1998 Collection
1998 Collection
Only 250,000 wilL be produced! Thi T};e Zippo Cm commemoratilJe lightl'r is d /imited edition coilectible, Availtlble only du ring 1998, jr-.sr 250,000 will be prodtt/:ed. )'ell-'; Collecrjble of rhe Year ft-JHtres a dcrntloo pt>Wrer rmdering of ,he Zippo Car and rhe Zippo Pcnmylliania Ilcense plar\:. The cOIIllnemoradve rill visua!ly chronides rh~ wlorfullmwry of rh~ famed Zippo Car. C98 $32.95 Armed with 1f/(Li.i;vr twm lighJ('rJ towering ahove its modest 1'00/ fine, (he distinetive Zzppo Car appMrrd in nearly ('ver)' major parade in the <,ouner)! in 1948 (md 1949. helping In !ke Zippo a housrhold name 0.0 {md the Zippo fighter a hou ehofd item. Tms yea/; rescoranon work lINiS ucre sfulZy compl('ced on a new Zippo Ca" which 1S Ort permfl11fnt displtlY I1t ,he Zippo/Case Vi ieor. Center in Brat/jord, Pennsyllia 11 ia. in recognition ofiu l)(JSC populmoity. zbe goodwill I:C generated. alld the memories iJ ooeaeed, Zippo presenes the 1998 Limicrd Edition (''ollectibLe ofthe Year ... the origillal 1947 Zippo ear! 0-98 Tim compacr. eye-e:u hinl) counrenop di_play 3nare; :t[ rht J' oJlecrihle cf (he Ye~r .111 oprimum viewlllg Jllgl . The JOLkabie ta.e lias 3 durable cry (al ac yli cover and a ecuriry mLJ le 1Il the back. COLLECTIBLE Of THE Y R Ont ofehe mos~ utide(y "''I"~lJ'lir~'" trlIJ"'JIObIÜ, 0 ,he '40s (lnd '5o.f, ,he Zrppo Car has been üml1.orl(l[j;r.ed ar (he /998 Limüed Edition Collrrtlbie ofthe Yrar. LEe, ßcarles Unired Colors oF Bene[[on Smirh & Wesson World CLIp Soccer NFL ZippofCasc Visiwrs Cenrer ZIP 0, LASS .4 6 J2 17 es This philo<oph)' provcd to b. msrNJ.mentai tri the 7~'ppo windpTooflighll'r aehiet;ing 30 .33 34 38 .43 44·57 ZipLigh[ Tape Meawres KJlives Key Rings .. ,.. . Srylus Pens/Pencils I'erfonner rens , , .45 .48 49 .55 56 .57 .. , - STO 11 58-65 Meta] igns Elenrical Displays Packagil1g 59 60 ,62 63 (,4 ACCC5sories ImlriLJrillg wh,dJ GCOIgr; G. Blai;deil jiJ!mded hi< campari)' hack jrl /932. 18 29 P CK T GI'FTS pacmr, (md metes! will ftllow." TharJ rbl' prim'iple 011 27 28-43 Chrome C1assics Paloma Marre Zippo SPOrts R05e Gold ProFir Panels "Br/lld )'Ollr produet: wlth integri!')\ , ,md behilld ir 100 j/:5 Jtatw lIi t7. world·rmowlll'd \'ymbol for qwdity, d~pendobi!ity, and fmonality. Thj" year, a mi/monl' is erlebra ted wirh thl' jmrod~iction of ,hl' 1998lJmitcd Edition Collectible-du Zippo Car-which reJ1.u rhe trlll' l"S.<ence ofZippo's hUI-geoning poplilArity in rh,' {aU 1940, tmd early 1950, With Zippo Se!ccts. )'01< get Ihr qualiry and deperldtzbtluy ofa ZlpPO i/1 doigllJ thar uho Jour persona.! Inlne;(Sev"phing ,'011'1 ,he Beatles t() tQ rbe Nd.tionat Football Üague the Three Stooge.< to )'our[a"o,-iu adult heverage. From jl1me, Bond to thl' brrmd lIew ZlppO/CfuC VisItors Cmter-rhere's sOl7luhwgftr evt'rJone. A ,rue C/riSS" rJellt'r g;ocs O!lf o[."yle. Wirh thai In mind. IV,' presmr Zippo Cla.s5iC'i, preriou, met.1'/1 finishe., WJth firne/eIS appeat. Zippo CVzJJJC5 expres.< JOllT style/Cl' n qfl11ne, bl'rause we guarantee .ha! "h works or IVI' fix ir fiu." Zip po Pocket Gifu jf(l/;',m a varü:ty o{pmc;im1 gifts made tO Zippoi exacting qLLality ,·tonß""ds. The hanJ.,ome design, wn/Je1llenl .ize, and reNable pl'rfonnance make a Zippo ..1111J" bfpt' IllNa! fntdllCi NfiN bt. fon b( rlJ(J~c /i1~ j1ll 11#' jrru Gifi orte 10 hT,,'jU~ . W)/.fft ""I//lJiä}:1) 1111' fii'Uof) d,/~ Throughollr thk year's wtalog, Joull/ind (l /Jarie!'), of f11«1k/U/lid f()lj(iJtl~",tr ;'111.,. Y' ~o (I} if ZI;'# WI,f!ti/ /,TlJtI,lrf. Po,.ke~ tl:mrgtr (I rt."g<f7J/('~ (flJt j~, r},,. :f('P.<lI' flj.rgr IYr 1"V"Jj'/~jt prod~l<tr nOW 0"" ßmJ/~ ~Ijltlrn:r li fr~/ ~~1t4mrrrll:nI T,S,••\'lr~l1lfj/tf _~J ,,",'. J~u j".-i.fir I~j;lf "j;W.J /Md ~.u JtldJ ~:., .. IN/~ .;lhl'T Ylt,hU UflJje/} flor'}' :''{ll,. JlIf:t<:C f/l1lt aV{l/'{able in rose gold, and a palelte ofIlew //laue fimsbl''<! .l1fPtlO'''':)1\'\I11!JJC!!JrI"Q1Ct>mpDI'l)' 3je;~SlI1(le1 f!"~.-.J PA ltl701 USA fke..-,,\Uji~ we ale ("OJUll1mly UllprOllUlg Ollr e.l:.. c:tly a.s dcPlCl.:d. rrr.,tlJuCl,)- Prl(CS JllJ Spt'CI(jcmOIl:o. Qlh,~[ For our Z,ppo rl'lai!en, we offir an attrruti/Jc ,eleetum ~ome J[~ms 11lJ.y' 1101 m ch::mgc w1rhoot of In-Store PromQ Ü01l5: displap, rigm, a,d promorümal J('lnk UNKe prodllas. along wlIh gemllne Zippo fiuid, flil1ts, and wiek,. ß EAT L E S (Woddwidc) 'r I '1 1'---- ~ No. 2501lTl, 70 '"he ßearl~ I.ogo High Poli5h Chrome $22.95 No 250ßTL 47,3 Magical Mrter)' Tour H,gh I'oli;h Chrome $33.95 No. 250BTL 471 Wich ehe ß "dei High Pohsh Chl"Of1le $33.95 o. 250BTL 474 Abbey Ro-ad High roush hroll1e $33,95 No. 2501lTL 472 Hard O.y's NIgll[ High 1'oli,h Chl'Oll1e Sr.95 BTLS-6 ße;HJe~ AJbum Gift. tl High PolJsh Cbrome $192.70 No, 250BTL 75 BTLS·2 Beadcs Glfr Ser ur;r l)e High P lish 'lu me $33.95 14 ...- H,lgh Pohsh $41.95 Chrom~ _ (C~l" lIl__ ... lll_ _ t.)lltlr. .. [n~~~.," [11~ ........ n=..,aooc._-_ lJiIDI"t1III ..... .QW1'C'!t . - -_ _ . _........".1 No. 254ßlITU93 ße~rJe~ AnrhoJog)" High 1'0['5h ßl'us.s $33,95 No. 236BTL 502 Rl'vm~ Th~ tl/bun, I:".htu ftllNt.rts n t!;"'.by.mzclr hsrmg fOl ihm album, earle.\ L19o1Emblem ßlack Crackte $28,95 Bc.des 11, ofI'Ilch Cusrom Sieeve Thrir nll,jsic WtU tht !'oundtraclr of eh SixmJ, The)· mflunlet'd our clothmg, our fJ.uitudeJ, and our llues, anti d?ll/Igl"rI POp~d(ir rm/Sle jim:uer Tht fOUl' lad> ß-om Uvt!tpooL art cdtbrdtf·d an (( Zippo)1 .ptlck ofpoh,htd chrome lighterl sprzrmmg the; mu,,,aI emur. The chrome fighters an' a/,o fJ.vtvlüblt: 'eptJmcely, aare rhe Amhology bra.J ligh>l'r (lJld the bind, crackle Beatles emblem hg/HCf. 1'' ' ' II ')9 Apl'k CO'I" I. i'Me<! All n~b" v,d A 11<.111.-; prodllcl h"mN by Appl. COrj>S L,m".d, • 'Ix,HI.t. '~ppl,' ,,,d rI" Apple logo >Je """,,nork, or AI'plc Corp' L""Jlcd. lITL)·8 $255.60 ße-a les palld IIH;hlde:o orl~ of eacb ligiller 51101<'11 plll5 pa 11 cl .mJ CLI rom header R0 CKAR T B Y S T A N L E Y M 0 U S E (W Idwide) No. 218M 478 No 218M 479 Fialn; ng Hors Tinwk.~ R1~ck Mme ;-.Jo. 218RA 480 G Unda Smr, fibek Mane $33.95 $29.95 No. 250RA. 476 C'pll.iJed Hi!\h Poltsh hrome $26.95 o. 250RA 477 More SalLlrda igh[ High Polish Chrome $26.95 No 21 RA 476 Caprured Uhek Mane $26.95 No 2UlM477 One More arllrday Nighi ßlilck Mane $26.95 l\Jack Maue $25.95 No. 218M 481 ßllle An eI ßh,ckMane $31.95 No. 218RA 482 Dead Fal1li!y A.lbum Black Mam $30.95 No. 2J SM 483 Sreppel1wolf Black Marre $25.95 0, 250M 478 Flaming Horse I:'hgh PoJish Chrome $25.95 o. 250RA 479 Tlmek~~ High Polish Chrome $33.95 On~ o. 250RA 480 Cal Under Srars High Pohsh hrome $29.95 M-B $232.60 Jududes One of earn black matte lighrer sh jwn plus panel 31ld CU$com head'l. SVlnlq Moust' hr;s rrefllrd some 01thc mOJt memomiJle i1i!ag('$ m rock mIMC. HI.< aLbum <,over deJ1gns. posrer illustratiom, arid book ova 111'1: bald, (oLorfuL, and .<urpriJliIgly dermkd. Zippo pn:smtJ a rdC(fiol1 ofsom.e ojSttmll!J1 Mou;e~ gmuest No. 250RA 4 1 No. 250RA 482 Bille Angel Dc~d Hlgb Polish Chrome $31.95 High P I;;h" Chrome $30.95 Fal1lilv Album NI . 250M 4 ., S[eppcl1wol F High l' lish hrome $25.95 hin. The/rl! pnfta 10" g;fi-gillmg 4nd wnrert-goil1g. UNI TED C0 L 0 RS 0 F BEN ET TON No, 250B T 401 Conrintm High Pohsh Chrome $23.95 ,.;; (Worldwicle) No, 250B T 402 ColorEnl COllllllelH High Polish dll'ome $25,95 High Poli h Chrome $24.95 o. 250ßNT 404 Globe High Polish Chrome 25.95 (bac .) (from) (back) No. 250BNT 403 World No 250BNT 405 Squares High Pobsh Chrome $27.95 -:::;; (front) 250ßNT 406 (ircb High Polish Chrome $28.95 o. 250BNT 407 Triangles High Polish Chrome 29.95 '0 0.250ß T 40 Rainbuw High Pohsh Chrome $31.95 BNT-8 Btnerton Custom Sleeve $219.60 Panel indude.s one of earh hgh rer -hoWIJ plu p~od and (UStOIO ueader, OfSflflJl1/mtt.rt'Jf ret l-/(I ·1,1 1: rhr m{t1~/tllDtlJ ttf ,am 7Jppn IUtlulprruljllgJm:1 11 IrtnUt...'! by thrfiU:l(J}''f Nump IUJ tnr Imrtrrn/ afrht: "ur:. n roll- Hld'~';f(J monr/) rltd l;"r of '1Ul1lIrfi1!1Ul,( I" obt.ml aJr"~ ~JPIW 11ghm Calk.lUU f GUld(, (0/1(814) 368-2 700. , f[<IX Lkp' eLe (814) J6,,-2dA S TOLl CH NAYA® V0 0 K A (Worldw,dt) Sml"" R"l"," Vodk" SToll~ Oh'''''1 odk" Slol,<hll:"'OO Voab 10. 250SV 366 'roliO) Ruher; Vodk., High Pollsh (hr me $32.95 No. 21BSV 3G7 S[ol,m Ol.ranj Vodk·. Bbc!( Mam $35.95 Ale H A AD WALL ICH o 20 RW 390 No 200SV 3 9 Srolidlrlayo.'" V(.db ßr\lsh hrome $20.95 o. 200RW .'ln S"xopl'IOllt I1nlsh h"0I1~ $31.95 Gui!;lr p·w!~,. (Worldwide) ßnlsh Chrome 0.2 ORW 391 P"1I10 I3rush Chr me $$ 1.95 $31.95 Dnlll1~ o 204ßSV J68 Sroliclll\;)),<,"" Vodk., ßrm Brush I3rass $24.95 No. 200RW 3 3 ßrtJsh Chrome $31.95 Rkhard Wal], h (IIS[OI11 SJ~~ve From his Jtudio ne;tkd in du: PtUUl'~Jqtlr Rorky /vfountnil'l.J, ImpremomJt ams, Rirhard \·'?'alhch usc.' hk pa/eue krtift to Cmu lI/md, powufitl mUlge,y rhTough (. (oroummnu jusroll of brillürnl, bold color;. In reunt ycal'l, lht NattOrwl Football Leog1 , Major L.·I1gr.1C Ba.;eba!~ tbt Kmt:'IJcky Dtrby, ns c'orp(l!"I1.tio", sud? 11.1 111~!! ns major R.j. Rqn.old., Amuici1>/ Alrlinel, (md Castrol Moror Gi! hlilH: mpped his gwu ta!ml fiT nunTief] o/proJecu TfJil')'~nr, ZtppO commlwOl1td \'(Inlbrh Jor 11>/ exclusllJr mies 0 wodu re!ebrrlrmg Ihe splendar orsrmg. RW-8 luchJde. rwo of each Irglllcl shown plus pand dnd cusrom header. $255.60 RE 0 0 0 G (AY~Jbblc in U A, Germ:rnv. ~nd U ollly) .)199 l'I"IJ,k RO.\d ß"", " NI n~hn ~ ...·«l I'rod,,,<d lllld<, "".".. In z,ppo · t •• No 2JRRD %9 Red Dog:ll I1b 'k /I -.me '2t.95 No. WIRD 970 I~ctl Out: #2 ßlack M.me $20.95 D N( 2')OIW., <I ({ed Dog HI·,h Pol.,11 'hr{,mc 20.5 R 'l8·8 Ine lide' [W or ~:\lh hghler sh 'n piliS p.,nd .,nd (Usrom he~del 2'0 D 385 d og H,·,h I ohsh ehr me 20.95 '0 MI L LER (A 3113ble 11\ U. A. cnll~1I '. ~lId 111, ) "1998 l,lkr ß""",S C","pJn. 11 ".hr. ,,",tl'\-.:J MILlO' INw NOCOfr,l..-'tT iIIENlHOll fOn.t-.1 V ~>OU 1", 0, 250MB 9 . 1,IIer Lire High Polish hrome $21.9 o. 250MB %6 Mdler .emune Dr~ r loh P lilh Chrome $22.95 o. 204ß]\lß 394 MIliel ßr.1SS J:.mblem 0.2 MI1395 Millel P<WIU Emblem BfllSh I"IrJ5S ßrmh Chrome $21.95 $25.95 169.60 A NHEU S ER - BUS CH (Available Ul USA and C3nada only) N(). 2'iOAß 6\ 1 BudwEiser C1}'d~sJal~ Hors"5 'High Polish Chrome $23.95 O. 250Aß 609 A-ß Eagle Pewrer H.gh Poli,h Chrome $24.95 o. 254SAß 612 A-ß Eagle ßrass Hizh Polish Srass $27.95 ..~-- No. 250AB 613 Budwci5~r Iv<.ksdaks 'High Polish Ölro,n~ $20.95 C'J",U • _ ~ o. 2J4Aß 614 ßudweiser Kmg of ßeers Whi[e Mane $20.95 N . 250Aß 995 Budweisa Hizh Pollsh Chrome $22.95 AB98·8 $189.60 lnducleo on~ ofach Allheuser- Busc[, Jighter showil phll pand 3nd custom he<lder. .Je (',I 199~ "rlheLlst'· B\\,,,h I"Co '-"" '- ßUD96--2 ßlldweiser Gift Se( $36.95 Oflia:JI) '''-''lISrd pruJlIrl " p"""g<d '" lippe IIldl'"Jdwl 1"1 ""'"p'." ""Jod. J 1MB EAM 0, (Worldwide) 121FBJB 30 No 250jB310 '1. J"" Jim 13eal11 Borde Annque Silver Plar. S3l.95 11.,1111 Colonel Hi~h Pohsh Chrome $25.95 rJll C'XCl!pT .1) CAMEL logo''', (h( Jun Ut'''I01 bOHle de)!,l;lI 1M JIC lI.K"d llnael 111.:(115(' trum 11m ßc!JI1l ß~nd" Co notC"J JßL-2 Jjm Be:l1l1 Gift \"1 4 .95 JIIlt ßeam Cu-\rom leeve (Avaibblc onl). in U- A. Lmn Amenc:m :1I1(J ~a.rem Europe:u) marker,) No. 237CMl 251 C.UlIei Joe III Window 1'urple Marre $28.95 0,239C R 255 ;Imd jo on Handleb3fS avy Murre $36.95 ~1998 No 2- BJß 9-9 Jion Be.11Tl Br. < Emblem High Polish Bras~ $29.95 Th. ".J.lnJI!<, Jm, B<>nl~ .• ile '\'''''<cr$.1'' ( ffic, 11. li""""d produ r " p,d'geJ "' 7Jppo Il1dlVIJ\ltll 250jß' 21: Jim B.am Pew,c, Ellblem High Poli h hroone $26.95 No. 200CML 252 N .21 CML _54 C.me! Pack G pille., C(eam Iarre $2 .95 amd Joe Pool Pbyel ßru.,h Chrome 25.95 No 23'lCML 256 urne! Joe Flshill~ Naw Mane $30-95 • 0.121 ßCML257 P""'te1 Bea.r Emblem A,l[1qu~ ,lv r Plare $31.95 CML~) . Illdllde.\ one (.reh Ilghr« sho" plu pand ,Jnd ClISrOll1 beader ur 0.25 ML 5 Joe Monn Jnd Murorcycle HIgh P hsh Chrom $35.95 RJ. RoYlloIJ$Tob.ILC \A>. \V;3.rnrng' All pn,xhlaS.lfl: IIUIHtd b~ [he ownm 01 dl(~ [[Ad~nl:lrksor(Op)'rlghrcd mJ.T(nal t1rprUl!d AI\\'lituU{hori1~d l(prO 1It:1\c11. Jl)mbuu nur l(st. vf lhc l~ CJ1urk!. or copvnghrö:.i In:Hl'nJ.1 m~r Ge sublC'(t 10 ~\"l:r~ {nlllll1;t1 .Hlli ('lVI) pcnaJrlC'$ Produet! r1l1~ counrcl'"&.:1U nl.l}' bc ~CH,C"J withoul ,ut .Hiet. IICmcr $243.60 11 Camel CusrOIll It ~ve C0 LT F IRE ARM S N . 200C 4 7 Coh Bm h brome $19.95 (Worldwide) o. 200C 61 Colt Pewter blem Brush hrome $2J.95 .2 C 61- No 204BC 6\ Colt Brass mblem ßnlsh Bras5 Coir Pea em:.ker High Polish Chrome $25.95 $22.95 o.254ßC61G Colt :lnd $:l111 Coir H.gh Pol ish Br:ls5 22.95 COLT·2 Colt 9 Girt Set $ 3.95 Col~ I.> • '<f,l!tmd ".dem"k of Ne" Colt Hol..hng Co, p. L UCK Y S TRI K E No. 2'0 98 B IIsere Klgh Polish Chrome $21.95 COLT98·8 $179.60 Includes tWO each: 200C 87, 250 GI 5, _5 BC 61 G; olle e.lch: 200 617. 204 BC 61 plus panel and ClI~tOl11 header Worldw. e excluding Japall No. 50 Bullscy 499 Hi~ Polish Chrome $22.95 and Germall ) o. OOLS 500 ßlillseye ßrush'C! rome 18.95 No. 250LS 50 I er Llicky High PoLsh hrome_________ $25.95 ,-- Luck} Srrike 10m Sieeve Cu UtC Sm e 15 :1 cesl.nC'~d {[Jd~IIl3.rk of BrI",..n & \'(Iillla",~n lobAc,,:o Corpoc:U(OIl U A Officull" )I(c-mru prodl1c[ lS plldogtd. 11'1 Z'ppo IlldlvlJUJI ein G.t."tpr 115 I1Uli:cl. J AC K DAN I E l' S (Av~ibble olli). III USA and Llllllfed Terrironesl IEl~ JACK 0'1 rs ARLGISTE.RW tRADeMARK r .IACK DANIEL 01SnI I ER\'. LEMMOfLOW r[<or \Jo 2S0JD '121 logo High Polish Chrowe $20.95 No_ 218JO 425 jack.1 Are ßeuer ßlack Matte $23.95 o 254ßJD 321 Lugo lligh Poil;h ß~.lSS $22.95 No. 21 ßJD 3]8 Logo BhckMar e $20.95 . 254ßJO 424 All Goodl Wonh Hl~h 'oltsh Br~~~ $25.95 No_ 2] ßJD <l:26 Jack Rocks ßhck M~ne $23.95 No 250JO 427 Label-PewrN Emblem High Polish Chmme ubd-B.ws Elllbltlll $26.95 [1'(: Jad, O.niel's Cmrom Sieeve No. 2S .3JO 42 High Polish Grass $29.95 jO-2 Jad< l)""id', Gifr _e\ ßLlck M~m $34.95 JO-S SMIT H & WES S 0 N (WorlJ.\ kie) No. 250SW .~03 Smirh & Wesson High Pollsh Chrome $20.9" No. 250SW 304 Sl11llh & WeSSOll: American Tradition High Polilh Chrom $20.95 $195.60 lncludes olle or e.ch Ilgluer ShOWIl pllll p~nel ,Uld Cllsrom !leader. No_ 200SW 305 No. 200SW 3()(, .44 Magnull1 .357 llmsh Chrum< $21.95 ßrusJ Ch"Oll1e 521.95 M~gn,,,n Ltl..Cllscd tl ~n\lrh 'V;/e-sSOH CoqJ Jdcm.uk or BRICKYARD (Wo N ,250LM 36 ßrid l':lld 400?S Logö HiGh Polish Cbrorne $21.9 rldwld except J:lpan) ö.2 IM 237 ßri< kyard 00 Troph)' I1lsh Chröme $19.95 I N 0 Y (Worldwioe exct'pr I an) 0.21 IMS 234 1no 5 0 I~' 8 ßI.c1· M~m $22.95 0.25 IM lndi:uuJwlll MOlör $pc:<d a High Poli<h Chrome 25.95 INDY RACING lEAGUE (Wolldwiele excepr Japan) 0.2-011'11$ 593 Indy Raclng Leaglle Logo High P,)li,h Ouolne $20.95 o. 50lM S'l lndy RXlllg l.c:lgllc '~!l HIgh Puli hehr me 21.95 IRL - Indr RJClIlg l.C,lljUC ßnlSh C1,rom $30.95 Gift Ser oA Y TON A (Worldw.dc) 0, 2241,C 23) DayroHa 100 '98 ",d,silvcr Maue $25.95 200lSC 235 500 '98 ßr~.lh Chron e 1\'0 D~vrol\~ $22.95 o. 2'ON 7 9 D.tyrolla TraclHigl Polish Ch'ome $23.95 D D"yrOH<l 500 '')8 irr cr Ql;ick~.ll'el M;mc $51.95 O:'tttrUl:\ p,()duc.t~ .. ~ n'glsn;-ruJ IMllrrTl~uks of lnttll' m01l:') ptedw:w '01 ~or:'(1on anci mtd ul,d~'1 IiCtll'\C b~ [hr1on1 PrnpcrtL(') eHE VY (Av:l,lable 01 I" III USA, Can ti.\ 'l"d i'v1e~1CI)) -= (.~11UjllC' Th~ Chcvroh.t. n·CI[t. l·kll,I)<., "fAm."",. .md <"h(\'\' rr\.c1,~ ~I( 1 rJ<I<I1l.orks 01 ehe, 'ni.. MOh)J DI\o'\SIOIl. Ct:n Inl M"1015 Cor llOt ,I nOI\ .uld I',cn,c,i 10 ZlppO ?,-1.31,uf.li..cunng C()(\\I\''lll'( No. 2')OCH 2'\ ChewTh\ll.d r f-Itgh'PoJish Chr $27.95 o 21SCH 2.39 Jnc. C levy Rcpclred Logo Blac.k Mmc S22,95 No. 25 ßCH '79 Genuine Che,,)' HIgh Poh.lh ßmss 22.95 No. 250CH 9'6 Heu, r f A'nen :l High Pokh Chr me $19.95 CHEVY·2 CHVY9· ]oclt,des rw or cach lighru show" plus pand al1J cusroon hcadel. $18 .60 Chevy Gi et Bno~h CJlI'OIllC $28.95 F 0 R0 (Worldwide) o. 250F 398 Ford Moroe Co. High Poilsl Chrome $19.95 No 200F 397 Ford Tmcks Brusll Chrome $24.95 FORD98·g Illdlldes rI'o of e<tch light<r above. phis p~lld alld ClJlrom IIC<\der No. 250F 957 Ford Oval High Polish Chlome $19.95 o.250P 58 Ford High Polisl\ Chrome $19.9- OfliClally IlCell,.,j P'OclllC< 'S p-c ag<cl In z,ppo IndNldu,,1 «" '<C'pr " nO<od. Oll,oi,lI)' 1'«Il~.d Z'Ppo Motor PO'" on .1. ClISfom h~'lT<IS FORD98·2 FQrd R.\~ing Gife er ßnlsh Chlome $29·95 'ff ,1,0, ,1I,bk MororSporrs lJlmeJ CJrd Pl(!,be IJId",,, MS ""ckog,"g cud' Oflf(WIf mrt'ns! f(J (ol/tao}" Ihr jfUl/;{'mltU~ l)/ J'mu ppu lUHldprooJ 111'}r~} j) tlJ)l/fld b) Ihf btJ/roJn Dj'tJJf ((hf [/U (Mf JruJmrt.t'~ mOllfb lind J~ttl t'1 numujpl/irJ't TiJ ob, ,11/ (1 ßtr 2JPPfl ",11 (8141 !6~,HOO, .,/./> D,pl Ge (8/4) J(,~ .~ ~ I;;'II/l) mllttp r)/i t!., Ilgl'r~1 Cf1iJu.ro/~ Gur,dr, -== s J EEP (Wnrldwlde <_"eep[ lap:lll) o.121FßJ247 JCt"p. - I he Real Powel Rever,e Freh AIHll.llle SJI"er $31.95 o. M250j 14 eep.-Th~ Ongin.ll Mldujghr Chrome 24.95 0 __ lflI24' leep" Thc Anlenc1I1 I Black Marre 28.95 ~elld o 204B) 250 jeep..- h",', Olll~, ünc Ilr\lsh [lrJ.'~ $30-95 233.60 )EF.P.-~ I ncludes of Qch hghrel hown plus panel 3nd ClI.lW1l1 header. [WO J~'i.:P UNI TED S TAT ES POS TAL SE RV leE No_ 200 'I ~ (, Lnv Cherub ßrllsh Chrome "24.95 No 200U. P.3 7 Fm;! Moan L,ndlllg Bro,h Chrome $30.95 iWorldwl No_ 250USP ~ bgle Wirh Moon Hieh PolHh hrome $26.95 c .Ilttl rhr Jr=ep ~lIlk' t!.CSltrn :\14. re.gl!or~rl!'d rndCI\l..t1k.. vi ht\·"iler \...olpnr.1.CI1.m U... ~,A .. .llld .ut' ll.5CJ IIIIJC'1 Ir«!,«; bv lJ PI'0 ~ -hrJ'odr-r Lcu 110[::1(11/11 1(N~ excepr J3pJn) No. 250USP 3 9 Fl.lg Ov<:r Porch High Polish Chrome 23.9- USI'S Cusroln Sle"vc SP-8 Includc-, (Wo plus Qf ""d, ~213.6 IJghr~1 ShOWll pdl1cl ;llld ~us[om he" ~I w0 R L 0 CUP S 0 CCER (Wo Idwlde) WORI.D cUP 98 N ,250WC 290 occer ßall High Polish Chrome $22.95 No, 200WC 291 Kick SOllJe Dal Brush Cilrome $19.95 Painred Flag Brush Chl'Ol1 $24.95 No. 200WC 371 0, S WC 373 Soccer ßall Pewrer High Polish Chrom $24.95 o.2S ßWC374 -oe er BaU Bra' High Polish Brll.\> $26,95 MascOf ßrush Chrome $18.95 0.2 OW 292 No. 254BW'C 370 Wodd Clip Trophy High PoJish B..5. $23.95 o. 200W 293 Rad and ßlue Bru.sh Cllfome $21.95 $184.60 WC-S oF each lighrer above I'llls I'auel :lnd llSrojll he:lder. [ncilldes olle WC-2 Worlcl Cup GI ~el Brush Chrome $33.95 250\'QC 377 Numbered ColieclOr Edition I igh Polish Chrome IAV'.l.ilable only while )imired q"3nririe~ last,) $59.95 © Th< frone< 9& [mbl<Ln ."d Offiml Masco' J'. COflynghr> ,ncl T .d,m r" oll~L © n, O(fic,,1 Wodd Cup FII·A uophy ". c~Pinghr ,,,cl u,cltnl,uk.r FIFA. N F L (Avaibble in USA onlv) No. 250NFL 439 Browns High rolish Chrome High rolish CIHorne High Polish Chrome $27.95 $27.95 $2 .95 No. 2S0N L 444 Jet High Pollsh Chrome Q. 250NF 445 Sreelcß High roJish Chrom~ 527.95 $27.95 No. 250NFL441 No. 250NfL 40 ßuc amers No. 250 FL 443 Packer High Pollsh Chrome $27.95 Bears No. 250NFL 446 COWL\QVI 0.250 FL 447 Pa nchers High Polish Chrome No. 2S0NfL 44 ßroncos High l'olish Chrome $27.95 High Pohsll Chrome $27.95 $27.95 No.2-0NFL451 r-;o. 250 F 452 No. 250NFL 453 Coir Palnocs S '·NTS No. 2;;ONFL 449 uons High rolish Chrome $27.95 No. 250N FL 4 0 Saincs High Poli h hrome $27.95 A,,.,Y0u ready. for .rome foorball? ZIPPO~ gOI every team 9crs High Polish Cl rome 527.9.5 In Ihe NFL Oll eln.me high poltsh chrome fIghter,< No mattrr who you root foT, AFC 01' NFC, wr'TJe gor Jour favorite NFL uam p.t..k'lg tl in a ZI1'PO rin wuh a Cl1.'10m .<luve. Pick your frworite or mltea rhern alfl High PolJ5h Chrome Hi<rh Pollsh Chrome $27.95 $27.9 NFl (Av-.. ilJ.b1t In USA ollly) N<I 150NFL45<1 ",lls High PoJl'h Chml11t No.l50NFL 455 No. 250Nl:l4)(j C~,droul. No. 250NFL 457 Chl.gm High l'o],lh Chromf J~gum H'Gh POhlh C!ll'omt F31ronl Hrgh rolilh Ql/omt $27.95 $27.95 527.95 527.95 $17.95 No 250NFl45S Hogh 1'0111h Ch,onlt YlDKS ,pj '(I No. 2S0NFL 459 ße[lg,lb H'gh P"I,d, Chrome 527.95 No. 250NFt 460 Gr~m. High l'olr.h Chromt 517.95 No.1SONFl461 "'m, High PoI,.h Ch'omf $27.95 No. 250Nfl462 No. 250NFl 463 R;",.. tlll H'gh Pali.h Ch,omt V,kings HIgh l'oh.h Q,romt 527.95 .527.95 r-;;:=="'"- No. 250NFL 464 Dolvl""5 H'Sh Poltsh Gliome 527.95 No. 150NFL 46:/ Oil"l.\ H1Sh l'olish Ch,omt $27.95 No 250Nf1466 Rfdlklrl$ Hrgh 1'0115h ChUlOnt 527.95 No. 2SONFL 467 IUldtl> Hlgh l'oI,sJt Ch,ornt $27.95 , No 250NFL 469 &.g1o:5 H,gh l'ol15h Q,.ornt $27.95 No. 250NFL 468 ChlfFs HIgh Po\i5h (h,omt $27.95 NFL NFL Cuu",nl EnlP')' ~ud wIlh (lflWlTl hf~dff, S"",, "rdt! 311) fight I'gh,m. BAR RE T T- S M YT H E E M B L E M S ( o. 2S0ßS B 9 SIgle High rolbh 'h, Ine $27.9- sr; 1 orldwlde) No 254ßB, ß9 [agl. High I' hsh Ilcus! $29.95 o 2'48B' fI 2 Lion Cobra Cobr:l HIgh PoJi"h Chnlmc $27.95 Hrgh oll.h BC:l\' 529.95 I-hgh I'ol.-sh ChI m $2 .9 High POi'51, Brm 529.95 No 250ßS 0156 Blg Horn heep o BB' Bl'9 llig Horn haI' o. 254l\IlS l\ 160 Gnaly lk:1, High l'ohsh Chrome 2 .95 HIgh I'ol.sh Bras 9.95 High Poll.,h Bw No. Z- BS BI~ '0 2'4BB III I AmcricJI1 COllgdl No. 2508. L, J, Am~rj(Jn (".ol\g~1 High Pol,sh Chrome $27.95 HIgh Polosh 29.95 ßr.1SS n 2'lß' Dn . 2-4BB . B7j 29.95 o _5 Il 3169 Ame!lGlI1 Elk HIgh Poh h Ch,om 527.95 o. 5 BB' B16 Am..,-IC3J1 High Elk 0) ~h 29.95 Brass , . ZOO I AC (WOfldwidc) Cl11l 1117.~ Nu. 2SOBS BIS) No. 254BB5 Aqu~nus Aql\~riUl H;gh I'oiish Chrome High poIid\ Br>>> $29.95 ~27.9S No. :!:SQB5 61116 PiKes High I'olish Clltomt 527.95 Ar;~ Hj/l:h Polish Chrome $27.95 No. 254BB5 8175 Arie5 High Polish Br:l.SS 529.95 No. 2546B5 B177 Gern;,.; High roliili 6n» $29.95 No. 2)OB5 8190 uncer High Polid, Chrome $27.95 No. 2546B5 6178 C"lCCl" High !'olish Br,,~ S"l9.95 High rolilh Chrome $27.95 No. 25468$ 1I180 Virgo High rolish 1I..,5.S $29.95 No. 2W8S BI93 Libr;l. High rolish Chrome $27.95 No. 254B85 lI1S1 üb", High Polish 6",5.S $29.95 No. 250BS BI95 5.JgiU"'UI High rolish Chrome $27.95 No. 254BBS 6183 Sagiu;lI'im High rolish Brm $29.95 No. 250B5 BIS8 No. 2Y!BB5 8176 No. 2501lS B189 T.urus TZ\\!u$ High l'olilh Chrome 527.95 Hig.h POJilll Br.l.\S $29.95 Gernini HIgh Polish Chrome $27.95 No. 2~ßS BI91 No. 254ßBS BlT? No. 2WB5 BI92 "" V,,{;O l«> High Pollsh Chrome $27.95 High l'ulish 529.95 No. 2S0B5 11194 Sw.pio High I'Qlilh Chrome $27.95 No. 2S411B5 ßl8Z SCl;lrpio High rolisll B,,~ $29.95 Br~~ No 25~6B5 PiKO High roljsh Br:w; $29.95 8174 No. 250B5 Bl87 No. 2508$ 81% Gp.lcorn High Pulish Chl'ome $27.95 No. 254665 BI84 upricorn High 1'01 ish Brass $29,95 PET T Y GI R l S (Worldwide) o. 20QPG 409 BUJlny Bru,h Ch rorne $29.95 No.218P Marjorie ßla I Matre $30.95 ,- No 250PG 411 Baller hoes High Poh h Chrome $32.95 Peer" Girls Packagil1S CUS;OI11 George Broum Petty LV Wtl.' the ftthn- ofthe All-Ameriro.n pinup-Irterally H,.. dalJghm; Mnrjorie. was hu pnmtlry model throughollt the '30; find '405. NoUJ Mllrjom afld fiu moro? bMutifttl prls are t1lJt1il4bu on Zippo ligiw?1'5. tarh is pnrknged in fl delu.;<c rifi bo wid 1/ CUJlom nnd comes wirb 1/ comptrniofl h'Rding cartl. Colltrt No. 20 BPG 12 Hearc Brush Brass $35.95 0.25 BP - 13 MemphIS Iklle Hjgh Polosh Brass $36.95 No.200PG 14 Red Orll h Ch, ll1e $30.95 ()! 9 Jtewe, rhern all' 8 I he rcetV F:Illlllr JAMES BONO MOVIE POSTERS (Worldwide o. 2500ND 242 Tomorrow ever ie:; High rolish C lrome $22.95 o. 200ßND 243 J:lffies Bond Posrer cen 01 u,h Chrome $26.95 1'1. 250ßND 24 Gun Barrel HIgh Polosh Chrome $23.95 0.20 BND 245 007·ToIl10 ow .:ver Dies Brush Chrome $19.95 No. OQß D 46 Bond- Tom rroW Nevel D,es Orush Chrome $l7.95 Bonds hack. lInd ZiP!'0} gOI I/im.' C!.1I.;sic movi~ po!'te1' reproducrions flt cl'I[1t/J.re 007 every stag/' ofbt> rarcer, mcluding rh,' recmt h,t Tomorrow ver Dies. YOl<'1/ be stJm'd, not ,fbnlan. hy ,his mmguing coLlrcrioJl. No. 250BND 935 Golden Eve High Pol,' h Ch'ome $29.95 o. 50ß D 941 Goldfinger HLgh Polish Chrome $25.95 o. 250BND 9 3 o.250ßND 46 Dr.No HIgh Polish Chrome Golden Eye High Pollsh Ch'(lme $23.95 $29.95 111)"' IIId ;:11'1 .il'''''''ul, ('u" 1,-..:,. ""'rlll,,>l) nt'11l1 o...,lolt h 10,1 \''''110.1,\.1 ..... C.....·llUt'~rlu" I'W ''''h,J -\"1''U l "I"'IJ,..", ~'I~"t Jp<...... 1~1~ i ) I M 1)'ll,JI... I.1C .. id L."nmJ t\lIbl~ lurrur1\tJI"f t~ ...:h,~JIJ'J I1ml"-1 "'" lll,II)IIIJ.'tl ""uL'II.llll)IUIIJI•• n rlnlldf~I~MI'\"'-U ~1'1'rll;il\l\'liIlur,'llo"'D11l1 ~11,1I11'tr-11) Z I P P 0 J EANS 0.611 0.612 Iy ZlpperfHigh Polidl $26.95 Back Pockedf-ligh Polish $26.95 TAB ASe 0 (Worldwide 0.613 learller Tab/Hi!m Poli,h 526.95 No. 614 Watch Po hr/High Polislt $26.95 Zippo Jeans Cusronl Sk<:"e (Worldwide) TABASCO'!!",. \~f ~~,. r~l.$(CtOO w\d~ "'- m.ck .nd s:t:rvletm,uk exdu"""lvo McIIIl"n"y Co.. ;>'v"1 1 I."d, LA 70)13 No 2l8TAB 435 TABASCO"/Diamond logos ßlack Marte $25.95 No. M200TAB 436 TAßA CO'" Botde/Eiepham Midnigh, Chrome $32.95 No. 200TAß 437 TABASCO® Borde/Ocean Brush Chrome 531.95 o. 250TAB 438 TABASCO Bordes High Poli,h Chrome 531.95 T H R E E ST 0 0 GES (Worldwide) No. 200ST 429 3 Silly Men/BI ush Chrome 523.95 No. 250ST 431 3 Heads/High Poli h Chrome $23.95 ST-8 locludes [Wo of each lighrer shown plus panel and CU5Iom he:lder. 0, 214ST 433 Filmsmp/\Vllire Mane $23.95 No. 218ST 434 Numskull/Black Maue $23.95 5191.60 Thc Tb"•." 0<1gel" os. 'r>d'm.1rk ofComedy 111 Produclion., lEe. 11" Tb", Sroog<!N char.l.(re...t, Il.,rnO aod an Jelaccd indle .3.fC lradem:1r f Comedv 111 ProoU((iOl\3 Iflc ClI99 Com.cl)' 111 Producrion" [ne. 1ngh" ,,,,,,,,,ul. I , . SUAPAISEl (Woddwidel 2)4B~ No. 25488$ lH6} Tea Cup HIgh Po)"h Bml $31.95 No. 25411ßS ßI49 Ca'l'e D;~111 l-llgh Pol'lh ß,~~ $31.95 No. 254BllS ß 150 No. 2548B5 BI51 ChJlnp.1gn<: Full High PolJ5h ßrm $31.95 High Pö!ijl, B'm OJp' HJgh Potllh $.S1.95 S31.?5 No 2':i41"1ll.'i ßI65 No_254BßS ßIG6 No. 254f1ßS BI67 Telepholl~ Four·Sr., Smpri§e GlI~ramH No 254B1~ 8170 Bbd:Jack ~ligh relLsh ß'a~, H'gh Pohd, B,,,, UI.95 $31.95 $31.95 HIgh Pollsh 531.95 ßr;!SJ H,gh PolJlh $31.95 ßr~~ Ho,,~ Surpniil' H'gh l'chlll ßUll Thmlr)bU Imo", tiN'y,hm[lIbo"l If Z'pp"! Thmlt ilgJm.' Thtu No. un/<JW1! hghurJ d,clt IJpm /IJ rr/ltltl/1 dtbgh$11 HUf'mr Thry mt/ltt [mn rOIU'f'nJljqn Jt4rvrJ t/nd lWfIduftl t..Jr' 0162 BIÄ~ No.254ßBSB171 Rouk{[~ No 254ßB$ 816'1 M.lI'''' H'gh Polil), fI.a» $31.95 No 254ßflS lll72 SIOI M3chme High Potilh arm $31.95 , . CIGAR STORE INDIANS No. 25488$ B134 No. 2X1ßS 6138 Cig;a' Slon Srnrry Clg.u Srore SeIm)' I'oli~h Hir,h PolisJ] ßrnJ High S29.~5 $27.95 ,. A V 0 Chrome (Worldwidt)_ - ..."'==...... No. 2S0AD 307 No. 254BAD .~07 No. 25QAO 308 No. 254BAD 308 Avo WgofSigllJmrt Avo LogoISign.l.Iu,c Mo LogoiSigl1am,e Ave LogolSigllalure HIgh [\)lish Chrom< High Poli>!l BlaS! High Polj5h QlI'ome High PoIIsh B•.us $20.95 $22.95 UMS $22.95 eiga, Store indian<; h(U~ bu()me 0/1( ofrhc h()flar dgar-rrfuud co!f,cribln. 8(ß»1! one if pfl;,mnJringly pnhlfd (wd MCqn1frd. 0 Ggl1r StOrf Indian it illtrialfr/y craftd/ro m " i()/id bllKlt efw{)lJd. Th, r'Qwni"g Mhirormrm is jIJ I1p;;rn'(lIIrt 0" a Zippe high pq/i.;h bTllJI Or ,hrome msjng. Cnrtful bundi"g affi.·" diffnwlI tobt/aorfom rIN Dominirl1n Rrpuhlir "('luft In an AlJli eiga. rhlll ;r rfth i" j11111O' ond "I/Id in body.. .Jull of(Qmp/c: f1illiOT1 I{) mmulAu tiN paldtf. For 1998. Zippo offm a lamfullltul !in! ofrbromt and brat; tighury btarin.g ,hf (ompalljJ logo and Aw Uwziani l;gmuOlu. Of'rr,,~IIWu:ml ,. rollw.,,' th< ..,htlll"",4~,,, L"~ w'"df-!I,t"" 1J4Jf'fJr1 ~,Ih< FICI"'] u."'p.~ <Ix /;oll""' "/11" (,,. <0<1, ,.1,0'''" ",•• lh ..iI ,.a'./""U/~"N'" ftuz"".. utfw Co/la",; Gnu. ,.11 ((JiiJ 368·2100, ., fax {kpr Ge {(JU) 368-1871 n. T."."., CIGAR AFICIONAOO' No. 250CA 420 ~igar M; io""o;1o Luge Logo High Polisll Chrome $21.~5 (Worldwlid o. 200CA 4')4 O!;<!r Aflc:i ""do ogo I3rush Cl11'oo'(> $111.95 Cig:l.r ARcinnado 5le<ve No. 204DCA 49 CifW AfieiOI Jdo Cipr Ti!!; Drush Dm $29.95 CA-2 C'g.1I Ali ';ollJdo Glf. Se, Drus.! $43.95 Ctlsrom I I 6 Clgar Aficlollado ~Jglll Llghrer Dis CAIndl1Je.~ cwo < eh of abo\' IJghrer IIiS pand ,md CllS101ll he;tder h Cl~~l AticLOll:ldo .l r'.lnl-c Mld IÖ.f;t~ .Hr: ff7c1lfmrll~" cf M Sl...,nk.,:rl C01J\I\lUB1\.J.[lUB~. Jm C 19"'ll """",,1 h, I h. R,,,,,,,nnk,, C"""r. \ oodl.,td 1-1tI1,. CA ? 1164 Ll} P:lnd " ZIPPO/CASE VISITORS CENTER_ A rmiqu! mld rich (O!l«t'(lli IJ.( Anvrt<an hUfflr] (md rufture is 0>1 {'emU//un' dhl'wy '" Ihe "etU DPpo/ClfS' i'j Bradford, PmnJyL/!lfilin. WorLd-dass V/J;wrs fA,ur 4!fJ"4f1;01lJ, illlrrt1ClilJt exh,b,ts, and hrl'ldll'ds o[/'rodum combme '0 (hlomcle ,hr ("(llo~(ul hwo') o[Zippo t1l'/d our subswltlrJ> Cr= Cudcry No. 2SOB.'i 6206 Zippo BlIildJll2:S PewIe, H'gh Pob,h Chrome No. 254BBS 6207 Z,ppo BUllding~ arm $28.95 $30.95 High Po]i,!, ßr~l~ No. 209 Zippo/CAl'e Vi~;r",\ Cc"rer BWlh ßr~S\ $26.95 Zrppo/ü:;c ViSLlOIl C..,mer 1932 Z'ppo Dme ßr~dfold, PA 888·(;Gß-1932 CHROME CLASSICS No. 200 Brush Chrome $12.95 No.200FL Foul1der's Lighetr ßnJsh Chrome $16.95 0.200 zr Zip Guard ßlush IHol11e $16.95 No. 250 High Polish $15.95 No. 350 Er1f)ine TUCTled High rollsh Chrome $16.95 .352 Vellerial1 High Pollsh Chl'OO1e $16.95 No. 35 No. 356 UIClalire Ivory I-li[;h Polish Chrome $16.95 Ulmli(e BI.e Higl1 rollsh Chrome 16.95 hrOllle 0.250512 U.$. eal High PoJish Chrome $18.95 No 275 Loop "nd unyard Bru h Chrome $15.95 No. 571 Inremarional Zlppo High Polish Chrome 533.95 .572 Statue of Liberry High Pollsh Chrome $20.95 Gel a grip. Ga nfil'm, ;,olldgl'ip with ehe all.new Zippo "Zip GU'fJ.rtj» {ighfer (Itern No. 200 ZP). The Zip GU'fJ.ldfaflll"l'S studd.ed, hOld rubher ;u1-au ami; Q11 a byw·h hrome finish for addd d1lrability 10 an alyeady durabü produCf! Pr.ifwfol' peop/e who ,'pend qunlity rime in thc grctJ.t olltdoors! Zippo plcdges ; .57 U.S.A. E~gle on Flag High P lill1 Chrome $18.95 o. 574 U.S.A. C..ollage Flag Wh"e 1a[[e $21.95 iJi,' aU"giance wirh a trio ofnw /ighten ftnrtlring du IImaiclln ftzg (lild arher natiollal symbol; ofpotrioti..,m. A folll'th lIew m()tk/frl1~um No. 77 Amique Diamond Plare 1 19h Polish Chrome $30-95 .fings from rhe mrlny countrje.1 aroumlthe Ulorld !(I/ure rhe popu/arity No_ 254 Solid Brass High Pohsh $17.95 No.2S4B Solid Brass/High Poüsh (wlo le(ruing $17.95 ofZippo jas .lwellcd. SOLID BRASS No 204 Solid Bras> 3ru -h inish $16.95 o.204ß Solid BrasslBrush Fini,h (w/o Imering) $16.95 No. 352ß VeneIlan High Poli h Bms $16.95 No. 25413 5) .5. Seal High Polish ß[ $19.95 VINTAGE SOUTHWEST PALOMA I ..! No. 230 No.20 V,nl~g~ V'n'.ge COj'OI< ßrush lll'olllc 515.95 l)ru~h Br~ SL7.95 H.igh l'olish Chrome S32.95 10 • '131 1000 No..1.12 carh Vallev High Polilh' Chroll1~ 532.95 0.3i5 Arilon. High rolish hrornc $29.9 0.376 KokopcJU H,~h Poh h Chrome $29.95 77 ancc High Polish Chrome 29.95 0.38 Elk High Polish Chrollle 29.95 .... - i~ o. 260 0.270 i'llage ln rage Hieh Polish hrome $L6.95 1- .' High 11 lisl. Br.1SS 18.95 10.333 CWS FIll~ High Polish 32.95 hIome o. 33 Buffalo H d High Polish Chrnme . 2.95 10 • RJirl /' - / No. 3025 No. 2 VinL1ge wlo 'Ish~ Vinr.gc wlo slash Rru h hrome $L5.95 Brush lIlJs.~ $I .95 No. 335 und.'lcc High I'olish 32.95 hro'l1c r 0.336 No. ~vajo 13mk~o High Polish C Horne 532.95 i) Arrow High Polish hmrne 29.95 He br()ught good fortune to roerycm h.. ehan",d l{) mut: whuever he hIJse 10 T(Jam. \rIal} I. i.s rmdmuuk hUrJehed bark 12nd /lure, he was always tf welrome .<iglu. Zippo ",lebrau rl legendftry mJJytella, uncher, hen/er, and mdmi'T. {lf 0.260 25 Villlage wlo shshe Higl rolish lrome $16.95 27025 Vinrage wlo SldSho High Polish ß $18.95 No. No. 337 Bu .10 lam ed High Pohsh hrome $32.95 okopelli, IHm o[ h all-llew Palomtf series. Crc3C~ our own cnSiotn dt'ipl.l\' ''''ltll .1'11 .em pc}' ProlIr Pond ,1'0 aI'" .,Sl" lig , IS. PAINTED DESERT 0.391 WILD WEST Desw FI wer HIgh I"ollsh Chr me $28. 5 0.392 Fearhcl High rolish Chrome $30.95 Ni). 5 BBS ßI41 B"f alo \VI ecklace I-Ilgn Polish Bt';l.S\ $29.95 High Poh h Chrome $27.95 No. 393 uo Fire High I"olish Ch,oll1e $28.95 N .394 Al'rowhe:td High Pelish .$ O. - No. 214Bß ß I 2 Ind,ol1 Chief High I" Ilsh ßI'.tSs 29.9 No. 250BS ß146 IndIan Chie High Poluh Cht' l11e $2.95 No. 39'; f'neblo High Polish Chrome 29.95 No. 396 Kokepelh High I"oluh Chrome $30.95 No. 2 4BB BI 3 Co", Sk,,11 v./NeekJ ce High Poh h Bms 29.95 No. 250BS BI C w kuli wlN klace HIgh l'ohsh hrome 2.95 0.25 BBS BI Eag e Over Mcsa t-..o 250B BI 8 ZI1Jl1 HIgh Pollsh Chrome 535.95 HIgh Pohsh ßnm $29.95 0.397 Cherohe High Polish Chrome $32.95 JJld(~n o. hrollle 3~) 0.250B BI 'i Bn 10" INeckJoce ~ "sie Ovu Mesa HIgh Pollsh Chrome $2 .95 MIONIGHT CHROME No 200 Midnighr Chrome ßrush Finish $15.95 No. M2')0 Midnigh ChrOllle High Pol,sh $16.95 N M352 MidJl!ghr Chrom enenan $l7.95 SCRIMSHAW o. 208 Scnmsl'1w Ship High Po jsh ßnlS, $22.95 No. 359 No. M359 No 368 Sc.nlmh~w Scnmsh:J.w Sillp Midniglu CI . Ine $19.95 SeTIJnsM\V SJlip Sh,p High rolish Chrome $18.95 ßl·ckMme $18.95 ll'.i5 GO, SiTlUlllr.t 0.318 0.317 SS Co/m!r\l(ion High Polish Chrome $26.95 My'lie High Po~sh C 'omc 526.95 '0.319 Wh.!e. High Pohsh Chrome $26.95 BLACK CRACKLE During WorM war ll. the bra.1> and ,·hlOme "set!Jol" Zippo light'" m)~, wu.: m:edcd Jor the war efJim. Zippo hdd to rnorl {(J m:d COS(;$ that were Ihm pl1inted blnck. Thr: .rubuit1<rc material< arciden;al~y cmued one 0/tfN mo t t!'Msured Zippo fighten 1'Ilu-rhr "blnek ,rackle" Zippo. AU of'Ztppoi wartimr producti/)Jl Wa! ,;ü1li atrd (I thr military markn. This reprodumon of ''rhc Gr; Frund" i1 now auailnb/e 10 dmlll2nJ. No. 236 Black CraclJe $15.95 No. 362 ßr= EmblemJBlacl Crackle $21.95 No. 363 Pewrer EmbklJ1/ßbd< Crackle $21.95 MILITARY INSIGNIAS No. 239 538 Navy M~u~ $21:9~ No. 280A C No")' Allchol' Bn,sh Chrome $16.95 o.280CG Coasr GlIa,d ßl'ush Cl, rollle $16.95 280l-dAR !'I';lle5 Brush Chrome $16.95 ;0. 0.214 Maete $15.95 o. 280AIU l A,mv ß,u,\I, eh 'ollle $16.95 No.280 W Nav)' Wings 13lllsh Chrome $16.95 No, 280AW o.280AfC ArmyWL11gs Air Force Cl'csr Brush Chrome $16.9- ßrush Chrome $16.95 J IN. rmbkm ILr-httPlo ..h(m 11 .Ü'H"",,( .11"(:' .ll w ~,~.hhl~ JI1 bb~~k l'n. ft(. t~llISh{'~, Jo ur(ler, SJlnpt~ ')ubS[l(U(f. [he. dHCl>JI~1t prf;'rl)' wl~h '2J "r:l.nd II1dHcie Ihe C',(IJ{II~S iiufl1>. FUf t';";.l.l1lpk. (Q order rbe U S N",Y OfT,c" IJgh«r 111 bJ.ck 1lI" .... sub""u« '280 I)' \vll!l"218NO' MATTE Whje~ N,.2RONO N.I\·yOmcu ßwsh Chrome $16.95 No. 221 540 Am1\' Green Mam; $21.95 N~\'Y 021 ZU 10 .219 ßbck M,me Ca 1110 " A"f:c Marre w/Zippo aLld ßordu $17.95 No. 221 GI'< 11 Maue $15.95 TO 224 Qllleksilver Mme $15.95 $l5.95 Whl1ts !lfw!rom ZI/'/'O thi., yeal'? Pu-nty 01 exriring /lew pl'Oduf:ts dnd t1 minbo olm:1./) mt<.ttel'nb'hes.' jowjng green and binl.k in Zippo! 199 matte Imeup are wh,rl?, quJchilver, l'Q)'al, red p"rpie, and /lauf No. 22.9 Royal ß1ue Ivlanc $15.95 No. 217 Pllrpk ,'vlme $15.95 No. 239 N"vy M.mc $15:95 Cn...'Jrt' }'Ulll OWLll.l.lS(UJn ciJ~pl:I~' \'lrI1 alt clTlpry Pr~lfLr ri\I,~1 .11 tJ .,,,..)' Ctgh r 11g.h.f(:~r.1. ZIPPO OUTOOORS ~o 751 Fisherman igh Polish ehr me $21.95 o. 754 Hllnrer High Pollsh CI rome $21.95 o. 752 M.\llard f-ltgh Pollih Ch rome . ?53 $21.95 SIgle High Poli.", Chrome $21.95 No. 55 No. Ph=.m High Polish Chrome $21.95 De." High rollsh Chrome S21.95 Assarled Game High PollSh ChrOl1'e S2L.95 0.2S0BSK Baskemall High Polish Chrome 10. 250FTil Foorball High Po),s), Chrome SPRTIncludes One of ""-eh lighrer showll plus pand and rusrom header 6 o. 757 No. 758 Wolf High Polish $21.95 hrollle ,ZIPPO SPORTS o. 250ß D ßa 'ball HLgh Polish Chrome $25.95 o 250CLF Golf High Polish Chrome $25.95 25.95 • o.250HCK Hockey HLgh PolJsh Chrome $25.95 $25.95 o 2S0SCR occer High Polish Chrome 25.95 0.20 1<.1 S ier High Pol,sh Chmme $25.95 0.250TE Te! ,is High Polish Chrome $25.95 I ANTIQUE FINISH o. !2lFß A",iquc Silver PIJrc No. 201 lOB No. 991 Anllqll~ $22.9) 519.95 Zippo J93r A",ique Copper Windproof Zippo' Anriqu~ 'j ver Pb" $27.95 $30.95 o. 993 Z,ppo Logo' Anliq"e ßl'ass $27.95 BIO,. 0.995 0.994 A W~k" Tri.l' A, riqll~ S,lver PI are $30.95 0.996 0.992 No. 122 Logo/FI.mc· \Y!indy Anrique Silver Pbre The Revelet" Anrique Silvc' PI:lte Anrique il er Plar. $30.95 $30.95 $36.95 • Rev~r e elCh PIPE LIGHTERS Witb o/<,. ri'VUW elL"h prOCeH, loyers s.,.,.,vwldil7g {bi' i11U!gr ar. tdiminllfed, Leavmg (Jn elabomte raiud image. Th;! muLt is 11 long-lusfing, . upniOl" fjlJ4/ity pii'a. Your jworiti' pipi' is like 1117 oYfriend. YoCl el1l1 mak~ <u" the rrl.orionship wj/I I. sr with tlJ/othn- oldJ;-imtl- (he Zippo pipe fighter. Zippo; sprad dummy deSIgn No.200PL Brush Chrome $13.9) No.204PL Bru h B,.;l;\ $17.95 tiiu:cti" thc re/iablc fUr.mi! U! Y01~r f:obncco, waho"t Imrningyour piJl~. And bm:m e the pipi! mIerr filS in an) i{andnrd Zippo cas,.. JOu can t:hoose tht design a5 mrefUlly 11-' JOu choo!e YOllr tObflCCO. Pipe hghtcr Hill:'((S J.'r.Iil<lbk on most I·egubf models. PJc'a.fte (p«Jt), whcn orut't1og. No.218PLZß ßlack Ma~re wlZippo nd Borde, $16.95 No. 359PL SCllm,haw hip $19.95 your crwn turo!'" displ3 . WI(h Jn tmpty Profir Panel "!li eiß' lrghre[s l":.U:, \11 ..1 BLACK TIE \1.532 Mysrjcal L,Oll 1-1 igh Pohsh BtaSS $42.95 o.H aj snc E:tgle High Polish ßrm $42.95 No. '35 floral Porrra i I High Pelish Brass $42.95 o 536 E.lgle Jusrice High Polish Brass No. 537 or S42.95 Me<!. val Knighr High Polish Brnss $42.95 No.5til l'orrllgu< e Shleld High Pelish Bras $42.95 Fier c Gu:!tdi31\ High rolish ßrass $42.95 r.;=;.....;;;;;;;;;::;;;;,;;..,., o. 53!! NalUr 's Medley High Pol iso Bmss $42.95 o. 5 9 ßear's fresh Fi h High Pol;;h 3ms $42.95 0.217 Two-Tone ame Hidl Polish Bra. 529.95 T'[;l1\ Olle H19b 1'01 ish ßra.. $34.95 No.3 I o. 540 lti h'lrd rho: Lloll·Hearred Hi!;h Poli.\h ßrass $ 2.95 No. 3 Tdule HIgh I'ehsh ß':LI; $34.95 No. 542 N .384 Miduj"hr ,mpe High Poli h ßrass $34.95 .3 7 11dnighr Sms High Polish Etass $34.95 \'(Ihen it! time tu d'lzzJe. d~JignJ 10 ~o. 554 ew Yorker High Polish ßross $36.95 No. 555 Alltograph High Polish Br:LIs $36.95 suit the most ippo m:p! out tri I!I~gßm 0 occasionJ. Ne. 556 r(,~n Co" hol' ligh Pelish Brass $36.95 Crt;ut \'001 Own cusmm dIspb.) wuh an empf}" P,,,,fi, ('alle! J"U 311)' el~h, hglut". ClJIIV/lted STERLING SllVER No.12A ß Brll1.h FinishlSrerling Silver $149.95 No. j Vinr;lge/Steding 'dver $149.95 $149.95 No. 19 Engine Turned wlo In irial Panel Sterling Silver No. 21 Chl'ls 'Swirll reding Silver 179.95 No. 22 Chmry HollvlSrerllllg $ilver $179.95 '0.260. VlIlt:lgeiSilvel Plare ~o. 352S VenellanlSJ!ver rlale $22.95 $27.95 l O. FI roll terling _ilver $206.95 '0.17 Engine Turnedl rerling Silve,' $160.95 No. 15 High PolishlSmling SiJ..'er 0.355 Shif11J1leri erltn, Silvel $179.95 $160.95 SllVER PlATED -'-~l ! No. 100 High Polish • lIw rlare $18.95 No. 33 ShilnrneriSilver PLuc $23.95 TAßlE llGHTERS High roli~h Chrome Handilire Base, 3dd to rhe cosr of ,my rq;uhr s,u IlghrC(, ' .75. Gold Ekcuupbre I'"land,hre Da,c, 3dd r d,e cO.'r ot any regular StU Jighrel, $11.00. Nor 3"3Habk on #204. t254. _ erllllg. #230. n40. #260, and !i270. The enchanring Lldy ß",b;1,a: AllIInaus pewrer base hOllsing" cl. ·'i<. "ntiqlle s,lve, liglmr. No. 2001-1 BlU5h Clmm e wlHalldilite Dase 19.95 0.250GH H'gh Poli,h Gold EIet,tropl"le wlHandilire &ase 1'\().129 $33.95 $65.95 LId)' Ba ,Lm,1 Tahle LlgIHCI· GOLD PLATED No, .,1 J Classte 24.95 0.33 5hllll 1 er 24.95 036 Golden Torcoi e '29.95 No 200G Brush Gold $21.95 0.3 o 35 ßI:tck ElegJnce wir 524..9- $26.95 o. ,20A Floral $71.95 .2S G Hlgll Polish 22.9- ROSE GOLD No.2,ORG o 200RG ßrush Rose Gold Vil1l ge $21.95 Brush Rose Gold old $22.95 Th" !hur e/rgflnCt' ofgo 'd i glllm fI him 0/ rrd rerrJtmg lTI Ihr b..4t1 Zippo now ojfas an o:qui.<iu coll,,({iall No. 352RG Venerian J-ligb Polish Rose Gold $24.95 111 ro~ gold filllsht:1 rhat I! rau gold. 18K GOLD No, 195 1SK lid Gold $3,110.95 Hut I, ,!Je gold _'ra1u:1nrdJor pormbLL jlnmf-(h~ IOuU" aud elrganu ojZJppo's ckwir Inus i orhing ~ls frrb /i K solid gold CllSe, gold, tlnd lIorhmg else works li ra Zippo. T1Jis IUXllriow version fit II / 0/ ihr Zippo wmdproo(liglmr 13 ho",,- in du rrwf{ r!(med ,trltillg . Th, C(Jr( ojZippos charm lies wirh io ability (0 COltvry >elf expwslOn. And IlJhar could b, rrwre personal rhan one odorned wirh iu owners Slgnalllrt·? SLiM CHROME ~-<'--- . No.160 Brllsh Chrome $12.95 0.1652 Vt:"ntDon $16.95 0.J610 High Poils!> $15.95 No.1615 High l'oli5h Ribbol1 16.95 0.1 55 Ilrollre ßlock High Polish Chrome $16.95 No.1656 .':' '0.1625 Higl1 Poli-h DJ3."onQI $16~95 Ulrralire Ivory Hi.,h Polish Chrome $16.95 SLIM BRASS SLiM MIDNIGHT CHROME No. MI61 High Polish /IIhdnighr Chrome $16.95 No.1621 High Pohsh ßrighl Ul $16.95 .,(;' , o. 1652B o. MI652 Venenan Ventrian Mldnighr Chlome 17.95 $16.95 ßrJ:;s No. 1654 Solid Br3-;; High Polish $17.95 0/rpulfJl NfIrt'~!1 '0 l'o"(((or~ Tlw Jwrh",!Nrtf} bj )'Dm LlppD II,mdi'tniJ/ ltghre.; (j IhJlJr~ bJ ,ht ftfUJr; Sldmp im ulr f;'(;ff(JJIj 0(11/(' lf!~(' Tik t.tH!f ;,uiu:mfj JJJomh Imd Ji!IU nfffirinJ1flrlUJl la ovtrWJ " /i rr Ztppt1 Ilg/J/(y Co/k(I()} ~ ClI1dt' (I/I! ( I )J6!i.l100,., ft.\ D<jJl Cu: ( 14) 36/l.21/71 0.16') B Solid ßrass (w/o lenering) High Polish S17.95 SlIM MATTE No. 161 Whi\"v(me $15.95 o 1618 Bl;t . MalTe 15.95 Nn. I ,2 Ql1icksilver M,l«e 15.95 Vnrirry /; thr ,pir 0/'ifr and. atlded fl 'ai bow 0/ coltl. colors JOT '98: l1fltl), tuuh that in mmd, Zippo h(b (0 U lim /vfam: olkNJolJ. ruJ III/II/r p"Tplt. ljJJuk..l'ilvrr, rrd, nnd whifc! No. 1637 PUl'ple Mm. $15.95 SLiM SCRIMSHAW SLIM SILVER PLATE I I No. 1608 WhaJe High rolish $22.95 ßf:lS.~ No. 16 9 No. M16S WhaJe High Poli,h $18.95 Wh.tl, Midnighc Chrome $19.95 hromt SLIM STERLING SILVER 0.1500 0.1700 High Polish Sterling $,h'er E.ngine Turntd/S(criing S,lver $107.95 $112.95 o. J High PolJsh $18.95 SLIM l8K GOLD n. I 00 18 K olid Gold $2,1 5.95 SLIM GOLD PLATED 0, JGlOG I igh Poli,h $22.95 0.3100 C1ass;c $24.95 <l. 1300 Slllmmel S24.95 No .) 00 Swid $24.95 0.3500 Bhlck E1cgan~~ $26.95 SLIM ROSE GOLD Thf nj/unllg rOJf gold mish i.> naIV availablf in new colLeetlOlI ofStim models. Eu,'h ftaturi!. TOJ/! No.1600RG ßrmh !WS" Gold 521.95 o lGLORG High Polish Rose Gold $22.95 Il 11 dDzzling di!tinglfL<hed gold in.<err' 10. 1652RG Venenan isth PolisJ Rns< Gold $24.95 POUCHES LPLB Lighre,' rouch wirh Loop, ßrowll 57.95 LPLßK Ligh'l!l Pouch w.th Loop, Blad, $7.95 LPCBK L'ghrer Pouch \Viril Clip, Bbck 7.95 LKP Ligh,erl nife Learher POUdl $13.95 LPCB Lighrel I'o<lch ,,·ith Clip. ßrown $7.95 RKLP Nylon Lighter and Knifi: POllch $L5.95 LPGS L.gJHCJ Poueh ,;fr et 11.95 RLP ylon Light<:. Pouch $10.95 PI"",. 'p'clfy Itghr<r ,nd pOllch '0 bc pacbgtd III g.Ft «I, 1'!lU. ;"J,,<l., &'([ ,." ",,<l ""uch. Md <0;1 QflJgh,,, '0 pile. cf LPGS, PROFIT PANELS BMA·8 ea. $127.60 o. 21 B Bbc.k Mme Regul, r l'ghrers 4 ea. No. 21 ZB BI.lek Marre Re",o>ular J.ighru5 w/Zippo and ßorder MPA-8 4 ea. 4 ea. $llS.6 o. 200 Brush Chrome Regul<1J o. 1610 High I'oli5b Chrome Still' Pl.A8 2 Q. Pipe lighrers C~::H~ .,-our own cmLOJtl BR-8 4 e:I. No. 1654 SlilTl High Poh~h Brm 2 '"3. No. 25 Regu ar High Polisl ßras.s 2 ca. No. 20 Regular Brush Finish ßrass MPB·8 I eJ. No. 200. 250. 350. 352. 1610, 1615. 1625. 1652 $13 .60 o. 200Pl, 0 PI, 2J Pl, 3'91'L dr$[ll:Jr wn.h :In ('U) l r>O~ll'.n,1 .md 0 )' ..glH I,gl'I<!>. . e.a. Q.2 $141.60 12').60 No. 90260 Dl'lIsh Chrom, $11.9" . 0330 ßrush Br:u> $15.95 No. 91030 B93 L.1g1e ßI':1.\5 Emblem 28.95 o. ~ 1990 ß I 27 ruddle Midl1ighr Chrome $20.95 o 0 ) ZipLlghr Color, High Pplis\' Chrome $22.95 No. ')2 5 MiJl1ighr florJI .....1iJI1ighr Ol''Ol1Ie $21.9" Sram1Jrr.l Blisrer I':t<;k _ ZIPLIGHT'''' ZG Zi~Lighl'" Zipliglu"· Gif, Kil CU\IOm Gift !l<Jt (op"ol1~l) $10.95 l"d,,&, 1.lpLishr ..",.,. p."k Md '0 <.o<r cf "".1.lpLJi,h, si.;< l'I'I'O 1,1')."'" Ino< ,,,<.Jod.cl) <)l ...~ob, Tht lipüghl" P/}("~'U jI,uh!lgiJl brillinl1lly ctimbi"n n rtplnullblt bl1rury pl1r1t (J."d Il c!4t$i( ZipplJ Cd$t. Tht n:fl.lr ;. Il handy porlm flmhlight with thc stylt, ptr.!()/faliry. {md unjq"t «d,(k" tif 11 lipplJ I'ghra Thc ZipLighl di.'play ftm",...t n lmgrr-tl,llll-lifi ZipLighl n/tJdtl,h", lights /lP Ilf thr '1J1..h ofa bumm. Thr rOlllliag rade jll(Jv;dl" ma:mmml mlChng ami in Il millhnllm o[(OIIIUtt tPl/u. Turn 10mt 1)(1/111 w;!h Ilw l/tll\ JtlJrdy WIrr anmrn disPM.y (fitr kfi). Ir imids Pli nuk Ilm/r''''tnf o[ Zipl.igl,t; al/tl >"tpum'abk ZlpLighf bawry plUltS. ZL')7-42 Jndud~ dispby a"d: 3......?(),BQ: 3.-490260: ETTWRZ ZipLighr Wir. l~c.Il (ZipLlghll ~"d ß~ue,'j' PJCkl llor mdudedj ~')2040: 2-#9\,),){) B127; 2--#')1030 D93; 2---i"?()883: 2-#?088G; 2---119200); .. 24---#')')')9) PIPE MASTER / Th Zippo PipI' Master iJ ~ handy pockc! roo!for the pipe i17lOku Convmit'llt feiT ur~J mclt.di' a 110Wl rcama tool. ptpt! CIlI7IJl. moltl'] clip. fit" md Imifi· Thl' Fixx1I pocket tonl frlltlJ":~ !U/o mmdard scrcwdm!/!H, No. 9502 P'p<' l\il~$(er $21.95 FIXXITTt.' No. 7 95 ßIJc!' Zyrd'" w/Z,ppo Logo $22.95 !wo PU//ip.< racU/drlvers. Jl hOlldy 111ft 0111! lo;,/-riot )aewdriva, and m a Zyrrl" handle. TAPE MEASURES - --- 11 No. 6218 I3la I~ Maue $JO.95 No 6260G ßrllsh Gold Plared $13.95 No. 6221 No 6237 Pmple Matre $ 0,95 No. 6239 Gretll No, 6260 Bl'llSh Chrome No. M6260 Midnig)ll Chrome No. 6260B Brllsh Brass $8.95 $10.95 S10.95 M~c(e $10,95 No. 6560 High Polilh Chrome $10.95 N~vy M:me $10.95 No. 6233 R cl Marrt $10.95 ZtppO gllf' fO grM! ~ng(hs ro glll.. C"'J/Omen whar (he)' ask fol'. '/11''' mrll.Hm,,, ;10W rpd. "nd whlte! mdud,r, fi~" iUU! nU/tl.. fim,he,: 02')\ GUI' tine 0/ pl1.lpÜ, qu.icksitver, , . CUT-ABOUT KNIVES ) ! No.7lOfl No 7219 No. ]2z0 Btlll~ G.\IDOllfhgt HtIlHtf Fi!hcrn>~" 530.95 UM5 $30.95 Foni,I./5l:3iL1lell Sreel 526.95 No. 720QWA No 7BO / $<;.,mlh.,. W"gon $32.95 Nu. 7280 L~[h ..r $4.95 , I I NQ. niß No. ?2S0 \)«, Foli:tg.. HO.95 SJo.95 G«,><:I ....,I.t". IOI'~ ~dl->o<c<I Cut-A""'" "nI... .. $hcarh CUT·ABOUT LITE KNIVES Op<>on.1 bhmr pack ""bbl< (or ,11 f\lll.,,«:d \.-I1ho\bolJ[ Kl1Ivcs CUT-ABOUT JUNIOR KNIVES No. 7105 $rJ.inless Sreel 21.95 0.7105DG Scrill1sh.\w Dog $30.95 o.7105DK Sc.rim~ha" $30.95 CUT-ABOUT LI TE JUNIOR KNIVES .7170 BIJck $19.95 No.7171 ed $19.95 0.7173 Bille $19.95 Duck POCKET KNIVES WITH SCISSORS I o. M7500 Mi nighe hlome No. 7500 ßru,h Chrome $19,95 $20.95 o. 7333 07'14 Whi[~Mme Red Mane w/Ring $20.95 20.95 POCKET KNIVES W/SCISSORS AND RING: (nur shown) No. 7300 No. M7300 I • No. 7524 QllicksilvCI Malte $20.95 0.7533 Red Mattc $20.95 I o. 7537 p, rp!e l'v!:mc $20.95 o. 7539 "J.lVY Mme 20.95 .7314 0.7318 No. 7321 No. 7324 o. 7333 o. 7337 o. 7339 'MONEY CLIP KNIVES WITH SCISSORS . --- ! 10 . 7500MC ßnull Se:t;I1I~~ $20.95 No. 751 MC Whif< Malre e,~d $21.95 No. 751 MC ßI~d Mane $21.95 No. 7521MC Cuel) Manc $21.95 7537MC No. 7539MC .1W MalTe $21:95 i No. 7524MC Qnicl<silver Mme $21.95 o.753.,)MC R.:d Maree S21.95 1';0. Purplc M.me 21.95 No. M7500MC Midnigh, Chrome $21.95 ßr",h Chrome Midnigh, Chrome Whice Ma[ee Black Maree Glcell Maree Quick,;lvcr Mme Red Mare. PlIrple Jrce Na"),M:trcc $[9.95 $20.95 $20.95 $20.95 $20.95 $20.95 $20.95 $20.95 $20.95 POCKET KNIVES ; o 761 WhilcMaw: $10.95 No. 761 BI.cI Maue $10.95 o. 7637 PUfplc Manc 10.95 o. 7639 $10.95 0.7814 W1Ule Malte 0.7 1 BI.d< Marle o. 780 Brush Gold Plared $11.95 $11.95 $15.95 o 7 33 Red Mane o 7837 Pu pIe 1mc 11.95 u.7600G BlIlsh Gold Plaled SI .95 No. 760 ßr\lsh Ch'olll~ 9.95 Nu. 7621 No 762 Green lalfe $ 0.95 QlIlck5.lvel Mane $10.95 o 7633 Red dllC $10.95 jJ:\' 3([~ POCKET KNIVES WITH MONEY CLIP N .700 BJ1Jsh 1:l.J111es. $leel 10.95 No.M7800 MldlJiglu ChlOme 11.95 No 7 21 072 Grren Marre $1 I.95 ulC!<s,ll'cl 11.95 alle $1 I.95 o 7 39 :IV)' Mal 11.95 • , . GOLF GREENSKEEPERS , ( No 7700 Brllsh Ch,on,t $9.95 No !700G ßru5h Gold Plarcd 514.95 No.7n\ No. 7724 Grull MAU" QUlCb,\\lcr Mme $10.95 SIMS No. 7733 Re<1 Maltt SIO.95 No. 7714 Whn. Mau. $10.95 No. nl8 R1ack MIme $10.95 No. 7737 No. 7739 PllIl'le l\Üllc $10.95 Na"')' Matte $10.95 , , . GOLF GREENSKEEPERS WITH MONEY CLIP ( No 7900 B, mit Chrome No. M7900 No. 7914 Midllighr Chrome $10.95 SI 1.95 Whl,c MAnr. $11.95 No. 7918 Bhck MaLlc $11.95 , No, 7921 Grte" Malle Sll.95 No. 7924 QU1Cklil\lcl /.ünc $11.95 No. 7933 Red M~lfC S11.95 No. 79}7 No 7939 Purpk Mme $11.95 $11.95 N.vy,\-\JltC - MONEY CLIPS I I No. 7 _14 No. 7400 Bru h S,all1le;$ Sreel $3.95 Wh;'e Marle $3.95 o. 7418 ßlack ~ affe $3.95 0.7433 Red ~mc $3.95 No. 7 _37 rurple Maue 53.95 No. 7439 Navy M..ue $3.95 No. 7421 Gr el! Maue $3.95 / .7 24 Quicksilver Marre $3.95 0.7419 Gmou.Aagc $6.95 BEL T S o. 5955 ßelr Buckle wlBd, in Gifr Box $iS.95 No. 5950 High rolish Chrome Bel, BlIcJJe $11..95 Belr colon 1Ia vy and bbck. I , . KEY HOLDERS , No. ~900 S,lv~r 1'Im~c1 No. 5914 No 5918 No ;919 No 5921 No. 5914 \VhLI~ Mm~ Bldck Mam ü.moufbg~ GJecn Marlt QlI,ck,ilv~r ,\U(J~ $6.95 $5.95 S5.95 S7.95 S5.95 $5.95 ) ) ~ -../ r-'Q.5933 Rtd Mm" ru'rl~ Mmc No_ 5939 NdVY Mil'(~ No $990 I)r\l!h CJ"om~ $5.95 55.95 SS.9S 5.\.95 No. 59~7 No 1'.15990 Mtdnigh, ChrOIll~ $5.95 NQ.5mB Brllm Bnls $5·95 Nv 5990G ßlush Gold Plmcl J S9.95 , , . KEY RINGS ( ) No 5400 OY.II UUlsh Ch,ome $2.95 No 5400G Oval ND. 5414 No. 541S No. ;421 (ho.! Od Ov.J Brllih (,.eId PlmJ S7.95 Wh,!~ M~ff~ ßku:kMm. Cr«n M'l!r~ "",' $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 .$3.95 No 54201 Ql\ICkllly~t Malle RECTAHGUtAR I<EY RINGS: ("ol~hnw,,) No_ 5433 Ov.1 RtJ Mdnc 1'3.95 N".54}7 Oval Purpk $3.95 Man~ NQ )439 No. %O[)G Oval Rl'<:liln!!ub, N~vy n.95 Malr. Bf\'$h Gold Pld'«! S7.95 .. No. ';600 No.5GOOG No. 5014 No. 5618 No. 562\ No. 5614 No. 56.33 Bn,!!' Ch,om. B"'ilr Gold Phttd Wh". Maue ßl>ck Mauc (;'aM M"l1t QlIfcks,lve' IvlJl1e R.ed MOHt M~ll( No 5(lJ7 Purl'lt No. 51\39 N~"Y MJJI~ STYLUS SERIES PENS/PENCILS No. 7)7 o. 5720 o. 5750 ollAage Gr("ell Mane QuicksjJyer rell ren Matte PeH $17.95 $19.95 $1 .95 C~l No. 5760 W'hi,eMmc ren $17.95 No. 5770 o. 5780 Pmple Maue Chrom.. ren Pell $17.95 $14.95 o. M5780 Midnighr Cht'ollle Pen $17.95 o. 5791 Black MJue ren $17.95 No 5800 Gold PJa[~d I)en $22.95 o. -8.~0 N3V')' Mam Pen $1 .95 No. 58 0 Red Mme Pen $17.95 No.5 50 Rose Gold ren $22.95 STYLUS SERIES PENCILS: No. 5719 CJrnouAag $:39.95 n 0.5718 0.5725 No. 5755 o. 5765 No. 5775 No. 578' N . MS785 o. 5793 o. 5801 o. 'j 35 o. 5845 0.5 5 C'unonflage G,een Mam Quicksil\'er Mare.. W!t're Maree Purpie Mane Chrome Midnlg!u Ch.rome Blnek Matre old Phred av)' Marre Red Ime ase Gold 19.95 $17.95 $17.95 1 .95 $17.95 $14.95 S17.95 $17.95 $22.95 $17.95 S17.95 $22.95 STYLUS SERIES PEN/PENCIL SETS: No. 5719 :::::~","'''''''''''''''''''''''''''~N;O~.~M;5;7;5W rvhdnighr hronle Peneil '1'10 Ep t $\7.95 t WtI ting In,S1fnmtm" wilhom dip,> ... re Wh.n nrd<'",s. ~b", .,JJ code W t,lvJllJGlc II\UI\'.du;j]IJy or In '0 ,he end of model .umber. 5(.(S C.",ouflage Green Mane Quicksilvel Matte WhiteMMle PUfplc M;me Chrome Mldniglll Chrome No. 'j8 7 Recl arte $39.95 $35.95 $35·95 $35.95 $35.95 $29.95 $35.95 $35.95 $45.95 $35.95 $35.9- No. 5 57 Rose Gold $1.5.95 No. 5727 No. 5757 No. 5767 o. 5777 0.5790 o. M5790 o. 5799 o. 805 No. 5837 1l1.~kMm Gold Plated Navy Malte PERFORMER PENS Thr Performcr Pm Safr.r i; ,~ dgnrd lipuio.LJy fl,. your JOtwcnir bl/sinnf A/!f,i/able wuh lmprmt only, theu pms are commu·ti!d 0/ soltd brtlJJ mtdfratl/re rellable workmf, mec/'ammlJ, gold-plaud srul clips ,md carbuu tlpS. Thc dick-,wd-wrur finrure allow; ftr ear, one-hand oprmljon md UlYltmg eas,. PrlJornur PI'/1J conu wtth (m attmrrlve gift box and are availnble in nghl colon Pll:~ nOll:' l e C30l~1!.J) 0\\111 Mt fOI IlJustr:m\'(' pUlpOSlo:5 oaly TIlC)" .ut un, ,v,,j,bJ< 'I slnck "''''" [>"ru'Jll<' PCJl$ mwt he ordcrtU wlth )'our $O\l\'entl Impl mr In qll.HlIlOC.s of 50 01 more PE N REF I L L S (for Srylus enes) Pen RcfJlIs No. P5 c 06 _4-Paek Pell Rd,lI (Tubes) $1.00 pe, wbe Avaibble: Bille Medium Black MedIum BLtck Fjn~ EMBOSSED METAL SIGNS Di.Jplay Olle, mnlll rig'//s 01" iJlC display thcm all ... these uampcd funrtiOl1tl4 (J(fl'flcr:ive. (md 1/11 qr-ultchmg way to let yom' rwtomcrs Imow thry'/Ie com,: ro rhe rigbt plau ßn' q/laliry Zippo producrs. A SOd. Anniversary Car The 1947 ZIPPO Car 15 back ;lll<.l viII be a driving orce behind our sales. No. 142700 .. 1 "x 9W' ß. ZipLight Pocket Flashlight reopk will knolV they've ome co rh right plJce fot a cherishecl persol.:d treJ.\ure when this ZipLij(hr sign carches t1lcil' artel1rJonl No. 14270 I ... l5").. 12X" . Zippo Power Turn shoppers imo CllStOlners. rur dlG power of d1e Zippo name and the liierunG glla1anree ro work for )'ou! 0, 142702 ... 1 '.\ [0" D. FueJ Djspenser Purt nosralgia ' Thc dn Sie O'le·cenr ZIPPO uel dispense! an<! .\ penny represcnting rhe y/':l' ir ,111 began t No. 1 2703 .. 10" x 141',," J' Flame ClIstomers know lnslanrly that YOllr StOre l~ Iro ked wich hot ne.w Zippo merelundise! No. 142704 ... 10"x 17/" D , . 0 I S P l AYS Display v~llds ",desigllw 10 hold bJ",k pl"-ilic gilT boxtl, wdlxmd boxc,! .nd individu~l ,iI15, .. MD30 M.l1u.1 Display Uni[ H.md-optlJlM fUlm.ble dllpla)'l30 Z'PIX' pnxluc{$. Thrt'e side3 Iod 10 bl.lck goft boxe.< ~Ulely In pbce for ."/'II.ble QP('rarion PowerE,,1 s:llo lllCS>Jgl: i, dllpl'yM U[I rhe fonrrh side. Dimensions. 13;'( x 13;f' x 27"' MDß30 Monu.1 D,spl.y Unir whh s(Q~ge dr.we, hJ.\e (nOt plClured) Locbblc !forage d,..wer prov,des. \tCllre roundnion Fer MD30. Dimcnsionl. 141t" x 1411" x 3Jll'" MD30A Ple.~.cktd .tSS<lrtmtm or 42 bo:shselling Zippm ~Iu. TWO C98 collecllblel.nd 12 b,her ligh.er pouches &e p,;<:t shee. for ploduCl brt:1kdown. • 2MBO·GO AV'JjI.ble In April BmerY-Q~r:lte.d displ.y w"h on/off lwirch. AJsc llJ.nu.lmnl. Rellec"ve mi""rtd 11fi,," u,iI,l.eS '11f"1":11 hghr 10 illumln.lt Zippo hader. Usa fi)lll <lJncl.,d ~D' b,nel"es (lIlduded). Dilnensionl: J4W' x J4Wx 2;';'" .. 2MB60 Ligh. and MOlion D.splay ",,,h ;[Ofoge drJwel b:ue, DIsplay 60 Z'rpo p,oduns in black g,1i boxe. or indlVidttJJ uns, .nd s'o,< ad<ll(lo""J nock [11 locbbk SIO....gt d...."'el baJ.l:. Dimensions, IG~" x j(,l;;" x 31);" lM60 Ltgh! alld MOlion Dlspl.y (nOll"Clured) Same fC\lwrc.! ~s 2MBGO, w"hou. lht SlOI~t drawu DLmenIJOn$: 15:4" x 15;':" x 27" b.!~, ZM60A I"'r~-pJckcd o\Ssornntnl of94 bm.seJling llPPOl p1w fou' C98 coJl<Xtlbks Jnd 14 buttr lighctr pouches. $ef, plice she« fur prodUCl bre-akdown. .. )(o'"l;t. drawcr i! a""ilable J.l:p;mldy: 142461 For "se "'Lrh MD30. Dimensions: J4~~ x J4:r J42469 For 115e wltb lMGO Dimensions: 16)4" x 16)oi~ ~ 4~" x 4}l" • FSB96 lighr :md MOllon Floor Slind wnh I'orage b,sc, Display % lippo pn)(lllC1S Qn rop, .nd ,.ore extra lrock on t\','o shelH$ i<l lht 10eJubJe b:ue. Base unn ship' IIJt, and providei! .mplt slOrage for add",nnal !lock Di'llenSKllll" 15:'''x 18;j" ;( 67" FS96 l'gh, .nd MOllon Floo' Sr~l1d, Doigne<J for (OIlhltHOP "se, rhis uni! loas v! Ihe fC1lUrtS of FSB96, neep< lhe storage base. Dim~nsions: 15A:" ~ 15~" x 37- FSB')6A P<e.p.ckcod :u..<cltmem or 168 besr.selllllg Zippos ph'l tighr C98 collecubles and 48 IUlhe' Ii&!t<er ponches. Set pr!<:e she<:! for produ" b,ukdowll. . Gnt rmo 111 panel wmts wnh ZM(,O fO dISplay dual Ims .nd g,ft 'C!I. (~hown) :llld F$ß% I·r--·~ , . DISPLAYS .. 142648 Acryli, wedgc shOWC;UCI J 12ljgh(~s alld bllll~ cmro,n koder. ,""runt;' Glule, ~nd lock Di!l,CIUIOIlS: 10·)< llWl"IOYt ~ 142145 dl$plaj holds eigllll'glners JXIcbginS v:lll~"ons. Di,NIlS;Qm: 9l'\"x 8Ytx 19~ Conlp;lCl COlHue(WP in fll();';! .. 7..MSD Z,ppo ModulJr Sr~{icJllory Di\pl~y. Thi. modulal \\11;, holds ,en hghrcu. AdduionJI uni!> Cln Ix "ddcd hr side or from 10 [,ack .. 11\2455 COl'l1lC'rop Display holdl up ro 16 lighf':fl in ~ >r.l"".v d rKbging opnons. F.... <UI<'\ indnd<: J ""SlOm ht':ldCI, $l'cudry cable, ~nd lock. D,mcns;om 10,.\8. 7'1, ~ l6" ZIPPO~ nl'w lmt qf dirplaJi IS d~igMd fir tlnd mflX;",wd .1,d~J ftQm fz;1ltud ftlit;;~( tJl'·muhmg' ZIPPO • I .. CQ14nra dtpmdnhtllty, wnluifiry. spaa A Uariel} (1/ S.':,;I" prvdltcu fl/ 0p"mu", lIirwmg angl,,!. Jrr~nlJ lind Ilrrdllg"m"nli PACKAGING A Zppo gift ku j, du perftc lila} to gille 11 Zzppo WindpTooflig}, Ur. Gift k,r lud. s ,'ix fiinr.; and ." oz- In juel in a SI' Jr'1 (l dis " gift- box. maiVf pro<":IIIWOI7 lOT any ZI!PO Itgh~T. 5S SOR GifT Ki( Rcglll.r $4.95 (Add rhe I'rice .60." 10 .ln v rrgtll:u h~I1t<:r) EFP F ur LLglner Package .$3."0 (Add ,he pnee above .0 .my tour IiglHcr5) E7T2 '''''o-Park L,phtel Tin $5.95 '" (Add (he pt;ce .100.(' tn .HI . nvu liglHers) Glf.Kir Sl,m $4.95 (Add .he prtet: 3bove [sp ~j llghte, sI im lighr~r} EZllT r ,!..Ige 3. "0 (Add [hr pr;" .•bov< [0 .0 :tJl)' IlIdl\·,d1131 Li:!.h'cr Tm $1.1;3 .\111' 5" lrghret;) v (Add [he pne. Jbol'c [I) any I'gh[c,) 'om Pack Llghl:C[ Tin 6.95 (Add rhe pm.•• hove [0 any our LgJllusl , . ACCESSORIES Zipf/.) jlIJid. fiims. and wIek; hlJ~r a brighl nm' {'Jok. Thr IJppMling 11~ gmphi,; IJnd vivid eolors wdl tUlmet CU.ltomrr, ,, , I IVr 111,""11:4 "eUH()IJ M!rs. ,• Nn.2406C 5ix 1'11111 Di.s~ll~r CMd $,61/ dis l'e I1 5N No. JI41 l'ghler FIIIKl4.S Ot No_316S SIll' ll};hl~f r:luJd 12 o!. S'« (Sh'~Wl1lgC~fron Qf 24) (No. U41 carroll of 12) (Sh,pp,ng '''''''.ln uf 14) $1.60/0," 53.28/can (No 3.~5 CJltOl1 No 2425 WI,b 24 Per S.G8/wiek f)i~f,l~v ßox No. 2406N FllIH Co,ds 24 I"tr D,splav ßoJ,; $.61/ca.rd d 12) , . COllECTOR'S BOOK No. 174710 rhr< di~r;I1'!I\'e vellllnc i.• IJr,,1 for rhe storagc ;l.l'd dUI'Lty of "I' ro • 12 "caSH"d Z'P~ lighuf', llb<:k Ic.uhnmc bind,ng ,nd "dou' drsplay pl.rfo'llI (f'i:hrcrs nm i"duded) $18,95 il 200CS ....... "---_._-------- ßl''lcr f>aclc Jv,lIlable IU, ~Iim f"l;ub, lighlCf~_ P1=e 51""'iry bltl<c, elld wl,cll orJcrrng. Of .. Zippo Cust01n Imprinting Zippo IJ prolId ofolfr "pll&ation [or high qUllJiry imprintillg. FOT sOl/1Imir fig/. I/'I"S, etiStom di'sigllS, or speciaL orders, we crmtt jusl the right image [or JOu. Zippo offirs eight diffmm impn'nting methods. described 011 these t/liO pages. The mi/lim ,m qUllntity [m' most cusrom-imprimed produm is onl 50 piece per produ t model per design. Zippo's custom imprinting prouss starts with Jour arrwork. Our nrl depnrtment will repTodua a sOl/vmir postcard, sketch. phoUigraph. or Oll] Othff il1'11!.ge ou lvould like on our choice 0JZippo produet. lfJoU are reqtmting a f{)go to be imprinU'd, please keep in mind that it iJ JOllr respol1sibili to _ecure the right {O list [he logo. LASER ENGRAVING == lJ...er eil r:lv 19 IS one of dle newcsr cu romizanon merhods o(fercd by Zippo. The scue-o -rhe-an proce allow m~mendou Ae tb,liry In reproducing you arrwo k Oll our produ . Our Iase en ravers are computer programmed lO generalc cri p. accurare replicarion of YoU! j imprlnr. Laser engra ing is nowa aiJablc on mo ~ Zippo roducrs. how us Oll arrwork and we will tell yo if Ja er engra ing will work fot yOll. / " ETCH AND PAINT Zippo's eleh and paim Illerhod prodllces an arrraccive. durablc imprinc. A reverscd image is sil.k-s reened on rhe Zippo producr will an acid-r' i rant paint. Leaving cxpo cd ooly rhe 3Ce;JS to be erehed. rhc producr is dipped in an acid bath, whieh ctche 11 llDprolecrcd areas. Paim calors are screened one <Ir a [ime imo [he e[ hed vities, resulring in a colol ful araphie rhar i pennJJ1cml defilled in rhc surface. LUSTER ETCH The procedure for I rer erch is eh me a er h and painr rhrough rhe acid bach. 0 colo are uscd for lu (er crch; instcad. rhe proclu is er ed and [hen pla[ed. killful hand or machine uffin o defines rhe high and low arca of rhe dcsign [0 creme a ubrle dimensional effecL 'dy PtodUcl From COMPUTER GRAPHIC PRDOFS Our compure"·gmerpredjJ<1per p1"oofis a no-cos! oprion, nlJllikble on frqULSt. TI. e prooJsh(Jll/S 'OUT jiJl-eolor imprint on a variety oJZippo poduCls. fck LjoT pro~ 1l' ') ·!t rion or[Or art appTOIIf11. How to Order SURFACE IMPRINT Surface ill\prinring is ;l silk-screenIng process lISll1g a separ;lre screen for each color. Durable epoxy paint is applied ro rhe flllish, building a rieh and vibrant image. The product is oven-cured, bonding [he poxy inlprilH tO ehe surfolCe, where ie becomes an imeßral part of the finish. COMPUTER ENGRAVING <1- Zippo is proud to have n-line the large , number of comp\Her engraving nldchine in ,he Unired Srate . OUt skiUed operawr use eirher rhe rmary engrave or diamond eur merhod [Q in cribe an image inco the producr. Each machine is wstom progr:lmmed through a key 03rd or from digitized rrwork. Zippo is leading rhe indu uy with this Stare-or the-art y rem. Preproduction sarnpfes are Quailable upon reque 't. Zippo will produce either a.n actu.al praduct imprinted with Jour design or, for Imur service, Qcomplfter-generated paper sample (see jLCiflg page). Tlm-e are '110 {(rtwork, JW-Up or sfl.rnple charges. Zippo affin 11 "no charge" sample berlluS( we knou, /rom experience, that the umt majority of.ramples produced turn inln flnn orders, Dur pn'cing is baud on the product 11I0del se/~(((d, the number 01color.< /lsed in the imprint/engraving and the IlIImber alprodt/ct surfaus overed. Its easy tf) order Zippo ClIstomimprimed produw; ETCHED EPOXV The erched epoxy process eornbines rhe durabili()' of Illsrer erch wirh the beau()' of surface impeint on rhe same brass producr. A portion of the de,~ign is etched, and rhe product is pbred. The remainder of rhe design is rhen creened one color:H a ri me wid, a durable epoxy paine. Tbe resulting design com lemem.5 the crisp, deal lines of luscer rch wirh rhe bea\ltifuJ color-oncolor look cf surra e imprinr. STYLUS SERIES IMPRINTS Zippo wriring insrrumenr.> may be usromi1.ed with a band imprim, an arrached emblem, 01 J cOll1biuation of born. The muJrj·color pr ce de e10ped exclllsively by Zippo ensures sharp, high qualiry image replic:uion in ~ ver}' mall area. Jmpcinr bands are made frOI a rhree-pare laminate process whi h create crisp, vivid il1la"es. To pforecr rhe image, rhe band is eovered wirh a clear Teflon ring and rheu heat seal d. Emblem imprinr are produced hy ehe same laminare merhod. The design is pcotecled by a crymJline dome, which enhances the image wirh a three-dimensionallook. PERFDRMER PEN IMPRINTS The imprinring merhod used on our Performel Pen Series is ~ mte-of-thean compllter-<:omrolled silk screening process. The image is applied one color <I[ a time wirh cusroln paint and high densiry mesh sereens ro ereare a crisp lasting impression. ...... 1. Seleet the graphic d.e ign you Wlllll 10 I.fJt Ilnd send rhe plJ)'sical "artworl<" lO USo SOT! , wt' art' Iwt able to repmdl./ce tlrrwork that h(J,j' bem jfwd. 2. fndicatt the product name Ilnd mnnber and, Jor lightm, the mrJäCl' loaulon ofthe imprint: · front top and/or bottom • back top and/or bottam · a combination ofaboue 3, lndicate the qUflntiry Y0t! Ilrt ordering. 4. Se/m imprinting Jtyle. sho'u.m Ort theJe pages. Not roery proCts.f is suitable forelle 1)1 prQduCf.
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