Year Assessment Report on Prospecting, Rock Sampling and Mapping on License 016021M, NTS 02-E-12 Submitted by: Diane Smeltzer And Carey Galeschuk, P.Geo For Eagle Ridge Minerals Ltd. June 28th, 2010 Work year 2010 Total claims: 5 Total expenditures: $4,110.40 Table of Contents Page Introduction 1 Location and Access 1 Physiography 1 Property Claim Status 1 Previous Work 3 Regional Geology 4 Local Geology 5 Prospecting and Mapping 6 Results 7 Conclusion and Recommendations 7 References 8 List of Figures Figure 1. Property Location Figure 2. Claims Location Map Figure 3. Regional Geology 2 3 5 List of Appendices Appendix A. Expenditures – 016021M Appendix B. Sample Location and Descriptions Appendix C. Geological Field Map and Sample Locations Appendix D. Assay Certificates Introduction In the summer of 2010, Eagle Ridge Minerals Ltd. conducted a one day reconnaissance program over the claims held on the Woodford’s Cove section of the Little Bay property. The license number is 016021M. The goal was to verify the existence of two showings as indicated on the NL government’s Minerals Occurrence Database and to prospect the area for any further mineralization. This report documents the results of this work. Expenditures for the program are contained in Appendix A. Location and Access The Woodford’s Cove claims are located at the northeast tip of the Halls Bay Head Peninsula, 18 km northeast of the town of Springdale, NL (see Figure 1),which is 531 km from St John’s traveling west along the Trans Canada Highway. The nearest airport is 160 km to the southeast near the town of Deer Lake. The Woodfords Cove Property offers no road access. It can be reached by boat or helicopter. The claim group is transected by several intersecting ATV trails that seem to originate from sites where boats can be brought into shore. Physiography The north side of Halls Bay is a moderately rugged coastline with a strong northeast trend; the country is heavily wooded and dotted with small to medium sized ponds, with marshes and bogs in lower ground and where drainage is poor, relief is in the 175 m range. Property Claim Status The Woodford Cove property is covered by mineral exploration License #016021 and contains 5 mineral claims of 25 hectares each giving a total property area of 125 hectares. This property will require work prior to June 30 2010. Table 1: Claim Licence Details FILENUM LICENSE_NBR CLIENT_NAME LOCATION STATUS 7750205 016021M Eagleridge Minerals Ltd. Little Ward Harbour,Central Nfld ISSUED Claim Info NUMCLAIMS STAKEDATE WRKDUE Wed, 1 Apr 2009 Wed, 30 Jun 2010 5 00:00:00 00:00:00 Figure 1: Property Location Figure 2: Claim Licenses Locations Previous Work H.J. MacLean mapped the Little Bay area in 1938 and 39 for the Geological Survey of Newfoundland. Paul Dean (1977) noted mineralization at this particular location on his series of metallogenic maps for the Norte Dame Bay, which were part of a Masters Thesis at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The area is within the Hall's Bay North Concession of Brinex and has been covered by regional mapping, geochemistry and airborne geophysics. For the details of work in the area refer to the Little Bay Mine - 2E/12/Cu030 which lies 5 km to the westsouthwest. In 1987, the occurrence was staked by Ionex Ltd. and in 1988, transferred to 10019 Nfld. Ltd. Regional Geology The Little Bay area primarily consists of the Early to Middle Cambrian Lushes Bight Group which formulates most of the property. The Little Ward Harbour North (including the Woodfords Cove Showing) and South sections contain rock units from the Early to Middle Ordovician. This group of rocks may be categorized as the Cutwell Group but further reconnaissance must take place in order to make this accurate. The property lies within the Notre Dame Subzone of the Dunnage, within the Appalachian orogen. The Lushes Bight Group consists predominantly of dark to light green massive to pillowed basalt, pillow breccia, aquagene tuff and chert, dark grey pillow basalt, sheeted diabase and gabbro. Other locations of the group show mafic plutonic intrusions, situated within the Little Bay and Little Ward Harbour South sections on the property. The seemingly Cutwell Group consists also of volcanic mafic marine rock Figure 3: Little Bay Project with copper, pyrite and gold showings overlaid on geology Local Geology Paul Dean notes the Woodfords Cove occurrence on his map as being pyrite and chalcopyrite in schistose pillow lavas; according to his metallogenic classification the occurrence is a "Betts Cove Type" deposit. Volcanogenic massive sulphide bodies contained within ophiolitic volcanic rocks of Notre Dame Bay have many similar diagnostic features and are grouped together as the "Betts Cove Type" since the Betts Cove deposit was the first described ophiolitic copper deposit from Newfoundland (Upadhyay and Strong, 1973) Betts Cove Type deposits occur within mafic volcanic rocks, generally pillow lava and pillow breccia, and have relatively simple mineralogy (pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite). Some of these deposits, such as Betts Cove, occur near the contact zone between the sheeted dyke complex and overlying pillow lavas. Others such as the York Harbour Mine in the Bay of Islands ophiolite complex occur well above the sheeted dyke horizon in mafic pillow lavas and aquagene tuffs. Most of the Betts Cove Type massive sulphide deposits occur in the Lush's Bight Group, which has more copper prospects per unit area than any other group of rocks in Newfoundland. The various showings, prospects and former mines occur in mafic volcanics associated with chlorite schist zones. According to Kennedy and DeGrace (1972), the chlorite schist zones have an early schistosity not present in the surrounding rocks, suggesting that these zones were areas of structural weakness during the early deformational history of the Lush's Bight Group (Dean, 1977, p. 13). The Woodfords Cove mineralization is described in the Newfoundland government’s Mineral Occurrence Database as follows: The Little Ward Harbour North section of the Little Bay property hosts two showings for the area, The Woodford Cove Occurrence and The Osmond Cove Showing. The only commodity at the Woodford showing is copper. Mineralization is located within the schistose pillow lava containing chalcopyrite and pyrite. The Osmond Cove Showing consists as a vein of massive pyrite. The vein is 15 to 30 cm wide, hosted within sheared metabasalt pillow lava, striking southeast to south and dipping approximately 50 – 60 degrees west. Prospecting and Mapping On June 3, 2010 Eagle Ridge Resources sent a six person crew by boat to prospect and map the Woodfords Cove property. Three people were dropped off near the northern boundary of the license, near the Osmond Cove Showing and three were dropped off closer to the southern boundary, near the Woodford’s Cove Showing. Both crews covered the ground on east-west traverses, across the local geology, prospecting and mapping. An effort was made to locate and verify both the showings on this ground. A total of 15 grab samples (Appendix B) were taken and a portion of the ground was mapped (Appendix C). It was not possible to cover the entire claim in one day due to time constraints imposed by the 2 & 1/2 hour boat trip each way. Report Disclaimer: This report was prepared for the purposes of reporting work performed for assessment in accordance with the mining regulations as set forth by the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. All interpretations are based on personnel best judgement from the available information present at the time of the preparation of the report. Any use or reliance on this information or any part of the report or interpretation by a third party is that party’s responsibility. I., or any employee of EagleRidge Minerals Limited or any of it affiliations now or into the future, accept no responsibility or liability for damages or costs, if any, that may result from any actions or decisions undertaken by any individual, company, corporation or entity, as a result of any information contained within this report. References Andrews, K 1980: Mineral occurrence map, Botwood, Newfoundland. Mineral Development Division, Department of Mines and Energy, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Map 80-004 [GSB# 002E/0411] Atlantic Coast Copper Corporation Limited 1967: Diamond drilling data from Little Bay area, Newfoundland. Atlantic Coast Copper Corporation Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0165] Beischer, G A 1991: First and second year assessment report on geological, geochemical, geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for the Springdale south project for licence 3691 on claim blocks 15943-15950 and licence 4007 on claim block 7388 in the Shellbird Bight, Mountain Pond and Otter Island areas, northeastern Newfoundland. Inco Exploration and Technical Services Incorporated Unpublished report, 114 pages. [GSB# 002E/12/0786] Bell, R 1990: First year assessment report on geological, geochemical and geophysical exploration for the Springdale south project for licence 3691 on claim blocks 1594315950 in the Shellbird Bight, Otter Island, Mountain Pond, Saltwater Pond and Halls Bay areas, northeastern Newfoundland. Inco Exploration and Technical Services Incorporated Unpublished report, 215 pages. [GSB# 002E/12/0715] Burton, W B 1984: First year assessment report on geological and geochemical exploration for licence 2392 on claim block 3550 in the Little Bay area on the Springdale Peninsula, Newfoundland. U S Borax Unpublished report, 32 pages. [GSB# 002E/12/0525] Ford, G B and Ritchie, P M 1977: Report for the 1977 field season for the Halls Bay project in the Halls Bay area, Newfoundland. Labrador Mining and Exploration Company Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0374] Hatch, H B 1920: Geological report on the Newfoundland Coppers L Indian Bight, Little Bay, Notre Dame Bay property, Newfoundland. Reid Newfoundland Company Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0012] Hatch, H B 1920: Mining report on Newfoundland Copper L on Indian Bight in the Little Bay area, Newfoundland. Newfoundland Coppers Limited and Reid Newfoundland Company Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0124] Kean, B F and Evans, D 1994: Geology and mineral occurrences of the Little Bay Island map area. Newfoundland and Labrador Mineral Development Division, Map, No. 94-228 [GSB# 002E/12/0926] Kennedy, M J and DeGrace, J R 1972: Structural sequence and its relationship to sulphide mineralization in the Ordovician Lushs Bight Group of western Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland. Canadian Institute of Mining Bulletin [GSB# NFLD/0587] MacLean, H J 1947: Geology and mineral deposits of the Little Bay area. Newfoundland Geological Survey Bulletin no. 22, 47 pages. [GSB# 002E/12/0044] McBride, D E and Whelan, G 1988: First year assessment report on geological and geochemical exploration for licence 2957 on claim blocks 4559-4560 in the Little Bay Head area, north-central Newfoundland. Exmar Resources Limited Unpublished report, 19 pages. [GSB# 002E/12/0570] Mercer, B J 1986: Second year assessment report on geochemical and diamond drilling exploration for licence 2392 on claim blocks 3950, 3550 and 3953 in the Little Bay area, Newfoundland. U S Borax Unpublished report, 30 pages. [GSB# 002E/12/0534] New Highridge Mining Company Limited 1955: Diamond drilling data from the Little Bay area, Newfoundland. New Highridge Mining Company Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0157] O'Donnell, A J and Seagel, E J 1990: Sixth year assessment report on geophysical exploration for licence 2392 on claim block 3550 in the Little Bay, Shimmy Pond and Little Bay Arm areas, Newfoundland. Granges Incorporated Unpublished report, 11 pages. [GSB# 002E/12/0699] Peters, H R 1955: Geological report on the Springdale-Davies Pond area, Newfoundland. British Newfoundland Corporation Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 012H/09/0421] Peters, H R and Smitheringale, W G 1974: Volcanogenic copper deposits in probable ophiolitic rocks, Springdale Peninsula. Unpublished report [GSB# NFLD/0738] Phillips, T 1906: Report on Shoal Arm property, Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland. Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0006] Roderick, S 1959: Report on geophysical exploration with ground magnetic, e m and self potential surveys of the Little Bay area, Newfoundland. British Newfoundland Exploration Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0261] Roderick, S 1960: Report on a geophysical survey with a ground e m survey of the Little Bay area, Newfoundland. British Newfoundland Exploration Limited and Atlantic Coast Copper Corporation Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0277] Roderick, S 1960: Report on a geophysical survey with ground magnetic and e m surveys of the Little Bay area, Newfoundland. British Newfoundland Exploration Limited and Atlantic Coast Copper Corporation Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0276] Roderick, S 1962: Diamond drilling data from Little Bay area, Newfoundland. Atlantic Coast Copper Corporation Limited and British Newfoundland Exploration Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 002E/12/0154] Taylor, W R 1968: Report on the geology of the southeastern Springdale Peninsula in the Halls Bay area, Newfoundland. British Newfoundland Exploration Limited Unpublished report [GSB# 012H/09/0352] Appendix A: Expenses for License 016021M Little Bay Project 2010 ‐ Woodsford Cove (016021M) ‐ Expenses Unit Per Unit Amount Totals $400 $160 $185 $150 $230 $170 day day day day day day 1 1 1 1 1 1 Daine Smeltzer Carey Galeschuk $400 $550 day day 1 0.5 $400.00 $275.00 Supervision Carey Galeschuk $550 day 0.5 $275.00 Field Costs Meals Rooms Boat rental and captain Transportation Sample analysis $40 $35 $405 $61 $35 person person trip day sample 8 8 1 1 15 $320.00 $280.00 $405.00 $61.00 $525.00 Field Crew Daine Smelter Aaron Mcbreairty Lindsay Rose Scott Tokaryk Isabelle Therriault Mike Power $400.00 $160.00 $185.00 $150.00 $230.00 $170.00 Report Writing and Maps total 15% overhead $3,836.00 Grand Total $4,411.40 $575.40 Appendix B: Samples Location and Descriptions – 016021M Location Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay Bay License 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M 016021M Sample 201221 201222 201223 201224 201225 201612 201613 201936 201937 201938 201939 201941 201942 201943 201944 Date 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 03/06/2010 Sampler East/North VS/IT/MP VS/IT/MP VS/IT/MP VS/IT/MP VS/IT/MP ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS ST/AM/DS 582276 582105 581991 581932 581658 581599 581195 581373 581427 581623 581858 581960 581926 581180 581189 5496391 5496372 5496215 5495672 5495518 5495405 5495268 5495378 5495314 5495391 5495371 5495350 5495290 5495238 5495240 Rock Type and Description 201221 201222 201223 201224 201225 201612 201613 201936 201937 201938 201939 201941 201942 201943 201944 Chlorite basalt Chlorite schist Gabbro Gabbro Gabbro Pillow basalt Basalt Chlorite Basalt Chlorite Schist Chlorite Schist Andsesite Basalt Basalt Chlorite basalt Quartz epidote veins, carbonized, aphanitic pyrite mineralization (stringers), epidote, carbonization pyrite minerailzation (tr.), oxidized chlorite, tr. Pyrite mineralization <1% pyrite mineralization, fine grained, carbonized 20 cm pillows, Tr. Pyrite, silicified, rusty, vuggy quartz veins and lenses Mafic dyke, Fine grained, Tr. Sulphides, Silicified, with schitose zones Highly silicifed, Tr. Py/Ars, Quartz blebs Highly silicifed, Tr. Py, fine grained Medium grained, Phenocryts of chlorite Medium grained, Quartz and biotite, Massive Fine grained, Tr. Pyrite, sporatic quartz veins, weathered brown/red Fine grained, Tr. Sulphides,Silicified Mafic Dyke, fine grained, 2-3 % sulphides outcrop size 10m by 10m, bull/white quartz Appendix C: Field Map Appendix D: Assay Certificate Tel: (807) 626-1630 Fax: (807) 622-7571 1046 Gorham Street Thunder Bay, ON Canada P7B 5X5 www.accurassay.com assay@accurassay.com Certificate of Analysis Tuesday, June 22, 2010 EagleRidge Minerals Ltd. P.O Box 369 Pinawa, MB, CAN R0E 1L0 Ph#: (204) 753-2628 Fax#: (204) 753-2634 Email#: cgaleschuk@eagleridgeminerals.com Date Received: 06/07/2010 Date Completed: 06/22/2010 Job #: 201030118 Reference: Shoal Arm Sample #: Acc # Client ID Au ppb 6794 201221 13 6795 201222 6796 Rh ppb Ag ppm Co ppm Ni ppm Pb ppm Zn ppm Fe ppm 1.45 82 68435 4 127 12 <1 68 44043 3 90 201223 15 1.01 103 49216 2 103 6797 201224 19 <1 190 31539 <1 67 6798 201225 26 1.16 762 15605 4 43 6799 201612 14 <1 27 14086 2 30 6800 201613 14 <1 103 18937 3 68 6801 201936 17 <1 65 26121 <1 64 6802 201937 14 <1 103 23031 2 59 6803 201938 14 1.03 71 27485 <1 57 201938 13 <1 67 26023 2 54 6805 201939 15 <1 58 26768 1 73 6806 201941 13 <1 80 28319 4 140 6807 201942 12 1.06 48 42029 3 79 6808 201943 19 1.63 65 78010 5 125 6809 201944 12 <1 14 9034 <1 15 Dup Pd ppb Rock Cu ppm 6804 Pt ppb 15 PROCEDURE CODES: ALP1, ALFA1, ALAgAR1, ALCuAR1, ALPbAR1, ALFeAR1, ALZnAR1 Certified By: The results included on this report relate only to the items tested The Certificate of Analysis should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory AL917-0768-06/22/2010 11:30 AM Page 1