Safety pages - 2010 - 3
Safety pages - 2010 - 3
3rd Quarter 2010 Page 1/5 Bulgaria 7 YEARS WITHOUT LOST TIME INJURY Vulkan Cement Devnya Cement WORK SAFE! On July 31st, 2010 Vulkan Cement achieved new record - 7 consecutive years without LTI (lost time injury) for directly employed staff. This is the greatest safety success of the plant for more than 60 years of history. Following the corporate practices and established policies, the Management commitment and the efforts of the whole personnel are the key factor for this significant result. Editorial board: Rositsa Angelova Tsvetelina Dobreva Dr.Ivelina Andonova Nelly Statelova Valentina Grozdanova For more information: Rositsa Angelova Safety Coordinator Tel: +359 519 97600 Fax: +359 519 93214 3rd Quarter 2010 Page 2/5 Bulgaria Vulkan Cement SAFETY ROADMAP Safety Roadmap Progress Devnya Cement Safety Roadmap By the end of the 3rd quarter of 2010, Italcementi Bulgaria succeeded to achieve 59% progress of the actions planned in the annual Safety Roadmap. In terms of implementation of the Group Standards for Personal Protective Equipment and Work at Height, have been started the first actions from the recently elaborated and approved alignment programs. The local enforcement of the Group instruction for truck passengers is being performed according the schedule: special waiting rooms have been dedicated in Devnya and Vulkan plants, actions are in progress for terminals, local site specific procedures are in process of elaboration. The success of the communication campaign for the Safety Golden Rules (9 out of 10 rules are published) requires reinforcing the activity of the Safety talks animators in order to reach the targets set on yearly basis. The established organization in both plants for the regular safety zone inspection proves to be very efficient and it is expected the teams to keep the same level of commitment. Vulkan Cement is the first site having finalized the step of the safety improvement of the bulk cement trucks loading. In Devnya Cement have been recently installed the stationary platforms for safe servicing of the trucks hatches (please see chapter Safety improvements). The relevant steps for Ruse and Damyanitza terminals are in process of project definition and the realization of the projects is planned for the last quarter of the year. The process on I-SAFE will be further reinforced during the forthcoming training sessions. All these actions together with the specific steps for each plant, should remain in the focus of our efforts, as we need during the last three months of 2010 to bring the Safety Roadmap from 59% to full compliance. 3rd Quarter 2010 Page 3/5 Bulgaria Safety Training Activities SEMINAR ON INNOVATIONS IN THE FIELD OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Vulkan Cement Devnya Cement On September 30th, in hotel Maritsa in Plovdiv the seminar organized by “OLIMP – Safety Equipments” concerning the innovations in the field of occupational safety was attended by 3 representatives from Vulkan Cement. TRAINING ON SAFE EXPLOITATION, MAINTENANCE AND DRIVING OF “GATOR” TRAINING ON REGULATION No RD-07-2 DATED DECEMBER 16TH, 2009 A training on the terms and conditions for conducting periodical training and instructions for the workers and employees on the rules for ensuring health and safety at work. This training started in Devnya Cement in June 2010 and continued on July 2nd, 7th and 8th. As scheduled all Assistant operators were acquainted with the safe exploitation of the machine. 18 participants held the course, which was covering a theoretical part, movie and practice. Tutors were Stefan Chukov – Industrial Cleaning Manager and Stoyan Serbezov – Chief on Duty. Editorial board: Rositsa Angelova Tsvetelina Dobreva Dr.Ivelina Andonova Nelly Statelova Valentina Grozdanova For more information: Rositsa Angelova Safety Coordinator Tel: +359 519 97600 Fax: +359 519 93214 In June and July 2010, Internal Orders according to Regulation No RD-07-2 regarding the performance of periodical safety training and instructions were issued by the Executive Director HR & Communications – Mrs. Valentina Grozdanova for Devnya Cement and Vulkan Cement. This regarding all the responsible staff was trained in different periods: - On July 19th, 7 members of Devnya Cement Work Conditions Committee attended a seminar on this topic, organized by the Industrial Chamber of Varna; - On August 4th and 5th pilot course for 12 persons entitled to conduct induction and periodical safety instructions was organized in the Training room of Devnya Cement. It was performed by Viola Agency – licensed to perform training on safety and health for all sectors, industries and enterprises in the country. Trainer was Mrs. Rumyana Mitkova – a specialist with very good qualification and experience in the field of health and safety. As a result of the positive feedback and successful implementation of the pilot course, subsequent sessions in Devnya Cement and Vulkan Cement for the rest of the concerned staff have been organized; - On September 23rd and 24th, 28 participants from Vulkan Cement attended the training on health and safety held in Dimitrovgrad by Viola Agency; - On September 29th and 30th, 31 persons from Devnya Cement participated in the same training module. In general the training performance and organization received very good and positive evaluation by the participants. 3rd Quarter 2010 Page 4/5 Bulgaria Vulkan Cement Devnya Cement Safety Golden Rule N 9 Following the campaign of the 10 Safety golden rules of Italcementi Group, launched last year in all subsidiaries around the world, we have published Golden Rule No 9 “I check my tools and equipment before using them”. The official release was supported by communication letter from the General Director of Devnya Cement and Vulkan Cement – Mr. Nabil Francis. In line with the steps in the Safety Roadmap 2010, the last of the Golden Rules is going to be communicated during the last quarter of the year, followed by internal survey among the staff to assess the knowledge and implementation of the Golden Rules. SAFETY COMMUNICATION Safety Pads Mr. Fabio Sappia – Plant Manager in Vulkan Cement have successfully launched the initiative for the Safety Pads. The small books dedicated to safety are intended to facilitate the Managers and Supervisors in their daily activities related to Safety. The pads are containing blank forms for reporting safety audits, safety talks and protocols in case of rules violation. Easy to use, always at hand, the conception of this communication tool was highly appreciated and its implementation will be extended also in Devnya Cement in the next months. Exchange of Experience Trakya Plant in Turkey shared their experience for LOTO procedure As part of the Safety Roadmap 2010, Vulkan Cement has planned to improve the existing LOTO (lock-out tag-out) procedure in terms of isolation of the energy sources in case of intervention on machinery or equipment. In July 2010, Trakya plant in Turkey welcomed Vulkan team, dedicated to work for LOTO improvement, to visit their facilities in order to share the best practice they have adopted in this field. Special thanks to Ugur Sur (SD Manager), Yasin Saricamlik (Plant Director), Baris Bademci (Occupational Health and Safety Engineer), Selahattin Celik (Semi Product Chief) and their team for the perfect organization and kind collaboration. Improvements Platform for servicing cement Waiting room for truck Waiting room for truck truck hatches Devnya Cement passengers Devnya Cement passengers Vulkan Cement 3rdQuarter 2010 Page 5/5 Vulkan Cement Bulgaria Devnya Cement Safety Management Safety Results ITC Bulgaria keeps better performance in comparison with the average indicators at Group level. At the end of the period, on 12 months sliding course, the Frequency Rate (FR) for employees is 2,7 and reflects 1 Lost Time Injury (LTI) in October 2009 and 1 LTI in April 2010. The current FR level is following an increasing trend since October 2009 until when this indicator was 0 for a period of almost 3 years without LTI. The current level of the TRIR = 9.4 is due to 7 accidents: 2 LTI (October 2009 and April 2010), 1 Restricted Work Duties (April 2010) and 4 Medical Treatment (2 in November 2009 + 1 in June 2010+ 1 in July 2010). Committees Schedule • Devnya Plant Safety Vulkan Cement - Committee: ◄ Medical Consultation 26 July 2010 12 July 2010 13 September 2010 21 September 2010 • Vulkan Plant Safety Committee Health Initiatives 21 July 2010 15 September 2010 • Country Safety Committee 15 July 2010 •Work Conditions Committee – Devnya plant 15 July 2010 г. 3 September 2010 г. 23 September 2010 г. Kits for first paramedical aid in case of eyes’ injury – 7 kits in Devnya Cement; Blood donation campaign – August 31st, 2010, 11 people from Devnya Cement and 14 people from contractors’ companies: SOT EOOD, QQS and Stroiprodukt Kraichev EOOD; Measuring the work environment factors in Sofia terminal and Sofia Office – July 2010; Measuring the work environment factors by the Catholic University “Holy Heart” – Rome – September 2010, Vulkan Cement.