Courier - Grundy County Chamber of Commerce


Courier - Grundy County Chamber of Commerce
July 2013
Your place for business services
and area information!
Celebrating Anniversaries
Congratulations to the following
businesses celebrating a milestone in or
before the month of July
5 years
J & C Travel, Inc.
40 years
Arends Hogan Walker
50 years
First Baptist Church of Channahon
We need your help in updating our information…
please contact Kathy at 815-942-0113 or
with the date you opened your business.
Help Us Grow Your Chamber…Refer a Member
As a valued member of our organization, you can
play an active role in helping the Chamber grow its
membership by forwarding your referrals to our
membership department.
By referring these companies or organizations to the
Chamber, you’re not only contributing to the vitality
of our broader business community, but also to the
continued success of your colleague’s business.
The Chamber of Commerce's Member Referral Program is a great opportunity to help
your Chamber and your business grow. When you refer a company who becomes a
member of the Chamber, we will extend our gratitude by giving you $40 in Chamber
Cash and acknowledging your company in an article in our monthly newsletter.
Referral Terms:
Current Chamber Members and
their employees can participate.
One full year of membership dues
must be paid by the new Member.
A special thanks to the following members
who referred other businesses that joined the
Angela Baumeister, WCSJ/WJDK
Jill Behning, Twin Oaks Savings Bank
Dianne Breslar, Chapin’s
NO limit to the number of referrals
Karen Campbell, Grundy County ERCO
you can make.
Diane Stelken, Diane Stelken Associates
Chamber Cash is a $40 credit that
you can use toward any program, service, dues and events —and good for two years!
Know a business that could benefit from being a member? Contact Liz at 815-521-9999
or and she will contact the referred business. Referral sheets
are also available online.
2013 ‘not-so-classic’ Golf Classic
Just over 100 people participated in this
year’s outing! Though the rain hit a little
early, Nettle Creek’s staff at and our
volunteers did an awesome job of keeping
everyone safe, entertained and fed!
The Photo Booth and Ice Cream Stop were
popular spots as was the Hurricane Oasis
and Stretching Station! Golfers tried hitting
a hole-in-one, driving a marshmallow and
putting a disc—all to benefit the Chamber’s
Scholarship Fund!
Raffles, prizes and tropical attire were all
around and a fun time was had by all!
Thanks to all sponsors, golfers and
volunteers for another great outing!
Thank you, thank you thank you to our Sponsors, Volunteers & Committee
Mary Rossio, Angels of Hope
Arends Hogan-Walker LLC
Associated Orthodontists
Centrue Bank
Channahon General Rental
Terri Gilmoure, Country Financial
First Midwest Bank
Frank Grimes, Professional Disc Golf Assoc.
Shari Andreas & Grundy Bank
Golf Visions
Theresa Hammond & Heartland Disposal
Katie Goron & Jodi Wulff,
Joliet Area Community Hospice
Joliet Slammers Baseball
Mayor Richard Kopczick
Mack & Associates
Christina Chapman-VanYperen &
Morris Daily Herald
Erin Murphy-Frobish &
Morris Hospital & Healthcare Centers
Morris Liquors
Kurt Nolan & Nettle Creek Country Club
Newsome Physical Therapy
Northern Insurance
The Norton Family
Naomi Martinez, NuMark Credit Union
Optimal Health & Wellness
Eric Peterson & Brett Simon,
Peterson Computer Consulting
Republic Services of Joliet
Wendy Oaks & Jennifer Ulrich, Standard Bank
State Representative Pam Roth
ServPro of Morris / Ottawa
Jason Trammel & The Reserves Network
Twin Oaks Savings Bank
Karen Nall, United Way -Grundy County
Village of Channahon
Board of Directors and Staff
Board of Directors:
+John Adler, Chair
Chamber Staff:
Channahon Minooka Chamber Office
* Angela Baumeister
Ambassador Chair
Jill Behning
Twin Oaks Savings Bank
+ Dianne Breslar
Chapin’s Restaurant
+ Chris Breyman, Treasurer
Grundy Bank
+ Matt Fritz, Vice Chair
Village of Coal City
* John Harrington
Village of Minooka &
CM Chamber Division Chair
Erin Murphy Frobish
Morris Hospital & Healthcare Centers
Lowell Jacobsen, Jr.
Hollywood Casino Joliet
Kathy Bartnik
Administrative Assistant
Mary Ann Kilbride,
Coal City Office
Liz McKee,
Membership Director
Sarah Peterson,
Events Director
Caroline Portlock,
Executive Director
Chamber Ambassadors:
John Adler, AFLAC
Angela Baumeister , Chair
Dick Kopczick
City of Morris
Michael McMahon
Village of Channahon
Amy Murphy
Joliet Junior College
Robert Osgood
Dresden Generating Plant
* Mark Steadham
GEDC Chair
Brian Tallman
Arends Hogan Walker
Mindy Cheshareck
Banker’s Advertising
Stephanie Coleman, Vice Chair
Standard Bank
Terri Gilmoure, Immediate Past Chair
Country Financial
Kelly Hitt
Grundy County Health Department
Jennifer Hock
Grundy Bank
Steven Kieslar
American Family Insurance
* David Welter
Grundy County Board
Becky Lennon
Channahon General Rental
Jason Wiesbrock
Naomi Martinez
NuMark Credit Union
Jim Zackavec
First Midwest Bank
Chris McCabe
McCabe Agency
+ Executive Committee
* Appointed Position
Tammy Partridge
Crossroads Counseling Services
Channahon Minooka Chamber
Caitlin Redmond
Division Committee:
Stephanie Coleman
Standard Bank
Deanne Conterio
Heartland Bank
John Harrington, Chair
Village of Minooka
Michael McMahon
Village of Channahon
Lauren Offerman
Three Rivers Public Library
Twin Oaks Savings Bank
Mary Rossio
Angels of Hope NFP, Inc.
Ben Sisk
Edward Jones
Judi Tapella, Secretary
Mary Kay Cosmetics
Terri Tatroe
All American Self Storage LLC
Terri Turney
Heartland Bank
The Chamber’s mission:
 support its membership
 promote economic development,
 preserve and enhance the quality of life
The Courier is a monthly newsletter produced by the Chamber for its
members. To submit information, please contact the Chamber office.
From the Director’s Desk...
Ambassadors are an Essential Piece to Our Success
Isn't it a wonderful thing that we're all different?
Each of us has strengths and skills to share. And
when we link our individual strengths together,
we're invincible. Can't imagine us without you.
While planning for our most recent Ambassador meeting, I ran across the
above description related to a recognition program. I shared it with Angela
Baumeister and Stephanie Coleman (Ambassador Club Chair & Vice Chair)
who agreed that it was a fitting description of our Ambassadors.
This group of people who volunteer to promote the Chamber while
representing their own businesses, truly assist us in learning more about the
programs and services that all of you value most. The follow up calls that
the Ambassadors make to members throughout the year provides valuable
feedback to the Chamber staff and board.
Our current Ambassadors are listed to the left of this article. You will likely
hear from one of them during the year or see them at an after hours or event.
If you do, please give them feedback on the Chamber so we can continue to
I appreciate the time the Ambassadors spend in promoting our Chamber and
all that they do on behalf of all of members. They are
certainly an essential piece to our success!
Member News & Briefs
Regional Superintendent of Schools, Chris Mehochko welcomes
The University of St. Francis (USF) named
Michelle Senffner as Assistant Superintendent in the Regional Office Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D., as the institution’s ninth
of Education. Welcome Shelley!
president. Prior to his career in higher education,
Johnson was a principal in a management
The Free Press Newspapers and the Coal City Courant welcomes consulting firm and has more than 15 years of
Tonya Michalec and Brent Sumner to their staff of reporters.
engineering, manufacturing and senior
management experience in a variety of business
Morris Hospital & Healthcare Centers welcomes a new Certified environments. USF serves 3,400 students
Diabetes Educator, Diana Mangan, to their team. Welcome Diana! nationwide, offering undergraduate, graduate and
doctoral programs in arts and science, business, education, nursing
One of Illinois’ largest school districts will outfit its buildings with
and health care and social work. Welcome Dr. Johnson!
new wireless alarm technology this summer as a safeguard against
violent intruders. Plainfield Schools opted for a high-tech security
The Dwight Pine Bluff Lakewood Animal Hospitals welcome Dr.
system from Alarm Detection Systems.
Kimberly Joachim and Dr. Michael Miller to their team. Both are U
of I graduates—Dr. Joachim is originally from Homer Glen and Dr.
Optimal Health & Wellness welcomes Rachelle V. Crockett as their Miller is from Coal City. Welcome!
Director of Public Relations. Welcome Rachelle!
Morris Senior Living is now Point Supportive Living with new
Special thank you to Joliet Junior College Dean, Dan Kreidler, for Manager Sara Foster. Sara can be reached at 815-416-6206.
his years of service to the region and Chamber through the Business
Education Council and happy retirement!
The Private Bank recently welcomed W. Jeff Wunderlich to their
mortgage team. Welcome Jeff!
Welcome New Members:
Country Financial
(815) 942-1560
Jonathan Clubb, Financial Representative
1509 Creek Drive
Morris, IL 60450
Greenway Motors
(815) 942-3400
Tom Greenway, Principal
300-310 Bedford Road
Morris, IL 60450
Greenway has multiple dealerships and brands all in one location to
give you the best choice and selection when shopping for a New or
Used Car, Truck or SUV, including: Ford, GMC, RAM, Chrysler,
Dodge, and Jeep – all backed by an outstanding Service Department.
You already know how important it is to have auto and home insurance,
but insurance is only one part of financial security. The good news is I
can help you with your insurance needs and help you plan for your
financial future. I can assist you with Insurance Services (Auto, Home, Integrity Automotive
James Peraud, Owner
Life, Health, Disability & Commercial) and Financial Services
(Financial Review & Retirement Planning).
Jeff Jackson, Manager
Fossil Ridge Public Library District
(815) 458-2187
Richard Ashley, Library Director
386 West Kennedy Road
Braidwood, IL 60408
Got news?
Share it with others by e-mailing us at
The Fossil Ridge Public Library District serves Will, Grundy and
Kankakee Counties—a population of approximately 14,500 library
patrons. We provide a variety of services for the entire family.
512 Twin Rail Drive
Minooka, IL 60447
(815) 467-0337
At Integrity Automotive, we have over 30 years experience on foreign
and domestic automobiles. Experience has taught us the supreme
importance of customer satisfaction and quality service. Our goal is to
provide a place where you can confidently bring your vehicle for
service. We service every vehicle as if it was our own.
Legal Shield
(630) 264-2588
Steve Beck, Independent Associate
3191 Kenilworth Lane
Montgomery, IL 60538
We provide a variety of legal services and identity theft protection plans
for individuals, families and small businesses.
“Say Ahhh and Save the Date!!”
Plans are underway for a Pet Wellness Fair
on Saturday, August 24 from 1—3 pm
at Walgreens in Channahon.
Want to be a part of this event? Contact Sarah at 815-942-0113 or
Business After Hours
Business After Hours
Thursday, July 18
Thursday, August 29**
5 - 7 pm
5 - 7 pm
Sponsored by:
American Family Insurance
Steven Kieslar’s Office**
3605 N. Route 47, Morris
** join us for Steve’s grand opening celebration!
Sponsored by:
Talty Chevrolet, Buick Cadillac
1850 N. Division, Morris
** please note special date to celebrate grand re-opening!
Great Food, Networking & Drawings! Bring lots of business cards!
Business After 5 & Business After Hours are networking events where you could meet your next customer!
Pay or Play: A Hands-On Workshop for Businesses Preparing for the
2014 Healthcare Reform Mandate
Thursday, July 25th
10 to 11:30 a.m. (Registration at 9:30)
The Dwight Village Hall
Brought To You By
This workshop is designed for those businesses struggling to plan for the upcoming
Shared Responsibility portion of the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA).
This event is for you if:
You want to quantify the decision to either pay the tax (penalty) or “Play” by offering
benefits to all of your full time employees (30+ Hours)
You do not know what offering employees “affordable” insurance means, and are unsure
if your plan offers “minimum essential benefit” levels as defined by ACA
What are the tax implications of your decisions
What are the “Safe Harbor” provisions in ACA that could impact your business
How Vouchers and the Exchange figure into the equation
See a real-world case study of Company X and their exposure to ACA
Want a customized analysis of your exposure to ACA
No cost to attend! Space is Limited. RSVP to no later than Monday, July 22nd. We will
email confirmation, directions and workshop materials in reply.
Grundy County Chamber of Commerce & Industry
909 Liberty Street
Morris, IL 60450
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Morris, IL 60450
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