2007 Annual Report - Purdue College of Pharmacy
2007 Annual Report - Purdue College of Pharmacy
T H E S C HO OL OF PH A R M AC Y A N D PH A R M AC E U T IC A L S C I E N C E S 2007 Annual Repor t Assessment of the activities and accomplishments of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences over the past year has affirmed the continued excellence of our programs and the exciting future that lies before us. As you will find throughout this Annual Report, the School has experienced another year of success and new opportunities. This year marked the completion of a successful Campaign for Purdue, raising over $1.7 billion dollars. The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences more than doubled its goal of raising $30 million. Much thanks for this success goes to our Director for Advancement, Chris Smith, as well as our campaign co-chairs, Chuck Flemming (BS 1957, MS 1964, HDR 1994) and Dick Brychell (BS 1973). It was with great excitement that we announced a grant of $25 million to the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Lilly Endowment in December of 2006. This grant is intended to support several initiatives that will increase the impact and visibility of our School, as well as contribute to the impact of pharmacy on health care delivery. The resources provided through this grant will truly be transformative and place the School in an even stronger position of leadership nationwide. Well before my arrival on campus last year, I was aware of the rich tradition of leadership rooted at Purdue. Throughout the past year, I have had the privilege of interacting with many of these leaders as they have returned to campus for various activities and awards. The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences honored several distinguished alumni and friends at an awards event on November 10, 2006. Stanley Beck (BS 1955), John Derr (BS 1958), Gerald Migliaccio (MS 1979), and Thomas Zioncheck (PhD 1988) received the Distinguished Alumni Award. Don Newman (BS 1947, HDR 1987) was honored with the Career Achievement Award, and the Friend of Pharmacy Award was presented to Joyce Collins. Congratulations to these individuals for their outstanding achievements in professional and scientific endeavors. We were honored to have Dr. Janet Woodcock, Chief Medical Officer of the Food and Drug Administration, speak as our Tyler Distinguished Lecturer in February of 2007. Prior to her current appointment, she served as Deputy Commissioner for Operations and Chief Operating Officer of the FDA. 2 The Spring 2007 Dean’s Executive Forum hosted several outstanding alumni and friends of Purdue Pharmacy. The Forum provides an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and promotes greater understanding of leadership in the profession of pharmacy. Students benefit from the varied experiences of the guest lecturers, and the lecturers enjoy the lively exchange of questions and answers by well-informed students. The School was pleased to host the following guest lecturers: Jennifer Asay (BS 1994), Christopher Dimos (BS 1988), John Grant, Jim Haas (BS 1973, MS 1974), J. Frank Nash (BS 1981, MS 1984, PhD 1986), Jon Sprague (PhD 1994), Dal-Mar (Deeni) Taylor (BS 1980), S. Duann Vanderslice (BS 1992), and Alisa Wright (BS 1987). This past year brought sadness, as well. The School lost three outstanding professor emeriti. With great fondness, we remember Dr. Robert V. Evanson (BS 1947 MS 1949, PhD 1953) (Pharmacy Administration), Dr. Adelbert M. Knevel (PhD 1957) (Medicinal Chemistry), and Dr. Roger P. Maickel (Pharmacology and Toxicology). This past year we also shared in the loss of Dana Mason, beloved wife of Associate Dean Holly Mason. Recently, the University recognized Dana’s substantial contributions to our School of Nursing by posthumously awarding her status as professor emerita. This is a fitting tribute to Dana, as her impact on the University and surrounding community will be felt for years to come. We have made some organizational changes within the College over the past fiscal year, as well as at the start of this new academic year. After nearly 19 years of service as Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, Dr. Marc Loudon indicated his desire to return to the faculty to pursue several scholarly projects. As Dr. Loudon’s 80% administrative commitment was not conducive to maintaining a research program, I have elected to split his administrative responsibilities into two positions. I am pleased that Dr. Val Watts has agreed to serve as Associate Dean for Research, while Dr. Eric Barker accepted the appointment as Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs. The reporting structure for Continuing Education, the Purdue Pharmacy, and Experiential Programs has also been brought into the Dean’s Office with the creation of an Assistant Dean for Clinical Programs. Dr. Steve Abel has assumed this new role, in addition to his responsibilities as Head of the Department of Pharmacy Practice. In the coming months, we hope to bring on board a new Assistant Dean for Assessment and Accreditation in the College. Purdue University welcomed a new president on July 16, 2007. Dr. France Córdova comes to us having most recently served as Chancellor at the University of California Riverside. Trained as an astrophysicist, she brings a wealth of experience as a scientist and administrator. A search for a Provost and a Vice President for Research is underway, positions we anticipate to be filled by the end of the academic year. We are confident that the infusion of new leadership will bring new energy and vision to guide the university to even greater heights! Hail Purdue! Craig K. Svensson Dean Repor t f rom the Dean CRAIG K. SVENSSON COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, NURSING, AND HEALTH SCIENCES Associate Dean, College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences; Head, School of Health Sciences GEORGE A. SANDISON organizational chart Associate Dean, College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences; Head, School of Nursing JULIE C. NOVAK Dean, College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences CRAIG K. SVENSSON Director of Financial Affairs PATRICIA A. OSWALT Director of Multicultural Programs; Senior Associate Director of Student Services JACKIE B. JIMERSON Director of Advancement CHRISTOPHER SMITH Manager of Alumni Relations & Special Events DANA S. NEARY Academic Programs Head, Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy STEPHEN R. BYRN Division of Nuclear Pharmacy Writer/Editor, Alumni Publications AMY K. CHANDLER Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs G. MARC LOUDON Associate Dean for Academic Programs HOLLY L. MASON Office of Student Services Manager of Stewardship LINDA A. YELTON Recruitment and Retention Research Programs Graduate Programs Head, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology RICHARD F. BORCH Building and Facilities Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice STEVEN R. ABEL Division of Continuing Education Purdue University Pharmacy Introductory and Advanced Experiential Learning This chart represents positions held during the 2006-07 academic year 3 This past year has been a remarkable one, and the Annual Report allows us the opportunity to highlight some of the many accomplishments of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Advancement Update The School was pleased to welcome Dana Neary as Manager of Alumni Relations and Special Events in September, 2006. She has tirelessly organized several events throughout the country this past year, and the School enjoyed reconnecting with our alumni. Receptions held at various professional meetings—such as the AAPS Meeting in San Antonio, the ASHP Meeting in Anaheim, the APhA Meeting in Atlanta, and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Summer Meeting in San Francisco—gave alumni the opportunity to meet Dean Craig Svensson. The School also hosted receptions in Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Louisville, New Jersey, and Orlando, and alumni had the opportunity to return to campus for events such as the Pharmacy Spring Fling, the 11th Annual BoileRx Golf Classic, and the Dean’s Joint Advisory Council Meeting. We also are pleased to share some of the contributions made to the School for the 2006-07 fiscal year. Although these specific gifts no doubt provide enhanced opportunities for our students, the School achieves success through the broad based effort of annual donations from alumni and friends. We are proud of our high percentage of giving participation, and every gift makes a difference. October, 2006, was an extremely exciting time for the School. Two dedications were held to celebrate the many improvements happening to the Heine Pharmacy Building. The completion of the CVS Pharmacy Practice Laboratory enabled students to begin using the new facility in the fall of 2006. The renovations would not have been possible without the generous support from our donors: CVS Corporation, Kroger Company, PharmaCard, Inc., Walgreens Company, Bob (BS 1951) and Sondra Brown, Dick (BS 1973) and Susan Brychell, Jim and JeanAnne (BS 1961) Chaney, Tom (BS 1977, Management) and Karen (BS 1978) Jeppson, Marvin (BS 1980) and Melanie Richardson, and Bernie and Judy (both BS 1966) Williams. Students also had the pleasure to begin using the Hook Drug Foundation Student Lounge. The much needed renovations to the lounge were made possible by the Hook Drug Foundation, as well as Bob (BS 1951) and 4 Other Organizations 5% Alumni 37% Fiscal 2007 Giving to the School of Pharmacy 00 01 $4,538,196 $4,730,004 $4,729,704 $2,092.056 99 $2,668,898 98 * $1,237,675 Friend 7% $5,000,000 $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 0 $2,184,671 Corporate 44% Corporate Matching 7% CHRISTOPHER SMITH Sincerely, Christopher Smith Director of Advancement $1,571,693 The School also gratefully acknowledges our Corporate Partners: The Chao Center for Industrial Pharmacy & Contract Manufacturing; CVS/pharmacy; CVS/Caremark Corporation; Kroger; Mylan Laboratories, Inc.; Pfizer, Inc.; SSCI, Inc.; SUPERVALU Pharmacies, Inc.; and Walgreens Company. The The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences looks forward to meeting with more alumni during the coming year, and we encourage each of you to become involved. Sharing your time and expertise with the School and our students, as well as your financial contributions, enhances the overall success of our programs and future alumni, and we thank you for your continued support. $2,103,492 Several endowments were established this past year. The Dr. Aziz Endowment Fund was established by Hamid (BS 1985) and Ladan Abbaspour in honor of his eldest brother, Aziz Abbaspour. The endowment fund will support an annual award known as the “Dr. Aziz Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award” in order to recognize a faculty member. Dr. Eric Barker, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacy, was the first recipient at the University Honors Convocation on April 15, 2007. Other endowments include the Dean H. and Mildred Findley International Endowment Fund, established by their daughter Joyce Findley; the Carl and Frances Owen Lifeline Scholarship through an anonymous donor; the Rodger D. Logan Endowment Fund established by Terry Cole (BS 1963, MS 1964); and the Jim and JeanAnne Chaney Pharmacy Student Support Fund by Jim and Jeannie (BS 1961) Chaney. Corporate Partner program was established in the Spring of 2001 to give corporate friends the opportunity to allocate funds to several areas within the School throughout the year. Annual $10,000 Partner contributions support events such as the BoileRx Golf Classic, the Donor Recognition Brunch, and the Graduation Banquet. Partner funds will also aid in the advancement of Multicultural Programs, provide a scholarship, and assist various student organizations. The School is proud to partner with such outstanding companies and truly appreciates their generous support. $1,963,653 Sondra Brown, Jim and JeanAnne (BS 1961) Chaney, Jeffrey and Cheryl (both BS 1979) Green, the Estate of Allen and Hester Wolfe Collins —Parents of Carolyn Collins (BS 1970), the Estate of William and Janet (BS 1938) Strang, the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Classes of 2004 and 2005, and the Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society. Sincere thanks are extended to these many benefactors. 02 03 04 05 06 07 Gifts to the School of Pharmacy During the Last Decade *Excludes $25,000,000 Lilly Endowment Grant 5 INDUSTRIAL AND PHYSICAL PHARMACY 6 Reaching New Heights expansion in recent history, the Industrial and Physical Pharmacy (IPPH) department has completed an expansion from six faculty to 12 faculty. Just as the expansion of Purdue has enabled it to achieve new heights, the IPPH expansion has helped establish IPPH as the leading department of its kind. Highlights for 2006-07 include the establishment and development of the NSF Engineering Research Center focused on Engineering and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Structured Organic Composites). The IPPH department is providing the pharmaceutical expertise for this Center and part of Professor Ken Morris’ group is now occupying laboratories in the Potter engineering building where a roller compaction manufacturing line has been constructed. Professor Lynne Taylor is now widely recognized as one of the leading researchers in the area of amorphous materials. Dr. Taylor was promoted to Associate Professor this year. Professor Kinam Park’s appointment as Showalter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering has allowed him to expand his worldclass research program in drug delivery. Additionally, collaboration of Professor Steve Byrn’s group with the scientists in Biomedical Engineering and the Center for Paralysis Research has provided some exciting new lead molecules for the treatment of spinal cord injuries. For the second year in a row, the IPPH department was able to hire perhaps the leading assistant professor candidate in the country. Dr. Yoon Yeo joined the IPPH department after postdoctoral research at MIT and is destined to become one of the top researchers in drug delivery of proteins and biomolecules. IPPH continues to be extensively involved in interdisciplinary activities and participates in at least five centers: CAMP (Consortium for the Advancement of Manufacturing in Pharmacy), joint with MIT; CPPR (Dane O. Kildsig Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research], joint with UConn; University of Puerto Rico; and the University of Minnesota. National recognition continues at a high level. Kinam Park continues his service as a permanent member of the NIH Biomedical Engineering study section and Ken Morris remains the chair of the FDA Pharmaceutical Sciences Advisory Committee. Graduates with IPPH specialization are in high demand despite the tight pharmaceutical job market. Our three most recent graduates took jobs at Lilly, Schering, and Merck. INDUSTRIAL AND PHYSICAL PHARMACY Just as Purdue University has completed its largest Strong financial support for IPPH programs from alumni continues. Feedback from alumni indicates significant enthusiasm, especially for the pharmaceutical engineering programs. IPPH faculty participated in a number of start-up companies including Andara which is working in the area treatments of spinal injury. The Division of Nuclear Pharmacy continues to be one of the strongest NUPH programs in the country. As we move into a new era with Dean Svensson and President Cordova, we plan to continue to develop our core areas of expertise in Development Science, Manufacturing Science, and Drug Delivery. 7 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY 8 Leadership and Distinction Purdue has enjoyed the distinction of having a campus-wide National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center continuously since 1979, and all three Directors in the history of the Center (Drs. Morré, Baird, and Borch) have been members of the MCMP faculty. The Department has now relinquished this important leadership responsibility. After serving as Cancer Center Director for almost 10 years, Rick Borch has stepped down from this position. Rick will continue to serve as MCMP Department Head, and he remains an active contributor to the Department’s research and teaching programs. Among many important research advances in the Department this year, the progress of two drugs developed by Arun Ghosh is especially noteworthy. Darunavir is an HIV protease inhibitor that has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of drug-resistant HIV. The HIV virus rapidly mutates, and the structure changes induced in the protease lead to resistance of the protease inhibitors now in widespread use. Arun designed Darunavir to target an unchanged “backbone” region of the protease, thus decreasing the probability of resistance developing. He continues to apply structure-based drug design to the synthesis of more potent and broadly active HIV protease inhibitors. Arun has also designed a drug designated CTS-21166 that inhibits beta-secretase, a key enzyme in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease that triggers the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain. CTS-21166 is both potent and highly selective, and it has now entered Phase I clinical trials where it will be assessed for safety and tolerability in healthy volunteers. The MCMP graduate program continues to thrive. We currently have 100 students pursuing graduate degrees in the laboratories of MCMP faculty; 31 of these students are enrolled in one of Purdue’s interdisciplinary graduate programs. This past year we awarded eleven Ph.D. degrees and two M.S. degrees. Nineteen new students were accepted into the MCMP graduate program this fall; we anticipate that additional Purdue Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (PULSe) students will be joining faculty laboratories when those students select thesis mentors later this year. Our faculty continues to provide an outstanding training environment that prepares our students well for future scientific careers. MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY For many years, the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (MCMP) has provided important leadership at both the College and University level. This has been a year of significant change. For the past 19 years, Marc Loudon has served the College with distinction as Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs. Marc has now stepped down from this position and returned to MCMP full time. He will spend the next six months on sabbatical leave to complete the new edition of his widely acclaimed organic chemistry textbook. Marc’s responsibilities have been assumed by two MCMP faculty who will serve part time in their respective administrative capacities. Val Watts has been appointed Associate Dean for Research, and Eric Barker has been appointed Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs. Both Val and Eric will maintain active research programs and continue their teaching contributions to the professional and graduate programs. 9 PHARMACY PRACTICE 10 Advancing Pharmacy Technolog y Each year we highlight the efforts of faculty and staff who have distinguished themselves within the areas of learning, discovery, and engagement. This year we would like to take the opportunity to place the spotlight on individuals who contribute significantly to our programs but whose functions often exist in the shadows. The first group of individuals serves on a part-time basis in meeting the needs of the students within the Purdue University Pharmacy. Chuck Brown (BS 1963) (a professor-emeritus and now part-time employee), Nancy Chapman (BS 1983), Susie Marshall (BS 1969), and Josh Olbricht enhance our programs through their work as pharmacists within the Purdue Pharmacy, but more importantly as role models and educators for our students. Without these staff members, it would not be possible for us to maintain the level of quality services provided through the Purdue Pharmacy, nor would it be possible to provide the quality educational experience expected for our students. The second group of individuals serves as adjunct or affiliate faculty members who dedicate a significant amount of time in facilitating the success of our regionalized program for advanced pharmacy practice experience. Jennifer McComb (PharmD 1984) (Fort Wayne) and Rick McDowell (BS 1974, MS 1976) (Evansville) are adjunct faculty members, through agreements between the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and their practice sites at Lutheran Health Network and St. Mary’s Medical Center, respectively. Marjorie (Marjie) Biel (PharmD 2002), Jane DeJong, and Heather Sell (BS 1997, PharmD 1998) are affiliate faculty members based in Northwest Indiana; South Bend, Indiana; and Chicago, Illinois. These five individuals have worked tirelessly to assist us with the daily operations of advanced clerkship, identification and development of advanced clerkship sites, and enhancement of the overall experiential learning experience for our students. Without the efforts of these individuals, our regionalized plan for advanced practice experience could not be sustained, and we are most appreciative of their work. PHARMACY PRACTICE This past year marked the launch of activities associated with the $25 million Lilly Endowment grant, A Plan to Preeminence for Purdue Pharmacy. Within the Department of Pharmacy Practice, position descriptions were developed for an endowed chair of medication safety and an endowed professor of adverse drug reactions. A program description was developed for PharmaTAP, a pharmacy technical assistance program designed to augment Purdue’s pre-existing healthcare technology advancement program. Carol Birk (BS 1974) will assume responsibility for directing our PharmaTAP program in August 2007. We look forward to future collaboration with our practice partners within the health-system and community pharmacy setting as we develop prototype sites to optimize medication safety. This will include the development of a community-based program for adverse drug reaction reporting and management. 11 PHARMACY admissions data 2007 applications 2007 admissions Total Applications 1069 Purdue/WL 203 Gender Other Indiana Campuses 101 Ball State 6 Bethel College 1 Butler 1 DePauw 1 Franklin 2 IN-Wesleyan 1 ISU 4 IU-Bloomington 12 Residency IU-NW 4 IU-PU/FW 5 IUPUI 24 IU-SB 3 IU-SE 8 Manchester 1 Notre Dame 1 PU-Calumet 10 PU-NC 5 St. Joseph 2 Ethnicity St. Mary’s 3 U-Indianapolis 1 Vincennes 5 Wabash 1 Out-of-State Colleges 765 Females (681) Males (388) Out-of-State (618) International (227) Indiana Resident (224) Caucasian American (416) African American (47) Asian American (245) Total Admitted 161 Purdue/WL 107 Other Indiana Campuses 32 Ball State 3 Franklin 1 ISU 2 IU-Bloomington 3 IUPU-FW 2 IUPUI 6 IU-NW 1 IU-SB 1 IU-SE 4 PU-Calumet 4 PU-NC 2 St. Joseph 1 Vincennes 2 Out-of-State Colleges 22 Average Age 22 - (Range 19 - 41) Cum. GPA Average 3.65 - (Range 3.04 - 4.00) Gender Females (109) Males (52) Residency Indiana Resident (105) Out-of-State (39) International (17) Ethnicity Caucasian American (101) African American (7) Asian American (21) Hispanic American (6) Hispanic American (43) Indian/Native American (3) International (227) 12 Other American/Unknown (88) International (17) Other American/Unknown (9) employment SURVEYS Pharm.D. Graduates Students Surveyed Responses Committed Response Employed Continuing Education** Undecided/Seeking Employment Number 146 146 142 113 29 4 Percent 100.00% 100.00% 97.26% 79.58% 20.42% 2.74% PharmD Employment Offers Commitment Location Average 3.7 Range 1-16 Indiana 75 Other 66 Commitment Type Residency** Fellowship** Chain (Retail) Independent (Retail) Hospital Consulting Nuclear Number 26 1 84 3 21 1 4 Percent Avg. Salary 18.31% $38,719 0.70% 59.15% $104,203 2.11% $96,750 14.79% $91,657 0.70% 2.82% $100,750 Salary Range $30,000 - $49,700 $40,000* $97,000 - $117,000 $96,000 - $97,500 $80,000 - $102,500 $95,000* $97,000 - $108,000 Employment Salary Average $101,675 *only one salary reported ** graduate or professional school/fellowship/residency BSPS Graduates Students Surveyed Responses Employed Continuing Education Seeking/Undecided 17 17 6 10 1 100.00% 100.00% 35.29% 58.82% 5.88% BSPS Employment Offers Average 2 Range 1-3 Commitment Location Indiana 7 Other 8 Commitment Type Industry Internship/ Summer Number 5 Percent 83.33% Avg. Salary Salary Range $54,000 $53,000 - $58,000 1 16.67% (no salaries reported) Nikki Price (BS 1993) Director of Pharmacy Education and Development SUPERVALU Incorporated “Being part of a company who values the education that Purdue has g iven and continues to g ive has enabled me to see the benefits of g iv ing back. Because of this, I always wanted to be able to do something myself. It has been extremely rewarding to be able to meet the recipients and see the continued tradition of excellent students graduating from Purdue. Though this was purely a selfish reason for giving, it certainly has been a benefit for ever yone involved.” 13 graduates B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences Syed Aftab Stephanie Bartko Natalie Bough Kevin Cornelius** Deon Hodson Yi Ling Hsieh Christy Javella Steven Kaverman Chi Keung Lam Matthew Mondrala Myntee Ngangana Soo Jin Park Katherine Seipel Marshall Songer Rushi Trivedi Lori Ward 14 Pharm.D. Manal Abu El-Kheir Robert Adler Alison Allen Eunice Amazigo Najim Anwar Taiwo Awosika Matthew Bailey Lena Bart Susan Bartels Katherine Behr Leah Berg Jerrold Blocher John Bossaer Abigail Brendel Mark Brown Jacqueline Burkat Joanne Burkat Alicia Burke Colleen Buyer Sara Byron William Carroll* Brandon Chambers Cyrus Cheeseman Elizabeth Chiong Charles Claycomb Lindsay Cordes Aaron Craft Bradley Crawford Rami Daoud Vytautas Damasius Elizabeth Darrah Leslie Davis Christopher Day Jennifer Deal Jayme Denney Matthew Dierks Thomas Dykiel Tabitha Eldridge Charles Ellerman Timothy Falda William Fat-Anthony* Kalliopi Fitousis Colin Fitzgerrel Simon Frey Amanda Fritts Chad Fuentes Carrie Georgion* La Veda Gipson Bradley Given Bradley Goedeker Misty Gonzalez Monique Gooden Roman Griese Gina Grist Emily Guerrieri* Rachel Haas Richard Ham Samuel Hamod Scott Harris Allison Heaton-Russell Mark Heinold Lindsey Helfrich Kurt Henke William Hodges Jennifer Hofeditz Elizabeth Hunter Brandy Johnson Rola Kaakeh Jennifer Kaiser Lisa Kampschmidt Ryan Kazmierczak Tyler Keith Robin Keller Christina Key Young-My Kim Brenden King Vicki Kluemper Megan Koritnik Courtney Kramer Jason Lambert Joshua Lambert Benjamin Laney Kira Larimore Jonathan Lechlitner Kristen Lee Cassandra Leeper Scott Linger Jacqueline Lombard Sharon Loomis Amy Lubsen Leslie Mach Benjamin Maggard Lucas Mansfield Ryan Maples Josephine Maundu Briana McBride Kelly McCarthy Brandi Mckean Annstella Mthembu Deon Neal Christopher Nieset Grace O’Connor* Anna Oman Baker Cristina Origenes Ebony Page Andrea Parker Dipika Patel Melanie Pflug Ryan Phelps Nicole Pitello Jill Prosk Leslie Ray Christopher Razor Brett Reed Dema Rejjal Sara Renaker Janna Repine Jillian Reynolds Nathan Riecke Monica Rivers Christie Rogers Ashley Rohls Talli Schrader Joni Schroering Brian Schumer Luby Sebastian Jeffrey Shelton Dante Simmons Laura Smith Katie Snellenbarger Jaime Staniszeski Patricia Stefanek Phoebe Stokes* Katherine Surber Sara Taha Casey Taylor Sara Tebbe Lynn Tenbarge Amanda Thomas Christopher Thomas Clint Thomas Clara Tse Lauren Valenta Thuy Vo Cassandra Wallace Zachary Weber Erika Wesby Stephanie Wiekert Kelly Williams Stephanie Williams Traci Wozniak *PharmD/BSPS Dual Degree **BSPS/SMT898 GRADUATE Industrial and Physical Pharmacy Nancy Patricia Aiello, M.S. Major Professor: Stephen R. Byrn Non-thesis option with a concentration in Regulatory and Quality Compliance Faraj Atassi, Ph.D. Major Professor: Stephen R. Byrn Thesis Title: General Trends in the Desolvation Behavior of Calcium Salts and the Characterization of Mesomorphous Calcium Salts Post-graduation destination: Industry, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, IN Cheryl Ann Dziak, M.S. Major Professor: Stephen R. Byrn Non-thesis option with a concentration in Regulatory and Quality Compliance Victor Theron Hildebrand, M.S. Major Professor: M. Teresa Carvajal Non-thesis option Eun Hee Lee, Ph.D. Major Professor: Stephen R. Byrn Thesis Title: Effect of Additives on Crystallization Polymorphic Transformation and Solubility Post-graduation destination: Post-doc, Purdue University Thomas J. Lisk, M.S. Major Professor: Stephen R. Byrn Non-thesis option with a concentration in Regulatory and Quality Compliance Chen Mao, Ph.D. Co-Major Professors: Stephen R. Byrn and Rodolfo Pinal Thesis Title: Structural Relaxation and Molecular Mobility in Organic Amorphous Pharmaceutical Compounds Post-graduation destination: Industry, Scientist, Schering-Plough Connie S. Paul Snider, Ph.D. Major Professor: Kinam Park Thesis Title: Microenvironment- Controlled Encapsulation (MiCE) Process Post-graduation destination: Industry, Associate Scientist, Elan Drug Delivery, King of Prussia, PA Richard Sikulu Walulu, M.S. Major Professor: Mark A. Green Thesis Title: Synthesis and Characterization of {Re(CO)3]+ Complexes with Tripodal Tridentate Amine Ligands Post-graduation destination: Pursue a Pharm.D. degree at Southern Illinois University Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Nwanne Anadu, Ph.D. Major Professor: V. Jo Davisson Thesis Title: Investigating the Mechanism of Anticancer Activity of the Natural Product: Brefeldin A Michael Robert Braden, Ph.D. Major Professor: David E. Nichols Thesis Title: Towards a Biophysical Understand of Hallucinogen Action Post-graduation destination: Education, postdoc, University of Montana, Missoula, MT degrees AWARDED Rong (Rosa) Huang, Ph.D. Major Professor: Richard F. Borch Thesis Title: Design, Synthesis, and Biological Activity of SH2 Domain Inhibitors Elif Olmez Ozkirimli, Ph.D. Major Professor: Carol B. Post Thesis Title: Src Kinase Activation Investigated by Computational Methods Heather White Leavesley, M.S. Major Professor: Gary E. Isom Thesis Title: Cyanide and Nitric Oxide Interactions at the Cytochrome c Oxidase Binuclear Center Post-graduation destination: Ph.D. student, MCMP, Purdue University Jason Charles Parrish, Ph.D. Major Professor: David E. Nichols Thesis Title: Toward a Molecular Understanding of Hallucinogen Action Post-graduation destination: Industry Thomas Handley McLean, Ph.D. Major Professor: David E. Nichols Thesis Title: Conformationally Restricted Analogues of Hallucinogenic Phenethylamines as Functionally-Selective Agonists of the 5-HT2A Receptor Post-graduation destination: Senior Synthetic Organic Chemist (staff member), Broad Institute for Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Andrew Edward O’Dell Morrell, Ph.D. Major Professor: Mark S. Cushman Thesis Title: Development of Topoisomerase I Inhihibitors as Anticancer Agents: Post-graduation destination: Law school at George Mason University, VA Justin C. Oliver, Ph.D. Major Professor: V. Jo Davisson Thesis Title: Chemical and Structural Dynamics of Guanosine Monophosphate Synthetase Post-graduation destination: Industry Sarah Annette Reigard, Ph.D. Major Professor: Richard A. Gibbs Thesis Title: Tools for Farnesylated Protein Modulation and Identification Laurel Alyce Royer, M.S. Major Professor: Richard A. Gibbs Thesis Title: The Development and Synthesis of a Fluorescently-labeled Peptide Substrate for the Yersinia pestis Post-graduation destination: Ph.D. student in Agronomy, Purdue University Jeremy Lynn Schieler, Ph.D. Major Profesor: Jean-Christophe Rochet Thesis Title: Alpha-synuclein Aggregation in Parkinson’s Disease: Role of Oxidative Stress and Membranes Yajie Zhang, Ph.D. Major Professor: Carol B. Post Thesis Title: Characterization of Structural and Dynamic Properties of Syk Tandem Sh2 Domain and Its Interaction with Diphosphorylated ITAM Important in B Cell Signaling Regulation Fei Zhou, Ph.D. Major Professor: Robert L. Geahlen Thesis Title: Syk Signalling and Trafficking During B Cell Activation Pharmacy Practice Menaka Bhor, Ph.D. Major Professor: Kimberly S. Plake Thesis Title: Relationship Between Health Literacy, Outcome Expectations, Efficacy Expectations, and Medication Adherence Seema Dhirajlal Dedhiya, Ph.D. Major Professor: Joseph Thomas III Thesis Title: Prevalence and Incidence of Potentially Inappropriate Medications Prescribed to Elderly Indiana Medicaid Beneficiaries Residing in Nursing Homes and Associations with Hospitalizations and Mortality Joseph Paul Trebley, Ph.D. Major Professor: Ross V. Weatherman Thesis Title: Anti-Estrogen Therapy and Breast Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms of Efficacy and Resistance Post-graduation destination: Education, Technology Manager, Office of Technology Commercialization, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 15 “Giv ing a portion of your time, or talents, or treasures to your profession is one of the satisfying experiences that accrues to a professional. Which ever is your “g ift,” I would encourage you to consider sharing your particular richness with your Purdue School of Pharmacy. It truly is a g ift that keeps on g iv ing. It says so much about you, your profession, and the students following in your pathway. Join me in making this year a special year.” Edward L. Langston (BS 1967) Physician, American Health Network Chair, Board of Trustees of the American Medical Association The Jenkins-Knevel and Kienly Awards Symposium The Jenkins-Knevel and Kienly Awards Symposium was held on November 9, 2006. The Kienly Awards have been endowed since 1976 by gifts from Dr. Albert V. Kienly, Jr., as well as by an anonymous faculty gift in memory of Dr. Kienly’s father and mother. Dr. Kienly, Jr., who passed away in November of 2002, graduated from the Purdue University School of Pharmacy in 1940, and his father graduated from the School in 1901. The 2006 recipients of the Kienly Awards were: Animesh Aditya, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology; Sai Prasanth Chamarthy, Industrial and Physical Pharmacy; and Suwanna Phattarabenjapol, Pharmacy Practice. The Jenkins-Knevel Awards are supported by Dr. Serena Ford, daughter of Dr. Glenn L. Jenkins, Dean of the School of Pharmacy from 1941 to 1966, and other donors. They are given in honor of Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Adelbert M. Knevel (PhD 1957), professor emeritus and former Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research from 1969-1987. Dr. Knevel passed away in December of 2006. The 2006 recipients of the Jenkins-Knevel Awards were: Michael Braden, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (Empirical Support for a Serotonin 2A Receptor Homology Model from Site-directed Mutagenesis Studies); David Engers, Industrial and Physical Pharmacy (Microstructure Evolution and the Physical Stability of Amorphous Solids); Xin Zhang, Pharmacy Practice (Prediction of the Inhibition of CYP3A by Erythromycin and Diltiazen Along and in Combination Using Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic Models); and Yajie Zhang, Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (Structural and Dynamic Studies of Syk Tandem SH2 Domain Reveal the Mechanism of Phosphorylation of Tyr-130 in Regulating Syk and B-cell Receptor Interaction). (L to R) Dr. Marc Loudon with Kienly Award recipients Suwanna Phattarabenjapol, Animesh Aditya, and Sai Prasanth Chamarthy (L to R) Dr. Marc Loudon with Jenkins-Knevel Award recipients Xin Zhang, David Engers, Yajie Zhang, and Michael Braden The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences expresses sincere gratitude to the Merck Company Foundation for establishing the Merck Scholar Awards to provide scholarships to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Program. Merck pledged $50,000 in scholarship funds to encourage students to pursue careers in industrial pharmacy which provides a solid background in chemistry and science. The gift supports four undergraduate scholarships per year for five years, and the first Merck Scholar Award recipients were selected in the spring of 2002. The recipients are Karen Helwig, Christy Javella, Steven Kaverman, Anastasia Lityo, and Siyuan Yang. Previous recipients include Holly Angermeier, Jacquelyn Cloonen, Sarah Dunn, Molly Fricke, Justin Guinn, Amanda Hinkle, Jonathan Hoggatt, Mary Katherine Jungbluth, Tippu Khan, Ryan McCann, Stephanie Noe, Laura Rearick, Megan Reimann, Robert Ribeiro, Carolyn Roedel, Rebecca Turner, and Eric Van Horn. Merck Scholar Awards Donald Barrick (BS 1976), Senior Manager in New Products Planning for Merck and Company, Inc., says “The bachelor of science program provides great preparation for careers in the areas of production technical support, pharmaceutical research and development, manufacturing or regulatory affairs. Merck is proud to support such an innovative degree program, and we are confident that it will attract bright, talented students who will become future leaders in our industry.” Congratulations to the recent recipients of the Merck Scholar Award, and sincere thanks to Merck for its continued support of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Pharmacy Dean’s Advisory Councils Industrial Advisory Council Minority Advocacy Council Mary B. Baker ’79 Gilbert S. Banker ’55, ’57, ’03 Donald O. Barrick ’76 Elizabeth C. Bearby ’96 Morgan L. Beatty ’67, ’68, ’72 James W. Bedford ’81 Gary D. Dolch ’76 Ronald W. Dollens ’70, ’01 Arthur J. Fiocco, Jr. Mark W. Fitch ’72 Charles V. Flemming ’57, ’94 Robert M. Franz ’76, ’80 Jeffrey S. Hatfield ’81 Maria D. Bowman-Horner ’81 David C. Hsia ’75 M. Amin Khan Lisa Leonard Koss ’90 Samuel J. Lee ’94 Robert A. Lipper ’73 Katie L. MacFarlane ’88, ’89 Vincent E. McCurdy ’85 Michael S. McNear ’79 Y. Joseph Mo ’77 John E. Nine ’83 Chetan P. Pujara ’97 William G. Randolph III ’82, ’88 Arthur C. Solomon ’70, ’72 Gerald L. Wannarka ’80 Michael J. Warmuth Mary L. Westrick ’80, ’83 Roger E. Williams ’79 Rae Willis ’61, ’64, ’66 Ralph Johnson ’83 Nathaniel Milton ’89, ’95 Aneasha N. Moore ’02 Warren J. Moore ’02 Charles E. Sanders, Jr. ’78 Sarah A. Sanders ’78, ’80 Eric A. Smith ’83 Gloria J. Torres ’99 Adrienne M. Mayorga-Villarreal ’99 Joanne D. Murphy-Woods ’88 Professional Advisory Council Julia A. Borgmann ’87, ’89 Richard S. Brychell ’73 Matthew Clary Cliff G. Cleveland ’76 Ryan D. Cohlhepp ’00 Joyce Collins Daniel D. Degnan ’91, ’92 John F. Derr ’58 Christopher T. Dimos ’88 James A. Eskew ’76 Gregory A. Fox James H. Fuller ’84, ’86 Charles L. Goodall ’84 Winifred A. Landis ’81 Wade A. Lange ’79, ’83 Dennis J. McCallian ’71, ’84 Michael B. McMains ’81 John C. Messina, Jr. ’95 Kathy L. Michael ’88 Nikki M. Price ’93 David W. Purdy ’83 Lawrence J. Sage Amanda B. Keltsch-Senger ’88 Lorraine E. Shaffer ’78, ’01 Edward P. Sheridan Robert G. Sikora ’72 Edward S. Smith ’77 Ronald J. Snow William L. Sonner John E. Voliva ’99 Purdue Pharmacy Alumni Association Board Robert A. Brown ’51 Mark H. Bunton ’95 Kimberli Harty Burgner ’79, ’81, ’03 JeanAnne D. Chaney ’61 Charles S. Conroy ’92 Vytautas J. Damasius ’69 Joseph E. Dubes III ’71 Robert L. Gibson, Jr. ’69 LaVeda M. Gipson ’07 Bradley J. Given ’07 Brian E. Holstine ’87 Rola Kaakeh ’07 Jack A. Klee ’62 Jane E. Krause ’81, ’94 Jason E. Lambert ’07 Barbara E. Lane ’57 Tricia A. Lohr ’05 Janet S. Redmond ’94 Francis E. Rhea ’06 Pamela S. Ringor ’97 Ronald A. Rosich ’81 Dee Dee Rubin, ’95 Kara Duncan Weatherman ’94 Wenda R. Zick ’95 17 THE SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Donor Honor Roll Gifts received during July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007 18 Hamid & Ladan Abbaspour James Appino Gilbert & Gwen Banker Donald & Susan Barrick Harriet Beeler Richard & Anne Borch Robert & Sondra Brown Dick & Susan Brychell Stephen & Sally Byrn JeanAnne & James Chaney Allen & Lee-Hwa Chao Terry Cole Lyman & Joyce Eaton Joyce Findley Charles & Madonna Flemming Thomas & Beverly Gerding Karen & Thomas Jeppson James & Debra Kehrer Robert & Nancy Lipper Michael & Gayle McCord Jack & Barbara McCoy Wayne & Helen McKeehan Steven & Lisa Nail John & Janet Nine Michael & Sally Pierle Robert & Arda Sauté Virginia Tyler Mortar & Pestle Society ($5,000 - $9,999) Mary Baker Jean & Frank Battaglia Judith Blank Henry & Sherrill Bryant Ang & Jeannine Carnaghi Gary & Peggie Dolch Alan & Marilyn Fites Serena & George Ford Jonathan Garvey Marilyn Haberle Kenneth & Betty Heimlich Gregory & Sherry Hiatt Alton Johnson Susan Martin Michael & Cheryl McMains Gerald & Karen Migliaccio Kinam & Haesun Park William & Diane Randolph Debra St. John Mishler Bernard & Judith Williams Dean’s Club Inner Circle ($2,500 - $4,999) Albert & Wendy Alderman Holly & William Bonsignore Mark & Brenda Bunton Glenn & Mary Lou Claybaugh Joann Data & Herman Cantrell Frank & Beverlee Deardorff Ricky & Jane Gerteisen Frank & Joan Goodhart Eugene & Barbara Hamlow Brian & Betty Ann Henderson Thomas & Mary Ortyl Brian Railing Gregg & Jeanne Richmond Jill & Richard Robinson Beth & Jerry Schilling Edward & Sue Smith Craig & Susan Svensson Stanley & Terrylee Turnipseed Ross & Kara Duncan Weatherman James & Linda White Roger & Cyndi Williams Rae Willis & Candie Oldham Dean’s Club Executive Level ($1,000 - $2,499) Steven & Jill Abel Jeffrey & Ann Albrecht Janet & James Amy Robert & Sandra Anderson Christopher Anderson Thomas & Cynthia Andres Jennifer & Derek Asay Randy & Margaret Asmus Eric & Loretta Barker Morgan & Winnie Beatty Richard & Betty Bellairs Quent & Margaret Besing Curtis & Marilyn Black Joseph Borowitz Maria Bowman-Horner James & Darlene Branham Scott & Sandra Brower Gerald & Judith Bruno Thomas & Miriam Bryan Nancy & William Busso Elizabeth Chalmers Frank & Judith Darnell Lorraine Davis Craig & Nancy Davis Ross & Carol Deardorff Richard D'Elia John & Polly Derr Christopher & Theresa Dimos James & Phyllis Doluisio Michelle & Scott Duncan Phyllis Eckman Kandy & Mark Fitch Patrick & Juanita Gallivan Dennis & Leslie Gardner Richard Gelzleichter Beverly Genaro Gregory Giant Keith & Crystal Gillette Virginia & Charles Goodall Roger & Patricia Gordon Jeffrey & Cheryl Green Mark Green & Carla Mathias John & Joan Griffin Terry Gubbins Candice Hill Gary Hollenbeck Carl & Janet Hudson Bruce & Patricia Hufford John & Sarah Kay Scott & Amanda Keltsch-Senger John & Carol Kerrigan Mary & Frank King Norma & Dennis King Gregory & Susan Bogdanowich-Knipp Christopher Korherr Barbara & Francis Lane Thomas Lee Luk-Chiu & Jane Li Herbert & Helen Lieberman Nancy Lilly Nadine Lindley Gretchen Logan Mary Losey Marc & Judy Loudon Patrick & Marjorie Madigan Robert & Patricia Maile James & Kathleen Mannion Michael McNear Kathy & Craig Michael Eric Michael Joseph & Marian Mooney Kenneth & Margaret Morris Miles & Mildred Mumford James & Susan Munden Christiane & Gregory Nash Don & Ginger Newman Charles & Barbara Paget Jonathon & Joann Parker Albert & Cynthia Peyton Stephen & Rebecca Piepenbrink Nikki & Casey Price Judith Radzinski Kelly Railing Diane Rammelsberg & Ralph Freye Arlen & Arlene Reynolds James & Diann Robbers Steven & Jane Robbins Chip & Jane Rutledge Paul Sale Denise & Bobby Sandage James & Susan Sanger Steven & Catherine Scott Jane Sheets John Shepler Robert Shingler Robert & Nancy Sikora Eric Smith Wayne & Deborah Smith David & Donna Steenbarger Jon Stone & Alexandra Yankwich Julian & Patsy Stowers Brian & Janet Stuglik Blaine & Shirley Sutton Lillian & James Thomas James Tisdale John & Tara Voliva Cynthia & Kevin Weil James & Linda Wesley Norvin & Gwen Wilson Sue Wright Gary & Rachel Yingling DONOR HONOR ROLL Pinnacle Society ($10,000 & higher) Dean’s Club ($500 - $999) Max & Mergie Adams Heidi Anderson Ronald Bailey James Beal Robert Beckett Diena & Charles Beyer Janice Biederman Jeffery Bierwagen Dorothy & Richard Boggs James & Jean Boylan Sharon Brown Ronald & Rosa Burkhart Jennifer Campbell Thomas & Tressa Capper Leslie Catrett Jennifer Chalmers Alexander Chun Lloyd & Patricia Claybaugh Cliff & Vanessa Cleveland Alice & Fred Croner Gene & Phyllis Crum Steven & Carlene Cummings Robert Daly Miles & Sandra Davis Philip Davis Joseph & Victoria Dwenger James & Gail Eskew William Farrar Richard & Joan Faust Nancy & Edward Fitzgerald Robert & Cheryl Franz Barbara Garing 12 19 DONOR HONOR ROLL 20 Robert Geahlen & Marietta Harrison Mary & Richard Geib George Gembis & Sue Rowe Holly & William Gentry Barbara Gough Susan & Scott Graf Richard Grunder Stephanie Hammonds Gerianne Hap & James Roessler Heather Heitert Michael Hogan Laurence Hurley & Terry Evers Jackie Jimerson Keith & Juanita Johns Bonnie & Gary Jones Eugene Katt Robert & Cheryl Kaye Ellen Keller John & Robyn Kelly Janet Keresztes Susan Kloss Adelbert Knevel James Krull Stephen & Patricia Kwiatkowski Winifred Landis Chris & Jennifer Lisek John & Janet Lombard Rosemary Long Melanie Love Sheryl Lowenhar Roger and Lois Maickel Phillip & Ann Manship Dena & Gary Marvel Holly L. Mason Paul & Kathryn McWilliams Julie Metz Susan Metzger Cynthia & Walter Meyer Susan & William Meyer Laura & Nicholas Miller Gary Millikan Jack Money Judith & James Mowry Kathleen Nail Cinda & Joseph O’Connor Kathleen O’Lenic Douglas & Margit Olson Carol Ott & Mark Posey Linda & John Paczolt Carol & Michael Pasini Deborah & Anthony Perona Gregory & Sheila Pierce Richard & Marianne Pogue Priscilla & James Potter Rolland Poust Paul & Gail Price Janet & Robert Redmond David & Gail Riese Joyce & Carl Rinke David & Peggy Rokosz Rae & Richard Roley Mary Sammons Charles & Sarah Sanders John & Jenifer Schreiner Laura & Robert Scott Douglas & Glenda Scudder Guy Sides Andrew & Cherie Simo Brent & Dawn Sinclair Bruce Smith James & Bette Spahr Earl & Mary Speicher Jon & Aimee Sprague Denise & Mark Studt Charles & Lorraine Sturwold Dennis & Donna Terry John Turchi Janet Warren John Wells Susan & Richard White Mark & Kelly Williams Shirley & Tad Wilson Robert & Kathleen Wittgen Joanne Woods James & Jean Yeager Robert & Sheila Yoder Thomas & Welma York James & Linda Zolman Second Century Club ($250 - $499) Patricia & Gregg Acri Nancy Alavanja Margaret & Eric Anderson Ann Angle Oscar Araujo Charles Askins Joanne Barrick Virginia & Dalton Baysden Kathleen & Thomas Bemenderfer Laura Bertucci Amy Bettle Margaret Bilkert Josephine Billington James & Rosemary Blakesley Nancy Bowen Patricia Brademas Beth Bready Sheryl Bringman Valerie & Roberts Brock Brian & Bernadette Brown Charles & Rebecca Bultinck Catherine & Morgan Burke Robert & Karen Burnett John & Diana Bush Carolyn & Gregory Cagnassola Timothy & Connie Calmer-Anderson Leroy Cataldi Jane Chavers & James Hubner Thomas Clover Ryan & Melissa Cohlhepp Cynthia & Patrick Conley Thad & Sharon Cramer Wayne & Patricia Culley Mark Cushman Lauren & Quinn Czosnowski Vicki Demoret Eric Diaz Christopher & Susan Dick Malisa & Andrew Dills Nikki & Mark Donathan Anne & Paul Eggers Howard Eigen Lori & Kevin Eikenberry Timothy Ellerman Brian & Angela Elsten Renee & Rick Embrey Tamara Evans Barry Eversole Ronald Eyer Catherine & David Fisher Dale Fonner Larry & Nanette Fredericks Brian & Toni Frost George Fuller Nathan & Elizabeth Gabhart Gregory & Sandra Gabor Donna & Lionel Galerman James Galloway Melvin & Dene Garbow Thomas Garcia Debra Gearhart Robert & Janice Gibson Donna & James Goetz Mary Gonzales Ernest Grant Robert & Pamela Green Kathryn Grismore David & Karen Grote John Guthrie Abbie Guthrie Pamela Habrowski Judith & David Hale Pamela Hall Edward Harvill Douglas & Kelly Henry Linda Hobbs Christine Holtman Laura Holtz Chang-Deng Hu Dana & Binh Hunter Myrlen Hunter Ann & Philip Hynds Salvatore & Nancy JacksonSchiciano Jane & Mark Johnson Estell & Mary Kesling William Kilarski Steven & Wendy Klohr Carol Knoth-Lytle Bernadette Koh Richard & Janalene Kouns Wendy Kratzer John & Connie Kuykendall Monina Lahoz Steven Lamparelli Nancy & Thomas Langschied Louis & Karen LaRowe Marvin & Judy Larue Heather & Frederick Lechlitner Linda & Richard Letherman Alan Levine Gerald Limp Allan & Karen Loeb Mary Loftus Amy & Blake Luebbehusen Kevin Marhenke Stanley & Elizabeth Markowski Rebecca & Philip Marshall Robert & Cheryl Merchant Lonnie & Charlotte Middlesworth Christopher & Crystal Miller Mark & Marsha Millikan John Mobley Alice Nelson David & Karen Nine Staci-Marie & David Norman William Nussbaum Philip Paugh Douglas Pew Maureen & Thomas Pietryga Lois & Paul Pinckley Nicole Pitlik Kenneth Prue John & Nancy Rhodes Lori Rhorer Tamara & Thomas Richardson Debra & Kirk Ross Lawrence & Lynette Sage James Sampson Richard Santay Kenton & Sally Schreck Anne Schroeder Roberta Secrest James Seibert Mekre Senbetta Rx Select Club ($100 - $249) Frank & Phyllis Abbott Bruce & Georgine Abrahams Anthony Acito Cara & Joseph Acklin Edgar Adams Nancy Adams Robert Adler Coleen & Robert Albright Keith Allhands Tari & Dale Ambler Robert Anderson Neil & Jennifer Anderson Robert & Sharon Anderson Keith & Lynne Apple Mary & James Arnold Keith Ashby Robert & Judith Atlas Douglas & Karen Ausenbaugh Michael & Rita Ayres Patricia Baker Elie Balou Ralph & Eleanor Banziger David Barhydt Brenda Barker Max Barnhart Paul & Susan Cartier-Barrett Colleen Barricklow Julia Bartlow Melanie & Ronald Baysinger Helen Beach Ronald Beck Jerome & Nancy Beck Nancy Beebe Jack & Lavina Beilfuss Jerry Bennett Donald Benovitz & Martha Fagan Leah Berg Ronald & Bernadette Beyers Sandra Biggs Michael Bigler Joleen Blacksten Cheryl & Richard Blanford Helen Blessinger Dale & Carol Boing Robert Bolger Jeffrey Bolin & Carol Post Randall & Cynthia Boris Lee Bowman Patricia & Scott Bowman Linda Bradbury Elaine & Emory Brandenburg Susan Bresnahan & Ray Vanderby George Brewer Robert Britt Harriet Bronnenberg John & Linda Brown Mark Brown Oliver & Geneva Brueck Monica Brunelle Ann Brunner Dennis & Jane Buck Cherie & Jerry Burgdorf Diane & Paul Burnett James Butt Thomas & Katherine Butt Mary Byers Stephen & Nancy Byfield Dorothy Byrn Janice Cacace Timothy & Yvonne Cagney Kelley Campbell Nancy & David Campbell Telene & Kevin Caress Saladin Carter John Cassady Shieh-Sheing & Shwu-Mei Chen Allison & Steven Chen Kenneth & Ying Cheng Elizabeth Chizum Emily Eun-Byul Cho Dawn Christmas Ingrid Chung & Johnny Ma Kathleen Cimakasky Matthew Clary Stephen & Rebecca Cline David & Carole Coffman Robert Coican Samuel & Carolyn Coker John & Maria Colaizzi Ann Colgan Kristine & Shawn Collins Jane Conard Scott Conder Arica Conner Mary Connor Kelly & Thomas Cook Martin & Lisa Cook Brad Cooper David Cornette Susan Corvari Charles & Patricia Cowall-Hanover Max & Karlyn Cowan Sara & Dennis Cowley Thomas Crabill James & Ann Crawford Helen & Christopher Creagan Amanda & Nathan Crisel Rusty and Stephanie Cromer Brian Cruser Elaine Cue Richard Cummings & Maryann Miskiewicz Marcia Daily Vytautas Damasius Kimberly Dang Natalie Danielsson Diane & Michael Darragh Aaron Daseler Harry & Elizabeth Davidson Jefferson Davis Leslie Davis Sharon Davis Ninno James & Nancy Day Richard & Rosemary Deardorff Kathleen & Frank Deardorff Jeffrey & Tamara Decker Dana & Donn DeFur Jerome & Kathleen Degitz Dana Delaware Susan Delmonico Julie & Michael DeLucenay James & Deanna Dempsey Susan & Benjamin Dennett Verne & Charlotte DeVille Willis Dickens Matthew Dierks Khanh Do Carol & Douglas Doorenbos James & Shirley Dora Joseph Downs Raymond & Barbara Doyle Joseph & Margie Dubes William & Virginia Duesterberg Elizabeth & Denny Durcholz Sarah Durham Donald & Linda Durkee Roger & Mary Duvall Elayne Dworek Jennifer Eads Johnnie & Diane Early Robert & Ruth Eaton Henry Ebershoff Andrew & Edith Ebert Lea & Robert Einterz James Endler Anita & Maxwell Eng James & Beverly Enyart Lisa Epperson Kam Etzler David Ewbank Richard Faga Frederick Fagen Brooke Fair Rosemary & William Fanning William Fat-Anthony Timothy & Mary Anne Fath Barbara Fellows William & Deborah Fenstermaker Nancyjean Fey Derek Fields Jon & Nancy Finley Edward & Jill Fischer Colin Fitzgerrel Herbert & Susanne Fletcher Michael & Marsha Flora Ian Foldenauer Paul & Betty Ford Anthony & Katrina Fossa Gary & Janet Fourman Michael & Sandra Frankovich Beth Frey John Fritch Sherri & Todd Frye Dianne & Peter Fullam Jeanne Furman Thomas Furnish Charles Furnish Alan & Sharon Gates Diane & Ronald Gburek Stephen Georgeson Paul Germick Isaac Ghebre-Sellassie DONOR HONOR ROLL Robert & Nancy Sepelyak Virginia Shen Van & Jo Sherry James & Robin Silver Stephen & Carol Simmons Gordon & Marilee Skinner Melinda & Richard Sloan David & Peggy Smiley Christopher Smith Robert Smith Frank & Josephine Snyder Tracy & David Speer Debra Steuer Kathy & John Stutsman Paul Sutton Lawrence & Susan Swanson Elizabeth & Jack Taulman Dirk Teagarden John & Trena Thornburg Victoria & Ronald Timmons Ross & Stephany Tucker Cynthia & Thomas Uhrig Ernest & Mary Vibbert Samuel & Ellen Vowells Mary Wahlman Jianhong Wang Julia Ward James Weaver Jody Weber Kathryn & Bruce White Angela Wojslaw Gary Wolfe Robert & Kelly Wolfe Victor Yanchick Terre & Jeffrey Ziegler 21 DONOR HONOR ROLL Nancy Clifton Lilly (BS 1978) Vice President, U.S. Sales and Marketing Eli Lilly and Company “I believe in the concept of ‘pass it forward.’ As my life has been enriched by my academic and personal experiences at Purdue, I want to pass that same opportunity on to others. One way to do that is by ensuring Purdue University and the School of Pharmacy have the resources needed to prov ide continued academic and research excellence for students. I hope that all other alumni reflect and take personal action so that they too can ‘pass it forward.’” 22 Laura Gibson Dennis Gilliland Donna & Larry Giroux James & Emily Gladden Scott Glosner Robert & Kathleen Gloyeske Lori & Paul Godby Ashok & Manisha Gore Cindy Gorsline James & Mary Goshert Laura & Thomas Grana Beth Greck Jacqueline Griswold Mary Ellen & John Grubbs Sara Gullstrom Edmund & Linda Gunn Lydia & Andrew Haan James & Mary Haas Julie & Robert Hadley Marcelyn & Troy Hagan Teresa & Kris Hall Brent Hall Herbert & Margaret Halley Christine Hamacher Jane Hammock Lorrie & Timothy Hammond Bruce & Emily Hancock Casey Handal Robert & Eleanor Hannemann Norman Hart Stacey & Eric Hart Sharon Hartman Adam Harty Esther Hawkins Kathleen & Harry Hayes Marilyn & Dwight Hayes William Heilman Leslie Henry Christopher Hensley Maureen & Larry Herring Anne & Robert Herrold Allen & Barbara Heyd Michael & Carol Hilton-McKiernan Jody Hinkle Robin Hipps Sandra Hoel Dennis & Barbara Hogan Mary Hogan Gerard & Jacqueline Hokanson Kenneth & Margaret Holland Eileen & Ronald Holland John Horner John & Barbara Houseworth David Hubers Dillon & Joy Huder Gary Hudson Michael & Amanda Hudson Kyle & Anne Hultgren John & Wilma Hultman Dorothy Humma Randall Hunter Kenneth Hurley Donald Hutton Diane Ignar Denisa Incrocci Roger Ings Gary Isom Christine & Craig Itt Terri & Eric Jackson Heather Jackson Carol & Orval Jacobsen Donald & Janet Jacoby Andrew & Patricia Jancosek Patricia Jehring Martha & Ronald Jelski Marilyn John Michael & Sheryl Johnson Suzanne & Mark Johnson Leslie Johnson Ronald & Patricia Johnson Davis & Elizabeth Jones Leticia Jones Todd & Heather Jones Emma Jones Nancy Jones David & Jane Jungst Thomas Kaemming Gail Kaiser Robert & Sharon Kamman Lisa Kampschmidt John & Doris Kane Robert & Kathleen Kania Ryan Kazmierczak Matthew & Mary Kelm William & Doris Kendall Mary Kendell Judith Kepler Jay & Cynthia Kidwell Michele & Cory Kihlstrom John Kilarski Michael Kinard Bonnie Klank Jack & Cynthia Klee Harry Klimis Lillian Knevel Scott & Cynthia Koh-Knox Kenneth Koldewey Diane Koomler Kimberly & Joseph Koss Linda & James Krampen Debra Krasnow Diane Kreisher Carrie Krekeler Brandy Kretz Charlotte & John Krukenberg Dennis & Elaine Kuespert Arthur & Donna Kunz Michelle Kuzmits Elizabeth & Vernon Lambright Jerome Lampert Gerald & Carol Lange Suzane & Neill Lankford Nancy LaPointe David & Traci Leburg John & Sharon Leiter Irene Lemieux Michael & Sandra Leonard Gary & Lynn Lesher Rebecca Li Rongxi Li Mary Livernois Craig & Maria Locke Julie & Rodney Long William & April Losin Janis Lundwall David & Annette Lutes Sharon & Thomas Lyons Sally & Peter Maier Prakash & Ujjvala Nadkarni Christine Nafe Daniel & Megan Nail Steffany & Daniel Neie Theresa & Richard Neumann Leroy Newcomb Kenneth & Karen Newton Robert & Marilyn Newton Karen Nguy David & Kathy Nichols Elizabeth & Christopher Niehaus Dwight Noble Carol Noblitt Eric Norrington Christopher Nosek Shannon & Lawrence Oates Judy Obenland Joseph & Carol Offerle Kerri Okamura Louise & William Older Rose Olson Gary O'Neal Conny & Patricia Ottinger Douglas Padgett Marcia Palmer Stephen Paloni Paul & Carol Pankros Lisa & Ral Papesh Beth & Steven Park Carol Pasquale Curtis & Jody Passafume Arnold & Nancy Pedersen Ronald Peeples Merville Pence Brian & Stacy Peters Pamela & Timothy Peterson Donald Peterson Neil & JoAnn Petry Lewis Piepenbrink Catherine Pieper Nicole Pitello Astra Plucis Anthony & Nancy Proakis Thomas & Barbara Pugh Rhonda Putman William & Catherine Quinton Sara Renaker Teresa & Raymond Renaker Belinda & Michael Renno Julia Reyburn Charles & Judie Huth-Reynolds Lisa Rice Brian & Sherry Richards Juli & Tracy Richter Thomas & Mary Riecke Gretchen & Donald Riederer Marlene Riegsecker Kevin & Suzanne Riley Jeffrey & Kristiana Roberts Kent Robinson Carrie Robinson Jean-Christophe Rochet Toby & Debra Rodney Joseph & Judith Rohlfer Robert & Marjorie Roth Benjamin & Jennifer Whittington-Rotz Teresa Rouse Jason & Amanda Rowe Yvonne Ruebusch Barbara & David Rumsey Harold Ryan Stewart & Susan Ryckman Mary Sartore Rajendra Sathe Erin Schaaf Mary & James Schafer Mary Schafhauser Bradley Schammel Mary & Arthur Schassberger James & Elaine Scheele Ellen & Gregory Schellhase Patricia Schettino Gordon & Suzanne Schmitz Karen & Thomas Schneider Patrick & Maria Schneider Edward Schnur John Schnur Janet Schuette Donna Schwartz John Schwartz Susan & Bradford Scott Susan Scott Virginia Scott Roger & Jo Ann Seberger Albert Sebok Renita & Michael Seldowitz Zezhi & Pushpa Shao Andrew Shaw Harold Sheinaus Mindy & Kurt Shetter Aida Shihab-Eldeen Wendy Shisler Michael & Vella Sieg Barry Siegel Michael Sievers Tom & Janet Silver Lane Sims Kelly Sims Jane & Kenneth Sipe Daniel Smith Ruth & John Smith Virginia & Koven Smith Deborah Smith Scott & Vicky Smith Gregory & Laura Smith Karen & Thomas Smolenski Don Smucker Patrick So Elizabeth & James Solberg Kevin Sowinski Gale Spears Kenneth Speranza William Stahoviak Dennis Stalker Dan & Elizabeth Stanciu Richard Standish Thomas Starke Bennetta & Robert Stearnes Susan Steigerwald John Stenger Ned Stephenson Joseph & Joyce Stodola Gloria & Ronald Stone Ruth Stovall Casey Summers Sharon & Gene Swackhamer Randy Swonder Catrina Szende Jon & Angela Tammen Ellen & Manley Tate Janice & Cecil Taylor Awoere & So-Ngo Teme Heidi Thieme Beth Thomas Charlotte & Jerome Thomas Mark & Cheryl Thompson Tracie & Roger Timmerman Leslie Tindal Anthony Titus James Titus Ronald Tobias Susan & Rafael Torrico Mark & Donna Tow Daniel Trejchel Barbetta & Robert True Lawrence Updyke Michael & Patricia Vanderveer Catherine & Marshall VanNahmen Rebecca Vermeulen Brian & Maureen VerVaet Christopher & Susan Vice Lisa Vieke Carol & Timothy Voegele Lisa & Eric Waddell Edward & Joetta Wahl Jerry Waldron Nancy & Robert Waltz Val Watts Mary Weber Kurt & Kathleen Weiss Ronald Wellman Franklin Weyl Max & Gertrud White Molly & Timothy White Bradley White Glenn & Grace Whitecotten Ellen Whitlock Jon Whitmore Cynthia & Robert Widmaier Rebecca Wiedman Agnes Wier Lisabeth & Gary Wiles Donald & Rita Williams DONOR HONOR ROLL William & Leanne Malloy Bonnie & Randy Marcy Ryan Markl Laura Markut Andrea & Elgin Martin Donald Martin Lady Masangcay Carolyn Mason & Jim Johnson Beth & Jeffrey Mason David Mattingly Paula Mauzy Kelly Mc Carthy Larry & Lennie Mc Daniel William & Carolyn McClintock David & Ruth McCord Mary & William McDaniel Richard McDowell John McElfresh Donna McElwee Kathryn & John McGraw Kevin & Jill McKay William & Sally McLaughlin John Meade Jeanette & David Meyer Corinne & Matthew Milburn Jenny & Matthew Miles Emily Milewski Louis & Lenore Miller Marian & William Miller John & Erin Miller Carol Miller Richard Miller Janis & William Milligan Jean & Douglas Millikan Christina Mitchell Christine Monanteras Jenifer Mooney Tonya Moore Angela & Phillip Morgan Kathleen Morris Kristen & Dean Mosdell Connie & Scott Murray James Murray Brian Musial Donna & Rex Myers Carol Myers 23 DONOR HONOR ROLL Susan & Max Wimmer Carol & David Winstanley Debra Winter William Wolfe Alan & Carla Wolfgang Derek & Jamie Wong Jennifer Wood Shawn & Stephen Wood Alisa & Alan Wright Eric Wyant Cheng Yang & Hongbing Zhang Yoon Yeo Eugene & Beverly Yoder Lawrence & Julia Yost Marilyn & Jerry Young Denise Young James Young Nancy Yunker Janet Zajac Harold Zallen Louis Zatorski Melanie Zimmer Jeffrey & Carol Zobel-Teague Susan Zook Jerry Zuck Arthur Zupko Donors (Up to $99) Mary Abbott Amber & Todd Adamczyk Jane Adelman Mary Aikman Marlyn & Robert Akers James Akers William Allen Alison Allen Mark Allion Eunice Amazigo Edward Anderson Sheree Anderson Ghere Denise Anderson-Decina Heather Andryuk Michael Ankenbruck John & Suzanne Arland Denise Atkinson 24 Andrew Ault Esther & Gregory Avdakov Tracy & Richard Bagienski Patricia Bagwell Harold Bailey Stephen Bailey Kyle Bair Kenneth Baker Robin & Scott Baker Paul Bane Jerry & Sally Banks Jamie & Richard Barner Michael Barnett Sandra & Clifford Barrett Susan Bartels Philip Bass M. J. Bastin Lisa Batts Lindsey & Joseph Baugh Kenneth & Gloria Bayer Mark & Cristina Bean Steven & Nancy Becker James & Karen Bedford Shokrina & Peter Beering George & Cynthia Benishin Suzanne Benjamin Andrea Benninghoff Donna Berg Bernard Berk Patricia & Joseph Bianco Carol & Frank Bieda Kenneth Binkley Kurt & Joanne Black Jerrold Blocher Mary Alice Boarini Lisa Boggs Maxie Bolden Amy Boldt Debra Bonanno Diane Bonk Charles Booth James Borgetti Gordon & Elizabeth Bokhart Suzanne Bousquet Steven & Carol Brace Allen Bradley Charles & Sara Braucher Abigail Brendel Ruth Brewer William Brewster Timothy Brian Denise Bridges Michael Brier Bethanne & Jay Brown Bonnie Brown Joseph & Frances Bubalo Carol & Shane Buckles Briana & Matthew Buckley Kimberli & John Burgner Alicia Burke Laura Bushong David Butler Colleen Buyer Joni & Stephen Buyer Song-Jun Cai Michael Calusis James Campbell Noll Campbell Jill Campbell Linda & Robert Canup Eric Cardinal Randal & Carla Carie James & Amy Carney James Casey Angela & Brian Cates John Chaber Julie & Jon Chapman Ellen & Jon Chastain Michael Checkley Marvin Chertkoff Shirley & Yun-Leei Chiou Lilian Chiu Joanne & John Cole Charles Collette Valerie Collings Virginia Compton Stefanie & Aaron Conley Susan & Michael Conroy Jeanine & Mario Contreras June & Norman Cook S. Brett Coryell Stephen Coryell Janet Cote-Merow Diana & Craig Coumbe Christine Counterman William & Darra Cover Sherwood Craig Michael & Claudia Crane Kimberly & Stephen Crawford Elizabeth & Rodney Crispen James & Krista Culley David & Patti Curts Carl Czarnecki Esam & Najwa Dajani Elizabeth Darrah David & Mary Davis David Davis Christopher Day David & Joyce Decker Terry & John Decker Mary deGroh Marie Dempsey Michael & Catherine DeSanto Ima Diaz-Saavedra Nathan Dickison Christina & Kyle Dickson Richard DiMaria Michael & Christine DiNatale John Dingerdissen Pamela Dishman Karen Dobbins James & Mary Dodson Raymond & Myra Dohmeyer Shanna & Jason Donica John Dougherty Amy & Lance Dover Victoria Downs Ellen & Phillip Drake Marilyn Dugger Wendy Dulin Kenneth Dunbar Elaine & Gerald Duncan James Dunn Richard Durham Thomas Dykiel David Ebbeler Sally Ebershoff Jessica & Travis Elliott Victor Elsasser Patricia & Mark Elsner Richard & Phyllis Emig Wayne & Sandra Engdahl Ashley Erny Carol Ertl David & Barbara Erwin Saundra Eversole Kent & RaMona Evoy Louis Fairfield Janet Fairhead Tara Feldhaus Jamie & Jon Ferency Sandra & Frank Fetzer Dennis & Rita Fields Wanda & Michael Foley Mario Forcione Carolyn Ford Eleanor Fortuna Kristy & James Fortune Carolyn Fosse George & Charlene Foster Jennifer Frederick Nancy French James & Julie Gackenheimer Nichole Gamble Natalie & David Gardner Deborah & Fred Garey Anne & James Garrett Jane & Michael Gartenhaus Carrie Georgion Allen & Rose Gerard Lowell & Carol Gibson Nancy Gibson La Veda & Archie Gipson Bradley & Stephanie Given Sara & Eric Gladish William Golod Monique Gooden Eric Goodson Arthur Goto Diane & Donald Gotsch Barry & Paula Graden Cynthia & Richard Grear Tara & Derek Green Gregory Green Karl Humma Francis Huston Mary Hutchens Emily Hutchison Paul Inwood Amanda Irick Douglas & Jacqueline Isert-Curts Ann Ittenbach Jennifer Jackson Peggy Jackson Gary & Linda Jacobi Lisa & Duane Jaeger Renee Jarrett Mary Jaske James Jones Russell Judd James Julian Lisa Kaspin Michael Kays Stacey Keller Glen Kesler Norman & Mary Lou Kesling Christina Key Suzanne & John Kibbler Honi Kibler Wilda Kidwell James & Frances Kimler Gordon Kingma Judith Kistler Chris & Laura Klenck Pamela & Steven Klingberg Susanne Kloeker Charity & Brian Knoy Kristen Kobold Robert Koch Frank & Carol Kodiak Sandra Koenig Alan & Barbara Graff-Kolodiej Michael Koronkowski Steven Kozak Otto Kreuzer Linda Kroeger Kimberly Kubath George & Mary Kucka Kenneth Kuhns Stephanie & Ryan Kurtz Melissa & Perry Lach Karen & John Lackey Rosalyn & Dwight Ladd Michael Ladewski Nita & Christopher LaFollette Carmen & Marion LaForge Elizabeth & Ben Lambeck Pamela & Dale Langferman Donnis Lantz Kira Larimore Daniel & Linda Layman Jonathan Lechlitner Cassandra Leeper Theresa Leger Alfred Lehnen Xen Lemmon Jason Lennen Valerie & Matthew Lesniak Hui Li & Quan Wang Xuhong Li & Hong Wen Melvin Lichtenfeld Ruth Lightner Wen-Nuei Lin Jerry & Karen Lindley Daniel Littlefield Robert Litznerski Yvette & Rozell Lloyd Elizabeth Loehne Mary Jane Lohroff Jacqueline Lombard Chester & Susan Long Serena Lothamer Leta Love Kelli & Wade Lovell Sarah & Thomas Lugar Deborah & Ryan Lynch Richard Macdonald Nicole Mace Kathryn MacFarlane Jenny Mahoney Lois Maickel Walter Maikranz Diane Malson Roger Mapes Ronald Marcotte William & Virginia Martin Rebecca & Ryan Martin John Massa Nichole Massaro Stephanie May Stephanie & Gary Mayes Janice & Stephen Maynard Kirk & Susan McCafferty Michael & Elizabeth McCallister Susan & Thomas McCampbell MaryAnn & Gerald McCarthy Joseph & Keavy McCoy Mark McCurdy Steven & Margaret McDonald Michael & Sharon McFadden Karen McKenna & Geoff Glauser Heather McKinley Stephen McNeil Kevin & Cristin McNulty Roger McPhail James Meister Carrie & Dale Mellen Cilissa & Reid Mellott Sally & Roger Meridith Kimberly Merkel Philip & Alta Merker Mary Messer Karen Messmer David & Natalie Metlitz Steven & Lynne Metz Karin & Jimmy Meyer Margaret Mihalko Amy & Anthony Mihelich Karen Milam James & Karen Miller Joan & Roy Miller Craig Miller Ann & Ronald Miller Jason Miller Jana & Glen Millikan Kathryn Million Jeff Mills Jerome & Lisa Mincy Dianne & David Morrison Abbigail Mortier Holly & John Moser Cindy Mrozinski Michael Mullins James Murray Joni Murray-Petersen Catharine & Kunio Nakajima Elizabeth Naragon Laura Nayee Deon Neal Denise Nesbitt Jill Neumann Robert Newman Dee & John Nicholson Mara Nitu Christopher Nosek Bernard Nunning Grace O'Connor Laura & Kevin Oliver Cristina Origenes Jack Orr Marybeth & Robert Ostrander Barbara & Herbert Otten Brian Overholser Holly Paddock Elizabeth Page Ebony Page Judith Palmer John & Anne Pantzer Nancy & Michael Pappas Esther Park Donna Patch Elizabeth Peacock David Peat Terry & Rebecca Pence Mary & Mark Peterson Lori & Douglas Phillips Charles Pippenger John Pittman Michael Podgurski Michael & Ann Porter James & Barbara Potts Leigh Pranger Lea Price Ralph Progar Janet & John Provencal Donna & Michael Pruzin Darla Przyborski Robert & Tamara Pulver DONOR HONOR ROLL Elaine & Jerrold Greene Linda & Gordon Greenman Phyllis Greenstine Philip Gressel Michael & Lynn Gross Imre Gutay Walter & Suzanne Guyer Nicholas & Molly Hagemeier David Hahn Sheila Haluda Jennifer Hambly Kimberly & Jeffrey Hamilton Pamela Hammersley Michelle Hartman Kay & Delmar Haughey Ilda Haxhistasa Sandra Hayes William & Miriam Epple-Heath Larry Heck Margaret Heintz-Smith Kurt Henke Jay Henschen Mitchell Herzog Kenda & Arthur Hess Michael Higgins Richard Hill Mary Hinkle Kristin & Robert Hinshaw Vicki & Daniel Hise Dennis Hoch Jill Hoisington Todd Holliday Traci Holling Linda & James Hollis Amelia & Christopher Holloway Thomas & Valerie Hood Rebecca Hopkins Jeffrey Horwith Michael Hosier Carol Howard James & Susan Huber Anita Hubley Jeffrey Huff Katherine Huff Joshua & Sarah Hull Nichole & Dale Human 25 DONOR HONOR ROLL 26 Richard Purcell Fran Quigley Eldon Rager Dale Rankin James & Sarah Rawlings Leslie Ray Joy & Brian Read Gerald Redar Patricia Reed Kristi & Matthew Reimer Martin Reitz Robert Reyes Everett & Linda Richey Ron & Paula Richey Nathan Riecke Carl & Carolyn Rifino Michelle & James Riggs Monica Rivers Heather Roberts Eric Robertson Dennis Rockhill Christie Rogers Kelly & Donald Rogers Eileen & Gary Rogers Ashley Rohls Monica & Jeffrey Rollins Willis & Betty Roose Judith & Phillip Rosenkrantz J. C. Rositas Rachelle & Gregory Roush Kelly & Matthew Ruby Carol & Thomas Runge Dennis & Katherine Ruprecht Denise & Richard Rush Sarah & Chad Russell Arthur Sachs Laura Saelinger-Shafer Sarah Saft James & Brenda Sagstetter Daniel & Patricia Sanders Alison Sanson Ivan & Elaine Sanzel Robert & Sherry Sausaman Michael Scheffler Paul Schirz Robert Schlembach Joseph Schnabel Julianne & Daniel Schnur Jerry & Karen Schoenefeld Martha Schrader Stephanie & Todd Schroeder Joan Schuetter Larry & Kathy Schuh Brian Schumer April Scott Luby Sebastian Julie Self Wendy & Darrin Selking James & Sandra Senetar Phoebe Shackelford Charmaine Shafer Fredric & Marcia Shaffer Debra Sharvin Debbie Shaw Jack Shelton Antoinette Sheridan Helen & Frederick Shewman Dale & Nancy Shimp Marintha Short Lisa & Douglas Shull Sarah Sidler Jacqueline Siebenthal Andrew Sievers Deborah & Matthew Simcox Craig & Wendy Simmons Jennifer & Alan Slade Andy Smith John Smith Gregory Smith Laura Smith Raymond & Annette Smith Karen Smith Karen Smollen James & Barbara Snell Katie Snellenbarger Dean & Mary Snyder Suellyn & Robert Sorensen Michael Sorg Stephen & Jill Sosenheimer Cherryl & Scot Sparks Pamela Spaulding Catherine & George Sperka Mark Speth Deborah Spicer George Spradling Susan & Keith Spychala Katherine Staltari William Stanczykiewicz Jaime Staniszeski Roger Start Christina & Lawrence Stayback Patricia Stefanek Joseph Steinberger Heather & Scott Steinbrink Anita & Jay Stevens James & Joan Stiver Jennifer & Jason Strawhacker Kenneth & Ruth Stremming Kelli & Chad Stroud Anthony & Jill Stuckwisch Edwin Sugita Mary & Timothy Sullivan Sonya & Scott Sumerford Katherine Surber Allan & Sandra Susten Julie Swarts Kelly & Jay Swearingen Irene Szuba Chris Szumlanski Stephanie Taylor Casey Taylor Sara Tebbe Lynn Tenbarge Linda Tesluk Ernest Thompson Julia Thompson Jill Thompson Elena Thompson Leesa & Dennis Thompson Rene Torrella Trent & Katrina Towne Lawrence Trachtman Charles Traitor Carol Treece Peter & Mary Trimboli Roger Trout Michael Tsangari Suzanne & Ronald Valle Erin Voss Stanley & Diane Votaw Jodee Wade Jayne & Daniel Waechter Lisa Walker Edward & Cristie Walker Bernadette Walker Medlin Karen & Michael Wall Todd Walroth Stephen Wannemuehler Ronald Wasikowski Michelle & Martin Waszak Richard Waxman William & Karen Way Cheryl Weatherholt Eugene Weaver William & Karen Weber Zachary Weber Sidney Weedman Patricia & Robert Wegner Yu-Chien Wei & Fu-Cheng Liu Paul Westerman Saundra & Donald Whitaker Autumn Whitaker Kellie White Joseph Wichlinski Christine Wilbur Kelly Williams Stephanie Williams Julie Wilsbacher & Andrew Abney Barbara Wilson Laura & Kenneth Wilson Jason Wilson Joy & Kevin Wilson Louis & Eleanor Windecker Dennis Winternheimer Beverly & John Wisler Celine Withers Ross Witte Ryan Wolf Jerome Wolfe John Wong Gary Wright Linda Yelton Arnold & Carol Zegart Arnold Zent Ethel Ziemer Leanne Zins Thomas Zioncheck The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences strives to accurately recognize our donors. If for any reason you feel that your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact Linda Yelton, Manager of Stewardship, at (765) 494-1370 or lyelton@purdue.edu. We invite all of you to participate at the appropriate giving club level. Every gift counts, and we thank each and every one of you for your support. Gifts received during July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007 $100,000 and up $1,000 to $9,999 Up to $999 Chronic Liver Disease Communications Lilly Endowment, Inc. American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education American Pharmacists Association AT&T Austin Pharmacy Inc. The Ayco Company, L.P. Baxter Health Care Blitch Knevel Architects, Inc. Burroughs Management Group, Inc. Central Indiana Association of Pharmacists Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne ExxonMobil Corporation GlaxoSmithKline Health Economics Consulting Group Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Hudson Drug & Hallmark Shop Hydrox Laboratories Johnson Controls, Inc. Kenya Program L.E.W. RX Consultants, Inc. Landerman Management Associates, Inc. Leight M. Wilson Foundation Inc. Mallinckrodt Inc. McAllister Foundation Medical DecisionPoint LLC Microsoft Corporation National Association of Chain Drug Stores Northeast Indiana Pharmacists Association Inc. Novartis Pharmacists Mutual Companies Purdue University Student Organizations Schering-Plough Corporation Southwestern Indiana Pharmaceutical Association St. Joseph County Pharmacy Association Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Wyeth 3M A. O. Smith Corporation Accenture Adobe Systems Incorporated Ahold Financial Services American Electric Power Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals The Boeing Company Brown’s Bed & Breakfast Caterpillar Inc. Clark Hill PLC Combined Jewish Philanthropies Consultants Inc. Cornerstone Pharmacy Services The Compounding Center Pharmacy Cranston & Associates, LLC dmg world media Family Dentistry of Wabash Fifty-First Associates, LLC First Weber Group Foundation, Inc. General Electric Company Good Health Systems Inc. Greg Green Pharming Guthrie’s Pharmacy Hahn-Groeber Funeral Home Inc. Hancock Daniel Johnson & Nagle P.C. Hunt Construction Group Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C. IDDC Corporation IFF Foundation Incorporated IMS Health Incorporated Jane E. Rinehart, LLC Joliet Professional Pharmacy Corporation Landis Construction Co. LLC Lewis, Glasser, Casey, & Rollins Lombard Family Foundation Longs Drug Stores Marsh & McLennan Companies $10,000 to $99,999 Abbott Laboratories Amgen Inc. AstraZeneca Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Cardinal Health, Inc. Control Development, Inc. CVS/Caremark Corporation Eli Lilly and Company Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fluid Air, Inc. Hook Drug Foundation Inc. Hospira IMO Consulting Johnson & Johnson The Kroger Co. McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals Merck & Co., Inc. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. Parkinson's Disease Foundation Paul Kehrer Family Foundation Pfizer Inc. Pierle Family Charitable Foundation Reheis, Inc. Roche Carolina Inc. SSCI, Inc. SUPERVALU INC. T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. Walgreen Co. Mathes Pharmacy McKesson Foundation, Inc. Medicine Shoppe Methodist Health Foundation Nome Associates LLC Opinion Research Corporation Otis & Brooks, P.C. Owens-Illinois, Inc. Oxley & Associates, Inc. Perkins Thompson Pharmaceutical Care Resources, LLC Pharmacia PharmacyWeek PharmMatSci, LLC The Procter & Gamble Company Purdue Employees Federal Credit Union Richmond Internal Medicine & Pediatrics RJA Consultants LLC sanofi-aventis Sara Lee Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Shell Oil Company Foundation Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. SL Ventures Square D Foundation Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America Tippecanoe County Pharmaceutical Association Tyco Healthcare United Farm Family Mutual Insurance United Technologies Corporation Verizon Foundation Wauconda Community School Wells Fargo Foundation Zolman’s Orchard Pharmacy DONOR HONOR ROLL Corporations, Foundations, and Other Organizations 27 DONOR HONOR ROLL 28 Honorarium & Memorial Gifts Gifts received during July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007 In Memory of Harry B. Boldt Harriet Beeler In Memory of Donald L. Cota Harriet Beeler In Memory of Michael A. Hogan Denise Anderson-Decina Helen Beach Shokrina & Peter Beering Mary Alice Boarini Diane & Paul Burnett Charles Collette Michael & Catherine DeSanto James & Mary Dodson James & Shirley Dora, Sr. Janet Fairhead Jeffrey & Kimberly Hamilton Pamela Hammersley Eleanor & Robert Hannemann Larry Heck Richard Hill, Jr. Mary Hogan James Jones Russell Judd Carol & John Kerrigan Glen Kesler Sarah & Thomas Lugar John Meade Judith Palmer Anne & John Pantzer, Jr. John Pittman Leigh Pranger Richmond Internal Med. & Pediatrics John Smith George Spradling Michael Tsangari Sidney Weedman In Memory of Dane O. Kildsig Marilyn Haberle Scott & Marilee Skinner In Memory of Adelbert M. Knevel Denise Atkinson James & Rosemary Blakesley Blitch Knevel Architects, Inc. Suzanne Bousquet Laura Atzhorn Bushong James & Amy Carney John Cassady Virginia Compton Scott Conder Marie Dempsey Henry Ebershoff Sally Ebershoff Carol Ertl Eleanor Fortuna John Fritch Robert Geahlen & Marietta Harrison Kathleen & Robert Gloyeske Richard Grunder Hahn-Groeber Funeral Home, Inc. William & Miriam Epple Heath Anita Hubley Gordon Kingma Lillian Knevel Landis Construction Co., LLC Louis & Karen LaRowe M. L. Leger, Jr. Alfred Lehnen Richard Macdonald Diane Malson Mary & William McDaniel Marian & William Miller Kathryn Million Elizabeth & James Solberg Maxine Treece Virginia Tyler Arnold Zent In Memory of James E. Krahulec Mary Abbott Ahold Financial Services James Akers Elie Balou Robert Bolger Cranston & Associates, LLC Richard Cummings & Maryann Miskiewicz Mary deGroh Susan Delmonico James Endler Fifty-First Associates, LLC Stephen Georgeson Good Health Systems, Inc. Arthur Goto, Jr. Hancock Daniel Johnson & Nagle, PC Clark Hill, PLC Kenneth Hurley Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, PC Peggy Jackson Marilyn John Nancy Jones Thomas Kaemming Honi Kibler Landerman Management Assoc, Inc. Alan Levine Lewis, Glasser, Casey, & Rollins Ruth Lightner Elizabeth Loehne Longs Drug Stores John & Kathryn McGraw Janet Cote-Merow Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. NACDS Education Foundation Nome Associates, LLC Otis & Brooks, PC Oxley & Associates, Inc. Elizabeth Peacock Perkins Thompson, PA Michael Podgurski Ralph Progar Mary Sammons Albert Sebok Andrew & Cherie Simo William Wolfe In Memory of Rodger D. Logan Terry Cole Gretchen Logan In Honor of Mary M. Losey Alice Nelson In Memory of Roger P. Maickel Eric & Loretta Barker James & Rosemary Blakesley Joseph Borowitz Jeanine & Mario Contreras David & Patti Ann Curts Jill Hoisington Lois Maickel Gerald & MaryAnn McCarthy Karen Milam Shannon & Lawrence Oates William Stanczykiewicz Virginia Tyler Val Watts Wauconda Community School In Honor of Alice D. Nelson Mary Losey In Memory of Julie Everett Nyongesa M. J. Bastin Bonnie Brown Howard Eigen Lea & Robert Einterz Deborah & Fred Garey Nancy Gibson Katherine Huff Kenya Program Wendy Kratzer Mary Beth Livernois Nicole Mace Mara Nitu Fran Quigley Sara Lynn Renaker Teresa & Raymond Renaker Jean-Christophe Rochét Ellen & Gregory Schellhase Laura Saelinger-Shafer Christopher Smith Jennifer & Jason Strawhacker Val Watts Susan & Richard White In Honor of Erin L. Railing Mary Helen Kendell In Memory of Marguerite Seidell Harriet Beeler In Honor of Virginia A. Shen Mary Losey Alice Nelson In Memory of Susan G. Steinmetz Dennis & Leslie Gardner In Memory of Janet R. Strang June & Norman Cook DONOR HONOR ROLL R. B. Stewart Society The R. B. Stewart Society recognizes benefactors who make commitments to the future of Purdue University with deferred giving through their estate plans. Max D. Adams Ann Zehner Angle Richard A. Angle* Samuel W. Arnett Keith A. Ashby William E. Bindley Charles E. Boonstra Edith B. Brayer* Robert A. Brown F. Erle Cavette Rusty A. Cromer Gene Crum Lester W. Davis Carl W. Driever Randall J. Erb Lyman & Joyce Eaton Zbigniew W. Grabowski Richard E. Grace Brian E. Holstine Suzanne A. Kiely Jerome C. Lampert* Mary M. Lampert Robert Lee Larew James Limp, Jr. Gretchen A. Logan Rodger D. Logan* Mary M. Losey Gordon E. Mallett Michael B. McMains Jack P. Money Althea P. Money* W. Robert Netherton Patsyjane H. O’Malley* James E. Pritchard James E. Robbers Mary F. Schreiber Charles A. Schreiber* James F. Schweitzer Donald J. Stein Janet R. Strang* Blaine M. Sutton Lary W. Troutner Mark A. Varnau Andrea K. Willman Walter E. Wright * Deceased 29 2007 ANNUAL REPORT 30 Supplement Academic Advisors, Committees, and Representatives . . . . . . 32 Faculty Personnel Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Faculty Awards and Recognitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Faculty Teaching Achievements & External Honors and Achievements of Students . . . . . . . . 34 Faculty International Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Research Funding (Grants, Contracts, Voluntary Support, and Fellowships). . . . 36 Articles Published . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Books and Chapters Published . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 31 SUPPLEMENT Academic Advisors, Committees, and Representatives School of Pharmacy 2006-2007 Committees Academic Advising Associate Dean for Academic Programs: H. L. Mason Director & Schedule Deputy, Office of Student Services: J. E. Dubes Director of Recruitment & Admissions Assessment, Office of Student Services: T. P. George Associate Director, Office of Student Services & BSPS Program Director: S. C. Howell Senior Associate Director, Office of Student Services: J. B. Jimerson Academic Advisor, Office of Student Services: T. E. Mousel Associate Director for Recruitment, Office of Student Services: H. W. Keckler Faculty Advisors for Student Organizations Academy of Students of Pharmacy: K. S. Plake, A. Farkas American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists: L. S. Taylor Pharmaceutical Sciences Club: F. Brown 32 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research: K. H. Summers Graduate Executive Committee G. M. Loudon, Chmn., E. L. Barker, S. L. Hem, J. Thomas Kappa Epsilon: C. A. Ott Pharmacy Admissions H. L. Mason, Chmn., B. C. Carlstedt, J. E. Dubes, R. E. Galinsky, T. P. George, S. C Howell, H. W. Keckler, C. P. Koh-Knox, J. B. Jimerson, S. A. Scott, V. J. Watts Kappa Psi: D. J. Riese National Community Pharmacists Association: C. P. Koh-Knox Pharmacy Student Council: H. L. Mason Phi Delta Chi: G. T. Wilson Phi Lambda Sigma: J. C. Rochet Presidents’ Council: H. L. Mason Purdue Pharmacy Ambassadors: H. W. Keckler, S. C. Howell Purdue Student Christian Association: J. L. Borowitz Purdue Student Society of Health System Pharmacists: S. A. Scott, C. M. Scott Rho Chi: S. L. Hem Society of Nuclear Pharmacy, Purdue Student Chapter: K. D. Weatherman, S. Piepenbrink Student National Pharmaceutical Association: P. L. Darbishire Executive Committee C. K. Svensson, Chmn., S. R. Abel, R. F. Borch, S. R. Byrn, G. M. Loudon, H. L. Mason Academic Programs Curriculum Committee S. A. Scott, Chmn., E. L. Barker, Julie Bleckman (3rd prof. year rep.), Jenni Bryant (2nd prof. year rep.), J. E. Dubes, M. A. Green, Carrie Jacobs (2nd prof. year rep.), M. B. Kays, D. E. Nichols, Andrew Schmelz (3rd prof. year rep.), K. M. Sowinski. Non-traditional Pharm. D. Advisory Committee B. C. Carlstedt, Chmn., S. R. Abel, R. W. Bennett, C. Koh-Knox, H. L. Mason, S. A. Scott, B. M. Shepler B.S. Pharmaceutical Sciences Committee L. S. Taylor, Chmn., T. M. Carvajal, M. A. Green, T. P. George, G. H. Hockerman, S. C. Howell, H. L. Mason, Martin Okos (ABE) Integrated Laboratory Coordinating Committee G. M. Loudon, Chmn., S. R. Byrn, J. A. Everett, S. Holladay, J. E. Krause, K. S. Plake, H. L. Mason, D. J. Riese, S. A. Scott, V. J. Watts Experiential Learning Advisory Council B. M. Shepler, Chmn., S. R. Abel, R. W. Bennett, M. Biel, M. Brown (student), B. C. Carlstedt, J. DeJong, P. L. Darbishire, D. S. Kania, C. P. Koh-Knox, H. L. Mason, J. S. McComb, R. A. McDowell, C. L. Nash, S. A. Scott, H. Sell. Experiential Learning Academic Standards Committee B. M. Shepler, Chmn., M. B. Kays, H. L. Mason, C. L. Nash, S. A. Scott Schedules J. E. Dubes, Schedule Deputy; D. Gillespie, P. Mull, J. Yost Faculty Awards Nominations Committee G. E. Isom, Chmn., R. L. Geahlen, M. A. Green, G. Knipp, C. B. Post, K. H. Summers, J. E. Tisdale IPPE Advisory P. L. Darbishire, Chmn., S. R. Abel, K. L. Duncan Weatherman, H. L. Mason, S. A. Scott, B. M. Shepler, V. J. Watts MSIA Oversight M. M. Murawski, Chmn., J. E. Dubes, T. P. George, H. L. Mason, S. A. Scott Student Awards H. L. Mason, Chmn. (DP/BSPS), J. E. Dubes (DP), T. P. George (BSPS), S. C. Howell (DP/BSPS) Nominations R. L. Geahlen, Chmn., S. L. Hem, M. M. Murawski School Animal Care Committee G. P. Carlson, Chmn., G.E. Isom, D. E. Nichols Supervisor for Animal Facility G. P. Carlson Student Cases H. L. Mason, Chmn., B. C. Carlstedt, J. E. Dubes, T. P. George, S. L. Hem, G. H. Hockerman, S. C. Howell, J. B. Jimerson Building Deputy J. Mott and J. Rogers Pharm.D. Academic Standards and Readmissions H. L. Mason, Chmn., E. L. Barker, B. C. Carlstedt, J. E. Dubes, R. E. Galinsky, T. P. George, S. C. Howell, J. B. Jimerson AACP Delegate S. A. Scott, C. Koh-Knox (alt.) Faculty Secretary D. Lenartz, S. R. Abel Representative to Faculty Senate G. T. Wilson (term expires 2007), S. R. Byrn (term expires 2008), V. J. Watts (term expires 2009) Representative to Graduate Council G. M. Loudon (2006-2007) Faculty Liaison for core courses taught by other schools BIOL 110/111: D. J. Riese AGEC 217 / ECON 210: M. M. Murawski BIOL 221: V. J. Davisson MA 223/224: G. H. Hockerman BIOL 301/302: D. J. Riese PHYS 220: G. M. Loudon CHEM 115/116: G. M. Loudon ENGL 106/108: M. Green College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Sciences 2006-2007 Committees Executive Advisory Committee C. K. Svensson, Chmn., S. R. Abel, R. F. Borch, S. R. Byrn, G. M. Loudon, H. L. Mason, J. C. Novak, J. C. Smith, G. A. Sandison, Faculty Promotions (Area) C. K. Svensson, Chmn., S. R. Abel, R. F. Borch, S. R. Byrn, G. P. Carlson, L. Geddes, R. A. Gibbs, G. M. Loudon (ex-officio), H. L. Mason (ex-officio), K. R. Morris, J. C. Novak, G. A. Sandison, J. E. Tisdale Library G. M. Loudon, Chmn., D. E. Bergstrom, P. Coyle-Rogers, V. J. Killion, R. Pinal, F. S. Rosenthal, A. H. Sheehan Grade Appeals Committee SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Faculty: J. L. Borowitz, R. E. Galinsky, J.C. Rochet Graduate Students: P. Marsac (IPPH), T. Preliou (PHPR) Undergraduate Students: C. Clem, H. Owuor SCHOOL OF NURSING Faculty: J. Kinyon, E. A. O’Neil, K. Yehle Undergraduate Students: Rachel Bishir Graduate Students: Emily Hilycord SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES Faculty: K. Stantz, N.J. Zimmerman, W. Zheng Graduate Students: J. Harris Undergraduate Students: B. Swartz Grievance Committee Chairperson: G. E. Isom Secretary: J. E. Tisdale Steering Committee: K. S. Plake, A. D. Brown, L. P. Sands TERM EXPIRING TWO WEEKS BEFORE BEGINNING OF FALL SEMESTER, 2007: Pharmacy: E. L. Barker, P. L. Darbishire, K. R. Morris, B. R. Overholser, K. S. Plake, C. M. Scott, V. J. Watts, A. J. Zillich Nursing: M. Braswell, A. D. Brown, K. Chang, S. D. Rudman, L. P. Sands Health Sciences: J. J. Li TERM EXPIRING TWO WEEKS BEFORE BEGINNING OF FALL SEMESTER, 2008: Pharmacy: D. E. Bergstrom, J. L. Borowitz, B. C. Carlstedt, M. T. Carvajal, T. Hazbun, G. H. Hockerman, G. E. Isom, K. M. Sowinski, J. E. Tisdale Nursing: N. C. Lottes, P. M. Aaltonen, C. L. Baird, C. L. Bozich Keith, J. Kinyon Health Sciences: S. Liu Graduate Programs and Policies Committee G. M. Loudon, Chmn., E. L. Barker, S. L. Hem, J. C. Novak, J. Thomas, W. Zheng Health and Safety Committee G. M. Loudon, Chmn., P. M. Aaltonen, S. R. Holladay, M. M. Murawski, R. Pinal, J. B. Rogers, K. M. Sowinski (IUMC liaison), J. F. Schweitzer Representatives to United Way Campaign R. V. Weatherman, MCMP, Sr. Chair, N.E. Edwards, Nursing, Jr. Chair Educational Technology Committee G. M. Loudon, Chmn., D. Allen, E. L, Barker, B. C. Carlstedt, K. Chang, J. Kirkpatrick, J. Rattray, M. Sharp, K. D. Weatherman Murphy Award Committee S. L. Hem, Chmn., L. Knueven (Nur. Student), F. Foster (HSCI Student), L. Geddes, G. M. Loudon, T. Seto (PSG), G. T. Wilson, N. J. Zimmerman, Pharmacy Student from among three serving on School Committee Industrial and Physical Pharmacy Daniel T. Smith was hired as Research Professor and Yoon Yeo was hired as Assistant Professor. Lynne S. Taylor was promoted to Associate Professor. Gintaras “Rex” Reklaitis and Venkat Venkatasubramanian, both from Chemical Engineering, accepted courtesy appointments. SUPPLEMENT Faculty Personnel Changes Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Weiguo Andy Tao, from Biochemistry, accepted a courtesy appointment. Pharmacy Practice Jennifer L. Morris was hired as Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice. Deanna Kania was promoted to Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice. Amy H. Sheehan, Kent H. Summers, and G. Thomas Wilson were promoted to Associate Professors of Pharmacy Practice with tenure. Craig D. Williams resigned as Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice to Oregon State University. Charles H. Brown, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, retired. Julie Everett Nyongesa, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, passed away on July 17, 2006. Minority Advocacy C. K. Svensson, Chmn., M. I. Altman, C. L. Ashendel, S. R. Byrn, M. T. Carvajal, M. L. Geiger, J. B. Jimerson, H. L. Mason, K. R. Morris, M. M. Murawski, K. S. Plake, F. Rosenthal, V. J. Watts * Dean Svensson is an ex-officio member of all committees (except Grade Appeals and School Grievance Committees) to which he is not specifically named. 33 SUPPLEMENT Faculty Awards and Recognitions Eric L. Barker 2007 Dr. Aziz Outstanding Teaching Award, Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Richard F. Borch Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2003-present. Judy T. Chen Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship Award Program, Purdue University, 2007-2008. Honorable Mention, Innovations in Teaching Competition, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2007. Raymond R. Galinsky ISSX Post-Doctoral Poster Award, 14th North American Meeting, Second place. S.K. Quinney, S.D. Hall, R.E. Galinsky, M.A. Hamman, V.A. Jiyamapa-Serna, Y. Chen, and R.E. Kimura. “Timedependent and organ-dependent metabolism of itraconazole in rats” 14th North American ISSX Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, (October 22-26, 2006). Published in Drug Metabolism Reviews, 38, Abstract 201. Robert L. Geahlen Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award, Colorado State UniversityPueblo. Richard A. Gibbs University Faculty Scholar, 2006-2010. Marietta L. Harrison Awarded the Walther Cancer Institute 2006 Collaborator of the Year Award Karen S. Hudmon 2007 Wiederholt Prize, American Pharmacists Association, for outstanding published research paper (co-awardee with co-authors B.A. Berger and H. Liang). 34 Yaman Kaakeh Recognition of Excellence Award, Parkview Memorial Hospital, service award, February 2007. Kenneth R. Morris 2007 Fellow, American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences Christiane L. Nash Faculty Preceptor of the Year 2006-2007, Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Carol A. Ott Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award for 2006-2007, Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. J. Christophe Rochet Young Investigator Award, American Academy of Nanomedicine. Craig K. Svensson 2006 Fellow, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Joseph Thomas III Seed for Success Award, Purdue University, award given by the president to recognize faculty who have contributed greatly to Purdue’s success in funded research. Kara Duncan Weatherman Fellow, American Pharmacists Association (APhA), March 2006. Alan J. Zillich American Pharmacist Association Annual Meeting Presentation Merit Award. Award for Excellence in Distance Learning, Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Faculty Teaching Achievements & External Honors and Achievements of Students (external honors of students, graduate and undergraduate) Eric L. Barker ASPET Graduate Student Poster Competition-Neuropharmacology Division (at Experimental Biology 2007): Melissa Torres-Altoro (1st place), Marla Yates (2nd place), Ekaterina Terebova, (3rd place); Melissa Torres-Altoro, ASPET Minority Graduate Student Travel Award, FASEB MARC Travel Award; Crystal Walline and Ekaterina Terebova, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) Graduate Student Travel Award Robert L. Geahlen Qing Zhou, 2007 Scholarship for Biomedical Communication, Indiana Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association, 2007 American Medical Writers Association Conference Student Scholarship (National award to attend annual meeting in Atlanta, GA), John N. Davisson Travel Award (MCMP); Xiaoying Zhang, 2007 Purdue Graduate Student Government Travel Grant Mark. A. Green Several students won national scholarships from centralized nuclear pharmacies based on their summer internship performance; Nathan Basken, 2007 Society of Nuclear Medicine Student Fellowship Cheng-Deng Hu Holly Duren, Travel Award to 16th International Worm Meeting; John Shyu, 2007 Purdue University System Student Research Competition (1st Place, $500) D. James Morré Vanessa Kane, winner of the IMP poster competition and a $500 travel award Ken R. Morris David Engers, “Microstructure Evolution and the Physical Stability of Amorphous Solids,” 2006 Jenkins/Knevel Award for Outstanding Graduate Research Christiane L. Nash Christie Rogers received one of two 2006-2007 Novo Nordisk Pharmacy Practice Diabetes Program Awards. The award, entitled “The Impact of Providing Continuity of Standards of Diabetes Care in the Community Pharmacy Setting,” provides a $4,500 stipend to support the research project along with $500 for supplies and equipment David E. Nichols Lisa Bonner, AFPE Fellowship Rodolfo Pinal Sai Chamarthy, 2006 Kienly Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching, 2007 Schering-Plough Science & Innovation Award J. Chris Rochet John D. Hulleman, Josiah Kirby Lilly, Sr. Memorial AFPE Pre-doctoral Fellowship (September 1, 2006August 31, 2007); Scott Hubers, NSF-REU Chemistry Leadership Group Travel Award for the ACS 233rd National Meeting, Chicago, IL (March 2007) Kevin M. Sowinski Xin (Cindy) Zhang, ASCPT Presidential Training Award, 2006 ASCPT Annual Meeting Lynne S. Taylor Daniel Romary, AAPS-AFPE Gateway to Research Scholarship; Peter Guerrieri; American Foundation of Pharmaceutical Education Fellowship; Patrick Marsac, Merck Fellowship, 2006 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology Graduate Student Award; Håkan Wikström, 2006 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Analysis and Pharmaceutical Quality Graduate Student Award James E. Tisdale Neena Phadke, 2007 Gateway Research Scholarship from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Kara Duncan Weatherman Kira Larimore, “The effects of ascorbic acid on the stability of Tc-99m HDP” poster presentation, American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 2007; William Fat-Anthony and R. Kazmierczak, “Pharmacist evaluation of cardiac medication profiles in patients presenting for nuclear medicine myocardial stress testing” poster presentation, American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (March 2007) Steven R. Abel Worked with clerkship students Christopher Thomas and Traci Wozniak to pilot an experiential learning rotation focused on home medication management. The four-week pilot was completed in April 2007, in conjunction with the University of Sydney Faculty of Pharmacy, Sydney, Australia. Robert W. Bennett International Nontraditional Doctor of Pharmacy Program, Dubai, UAE - The program was started in January 2003. At the current time, 10 students have graduated, 15 students are completing their advanced clerkships this year, and 40 students divided into 3 cohorts are taking course work. Approximately 10 students will be ready for their clinical rotations by May 2008. Stephen R. Byrn Assisting M. T. Carvajal with development of a regulatory program with the Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France. Developing an Industrial and Physical Pharmacy program and planning a GmP manufacturing facility, Tanzania. M. Teresa Carvajal Collaboration to implement IPPH courses for master’s degree at the Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France; exchange students (first year graduate students) from France to Purdue and from Purdue to France; one student from France. Judy T. Chen Conducted case discussions for students in international Nontraditional Doctor of Pharmacy Program (NTDPP), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 2006. J. T. Chen, D.K. Dang, J.M. La Lopa, “Impact of Patient Challenge Simulations on pharmacy student empathy toward underserved patients,” presented at Making a Greater Difference: Connecting to Transformational Agendas, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL), Washington D.C., November 11, 2006. Gary E. Isom Organized symposium on cyanide toxicity for the International Toxicology Congress, Montreal, Canada, July 15-19, 2007. Yaman Kaakeh Served as liaison for Aleppo University/Purdue University Initiative, Organized & facilitated discussions between Purdue and Aleppo Universities for the introduction of the non-traditional Doctor of Pharmacy program (ongoing, October 2004-present). Cynthia P. Koh-Knox Maymester Study abroad in Thailand. SA317D, Pharmacy Practice in Thailand, for 5 students in May 2007. Gregory T. Knipp Purdue representative to the Globalization of Pharmaceutics Education Network, Inc. (GPEN). GPEN, Inc. was established for the sole purpose of fostering and facilitating scientific exchange amongst international schools engaged in research in the pharmaceutical sciences. Member institutions come from all over the world including Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe, North and South America. Purdue has now been invited to serve as an Associate Member of GPEN after our initial invitation to participate in the October GPEN meeting in Kansas. For more information on GPEN, the following link is provided: http://gpen.pharmchem.ku.edu/by-laws.htm. Visited Mexico in November 2006 to establish a studentexchange relationship between the graduate program at the School of Pharmacy at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos in Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. A student from this institution studied at Purdue in the Fall of 2007. Holly L. Mason Represented the School as delegate to the 2007 U.S.-Thai Consortium on the Development of Pharmaceutical Education, Biannual Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2007. Research consultant and co-investigator for Thai faculty member (Kunyada Nilaward) for government-funded research project on pharmacist-patient communication patterns in Thailand community pharmacies. D. James Morré Program on tNOX marker for early detection of malignant melanoma with Department of Dermatology, University of Berlin. Brian R. Overholser International Program Development - Pilot program in ambulatory care in collaboration with Alliance Pharmacy in Leeds, England. Alan Gross and Mina Alsaraf completed 1st pilot program June 18-July 13 2007. Funded by the Department of International Programs, Purdue University. SUPPLEMENT Faculty International Initiatives Rodolfo Pinal Collaborative program for developing a joint graduate program with Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg, France. J. Chris Rochet International grant application reviews, The Michael J. Fox Foundation (April 19, 2007). Ellen M. Schellhase Coordinator of the Purdue Kenya Program. Led and coordinated site visit in May 2007 for Dr. Craig Svensson, Dr. Steve Abel, Dr. Willie Reed, Dr. Sonak Pastakia, and Paul Intervado. Kara Duncan Weatherman Developed 8-week clerkship rotation with St. Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Trust, London, England. This rotation will focus on the application of aseptic/cleanroom standards in the preparation and dispensing of radiopharmaceuticals. Two pilot students completed the rotation in March and April, 2007. Four to six students will complete in the spring of 2008. G. Thomas Wilson Gave three presentations to visiting pharmacists and pharmacy industry visiting Purdue from Kazakhstan. Gave one presentation to pharmacists and pharmacy industry visiting Purdue from India and China. 35 SUPPLEMENT Research Funding $13,686,877 Industrial and Physical Pharmacy $3,224,673 S.R. Byrn 21st CENTURY RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY FUND AMGEN, INC MERCK & COMPANY, INC PFIZER, INC. PRF SUMMER RESEARCH GRANTS WINIFRED B. BILSLAND ENDOWMENT Discovery-to-Delivery of Pharmaceuticals Study of Supramolecular Assemblies & Solid State Properties of Pharmaceuticals Multi-Sponsored Manufacturing Science and QbD Graduate School Summer Research Grant Dept. 1336 Chamarthy, Sai $157,905 $23,300 $23,300 $45,282 $2,472 $9,462 M.T. Carvajal CAMP, INC. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Tablet Coating Structured Organic Composites (C-SOC) $200,000 $56,512 S.L. Hem MCNEIL CONSUMER PRODUCT COMPANY MERCK & COMPANY, INC REHEIS, INC Suspension Research Merck Research Laboratories Aluminum Hydroxide (Boehmite) Adjuvant Research G. Knipp PHS-NIH NAT INST OF GENERAL MEDICAL SCI K.R. Morris NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PFIZER, INC K. Park NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH PHS-NIH NAT INST OF GENERAL MEDICAL SCI 36 $25,000 $50,000 $64,000 Increase Characterization of Human GI Oligopeptide Transporters Characterization of Human GI Oligopeptide Transporters $71,790 $284,836 Structured Organic Composites (C-SOC) Pfizer, Inc $197,874 $50,000 Hydrotropic Polymers for Oral Delivery of Paclitaxel Layer-By-Layer Assembly for Making Drug-Eluting Stents $227,586 $36,777 Research Funding IUCRC Consortium Dane O. Kildsig Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research Dane O. Kildsig Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research Consortium Roller Compaction “Industry/University Cooperative Research Center in Pharmaceutical Processing” Dane O. Kildsig Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research Consortium Structured Organic Composites (C-SOC) “Industry/University Cooperative Research Center in Pharmaceutical Processing” (DMVInternational)” Roche Carolina, Inc Dane O. Kildsig Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research Consortium Dane O. Kildsig Center for Pharmaceutical Processing Research Consortium (CPPR) Membership 1/1/07-12/31/07 Establishing the Role of Antiplasticization Effects on the Performance of Pharmaceutical Products $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $100,000 $35,000 $35,000 $48,000 Structured Organic Composites (C-SOC) $790,492 D.T. Smith PHS-NIH NAT INST Neuro Disorders, Strokes Restoring Conduction in Chronically Injured Spinal Cord $111,553 L.S. Taylor ASTRAZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS, LP ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MERCK & COMPANY, INC NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PURDUE RESEARCH FOUNDATION: XR GRANT Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP PTCC-Particle Technology and Crystallization Consortium A Thermodynamic Model for Predicting Solubility of Drugs in High Glass Transition Polymers Structured Organic Composites (C-SOC) Effect of Residual Moisture on the Production and Storage Stability of Amorphous Solid Dispersions $45,000 $92,500 K.D. Weatherman UNITED PHARMACY PARTNERS, INC Y. Yeo 3M PHARMACEUTICALS CYSTIC FIBROSIS FOUNDATION SUPPLEMENT R. Pinal ABBOTT LABORATORIES ASTRAZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS LP CAMP, INC. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OTHER ROCHE CAROLINA, INC SHIONOGI AND COMPANY, LTD WATSON LABORATORIES, INC PURDUE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, INC G.V. Reklaitis NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION $35,000 $15,000 $35,000 $35,000 $1,000 $20,000 $48,000 $15,712 Evaluating Extended Use and Sterility of Radiopharmaceuticals in a Centralized Nuclear Pharmacy Setting $36,343 Dry-powder Inhalational Drug Delivery Systems for Cystic Fibrosis Therapy Dry-powder Inhalational Drug Delivery Systems for Cystic Fibrosis Therapy $15,000 $43,200 37 SUPPLEMENT Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology E.L. Barker PHS-NIH NATNL INST ON DRUG ABUSE PURDUE RESEARCH FOUNDATION: XR GRANT Psychostimulant Recognition by Serotonin Transporters A Role for ERp57 Anandamide Uptake and Metabolism $214,096 $15,712 D. Bergstrom PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Cancer Center Training Grant $288,751 R.F. Borch CARROLL COUNTY CANCER ASSOCIATION FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES LAGRANGE COUNTY CANCER SOCIETY PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE PRF SUMMER RESEARCH GRANTS PU/IU COLLABORATIVE BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH PURDUE DOCTORAL PROGRAM PURDUE UNIV F N ANDREWS FELLOWSHIP TRASK TRUST FUND Multi-Sponsored Cancer Research Multi-Sponsored Fraternal Order of Eagles Cancer Research Cancer Center Support Grant NCI Cancer Institute Supplement for Undergraduate Student Research Experience Graduate School Summer Research Grant Dept. 1333 PTP1B Inhibitors as Anti-Diabetes and Obesity Agents Cullen, Matthew Peterson, Kathrine, E Compound Evaluation Program M.S. Cushman NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Ligands for Probing the Active Site of Lumazine Synthase Novel Indenoisoquinoline Topoisomerase I Inhibitors $227,947 $234,957 V.J. Davisson PHS-NIH NAT INST OF GENERAL MEDICAL SCI PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Structures and Mechanisms of Glutamine Dependent Enzymes Modified Nucleosides as Tools for Molecular Biology Geldanamycin-Mediated Uptake of Nanoparticle Probes $250,172 $328,455 $48,796 BIN1 in E2F1-Mediated Tumor Growth Suppression Syk and Associated Proteins in Breast Cancer Tyrosine Protein Kinases and Lymphocyte Activation $40,062 $226,823 $244,523 Development of New-generation Protease Inhibitors (PI) and CCR5 Inhibitors that are Potent Against Multi-PI Resistant HIV-1 Variants Development of New-Generation CCR5 Inhibitors as Therapeutics of HIV-Infection Beta Secretase Inhibition for Testing Alzheimer’s Disease Design and Synthesis of Nonpeptide Protease Inhibitors PROJ 3 Design and Synthesis of SARS Protease Inhibitors $50,298 $102,728 $95,429 $71,709 $149,167 R.L. Geahlen PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE A.K. Ghosh JAPAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION OKLAHOMA MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION PHS-NIH NAT INST OF GENERAL MEDICAL SCI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO 38 $9,632,870 $107 $105 $2,106 $5,000 $1,000 $1,199,850 $95,776 $2,472 $20,000 $509 $14,154 $5,000 Research Funding Chemical Probes of Protein Prenylation Inhibition Of Prenaylated Protein Processing Inhibition Of Prenaylated Protein Processing Animesh, Animesh $196,720 $20,587 $168,132 $1,500 M.L. Harrison PURDUE RESEARCH FOUNDATION: XR GRANT PHS-NIH NAT INST OF GENERAL MEDICAL SCI Role of the SH3 domain of Lck in its localization and T cell signaling Characterization of LCK and Associated Proteins $15,712 $256,706 G.H. Hockerman NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH PHS-NIH NAT INST DIABETES,KIDNEY DIS PU/IU COLLABORATIVE BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH L-type channel modulation of beta cell function “L-type Ca2+ Channel Modulation of Beta Cell Function” Role of Cdc42 in glucose dependent insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells $167,893 $35,887 $30,000 C. Hu NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Visualization of Temporal and Spatial Interactions of bZIP Proteins in Living C. Elegans G.E. Isom NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Cyanide-induced Neurotoxicity: Molecular Death Signaling M.A. Lill LILLY RESEARCH LABORATORIES D.J. Morré FRIENDS FOR AN EARLIER BREAST CANCER MARSHALL EDWARDS PTY, LTD NSE PRODUCTS, INC D.E. Nichols NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH TRASK TRUST FUND J.M. Pezzuto NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO Development of a Computational Model Predicting Small-Molecule Binding to Cytochrome P450 2C9 Breast Cancer-Specific tNOX Isoform for Early Detection and Diagnosis Testing on Effects on NV196 and NV143 on tNOX Testing of Ingredients, Along and in Combination of Anti-Aging Preparations Based on Assay of Aging-Related NOX Activity Multi-Sponsored Cancer Research Development of Potentially Selective Dopamine Agonists Sterochemical Aspects of Hallucinogenesis Iv Vivo Characterization of Doxanthrine Derivatives; A New Class of Dopamine D1 Agonists Natural Inhibitors of Carcinogenesis Natural Inhibitors Of Carcinogenesis Biodiversity of Vietnam and Laos SUPPLEMENT R.A. Gibbs NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE PURDUE UNIV SPECIAL INITIATIVE PROGRAM $4,750 $382,900 $81,885 $40,000 $10,000 $10,000 $50,000 $50,000 $352,823 $315,608 $27,801 $1,011,125 $227,501 $94,014 39 SUPPLEMENT C.B. Post HARVEY H. AND DONNA M. MORRE PHS-NIH NAT INST ALLERGY INFECTIOUS DIS PHS-NIH NAT INST OF GENERAL MEDICAL SCI Generation of Protein Samples for NMR Studies Protein Stability and Antiviral Activity in Human Rhinovirus Protein Stability and Antiviral Activity in Human Rhinovirus NMR Structure of Peptide and Protein Complexes $13,500 $50,750 $203,000 $283,133 D.J. Riese II MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE GEFITNIB-Sensitive EGF Receptor Mutants in Lung Cancer Regulation of ERBB4 Signaling by Neuregulin Isoforms $69,600 $258,732 AFPE Pre-Doctoral Fellowship AFPE Fellowship a-Synuclein Toxicity in Parkinson’s disease: Role of ER Stress FoldRX Testing Agreement FoldRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc Compound Screening Project Membrane Binding and Aggregation of a-Synuclein Antioxidant Function of MSRA in Dopaminergic Neurons $6,000 $5,000 $50,000 $53,988 $44,718 $178,510 $60,146 Effects of oxidation on the structure and function of DJ-1 in dopamine neurons Oxidative modifications of α-synuclein in dopaminergic neurons The functions of methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MsrA) in cellular models of Parkinson’s disease $150,000 $40,000 Kazakhstan CGMP Training Phase III $130,000 V.J. Watts PHS-NIH NATNL INST OF MENTAL HEALTH D2 Receptor-Induced Sesitization of Adenylate Cyclase $250,671 R.V. Weatherman PHS-NIH NAT INST DIABETES, KIDNEY DIS Novel Bioconjugates as Probes of Estrogen Receptors $282,162 J. Rochet AMERICAN FDN FOR PHARMACEUTICAL EDUC AMERICAN PARKINSON DISEASE ASSOCIATION FOLDRX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL PARKINSON FOUNDATION LARGE GRANT PARKINSON’S DISEASE FOUNDATION PURDUE RESEARCH FOUNDATION: XR GRANT C.O. Rutledge KAZAKHSTAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH Pharmacy Practice $829,334 S.R. Abel PRF SUMMER RESEARCH GRANTS R.L. ROUDEBUSH VA MEDICAL CENTER AMERICAN ASSOC OF COLLEGES OF PHARMACY COMMUNITY HEALTH NETWORK HEALTH & HOSPITAL CORP OF MARION COUNTY ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 40 $15,712 Graduate School Summer Research Grant - Dept. 1335 R.L. Roudebush VA Medical Center The Impact of Providing Continuty of Standards of Diabetes Care in the Community Pharmacy Setting Community Health Network Health and Hospital Corp of Marion County Drug Information Residency $2,472 $54,427 $5,000 $55,116 $67,960 $110,055 Research K.S. Hudmon PHS-NIH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE THE BACCHUS NETWORK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - SAN FRANCISCO UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Funding A.H. Sheehan JOHNSON & JOHNSON, INC ELI LILLY AND COMPANY PHS-FDA FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION K.H. Summers HEALTH ECONOMICS CONSULTING GROUP, LLC MOLINA HEALTHCARE OF INDIANA, INC Walking a Mile in My Shoes: Impact of Patient Empathy Modeling on Pharmacy Students Caring for Underserved Patients $1,000 The Effects of Green Tea Polyphendols on Endotoxemic Intestinal Injury in Rats $20,000 Disseminating aTobacco Curriculum for Pharmacy Schools Dissemination of Rx for Change to Community College Campuses in Northeast Ohio Prescription for Change: Mapping Pharmacy’s Future Role in Tobacco Cessation A Health-Care Team Approach to Smoking Cessation SUPPLEMENT J.T. Chen PURDUE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, INC D.R. Foster AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CLINICAL PHARMACY $100,997 $8,600 $20,447 $95,248 Joint FDA/Industry/Academica Regulatory Pharmaceutical Fellowship Agreement between FDA/Johonson & Johnson/Purdue 2007-2009 $78,380 Joint Academic / FDA / Industry Fellowship Program in Pharmaceutical Drug Development $73,483 Joint FDA/Industry/Academica Regulatory Pharmaceutical Fellowship Agreement between FDA/Industry /Purdue 2007-2009 $48,000 Multi-Sponsored Multi-Sponsored $4,200 $2,500 J. Thomas III PURDUE RESEARCH FOUNDATION: RESEARCH GRANT J.E. Tisdale AMERICAN FDN FOR PHARMACEUTICAL EDUC AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CLINICAL PHARMACY Associations Between Use of Anticholinergic Medications and Health Outcomes in Nursing Home Patients with Dementia $15,712 2007 AFPE Gateway Research Scholarship Female Sex Hormone Effects on Venticular Action Potential Duration and Dispersion $5,000 $29,663 C.D. Williams INDIANA UNIVERSITY Asthma Clinical Research Center $10,912 A.J. Zillich ALBERTSONS’ REGENSTRIEF INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH CARE Multi-Sponsored Regentstrief Institute for Health Care/OMPP Measuring the Effects of Pharmacy Co-Pays on Health Utilization for Persons with Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders $1,000 $4,954 $14,208 41 SUPPLEMENT Industrial and Physical Pharmacy Stephen R. Byrn Y. Hu, H. Wikstrom, S.R. Byrn, and L.S. Taylor, “Analysis of the effect of particle size on polymorphic quantitation by raman spectroscopy” (2006), Appl. Spectrosc., 60(9), 977-984. F. Atassi, and S.R. Byrn, “General trends in the desolvation behavior of calcium salts” (2006), Pharm. Res., 23(10), 2405-2412. H. Li, J.G. Stowell, T.B. Borchardt and S.R. Byrn, “Synthesis, conformational polymorphism, and construction of a G-T diagram of 2-[(2-Nitrophenyl)amino]-3-thiophenecarbonitrile” (2006), Crystal Growth & Design, 6(11), 2469-2474. C. Mao, S.P. Chamarthy, S.R. Byrn, and R. Pinal, “A calorimetric method to estimate molecular mobility of amorphous solids at relatively low temperatures” (2006), Pharm. Res., 23 (10), 2269-2276. Articles Published P.A. Crooks, S.G. Kottayil, A.M. Al-Ghananeem, S.R. Byrn, and D.A. Butterfield, “Opiate receptor binding properties of morphine-, dihydromorphine-, and codeine 6-O-sulfate ester congeners” (2006), Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 16(16), 4291-4295. M. Teresa Carvajal E.H. Lee, S.R. Byrn, and M.T. Carvajal, “Additive-induced metastable single crystal of mefenamic acid” (2006), Pharm. Res., 23 (10), 2375-2380. D. Ely, S.P. Chamarthy, and M.T. Carvajal, “An investigation into low dose blend uniformity and segregation determination using NIR spectroscopy” (2006), Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 288 (1-3), 71-76. Raymond E. Galinsky S.C. Lee, K.M. Huh, J. Lee, Y.W. Cho, R.E. Galinsky, and K. Park, “Hydrotropic polymeric micelles for enhanced paclitaxel solubility: In vitro and in vivo characterization” (2007), Biomacromolecules, 8 (1), 202-208. Mark A. Green M.A. Green, C.J. Mathias, L.R. Willis, R.K. Handa, J.L. Lacy, M.A. Miller, and G.D. Hutchins, “Assessment of Cu-ETS as a PET radiopharmaceutical for evaluation of regional renal perfusion” (2007), Nucl. Med. Biol., 34, 247-255. Stanley L. Hem S. Bindal, G. Narsimhan, S.L. Hem and A. Kulshreshtha, “Structural changes in xanthan gum solutions during steam sterilization” (2007), Pharm. Dev. Technol., 12:159-67. 42 A. Sokolovska, S.L. Hem and H. HogenEsch,” Activation of dendritic cells and induction of CD4+ T-cell differentiation by aluminumcontaining adjuvants” (2007), Vaccine, 25:4575-85. S.L. Hem, C.T. Johnston and H. HogenEsch,”ImjectAlum is not aluminum hydroxide adjuvant or aluminum phosphate adjuvant” (2007), Vaccine, 25:4985-6. K.P. Yau, D.G. Schulze, C.T. Johnston and S.L. Hem, “Aluminum hydroxide adjuvant produced under constant reactant conditions” (2006), J. Pharm. Sci., 95:1822-33. I.Z. Romero Mendez, Y. Shi. H. HogenEsch and S. L. Hem, “Potentiation of the immune response to non-adsorbed antigens by Aluminum-containing adjuvants” (2007), Vaccine, 25: 825-33. Gregory T. Knipp A.S. Mathis, S. Jin, G.S. Friedman, F. Peng, S.M. Carl, and G.T. Knipp, “The pharmacodynamic effects Sirolimus and SirolimusCalcineurin Inhibitor combinations on macrophage scavenger and nuclear hormone receptors” (2007), J. Pharm. Sci., 96, 209-222. Y. Xu, S. Agarwal, T.J. Cook, and G.T. Knipp, “Di-(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate affects lipid profiling in fetal rat brain upon maternal exposure” (2007), Arch. Toxicol., 81, 57-62. Y. Xu, G.T. Knipp, and T.J. Cook, “Effects of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate and its metabolites on the lipid profiling in rat HRP-1 trophoblast cells” (2006), Arch. Toxicol., 80, 293-298. R.K. Bhardwaj, D.R. Herrera-Ruiz, N. Eltoukhy, M. Saad, and G.T. Knipp, “The functional evaluation of human peptide/histidine transporter 1 (HPHT1) in transiently transfected COS-7 Cells” (2006), Eur. J. Pharm. Sci., 27, 533-542. Kenneth R. Morris D.A Engers, M.N. Fricke, A.W. Newman and K.R. Morris, “Triboelectric charging and dielectric properties of pharmaceutically relevant mixtures” (2007), J. Electrost., 95(12), 2645-2656. P.L. Wildfong, K.R. Morris, C.A. Anderson and S.M. Short, “Demonstration of a shear-based solid-state phase transformation in a small molecular organic system: chlorpropamide” (2007), J. Pharm. Sci., 96(5):1100-13. H Li, J.G. Stowell, X. He, K.R. Morris and S.R. Byrn, “Investigations on solid-solid phase transformation of 5-methyl-2-[(4-methyl-2nitrophenyl) amino]-3-thiophenecarbonitrile” (2007), J. Pharm. Sci., 96(5):1079-89. D.A. Engers, M.N. Fricke, R.P. Storey, A.W. Newman and K.R. Morris, “Triboelectrification of pharmaceutically relevant powders during low-shear tumble blending” (2006), J. Electrost., 64, 826-835. A.J. Hlinak, K. Kuriyan, K.R. Morris, G.V. Reklaitis and P.K. Basu, “Understanding critical material properties for solid dosage form design” (2006), J. Pharm. Innov., 1, 12-17. S. Bates, G. Zografi, D. Engers, K. Morris, K. Crowley and A. Newman, “Analysis of amorphous and nanocrystalline solids from their X-ray diffraction patterns” (2006), Pharm. Res., 23(10):2333-49. Kinam Park S.C. Lee, K.M. Huh, J. Lee, Y.W. Cho, R.E. Galinsky, and K. Park, “Hydrotropic polymeric micelles for enhanced paclitaxel solubility: In vitro and In vivo characterization” (2007), Biomacromolecules, 8, 202-208. H.S. Min, H.J. Lee, S.C. Lee, K.H. Kang, J. Lee, K. Park, and K.M. Huh, “Aqueous solubilization of paclitaxel using hydrotropic polymer micelle” (2007), Key Eng. Mat., 342-343, 421-424. Y.M. Choi, S.J. Im, S.W. Myung, H.S. Choi, K. Park, and K.M. Huh, “Preparation and swelling behavior of superporous hydrogels: control of pore structure and surface property” (2007), Key Eng. Mat., 342-343, 717-720. S.H. Jeong, N.H. Berhane, K. Haghighi, and K. Park, “Drug release properties of polymer coated ion-exchange resin complexes: Experimental and theoretical evaluation” (2007), J. Pharm. Sci., 96, 618-632. H. Omidian, K. Park, and J.G. Rocca, “Recent development in superporous hydrogels” (2007), J. of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 59, 317-327. G.A. Mun, Z.S. Nurkeeva, A.B. Beissegul, A.V. Dubolazov, P.I. Urkimbaeva, K. Park, and V.V. Khutoryanskiy, “Temperatureresponsive water-soluble copolymers based on 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate and butyl acrylate” (2007), Macromol. Chem. Phys., 208, 979–987. K. Park, “Nanotechnology: What it can do for drug delivery” (2007), J. Control. Release, 120, 1-3. G.A. Mun, Z.S. Nurkeeva, G.T. Akhmetkalieva, S.N. Shmakov, V.V. Khutoryanskiy, S.C. Lee, and K. Park, “Novel temperatureresponsive water-soluble copolymers based on 2-hydroxyethylacrylate and vinyl butyl ether and their interactions with poly(carboxylic acids)” (2006), J. 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Hancock, M.D. Moore and K.R. Morris, “Towards an understanding of the structurally based potential for mechanically activated disordering of small molecule organic crystals” (2006), J. Pharm. Sci., 95(12):2645-56. Lynne S. Taylor S. Romero-Torres, H. Wikström, E.R. Grant, and L.S. Taylor, “Monitoring of mannitol phase behavior during freeze-drying using non-invasive Raman spectroscopy” (2007), PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 61 (2), 131-145. C.S. Towler and L.S. Taylor, “Spectroscopic characterization of intermolecular interactions in solution and their influence on crystallization outcome” (2007), Crystal Growth & Design, 7 (4), 633-638. A.D. Gift and L.S. Taylor, “Hyphenation of Raman spectroscopy with gravimetric analysis to interrogate water-solid interactions in pharmaceutical systems” (2007), J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 43 (1), 14-23. P. Guerrieri, A.K. Salameh, and L.S. 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Park, “ReservoirType Microcapsules Prepared by the Solvent Exchange Method: Effect of Formulation Parameters on Microencapsulation of Lysozyme” (2006), Molecular Pharmaceutics, 3(2): 135-143. Joseph L. Borowitz L. Zhang, K. Prabhakaran, J.L. Borowitz, and G.E. Isom, “Trimethyltin-induced apoptosis is associated with upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and Bax in a hippocampal cell line” (2006), Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 216: 34-43. T. Ito, I.P. Fraser, Y. Yeo, C.B. Highley, R. Langer, and D.S. Kohane, “Anti-inflammatory function of an in-situ cross-linkable conjugate hydrogel of hyaluronic acid and dexamethasone” (2007), Biomaterials, 28(10): 1778-1786. Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology L. Li, K. Prabhakaran, X. Zhang, J.L. Borowitz, and G.E. Isom, “PPARalpha-mediated up-regulation of uncoupling protein-2 switches cyanide-induced apoptosis to necrosis in primary cortical cells” (2006), Toxicol. Sci., 93; 136-145. T. Ito, Y. Yeo, C.B. Highley, E. Bellas, C. Benitez, and D.S. Kohane, “The prevention of peritoneal adhesions by in-situ cross-linking hydrogels of hyaluronic acid and cellulose derivatives” (2007), Biomaterials, 28(6): 975-983. Y. Yeo, W. Geng, T. Ito, D. S. Kohane, J. Burdick, and M. Radisic, “A photocrosslinkable hydrogel for myocyte cell culture and injection” (2006), J. Biomed. Mat. Res., 81B(2): 312-322. X. Jia, Y. Yeo, R.J. Clifton, T. Jiao, D. S. Kohane, J. Kobler, S.M. Zeitels, and R. Langer, “Hyaluronic Acid-Based Microgels and Microgel Networks for Vocal Fold Restoration” (2006), Biomacromolecules, 7(12): 3336-3344. J. Fukuda, A. Khademhosseini, Y. Yeo, J. Yeh, X. Yang, G. Eng, C-F. Wang, D.S. Kohane, and R. Langer, “Micromolding of photocrosslinkable chitosan hydrogel for spheroid microarray and co-cultures” (2006), Biomaterials, 27(30): 5259-5267. J.M., Karp, Y. Yeo,, W. Geng, C. Cannizarro, K. Yan, D.S. Kohane, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, R. Langer, and M. Radisic, “A photolithographic method to create cellular micropatterns” (2006), Biomaterials, 27(27): 4755-4764. Y. Yeo, C.B. Highley, E. Bellas, T. Ito, R. Marini, R. Langer, and D.S. Kohane, “In situ cross-linkable hyaluronic acid hydrogels prevent post-operative abdominal adhesions in a rabbit model” (2006), Biomaterials, 27(27): 4698-4705. Y. Yeo, J.A. Burdick, C.B. Highley, R. Marini, R. Langer, and D.S. Kohane, “Peritoneal application of chitosan and UV-cross-linkable chitosan” (2006), J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 78A(4): 668-675. D.S. Kohane, J.Y. Tse, Y. Yeo, R. Padera, M. Shubina, and R. Langer, “Biodegradable polymeric microspheres and nanospheres for drug delivery in the peritoneum” (2006), J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 77A(2): 351-361. 44 Eric L. Barker A. Gallardo-Godoy, M.I. Torres-Altoro, K.J. White, E.L. Barker, and D.E. Nichols, “1-Methylpyridinium-4-(4-phenylmethanethiosulfonate) iodide, MTS-MPP+, a novel scanning cysteine accessibility method (SCAM) reagent for monoamine transporter studies” (2007), Bioorg. Med. Chem., 15, 305-311. M.J. McFarland, E.A. Terebova, and E.L. Barker, “Detergentresistant membrane microdomains in the disposition of the lipid signaling molecule anandamide” (2006), AAPS Journal, 8, E95-100. Donald E. Bergstrom Ernest R. Blatchley III, Chengyue Shen, Zorana Naunovic, LianShin Lin, Dennis A. Lyn, J. Paul Robinson, Katherine Ragheb, Gerald Gregon, Donald E. Bergstrom, Shiyue Fang, Yousheng Guan, Kristofer Jennings, Nilupa Gunaratna, “Dyed Microspheres for Quantification of UV Dose Distributions: Photochemical Reactor Characterization by Lagrangian Actinometry” (2006), Journal of Environmental Engineering, 132, 1390-1403. Richard F. Borch J.T. Dilworth, J.M. Kraniak, J.W. Wojtkowiak, R.A. Gibbs, R.F. Borch, M.A. Tainsky, J.J. Reiners Jr., and R.R. Mattingly, “Molecular targets for emerging anti-tumor therapies for neurofibromatosis type 1” (2006), Biochem. Pharmacol., 72, 1485-1492. J.Y. Choi and R.F. Borch, “Highly efficient Synthesis of enantiomerically enriched 2-hydroxymethylaziridines by enzymatic desymmetrization” (2007), Org. Lett., 9, 215-218. I.G. Boutselis, X. Yu, Z.Y. Zhang, and R.F. Borch, “Synthesis and cell-based activity of a potent and selective protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitor prodrug” (2007), J. Med. Chem., 50, 856-864. M.K. Clark, S.A. Scott, J. Wojtkowiak, R. Chirco, P. Mathieu, J.J. Reiners Jr., R.R. Mattingly, R.F. Borch, and R.A. Gibbs, “Synthesis, biochemical, and cellular evaluation of farnesyl monophosphate prodrugs as farnesyltransferase inhibitors” (2007), J. Med. Chem., 50, 3274-3282. K. Prabhakaran, L. Li, J.L. Borowitz, and G.E. Isom, “Inducible notric oxide synthase up-regulation and mitochondrial gluthathione depletion mediate cyanide-induced necrosis in mesencephalic cells” (2006), J. Neurosci. Res., 84: 1003-1011. Mark Cushman N.O. Anadu, V.J. Davisson, and M. Cushman, “Synthesis and anticancer activity of brefeldin A ester derivatives” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49, 3897-3905. A. Morrell, M. Jayaraman, M. Nagarajan, B.M. Fox, M.R. Meckley, A. Ioanoviciu, Y. Pommier, S. Antony, M. Hollingshead, and M. Cushman, “Evaluation of indenoisoquinoline topoisomerase I inhibitors using a hollow fiber assay” (2006), Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 16, 4395-4399. S. Antony, K.K. Agama, Z.-H. Miao, M. Hollingshead, S.L. Holbeck, M.H. Wright, L. Varticovski, M. Nagarajan, A. Morrell, M. Cushman, and Y. Pommier, “Bisindenoisoquinoline bis-1, 3-{(5,6-dihydro-5,11-diketo-11H-indeno[1,2-c]isoquinoline)6-propylamino}propane bis(trifluoroacetate) (NSC 727357), a DNA intercalator and topoisomerase inhibitor with antitumor activity” (2006), Mol. Pharmacol., 70, 1109-1120. M. Nagarajan, A. Morrell, S. Antony, G. Kohlhagen, K. Agama, Y. Pommier, P.A. Ragazzon, N.C. Garbett, J.B. Chaires, M. Hollingshead, and M. Cushman, “Synthesis and biological evaluation of bisindenoisoquinolines as topoisomerase I inhibitors” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49, 5129-5140. B.-L. Deng, T.L. Hartman, R.W. Buckheit, Jr., C. Pannecouque, E. DeClercq, and M. Cushman, “Replacement of the metabolically labile methyl esters in the alkenyldiarylmethane (ADAM) series of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) with isoxazolone, isoxazole, oxazolone, or cyano substituents” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49, 5316-5323. E. Hamel, B.W. Day, J.H. Miller, M.K. Jung, P.T. Northcote, A.K. Ghosh, D.P. Curran, M. Cushman, K.C. Nicolaou, I. Paterson, and E.J. Sorensen, “Synergistic effects of peloruside A and laulimalide with taxoid site drugs, but not with each other, on tubulin assembly” (2006), Mol. Pharmacol., 70, 1555-1564. M. Nagarajan, A. Morrell, A. Ioanoviciu, S. Antony, G. Kohlhagen. M. Hollingshead, Y. Pommier, and M. Cushman, “Synthesis and evaluation of indenoisoquinoline topoisomerase I inhibitors substituted with nitrogen heterocycles” (2006,) J. Med. Chem., 49, 6283-6389. A. Morrell, S. Antony, G. Kohlhagen, Y. Pommier, and M. Cushman, “A systematic study of nitrated indenoisoquinolines reveals a potent topoisomerase I inhibitor” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49, 7740-7753. E. Morgunova, B. Illarionov, T. Sambaiah, I. Haase, A. Bacher, M. Cushman, M. Fischer, M.R. Ladenstein, “Structural and thermodynamic insights into the binding mode of five novel inhibitors of lumazine synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis” (2006), FEBS J., 273, 4790-4804. A. Maiti, M. Cuendet, T. Kondratyuk, V.L. Croy, J.M. Pezzuto, and M. Cushman, “Synthesis and cancer chemopreventive activity of zapotin, a natural product from Casimiroa edulis” (2007), J. Med. Chem., 50, 350-355. Y. Zhang, B. Illarionov, A. Bacher, M. Fischer, G.I. Georg, Q.-Z. Y e, D. Vander Velde, P.E. Fanwick, Y. Song, and M. Cushman, “A novel lumazine synthase inhibitor derived from oxidation of 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxy-2,7-naphthyridine to a tetraazaperylenehexaone derivative” (2007), J. Org. Chem., 72, 2769-2776. J. Kaiser, B. Illarionov, F. Rohdich, W. Eisenreich, S. Saller, J. Van den Brulle, M. Cushman, A. Bacher, and M. Fischer, “A high throughput screening platform for inhibitors of the riboflavin biosynthesis pathway” (2007), Anal. Biochem., 365, 52-61. A. Maiti, M. Cuendet, V.L. Croy, D.C. Endringer, J.M. Pezzuto, and M. Cushman, “Synthesis and biological evaluation of (±)-abyssinone II and its analogues as aromatase inhibitors for chemoprevention of breast cancer” (2007), J. Med. Chem., 50, 2799-2806. Robert L. Geahlen H. Garrido-Hernandez, K.D. Moon, R.L. Geahlen, and R.F. Borch, “Design and Synthesis of phosphotyrosine peptidomimetic prodrugs,” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49, 3368 -3376. F. Zhou, J. Galan, R.L. Geahlen, and W.A. 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Placzek, J.D. Steffen S. Antony, K. Agama, Y. Pommier, and M. Cushman, “Investigation of the lactam side chain length necessary for optimal indenoisoquinoline topoisomerase I inhibition and cytotoxicity in human cancer cell cultures” (2007), J. Med. Chem., 50, 2040-2048. A.K. Ghosh, N. Kumaragurubaran, L. Hong, S. Kukarni, X. Xu, W. Chang, V. Weerasena, R. Turner, G. Koelsch, G. Bilcer, J. Tang, “Design, Synthesis and X-ray structure of potent memapsin 2 (-Secretase) inhibitors with functionalized aromatic derivatives as the P2-P3-ligands” (2007), J. Med. Chem., 50, 2399-2407. H.Y. Kim, R.J. Kuhn, C. Patkar, R. Warrier, and M. Cushman, “Synthesis of dioxane-based antiviral agents and evaluation of their biological activities as inhibitors of sindbis virus replication” (2007), Bioorg. Med. Chem., 15, 2667-2679. A.K. Ghosh and G. Gong, “Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Antitumor Macrolide Lasonolide A” (2007), Org. Lett., 9, 1437-40. Y. Tie, A.Y. Kovalevsky, P. Boross, Y.-F. Wang, A.K. Ghosh, J. Tozser, R.W. Harrison, I.T. Weber, “Atomic resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease and mutantsV82A and I84V with saquinavir” (2007), Proteins, 67, 232-42. E. Hamel, B.W. Day, J.H. Miller, M.K. Jung, P.T. Northcote, A.K. Ghosh, D.P. Curan, M. Cushman, K.C. Nicolaou, I. Paterson, E.J. Sorenson, “Synergistic effects of Peloruside A and Laulimalide with taxoid site drugs, but not with each other, on tubulin assembly” (2006), Mol. Pharmacology, 70, 1555-64. SUPPLEMENT X. Xiao, A. Morrell, P.E. Fanwick, and M. Cushman, “On the mechanism of conversion of 4-carboxy-3,4-dihydro-3-phenyl1(2H)-isoquinolones to indeno[1,2-c]isoquinolines by thionyl chloride” (2006), Tetrahedron, 62, 9705-9712. A. K. Ghosh, K. Xi, M.E. Johnson, S.C. Baker, A.D. Mesecar, “Progress in Anti-SARS Coronavirus chemistry, biology and chemotherapy” (2006), Ann. Rep. Med. Chem., 41, 183-196. A.K. Ghosh, S. Kulkarni, C.-X. Xu, P.E. Fanwick, “Diastereoselective Synthesis of substituted pyrrolidines and prolines” (2006), Asymmetric Multicomponent Reactions: Org. Lett., 8, 4509-11. A.Y. Kovalevsky, F. Liu, S. Leshchenko, A.K. Ghosh, J.M. Louis, R.W. Harrison, I.T. Weber, “Ultra-high resolution protein-ligand X-ray structure of TMC 114: Identification of novel drug-binding sites” (2006), J. Biol. Chem., 363, 161-73. A.K. Ghosh, P.R. Sridhar, N. Kumaragurubaran, Y. Koh, I.T. Weber, H. Mitsuya, “A privileged ligand for Darunavir and a new generation of HIV-Protease Inhibitors that combat drug-resistance” (2006), Bis-Tetrahydrofuran: ChemMedChem., 1, 937-50. A.K. Ghosh, J. Li, P.R. Sridhar, “A stereoselective anti-aldol route to (3R,3aS,6aR)-tetrahydro-2H-furo[2,3-b]furan-3-ol: A key ligand for a new generation of HIV protease inhibitors” (2006), Synthesis, 3015-19. A.K. Ghosh, P.R. Sridhar, S. Leshchenko, A.K. Hussain, J. Li, A.Y. Kovalevsky, D.E. Walters, J.E. Wedekind, V. Grum-Tokars, D. Das, Y. Koh, K. Maeda, H. Gatanaga, I.T. Weber, H. Mitsuya, “Structure-Based Design of Novel HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors To Combat Drug Resistance” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49(17), 5252-61. Richard A. Gibbs J.T. Dilworth, J.M. Kraniak, J.W. Wojtkowiak, R.A. Gibbs, R.F. Borch, M.A. Tainsky, J.J. Reiners, Jr., and R.R. Mattingly, “Molecular Targets for Emerging Anti-Tumor Therapies for Neurofibromatosis Type 1” (2006), Biochem. Pharmacol., 72, 1485-1492. 45 SUPPLEMENT M.K. Clark, S.A. Scott, J.W. Wojtkowiak, R. Chirco, P. Mathieu, J.J. Reiners, Jr., R.R. Mattingly, R.F. Borch, and R.A. Gibbs, “Synthesis, biochemical, and cellular evaluation of farnesyl monophosphate prodrugs as farnesyltransferase inhibitors” (2007), J. Med. Chem., 50, 3274-3282. L. Zhang, L. Li, H. Liu, K. Prabhakaran, X. Zhang, J.L. Borowitz, and G.E. Isom, “HIF-1alpha activation by a redox-sensitive pathway mediates cyanide-induced BNIP3 upregulation and mitochondrial dependent cell death” (2007), Free Rad. Biol. Med. 43: 117-127. A.J. Krzysiak, D.S. Rawat, S.A. Scott, J.E. Pais, M. Handley, M.L. Harrison, C.A. Fierke, and R.A. Gibbs, “Combinatorial Modulation of Protein Prenylation” (2007), ACS Chem. Biol., 2, 385-389. Markus A. Lill A. Vedani, M. Zumstein, M.A. Lill, B. Ernst, “Simulating alpha/ beta Selectivity at the human thyroid hormone receptor: Consensus scoring using multi-dimensional QSAR” (2007), ChemMedChem, 2, 78-87. Tony Hazbun B. Montpetit, T.R. Hazbun, S. Fields, P. Hieter, “Sumoylation of the budding yeast kinetochore protein Ndc10 is required for Ndc10 spindle localization and proper anaphase spindle elongation” (2006), J. Cell Biol., 174, 653-63. F. Jin, L. Avramova, J. Huang, T.R. Hazbun, “A yeast two-hybrid smart-pool-array system for protein-interaction mapping” (2007), Nat. Methods, 4, 405-7. Greg H. Hockerman K.B. Walsh, J. Zhang, J.W. Fuseler, N. Hilliard, and G.H. Hockerman, “Adenoviral-mediated expression of dihydropyridine-insensitive L-type calcium channels in cardiac ventricular myocytes and fibroblasts” (2007), Eur. J. Pharmacol., 565, 7-16. Chang-deng Hu J. Shyu, K. Akasaka, and C.D. Hu, “Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC): A colorful future in drug discovery” (July 2007), Sterling-Hoffman Life Science Journal, (http://www. sterlinglifesciences.com/newsletter/articles/article006.html). Gary E. Isom L. Zhang, K. Prabhakaran, J.L. Borowitz, and G.E. Isom, “Trimethyltin-induced apoptosis is associated with upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and Bax in a hippocampal cell line” (2006), Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 216: 34-43. L. Li, K. Prabhakaran, X. Zhang, J.L. Borowitz, and G.E. Isom, “PPARα-mediated up-regulation of uncoupling protein-2 switches cyanide-induced apoptosis to necrosis in primary cortical cells” (2006), Toxicol. Sci., 93: 136-145. K. Prabhakaran, L. Li, J.L. Borowitz, and G.E. Isom, “Inducible nitric oxide synthase up-regulation and mitochondrial glutathione depletion mediate cyanide-induced necrosis in mesencephalic cells” (2006), J. Neurosci. Res., 84: 1003-1011. 46 M.A. Lill, A. Vedani, “Combining 4D pharmacophore generation and multidimensional QSAR: Modeling ligand binding to the Bradykinin B2 receptor” (2006), J. Chem. Inf. Model., 46, 2135-2145. Yagiz, K., D.J. Morré, and D.M. Morré, “Transgenic mouse line overexpressing the cancer-specific tNOX protein has an enhanced growth and acquired drug-response phenotype” (2006), J. Nutr. Biochem., 17, 750-759. Z. Jiang, D.M. Morré, and D.J. Morré, “A role for copper in biological time-keeping” (2006), J. Inorg. Biochem., 100, 2140-2149. Hicks-Berger, C., I. Sokolchik, C. Kim, and D.J. Morré, “A plasma membrane-associated AAA-ATPase from glycine max” (2006), BioFactors, 28, 135-149. Auderset, G., and D.J. 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Zhang, and D.M. Morré, “Structural observations of time dependent oscillatory behavior of copper (II) chloride solutions measured via extended X-ray absorption fine structure” (2007), J. Inorg. Biochem., 101, 715-726. David E. Nichols B. Chemel, B.L. Roth, V.J. Watts, and D.E. Nichols, “The ‘selective’ 5-HT1A antagonist WAY-100635 and its metabolite, WAY-100634, are potent dopamine D4 receptor agonists” (2006), Psychopharmacology, 188, 244-251. T.H. McLean, J.C. Parrish, M.R. Braden, D. Marona-Lewicka, A. Gallardo-Godoy, and D.E. Nichols, “1-Aminomethylbenz ocycloalkanes: conformationally-restricted hallucinogenic phen¬ethylamine analogues as functionally-selective 5 HT2A receptor agonists” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49, 5794-5803. S.E. Pitfield, I. Bryant, D.J. Penington, G. Park, and D.J. Riese II, “Phosphorylation of ErbB4 on tyrosine 1056 is critical for ErbB4 coupling to inhibition of colony formation by human mammary cell lines” (2006), Oncol. Res., 16, 179-193. J.P. Cueva, G. Giorgioni, R.A. Grubbs, B.R. Chemel, V.J. Watts, and D.E. Nichols, “Trans-2,3-dihydroxy-6a,78,8,12b-tetrahydro-6Hchromeno[3,4-c]isoquinoline; Synthesis, resolution, and preliminary pharmacological characterization of a new dopamine D1 receptor full agonist” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49, 6848-6857. D.J. Riese II, R.M. Gallo, and J. Settleman, “Mutational activation of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases: Insights into mechanisms of signal transduction and tumorigenesis” (2007), Bioessays, 26, 558-565. J.C. Parrish and D.E. Nichols, “Serotonin 5-HT2A receptor activation induces 2-arachi¬donoylglycerol (2-AG) release through a Phospholipase C-dependent mechanism” (2006), J. Neurochem., 99, 1164-1175. M.R. Braden, J.C. Parrish, J.C. Naylor, and D.E. Nichols, “Molecular interaction of serotonin 5 HT2A receptor residues Phe339(6.51) and Phe340(6.52) with super-potent N-benzyl phenethyl¬amine agonists” (2006), Mol. Pharmacol., 70, 1956-1964. J.D. Urban, W.P. Clarke, M. von Zastrow, D.E. Nichols, B. Kobilka, H. Weinstein, J.A. Javitch, B.L. Roth, A. Christopoulos, P.M. Sexton, K.J. Miller, M. Spedding, and R.B. Mailman, “Functional selectivity and classical concepts of quantitative pharmacology” (2007), J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 320, 1-13. A. Gallardo-Godoya, M.I. Torres-Altoro, K.J. White, E.L. Barker, and D.E. Nichols, “4-(1-methylpyridinium) phenylmethanethiosulfonate iodide, MPP+-MTS, a novel scanning cysteine accessibility method (SCAM) reagent for monoamine transporter studies” (2007), Bioorg. Med. Chem., 15, 305-311. J. Selken and D.E. Nichols, “Role of a1-adrenergic receptors in the locomotor response to systemic administration of (±)-3,4methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) to rats” (2007), Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 86, 622-630. Chiwook Park C. Park, S. Zhou, J. Gilmore, and S. Marqusee, “Energetics-Based Protein Profilining on a Proteomic Scale: Identification of Proteins Resistant to Proteolysis” (2007), J. Mol. Biol., 368, 1426-1437. David J. Riese II R.M. Gallo, I. Bryant, R. Fry, E.E. Williams, and D.J. Riese II. “Phosphorylation of ErbB4 on Tyr1056 is critical for inhibition of colony formation by prostate tumor cell lines” (2006), Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 349, 372-382. J. Christophe Rochet A.A. Cooper, A.D. Gitler, A. Cashikar, C.M. Haynes, K.J. Hill, B. Bhullar, K. Liu, K. Xu, K.E. Strathearn, F. Liu, S. Cao, K.A. Caldwell, G.A. Caldwell, R.D. Kolodner, J. LaBaer, J.-C. Rochet, N.M. Bonini, & S. Lindquist, “a-Synuclein blocks ER-Golgi traffic and Rab1 rescues neuron loss in Parkinson’s models” (2006), Science, 313, 324-328. J.-C. Rochet, “Errors in Translation Cause Selective Neurodegeneration” (2006), ACS Chemical Biology, 1, 562-566. T.F. Outeiro, J. Klucken, K.E. Strathearn, F. Liu, P. Nguyen, J.-C. Rochet, B.T. Hyman, and P.J. McLean, “Small heat shock proteins protect against a-synuclein-induced toxicity and aggregation” (2006), Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 351, 631-638. S. Padalkar, J.D. Hulleman, R. Colby, P. Deb, K. Cunzeman, J.-C. Rochet, E. Stach, and L. Stanciu, “Diameter controlled silver and platinum nanowires on a new biological template” (2007), Nanotechnology, 18 (stacks.iop.org/Nano/18/055609). J.D. Hulleman, H. Mirzaei, E. Guigard, K.L. Taylor, S.S. Ray, C.M. Kay, F.E. Regnier, and J.-C. Rochet, “Destabilization of DJ-1 by familial substitution and oxidative modifications: implications for Parkinson’s disease” (2007), Biochemistry, 46, 5776-5789. J.-C. Rochet, “Novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of protein misfolding diseases” (2007), Expert Rev. Mol. Med., 9(17), 1-34. Craig K. Svensson P. Bhaiya, S. Roychowdhury, P.M. Vyas, M.A. Doll, D.W. Hein, and C.K. Svensson, “Bioactivation, protein haptenation and toxicity of sulfamethoxazole and daponse in normal human dermal fibroblasts” (2006), Toxicol. Applied Pharmacol., 215, 158-167. S.D. Panuganti, F.D. Khan, and C.K. Svensson, “Enhanced xenobiotic-induced hepatotoxicity and Kupffer cell activation by restraint-induced stress” (2006), J. Pharmacol. Exper. Ther., 318, 26-34. P.M. Vyas, S. Roychowdhury, F.D. Khan, T.E. Prisinzano, J. Lamba, E.G. Schuetz, J. Blaisdell, J.A. Goldstein, K.L. Munson, R.N. Hines, and C.K. Svensson, “Enzyme-mediated protein haptenation of dapsone and sulfamethoxazole in human keratinocytes. 1. Expression and role of cytochromes P450” (2006), J. Pharmacol. Exper. Ther., 319, 488-496. P.M. Vyas, S. Roychowdhury, S.B. Koukouritaki, R.N. Hines, S.K. Krueger, D.E. Williams, and C.K. Svensson, “Enzyme-mediated protein haptenation of dapsone and sulfamethoxazole in human keratinocytes. 2. Expression and role of flavin monooxygenase and peroxidases” (2006), J. Pharmacol. Exper. Ther., 319, 497-505. SUPPLEMENT K.J. White, P.D. Kiser, D.E. Nichols, and E.L. Barker, “Engineered zinc binding sites confirm proximity and orientation of transmembrane helices I and III in human serotonin transporter” (2006), Protein Science, 15, 2411-2422. S. Roychowdhury, P.M. Vyas, and C.K. Svensson, “Formation and uptake of arylhydroxylamine-haptenated proteins in human dendritic cells” (2007), Drug Metab. Dispos., 35, 676-681. Val J. Watts V.J. Watts, “Adenylyl Cyclase Isoforms as Novel Therapeutic Targets: An Exciting Example of Excitotoxicity Neuroprotection.” (2007), Mol. Inter., 7, 70-73. J.P. Cueva, G. Giorgioni, R.A. Grubbs, B.R. Chemel, V.J. Watts, and D.E. Nichols, “Trans-2,3-dihydroxy-6a,78,8,12b-tetrahydro-6Hchromeno[3,4-c]isoquinoline: Synthesis, resolution, and preliminary pharmacological characterization of a new dopamine D1 receptor full agonist” (2006), J. Med. Chem., 49, 6848-6857. B.R. Chemel, B.L. Roth, B. Armbruster, V.J. Watts, and D.E. Nichols, “WAY-100635 is a potent dopamine D4 receptor agonist” (2006), Psychopharmacology, 188, 244-251. J.A. Chester, A.J. Mullins, C.H. Nguyen, V.J. Watts, and R.L. Meisel, “Repeated quinpirole treatments produce neurochemical sensitization and associated behavioral changes in female hamsters” (2006), Psychopharmacology, 188, 53-62. Ross V. Weatherman R.V. Weatherman, “A triple play for thyroid hormone” (2007), ACS Chem. Biol., 2,377-379. M. Fan, E.L. Rickert, L. Chen, S.A. Aftab, K.P. Nephew and R.V. Weatherman, “Characterization of molecular and structural determinants of selective estrogen receptor downregulators” (2007), Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 103,37-44. R.V. Weatherman, “Untangling the estrogen receptor web” (2006), Nat. Chem. Biol., 2,175-176. 47 SUPPLEMENT Pharmacy Practice Steven R. Abel T.G. Towne, J.A. Campbell, L.L. Maxwell, S.R. Abel, “Developing clinical practice skills for pharmacists” (2006), Ann. Pharmacother., Book Review, 40, 1480-81. Judy T. Chen J.T. Chen, F. Pucino, B.H. Resman-Targoff, “Celecoxib versus a non-selective NSAID plus proton-pump inhibitor: what are the considerations?” (2006), J. Pain Palliat. Care Pharmacother., 20, 11-32. David R. Foster D.R. Foster and X. Zheng, “Cephalexin inhibits N-formulated peptide transport and intestinal hyperpermeability in Caco2 cells” (2007), J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci., 10, 330-341. Karen S. Hudmon B.A. Kilfoy, A.V. Prokhorov, and K.S. Hudmon, “Pharmacy placement of nonprescription nicotine replacement therapy products and community pharmacists’ counseling for product use” (2006), J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., 46, 723-728. L.V. Sarino, K.H. Dang, N. Dianat, H. Djihania, Natanian, K.S. Hudmon, and P. Ambrose, “Drug interactions between oral contraceptives and St. John’s Wort: Appropriateness of advice received from health food store clerks and community chain pharmacists” (2006), J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., 47, 42-47. G.E. Swan, H. Hops, K.C. Wilhelmsen, C. N. Lessov-Schlaggar, L.S. Cheng, K.S. Hudmon, C.I. Amos, H.S. Feiler, H.Z. Ring, J.A. Andrews, E. Tildesley, and N.L. Benowitz, “A genome-wide screen for nicotine dependence susceptibility loci” (2006), Am. J. Med. Genet B Neuropsychiatr, Genet, 141, 354-60. M. Assemi, C. Cullander, and K.S. Hudmon, “Psychometric analysis of a scale assessing self-efficacy for cultural competence in patient counseling” (2006), Ann. Pharmacother., 40, 2130-2135. K.S. Hudmon, D.A. Hussar, C.M. Fenlon, R.L. Corelli, “Pharmacy student perceptions of tobacco sales in pharmacies and suggested strategies for promoting tobacco-free experiential sites” (2006), Am. J. Pharm. Educ., 70, article 75. K.S. Hudmon and C. LaCivita, “Creating a road map for pharmacy’s role in the cessation of tobacco use” (2006), Am. J. Health-Syst. Pharm., 63, 564-566. 48 J.E. Heath, F.J. Kelley, J. Andrews, N. Crowell, R.L. Corelli, and K.S. Hudmon, “Evaluation of a tobacco cessation curricula intervention among acute care nurse practitioner faculty” (2007), Am. J. Critical Care Nursing, 16, 284-289. Mathew M. Murawski E.J. Dole, M.M. Murawski, A.B. Adophe, F.D. Aragon, B. Hochstadt, “Provision of pain management by a pharmacist with prescribing authority” (2007), Am. J. Health Syst. Pharm., 64, 85-89. B.A. Kilfoy, K.S. Hudmon, and J. Mande, “Tobacco control in state comprehensive cancer control plans: Opportunities for decreasing tobacco-related disease” (2007), Preventing Chronic Disease, 4(3):A61. E.J. Dole, M.M. Murawski, “Reimbursement for clinical services provided by pharmacists: What are we doing wrong?”(2007), Am. J. Health Syst. Pharm., 64, 104-106. A.V. Prokhorov, R. Fouladi, C. de Moor, C.L. Warneke, M. Luca, M. Mullin Jones, C. Rosenblum, K.M. Emmons, K.S. Hudmon, and E.R. Gritz, “Computer-assisted, counselor-delivered smoking cessation counseling for community college students: Intervention approach and sample characteristics” (2007), J. Child & Adol. Subst. Abuse, 16, 35-62. K.S. Hudmon, “The pharmacist’s role in tobacco cessation: Overview and introduction to the series” (2007), Am. J. Health System Pharm., 64, 1434-1436. Deanna S. Kania D.S. Kania, “Post-exposure prophylaxis considerations for occupational and non-occupational exposures” (2007), Adv. Emer. Nurs. J., 29, 20-32. Michael B. Kays M.B. Kays, C.R. Lisek, G.A. Denys, “Comparative in vitro and bactericidal activities of telithromycin against penicillin-nonsusceptible, levofloxacin-resistant, and macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae by time-kill methodology” (2007), Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents, 29, 289-294. M.B. Kays, G.G. Zhanel, M.A. Reimann, J. Jacobi, G.A. Denys, D.W. Smith, M.F. Wack, “Selection of a gyrA mutation and treatment failure with gatifloxacin in Streptococcus pneumoniae with a pre-existing parC mutation” (2007), Pharmacotherapy, 27, 221-226. Holly L. Mason M. Bhor and H.L. Mason, “Development and validation of a scale to assess attitudes of health care administrators towards the use of e-mail communication between patients and physicians” (2006), J. Res. Soc. Admin. Pharm., 2 (4), 512-532. Brian R. Overholser X. Zhang, B.R. Overholser, M.B. Kays, K.M. Sowinski, “Gatifloxacin pharmacokinetics in healthy men and women” (2006), J. Clin. Pharmacol., 46, 1154-62. B.R. Overholser, D.F. Brophy, K.M. Sowinski, “Anti-Factor Xa activity sampling to optimally predict enoxaparin exposure post-hemodialysis” (2006), Ther. Drug Monit., 28, 807-12. B. Cochran, K.M. Sowinski, C. Fausel, B.R. Overholser, “Physical compatibility and chemical stability of mycophenylate mofetil during simulated Y-site administration with commonly co-administered drugs” (2007), Am. J. Health Sys. Pharmacy, 64, 1410-4. Christopher M. Scott C.M. Scott, T.N. Trujillo, “Hemorrhage and recombinant factor VIIa: A brief review” (2006), Adv. Emerg. Nurs. Jour., 28, 284-291. Amy H. Sheehan M.R. Dierks, J.K. Jordan, A.H. Sheehan, “Prazosin treatment of nightmares related to post-traumatic stress disorder: drug information rounds” (2007), Ann. Pharmacother., 41, 1013-17. C.W. Jackson, A.H. Sheehan, J.G. Reddan, “An evidence based review of the black box warning for droperidol” (2007), Am. J. Health. Syst. Pharm., 64, 1174-86. Kevin M. Sowinski B.G. Cochran, K.M. Sowinski, C. Fausel, and B.R. Overholser, “Physical compatibility and chemical stability of mycophenolate mofetil during simulated Y-site administration with commonly coadministered drugs” (2007), Am. J. Health Syst. Pharm., 64(13), 1410-4. B.S. Decker, B.A. Mueller, and K.M. Sowinski, “Drug dosing considerations in alternative hemodialysis” (2007), Adv. Chronic Kidney Dis., 14(3), e17-26. J. Thomas III, M. Bharmal, S. Lin, and Y. Punekar, “Survey of pharmacist collaborative drug therapy management in hospitals” (2006), American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 63 (24), 2489-2499. K.M. Sowinski and J.M. Wright, “Preparation for the Pharmacotherapy specialty certification examination: are question cues enough?” (2006), Pharmacotherapy, 26(11), 1675-6; discussion 1676-7. H.M. Phatak and J. Thomas III, “Relationships between beliefs about medications and nonadherence to prescribed chronic medications” (2006), The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 40, 1737-1742. X. Zhang, B.R. Overholser, M.B. Kays, and K.M. Sowinski, “Gatifloxacin pharmacokinetics in healthy men and women” (2006), J. Clin. Pharmacol., 46(10), 1154-62. J. Thomas III, M. Bharmal, S. Dedhiya, B.A. Craig, Michael Weiner, Marc Rosenman, Ankita Modi, Laura P. Sands, “Incremental health care resource use among Indiana Medicaid beneficiaries with dementia” (2007), Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55 (S1), S148. Kent H. Summers K.H. Summers, “Medication therapy management versus drug regimen review” (commentary), (2007), Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 13, 68-69. K.H. Summers, “Modernization versus limitation: cross-firing the impact of the AHRQ Effective Health Care Program on access to biologic therapies” (2007), Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 13, 1. K.H. Summers, N. Payakachat, “Quality assessment of clinical practice guidelines” (editorial) (2006), Expert Reviews of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 6, 1-4. K.H. Summers, “What are incretins and how will they influence the management of type 2 diabetes?” (2006), Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 12, 7, S-a. K.H. Summers, “From adherence to outcomes: impact of benefit design on the HIV patient” (2006), Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 12, 7, S-b. K.H. Summers, “Shifting the focus from cost to value” (2006), Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 12, 6, S-b. Joseph Thomas III M.F. Bharmal, M. Weiner, L. P. Sands, H. Xu, B.A. Craig, and J. Thomas III, “Impact of Patient selection criteria on prevalence estimates and prevalence of diagnosed dementia in a Medicaid population” (2007), Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 21 (2), 92-100. L.P. Sands, X. Huiping, M.. Weiner, M. Rosenman, B.A. Craig, J. Thomas III. “Time to nursing home admission among Medicaid waiver patients with dementia: the effect of amount of services received” (2007), Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55 (S1), S205 – S206. A. Modi, M.F. Bharmal, S. Dedhiya, B.A. Craig, M. Weiner, M. Rosenman, L.P. Sands, and J. Thomas III, “Incremental Medicaid expenditures associated with dementia” (2007), Value in Health, 10 (3), A76 – A77. M. Okafor and J. Thomas III, “Presence of Innovation Adoptionfacilitating Elements in Hospitals, Organizational Characteristics, and Implementation of Clinical Guidelines” (2007), Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 47 (2) 228-229. L.P. Sands, H. Xu, M. Weiner, M. Rosenman, B.A. Craig, and J. Thomas, III., “Home and community based services as alternatives to nursing-home care for Medicaid recipients with dementia” (2006), The Gerontologist, 46 (1), 545-546. James E. Tisdale W.E. Dager, C. Sanoski, B. Wiggins, J.E. Tisdale, “Pharmacotherapy considerations in advanced cardiac life support” (2006), Pharmacotherapy, 26, 1703-1729. J.E. Tisdale, S. Borzak, S. Goldstein, H. Shimoyama, H.N. Sabbah, “Hemodynamic and neurohormonal predictors and consequences of the development of atrial fibrillation in dogs with chronic heart failure” (2006), J. Cardiac Fail., 12, 747-751. J.E. Tisdale, “Pharmacist? What pharmacist?” (editorial) (2006), Can. J. Hosp. Pharm., 59, 235-236. J.E. Tisdale, R. Kovacs, D. Mi, G.P. McCabe, B.L. Cariera, N. Sharma, H. Rosman, “Accuracy of uncorrected versus corrected QT interval for prediction of torsades de pointes associated with intravenous haloperidol” (2007), Pharmacotherapy, 27, 175-182. M.S. Buckley, P.E. Nolan Jr., M.K. Slack, J.E. Tisdale, D.E. Hilleman, J.G. Copeland, “Amiodarone prophylaxis for atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: meta-analysis of dose response and timing of initiation” (2007), Pharmacotherapy, 27, 360-368. SUPPLEMENT B.R. Overholser, D.F. Brophy and K.M. Sowinski, “Development of an efficient sampling strategy to predict enoxaparin pharmacokinetics in stage 5 chronic kidney disease” (2006), Ther. Drug Monit., 28(6), 807-12. Alan J. Zillich S. Wu, M. Lehto, Y Yih, M.. Flanagan, A.J. Zillich, B. Doebbeling, “Logistic regression model for assessing clinicians’ perceived usefulness of computerized clinical reminders” (2006), Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 3028-3038. A.J. Zillich, “Therapeutic strategies for hypertension” (2007), Continuing Education Course for Pharmacists. S.W. Pray, editor. Weatherford, OK: Pharmat. Inc., Vol. 33, No. 3. A.J. Zillich, J.M. Sutherland, S.J. Wilson, D.J. Diekema, E.J. Ernst, T.E. Vaughn, B.N. Doebbeling, “Antimicrobial use control measures to prevent and control antimicrobial resistance in US hospitals” (2006), Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 27, 1088-1095. S.T. Boyd, L. Causey, A.J. Zillich, “Medication therapy management survey to the prescription drug plans” (2006), JAPhA, 46, 692-699. S.T. Boyd, L.C. Boyd, K. Raker, A.J. Zillich, “Evaluation of a pharmacist weight loss program for an employee worksite” (abstract) (2007), JAPhA, 47(2), 217-218. S. Boyd, L. Boyd, A.J. Zillich,“Medication therapy management survey to the prescription drug plans” (abstract) (2007), JAPhA, 47(2), 222. M. Snyder, M. Somma, A.J. Zillich, R. Smith, “Development of collaborative relationships between pharmacists and physicians: A qualitative thematic analysis” (abstract) (2007), JAPhA, 47(2), 237. 49 SUPPLEMENT Industrial and Physical Pharmacy M. Teresa Carvajal S.P. Chamarthy, A. Otte, D. Ely, J. Langridge, O.K. Valet, and M.T. Carvajal, “Why powders don’t behave the way we want?— Understanding the surface of pharmaceutical powders and its effectiveness in functionality,” in Proceedings of Respiratory Drug Delivery XI, (2007), Richard N. Dalby, Peter R. Byron, and J. Peart, eds., Interpharm Press, Buffalo Grove, IL. Kinam Park S.C. Lee, K.M. Huh, T. Ooya, and K. Park, “Hydrotropic Polymer Micelles for Cancer Therapeutics,” in Nanotechnology for Cancer Therapeutics, (2007), M. Amiji, ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 385-408. Books and Chapters Published Y.W. Cho, J.H. Park, J.S. Park, and K. Park, “PEGylation: Camouflage of Proteins, Cells, and Nanoparticles Against Recognition by the Body’s Defense Mechanism,” in Handbook of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, (2007), Shayne Gad, ed., John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 489-510. I.K. Kwon, S.H. Jeong, E. Kang, and K. Park, “Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy,” in Cancer Nanotechnology, (2007), H.S. Nalwa, and T. 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