x4.5” SAVING S as low as 3pe1r . 95 box (with Integrated Smoke Tube) Cat. No. 131-550 131-551 131-601 Bag 3.69 3.69 4.25 Welch Allyn Equivalent Light Source Speculum Coated Graves Vaginal speculua are affixed with a perforated smoke removal tube, providing safe and convenient evacuation of electrosurgical plume from vaginal cavity. Graves Speculum Description Small; 10/bg 10bg/cs Medium; 10/bg 10bg/cs Large; 10/bg 10bg/cs dynarex 5pe5r . 00 box premier Stainless Steel Cat. No. D-4911 D-4912 D-4913 SAVING S as low as Packaging Extra Small Vaginal Speculems: 24/bx Small Vaginal Speculums; 24/bx Medium Vaginal Speculums; 24/bx Large Vaginal Speculums; 24/bx SAVING S as low as Description KleenSpec Cordless Illumination System w/Charging Station KleenSpec Cordless Illumination System w/Charging Station & Auxiliary Power Cord KleenSpec Disposable Vaginal Specula Cordless Illuminator Charging Station for Cordless Illuminator Auxiliary Power Cord Accessory for Cordless Illuminator welch allyn FOR REA L Price 143.00 143.00 143.00 Cat. No. D-4914 D-4915 D-4916 Description Small; (=58000); 25/bx Medium; (=58001); 25/bx Large; (=58004); 20/bx 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Box 31.95 31.95 31.95 Ultrasound Products Pharmaceutical innovations Parker lab M-Spray 2000 Transeptic Spray ® Disinfectant Mammography Cleaner For cleaning and disinfecting of mammography compressor plates, cassettes and other inanimate hard surfaces. M-SPRAY is an effective bactericide and virucide. 250mL Cat. No. 36-2100-25 Description M-Spray; 1/ea Price 8.95 Pharmaceutical innovations T-Spray ® Transducer Disinfectant Spray Easy to use effective spray disinfectant and cleaner for fast, one-step cleaning of ultrasound transducers and probes. T-SPRAY is an effective bactericide, virucide, fungicide, and tuberculocide. Cat. No. 36-3200-25 36-2102-25 Packaging 1/each 1/each sony ® Cleansing Solution for Ultrasound Transducers/Probes A multi-purpose spray for professional use in cleansing ultrasound tranducer/probe surfaces between procedures. Transeptic Cleansing Solution will not cause transducer membrane swelling. 250 ml. Cat. No. 09-25 Packaging 1/ea, 12/bx Each 7.95 Eclipse® Probe Cover Each 8.50 8.95 Endocavity Latex Transducer Covers A new, soft, nonlatex polyethylene probe cover pre-gelled with Aquasonic® 100 gel inside. Fits most endocavity probes. 100 per box. Cat. No. 38-01 38-03 Size 2.5/1.75” x 9.5” 3.25/1.69” x 9.5” Box 63.00 78.00 Latex Ultrasound Probe Covers FOR REA L The 3.5 x 20cm rolled latex cover provides protection from cross contamination in all types of endocavity applications. Fits most endocavity transducers. Individually packaged with elastic bands. fits Acoustic Imaging, Hewlett-Packard, Shimadzu, Siemens, Toshiba, others. Cat. No. 610-010 N/S Packaging 1.4"x7.9"; each Each 1.20 Cat. No. 610-214 Sterile Packaging 1.4"x7.9"; each Each 1.95 SAVING S Great Prices Cat. No. 10001 20001 25001 10095 Packaging Latex; 100/bx Latex-free; 100/bx Latex-free; 100/bx Elastic bands; 100/bg Price 29.99 66.50 85.50 23.50 Condoms Regular. Great for ICI procedures. civco Endocavity Accessories 8. 99 per roll Fits Printer Model No. Description Price/ea UP811, UP850, Standard Grade; 110mm x 20m 8.99 UP870MD 270 prints per roll; 1/ea, 10rl/bx UP850, UP870MD Highly Advanced B/W; 1/ea, 5rl/bx 18.99 UP890MD, UP895MD 110mm x 18m; 240 prints/roll UP850, UP870MD, UP890MD High Density; 110mm x 20m 17.99 UP895MD, UPD897 270 prints/roll; 1/ea, 5rl/bx UP895MD. UPD897 High Gloss; 110mm x 20m; 1/ea, 5rl/bx 18.99 UP21MD, UP-D21MD, Sheet size: 5.75”x4”; Print size: 3.6”x5” 149.00 UP-D23MD Color Sheet; 200/pk; Long U P-51MD (u) Color Print Pack; 200 prints/ea pk 239.00 UP-DR80MD Size; A4 Color, 1pk(2rl-100prnt/2 ribbon) 210.00 UP5000, UP5000W, Color Paper; (100 prints & 1 ribbon 109.50 UP5050, UP5200MD, cartridge per ea pack) priced/pk UP5250MD/MDe UP5600(MD), UP5650MD Color Paper; 200 prints/pk; priced/pk 239.00 Bag 15.95 24.50 Generic Sony Imaging Paper High density ThermaFilm® for your Sony black/white printer. Excellent results. Cat. No. UPP-110S/1 UPP-110HD UPP-110HG Fits Printer Model No. Description Price/ea UP701, UP811 Standard Grade; 110mm x 20m 6.99 UP850, UP870MD UPP-110S/4; 1/ea, 5/bx UP 850, UP870MD High Density; 110mm x 20m 11.95 UP890MD 1/ea, 5/bx UP895 (MD). UP897 High Gloss; 110mm x 20m; 1/ea, 5rl/bx 11.95 mitsubishi Cat. No. K-61S M-K61B M-K65HM M-K91HG M-K95HG P95DW CK-700 PK-700L PK-700S Fits Printer Model No. Description P-40U, P-50U, P-51U, P-60U, Standard Grade; 110mm x 20m; P-61U, P-63UM, P-65U, 1/bx, 4/cs P67U, P90U, P91U/W, P93W P40U, P50U, P63UM, P65U, Super Grade; 110mm x 20m; P67UA, P68U, P90U, P91DW 1/bx, 4/cs P91W, P93DW, P93W, P95DW P-40U, P-60U, P-63UM, High Density; 110mm x 20m; P-65U, P-67U, P-90U, 1/bx, 4/cs; BLUE print P-91U, P-91W, P-93W P40U, P60U, P63UM, P65U, High Gloss; 110mm x 20m; 1/bx, 4/cs P67U, P90U, P91U, P91W, P93 P91DW, P93DW, P93W, High Gloss; 110mm x 20m; 1/bx, 5/cs Price/ea 7.45 18.75 , 18.99 18.75 19.55 CP-700U Series Printer roll paper; 1/bx, 10/cs; 36.50 CP-700U Series (Large) CP-700U Series (Regular) Ink Ribbon; image size 3-3/4" x 5-1/16" Ink Ribbon; image size 2-7/8" x 3-7/8" 51.00 51.00 need ink ribbon PK-700 series below Bulk Packaged Endocavity Latex Transducer Covers Bulk packaged in protective lightsensitive bags for extended shelf life. Fits most endocavity transducers. Rolled for easy application. Economically priced. Elastic bands not included. FOR REA L SAVING S Most Popula r by far ! fits Acuson, Acoustic Imaging, Aloka, HewlettPackard, Hitachi, Shimadzu, Siemens, Toshiba, others. Elastic bands and rubber O-rings help secure probe covers to transducers. Great accessories for your ultrasound needs. $ Imaging Paper sheathes Precisionfit-protectsultrasoundprobes,transducers with maximum strength, and with maximum thinness. Dispenser pack protects from harmful U.V. light. Provides clean, safe storage. Low, economical price. #25001 has paper backing. Packaging Elastic bands; 500/bg O-Rings; 100/bg Cat. No. S-UPP110S S-UPP110HA S-UPP110HD S-UPP110HG UPC-21L UPC-510 UPC-R81MD S-UPC5010A UPC-5510 SAVING S as low as Parker lab civco Cat. No. 610-252 610-145 Imaging Paper FOR REA L Cat. No. LS-144 Packaging LifeStyles®; 144/bx Box 78.95 Cat. No. 610-249 Packaging Non-Sterile (1.4” x 7.9”); 100/bg 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Bag 26.50 FOR REA L parker lab $ Aquasonic 100 ® SAVING S as low as 21. 95 per 5 L iter Ultrasound Transmission Gel The original, most widely used gel for diagnostic and therapeutic medical ultrasound. Recommended for Ob/Gyn, Cardiology, Doppler, and Real Time procedures. Great for lazers too! Ultrasound Gels , Fetal Monitoring Products Fetal Monitoring Straps Designed for maximum patient comfort and stable positioning for accurate monitoring. Products for all makes and models of Abdominal Transducers & Leg Plates including Burdick, Corometrics, Graphic Controls, and Hewlett-Packard. 200-883 HP100 200-884 Corometrics (G.E.) Cat. No. Size & Packaging 01-08 0.25 liter disp.; 1/ea 01-20 20gm Singles; 48/bx, 6bx/cs 01-50 5 liter w/disp.; 1/bx Price 2.49 21.75 21.95 Mfr. No. Cat. No. 1000-48 200-205 14328A 290-190 1500-0643 1500-0643 M1569A M1569A M2208A HP100 M2208A M2208A Aquasonic Clear® Clear Ultrasound Transmission Gel CLEAR ultrasound gel. Based on the Aquasonic®100 Ultrasound Transmission Gel, this one without perfume or color. Description Reusable transducer belt; spandex mesh w/finished ends; white; 2/set; 2”x52” Reusable transducer belt; 1 pink, 1 blue; w/velcro tabs; 1.50” x 40” Reusable transducer belt; 1 pink, 1 blue; w/velcro tabs, 2/set; 1.50” x 40.5” Reusable transducer belt; 1 pink, 1 blue; w/velcro tabs; 1.50” x 40” Disposable foam abdominal belt w/velcro tabs; 1.50” x 48” (E9005BB) Velcro Transducer Belt; 10/box (5-blue & 5-green tabs) = 4425CA0 Size & Packaging 0.25 liter disp.; 1/ea, 12/bx 5 liter w/disp.; 1/bx, 4/cs Fetal Monitoring Paper Price/ea 2.45 22.95 Ultrasound Gel •High viscosity gel •Salt-free, formaldehyde-free and latex-free formula and is odorless, water soluble and non-irritating Cat. No. Size & Packaging D-1241 0.25 liter disp.; 1/ea, 12/bx D-1243 5 liter w/disp.; 1/bx, 4/cs Price/ea 2.15 19.95 parker lab Thermasonic® Gel Warmer Hospital grade plug and power cord. 120v. Maintains constant temperature. Low electrical demand. Heat Indicator Lamp. Adjustable thermostat (multi-bottle unit only) Illuminated power ON/OFF switch (multi-bottle unit only) Description (1) Bottle Gel warmer (3) Bottle Gel warmer Description Elastic leg strap w/button holes; white; 1-3/16” x 25” Disposable foam abdominal belt w/velcro tabs; 1.50” x 48” Brown fetal belt w/button hole; 2-3/8” x 50 feet roll per box Buttons Only for fetal straps; 10/bx Reusable transducer belt w/buttonholes; striped, 1 ea pink & blue; 2-3/8”x 42” Reusable transducer belt w/buttonholes; 2 ea, yellow; 2-3/8”x 52” (M1351A) FOR REA L dynarex Cat. No. 82-01 82-03 Cat. No. 200-883 200-884 E9005BA 200-884 290-190 E9005B Price 6.70 4.95 2.50 4.95 1.25 37.50 Hewlett-Packard (Philips Medical) parker lab Cat. No. 03-08 03-50 Mfr. No. 4425AAO 4425CAO 4425FAO 600-40-100 8024AAO E9005B Price 119.00 199.00 corometrics / g.e. Mfg Chart # Cat. No. 4303(AAO) B4303A 4305(AAO) B4305AAO =(E9005HM) 4482AAO E9005J 4483(AAO) 4483AA0 4483BAO 4483BAO B4528BAO 8350-8002 B5231(AAO) 5231AAO 4305(CAO) E9005HP 4305(DAO) E9005HR Grid Color Size Green 152mm x 47’ Red 152mm x 47’ Red 80mm cassette Red 140mm x 142’ Red 140mm x 130’ Brown 92mm x 100’ Red 130mm x 49’ Red 152mm x 47’ Red 152mm x 47’ EDAN. Mfg Grid Chart # Cat. No. Color Size MS1R-01921 MS1R-01921 Red 112mm x 45’ hewlett-packard / phillips Mfg Chart # Cat. No. 40470A 9270-0485 4650-9587 B4303A 4650-9656 B4305AAO 9270-0484 9270-0484 9270-0485 9270-0485 M1910A M1910A Grid Color Size Green 151mm x 49’ Green 152mm x 47’ Red 152mm x 47’ Green 151mm x 49’ Red 151mm x 49’ Orange 150mm x 49’ Price 1.49 1.25 46.00 6.95 2.80 2.99 SAVING S as low as $ 1eac.h89 FHR / UA Scales Notes 30-240/0-100 fits 111, 112 30-240/0-100 fits 115, 116, 118, 120, 150, 151, 170, 171, 172 60-180 fits 140 30-240/0-100 fits 140, 145, 155; G.E.’s #E9005JA 50-210/0-100 fits 145, 155 50-210/0-100 fits 145 n/a no further information 30-240/0-100 120, 126, 128, 129, 170 50-210/0-100 120, 126, 128, 129, 170 Rl/Pd Rl/Pd / bx / cs Each 1 40 3.35 1 40 1.89 1 12 25.50 1 40 5.95 1 6 27.95 5.25 10 10 1 40 5.95 1 40 3.49 1 40 3.49 FHR / UA Scales Notes 30-240/0-100 fits Cadence Monitor Rl/Pd Rl/Pd / bx / cs Each 1 10 4.50 FHR / UA Rl/Pd Rl/Pd Scales Notes / bx / cs Each 1.99 50-210/0-100 fits 8025A/B; 8030/1/2A, 1 40 8232A/B, 8040/1A 30-240/0-100 fits 111, 112 1 40 3.35 30-240/0-100 fits 115, 116, 118, 120, 1 40 1.89 150, 151, 170 50-210/0-100 fits 8025A/B; 8030/1/2A, 1 40 3.75 8232A/B, 8040/1A 30-240/0-100 fits 8025A/B; 8030/1/2A, 1 40 1.99 8232A/B, 8040/1A 30-240/0-100 AM67, HP50 SERIES 1 40 3.25 M1350A, M1351A, M1353A 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Underpads, Incontinence, Treatment Room Supplies Lubricating Jelly harmonie Disposable Underpads DYNAREX (similar to CHUX pads) Sterile Lubricating Jelly Waterproof poly backing to prevent leakage. Locks moisture away from skin. Super absorbent. Ideal for office use. Two convenient sizes. Cat. No. HM-350 HM-352 Description 17” x 24”; 25/pk, 12pk/cs 23” x 36”; 25/pk, 6pk/cs FOR REA L 4 oz Tube, with flip-top cap SAVING S as low as $ 4. 25 Price/pk 4.25 8.50 per pac k tidi dynarex Disposable Underpads Disposable Underpads Blue. waterproof poly backing to prevent leakage. And super absorbent! Ideal! Three convenient sizes. Blue. Waterproof with poly backing to prevent leakage. Super absorbent. Locks moisture away from skin. Fluff filled! Tissue Underpads Cat. No. 16650 16651 16652 Description 17” x 24”; 50/pk, 6pk/cs 24” x 36”; 50/pk, 3pk/cs 23” x 24”; 50/pk, 4pk/cs •Does not contain chlorhexidine- gluconate (CHG) •Lubricates orifices, preventing friction that can tear delicate tissue •Water soluble (for easy clean-up) •Non-staining; non-greasy •Leaves no tacky residue Cat. No. D-1254 FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 1. 75 per tub e Description 4oz.; Sterile; 12tbs/bx Price/tb 1.75 fougera Price/pk 6.25 12.95 9.50 Surgical Lubricant Jelly Sterile and bacteriostatic. Non-irritating. #0205-36 w/screw top; #0205-37 w/flip-top cap. Fluff-Filled Underpads Cat. No. 16660 16661 16662 Description 17” x 24”; 50/pk, 6pk/cs 23” x 24”; 50/pk, 4pk/cs 23” x 36”; 50/pk, 3pk/cs covidien / DYNAREX Urine Specimen Containers Price/pk 8.65 12.85 8.50 FOR REA L $ 2per3. case Description 4oz. Sterile, 100/cs 4oz. N/S, 500/cs 4oz. N/S, 100/cs 99 Case 29.95 55.95 23.99 Toilet Seat Covers 100% flushable, 100% recycled paper. A very cost-effective, sanitary method of meeting personal hygiene needs. Cat. No. 0205-43 0205-45 0205-36 0205-37 Description 3g foilpac; 144/bx 5g foilpac; 144/bx 4-1/4oz tube; Screw-cap 4-1/4oz tube; flip top Price 30.95 30.25 3.75 3.75 Sterile, 5 oz Tube, with flip-top cap Cat. No. Description GREEN-5000 Toilet Seat Covers; 250/pk HG-1-2 Dispenser; 1/ea Price 6.25 10.35 kendall Clear, water-soluble, non-irritating lubricant. Compatible with natural and synthetic substances...the international choice for a non-sterile lubricating gel. Urine Collection “Hats” The look and feel of real underwear with outstanding incontinence protection. Cloth-like backing for comfort and dignity. Tear away sides offer easy removal. ContainS Poly-Fresh polymer for optimum absorbency and odor control. Large 44”-54”. health gards Aquagel® Lubricating Gel SureCareTM Protective Underware Description SureCare™ Large; 18/cs Price/pk 9.95 15.65 9.50 parker kendall Cat. No. KEN-1603 Description 17” x 24”; 100/pk, 3pk/cs 23” x 24”; 100/pk, 2pk/cs 23” x 36”; 50/pk, 3pk/cs SAVING S as low as Sterile or non-sterile, 4 oz Polypropylene, graduated in oz., ml. and cc. Leakproof screw cap. Meets the NCCLS Specimen Handling Guidelines. Cat. No. 207026 207034 122190 Cat. No. D-1341 D-1342 D-1343 Box 27.50 Ideal collection unit for samples of urine, stool, or kidney stone. Wide lip and firm base. White plastic. Placed under toilet seat cover. Cat. No. Description SG-2500SA Collectors w/o Lids •Convenient flip cap •For hospital, medical and personal use •Non-runny, viscous gel •Not a contraceptive •Hypoallergenic, bacteriostatic Price 1.95 Cat. No. 57-05 57-20 Description 5oz.; 20ea/bx 2-Liter w/pump; 1/ea 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price/ea 1.35 18.95 Pregnancy Tests, Strep-A Tests quidel beckman coulter QuickVue® Urine HCG Icon® 25 hCG •Simple, one-step process for reliability •3-minute result with urine; 5-minute result with serum •Requires just 3 drops of specimen •25 mIU/mL sensitivity with>99% specificity •Room temperature storage, long self life •CLIA waived for urine, moderate for serum •Easy and accurate •Built-in Controls •Room temperature storage •Results in 3 minutes •25mIU sensitivity •99% specificity •99% sensitivity •3-drop urine sample •Very economical •One-step test •CLIA waived Cat. No. 43025 FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 2. 39 per tes t Description ICON 25 hCG.; 25/bx Price 59.95 25.50 $ 1. 82 per tes t diagnostic test group diagnostic test group Urine and Combo Cassettes Dipstick Strips Clarity Pregnancy Tests Clarity Pregnancy Test Strips •CLIA waived when using urine only •Overall accuracy over 99% FOR REA L SAVIN GS •Sensitivity 20mL U/mL as low as •Specificity 100% •One step •Made in USA per tes t •Combo cassette can be used with urine and serum •100% satisfaction guaranteed 1. Description Urine; 25/kit hCG Control Set; (+&-) SAVING S as low as Box 45.50 $ Cat. No. Q-20109 Q-0272 FOR REA L 08 •Dipstick style •Sensitivity 20mL u/ml •Specificity 100% •CLIA wavied •99% overall accuracy •100% satisfaction guaranteed FOR REA L SAVING S as low as .p6er 7 ¢ test henry schein hCG Pregnancy Tests •99.9% accurate at thresholds of 25 mlU/mL •Dipstick or Cassette for urine only •Fast - Results confirmed in minutes! •Built-in procedural controls •Room temperature storage •Up to 18-month shelf life •CLIA waived FOR REA L SAVING S as low as .p8er 0 test Description Cassette Style; 25/bx Cassette Style; 100/bx Dipstick Style Description hCG Urine; 50/bx hCG Urine/Serum; 50/bx Box 53.99 53.99 Description Dipstick Style; 25/bx Box 29.50 113.00 Box 19.95 New Account Set-up Quick & Easy! just call 1-800-727-8885 it’ll take just a minute or two! Description hCG Test Strips; 50/bx hCG Test Strips; 100/bx quidel QuickVue® In-Line Strep-A CPT Code: 86588QW Cat. No. 868040 Description Dipstick Style; 25/bx FOR REA L SAVING S as low as Has the Sensitivity and Efficiency in Detecting Strep on the first visit. FOR REAL SA VINGS as low •CLIA waived as •95% overall accuracy in rate and 1+ colonies vs culture (gold standard) •Easy to read test results in less than 5 minutes •Internal and external controls included in each kit •Long shelf life •Room temperature storage Box 36.50 67.50 Simple One-Step Test for the Office! Clarity Strep “A” Strips Cassette Style Cat. No. IMM25D Cat. No. 868020 868025 diagnostic test group ¢ Cat. No. 818-9243 818-0220 Cat. No. 868015 HCG-100 $ 4. 28 per tes t $ 1. 70 per tes t •In-line antigen extraction •Clear readability with two color results •Results in just 5 minutes •Built-in controls •Pos. & neg. external controls included •96% accuracy gives you dependable results •Room temperture storage •Sensitivity 92%, Specificity 99% Box 42.50 Cat. No. QD-0343 Description Strep A test; 25/box 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Box 107.00 Urine Strips, Fecal Occult bayer Urofast Urine Strips ® Selected Multistix and Uristix Reagent Strips for Urinalysis. Strips are ready-to-use and entirely disposable. Dip and read visually for results. 100/box. FOR REA L propper biotron Multistix® Seracult® Fecal Occult Blood Tests With Controls on the Bottle! Consistent quality and reliable accuracy add up to real value! Made in the U.S.A. Save a bundle! 100/box. FOR REA L SAVING S a Real B argin $32. 50 #05810 0 SAVING S as low as $49. 50 Ideal for in-vitro diagnosis of colorectal cancer #2161 Cat. No. 2161 2166 2184 Seracult® Description MULTISTIX 10 SG, Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, and Leukocytes URISTIX 4, Glucose, Protein, Nitrite, and Leukocytes URISTIX, Protein and Glucose Price 49.50 34.50 29.95 Cat. No. 58100 53100 11.95 Consistent quality and reliable accuracy. Private label brand. Save a bundle! 100/box. Chemstrip® Multitest strips have large, easy-to-read test zones and helps keep hands clear of specimen. 100/box. FOR REA L atible Comp mens w/Sie ine c a M h Cat. No. Description 900-10-IMC URINE SCREEN 10 SG Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Blood, SG, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite & Leukocytes 900-2-IMC URINE SCREEN 2 Protein, Glucose SAVING S as low as $ 43. 00 chemst rip 5 QUIDEL Price 32.50 Urine Test Strips roche Cat. No. 417145 417109 183647 200743 Description UROFAST 10 SG, Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Blood, SG, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, and Leukocytes UROFAST 2 Compare to Uristix® Protein, Glucose Description CHEMSTRIP 10 SG Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, and Leukocytes CHEMSTRIP 9 Glucose, Bilirubin, pH, Ketone, Blood, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, and Leukocytes CHEMSTRIP 5 THE OB Glucose, Blood, Protein, Nitrite, and Leukocytes CHEMSTRIP 2 GP, Glucose, Protein Price 69.00 Price 26.95 8.74 UrinChek® 10+ SG 43.00 36.50 Cat. No. 374001 379015 .p4er 5 ¢ test Description 100 Single Slides, 2-15mL btls developer 100 applicators Mailing Kits: 1 triple slide, 2 applicators & a U.S. Postal approved Mailing envelope. Packed in 790-25 2 bxs of 40 tests ea & 2-15mL developers 80 tests total Seracult® Plus™ Description 100 Single Slides, 2-15ml btls developer 100 applicators Developer; 15mL SAVING S as low as Price 44.95 136.00 Price 47.00 2.75 beckman coulter Hemoccult® II For the detection of fecal occult blood Cat. No. 60151 62115 Description 100 Single Slides, 2-15mL btls developer 100 applicators Developer; 15mL Price 83.50 6.95 Hemoccult® Sensa™ beckman coulter 67.50 Cat. No. 371001 372007 FOR REA L Test for: Specific Gravity, Nitrite, pH,Protein, Glucose, Ketones, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin, Blood, & Leukocytes, and microscopic tests that help to screen for urinary tract infections, kidney disease, and diseases of other organs. Included with each box is a color chart and 100 report sheets, plus the addition of an ascorbic acid pad to identify the presence of vitamin C.. Cat. No. QD-20104 Description UrinChex 10SG Price 71.25 For enhanced detection of fecal occult blood Cat. No. 64151 64115 Description 100 Single Slides, 2-15mL btls developer 100 applicators Developer; 15mL 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price 97.50 6.95 Diagnostic Testing Products jant pharmacal orasure technologies Uriscreen® UTI Rapid screen for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Test for bacteriuria and presence of somatic cells in urine OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV 1/2 Antibody Test Ideally suited for practices routinely screening prenatal and STD patients for HIV •Greater than 99% accuracy •Results in just 20 minutes •The only FDA-approved rapid test for: -HIV-1 and HIV-2 -Oral Fluid -Fingerstick Whole Blood -Venipuncture Whole Blood -Plasma •CLIA Waived • Visual results within 2 minutes • Easy to use; requires no instrumentation • Improved performance over routine urinalysis (NPV of 95%) • Exceptionally sensitive for low bacterial counts (5x104 CFU/mL at 93% sensitivity) • Efficient way to screen out negative specimens and determine need for further testing • CLIA waived Cat. No. 1001-0079 Cat. No. ID601 genzyme CPT Code: 81007QW Description UTI; 20test/bx Box 31.95 Description HIV Test Kit; 25/box Box 423.00 G. vaginalis Test genzyme Urinary Albumin Test The OSOM® ImmunoDip® Urinary Albumin Test detects the presence of elevated levels of albumin in urine to aid in the diagnosis of microalbuminuria. Microalbumin controls are also available (Item # SM-252). FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 5. 58 The OSOM® BVBLUE Test detects elevated vaginal fluid sialidase activity, an enzyme produced by bacterial pathogens associated with Bacterial Vaginosis including Gardnerella, Bacteroides, Prevotella and Mobilincus. •Sensitivity - 90% vs. Gram Stain •More sensitive and specific than wet mount •1 minute hands-on-time •Instant color change provides clear easy-to-read results Cat. No. 183 Pkg 25/box per tes t FOR REA L Vaginal pH Testing Description (25/bx) Urinary Albumin Test Box 139.50 Quidel Chlamydia Test •Rapid antigen test •Built-in controls, external controls included in kit •Just two reagents required •Results in 10 minutes •No additional equipment necessary •Room temperture storage •Sensitivity 92% • Specificity 97% CLIA - Moderate CPT Code: 86317 Description Chlamydia Kit; 25/box Description Determination: 4.5 - 7.5 pH testing Each 10.75 genzyme OSOM® Trichomonas Rapid Test A rapid test for the detection of Trichomonas Vaginalis. The OSOM® Trichomonas Rapid Test is an immunochromatographic assay that detects pathogen antigens directly from vaginal swabs. Easy-to-read two color results. •Easy - to - Run - Dipstick simple, one reagent. •Accurate - 95% agreement against Composite Reference Standard (culture and wet mount). •Fast - Results in approximately 10 minutes. •Flexible - Requires minimal training and lab personnel. •Room Temperature Storage - Long shelf life Specimen taken from Endocervical swab or cytology brush Cat. No. QD-B006 pH color change could be associated with the following conditions: Normal Vaginal pH, Bacterial Vaginitis, Normal, Low or No Borderline Serum Estradiol, Predominant Iactobacilli, Possible Yeast Overgrowth. Strip is 15 feet long. Determination: 4.5 - 7.5 Cat. No. PH-334 SAVING S Great B uy! micro essential lab Cat. No. 790-25 Box 269.00 Box 315.00 Cat. No. 181 Description Trichomonas Test Kit; 25/box Box 292.00 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Flu A&B Test, Diabetes Testing, Hemoglobin, A1C, RSV genzyme roche OSOM Influenza A & B ® Cat. No. 190 A1C Now Monitor CoaguChek XS System The A1c Now monitor measures hemoglobin A1c (glycated hemoglobin) which translates into the average Glucose level over the last 2 to 3 months. On Site PT/INR Testing Kit & Lancets Description Flu A&B Test; 25/bx Box 325.00 orion Uricult® CLED/EMB bayer ® • Differentiates between Influenza A and B • Easy to read, 3 distinct lines • Nasal swab specimens • 2 extra test sticks for external QC testing • Less than 1 minute hands on time, results in 10 minutes • Room temperature storage FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 2. 35 per tes t • Results in just five minutes • Simple, 3-step procedure • Proven lab accuracy at 99% • CLIA waived • NGSP certified The next generation in POC PT/INR testing, the new CoaguChek XS System uses exclusive smart technology to help ensure accurate results, and offers the flexibility and control that healthcare professionals need to confidently manage a wide range of anticoagulated patients. Cat. No. MET-03015 Cat. No. 5019427001 315160 4348150001 Countor Breeze 2 Description CoaguChek “XS” System PT Test Strip Kit; 48/bx Lancets; 200/bx Price 1,495.00 305.00 75.50 roche Accu-Chek® Test Strips • Accurate rapid detection of UTI • Just dip or apply a few drops of urine to each URICULT Culture-Paddle side • Incubate at 34° - 38° C for 18 to 24 hours • Interpret by comparing to package insert for colony counts or color reference chart • Sensitivity and specificity 98% • CLIA moderately complex Cat. No. MTC-1000 Description Uricult; 10/bx Box 23.50 10310 Description 10/Box Box 126.00 bayer Testing made easy for self-monitoring and management of blood glucose. The easy-to-load disc has 10 tests in 1 disc for no individual strip handling, and individually sealed strips for protection. Just pull and test for accurate results in 5 seconds.* With 420 test memory and 4 selectable averages. Ease-of-use commendation by the Arthritis Foundation. Cat. No. 1440 1467 Description Breeze 2 Monitoring System Autodisk Test Breeze2 50/pk Box 44.50 36.85 1229186 usi Dispette 2 stanbio Sedimentation Rate Kit Modified Westergren sed-rate. CLIA waived. Dispette 2 is safer and easier to use - results in one hour. Pre-filled (0.25ml of 0.9% saline) reservoir eliminates the need to add a diluent - a real time saver! Kit includes 100 pipette tubes and 100 pre-filled reservoirs with pierceable caps. Cat. No. H1600 P500 10 Description Dispette 2 Kit; 100/bx Plastic pipettes, 500/bx Box 69.00 26.95 STAT-Site M 422369 For use with Accu-Chex® Active® Meter 30365 For use with Accu-Chex® Advantage and Accu-Chex® Comfort Curve® Meters Cat. No. Description 1229186 Compact Strip; 3pk of 17 30365 Comfort-Curve Strips; 50/bx 422369 Active Test Strips; 50/bx 10310 Aviva Plus Strips; 50/bx Price 57.35 51.95 41.95 49.95 • Portable battery operated, portable analyzer. • Fast Results provides precise hemoglobin analysis in seconds using a single drop of blood. • Simple Hemoglobin testing is quick & easy • Smart Self-prompting graphic guide you through the simple test procedure. • Recall Feature a “Last Result” feature that allows you to recall the last hemoglobin result. • Advanced state of the art electronics designed for optimum performance & reliability. • Low Maintenance virtually maintence free. Cat. No. 900900 901025 Description Hemoglobin Hemosite Meter Test Cards; 100/bx (4 X 25) 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price 203.00 124.00 Surgical Instruments, Fetal Dopplers Tischler miltex / premier Cervical Biopsy Punch Cervical Biopsy Punch Forceps, 9-3/4” or 7-7/8” shaft, 6 x 3x 1/5 mm bite. Baby Tischler, 4.2 x 2.3 mm bite. FOR REA L $ Fetal Dopplers L250 9” (22.9 cm) shafts are interchangeable on Pistol Grip Spring Handles 28-400 = Pistol Grip Handle Only SAVING S as low as 29e 9. 00 ach Cat. No. M-30-1442 9086420 9086430 summit Rotating Shaft miltex Uterine Biopsy Forceps Description Miltex Tischler; 9-3/4” shaft Premier Tischler; 7-7/8” shaft Premier Baby Tischler; 7-7/8” shaft Each 699.00 299.00 299.00 #30-1491 = KevorkianYounge biopsy forceps, 3.5 x 8 mm bite, teeth on lower jaw FOR REA L $ miltex / premier #30-1495 = Tischler biopsy forceps, 3 x 7 mm bite 9-1/2” (24.1 cm) shaft, 3.5 8 mm bite, teeth on lower jaw. 100% German. Cat. No. M-28-400 M-30-1491 M-30-1493 M-30-1495 Description Pistol grip handle only Kevorkian shaft only Eppendorfer shaft only Tischler shaft only Each 339.00 399.00 399.00 449.00 miltex / premier Cat. No. Description M-30-1482 Miltex - Kevorkian 9086440 Premier - Kevorkian Each 599.00 299.00 miltex SAVING S as low as 64e 9. 00 ach #30-1493 = Eppendorfer-Krause biopsy forceps, oval 4.5 x 6.5 mm bite Kevorkian-Younge Uterine Biopsy Forceps The L250 features a display unit with superior sound quality, extended battery life, enhanced probe sensitivity, interchangeable probes, and a one-year full warranty. The large informative display shows battery life, signal quality, and extended 50 to 220 bpm heart rate. Specify 2 or 3MHz probe. Cat. No. L250 K180 Description OB/GYN Doppler w/1 probe ABI Report Forms 150/pk Price 649.00 49.95 Coren® PS Disposable Ear Piercer Quick yet painless method for piercing ears. Complete with instructions. Easy to use. Burke Cervical Biopsy Punch FOR REA L Burke (Modified Baby Tischler) Cervical Biopsy Punch Forceps is 7-3/4” (19.7 cm) shaft, 4.5 x 3 x 1.5 mm bite $ SAVING S as low as 5per6. 95 box Townsend “Mini-Bite” Biopsy Punch Cervical Biopsy Punch Forceps, 7-1/2” (19.1cm) shaft, 4.2 x 2.3 x 1 mm bite with locking mechanism Cat. No. Description M-30-1443 Miltex Burke biopsy 9086410 Premier Burke biopsy Cat. No. Description M-30-1445 Townsend biopsy punch Each 699.00 Each 699.00 299.00 GYNIUS PUNCH ® BIOPSY Kevorkian-Younge FOR REA L SAVING S as low as Endocervical Biopsy Curette $ 3eac.h90 12” (30.5 cm), Loop Size: 3 x 12 mm, With or Without Basket Packaging (6pairs/box) 24k gold Stud Box 56.95 obg products kencap ltd miltex / premier Cat. No. NEM-571 OB-GYN Wheel Covenient Pocket Size Devices Includes: •Pregnancy Wheel •Measuring tape •All essential OB/GYN data on tape. This is loaded with information! Single Use Gynius Punch® Biopsy Punch Cat. No. M-30-1382 M-30-1383 1030330 1030331 1030332 1030333 Description Biopsy curette w/basket Biopsy curette w/o basket Premier-malleable w/o basket Premier-malleable w/basket Premier-rigid w/o basket Premier-rigid w/basket Each 77.50 71.50 53.50 71.50 54.50 69.50 Single use disposable with stainless steel head to assures 100% Sterility clean, fast and accurate cutting and reduces the dangers of contamination. 228mm (11”) long, Actual Bite Size: 5mm. Autoclavable. Cat. No. 5355 5350 Description Sterile, 1/ea, 50/box Non-Sterile, 1/ea, 100/box Each 4.75 3.90 Cat. No. OBG-1000 Description Pregnancy Wheel 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Each 17.95 11 Endometrial Samplers, HSG Cathether, Cannula FOR RE AL bioteque medgyn Ultra Catheter Set EndoSampler for Sonohysterography The simple, cost effective method to examine the uterus using ultra sound. Sterile. •Introducer sheath facilitates insertion into cervical Os with minimal trauma •5fr catheter size allows easy placement of ultra sound probe •7cm marker provides excellent location of catheter tip in uterus •Balloonless catheter is ideal for most patients •Ideal for postmenopausal patients with stenotic cervical canals as well as for many nulliparous patients FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 7eac.h95 Set Contains: One 5fr balloonless catheter with female luer lock. It’s 32cm in length and has a guide marker 7cm from distal tip; guide sheath 17.5cm in length allows easy insertion of the catheter into the cervical Os. Cat. No. 06-405F Description Ultra Catheter Set; each Each 7.95 HSG Catheter Set For Hysterosalpingography or Sonohysterography. Maximum Balloon Control for Endometrial or Endocervical Placement FOR REA L Cat. No. MD-272 $ as low as 1p9e 9. 00 r box Description Endosampler 3mm cannula Designed for controlled biopsy of the uterine mucosal lining or menstrual extraction Pipette is used for cancer screening, endometrial dating, bacterial culturing, menstrual extraction, and more. Outer diameter of only 2.6mm which makes it virtually painless to the patient. Cat. No. MD-262 Description Suction Pipette; 1/ea Each 7.49 FOR RE AL Preferred Curelle The Curelle is used to obtain a sample of the mucosal lining for histological study in cancer screening, endometrial dating or bacterial culturing. SAV as low INGS as $ 75. 50 per box Box 199.00 199.00 Endocell For Intracervical Block Disposable Endometrial Cell Sampler The Wallach endocell offers simplicity, safety and economy to the screening process for endometrial carcinoma and precancerous conditions. Using manual suction, it extracts a histological sample from the uterine mucosal lining in seconds. It is also an excellent monitor for the effects of hormonal therapy and a valuable diagnostic tool for fertility problems and uterine pathogens. It can be utilized for endometrial biopsy, suction type (code 58100) and menstrual extraction. Plastic. Description Preferred Curelle, 3mm; 25/bx 1p8e 9. 00 r box • Moldability permits easy insertion into a markedly anteverted or retroverted uterus • Less discomfort, bleeding, tissue abrasion than D & C method • Manually-generated suction provided by elastomeric seal piston plunger • Ridged, contoured finger grip for maximum control • No cervical dilation necessary in most cases • Numbered sounding marks for safety • 3.0mm outside diameter FOR REA L $ medscand Description Curelle, 3mm; 25/bx Aspiration Kit The 60cc Aspiration Kit is a device utiliazed in diagnostic and theraputic uterine evacuation and aspiration. Box 119.00 FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 8eac.h 35 • Provides simultaneous endometrial curettage and aspiration, for comprehensive specimen removal • 4, 5, or 6mm plastic cannula enables easier introduction & minimizes the possibility of perforation • When no suction pump is available, the aspiration kit is an ideal, low cost solution Description 4mm, 60cc syringe 5mm, 60cc syringe 6mm, 60cc syringe Box 189.00 SAVING S as low as 9pe3r . 00 box Endorette Endometrial Cannula ™ medgyn SAVING S as low as $ Box 75.50 The ETO Sterilized Curelle is used to obtain endometrial tissue lining and superficial layers of the uterine endometrial wall for histological study. Cat. No. MD-251 MD-252 MD-253 FOR REA L Cat. No. Description (35/box) 908015 Endometrial Cell Sampler Curelle •Physician can easily place the balloon bearing catheter through the cervix into the uterus •Easier view of the cervical Os •Minimizes patient discomfort •Ease of use allows physician to complete procedure in minimal amount of time •Placement sheath eliminates need for tenaculum •Short, rounded distal tip with side hole for contrast or saline injection •Flexible small radiopaque (5fr of 7fr) catheter reduces patient trauma •Effective in interoperative tubal lavage •Non-latex balloon •10/box; sterile 12 Each 4.95 wallach Suction Pipette Cat. No. RD003 Description (box of 10) Set w/5fr & 3cc Syringe Set w/7fr & 6cc Syringe ea bioteque Set contains: 5fr or 7fr catheter, Guide Sheath, and 3cc or 6cc Syringe Cat. No. 06-105F 06-107F 4. 95 medgyn Cat. No. M0014 SAVING S as low as $ ch Designed for obtaining clearly differentiated endometrial tissue without anesthesia, in an outpatient setting. Recommended for both pre- and post-menopausal women, for diagnostic purposes. Except for rare instances, a cervical block, dilator or tenaculum is not required. bioteque ZINNANTI SAVING S Each 8.35 8.35 8.35 The First Endometrial Cannula with Two Openings, not just one - so surface area exposed to its vacuum suction (created by pulling the piston)Promotes greater sampling accuracy and patient comfort. Comes w/6 cervical Dialators. 3.0 mm wide x 25cm length •Management of carcinomas and/or pre-cancerous abnormalities •Management of metrorrhagia or menorrhagia •Hormonal therapy and management such as estrogen replacement for menopausal symptoms and retardation of osteoporosis •Endometrial dating •Identification of uterine pathogens Cat. No. Description (25/bx) MD-5550 Endometrial cannula Box 93.00 Comes with 6 free cervical dialators per box 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Endometrial Samplers, HSG Cathether, Cannula fertility tech bioteque Morton IUI Catheter Intrauterine Insemination Catheter The TomCat is intended for the introduction of washed spermatozoa into the uterine cavity for patients with male or female factor infertility. SAV as low INGS as Cat. No. TCAT4.5 TCAT4.5WOS $ 3. 85 each Description Catheter w/syringe Catheter w/o syringe Each 4.35 3.85 cooper surgical Designed for applying injections to the cervix. Distance and tough cervical tissue can make injection difficult with standard needles. With its reinforced and extended shaft, the Potocky Needle® makes cervical application an easy procedure. The Potocky Needle attaches to a “dental Style” cartridge syringe. Fits Cartridge or Medical luer-lock syringe. FOR REA L $ Description Morton IUI Catheter Each 9.95 medgyn The Potocky Needle® • Reinfarced and extended shaft • Cartridge syringe required for needle use • Available with or without Luer Lock •Excellent memory •5 “1cm” markings completely around catheter •Quality construction, made in the USA •Sperm Assay, Embryo and LAL Tested •FDA approved Cat. No. FTR510 5. 25 each A Cervical Dilator with More than a Century of Use. Sterile, 60mm long. IUI Tomcat Catheter with or without Syringe 3 1/2 fr, 4 1/2” SAV as low INGS as $ Laminaria With Memory ® FOR RE AL FOR RE AL medgyn Flex Sound Intrauterine Sound • Sterile, Single Use Only • Gentle but firm, plastic malleable sound • Graduated in centimeters The gradual and uniform swelling of this natural substance, a by-product of seaweed, is far less traumatic than rapid dilation, making Laminaria the preferred method of gentle dilation or softening of the cervix and thus less trama for the patient. Cat. No. MD-102 MD-103 MD-104 MD-105 MD-106 Description 2± mm ; Extra Small 3± mm ; Small 4± mm ; Medium 5± mm ; Large 6± mm ; Extra Large Each 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 7.25 medgyn Laminaria Inserter 10-1/2” Curved Instrument used for insertion of Laminaria SAVING S as low as Cat. No. MD-30-720 1p1e 9. 00 r box Description 10-1/2” Inserter Each 59.00 wallach / medgyn Cat. No. MD-271 • Cartridge insertion port • Positive-grip hand holds Description Intrauterine Sound;25/bx Box 61.95 busse Amniocentesis Tray Cat. No. 6066ZH 6070ZH Description Potocky Needle; 6/bx; for cartridge Cartridge Syringe REAL SA V as low INGS as $ Price 119.00 23. 50 per tra y 67.50 sklar Needle Extenders Cat. No. 96-4190 96-4192 96-4194 96-4196 Os Locator - Identified by a single notch around the handle. It is useful for locating the external Os by gently pushing the malleable Teflon tip against the cervix. Canal Finder - Identified by a double notch around the handle. The slightly longer tip will insinuate the canal while effecting dilation. Reusable Description Needle Extender; 3” Needle Extender; 4” Needle Extender; 5” Needle Extender; 6” A Set of 3 Reusable (sterilizeable) or package of 30 (10 sets of 3) Disposable Dilators for Insinuating the Os and Relieving Cervical Stenosis. Use of a sterile, single-use tray helps prevent cross-infection, helping assure greater safty for both mother and fetus. FOR • Threaded for easy access 6066ZH = Welch Allyn # 88286 Os Cervical Dilator Set Each 51.00 56.50 56.50 59.95 Contains: 1 - 20g x 3-1/2” spinal needle with centimeter depth markings, 1 - 20cc lock-tip syringe, 1 - 5cc lock-tip syringe, 1 - 25G x 5/8” needle, 1 - 22G x 1-1/2” needle, Lidocaine hydrochloride U.S.P. 1% 5mL, 3 - 10mL prelabeled amber specimen vials, 1 prep cup, 1 - 15cm ruler, 3 swab sticks, 3 - 3”x3” gauze pads, 1 towel, 1 fenestrated drape, 1 bandage, 1 hospital wrap. Cat. No. BX-4545A Description Amniocentesis tray Each 23.50 Fundus Dilator - Identified by a triple notch around the handle. The longest of the three tips, this instrument can be passed through the entire length of the canal and will open the internal Os. Cat. No. 920019 FD-01-500 Description Os cervical dilator; 10 sets of 3 Os cervical dilator; set of 3 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price 140.00 85.00 13 Bioteque Pessaries The Oval pessary, available with or without a supporting membrane, is commonly used for a mild first-degree uterine prolapse or a cystocele. The shape inhibits its rotation in women with a history of vaginal surgery. OVAL Pessary Size Cat.No.(Without Support) Price $36.50 1 OV2.00 Size Cat.No.(With Support) 3 OV2.50 4 OV2.75 5 OV3.00 6 OV3.25 7 OV3.50 8 OV3.75 9 OV4.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OV2.00S OV2.25S OV2.50S OV2.75S OV3.00S OV3.25S OV3.50S OV3.75S OV4.00S The Dish pessary, available with or without a supporting membrane, is used to relieve the stress of a second or third-degree uterine prolapse, a cystocele, or rectocele. This pessary may also relieve stress urinary incontinence. DISH Pessary Size Cat.No.(Without Support) Price $36.50 2 OV2.25 0 DSH50 Size Cat.No.(With Support) 1 DSH55 2 DSH60 3 DSH65 4 DSH70 5 DSH75 6 DSH80 7 DSH85 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DSH50S DSH55S DSH60S DSH65S DSH70S DSH75S DSH80S DSH85S PESSAR IES $ as low as 3e6a . 50 ch Price $36.50 The Ring pessary, available with or without a supporting membrane, is primarily used for a mild first-degree uterine prolapse or a cystocele. RING Pessary Size Cat.No.(Without Support) 1 R2.00” 2 R2.25 3 R2.50 4 R2.75 5 R3.00 6 R3.25 7 R3.50 8 R3.75 9 R4.00” Size Cat.No.(With Support) 1 R2.00S 2 R2.25S 3 R2.50S 4 R2.75S 5 R3.00S 6 R3.25S 7 R3.50S 8 R3.75S 9 R4.00S CUBE Pessary Price $36.50 Size Cat.No.(With Drains) The Cube pessary, available with or without drains, may be used to relieve the symptoms of a cystocele or rectocele as well as a second or third-degree uterine prolapse. 0 1 CU25D CU29D GELLHORN Pessary (Standard & Short-Stem) Price $36.50 4 5 CU41D CU45D 6 CU50D 7 CU56D 8 CU63D 9 CU70D The Gellhorn standard and short-stem pessary with drains is used to relieve the symptoms of a cystocele or rectocele as well as a second or third-degree uterine prolapse. This pessary’s stem with knob is easily folded to facilitate insertion and removal. Size 1.5” Stem (Standard) Cat.No.(With Drains) 0 G1.50D 1 G1.75D 2 G2.00D 3 G2.25D 4 G2.50D 5 G2.75D 6 G3.00D 7 G3.25D 8 G3.50D Size 1.1” Stem (Short) Cat.No.(With Drains) 0 G1.50S 1 G1.75S 2 G2.00S 3 G2.25S 4 G2.50S 5 G2.75S 6 G3.00S 7 G3.25S 8 G3.50S The Donut pessary may be used to relieve the stress of a second or third-degree uterine prolapse, a cystocele, or rectocele. This pessary, often used by post-menopausal women, is easily compressed for insertion and removal. DONUT Pessary Price $36.50 Size Cat.No.(Without Support) 0 D2.00 GEHRUNG Pessary Price $36.50 Size Cat.No.(Without Support) 0 GH50S Price $36.50 Size Cat.No.(Without Support) Size Cat.No.(With Support) 1 D2.25 2 D2.50 3 D2.75 4 D3.00 5 D3.25 6 D3.50 7 D3.75 The malleable Gehrung pessary with a support membrane is primarily used for a significant cystocele or rectocele and may also provide relief for a second or third-degree uterine prolapse. This pessary can be manually shaped to accommodate individual problems and anatomies. 1 GH55S 2 GH60S 3 GH65S 4 GH70S 5 GH75S 6 GH80S 7 GH85S The malleable Hodge pessary, available with or without a support membrane, is commonly used for a first or mild second-degree uterine prolapse and may also relieve a cystocele. These pessaries, designed to be manually shapeable for individual fitting. HODGE Pessary 14 2 3 CU33D CU37D 0 HD65 1 HD70 2 HD75 3 HD80 4 HD85 5 HD90 6 HD95 7 HD100 0 HD65S 1 HD70S 2 HD75S 3 HD80S 4 HD85S 5 HD90S 6 HD95S 7 HD100S 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Bioteque Pessaries, Anatomical Charts, Misc Products MAR-LAND Pessary The Marland pessary, available with or without a supporting membrane, is used to relieve the symptoms of a second or third-degree uterine prolapse, a cystocele, or a rectocele. This pessary’s elevated platform may also relieve stress urinary incontinence. Price $36.50 Size Cat.No.(With Support) 2 M2.25S SHAATZ Pessary Price $36.50 Size Cat.No.(With Support) 3 M2.50S 4 M2.75S 0 SH1.50 1 SH1.75 2 SH2.00 Pack 113.00 Word Bartholin Catheter Specifically developed to treat Bartholin Gland cysts and abscess. Promotes formation of an epithelised fistula that enables cystFORorREAabscess to be drained. L SAV as low INGS as •10F; 5cc balloon, $ 95 latex each •5cm length •Uses a luer syringe to inflate, NOT a needle syringe 8 M3.75S 3 SH2.25 4 SH2.50 5 SH2.75 6 SH3.00 7 SH3.25 8 SH3.50 The Bioteque FS-1000 Ring pessary fitting set includes six of the most popular flexible ring pessaries packaged in an attractive case. This latex-free Bartholin Catheter Set contains a silicone inflatable catheter, scalpel, syinge, and needle, all needed in the treatment Bartholin gland abscesses. 6 sets per pack rusch 7 M3.50S Pessary Fitting Kit Word/Bartholin Catheter Description Word Bartholin Catheter 6 M3.25S The Shaatz pessary may relieve the symptoms of a cystocele as well as a second or third-degree uterine prolapse. Its convex shape ensures a snug fit while the drainage holes permit easy removal. bioteque Cat. No. WC-400 5 M3.00S Cat. No. FS1000 Understanding Breast Cancer Description Ring Pessary Fitting Kit Pregnancy & Birth Price 131.00 Female Reproductive System 25. Cat. No. Description 5640-00 Word Bartholin Catheter Each 25.95 All are Full color, 20”W x 26”H Flexible Laminated Anatomical Charts cooper surgical Trimo-San Vaginal Jelly Recommended for pessary wearers, Trimo-San vaginal jelly mimics the normal pH of the vagina. It helps restore and maintain normal acidity and coats the walls with a lubricant film that helps reduce odor-causing bacteria. Comes complete with applicator... FOR REA L $ Each 15.95 Cat. No. Description 9981PL1.5 Flexible Lamination FOR RE AL PILLOW PAWS StirrUp Mates® SAV as low INGS as $ 1. 05 per pair Slip-on covers for GYN stirrups. Provides the GYN patient with the ultimate in foot comfort during examinations •Warm and soft •Breathable and hygenic •Disposable •Non-slip •Machine washable •Choose Foam or Terry Cloth SAVING S as low as 2e7a . 50 ch Cat. No. MX5030 Cat. No. Description 9758PL1.5 Flexible Lamination Cat. No. Description 9001SM Mauve Foam Covers; 1pr 9002S Navy Blue Terry Covers; 1pr Price 1.05 1.35 Each 15.95 Cat. No. Description 9652PL1.5 Flexible Lamination Each 15.95 PILLOW PAWS Cuddle Caps® For Newborns Cuddle Caps keep the head of the preemie or newborn warm. They are made of a soft, latex free material, and are pink and blue striped. Beanies measure approximately 4” x 5” 2-ply beanies for extra warmth and softness. Cat. No. Description 1390 Cuddle Cap; Single ply 1391 Cuddle Cap; 2-ply Each .59¢ .63¢ 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 15 Description Trimo-San Jelly 4 oz. Each 27.50 Colposcopy, Cytology, Cryosurgery medgyn obg products T-Zone Electrode Binocular Colposcope Outstanding Quality, Compact & Precise, and Simple Operation •Nikon optics provide clear views of the cervix, vagina and vulv with 13.5x standard magnification and 10x & 18x magnifications by changeable optional eyepieces •Built-in green filter for de- tail viewing of blood vessels •Adaptable for documenta- tion: Video Camera,Video Printer, 35m Camera •Entire scope is fully adjust- able to a variety of different heights and angles •Equipped with three differ- ent illumination levels •The stable stand with caster occupies a minimum space while maintaining excep- tional stability. wallach LL-100 Cryosurgical System Alternative to Loop Electrodes The fastest freeze and defrost will make the LL100 your first choice Disposable plastic shield No digital capabilities •Loopless design •Fully adjustable to any lesion •Concave design to match Cervical shape •Superficial Transformation Zone excision •Less Cervical injury & bleeding •Faster & better healing •Electrode wire do not bend or deform Cat. No. Description OBG-2200 T-Zone Electrode; Sm Cervix 2.5cm or less OBG-2600 T-Zone Electrode; Lgr Cervix over 2.5cm CRYOSU RGERY as low as $ 23.50 Plastic Cervical Scrapers Built-in Green Filter Lever Binocular Eye Tubes Light Path Height Controller Cat. No. AL-102 Objective Lens Distance and Tilt Controller Description Model Al-102 Basic unit complete Price 5,295.00 The plastic Pap-Perfect® spatula, which is hydrophobic, enhances cell transfer to liquid. Collects an optimal specimen, which improves the detection of LSIL and more severe lesions. 500/bx. Cat. No. Description MD-11080 Cervical Scrapers Box 73.00 puritan Cytology Brushes Microscope Slides & Cover Glass FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 3. 79 CerviSoft® & Histobrush® Sterile or nonsterile Cytology collection device. Designed for specimen sampling for Pap Smear tests. Traditional brush or soft, non-abrasive foam tip. Minimizes bleeding. Tapered 7”. Cat. No. HW-2197 HW-2199 Description Foam tip, N/S; 100/bx Brush tip, N/S; 100/bx per box Cat. No. ESC-21-52 ESC-21-57 ESC-21-2222/1 16 Description Slide 3x1 plain; 72/bx Slide 3x1 frosted; 72/bx Cover Glass, 22x22mm; 1oz. Price 6.70 3.79 4.25 K.O.H. Potassium Hydroxide 10% - 30mL Cat. No. 40051492 Description 30ml; 1/ea Each 18.65 lete Each 23.50 cooper surgical Light Source 1,899. 00 comp Box 19.50 22.95 • The two triggers are the key to the LL100’s superiority. Not only do they allow the physician to independently trigger freeze or defrost functions, they provide the fastest freeze or defrost of any freezer • Maximum freeze means fewer failed procedures. The LL100’s fast freeze and fast defrost mean fast, certain application of maximum freezing power. The most powerful freezer permits a complete, tissue destroying freeze every time • Multi-procedural versatility is another important benefit. The LL100 offers the widest range of interchangeable, sterilizable cryotips of OB/GYN • You hardly notice that the freezer is between you and the patient. Lightweight, well balanced and maneuverable, the LL100 is ergonomically designed to provided full view of the targer tissue for greater precision. The extremely flexible, memory-free gas hose allows for unimpeded surgical movement • Built in safety features. The only time there is gas in the tip is when one of the triggers is pressed. Cryotips can be interchanged at any time and the stem of the freezer is insulated to protect non-target tissue • 6 lb or 20 lb cylinder. Provides approximately 80 minutes of freeze time LL-100 comes complete with instrument and 3 most popular OB/GYN tips (900202AA, 900209AA, 900215AA). Specify N2O or CO2 connector. 20lb. cylinder and cylinder cart not included. Cat. No. 900001A 900002A 901062 901060 901063 901061 901011 901050 900221AA 900211AA 900213AA 900214AA Description LL-100 w/N2O Connection LL-100 w/CO2 Connection N2O unfilled 6lb cylinder N2O unfilled 20lb cylinder CO2 unfilled 6lb cylinder CO2 unfilled 20lb cylinder Cart Carrying Case for LL-100 100 disposable plastic shields Optional Tip; Exo-Endocervical Optional Tip; Flat Optional Tip; Exocervical 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price 1,935.00 1,899.00 279.00 339.00 279.00 329.00 159.00 209.00 140.00 299.00 299.00 299.00 Electrosurgical Products, LEEP Instruments wallach premier Electrosurgical Loop Electrodes Model 2001e Electrosurgical Unit Full-Featured Electrosurgery for the Office. Ideal for Performing LLETZ, Biopsy, Cosmetic and other Non-Invasive Procedures in the Office. Compatible with most other electrosurgical units •Five (5) output modes - cut, coagulation, blend, fulguration, and bipolar •120 watts maximum power output •Patient cable monitoring •Dual-digital displays, push button control •isolated power outputs •Improved Coagulation •Automatic fault detection •Hand or foot control •Meets standard safety labels •No knobs or switches to adjust, easy to clean and disinfect Wallach’s high quality stainless steel disposable loop, ball, and square electrodes come in a single sterile package with five packages to a box. A special value brand of disposable loops is also available. Loops are interchangeable with any electrosurgical unit. 3/32” diameter shaft. Cat. No. 909003 909038 909007 909009 909011 909013 909132 909133 909134 909005 909135 909017 909131 Description (5/box) 5mm Ball 3mm Ball 10mm x 10mm Loop 20mm x 15mm Loop 15mm x 8mm Loop 20mm x 8mm Loop 20mm x 10mm Loop 10mm x 7mm Loop 15mm x 5mm Loop 0.8mm Dia. x 25.4mm Ndle 0.8mm Dia. x 16mm Ndle 10mm x 8mm Square 10mm x 10mm Square Box 58.50 53.95 73.25 83.80 73.25 73.25 83.50 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 73.25 FOR REA L premier Loop Electrodes Sterile, Single Use. 5 each/box. $ SAVING S as low as 4per9. 50 box 9006200 9006205 9006210 9006215 9006220 9006225 9006230 9006240 Cat. No. 9006501 9006505 9006530 9006525 9006535 Description Model 2001e Electrosurgical Generator; complete Hand control pencil, disposable, 5/pkg Foot control pencil, disposable, 5/pkg Dual foot controller Grounding Cable (Clamp cord assembly); each (not included with unit) premier Uncorded Disposable Dispersive Patient Pads Description 3/32” diam. shaft Loop; 10mm x 10mm Loop; 15mm x 8mm Loop; 15mm x 15mm Loop; 20mm x 8mm Loop; 20mm x 13mm Loop; 25mm x 10mm Ball; 3mm Ball; 5mm & (5” long) Needle; 6 inch Box 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 61.00 52.95 52.95 49.50 Price 2,795.00 36.95 31.75 309.00 59.00 aaron Disposable Cauteries Individually packaged sterile. Four year shelf life. Single cell Disposable Cat. No. 9006540 Description Pad; Single Cell, 5/pk Dual Cell Disposable Cat. No. 9006550 Pack 24.50 (Not for Model 2001e) Description Pad; Dual Cell, 5/pk Pack 29.95 High Temperature (2200° F), Fine Tip Cat. No. Description AA01 Cautery; fine tip; 1/ea 10/bx High Temperature (2200° F), Loop Tip Cat. No. Description AA03 Cautery; loop tip; 1/ea 10/bx Each 9.15 Each 11.25 premier premier Pre-operative Medicament. Lugol’s solution is a strong iodine contrast agent for identification of diseased tissue. 8 mL bottles with applicators or 16oz. bottles. Post-operative Medicament. 8 mL bottles with applicators or 16oz. bottles. Monsel’s solution may be applied to the surgical site following excision of diseased tissue. Lugol’s Solution Cat. No. 9006200 9006205 9006210 9006215 9006220 LE-12-251 9006225 9006230 9006240 Complete with Generator (100-120v), Power Cord, Disposable Patient Pad, Disposable Hand Control Pencil, Operating Manual. Monsel’s Solution FOR REA L $ SAVING S as low as 1e2a . 50 ch Cat. No. 9045056 637-084 Description Lugol’s; 8mL; 1/ea Lugol’s; 16oz.; 1/ea Each 6.95 41.00 Cat. No. 9045055 327-840 Description Monsel’s; 8mL; 1/ea Monsel’s; 16oz.; 1/ea 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Each 12.50 49.95 17 Aspirator, DNC Vacuum Supplies, Misc. Equipment schuco medgyn Portable Lightweight Aspirator Vacuum Supplies for DNC Procedures The Schuco-Vac 130 Aspirator has (3) bacteria and hydrophobic filters that prevent fluids and other contaminants from damaging the pump. This durable unit provides controlled vacuum regulation from 0” up to 22” Hg with a flow rate of 28 lpm. The wire basket accommodates a variety of canisters. Cat. No. SC-130 01-90-3100 S610100 614701 Disposable Collection Set The Collection Set comes with a 3/8” handle and 6 feet of tubing individually packaged and sterilized. The swival handle contains a slip ring for fingertip vacuum control. Cat. No. MD-231 Curved Open Tip graham-field Price 77.00 Cat. No. 28318302 28367902 Physician Scale The new simplicity: the seca 700 mechanical weighing station saves time and unnecessary effort when weighing and measuring. Body height and weight are measured precisely in one go. Its stability and sturdiness as well as a big, non-slip platform are in an added plus for nursing staff and patients. Measuring rod included. Capacity: 400 lbs. Description Physician Scale; white Mayo Stand Price 139.00 Digi Finger Pulse Oximeter Works the First Time, Every Time! • Patient Friendly - No anesthesia necessary • A one-hand procedure takes less than a minute • Shelf life - 2 years • Resolution Rate of 93.2% vs. liquid nitrogen at 95% • Indicated for use on 9 types of lesions Cat. No. H-30 Description Basic Kit; 80mL canister 15ea of 2mm & 5mm appl Price 313.00 Verruca-Freeze® Digi Finger Includes: Cord, 2 ‘AAA’ Batteries, Manual, and Free Protective Case Cat. No. BCI3420 Each 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 Price 53.00 41.25 • Clear, crisp, easy-to-read LCD display • Adjusts from pediatric to large adult finger sizes • Automatic On / Off - efficient no button operation • Fast, accurate SpO2 & Pulse Rate readings in less than 10 seconds! • Cleared FDA requirements for accuracy • 2 Year Warranty from manufacturer • Heavy chrome plated steel base • Stainless steel tray 19” x 12-1/2” • 2” wheel casters •Height adjustment: 33” to 52” •Mayo stand covers are poly lined Size 7mm 8mm 9mm 10mm 11mm 12mm Easily Treat Condyloma, Verruca Vulgaris & Verruca Plana, and Molluscum Contagiosum Digi Finger Pulse Oximeter Price 318.00 Straight Open Tip Cat. No. BU-133 BU-134 BU-135 BU-136 BU-137 BU-138 Histofreezer® BCI graham-field Description Mayo Stand Description Spray Kit; 2 oz.+tubes Spray Can only; 2 oz. Each 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 Price 5.95 orasure Kit contains 2 oz. spray can and 200 extension tubes. Also available in spray can only. Anesthetic provides fast, temporary relief of oral pain. seca 18 Size 6mm 7mm 8mm 9mm 10mm 11mm 12mm Hurricaine Spray Kit Adjustable from 34-1/2” to 53-1/2”. Grounded 8 ft. cord with 3 wire plug. 10-5/8” weighted polished crome base. Phamacy style shade. Ideal lamp for every office. Cat. No. 33100 Price 319.00 21.50 11.95 9.25 Cat. No. BU-278 BU-279 BU-280 BU-281 BU-282 BU-283 BU-284 Hurricaine Anesthetics Examination Floor Lamp Cat. No. SC700 Description 3/8” Collection Set Uterine Aspiration Curettes Description Aspirator, complete w/filters; 800cc canister Extra Filter; 3/pkg Extra Suction Tubing Kit (72” & 15” lenghts) Extra Disposable Canister; 800cc Cat. No. 55-1697-1 Description Digi Pulse Oximeter Price 249.50 Verruca-Freeze™ is the clinical freezing system that treats 21 superficial benign skin lesions including warts, seborrheic keratoses, skin tags, age spots and molluscum and is nonflammable, odorless and freezes lesions to an effective temperature up to -94°F (-70°C). Kits includes (1) 95ml or (1) 175mL aerosol canister, extender tube, set of 6 transparent, reusable and autoclavable limiting cones (2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12mm), CryoBuds™, extender tube, practice media, cryo insulator. Cat. No. SMK35 SMC35 TCONES BUDS BUDM BUDL Description Price Basic Kit; 95mL; 35 freezes 269.00 95mL Canister; 35 freezes 280.00 Reusable Soft-Tipped Cones; 6/set 99.50 CryoBuds Small 3mm; 30/pk 37.95 CryoBuds Medium 6mm; 30/pk 37.95 CryoBuds Large 8mm; 30/pk 49.95 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Exam Table Paper Rolls, Exam Gowns graham Exam Paper Rolls - White graham FOR REA L $ Exam Gowns SAVING S as low as Full length gown provides comfort and hygiene with special attention to modesty. Ideal and economical for the shorter use procedures. Front/Back opening. 50 gowns/cs. 2per7. 30 case GRAHAM table rolls are gentle on patients yet durable to protect any type or size of examination table from moisture, soil, or other damage. Premium or Economy, Smooth or Crepe. Premium Smooth & Crepe Rolls - white Cat. No. GR-016 GR-018 GR-002 GR-004 Size 18” x 225’, Smooth 21”x 225’, Smooth 18” x 125’, Crepe 21”x 125’, Crepe Packaging 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs Size 18” x 225’, Smooth 21”x 225’ , Smooth 18” x 125’, Crepe 21”x 125’, Crepe Packaging 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs Case 45.50 51.50 31.50 35.50 Case 41.30 47.30 27.30 31.30 Size 18” x 125’, Crepe 21”x 125’, Crepe Packaging 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs Case 61.50 59.50 Economy Smooth & Crepe Rolls - white - Avalon Cat. No. A515 A519 A613 A617 Size 18” x 200’, Smooth 21”x 200’, Smooth 18” x 125’, Crepe 21”x 125’, Crepe Packaging 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs 12 rl/cs Excellent for exams and routine office procedures. Reversible front/back opening. Economical. Cat. No. GR-221 GR-222 GR-223 Size White, 30” x 42” Blue, 30” x 42” Mauve, 30” x 42” Packaging 50/cs 50/cs 50/cs Case 29.50 33.50 35.50 Tissue-Poly-Tissue (T/P/T) Gowns A step above 3-ply gowns, these gowns contain a thin layer of poly buired between the soft tissue layers. This offers additional strength and fluid resistancy. Reversible front/back opening. Cat. No. GR-226 GR-229 Size Blue, T/P; 30” x 42” Blue,T/P/T; 30” x 42” Packaging 50/cs 50/cs Case 33.50 34.50 Cat. No. 44506 44507 Size White, T/P/T; 30” x 42” Blue,T/P/T; 30” x 42” Packaging 50/cs 50/cs Case 27.50 27.50 Reinforced Nonwoven Gown - Feels Linen Soft FabriWear™- Warm & Comfortable. Attached waist tie for comfort fit. Sewn shoulders for durability. Ideal for full body exams, rigorous procedures and extended wear. Economy Table Paper Generic brand. Buy now and save! Great quality, great, great price! Smooth or Crepe. 2per7. 50 case Economy Tissue-Poly-Tissue (T/P/T) Gowns - apex™ Tiny Tracks™ Print - Pediatric Cat. No. 37238 37239 $ SAVING S as low as Premium 3-Ply Tissue Gowns Economy Smooth & Crepe Rolls - white - apex™ Cat. No. 42531 42532 42529 42530 FOR REA L FOR REA L $ Cat. No. GR-234 2per4. 50 case Case 34.50 39.95 24.50 28.95 Packaging 50/cs Case 55.50 Economy Exam Gowns SAVING S as low as Size Blue, 30” x 42” Economy Tissue/Poly 30” x 42” - Avalon For the brief exam, these tissue/ ply gowns are a practical & popular choice. Contoured shoulders add to fit and comfort for your patient. Front/back opening. Cat. No. A821 A823 Size White, 30” x 42” Blue, 30” x 42” FOR REA L $ SAVING S as low as 2per5. 95 case Packaging 50/cs 50/cs 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Case 25.95 25.95 19 Exam Gowns, Exam Capes graham graham Exam Gowns Exam Capes X-Large Scrim Reinforced Gowns Excellent for exams and routine office procedures. Reversible front/back opening. Economical. Sewn Shoulders, waist & neck ties. Perfect for larger size patients. FOR REA L $ FOR REA L SAVING S $ 2per6. 50 case as low as 5per6. 00 case Cat. No. GR-260 Size Blue, 36” x 45” Packaging 25/cs; X-large Case 56.00 tidi Premium Gowns, T/P/T; Front/Back Open; 50/cs These highly absorbent gowns are constructed with a poly inner layer sandwiched between two layers of absorbent tissue. This design provides added strength for extended exams. Watercolors™- Lavender/mauve, for a tasteful splash of color. Size White, 30” x 42” Blue, 30” x 42” Mauve, 30” x 42” Packaging 50/cs 50/cs 50/cs A protective, tear-resistant poly layer sandwiched between two plies of tissue creates a strong, yet supple gown that gives patients confidence for extended exams. Front/back opening. 50/cs Size White, 30” x 42” Blue, 30” x 42” Packaging 50/cs 50/cs Cat. No. GR-213 20 Packaging 50/cs Case 27.50 34.50 Case 27.50 27.50 Case 45.50 Size Mauve, 30” x 21” Packaging 100/cs Case 34.50 Soft tissue inside and out with a fluid resistant layer of poly in between. Reversible front/back opening. Economical too! Cat. No. 44504 44505 Size White, 30” x 21” Blue, 30” x 21” Packaging 100/cs 100/cs Case 26.50 26.50 tidi Premium Capes, Tissue/Poly/Tissue Strong Poly layer is laminated between two layers of soft, absorbent tissue. Capes offer comfort and strength. Soft pastel colors. Front/back open. Cat. No. TI-910515 TI-910516 Size Blue, 30” x 21” Mauve, 30” x 21” Packaging 100/cs 100/cs Case 32.50 32.50 Economy Exam Capes Economy Tissue/Poly/Tissue Capes - Avalon For the brief exam, these tissue/ply/tissue capes are a practical & popular choice and economical too. Will fit your largest patients. Side or back opening. 3-ply premium T/P/T (tissue/poly/tissue). Blue. Poncho style. Size Blue, 56” x 45” Packaging 100/cs 100/cs Economy Tissue-Poly-Tissue (T/P/T) Capes Extra Large, T/P/T Gowns Cat. No. TI-910540 Size White, 30” x 21” Blue, 30” x 21” Soft tissue inside and out with a fluid resistant layer of poly in between. Durable even when wet. Reversible front/back opening. Case 33.50 33.50 33.50 Economical Gowns, T/P/T; Front/Back Open Cat. No. TI-9810846 TI-9810847 Premium 3-Ply Tissue Capes Cat. No. GR-211 GR-219 Premium Tissue-Poly-Tissue (T/P/T) Capes Tissue-Poly-Tissue Exam Gowns Cat. No. TI-910420 TI-910520 TI-910536 SAVING S as low as Cat. No. A911 A913 Size White, T/P/T, 30” x 21” Blue, T/P/T, 30” x 21” FOR REA L $ SAVING S as low as 2per3. 95 case Packaging 100/cs 100/cs 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Case 23.95 23.95 Drape Sheets, Pillowcases, Specialty Garments graham graham FabriWear™ Drape Sheets Exam Vest with Snaps Remarkably cost efficient! 2 or 3 ply wet strength. Popular sizes. FOR REA L $ Soft, linen-like texture is warm and comfortable. Opaque for privacy. Feels like real clothing. Ideal for upper body exams. Snaps offer an added sense of security. Top snap holds garment in place throughout the exam. SAVING S as low as 2per4. 50 case Cat. No. GR-218 snaps Premium All Tissue Drape Sheets Cat. No. GR-300 GR-301 48615 GR-313 GR-325 Ply 2-Ply 2-Ply 2-Ply 2-Ply 2-Ply Size Packaging White, 40” x 48” 100/cs White, 40” x 60” 100/cs Blue, 40” x 48” 100/cs Mauve, 40” x 48” 100/cs Seascape, 40” x 48” 100/cs Case 24.95 32.50 32.50 32.50 35.50 Specialty Garments Exam CoverUps™ The FLEXFIT™ Exam CoverUp is ideal for a broad range of procedures. Made of soft, opaque blue nonwoven material featuring a secure latex-free elastic band. Can be worn above the waist for complete access to neck and shoulders. For the economy minded! Remarkably cost efficient! 2 ply wet strength. This popular size does the job that’s required for most exam procedures. Ply 2-Ply Size White, 40” x 48” Packaging 100/cs Cat. No. GR-37263 Case 24.50 Mammography Cape Modesty, Comfort, Generous Size 40” x 48” - white - Avalon Generic brand. Buy now and save! Great quality, great, great price! Standard size. Cat. No. A214 Size 2-Ply, 40” x 48” Packaging Blue; 22”to 48”; 25/cs $ $ SAV as low INGS as 40. 50 per cas e These ponchos provide added modesty for all patients. The lift-up, no-armhole design allows easier access with partial body coverage. Strong scrim reinforced tissue has resealable secure fit closures and is available in two different sizes. SAVING S as low as 19. 95 Packaging 100/cs Case 36.95 FOR RE AL Economy Drape Sheets FOR REA L Case 47.50 graham Economy All Tissue Drape Sheets - apex™ Cat. No. 47258 Packaging (75/cs) Blue; 28”x 25” Cat. No. 15568 29047 Case 19.95 Packaging Blue; 56”x 26”; 25/cs Mauve; 48”x 23”; 25/cs Case 40.50 40.50 graham Pillowcases tidi Drape Sheets The 2-ply all tissue drape sheets are soft, opaque tissue delicately embossed. Designed for short to moderate exams, these drape sheets come in a variety of pastel colors too. For the economy minded consider the Economy All-Tissue Drapes! 2-ply and 3ply wet strength. Premium All Tissue Drape Sheets Cat. No. TI-918305 TI-918302 TI-918316 Ply 2-Ply 2-Ply 2-Ply Size White, 36” x 48” White, 40” x 48” Mauve, 40” x 48” Packaging 100/cs 100/cs 100/cs Case 25.50 25.50 31.50 Cat. No. TI-9810824 TI-9810826 Ply 2-Ply 2-Ply Size White, 40” x 48” White, 40” x 60” Packaging 100/cs 100/cs Case 23.95 29.50 Economy All Tissue Drape Sheets Deluxe Non-woven: extra soft and durable material or tissue/poly. Softcel™: flame retardant treated. Quality spunbond material, sewn seams and fluid resistant. 100/case. Economy Tissue-Poly (T/P) Pillowcases Economy tissue/poly. Softcel™. Quality spunbond. Cat. No. 48766 47256 Size T/P, Blue, 21” x 30” T/P, White, 21” x 30” Packaging 100/cs 100/cs Case 37.50 37.50 FlexAir® Disposable Inflatable Pillow The versatile, convenient FlexAir™ disposable pillow/patient support is a cost-effective alternative to bulky pillows. Stores flat and inflates in seconds for immediate use as a support to position head, arms, legs or other body areas. Features an adjustable valve that allows the pillow to easily be inflated or deflated as adjustments are needed. Cat. No. 50349 Size White, 14.5” x 10.5” Packaging 50/cs 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Case 30.95 21 Paper Supplies, Masks, Sterile Field, Applicators Sanitary Napkins & Liners C-Fold & Multi-Fold Towels FOR RE AL Description Price Maxithins® pads; 250/cs 99.75 Maxithins® Ultra thin; 200/cs 135.00 Gards® pads; 250/cs 96.50 Pantyliners; 22/bx 2.20 Disposal Bag 8”x3”x2”; 100/pk 6.69 Waste Can Liners Packaging C-Folds - Economy 150/bdl, 16bdls/cs Multi-Folds 250/bdl, 16bdls/cs Price 49.50 65.50 Strong, absorbent paper towels that hold up even when wet. 2-ply & perforated. FOR RE AL $ 49. 50 per cas e Packaging Roll Towel 2-ply; 30/cs Bounty Roll Towels; 30/cs Cat. No. HW-808 HW-808-50 HW-25-808 HW-816 Description 8” Ob/Gyn Swab; 500/cs 8” Ob/Gyn Swab; 50/bx 8” Ob/Gyn Swab; Sterile 2/pkg; 100/bx 16” Procto Swab; 100/bx Price 63.75 8.95 17.25 10.95 birchwood Scopettes® Cat. No. Packaging 620 Nibrock Toilet Tissue; 96rl/cs Roll 0.98 Safe, highly absorbent, uniform and lint free… Ob/Gyn and Procto swabs. #36-7025-12 has large-tip applicator and is 12”. maytex Exam Masks Case 5.39 3-Ply, fluid resistant, non-linting construction. Provides a minimum BFE of 97% @ 3.0 microns. Soft elastic bands for comfort and convenience. FOR RE AL SAV as low INGS as $ 4. 95 kimberly Clark Kleenex Facial Tissues ® FOR RE AL SAV as low INGS as $ 2. 95 per box Description 8” Ob/Gyn Swab; 500/cs 8” Ob/Gyn Swab; 100/bx Price 55.00 12.50 Sterile Towels FOR RE AL $ SAV as low INGS as 10. 65 per box Ear Loop Masks Cat. No. 14SELBL 14SELGN 14SELMC Cone Masks Box 2.95 Cat. No. 34-7021-8 34-7021-12 dynarex per box Now softer and thicker. Pop-up tissue in place for next use! High quality 2-ply tissue. Ideal and practical for use in any office environment. 125 tissues/bx, 48 bxs/case. 22 Box 6.95 9.95 Case 49.50 93.00 Case 33.50 Size 24”x24”; 7 gal; 200/cs Packaging Kleenex; 48bx/cs Description 8” Ob/Gyn Swab; 100/bx 16” Proto Swab; 100/bx Throat or Vaginal, and Proctoscopic Applicators with rayon tips and plastic shaft. 8” or 16”. SAV as low INGS as Soft, 2-ply high quality tissue. 500 sheets per roll. Easy-to-use red containment bags with black print to prevent cross contamination. Rupture resistance. A must have in all physician offices. Cat. No. 8991 6. 95 per box Ob/Gyn Applicators Biohazard Waste Collection Bags Cat. No. 2424 $ puritan Toilet Tissue Size 16”x14”x37”; 20-30gal Ob/Gyn Applicators Cat. No. D-416 D-415 SAV as low INGS as 49. Jumbo Roll Towels Cat. No. 2767 8181 Opaque plastic liners for use in stepon cans, waste baskets, hampers, and garbage cans. 250/case. Cat. No. TC-37 Cat. No. 8799 180 SAV FOR RE AL dynarex as low INGS as Throat or Vaginal, $ 50 and Proctoscopic per cas Applicators. e 8” or 16”. High quality hand towels used for any office need. Soft and absorbent. Cat. No. MT-4 MT-200 4-147 40324 NEC-500 Cat. No. 14MCMBL 14MCMWH Description Blue; 50/bx Green; 50/bx Multi color; 50/bx Box 4.95 4.95 7.95 Description Blue; 50/bx White; 50/bx Box 5.95 5.95 Plain or fenestrated. Fenestration is round 2”. Individually packaged drapes are perfect for a wide variety of minor surgical procedures. Size 18”x 26”. Packaged 50/bx. Cat. No. Packaging 4410X Plain Sterile Field 4409 Fenestrated Sterile Field 2” 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Box 10.65 10.65 Exam Gloves, Surgical Gloves FOR REA L FOR REA L SAVING S $ 4. 45 $ 6. 99 per box per box OMNI OMNI OmniTrust Latex Powder-Free Gloves ® A lightly chlorinated, reduced protein latex examination glove. Featuring excellent donning characteristics and textured fingers for added grip control. Power-free. Cat. No. 112-01 112-02 112-03 112-04 Description Small P/F Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Medium P/F Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Large P/F Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs X-Large P/F Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Box 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 Powder-Free Nitrile & Nitrile Lite Touch Gloves Nitrile 212 Series P/F gloves are your best choice for high risk applications. Nitrile 202 Series P/F Lite Touch gloves are used when harsh chemicals 202 Series 212 Series and chemotherapy pharmaceuticals are not used . Both are Strong and comfortable with excellent donning characteristics and textured fingers for enhanced grip control. 202 - Blue, 212- Violet Cat. No. 212-21 212-22 212-23 212-24 Description Small P/F Nitrile Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Medium P/F Nitrile Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Large P/F Nitrile Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs X-Large P/F Nitrile Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Box 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 202-21 202-22 202-23 202-24 Small P/F Nitrile Lite Touch Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Medium P/F Nitrile Lite Touch Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Large P/F Nitrile Lite Touch Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs X-Large P/F Nitrile Lite Touch Gloves; 100/bx, 10bx/cs 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 FOR REA L DYNAREX Latex Powdered Gloves SafeTouch™ Latex Exam Gloves, NonSterile.Provide extraordinary strength with no loss of senstivity. Ambidextrous. Pre-powdered with absorbable U.S.P. grade dusting powder.Beaded cuff. Low protein content. Cat. No. 2326 2327 2328 2329 SAVING S as low as as low as Description Small Gloves; 100/bx, 10bxs/cs Medium Gloves; 100/bx, 10bxs/cs Large Gloves; 100/bx, 10bxs/cs X-Large Gloves; 100/bx, 10bxs/cs SAVING S as low as $ 6. 79 per box Box 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 OmniTrust® Vinyl Powder-Free Examination Gloves Vinyl exam gloves formulated for comfortable fit and enhanced donning. Vinyl gloves offer excellent non-latex protection for low risk applications Cat. No. 312-11 312-12 312-13 312-14 Description Small Gloves, P/F; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Medium Gloves, P/F; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Large Gloves, P/F; 100/bx, 10bx/cs X-Large Gloves, P/F; 100/bx, 10bx/cs Box 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 Vinyl Powdered Gloves DYNAREX Vinyl Exam Gloves, Lightly Powdered. For unmatched quality and sensitivity, Provides superior comfort, strength and stretch. Pre-powdered for easy donning.Ambidextrous. Cat. No. 2601 2602 2603 2604 Description Small Gloves; 100/bx, 10bxs/cs Medium Gloves; 100/bx, 10bxs/cs Large Gloves; 100/bx, 10bxs/cs X-Large Gloves; 100/bx, 10bxs/cs Box 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 DYNAREX Surgeons Gloves Latex, sterile pair in peel apart packaging. Will withstand hours of surgery without ballooning. White with beaded cuff. Powdered or powder-free. Cat. No. 13LTXS60 13LTXS65 13LTXS70 13LTXS75 13LTXS80 13LTXS80 13LTXS90 Description Size 6; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powdered Size 6-1/2 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powdered Size 7; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powdered Size 7-1/2 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powdered Size 8; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powdered Size 8-1/2; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powdered Size 9; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powdered Box 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 D-2360 D-2365 D-2370 D-2375 D-2380 D-2385 D-2390 Size 6; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powder-Free Size 6-1/2 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powder-Free Size 7; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powder-Free Size 7-1/2 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powder-Free Size 8; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powder-Free Size 8-1/2; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powder-Free Size 9; 50pr/bx, 4bx/cs; Powder-Free 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 23 Autoclaves, Ultrasound Cleaner, Indicators tuttnauer Valueklave 1730 medicom • Fast cycle time. 9 minutes from a hot start • Automatic shut off at the end of both the sterilization and dry cycles • Double safety locking device prevents door from opening while chamber is pressurized • Overheat cutoff prevents burnout of heating elements in case of insufficient water in the chamber • Drain valve is located on the front, allowing for quick and easy draining of water reservoir • Dual safety thermostat to protect against overheating Cat. No. TUT-1730 Sterilization Pouches With Value you Deserve! Chamber size: 6.7” x 13.4” with a 2 gal volume. Supports 3 trays (4.7” x 11.6”). Overall dimemsions: 17.9”D x 17.4”W x 12”H. Weights 55 lbs. Description ValueKlave Model 1730 Each 2,950.00 Triple-rail seal insures tight closure and maximum protection. Indicator arrows will change color when sterilization is complete. Compare and save! 200 per box. Self-Seal. Cat. No. 27SSP03 27SSP15 27SSP30 27SSP35 FOR REA L $ SAVING S as low as 1pe0r . 95 box Description 3-1/2” x 10”; 200/bx 5-1/4” x 11”; 200/bx 7-1/2” x 12”; 200/bx 10” x 15”; 200/bx Box 10.95 17.95 32.00 47.50 tuttnauer Clean & Simple® busse CSR Wrap Eliminates the need to handle heavy jugs of solution! Clean & Simple is an ultrasonic/enzymatic solution dispensed in a unique tablet form. Just add two tablets to warm water for every gallon of solution needed to produce a general purpose solution. Non-toxic, biodegradable. Cat. No. CS0064 Physician Convenience Packs, 100/case! Description Clean & Brite Enzyme tabs; 64 tablets/bx Box 48.50 Description Alconox 4-lb box propper 3m Steam Indicator Tape Description 4” Strips 250/bx Box 13.25 Cat. No. 24010 24012 24014 • Tape is placed on outside of instrument wrap or bag • Indicates when sterilization completed Cat. No. Size 1322-18MM .70”x60yds 1322-24MM .94”x60yds Instrument Cleaner Surgical Instrument Cleaner Use on surgical instruments, glassware, plastic, metal or rubber goods. 24 • Instant sealing! • No heat sealer necessary • Instant sealing pouches • Easy and convenient Autoclave Tape miltex Cat. No. M-3-720 Sterilization pouches for Steam or Gas with pre-printed indicators inside and outside. Each 55.50 Short OK® Sterilization Indicators Cat. No. 264101 Case 27.95 Chex-All® II Pouches For manual or ultrasonic cleaning of instruments. Alconox cleans glass, metal, stainless steel, plastic and rubber. Biodegradeable. Comes in 4 lb. container. Sparkling Brillance! Each indicator strip has a standard black reference color - the O in OK, when the complete penetration of the pack by pure pressure steam has occured, the white K and arrow change to match the black letter O. For use in steam sterilizer cycles of 250ºF, 272ºF, or 286ºF. Strip is 4” x 9/16”. Description 15” x 15” CSR Wrap; 100/cs propper Alconox® Detergent Cat. No. GF-85-3372-1 Cat. No. BS-843 Description Instrument Cleaner; 8 oz. FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 7eac.h15 Each 7.15 Description 5” x 10”; 250/bx 7” x 12”; 250/bx 8” x 16”; 125/bx Box 45.35 63.25 65.10 propper Chex-All® Tubes Packaging Tubes for Steam or Gas Sterilization. 4 widths in rolls of 100 ft; Cut length as needed. Roll 6.75 8.75 Cat. No. 26004 26006 26009 Description 4” x 100 ft roll 6” x 100 ft roll 9” x 100 ft roll Roll 16.65 21.50 34.95 nature plus Instrument Soak A multi-enzyme cleaner and soak that rapidly penetrates and removes organic matter from instruments and equipments prior to sterilization. Ideal for removal of blood, tissue, and saliva. Pump not included. Cat. No. NP-1963 Description Instrument Soak; Gallon Each 33.00 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Disinfectant Solutions, Wipes, Soaps metrex johnson & johnson Cidex Solutions ® CaviWipes Activated Dialdehyde Solution Cidex solution is bactericidal, virucidal, pseudomonacidal, tuberculocidal, fungicidal. Noncorrosive and will not harm rubber, plastics or metal. Cidex and Cidex O.P.A. is reusable up to 14 days after activation; CidexPlus is reusable up to 28 days after activation. Test strips available too! FOR REA L $ SAVING S as low as 2e1a . 75 ch Cat. No. 2266 CDX-2786 CDX-2785 20390 274588 82027 Description Cidex Gallon CidexPlus Quart CidexPlus Gallon Cidex OPA w/o glutaraldehyde; gal Cidex OPA Test Strips; 15/bx Cide Instrument Tray 29”x8.5”x8” Each 35.95 21.75 35.50 65.95 85.50 245.00 first medica Reusable Sterilizing & Disinfecting Solution Medica 28 Plus® is a new higher strength formulation with accelerated kill times for faster high level disinfection of instruments. Medica 28 Plus uses a lower glutaraldehyde level (3.0%) than other extra strength products to reduce odor and vapor level to protect lensed instruments. 28 day continuous use after activation. Description Medica-28 Plus Gallon The power of CaviCide in a wipe. A Disinfecting Towelette Proven to kill TB and HBV. Presaturated with CaviCideª, CaviWipesª are the FOR REA L SAVIN GS only cloths proven to as low as kill both TB (5 minutes) and HBV (3 minutes) with quick, easy-toeach use, time-saving convenience. CaviWipes are durable, nonwoven, nonabrasive towels that don’t bunch up during use. They offer better surface contact than other wipes, requiring less force to apply solution to a surface. Increased fluid capacity keeps the cloths fully saturated with CaviCide. CaviWipes is a cleaner and disinfectant in one – saving money by reducing time and repetitive inventory. They’re recommended for use on nonporous surfaces and fixtures. $ 7. 85 Cat. No. 13-1100 Description 160 wipes/can Each 24.50 Metricide 28 ® High Level Disinfectant/Sterilant (2.5% Glutaraldehyde) • Recommended for immersible medical and heat sensitive equipment and instruments • Contains a surfactant • Contains a rust-inhibitor to reduce corrosion • No dilution required • 28-day product medical chemical Cat. No. 2800 2805 10-304 The Fastest Tuberculocidal and Longest-Lasting Sterilizing/Disinfecting Solution Available Today! Maximum 42 day life. FO Green Soap Tincture Wavicide -01 ® R REAL WAVEICIDE ®-01 kills all major clinical pathogens on environmental surfaces, including the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV*). Cat. No. WAVICIDE-01GAL $ SAVING S as low as $ 8eac.h45 24. 50 each Each 24.50 Cat. No. 162808 Sani-Cloth® EPA APPROVED Convenient, Safe, Effective Germicidal Disposable Wipe. Hep-B too! FOR RE AL SAV as low INGS as $ 9. 65 each • Unique delivery system • Premeasured, premoistened • Gentle on hands • Just right for any surface Cat. No. Q89072 Q08472 Description 160 wipes/cn; 6”x6.75” 160 wipes/cn; 6”x6.75”;hep-B Price 9.65 13.25 metrex MetriGuard Surface Disinfectant Decontaminant Cleaner • Convenient 32 oz. housekeeping size • Effective against TB & HBV • Broad spectrum of kill and safe for all areas of the office • Ready-to-use Cat. No. 10-7506 Description 32oz. Spray Each 8.75 dial Liquid Soap Liquid Soap That Kills Germs! Liquid Dial Antibacterial Soap removes as much as 97 percent of contaminating bacteria and viruses - and actually helps to prevent the regrowth of bacteria. Yet newLiquid Dial is mild to the skin even with frequent washings. Liquid Dial’s unique salt-free formula won’t corrode dispensers and fixtures. Using MetriTest 10-304 1.8% Test Strips is recommended before each use. Description MetriCide 28; Gallon MetriCide 28; Quart Test Strips 1.8%; 60/btl Price 19.95 8.45 61.50 Suited for surgical use, high quality liquid detergent. Can be used as a shampoo and is effective as a liniment too! SAV as low INGS as Description Wavicide Gallon Each 7.85 FOR REA L metrex Medica 28 Plus® Cat. No. A007-02 pdi ® Description Tincture Soap Gallon Each 21.45 FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 2eac.h99 Regular Liquid Dial Cat. No. Description 00761 8oz. dispenser 08047 Gallon Price 2.99 18.55 Liquid Dial for Sensitive Skin Cat. No. Description 80795 8oz. dispenser 82838 Gallon Price 3.95 18.50 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 25 Treatment Room Supplies purdue Betadine® Antiseptic Solution Rubbing Alcohol Topical Antiseptic Bactericide/Virucide for Degerming Skin and Mucous Membranes Isopropyl alcohol 70% by volume. 16 oz. bottle. Cat. No. 2100-89 2100-87 2100-90 FOR REA L Each 3.50 4.95 9.65 1eac.h95 Cat. No. 123 Cat. No. GM-87143 Each 1.95 Description 16 oz.; 1/ea, 12/cs Each 1.25 dynarex Description BZK Towelette; 100/bx Box 2.05 2-ply, absorbent cotton pads, saturated with 70% isopropyl alcohol sealed in a foil packet. Medium or Large. FOR REA L SAVIN GS ® as low as The Air Sanitizer That Really Works! $ 1. per box Eliminates smoke and odors. Reduces airborne bacteria, leaves air fresh and clean. Proven effective in hospitals for over 25 years! Cat. No. B33901 C29600 Each 17.95 FOR REA L reckitt Lysol® Spray $ Description Medium; 200/bx Large; 100/bx Box 1.99 2.65 WEBCOL Alcohol Preps Premium pad material provides maximum absorbency for scrubbing and cleansing. 70% isopropyl alcohol. Sterile, nonwoven sponges designed for moderate cleansing. 2-ply. Economical. SAVING S as low as 10. 95 Size 19 oz. Spray 959 kendall Popular professional each disinfectant spray and room deodorizer. Disinfects environmental surfaces. Kills mold and mildew. Each 10.95 caltech Cat. No. 6818 KEN-5110 Citrace® Germicidal Deodorizer Eliminates odors at their source. Kills dangerous germs such as “Staph” and “Strep” on environmental surfaces. Citrus scent. 26 6. 75 per box Description 16oz.; 1/ea, 12/cs Ozium Cat. No. CL-49100 $ Alcohol Preps Size 14.5 oz. SAVING S as low as Use full strength directly on minor cuts, abrasions, and burns. 3% solution. For general antiseptic and cleansing needs. Each towelette is saturated with benzalkonium chloride 1:250. Contains no alcohol. Fan-folded 5” x 7”. Cat. No. 4650-000 FOR REA L SAVING S Hydrogen Peroxide BZK Towelettes Cat. No. 60700473 All Popular Swabsticks for your Practice $ dynarex medo PVP Swabsticks as low as Description 8oz. plastic bottle 16oz. plastic bottle 32oz. plastic bottle Cat. No. D-122 dynarex Description 14 oz. Spray Can Description Medium; 200/bx Large; 200/bx Box 2.69 3.99 pdi Tincture of Benzoin 1’s Contains benzoin tincture U.S.P. containing 77% alcohol. Assures adhesion for medical tapes. Each 8.95 Cat. No. S42450 Description 1’s Swabsticks; 50/bx Box 12.99 Used for minor surgical procedures, and IV therapy. Solution is non-stinging, non-staining and non-irritating. Each rayon-tipped swabstick is impregnated with a 10% povidone iodine solution. Packaged 3’s per foil pouch. Cat. No. D-114 Description 3’s Swabsticks; 25pch/bx dynarex OB Towelettes Gentle for cleansing throughout partum process or whenever cleansing and refreshing is required. Contains benzalkonium chloride solution 1:250, to yield 1:750, alcohol 5%, chlorothymal. Cat. No. D74800 Box 6.75 FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 2. 35 per box Description OB Towelette; 100/bx Box 2.35 safetec Hand Sanitizer • 16 oz. (a.b.h.c.™) Instant Hand Sanitizer Citrus Scent Pump Bottle • Kills 99.99% of germs in 15 seconds without the use of soap and water. Our formula evaporates completely with no rinsing required. Contains aloe vera to add moisture with each use, thus encouraging frequent hand-washing to aid in reducing the risk of crosscontamination. Demonstrated virucidal activity against HIV-1 and Avian Flu A in 15 seconds. Cat. No. 627104 Description 16oz. Pump Bottle 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 7. 99 per box Each 7.99 Treatment Room Supplies dynarex Cotton-Tip Applicators 6” or 3” single cotton-tipped, study wood stick. Sterile & Non-Sterile (N/S). FOR REA L dynarex dynarex SAVING S Adult, Junior, or Infant. Dispenser box. Sterile or Non-sterile (N/S). Adult 6”, Junior 5-1/2” and Infant 4-1/2”. FOR REA L as low as SAVING S as low as $ 4. 19 $ 3. 60 per box Cat. No. D-401 D-404-2 Cotton Balls Tongue Depressors per box Description 6”; 100/bg, 1000/bx; N/S 6”; 2/pk, 100pk/bx; Sterile Box 5.50 4.19 tampax Tampons The brand trusted by more women! Original, regular. 100% flushable. Perfect for the office! Cat. No. D-410 D-411 S-31000 D-412 D-413 Description Adult; 500/bx; N/S Junior; 500/bx; N/S Infant; 1,000/bx; N/S Adult; 100/bx; Sterile Junior; 100/bx; Sterile Box 4.75 4.75 10.75 3.60 3.99 Description Tampax® Tampons; 200/cs Cat. No. Description 710CHERRY Cherry flavored; 50/bx 710GRAPE Grape flavered; 50/bx 5” x 8” towelette is individually packaged. Formulated with PCMX and SD-Alcohol to kill germs instantly. Contains aloe vera. Also in pull-up cannisters. Mixture of 75% Silver Nitrate and 25% Potassium. Used as caustic antiseptics, germicides and astringents. 6” in length. Now in sealed tube! SAV as low INGS as per tub e Cat. No. GF-47-1590 Description 6”; 100/tube Tube 33.75 medicom Plastic & Paper Cups Designed for today’s medical professional and their patients. Our cups feature a rolled lip, leak proof construction with a non-slip embossed wall for better grip. 5 oz., assorted colors. Box 4.99 4.99 Scrub Brush Price 5.99 8.45 EZ Cleans Plus™ Spill Kit Includes personal protection items for the clean-up of blood or body fluid spills. Each Kit Contains: • Red Z™ Solidifier • p.a.w.s.™ antimicrobial hand wipe • germicidal solution • vinyl gloves • scoop/scraper • biohazard red bag • wiper pads • instructions Description EZ Cleans Plus Spill Kit Silver Nitrate Applicators ancor safetec Cat. No. 274904 grafco 33. 75 Flavored! Children love the fresh pleasant taste! Individually wrapped. Junior size (5-1/2”x5/8”). Case 95.00 Personal Antimicrobial Wipes or Cans Bag 8.75 9.65 $ Grape or Cherry Tongue Depressors P.A.W.S. Description P.A.W.S.; Singles; 100/bx P.A.W.S.; Can; 160/cn Description Medium; 2000/bg Large; 1000/bg FOR RE AL safetec Cat. No. 6029 627030 Cat. No. D-3170 D-9152 puritan When it time to open up and say “Ahhh”! Cat. No. T-200U Used for preps and applicators. Non-sterile. Made of the finest 100% grade cotton. Price 6.05 Paper Cat. No. 58 Soft nylon bristles Cat. No. AN-2000 Description Surgeons Scrub Brush Each 3.59 grafco Sundry Jars Glass or Plastic 5-piece labeled, fine quality sundry jars with overlapping, covers. Imprinted “Applicators”, “Gauze”, “Cotton”, “Bandages” and “Tongue Depressors”. Glass Size: 7” x 4-1/4”, Plastic Size: 6-1/2” x 4-3/8”. Cat. No. GF-90-3454 6374 Description 5-Piece Glass Set 5-Piece Plastic Set Price 49.00 26.99 Plastic Cat. No. 10CP5BL 10CP5PK 10CP5WH Description Paper; White, 100/pk Pack 6.95 Description Plastic; Blue, 1000/cs Plastic; Pink, 1000/cs Plastic; White, 1000/cs Case 41.95 41.95 41.95 dynarex Medicine Cups Our 1 oz. plastic medicine cups offer a convenient means for dispensing liquid or dry medication. Featuring oz, cc, ml, dram, and tsp calibrations. Cat. No. D-4252 Description 100/pk 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Pack 1.05 27 Bandaids® & Adhesive Bandages, Surgical Tapes 3M kendall kendall Curad® Finger Bandages Surgical Tapes The hypoallergenic adhesive won’t irritate the skin but allows skin to breathe. Individually wrapped in easy to open, pull tab sterile sleeves. Cat. No. KEN-3065 KEN-3270 KEN-6403 FOR REA L Adhesive Bandage Strips Compare & Save! SAVING S as low as $ 1. per box 95 Quality adhesive bandages at deep discounts! 100/bx Cat. No. D-3601 D-3602 D-3607 D-3611 D-3612 Description Sheer; 3/4” x 3” Sheer; 1” x 3” Spots; 7/8” Round Fabric; 3/4” x 3” Fabric; 1” x 3” Cat. No. 15300 15301 Box 1.95 2.45 5.10 Box 1.95 2.15 3.59 2.40 2.85 Curity & Generic Packing Strips ™ Ready-to-use, for nasal packing, drainage wicks, or as packing for open or infected wounds. Sterile. Stretch 5yds. Cat. No. KEN-7831 KEN-7832 D-3411 D-3412 Description Kendall Iodoform; 1/4” Kendall Iodoform; 1/2” Generic Iodoform; 1/4” Generic Iodoform; 1/2” Each 5.75 5.75 3.40 4.25 8. 45 kendall Telfa Pads ® Telfa® Adhesive Pads, “Ouchless” Dressing pad with adhesive strips. Sterile. Ideal as primary dressing for lightly draining wounds. Easy to use; an ideal take home dressing. Cat. No. KEN-6017 KEN-7643 Description 2” x 3”; 1’s; 100/bx 3” x 4”; 1’s; 100/bx Box 15.50 29.50 Cat. No. 15270 15271 15272 15273 Box 8.45 8.45 FOR RE AL SAV as low INGS as $ 16. 95 per box Description 1/2"x10yds; 24/bx 1"x10yds; 12/bx 2"x10yds; 6/bx Box 16.95 16.95 16.95 FOR RE AL SAV as low INGS as $ 16. 75 Lightweight, clear plastic tape forsecuring Holter Leadwires in place. Hypoallergenic adhesive. White. ® Sterile, highly adhesive dressings for minor cuts, abrasions, & puncture wounds. Flesh color with overall air-vents for faster healing. Description 1/2"x10yds; 24/bx 1"x10yds; 12/bx Transpore Tape™ johnson & Johnson Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages per box Durapore™ Tape Strong, highly adhesive and non-irritating. Hypoallergenic. Conforms well to patient. Great for electrode attachment. Rayon cloth tape. White Cat. No. 15380 15381 15382 SAV as low INGS as $ Micropore Tape™ Hypoallergenic adhesive surgical paper tape. Leaves no residue. Microporous. Adheres firmly. Conforms well. White. Description 3/4”x3” Sheer; 50/bx 1”x3” Sheer; 50/bx 7/8” Spots; 100/bx dynarex FOR RE AL per box Description 1/2"x10yds; 24/bx 1"x10yds; 12/bx 2"x10yds; 6/bx 3"x10yds; 4/bx Box 16.75 16.75 16.75 16.75 dynarex Surgical Tapes Hypoallergenic FOR RE AL SAV as low INGS as $ 6. 25 Telfa Nonadhesive Pads, “Ouchless” per box ® Absorbent cotton pad. Non-adherent. Sterile. Won’t disrupt healing tissue by sticking to wound. Sheer Strips Cat. No. Description JJ-4634 3/4”x 3”; 100/bx JJ-4644 1”x 3”; 100/bx JJ-5716 2”x 4-1/2”; X-Lg; 50/bx Box 4.79 5.25 8.35 johnson & Johnson Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Bandages ® Cat. No. JJ-4434 28 Description 3/4”x3”; 100/bx Box 6.95 Cat. No. KEN-1961 KEN-2132 Description 2” x 3”; 1’s; 100/bx 3” x 4”; 1’s; 100/bx Box 13.50 21.95 beiersdorf Coverlet® Adhesive Bandages Cat. No. BF-230 BF-231 BF-301 BF-303 BF-1390 Description; 100/bx Strips; 3/4”x3” Strips; 1”x3” Spots; 7/8” Round Spots; 1-1/4” Oval Knuckles; 1-1/2”x3” Box 6.85 6.50 5.10 5.75 9.95 Paper Tape Cat. No. 3552 3553 Description 1" x 10yds; 12/bx 2" x 10yds; 6/bx Box 6.25 6.25 Cloth Tape Cat. No. 3562 3563 Description 1" x 10yds; 12/bx 2" x 10yds; 6/bx Box 10.85 10.85 Transparent Tape Cat. No. Description 3571 1/2" x 10yds; 24/bx 3572 1" x 10yds; 12/bx 3573 2" x 10yds; 6/bx 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Box 9.35 9.35 9.35 Gauze Sponges, Dressings, Injection Plugs, Blood Collection, lancets FOR REA L dynarex Gauze Sponges Compare and Save! Imported sponges as a low cost alternative without sacrificing quality. Superior! SAVING S as low as $ 1. 25 pack Non-Sterile, 200/pk Cat. No. Description D-3222 2”x2” 8ply D-3223 2”x2” 12ply D-3232 3”x3” 8ply D-3233 3”x3” 12ply D-3242 4”x4” 8ply D-3243 4”x4” 12ply Pack 1.25 1.75 2.65 3.45 3.99 6.15 Sterile 2’s Cat. No. D-3322 D-3333 D-3342 D-3343 Description 2”x2” 8ply; 50pk/bx 3”x3”12ply; 25pk/bx 4”x4” 8ply; 25pk/bx 4”x4”12ply; 25pk/bx Pack 1.90 1.99 2.05 2.75 Sterile 1’s Cat. No. D-3352 D-3354 Description 2”x2” 12ply; 100/bx 4”x4”12ply; 100/bx Pack 3.50 7.75 dynarex Combine Dressing & Gauze Pads All-absorbent sterile pad is contructed of cotton and cellulose, and wrapped in soft, non-shedding fabric. Features superior protection and padding for major surgical wounds. Versalon Sponges ® Non-Sterile, 200/pk Cat. No. Description KEN-9132 2”x2” 3ply KEN-9022 2”x2” 4ply Box 2.25 3.50 kendall • Filled with layer of cellulose wadding covered with nonwoven fabric • Economical, all-purpose sponge with good absorbent capacity • Nonsterile sponges conveniently indexed in 10’s for faster, easier handling Description 21g x 3/4”; 100/bx 23g x 3/4”; 100/bx 25g x 3/4”; 100/bx BD Vacutainer® push buton blood collection with preattached holder and 12” tubing. owen mumford 9. 25 Description 21g x 3/4”; 50/bx 23g x 3/4”; 50/bx Unistik 2 Description 3” x 3”; 100/pk 4” x 4”; 100/pk Pack 3.65 6.25 Sterile 2’s; 25 - 2’s/box Cat. No. Description KEN-2913 4” x 4”; 50/pk Pack 5.15 Curity Gauze Sponges Bag 3.10 7.95 10.95 Cat. No. SR-IP2 $ SAVING S as low as 19. 95 • Safe and self-contained per box finger lancet • Penetration depth is precisely set at 2.4mm • After use, the needle automatically retracts for safe disposal Cat. No. AT0702 Description Yellow (2.4mm); 100/bx Box 19.95 Monolet® Lancets Choice of Luer Lock or Luer Slip. Large target area allows for easy needle penetration. Plugs have a tamper resistant seal ans easy open packaging. 100/box. High grade N/S cotton blend gauze. Well suited for wound dressing, general cleaning, minor prepping & wound packing. FOR REA L Box 53.00 53.00 mpd Surflo® Injection Plugs ™ Box 58.00 58.00 58.00 Vacutainer® Push Button Blood Collection Sets per box SAVING Box 3.95 9.25 4.95 58. 00 box bd CURITY® Cover Sponges terumo Description 2”x2”, 8 ply; 200/bg 4”x4”, 8 ply; 200/bg 4”x4”, 12 ply; 200/bg Cat. No. SVMS-21 SVMS-23 SVMS-25 $ Description 5” x 9”; 20/bx 8” x 71/2”; 12/bx 8” x 10”; 24/bx SAVING S as low as Pack 3.55 3.00 Sterile 2’s, 4-ply Cat. No. Description KEN-8042 2”x2” 4ply; 50/bx KEN-8044 4”x4”4ply; 50/bx Non-Sterile Cat. No. KEN-1700 KEN-1792 $ Winged Blood Collection Sets Far more absorbent then standard gauze! Made of a rayon and polyester blend and is lint-free. as low S as kendall Cat. No. KEN-2146 KEN-2556 KEN-2634 myco Cat. No. 367352 368656 FOR REA L Replaces J&J Surgipad® Cat. No. 3501 3502 3503 FOR REA L kendall Description; 100/bx 1”Luer Lock Injection Plug Box 55.95 Sherwood Standard Blue Lancets with tribevel point provides a smooth, less traumatic puncture. Cat. No. SH-602018 Description Lancets, 200/bx 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Box 8.35 29 Blood Collection, Lancets, Sharps Containers bd Microtainer Contact-Activated Lancet ® Introducing the BD Microtainer® Contact-Activated Lancet, the next generation of safety-engineered lancets. Designed with a positive patient experience in mind. Contains 200 Lancets per box. Cat. No. 36-6592 36-6593 Description; 200/bx Purple 30g x 1.5mm Pink 28g 1.8mm bd “Safety-Lok® Winged Blood Collection Sets The BD Vacutainer Safety-Lok ™ Blood Collection Set meets OSHA safety standards, with needles that can be easily shielded with one-handed activation. This product is intended for blood collection and infusion procedures. ® Box 76.50 93.50 FOR REA L $ SAVING S as low as 75. 00 per box Description (50/bx) 21g x 3/4”, 12” tubing 23g x 3/4”, 12” tubing 25g x 3/4”, 12” tubing Box 75.00 75.00 77.50 MONOJECT Sharps Containers FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 3. 29 each MONOJECT Horizontal-Entry Sharps Containers Cat. No. Description Each 8881676814 4 quart, red 3.29 MONOJECT Chimney-Top Sharps Container Cat. No. 8881676285 30 Description 8 quart, red SAVING as low S as Guardian Sharps Containers ™ $ 4e . 75 ach The Guardian™ Sharps Container provides safe, secure means of disposal. One-piece or Clear snap-on lid for easy to see level of sharps or waste. Self-sealing lock-tight cap. bd Nestable Patient Room Collector 5.4 quart nestable next generation patient room collector! Red with horizontal entry. Convenient and secure disposal. Cat. No. BD-305517 Description 5.4 Quart kendall One-Piece Sharps Collectors Cat. No. Description BD-305487 1.4 quart; tray size BD-305488 3.3 quart; small BD-305489 6.9 quart; medium BD-305490 8.2 quart; large BD-305491 5 gal. x-lg (open top) Each 4.75 6.99 9.25 9.95 20.65 Freestanding Sharps Containers Sharps Containers Safety-Lok Sets w/Luer Adapter • Polished viewing windows on four sides • Translucent red color • Clear lid with extra- wide butterfly closure • Needle removal notches • Can be autoclaved or incinerated bd Each 8.65 FOR REA L SAVING as low S as $ 3. 35 each kendall • Large, flexible wings improve method of entry during blood collection and infusion procedures • Translucent shield provides visualization of “flash back” after needle penetrates vein • Product available in 7-inch tubing and 12-inch tubing, with or without Luer adapters Cat. No. BD-7281 BD-7283 BD-7285 FOR REA L Each 5.25 A flexible flap ensures that hands never come into contact with contaminated waste. Features a clear top for instant visibility of contents. Horizontal load openings. Safe handling with positive lock for maximum protection. Container is incinerable. Cat. No. DEV-4820 DEV-4802 DEV-4810 SG-8980 Cat. No. SG-8900 SG-8920 SG-8950 SG-8980 SG-8970 Description 1 quart 2 quart 5 quart 8 gallon Each 3.35 3.45 4.95 27.35 kendall DEV-4802 Description 1 quart, Red 2 gallon, Red 10 gallon, Red SHARPSTAR IN-ROOM System w/SHARPSTAR Lids Each 2.05 4.29 14.75 kendall SHARPS-A-GATOR Tortuous Path Sharp Containers • One-hand, one-step, no-touch sharps depositing • Horizontal loading • Tortuous-path design impedes hand entry • Clear top standard, translucent base offerings 5 Quart Tortuous Path Sharps Containers Cat. No. 31143897 31143723 Description 5 quart, clear (4838C) 5 quart, translucent almond (4838T) Cat. No. 8507SA 8537SA Description 5 quart, transparent red 3 gallon, transparent red Each 7.15 10.95 kendall Horizontal-Drop Opening FOR REA L SAVING as low S as $ 5. 25 each Each 4.10 4.10 Cat. No. SG-8967-1 Description 2 gallon, transparent red with clear lid 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Each 5.25 Infusion Sets, Tourniquets, Needles, Syringes terumo terumo bd Surflo Winged Infusion Sets Provides secure, safe, and simple I.V. therapy while permitting comfortable, continuing access with a single insertion. Color coded with gauge FOR REA sizes. 12” tubing. L SA VINGS $ as low as Recognized the world over for sharpness and consistent high quality. Easy penetration. Bold scale markings. Luer-Lock. 100/bx. Description 21g x 3/4”, 50/bx 22g x 3/4”, 50/bx 23g x 3/4”, 50/bx 25g x 3/4”, 50/bx Box 23.50 24.95 24.95 24.95 ram scientific Safe-T-Fill® System 100% plastic capillary blood collection systems. Available for a wide range of applications, the Capillary Collection Tubes are pre-assembled with a capillary tube, attached cap and a micro tube and are color-coded. Description EDTA 125 µL; 50/bg $ 5. 95 per bo Each 0.45 terumo Spinal Needles Sterile, Single-use. 20/box FOR REA L $ SAVING as low S as 37. 59 per box Cat. No. SN2090 SN2290 SN2590 Description 20G x 3-1/2” 22G x 3-1/2” 25G x 3-1/2” Cat. No. NN2713R NN2525R NN2516R NN2338R NN2325R NN2238R NN2225R NN2138R NN2125R NN2038R NN2025R NN1825R NN1838R Description 27G x 1/2” 25G x 1” 25G x 5/8” 23G x 1-1/2” 23G x 1” 22G x 1-1/2” 22G x 1” 21G x 1-1/2” 21G x 1” 20G x 1-1/2” 20G x 1” 18G x 1” 18G x 1-1/2” Box 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 6.50 6.50 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 6.99 6.50 5.95 Features a LUER-LOK® tip (1cc has slip-on tip) to eliminate needle separation. In peel-apart package. Cat. No. BD-9602 BD-9585 BD-9603 BD-9604 BD-9661 BD-9662 BD-9663 Description 1cc, 100/bx 3cc, 100/bx 5cc, 100/bx 10cc, 100/bx 20cc, 40/bx 30cc, 30/bx 60cc, 30/bx Box 13.95 11.95 19.50 21.95 25.75 23.95 41.50 terumo Syringes Syringe only, no needle. Luer lock tip (1cc has slip-on tip) FOR REA L SAVIN G as low S as Box 37.59 37.59 37.59 9. 99 bd per box Sterile Disposable Needles PrecisionGlide III™ FOR REA L SAVING as low S as $ 7. 99 per box The B-D Single-Use Needle sharpness, quality and lubrication allow a smooth injection with minimal patient discomfort. LUER-LOK® tip. 100/box. Latex-free Tourniquets Description White, 1” x 18”,each x Bag 49.50 graham Cat. No. 36648 SAVING as low S as $ Capillary Collection Device Cat. No. 8544 Sterile, Single-Use Without Needles FOR REA L 23. 50 per box Cat. No. SV21BLK SV22BLK SV23BLK SV25BLK Syringes Hypodermic Needles ® Cat. No. BD-5128 BD-5109 BD-5110 BD-5122 BD-5125 BD-5127 BD-5145 BD-5155 BD-5156 BD-5165 BD-5195 Description 30G x 1” 27G x 1/2” 26G x 3/8” 25G x 5/8” 25G x 1” 25G x 1-1/2” 23G x 1” 22G x 1” 22G x 1-1/2” 21G x 1” 18G x 1-1/2” Box 23.50 7.99 11.25 7.99 8.35 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 12.50 New Account Setup Takes less than 2-minutes! Just Call 1-800-727-8885! Cat. No. SS01T SS03L SS05L SS10L SS20L SS30L SS60L Description 1cc; 100/bx 3cc; 100/bx 5cc; 100/bx 10cc; 100/bx 20cc; 50/bx 30cc; 25/bx 60cc; 25/bx Box 9.99 9.99 13.50 14.50 19.95 12.95 16.50 terumo Tuberculin Syringes with needle Sterile, graduations; 1cc; 100/box. Cat. No. SS01T2516 SS01T2609 SS01T2713 Description 1cc, 25G x 5/8” 1cc, 26G x 3/8” 1cc, 27G x 1/2” 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Box 14.95 14.95 14.95 31 Needles & Syringes, I.V. Cathethers, FOR REA L $ SAVING FOR REA L as low S as 10. 95 $ SAVING as low S as 14. 29 per box per box FOR REA L I.V. Catheters $ 54. 25 per box terumo bd terumo Syringe/Needle 3 cc Syringes with Needles, 100/box 3 cc Syringes with Needles, 100/box Cat. No. SS03L2516 SS03L2525 SS03L2325 SS03L2338 SS03L2225 SS03L2238 SS03L2125 SS03L2138 SS03L2025 SS03L2038 Cat. No. BD-9570 BD-9581 BD-9571 BD-9572 BD-9573 BD-9574 BD-9575 BD-9577 BD-9578 BD-9579 Description 25G x 5/8” 25G x 1” 23G x 1” 23G x 1-1/2” 22G x 1” 22G x 1-1/2” 21G x 1” 21G x 1-1/2” 20G x 1” 20G x 1-1/2” Box 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 11.65 Description 25G x 5/8” 25G x 1” 23G x 1” 22G x 1” 22G x 1-1/4” 22G x 1-1/2” 21G x 1” 21G x 1-1/2” 20G x 1” 20G x 1-1/2” 5 cc Syringes with Needles, 100/box 5 cc Syringes with Needles; 100/bx Cat. No. SS05L2225 SS05L2238 SS05L2125 SS05L2138 SS05L2025 SS05L2038 Cat. No. BD-9630 BD-9631 BD-9632 BD-9633 BD-9634 BD-9635 Description 22G x 1” 22G x 1-1/2” 21G x 1” 21G x 1-1/2” 20G x 1” 20G x 1-1/2” Box 23.95 22.25 22.25 22.25 22.25 22.25 Description 22G x 1” 22G x 1-1/2” 21G x 1” 21G x 1-1/2” 20G x 1” 20G x 1 -1/2” 10 cc Syringes with Needles, 100/box 10 cc Syringes with Needles; 100/bx Cat. No. SS10L2238 SS10L2125 SS10L2138 SS10L2025 SS10L2038 Cat. No. BD-9640 BD-9642 BD-9643 BD-9644 BD-9645 Description 22G x 1-1/2” 21G x 1” 21G x 1-1/2” 20G x 1” 20G x 1-1/2” Box 25.80 25.80 25.80 25.80 25.80 Insulin Syringes FOR REA L $ Box 37.95 41.50 37.95 37.95 37.95 bd per box Box 14.95 16.99 15.75 Huge Savings! Just Call 1-800-727-8885 32 SAVING as low S as 18. 95 1/2cc, or 1cc; 100 per box. Latex Free. Description 1/2 cc, 27G x 1/2” 1/2 cc, 29G x 1/2” 1cc, 27G x 1/2” Box 34.35 NLA 34.35 34.35 34.35 34.35 Safety Syringes/Needles terumo Cat. No. SS05M2713 786508 SS10M2713 Description 22G x 1” 21G x 1” 21G x 1-1/2” 20G x 1” 20G x 1-1/2” Box 14.29 14.29 14.29 14.29 14.29 14.29 18.95 22.79 14.29 18.45 Cat. No. 305783 305782 305781 305780 w/detachable needle 50/bx Description Box 3cc 22G x 1-1/2”” 19.95 3cc 23G x 1” 18.95 3cc 25G x 5/8” 18.95 1cc 25G x 5/8” 32.50 Integra® Safety 305271 305272 305561 305564 w/detachable needle 100/bx 3cc 22G x 1” 3cc 22G x 1-1/2” 5cc 21G x 1-1/2” 10cc 21G x 1-1/2” SURFLO® ultra-sharp double-bevel introducer needle plus a medical grade lubricant allow for easier penetration and smoother travel through tissue. Clear sure-grip hub gives immediate indication of proper placement. Safe, easy-to-handle. LatexFree. 50/box. Cat. No. 3SR-OX1632CA 3SR-OX1832CA 3SR-OX2025CA 3SR-OX2032CA 3SR-OX2225CA 3SR-OX2419CA Catheter Needle Gauge x Lgth Gauge 16 x 1-1/4” 18 18 x 1-1/4” 20 20 x 1” 22 20 x 1-1/4” 22 22 x 1” 24 24 x 3/4” 27 81.00 81.00 29.50 35.00 Box 54.25 54.25 56.65 54.25 54.25 54.25 Multi-Sample Needles Use with Vacutainer Collection Tubes Cat. No. BD-7210 BD-7212 BD-7213 bd Description 22g x 1”; 100/bx 21g x 1”; 100/bx 21g x 1.5”; 100/bx Box 22.95 21.50 21.50 FOR REA L $ 7. 99 BD PrecisionGlide™ Needles are engineered for minimal penetration and drag forces to reduce pain and provide a quick and easy injection. Cat. No. BD-5196 BD-5156 BD-5145 BD-5125 BD-5127 BD-5122 BD-5109 SAVING as low S as PrecisionGlide ® Regular Bevel Needles; 100/bx Eclipse® Safety SAVING as low S as per box bd Description 18G x 1-1/2” 22G x 1-1/2” 23G x 1” 25G x 1” 25G x 1-1/2” 25G x 5/8” 27G x 1/2” Box 12.50 7.99 7.99 8.35 7.99 7.99 7.99 Specialty Use Needles; 100/bx Cat. No. BD-5106 Description 30G x 1/2” 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Box 36.75 I.V. Solutions, Administration Sets kawasumi labs baxter Gravity IV Administration Sets • Low cost gravity IV administration set • All sets feature Non-DEHP fluid paths, including tubing and drip chamber • Latex Free • Available with .22 micron in-line filter • Wide selection of sets and components to meet a variety of solution administration requirements Cat. No. Description IV-009Y Set with Y injection site; 84” FOR REA L Basic Solutions Basic Solutions are sold by the each. Quanity shown is the number of each per case $ Full Freight Charges will apply for all Basic Solutions 2eac.h25 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in Plastic Bags (normal saline) FOR REA L Cat. No. 254622 2B1321 2B1322Q 2B1323Q 2B1324 2B7127 SAVING S as low as $ 1eac.h45 Drops Per mL 10 Size (mL) 100 mL 150 mL 250 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 3000 mL Qty/cs 4bg/ea, 80/cs 36ea 36ea 24ea 12ea 4ea/cs Each 147.00 2.75 2.35 2.65 2.50 49.00 Qty/cs 12ea Each 4.50 Sterile Water for Injection Cat. No. 2B0304 Priming Volume 18 mL Each 1.45 Size (mL) 1000 mL 5% Dextrose Injection, USP (5% Dextrose in Water) in Plastic Bags Cat. No. 2B0062Q 2B0063Q Size (mL) 250 mL 500 mL Qty/cs 36ea 24ea 5% Dextrose and 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in Plastic Bags Cat. No. Description IV-016Y Set with two Y injection sites; 100” Cat. No. Description IV-019 Vented secondary sets; 40” Drops Per mL 10 Drops Per mL 20 Priming Volume 23 mL Priming Volume 10 mL Cat. No. 2B1063Q Each 1.69 Each 1.65 SAVING S as low as Size (mL) 500 mL Qty/cs 24ea Each 2.65 2.25 Each 2.95 5% Dextrose and 0.45% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in Plastic Bags Cat. No. Size (mL) Qty/cs Each 2B1073Q 500 mL 24ea 2.60 2B1074 1000 mL 12ea 2.90 Lactated Ringer’s Injection, USP; Electrolyte Solution in Plastic Bags Cat. No. Size (mL) Qty/cs Each 2B2322Q 250 mL 36ea 2.95 2B2323Q 500 mL 24ea 2.95 2B2324 1000 mL 12ea 3.20 HOSPIRA Cat. No. Description IV-020Y Vented set with Y inection site 84” Drops Per mL 20 Priming Volume 18 mL FOR REA L baxter Basic Extension Set with Male Luer Lock Adapter Approx Vol. 2.4 mL baxter SAVING S $ 1eac.h45 Length 21” FOR REA L Continu-Flo Solution Sets ® Interlink® Solution Set 92” with 1 Injection Sites,Vented with Male Luer Lock Adapter. 10 Drops/mL Cat. No. Description 2C6419 1 injection site 76” from luer lock adapter Each 1.65 as low as Basic Extension Sets Cat. No. Description 2C6226 Extension Set. Sterile peel pouch Glycine 1.5% Irrigation Flex Container Drops/mL 10 Each 1.45 SAVING S as low as $ 4eac.h15 Lgth 92” Each 4.15 Cat. No. 7974-08 Size (mL) 3000 mL Qty/cs 4ea Reg/cs 59.95 baxter Irrigation Solutions in Plastic Pour Bottles Full Freight Charges will apply for all Basic Solutions Sterile Water for Irrigation, USP Cat. No. 2F7112 2F7113 2F7114 Size (mL) 250 mL 500 mL 1000 mL Qty/cs 24ea 18ea 12ea FOR REA L SAVING S as low as $ 3eac.h20 Each 3.65 3.20 4.20 0.9% Sodium Chloride Irrigation, USP (normal saline) Cat. No. Size (mL) Qty/cs Each 2F7122 250 mL 24ea 3.35 2F7123 500 mL 18ea 3.40 2F7124 1000 mL 12ea 4.15 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 33 Blades & Scalpels, Surgical Trays miltex myco Surgical Blades & Scalpels Disposable Blades & Scalpels Sterile. Individually sealed in foil peel packs. FOR REA L $ Surgical Blades; 100/bx Cat. No. M-4-310 M-4-311 M-4-312 M-4-315 M-4-315C Description #10 blade #11 blade #12 blade #15 blade #15 curved SAVING S as low as 1pe0r . 75 box Cat. No. M-4-410 M-4-411 M-4-415 Suturing Tray Featuring High-Quality Floor- Grade Satin Finished Instruments SAVING S as low as 8. 8. 95 per tra y 50 per box Cat. No. BU-747 Description Suturing Tray Price 8.95 trinity Minor Laceration Tray Single-use sterile kit provides all of the components needed for minor wound care. Sterile Disposable Scalpels; 10/bx Description #10 scalpel #11 scalpel #15 scalpel Box 10.75 10.75 10.75 Cat. No. MY-10 MY-11 MY-15 MY-20 Description #10 scalpel #11 scalpel #15 scalpel #20 scalpel Box 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 Included are 2 absorbent towels, 5 - 4”x4” gauze sponges, poly-lined fenestrated drape, poly-lined towel, 5” metal forceps, sharp/sharp scissors and 5” needle holder with serrated jaw. bd Bard Parker Disposable Blades & Scalpels myco Blade Handles #3 - for blades #10, #11, #12, #12B, #15, #15C Cat. No. MY-6001-03 $ Box 18.95 18.95 17.80 17.80 FOR REA L $ SAVING S as low as Includes all the components needed for minor surgical care: Sterile Tray, 1 CSR overwrap, 1 - 5” fine point Halsey needle holder, 1 - 4-1/2” straight Iris scissors, 1 - 1x2 fine point Adson tissue forceps, 2 -2oz. medicine cups, 8 - 4”x4” gauze sponges, 5 2”x2” gauze sponges, 1 polylined fenestrated drape, 1 absorbent towel. Sterile S/S Surgical Blades; 100/bx Cat. No. Description MY-10SS #10 blade MY-11SS #11 blade MY-15SS #15 blade MY-20SS #20 blade Box 37.50 37.50 46.00 37.50 73.50 Disposable Scalpels Sterile. Individually sealed in foil peel packs. 10/bx FOR REA L busse Description #3 handle Box 3.15 miltex SurgiGuide® Sterile, disposable blades & scalpel with handle. Highest quality stainless steel. Stainless Steel Surgical Blades; 50/bx Cat. No. BP-1210 BP-1211 BP-1215 BP-1220 Description #10 blade #11 blade #15 blade #20 blade Box 41.50 41.50 43.95 41.50 Cat. No. TR-20312 Description Minor Laceration Tray Price 6.85 carefusion Epidural Block Tray Pharrmaseal® Paracervical/Pudendal Template for Surgery Pocket-sized template used for outlining skin lesions prior to surgery. Stainless steel. Sterilizable. Flexible enough to conform to body contours. Cat. No. M-21-278 34 Description SurgiGuide Disposable Scalpels; 100/bx Each 38.50 Cat. No. BP-1610 BP-1611 BP-1615 BP-1620 Description #10 scalpel #11 scalpel #15 scalpel #20 scalpel Box 18.95 18.95 18.95 18.95 Sterile Single-use trays Contain; 1 - Procedure needle, 20G x 6” w/ 0.25” spacer, 1 - Metal Iowa trumpet needle giude, 1 - Needle 22G x 1.5”, 2 - gauze pads, 4” x 4”, 1 - Underpad, Sterilization indicator, Hospital wrap. Cat. No. 4540A Description Epidural Block Tray 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price 21.05 Sutures, Removal Kits, Skin Staplers, Skin Closures ethicon look all Catalog Numbers ending with”G” are packaged 12/box all Catalog Numbers ending with”B” are packaged 12/box Black Silk Braided - Non-Absorbable Surgical Gut Chromic - Absorbable Cat. No. E-634G Description Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle E-1637G Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point Needle Lgth Size FS-2 27” 5-0 PS-2 18” 4-0 Box 147.00 273.50 Coated Vicryl Undyed Braided - Absorbable Cat. No. E-J496G E-J497G Description Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point E-J494G Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point Needle Lgth Size PS-2 18” 4-0 PS-2 18” 3-0 P-3 18” 4-0 Box 175.00 159.00 169.00 Ethilon Nylon Black Monofilament- Non-Absorbable Cat. No. E-662G E-663G Description Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Needle Lgth Size FS-2 18” 4-0 FS-1 18” 3-0 Box 71.00 79.00 E-1698G E-698G E-699G Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point P-3 18” 6-0 151.00 P-3 18” 5-0 151.00 P-3 18” 4-0 151.00 E-667G Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle C-2 18” 6-0 79.00 Prolene Polypropylene Blue Monofilament Non-Absorbable Cat. No. E-8686G E-8682G Description Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Precision Point E-8665G E-8684G Needle Lgth Size PS-2 18” 5-0 Box 189.00 PS-2 18” 4-0 199.00 Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle FS-2 18” 3-0 105.25 Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle FS-1 18” 3-0 109.00 look Nylon Black Monofilament - Non-Absorbable all Catalog Numbers ending with”B” are packaged 12/box Cat. No. L-927B Description Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Needle Lgth Size C-8 18” 2-0 Box 39.50 L-920B L-925B Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle C-7 C-7 18” 4-0 18” 3-0 39.00 38.50 L-918B L-922B Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle C-6 C-6 18” 5-0 18” 4-0 39.00 39.00 Cat. No. L-786B Description Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle L-754B Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Needle Lgth Size C-7 18” 3-0 C-6 Box 29.50 18” 5-0 38.95 Needle Lgth Size C-6 27” 4-0 C-6 27” 3-0 Box 36.50 36.50 Surgical Gut Plain - Absorbable Cat. No. L-551B L-554B Description Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Surgical Gut Chromic - Absorbable Cat. No. L-561B Description Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle L-560B Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle Needle Lgth Size C-7 18” 2-0 C-6 Box 36.05 27” 3-0 36.05 Suture & Staple Removal Kits Includes 1 metal thumb forceps, 1 metal Littauer stitch scissors, & 3” x 3” gauze sponge. Cat. No. 718 BU-716 Description Suture Remover Staple Remover Each 0.85 2.15 FOR REA L SAVING as low S as .85 ¢ each Precise™ Disposable Staple Remover 3M Provides fast, easy removal of ALL brands of staples. Easy to use. Tweezer or scissor style. Cat. No. SR-1 SR-3 Description Tweezer Style Scissor Style Each 4.75 6.65 dynarex 3M Skin Closure Strips Size Strips/Env 1/8”x3” 5/pk 1/4”x1.5” 6/pk 1/4”x3” 3/pk 1/2”x4” 6/pk Comfortable. Hypoallergenic adhesive, holds securely. Sterile in peelopen envelopes. X-ray transparent. 50 env/bx. (3M-R1548 = 25 env/bx). Box 32.95 32.95 32.95 42.95 Description 5-Shot Stapler 15-Shot Stapler Cat. No. 3M-R1540 3M-R1541 3M-R1542 3M-R1547 3M-R1548 Size Strips/Env 1/8”x3” 5 1/4”x3” 3 1/4”x1.5” 6 1/2”x4” 6 1”x5” 4 Box 59.35 59.35 59.35 94.50 94.50 davis & geck Precise™ Disposable Skin Stapler 3M Cat. No. DS-5 DS-15 Steri-Strips™ Skin Closures, White 50pks/box. Perfect alternative. Cat. No. D-3521 D-3522 D-3523 D-3525 SR-3 Appose® Skin Staplers Price 7.99 8.99 Cat. No. 804012 804112 Description 15-Shot, Reg 15-Shot, Wide 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price 26.50 31.00 35 Thermometry welch allyn SureTemp® Thermometer Model 690 Combines speed and accuracy making it ideal for newborns, children and adults. Results in 4 seconds for oral temperatures, 10 second axillary, and 15 seconds for rectal temperatures. Features last temperature recall. Large temperature display too! SureTemp® comes complete with Oral probe w/4’ cord, batteries and 25 Probe covers Cat. No. WA-6792 WA-02893-000 WA-02892-000 WA-06137 WA-21012 Description SureTemp thermometer Oral probe w/4’ cord Rectal probe w/4’ cord Calibration key Neck and Wrist Strap Price 295.00 92.50 89.95 39.50 6.50 FOR REA L welch allyn ® $ SAVING as low S as 13. box SureTemp Thermometer Probe Covers Cat. No. WA-05031 Description Probe covers; 250/bx 95 Box 13.95 sherwood BRAUN Filac® Thermometer Pro 4000 Infrared Ear Thermometer FILAC® 3000 EZ Oral Thermometer The FILAC® 3000 Electronic Thermometer offers best in class accuracy and speed. Multiple thermometer formats address the need for accurate and fast readings in under 4 seconds. Compact, robust design stand upright on flat surfaces and rubber side grips make it easy to hold. LCD display is easy to read. Cat. No. 504000 500500 500046 Description Filac 3000 EZ Thermometer Probe covers; 20/pkg Wall Mounting Base w/lock Price 239.50 2.49 18.75 sherwood Filac® Thermometer FILAC® F-1500 model. The Standard! The five-minute “auto-off” feature prevents accidental battery drainage. Two permanent lithium batteries will last up to 2 years at 100 readings per day. The thermometer measures temperatures from 90 degress to 110 degrees F and includes an oral probe. adc Digital Thermometers Easy-to-read digital thermometer. Quickly records and displays oral, rectal, axillary temperature. Battery powered for 200 hours of continuous use. Measures in 60 seconds. Beeps when complete. Auto off function. Cat. No. 3098 2210 Description Filac thermometer Probe covers; 500/bx Price 375.00 23.35 adc ADTEMP 421 Digital Ear Thermometer ® Cat. No. ADC-410 ADC-416-100 Description Digital Thermometer Probe Covers; 100/bx Price 6.85 3.85 adc ADTEMP V® 418 Super Fast Digital Thermometer • Auto off function conserves battery life • Range 90°F-109.9°F ±.2°F or 32°C - 43.9°C ±.1°C • Replaceable 1.55v (LR41) type battery provides up to 1,500 measurements • Integral carry case • Includes 5 probe sheaths Cat. No. ADC-418 36 Description Digital Thermometer Each 8.59 • Measures core temperature instantly from the ear reliably and accurately; scans 512 times per second • Range 93.2°F - 109.4°F ± .2°F or 34°C-43°C ± .1°C depending on scale selection • Large 6mm display is easy to read • Ultra compact (4.5” Long) ergonomic design fits comfortably in operator’s hand and patient’s ear • Fever alarm at 100.4°F • Complete with Lithium battery, zippered nylon storage/travel case, and operating instructions • No probe covers necessary - saves $$$ Cat. No. ADC-421 Description Ear Thermometer Each 34.50 • Improved accuracy and repeatability • Probe cover detection system ensures precise infrared heat transfer for accurate temperatures • Automatic probe cover eject button for quick and easy disposal of used probe covers • Easy-to-read, LCD displays temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius • Three-year limited warranty from manufacturer Cat. No. 6014 PC-800 Description Pro-4000 Thermometer Probe covers; 200/ea Price 199.00 17.50 SDI AstraTEMP NON-CONTACT, Accurate and Dependable Readings The AstraTEMP non-contact thermometer delivers precise accurate readings, time after time, without the need for disposable probes. The quick and easy-to-use design offers a one-click-to-read temperature measurement in less than a half second. Simply point AstraTEMP at the forehead. 3-year manufacturer warranty. On/Off audible readout that is small, convenient, easy-to-read. Infrared (IR) technology eliminates patient contact and Stores up to 32 previous measurements. Cat. No. 29-6100 Description Non-Contact Termometer Each 95.50 Thermometer Probes Covers Tempa-DOT® Cat. No. 5122 Description Tempa-Dot; Sterile, 100/bx Box 12.95 First Temp Genius® Probe Covers Cat. No. 810055 Description Probe covers; 105/bx Box 9.55 Digital Thermometer Probes Covers Cat. No. BD-2870 Description Oral Probe Covers; 50/bx Thermometer Sheaths Box 2.59 Suitable for oral or rectal use. Use with any digital thermometer. Cat. No. Description Reg ADC-416-100 Sheaths; 100/bx 3.85 ADC-416-1000 Sheaths; 1000/bx 29.99 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • FOR REA L welch allyn $ 31. 50 850/ba KleenSpec® Disposable Specula Rechargable Nickel Cadmium Batteries FOR REA L $ welch allyn 2.5v & 3.5v Rechargeable Batteries SAVING S as low as g Disposable tips are convenient, safe and economical. Two sizes - pediatric and adult for Diagnostic Otoscopes. Easily attaches to otoscope. SAVING S Diagnostic Instruments welch allyn Wall Transformer with 3.5v Halogen Handles Instruments are always ready for instant use. Full power light performance. Handles equiped with 8-foot coiled cords. as low as 3e9a . 99 ch Cat. No. WA-72000 WA-72200 WA-72300 WA-72900 Description 2.5V; Color Coded Red 3.5V; Color Coded Black 3.5V; Color Coded Orange 2.4V; for MicroTymp 2 Each 39.99 39.99 43.50 56.00 welch allyn Specula for Standard Otoscopes Cat. No. WA-76720 850/bag 3.5v Otoscope Set Cat. No. WA-52432 WA-52434-U 3.5v MacroView Otoscope/ Throat Illuminator Set with Rechargeable Handle. Features fiber optics for cool light with no reflections, plus hard case. Cat. No. WA-25270-M Instrument heads not included. See this page. Description 2.75mm pediatric 4.25mm adult Bag 31.50 31.50 speclinc Description Otoscope Set Price 465.00 welch allyn 3.5V Ophthalmoscope FOR REA L SA VINGS compa re to W elch-Ally n and SA VE 30 25 1000/b. a g front back • Standard Ophthalmoscope (#11710) • Coaxial optical system for shadow free spot and long-lasting illumination (#11720) • Halogen light for true tissue color • 5 apertures for all general/specialist use • Sealed optics for better dust protection Cat. No. WA-11710 11720 Description 11710 3.5v Ophthalmoscope 11720 3.5v Ophthalmoscope Price 229.00 261.00 welch allyn fits #20000 and #25020 Otoscope heads Description Insufflator; fits 20000 Description 2.5mm pediatric; 1000/bg 4mm adult; 1000/bg Each 10.75 For Welch Allyn otoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, and other instruments. #71000C can use #72300 Nickelcadmium or standard “C” batteries Bag 30.25 30.25 #03100 Cat. No. WA-00200 WA-03000 WA-03100 WA-03400 WA-04100 WA-04200 WA-04800 WA-04900 WA-06300 WA-07800 WA-06200-U WA-71000 WA-71000C Description Otoscopes 20100, 21600; Anoscopes 38800, 380, 385, 395 Series Ophthalmoscopes 11710, 11600, 11605, 1610; StrabismoScope 12400; Retinoscope 18000; EpiScope 47300 Otoscopes 20000, 25000, 25020, 25200, 21700, 20200, 20202 Pocketscope #22800 Lamp for Exam Light; 14.5V Lamp, Halogen Lamp; 2.5V Vacuum 11620, 11720 coaxial ophthalmoscope bulb Lamp, Halogen; fits 44100, 44110 lights Bulb; Vag spec; Sigmoid, Anoscope Bulb; 3.5vt handle, 23300, 92600, 92680 3.5v Rechargeable Handle 3.5v Convertible Handle Price 14.95 22.99 22.99 28.99 43.75 42.15 10.65 31.50 15.99 24.95 31.95 155.50 166.00 welch allyn 3.5v Diagnostic Set welch allyn 3.5v Otoscope Diagnostic Otoscope/Throat Illuminator Halogen light for true tissue color. Fiber optics for cool light with no reflections. Built-in throat illuminator/penlight. Wide angle viewing lens. Insufflator Bulb & Tube with tip Cat. No. WA-21504 Cat. No. 9775 9776 Bulbs & Handles #03000 Disposable tips are convenient, safe and economical. Two sizes - pediatric and adult for Diagnostic Otoscopes. Fits Welch Allyn. Price 519.00 welch allyn #00200 Generic Disposable Specula $ goes with WA-71000 handle Description Wall transformer Cat. No. 23820 Description Otoscope with throat illum. goes with WA-71000 handle Price 229.00 Diagnostic Set with Standard Ophthalmoscope, MacroView™ Otoscope with Throat Illuminator, Direct Plug-In Handle, Nasal Illuminator in Hard Case. Cat. No. WA-97110-M Description Diagnostic Set 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price 695.00 37 Blood Pressure Units, Accessories baumanometer Cat. No. 0820 0850 Description Wall Unit w/Cuff Clip Wall Unit w/Basket Assembled, ready-to-use. Complete with blue cuff, bag, bulb, and valve and connector. Price 179.00 179.00 Cat. No. 1820 1821 1822 1824 1825 Description Adult Inflation System Child Inflation System Infant Inflation System Thigh Inflation System Lrg Adult Inflation System Assembled, ready-to-use. Complete with blue cuff and two-tube bag. Description Adult cuff/inflation bag Child cuff/inflation bag Large arm cuff/nflation bag Thigh cuff/inflation bag Price 249.00 baumanometer Extendex® Tubing 8’ with connectors Cat. No. 1890 1894 1891 1893 1892 2420X 2422L 2910 Wall Aneroid Adult size, latex-free. Its unique high contrast scale and red pointer increase visibility and reduce parallax error. It complies with AAMI SP-9 for accuracy and performance (1% full scale ± 3 mm Hg). Includes wall basket. Price 147.00 Standby Model Floor model; 300mm Hg calibrated cuff. Warm gray textured baked enamel finish. Includes 4’ Extendex tubing, mobile base with 4” wheels. Overall dimensions: 42”x 15” 38 Description Standby model w/base 2422L Description Reg. Bulb with Air-Flo Valve Large Bulb with Air-Flo Valve Bulb Only Reg. size Bulb Only Large size Air-Flo® control valve Wall Basket Wall Basket; large 8’ Extendex tubing 2420X Each 11.75 13.55 4.65 4.99 6.99 26.50 35.29 12.59 welch allyn Hand Held Aneriod Sphygmomanometer Cat. No. DS58-11 Price 389.00 Cat. No. Description WA-7670-01 Charcoal Gray Replacement Inflation System Cat. No. 5082-21 5082-22 5082-23 5082-45 Description Child inflation system Adult inflation system Large Adult inflation system Thigh Size inflation system Price 199.00 Each 51.00 52.50 52.25 73.00 Bulb & Valve, Coil Tubing Designed for ease-of-use with durable long-lasting latex. Tubing is 8 feet with metal connectors. Cat. No. 5086-01 5088-01 5089-13 5091-13 Description Bulb only Bulb & valve/thumb screw Coil tubing; 8 ft Inflation System Basket Each 9.25 19.95 25.50 23.95 welch allyn Super shock-resistant. Jewel movement for long life. Laser-engraved dial face for accuracy. Premium inflation system with ergonomic inflation bulb enhances user comfort. Lifetime calibration warranty. baumanometer Cat. No. 0250 Each 23.50 18.65 33.95 39.25 Latex Bulb with & w/o Air-Flo® Control Baskets Description Wall Aneroid Each 35.95 31.95 31.95 54.95 46.95 Velcro® Cuff with Inflation Bag Cat. No. 1880 1881 1869 1884 300mm Hg calibrated V-Lok® cuff housed in a warm gray enamel finish. Durable, reliable and portable, and accurate. Cat. No. 0950NL Mounts permanently in place with assured accurate readability from all angles. Large 6” charcoal gray dial. Comes with attached 8-foot coiled tubing, swivel bracket cuff storage and Velcro® cuff. Complete Inflation Systems Desk Model Description Desk Model Wall Aneroid Aneroid Accessories baumanometer Cat. No. 0320 welch allyn baumanometer Wall Blood Pressure Unit with Clip A classic standard! Unit #33; individually calibrated (300mm/Hg), swivel-type instrument for wall mounting; includes 8’ Extendex® Tubing and Cuff Clip or Basket. Calibrated V-Lok® cuff; Cream color. Description Adult w/Velcro® cuff Flexiport Replacement Cuffs REUSE-11-1TP Adult Cuff REUSE-12-1TP Lg Adult Cuff Pocket Aneroid Sphygmomanometer CLASSIC time-tested standard. Durable and compact. Weighs only 13 oz. With zippered travel case. The standard by which all others are judged! Cat. No. DS48-11 DS45-DUR11 DS45-DUR12 Description Adult w/Velcro® cuff Adult Cuff Lg Adult Cuff Price 222.50 35.00 35.00 welch allyn Durashock Integrated Aneroid Price 215.00 27.95 31.50 Shock resistant with lower lifetime costs. Laser-engraved dial face for accuracy. Gauge rotates 360° and snaps directly into cuff for quick cuff change. Large inflation bulb. Latex-free. 10-year calibration warranty Cat. No. DS45-11 DS45-DUR11 DS45-DUR12 Description Adult w/Velcro® cuff Adult Cuff Lg Adult Cuff 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Price 75.50 35.00 35.00 Blood Pressure Units, Accessories, Stethoscopes Blood omron Pressure Units Long Life Nylon Cuff Economically priced instrument . Includes carrying case. Cat. No. 108M Description Adult; Black Nylon Cuff Price 39.50 Blood omron Pressure Units Long Life Cotton Cuff Durable and reliable, Omron’s Aneroid Sphygmomanometers offer a 5-year calibration warranty and a long-life cotton cuff to maintain the performance requirements of a busy clinical practice. Includes carrying case. Cat. No. 115M 115MC 115MO Description Adult; Gray Cotton Cuff Child; Gray Cotton Cuff Lg Adult; Gray Cotton Cuff Nursescopes 3m LITTMANN® Lightweight comfort, color coded tubing. Single or double head. Very Economical! The exceptionally versatile adult and pediatric-sided stethoscope. Outstanding acoustics, two turnable diaphragms and soft eartips! adc Price 26.00 26.00 35.00 Cat. No. ADC-660BK ADC-660BD ADC-660G ADC-660GR ADC-660R ADC-660RB ADC-670BK ADC-670BD ADC-670G ADC-670GR ADC-670R ADC-670RB Color Black; Single Head Burgundy; Single Head Gray; Single Head Green; Single Head Red; Single Head Royal Blue; Single Head Black; Double Head Burgundy; Double Head Gray; Double Head Green; Double Head Red; Double Head Royal Blue; Double Head Cardiology III Each 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 adc Adscope™ 603 Compact Wrist Monitor Compare and save to 3M Classic! One of the most popular acoustic scopes, the 603 combines outstanding performance with rugged durability. Overall length 28”. Watch-style design. Flip-up display panel folds down when not in use. Operate on 2 “AAA” batteries (not included). omron Cat. No. HEM-608 Description Wrist monitor Price 99.50 Cat. No. ADC-603BK ADC-603BD ADC-603G ADC-603P Color Black Burgundy Gray Pink Each 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 Sprague Rappaport DIAGNOSTIX™ 720 Offering more features than any other sphyg in its class. 720 seriers with Adcuff™ nylon cuff with ADC’s proprietary Size Guide™ marking system prevents mis-cuffing.Black cuff with case. Cat. No. ADC-720-11ABK Description Adult; Nylon Cuff Price 37.50 Blood adc Pressure Units Each 17.50 3m LITTMANN® Classic II S.E. Stethoscope Economical Aneroid Sphyg for todays cost conscious healthcare market. Latex free inflation bladder and bulb. Complete with Navy Blue cuff and zippered case. Cat. No. 2201 2203 2208 2209 2211 Description 28”; Black Tubing 28”; Gray Tubing 28”; Hunter Green 28”; Purple Tubing 28”; Burgundy Tubing 3m LITTMANN® Master Cardiology Features unsurpassed acoustic response with a single-sided “Master” chestpiece. Monitor high and low frequencies from the same side of the chestpiece. Non-chill rim and diaphragm. Cat. No. 2159 2160 2163 2164 2165 Description 22”; Black Tubing 27”; Black Tubing 27”; Burgundy Tubing 27”; Navy Tubing 27”; Hunter Grn Tubing Each 213.00 213.00 213.00 213.00 213.00 3m LITTMANN® Cat. No. 3M-2290 3M-2291 3M-2293 3M-2294 Description 28”; Black Tubing 28”; Caribbean Blue 28”; Burgundy Tubing 28”; PurpleTubing Each 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 3m LITTMANN® Lightweight II S.E. Stethoscope Superb high and low acoustic sensitivity Single-lumen tubing PROSPHYG™ 775 Cat. No. ADC-775 Description Sprague Rappaport Each 173.00 173.00 173.00 173.00 173.00 The affordable stethoscope with patented single-side chestpiece and excellent acoustical clarity. Comes complete with an accessory pouch containing: 1 pair small plastic ear tips, 1 pair soft rubber ear tips, 3 different size bells, and 2 extra diaphragms. 22” tubing. Cat. No. ADC-641BK Description 22”; Black Tubing 27”; Black Tubing 27”; Burgundy Tubing 27”; Navy Tubing 27”; Hunter Grn Tubing Select Stethoscope adc Blood adc Pressure Units Cat. No. 3127 3128 3129 3130 3134 Each 78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 Description 28”; Black Tubing 28”; Burgundy Tubing 28”; Caribbean Blue 28”; Lilac Tubing 28”; Celi Blue Tubing Each 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 39 Description Adult; Black Nylon Cuff Price 22.15 Cat. No. 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 Injectables - Pharmaceuticals 112800 180-424 871884 056-324 611-751 3081A-4-32 871780 216-720 328-073 952-230 2133510 2133528 085-812 085-782 871095 1213982 155-292 702-498 702-501 HAI-01C 532-959 GEN027 420-042 528-250 114010 115040 202042 8267 8269 1038488 202183 7821598 7821366 3770963 672-548 ES2210 223-239 182477 182493 188755 188789 887-811 921-106 ZMX17 0012-09 FG1109 ZMX18 0111-09 705-950 CU631115 563247 802749 569-011 2512796 202957 1049796 873264 872055 646-261 789-321 Acetaminophen Tabs 325mg; 100/btl 1.49 Acetaminophen Tabs 500mg; 100/btl 4.85 Acetaminophen Elixir Alcohol-Free, Pint 4.19 29.50 Acetaminophen w/codeine #4; 60mg; 100/btl, (C3) Acetic Acid Liquid 80%; 15mL; (Trichloroacetic) 38.50 Acetic Acid Liquid 4% 32oz, (Trichloroacetic) 24.95 Adenocard 6mg/2mL; 2mL 58.35 62.95 Adenocard syringe; 3mg/ml, 5x2ml; each 11.85 Albuterol Inhalation.; 0.083%; 3mL; 25 x 3mL/bx Albuterol Inhalation.; 0.5%; 20mL Solution 12.90 Alendronate Sodium Tabs 35mg; pk/4 37.50 Alendronate Sodium Tabs 70mg; pk/4 37.50 Alprazolam Tabs 0.5mg; 100/bottle (C4) 8.45 4.83 Alprazolam Tabs 0.25mg; 100/bottle (C4) Altace Caps 10mg; 100/btl 369.00 Aluminum Chloride 20% Liquid; D.O.M.; 60cc 17.79 Amantadine Caps; 100mg; 100/btl 229.00 Aminophylline inj 250mg; 10mL; each 1.99 Aminophylline inj 500mg; 20ml; each 1.19 26.90 Ammonia Inhalant Capsules 100/bx Amoxicillin Chewable 250mg; 100/btl 24.50 Amoxicillin 250mg 500/btl 49.65 Amoxicillin 500mg 100/btl 14.65 Amoxicillin 500mg 500/btl 68.50 Ampicillin 250mg 500/btl 92.71 Ampicillin 500mg 500/btl 104.38 Ampicillin 500mg 100/blt 23.95 45.45 Aplisol PPD 5TU 1mL; 10 test vial Aplisol PPD 50 test vial 155.00 137.00 Apri Oral Contraceptive Tabs; 6x28 (Compare to Orth-Cept) Aspirin 5gm 1000/btl 7.70 5.65 Atenolol Tabs 25mg; 100/btl Atenolol Tabs 50mg; 100/btl 5.65 10.55 Atenolol Tabs 100mg; 100/btl Atropine Sulfate Vial; 1mg/mL; 1mL; each 2.70 Atropine Sulfate MDV 0.4mg/ml; 10 x 20ml; ea 349.50 Atropine Sulfate; 0.1mg/ml, 10ml; 21g x 1.5” syringe 6.81 Azithromycin Z-Pack; 3 x 6/pk (18ea) 250mg; bx 39.95 Azithromycin Tri-Pack; 3 x 3/pk (9ea) 500mg; bx 39.95 Azithromycin Oral Susp. 100/5mL; 15mL 24.95 Azithromycin Oral Susp. 200/5mL; 30mL 24.95 B-12, Vitamin 1000mcg/mL 30ml compare to Rubramin PC 24.50 B-Complex Vitamin; B-Ject 100; 30mL inj 43.00 Bacitracin 0.5 oz tube each 2.26 Bacitracin-Neomycin-Polymyxin Oint; 1/32 oz; 144/bx 34.50 Bacitracin Ointment foilpac .9gm 144/bx 20.65 Bacitracin Zinc Ointment 1 oz tube 2.65 Bacitracin Zinc Ointment; 500U/g; 1/32 oz; 144/bx 20.65 Bacteriostatic Water 25 x 30ml; each 0.79 Bayrho-D Full dose 300mcg Syringe 1,112.00 Benadryl Chew Tabs Grape; 24/pk 7.85 Betamethasone Sod Phos/Ac 6mg/ml; 5ml ea 52.50 Bicillin LA Tubex TB 600M units;1mL;10/bx 429.00 Bicillin LA Tubex TB 1200M units; 2mL; 10/bx 719.00 Buspirone Tabs 10mg; 100/btl 12.09 Butorphanol inj 2mg; 10ml; each 46.50 Butorphanol inj 2mg; 1ml; 10/bx 127.30 Calcium Cardonate Susp. 500/btl 17.59 Calcium Chloride; 10% 1gm, 10ml; 21gx1.5” syr 4.89 Calcium Gluconate inj 10% (4.65MEQ); 10mL vial; 25/bx 91.95 Calcium Gluconate Inj. 4.65meq, 10mL 40 D.E.A. Required C C C C II III IV 1209261 1209287 BL3201 822-922 V Captopril 25mg; 100/btl Captopril 50mg; 100/btl Carbocaine 1% 50ml Cefazolin Sodium inj (compare to Ancef) 1gm; 10mL 2.75 4.69 22.43 2.85 Ceftriaxone Ceftriaxone Sodium Injection (generic Rocephin) 11223 11330 11224 483-001 872978 405-361 842-346 1475490 872840 873535 809-330 1223445 563633 4050-01 1191485 083-909 563328 422888 887-811 Ceftriaxone Sodium Inj. 250mg SDV Ceftriaxone Sodium Inj. 500mg SDV Ceftriaxone Sodium Inj. 1gm SDV Celestone Solution Susp. MDV; 6mg/ml; 5ml Celexa Tabs 40mg; 100/btl Cephalexin; 250mg Capsules; 100/btl Cephalexin; 500mg Capsules; 100/btl Cialis Tabs 20mg; 30/btl Cipro 500mg; 100/btl Cipro 750mg; 50/btl Clindamycin; 150mg capsules, 100/btl Clindamycin; 300mg capsules, 100/btl Clindamycin Inj; 150mg/ml; 4ml Vial, 25/bx Clindamycin Inj; 150mg/ml; 2ml Vial, each Clomiphene Citrace Tabs 50mg; 30/btl Clonazepam Tabs 0.5mg, 100/btl (CIV) Clonazepam Tabs 1mg, 100/btl (CIV) Coumadin Tabs 2mg; 100/btl Cyanocobalamin Inj 1000mcg/ml; 30ml; (Vit-B 12) 4.49 8.95 13.49 53.00 485.00 17.45 26.95 899.95 793.00 375.00 39.23 69.95 129.50 5.25 30.50 18.45 18.45 159.00 24.50 Cyanocobalamin® (Vitamin B12) Cyanocobalamin Inj 1000mcg/ml; 30ml; (Vit-B 12) 873001 141747 871885 489-697 489-700 506-583 873887 507-377 533-769 Cytotec Tablets; 100mcg; 60/btl Cytotec Tablets; 200mcg; 100/btl Debrox Ear Drops 0.5oz. Delestrogen inj Vial 10mg/mL; 5ml; each Delestrogen inj Vial 20mg/mL; 5ml; each Delestrogen inj Vial, 40mg/mL; 5ml; each Delsym Cough Syrup 3 oz. Depo-Estradiol inj 5mg/mL; 5ml Vial Depo-Medrol inj 20mg/mL; 5mL Vial Depo-Medrol® Methylprednisone Acetate Inj. suspension, USP. 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 365.00 359.00 7.45 125.95 149.97 283.00 11.79 55.50 22.70 D.E.A. Required C C C C II 411565 882-771 541-605 840-572 496-847 737604 294-411 580-198 Depo-Medrol 40mg 1mL Depo-Medrol inj 40mg/mL; 10mL Vial Depo-Medrol 40mg/mL 5mL Vial Depo-Medrol 80mg/mL 1mL; each Depo-Medrol 80mg/mL 5mL; each Depo-Provera; New! Prefilled Saftey Syringe 150mg/mL; 1mL; each Depo-Provera Inj 150mg/mL SDV 1mL; ea Depo-Provera 400mg/mL; 2.5mL Vial Depo-Provera® Contraceptive Injection Compare and Save! just $250.50 ea 065-986 065-994 946-915 202858 702-536 789-356 657-506 677-426 12.09 81.39 41.39 18.95 76.50 117.00 103.50 250.50 also see Medroxy Progesteron pg. 42 Prefilled Safety Syringe 150mg/mL; 1mL; each Depo-Testosterone Inj MDV 100mg 10cc; (C3) 103.15 Depo-Testosterone Inj MDV 200mg 10cc; (C3) 179.00 Desogen Tabs; 6 cyclic tablet dispensers, 28-day 192.20 Desonide Cream 0.05%; 15gm each 7.59 Dexamethasone Sod Phos; MDV 4mg/ml; 5ml; ea 5.85 Dexamethasone Sod Phos; MDV 4mg/ml; 30ml; ea 27.95 Dexamethasone Tablets; 4mg; 100/btl 16.30 Dexamethasone Tablets; 0.75mg; 100/btl 18.95 Dexamethasome Sodium Phosphate Injection (generic Decadron) 411278 362-751 058-653 063-320 052-698 683-361 4160636 1472208 7031107 202565 411959 871471 202078 563068 563087 702-552 804-525 102-3250 102-5659 873143 871960 966-827 1155621 176-451 404-608 411163 840-815 Dextrose inj 50%; Fliptop 25 x 50ml vial; ea 2.57 Dextrose 50%, 50mL; 21g x 1.5” syringe 4.35 Diazepam MDV; 5mg/mL; 10mL, (C4) 52.50 6.25 Diazepam; 5mg tablets; 100/btl., (C4) Diazepam; 10mg tablets; 100/btl., (C4) 22.45 Diphenhydramine; 50mg capsules; 100/btl 6.05 Diphenhydramine; 50mg/mL, 1mL SDV; (Benadryl) 1.65 66.95 Diphenoxylate Atrop Tabs; 100/btl (C5) Dipyridamole Inj SDV; 5mg; 10mL Vial; 5/bx 147.97 Dipyridamole Tabs 75mg; 100/btl 55.19 6.99 Dobutamine HCL 250mg; 20mL Vial; each Docusil Caps 100mg; 1000/btl 18.50 3.79 Docusate Sodium SG Caps 100mg; 100/btl Docusate Sodium (DSS) Caps 100mg; 1000/btl 26.85 6.33 Docusate Sodium Liquid 50mg/5ml; 480ml Dopamine SDV; 400mg, 5mL Vial; each 5.14 Doxycycline 100mg; 500/btl 56.93 Doxycycline Hyclate Caps (similar Vibramycin) 50mg 50’s 6.19 Doxycycline Hyclate Caps (similar Vibramycin) 100mg 50’s 12.25 Dramamine Chew Tabs 24’s 13.99 Ear Drops H.E.A.R. System 15mL 2.75 Emula Cream w/o Tegaderm; 30gm; each 75.50 Enalapril 20mg; 1000/btl 69.99 Engerix-B 20mcg/ml;1ml Hepatitis-B adult 79.50 Engerix-B 10mcg/ml; 0.5ml Hepatitis-B pedi 32.13 Ephedrine Sulfate 50mg; 1ml Amp; 4.50 Epinephrine; 1:10,000 10ml; 21g x 1.5” syringe 3.54 III IV V 700-975 229-210 ES1420 4950671 872211 202077 871059 202188 871414 339-12 876-658 202921 872117 872624 1300938 261-602 789-275 789-283 598-852 673-234 227-617 LY8030 873649 871955 260-320 202777 724-114 2158673 411500 411503 411117 176-451 404-608 651-184 124-990 871185 279-544 GEN209 886-130 079-111 079-154 ZHC04 180-513 180-548 180-564 805-009 585-262 730100 873208 873586 136713 506-699 602-280 490-121 599-654 202283 411328 Injectables - Pharmaceuticals Epinephrine; 1:10,000 10ml; 18g x 1.5” syringe Epinephrine MDV 30mL; 1:1,000 Epinephrine 1mg/ml 1ml 1:1,000 AMPs; each Epipen Adult 0.3mg Autoinject; 2/pk Epipen Jr 0.15mg; 2/pk Estradiol Tabs 1mg; 100/btl Etodoloc Tabs 400mg, 100/btl Famotidine Tabs 40mg, 100/btl Ferrous Sulfate Tabs 325mg 1000/btl Flu Vaccine 2013; 5ml MDV 10 doses per vial; (call to pre-book) Fluocinonide-E Cream 0.05% 60gm emulsified Folic Acid Tabs 1mg; 100/btl Folic Acid Tabs 1mg; 1000/btl Folic Acid Tabs 800mcg; 250/btl Furosemide 40mg Tabs; 100/btl Furosemide inj 20mg F303; 2mL Amp Furosemide inj 40mg; 4mL Vial; 25 x 4mL; bx Furosemide inj 100mg; 10mL; each Furosemide inj Ampule; 20mg/2ml; 25 x 2ml; ea Gentamicin Inj; 40mg/mL, 25 x 20ml; each Gentamicin Sulf.; 40mg/mL, 25 x 2ml; each Glucagon Syringe Kit 1mg Glucopahge XR Tabs 500mg; 100/btl Glucopahge Tabs 500mg; 100/btl Glucose Tabs, Orange; 50/btl Gonak 2.5% 15mL Gynol II Jelly 3.8 oz Tube w/applicator; each Havrix Hepatitis-A Pedi SDV 0.5mL; each Hepatitus A&B; Twinrix Adult SDV 1mL; Ea Hepatitus A&B; Twinrix Adult 1mL Syringe; 5/pk Hepatitis-B 10mcg 1mL adult Hepatitis-B 20mcg/ml 1ml; adult SDV Hepatitis-B .5ml; pediatric; 10 x .5mL/pkg; ea Hep-Lock 10 units/mL; 10mL; 25x10mL/bx Hibtiter Vaccine 4x1 dose Vial Humulin 70/30; 10mL Hydrochlorothiazide 50mg 100/btl Hydrochlorothiazide 50mg 1000/btl Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg 1000/btl Hydrocodone/APAP; 5/500mg tabs, 500/btl., (C3) Hydrocodone/APAP; 7.5/750mg Tabs 100/btl. (C3) Hydrocortisone Ointment 1% 1 oz TB Ibuprofen; 400mg; 100/btl Ibuprofen; 600mg; 100/btl Ibuprofen; 800mg; 100/btl Ibuprofen; 800mg; 500/btl Inderal inj; 1mg/ml, 1ml; each Infanrix Tip-Lok Syringe 5/pk Insulin Novolin -N 10mL Ipratropium Inh Sol 0.02%; 25/pk Kariva Contraceptive Tabs; 6x28 Kenalog inj 10mg/ml 5ml Vial Kenalog-40 inj 40mg/mL; 1mL Vial; each Kenalog-40 inj 40mg/mL, 5ml Vial; each Kenalog-40 inj 40mg/mL, 10ml Vial; each Ketorolac Tabs 10mg; 100/btl (generic for Toradol) Ketorolac 60mg/mL; 2mL SDV Similar to Toradol 9.77 8.99 1.69 295.00 289.50 8.43 33.40 15.34 9.22 Call 14.26 16.62 58.92 4.10 3.99 3.15 34.80 2.85 3.15 24.95 1.35 211.50 101.80 159.00 11.25 11.25 17.95 46.79 129.00 655.00 81.17 79.50 32.13 27.21 173.00 112.96 6.75 74.99 32.65 52.95 13.80 2.20 6.05 7.85 10.85 36.85 117.00 165.50 72.95 5.45 243.00 14.75 10.99 56.00 88.50 22.99 4.41 Ketorolac Tromethamine Similar to Toradol 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 41 Injectables - Pharmaceuticals 1035732 411327 1172071 40051492 202307 202186 411528 871638 910-082 531-677 791-431 ES2410 HLM003 630-020 630-039 527-475 1244920 221-430 273-082 250-678 1460005 549-479 357-863 357-871 872237 1336080 2513828 563048 086-037 070-459 5365614 3000940 865-877 3000908 676-381 516-023 605-719 6310567 411602 509-116 605-263 509-124 D.E.A. Required C C C C II Ketorolac inj 30mg/mL, 1mL; 10/bx 23.25 Ketorolac 30mg/mL; 1mL SDV Similar to Toradol 3.99 Ketorolac inj Carpuject 30mg/mL, 2mL; 10/bx 44.90 18.65 K.O.H. Potassium Hydroxide 10%; 30mL Bottle Labethalol Tabs 200mg; 100/btl 33.29 Lactase Tabs 60/btl 6.50 Lanoxin Inj 0.025mg Amps; 2mL 4.24 28.49 Levothroid Tabs 50mcg; 100/btl 4.50 Lidocaine 0.5% e/epi flip; 25x50mL; each Lidocaine HCL Inj MDV 1% preserved 50ml; ea 3.49 Lidocaine Inj 1% preserve-free; 25 x 5ml Amps 32.61 Lidocaine HCL 2%; 20mg/mL; 50ml Vial 3.79 Lidocaine Viscous 2% 100ml 3.95 Lidocaine HCL 1% w/epi 25x30ml Vial; each 3.19 Lidocaine HCL 2% w/epi 25x30ml Vial; each 3.35 93.00 Lidocaine Ointment 5%; 35.44gm Tube Lidocaine Solution 4%; 50mL 8.07 Lidocaine 100mg, 5mL syringe; each 5.17 Lidocaine; 1%, 5ml; 21g x 1.5” syringe 4.84 3.75 Lidocaine; 2%, 5ml; 21g x 1.5” syringe Lidocaine Cream 15gm, 5% LMX 41.50 Lincocin 300mg/ml 10ml Vial 99.00 389.00 Lipitor Tabs 10mg; 90/btl Lipitor Tabs 20mg; 90/btl 550.00 635.00 Lipitor Tabs 40mg; 90/btl Lisinopril 20mg; 100/btl 17.95 Lo-Ovral Oral Contraceptive Tabs; 6x28 525.00 12.99 Loratadine Tabs 10mg; 100/btl Lorazepam Tabs 1mg; 100/btl 9.95 15.95 Lorazepam Tabs 2mg; 100/btl L-Tyrosine (Amino Acid) Caps; 500mg; 50/btl 5.69 Lupron Depot Pedi 11.25mg kit 1,999.95 849.00 Lupron Depot Inj 3.75mg Each Lupron Inj 2-Week kit; equal to Lueprolide 543.00 2.34 Mannitol fliptop 25%; 50mL Vial; each Marcaine HCL 0.25% 50ml MDV; each 7.15 Marcaine HCL w/EPI 0.25% 50ml MDV; ea 8.25 30.98 Marcaine 0.25% Pres-Free; 30mL; 10/bx Marcaine 0.5% w/EPI; Pres-Free; 10mL 4.40 Marcaine HCL 0.5% 50ml MDV; each 9.50 Marcaine SDV 0.75%; 10x10mL; box of 10 45.40 Marcaine 0.5% w/EPI 50ml MDV; each 13.17 MedroxyPROGESTERone Acetate Injectable Suspension, USP Generic for Depo-Provera 63.79 63.79 50.50 23.78 35.96 8.49 199.00 6.29 54.13 62.95 29.95 69.00 67.95 269.00 III IV 872481 OD780800 090-271 1745066 202380 563-676 021-4502 411267 917-222 867-101 212340 872806 986-313 3551447 3551462 436-208 872444 505-358 505-331 563034 156-310 668-192 V Miacalcin Injection 200IU; 2mL MICRhoGAM 50mcg; Prefilled 1-dose syringe; ea Midazolam 5mg/mL; 5mL Vial; 10/bx; (C4) Mircette Oral Contraception Tabs; 6x28 Misoprostol Tabs 200mg; 100/btl M-M-R II inj; each Nalbuphine; 10mg/ml, 1ml Amps; 10/pk (generic for Nubian) Nalbuphine; 10mg/ml, 5 x 10ml vial; ea. Nalbuphine; 20mg/ml, 5 x 10ml vial; ea. Nalaxone HCL 0.4mg/mL; 1mL Vial; 10 vials/bx Nalaxone HCL 0.4mg/mL; 10mL Vial Naphcon Eye Drops; 15mL Naproxen Sodium Tabs; 550mg;100/btl (Anaprox DS®) Necon 1/35 Oral Contraceptive Tabs; 6x28 Necon 1/50 Oral Contraceptive Tabs; 3x28 Neosporin Ointment 1/32oz, 144/bx Foil Pack Nephrocaps; 100/btl Nesacaine MDV 1%; 30mL Vial Nesacaine MDV 2%; 30mL Vial Niacin Tabs 500mg; 1000/btl Nifedipine Caps 10mg; 100/btl Nitrolingual Spray; 14.49gm; each 97.50 225.00 94.64 489.00 65.71 71.95 32.50 22.10 27.50 184.70 111.50 10.41 22.65 125.50 125.25 43.40 28.59 31.95 30.95 26.90 93.69 480.00 NITROSTAT Nitroglycerin Tablets, USP. 471-607 471-615 1069749 1328491 3001D 872519 563442 1313477 1313469 572-977 632-783 1713577 939-714 183-229 360226 563969 563561 218-057 235-733 1774967 504-467 1048339 1048347 5480934 1208594 LE2309 630-675 1508372 1835461 40051492 673-846 581-968 Nitrostat Subl 0.4mg Tabs; 100’s 29.75 19.35 Nitrostat Subl 0.6mg Tabs; 100’s Novarel 10mL MDV 239.50 251.24 Nuva Ring Intrauterine Ring; 24/pack Ondansetron Inj 2mg/ml; 2ml Vail; 5/bx 8.95 Opcon-A-Eye Drops; 15mL 8.25 284.67 Ortho Evra Patch 20/150/24; 6X3 Ortho Evra Patch; 1 each weekly 49.00 41.36 Ortho Evra Patch; use 1 weekly; 3/pk Ortho Novum Dialpak 1/35; 6 x 28; box 267.00 Ortho Novum Dialpak 7/7/7; 6 x 28; box 365.00 Ortho-Cyclen Dialpak Tabs; 6x28 545.00 Ortho Tri-Cyclen 6 x 28 day; box 239.00 Oxytocin (compare to Pitocin) SDV 10U/mL; 1mL 5.89 Oxytocin (compare to Pitocin) SDV 10U/mL; 10ml 275.00 Pediarix 0.5ML SDV 10/pk 1,075.00 Penicillin Syringe 600MU, 1mL 10/pk 245.00 Penicillin VK; 250mg tablets; UD100/btl 20.95 Penicillin VK; 500mg tablets; UD100/btl 32.95 Pfizerpen Inj 5mmu; 10/pk 109.00 Phenergan 25mg/1ml Ampule; 25 x 1ml; ea. 3.73 Phentermine Caps 37.5mg, 100/btl (C4) 45.21 Phentermine Tabs 37.5mg, 100/btl (C4) 26.19 Phytonadione Disp. Syringe 0.5mL 2mg/mL 25/bx 214.29 Plan “B” tabs; 0.75mg; 2/pack 55.71 Pneumoccal Vaccine 2.5ml Vial (5 doses) 369.00 PNU-IMUNE 23; 5 doses/vial; each 365.00 Polocaine MDV 2%, 50mL 18.31 Potassium Chloride 20MEQ; 100/btl 49.95 Potassium Hydroxide 10%; K.O.H. ; 30mL Bottle 18.65 PPD Tubersol 5TU; 1mL; inj.; 10 test vial; ea. 46.95 PPD Tubersol 5TU; 5mL; inj.; 50 test vial; ea. 167.50 1764356 1641158 1149780 871045 871428 482-463 873395 448-931 1081218 RUG5350 1032887 798-428 202914 798-436 MedroxyPROGESTERone 150mg/mL Syringe; ea MedroxyPROGESTERone 150mg/mL Vial; 1mL MedroxyPROGESTERone Tabs 10mg; 100/btl MedroxyPROGESTERone Tabs 2.5mg (1241710) MedroxyPROGESTERone Tabs 5mg (1208750) Methergine Ampules UD 1ml amps; each Methergine Tabs 0.2mg; 100/btl Methotrexate Sod. inj 50mg 2ml Vial Methylprednisolone Ace Inj Susp 40mg/mL; 10mL MDV Methylprednisolone Ace Inj Susp 80mg/mL; 5mL MDV Methylprednisolone Tabs; 4mg; 21/pk Metronidazole Tablets 500mg 50/btl Metronidazole Tablets Gen Flagyl 500mg 100’s Metronidazole Tablets 500mg 500/btl 42 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • D.E.A. Required C C C C II 202124 829-153 805-572 563880 112352 563850 530-042 871412 4160495 574-821 871779 563978 563173 720615 872021 1228667 360407 720508 563975 871172 871226 589-454 112419 112420 112422 825-808 926-922 OD780800 OD780725 Prednisone 5mg Tabs 100/Btl (genric for Phenergan) Prednisone 10mg Tabs 100/Btl Prednisone 10mg Tabs 500/Btl Premarin Tabs 0.3Mmg; 100/btl Premarin Tabs 0.625mg 100/btl Premarin Vaginal Cream 0.625mg; 1.5oz Prempro 0.625/2.5mg; 3 x 28 EZ-Dial; box Prempro 0.625/5mg; 3 x 28 EZ-Dial; box Promethazine Amp; 25mg/ml inj; 25 x 1ml; ea. Promethazine Amp; 50mg/ml inj; 25 x 1ml; ea. Promethazine Tabs 25mg; 100/btl Promethazine Supp 12.5mg; 12/pk Promethazine Supp 25mg; 12/bx Promethazine DM Syrup; 120ml(4oz) each Promethazine DM Syrup; 480ml(Pint) each Promethazine Syrup 6.25mg/5ml; 120ml Promethazine Syrup 6.25mg/5ml; 480ml Promethazine Syrup w/Codeine; 120ml (C5) Promethazine Syrup w/Codeine; 480ml (C5) Proparacaine 0.5% 15mL Propecia Tabs; 30/btl Proventil Inhaler; 17gm; each Provera Tabs 2.5ml; 100/btl Provera Tabs 5ml; 100/btl Provera Tabs 10ml; 100/btl Recombivax HB hepatitis-B; adult 10mg, 1ml Recombivax HB hepatitis-B; 0.5mL vial MICRhoGAM 50mcg; 5 prefill syr/bx; sold as ea. RhoGAM 300mcg; 1 prefilled single-dose syringe 1 prefilled, 300mg syringe Cat. No. OD780725 581-127 798-274 1466333 461-164 461-156 596-434 INV1950 229-024 229-016 872611 451-223 973-742 850-209 794-546 797-944 411918 537-616 IV1185 AB488720 AB488725 919-802 872098 1700541 1215458 1215466 2077741 799643 685-127 871232 217-271 13.99 7.20 23.10 269.00 267.00 199.00 229.00 154.06 2.49 3.64 39.95 21.99 26.50 5.35 12.05 Call Call 6.75 12.05 14.50 105.00 73.45 109.15 165.00 215.00 81.95 39.25 225.00 115.95 Compare & Save! just $115.95 93.76 Rimso 50%; 50mL; each Rocephin inj 1gm vial; each 83.75 719.00 Seasonale 91-day Oral Contraceptive Tabs; 3x91 Silvadene Cream 400gm jar 91.75 Silvadene Cream 50gm jar 23.33 14.07 Silvadene Cream 20gm Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% 50ml each 2.23 Sodium Bicarbonate; 8.4%, 10ml; 21g x 1.5” 7.58 Sodium Bicarbonate; 8.4%, 50ml; 18g x 1.5” 4.69 Sodium Chloride 0.9% Inh 3mL; 100/pk 21.14 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 30ml Bacteriastatic Vial 1.15 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 10mL; Pres-Free; 25/bx 15.00 Sodium Chloride 23.4% 30ml; 25 x 30mL; 25/bx 93.50 Solu-Cortef Act-O-Vial 100mg, 2mL Vial 7.75 Solu-Cortef Act-O-Vial 250mg, 2mL Vial 10.85 Solu-Medrol 125mg w/Dil 2mL 7.49 Solu-Medrol Act-O-Vial 40mg, 1mL Vial 6.50 Sterile Water Injectable 50ml Vial; preservative free 1.99 Sterile Water Injectable 20ml Vial; preservative free 1.19 Sterile Water Injectable 10ml Vial; preservative free 0.95 Tamiflu 75mg 10’s 173.15 Temazepam Caps 15mg; 100/btl (C4) 12.69 Temazepam Caps 30mg; 500/btl (C4) 50.71 Terbutaline Tabs; 2.5mg; 100/btl 39.99 Terbutaline Tabs; 5mg; 100/btl 65.00 Terbinafine HCL Tabs 250mg; 90/btl (Lamisil) 25.95 Testosterone Cypionate Inj. 200mg/mL, 10mL (C3) 129.00 Tetanus Toxoid Absorbed only; 10-dose 439.00 Tetracycline 0.5%; 15mL 10.75 Tetracycline; 250mg capsules; 100/btl 6.55 III IV V 157-341 872654 514-314 563710 871633 202785 202705 1338433 202018 563079 3772860 611-751 1464502 647-810 673-846 581-968 411500 MC45270 873222 872039 MC004 037-370 202278 559-423 559-385 043-117 060-402 1771161 0035-45 921-106 887-811 247-995 872157 202462 202463 202294 202373 705-950 759-635 428-647 429-015 0110-01 428-760 429-082 428-833 428-884 429-112 429-163 561-584 229-458 428-957 40203 1910348 393-843 873459 873889 2059277 215269 Injectables - Pharmaceuticals 8.05 Tetracycline; 500mg capsules; 100/btl Thyroid Armour Tabs 1gm; 100/btl 22.86 Tigan; 100mg/ml, 20ml vial; each 139.00 165.00 Toprol XL Tabs 50mg; 100/btl Toprol XL Tabs 100mg; 100/btl 249.00 Torsemide Tabs 20mg; 100/box 39.99 Torsemide Tabs 50mg; 100/box 9.99 Tramadol Tabs 50mg; 100/btl 9.99 Trazodone Tabs 100mg; 100/btl 10.62 35.95 Tremtinoin Cream 0.025%; 20gm Triamterene & HCTZ Tablets 75/50mg; 100/btl 4.80 Trichloracetic Liquid 80%; 15mL 38.50 Tri-Sprintec 28s Tabs; 6x28 119.00 (compare to Ortho Tri-Cyclen) Triphasil-28 Compact contains: 3x28 tabs/bx 139.00 Tubersol PPD, 5TU; 1mL; inj.; 10 test vial 46.95 Tubersol PPD, 5TU; 5mL; inj.; 50 test vial 167.50 Twinrix Adult Hepatitus A&B; SDV 1mL; Ea 129.00 Tylenol Caplets 100/btl 12.24 Tylenol Chew Tabs Grape; 30’s 7.75 Tylenol Child Susp Grape; 4oz 7.46 Tylenol Extra-Strength Tablets 100/btl 15.21 Tylenol Tablets w/Codeine 30mg; 100/btl 106.59 Verapamil ER Tabs 240mg; 500/btl 179.00 Viagra Tabs 100mg; 30/bottle 859.00 Viagra Tabs 50mg; 30/bottle 780.00 Vicodin; tablets, 5/500, 100/btl., (C3) 189.00 Vicodin ES; tablets, 7.5/750, 100/btl., (C3) 153.82 Vistaril vial; 50mg/ml, 10ml; ea 13.25 Vitamin A&D Ointment; 5 gm; 144/bx 25.00 Vitamin B-Complex; B-Ject 100; 30mL inj 43.00 Vitamin B-12 1000mcg/mL 30ml compare to Rubramin PC 24.50 Vivelle Patch Estradiol 0.5mg/day transderm; 24/bx 285.00 Warfarin Sod Tabs 1mg; 100/btl 30.96 Warfarin Sod Tabs 2mg; 100/btl 30.96 Warfarin Sod Tabs 2.5mg; 100/btl 30.96 Warfarin Sod Tabs 3mg; 100/btl 30.96 Warfarin Sod Tabs 4mg; 100/btl Similar to Coumadin 30.96 Water Bacteriostatic 25 x 30ml; each 0.79 Xenical Caps 120mg; 90/box 449.00 Xylocaine (0135-01); 0.5%—50ml (each) 6.59 Xylocaine (0140-01); 0.5% w/epi; 1:200,000; 50ml 259.00 Xylocaine (0110-01); 1%—20ml (each) 4.85 Xylocaine (0145-01); 1%—50ml (each) 7.25 Xylocaine (0150-01); 1% w/epi; 1:100,000; 50ml 11.95 Xylocaine (0120-01); 2%—20ml (each) 4.53 Xylocaine (0155-01); 2%—50ml (each) 13.50 Xylocaine (0125-01); 2% w/epi; 1:100,00; 20ml 5.85 Xylocaine (0160-01); 2% w/epi; 1:100,000; 50ml 13.50 Xylocaine Ampule (0210-03); 1%; 10 x 2ml 39.00 Xylocaine Jelly 2% 5gm; each 11.50 Xylocaine Topical 4% Solution, 50mL 29.50 Yasmin Tabs 28x3 231.00 Yaz 24/4 day Contraception Tabs; 3x28 215.00 Zithromax Z-Pack Tabs; 250mg; 3x6/pk 239.97 Zithromax Susp 100mg/5mL; 15mL 53.76 Zithromax Susp 200mg/5mL ; 22.5mL 51.27 Zolpidem Tabs 5mg; 100/btl (C4) 13.95 Zolpidem Tabs 10mg; 100/btl (C4) 13.95 Prenatal Formula Tablets® For use before, during and after pregnancy! Cat. No. GOL2590F-HSI 827-460 Description Price Prenatal Formula Tabs; 100/btl (compare to Stuart Prenatal) 5.15 39.95 StuartNatal Plus 3; 100/btl 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 43 Index A A1c Monitor.........................................10 Abdominal Binders………................. 5 Accucheck Test Strips......................... 10 Acetic Acid ……………………... 40,43 Adhesive Bandages & Strips……….. 28 Adhesive Tapes................................... 28 Administration Sets............................. 33 Albumin Test......................................... 9 Alcohol Prep Pads…………………... 26 Alcohol, Rubbing…………………… 26 Alconox Detergent…………………...24 Amines Test…………………………... 9 Ammonia Inhalant Capsules………....40 Amniocentesis Trays………………... 13 Anatomical Charts .............................. 15 Aneroids & Accessories………......38-39 Anesthesia Supplies……………........ 18 Applicators, Cotton-Tip, Ob/Gyn....22,27 Aquasonic 100 Gel……....................... 5 Aspiration Curettes & Tubing……......18 Aspiration Kit……………………….. 12 Aspirators, Portable....………………. 18 Autoclave Tape…………………….... 24 Autoclaves & Supplies…………........ 24 B B-12 Vitamin………………............... 40 Baby Beanies……………………....... 15 Baby Wipes……………………….. 6, 26 Bags, Waste Collection……………... 22 Band-Aid, J & J…………………….. 28 Bandages, Adhesive…………............ 28 Bandages, Gauze…………................. 29 Barrier Sterile Field…………………. 22 Basic Extension Sets…………........... 33 Basic Solutions…………………….... 33 Batteries, Welch Allyn………............ 37 Betadine Solution................................ 26 Biohazard Waste Collection Bags....... 22 Biopsy Curette..................................... 11 Biopsy Punches................................... 11 Birth Control Pills...............…........40-42 Blade Handles, Remover………….... 34 Blades & Scalpels……………........... 34 Blood Collection Products…......... 29-30 Blood Lancets………………........ 29-30 Blood Pressure/Accessories........... 38-39 Breast Drapes……………………...... 21 Brush, Surgical Scrub……………...... 27 Brushes, Cytology……………………16 Bulbs & Handles, Welch Allyn……... 37 Butterfly Needles………................ 29-30 Butterfly Skin Closures…………........35 BV Blue Test…………………....……. 9 C C-Fold Towels………………............. 22 Canisters…………………….............. 18 Cannula, Endometrial……………….. 12 Capes, Exam………………........... 20-21 Capillary Collection Device……........ 31 Catheters, IV........................................ 32 Cauteries……………………………. 17 CaviWipes.…………………………. 25 Cervex Brushes................................... 16 Cervical Biopsy Punches………….... 11 Cervical Cell Collectors…………...... 12 Cervical Dilators…………………….. 13 Cervical Scrapers…………………..... 16 Charts, Fetal Monitoring………........... 5 Chemstrip Reagent Strips…………..... 8 Chex-All II Pouches..............……….. 24 Chex-All II Tubes……….................... 24 44 Chlamydia Tests…………………........ 9 Chux Pads……………………….......... 6 Cidex Solutions……………………....25 Citrace……………………………......26 Civco Transducer Covers……….......... 4 Clean & Simple................................... 24 Cleaner, Ultrasonic……………............ 4 Cleaners, Instrument……………...24-25 Cleaning Brush, Surgical………......... 27 CLED/EMB……………………......... 10 Closures, Skin…………………......... 35 Cloth Tapes……………….................. 28 Coaguchek…………………………... 10 Collection Sets, Blood……………29, 30 Colposcopes……………………….....16 Condoms………………………........... 4 Containers, Urine Specimen……..….. 6 Contraceptives............................... 40-43 Corometrics Fetal Charts…………...... 5 Cotton Balls…………………………. 27 Cotton-Tip Applicators………….. 22, 27 Coumadin Testing………………....... 10 Cover Glass, Microscope…………… 16 Coverlet Adhesive Bandages……….. 28 Coverups, Exam.................…………. 21 Creams, Vaginal…………............. 40-43 Cryosurgery System & Supplies…......16 CSR Wrap………………………….... 24 Cuddle Caps.....……………………... 15 Cups, Paper & Plastic……………...... 27 Curelles............……………………... 12 Curettes, Uterine Aspiration……....... 18 Cytology Products………………....... 16 D Depo-Provera……………………….. 40 Diabetes Management…………….... 10 Diagnostic Sets..............…................. 37 Dial Soap…………………………......25 Digital Thermometers………………. 36 Dilators, Uterine…………………….. 13 Disinfectant Solutions/Sprays............. 25 Dispersive Pads………....................... 17 Dispette-2 Sed Rate Kit……………... 10 DNC Procedure Products.................... 18 Dopplers, Fetal…………………….... 11 Drainage Tray…………………......... 34 Drape Sheets, Exam...………............. 21 Dressing Jars……………………....... 27 Dressings, Surgical……………......... 29 Drugs.............................................. 40-43 Durapore Tape…………………….... 28 E Ear Loop Masks……………………...22 Ear Piercer…………………………... 11 Ear Thermometers…………………... 36 Echo Imaging Papers……………........ 4 Electrodes, Loop………………..........17 Electronic Thermometer…………….. 36 Electrosurgery Units & Supplies......... 17 Endo Cervex Brushes......................... 16 Endocavity Transducer Covers............. 4 Endocell, Wallach................................ 12 Endocervical Block Needles…............13 Endometrial Biopsy Curette.........……12 Endometrial Cannula…………………12 Endometrial Samplers……………......12 Endosamplers………………………...12 Ethicon Sutures……………................35 Exam Capes………………........... 20-21 Exam Drape Sheets……..................... 21 Exam Gloves……………………....... 23 Exam Gowns………….................. 19-20 Exam Lights……………………........ 18 Exam Table Paper………................... 19 Extension Sets, I.V.……………..........33 Jelly, Lubricating…………………....... 6 F K Face Masks............................……….. 22 Facial Tissues, Kleenex……............... 22 Fecal Occult Blood Tests…………....... 8 Ferric Sulfate (Monsel)……………... 17 Fetal Dopplers…………….....….........11 Fetal Monitoring Charts………............ 5 Fetal Monitoring Straps……………... 5 Filac Thermometer………………….. 36 Flexisound Intrauterine Sound.............13 Flu Tests………………………….......10 Flu Vaccine…………………….......... 41 Forceps………………………............ 11 Kevorkian Biopsy Punch…………..... 11 Kleenex Facial Tissues……...…..........22 KleenSpec Disposable Specula............37 KleenSpec Specula Dispensers............37 KleenSpec Vaginal Speculum.............. 3 K.O.H.…………………………....16, 42 K-Y Jelly Equivelent………………..... 6 G Gauze Bandages…………….............. 29 Gauze Sponges, Pads…….................. 29 Gel Warmers……………………...….. 5 Gels, Ultrasound ........................................ 5 Gloves, Exam…………………...........23 Glucose Monitors & Test Strips…….. 10 Glycine 1.5%........................................33 Gowns, Exam………………......... 19-20 Graves Vaginal Specula........................ 3 Green Soap Tincture……………........ 25 Grounding Dispersive Pads................. 17 Group A Strep Tests......…...............…. 7 G. Vaginalis Test……………………... 9 H Hand Sanitizer......................................26 Handles, Welch Allyn.......................... 37 Hemoccult Fecal Occult Blood Test....... 8 Hemoglobin Monitor……………....... 10 Hemosense...........................................10 Hewlett-Packard Imaging Paper............ 5 Hgb Test...............................................10 Histofreezer......................................... 18 H.I.V. Test............................................. 9 HSG Catheters Kits……………......... 12 Hurricaine Anesthetics…………….... 18 Hydrogen Peroxide………………….. 26 Hysterosalpingography Catheter Set....12 I Icon Pregnancy Tests……………......... 7 IFOB Test…………………………… 46 Imaging Papers, Ultrasound……......... 4 Incision & Drainage Tray………….... 34 Incontinent Care Products………......... 6 Indicators, Autoclave.........………...... 24 Infertility Products………..............40-43 Inflation Bag & System, BP.….......38-39 Influenza Test………………………...10 Infusion Sets, Winged…………......... 31 Injectables…………………….......40-43 Injection Plugs & Sites…………........ 29 INRatio Meter...................................... 10 Inseminator Catheter............................13 Instrument Cleaners……………....24-25 Instrument Soak……………………...24 Instruments, Surgical…………........... 11 Insufflator Bulb & Tube with tip......... 37 Insulin Syringes……………….......... 32 Intrauterine Inseminator………...........13 Irrigation Solutions………………….. 33 IUI Catheter, Kits................................ 13 I.V. Catheters……………................... 32 I.V. Solutions & Sets……………....... 33 L Lactated Ringers……………….......... 33 Laminaria & Laminaria Inserter…….. 13 Lamps, Floor…………………........... 18 Lancets, Blood………………....... 29, 30 Leep Instruments................................. 17 Lights, Medical Exam…………......... 18 Liners, Waste Can…………………… 22 Lister’s Suture Removal Kit……….... 35 Littmann Stethoscopes…………........ 39 LLETZ Generators......…………........ 17 Look Sutures…………………........... 35 Loop Electrodes & Acces...............16-17 Lubricating Jelly…………………….... 6 Lugol’s Solution……………….......... 17 Lysol Spray………………………….. 26 M M-Spray, Mammography Cleaner…..... 4 Mammography Capes………………..21 Masks, Surgical…………………....... 22 Maxithins Sanitary Napkins…….........22 Mayo Stand........................……..........18 Medicine Cups…………………........ 27 Metricide Products………………….. 25 Micropore Tape…………………….. 28 Microscope Cover Glass & Slides…... 16 Microtainer Safety Flow Lancets.........30 Minor Laceration Tray…………….... 34 Mitsubishi Imaging Paper………......... 4 Monitoring Straps, Fetal…………….... 5 Monolet Lancets…………………….. 29 Monsel’s Solution……………...……. 17 Morning After Pills………………….. 42 Morton IUI Catheter............................ 13 Multi-Sample Needles……………..... 32 Multistix 10SG……………………….. 8 N-O Needle Catheters…………………..... 32 Needle Extenders……………............. 13 Needles & Syringes…………....... 31, 32 Needles, Multi-Sample……...………. 32 Newborn Caps........…………............. 15 Nitrazine Paper……………………..... 9 Nitrile Exam Gloves……………........ 23 Normal Saline………………….....33, 42 O.B. Towelettes……………………... 26 Ob/Gyn Applicators………………..... 22 Ob/Gyn Instruments…………….........11 Ob/Gyn Procedure Kits……………....34 Ob/Gyn Wheel……………………......11 Ointments & Creams…….............. 40-43 Ophthalmoscope & Handles/Bulbs........... 37 Os Cervical Dilator Set……………… 13 Otoscope Handles/Bulbs……............. 37 Otoscope Specula………………........ 37 Otoscope, Welch Allyn…………........ 37 Oximeters, Pulse.........…………......... 18 Ozium Air Freshener………………....26 J P Jars, Sundry………………………..... 27 Packing Strips...................………….. 28 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • Index Panty Liners……………………......... 22 Pap Smear Kits…………………... 43-44 Paper Cups………………………….. 27 Paper Products………………….... 19-22 Paper Towels………………………....22 Paper, Ultrasound Imaging………........ 4 Paracervical/Pudendal Block................13 Parker Ultrasound Gels........................ 5 P.A.W.S. Wipes…………………........ 27 Peroxide……………………………... 26 Personal Wipes……………….............. 6 Pessaries & Fitting Kit…………... 14-15 pH Testing………………......................9 Pharmaceuticals………………..... 40-43 Pilliows & Pillowcases............…........ 21 Plan “B” Morning After Pills….......... 42 Plastic Cups…………………………. 27 Potassium Hydroxide…….............16, 42 Potocky Needles...................................13 Pouches, Sterilization……………...... 24 Povidone-Iodine Solution & Pads........26 PPD Vial, Tubersol & Aplisol…....40, 42 Precise Skin Stapler, 3M...........….......35 Pregnancy Tests……………….......….. 7 Pregnancy Wheel……………............. 11 Prenatal Formula Tablets…………… 43 Prep Pads, Alcohol, Acetone, PVP….. 26 Prep Solutions……………………….. 26 Probe Covers, Thermometers.............. 36 Probe Covers, Ultrasound…….............. 4 Procedure Kits & Trays………............34 Professional Towels……………........ 15 Protine Test………………….............. 10 Prothrombin Time (PT) Test............... 10 PT/INR Testing................................... 10 Pulse Oximeters………………........... 18 PVP Prep Pads, Swabsticks.....…….... 26 Q-R Reagent Strips for Urinalysis……..... 8-9 Rechargeable Batteries, Welch Allyn....37 RhoGAM……………………………. 42 Roll Towels…………………............. 22 Rubbing Alcohol…………………….. 26 S Safe-T-Fill System…………….......... 31 Safety Lancets……………............29, 30 Samplers, Endometrial.........................12 Sani-Cloth Wipes……………………. 25 Sanitary Napkins, Liners & Bags…….22 Scales………………………….......... 18 Scalpels & Blades……………............ 34 Scopettes…………………………….. 22 Scrub Brushes……………….............. 27 Sedimentation Rate Kits…………….. 10 Seracult Fecal Occult Blood Tests….... 8 Sharps Containers……………........... 30 Sheaths, Thermometer……………..... 36 Sheaths, Ultrasound………................... 4 Silver Nitrate Applicators………….... 27 Skin Closures……………………….. 35 Skin Staplers………………………... 35 Slides, Microscope………………….. 16 Soaps……………………………....... 25 Sodium Chloride…………............ 33, 42 Solutions, I.V.……………………….. 33 Sonogram Chart Papers…………......... 4 Sonohysterography Catheter Set..........12 Sony Ultrasound Paper…………......... 4 Specimen Containers, Urine…............. 6 Specula, Otoscope & Dispenser...........37 Speculum, Vaginal……......................... 3 Spill Kit……....................................... 27 Spinal Needles……………................. 31 Sponges, Gauze………………........... 29 Sprays, Ultrasound………………….. 4 Stand, Mayo………………………… 18 Staple Remover, Surgical…………... 35 Staplers, Skin……………………….. 35 Steri-Strips………………………….. 35 Sterile Field & Towels……................. 22 Sterile Water for Irrig & Inj…….... 33,43 Sterilization Pouches, Strips, Tubes…24 Sterilization Wrap…………………… 24 Stethoscopes & Accessories……........ 39 Stirrup Covers.....................………… 15 Straps, Fetal Monitoring……………... 5 Strep-A Tests……………………..........7 StuartNatal Plus Formula…………... 43 Suction Evacuator & Tubing…........... 18 Suction Pipettes.................................. 12 Sundry Jars………………………….. 27 SureTemp Thermometer...................... 36 Surgeons Gloves………………......... 23 Surgery Drapes.................................... 22 Surgical Blades & Scapels…….......... 34 Surgical Dressings…………….......... 29 Surgical Gloves…………………....... 23 Surgical Instruments…………………..11 Surgical Instrument Cleaners…….......24 Surgical Masks…………………........ 22 Surgical Scrub Brushes……................27 Surgical Tapes…………………......... 28 Surgical Towels………………………22 Surgical Trays…………………......... 34 SurgiGuide………………………...... 34 Surgilube Jelly……………………….. 6 Suture Removal Kits………………....35 Sutures…………………………......... 35 Suturing Tray………………………... 34 Swabs, Ob/Gyn…………………….... 22 Swabsticks…………………………... 26 Syringes & Needles…………....... 31, 32 T T-Spray, Ultrasound……………........... 4 T-Zone Electrode................................ 16 Table Paper, Exam…………............... 18 Tampons……………………………...27 Tape, Adhesive…………….................28 Telfa Pads…………………………... 28 Tempa-Dot Thermometers…………... 36 Thermometer Products………............ 36 Tincture of Green Soap………………25 Tischler Biopsy Punch......................... 11 Toilet Seat Covers………………….… 6 Toilet Tissue…………………….........22 TomCat……………………................ 13 Tongue Depressors………………….. 27 Topicals…………………….......... 40-43 Tourniquets………………………….. 31 Towelettes, BZK…………………….. 26 Towelettes, OB..…………………….. 26 Towels, C-Fold…………………........ 22 Towels, Professional……………........ 15 Towels, Surgical……………….......... 22 Townsend Biopsy Punch……..............11 Transducer Probe Covers…….............. 4 Transeptic Transducer Cleaner.............. 4 Transformation Zone Electrode........... 16 Transformer, Wall/Desk…………..... 37 Transpore Tape……………………... 28 Trash Cans & Liners……………....... 22 Trays, Surgical……………................ 34 Trichloracetic Liquid…………… 40,43 Trichomonas Test…………………...... 9 Trimo-San Vaginal Jelly…………….. 15 Tubing, Vacuum………………........... 18 Tuberculin Syringes………….............31 Tubes, Culture………………..............13 U UCG Pregnancy Tests……………....... 7 Ultrasonic Cleaner………………......... 4 Ultrasound Gel Warmers……………... 5 Ultrasound Gels……………................. 5 Ultrasound Imaging Paper………......... 4 Ultrasound Probe Covers……...............4 Ultrasound Transducer Covers...............4 Ultrasound Transducer Sprays…….......4 Ultrasound Transmission Gel................ 5 Underpads……………………………. 6 Underwear, Prtective………………… 6 Unistik 2…………………………..... 29 Uricult………………………………..10 Urinary Albumin Test............................ 9 Urinary Tract Infection Test.................. 9 UrinChek 10SG......………………….. 8 Urine Collection “Hats”....................... 6 Urine Cultures………………………..10 Urine Specimen Containers................... 6 Urine Test Strips……………............ 8-9 Uristix Reagent Strips……………….. 8 Urofast Urine Test Strips…………….. 8 Uterine Aspiration Curettes, Tubing.... 18 Uterine Biopsy Forceps……………... 11 Uterine Introducing Catheter............... 12 UTI Test.......................................... 9, 10 V-W Vacuum Supplies................................. 18 Vaginal Jelly........................................ 15 Vaginal pH Testing………………….... 9 Vaginal Speculums……........................ 3 Vaginal Speculum Illum System........... 3 Vaginal Swabs..................................... 22 ValueKlave Autoclave..........................24 Veruca Freeze…………………….......18 Versalon Sponges………………....... 29 Video Imaging Papers.............……...... 4 Vinyl Exam Gloves………………......23 Vitamin Supplements……………. 40-43 Wall Transformer, Welch Allyn........... 37 Wallach Cryosurgery System…...........16 Wallach Loop Electrodes.....................17 Warmers, Ultrasound Gel…………….. 5 Waste Can Liners & Collection Bags...22 Water, Sterile for Irrig & Inj…….. 33, 43 Wavicide Solution………………........25 Welch Allyn Batteries.......................... 37 Welch Allyn Blood Pressure..….....38-39 Welch Allyn Bulbs & Handles…….... 37 Welch Allyn Instruments…................. 37 Welch Allyn Vaginal Specula............... 3 Winged Blood Collection Sets.......29, 30 Winged Infusion Sets…………...........31 Wipes, Disinfectant…………....... 25, 27 Wipes, Personal………………....... 6, 26 Word Bartholin Catheters..……......... 15 Wraps, Sterilization…………………. 24 X-Y-Z Xylocaine…………………................ 43 Notes: 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 45 NEW PRODUCTS! sootheaway Drug-Free Migraine Relief Continuous Thermal Therapy Device SootheAway® is an affordable in-home source of targeted heating cooling therapy that offers fast drug-free pain relief. Heating and cooling in one unit. Easy to use, no ice requirred with a broad temperature range and maintaining a consistent temperature. Cat. No. Packaging 003-01 Sootheaway Device 003-10 Front & Side Head Relief Pad 00312 Eye Relief Pad 003-11 Occipital (Back of Head) Relief Pad Box 299.99 39.99 39.99 39.99 immunostics Serving the OB/GYN profession since 1984! 1-800-727-8885: Your Direct Line to & Great Service! It’s all about you and your practice! Look at this catalog when it’s convenient for you. Call, order online, email, or fax to place your order when it’s convenient for you. We’re here from 8:00AM to 8:00PM Eastern time Monday through Friday and from 9:00AM to 12:00 noon on Saturday. We won’t waste your time. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Best Selection, Best Service, Best Value! Deep Discounts! 100% Guaranteed! Ordering From Us Is Easy! Hema-Screen Specific 25 IFOB Test Free Freight• Orders are shipped the same day they are received FREIGHT-FREE •(Except EXAM TABLES and selected equipment, and Refrigerated products) via UPS ground in the continental USA. For AK, HI, PR, and Pacific Island destinations, full freight charges will be added to the invoice. A nominal charge of $9.95 on orders under $125 will be applied. Refrigerated Shipments will be charged Full Freight. An Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Test with DEVELA-TAB Sampler, that is a rapid, convenient qualitative immunoassay for the determination of human hemoglobin in feces Cat. No. HSSP-25 HSSPCON Packaging 25 Test per Box IFOBT CONTROLS POS/NEG 1X3 ML Need Something Fast? Pack/Can 225.00 33.50 UPS Overnight, UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 3 Day Select, or FEDX shipment available upon request at additional cost within the continental USA. Call us before 5:30 p.m. EST for same day shipment! Helpful Customer Service Parker lab Call Toll Free 1-800-727-8885 For customer service or follow-up assistance. Call between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon Saturday or fax your order 24/7 to 1-800-525-4568. Protex™ Wipes NET 30 Terms: Payment terms: net 30 days from invoice date. No minimum order required, however a nominal charge of $9.95 on orders under $125 will be applied. Refrigerated Shipments will be charged Full Freight. Returns Same as Protex spray but in a convenient, re-sealable Softpack or Canister. Gentle to sensitive equipment and alcohol-free. A powerful one-step disinfectant effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens, including MRSA, HIV, Staph and many others. Wipes are 6.5” x 6” in softpack & 7” x 10” in canister. Cat. No. 46-39 46-70 46 Packaging 60 ct Softpak, 12pk/bx 120 ct Canister, 12cn/bx Pack/Can 9.95 17.95 Call us if you have a reason to return merchandise. We’ll give you a no-hassle replacement or 100% refund. Dated products and controlled merchandise are not returnable. $ Prices Prices are subject to change without notice due to unforeseen cost increases, although we’ll do everything possible to hold prices as printed in this catalog. There will be a Hazardous Material Charge of $25.00 added to invoice for such items. Not Responsible for Typographical Errors or Misprints Fax or Mail Order Form P.O. Box 528 Stratford, CT 06615-0528 Toll-Free: 1-800-727-8885 Fax: 1-800-525-4568 Bill To: WHAT’S A PRODUCT YOU USE IN YOUR OFFICE THAT’S NOT IN OUR CATALOG - WE MIGHT BE ABLE TO SAVE YOU LOTS OF MONEY! Please be certain that we have a copy of your D.E.A. Licence for verification. D.E.A. controlled drugs cannot be shipped without verification and can only be shipped to the address shown on the D.E.A. License. DEA Registration Number DEA Expiration Date Customer No. Catalog #OB2 Name Ship To: (if different than bill to) Medical Specialty Name Street Street City, State, Zip Suite Telephone City Fax Number State, Zip Buyer (first name only) Email If more space is required for additional items, use separate piece of paper and fax or mail along with this order form. QTY. UNIT CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL Visit our web site and view this catalog at You can also order by email or fax at your convenience! Order Toll-Free 1-800-727-8885 or METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment enclosed Bill me (net 30 days) Credit Card Thank You! Orders are shipped the same day they are received FREIGHT-FREE (Exam Tables and Medical Equipment will be charged full freight) via UPS ground in the continental USA. For AK, HI, PR, and Pacific Island destinations, full freight charges will be added to the invoice. A nominal charge of $9.95 on orders under $125 will be applied. Refrigerated Shipments will be charged full freight. A Hazardous Material Charge of $25.00 will be added to invoice for such items. Call Toll Free 1-800-727-8885 For customer service or follow-up assistance. Call between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon Saturday or fax your order 24/7 to 1-800-525-4568. Signature Sales Tax 6.35% (CT Only) Order under $125: please add $9.95 handling charge Refrigerated Shipment: Full Freight will be added Hazardous Materials: please add $25.00 handling charge TOTAL $ Expiration Date Credit Card Information (Account Number on Card) 3 Ways To Order 1-800-727-8885 • Fax 1-800-525-4568 • 47 Easy Account Setup! 800-727-8885 0B2 Catalog # PRSRT. STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Beck-Lee, Inc. PO Box 528 Stratford, CT 06615-0528 CT2PFR3 Key Code Scan to veiw our catalog online SAVE $35.00 Glycine 1.5% FOR REA L Get 35.00 off your next order of 400.00 or more placed before October 31, 2012 $ 59. 95 3000m l/bg VALID ONLY 9/1/12 - 10/31/12 see page 33 *This offer cannot be combined with pre-book Flu, discounts, monthly discounts, prior orders, or other coupons. Exclusion items are not included, call for a list. One offer per customer. IFOB Tests Eclipse Probe Covers Bulk Savings! AS LOW AS $9.00 test SAVING S and SA VE see page 46 Hema-Screen Specific 25 SAVE $35.00 $63.00 Box/100 see page 4 Pessaries Get 35.00 off your next order of 400.00 or more placed before February 28, 2012 VALID ONLY 1/1/13 - 2/28/13 *This offer cannot be combined with pre-book Flu, discounts, monthly discounts, prior orders, or other coupons. Exclusion items are not included, call for a list. One offer per customer. see page 14 FOR REA L $ SAVING S as low as 3e6a . 50 ch SAVE $35.00 Get 35.00 off your next order of 400.00 or more placed before December 31, 2012 VALID ONLY 11/1/12 - 11/31/12 *This offer cannot be combined with pre-book Flu, discounts, monthly discounts, prior orders, or other coupons. Exclusion items are not included, call for a list. One offer per customer. Industry’s First ! see page 3 Extra Small Disposable Vaginal Speculum SAVE $35.00 Get 35.00 off your next order of 400.00 or more placed before April 28, 2013 VALID ONLY 3/1/13 - 4/30/13 *This offer cannot be combined with pre-book Flu, discounts, monthly discounts, prior orders, or other coupons. Exclusion items are not included, call for a list. One offer per customer.