overseas investment
overseas investment
India and A-PAC Markets FDI in the US Country wise overseas investments by Indian companies Map shows percentage change on 2010 Country April ‘11 to February ‘12 in USD Million Singapore 1860 Mauritius 2270 Netherlands 700 United States of America 870 United Arab Emirates 380 The developing nations is where the action is 2 “JUGAAD” Approach to Innovation Years ago, Indians mounted a diesel irrigation pump on a steel frame with wheels, creating a vehicle they called “jugaad”. Over time, jugaad came to mean grassroots innovation to overcome any constraint. Brazilians call it “gambiarra”; the Chinese, “zizhu chuangxin”; and the Kenyans, “jua kali”. In the midst of rising global competition and depleting R&D budgets, Jugaad Innovation presents ways to innovate, be flexible, and do more with less. A frugal and flexible approach to innovation can generate breakthrough growth not only in the developing world but also in the developed nations. 81% of Indian businessmen said jugaad was the key reason for their success - the Legatum Institute. Some of the underlying principles of “JUGAAD” Seek opportunity in adversity Do more with less Think and act flexibly Keep it simple Include the margin Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth - Navi Radjou 3 FDI from Emerging Markets driven by SOLUTIONS Chemicals’ company based out of Mumbai US based clients want them to supply to them in the US as well Looking at the following in the US: Partnering/ Appointing a toll manufacturing company. Working with a packaging company capable of handling hazardous chemical. Requisite support regarding US legal issues on Hazardous chemicals Opportunity for warehousing the chemical stock Networks Services company based out of Delhi Sources substantial amounts of hardware from its US vendors. Looking at the following in the US: Setting up a its wholly owned subsidy to start operations Start with procurement of high tech goods and services In the second phase would work with American Vendors for integration and installation of their products not only in USA but also Latin America & Europe. Firms are looking at investing for the long term and to factor in future growth plans 4 The Industry Ecosystem - SMB Investors Government Soft Landing Zones Major regional employers Research labs Bio-Tech company Industrial Supply chain Professional associations Clinical Trial Labs Incubation Facilities Industrial associations Investors – VC, PE, others An information pack that has ready answers to most of these questions would help speed the process 5 Integrated Finance and Operations View – Corporate Investors Federal Agencies State Government Municipal Support Regulatory climate Workforce statistics Industry clusters Immigration & visa Federal taxes Tax climate Labor costs Geographic advantages Financial resources Industrial groups Economic strengths Energy costs Pollution regulations Development costs Financial resources Major employers Making detailed information available ensures an informed choice & therefore a better buy-in 6 Investor Identification - Best practice Interop Market/sector research COMPTEL PLUS Convention Air & Space Lead Qualification & validation Conference & Technology International Wireless Establish Intent Communications Expo MAST Contact Oracle World and SAPphire Build Biz case USIIF TIE Skills Talent Availability Cost Implications Technology Practice Vertical Visit Market Customer Size Proximity Follow up IACC IUSBN Location Benefits, Financial Incentives N. America Business need revenues, – Sales, Tech Onsite Near shore, presence Close USIBC Iterative innovation in practice 7 Case Studies Business Solution Tapping the Supply chain – Best Practice Corporations today understand the value of business relations They prefer to have the same vendor supplying to them around the world This makes Executives running the supply chain of firms a key cog in the wheel driving FDI Some of the ideas to tap this network are: Constant interactions with the global supply chain & procurement teams Interacting with them at global supplier meets and events Creating a committee of heads of supply chains Case: Volkswagen’s claims its Polo is the same car that is sold in Brazil, Europe & India VW invited its suppliers to go global and wanted the same vendors in all these locations The result: a car that is the same across continents Favorable outcome: these suppliers had to invest in new geographies Diverse drivers leading to Foreign Direct Investment 8 Integrating Social media insights Solutioning Customized databases depending on country, region & industry Signals depicting the globalization needs of a prospect Travel plans via TripIt Requests for information on Linked-in Groups Job postings for new geography Tweets of decision makers Tracking Organizational changes Sector specific challenges & Issues New connections or contacts Industrial Challenges Adapting technological changes for effective delivery 9 Investment Source - India India is the tenth largest investor in United States. In the last 10 years, Indian companies have invested over US$21 billion in the US economy. The fact that makes the US attractive for Indian companies is its high rate of innovation, relatively low valuations arising from the recession, abundance of natural resources, and the presence of a large consumer market. The top ten Indian Greenfield projects in the US amounted to $5.5 billion of investments, led by Essar Steel (1.6 bn in Minnesota) and JSW (1 bn in Texas) In terms of value of cross border acquisitions by Indian companies in 2010, India was placed 5th in the World after the US, Canada, Japan and China. Scale of overseas investment has also expanded as India was 2nd in 2010 only after China in terms of average size of purchase deals (US$190 million in India compared to US$ 197 million in China). India among the top five emerging and developing economies whose state owned enterprises are increasingly becoming transnational corporations. Overseas direct investments by India Inc stood at US$ 1.24 billion for July 2012. More than 100 Indian companies (Food processing, healthcare, IT, consumer durables, energy, etc.) explore investment opportunities in the US in the coming months. India’s proven resilience to counter-act macroeconomic challenges outweighs global uncertainty concerns 10 Maeflower Consulting Maeflower Consulting is a leading service provider to Investment Promotion & Economic Development clients from Americas and Europe. OCO Global partner in India. Over the years Maeflower has met over 500 potential investors, and has delivered consistently, to be a world class investment generator for economic development organizations, in India. We have helped export ready US companies understand the Indian markets & supported their sales / operations in India. Maeflower has successfully built up a team of industry experts who are very conversant with the industry they are passionate about. Maeflower’s expertise lies in: Creating India centric Investment promotion strategies Market / Investor Intelligence, Company Targeting & Lead Generation Trade support, India entry strategy and operations in India Understanding the demands of the Indian enterprise Iterative Innovation is a key tenant in Maeflower’s approach to Foreign Direct Investment 11 Nitin Pangam Maeflower Consulting Email: nitin@maeflower.com Tel: +91 98230 56812 12
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