Annual Report 2001


Annual Report 2001
The G+J Publications at a Glance
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Druck- und Verlagshaus
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co 2000/2001 Annual Report
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Druck- und Verlagshaus
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Druck- und Verlagshaus
2000 / 2001 Annual Report
Corporate Communications +
Public Affairs
Postal address:
20444 Hamburg
Am Baumwall 11
20459 Hamburg
Telephone (040) 37 03-31 14
Telefax (040) 37 03-56 17
Vision + Mission
To be the leading journalistic home for the world´s most
fascinating magazines and newspapers.
To create original, reliable and independent content of the
highest quality. Our magazines and newspapers are distinguished by their outstanding journalistic competence, and
are enhanced by integrated online services. Modern printing companies play an integral role within our publishing
We are committed to
– journalistic integrity
– quality for our readers
– attractive target groups and optimal platforms for our
advertising clientele
– entrepreneurial spirit
– developing and promoting journalistic
and entrepreneurial talents
– a challenging corporate culture
– market leadership in core segments
– high profitability and long-term value creation
3 G+J 2000 / 2001 Annual Report
Gruner + Jahr in Figures
Magazines Germany
Magazines International
Printing Facilities
Central Services
Environmental Awareness
Culture and Society
Annual Financial Statement
Financial Situation
World Balance Sheet
World Profit and Loss Account
Attachment to the World Financial Statement
Members of the Supervisory Board
Members of the Executive Board
Most Important Holdings
Gruner + Jahr Addresses
4 Gruner + Jahr in Figures
Magazines – Newspapers – Printing Facilities
5 Editorial
“No other periodical publisher in the world is as internationally oriented as Gruner + Jahr. We inform, entertain and
enthuse our readers in 14 countries with over 100 magazines
and newspapers. Record investments in the 2000/2001
business year will secure the success of Gruner + Jahr in
the most important print markets of the world.”
Dr. Bernd Kundrun, President and CEO of Gruner + Jahr AG
Dear Readers,
In many respects, the 2000/2001 business
year just completed was an exceptional year
for Gruner + Jahr. Three outstanding factors
have shaped the development of our business: The end of the Internet boom with the
accompanying disenchantment on the stock
exchanges, the cooling of the economy with
the resulting weaknesses in the advertising
markets, and record investments in the future of Gruner + Jahr, especially in Germany
and the USA. We have prepared our financial
statement for the period from June to July
for the last time. With the year 2002, we will
adapt our business year to the calendar year.
These decisive developments took place
together with a change at the top of the company: On November 1, I took over the Chairmanship of the Executive Board from Gerd
Schulte-Hillen, who was appointed Chairman
of the Supervisory Board of Gruner + Jahr as
well as Bertelsmann AG. At the same time,
Angelika Jahr became Journalistic Director,
while John Jahr left the Executive Board after
28 years because of age.
With Achim Twardy, we have had a new
Newspaper Director since August 2001.
There was also a drastic change in the advertisement climate at the turn of the year
2000/2001. No one had expected a change of
this order of magnitude. The special effects
of the year 2000 on marketing and advertising, such as the numerous IPOs and image
campaigns of Internet start-ups, the takeover
struggles like that between D2 and Vodaphone, accompanied by their advertising
battles, but also such advertising-intensive
major events like EXPO 2000 were a thing of
the past.
As the market leader in Germany and as
Europe’s largest publisher of periodicals, G+J
profited especially in the 1999/2000 business
year from the growth in the advertisement
markets and the renaissance of printed
advertising. Like all other competitors in the
print market, Gruner + Jahr had to overcome
a massive slump in the advertising business
at the beginning of 2001. In the course of the
year 2001, it became increasingly apparent
that this would not be a short-term downturn.
Governments in Germany, the EU member
states and the United States repeatedly
revised their growth forecasts downward.
The uncertainties on the further development of the economy immediately influenced the planning and the mood of the
advertising industry. While the negative
effects were first noticeable in the USA and
Germany, they also reached France, the third
core country of G+J activities, in fall 2001.
Under such difficult economic conditions,
Gruner + Jahr made good use of its
strengths. Well-known, respected periodicals with stable and attractive readerships
are also a guarantee for success in a recessionary scenario. The value of the consistent
maintenance of our print brands was seen
especially in the 2000/2001 business year.
Most G+J magazines are market segment
leaders with all of the associated advantages.
Working closely with the powerful brands of
the print world, the multimedia products
from G+J also have the best opportunities for
acceptance on the market against less wellknown names. Even as market leaders, we
have had to adjust to the new conditions.
With the help of the “CAP – Cost and
Processes” program, organizational structures and procedures have been improved
and costs have been reviewed since spring
2001. At G+J, we have accepted the fact that
we will have to expect deteriorating conditions for advertisements far into the year
2002 and have necessarily had to adapt our
cost structures to the lower level of revenue.
Even the difficult economic situation did not
deter us in the past business year from adhering to our plan for investment in the future
of the company, well above average with a
value of Euro 1.306 billion. In comparison
with the previous year, this is a five-fold increase. Investments were concentrated on
the modernization of our printing facilities,
the launch of new magazines and the maintenance of existing magazines in Western
Europe and Germany, the acquisition of the
business magazines FAST COMPANY and
INC in the USA as well as the relaunch of all
existing American magazines - with the
exception of PARENTS. In the newspaper
business, G+J invested especially in the
strengthening of its market positions in
Eastern Europe and the further expansion of
These exceptionally high investments will
strengthen our market positions in our core
markets of Germany / Austria, France and the
USA: In Germany, G+J maintained its position as advertisement market leader
among the massmarket periodicals; in
France, Prisma Presse
easily defended position No. 2 among the
magazine publishers;
in the USA, G+J USA
Publishing now ranks
among the five largest
magazine publishers.
Advertisement and
circulation figures indicate that we will continue to improve
our market position
with almost all
The G+J sales revenues rose from Euro
2.934 billion by
Euro 108 million to
Euro 3.042 billion. The
result is a growth of
3.7 percent in sales. The turnover from joint
ventures to the value of Euro 114 million is
not included in these external turnover
revenues. Including the sales revenues from
joint ventures, the total external sales
revenues amount to Euro 3.156 billion.
No other publisher of magazines and newspapers in the world is as internationally
oriented as G+J with over 100 magazines
and newspapers in 14 countries on three continents. The foreign share of sales rose from
58 percent in the 1999/2000 business year to
62 percent in the 2000/2001 business year.
With GALA in Poland and Russia, CAPITAL in
Netherlands and soon in Hungary, successful
magazine brands have been internationalized
The News Publishing Group, of which
Gruner + Jahr is the majority shareholder, is
the undisputed market leader on the Austrian
magazine market. After the merger with the
Kurier Group and the sensational launch of
the new women’s magazine WOMAN in
November 2001, the News Group publishes
the 14 leading magazines in Austria – including the NEWS, PROFIL and FORMAT news
magazines, the TV-MEDIA television magazine and the E-MEDIA Internet magazine.
G+J is also continuing to grow in Germany.
With the parallel introduction of the LIVING
AT HOME magazine and the online platform
of the same name in fall 2000, Gruner + Jahr
successfully established the first print-online
brand in the magazine market after the
6 – 7 Editorial
With a circulation of over 220,000 copies,
LIVING AT HOME clearly exceeded our
already very high expectations. The
BRIGITTE WOMAN special edition appears
regularly four times a year after its great
success (paid circulation over 150,000).
The GEO family has also grown again:
Since January 2001, the GEO Magazine for
Children, GEOLINO, has appeared every
month with a peak circulation of over 170,000
most recently.
As a consequence of this expansion, the
number of employees rose by 816 or 6.7 percent from 12,130 to 12,946. The relatively
high increase in personnel costs by 12.4 percent to Euro 880 million is connected primarily with acquisitions in the USA.
The extraordinary high investments of the
2000/2001 business year have affected the
EBITA. In the business year just completed,
G+J earned an EBITA of Euro 260 million.
In the 1999/2000 business year, we were able
to earn significantly more satisfying profits of
Euro 451 million. The decrease of Euro 191
million has essentially the following causes:
Our multimedia activities incurred expenditures of Euro 97 million, which affected the
results. On the other hand, these activities
still made positive contributions to earnings
to the amount of Euro
39 million in the
1999/2000 business
year, partly as the
result of the IPO of
Lycos Europe. This
resulted in a net
decrease of Euro
136 million in profits in
comparison with the
previous year. The
worldwide increases
in paper prices had a
negative effect of Euro
15 million on the
EBITA. The decrease
in the advertisement
business because of
the economic situation in Europe and in
the USA accounted for
a further decline of Euro 47 million in profits.
In addition, numerous publishing investments were made. Nevertheless, G+J was
able to earn profits on sales of 11.7 percent in
its core businesses. Taking account of the
one-off expenditures for the multimedia
area, the result is total profits on sales of
8.5 percent. The surplus for the year amounted to Euro 40 million. The cash flow, which
best reflects the earning power and the
financial strength of a company, amounted to
Euro 277 million.
The top priority of Gruner + Jahr is to
consolidate and consistently develop our
market leadership in our most important
segments. In our main markets of
Germany/Austria, France and the USA we
will develop new segments in the print
market. Wherever promising opportunities
appear in the future, we will continue to
pursue them actively. In the future,
Gruner + Jahr will stand for the highest
quality content, printing and service.
Gruner + Jahr wants to be the leading journalistic homeland of fascinating magazines
and newspapers – we are on the right track.
Yours sincerely
Bernd Kundrun
8 – 9 Magazines Germany
“The magazine markets have been characterized for years by faster and faster
change. In this environment, continuous brand maintenance is just as
important as the courage for innovative publishing. Our credo is:
The highest journalistic quality for our readers.”
Rolf Wickmann, President, German Magazine Division
An example of the journalistic originality and quality at G+J: the GEO report “The long way to mankind”.
Reconstructions of human predecessors were prepared and set in scenes for photo shootings.
In the GEO editorial office:
Photo editors busy with the
selection of photos for the
next issue.
The stories in STERN are
brought alive through
expressive picture language.
This makes the coordination
of the layout a key task for
the editors.
In the German magazine publishing business, Gruner + Jahr successfully maintained
its very good market position in an extremely
difficult competitive environment. After the
record growth in sales of about 10 percent in
the 1999/2000 boom business year, the
German Magazine Division reported stable
development in the 2000/2001 business year
with sales of about Euro 800 million (excluding Corporate Trade Division, but including
the joint ventures NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
and MARIE CLAIRE, unconsolidated). Because of the weakness of the advertisement
market in the second half of the business
year and extensive investments, the operating profit was less than the results of the previous year, but nevertheless still remained in
the same order of magnitude as the year before. In a comparison over several years, the
magazine portfolio indicates steady growth.
G+J clearly remains the market leader in the
advertisement market and has been able to
attract market share in continuously declining sales markets. Investments were made in
the further development of journalistic quality but also into new magazines and marketing activities to secure and expand markets
as well as online versions of magazines.
Further development and
expansion of core magazines
The strong, established G+J magazine
P.M. and ELTERN – market leaders for years
in their segments – were developed further in
the past business year and were also able to
maintain or improve their positions.
STERN expanded its position as the current
German weekly magazine with the widest
readership with an increase of 400,000
readers (Media Analysis II/01). The structure
of the magazine was modernized and gives
the editors greater freedom for the arrangement and positioning of themes. The individual products in the brand family, such as the
special issues, and STERN TV as
well were linked more closely with each
other in appearance as well as contents.
With a stable circulation, BRIGITTE almost
maintained the same record level of advertisement revenue as the previous year and
gained further market share in the highly
competitive segment of classical women’s
magazines. BRIGITTE remains the unchallenged market leader amongst women’s
magazines appearing biweekly.
Through its conversion to a biweekly publication at the beginning of 2000, CAPITAL
was able to expand its turnover substantially.
Nevertheless, it has suffered increasingly in
the advertising and sales markets under the
negative developments in the economy and
on the stock market since the beginning of
2001, like the entire business press branch.
and IMPULSE magazines, G+J covers the
business press segment successfully with
innovative magazine concepts in a strong
market position.
GEO celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2001
and continues to hold a special positive position with a paid circulation of about 500,000
copies and a readership of 2.6 million. The
entire GEO family with the GEO SAISON,
10 – 11 Magazines Germany
EPOCHE and GEOLINO magazines continued to appear in the best condition after the
successful introduction of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC to the market. The attractiveness
of the GEO brand also permitted the
establishment and development of a
successful merchandising business with
books, calendars, etc. The GEO family,
and ART make G+J the predominant market
leader in the attractive segment of knowledge magazines – a segment which is distinguished by readers with above-average
education and income.
TV TODAY belongs in the league of premium
TV magazines. With a paid circulation of one
million copies, it continues to maintain its
position in the market for program magazines, which has been brought out of equilibrium for the past two years through continuous dumping by two competitors and exhibits substantial erosion in the circulation of
many magazines.
Successful expansion with
young magazines
The above-average increase in investments
for market launches and the unfavorable
economic developments as well as the
aggressive and, in the meantime, long-term
dumping and introductory prices in the
competitive environment have increased the
risk for new magazine launches considerably.
Nevertheless, innovative concepts have good
G+J was able to launch the LIVING AT HOME
magazine successfully in fall 2000. With a
paid circulation of over 220,000 copies and
very good development in the advertisement
business, this magazine is performing above
budget. The LIVING AT HOME online platform integrates online offers from the
HÄUSER and FLORA magazines.
launched simultaneously in three countries.
With a paid circulation of over 290,000
copies, the advertisement business has
been able to expand further in Germany.
With its GALA magazine, G+J successfully
occupies the growth market of the upperclass people magazines. With a paid circulation of over 340,000 copies most recently,
GALA is continuing its positive circulation
trend. The large format and elegant appearance position GALA as a premium magazine.
In the advertisement market, GALA reported
a growth of 20 percent against the general
market trend.
With sales of over 170,000 copies most
recently, GEOLINO was established successfully as a new monthly magazine in the
GEO family at the beginning of the year 2001.
BRIGITTE WOMEN, as a further new line
extension of BRIGITTE, achieved an economic circulation of over 150,000 copies sold
four times a year.
Further stable business in the
Corporate Trade Division
On the whole, the three sales companies
DPV, IPV and BPV were able to maintain their
satisfactory earnings levels of previous years
in a difficult sales environment with slightly
declining revenues. In the business year just
completed, the sales of the German
Magazine Division and the Corporate Trade
Division amounted to Euro 936 million in
Outlook: Expansion of the core business
As before, the objective of the German
Magazine Division is to secure and expand its
existing market segment leadership consistently in the quality magazine area. Further
line extensions of the strong G+J brands will
also be developed in the future. In addition,
new launches in the core and adjacent segments will expand our position. The continuing high investments will go primarily into the
editorial quality of our pages and appropriate
marketing activities. The online activities of
the G+J magazines will be oriented more
strongly to the print brands in cooperation
with the Multimedia Division.
In advertisement marketing, consistent
customer orientation will be strengthened
with cross-magazine key account support.
The G+J market research will support the
sales activities of the advertisement area
with innovative studies in the field of advertising effectiveness research.
In the sales market, the focus will continue
on individual sales, but also on the expansion
of direct customer marketing. The German
Magazine Division already earns almost half
of its sales revenues from its subscription
12 – 13 Magazines International
“With the introduction of GALA in Poland and Russia, CAPITAL in Spain,
and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC in the Netherlands, the internationalization of
successful G+J magazine concepts and brands has advanced further.
Furthermore, we took a large step forward in the USA: G+J is now No. 5
on the largest magazine market of the world.”
Axel Ganz, President, International Magazine Division
The editors of the FAST COMPANY American business magazine place people and their ideas in the foreground of their reporting.
The International Magazine Division started
the new millennium with far-reaching
strategic decisions and uninterrupted
dynamism. In France, Prisma Presse maintained second position amongst the magazine publishers. With the purchase of the INC
and FAST COMPANY business magazines in
the USA, an investment campaign began.
In the largest magazine market of the world,
Gruner + Jahr has the medium-term objective of growing beyond the No. 5 position it
has reached amongst the largest magazine
On the whole, the International Magazine
Division raised its turnover by about six percent to Euro 1.06 billion in spite of the sale of
its activities in England. The operating results
fell below those of the previous year, which is
to be attributed to high investments in the
USA and start-up losses for recently
launched European magazines. The core
business in Europe again earned excellent
results and profits on sales.
USA: On the way into the top group
Gruner + Jahr took a decisive strategic step
with the acquisitions of INC and FAST COMPANY. Gruner + Jahr now has a significant
competitive position in the third largest –
based on advertisement sales – segment in
the American magazine market. The activities of both business magazines were
grouped together in the Business Innovator
Group (BIG) founded in January 2001 in
After the management change at the beginning of the business year, the developments
in the USA were determined by a comprehensive action program for the modernization and repositioning of the existing magazines. The economic downturn which has
continued since January 2001 has had
serious effects on the advertising industry in
general and thereby on the advertisement
revenues of G+J magazines as well. Structural problems through the concentration of
the retail trade, stagnating to declining individual sales, rising advertising costs for subscribers and higher shipping costs from
sharp increases of postage rates continued
in the sales market for magazine publishers.
Gruner + Jahr undertook a radical step with
respect to McCALL’s, the oldest women’s
magazine in America. As the least read magazine in the segment of the “Seven Sisters,”
it did not have a promising economic outlook
although it had been improved continuously
in recent years. With the popular U.S. Talkmaster Rosie O’Donnell, the magazine was
converted into a modern women’s magazine
with a personality character under the name
of ROSIE. This step was very positively received by the market, especially in retail
sales, where it was possible to double sales
in comparison with McCALL’s.
After an editorial reworking, FAMILY CIRCLE
has appeared in a larger format since the May
issue. Further basic modernization also took
and YM magazines. These steps, which were
implemented in the first half of 2001, led
quickly to success, which was also reflected
in higher advertisement market shares.
In spite of the sharp competitive situation,
PARENTS was finally once again a solid
contributor to the business. This magazine
again maintained its market leadership with
circulation and advertisement revenues
among parents’ magazines.
France: A stable pearl in the
Gruner + Jahr portfolio
Prisma Presse maintained second place
amongst the French magazine publishers,
with an unchanged high rate of return on
sales which was above that of its most important competitors. In a market which declined
again, sales remained stable, although the
net advertisement revenue increased by five
The weekly television magazine TÉLÉ
LOISIRS was – as it was the year before –
a positive highlight. It regularly crosses the
circulation threshold of two million copies
and just barely reached it again on the
average in the business year. The development of the two high circulation PRIMA and
FEMME ACTUELLE women’s magazines,
which suffered declining sales figures
because of the market, was more difficult.
Editorial adjustments should lead to a change
in the trend in the new business year.
CAPITAL and GALA, magazines dealing with
the subject of food and eating, and VSD were
14 – 15 Magazines International
the standards on the
American magazine
market. Founded in
1996 and taken over by
G+J at the end of 2000,
this business magazine
attracts readership
through a new, young
view of the economy
and its main players.
The new launches in the past two years have
developed satisfactorily: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC achieved a circulation of 250,000
copies and is thereby one of the most
successful new launches in recent years in
France. WEB MAGAZINE continues to
dominate the newly-created segment of
online magazines and, in spite of difficult
market conditions, has achieved a stable
circulation of over 120,000 copies. FEMME
magazine, taken over in the summer of 1999,
was repositioned to become a modern,
high quality women’s magazine, which was
rewarded by the market with a growth in
sales of over 50 percent.
Spain: A year of anniversaries
Two anniversaries were celebrated in Spain in
the business year just completed: MUY INTERESANTE, the best-selling and most-read
monthly magazine in Spain, has now appeared for 20 years; COSMOPOLITAN celebrated its tenth year of existence. Numerous
international prominent figures appeared at
the celebrations. Economically, this was
another outstanding year which benefited
from continued good advertising conditions,
even if signs of the cooldown in the advertising climate were also recognizable in Spain.
The monthly business magazine CAPITAL,
which was launched in the fall of 2000, was
well received by readers – as well as by the
advertising market.
Italy: Strengthening of market
segment leadership
The Gruner + Jahr/Mondadori joint venture
also brought the popular technology magazine JACK onto the market in the fall
of 2000 to strengthen its strong market
position in the segment of popular science
and technology-oriented magazines, which
continues to be led unchallenged by FOCUS.
With a paid circulation of 130,000 copies on
the average in this business year, the launch
of JACK was successful. It spite of harder
competition, the circulation of FOCUS exhibited slight growth to reach an average circulation of 780,000 copies in the 2000/2001
business year.
Poland: Forward strategy with
new management
The Polish market is characterized by declining sales and the very aggressive marketing
practices of some competitors who artificially support the sales of their magazines with
gimmicks. In view of these conditions,
Gruner + Jahr had a satisfactory year in which
CLAUDIA was again the mainstay of the
business. For years, this magazine has been
the most successful monthly magazine in
Poland by far. With HALO, there was a magazine in Poland without satisfactory prospects
for the future. At the beginning of the business year, this magazine was replaced by a
Polish adaptation of GALA. The first four
issues of the new GALA raised circulation
from 255,000 to 300,000 copies sold, so the
paid circulation of this people magazine is
more than double in comparison with HALO.
Russia: Planned expansion of the
portfolio of magazines
Favored by the stabilization of the political
and economic situation, Gruner + Jahr has
concluded a very successful business year in
Russia: It was possible to raise the revenues
of our only magazine GEO by about 50 percent. With this background, development
work was begun on a second high quality
magazine and has been completed in the
meantime: GALA has also entertained
Russian readers since the fall of 2001.
Holland and China:
Engagement in new markets
With the very successful start of NATIONAL
GEOGRAPHIC in Holland and the opening of
our own representation in Shanghai,
Gruner + Jahr has pursued its objective of
being represented in promising markets and
systematically exploiting its potential for
Outlook: Optimization as the basis for
further expansion
After this year of long-term strategic
decisions concentrating on the Englishlanguage publishing activities on the U.S.
market and the massive investments in the
improvement of our market position there as
well as the launch of several new magazines
in Europe, attention will be paid to the optimization of the existing business in the
coming business year. This will be done with
the objective of making G+J International fit
for a new phase of expansion in its changing
16 – 17 Newspapers
“Over one million readers throughout Saxony depend on the
information. The SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG is the only regional newspaper in
former East Germany which ranks amongst the 10 most-frequently quoted
newspapers in Germany. This demonstrates its first class journalistic
competence – not only with local items.”
Achim Twardy, President, Newspaper Division
The SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG is the daily companion of many Dresdners.
For the Newspaper Division, the 2000/2001
business year was characterized by the expansion of the market positions in Eastern
Europe and investments in the further development of the FINANCIAL TIMES
DEUTSCHLAND, which was launched in
February 2000. The BERLINER ZEITUNG
clearly expanded its leadership in the reader
market as the largest subscription newspaper of the capital. Above all, the weak advertising market was responsible for the development of the results of the Newspaper
Division. Substantial price increases of the
most important raw material, paper, also
burdened the operating results. The Newspaper Division reacted to it with significant
cost reductions without restricting the editorial quality of the newspapers thereby.
successfully established on the market
On February 21, 2001 the FINANCIAL TIMES
DEUTSCHLAND celebrated its first anniversary. With circulation figures rising from
quarter to quarter – especially in the subscription area – and high acceptance among an
attractive readership, the FTD, a joint venture
of G+J and Pearson, was established
successfully as an inter-regional quality
newspaper in the business year just completed. According to reader analyses of decisionmakers in 2001 and AWA [Allensbach market
and advertiser analysis] in 2001, the FTD produced very good results in the target group of
young, high-earning decision makers in top
The “One Brand – All Media” concept was
implemented and developed consistently.
The online edition of the FTD has developed
to become one of the most successful financial services websites in Germany. It received
several awards in the communications and
media branches because of the services it
offers. As a financial services website, makes information available on all
mobile terminal devices – from Palm, through
WAP and PDA to the Rocket eBook. Furthermore, contents from the FINANCIAL TIMES
DEUTSCHLAND editorial brands are also
made available through the Print on Demand,
SMS and Radio as well as Book channels.
Continuing heavy competitive pressure
in the Berlin newspaper market
In the reader market, the BERLINER
ZEITUNG was able to expand its leadership
as the largest subscription magazine of the
capital although the Berlin newspaper market continues to be characterized by intense
competition. According to Media Analysis
2001, the BERLINER ZEITUNG achieved the
largest increase in readership of all Berlin
newspapers. It reached over 500,000
readers, 31,000 more than in the previous
year. The BERLINER ZEITUNG holds third
place on the list of the most quoted daily
newspapers in Germany, ahead of the
“Welt” and the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.
In spite of difficult business conditions –
especially in the capital city – connected with
rising paper costs and the weak advertising
market, the BERLINER ZEITUNG was
able to improve its operating results in the
business year just completed. The level
of the results is nevertheless not yet
The BERLINER KURIER tabloid celebrated its
tenth anniversary on October 31, 2000. With
firm roots in the East, this newspaper
maintained its position as the second largest
newsstand paper in Berlin. The editorial
range was extended with new topical
enclosures in the past business year. They
were very well received by the readers.
of the largest advertising newspapers in
Germany, enjoys outstanding acceptance by
the readers and the advertising market in
Berlin, it was especially affected by the weak
Berlin retail trade and the poor conditions on
the advertising market.
TIP was able to earn good results, similar to
those of the previous year. In spite of various
competing online and offline services, TIP
maintains its position as the leading city
magazine in Berlin and the largest city magazine in Germany with a paid circulation of
about 73,000 copies. A new field of business
was captured with TIP Edition, a high quality
brand of Berlin Guides on such subjects as
gastronomy, shopping and tourism.
The Bankgesellschaft Berlin acquired a
50 percent holding in G+J Berlin Online
GmbH in the business year just completed.
The editorial contents and community
services of the Gruner + Jahr publications in
Berlin and the financial services of Bankgesellschaft Berlin provide the best
conditions to develop the market-leading city
portal of Berlin further and to extend it with a
regional e-Commerce component.
18 – 19 Newspapers
The local editors in
Meißen at work on the
current edition.
Since 2000, the
has awarded the German
Caricature Prize. The
selection of the best
work is not always easy,
but it is very enjoyable
for the jury.
Konrad Adenauer Prize for local
The SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG earned exceptionally satisfying operating results. Its
regional publishing spinoffs have developed
well economically and realized their first independent products. The continuing loss of
circulation by the SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG
followed the trend of comparable subscription newspapers in former East Germany.
With a paid circulation of about 340,000
copies, it managed to maintain its position as
one of the largest regional newspapers in
For its first-class local competence, the
SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG received an award
from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation: The
second place prize for local journalism.
According to analyses by “Medien Tenor,”
the SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG is also the only
regional newspaper from former East
Germany to rank among the 10 mostquoted
newspapers in Germany.
In spite of the stagnating development in the
newsstand segment, the MORGENPOST
SACHSEN also earned a positive result this
together with online website
In the business year just completed, the
Hamburger Branchen was distributed free for
the second time to over one million private
households and companies in Hamburg.
The quality of the data and the delivery were
improved substantially, as was the layout.
Furthermore, G+J Media Sales extended its
business activities to Bremen. The Bremer
Branchen 2001/2002 appeared with a circulation of 310,000 copies and was accompanied by a user-friendly online website.
Strategic expansion of the
East European business
Together with various partners, Gruner +
Jahr publishes the newspaper with the
highest circulation in Rumania, EVENIMENTUL ZILEI, and the largest subscription
newspaper in Hungary, NÉPSZABADSÁG, as
well as the leading newspaper in Slovakia,
NOVÝ ČAS. Under difficult conditions, all
East European newspapers earned positive,
sometimes extraordinarily good results.
The publishing engagement of Gruner + Jahr
in Eastern Europe was extended further in
the past business year. In November 2000,
G+J acquired 49 percent of the Yugoslavian
Blic Publishing House, which publishes BLIC,
the largest newsstand paper in Yugoslavia,
and others. As a politically independent daily
newspaper, BLIC contributed significantly to
the democratic revolution in Serbia. With its
engagement, G+J wants to make a contribution to strengthening the free press in
Yugoslavia and to promote the democratic
development of the country. In addition to the
daily newspaper, the Blic Publishing House’s
broad product range comprises the weekly
magazine BLIC NEWS, the free city magazine VODIC, the puzzle booklet ZABAVA as
well as a pocketbook edition.
Through the introduction of the weekly
general interest magazine ČAS, the umbrella
brand NOVÝ ČAS was developed promisingly
in Slovakia. Through additional presence in
the up-and-coming magazine segment, the
readership and advertisement market can be
better exploited.
In March 2001, the most modern offset printing facility for newspapers in Rumania was
opened in a ceremony attended by the
President of the country, Ion Iliescu, and the
Prime Minister of Rumania, Adrian Nastase.
This new printing facility of the Expres
Publishing House has produced an important
jump in the quality of EVENIMENTUL ZILEI
as well as the free newspaper METROBUS,
which also belongs to it.
Outlook: Further development of the
established brands
In the coming business year, the Newspaper Division will pursue the development
of its established brands intensively. After
the successful introductory phase of the
penetration and the development of the
brand will be in the foreground. The regional
newspapers will be strengthened through
continuous, cautious improvement of the
page and marketing concepts. Further efforts
will be made to expand our presence in
Eastern Europe. In spite of unchanged poor
conditions in the market and persistent
economic efforts on the advertising market,
the Newspaper Division is pursuing its
objective of continuous improvement of
the results.
20 – 21 Printing facilities
Printing facilities
“The Gruner + Jahr printing facilities in Germany and the USA stand for the highest
quality and the latest technical standards. Expansions and modernization of all six
plants guarantee that our printing facilities will be fit for the future.”
Dr. Edelbert Schwarze, President, Printing Division
In spite of substantial price reductions, the
Printing Division exceeded its planned
results, which were nevertheless below
the results of the previous year. The unexpectedly sharp economic downturn especially in the USA led to declining revenues,
which were nevertheless compensated
extensively through good cost management
and a renewed increase of the volume
throughput. The investment program which
began in the 1999/2000 business year with a
value of Euro 500 million for the entire
printing area will be continued further until
the end of the 2003 business year. All plants
will profit from these investments in the form
of expansions and modernization.
Gruner Druck in Itzehoe:
Reinvestment starting to show effects
The printing facility in Itzehoe was affected
by the price reductions to a special extent. In
addition, the general economic weakness
had a negative effect on the size and numbers of the periodicals produced. Through increased sales efforts, it was nevertheless
possible to raise the print volume in comparison with the previous year. The cost reductions agreed upon as a part of the reinvest-
ment program as well as scheduled Sunday
work showed initial positive effects. A new
hall was completed for gatherer-stitcher
Dresden Printing Center:
Rise in utilization improves the results
The utilization was raised again by almost
10 percent to 92 percent in the illustration
printing facility of the Dresden Printing
Center. In the newspaper area, production
Continuation of the investment program
In June 2001, Brown Printing concluded an
11-year contract with Time Inc. In addition to
a contract which has existed since 1984,
Brown Printing now performs the printing for
a competing company. This new contract will
secure approximately 30 percent of the present capacity of the plant in East Greenville.
In Woodstock, the number of presses can be
raised by two to seven.
remained at the level of the previous year. In
total, turnover rose by 11 percent and it was
possible to improve the operating results by
32 percent after an increase of 43 percent in
the previous year.
Brown Printing Company in the USA:
In spite of the economic downturn,
results only moderately down
The unexpectedly sharp economic downturn
in the United States led to decreases in size
for almost all periodicals and thereby to reductions in the utilization of all three plants
(East Greenville, Waseca, Woodstock).
On the whole, the operating results declined
only moderately in spite of this.
In the Dresden Printing Center, preparations
are underway for the commissioning of six
rotary presses as planned in March 2002.
In the coming business year, the rationalization effects of the reinvestment program
will be felt to their full extent with the
start-up of the new 3.64 m rotary press at
Gruner Druck.
On the whole, the consistent continuation of
our rationalization efforts for the further reduction of unit costs will continue to be in the
foreground in the next two business years.
At the present time, development projects
are running in the fields of data management,
form manufacturing and logistics.
Top: In the form manufacturing at Gruner Druck: An engraving operator performing quality control.
Bottom: In August 2001, the new rotary gravure press with a printing width of 3.64 meters was brought into operation in Itzehoe.
22 - 23 Multimedia
“The gold-digging and money-spinning times are a thing of the past. In addition
to advertising, we are capturing new sources of income from paid and
premium content. The linking of printed media and online services under the
motto ’One Brand – Multi Media’ is at the center of our strategy.”
Stan Sugarman, Head of the Multimedia Division
In parallel with the LIVING AT HOME magazine, the Internet portal of the same name began operation.
It offers information relating to the home, garden, kitchen and hospitality, and also inspires cooking at home.
A young team of travel
experts and Internet
specialists working at
travelchannel to provide
the user with current
information on new
trends and interesting
offers in the tourism
The G+J online activities were bundled together on November 1, 2000 in the Multimedia Division. In addition to the responsibility for the online marketing, the venture capital business and such online brands as, it is also responsible for
the commercial and technical management
of the largest online providers of the
Gruner + Jahr magazines.
The online market in Germany was characterized in the previous business year by opposing trends. The disillusionment of the
growth rate and the potential of the online
business contrasted with continued rapid
growth in the number of Internet users
(growth of 59 percent to 26.8 million from
June 2000 to June 2001, source: @facts).
Online advertising was generally unaffected
by the collapse of the advertising volume in
the first six months of 2001, but continued at
a low level (under one percent of the total advertising market) and thereby remained far
below the original forecasts and expectations. In this difficult situation, Gruner + Jahr
was able to make above average gains
with its strong brands. In June 2001, all
Gruner + Jahr online services had obtained a
readership of 23.2 percent in comparison
with 16.4 percent in July 2000. With 3.16 million unique visitors in June 2001, G+J is located ahead of the other publishing houses in
the German Internet.
The centerpiece of the Gruner + Jahr multimedia activities, which were reorganized
at the beginning of 2001, comprises the
online services of the print brands and the
“One Brand – Multi Media” strategy. In this
way, two objectives are pursued: The bene-
fits of the high level of brand awareness and
the reputation of the Gruner + Jahr print publications on the Web as well as the resulting
potential for crossmedia marketing. For example, STERN offers advertisers the possibility to communicate their products and
messages to specific target groups across
almost every form of media. Efforts are also
concentrated on the distribution of high quality G+J contents on other technical platforms,
such as mobile telephones and pocket computers (PDA). The first paid value-added services like the Flirt Service from YOUNG MISS
and the SMS Reminder with TV TODAY were
realized in cooperation with the
mobile telephone portal (G+J participation
58.45 percent).
Furthermore, concrete measures to create
standardized technical platforms – for example, in the area of content management –
were initiated. In this way, the basis was
established for the exchange of contents
between the individual G+J online services
as well as for their networking. In the course
of the review of the medium-term and longterm prospects of all Gruner + Jahr online
activities, the IT solutions provider
KontorVisions was closed on July 11, 2001.
EMS: Online marketing at a high level
In addition to our own sites, G+J Electronic
Media Service GmbH also markets websites
of external customers, such as the online
services of the Deutsche Post. The focus is
placed on topic-specific online advertising to
qualitatively high value target groups with
customized advertising forms from the button, through the newsletter, to the microsite.
With this strategy, EMS has been able to
maintain its position as an innovative and
successful online marketer in the business
year just completed. From February 2001,
EMS had to accept the painful step-by-step
disappearance of its most popular search
machine, Fireball, in its marketing. In the
course of integration into the Lycos Europe
family, it will now be marketed by the latter.
In June 2001, the websites marketed by EMS
registered 114 million page impressions.
Corrected for Fireball, this results in an
increase of about 53 percent in comparison
with the previous year (74 million).
Taking account of a stronger orientation to
the needs of advertising customers who see
online advertising increasingly as an integral
part of their marketing strategy, online
marketing and the classical advertisement
business were meshed more closely with
each other. In contrast to pure online media,
G+J can make use of synergy effects
between print media and online services
through the bundling of crossmedia packages.
The travel platform, which is
specialized in package tours and last minute
bookings developed very satisfactorily. Otto
Freizeit und Touristik GmbH took a 50 percent holding in July 2000. In mid-2001, the
travel platform was able to book weekly sales
of over one million Deutsche Marks. The
number of page impressions doubled to over
five million from June 2000 to June 2001. In
comparison with independent German-language travel portals, travelchannel regularly
occupied top positions.
24 – 25 Multimedia
Computer Channel
The Computer Channel was able to consolidate its leading position as the central portal
for computer and Internet topics in the
German-language Internet. Because of the
weak development of the online advertising
market, the earnings situation remained unsatisfactory. To capture further sources of income, the site was extended in July 2001 to
include a shopping area in addition to current
daily news, hardware and software tests as
well as purchasing advice and databanks.
Although the first tests with special services
indicate the way to premium and paid
content, the willingness of the user to pay
for high quality contents remains very low.
The possibilities of success for editoriallyoriented pure online services therefore
remain closely dependent on the development of the online advertising market.
Business Channel
The Business Channel GmbH bundles the
online activities of the Gruner + Jahr business press and is also active in the Content
Services, Content Syndication and Financial
Services areas as well. The original approach
of an Allfinanz portal for the Internet, a joint venture between
Gruner + Jahr and the Direkt Anlage Bank
(DAB), will not be pursued further because of
a lack of acceptance among the users.
Gruner + Jahr will continue the Business
Channel GmbH with a new strategic orientation under the name of G+J Wirtschaftspresse Online GmbH. The finance portal will
be replaced by the individual brand sites of
the G+J business press.
Multimedia Ventures GmbH
This venture business was influenced very
strongly in the business year just completed
by the disenchantment on the stock exchanges and the end of the Internet euphoria. With the takeover of the majority
ownership of Vertriebs GmbH in
March 2001, Multimedia Ventures GmbH
(MMV), which belongs to the Multimedia
Division, was able to bind a company with a
high potential for the future to G+J. With over
1.8 million registered users, is the
leading mobile portal in Germany and develops innovative concepts for M-Commerce,
Mobile Entertainment and Mobile Services.
The know-how and the broad customer base
of should benefit all Gruner + Jahr
online services as well as other content
There were no changes in the existing participation in AG (42.86 percent).
G+J MMV holds a participation of 13.18 percent in FairAd. The minority holdings in Daum
Communications Corp. (11.18 percent) in
Korea and Yam Technology (5 percent) in
Taiwan developed positively. Because of the
concentration on the core business and the
general market situation, further expansion
of the venture business is not planned for the
time being.
Outlook: Connection between print
and online under the motto “One Brand –
Multi Media”
The consolidation in the online market will
also persist in the second half of 2001 and in
the coming business year. While the number
of Internet users constantly moves upward,
the online advertising market continues to
develop modestly. Depending on the study,
the estimates assume online advertising
valued between 175 million Euro (Zenith
Media) and 450 million Euro (Prognos) in the
year 2001 and between 255 million Euro
(Zenith Media) and 650 million Euro
(Prognos) in the year 2002. This corresponds
to one to two percent of the total advertising
market. Crossmedia concepts will gain especially in the distribution of advertising
revenues through the increasing integration
of online advertising in the marketing mix.
Furthermore, new sources of income must
be developed for solid financing of online services through Paid and Premium Content and
M-Commerce as well as Content Syndication
and Content Services.
Cost savings through the close linking of
print and online services as well as the
creation of standardized technical platforms
are indispensable for the medium-term
profitability of the multimedia business.
A concentration process in favor of brands
which are already known and established is
evident amongst the various online services.
Gruner + Jahr is outstandingly well-positioned with the online publishers of its
printed publications.
26 – 27 Central Services
Central Services
“The Central Services provide the operational units of Gruner+Jahr with the
necessary infrastructure for smooth business operations. Consistent customer
orientation and the highest level of flexibility characterize the Central Services
as a competent service provider.”
Dr. Martin Schuster, President, Central Services Division
The Central Services Division comprises the
Information Technology, SAP Center, Central
Internal Administration and Accounting
areas, while Personnel Development,
Personnel Administration, Finance, Financial
Statements and Taxes, the Legal Department, Group Reporting/Controlling and Paper
Purchasing operate as Staff Departments.
The Central Services see themselves as
customer-oriented service providers who
make an extensive range of services available
quickly, competently and economically for
internal and external customers.
Qualified personnel as the most important resource in the publishing business
The most important capital of Gruner + Jahr
is its people. Personnel Development is
investing increasingly in them with the introduction of annual employee assessment
interviews and development programs in the
form of nine-month to 12-month courses.
Furthermore, the possibility is offered to
complete a work-related doctorate or obtain
an MBA under a Fellowship Program. In
addition to the worldwide implementation of
the free “PCs for all” campaign, a new
employee-financed old age pension model
was introduced throughout Germany.
Under it, the employees can choose their
individual security for their retirement from
different components (for example, profitsharing, vacation pay and Christmas bonus
Improved efficiency through the
use of new technologies
The range of information technology services
offered extends from the support of terminal
devices, through the development and
integration of software systems, to the professional operation of Unix and NT systems.
A newly-founded department integrates
network and telephone technology (Voice
Over IP).
The introduction of electronic statements of
account and digital archiving systems represents the latest technical innovation in accounting. The cross-border Euro Cash
Management provides improved liquidity
control, through which interest advantages in
the entire Euro region can be used.
The Central Internal Administration has
successfully completed projects for process
optimization in the fields of Building
Management and Purchasing.
The online purchasing platform for goods and
services, the eB2B market place, is based on
the latest Internet technology. In connection
with bundling activities for the increased use
of synergy effects, general contracts for
office supplies and office equipment applicable throughout Europe were concluded.
The SAP Center increasingly markets its
competencies to G+J companies abroad.
As a national reference customer of SAP AG,
the SAP Center plays a leading role in the
implementation of new technologies in
Germany. Innovative technologies were
introduced in the Logistics, Advertisement
Management and Controlling areas as well as
Corporate Strategy.
Outlook: Further improvement of
customer satisfaction
The positioning of Central Services as a
customer-oriented service provider will be
optimized further. With the help of regular
customer surveys, it is ensured that all
services can be adapted flexibly to changing
customer requirements.
Potential managers at Gruner + Jahr regularly take part in courses with publishing-specific topics and development programs for personality development.
28 – 29 Environmental Awareness
Gruner+Jahr places great value on the sustainable production of paper.
The manufacturing of this important raw material is optimized ecologially from the
tree through to the finished publication.
In 1990, Gruner + Jahr had already anchored
its responsibility for the environment in its
corporate principles and thereby committed
itself to environmentally-oriented behavior.
A holistic Gruner + Jahr environmental concept oriented to the principle of sustainability
was implemented.
Environmental Management System
at Gruner Druck
The consistent pursuit of this environmental
orientation was the introduction of an integrated Quality and Environment Management System in the largest Gruner + Jahr
printing facility in Itzehoe. The facility received
its certificate in compliance with ISO 14.001
and 9.001 in March 2000. Process-oriented
and thereby practical implementation of the
Environment and Quality Management System guarantees controlled ecological and
economical optimization. The energy and
water resources are used as efficiently as
possible through the installation of the latest
state-of-the-art environmental technology.
The Gruner + Jahr printing facilities in Dresden, Itzehoe and Berlin not only surpass the
statutory environmental requirements by far,
but are also leading with the reduction of
paper and ink consumption.
As the most important raw material, paper is
the focus of environmental responsibility. The
manufacturing and production of the paper
used at Gruner + Jahr should be as environmentally-compatible as possible. From the
forest management, through the production
of pulp and paper, to printing and recycling, all
stages of the process are optimized ecologically in accordance with the latest state-ofthe-art technology. Certificates confirm manufacturing and ecological use of raw materials.
Gruner + Jahr has given preference since
1993 to paper which comes from ecological
forest management. 100 percent chlorinefree is the standard for all German Gruner +
Jahr magazines. The proportion of recycled
paper in our newspapers can amount to up to
100 percent. The office paper and
stationery used at Gruner + Jahr is also 100
percent recycled paper. With high value magazines, the recycled paper proportion can be up
to 15 percent and even up to 33 percent in special cases (for example, GEO).
Gruner + Jahr promotes sustainable
development of the Elbe region
As a publishing house on the Elbe river,
Gruner + Jahr supports the “Living Elbe”
project in an environmental partnership with
Deutsche Umwelthilfe e. V., an environmental
help group. Its objectives are the development
of a holistic concept for the protection of the
river from its source through to its mouth and
recognition of the Elbe region as a part of the
UNESCO world heritage. Communication is
promoted amongst the more than 400 environmental organizations active on the Elbe.
Gruner + Jahr provides its communications
know-how and also supports individual
innovative projects.
The “Living Elbe - Vision of a Future UNESCO
World Heritage” travelling exhibition was
displayed in 1999 at 17 locations along the
Elbe. In summer 2000, it accompanied the
Rolf Zuckowski Tournee “We Here on the
Elbe”. The first International Elbe Swimming
Day on July 14, 2002 will be a further highpoint
of the “Living Elbe” project. On this Sunday,
over 10,000 people between the North Sea
and the Czech Republic are expected to jump
into the cool waves of the Elbe and swim. The
“Living Elbe” picture book illustrates the
beauty of the Elbe landscape and its cultural
treasures. You can find further information on
the Internet at the following sites:, and
The close-to-nature structures near Boizenburg should become a part of the UNESCO World Heritage initiated by the “Living Elbe” project.
30 – 31 Culture and Society
and Society
Gruner+Jahr is not only the worldwide homeland of fascinating newspapers and
magazines, but also bears social responsibility in addition to its corporate objectives.
The promotion of the arts and culture is therefore an essential component of the
G+J self-concept.
For years, it has been a declared objective
of the Gruner + Jahr corporate culture to
strive for photographic quality beyond its
own newspapers and magazines. Such
Gruner + Jahr magazines as GEO and STERN
are among the few magazines worldwide
which give generous space to the photographic image and stand for high quality reporting photography. In the daily business of
the print media, it is not seldom that the
latest photos reduce their predecessors to
scrap paper to give priority to the latest.
On the other hand, time can be stopped in
the context of an exhibition and the symbolic
force of the photographic image can be made
so much more effective.
For this reason, Gruner + Jahr has supported
its own national and international exhibition
projects for years. In the perception of the
public, the publishing house is not only the
place where newspapers and magazines
are developed and manufactured, but also a
living forum of exchange and communication. Above all, the exhibitions in the
Hamburg Press Building are permanently
established in the cultural life of the city.
On the occasion of its 25th anniversary in
summer 2001, the GEO documentary magazine exhibited “The earth from above,”a project by the French aerial photographer Yann
Arthus-Bertrand. This fascinating portrait of
the planet earth attracted over 800,000 visitors to the Elbe Docks and the Hamburg
Press Building. The partnership with the
World Press Photo Award, the most
esteemed international prize for press
photography, is in its eight year. In a German
premiere, Gruner + Jahr honored the best
photographs of the past year selected by an
independent jury. In addition to moving and
disturbing pictures from the conflict zones of
this world, the exhibition also showed the
other side of documentary photography:
Fascinating pictures of nature, insight into
foreign worlds and photographic highlights
from the fields of art, culture and sports.
In July 1998, Gruner + Jahr founded Gallery
11 in the Press Building in Hamburg. Its objective is to offer young photographers a
platform for presentation and discussion.
In a building for which the medium of photography is of existential importance, just as
the written word, young photographers have
found an opportunity to present their work to
the public.
In addition to its engagement for photography, Gruner + Jahr supports the arts and
culture in other areas. Several promotional
prizes have been created by Gruner + Jahr
magazines. BRIGITTE presents the Bettina
von Armin prize every year for the most
convincing short stories. The Egon Erwin
Kisch prize initiated by STERN is considered
to be the most prestigious award for the best
German reporting. Starting last year,
HÄUSER magazine has supported the
architectural competition of the Reiner
Foundation for the most beautiful single
family houses.
The worldwide youth exchange project
Come on! is dedicated to the international
character of our publishing house. Come on!
offers our employees’ children the possibility
to spend the summer with a host family
abroad, where children and young people
playfully learn to deal with other languages
and cultures.
The GEO exhibition “The earth from above” could be seen in Summer 2001 in the Gruner + Jahr Press Building as well as in the open air at the Hamburg Docks.
Annual Financial
32 – 33 Annual Financial Statement
The Gruner + Jahr Group of Companies
Financial Situation
The equity and equity-like items contain
the fixed contractual contributions of the
umbrella company, capital reserves and profit
reserves, Group earnings as well as the
shares of other shareholders in the capital.
The Gruner + Jahr Group of Companies
Worldwide balance sheet as of June 30, 2001
34 - 35 Annual Financial Statement
The Gruner + Jahr Group of Companies
Worldwide profit and loss account
July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001
The Gruner+Jahr Group of Companies
Extract from the Attachment to the
Worldwide Annual Financial Statement as of June 30, 2001
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co is a majority holding
of Bertelsmann AG and is included with its
subsidiaries in the Bertelsmann Group
financial statements.
As the umbrella company, Gruner + Jahr AG
& Co prepares a worldwide annual financial
statement in accordance with the requirements of the German Commercial Code
although it has no legal obligation to do so.
Its subsidiary companies at home and abroad
are included in it.
Because of their function as the management holding, Druck- und Verlagshaus
Gruner + Jahr AG and its subsidiaries are
also included in the worldwide financial
1. Information on Consolidation
Except for 18 companies, all subsidiaries of
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co at home and abroad in
compliance with § 290 Commercial Code
as well as the Druck- und Verlagshaus
Gruner + Jahr AG with its subsidiaries are
included in the worldwide annual financial
statement. The companies not included
were of secondary importance, in compliance
with § 296 Para. 2 Commercial Code.
Although Druck- und Verlagshaus
Gruner + Jahr AG does not hold a participation in the Hungarian company Népszabadság AG, the latter is fully consolidated because Druck- und Verlagshaus Gruner + Jahr
AG performs the management function in
accordance with an agreement. Accordingly,
the scope of the consolidation was extended
in accordance with economic criteria.
The worldwide financial statement also
includes 53 additional associated companies
at home and abroad. They are included
with their proportional equity in principle
(equity method).
The financial statements of the companies
included in the full consolidation were audited
by their respective auditors in accordance
with the usual professional principles.
The audit certificates also cover compliance
with standardized evaluation methods
and correct inclusion of the national financial
statement in the financial statements in
accordance with the German Commercial
2. Consolidation Methods
The financial statements of the companies
included were prepared primarily as of the
balance sheet reference day of the worldwide
financial statement. The methods of reporting and evaluation of Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
(umbrella company) were also applied by the
individual companies included. An adaptation
of the annual financial statements of the
companies reported in accordance with the
equity method was not performed.
Internal sales, expenses and revenues as
well as lendings, accounts receivable,
accounts payable and reserves among
the companies included were completely
Intermediate results from supplies and services among the companies included could
be ignored because they were of secondary
importance with respect to the asset, financial and earnings situation of the Group.
The book values of the holdings were reported in the capital consolidation with the
equities attributed to them at the point in
time of the acquisition of the shares in accordance with the requirements of § 301 Para. 1
No. 1 Commercial Code (book value method).
The differences remaining after distribution
to assets and debts are reported as goodwill.
These differences are essentially reserves in
The holdings in associated companies are
evaluated with the amount which corresponds to the proportional equity of the
associated company at the time of the acquisition of the shares (§ 312 Para. 1 No. 2
Commercial Code). If the procurement costs
exceed the proportional equity, goodwill is
reported the first time they are included in
3. Methods of Reporting and Evaluation
The financial statements of foreign subsidiaries prepared in national currencies have
been converted as follows:
The balance sheets have been converted
at the average exchange rate on the balance
sheet reference day.
The expenses and revenues in the profit and
loss accounts have been converted at the
annual average exchange rate and the annual
surplus has been converted at the average
exchange rate on the balance sheet reference
day. The resulting difference is included in
other operating revenues or expenses.
36 – 37 Annual Financial Statement
Intangible Assets
Intangible assets acquired are evaluated at
their procurement costs reduced by
scheduled depreciation.
Financial Assets
The associated companies were reported
with their proportional equity capital in
accordance with the equity method.
The original supply rights which were capitalized in the opening DM balance sheets and
were evaluated at their going concern value in
accordance with § 31 Para. 1 No. 1 DMBilG
were reported reduced by scheduled
The other holdings were reported at their
procurement costs or, when the settlement
value was lower on the reference day, they
were reported with the lower settlement
The values of subject matter in use and
goodwill from the capital consolidation and
the application of the equity method were
capitalized and, if they exceeded a value of
DM 1 million, were depreciated on a schedule
over 15 years in principle. For goodwill in the
multimedia area, the depreciation interval
amounts to five years. As an exception to this,
goodwill (Euro 147 million) in accordance with
§ 309 Para. 1 Sentence 3 Commercial Code
was offset against the capital shares of
outside third parties.
Until fiscal year 1997/1998, the goodwills
were generally offset against the reserves or
the capital shares of third parties without affecting the operating result.
Material Assets
Material assets were reported at their procurement or manufacturing costs reduced by
scheduled depreciation. Movable assets
were primarily depreciated with the declining
balance method while immovable assets
were primarily depreciated linearly.
The depreciation rates are based on the
expected service life. In case of expected
permanent loss of value, unscheduled
write-offs were made.
The inventories were evaluated at procurement or manufacturing costs or at the lower
stock market or market price or the settlement value as of the reference day.
Accounts Receivable and Other Assets
Accounts receivable and other assets were
reported with their nominal value. Recognizable risks of loss were taken into account
through individual write-downs. In addition,
global write-downs were made because of
general credit risks. Accounts receivable in
foreign currencies were reported with the bid
price on the balance sheet reference day,
taking account of the principles of reporting
at the lesser of book or market value.
Accounts Receivable From Associated
Associated companies are also understood
as those companies which are not bound to
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co, but to its majority
shareholder, Bertelsmann AG.
Reserves and Items Similar to Equity
In addition to capital/profit reserves and
Group results, this item essentially
comprises the shares of other shareholders.
Pension Reserves
The estimation is based on actuarial principles with present values, taking account of
an interest rate of six percent in most cases.
The pension reserves in Germany were
calculated on the basis of the new 1998
Mortality Tables. The adjustment was performed in accordance with tax regulations.
Reserves for Taxes and Other Reserves
Reserves were formed for taxes, recognizable risks, uncertain obligations and
threatened losses from pending business
in accordance with reasonable commercial
judgment, to the extent of the expected
Accounts Payable
The accounts payable were reported with the
repayment amount. Accounts payable in
foreign currencies were reported with the ask
price as of the balance sheet reference day,
taking account of the principle of reporting at
the lesser of book or market value.
4. Auditors’ Statement
The auditors issued an unrestricted
confirmation of the complete worldwide
balance sheet of the Group of Companies.
38 Supervisory Board
Gruner +Jahr
Members of the Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board
Gerd Schulte-Hillen
Klaus Unger
Deputy Chairman
Birgit Breuel
Dr. Jochen Frangen
Max Gassner
Dorit Harz-Meyn
Dr. Tessen von Heydebreck
Bernd Köhler
Dr. Siegfried Luther
Rolf Schmidt-Holtz
John Vinocur
Michael Walter
39 Executive Board
Dr. Bernd Kundrun
Gruner +Jahr
Members of the
Executive Board
Executive Board
Dr. Bernd Kundrun
President and CEO
Axel Ganz
President of the International Magazine Division
Axel Ganz
Angelika Jahr-Stilcken
President of Journalism
Dr. Martin Schuster
Dr. Martin Schuster
President of the Central Services Division
Dr. Edelbert Schwarze
President of the Printing Division
Angelika Jahr-Stilcken
Dr. Edelbert Schwarze
Martin Stahel
President of the Corporate Development
and Strategy Division
Achim Twardy
President of the Newspaper Division
(since August 2001)
Rolf Wickmann
President of the German Magazine Division
Achim Twardy
Martin Stahel
Rolf Wickmann
40 Most Important Holdings
The Gruner + Jahr Group of Companies
Most Important Holdings Status November 1, 2001
100 % Domestic Companies
Domestic Holdings
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co, Hamburg
Hamburger Journalistenschule Gruner + Jahr DIE ZEIT GmbH, Hamburg.........................95%
Berliner Presse Vertrieb GmbH, Berlin
Berliner Verlag GmbH & Co., Berlin
Börse Online Verlag GmbH & Co., Munich
DPV Deutscher Pressevertrieb GmbH,
Ehrlich & Sohn GmbH & Co., Hamburg
Dresdner Druck- und Verlagshaus
GmbH & Co. KG, Dresden..........................60% Vertriebs GmbH, Hamburg ....58,45%
FairCar online-services GmbH,
G+J Anzeigenzeitungen GmbH, Berlin
Financial Times Deutschland
GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg ........................50%
G+J Berliner Zeitungsdruck GmbH, Berlin
G+J Berlin Online GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin..50%
G+J Computer Channel GmbH, Hamburg
G+J/RBA GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg.........50%
G+J Electronic Media Service GmbH,
M.C. Verlagsgesellschaft mbH,
G+J Multimedia Ventures GmbH, Hamburg
travelchannel GmbH, Hamburg..................50%
G+J Wirtschaftspresse Online GmbH,
manager magazin
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg .......24,9%
G+J Zeitschriften-Verlagsgesellschaft mbH,
SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf
Augstein GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg.....24,75%
IPV Inland Presse Vertrieb GmbH, Hamburg
Vereinigte Motor-Verlage GmbH & Co KG,
Stuttgart ....................................................15%
K+S Kundenzeitschriften- und Service- Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg
Foreign Holdings
MVF Magazin-Verlag am Fleetrand GmbH,
GyJ España Ediciones S.L., S. en C.,
Madrid, Spain ..........................................100%
Norddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH,
G+J Gruner + Jahr Polska Sp. z.o.o. & Co.,
Spolka Komandytowa,
Warsaw, Poland .......................................100% GmbH, Hamburg
Tip Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin
Prisma Presse S.N.C.,
Paris, France ............................................100%
VSD S.N.C., Paris, France.........................100%
Népszabadság Rt.,
Budapest, Hungary ..............................67,65%
Verlagsgruppe NEWS Ges.m.b.H.,
Tulln, Austria.........................................56,03%
Vydavatelstvo casopisov a novin spol. s.r.o.,
Bratislava, Slovakia.....................................51%
Expres s.r.l., Bucharest, Rumania...............50%
Gruner + Jahr/Mondadori S.p.A.,
Milan, Italy.................................................50%
GyJ Publicaciones Internacionales
S.L. y Cia., S. en C.,
Madrid, Spain ............................................50%
G+J/RBA Publishing C.V.,
Amsterdam, Netherlands ..........................50%
G+J/RBA S.N.C., Paris, France...................50%
G+J RBA Sp. z.o.o. & Co.,
Spolka Komandytowa, Warsaw, Poland......50%
Blic Press d.o.o., Belgrade, Yugoslavia.......49%
Living At Home Multi Media GmbH, Hamburg
Picture Press Bild- und Textagentur GmbH,
Información y Moda S.A.,
Madrid, Spain ..........................................100%
Gruner + Jahr Printing and
Publishing Company,
New York/Waseca, USA...........................100%
Gruner + Jahr (Schweiz) AG,
Zurich, Switzerland ..................................100%
Gruner + Jahr Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.,
Vienna, Austria.........................................100%
Gruner + Jahr ZAO,
Moscow, Russia ......................................100%
46 - 41 Publishing Facilities
Gruner + Jahr
Publishing Facilities
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Druck- und Verlagshaus
Am Baumwall 11
20459 Hamburg
+49-40-37 03-0
+49-40-03-60 00
Berliner Presse Vertrieb GmbH
Ullsteinstraße 89
12109 Berlin
+49-30-701 88-0
+49-30-701 88-178
Berliner Verlag GmbH & Co.
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 29
10178 Berlin
+49-30-23 27-58 65
+49-30-23 27-61 71
Deutscher Pressevertrieb GmbH
Wendenstraße 27–29
20097 Hamburg
+49-40-237 11-0
+49-40-237 11-219
Druck- und Verlagshaus
GmbH & Co. KG
Ostra-Allee 20
01067 Dresden
+49-03 51-48 64-0
+49-03 51-48 642800
G+J Anzeigenzeitungen GmbH
Grünberger Straße 54
10245 Berlin
+49-30-293 88-600
+49-30-293 88-650
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Druck- und Verlagshaus
Gruner Druck
Am Voßbarg
25524 Itzehoe
+49-48 21-777-1
+49-48 21-777-449
Verlagsgruppe München
Weihenstephaner Straße 7
81673 Munich
+49-89-41 52-00
+49-89-41 52-640
IPV Inland Presse Vertrieb GmbH
Wendenstraße 27–29
20097 Hamburg
+49-40-237 11-0
+49-40-237 11-215
Brown Printing Company
2300 Brown Avenue
P.O. Box 1549
Waseca, MN 56093 USA
+1-507-835 24 10
+1-507-835 02 38
TIP Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Potsdamer Straße 89
10785 Berlin
+49-30-250 03-0
+49-30-250 03-399
Ehrlich & Sohn GmbH & Co.
Griegstraße 75
22763 Hamburg
+49-40-883 03-401
+49-40-883 03-402
Verlagsgruppe Fleet
MVF Magazin-Verlag am
Fleetrand GmbH
Stubbenhuk 5
20459 Hamburg
+49-40-37 03-79 20
+49-40-37 03-79 51
Verlagsgruppe Köln
G+J Wirtschaftspresse
Eupener Straße 70
50933 Cologne
+49-221-49 08-00
+49-221-49 08-285
Expres s.r.l.
Piata Presei Libere 1
Sectorul 1
Bucharest, Rumania
+40-1-202 20 99
+40-1-202 20 10
G+J España Ediciones S.L.S. en C.
Marqués de Villamagna 4
E-28001 Madrid
+34-91-436 98 00
+34-91-576 66 55
Gruner + Jahr /
Mondadori S.p.A.
Corso Monforte, 54
I-20122 Milan
+39-276 21 01
+39-276 01 34 39
Gruner + Jahr
Polska Sp.z o.o & Co
Spolka Komandytowa
ul. Wynalazek 4
PL-02-677 Warsaw
+48-22-607 02 00
+48-22-607 02 21
G+J USA Publishing
375 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017-5514 USA
+1-212-499 20 00
+1-212-499 22 63
Gruner + Jahr ZAO
Office 806
16, Krasina Pereulok
Moscow, 123056 Russia
+7-095-937 60 90
+7-095-937 60 91
Népszabadság Rt.
Bécsi út. 122–124
H-1034 Budapest
+36-1-436 44 44
+36-1-250 02 50
Prisma Presse SNC
6, rue Daru
F-75008 Paris
+33-1-44 15 30 00
+33-1-44 15 32 02
Verlagsgruppe NEWS
Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Taborstraße 1-3
A-1020 Vienna
+43-1-21 31 20
+43-1-21 31 21 650
Vydavatelstvo časopisov
a novin s r.o.
Jelenia 18
SL-81278 Bratislava
+42-12-57 26 04 00
+42-17-57 26 04 50
42 Publishing Offices
Gruner + Jahr
Publishing Offices
(including former East Germany)
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Kurfürstenstraße 72–74
10787 Berlin
+49-30-25 48 06-50
+49-30-25 48 06-51
(not including Japan and Korea)
Godfrey Wu, MHI Limited
1305 C.C. Wu Building
302–308 Hennessy Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
+852-25 91 10 77
+852-25 72 51 58
Richard Brown
Victor Brown & Associates Corp.
15 Zorra Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M8Z 4Z6
+1-416-259 96 31
+1-416-259 96 34
Australia, New Zealand
Anton Gruzman
South Pacific Media
68 Victoria Street
North Sydney, N.S.W 2060
+61-2-99 29 59 29
+61-2-99 22 11 00
Denmark, Norway
Mark Hjortkilde
Adbizz Danmark ApS
Holte Stationsvey 14, 1st floor
2840 Holte
+45-46-91 00
+45-46-91 01
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
P.O. Box 900407, 60444 Frankfurt
Visitors: Adalbertstr. 44–48
60486 Frankfurt
+49-69-79 30 07-0
+49-69-77 24 60
Austria and Southern Tyrol
Erwin W. Luthwig
Gruner + Jahr Verlagsges. mbH.
Parkring 12
1010 Vienna
+43-1-51 25 64 70
+43-1-512 57 32
Hamburg, Hanover
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Postal address: 20444 Hamburg
Visitors: Am Baumwall 11
20459 Hamburg
+49-40-37 03-0
+49-40-37 03-56 90
Belgium, Luxembourg,
Ann De Muster
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Av. du Gén. de Gaullelaan 19
1050 Brussels
+32-2-648 18 40
+32-2-648 21 01
Yves Swartenbroekx
Gruner + Jahr International
Services Marketing et
Media S.à.r.l.
17, avenue Matignon
75008 Paris
+33-1-53 93 73 93
+33-1-53 93 73 90
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
P.O. Box 102661, 40017 Düsseldorf
Visitors: Heinrichstraße 24
40239 Düsseldorf
+49-211-618 75-0
+49-211-61 33 95
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Elisenstraße 3A
80335 Munich
+49-89-208 05-0
+49-89-208 05-200
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Wilhelmsplatz 11
70182 Stuttgart
+49-711-228 46-0
+49-711-228 46-33
Great Britain, Ireland
David Hardy
Gruner + Jahr International
Marketing and Media Services Ltd.
1 Golden Square
London W1F 9HW
+44-207-4 37 43 77
+44-207-4 37 43 78
43 Publishing Offices
Greece, Cyprus
Sophie Papapolyzou
Publicitas Hellas S. A.
32 Kifissias Ave., Atrina Center
15125 Maroussi - Athens
+30-1-68 51 7 90
+30-1-68 53 3 57
Hiroshi Iwai
Mediahouse Inc.
2-3-6, Kudankita
Tokyo, 102-0073
+81-3-32 22 78 11
+81-3-32 34 11 40
South Korea
M. S. Kim
Media Network
C. P. O. Box 6997
+82-2-37 02 17 91
+82-2-722 54 75
Hans H. Otto
Gruner + Jahr (Schweiz) AG
Zeltweg 15
8032 Zurich
+41-1-269 70 70
+41-1-269 70 71
Dr. Reha Bilge
Media Ltd.
Ali Sami Yen Sk. No. 2 Kat 3
80290 Gayrettepe/Istanbul
+90-212-275 84 33
+90-212-275 92 28
Mónika László
Népszabadság Rt.
Bécsi út 122–124
H-1034 Budapest
+36-1-436 44 55
(30) 95 47 429
+36-1-250 11 18
Carlos Simões
AJE Sociedade Editorial, LDA
Rua Baráo de Sabrosa, 165-A
1900-088 Lisbon
+21-811 01 00
+21-814 00 44
Paul Leahu
Infotrade S.A.
Edificio Pinar
C. Pinar, 6 Bis/3F
28006 Madrid
+34-91-411 33 14
+34-91-563 21 81
(not including Southern Tyrol)
Dr. Daniele Blei
Blei S.p.A.
Via degli Arcimboldi, 5
20123 Milan
+39-02-72 25 11
+39-02-72 25 12 51
South Africa
Gisela Albrecht
Intern. Media Representatives Ltd.
Private Bag X 18
Bryanston 2021
South Africa
+27-11-706 28 20
+27-11-706 28 92
Sweden, Finland
Sten Johannisson
Avisator International AB
Biblioteksgatan 29
Box 5019
10241 Stockholm
+46-8-55 54 00 60
+46-8-55 54 00 66
Percy Fahrbach
Gruner + Jahr International
Marketing and Media Services, Inc.
1540 Broadway, 29th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10036-4094
+1-212-782 12 00
+1-212-782 12 11
Germany, 1948
When the first edition of STERN
is published by the Henri Nannen
GmbH publishing house on August 1, with a printed circulation
of 130,735 copies, the Federal
Republic of Germany has not
been founded. Printed circulation
reaches its highpoint in 1980 with
2,021,115 copies.
The newspaper publishers John
and Dr. Gerd Bucerius (STERN,
Die Zeit, among others) merge
with the printer Richard Gruner
(Gruner & Sohn, Gruner Druck
GmbH) to become Gruner + Jahr
GmbH & Co. Gruner holds
39.5 percent, Jahr 32.25 percent
and Bucerius 28.25 percent of
the shares.
Richard Gruner sells his shares.
The ownership structure of the
publishing house is reorganized:
Jahr and Bucerius each hold
37.5 percent. Reinhard Mohn
(Bertelsmann) participates with
25 percent.
Germany, 1965
Gruner + Jahr takes over 90 percent of the Munich publishing
house, Kindler & Schiermeyer
remaining 10 percent stays with
the Owner-Manager, Ernst Naumann, who exchanges it later for
five percent of G+J shares.
G+J takes a 24.75 percent participation in the Spiegel publishing
house (Der Spiegel). John Jahr
(born in 1900) and Dr. Gerd
Bucerius (born in 1906) withdraw
from active management of the
BRIGITTE reaches a paid circulation of 1.4 million and thereby
becomes the largest women’s
magazine in Europe.
G+J acquires 15 percent of
Vereinigte Motor-Verlage GmbH
& Co. KG (Auto, Motor, Sport).
Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co.
becomes Druck- und Verlagshaus
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co. The first
edition of the monthly magazine
ESSEN & TRINKEN appears.
Germany, 1965
Bucerius exchanges his shares
in G+J against shares in Bertelsmann AG, which becomes the
majority shareholder of G+J
with 60 percent. John Jahr
(35 percent) and Ernst Naumann
(five percent) hold the remaining
John Jahr sells 9.9 percent of his
shares to Bertelsmann AG and
retains 25.1 percent.
G+J takes a 33.3 percent participation in Lübeck publishing
house Ehrlich & Sohn KG (FRAU
IM SPIEGEL). Bertelsmann AG
takes over the five percent holding from Ernst Naumann and now
holds a total of 74.9 percent of
the shares.
GEO appears with an initial circulation of 100,000 copies. The
printed circulation reaches its
highpoint in 1996 with 783,386.
G+J is the first German publishing
house to enter the international
magazine market: The Cosmos
Distribuidora S.A. publishing
Germany, 1975
HOY) is taken over in Spain.
G+J acquires the Parents Magazine Enterprises Inc. publishing
house with the PARENTS and YM
magazines in the USA.
The popular science magazine
P.M. developed by Gerhard
Peter Moosleitner is launched
in Germany.
The G+J School for Journalists is
founded in Hamburg. In 1984, on
the occasion of the 70th birthday
of the founder of STERN, it is renamed the Henri Nannen School.
G+J purchases the gravure
and offset printer Brown Printing
Company in Waseca, Minnesota,
The French edition of GEO is
launched in Paris by the Participations Edition Presse S.A.
publishing house (later Prisma
Presse S.N.C.), which was
founded in 1978.
HÄUSER and ART are launched in
The business magazine
IMPULSE comes onto the
44 – 45 Chronicle
Germany, 1979
GEO gets an offspring: GEO
SPECIAL, a magazine dedicated
to travel. After the successful
launch of GEO in France, G+J
brings a magazine onto the
French market based on the
concept of P.M.: the monthly
magazine ÇA M’INTÉRESSE.
Spain is also enthusiastic about
popular science topics:
PRIMA, the newly-launched
women’s magazine in France
reaches a paid circulation of one
million copies within one year.
Entry into electronic media
with a 50-percent participation
in Ufa-Film- und Fernseh-GmbH.
During the course of the year,
G+J thereby becomes a partner
of the private television broadcasters RTL, RTL2 and VOX, the
pay TV program Premiere as well
as various radio broadcasters.
FEMME ACTUELLE is started in
Spain, 1981
G+J completes the construction
of a new publishing building at
Baumwall in Hamburg. The
Ehrlich & Sohn publishing house
is taken over 100 percent. G+J
acquires a 24.9 percent participation in the Manager Magazin
Verlagsgesellschaft (Manager
Magazin) publishing company.
join the range of magazines.
G+J founds Gruner + Jahr of the
U.K. in London.
With the purchase of the
a step into the newspaper business is made successfully. Using
the same basic concept as the
French magazine, PRIMA is exported to Germany and England.
TÉLÉ LOISIRS is started in
France. The women’s magazine
MIA is launched in Spain.
Through Ufa, G+J takes a participation in Radio Hamburg, one of
the first private radio stations in
Purchase of the Californian printer Riverside County Publishing
Company by the G+J subsidiary
Brown Printing Company.
France, 1984
and GEO WISSEN come onto the
market in Germany. G+J starts
the women’s magazine BEST in
Great Britain and the people
magazine VOICI in France.
GEO appears at the newsstands
in Spain as well.
G+J founds an Italian subsidiary
company in Milan. The travel
magazine GEO SAISON is
brought onto the market in
On November 16, one week after
the fall of the wall, the special
edition of STERN “Germany –
Borderless Joy” with photos
of the peaceful revolution in the
GDR, appears. Massive sales
are made, especially in East
Start of the CHEMNITZER,
G+J starts the women’s magazine VERA in Italy under a joint
venture with Mondadori, the
Milanese publishing house.
G+J brings the German MARIE
CLAIRE onto the market in a joint
company with Marie Claire Album.
France, 1986
G+J España receives the license
for the Spanish edition of
COSMOPOLITAN. The STERNTV magazine starts at RTL, the
private broadcaster. G+J moves
into the Press Building at
Baumwall in the Hamburg harbor
area. The G+J Board of Management cements its environmental
awareness as a basic corporate
The newspaper business is expanded further: The Berliner
Verlag is taken over as a part of a
joint venture. The BERLINER
WOCHENPOST and the program
magazine F.F. are launched.
G+J also acquires the majority of
Dresdner Druck- und Verlagshaus, in which the SÄCHSISCHE
ZEITUNG is published, as well as
a 27.5 percent participation in
the Druckhaus Friedrichshain
printers. Furthermore, G+J
engages in the advertisement
newspapers in the metropolitan
areas of East Germany. The original East German magazine
NEUES WOHNEN appears in
former West Germany as well.
Spain, 1990
Italy, 1992
Directly after its launch in France,
CAPITAL becomes market leader
among business publications.
G+J takes over the remaining
50 percent of the Berliner Verlag
and increases its participation in
Druckhaus Friedrichshain to
55 percent. The LEIPZIGER
MORGENPOST is launched.
The popular science magazine
FOCUS appears in Italy and Great
Britain, and quickly becomes the
largest monthly popular magazine in Italy.
G+J Polska is founded with its
headquarters in Warsaw. The
women’s magazine CLAUDIA
appears on the Polish market.
G+J acquires a 49 percent holding in Nice Presse Invest (NPI),
which publishes the daily newspapers DÉLMAGYARORSZÁG
and DÉLVILÁG in Hungary
through a subsidiary company.
The prominent people magazine
GALA is launched in France. G+J
participates with 50 percent in
the Spanish editions of MARIE
Spain, 1993
The G+J participation in the
Druckhaus Friedrichshain printing facility is raised to 100 percent. The people magazine
GALA, the information illustrated
TANGO and the program magazine TV TODAY are launched in
Germany. G+J takes over the
investment magazine BÖRSE
G+J acquires seven women’s
magazines from the New York
Times Company in America,
including FAMILY CIRCLE and
Mc CALL’s. The women’s magazine NAJ comes onto the market
in Poland. G+J takes a 51 percent
participation in the Slovakian daily
newspaper NOVÝ ČAS.
has been published as a special
edition since1990, appears as an
independent magazine.
TANGO are stopped. 75 percent
shares of both SPORTS LIFE and
WOCHENPOST are sold.
and TVTODAY.DE , G+J starts its
first Internet websites and is
thereby one of the first profes-
Germany, 1996
sional providers in the Germanlanguage Internet.
The management magazine
L’ESSENTIEL DU MANAGEMENT is launched in France.
The women’s magazine HALO
and the cooking magazine
onto the market in Poland.
FOCUS starts in Poland; ELTERN
FOR FAMILY and the children’s
magazine GEOLINO, in Germany.
The French G+J subsidiary
Prisma Presse takes over the
weekly illustrated VSD. G+J
Funk- und Fernsehproduktions
GmbH is founded.
The Berlin newspapers at G+J,
The Advertisement Division
starts G+J Communication
Office, an Internet service for
advertisement customers.
The illustrated printing facility at
the Gruner + Jahr Printing Center
in Dresden and the new newspaper printing facility in BerlinLichtenberg begin operation.
Operations at Druckhaus
Friedrichshain are stopped.
Electronic Media Service GmbH
(EMS) starts the Germanlanguage search engine
also goes online.
The Internet program magazine
comes onto the market in
The US printing facilities, the
Riverside County Publishing
Company in California and the
Brown Printing Division in Kentucky, are sold. As a countermove, Brown Printing acquires
the PennWell and Graftek printing
facilities in Woodstock, which are
specialized in printing technical
46 – 47 Chronicle
Germany, 2000
G+J brings the women’s magazine GRACJA to the newsstands
and takes over the weekly magazine MOJE MIESZKANIE in
Poland. TOP GIRL, the magazine
for girls and young women follows in Italy. The weekly people
magazine ALLO appears in
France. GEO, already a successful magazine in Germany, France
and Spain, is launched in Russia.
G+J brings a magazine onto
the market in China as well:
With a 75 percent participation in
the Vienna NEWS Group (NEWS,
TV MEDIA), entry into the Austrian market is successful. FORMAT, the third magazine from the
NEWS Group, follows in the fall.
The G+J business press is complemented by BIZZ, the business
magazine for a younger clientele.
The Newspaper Division is expanded through a 50 percent participation in Expres, the Bucharest publishing house. Expres
publishes the national daily
shopping newspaper called
Eltern goes online with ELTERN.DE, while EMS starts the
daily newspaper search engine
USA, 2000
The new newspaper printing
facility at the Gruner + Jahr
Printing Center in Dresden starts
After 13 years, G+J sells the
to two Hamburg media
The GEO family continues to
grow: GEO EPOCHE, the magazine for history, appears. Under
license from the National
Geographic Society, G+J brings
MAGAZINE and complementary
products onto the market in a
joint venture with RBA, the
Spanish publishing house. The
magazine, which reaches the
newsstands in six countries in
French, German and Polish,
is a great success from its first
Prisma Presse opens a new magazine segment on the French
market with the Internet magazine WEB MAGAZINE. The Internet travel agency TRAVELCHANNEL.DE is started. YOUNG
Poland, 2001
In a Joint Venture with Pearson,
the London media group,
G+J brings the FINANCIAL
newsstands. This is the first relaunch of a new inter-regional
daily newspaper in Germany for
several decades.
E-MEDIA sets a new emphasis in
the segment of Internet magazines in Austria. The International
Magazine Division starts three
new magazines: the business
magazine CAPITAL in Spain, the
technology-oriented consumer
magazine JACK in Italy and
Activities in the English-speaking
area are concentrated in the USA:
G+J successfully enters the
American business magazine
segment through the acquisition
activities of both magazines are
brought together in the Business
Innovator Group (BIG) in Boston.
G+J withdraws from the British
market for strategic reasons.
With the LIVING AT HOME magazine and the Internet portal of the
same name, G+J starts an integrated multimedia platform focussed on the home, garden,
kitchen and hospitality.
G+J USA Publishing advances
into the ranks of the top five
magazine publishers in the USA
through the purchase of the
business magazines as well as
the relaunch of almost all other
magazines. The internationalization of successful magazines is
continued with GALA in Poland
and Russia and NATIONAL
GEOGRAPHIC in Hungary.
After the merger with the Kurier
Group and the start of the
WOMAN women’s magazine, the
NEWS publishing group publishes 14 magazines in Austria.
GEOlino, the innovative children’s
magazine from G+J, appears
monthly from January 2001.
GEO is 25 years old. The jubilee
exhibition “The earth from
above” attracts 800,000 visitors.
regularly four times a year.
Design and layout Agentur MedienMélange, Hamburg
Photographs Steffen Rother, Cover page Andreas Bock, P.5 Volker Hinz, P.39 Karin Rocholl, Richard Stradtmann, Christian Kerber
People at Gruner + Jahr
Status 11/01