09/18/2012 - Deerfield Beach
09/18/2012 - Deerfield Beach
CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Tuesday September 18 2012 The p m at 7 00 PM meeting was called to order on the above date by Mayor Peggy Noland in the City Commission Chambers City Hall Deerfield Beach Florida at 7 00 ROLL CALL Present Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Mayor Bill Ganz Mayor Peggy Noland Vice Also Hanson City Manager City Attorney Ada Graham Johnson MMC City Clerk Burgess Present Andrew Maurodis Absent Commissioner Excused Marty Popelsky INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Pastor Tony Guadagnino Christian Love Fellowship Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance The invocation was offered APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes September 4 2012 Special City Commission Meeting Minutes September 13 2012 Motion was made by Commissioner Ben Preston and seconded by Commissioner Joe Miller to approve the Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of September 4 and the Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of September 13 2012 Voice Vote Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None YEAS Bill Ganz and 1 2012 Mayor Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes September 18 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF BOARD MINUTES 1 2 3 Community Redevelopment Agency Regular Minutes June 11 Minutes of August 21 2012 Planning Zoning Board Meeting Minutes JulyS 2012 Code Enforcement Meeting Minutes July 9 2012 Motion made by Commissioner Joe Miller and acknowledge the Board minutes was Preston to Voice Vote YEAS Bill Ganz and seconded and Special CRA by Commissioner Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Ben Mayor Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA September Motion 18 2012 made was by Commissioner Joe Miller and seconded by Commissioner September 18 2012 agenda as amended tabling items 16 Preston to approve the Ben 17 and 23a until October 16 2012 Voice Vote YEAS Bill Ganz and Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Mayor Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None PRESENTATIONS 1 The Deerfield Beach Current Video Presentation Community highlights of the Drama Camp musical our eleCted as various programs throughout the City wherein the Staff participated and community events video showed leaders at various events Administration and as well Mayor Noland thanked her fellow Commissioners for a tremendous year an is looking for cfwonderful job on the budget as we are forward to the next She also thanked Staff not raising our fire fee or our taxes nor are we laying off as some ofthe other cities are Some cities to be are raising taxes and fire fees She said she is some tremendously proud sitting here PUBLIC HEARING 2nd READNG ITEM 1 Ordinance 2012 042 DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 07 55 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING LEVIED BY THE CITY OF DEERFIELD THE MILLAGE BEACH FLbRIDA RATE TO BE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1 2012 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 2013 AND STATING THE PERCENTAGECHANGEINPRQPERTY TAXES AS SUCH CHANGE IS DEFINED IN FLORIDA STATUTES 2 SECTION 200 065 Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARING The Ordinance was 2nd READNG read in its September 18 2012 CONTINUED entirety City Attorney read the millage rate ordinance in its entirety He read and continued reading the fiscal year 2013 operating millage rate is 5 1856 over the rolled back mills as adopted herein which represents an increase of 0 96 rate and under Florida law is characterized as the percentage increase in property taxes The millage rate hereby adopted and levied in order to produce sufficient ad valorem taxation revenue which when combined with other projected General Fund will be adequate to pay the appropriations made in the budget for the Fiscal reven s Year beginning October 1 2012 and ending September 30 2013 shall be Operating Millage Rate is 5 1856 Voted Debt Service Millage Rate 0 5832 Total Millage Rate is Andrew Maurodis the title 5 7688 Mr Maurodis read that the rolled back rate of 5 1365 mills is computed in The Fiscal Year 2013 Operating accordance with Section 200 065 Florida Statues over Millage Rate is 5 1856 mills as adopted which represents an increase of 0 96 Continuing The voted debt service the rolled back rate millage There Mayor Noland opened the public hearing hearing Motion was is that of 0 5832 mills was none she closed the by Commissioner Ben Preston and seconded by Commissioner Item 1 adopted Ordinance 2012 042 made Miller to approve Roll Call YEAS Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Ganz and public Mayor Peggy Noland Mayor Joe Bill NAYS None DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 09 55 ITEM 2 Ordinance 2012 043 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH OFBROWARD COUNTY FLORIDA ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR SEPTEMBER 30 2013 The Ordinance was read Mayor Noland opened hearing Motion Preston BEGINNING OCTOBER 1 2012 ENDING by title only the There public hearing was none she closed the by Commissioner Joe Miller and seconded by to approve Item 2 adopted Ordinance 2012 043 was AND made 3 public Commissioner Ben Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARING 2nd READNG September 18 2012 CONTINUED Roll Call YEAS Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben preston Vice Ganz and Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None ITEM 3 Bill DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 10 21 Ordinance 2012 044 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH DEERFIELD Mayor FLORIDA APPROVINGA BUDGET FOR BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THE FOR THE t 2012 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 FOR FUNDING THROUGH THE TAX INCREMENT FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER AND PROVIDING 2013 FINANCING AS SET FORTH IN PART III CHAPTER 163 FLORIDA STATUTES The Ordinance was read Mayor Noland opened hearing Motion was made Preston to approve Roll Call Ganz and by title only the There public hearing was she closed the none public by Commission r Joe Miller and seconded by Commissioner Item 3 adopted Ordinance 2012 044 YEAS Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Ben Mayor Bill Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None WRITTEN REQUESTS Mayor Noland read a proclamation in recognition of born here in 1925 and lived hereallher life merchandise store located resume 1 Stewart JackiE Dixie She pioneer outlined Highway briefly Mayor Noland stated that Ms Stewart passed away this on a Her father William Gaskin owned Ms who a was general Stewart s week Historical Society wishes to address the City Commission concerniriQ the Historical Society s 40th Anniversary Amie Kav Tanner DeerfieldBeach Kay Tanner 111 SE 5th Avenue Odas Tanner Way thanked Mayor Noland for acknowledging Ms Stewart She stated that we must make our history available to people Mrs Tanner further stated that she had someone from England contact her to learn about the town s history while visiting Ms Tanner announced that they are celebrating the Society s 40th Anniversary ruby year She thanked the City for its support and advised that she is honored to serve as the president this year it is her eighth time she commented on the tours that they have setup with schools and tour groups She again thanked Mayor Noland for recognizing Ms Stewart She invited the Commission and the general public to join them in celebrating their 40th Anniversary in making the City s history available to the children who are the future if we do not save yesterday today it will not be here for tomorrow Amie 4 September 18 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes 2nd READNG PUBLIC HEARING Jim Mover Salvation Armv 14065 SW 49th Street Miramar wishes to address the City Commission concerninQ donation bins 2 Jim CONTINUED Moyer Salvation Army 1901 W Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale showed a brief video of what the Salvation does and the donations that they receive are the sole source of income He thanked the Commission and Staff for their support on the clothing recycling bins He also provided a quick illustration as to why the donations from the public are so important Specifically he commented on the illegal boxes for profits from out of town being placed throughout Broward County He said that they were they contacted about one that went out into the street and asked to move it and how In closing Mr Moyer thanked the Commission were able to assist in this matter for what they are doing for Broward County Salvation Army Andrew Maurodis City Attorney said that they placed on the October 16th agenda have a draft ordinance that will be CONSENT AGENDA DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 19 36 ITEM 4 Resolution 2012 166 Beach Florida A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield revisinQ the City s Fund Balance Policv and providinQ for an effective date ITEM 5 Resolution 2012 167 Beach DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 19 40 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield an aareement with the Areawide Council Florida approvinQ Amendment 002 to AQino of BroWardCountv Inc and the City of Deerfield Beach Northeast Focal Point Senior Center amendinQ Older Americans Act Contract JA012 06 2012 for a new total on amount of 204 913 25 ITEM 6 DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 19 45 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield approvinQ Amendment 001 to the contract between the Areawide Resolution 2012 168 Beach Florida AQinQ of Broward County Inc and the City of Deerfield Beach Northeast Focal Point Senior Center for Local Service ProQram LSP Contract JL 112 06 2013 Council LSP on State FundinQ amount of for Adult Dav Care and Transportation Services for the 132 380 00 5 new Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes CONSENT AGENDA September 18 2012 CONTINUED DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 ITEM 7 Resolution 2012 169 19 49 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield sole source purchase of four 4 Wilo pumps for use in existina lift stations to replaceexistinQ pumps for the amouht of 43J 22 88 from Florida Bearinas Inc Funds from Account 401 5030 536 6043 Capital Outlav Other Beach Florida authorizinQ Machinery a EQuipment ITEM DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 19 53 8 Resolution 2012 170 A Resolution of the CitvCommission of the Citv of Deerfield purchase often 10 FIYQtpumps for use in existinQ lift stations for the amOunt of 90 264 00 from XVlem Water Solutions USA Inc 60 43 Funds from Account 401 5030 Capital Outlav Other Machinery 536 Beach Florida authorizinQ a sole source EQuipment ITEM 9 DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 19 58 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield Resolution 2012 171 Beach Florida approvina the purchase of two 2 MultiQuipGenerators from MultiQuip for use at wastewater lift stations in an amount not to exceed 66 502 86 pursuant to a National Joint Powers Alliance Bid Capital Outlav Other Machinery ITEM Inc A Resolution of the Citv Commission of the City of Deerfield a solesource 5030 401 35 28 536 Wastewater System Beach Florida of 45 OOO 00 use in from Multitrode Water and Sewer Services Material A Resolution ot the City Commission of the City of Deerfield approvinQ ITEM ambun DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 20 06 ITEM 11 Resolution 2012 173 purd18se otthree 3 control panelsfor 28 29 and 33 for the Funds from Account to Maintain 536 60 43 5030 DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 20 01 Beach Florida authorizina wastewater lift stations fromAccount 401 EQuipment 10 Resolution 2012 172 Funds a Facilities Use AQreementwith thelndoorSports Complex DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 20 11 12 City Commission of the City of Deerfield schedule ofCitv Commission MeetihQsduiinQ the months of October 2012 throuahJanuary 2013 Resolution 2012 174 A Resolution of the Beach Florida settinQ forth a 6 Regular City Commission CONSENT AGENDA ITEM Meeting Minutes September 18 2012 CONTINUED DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 20 19 13 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield Beach Florida amendina the schedule of DevelopmenfReview Fees as set forth in the exhibit attached to this resolution to refleCt the new fees for the Certificate of Use Resolution 2012 175 Proaram DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 20 22 ITEM 14 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield approvinaa contract with Ion Wave TechnoloQies Inc for E Resolution 2012 176 Beach Florida Procurement Software in the Account 35 512 001 0210 amount ofi 63 500 five 5 vears Funds from 09ProQramminQ Software ITEM 15 Ordinance 2012 over DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 20 28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FLORIDA AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE DEERFIELD BEACH AMENDING SECTION 98 15 RELATING TO MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CALL UP CONTAINING A PROVISION FOR INCLUSION IN THECbDE CONTAINING A SEVERABILlTY CLAUSE CONTAINING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ITEM 16 DIGITAL TIME STAMPED AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH AMENDING SECTION 98 98 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING AND TOWERS AND ANTENNAS WIRELESS TO COMMUNICATIONS Ordinance 20121 REVIEW ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS CRITERIA AND PROCESSES FOR PERMITING SAID FACILITIES CONTAINING A PROVISION FOR AND REGULATIONS ON SAID FACILlJIES INCLUSION IN THE CITY CODE CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE CONTAINING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Item 16 was tabled until October 16 2012 under the 7 Approval of the Agenda Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes CONTINUED CONSENTAGENDA ITEM September 18 2012 17 DIGITAL TIME STAMPED Ordinance 2012 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEACH jAMEN ING DEERFIELD ARTICLE III TOWING OF FLORIDA UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES FROM PRIVATE Y AMENDING SECTION PROPERT AMEND1NG SECTION66 147 TO UPDATE AND CLARIFY THE TOWING CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS AMENDING THE 149 NOTICE REQUIREMENT SET OUT IN SECTION AMENDING SECTION 66 66 66 146 TO INCLUDE DEFINITIONS 150 TO CLARIFY THE REQUIREMENT THAT THERE i MUST BE WRITTEN AGENT OF PRIVATE UTHORIZED PROPERTY BEFORE CONSENSUAL TOWING OF A NON SPECIFIC VEHICLE PROVIDING FOR INCUJSIONIN THE CITY CODE PROVIDING j ING AN EFFECTIVEOA TE Tabled from AUQust PROVI A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE 21 2012 and September 4 2012 INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE OWNER OR CAN THERE I BE A Item 17 was tabled until October 16 2012 under the ITEM Ordinance 2012 Approval of the Agenda DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 20 34 18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DE ERFIELD BEACH FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATION OF ONE O MORE LOANS IN AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 40 000 000 FROM THE FLORIDA MUNICIPAL LOAN COUNCIL TO REFUND PRIOR LOANS AND FINANCE THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CAPITAL PROJECTS APPROVING THE FORM OF AND THE EXECUTION AND DELlVERY OF ONE OR MORE LOANl AGREEMENTS WITH THE FLORIDA MUNICIPA LOAN COUNCIL APPROVING THE EXECUTION PURCHASE AND DELIVERY OF A BONE f APPROVING THE CON RAC EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CONtiNuiNG DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHERMATTERS IN CONNECtION WITH THE MAKING OF AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE SUCH LOANS AN DATE There was no Motion was discussion made on the Consent Agenda Items by Commissioner Joe Miller Agenda Items 4 Preston to approve the Consent Roll Call YEAS Ganz and Mayor 4 15 and 18 and seconded by Commissioner Ben 15 and 18 Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Peggy Noland NAYS None 8 Mayor Bill Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM September 18 2012 2ND READING DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 21 14 19 Ordinance 2012 045 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH FLORIDA AMENDING SECTIONS 26 113 AND 26 114 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO QUALIFYING FOR ELECTION TO THE CITY COMMISSION CONTAINING CONTAINING A PROVISION FOR INCLUSION IN THE CITY CODE A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE CONTAINING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Tabled from AUQust 21 2012 The Ordinance was Andrew Maurodis read by title only City Attorney said that this is tracking the exact language of the Florida Statutes Mayor Noland opened the public hearing hearing was none she closed by Vice Mayor Bill Ganz and seconded by Commissioner approve Item 19 adopted Ordinance 2012 045 Motion to There was Roll Call Ganz and made YEAS Mayor Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Peggy Noland NAYS None the public Joe Miller Mayor Bill speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS JUDICIAL QUASI Andrew Maurodis City Attorney administered the oath to all that wished to Items 20 and 21 to include Staff ITEM 20 DIGITAL TIME STAMPED P H 2012 172 SIGN CASE NO 713 Applicant LA FITNESS bv Thomas SiQn AwninQ Company for LA Fitness 2 a of SIGN VARIANCE from the provisions of Section 102 8 c the Deerfield Beach Land Development Code in order to allow one 94 25 sQuare foot The Code allows buildinQ siQn on a buildinQ side not facinQ a street West Elevation one buildinQ siQn per street frontaQe ReQuest SeekinQ Location The proposed siQn will be located at 1000 E Hillsboro Boulevard a City Attorney briefly explained to the applicants that they have a right toa quasi judicial hearing and the process to determine if they wished to waive the quasi judicial process Andrew Maurodis 9 Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS JUDICIAL QUASI September 18 2012 CONTINUED Dominic Nelson representing LA Fitness said that CVS Pharmacy was built between the LA Fitness location and Federal Highway in 2007 He said that there is an existing sign located on the wall behind theCVS Pharmacy which is no longer visible to either street frontage that they are located near Although there are two 2 bther signs one at each entrance one to the parking lot but no visible frontage to Federal Mr Nelson said that also during the installation of the CVS they lost a monument sign that was also there Therefore he requested moving the existing sign to a different location on that frontage so that it will have visibility onto Federal Highway Continuing Mr Nelson said that since 2007 variances cannot be approved based on financial hardship nevertheless they have lost 20 of their membership at that location since losing visibility on that frontage Mayor Noland asked the frontage Mr Nelson replied if Mr Nelson on Federal was referencing the it and not as it on the same frontage existing sig 1age has currently becotnean alleyway There Mayor Noland opened the public hearing hearing Mayor Ganz said that building He said that the would be removed that faces Federal Vice west side of the was stated that was they have none she closed the public lost 20 of their business since He disag reed with the statement to blame it acy has gone up in 2007 the fact that a sign could not be seen based upon CVS that they would lose solely 20 of their membership However since 2007 to the present the economy has taken a downturn which is more indicative to the 20 decrease than the simple sign and the CVS Phar on another business blocking an existing sign is not a fair assessment to the CVS Pharmacy agreed with Vice Mayor Ganz but said that all bu sinesses are looking for signs in front of their business and having a business being blocked by another business unrelated would certainly wciht their sign to be viewed by traffic on Federal Highway Therefore this isa reasonable request Commissioner Miller Motion was made to approve Item 20 by Commissioner Joe Miller and seconded by adopted Resolution20121177 Vice Mayor Roll Call YEAS Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Ganz and Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None 10 Bill Ganz Mayor Bill Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS JUDICIAL QUASI ITEM P H September 18 2012 CONTINUED DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 26 21 21 2012 173 SIGN CASE NO 714 Applicant TO BANK bv Scott Backman Esa for TO Bank c 2 a SeekinQ a SIGN VARIANCE from the provisions of Section 102 8 Reauest of the Deerfield Beach Land Development Code in order to allow one 33 80 sauare foot buildinQ sion on a buildinQ side notfacinQ one buildina sion per street frontaQe a street The Code allows North Elevation The proposed siQn will be located at 1011 S Federal Hiahwav Location In response to Andrew Maurodis City Attorney s question Scott Backman TO Bank said that he would waive the quasi judicial procedure Scott Backman on behalf of TO Bank said that they are asking for a representing sign variance for roadway for each sign briefly sign are TO which was for Bank frontage They proposing approved by the Commission an out parcel within the Rivertown Square Shopping Center where the Denny s is currently located They are currently going through the permitting process they had their plat approved by Broward County and is ready to come in to begin the construction of the project TO Bank He Mr outlined that the code allows a wall highlighted a PowerPoint illustrating one shield that is allowed building On the latter slide there is a drive way that is located immediately north of where this out parcel is located between the TO Bank and the shopping center However he said that the driveway effectively acts as a road way right of way it connects thru to 6th which is located on the west side of the Continuing on Backman the front elevation of the shopping center and there are multiple uses within the shopping center as well as the Walgreens access off of this parcel Therefore he requested the variance because technically it is driveway but it functions as a right of way in which case the sign would be permitted on the north side of the building by Code He also highlighted the north elevation of the building 20 feet sign that meets Code in terms of the aerial the signs requested are due to traffic volume that does utilize the driveway within the shopping center Mayor Noland opened hearing the public hearing There was none she closed the public Mayor Noland said that she is disappointed that Denny s is leaving us however she has no opposition with the request She further stated that we are attempting to help the new businesses that are coming into our community and the signs are not obnoxious and other TO Banks throughout South Florida have the same logo therefore she is not opposed to the request f 11 Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS JUDICIAL QUASI September 18 2012 CONTINUED Backman entertained questions by Commissioner Miller and Vice Mayor Ganz regarding the visibility of the sign and the fact that it would be permitted by Code if the driveway was classified as froadway Mr Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Miller and seconded by Commissioner Ben adopted Resolution 2012 178 Preston to approve Item 21 Roll Call YEAS Ganz and Mayor Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Peggy Noland NAYS None Mayor Bill GENERAL ITEMS ITEM DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 30 57 22 Resolution 2012 179 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield Beachi Florida approvinQ a contractwithWoolpert lnc for the GIS Utilitv lnfrastructure Funds from Account 001 Proiect RFQ 2011 12 12 in the amount of 395 129 00 1400 513 32 99 The Resolution Motion was Other Contractual Services was made to approve Item 22 read by title only by Commissioner Joe Miller and seconded by adopted Resolution 2012 179 Vice Mayor Bill Ganz In response to Vice Mayor Ganz s explained that the GIS Infrastructure question Shelia Flemming Portis IT Director Project will allow us to map all features above ground by GIO reference and allow them to aide Environmental Services Utility Department by identifying the location offeatures throughout the City ie water valves water hydrants wastewater locations etc will be GIO referenced on a map Mayor Ganz said that this has long term ramification through savings based efficiency and our ability to do much more with less we are able to do with this feature Vice Ms Flemming Portis stated current documents that that have we will take such documents locations of those features and CADD drawings make them readily as available Roll Call YEAS Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Ganz and Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None 12 Mayor Bill September 18 2012 Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes GENERAL ITEMS CONTINUED DIGITAL TIME STAMPED 07 33 07 ITEM 23 A Resolution of the City of Deerfield Beach Florida approvina an Interlocal AQreement with Broward County providina for Recvclable Materials Recovery Resolution 2012 180 title only Mayor Ganz inquired if this was The Resolution Vice was read by the item that was pulled it was clarified that it was Item 23a Motion by Commissioner Ben Preston and seconded by Commissioner approve Item 23 adopted Resolution 2012 180 was Miller to made Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Peggy Noland NAYS None Roll Call YEAS Ganz and Mayor Joe Mayor Bill DIGITAL TIME STAMPED ITEM 23a A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Deerfield Beach Resolution 2012 Florida approvinQ an amendment to ConsultinQ AQreement with CPZ Architects Inc for the Northeast Focal Point ThriffShop Item 23a tabled until October 16 2012 under the was Approval of the Agenda ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS AND CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Burgess Hanson City Manager stated that last night he and the City Attorney met with the Cultural Committee and they had a great meeting they explained the Sunshine Law that they may not have been aware of During the meeting they discussed that they have been providing to students who Mr local would like to go to school for art or drama scholarships City Manaaer Cultural Committee Scholarships Hanson advised that the Commission did not approve the disbursement of funds for the scholarships this year and requested that the City Manager s Office be granted scholarships totaling 6 000 After proper advertising they 2 000 each He further 3 applications therefore each will receive will vote at their next scheduled meeting stated that the Cultural Committee authorization to issue received three Additionally Mr Hanson distribute the funds on as explained there are that he is three 3 requesting students that are in that he be authorized college that are to depending this money City Attorney said that they have also contacted him about drafting a scholarship agreement which will be a brief agreement He further stated that we will be developing a different process in the future Andrew Maurodis 13 Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes September 18 2012 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS AND CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Commissioner Miller said that it is his unqerstanding that there were some issues regarding monies that were received during the Green Market that could not be applied to scholarships Mr Hanson said that are looking Motion forward to was they have other funding sources He further commented that they meeting with the Commission for the workshop made Miller to authorize by Commissioner Ben Prestor and seconded by Commissioner Joe the City Manager s Office to follow through with the scholarships Roll Call YEAS Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Ganz and Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None McKeithen Park Pavilion brief PowerPoint Walt Bratton of presentation Mayor BiII Director of Parks and Recreation showed Johnie the McKeithen Park Pavilion Shelter type of roofs shingles or metal that Project highlighted anticipating purchasing to replace the pavilion at the subject park There also photos of the BBQ grill replacement and the new location for the grill Mr Restoration they Bratton the a are were j Mr Hanson said that there was a the roof which must be and Staff project In as in e February replaced considering They also met the park is in his district approximately Mayor Noland 13 000 2012 and there This video shows the more was much question than shingles Mr Bratton s the damage to options that the Administration with Commissioner Preston are response to and 20 fi longevity regarding this said that the metal is 15 years for roof is shingle roofs 25 for the metal roofs Commissioner Miller said that the metal will sustain better in a hurricane than the shingles Mayor Noland said that they will In is not catch on fire like shingles to Vice Mayor Gan z s question Mr Bratton replied that the cost for the metal 110 000 and the shingle roof cost estimate is approximately 97 000 regards Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Miller and seconded Preston to approve the metal Roll Call YEAS Ganz and by Commissioner Ben roofing for McKeitheh Park Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS Mr Hanson further stated that the None grills will no 14 longer be under the pavilion Mayor Bill I Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes September 18 2012 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS AND CITY MANAGER COMMENTS CONTINUED Bond Counsel Andrew Maurodis City Attorney stated that in regards upcoming bond we have retained the law firm of Squire Sanders particularly City Attornev to the Albert del Castillo to provide the bond services for us He further stated that the former bond counsel was no longer available to provide services therefore we have hired this firm They are the bond counsel that Broward County turns to for their Airport Bond and Fort Lauderdale and Sunrise also uses for their bond issues COMMENTS BY MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS Mayor Noland said that she would like the public to know that the Administration and Staff is working to update the Code to make sure that it is compatible with the Planning ahd Building departments c ode She explained how Mavor Noland violations are Code Violation issued and addressed New Businesses District 1 there was Pool Cover Not only will Mayor Noland listed the one we there businesses were three 3 throughout the City new businesses have chillers US Air Force Band p and District 3 Mayor Noland said that the pool covers came for the Middle School pool they help keep the pool heated during the winter but will also keep the pool cool because will be 1 new performing Mayor Noland announced that the United States Airforce Band City s main beach parking lot on Friday September 20th at 7 00 at the m Road Closure for OceanWav Construction Mayor Noland stated that there will be a road cl sure on Ocean Way to facilitate the construction for the Pier entrance parking along Ocean Way will not be permitted beginning on Monday Friday September 28th She provided detours of how you can travel the beach and the parking lot Therefore September 24 until to Commissioner Miller Rotary Club of Deerfield Movie Fundraiser Commissioner Miller announced that the Rotary Club of Deerfield is sponsoring a movie fundraiser on ih in District 4 The show will be on Sunday afternoon 10 00 per ticket He stated that the Rotary will receive 50 that will go directly to scholarships for high school seniors in Deerfield Beach October at Paragon Theaters and the cost is Commissioner Preston Safety Lane Roadwav Improvement on SW 15th Street in front of DeerfieldBeach High School Commissioner Preston commented on the roadway improvements the safety lane that was done on SW 15th Street in front of Deerfield Beach High School He said that there were many questions by his constituents but they are now pleased with the results He commended staff for a job well done Many of the residents in District 2 that take their kids to school are seeing recent that relief 15 Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes COMMENTS BY MA YORAND Vice Mavor Ganz he is not becoming a September 18 2012 COMMISSIONERS Deerfield Beach Historical Society member within the next few weeks and a He said that it is Bliaht at N E a small membership but means Vice Focal Point NE Focal Point Commissioners said that City Staff and the Budaet Mayor Ganzsaid that but will rectify it by others to do the same encouraged lot the appearance of the He said that he understands that it is tmathroeughriaJ being dismantled but you can see old he suggested some type of screening to address which is inexpensive to address on a Mayor Ganz commented specifically the Water Plant Acknowledaed City Staff Vice Historical Society member of the Deerfield Beach on the chain link fence some of the blight that herefore we are causing Vice Mayor Ganz thanked hisdellow City Managerfor a job well done on the budget He did not have anyone from the public to speCik on the budget tonight nordid at his district meeting Commission mefatings or budgetworkshopsthat were the we they speak Commissjon t66k a lot of heat for a lot of tough decisions that they have made ov rthe years and it has been brutal However now other cities are experiencing the same thing we experienced a few years back He commented on a comment made a Y ye arsago that the Ci ty of Deerfie ld Beach fe should model its city after the City of Plantation which is now 12 million in the hole and has had to make some of the same tough decisions Notwithstanding the City was proactive and addressed the probl mapd experienced some of the pain a lot earlier than some of the other cities had He said that we we re able to have a balanced budget this year when other cities are struggling is something Mr Hanson should be proud of He commended the City Manager and Staff for an outstanding job He further stated that the held Burgess Hanson City Manager thanked Hugh Dunkley Finance department heads Vice Mayor Ganz said that there there make are a lot of sacrifices made everything Commissioner operation is were by a lot of sacrifices made Staff in putting Director and all ofthe by City employees and in extra time to do the extra work to work the cost per citizens and how efficient this it He commented on BS6 less manpower things tight As well as Fire Rescue and everybody Miller commented being run people do on not f alize per 1 000 residents but keeping that is working harder with less but getting the job done He thanked everyone Mayor Noland said that every city was listed in the Sentinelpn yesterday with the Sun exception of Deerfield Beach indicatingthe iri reaseirnirefee and taxes 16 Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes September 18 2012 PUBLIC TO BE HEARD Safety of Liahts on the Beach Rita Masi 19th Avenue Deerfield Beach stated that she was walking behind JB s and Ocean s and none of the foot lights were on and how dark suggested that an individual working the Pier have an emergency number so a resident sees something as dangerous as that they can report it to the pier so that they can call the appropriate person She said that someone is at the Pier 24 7 should be more and suggested that there lights working it was She that if Burgess Hanson City Manager and Recreation and not have Ms Masi a said that the pier attendance should have called Parks citizen do it explained that they would not have been able to see this as it was behind the restaurants Club of Deerfield Beach Marty McGeary 6th Street Deerfield Beach President of the General Federated Women s Club of Deerfield Beach invited the public to attend their meeting on Tuesday October 9 2012 at 1 00 p m the Women s League of Voters will come to present the amendments that will be on the November ballot This is a non partisan presentation She asked that those interested in attending contact them Invitation to General Federated Women s 1442 SE Mr Hanson left the meeting temporarily Mayor Noland asked everyone to look at Amendment and throughout the County and the State Mr Hanson returned to the Pier Bid Openina 4 and what it will do to the Cities meeting Ms Rita Masi asked when is the meeting for the opening of the bids for the Pier Mr Hanson said on In response to Ms Wednesday question David Santucci Purchasing Manager explained tomorrow September 19th at 11 00 a m and they will be proposals opened at the Central City Campus He briefly outlined the process that would take place on tomorrow with the bid opening that the are Consideration Diacano 10th Masi tomorrow s due to Rezone 70 SW on a parcel from 10th Deerfield Beach B 3 to Allow Auto Dealerships said that this is about the northeast Darleen corner of Arlington they proposing to build an auto show room selling both new and used exotic motor vehicles also including an auto repair facility on that corner which currently is an eye sore as there is nothing there The property is currently zoned for B 3 which does not allow auto dealerships Therefore they requested that the Commission consider modifying the SW Lots 1 2 14 and 15 and block 29 of 17 Park she stated that are Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes PUBLIC TO BE HEARD code and the B 3 auto September 18 2012 CONTINUED zoning with restrictions so that they can build the showroom with the repair facility In response to Commissioner Miller s question Ms Diacano said that the location is the corner of 10th and Dixie She said that it is adjacent to their property now Commissioner Miller clarified that it is their Ms present the east side of Dixie across the street from location beautify it with trees and their current bUsiness but growing it larger Diacano said that will be the on on same as they would love to a nice building as it City Attorney explained that the Commission will have to amend the zoning regulations as it is currently not a permitted use In order to accomplish this the B 3 zoning distriCt regulation would have to beamehded to allow it as a permitted use In addition if this isdon he recommended that it be made fairly restrictive to encourage the high quality development anddo n ot allow the small types of used car dealerships and that type of thing Therefore it will be a text change to the Andrew Maurodis B 3 district i Code In response to Commissioner Miller s question Gerald Ferguson Services said that the generality is that an auto dealership is not zoning So permitted in rather than B 3 change the zoning they are asking Director of permitted that auto Building in the B 3 dealerships be if the Commission is inclined to direct Staff to prepare an amendment for the Commission s consideration go through the public hearing process etc it takes a text amendment to do that They are suggesting that there be restrictions Therefore placed on the permitted uses to prohibit types of used cars dealerships that are not so reputable The reason they were excluded from B 3 was because of the proliferation fly by night used car lots with no service no buildings or anything so they are asking that there be restrictions to guarantee quality dealerships Once the Code is amended then they can proceed if it is amended and approved Then they will be able to proceed with site plans and development however weare no way near that The first step is to make sure that this type of zoning is allowed in the B 3 zoning In response to Mr Maurodis and Mr Ferguson s comments that he would like to move to allow Staff to start this process Motion was made byCommissionerJoe Miller and Commissioner Miller said seconded by Commissioner Ben Preston to approve directing Staff to proceeo with the process to a text amendment to allow auto dealerships be permitted in B 3 with re trictions Roll Call YEAS Commissioner Joe Miller Commissioner Ben Preston Vice Ganz and Mayor Peggy Noland NAYS None 18 Mayor Bill I J I e 1 I Regular City Commission Meeting Min ut s September 18 20 2 f 1 l J ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned PE at 8 02 p m MAYOR 19 i t i jj f
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