1 2 3 4 5 90 180 320 6 7 8 9 10 :service@mail.lib.ecust.edu.cn :www.shciut.edu.cn :64253094 : 130 200237 www.cnpiecsb.com wly@cnpiecsb.com luying@cnpiecsb.com 021-62564745 021-62150555*317 021-62150555*338 555 200040 306 120 目 录 社会科学部分 心理学 .............................................................................................................. 2 公共管理 ........................................................................................................... 4 传播学 .............................................................................................................. 5 社会学 ............................................................................................................ 10 管理学 ............................................................................................................ 12 会计金融学 ..................................................................................................... 24 经济统计学 ..................................................................................................... 36 经济学 ............................................................................................................ 38 商务商法 ......................................................................................................... 46 市场营销学 ..................................................................................................... 53 自然科学部分 化学 ................................................................................................................ 55 物理学 ............................................................................................................ 63 工程学 ............................................................................................................ 72 环境科学 ....................................................................................................... 102 心理学 001 Psychology Applied to Work (with Study Guide), 8th Edition 《 心 理 学 与 工 作 》, 第 8 版 Paul M. Muchinsky - University of North Carolina, Greensboro ISBN-10: 0534607810 | ISBN-13: 9780534607814 作者介绍 : 绍: 作者 Paul M. Muchinsky 是 Purdue University 工业组织心理 学博士,在 Lowa State University 大学教授工业组织心理学 572 Pages Case Bound 7 3/8 X 9 1/4 Dimension (c) 2006 出版社:Thomson Learning 课程 20 年。为了表彰其突出的教学成绩,2004 年工业组织 心理学学会授予其突出教学贡献奖。Muchinsky博士是工业 组织心理学领域非常活跃的一位专家, 书中的很多案例都直 接来源于他的职业实践。 内容简介 : 介: 自 20 年前第一版出版至今,本书在工业组织心理学领域一直独占鳌头,并成为该领域标准教科书的范本。将实践与理论的完 美结合,大量最新文献的引用,丰富的实际生活案例,是本书最吸引人的特点。本书新版强调社会、文化和结构变更对现实 工作世界雇主和雇员的影响。 章节介绍 : 绍: 教辅资料 : 料: 1. The Historical Background of I/O Psychology. 2. Research Methods in I/O Psychology. 教师手册,教学 PPT,题库,多媒体教 学光盘 3. Criteria: Standards for Making Decisions. 4. Predictors: Psychological Assessments. 采用院校 : 校: Boston University Johns Hopkins University New York University Pennsylvania State University University of Michigan 5. Personnel Decisions. 6. Organizational Learning. 7. Performance Management. 8. Organizations and Organizational Change. 9. Teams and Teamwork. 10. Organizational Attitudes and Behavior. 11. Occupational Health. 12. Work Motivation. ·2· 心理学 002 Psychology: An Introduction, 9th Edition 《 心 理 学 导 论 》, 第 9 版 : Benjamin B. Lahey 者: 作者 书号: 9780071106177 出版日期:2005 年 12 月 816 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: Respected researcher and author Benjamin Lahey uses engaging writing on a foundation of solid scholarship to help students master the basics of psychology. The text's proven learning system is more effective than ever in this revision, thanks to a streamlined and functional visual design. Applications of basic concepts throughout the text help students retain what they learn by demonstrating psychology's relevance to their own lives, and fully integrated coverage of culture and diversity promotes an inclusive learning experience for all. The fully revised ninth edition benefits from expert reviewing in many specialties--including neuroscience, sensation and perception, social psychology, and applied topics--and fully updated coverage in all areas. The bottom line is with Lahey, you'll help your students apply psychological concepts to their lives, while emphasizing diversity and solid research, all at an affordable price. Lahey--It's the Real Deal. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Psychology: An Introduction 9th Edition Benjamin B. Lahey Brief Table of Contents Part 1: INTRODUCTION AND FOUNDATIONS Chapter 1 What is Psychology? Chapter 2 Research Methods in Psychology Chapter 3 Biological Foundations of Behavior Part 2: AWARENESS Chapter 4 Sensation and Perception Chapter 5 States of Consciousness Part 3: LEARNING AND COGNITION Chapter 6 Basic Principles of Learning Chapter 7 Memory Chapter 8 Cognition, Language and Intelligence 教辅资源 : 源: Part 4: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 9 Developmental Psychology Part 5: THE SELF Chapter 10 Motivation and Emotion Chapter 11 Gender and Sexuality Chapter 12 Personality Theories and Assessment Part 6: HEALTH AND ADJUSTMENT Chapter 13 Stress and Health Chapter 14 Abnormal Behavior Chapter 15 Therapies Part 7: SOCIAL CONTEXT Chapter 16 Social Psychology Chapter 17 Psychology Applied to Business and Other Professions Appendix: Measurement and Statistics ·3· Supplements DVD + CD Media Resources for Teaching Psychology/0-07-293885-4 Test Bank /0-07-313391-4 Practice Tests/0-07-322730-7 采用院校 : 校: 华盛顿大学、哥伦比亚大学等学校采 用 公共管理 001 The New Public Personnel Administration, 6th Edition 《 公 共 人 事 管 理 》, 第 6 版 作者介绍 : 绍: Lloyd G. Nigro - Georgia State University Felix A. Nigro - Emeritus, University of Georgia Nigro 自 1979 年以来一直担任 Georgia State University 公 J. Edward Kellough - University of Georgia 共管理系主任。之前 Nigro 曾在 Syracuse University 和 ISBN-10: 0534602398 | ISBN-13: 9780534602390 University of Southern California 任教。他的研究领域是公 416 Pages Case Bound 6 3/8 x 9 1/4 Dimension 共事务人力资源管理政策、管理伦理和美国政治思想和管 (c) 2007 理。他发表了该领域的大量论文,同时是另一本广泛使用 出版社:Thomson Learning 的人事管理教材(THE NEW PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION)的合著者。 内容简介 : 介: 本书提供了大量公共人事管理领域的政策、法律、判例,涉及美国联邦政府、州政府、社区等各级管理机构。书中包含大 量人事管理领域的核心问题和争论议题,如反歧视行为,赔偿与收益,性骚扰,工作场所暴力,物质和酒精滥用,工作评 价和劳资谈判等。 章节介绍 : 绍: 教辅资料 : 料: 采用院校 校: 1. The American Public Service. 2. Public Personnel Administration: A Historical Overview. 简历制作 CD Florida Intl University Radford University Santa Clara University 3. Human Resources and Organizational Performance. 4. Recruitment and Selection. 5. Issues in Job Evaluation and Pay. Texas Southern University University Of Georgia 6. Performance Appraisal and Pay for Performance. 7. Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector. 8. Public Employees - Rights and Reponsibilities. 9. Combating Historical Patterns of Discrimination. 10. Responding to the Changing American Workforce. 11. Civil Service Reform: A Closer Look. 12. The Future of Public Personnel. ·4· 传播学 001 Public Speaking in a Diverse Society 3e + Workbook, 3rd Edition 《 公 共 演 讲 》, 第 3 版 著者介绍 : 绍: Dr. Patricia Kearney - California State University, Long Beach 作者Jaffe是Oregon State University博士, 同时曾在University of Washington 进行研究生学习。她在 St. John's University Dr. Tim Plax - California State University, Long Beach ISBN-10: 0759360472 | ISBN-13: 9780759360471 (c) 2005 出版社:Thomson Learning (Queens)和 Oregon State University教授沟通课程。另外,这 本广受欢迎的教材特别强调个体差异。她同时教授口译课 程,并作为演讲竞赛指导教师和评委。Jaffe 目前是 Oregon State University 传播系主任。 内容简介 : 介: 本书目的是通过训练,使学生成为有效的演讲者和倾听者。作者 Jaffe 探索了公共演说的不同特点,包括基本公共演讲技能, 使用修辞的基础和技术等等。基于对学生需求的深刻理解,作者在撰写每一章的时候,都按照概念、技巧、理论、应用和批 评性思考五部分,使学生可以迅速直接的掌握相应知识和技能。 章节介绍 : 绍: 1. Public Speaking and Culture. 2. Giving Your First Speech: Developing Confidence. 3. Ethics and Diversity. 4. Effective Listening. 5. Audience Analysis. 6. Selecting Your Topic and Purpose. 7. Researching Your Speech in an Electronic Culture. 8. Choosing Supporting Materials. 9. Organizing and Outlining Your Ideas. 教辅资料 : 料: 14. Delivering Your Speech. 15. Telling Narratives. CNN Today,多媒体视频,学生活动 手册 16. Informative Speaking. 17. Persuasive Speaking. 18. Persuasive Reasoning Methods. Appendix A: Speaking to Small Groups. Appendix B: Speaking on Special Occasions. 采用院校 : 校: California State University Coastal Georgia CC 10. Beginning and Ending Your Speech. 11. Putting It All Together: Outlining Your Speech. 12. Visual Aids: From Chalkboard to Computer. MBS Textbook Exchange Riverside Community College WEST COAST UNIVERSITY 13. Choosing Effective Language. ·5· 传播学 002 Introduction to Mass Communication, 4th Edition 《 大 众 传 播 学 基 础 》, 第 4 版 作 者: Stanley J. Baran 书号: 9780071119351 出版日期:2005 年 4 月 608 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: This text encourages students to take more active roles as media consumers and gives them a deeper understanding of the role that the media play in both shaping and reflecting culture. Through this cultural perspective, students learn that audience members are as much a part of the mass communication process as are the media producers, technologies, and industries. This was the first university-level text to make media literacy central to its approach; building on this tested emphasis, the new updated edition features dozens of updates on recent technologies and government rulings, including the Patriot Act, the Supreme Court ruling on Peer-2-Peer file-sharing on Grokster, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association vs. Brand X, newspaper blogs, BitTorrent, podcasting, and much more! 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents PART 1. LAYING THE GROUNDWORK Chapter 1. Mass Communication, Culture, and Media Literacy PART II. MEDIA, MEDIA INDUSTRIES, AND MEDIA AUDIENCES Chapter 2. Books Chapter 3. Newspapers Chapter 4. Magazines Chapter 5. Film Chapter 6. Radio and Sound Recording Chapter 7. Television Chapter 8. Cable and Other Multichannel Services 教辅资源 : 源: Chapter 10.The Internet and the World Wide Web: Changing the Paradigm PART III. SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES Chapter 11. Public Relations Chapter 12. Advertising PART IV. MASS MEDIATED CULTURE IN THE INFORMATION AGE Chapter 13. Theories and Effects of Mass Communication Chapter 14. Media Freedom, Regulation, and Ethics Chapter 15. Global Media Chapter 9. Video Games ·6· Supplements Instructor's Resource CD-ROM/0-07298128-8 Online Learning Center with PowerWeb/0-07-298125-3 采用院校 : 校: 华盛顿大学、加州州立大学等学校采用 传播学 003 Communication Theories in Action: An Introduction (with InfoTrac), 3rd Edition 《 实 用 传 播 理 论 》, 第 3 版 著者介绍 : 绍: Julia T. Wood - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 作者 Wood 是人文领域 Lineberger 突出贡献教授,在 ISBN-10: 0534566391 | ISBN-13: 9780534566395 University of North Carolina 传播研究系任教。她 24 岁获得 384 Pages Paper Bound 7 3/8 x 9 1/4 Dimension Pennsylvania State University 大学博士学位,主持了大量 (c) 2004 个体传播领域的研究,发表了 80 余篇论文,同时出版了 出版社:Thomson Learning 专著 15 部,与人合著和编著图书 8 部。另外,她还获得 了 9 个突出教学贡献奖和 10 个突出研究贡献奖。 内容简介 : 介: 作者 Wood 在传播领域获得高度认可,曾出版过 15 本传播学专著。本书向学生介绍了传播领域的代表性理论,并向学生展 示了这些理论如何应用于现实生活。按照章节组织不同的理论,在讲述某个理论时又与其他理论相连接,这样的组织方式 使学生更易理解各理论,并便于比较理论间的异同。 章节介绍 : 绍: Part One: THINKING ABOUT COMMUNICATION THEORY. Opening. 1. Communication as a Field of Study. 2. Understanding Communication Theories. 3. Building and Testing Theory. Part Two: COMMUNICATION THEORIES. 4. An Early Communication Theory. 5. Theories about Symbolic Activity. 教辅资料 : 料: Communities. 11. Theories of Mass Communication. 12. Critical Communication Theories. 13. The Frontiers of Theory. 14. Communication Theories in Action: A Final Look. Glossary. References. Name Index. Subject Index. 教师教学手册,学生活动手册 采用院校 : 校: Coe College College Of New Jersey Culver Stockton College Dana College Davis And Elkins College 6. Theories about Performance. 7. Theories about How People Construct Meaning. 8. Theories of Interpersonal Dynamics. 9. Theories about Communication and the Evolution of Relationships. 10. Theories about Communication ·7· 传播学 004 Writing and Reporting News: A Coaching Method, Media Enhanced Edition(with InfoTrac), 4th Edition 《新闻报告撰写》第 4 版 著者介绍 绍: Carole Rich - University of Alaska Anchorage 作者 Rich 是 University of Alaska Anchorage 新闻系教授,她 曾先后在Hofstra University任2年新闻系系主任,在Univer- ISBN-10: 0534633331 | ISBN-13: 9780534633332 592 Pages Paper Bound 7 3/8 x 9 1/4 Dimension sity of Kansas 教授新闻 11 年,在报刊业工作 16 年,担任过 报刊记者、编辑、主编等工作。同时她作为全美新闻撰写培 训讲师,每年在新闻机构举办大量的新闻撰写工作坊。同时 她还是 WRITING AND REPORTING NEWS: A COACHING METHOD 和 CREATING ONLINE MEDIA, A GUIDE TO (c) 2005 出版社:Thomson Learning RESEARCH, WRITING AND DESIGN ON THE INTERNET两 书的作者。 内容简介 : 介: 本书因其实用的教学方式广受使用者欢迎。它教授学生如何掌握作为记者最基本的技能要求,包括从构思到撰写的完整过程, 同时强调作为记者的书面能力与伦理标准。本书通过鲜活的文字,使学生能够参与其中,掌握如何撰写优秀的新闻。 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: 教辅资料 : 料: 1. UNDERSTANDING NEWS 2. COLLECTING INFORMATION 3. CONSTRUCTING STORIES Arizona Western College Barry University Berea College 教师教学手册 4. UNDERSTANDING MEDIA ISSUES 5. APPLYING THE TECHNIQUES Florida A&M University ·8· 传播学 005 人文艺术 Culture and Values, Volume I: A Survey of the Humanities (with CD-ROM), 6th Edition 《 文 化 和 价 值 》, 第 6 版 Lawrence S. Cunningham - University of Notre Dame John J. Reich - Visiting Professor, Syracuse University in Florence, Italy 著者介绍 : 绍: Cunningham 教授获得过多项奖项,包括 Fenlon Award 和 Kaneb Award。他对文化、基督教精神、基督教历史有系统 的理论研究。他编著和撰写了 15 部图书,发表了 50 篇学术 文章,200 多篇宣传文摘。同时担任很多学术期刊的编委, 公益专栏作家。 ISBN-10: 0534582281 | ISBN-13: 9780534582289 496 Pages Paper Bound 8 1/2 X 11 Dimension (c) 2006 出版社:Thomson Learning 内容简介 : 介: 本书作为人文领域标准课程教材达 20 余年,囊括了西方文化和所有重要的非西方文化领域。它能够奠定学生坚实的艺术、 音乐、哲学、文学基础,同时易读性也是本书的重要特点。 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: 教辅资料 : 料: Preface. 1. The Beginnings of Civilization. 2. Early Greece. Duluth Business University EAGLE ROCK HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SALES COLLEGE 多媒体教学资源,教学投影图片 3. Classical Greece and the Hellenistic Period. 4. The Roman Legacy. 5. Ancient Civilizations of India and Eastern CT State College Elgin Community College China. 6. Judaism and Early Christianity. 7. Byzantium. 8. Islam. 9. Charlemagne and the Rise of Medieval Culture. 10. High Middle Ages: The Search for Synthesis. 11. The Fourteenth Century: A Time of Transition. 12. The Early Renaissance. ·9· 社会学 001 Sociology in Our Times, 6th Edition 作者介绍 : 绍: 《 当 代 社 会 学 》, 第 6 版 Diana Kendall - Baylor University ISBN-10: 0495006858 | ISBN-13: 9780495006855 作者戴安娜基德尔是得克萨斯州立大学的博士, 她致力于研 752 Pages Case Bound 8 1/2 x 11 Dimension 究种族,阶层,性别的社会学原理,并受邀成为美国社会学 (c) 2007 研究会的一员。 出版社:Thomson Learning 内容简介 : 介: 本书是美国社会学课程畅销教材。书中充满了丰富鲜活的生活实例,作者通过生动、实用的表述方式将这些实例展现在读 者面前,使读者能够将不同的理论、研究与现实生活紧密联系。同时,本书是第一本整合种族、阶层、性别问题的综合性 社会学教材。 章节介绍 : 绍: Part I: STUDYING SOCIETY AND SOCIAL LIFE. 1. The Sociological Perspective. 2. Sociological Research Methods. 3. Culture. 4. Socialization. Part II: SOCIAL GROUPS AND SOCIAL CONTROL. 5. Society, Social Structure, and Interaction. 6. Groups and Organizations. 7. Deviance and Crime. Part III: SOCIAL INEQUALITY. 8. Class and Stratification in the United States. 9. Global Stratification. 10. Race and Ethnicity. 11. Sex and Gender. 教辅资料 : 料: 12. Aging and Inequality Based on Age. Part IV : SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS. 教师资源手册 题库 13. The Economy and Work in Global Perspective. 14. Politics and Government in Global Perspective. 采用院校 : 校: 15. Families and Intimate Relationships. 16. Education. 17. Religion. 18. Health, Health Care, and Disability. Part V: SOCIAL DYNAMICS AND SOCIAL CHANGE. 19. Population and Urbanization. 20. Collective Behavior, Social Movements, and Social Change. Glossary. References. ·10· Indiana University Kansas State University Ohio State University Purdue University - Main Campus Tufts University 社会学 002 Sociology: A Brief Introduction, 7th Edition 《 社 会 学 基 础 》, 第 7 版 : 作者 者: Richard T. Schaefer 书号: 9780071101783 出版日期:2006 年 10 月 512 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: Like its predecessors, the seventh edition of this text reflects Rick Schaefer's mission to bring readers a comprehensive, up-to-date presentation that teaches them how to think critically about society and their own lives from a wide range of classical and contemporary perspectives. Combining balanced coverage of theory with current research findings, distinctive social policy sections, examples of interest to students, and abundant learning aids and exercises, this text will help students develop a sociological imagination. An optional package combines Schaefer, Sociology, Seventh Edition and Reel Society Interactive Movie 2.0 CD-ROM at nominal extra cost. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Brief Table Of Contents Chapter 1. Understanding Sociology Chapter 2. Sociological Research Chapter 3. Culture Chapter 4. Socialization Chapter 5. Social Interaction, Groups, and Social Structure Chapter 6. The Mass Media Chapter 7. Deviance and Social Control Chapter 8. Stratification and Social 教辅资源 源: Chapter 12. The Family and Intimate Relationships Chapter 13. Religion and Education Chapter 14. Government and the Economy Chapter 15. Population, Communities, and Health Chapter 16. Globalization, the Environment, and Social Change Supplements Instructor's DVD-ROM (IM, TB, CTB, PPTS, CPS)/0-07-327029-6 Online Learning Center Website/0-07327031-8 采用院校 : 校: 华盛顿大学、西北大学等学校采用 Mobility in the United States Chapter 9. Global Inequality Chapter 10. Racial and Ethnic Inequality Chapter 11. Stratification by Gender and Age ·11· 管理学 001 Managing Human Resources (with InfoTrac), 14th Edition 《 人 力 资 源 管 理 》, 第 14 版 George W. Bohlander - Arizona State University Scott A. Snell - Cornell University ISBN-10: 0324314639 | ISBN-13: 9780324314632 作者介绍 : 绍: George Bohlander is Professor of Management at Arizona State University. He has received six outstanding teaching awards at ASU, where he teaches human resources and labor relations classes. Among these six 816 Pages Case Bound 8 x 10 Dimension (c) 2007 出版社:Thomson Learning awards were the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award presented by the College of Business and the ASW Parents Association Teaching Award given annually by the university. Dr. Bohlander has published over 50 articles and monographs in professional and practitioner journals such as National Productivity Review, HR Magazine, Employee Relations Law Journal, The Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector, Labor Law Journal, and others. He is also a consultant to public and private organizations and an active labor arbitrator. He received his MBA from the University of Southern California and his Ph.D from the University of California at Los Angeles. 内容简介 : 介: 人力资源不仅仅是简单的雇人和裁人。这就是为什么《人力资源管理》这本书回顾了 500 家成功公司以及展示给你人力资源 的方方面面的原因。此外, 《人力资源管理》这本书随带的 InfoTrac College Edition 可以帮助您进行的深入研究,通过您的电 脑就可以免费浏览5000份学术及大众期刊文文章,覆盖 1800万片的全文文章。 (包含The New York Times, Newsweek, Science, Forbes, and USA Today 等知名期刊报纸). 人是公司业务的最重要资源,请利用《人力资源管理》这本书了解如何管理他们 吧! 教辅资料 : 料: 章节介绍 : 绍: PART ONE HUMAN RESOURCES 10. Pay-for-Performance: Incentive MANAGEMENT IN PERSPECTIVE. Rewards. 1. The Challenge of Human Resources 11. Employee Benefits. Management. 12. Safety and Health. 2. Strategy and Human Resource Planning. PART FIVE ENHANCING EMPLOYEE- PART TWO MEETING HUMAN MANAGEMENT RELATIONS. RESOURCES REQUIREMENTS. 13. Employee Rights and Discipline. 3. Equal Employment Opportunity and 14. The Dynamics of Labor Relations. Human Resources Management. PART SIX EXPANDING HUMAN 4. Job Analysis, Employee Involvement RESOURCES MANAGEMENT and Flexible Work Schedules. HORIZONS. PART THREE DEVELOPING EFFEC- 15. International Human Resources TIVENESS IN HUMAN RESOURCES. Management. 5. Expanding the Talent Pool: Recruitment 16. Creating High-Performance Work and Careers. Systems. 6. Employee Selection. CASES. 7. Training and Development. GLOSSARY. 8. Appraising and Improving Performance. NAME INDEX. PART FOUR IMPLEMENTING COM- ORGANIZATION INDEX. PENSATION AND SECURITY. SUBJECT INDEX. 9. Managing Compensation. ·12· 题库 教师光盘 采用院校 : 校: Georgetown University Indiana University Johns Hopkins University 管理学 002 Financial Management : Theory and Practice with Thomson ONE, 11th Edition 作者介绍 : 绍: 《 财 务 管 理 原 理 和 应 用 》, 第 11 版 Eugene F. Brigham - University of Florida ISBN-10: 0324259689 | ISBN-13: 9780324259681 尤金 F. Brigham 博士自 1971 年起开始执教,目前为佛罗里达州立大 学荣誉教授。Brigham获得加州-伯克利大学MBA 和博士学位,北卡 罗莱那州大学学士学位。在到达佛罗里达州立大学之前,Brigham 博 992 Pages HB 8 x 10 Dimension 士在肯乃迪克州的大学,威斯康辛州的大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校教 学。 Michael C. Ehrhardt - University of Tennessee 出版社:Thomson Learning 迈克尔 C. Ehrhardt 是一名金融学和投资学的教授。他教授广泛的课 程,包括本科生,研究生还是博士生,有着丰富的教学经验。 本书介绍 : 绍: 这本书是在市场中讨论关于财务理论和实践平衡的唯一一本书。作家维持第一版的四个目标: 帮助学习者作出好财务的决定, 为MBA 课程提 供一个坚实的本文、示范财务是有趣的给与学习者动机, 而且清楚地呈现资料。 本书特点 : 点: * 多种训练的方法:解释如何企业财务对商务的所有区域进行影响。 * 试算表模型:每个章节 (除第 1 章以外) 。 * 用麦可 Ehrhardt 的同时代奖学金的理念和 Brigham(30 年) 的教科书写作经验。 * 网站支持。 * 理论和趋势的实际结合:申请经过尝试和真实的教育学、真实的例子, 问题设定。 章节介绍 : 绍: PART I. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. An Overview of Financial Management and the Financial Environment 2. Time Value of Money 3. Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes 4. Risk and Return: The Basics 5. Risk and Return: Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models PART II. SECURITIES AND THEIR VALUATION 6. Bonds and Their Valuation 7. Stocks and Their Valuation 8. Financial Options and Their Valuation PART III. PROJECTS AND THEIR VALUATION 9. The Cost of Capital 10. The Basics of Capital Budgeting: Evaluating Cash Flows 11. Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis 12. Real Options PART IV. CORPORATE VALUATION 13. Analysis of Financial Statements 14. Financial Planning and Forecasting Pro Forma Financial Statements 15. Corporate Valuation, Value-Based Management, and Corporate Governance PART V. STRATEGIC FINANCING DECISIONS 16. Capital Structure Decisions: The Basics 17. Capital Structure Decisions: Extensions 18. Distribution to Shareholders: Dividends and Repurchases PART VI. TACTICAL FINANCING DECISIONS 19. Initial Public Offerings, Investment Banking, and Financial Restructuring 20. Lease Financing 21. Hybrid Financing: Preferred Stock, Warrants, and Convertibles PART VII. SPECIAL TOPICS 22. Working Capital Management 23. Derivatives and Risk Management 24. Bankruptcy, Reorganization, and Liquidation 25. Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures, and Holding Companies 26. Multinational Financial Management ·13· WEB CHAPTERS 27. Providing and Obtaining Credit 28. Advanced Issues in Cash Management and Inventory Control 29. Pension Plan Management 30. Financial Management in Not-for-Profit Businesses 采用院校 : Adelphi University Barry University School of Law California State University - Bakersfield Florida State University St. Cloud State University 教辅资料 料: 教师手册 PPT 题库 教师资源光盘 管理学 003 Management, 9/E 《 管 理 学 》, 第 9 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Stephen P Robbins/ Mary Coulter 9780132257732 出版日期: 10/16/2006 页数:672 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 For courses in Principles of Management In Robbins/Coulter Management 9/e, students learn from real managers how to apply management theory. Students are actively engaged in putting concepts into practice- thinking and acting like real managers through the integration of various in-text assignments and unique online activities (Robbins Online Learning System (R.O.L.L.S)). 章节介绍 Contents I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Introduction to Management and Organizations. 2. Management Yesterday and Today. II. DEFINING THE MANAGER'S TERRAIN. 3. Organizational Culture and Environment: The Constraints. 4. Managing in a Global Environment. 5. Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics. III. PLANNING. 6. Decision-Making: The Essence of the Manager's Job. 7. Foundations of Planning. 教辅资源 : 源: 10. Organizational Structure and Design. 11. Communication and Information Technology. 12. Human Resource Management. 13. Managing Change and Innovation. V. LEADING. 14. Foundations of Behavior. 15. Understanding Groups and Teams. 16. Motivating Employees. 17. Leadership. VI. CONTROLLING. 18. Foundations of Control. 19. Operations and Value Chain Management. 8. Strategic Management. 9. Planning Tools and Techniques. IV. ORGANIZING. ·14· Supplements: Instructor's Manual, 9/E/ 9780132257749 Instructor's Resource Center on CD-ROM, 9/E/ 9780132257756 Test Item File, 9/E/ 9780132257763 采用院校 : 校: 哈佛大学 / 普林斯顿大学 管理学 004 International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, 5/E 《国际管理 》 , 第 5版 作者 : 者: Helen Deresky 书号: 9780131095977 出版日期: 12/30/2004 页数:528 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 For courses in International Management and Multinational Management. International Management is a comprehensive textbook that addresses the practical management functions and behaviors necessary to develop global vision and management skills at both a strategic (macro) level and an interpersonal (micro) level 章节介绍 Contents PART I: THE GLOBAL MANAGER'S ENVIRONMENT Chapter 1 Assessing the EnvironmentPolitical, Economic, Legal, Technological Chapter 2 Managing Interdependence: Social Responsibility and Ethics COMPREHENSIVE CASES Case 1 Reebok: Managing Human Rights Issues "Ethically Case 2 Treating AIDS:A Global Ethical Dilemma Case 3 Footwear International (Setting: Indonesia) PART II: THE CULTURAL CONTEXT OF GLOBAL MANAGEMENT Chapter 3 Understanding the Role of Culture Negotiations in China Case 8 Moto: Coming to America (from Infosys (Setting: India) Case 15 West Indies Yacht Club Resort: When Cultures Collide Japan) PART III: FORMULATING AND IMPLE- Case 16 A First-Time Expatriate's Experience MENTING STRATEGY FOR INTERNA- in a Joint Venture in China TIONAL AND GLOBAL OPERATIONS INTEGRATIVE TERM PROJECT Chapter 7 Global Alliances and Strategy Integrative Case: Wal-Mart's German "Misadvanture" Implementation Chapter 8 Organization Structure and Control ENDNOTES Systems CREDITS COMPREHENSIVE CASES NAME AND SUBJECT INDEX Case 9 FedEx versus UPS: Competing with Contrasting Strategies in China Case 10 Pepsi's Entry into India: A Lesson in 教辅资源 : 源: Globalization Case 11 Starbucks' International Operations Case 12 DaimlerChrysler AG in 2004: A Supplements Chapter 4 Communicating across Cultures Global Strategy Gone Sour (Setting: Germany/ Instructor's Manual, 5/E/ 9780131502642 Chapter 5 Cross-cultural Negotiation and U.S.) Test Item File, 5/E/ 9780131502659 Decision Making Case 13 Global E-Commerce at United Parcel Computerized Test Item File, 5/E/ Service 9780131502666 Malaysia) PART IV: GLOBAL HUMAN RESOURCES Instructor's Resource CD-ROM, 5/E/ COMPREHENSIVE CASES MANAGEMENT 9780131502673 Chapter 6 Formulating Strategy (Setting: Case 4 Dell's Dilemma in Brazil: Negotiating at the State Level Case 5 General Motors and AvtoVAZ of Russia Case 6 TelSys International: A Marriage of Two Cultures (case or negotiation simulation) Case 7 Guanxi in Jeopardy: Joint Venture Chapter 9 Staffing, Training, and Compensation for Global Operations Chapter 10 Developing a Global Management 采用院校 : 校: Cadre Chapter 11 Motivating and Leading COMPREHENSIVE CASES Case 14 Management of Human Assets at ·15· 波士顿大学 管理学 005 Human Resource Management, 10/E 《 人 力 资 源 管 理 》, 第 10 版 作者 : Gary Dessler 者: 书号: 9780131440975 出版日期: 11/11/2004 页数: 752 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For human resource management courses, and other management-focused business courses. Human Resource Management is the classic HRM text that covers the current issues within HRM the best. The text provides students in human resource management courses with a complete, comprehensive review of essential personnel management concepts and techniques in a highly readable and understandable form. Considering the intensely competitive nature of business today, this text, the #1 HRM book in the market, focuses on practical applications that all managers can use to deal with their HR-related responsibilities, while being able to defend their plans and contributions in measurable terms. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents INTRODUCTION. 1 The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management 2 Equal Opportunity and the Law. 3 Strategic Human Resource Management and the HR Scorecard. II. RECRUITMENT AND PLACEMENT. 4 Job Analysis. 5 Personnel Planning and Recruiting. 6 Employee Testing and Selection. 7 Interviewing Candidates. III. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT. 8 Training and Developing Employees. 教辅资源 : 源: Appraisal. 10 Managing Careers. IV. COMPENSATION. 11 Establishing Strategic Pay Plans. 12 Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives. 13 Benefits and Services. 14 Ethics, Justice and Fair Treatment in HR Management. V. LABOR RELATIONS AND EMPLOYEE SECURITY. 15 Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining. 16 Employee Safety and Health. 17 Managing Global Human Resources. 9 Performance Management and ·16· Supplements Instructor's Manual, 10/E/ 9780131440999Test Item File, 10/E / 9780131441002 Instructor's Resource Center on CD, 10/ E/ 9780131441040 采用院校 校: 斯坦福大学 / 宾夕法尼亚大学 管理学 006 Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 11/E 《 战 略 管 理 》: 概 念 与 案 例 例, 第 11 版 作者 : 者: Fred David 书号: 9780131869493 出版日期:03/27/2006 页数: 704 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 For undergraduate and graduate strategic management courses. For professors who want their students to understand the practical application of strategic management, David provides a skills-based, practitioner-oriented focus. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents PART 1 Overview of Strategic Management CHAPTER 1 The Nature of Strategic Management Cohesion Case: Google, Inc.- 2005 PART 2 Strategy Formulation CHAPTER 2 The Business Vision and Mission CHAPTER 3 The External Assessment CHAPTER 4 The Internal Assessment CHAPTER 5 Strategies in Action CHAPTER 6 Strategy Analysis and Choice PART 3 Strategy Implementation 教辅资源 : 源: Implementing Strategies: Management and Operations Issues CHAPTER 8 Implementing Strategies: Marketing, Finance/Accounting, R&D, and MIS Issues PART 4 Strategy Evaluation CHAPTER 9 Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control PART 5 Strategic Management Case Analysis How to Prepare and Present a Case Analysis Name Index Subject Index Company Index CHAPTER 7 ·17· Supplements Instructor's Manual-Case, 11/E/ 9780131869516 Instructor's Manual w/ Test Item File, 11/ E/ 9780131869509 IRCD w/ PowerPoints and Test Gen EQ, 11/E/ 9780131871298 采用院校 : 校: 普渡大学 / 华盛顿大学 管理学 007 Operations Management: Process and Value Chains and Student CD Package, 8/E 《运作管理》 :流 程 / 价 值 链 链, 第 8 版 作 者: Lee J. Krajewski / Larry P Ritzman / Manoj K. Malhotra 书号: 9780131697393 出版日期: 02/17/2006 页数: 752 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For introductory Operations Management course in undergraduate and MBA programs. This highly respected text integrates a process approach. Unique Value Proposition: Authorship! 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents USING OPERATIONS TO COMPETE 1. Operations as a Competitive Weapon (with MC 1) A. Decision Making 2. Operations Strategy 3. Project Management (with MC 2) MANAGING PROCESSES 4. Process Strategy 5. Process Analysis (with MC 3) B. Simulation 6. Process Performance and Quality (with MC 4) 7. Constraint Management C. Waiting Lines 8. Process Layout 教辅资源 : 源: 11. Location 12. Inventory Management D. Special Inventory Models 13. Forecasting 14. Sales and Operations Planning (with MC 6) E. Linear Programming 15. Resource Planning 16. Scheduling Appendix 1: Normal Distribution Appendix 2: Table of Random Numbers Name Index Subject Index Photo Credits 9. Lean Systems MANAGING VALUE CHAINS 10. Supply Chain Strategy (with MC 5) ·18· Supplements Operations Management and Student CD Package, AIE, 8/E/ 9780132190503 Instructor's Resource Manual, 8/E/ 9780131872974 Test Item File, 8/E/ 9780131872998 采用院校 : 校: 宾夕法尼亚大学/ 圣母大学/ 华盛顿大学 管理学 008 Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 《 战 略 管 理 》第 1版 作者 : 者: 书号: Mason A. Carpenter/William Gerard Sanders 9780131453531 出版日期: 02/27/2006 页数 704 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For undergraduate/MBA strategic management courses. Carpenter/Sanders is the first book built around a dynamic perspective on strategy. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents: 1 -- Strategy and Strategic Leadership in Dynamic Times Chapter 1: Introducing Strategic Management Chapter 2: Leading Strategically through Effective Vision and Mission 2 -- The Internal and External Environment of Strategy Chapter 3: Examining the Internal Environment: Resources, Capabilities, and Activities Chapter 4: Exploring the External Environment: Macro and Industry Dynamics 3 -- Business, Corporate, and Global Strategies Chapter 5: Creating Business Strategies Chapter 6: Crafting Business Strategy for 教辅资源 : 源: Chapter 7: Developing Corporate Strategy Chapter 8: Looking at International Strategies 4 -- Strategy Vehicles for New Directions Chapter 9: Understanding Alliances and Cooperative Strategies Chapter 10: Studying Mergers and Acquisitions Supplements Test Item File 9780131456464 Instructor's Manual with Case Teaching Notes 9780131456532 Instructor's Resource on CD-ROM, 9780132210553 采用院校 : 校: 哈佛大学 / 西北大学 5 -- Implementation, New Ventures, and Governance in Dynamic Contexts Chapter 11: Employing Strategy Implementation Levers Chapter 12: Considering New Ventures and Corporate Renewal Chapter 13: Governing in the 21st Century 6 -- Case Studies: Pulling It All Together Dynamic Contexts ·19· 管理学 009 Management: A Practical Introduction, 2nd Edition 《 管 理 学 》, 第 2 版 作者 : 者: Angelo Kinicki 书号: 9780071118101 出版日期:2005 年 2 月 656 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: Blending scholarship and imaginative writing, ASU business professor Kinicki (of Kreitner/Kinicki Organizational Behavior 5e) and writer Williams (of Williams/Sawyer Using Information Technology 5e) have created a highly readable introductory management text in an exciting student-friendly layout certain to be well received by today's visually oriented students. The authors have structured Management as a series of two-page spreads (i.e., left and right facing pages) of 2--6 pages per section, to optimize learning by presenting information in easily mastered "bite-size" chunks. Although the text is organized in a unique manner, the coverage of basic management concepts and principles is still prevalent. And besides presenting fundamental concepts of management, the book emphasizes practical advice throughout, expressed in the features "The Manager's Toolbox," "Practical Action" boxes, real-life "Example" boxes, "Management in Action" and "Ethical Dilemma" cases, and the Web-based "Taking Something Practical Away from this Chapter". 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents PART 1. INTRODUCTION 1. The Exceptional Manager: What You Do, How You Do It 2. Management Theory: Essential Background for the Successful Manager PART 2. THE ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGEMENT 3. The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Responsibilities 4. Global Management: Managing Across Borders PART 3. PLANNING 5. Planning: The Foundation of Successful Management 6. Strategic Management: How Star Managers Realize a Grand Design 7. Individual & Group Decision Making: How Managers Make Things Happen PART 4. ORGANIZING 8. Organizational Culture, Structure, & Design: Building Blocks of the Organization 9. Human Resource Management: Getting the Right People for Managerial Success 10. Organizational Change & Innovation: Life-Long Challenges for the Exceptional Manager PART 5. LEADING 11. Managing Individual Differences & Behavior 12. Motivating Employees: Achieving Superior Performance in the Workplace 13. Groups & Teams: From Conflict to Cooperation 14. Power, Influence, & Leadership: From Becoming a Manager to Becoming a Leader 15. Interpersonal & Organizational Communication PART 6. CONTROL ·20· 16. Control: Techniques for Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness Appendix: The Project Planner's Toolkit: Flowcharts & Gantt Charts 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements Online Learning Center/0-07-292039-4 Instructor's CD/0-07-292043-2 采用院校 : 校: 哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学等学校采用 管理学 010 Human Resource Management, 5th Edition 《 人 力 资 源 管 理 》, 第 5 版 作者 : 者: Raymond Andrew Noe 书号: 9780071118149 出版日期:2005 年 2 月 672 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: As competitors strive to win the war for talent, effective human resource management is necessary to gain true competitive advantage in the marketplace. Three challenges companies face are sustainability, technology, and globalization. Human Resource Management 5th Edition brings these challenges to life by highlighting real-world examples pertaining to these issues and relating it to the concepts within the chapter. This best-selling McGraw-Hill/Irwin Human Resource Management title provides students with the technical background needed to be a knowledgeable consumer of human resource (HR) products and services, to manage HR effectively, or to be a successful HR professional. While clearly strategic in nature, the text also emphasizes how managers can more effectively acquire, develop, compensate, and manage the internal and external environment that relates to the management of human resources. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Chapter 1 Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage PART 1 The Human Resource Environment Chapter 2 Strategic Human Resource Management Chapter 3 The Legal Environment: Equal Employment Opportunity and Safety Chapter 4 The Analysis and Design of Work PART 2 Acquisition and Preparation of Human Resources Chapter 5 Human Resource Planning and Recruitment Chapter 6 Selection and Placement Chapter 7 Training PART 3 Assessment and Development of HRM Chapter 8 Performance Management 教辅资源 : 源: Chapter 10 Employee Separation and Retention PART 4 Compensation of Human Resources Chapter 11 Pay Structure Decisions Chapter 12 Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay Chapter 13 Employee Benefits PART 5 Special Topics in Human Resource Management Chapter 14 Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations Chapter 15 Managing Human Resources Globally Chapter 16 Strategically Managing the HRM Function Glossary Photo Credits / Name and Company Index / Subject Index Chapter 9 Employee Development ·21· Supplements IR CD (IM/TM/PP/CTB/TB)/0-07298739-1 OLC /0-07-298740-5 采用院校 校: 宾夕法尼亚大学、华盛顿大学等学校 采用 管理学 011 Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 10/E 《 管 理 信 息 系 统 》, 第 10 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Jane Laudon / Kenneth Laudon 9780132304610 出版日期: 12/08/2006 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For sophmore, junior, senior, and MBA-level MIS and Information Systems courses. These authoritative authors continue to define the MIS course by integrating coverage of essential new technologies, their applications, and their impact on managerial decisions. 教辅资源 : 源: 采用院校 : 校: Supplements 斯坦福大学 / 哥伦比亚大学 Review Copy, 10/E/ 9780132382359 Instructor's Resource on CD-ROM, 10/E/ 9780132382342 TestGen, 10/E/ 9780132234283 ·22· 管理学 012 Organizational Behavior & SAL CDROM Pkg, 12/E 《 组 织 行 为 学 》, 第 12 版 作者 : 者: Stephen P. Robbins /Tim A. Judge 书号: 9780131890954 出版日期:05/19/2006 页数: 672 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For one-semester, undergraduate level courses in Organizational Behavior. Robbins & Judge, unlike any other author team, provide the research you want in the language your students understand. We've strengthened our team. YOU be the Judge. 章节介绍 Contents I. INTRODUCTION 1. What Is Organizational Behavior? II. THE INDIVIDUAL 2. Foundations of Individual Behavior 3. Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 4. Personality and Values 5. Perception and Individual Decision Making 6. Motivation Concepts 7. Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 8. Emotions and Moods III. THE GROUP 9. Foundations of Group Behavior 10. Understanding Work Teams 教辅资源 : 源: 15. Conflict and Negotiation IV. THE ORGANIZATION SYSTEM 16. Foundations of Organization Structure 17. Organizational Culture 18. Human Resource Policies and Practices V. ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS 19. Organizational Change and Stress Management Appendix A: Research in Organizational Behavior Appendix B: Careers and Career Supplements Review Copy, Organizational Behavior and SAL CDROM Package, 12/E/ 9780132340533 Instructor's Resource Center on CDROM, 12/E/ 9780132431576 Instructor's Manual, 12/E/ 9780132431583 Self-Assessment Library Instructor's Manual, 12/E/ 9780131869110 Test Item File, 12/E/ 9780131745490 采用院校 : 校: Management 麻省理工 / 杜克大学 11. Communication 12. Basic Approaches to Leadership 13. Contemporary Issues in Leadership 14. Power and Politics ·23· 会计金融学 001 Accounting, 7/E 《 会 计 》, 第 7 版 作 者: Charles T. Horngren / Walter T. Harrison 书号: 9780132439602 出版日期: 11/17/2006 页数: 1298 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 For Principles of Accounting courses The Demo Docs System of instruction replicates the classroom experience by providing more "I get it" moments outside of class. We've talked to tons of POA instructors and our editors have even taken the accounting course (numerous times!) to figure out the following issue in this course that is consistent: Students understand (or "get it") right after you do a problem in class, but as soon as they leave class, with each passing hour, their ability to do the problems again and complete their homework diminishes to the point of them either having to come to office hours to get help, or they just quit and get behind in the course. On top of this, you can end up getting behind in the course as well, in order to keep everyone on track. The Demo Docs system helps to recreate the "I get it" moments outside of class-keeping both you and the students on track. 章节介绍 教辅资源 : 源: Contents 1 Accounting and the Business Environment 19 Job Order Costing 20 Process Costing 21 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Supplements Instructor's Manual 1-13, 7/E/ 9780131792104 2 Recording Business Transactions 3 The Adjusting Process 4 Completing the Accounting Cycle 5 Merchandising Operations 22 The Master Budget and Responsibility Accounting 23 Flexible Budgets and Standard Costs 24 Activity-Based Costing and Other Cost Instructor's Resource CD, 7/E/ 9780132439954 Accounting Sampler, 7/E/ 9780131564435 6 Merchandise Inventory 7 Accounting Information Systems 8 Internal Control and Cash 9 Receivables Management Tools 25 Special Decisions and Capital Budgeting 采用院校 : 校: 宾夕法尼亚大学 / 杜克大学 / 斯坦福 大学 10 Plant Assets and Intangibles 11 Current Liabilities and Payroll 12 Partnerships 13 Corporations: Paid-In Capital and the Balance Sheet 14 Corporations: Retained Earnings and the Income Statement 15 Long-Term Liabilities 16 The Statement of Cash Flows 17 Financial Statement Analysis ·24· 会计金融学 002 The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets plus MyEconLab plus eBook 1-semester Student Access Kit, 8/E (货币,银 行 , 金融市场) 经济学 ,金 )经 学, 第 8 版 作者 : 者: Frederic S. Mishkin 书号: 9780321415059 出版日期: 07/17/2006 页数:768 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: This text comes packaged with an access kit for the new easy-to-use format of MyEconLab, which requires no set-up by the professor. With this, students can access practice problems for each chapter in the book, graphing questions, learning resources, and live tutoring. Professors who plan to use advanced course management online should order the book with MyEconLab in CourseCompass. View 'Alternate Versions' of this book on the web catalog page, or contact your local representative for details.Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets heralded a dramatic shift in the teaching of the money and banking course in its first edition, and today it is still setting the standard. By applying an analytical framework to the patient, stepped-out development of models, Frederic Mishkin draws students into a deeper understanding of modern monetary theory, banking, and policy. His landmark combination of common sense applications with current, real-world events provides authoritative, comprehensive coverage in an informal tone students appreciate. Mishkin's previous post as Executive Vice President and Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York lends an insidersview that helps to demystify this key institution for students. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents tion Policy: The Evidence Part I Introduction Part IV Central Banking and the Conduct of 24. Money and Inflation 1. Why Study Money, Banking, and Finan- Monetary Policy 25. Rational Expectations: Implications for cial Markets? 12. Structure of Central Banks and the Fed- Policy 2. An Overview of the Financial System eral Reserve System 3. What Is Money? 13. Multiple Deposit Creation and the Money Part II Financial Markets Supply Process 4. Understanding Interest Rates 14. Determinants of the Money Supply Supplement 5. The Behavior of Interest Rates 15. Tools of Monetary Policy Professional Copy + Alternate Booklet for 6. The Risk and Term Structure of Interest 16. What Should Central Banks Do? Mon- The Economics of Money, Banking, and Rates etary Policy Goals, Strategy and Tactics Financial Markets, 8/E/ 9780321440877 7. The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Part V International Finance and Monetary Test Bank for Economics of Money, Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hy- Policy Banking, and Financial Markets, 8/E/ pothesis 17. The Foreign Exchange Market 9780321409447 Part III Financial Institutions 18. The International Financial System Instructor's Manual for Economics of 8. An Economic Analysis of Financial Struc- Part VI Monetary Policy Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, ture 19. The Demand for Money 8/E/ 9780321399960 9. Banking and the Management of Financial 20. The ISLM Model Institutions 21. Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM 10. Banking Industry: Structure and Compe- Model tition 22. Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis 11. Economic Analysis of Banking Regula- 23. Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary 教辅资源 : 源: 采用院校 : 校: ·25· 斯坦福大学 / 加洲大学 会计金融学 003 Corporate Finance plus MyFinanceLab Student Access Kit, 1st E 《 公 司 财 务 》, 第 1 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Berk, ,DeMarzo 9780321415110 出版日期: 10/11/2006 页数:960 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 Using the unifying valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, top researchers Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo set the new standard for corporate finance textbooks. Corporate Finance blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager. With this ideal melding of the core with modern topics, innovation with proven pedagogy, Berk and DeMarzo establish the new canon in finance 章节介绍 Contents Part I Introduction 1 The Corporation Part V Capital Structure 14 Capital Structure in a Perfect Market 15 Debt and Taxes 26 Working Capital Management 27 Short-Term Financial Planning Part X Special Topics 2 Introduction to Financial Statements 3 Arbitrage and Financial Decision Making Part II Tools 16 Financial Distress, Managerial Incentives, and Information 17 Payout Policy Part VI Valuation 28 Mergers and Acquisitions 29 Corporate Governance 30 Risk Management 31 International Corporate Finance 4 The Time Value of Money 5 Interest Rates 6 Investment Decision Rules Part III Basic Valuation 18 Capital Budgeting and Valuation with Leverage 19 Valuation and Financial Modeling: A Case Study 7 Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting 8 Valuing Bonds 9 Valuing Stocks Part IV Risk and Return 10 Capital Markets and the Pricing of Part VII Options 20 Financial Options 21 Option Valuation 22 Real Options Part VIII Long-Term Financing Computerized Test Bank/ 9780321388650 Test Bank/ 9780321388735 Solutions Manual for Corporate Finance/ 9780321439390 Professional Copy for Corporate Finance/ Risk 11 Optimal Portfolio Choice 12 The Capital Asset Pricing Model 13 Alternative Models of Systematic 23 The Mechanics of Raising Equity Capital 24 Debt Financing 25 Leasing 9780321445537 Risk Part IX 斯坦福大学 / 加洲大学 Short-Term Financing ·26· 教辅资源: Supplement 采用院校: 会计金融学 004 Principles of Managerial Finance plus MyFinanceLab Student Access Kit, 11/E, 《 管 理 金 融 学 原 理 》,第 第 11 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Lawrence J. Gitman 9780321482402 出版日期: 07/10/2006 页数:960 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 绍: Known for its time-honored, fully integrated learning system, the Eleventh Edition stays on the cutting edge with progressive new tools and fresh, thought-provoking content. Gitman's proven learning goal method provides students with a road map through the content. The overarching organization of the text is designed to conceptually link a firm's actions to its value as determined in the securities markets. Each major decision area is presented in terms of both risk and return factors and the potential impact on the owner's wealth. Every new textbook comes with MyFinanceLab (formerly known as FinanceWorks), Addison-Wesley's online homework, testing, and tutorial system. MyFinanceLab saves instructors time with automatically graded homework, and gives students the benefit of individualized study plans, unlimited practice, and immediate feedback. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents I. INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL FINANCE. 1. The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance. 2. Financial Statements and Analysis. 3. Cash Flow and Financial Planning. II. IMPORTANT FINANCIAL CONCEPTS. 4. Time Value of Money. 5. Risk and Return. 6. Interest Rates and Bond Valuation. 7. Stock Valuation. III. LONG-TERM INVESTMENT DECISIONS. 8. Capital Budgeting Cash Flows. 9. Capital Budgeting Techniques. 10. Risk and Refinements in Capital Budgeting. IV. LONG-TERM FINANCIAL DECISIONS. 11. The Cost of Capital. 12. Leverage and Capital Structure. Online Appendix: Excel Tutor Sources. 13. Dividend Policy. V. SHORT-TERM FINANCIAL DECISIONS. 14. Working Capital and Current Asset Index. 教辅资源 : 源: Management. 15. Current Liabilities Management. VI. SPECIAL TOPICS IN MANAGERIAL FINANCE. 16. Hybrid and Derivative Securities. Supplements Professional Copy, 11/E/ 9780321331861 Instructor's Manual, 11/E/ 9780321286611 Test Bank, 11/E/ 9780321286628 17. Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures, and Business Failures? 18. International Financial Management. Web Chapter-Financial Institutions and Markets. APPENDIXES. A: Financial Tables. B: Solutions to Self-Test Problems. C: Answers to Selected End-of-Chapter Problems. ·27· 采用院校 : 校: 哈佛大学 / 麻省理工 会计金融学 005 Multinational Business Finance, 11/E 《 跨 国 公 司 金 融 》, 第 11 版 作者 : 者: David K. Eiteman/Arthur I. Stonehill/ Michael H. Moffett 书号: 9780321357960 出版日期: 03/10/2006 页数: 848 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: Renowned for its authoritative, comprehensive coverage of contemporary international finance, this market-leading text trains the leaders of tomorrow's multinational enterprises to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. Because the job of a manager is to make financial decisions that increase firm value, the authors have embedded real-world mini-cases throughout to apply chapter concepts to the types of situations managers of multinational firms face. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Part I 8 Global Financial Management 1 Financial Goals & Corporate Governance 2 History of the International Monetary 9 10 Transaction Exposure Management Appendix: Complex Options 18 Operating Exposure Translation Exposure Appendix A: Basics of FX Accounting System Balance of Payments 19 Cross-Border Mergers, Acquisitions, and Valuation Appendix B: Bank of America FX Appendix: Eurodollar Creation 3 Multinational Capital Budgeting Appendix: Adjusting for Risk Exposure Survey Part VII Managing Multinational Operations 20 International Trade Finance Part II Foreign Exchange Theory Part V Financing the Global Firm 21 Multinational Tax Management 4 International Parity Conditions 11 22 Working Capital Management Appendix: Algebraic Primer to International Parity Conditions Capital 12 Sourcing Equity Globally Glossary 5 13 Index Foreign Exchange Rate Determination The Global Cost and Availability of Sourcing Debt Globally & Forecasting 14 Interest Rate and Cross Currency Swaps Part III The Foreign Exchange Market & Risk Management Derivatives 15 6 The Foreign Exchange Market Investment 7 Foreign Currency Derivatives Appendix: Foreign Currency Option Part VI Foreign Investment Decisions Appendix: Advanced Topics in I/R Pricing International Portfolio Theory & 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements Professional Copy for Multinational Business Finance, 11/E/ 9780321438775 16 Foreign Direct Investment Theory & 采用院校 : 校: Strategy Part IV Foreign Exchange Exposure 17 Political Risk Assessment and ·28· 斯坦福大学 / 华盛顿大学 会计金融学 006 Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, 6/E 《期权、期货和其他衍生品》 , 第 6版 作者 : 者: 书号: John C. Hull 9780131499089 出版日期: 06/10/2005 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 绍: For advanced undergraduate or graduate business, economics, and financial engineering courses in derivatives, options and futures, financial engineering or risk management. Designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice, this successful book is regarded as "the bible" in trading rooms throughout the world. Hull offers a clear presentation with various numerical examples, as well as good practical knowledge of how derivatives are priced and traded. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Mechanics of Futures Markets. 3. Hedging Strategies Using Futures. 4. Interest Rates. 5. Determination of Forward and Futures Prices. 6. Interest Rate Futures. 7. Swaps. 8. Mechanics of Options Markets. 9. Properties of Stock Options. 10. Trading Strategies Involving Options. 11. Binomial Trees. 12. Wiener Processes and Ito's Lemma. 13. The Black-Scholes-Merton Model. 14. Options on Stock Indices, Currencies, and Futures. 15. Greek Letters. 16. Volatility Smiles. 17. Basic Numerical Procedures. 18. Value at Risk. 32. Derivatives Mishaps and What We 19. Estimating Volatilities and Correlations for Risk Management. 20. Credit Risk. 21. Credit Derivatives. Can Learn from Them. Glossary of Terms. DerivaGem Software. Major Exchanges Trading Futures and 22. Exotic Options. 23. Insurance, Weather, and Energy Derivatives. 24. More on Models and Numerical Options. Table for N(x) when x ≤ 0. Table for N(x) when x ≥ 0. Author Index. Procedures. 25. Martingales and Measures. 26. Interest Rate Derivatives: The Standard Market Models. Subject Index. 教辅资源 : 源: 27. Convexity, Timing, and Quanto Adjustments. 28. Interest Rate Derivatives: Models of the Short Rate. Supplements Instructor's Manual w/ Test Bank, 6/E/ 9780131499102 29. Interest Rate Derivatives: HJM and LMM. 30. Swaps Revisited. 31. Real Options. ·29· 采用院校 : 校: 哈佛大学 / 普林斯顿大 / 麻省理工 会计金融学 007 Survey of Accounting, 3rd Edition 作者介绍 : 绍: 《 会 计 学 》, 第 3 版 Carl S. Warren - University of Georgia Dr. Carl S. Warren is Professor Emeritus of Accounting at the University of ISBN-10: 0324312482 Georgia, Athens. For over twenty-five years, Professor Warren taught all levels of accounting classes. Professor Warren has taught classes at the University of Georgia, University of Iowa, Michigan State University, and University of Chicago. Professor Warren focused his teaching efforts on 696 Pages 出版社:Thomson Learning principles of accounting and auditing. Professor Warren received his doctorate degree (Ph.D.) from Michigan State University and his undergraduate (B.B.A) and masters (M.A.) degrees from the University of Iowa. During his career, Professor Warren published numerous articles in professional journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accountancy, The CPA Journal, and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. Professor Warren's outside interests include writing short stories and novels, oil painting, playing handball, golfing, skiing, backpacking, and fly-fishing. 内容简介 : 介: 没有权威的会计知识?没问题!不论您是在上学还是在工作, 《会计调查》这本书将会帮你理解以及应用会计的真正原理!由 于其直白的切入,这本书通俗的教您真个财会以及管理会计的基本原理介绍 - 没有复杂的专业词汇以及高级原理。此书专为 那些事先没有会计知识的学生而设计,文章侧重于介绍会计报表如何被经理、投资者以及其它商业股东们阅读。这本书弹性 的设计帮助读者明晰各种概念,同时还利用图示形象的描述读者们经常遇到的问题和如何解决。此外,该书还包含了现实世 界的道德规范情况以及强调了应用诚信机目标性会计概念的重要性。 章节介绍 : 绍: 1 The Role of Accounting in Business 2 2 Basic Accounting Concepts 46 3 Accrual Accounting Concepts 82 4 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 130 5 Sarbanes-Oxley, Internal Control, and Cash 172 6 Receivables and Inventories 214 7 Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets 248 教辅资料 : 料: tems 496 14 Performance Evaluation for Decentralized Operations 556 15 Capital Investment Analysis 596 Appendix A: Double-Entry Accounting Systems 629 Appendix B: Process Cost Systems 644 Glossary 657 Index 665 8 Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 280 9 Financial Statement Analysis 316 10 Accounting Systems for Manufacturing Businesses 362 教师光盘 采用院校 : 校: Golden Gate University Goshen College Kyestone College Lakeshore Technical College Marshall University 11 Cost Behavior and Cost-VolumeProfit Analysis 416 12 Differential Analysis and Product Pricing 458 13 教师手册 题库 幻灯片 Budgeting and Standard Cost Sys·30· 会计金融学 008 Principles of Financial Accounting 17E (CHP 1-17) 《 会 计 学 基 础 》, 第 17 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Kermit D. Larson 9780071111263 出版日期: 2004 年 04 月 710 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: With 50 Years of success in the principles of accounting market, Fundamental Accounting Principles, 17e by Larson, Wild, and Chiappetta has endured and adapted to changes in accounting, technology and student motivation. Its innovation is reflected in its extensive use of small business examples, the integration of new computerized learning tools, superior end-of-chapter material, and a highly engaging, pedagogical design. The new inclusion of Homework Manager, and Carol Yacht's General Ledger and Peachtree application software provides students with yet another advantage as they strive to understand the key concepts of accounting and their role in business. The revision of the 17th edition took over two years of research, both internally and by outside research firms. With over 250 participants providing us feedback and direction, our author team has "reached new heights" in provide you and your students with the most accessible and student friendly text ever. After reviewing this revision you will see why Fundamental Accounting Principles, 17e by Larson, Wild, and Chiappetta rated #1 amongst users and non-users alike as the best principles of accounting text on the market. 章节介绍 : 绍: Content 1. Accounting in Business 2. Analyzing and Recording Transactions 3. Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial Statements 4. Completing the Accounting Cycle 5. Accounting for Merchandising Activi- 教辅资源 : 源: 15. Investments and International Operations 16. Reporting the Statement of Cash Flows 17. Analysis of Financial Statements Supplement Instructor's Resource CD-ROM Instructor's Resource Manual Solutions Manual Test Bank 采用院校 : 校: ties 6. Inventories and Cost of Sales 7. Accounting Information Systems 8. Cash and Internal Controls 加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校;宾夕法 尼亚大学;西北大学等学校采用 9. Accounting for Receivables 10. Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangibles 11. Current Liabilities and Payroll Accounting 12. Accounting for Partnerships 13. Accounting for Corporations 14. Long-Term Liabilities ·31· 会计金融学 009 Accounting Principles 8th Edition. 《 会 计 原 理 》, 第 8 版 作者 : Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso and 者: Paul D. Kimmel ISBN10: 0-471-98019-6 ISBN13:978-0-471-98019-3 出版社:JOHN WILEY 内容简介 Accounting Principles, Eighth Edition addresses the issues that teachers and students of accounting have said are important. These include student success, student motivation, student problem-solving skills, student decision-making skills, and technology to assist learning and technology to assist teaching. In the Eighth Edition, we've built on the unparalleled readability and instructor/student-approved pedagogy that helped us achieve our status as #1 in Customer Satisfaction. With our new Seventh Edition, we are proud to offer new technology designed to help prepare the groundwork for successful accounting study leading to success in the CPA exam and ultimately in professional practice. Marketing 主要章节 Chapter 1. Accounting in Action. Chapter 17. Investments. Photo Credits. Chapter 2. The Recording Process. Chapter 18. The Statement of Cash Flows. Company Index. Chapter 3. Adjusting the Accounts. Chapter 19. Financial Statement Analysis. Subject Index. Chapter 4. Completion of the Accounting Chapter 20. Managerial Accounting. Cycle. Chapter 21. Job Order Cost Accounting. Chapter 5. Accounting for Merchandising Chapter 22. Process Cost Accounting. Operations. Chapter 23. Cost-Volume-Profit Chapter 6. Inventories. Relationships. Supplements: Instructor's Manual, Solutions Chapter 7. Accounting Information Systems. Chapter 24. Budgetary Planning. Manual, Practice Set Solutions, Solution Chapter 8. Internal Control and Cash. Chapter 25. Budgetary Control and Respon- Transparencies, Excel Workbook Template Chapter 9. Accounting for Receivables. sibility Accounting. Solutions, Test Bank, Computerized Test Chapter 10. Plant Assets, Natural Resources, Chapter 26. Performance Evaluation through Bank, PowerPoint Presentations, Study and Intangible Assets. Standard Costs. Guide - Sample Chapter, Problem-Solving Chapter 11. Current Liabilities and Payroll Chapter 27 . Incremental Analysis and Capi- Survival Guide - Sample Chapter, Checklist Accounting. tal Budgeting. of Key Figures, Excel Demonstration Chapter 12. Accounting Principles. Appendix A. Specimen Financial Statements: Problems, Excel Demonstration Problem Chapter 13. Accounting for Partnerships. PepsiCo. Solutions Chapter 14. Corporations: Organization and Appendix B. Specimen Financial Statements: Capital Stock Transactions. The Coca-Cola Company. Chapter 15. Corporations: Dividends, Re- Appendix C. Present Value Concepts. tained Earnings, and Income Reporting. Appendix D. Standard of Ethical Conduct Chapter 16. Long-Term Liabilities. for Management Accountants. ·32· 教辅资源 : 源: 采用院校 : 校: UCLA, INTERNATIONAL COLLEAGE 会计金融学 010 Financial Accounting, with Annual Report 5th Edition 财 务 会 计 学( 附 年 报 ) 第 五 版 作 者 Jerry J. Weygandt, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison; Donald E. Kieso, Northern Illinois University and Paul D. Kimmel, Univ. of WisconsinMilwaukee ISBN10: 0471726052 ISBN13: 978-0-471-72605-0 出版年代: June 22, 2005 Pages: 880 出版社:JOHN WILEY 内容简介 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, Fifth Edition is specially designed to help readers see the relevance of accounting, regardless of their chosen major or profession. Simply put, Accounting Matters. Weygandt's Fifth Edition continues its tradition of preparing accounting majors by providing accurate and thorough coverage of the necessary accounting techniques and concepts.. In addition, the authors have expanded this theme of Accounting Matters to help illustrate the relevance of accounting and the use of accounting information across all business segments. Previous works by author/editor (Title; Author; ISBN; Price; Pub Date; Net Sales; Publisher; Comments) 教辅资源 : 源: 主要章节 Chapter 1. Accounting Matters. Chapter 2. The Recording Process. Chapter 3. Adjusting the Accounts. Chapter 4. Completion of the Accounting Cycle. Chapter 5. Accounting for Merchandising Operations. Chapter 6. Inventories. Chapter 7. Accounting Principles. Chapter 8. Internal Control and Cash. Chapter 9. Accounting for Receivables. Chapter 10. Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangible Assets. Chapter 11. Liabilities. Chapter 12. Corporations: Organization, Appendix A: Specimen Financial Statements: PepsiCo, Inc. Appendix B: Specimen Financial Statements: The Coca-Cola Company. Appendix C: Time Value of Money. Appendix D: Payroll Accounting. Appendix E: Subsidiary Ledgers and Special Journals. Appendix F: Other Significant Liabilities. Photo Credits. Company Index. Subject Index. Supplements: Solutions Manual (Word), Solutions Manual (PDF), Instructor's Manual (PDF), Instructor's Manual (Word), Test Bank, Checklist of Key Figures, PowerPoint Slides, Excel Template Solutions (ZIP), Excel Template Solutions (EXE), Excel Workbook,Computerized Test Bank, PRS Questions 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: COLUMBIA GORGE COMM COLLEGE, WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIV. Stock Transactions, Dividends, and Retained Earnings. Chapter 13. Investments. Chapter 14. The Statement of Cash Flows. Chapter 15. Financial Statement Analysis. APPENDIXES. ·33· 会计金融学 011 Introductory Econometrics for Finance 《金融计量经济学概论》 Chris Brooks, Cass Business School, London 0 521 79367 X PB 728 页 2002 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 绍: This is the first textbook to teach introductory econometrics to finance majors. The text gives students the skills to estimate and interpret models, whilst having an intuitive grasp of the underlying theoretical concepts. The approach of Dr Brooks, based on the successful course he teaches at the Cass Business School, one of Europe's leading business schools, ensures that the text focuses squarely on the needs of finance students. The book assumes no prior knowledge of econometrics, and covers important modern topics such as time-series forecasting, volatility modelling, switching models and simulation methods. 章节介绍 : 绍: 1. Introduction; 2. Econometric packages for modelling financial data; 3. A brief overview of the classical linear regression model; 4. Further issues with the classical linear regression model; 采用院校 : 校: 12. Conclusions: recent and future developments in the modelling of financial time series; References; Appendix. Review of matrix algebra, calculus, and probability theory; Statistical tables. 5. Univariate time series modelling and forecasting; 6. Multivariate modelling; 7. Modelling long-run relationships in finance; 8. Modelling volatility and correlation; 9. Modelling regime shifts; 10. Simulation methods; 11. Conducting empirical research in finance; ·34· 埃塞克斯大学 / 伯明翰大学 / 爱丁堡大 学/亚伯丁大学/班贝克大学/曼海姆大 学/邦德大学/台湾交通大学/东吴大学/ 中原大学/中兴大学/淡江大学/南华大 学 / 香港城市大学 会计金融学 012 A Course in Financial Calculus 《金融微积分学课程》 Alison Etheridge, University of Oxford 0 521 89077 2 PB 204 页 2002 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: Finance provides a dramatic example of the successful application of mathematics to the practical problem of pricing financial derivatives. This self-contained text is designed for first courses in financial calculus. Key concepts are introduced in the discrete time framework: proofs in the continuous-time world follow naturally. A valuable feature is the large number of exercises and examples, designed to test technique and illustrate how the methods and concepts are applied to realistic financial questions. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: Preface; 1. Single period models; 2. Binomial trees and discrete parameter 牛津大学 / 伦敦政治经济学院 / 台湾 大学 martingales; 3. Brownian motion; 4. Stochastic calculus; 5. The Black-Scholes model; 6. Different payoffs; 7. Bigger models; Bibliography and further reading; Notation; Index. ·35· 经济统计学 001 Statistics for Management and Economics (with InfoTrac and CDROM), 7th Edition Gerald Keller - Wilfrid Laurier University 《 管 理 经 济 统 计 》, 第 7 版 ISBN-10: 0534491243 | ISBN-13: 9780534491246 976 Pages Case Bound 8 X 10 Dimension 出版社:Thomson Learning 本书简介 : 介: 本书为全世界卖的最好的统计学教材,通过作者独特的三部曲联系统计学和现实世界以及问题的解决。学生通过学习可以使 用正确的技术和方法解决问题和识别不同类型的数据。他们可以使用手写,Excel 等正确的计算,完成统计表格。本书的最大 特色在于教会学生使用,制作统计表格无论是手写或使用电子工具。 本书特点 : 点: * 解决问题三部曲方法:认知,计算,和解释 * 提供最大的灵活度来实现计算,通过:手写,Excel 表格,MINTAB * 2 个独特的回顾章节(包括联系何例子)来拓展认知技术和展示给学生怎样使用学过的技能解决实际问题 * 开放式的章节设计和适当的图表解释相结合 * 采用现时的例子,是学生把所学的和现实的结合起来 * 丰富的学生资源 * 免费在线教学向导 章节介绍 : 绍: 1. WHAT IS STATISTICS? 2. GRAPHICAL AND TABULAR DESCRIPTIVE TECHNIQUES. 3. ART AND SCIENCE OF GRAPHICAL PRESENTATIONS. 4. NUMERICAL DESCRIPTIVE TECHNIQUES. REVIEW OF DESCRIPTIVE TECHNIQUES. 5. DATA COLLECTION AND SAMPLING. 6. PROBABILITY. 7. RANDOM VARIABLES AND DISCRETE PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS. 8. CONTINUOUS PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS. 9. SAMPLING DISTRIBUTIONS. 10. INTRODUCTION TO ESTIMATION. 11. INTRODUCTION TO HYPOTH- ESIS TESTING. Appendix A: DATA FILE SAMPLE 12. INFERENCE ABOUT A POPULATION. 13. INFERENCE ABOUT COMPARING TWO POPULATIONS. STATISTICS. Appendix B: TABLES. Appendix C: ANSWERS TO SELECTED EVEN-NUMBERED 14. STATISTICAL INFERENCE: REVIEW OF CHAPTERS 12 AND 13. 15. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE. 16. CHI-SQUARED TESTS. . EXERCISES. 教辅资料 : 料: 17. SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION AND CORRELATION. 18. MULTIPLE REGRESSION. 19. MODEL BUILDING. 教师资源光盘 题库 教师手册 20. TIME SERIES ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING. 21. NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS. 22. STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL. 23. DECISION ANALYSIS. 24 STATISTICAL INFERENCE: CONCLUSION. ·36· 采用院校 Columbia University Georgetown University Indiana University New York University Ohio State University 经济统计学 002 Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications and CD package, 10/E 《 基 础 商 务 统 计 》, 第 10 版 : Mark L. Berenson/Timothy C. Krehbiel/ 者: 作者 David M. Levine 书号: 9780131678316 出版日期:03/02/2005 页数: 936 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For a 1 or 2 semester course in Business Statistics. This comprehensive, 18 chapter hardcover text focuses on using rich business applications from all the functional areas of business to introduce the core concepts. The focus is on providing a sophisticated, uncluttered (by bells and whistles) approach. A briefer version is also available: Business Statistics: A First Course 4e. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1. Introduction and Data Collection Using Statistics: Good Tunes 2. Presenting Data in Tables and Charts Using Statistics: Comparing the Perfor- Using Statistics: Auditing Invoices at the Saxon Home Improvement 9. Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing Using Statistics: The Oxford Cereal Com- for Three Companies 17. Decision Making Using Statistics: Selecting Stocks 18. Statistical Applications in Quality and pany Packaging Process Productivity Management mance of Mutual Funds 10. Two-Sample Tests Answers to Self-Test Problems 3. Numerical Descriptive Measures 11. Analysis of Variance Answers to Even-Numbered Problems Using Statistics: Comparing the Perfor- Using Statistics: The Perfect Parachute Appendices mance of Mutual Funds Company Index 4. Basic Probability 12. Chi-Square Tests and Nonparametric CD-ROM Topics Using Statistics: The Consumer Electronics Company Tests Using Statistics: Guest Satisfaction at T. 5. Some Important Discrete Probability Dis- C. Resort Properties tributions 13. Simple Linear Regression Using Statistics: The Accounting Infor- Using Statistics: Forecasting Sales at the 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements mation System of the Saxon Plumbing Com- Sunflowers Clothing Stores Instructor's Solutions Manual, 10/E/ pany 14. Introduction to Multiple Regression 9780131851955 6. The Normal Distribution and Other Continuous Distributions Using Statistics: Download Time for a Using Statistics: Predicting OmniPower Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and 15. Multiple Regression Model Building Applications, Review Copy and CD, 10/E/ Web Site Home Page 7. Sampling Distributions Using Statistics: The Oxford Cereal Company Packaging Process 8. Confidence Interval Estimation Test Item File, 10/E/ 9780131852006 Sales Using Statistics: Predicting Standby 9780131678323 Hours for Unionized Artists 16. Time-Series Forecasting and Index Num- 采用院校 : 校: bers Using Statistics: Forecasting Revenues ·37· 宾夕法尼亚大学 / 约翰·霍普金斯大学 经济学 001 Economic Issues and Policy with Economic Applications, 3rd Edition 作者介绍 绍: 《 经 济 政 策 与 问 题 》, 第 3 版 Jacqueline Murray Brux - University of Wisconsin, Jacqueline Murray Brux 是密歇根州立大学的博士,她致力于 River Falls 国际经济和发展的研究,有着丰富的国外教学经验。 ISBN-10: 0324269099 | 455 Pages 出版社:Thomson Learning 内容简介 : 介: 这本书提供了学生最需要的基本经济工具,覆盖了重要经济问题的的分析及相关政策观点。所有的经济原理都用简单、市场 为导向进行切入,特别适合基本经济课程以及那些把经济学作为第二课程的学生。 章节介绍 : 绍: 1. Introduction. 2. Crime and Drugs. 3. The Environment. 4. Education. 5. Discrimination. 6. U.S. Poverty. 7. World Poverty. 教辅资料 料: 16. Taxes, Borrowing, and the National Debt. 17. Globally Free Markets for the TwentyFirst Century? 教师手册 题库 采用院校 : 校: University of Delaware 8. Market Power. 9. International Trade. 10. Housing. 11. Health Care. University of Michigan - Dearborn University of Nebraska - Kearney University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg 12. Agriculture. 13. Social Security. 14. Unemployment and Inflation. 15. Government Macroeconomic Policy. Winthrop College ·38· 经济学 002 Economic Issues for Consumers (with InfoTrac), 10th Edition 作者介绍 : 绍: 《 消 费 者 的 经 济 论 点 》 第 10 版 Roger LeRoy Miller - Institute for University Studies, Arlington, Texas Miller博士是芝加哥的大学博士。他现在是德克萨斯州阿灵 顿的大学研究学会会长。他是法律专家,出版了很多书:包 Alan D. Stafford - Niagara County Community College 括犯罪的程序。 除此之外,Miller 博士还在药物,罪行和犯 罪行为经济学等方面有著作。 ISBN-10: 0534628524 | ISBN-13: 9780534628529 544 Pages Paper Bound 8 1/2 x 11 Dimension 出版社:Thomson Learning 本书介绍 : 绍: 这本书采用了独特的 " 论点方法 " 每一章都会有一两个消费者的论点通过现实世界的例子显示出来。 本书特点 : 点: * 本书的主旨在于学生如何采取明智的消费者来采取选择 * 每章前都会有预习题目,引领学生带着问题去学习 教辅资料 : 料: 章节介绍 : 绍: Unit 1: THE CONSUMER IN TODAY'S WORLD. 1. An Economic Foundation for Consumer Decisions. 2. Making Rational Consumer Choices. 3. A Flood of Advertising. 4. The Many Faces of Fraud. 5. Protection for the Consumer. Unit 2: BUDGETING. 6. The Consumer as a Wage Earner. 7. Creating a Living Budget. Spend. 14. Using Credit Responsibly. 15. Investing For Your Future. Unit 5: RISK MANAGEMENT. 16. Choosing Medical Insurance. 17. Insuring Your Home and Automobile. 18. Protecting Your Family and Retirement. Unit 6: LESSONS YOU HAVE LEARNED. 19. Looking to the Future. 8. Paying for the Government. Unit 3: MAKING CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURES. 9. Choosing a Healthful Diet. 10. Purchasing Household Products. 11. Satisfying Transportation Needs. 12. Finding a Place to Live. Unit 4: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. 13. Banks Help Consumers Save and ·39· 题库 采用院校 : 校: ALABAMA A & M UNIVERSITY Chemeketa Community College Chicago State University Texas A&M University - Kingsville Worcester State College 经济学 003 Economics plus MyEconLab in CourseCompass plus eBook Student Access Kit, 7/E 《 经 济 学 》,第 第 7版 作者 : 者: Michael Parkin 书号: 9780321454980' 出版日期: 07/12/2006 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: Like a lens that brings the indistinct into focus, Parkin's Economics introduces students to the art of seeing the invisible, teaching them interpret the story told by the economic indicators, uncover meaning hidden in the headlines, and gain a clear vision through economic analysis. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents AND UNCERTAINTY Model I. INTRODUCTION 17. Demand and Supply in Factor Markets 30. The Business Cycle 1. What Is Economics? 2. The Economic Problem 18. Economic Inequality 31. Fiscal Policy 19. Uncertainty and Information 32. Monetary Policy II. HOW MARKETS WORK VII. MACROECONOMIC OVERVIEW XI. THE GLOBAL ECONOMY 3. Demand and Supply 20. A First Look at Macroeconomics 33. Trading with the World 4. Elasticity 34. International Finance 5. Efficiency and Equity 21. Measuring GDP and Economic Growth 22. Monitoring Cycles, Jobs, and the Price 6. Markets in Action Level 教辅资源 : 源: III. HOUSEHOLDS' CHOICES 23. Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand 7. Utility and Demand VIII. AGGREGATE SUPPLY AND ECO- Supplement 8. Possibilities, Preferences, and Choices NOMIC GROWTH. Instructor's Resource CD-ROM, IV. FIRMS AND MARKETS 24. The Economy at Full Employment: The Macroeconomics, 7/E, 9780321233523 9. Organizing Production 10. Output and Costs Classical Model Instructor's Resource CD-ROM, 25. Economic Growth Microeconomics, 7/E, 9780321233561 11. Perfect Competition IX. AGGREGATE DEMAND, MONEY, Test bank/Computerized 12. Monopoly AND INFLATION Instructor's manual 13. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Power Point V. MARKET FAILURE AND GOVERN- 26. Money, Banks, and the Federal Reserve 27. Money, Interest, Real GDP, and the Price MENT Level 采用院校 : 校: 14. Regulation and Antitrust Law 28. Inflation 15. Externalities X. ECONOMIC FLUCTUATIONS AND 16. Public Goods and Common Resources STABILIZATION POLICY VI. FACTOR MARKETS, INEQUALITY, 29. Expenditure Multipliers: The Keynesian ·40· 约翰·霍普金斯大学 / 艾茱莉大学 经济学 004 International Economics: Theory and Policy plus MyEconLab plus eBook 1-semester Student Access Kit, 7/E 《 国 际 经 济 学 》, 第 7 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Paul R. Krugman / Maurice Obstfeld 9780321451347 出版日期: 07/12/2006 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: This text comes packaged with an access kit for the new easy-to-use format of MyEconLab, which requires no set-up by the professor. With this, students can access practice problems for each chapter in the book, graphing questions, learning resources, and live tutoring. Professors who plan to use advanced course management online should order the book with MyEconLab in CourseCompass. View 'Alternate Versions' of this book on the web catalog page, or contact your local representative for details. International Economics captures the vitality of modern international trade and finance. A classic textbook by world-renowned authors, the Seventh Edition is comprehensively revised and updated in a new, full-color format. Each half of the book contains a core of theory chapters followed by chapters applying the theory to major policy questions of the past and present. 章节介绍 : 绍: 教辅资源 : 源: 采用院校 : 校: Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION. Supplements: Instructor's Resource Disk, 7/E 9780321316721 哈佛大学 / 普林斯顿大学 / 耶鲁大学 I. INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORY. II. INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICY. III. EXCHANGE RATES AND OPENECONOMY MACROECONOMICS Online Test Bank, 7/E/ 9780321316752 Online Instructor's Manual, 7/E/ 9780321316769 IV. INTERNATIONAL MACROECONOMIC POLICY ·41· 经济学 005 Principles of Economics, 3rd Edition 《 经 济 学 原 理 》, 第 3 版 (合 合编本 本) 作者 : Robert H. Frank & Ben Bernanke 者: 书号: 9780071108157 出版日期: 2005 年 12 月 984 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: In recent years, innovative texts in mathematics, science, foreign languages, and other fields have achieved dramatic pedagogical gains by abandoning the traditional encyclopedic approach in favor of attempting to teach a short list of core principles in depth. Two well-respected writers and researchers, Bob Frank and Ben Bernanke, have shown that the less-is-more approach affords similar gains in introductory economics. Although recent editions of a few other texts have paid lip service to this new approach, Frank/Bernanke is by far the best thought out and best executed principles text in this mold. Avoiding excessive reliance on formal mathematical derivations, it presents concepts intuitively through examples drawn from familiar contexts. The authors introduce a well-articulated short list of core principles and reinforcing them by illustrating and applying each in numerous contexts. Students are periodically asked to apply these principles to answer related questions and exercises. The text also encourages students to become ?Economic Naturalists,? people who employ basic economic principles to understand and explain what they observe in the world around them. An economic naturalist understands, for example, that infant safety seats are required in cars but not in airplanes because the marginal cost of space to accommodate these seats is typically zero in cars but often hundreds of dollars in airplanes. Such examples engage student interest while teaching them to see each feature of their economic landscape as the reflection of an implicit or explicit cost-benefit calculation. 章节介绍 : 绍: 14. Labor Markets, Poverty, and Income Dis- 26. Spending Output in the Short Run tribution 27. Stabilizing the Economy: The Role of the Part 1 Introduction 15. The Environment, Health, and Safety / 16. Fed 1. Thinking Like an Economist Public Goods and Tax Policy 28. Inflation, Aggregate Supply, and Aggre- 2. Comparative Advantage: The Basis for Part 5 Macroeconomics: Issues and Data gate Demand Exchange 17. Macroeconomics: The Bird's-Eye View 29. The Practice and Pitfalls of Macroeco- 3. Supply and Demand: An Introduction of the Economy nomic Policy Part 2 Competition and the Invisible Hand 18. Measuring Economic Activity: GDP and Part 8 The International Economy 4. Elasticity / 5. Demand: The Benefit Side of Unemployment 30. Exchange Rates and the Open Economy the Market 19. Measuring the Price Level and Inflation 6. Perfectly Competitive Supply: The Cost Part 6 The Economy in the Long Run Side of the Market / 7. Efficiency and Ex- 20. Economic Growth, Productivity, and Liv- change ing Standards Supplements 8. The Quest for Profit and the Invisible Hand 21. Workers, Wages, and Unemployment in Instructor's Manual/0-07-321004-8 / 9. International Trade the Modern Economy IRCD/0-07-321005-6 Part 3 Market Imperfections 22. Saving and Capital Formation / 23. Money OLC/0-07-321013-7 10. Monopoly and Other Forms of Imperfect and the Federal Reserve Test Bank (Win and Mac) t/a Principles of Competition 24. Financial Markets and International Capi- Microeconomics/0-07-322345-X 11. Thinking Strategically: A Further Look at tal Flow Paul Solman Videos on DVD/0-07-329093-9 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Part 7 The Economy in the Short Run 12. Externalities and Property Rights / 13. 25. Short-term Economic Fluctuations: An The Economics of Information Introduction Contents 教辅资源 源: 采用院校 : 校: 斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学等学校采用 Part 4 Economics of Public Policy ·42· 经济学 006 Economic Dynamics 《经济动力学》 Phase Diagrams and their Economic Application Ronald Shone, University of Stirling 0 521 01703 3 PB 722 页 2002 出版社: Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: This is the substantially revised and restructured second edition of Ron Shone's successful textbook Economic Dynamics presenting dynamics and phase diagrams for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in economic theory and quantitative economics. The new edition offers an improved, integrated treatment of dynamics with many more exercises and examples and a more comprehensive range of applications to economic theory. The emphasis on learning by doing is supported by a companion website offering solutions manual and learning tools for teachers, students and researchers. 采用院校 校: 章节介绍 : 绍: Part I: 1. Introduction; 2. Continuous dynamic systems; 3 . Discrete dynamic systems; 4. Systems of first-order differential equations; 5. Discrete systems of equations; 12. Open economy dynamics: sticky price models; 13. Open economy dynamics; 14. Population models; 15. The dynamics of fisheries. 6. Optimal control theory; 7. Chaos theory; Part II: 8. Demand and supply models; 9. Dynamic theory of oligopoly; 10. Closed economy dynamics; 11. The dynamics of inflation and unemployment; ·43· 杜克大学/加拿大康科迪亚大学/曼彻 斯特大学/维也纳经济大学/捷克查尔 斯大学 / 华沙大学 / 捷克科学院 经济学 007 Managerial Economics 《管理经济学》 A Problem-Solving Approach Nick Wilkinson, Richmond: The American International University in London 0 521 52625 6 PB 556 页 2005 出版品牌:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: This textbook covers all the main aspects of managerial economics: the theory of the firm; demand theory and estimation; production and cost theory and estimation; market structure and pricing; game theory; investment analysis and government policy. It includes numerous and extensive case studies, as well as review questions and problem-solving sections, providing the reader with an understanding of how the relevant principles can be applied to real-life situations involving managerial decision-making. This book will be invaluable to business and economics students at both undergraduate and graduate levels. 章节介绍 : 绍: Part I. Introduction: 1. Nature, scope and methods of managerial economics; 2. Theory of the firm; Part II. Demand Analysis: 3. Demand theory; 4. Demand estimation; Part III. Production and Cost Analysis: 采用院校 : 校: 9. Game theory; 10. Pricing strategy; 11. Investment analysis; 12. Government and managerial policy. 5. Production theory; 6. Cost theory; 7. Cost estimation; Part IV. Strategy Analysis: 8. Market structure and pricing; ·44· 伦敦大学国王学院 / 斯图亚特商学院 / 罗格斯大学 经济学 008 The Economics of Financial Markets 《金融市场经济学》 Roy E. Bailey, University of Essex 0 521 61280 2 PB 548 页 2005 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: The Economics of Financial Markets presents a concise overview of capital markets, suitable for advanced undergraduates and for beginning graduate students in financial economics. Following a brief overview of financial markets - their microstructure and the randomness of stock market prices - this textbook explores how the economics of uncertainty can be applied to financial decision-making. Emphasis is placed on the economic principles underlying all financial markets, focusing on markets for equities, bonds, futures and options contracts. 章节介绍 : 绍: Preface; 1. Asset markets and asset prices; 2. Asset market microstructure; 3. Predictability of prices and market efficiency; 4. Decision making under uncertainty; 5. Portfolio selection: the mean-variance model; 6. The capital asset pricing model, CAPM; 7. Arbitrage; 8. Factor models and arbitrage pricing 采用院校 : 校: 台北大学/加州大学/埃塞克斯大学/瑞 13. Term structure and interest rates; 14. Futures markets - fundamentals; 15. Futures markets - speculation and hedging; 16. Futures markets - applications; 17. Swap contracts and swap markets; 18. Options markets: fundamentals; 19. Options markets - price determination; 20. Options markets - applications. theory, APT; 9. Empirical appraisal of the CAPM; 10. Present value relationships and price variability; 11. Intertemporal choice and equity premium puzzle; 12. Bond markets and fixed-interest securities; ·45· 典延雪平大学 商务商法 001 Business Communication (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac(r)), 6th 作者介绍 : 绍: 《商务沟通》第 6 版 A.C. "Buddy" Krizan - Murray State University ISBN-10: 0324272251 Krizan 从 1977 年开始教学生涯,他对商务沟通的很多领域 都有研究,简历,口头沟通,写作的交流等。他在许多研讨 665 Pages 会上都做过讲演,而且还发表了很多论文 出版社:Thomson Learning 本书介绍 : 绍: 商务沟通第 6 版提供了商务沟通基础的学习,它旨在教会学生运用良好的沟通技巧达到事业和人生的目标。 教辅资源 : 源: 章节介绍 : 绍: PART I. COMMUNICATION FUNDAMENTALS 1. Business Communication Foundations 2. Workplace Diversity 3. Technological, Legal, and Ethical Considerations PART II: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT 4. Principles of Business Communication 5. Print and Electronic Messages PART III: CORRESPONDENCE APPLICATIONS 6. Positive and Neutral Messages 7. Goodwill Messages 8. Negative Messages 9. Persuasive Messages PART IV: WRITTEN REPORT APPLICATIONS 10. Business Research and Report Writing 11. Proposals, Business Plans, and Special Reports 12. Visual Aids. 13. Interpersonal Communication and Teamwork PART V: ORAL AND NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION 14. Listening and Nonverbal Messages 15. Oral Communication Essentials PART VI: EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATION 16. The Job Search and Resume 17. Employment Communication and Interviewing BUSINESS ENGLISH SEMINARS A. Parts of Speech B. Sentence Structure C. Punctuation D. Style E. Word Usage APPENDICES. A. Formats of Letters and Memos B. Documentation Format-APA and MLA C. Example Formal Report ·46· 教师手册 PPT 习题答案 采用院校 : 校: California State University - Stanislaus Cerritos College Arkansas State University-Mountain Home Baton Rouge Community College 商务商法 002 Smith and Roberson's Business Law, 13th Edition 《商法 》 作者介绍 : 绍: Richard A. Mann 理查德 A Mann 是北卡罗来纳的数学学士和耶鲁大学的法 ISBN-10: 0324204868 学博士,他过去还是西南商法协会的会长 1280 Pages 出版社:Thomson Learning 本书介绍 : 绍: 本书对于商务特点的有了一个全面的介绍。他的特点是每个章节后面都有一个案例。 章节介绍 : 绍: PART I. THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS. 1. Introduction to Law. 2. Business Ethics and the Social Responsibility of Business. 3. Civil Dispute Resolution. 4. Constitutional Law. 5. Administrative Law. 6. Criminal Law. 7. Intentional Torts. 8. Negligence and Strict Liability. PART II. CONTRACTS. 9. Introduction to Contracts. 10. Mutual Assent. 11. Conduct Invalidating Assent. 12. Consideration. 13. Illegal Bargains. 14. Contractual Capacity. 15. Contracts in Writing. 16. Third Parties to Contracts. 17. Performance, Breach, and Discharge. 18. Contract Remedies. PART III. AGENCY. 19. Relationship of Principal and Agent. 20. Relationship with Third Parties. PART IV. SALES. 21. Introduction to Sales and Leases. 22. Performance. 23. Transfer of Title and Risk of Loss. 24. Products Liability: Warranties and Strict Liability in Tort. 25. Sales Remedies. PART V. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. 26. Form and Content. 27. Transfer. 28. Holder in Due Course. 29. Liability of Parties. 30. Bank Deposits, Collections, and Funds Transfers. PART VI. UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS. 31. Formation and Internal Relations of General Partnerships. 32. Operation and Dissolution of General Partnerships. 33. Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies. PART VII. CORPORATIONS. 34. Nature, Formation, and Powers. 35. Financial Structure. 36. Management Structure. 37. Fundamental Changes. PART VIII. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR RELATIONS. 38. Secured Transactions and Suretyship. 39. Bankruptcy. PART IX. REGULATION OF BUSINESS. ·47· 40. Protection of Intellectual Property. 41. Antitrust. 42. Consumer Protection. 43. Employment Law. 44. Securities Regulation. 45. Accountants' Legal Liability. 46. Environmental Law. 47. International Business Law. 48. Cyberlaw. PART X. PROPERTY. 49. Introduction to Property, Property Insurance, Bailments, and Documents of Title. 50. Interests in Real Property. 51. Transfer and Control of Real Property. 52. Trusts and Decedents' Estates. 教辅资源 : 源: 教师手册 PPT 题库 采用院校 : 校: Northwestern Oklahoma State University Oakland University Mesa Community College Mount St. Mary"s College and Seminary Loyola University of Chicago - Watertower Lyndon State College 商务商法 003 International Business Law, 4/E 《 国 际 商 务 法 》, 第 4 版 作者 : 者: Ray A. August 书号: 9780131014107 出版日期: 02/04/2003 页数: 832 出版社:Pearson 章节介绍 : 绍: 教辅资源 : 源: 采用院校 : 校: Contents Supplement Instructor's Manual and Test Item File, 4/ 普渡大学 1. Introduction to International and Comparative Law. 2. State Responsibility and Environmental Protection. E/ 9780131014121 3. Dispute Settlement. 4. The Multinational Enterprise. 5. Foreign Investment. 6. Money and Banking. 7. Trade in Goods. 8. Services and Labor. 9. Intellectual Property. 10. Sales. 11. Transportation. 12. Financing. 13. Taxation. Case Index. Statutory Index. Topical Index. ·48· 商务商法 004 Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2006, 4/E 《 电 子 商 务 》, 第 4 版 作 者: Efraim Turban/ Dave King/ Jae Kyu Lee/ Dennis Viehland 书号: 9780131854611 出版日期: 08/09/2005 页数:832 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For undergraduate and graduate courses in Electronic Commerce. For instructors looking for the most comprehensive, managerial, research based book on how corporate business uses e-commerce and less emphasis on technological underpinnings and development. Turban is the #1 best seller in the business school market. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Part I Introduction to E-commerce Ch 1 Concepts and Essentials of Electronic Commerce Ch 2 E-marketplaces and Economic Impacts Part II B2C EC-Internet Marketing Ch 3 Retailing in Electronic Commerce (E-Tailing) Ch 4 Market Research and Advertisement in Electronic Commerce Part III B2B and C-commerce Ch 5 Company-Centric B2B Ch 6 B2B Exchanges and Services Ch 7 E-supply Chain, Intrabusiness, Corporate Portals, C-commerce Part IV Other EC Models and Applications Ch 8 E-Government, E-learning, C2C, Knowledge Management Ch 9 Mobile Commerce and Pervasive T 1. EC Business Plan Computing Part V EC Support Services Ch 10 Auctions Ch 11 E-Commerce Security T 2. Supply Chain Online Appendices Current EC Research Technical Appendices Ch 12 Electronic Payment System (B2C, B2B) Ch 13 Order Fulfillment and Other Support Services Infrastructure for EC Web Page Design and Creation /Web Programming /Software Agents Part VI EC Strategy and Implementation Ch 14 EC Strategy and Implementation Ch 15 The Economics of EC Ch 16 Launching a Successful Internet 教辅资源 : 源: Business Ch 17 Legal and Social Impacts and EC Future Part VII Application Development (Online Only) Ch 18 Building EC Applications Online Tutorials Supplements TestGen (Web only), 4/E/ 9780131854680 采用院校 : 校: Arkansas State University-Mountain Home Baton Rouge Community College California Polytechnic State University California State University - Stanislaus ·49· 商务商法 005 International Business: Environments and Operations, 11/E 《国际 商 务 》 :环境与运营 营, 第 11 版 作者 : 者: John Daniels/Lee Radebaugh/Daniel Sullivan 书号: 9780131869424 出版日期: 12/22/2005 页数:832 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For undergraduate and graduate courses in International Business. This exciting revision of the classic best-seller provides the most panoramic, authoritative and current review of international business. The world has changed and so has the book. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Part I: BACKGROUND FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 1. Globalization and International Business Part II: COMPARATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL FRAMEWORKS 2. The Cultural Environments Facing Business 3. The Political and Legal Environments Facing Business 4. The Economic Environment 5. Globalization and Society Part III: THEORIES AND INSTITUTIONS: TRADE AND INVESTMENT 6. International Trade and Factor Mobility Theory 7. Governmental Influence on Trade 8. Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements Part IV: WORLD FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT Chain Management 18. International Accounting Issues 9. Global Foreign Exchange and Capital Markets 10. The Determination of Exchange Rates 19. The Multinational Finance Function 20. Human Resource Management Part V: GLOBAL STRATEGY, STRUCTURE, AND IMPLEMENTATION 11. The Strategy of International Busi- 教辅资源 : 源: ness 12. Country Evaluation and Selection 13. Export and Import Strategies 14. Direct Investment and Collaborative Strategies 15. The Organization of International Business Part VI: MANAGING INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS 16. Marketing Globally 17. Global Manufacturing and Supply ·50· Supplements Instructor's Manual, 11/E/ 9780131869455 Test Item File, 11/E/ 9780131869448 采用院校 : 校: 哈佛大学 / 宾夕法尼亚大学 / 圣母大学 商务商法 006 Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 8/E 《 决 策 支 持 与 商 务 智 能 系 统 》第 8版 作 者: Efraim Turban, Jay E Aronson, Ting-Peng Liang, Ramesh Sharda, 书号: 9780131986602 出版日期: 12/10/2006 页数:850 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: Appropriate for all courses in Decision Support Systems (DSS), computerized decision making tools, and management support systems. Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 8e provides the only comprehensive, up-to-date guide to today's revolutionary management support system technologies, and showcases how they can be used for better decision-making. This completely revised and re-titled edition incorporates the expanded coverage of Business Intelligence and reflects the emphasis that most decision support courses are now taking. 教辅资源 : 源: 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Part I: Decision Support and Business Intelligence 1. Decision Support Systems and Business Intelligence Part II: Computerized Decision Support 2. Decision Making, Systems, Modeling, and Support 3. Decision Support Systems Concepts, Methodologies, and Technologies: An Overview 4. Modeling and Analysis Part III: Business Intelligence Special Introductory Section: The Essentials of Business Intelligence 5. Data Warehousing 6. Business Analytics and Data Visualization 7. Data, Text, and Web Mining Part IV: Collaboration, Communication, Group Support Systems, and Knowledge Management 10. Collaborative Computing-Supported Technologies and Group Support Systems 11. Knowledge Management Part V: Intelligent Systems 12. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 13. Advanced Intelligent Systems 14. Intelligent Systems over the Internet Part VI: Implementing Decision Support Systems 15. Systems Development and Acquisition 16. Integration, Impacts, and the Future of Management Support Systems 8. Neural Networks for Data Mining 9. Business Performance Management ·51· Supplement Insructors Resource Center (online), 8/E/ 9780131986626 TestGen, 8/E/ 9780131987418 Economics plus MyEconLab in CourseCompass plus eBook Student Access Kit, 7/E, 采用院校 : 校: 宾夕法尼亚大学 / 华盛顿大学 / 约翰· 霍普金斯大学 商务商法 007 Business Communication, 3rd Edition 《 商 务 沟 通 》, 第 3 版 作者 : 者: Kitty O. Locker 书号: 9780071259491 出版日期: 2006 年 03 月 592 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: A unique approach to a hands-on course, written by the same author of Business and Administrative Communication, this completely new approach is devised and created with the assistance of a community college colleague. The innovative module structure allows instructors to focus on specific skills and provides greater flexibility for short courses and different teaching approaches. While grounded in solid business communication fundamentals, this paperback takes a strong workplace activity orientation which helps students connect what they learn to what they do or will do on the job. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Unit 1 Building Blocks for Effective Messages 1. Business Communication, Management, and Success 2. Adapting Your Message to Your Audience 3. Communicating Across Cultures 4. Planning, Writing, and Revising 5. Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens Unit 2 Creating Goodwill 6. You-Attitude 7. Positive Emphasis 8. Reader Benefits Unit 3 Letters, Memos, and E-Mail Messages 9. Formats for Letters and Memos 10. Informative and Positive Messages 11. Negative Messages 12. Persuasive Messages 13. E-Mail Messages 26. Researching Jobs 27. Resumes Unit 4 Polishing Your Writing 14. Editing for Grammar and Punctuation 15. Choosing the Right Word 16. Revising Sentences and Paragraphs 28. Job Application Letters 29. Job Interviews 30. Follow-Up Letters and Calls and Job Offers Unit 5 Interpersonal Communication 17. Listening 18. Working and Writing in Teams 19. Planning, Conducting, and Recording Meetings 教辅资源 : 源: 20. Making Oral Presentations Unit 6 Research, Reports, and Visuals 21. Proposals and Progress Reports 22. Finding, Analyzing, and Document- Videos/0-07-293211-2 Instructor's Resource CD-ROM/0-07293213-9 Online Learning Center/0-07-293212-0 ing Information 23. Short Reports 24. Long Reports 25. Using Visuals Unit 7 Job Hunting ·52· Supplement 采用院校 : 校: 加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校;密歇根 大学等学校采用 市场营销学 001 Principles of Marketing, 11/E 《 营 销 原 理 》, 第 11 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Philip Kotler./ Gary Armstrong 9780131469181 出版日期: 02/01/2005 页数: 768 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For the Principles of Marketing course. The comprehensive, classic principles text that in its new edition incorporates a customer value framework to tie together marketing concepts for students. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents I. DEFINING MARKETING AND THE MARKETING PROCESS. 1. Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships. 2. Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships. II. UNDERSTANDING THE MARKETPLACE AND CONSUMERS. 3. The Marketing Environment. 4. Managing Marketing Information. 5. Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior. 6. Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior. III. DESIGNING A CUSTOMERDRIVEN STRATEGY AND MARKETING MIX. 7. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning: Building the Right Rela- tionships with the Right 19. The Global Marketplace. Customers. 8. Product, Services, and Branding Strategies. 9. New-Product Development and Life- 20. Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility. APPENDIXES. Forecasting Market Demand. Cycle Strategies. 10. Pricing Considerations and Approaches. 11. Pricing Strategies. Marketing Plan. Marketing Math. Careers in Marketing (on-line only). Glossary, Author Index, Company Index, 12. Distribution Channels and Logistics Management. 13. Retailing and Wholesaling. 14. Integrated Marketing Communication Subject Index. Strategy. 15. Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations. 16. Personal Selling and Direct Marketing. IV. EXTENDING MARKETING. 17. Creating Competitive Advantage. 18. Marketing in the Digital Age. ·53· 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements Annotated Instructor's Edition, 11/E/ 9780131857803 Test Item File, 11/E/ 9780131268821 采用名校 校: 哈佛大学 / 杜克大学 市场营销学 002 Marketing: The Core, 2nd Edition 《 市 场 营 销 学 基 础 》, 第 2 版 作者 : 者: Roger A. Kerin 书号: 9780071107723 出版日期: 2006 年 2 月 400 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: MARKETING: THE CORE, 2/e by Kerin, Berkowitz, Hartley, and Rudelius continues the tradition of cutting-edge content and studentfriendliness set by Marketing 8/e, but in a shorter, more accessible package. The Core distills Marketing's 22 chapters down to 18, leaving instructors just the content they need to cover the essentials of marketing in a single semester. Instructors using The Core also benefit from a full-sized supplements package that surpasses anything offered by the competition, while students will appreciate the easy-to-read paperback format that's equally kind to both the eyes and the pocketbook. The Core is more than just a "baby Kerin"; it combines great writing, currency, and supplements into the ideal package for budget-conscious students and time-conscious professors. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Part One: Initiating the Marketing Process Chapter 1 Creating Customer Relationships and Value through Marketing Chapter 2 Developing Successful Marketing and Corporate Strategies Appendix A Building an Effective Marketing Plan Chapter 3 Scanning the Marketing Environment Chapter 4 Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing Part Two: Understanding Buyers and Markets Chapter 5 Consumer Behavior Chapter 6 Organizational Markets and Buyer Behavior Chapter 7 Reaching Global Markets Part Three: Targeting Marketing Opportunities Chapter 8 Marketing Research: From Appendix B Planning a Career in Information to Action Chapter 9 Identifying Market Segments and Targets Part Four: Satisfying Marketing Opportu- Marketing 教辅资源 : 源: nities Chapter 10 Developing New Products and Services Chapter 11 Managing Products, Services, Supplements Test Bank (Volumes 1 and 2)/0-07321611-9 Instructor CD/0-07-321271-7 and Brands Chapter 12 Pricing Products and Services Chapter 13 Managing Marketing Channels and Supply Chains OLC/0-07-299991-8 Video DVD/0-07-320213-4 Instructor's Resource Guide (IM)/0-07299990-X Chapter 14 Retailing and Wholesaling Chapter 15 Retailing and Wholesaling Chapter 16 Integrated Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing Chapter 17 Personal Selling and Sales Management Chapter 18 Implementing Interactive and Multichannel Marketing ·54· 采用院校 : 校: 华盛顿大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、波士 顿大学等学校采用 化学 001 Molecular Reaction Dynamics 《分子反应动力学》 Raphael D. Levine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 0 521 84276 X HB 568 页 2005 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: Molecular Reaction Dynamics is a brand new version of the classic text by Levine and Bernstein. The book delivers a much-needed, updated treatment of this fundamental topic and is destined to become the dominant text on chemical kinetics. The book describes fundamental theory, experimental techniques and new topics such as real time analysis and reactions in solutions and interfaces, in a rigorous style. With the addition of problem sets, this book will be suitable for those studying chemical reaction dynamics. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: 1. Molecular reaction dynamics; 2. Molecular collisions; 3. Introduction to the dynamics of 剑桥大学 / 牛津大学 / 利兹大学 / 曼彻 斯特大学 reactive collisions; 4. Scattering as a probe of the collision dynamics; 5. Polyatomic dynamics; 6. From structure to the rate of chemical reactions; 7. Access to the transition state region: photoselective chemistry; 8. Chemistry in real time; 9. State changing collisions: molecular energy transfer; 10. Stereodynamics; 11. Dynamics in the condensed phase; 12. Dynamics of gas-surface reactions; Bibliography. ·55· 化学 002 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis 《现代有机物合成方法》 W. Carruthers, 0 521 77830 1 PB 506 页 2004 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: The fourth edition of this well-known textbook discusses the key methods used in organic synthesis, and aims to show the value and scope of these methods and how they are used in the synthesis of complex molecules. The text from the third edition has been revised to produce a modern account of traditional methods and an up-to-date description of recent advancements in synthetic chemistry. A valuable text for chemistry and biochemistry students at advanced undergraduate and graduate level, as well as researchers wishing to familiarise themselves with modern synthetic methods. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 校: 1. Formation of carbon-carbon single 康奈尔大学 / 田纳西大学 / 迈阿密大 学 / 里海大学 / 西印度大学 bonds; 2. Formation of carbon-carbon double bonds; 3. Pericyclic reactions; 4. Radical and carbene chemistry; 5. Functionalisation of alkenes; 6. Oxidation; 7. Reduction. ·56· 化学 003 Chemistry, 9th Edition 《 普 通 化 学 》, 第 9 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Raymond Chang 9780071105958 出版日期: 2006 年 03 月 1152 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: Designed for the two-semester general chemistry course, Chang's best-selling textbook continues to take a traditional approach and is often considered a student and teacher favorite. The book features a straightforward, clear writing style and proven problem-solving strategies. It continues the tradition of providing a firm foundation in chemical concepts and principles while presenting a broad range of topics in a clear, concise manner. The new edition of Chemistry continues to strike a balance between theory and application by incorporating real examples and helping students visualize the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures that are the basis of chemical activity. An integral part of the text is to develop students' problem-solving and critical thinking skills. A hallmark of the ninth edition is the integration of many tools designed to inspire both students and instructors. The textbook is a foundation for the unparalleled, effective technology that is integrated throughout. The multimedia package for the new edition stretches students beyond the confines of the traditional textbook. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1 Chemistry: The Study of Change / 2 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 3 Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions / 4 Reactions in Aqueous Solutions 5 Gases / 6 Thermochemistry 7 Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of Atoms 8 Periodic Relationships Among the Elements 9 Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts 10 Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Geometry and Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals 11 Intermolecular Forces and Liquids and Solids 12 Physical Properties of Solutions 13 Chemical Kinetics / 14 Chemical Equilibrium / 15 Acids and Bases 教辅资源 : 源: 16 Acid-Base Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria / 17 Chemistry in the Atmosphere 18 Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium / 19 Electrochemistry 20 Metallurgy and the Chemistry of Metals 21 Nonmetallic Elements and Their Compounds 22 Transition Metal Chemistry and Coordination Compounds 23 Nuclear Chemistry / 24 Organic Chemistry 25 Synthetic and Natural Organic Polymers Appendices 1 Derivation of the Names of Elements / 2 Units for the Gas Constant 3 Thermodynamic Data at 1 atm and 25 degrees C / 4 Mathematical Operations ·57· Supplements Instructor's Solutions Manual/0-07298067-2 Instructor's Testing and Resource CDROM/0-07-298069-9 Digital Content Manager CD-ROM/007-298070-2 采用院校 : 校: 斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学等学校采 用 化学 004 Organic Chemistry, 6th Editon 《 有 机 化 学 》, 第 6 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Francis A. Carey 9780071115636 出版日期: 2005 年 01 月 1424 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: From its first edition through this, its sixth,Organic Chemistry has been designed to meet the needs of the "mainstream," two-semester, undergraduate organic chemistry course. This best-selling text gives students a solid understanding of organic chemistry by stressing how fundamental reaction mechanisms function and how reactions occur. With the addition of handwritten solutions, new cutting-edge molecular illustrations, updated spectroscopy coverage, seamless integration of molecular modeling exercises, and state-of-the-art multimedia tools, the 6th edition of Organic Chemistry clearly offers the most up-to-date approach to the study of organic chemistry. 章节介绍 : 绍: Content 1 Structure Determines Properties 2 Hydrocarbon Frameworks, Alkanes 3 Conformations of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes 4 Alcohols and Alkyl Halides 5 Structure and Preparation of Alkenes: Elimination Reactions 6 Reactions of Alkenes: Addition Reactions 7 Stereochemistry 8 Nucleophilic Substitution 9 Alkynes 10 Conjugation in Alkadienes and Allylic Systems 11 Arenes and Aromaticity 12 Reactions of Arenes: Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution 13 Spectroscopy 14 Organometallic Compounds 教辅资源 : 源: 16 Ethers, Epoxides, and Sulfides 17 Aldehydes and Ketones: Nucleophilic Addition to the Carbonyl Group 18 Enols and Enolates 19 Carboxylic Acids 20 Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 21 Ester Enolates 22 Amines 23 Aryl Halides 24 Phenols 25 Carbohydrates 26 Lipids 27 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins 28 Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids 29 Synthetic Polymers Appendix 1 Physical Properties Appendix 2 Answers to In-Text Problems 15 Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols ·58· Supplement Solutions Manual/0-07-288521-1 Digital Content Manager with Animations/0-07-294114-6 Instructor's Testing and Resource CDROM/0-07-294117-0 Online Learning Center/0-07-294113-8 采用院校 : 校: 华盛顿大学,哥伦比亚大学等学校采 用 化学 005 Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th Edition 《 化 工 单 元 操 作 》, 第 7 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Warren McCabe 9780071247108 出版日期: 2004 年 10 月 1152 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th edition continues its lengthy, successful tradition of being one of McGraw-Hill's oldest texts in the Chemical Engineering Series. Since 1956, this text has been the most comprehensive of the introductory, undergraduate, chemical engineering titles available. Separate chapters are devoted to each of the principle unit operations, grouped into four sections: fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer and equilibrium stages, and operations involving particulate solids. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Section 1 Introduction 1 Definitions and Principles Section 2 Fluid Mechanics 2 Fluid Statics and Its Applications / 3 Fluid Flow Phenomena / 4 Basic Equations of Fluid Flow 5 Incompressible Flow in Pipes and Channels / 6 Flow of Compressible Fluids 7 Flow past Immersed Objects / 8 Transportation and Metering of Fluids 9 Agitation and Mixing of Liquids Section 3 Heat Transfer and Its Applications 10 Heat Transfer by Conduction / 11 Principles of Heat Flow in Fluids 12 Heat Transfer to Fluids without Phase Change / 13 Heat Transfer to Fluids with Phase Change 教辅资源 : 源: Exchange Equipment / 16 Evaporation Section 4 Mass Transfer and Its Applications 17 Principles of Diffusion and Mass Transfer between Phases 18 Gas Absorption / 19 Humidification Operations / 20 Equilibrium-Stage Operations 21 Distillation / 22 Introduction to Multicomponent Distillation / 23 Leaching and Extraction 24 Drying of Solids / 25 Fixed-Bed Separatons 26 Membrane Separation Processes / 27 Crystallization Section 5 Operations Involving Particulate Solids 28 Properties and Handling of Particulate Solids 29 Mechanical Separations 14 Radiation Heat Transfer / 15 Heat·59· Supplements Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering/0-07-284823-5 Web site t/a Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7/e/0-07-284824-3 Instructor and Student Resource Web site t/a Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering/0-07-313122-9 采用院校 : 校: 华盛顿大学、西北大学、佛罗里达大 学、康奈尔大学等学校采用 化学 006 Inorganic Chemistry, 2/E 《 无 机 化 学 》, 第 2 版 作者 : 者: Catherine E./ Housecroft Alan G. Sharpe 书号: 9780130399137 出版日期: 12/02/2004 页数:992 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: A leading textbook which offers a fresh and engaging approach to the teaching of modern inorganic chemistry and gives a clear, wellbalanced introduction to the key principles of the subject. The brand new full-colour text design with three-dimensional illustrations brings the subject to life. Students are able to relate the chemistry they learn to everyday life through numerous applications and topic boxes. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Preface Chapter 1: Some basic concepts Chapter 2: Nuclear properties Chapter 3: An introduction to molecular symmetry Chapter 4: Bonding in polyatomic molecules Chapter 5: Structures and energetics of metallic and ionic solids Chapter 6: Acids, bases and ions in aqueous solution Chapter 7: Reducation and oxidation Chapter 8: Non-aqueous media Chapter 9: Hydrogen Chapter 10: Group 1: the alkali metals Chapter 11: The group 2 metals Chapter 12: The group 13 elements Chapter 13: The group 14 elements Chapter 14: The group 15 elements Chapter 15: The group 16 elements Chapter 16: The group 17 elements Chapter 17: The group 18 elements chemistry Chapter 28: The trace metals of life Chapter 18: Organometallic compounds of s- and p- block elements Chapter 19: d-block chemistry: general considerations Appendices / Answers to non-descriptive problems / Index Chapter 20: d-block chemistry: coordination complexes Chapter 21: d-block chemistry: the first row metals Chapter 22: d-block metal chemistry: 教辅资源 : 源: the second and third row metals Chapter 23: Organometallic compunds of d-block elements Chapter 24: The f-block metals: lanthanoids and actinoids Chapter 25: d-block metal complexes: reaction mechanisms Chapter 26: Homogeneous and hetrogeneous catalysis Chapter 27: Some aspects of solid state ·60· Supplements Inorganic Chemistry Solutions Manual, 2/E/ 9780131399266 化学 007 Organic Chemistry, 5/E 《 有 机 化 学 》, 第 5 版 : Paula Y. Bruice 者: 作者 书号: 9780131963160 出版日期: 03/21/2006 页数:1440 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For full-year courses in organic chemistry taken by science and pre-health professions majors. This innovative text is organized in a way that discourages rote memorization, by emphasizing what functional groups do rather than how they are made, highlighting mechanistic similarities and tying synthesis and reactivity together. Bruice's writing has been praised for anticipating students' questions, appealing to their visual and problem solving needs. The text balances coverage of traditional topics with bioorganic chemistry, recognizing the importance of bioorganic topics to today's students. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents OF ALKYL HALIDES CHAPTER 9. ELIMINATION REACTIONS OF PART VIII: BIOORGANIC COMPOUNDS CHAPTER 21. CARBOHYDRATES ALKYL HALIDES · COMPETITION BETWEEN SUBSTITUTION AND ELIMINATION CHAPTER 22. AMINO ACIDS, PEPTIDES, AND PROTEINS CHAPTER 10. REACTIONS OF ALCOHOLS, AMINES, ETHERS, EXPOXIDES, AND SULFUR-CONTAINING CHAPTER 23. CATALYSIS CHAPTER 24. THE ORGANIC MECHANISMS OF THE COENZYMES COMPOUNDS · ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS CHAPTER 25: THE CHEMISTRY OF METABOLISM CHAPTER 11. RADICALS · REACTIONS OF ALKANES PART IV: IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIC CHAPTER 26. LIPIDS CHAPTER 27. NUCLEOSIDES, NUCLEOTIDES, AND NUCLEIC ACIDS COMPOUNDS CHAPTER 12. MASS SPECTROMETRY, PART IX: SPECIAL TOPICS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3. ALKENES: STRUCTURE, NOMENCLATURE AND AN INTRODUCTION INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, AND ULTRAVIOLET/VISIBLE SPECTROSCOPY CHAPTER 28. SYNTHETIC POLYMERS CHAPTER 29. PERICYCLIC REACTIONS TO REACTIVITY · THERMODYNAMICS AND CHAPTER 13. NMR SPECTROSCOPY PART V: AROMATIC COMPOUNDS CHAPTER 14. AROMATICITY · REACTIONS CHAPTER 30. THE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY OF DRUGS DISCOVERY AND DESIGN OF BENZENE CHAPTER 15. REACTIONS OF SUBSTITUTED 教辅资源 : 源: PART I: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 1. ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE AND BONDING · ACIDS AND BASES CHAPTER 2. AN INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC COMPOUNDS NOMENCLATURE, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES, AND REPRESENTATION OF STRUCTURE PART II: ELECTROPHILIC ADDITION REACTIONS, STEREOCHEMISTRY, AND ELECTRON DEELOCALIZATION KINETICS CHAPTER 4. THE REACTIONS OF ALKENES CHAPTER 5. STEREOCHEMISTRY THE ARRANGEMENT OF ATOMS IN SPACE; THE STEREOCHEMISTRY OF ADDITION REACTIONS CHAPTER 6. THE REACTIONS OF ALKYNES ·AN INTRODUCTION TO MULTISTEP SYNTHESIS CHAPTER 7. DELOCALIZED ELECTRONS AND THEIR EFFECT ON STABILITY, REACTIVITY, AND pKa · MORE ABOUT MOLECULAR ORBITAL THEORY BENZENES PART VI: CARBONYL COMPOUNDS CHAPTER 16. CARBONYL COMPOUNDS I: NUCLEOPHILIC ACYL SUBSTITUTION CHAPTER 17. CARBONYL COMPOUNDS II: CHAPTER 18. CARBONYL COMPOUNDS III: REACTIONS AT THE a-CARBON PART VII: OXIDATION-REDUCTION REACTIONS AND AMINES CHAPTER 19. MORE ABOUT OXIDATION- PART III: SUBSTITUTION AND ELIMINATION REACTIONS REDUCTION REACTIONS CHAPTER 20. MORE ABOUT AMINES. CHAPTER 8. SUBSTITUTION REACTIONS OF HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS ·61· Supplements Instructor resource CD/DVD, 5E/ 9780131963177 Test Item File, 5/E/ 9780132220477 采用院校 : 校: 华盛顿大学、哥伦比亚大学等 化学 008 Chemistry: The Central Science, 10/E 《 化 学 》, 第 10 版 作者 : Theodore E Brown/ H. Eugene LeMay / Bruce E Bursten 者: 书号: 9780131096868 出版日期: 2005 年 页数:1248 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For two-semester courses in General Chemistry. Chemistry: The Central Science is the most trusted book on the market--its scientific accuracy, clarity, innovative pedagogy, functional problem-solving and visuals set this book apart. Brown, LeMay, and Bursten teach students the concepts and skills they need without overcomplicating the subject. A comprehensive media package that works in tandem with the text helps students practice and learn while providing instructors the tools they need to succeed. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1. Introduction: Matter and Measurement. 2. Atoms, Molecules, and Ions. 3. Stoichiometry: Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations. 4. Aqueous Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry. 5. Thermochemistry. 6. Electronic Structure of Atoms. 7. Periodic Properties of the Elements. 8. Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding. 9. Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories. 10. Gases. 11. Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and 教辅资源 : 源: 12. Modern Materials. 13. Properties of Solutions. 14. Chemical Kinetics. 15. Chemical Equilibrium. 16. Acid-Base Equilibria. 17. Additional Aspects of Equilibria. 18. Chemistry of the Environment. 19. Chemical Thermodynamics. 20. Electrochemistry. 21. Nuclear Chemistry. 22. Chemistry of the Nonmetals. 23. Metals and Metallurgy. 24. Chemistry of Coordination Compounds. 25. The Chemistry of Life: Organic and Biological Chemistry. Solids. ·62· Supplements Annotated Instructor's Edition, Laboratory Experiments, 10/E/ 9780131464889 Annotated Instructor's Edition, 10/E/ 9780131464896 采用院校 : 校: 斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学、南加州 大学等学校采用 物理学 001 Enhanced College Physics (with PhysicsNOW), 7th Edition 《 高 级 大 学 物 理 》, 第 7 版 Raymond A. Serway - James Madison University (Emeritus) Jerry S. Faughn - Eastern Kentucky University, 作者介绍 : 绍: 雷蒙德,瑟维 - 詹姆斯麦迪逊大学 杰瑞 - 方格恩 - 肯塔基东大学 查尔斯,班尼特 - 北卡罗来纳大学 Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Physics Department Chris Vuille - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Charles A. Bennett (Contributing Author, Media) - University of North Carolina, Asheville ISBN-10: 0495113697 | ISBN-13: 9780495113690 1056 Pages Case Bound 8 1/2 x 10 7/8 Dimension 出版社:Thomson Learning 本书介绍 : 绍: 这本书提供了简单并富有逻辑的展示了基本的物理原理。作者使用了大量现实的例子使学生明白物理在现实世界中的应用。 新的教学方法是学生逐步掌握问题的解决方法和加深对原理的掌握。 本书特点 : 点: * 问题解决技巧和方法是学生掌握此类问题的解决技巧 * 书后的小测验促使学生更好的理解 * "tips" 被设置在每页的边缘,利于学生对书中的概念的理解,避免容易出现的各种错误 * 章节末尾设有课后活动题目,可以让学生 3-2 个一组进行讨论, 采用院校 : 校: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Auburn University University Of The Ozarks Central Arizona College Ivy University ·63· 物理学 002 Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics (chs 1-42) w/Mastering Physics 《大学物理》 : Randall D. Knight/ Luis Obispo 者: 作者 书号: 9780805386851 出版日期: 12/18/2003 页数:1472 出版社:Thomson Learning 本书介绍 : 绍: Built from the ground up on our new understanding of how students learn, Randall Knight's introductory university physics textbook leads students to a deeper understanding of the concepts and more proficient problem-solving skills. This authoritative text provides effective learning strategies and in-depth instruction to better guide students around the misconceptions and preconceptions they often bring to the course.The superior problem-solving pedagogy of Physics for Scientists and Engineers uses a detailed, methodical approach that sequentially builds students' skills and confidence so they are better equipped to tackle more complex problems. Knight combines rigorous quantitative coverage with a descriptive, inductive approach that leads to a deeper student understanding of the core concepts. Pictorial, graphical, algebraic, and descriptive representations for each concept are skillfully combined to provide a resource that students with different learning styles can readily grasp. The research-proven media package features MasteringPhysics(tm), an online student tutorial and assignable homework program that helps students develop problem-solving skills and lets instructors know where their students are having trouble 章节介绍 : 绍: 教辅资源 源: 采用院校 : 校: Contents I. NEWTON'S LAWS. II. CONSERVATION LAWS. Supplements Instructor's Guide/ 9780805389852 Instructor's Solutions Manual (chs. 1- 斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学等 III. APPLICATIONS OF NEWTONIAN MECHANICS. IV. THERMODYNAMICS IV. THERMODYNAMICS 19)/ 9780805389869 Instructor's Resource CD-ROMs/ 9780805389968 Instructor's Solutions Manual (chs. 20- VI. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. VII. RELATIVITY AND QUANTUM PHYSICS. 42)/ 9780805389890 Printed Test Bank/ 9780805389944 ·64· 物理学 003 Fluid Mechanics 《流体力学》 作者 : 者: 书号: Yunus A. Cengel 9780071249348 出版日期: 2004 年 12 月 864 页 出版社:McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications communicates directly with tomorrow's engineers in a simple yet precise manner. The text covers the basic principles and equations of fluid mechanics in the context of numerous and diverse real-world engineering examples. The text helps students develop an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics by emphasizing the physics, and by supplying attractive figures, numerous photographs and visual aids to reinforce the physics. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1 Introduction and Basic Concepts 2 Properties of Fluids 3 Pressure and Fluid Statics 4 Fluid Kinematics 5 Bernoulli and Energy Equations 6 Momentum and Analysis of Flow 1 Property Tables and Charts (SI Units) 2 Property Tables and Charts (English Units) 3 Introduction to EES 教辅资源 : 源: Systems 7 Dimensional Analysis and Flow Systems 8 Flow in Pipes Supplements Student Resources DVD T/A Fluid Mechanics/0-07-247238-3 COSMOS t/a Fundamentals of Fluid 9 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow 10 Approximations of the Navier-Stokes Equation 11 Flow Over Bodies: Drag and Lift 12 Compressible Flow Mechanics/0-07-298474-0 OLC T/A Fluid Mechanics/0-07247239-1 13 Open-Channel Flow 14 Turbomachinery 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 采用院校 : 校: 斯坦福大学、华盛顿大学等学校采用 Appendices ·65· 物理学 004 Introduction to High Energy Physics 《高能物理学导论》 Donald H. Perkins, University of Oxford 0 521 62196 8 HB 440 页 2000 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: The 4th edition of a text that has dominated advanced undergraduate and graduate particle physics teaching for the last 25 years. The author is a senior figure of modern day particle physics and brings a unique authority and depth of understanding to the subject. The new edition has been extensively rewritten and completely updated. Completely new chapters have been added to cover the burgeoning field connecting particle physics with cosmology, and another new chapter introduces exciting new topics such as supersymmetry, superstrings, neutrino masses and grand unified theories. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 校: Preface; 1. Quarks and leptons; 2. Interactions and fields; 剑桥大学 布朗大学 卡耐基梅隆大学 3. Invariance principles and conservation laws; 4. Quarks in hadrons; 5. Lepton and quark scattering; 杜克大学 芝加哥大学 佛罗里达州立大学 俄勒冈大学 6. Quark interactions and QCD; 7. Weak interactions; 8. Electroweak interactions and the Standard Model; 堪萨斯州立大学 夏威夷大学 北伊利诺大学 德克萨斯大学 9. Physics beyond the Standard Model; 10. Particle physics and cosmology; 11. Experimental methods; Appendixes. 兰开斯特大学 ·66· 物理学 005 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering A Comprehensive Guide 《物理和工程研究中的数学方法》 K. F. Riley, University of Cambridge 0 521 67971 0 PB 1362 页 2006 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: The third edition of this highly acclaimed undergraduate textbook is ideal for teaching all the mathematics for an undergraduate course in any of the physical sciences. As well as lucid descriptions of all the topics and many worked examples, it contains over 800 exercises. Half of these are provided with hints and answers and, in a separate manual available to both students and their teachers, complete worked solutions. The remaining exercises are intended for unaided homework; full solutions are available to instructors at www.cambridge.org/ 9780521679718. 章节介绍 : 绍: Prefaces; 1. Preliminary algebra; 2. Preliminary calculus; 3. Complex numbers and hyperbolic functions; 4. Series and limits; 5. Partial differentiation; 6. Multiple integrals; 7. Vector algebra; 8. Matrices and vector spaces; 9. Normal modes; 10. Vector calculus; 11. Line, surface and volume integrals; 12. Fourier series; 13. Integral transforms; 14. First-order ordinary differential equations; 15. Higher-order ordinary differential 采用院校 : 校: equations; 16. Series solutions of ordinary differential equations; 17. Eigenfunction methods for differential equations; 18. Special functions; 19. Quantum operators; 20. Partial differential equations: general and particular; 21. Partial differential equations: separation of variables; 22. Calculus of variations; 23. Integral equations; 24. Complex variables; 25. Application of complex variables; 26. Tensors; 27. Numerical methods; 28. Group theory; 29. Representation theory; 30. Probability; 31. Statistics; Index. ·67· 新加坡国立大学 剑桥大学 牛津大学 杜克大学 州立索诺马大学 科罗拉多矿业学院 弗吉尼亚大学 州立凡尔多斯塔大学 印第安纳大学 俄克拉何马大学 圣母大学 华威大学 兰开斯特大学 物理学 006 An Introduction to Computational Physics 《计算物理学导论》 Tao Pang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 0 521 82569 5 HB 402 页 2006 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: Thoroughly updated and revised for its second edition, this advanced textbook provides an introduction to the methods of computational physics, and offers an overview of recent progress in several areas of scientific computing. At every stage, important concepts are illustrated with relevant step-by-step examples, including program listings in JavaTM and exercises. Aimed at undergraduate or first-year graduate courses on computational physics or scientific computation, it will also be a useful reference for anyone involved in computational research. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: 1. Introduction; 2. Approximation of a function; 3. Numerical calculus; 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 俄亥俄大学 伊利诺威斯利安大学 4. Ordinary differential equations; 5. Numerical methods for matrices; 6. Spectral analysis; 7. Partial differential equations; 南加州大学 布法罗大学 马尔伯勒学院 阿拉巴马州大学 8. Molecular dynamics simulations; 9. Modeling continuous systems; 10. Monte Carlo simulations; 11. Genetic algorithm and 密苏里大学 - 罗拉 programming; 12. Numerical renormalization; References. ·68· 物理学 007 Practical Physics 《物理实验》 G. L. Squires, University of Cambridge 0 521 77940 5 PB 224 页 2001 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: This classic companion to undergraduate practical work in physics describes the purposeful, critical approach that should be made to all physics experiments. It covers the statistical treatment of data, experimental methods, and gives advice on keeping efficient records, calculations, and scientific writing. The new up-to-date edition includes further statistics, new experimental material, and worked examples based on spreadsheets. Practical Physics is liberally illustrated with examples and exercises with solutions. It has proved of interest not only to undergraduates, but also to school students, teachers, and researchers in many disciplines. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 校: Preface; 1. The object of practical physics; Part I. Statistical Treatment of Data: 2. 剑桥大学 耶鲁大学 圣地亚哥州立大学 Introduction to errors; 3. Treatment of a single variable; 4. Further topics in statistical theory; 5. Common sense in errors; 弗吉尼亚大学 印第安纳大学 普渡大学 Part II. Experimental Methods: 6. Some laboratory instruments and methods; 7. Some experimental techniques; 8. Experimental logic; 9. Common sense in experiments; Part III. Record and Calculations: 10. Record of the experiment; 11. Graphs; 12. Arithmetic; 13. Writing a paper; Appendices; Solutions to exercises; Some useful books; References; Index. ·69· 物理学 008 Laser Fundamentals William T. Silfvast, University of Central Florida 《激光基础》 0 521 83345 0 HB 666 页 2004 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: Laser Fundamentals provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the physical and engineering principles of laser operation and design. Simple explanations, based on key underlying concepts, lead the reader logically from the basics of laser action to advanced topics in laser physics and engineering. Clear explanations, worked examples, and many homework problems will make this book invaluable to undergraduate and first-year graduate students taking courses on lasers. Summaries of key types of lasers, use of unique theoretical descriptions, and the extensive bibliography also make this a valuable reference for researchers. 章节介绍 : 绍: 1. Introduction; Part I. Fundamental Wave Properties of Light: 2. Wave nature of light - the interacting of light with materials; Part II. Fundamental Quantum Properties of Light: 3. The particle nature of light - discrete energy levels; 4. Radiative transitions and emission linewidth; 5. Energy levels and radiative properties of molecules, liquids (organic dyes) and solids (dielectrics and semiconductors); 6. Radiation and thermal equilibrium - absorption and stimulated emission; Part III. Laser Amplifiers: 7. Conditions for producing a laser - population 采用院校 : 校: Part IV. Laser Resonators: 11. Laser resonator modes; 12. Stable laser resonators and Gaussian beams; 13. Special laser cavities; Part V. Specific Laser Systems: 14. Laser systems involving low density gain media; 15. Laser systems involving high density gain media; Part VI. Frequency Multiplication of Laser Beams: 16. Frequency multiplication of lasers and other non linear optical effects. inversions, gain, and gain saturation; 8. Laser oscillation above threshold; 9. Requirements for obtaining population inversions; 10. Laser pumping requirements and techniques; ·70· 哥伦比亚大学 伊利诺大学 爱荷华州立大学 罗彻斯特大学 佛罗里达大学 肯塔基大学 威斯康星大学麦迪逊 中佛罗里达大学 中奥克拉荷马大学 俄亥俄州立大学 北卡罗莱纳大学 物理学 009 Electric Circuits w/PSpice, 7/E 《 电 子 电 路 》, 第 7 版 作者 : 者: 书号: James W. Nilsson / Susan Riedel 9780131329720 出版日期: 05/20/2004 页数:992 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For sophomore level, one- or two-semester Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory Courses taught in Electrical or Computer Engineering Departments. Cited by IEEE Spectrum as an "up and coming classic in the field of circuits," Electric Circuits is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook. This revision of both text and robust supplements package features an increased emphasis on student and instructor assessment, a redesigned art program, a new four-color format, and abundant new or revised problems throughout. The Seventh Edition retains the goals that have made this text a best-seller: 1) to build an understanding of concepts and ideas explicitly in terms of previous learning; 2) to emphasize the relationship between conceptual understanding and problem solving approaches; 3) to provide students with a strong foundation of engineering practices. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1. Circuit Variables. 2. Circuit Elements. 3. Simple Resistive Circuits. 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis. 5. The Operational Amplifier. 6. Inductors, Capacitors, and Mutual Inductance. 7. Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits. 8. Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits. 9. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis. 10. Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations. 11. Balanced Three-Phase Circuits. 教辅资源 : 源: Circuits. 15. Active Filter Circuits. 16. Fourier Series. 17. The Fourier Transform. 18. Two-Port Circuits. Appendix A. The Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations. Appendix B. Complex Numbers. Appendix C. The Decibel. / Appendix D. Bode Diagrams. Appendix E. An Abbreviated Table of Trigonometric Identities. Appendix F. An Abbreviated Table of Integrals. Appendix G. Answers to Selected Problems. 12. Introduction to the Laplace Transform. 13. The Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis. 14. Introduction to Frequency-Selective ·71· Supplements Instructor's Solutions Manual 7E / 9780131465930 Big 10 Engineer's Library/ 9780132234191 Instructor's Solutions Manual (catalog download)/ 9780132408738 采用院校 : 校: 斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学等 工程学 001 Digital & Analog Communication Systems 7/E 《 数 字 与 模 拟 通 信 系 统 》, 第 7 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Leon W. Couch 9780131424920 出版日期: 07/18/2006 页数:784 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For junior- to senior-level introductory communication systems courses for undergraduates, or an introductory graduate course. This revision of Couch's authoritative text provides the latest treatment of digital communication systems. The author balances coverage of both digital and analog communication systems, with an emphasis on design. Students will gain a working knowledge of both classical mathematical and personal computer methods to analyze, design, and simulate modern communication systems. MATLAB is integrated throughout. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 2 SIGNALS AND SPECTRA 3 BASEBAND PULSE AND DIGITAL SIGNALING 4 BANDPASS SIGNALING PRINCIPLES AND CIRCUITS 5 AM, FM, AND DIGITAL MODULATED SYSTEMS 6 RANDOM PROCESSES AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 7 PERFORMANCE OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS CORRUPTED BY NOISE 8 WIRE AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS APPENDIX C USING MATLAB REFERENCES INDEX 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements Instructor's Solutions Manual (catalog download) 7E/ 9780131990302 采用院校 : 校: 斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院等 APPENDIX A MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES, IDENTITIES, AND TABLES APPENDIX B PROBABILITY AND RANDOM VARIABLES ·72· 工程学 002 DataBase Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management, 4/E 《 数 据 库 系 统 》, 第 4 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Thomas M. Connolly / Thomas M. Connolly 9780321294012 出版日期: 06/10/2004 出版社: Pearson 页数:1424 本书介绍 : 绍: This book places a strong emphasis on good design practice, allowing students to master design methodology in an accessible, step-bystep fashion. A clear introduction to design implementation and management issues, as well as an extensive treatment of database languages and standards, make this book an indispensable complete reference for database students and professionals. The book is designed to be used in database courses for technical and non-technical students. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents I. BACKGROUND. II. THE RELATIONAL MODEL AND LANGUAGES. III. DATABASE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN TECHNIQUES. IV. METHODOLOGY. V. SELECTED DATABASE ISSUES. VI. DISTRIBUTED DBMSs AND REPLICATION. VII. OBJECT DBMSs. VIII. WEB AND DBMSs. IX. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (OR DECISION SUPPORT). APPENDICES. A. Users' requirements specification for Dreamhome case study. B. Other case studies. C. File organization and storage structures. 采用院校 : 校: E. Programmatic SQL. F. Alternative data modeling notations. G. Summary of the database design methodology for relational databases. H. Estimating disk space requirements. I. Example web scripts. 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements Database Systems PowerPoints on the Web: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management, 4/E / 9780131215641 Database System 4 Ed Instructors Manual on the Web, 4/E / 9780273704133 D. When is a DBMS relational? ·73· 杜克大学、华盛顿大学等 工程学 003 Digital Signal Processing, 4/E 《 数 字 信 号 处 理 》, 第 4 版 作者 : 者: 书号: John G. Proakis / Dimitris K Manolakis 9780131873742 出版日期: 03/28/2006 出版社: Pearson 页数:1004 本书介绍 : 绍: A significant revision of a best-selling text for the introductory digital signal processing course. This book presents the fundamentals of discrete-time signals, systems, and modern digital processing and applications for students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science.The book is suitable for either a one-semester or a two-semester undergraduate level course in discrete systems and digital signal processing. It is also intended for use in a one-semester first-year graduate-level course in digital signal processing. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1 Introduction 2 Discrete-Time Signals And Systems 3 The Z-Transform And Its Application To The Analysis Of Lti Systems 4 Frequency Analysis Of Signals And Systems 5 Frequency Domain Analysis Of Lti Systems 6 Sampling And Reconstruction Of Signals 教辅资源 : 源: 13 Adaptive Filters 14 Power Spectrum Estimation Appendices Appendix A Random Number Generators Appendix B Tables of Transition Coefficients for the Design of LinearPhase Filters References and Bibliography Supplements Instructor's Solutions Manual (catalog download) 7E/ 9780131741928 Powerpoint, 4/E / 9780132300087 Digital Processing Errata/ 9780132341998 采用院校 : 校: Index 华盛顿大学、普渡大学等 7 The Discrete Fourier Transform: Its Properties And Applications 8 Efficient Computaiton Of The Dft: Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms 9 Implementation Of Discrete-Time Systems 10 Design Of Digital Filers 11 Multirate Digital Signal Processing 12 Linear Prediction And Optimum Linear Filters ·74· 工程学 004 Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, 4/E, 《 机 械 设 计 》, 第 4 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Robert L. Mott, Professor Emeritus, P.E 9780130618856 出版日期: 07/16/2003 页数:944 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: Typically for third year college courses in Machine Design, Design of Machine Elements, and Mechanical Design in Engineering and Engineering Technology programs. This book provides a practical approach to designing machine elements in the context of complete mechanical design. This edition retains many features of the previous edition-exceptional organization, readability, practical approach, sound technical content, extensive appendix, design procedures, example problems, use of computer aids, and use of many examples from commercially available products and systems-yet, has been extensively updated to include new photographs; new design data for some elements; new or revised standards; new end-of-chapter references; listing of internet sites; and some completely new elements. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents I. PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN AND STRESS ANALYSIS. 1. The Nature of Mechanical Design. 2. Materials in Mechanical Design. 3. Stress and Deformation Analysis. 4. Combined Stresses and Mohr's Circle 5. Design for Different Types of Loading. 6. Columns II. DESIGN OF A MECHANICAL DRIVE. 7. Belt Drives and Chain Drives. 8. Kinematics of Gears. 9. Spur Gear Design. 10.Helical Gears, Bevel Gears, and Wormgearing. 11. Keys, Couplings, and Seals. 12. Shaft Design. 教辅资源 : 源: 13. Tolerances and Fits. 14. Rolling Contact Bearings. 15. Completion of the Design of a Power Transmission. III. DESIGN DETAILS AND OTHER MACHINE ELEMENTS. 16. Plain Surface Bearings. 17. Linear Motion Elements. 18 Fasteners. 19. Springs. 20. Machine Frames, Bolted Connections, and Welded Joints. 21. Electric Motors and Controls. 22. Motion Control: Clutches and Brakes. 23. Design Projects. Appendices 1-20. Answers to Selected Problems. Index. ·75· Supplements: Solution Manual, 4/E/ 9780131408739 工程学 005 Bioengineering Fundamentals 《生物工程基础》 作者 : 者: 书号: Ann Saterbak / Ka-Yiu San / Larry V McIntire 9780130938381 出版日期: 12/28/2006 页数:550 出版品牌: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For sophomore-level courses in bioengineering, biomedical engineering, and related fields. Combining engineering principles with technical rigor and a problem-solving focus, this textbook takes a unifying, interdisciplinary approach to the conservation laws that form the foundation of bioengineering: mass, energy, charge, and momentum. 章节介绍 : 绍: 教辅资源 : 源: Contents 1. Introduction to Engineering Calculation Supplement Solutions Manual (online only) / 9780132383684 2. Foundations of Conservation Principles 3. Conservation of Mass 4. Conservation of Energy 5. Conservation of Charge 6. Conservation of Momentum 7. Case Studies ·76· 工程学 006 Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9/E 《 电 子 仪 器 与 电 路 理 论 》, 第 9 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Robert L. Boylestad / Louis Nashelsky 9780131189058 出版日期: 05/02/2005 页数:912 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For upper-level courses in Devices and Circuits at 2-year or 4-year Engineering and Technology institutes. Highly accurate and thoroughly updated, this text has set the standard in electronic devices and circuit theory for over 25 years. Boylestad and Nashelsky offer students a complete and comprehensive survey, focusing on all the essentials they will need to succeed on the job. This very readable presentation is supported by strong pedagogy and content that is ideal for new students of this rapidly changing field. Its colorful, student-friendly layout boasts a large number of stunning photographs. A broad range of ancillary materials is available for instructor support. 章节介绍 : 绍: 教辅资源 : 源: Contents 1. Semiconductor Diodes. 2. Diode Applications. Supplement Instructor's Resource Manual. 9/E/ 9780131189072 3. BJT Devices. 4. DC Biasing-BJTs. 5. BJT Amplifiers. 6. FET Devices. PowerPoints, 9/E/ 9780131189089 TestGen, 9/E/ 9780131189157 7. DC Biasing-FETs. 8. FET Amplifiers. 9. BJT and FET Frequency Response. 10. Operational Amplifiers. 11. Op-Amp Applications. 12. Power Amplifiers. 13. Linear-Digital ICs. 14. Feedback and Oscillator Circuits. 15. Power Supplies (Voltage Regulators). 16. Other Two-Terminal Devices. 17. PNPN and Other Devices. ·77· 工程学 007 Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++, 5/E 《 数 据 抽 象 与 问 题 解 决 》, 第 5 版 作者 : 者: 书号: Frank M. Carrano 9780321433329 出版日期: 07/14/2006 页数:992 出版社: Pearson 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents PART ONE - Problem-Solving Techniques 1 Principles of Programmingand Software Engineering 2 Recursion: The Mirrors 3 Data Abstraction: The Walls 教辅资源 : 源: A Review of C++ Fundamentals B ASCII Character Codes C C++ Header Files and Standard Functions D Mathematical Induction E Standard Template Library F C++ Documentation Systems Supplement Instructor's Manual with Solutions for data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++, 5/E/ 780321444240 Powerpoints for Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++, 5/E/ 9780321440884 4 Linked Lists 5 Recursion as a Problem-Solving Technique PART TWO Problem Solving with Test Bank for Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++, 5/E/ 9780321440884 Source Code for Data Abstraction & Abstract Data Types 6 Stacks 7 Queues 8 Advanced C++ Topics 9 Algorithm Efficiency and Sorting Problem Solving with C++, 5/E/ 9780321440891 10 Trees 11 Tables and Priority Queues 12 Advanced Implementations of Tables 13 Graphs 14 Processing Data in External Storage ·78· 工程学 008 Software Engineering: (Update), 8/E 《 软 件 工 程 》第 8版 作者 : 者: 书号: Ian Sommerville 9780321313799 出版日期: 05/25/2006 页数:864 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: Software Engineering 8 presents a broad perspective on software systems engineering, concentrating on widely used techniques for developing large-scale systems. Structured into 6 parts: 1: Introduction; 2: Requirements Engineering; 3: Design; 4: Software Development; 5: Verification and Validation; 6: Management. And now with additional new chapters on System Security Engineering, Aspect-oriented Software Development, and Service-oriented systems! Building on the widely acclaimed strengths of the 7th edition, 8 updates readers with the latest developments in the field, whilst maintaining the structure and content of the 7th - easily upward compatible for those using the text in a teaching environment. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents INTRODUCTION Ch 1: Introduction Ch 2: Socio-technical Systems Ch 3: Dependability Ch 4: Software Processes Ch 5: Project Management REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING Ch 6: Software Requirements Ch 7: RE Processes Ch 8: Systems Models Ch 9: Critical Systems Specification Ch 10: Formal Specification DESIGN Ch 11: Architectural Design Ch 12: Distributed Systems Architecture Ch 13: Application Architectures Ch 14: Object-oriented Design Ch 15: Real-time Systems Ch 16: User Interface Design SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Ch 17: Iterative Software Development Ch 18: Software Reuse Ch 19: CBSE Ch 32: Aspect-oriented Software Development Glossary References Ch 20: Critical Systems Development Ch 21: Software Evolution VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION Ch 22: Verification and Validation Index Ch 23: Software Testing Ch 24: Critical Systems Validation MANAGEMENT Ch 25: Managing People Supplements Software Engineering 8e Instructors Manual on the Web, 8/E/ Ch 26: Software Cost Estimation Ch 27: Quality Management Ch 28: Process Improvement Ch 29: Configuration Management EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Ch 30: Security Engineering Ch 31: Service-oriented Software Engineering ·79· 教辅资源 : 源: 9780273710127 Sommerville: Software Engineering PowerPoints on the Web, 8/E/ 9780273710134 采用院校 : 校: 温莎大学,西安大略大学等 工程学 009 Data and Computer Communications, 8/E 《数据和计算机通讯》 作者 : 者: 书号: William Stallings 9780132433105 出版日期: 08/02/2006 页数:896 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For a one/two-semester courses in Computer Networks, Data Communications, and Communications Networks in CS, CIS, and Electrical Engineering departments. With a focus on the most current technology and a convenient modular format, this best-selling text offers a clear and comprehensive survey of the entire data and computer communications field. Emphasizing both the fundamental principles as well as the critical role of performance in driving protocol and network design, it explores in detail all the critical technical areas in data communications, wide-area networking, local area networking, and protocol design. The Eighth Edition provides updated coverage of multimedia, Gigabit and 10 Gbps Ethernet, WiFi/IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs, security, and more 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents Chapter 0 Reader's and Instructor's Guide I. OVERVIEW 1. Data Communications, Data Networking, and the Internet 2. Protocol Architecture, TCP/IP, and Internet-Based Applications II. DATA COMMUNICATIONS 3. Data Transmission 4. Guided and Wireless Transmission 5. Signal Encoding Techniques 6. Digital Data Communication Techniques 7. Data Link Control 8. Multiplexing 9. Spread Spectrum III. WIDE AREA NETWORKS 10. Circuit Switching and Packet Switching 11. Asynchronous Transfer Mode 12. Routing in Switched Networks Appendix A Fourier Analysis 13. Congestion Control in Switched Data Networks 14. Cellular Wireless Networks IV. LOCAL AREA NETWORKS Appendix B Sockets Programming Appendix C Projects for Teaching Data and Computer Communications Glossary 15. Local Area Network Overview 16. High-Speed LANs 17. Wireless LANs V. INTERNET AND TRANSPORT References Index PROTOCOLS 18. Internetwork Protocols 19. Internetwork Operation 20. Transport Protocols VI. INTERNET APPLICATIONS 21. Network Security 22. Internet Applications - Electronic Mail and Network Management 23. Internet Applications - Internet Directory Service and World Wide Web 24. Internet Applications - Multimedia APPENDICES ·80· 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements Instructor Resource Center, 8/E/ 9780131756939 Bridge Page/CW, 8/E/ 9780132239301 采用院校 : 校: 斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学等 工程学 010 Engineering Materials Technology: Structures, Processing, Properties, and Selection, 5/E 《 工 程 材 料 技 术 》第 5版 作者 : 者: 书号: James Jacobs / Thomas Kilduff 9780130481856 出版日期: 03/04/2004 页数:912 出版社: Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For courses in Materials Technology, Materials and Processes Technology, Materials Science and Technology, Industrial Materials, Composites and Ceramics, Non-Metallic Materials and Building Materials. The fifth edition of Engineering Materials Technology continues to cover basic concepts in materials science, engineering and technology dealing with traditional as well as advanced materials. This exceptionally readable text/reference on engineering materials is designed to help students develop problem-solving abilities in such areas as materials evaluation and selection, materials processes selection, failure analysis, and materials testing. Special strategies and clear explanations clarify the relationships among the major facets of materials science and technology including structure, processing, properties, and selection of the full range of materials. In addition to coverage of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites, the book offers introductions to emerging technologies such as micro/nano technology, environmentally friendly processes and products, smart and morphing materials and trends in surface science and engineering 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents I. NATURE & STRUCTURE. 1. Engineering Materials Technology. 2. Nature and Family of Materials. 3. Synthesis, Processing & Structure of Solid Materials. II. PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS. 4. Properties-Defined & Mechanical. 5. Chemical, Thermal, & Tribological Properties and Corrosion. 6. Electrical & Optical Properties. III. Evaluation, Standards, Design & Selection. 7. Testing, Failure Analysis, Inspection & Standards. 8. Materials Design, Selection & Characterization. IV. METALLICS. 9. Nature and Thermal Processing of Metals. 10.Ferrous Metals. 11.Nonferrous Metals. 12. Metals Powders & Powder Metallurgy. V. SURFACE SCIENCE & ENGINEERING. 13. IX.OTHER IMPORTANT MATERIALS AND MATERIALS SYSTEMS VI. POLYMERICS. 14. Nature of Polymers. 15. Plastics. TECHNOLOGY. 27. Microelectronics/Semiconductor Material/Electron Band Theory. 16. Elastomers: Natural & Synthetic Rubbers. 17. Adhesives & Other Important Polymerics. 18. Wood & Related Products. 28. Smart Materials, Biometics, Biomaterials Molecular & Nano Systems Engineering, & Manufacturing. VII. CERAMIC MATERIALS. 19. Nature & Design of Ceramics. 20. Ceramic Processing. Appendices Index. 21. Refractives, Cement, Concrete, Clay, Protective Coatings, & Abrasives. 22. Electronic, Magnetic Ceramics, Smart 教辅资源 : 源: Ceramics. 23. Glass, Radioactive Materials & Nuclear Fuels. Supplements Instructor's Manual, 5/E/ VIII. COMPOSITE MATERIALS. 24. Fiber Structures & Properties. 25. Composite Structures, Types & Processing. 26. Fastening, Machining, Repair & Evaluation. ·81· 9780130481863 CD-ROM with Instructor's Manual 5/E/ 9780130481870 工程学 011 Digital Systems Engineering 《数字系统工程》 William J. Dally, Stanford University, California 0 521 59292 5 HB 693 页 1998 出版社: Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: What makes some computers slow? Why do some digital systems operate reliably for years while others fail mysteriously every few hours? How can some systems dissipate kilowatts while others operate off batteries? These questions of speed, reliability, and power are all determined by the system-level electrical design of a digital system. Digital Systems Engineering presents a comprehensive treatment of these topics. It combines a rigorous development of the fundamental principles in each area with real world examples of circuits and methods. The book not only serves as an undergraduate textbook, filling the gap between circuit design and logic design, but can also help practising digital designers keep pace with the speed and power of modern integrated circuits. The techniques described in this book, once used only in supercomputers, are now essential to the correct and efficient operation of any type of digital system. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 校: 1. Introduction to digital systems engineering; 2. Packaging of digital systems; 华盛顿大学 / 麻省理工学院 / 斯坦福大 学 / 俄勒冈卫生和科学大学 / 哥伦比亚 大学 3. Modeling and analysis of wires; 4. Circuits; 5. Power distribution; 6. Noise in digital systems; 7. Signalling conventions; 8. Advanced signalling techniques; 9. Timing conventions; 10. Synchronization; 11. Signalling circuits; 12. Timing circuits; Index. ·82· 工程学 012 Information Technology for Management Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy 5th Edition 《 信 息 管 理 》, 第 5 版 作 者 Efraim Turban, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa; Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University; Ephraim McLean, Georgia State Univ. and James Wetherbe, Texas Tech University ISBN10: 047171044X ISBN13: 978-0-471-71044-8 Pages: 800 装帧:paperback 出版社: JOHN WILEY 内容简介 This cutting-edge book focuses on how organizations can successfully use information technology to transform themselves and achieve the competitive advantage in the new digital economy. Throughout, the emphasis is on how IT provides organizations with strategic advantage by facilitating problem solving, increasing productivity and quality, improving customer service, and enabling business process reengineering. It also covers the latest real-world developments, including the introduction of applied grid computing and utility computing. Previous works by author/editor (Title; Author; ISBN; Price; Pub Date; Net Sales; Publisher; Comments) 主要章节 Part I: IT in the Organization 1. Strategic Use of Information Technology in the Digital Economy 2. Information Technologies: Concepts and Management Part II: The Web Revolution 3. Network Computing, Discovery, Communication, and Collaboration 4. E-Business and E-commerce 5. Mobile, Wireless, and Pervasive Computing Environments Part III: Organizational Applications 6. Transaction Processing, Functional Applications, CRM, and Integration 7. Enterprise Systems 8. Global Interorganizational Systems Part IV: Managerial and Decision Support Systems 9. Knowledge Management 10. Data Management 教辅资源 : 源: Systems Part V: Implementing and Managing IT 12. Using IT to Achieve Competitive Advantage 13. Information Technology Economics 14. Building Information Systems 15. Managing Information Resources and IT Security 16. The Impacts of IT on Organizations, Individuals, and Society Technology Guides (online): T1. Hardware T2. Software T3. Data and Databases T4. Telecom T5. The Internet and the Web T6. A Technical View of Systems Analysis and Design Glossary 11. Decision Support and Intelligent ·83· Supplements: Instructor's Manual, Test Bank, Computerized Test Bank, Lecture Slides in PowerPoint, Business Simulations, Virtual Company, Virtual Company Questions, Instructor's Manual for Virtual Company, Interactive Learning Sessions, Ethics Scenarios for Discussion, International Ethics Cases, Additional Cases, Answers to Case Questions, Technology Guides, Additional Text Materials, Samply Syllabus from Dr. Dorothy Leidner's Course. 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: UNIV OF WASHINGTON, Princeton University. 工程学 013 Operating System Concepts 7th Edition 《 操 作 系 统 概 要 》第 七 版 作 者 Abraham Silberschatz, Yale University; Peter Baer Galvin, Corporate Technologies and Greg Gagne, Westminster College ISBN10: 0471725951 ISBN13: 978-0-471-72595 -4 出版年代: August 4, 2006 页数: 944 出版社: JOHN WILEY 内容简介 Operating System Concepts, 7th Edition, the best-selling introduction in the market, continues to provide a solid theoretical foundation for understanding operating systems. The seventh edition has been updated to offer coverage of the most current topics and applications, improved conceptual coverage and additional content to bridge the gap between concepts and actual implementations. The new two-color design allows for easier navigation and motivation. New exercises, lab projects and review questions help to further reinforce important concepts. Previous works by author/editor (Title; Author; ISBN; Price; Pub Date; Net Sales; Publisher; Comments) 主要章节 PART ONE: OVERVIEW. Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. Operating-System Structures. PART TWO: PROCESS MANAGEMENT. Chapter 3. Processes. Chapter 4. Threads. Chapter 5. CPU Scheduling. Chapter 6. Process Synchronization. Chapter 7. Deadlocks. PART THREE: MEMORY MANAGEMENT. Chapter 8. Main Memory. Chapter 9. Virtual Memory. PART FOUR: STORAGE MANAGEMENT. Chapter 10. File-System Interface. Chapter 11. File-System Implementation. Chapter 12. Mass-Storage Structure. Chapter 13. I/O Systems. PART FIVE: PROTECTION AND Appendix B: The Mach System SECURITY. Chapter 14. Protection. Chapter 15. Security. PART SIX: DISTRIBUTED (contents online). Appendix C:Windows 2000 (contents online). Bibliography. SYSTEMS. Chapter 16. Distributed System Structures. Chapter 17. Distributed File System. Credits. Index. Chapter 18. Distributed Coordination. PART SEVEN: SPECIAL PURPOSE SYSTEMS. Chapter 19 Real-Time Systems. Chapter 20. Multimedia Systems. PART EIGHT: CASE STUDIES. Chapter 21. The Linux Systems. Chapter 22. Windows XP. Chapter 23. Influential Operating Systems. Appendix A: UNIX BSD (contents online). ·84· 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements: Instructor's Manual, Overview, Lecture Slides, Errata, Source Code, Powerpoint Presentations, Solutions to Program Exercises, Computerized Test Bank 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: Cornell University, Northeastern University, University of Washington , Yale University. 工程学 014 Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering An Integrated Approach 2nd Edition 《 材 料 科 学 与 工 程 学 基 础 》: 综 合 研 究 第 二 版 作 者 William D. Callister Jr., Univ. of Utah ISBN10: 0471660817 ISBN13: 978-0-471-66081-1 出版年代: October 24, 2006 Pages: 824 出版社: JOHN WILEY 内容简介 This comprehensive introduction to Material Science is presented as a book/CD product that covers all core topics in print and includes five bonus chapters on CD. The CD provides a link to a companion website that includes interactive simulations and animations that related to key concepts and a materials selection database. 主要章节 1. Introduction. 2. Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding. 3. Structures of Metals and Ceramics. 4. Polymer Structures. 5. Imperfections in Solids. 6. Diffusion. 7. Mechanical Properties. 8. Deformation and Strengthening Mechanisms. 9. Failure. 10. Phase Diagrams. 11. Phase Transformations. 12. Electrical Properties. 13. Types and Applications of Materials. 14. Synthesis, Fabrication, and Processing of Materials. 15. Composites. 16. Corrosion and Degradation of Materials. 17. Thermal Properties. 18. Magnetic Properties. 19. Optical Properties. 20. Materials Selection and Design Considerations. 21. Economic, Environmental, and Societal Issues in Materials Science and 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements: Image Gallery, Solutions, PowerPoint Presentations, Sample Syllabi, Demonstrations and Experiments, Problem Conversion Guide. 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: DUKE UNIVERSITY, STANFORD UNIV ·85· 工程学 015 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 5th Edition 《 流 体 力 学 》, 第 5 版 作 者 Bruce R. Munson, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics; Donald F. Young, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and Theodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State Univ., Ames ISBN10:0471725781 ISBN13: 978-0-471-72578-7 出版年代: July 17, 2006 Pages: 816 装帧:paperback 出版社: JOHN WILEY 内容简介 With its effective pedagogy, everyday examples, and outstanding collection of practical problems, it's no wonder Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics is the best-selling fluid mechanics text. The book helps readers develop the skills needed to master the art of solving fluid mechanics problems. Each important concept is considered in terms of simple and easy-to-understand circumstances before more complicated features are introduced. The new edition also includes a free CD-ROM containing the e-text, the entire print component of the book, in searchable PDF format. Previous works by author/editor (Title; Author; ISBN; Price; Pub Date; Net Sales; Publisher; Comments) 主要章节 1. Introduction. 2. Fluid Statics. 3. Elementary Fluid Dynamics -- The Bernoulli Equation. 4. Fluid Kinematics. 5. Finite Control Volume Analysis. 6. Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow. 7. Similitude, Dimensional Analysis, and Modeling. 8. Viscous Flow in Pipes. 9. Flow Over Immersed Bodies. 10. Open-Channel Flow. 11. Compressible Flow. 12. Turbomachines. Appendix A: Computational Fluid Dymanics and FlowLab. 教辅资源 : 源: for an Ideal Gas. Appendix E: Comprehensive Table of Conversion Factors (e-Book). Appendix F: Video Library (e-Book). Appendix G: Review Problems (eBook). Appendix H: Laboratory Problems (eBook). Appendix I: CFD Driven Cavity Example (e-Book). Appendix J: Flowlab Tutorial and User's Guide. Appendix K: Flowlab Problems. Answers. Index. Appendix B: Physical Properties of Fluids. Appendix C: Properties of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere. Appendix D: Compressible Flow Data ·86· Supplements: Videos, Art Powerpoints, Image Gallery, Solutions Manual, Solutions Manual (in zip files), FlowLab Resources, Reading Quizzes, FE Exam Questions, JustAsk!, Appendices. 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: YALE UNIV, DUKE UNIVERSITY, STANFORD UNIV 工程学 016 Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 8th Edition 《 基 础 工 程 电 路 分 析 》, 第 8 版 作 者 J. David Irwin, Auburn Univ. ISBN10: 0471661589 ISBN13: 978-0-471-66158-0 出版年代: November 22, 2004 Pages: 816 装帧:cloth 出版社: JOHN WILEY 内容简介 Celebrating its 20th anniversary, Irwin's Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis has been further improved in this latest edition. The seventh edition provides an entirely new user-oriented design, added coverage of 2-port networks and an integrated use of MATLAB. 主要章节 Preface. 1. Basic Concepts. 2. Resistive Circuits. 3. Nodal and Loop Analysis Techniques. 4. Additional Analysis Techniques. 5. Capacitance and Inductance. 6. First- and Second-Order Transient Circuits. 7. AC Steady-State Analysis. 8. Magnetically Coupled Networks. 9. Steady-State Power Analysis. 10. Polyphase Circuits. 11. Variable Frequency Network Performance. 12. The Laplace Transform. 13. Application of the Laplace Transform Appendix Complex Numbers. Index. Answers to Selected Problems. 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements: PowerPoint Lecture Slides, Conversion Guide 7e to 8e, Solutions Manual, Art Powerpoints, Image Galleries. 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: Washington St University,University Of New Haven. to Circuit Analysis. 14. Fourier Analysis Techniques. 15. Two-Port Networks. 16. Basic Semiconductor Electronic Circuits. ·87· 工程学 017 Control Systems Engineering 4th Edition.. 《 控 制 系 统 工 程 》, 第 4 版 作 者 Norman S. Nise, California State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona ISBN10: 0471452432 ISBN13: 978-0-471-45243-0 Publication Date: July 6, 2006 Pages: 1008 (estimated) 出版社: JOHN WILEY 本书介绍 : 绍: About the book Designed to make the material easy to understand, this clear and thorough book emphasizes the practical application of systems engineering to the design and analysis of feedback systems. Nise applies control systems theory and concepts to current real-world problems, showing readers how to build control systems that can support today's advanced technology. 章节介绍 : 绍: Table of contents 1. Introduction. 2. Modeling in the Frequency Domain. 3. Modeling in the Time Domain. 4. Time Response. 5. Reduction of Multiple Subsystems. 6. Stability. 7. Steady-State Errors. 8. Root Locus Techniques. 9. Design via Root Locus. 10. Frequency Response Techniques. 11. Design via Frequency Response. 12. Design via State Space. 13. Digital Control Systems. Appendix A: List of Symbols. Appendix B: MATLAB Tutorial. Appendix C: MATLAB's Simulink Tutorial. Appendix D: MATLAB's GUI Tools Tutorial. Appendix E: MATLAB's Symbolic Math Toolbox Tutorial. Lecture Graphics. Glossary. Answers to Selected Problems. Credits. Index. Cyber Exploration Laboratory Experiments. Appendix F: Matrices, Determinants, and Systems of Equations. Appendix G: Control system Computational Aids. 教辅资源 : 源: Appendix H: Derivation of a Schematic for a DC Motor. Appendix I: Derivation of the Time Domain Solution of State Equations. Appendix J: Solution of State Equations for t< ;sub>0 Ä 0. Appendix K: Derivation of Similarity Transformations. Appendix L: Root Locus Rules: Derivations. Solutions to Skill-Assessment Exercises. Control Systems Engineering Toolbox. ·88· Supplements: Solutions Manual, PowerPoint Presentations, Errata 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: Princeton University , Duke University 工程学 018 Introduction to Electric Circuits 7th Edition 《 电 子 电 路 概 论 》, 第 7 版 作 者 Richard C. Dorf, Univ. of California, Davis and James A. Svoboda, Clarkson Univ. Jacket author biography INFORMATION ISBN10: 0471730424 ISBN13: 978-0-471-73042-2 出版年代: Dec 19, 2005 Pages: 880(estimated) 装帧:cloth 出版社: JOHN WILEY 内容简介 Praised for its highly accessible, real-world approach, the 6th Edition demonstrates how the analysis and design of electric circuits are inseparably intertwined with the ability of the engineer to design complex electronic, communication, computer, and control systems as well as consumer products. The book offers numerous design problems and MATLAB examples, and focuses on the circuits that we encounter everyday. 主要章节 1. Electric Circuit Variables. 2. Circuit Elements. 3. Resistive Circuits. 4. Methods of Analysis of Resistive Circuits. 5. Circuit Theorems. 6. The Operational Amplifier. 7. Energy Storage Elements. 8. The Complete Response of RL and RC Circuits. 9. The Complete Response of Circuits with Two Energy Storage Elements. 10. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis. 11. AC Steady-State Power. 12. ThreePhase Circuits. 13. Frequency Response. 14. The Laplace Transform. 15. Fourier Series and Fourier Transform. 16. Filter Circuits. 17. Two-Port and Three-Port Networks. and Cramer's Rule. Appendix B: Complex Numbers. Appendix C: Trigonometric Formulas. Appendix D: Euler's Formula. Appendix E: Standard Resistor Color Code. References. Index. 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements: PowerPoint Presentations, Solutions Manual, MultiSim Files, Errata 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: HARVARD UNIVERSITY, UCLA Appendix A: Matrices, Determinants, ·89· 工程学 019 Automatic Control Systems 8th Edition 《 自 动 控 制 系 统 》, 第 8 版 作 者 Benjamin C. Kuo, Univ. of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign and Farid Golnaraghi, Univ. of Waterloo ISBN10: 0471381489 ISBN13: 978-0-471-38148-8 出版年代: May 11, 2006 Pages: 624 装帧: paperback 出版社: JOHN WILEY 内容简介 This best-selling introduction to automatic control systems has been updated to reflect the increasing use of computer-aided learning and design, and revised to feature a more accessible approach without sacrificing depth. 主要章节 Preface. Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. Mathematical Foundation. Chapter 3. Block Diagrams and SignalFlow Graphs. Chapter 4. Modeling of Physical Systems. Chapter 5. State Variable Analysis. Chapter 6. Stability of Linear Control Systems. Chapter 7. Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems. Chapter 8. Root-Locus Technique. Chapter 9. Frequency-Domain Analysis. Chapter 10. Design of Control Systems. Chapter 11. The Virtual Lab. 教辅资源 : 源: and Algebra.. Appendix D. Laplace Transform Table. Appendix E. Operational Amplifiers. Appendix F. Properties and Construction of the Root Loci. Appendix G. Frequency-Domain Plots. Appendix H. General Nyquist Criterion. Appendix I. Discrete-Data Control Systems. Appendix J. zTransform Table. Appendix K. ACSYS 2002: Description of the Software. Answers to Selected Problems. Index. Appendix A. Complex Variable Theory. Appendix B. Differential and Difference Equations. Appendix C. Elementary Matrix Theory ·90· Supplements: Chapter Solutions, Chapter Slides,Online-teaching tools. 采用院校 : 校: Adoption Information: Princeton University, Duke University. 工程学 020 Signals and Systems: Analysis of Signals Through Linear Systems 《信号与系统》 作者 : 者: M.J. Roberts 书号: 9780071232685 出版日期:2003 年 6 月 1054 页 出版社: McGraw-Hill 本书介绍 : 绍: Signals and Systems by M.J. Roberts offers a student-centered, pedagogically driven approach to teaching Signals and Systems. The author has a clear understanding of the issues students face in learning the material and does a superior job of addressing these issues. The book is intended to cover a two-semester sequence in Signals and Systems for Juniors in engineering. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1 Introduction 2 Mathematical Description of Signals 3 Description and Analysis of Systems 4 The Fourier Series 5 The Fourier Transform 6 Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems 7 Sampling and the Discrete Fourier Transform 8 Correlation, Energy Spectral Density, and Power Spectral Density 9 The Laplace Transform 10 Laplace Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems 11 The z Transform 教辅资源 : 源: Appendix C: Method of Finding Least Common Multiples Appendix D: Convolution Properties Appendix E: Table of Fourier Pairs Appendix F: Table of Laplace Transform Pairs Appendix G: Table of z Transforms Appendix H: Complex Numbers and Complex Functions Appendix I: Differential and Difference Equations Appendix J: Vectors and Matrices 12 z-Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems Appendix A: Useful Mathematical Relations Appendix B: Introduction to MATLAB ·91· Supplements On Line Learning Center/0-07-249943-5 Dictionary of Electrical and Computer Engineering/0-07-304152-1 采用院校 : 校: 佛罗里达大学、加州州立大学等学校 采用 工程学 021 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices For Computing and Telecommunications Applications 《 半 导 体 装 置 设 计 入 门 -- 计 算 及 通 信 应 用 》 Kevin F. Brennan, Georgia Institute of Technology 0 521 83150 4 HB 334pp 2005 出版社: Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: From semiconductor fundamentals to state-of-the-art semiconductor devices used in the telecommunications and computing industries, this book provides a solid grounding in the most important devices used in the hottest areas of electronic engineering today. The book includes coverage of MODFETs and MOSFETs, Short channel effects and the challenges faced by continuing miniaturization. Future approaches to computing hardware and RF power amplifiers are also discussed. This is both an excellent senior/graduate text, and a valuable reference for engineers and researchers in the field. 章节介绍 : 绍: Preface; 1: Semiconductor fundamentals; 2: Carrier action; 3: Junctions; 4: Bipolar junction transistors; 5: JFETs and MESFETs; 6: Metal-insulator-semiconductor structures and MOSFETs; 7: Short channel effects and challenges to CMOS; 8: Beyond CMOS; 9: Telecommunications systems - an overview ; 10: Optoelectronic devices - emitters, light amplifiers and detectors; 11: Transistors for high frequency, high power amplifiers for wireless systems; References; Appendix I. Physical constants; Appendix II. Material parameters for important semiconductors, Si and GaAs; Index. ·92· 工程学 022 Fundamentals of Wireless Communication 《无线通信基础》 David Tse, University of California, Berkeley 0 521 84527 0 HB 586pp 2005 出版社: Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: The past decade has seen many advances in physical layer wireless communication theory and their implementation in wireless systems. This textbook takes a unified view of the fundamentals of wireless communication and explains the web of concepts underpinning these advances at a level accessible to an audience with a basic background in probability and digital communication. An abundant supply of exercises and figures reinforce the material in the text. This book is for use on graduate courses in electrical engineering and will also be of great interest to practising engineers. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: Chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. The wireless channel; 3. Point-to-point communication: 美国高通公司 / 麻省理工学院 / 香港中 文大学 / 台湾大学 / 新竹交通大学 / 南 澳大利亚大学 / 伊利诺伊大学 / 加州大 detection, diversity and channel uncertainty; 4. Cellular systems: multiple access and interference management; 学伯克利 / 俄亥俄州立大学 / 犹他大 学 / 纽约工业大学 5. Capacity of wireless channels; 6. Multiuser capacity and opportunistic communication; 7. MIMO I: spatial multiplexing and channel modeling; 8. MIMO II: capacity and multiplexing architectures; 9. MIMO III: diversity-multiplexing tradeoff and universal space-time codes; 10. MIMO IV: multiuser communication; A. Detection and estimation in additive Gaussian noise; B. Information theory background. ·93· 工程学 023 Wireless Communications 《无线通信》 Andrea Goldsmith, Stanford University, California 0 521 83716 2 HB 672pp 2005 出版社: Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles, design techniques and analytical tools of wireless communications, focusing primarily on core principles of wireless system design. It begins with an overview of wireless systems and standards. The characteristics of the wireless channel are then described, including capacity limits. Various modulation and coding schemes are then discussed in detail, including state-of-the-art adaptive modulation and diversity techniques. The concluding chapters deal with multiple and random access in wireless networks, cellular system design, and ad-hoc network design. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: Preface; 1. Overview of wireless communications; 2. Path loss and shadowing; 斯坦福大学 / 布法罗大学 / 明尼苏达大 学 / 哥伦比亚大学 / 新泽西州立大学 罗格斯 / 所罗马州立大学 / 密歇根理工 3. Statistical multipath channel models; 4. Capacity of wireless channels; 5. Digital modulation and detection; 6. Performance of digital modulation 大学 / 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 / 德克萨斯 大学 / 德州大学 - 达拉斯 / 亚利桑那大 学 / 德州农工大学 / 衣阿华州立大学 / 普渡大学 / 西弗吉尼亚大学 over wireless channels; 7. Diversity; 8. Coding for wireless channels; 9. Adaptive modulation and coding; 10. Multiple antennas and space-time communications; 11. Equalization ; 12. Multicarrier modulation; 13. Spread spectrum; 14. Multiuser systems; 15. Cellular systems and infastructurebased wireless networks; 16. Ad-hoc networks; Appendices; Bibliography. ·94· 工程学 024 The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits CMOS 《无线电集成电路设计》 Thomas H. Lee, Stanford University, California 0 521 83539 9 HB 816pp 2004 出版社: Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: Presenting an expanded and revised new edition of Tom Lee's acclaimed guide to the design of gigahertz RF integrated circuits. A new chapter on the principles of wireless systems providing a bridge between system and circuit issues has been added whilst the chapters on low-noise amplifiers, oscillators and phase noise have been significantly expanded. The chapter on architectures now contains several examples of complete chip designs, including a GPS receiver and a wireless LAN transceiver, that bring together the theoretical and practical elements involved in producing a prototype chip. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: 1. A nonlinear history of radio; 2. Overview of wireless principles; 3. Passive RLC networks; 马里兰大学 / 康奈尔大学 / 加州大学 / 波斯顿大学 / 奥本大学 / 南加州大学 / 爱达荷大学 / 哥伦比亚大学 / 罗切斯特 4. Charateristics of passive IC components; 5. A review of MOS device physics; 6. Distributed systems; 大学 / 米歇根州立大学 / 俄勒冈州立大 学 / 圣母大学 / 卡耐基梅隆大学 / 马萨 诸塞 / 圣何塞大学 / 约翰霍普金斯大 学 / 佛罗里达大学 / 弗吉尼亚工业学院 7. The Smith chart and S-parameters; 8. Bandwidth estimation techniques; 9. High-frequency amplifier design; 10. Voltage references and biasing; 和州立大学 / 科罗拉多州立大学 / 新墨 西哥州立大学 / 明尼苏达大学 / 台湾淡 江大学 / 台湾大学 / 台湾交通大学 / 台 湾中原大学 11. Noise; 12. LNA design; 13. Mixers; 14. Feedback systems; 15. RF power amplifiers; 数学 16. Phase-locked loops; 17. Oscillators and synthesizers; 18. Phase noise; 19. Architectures; 20. RF circuits through the ages. ·95· 工程学 025 Advanced Calculus, 2nd Edition 《 高 等 微 积 分 》, 第 2 版 Patrick M. Fitzpatrick - University of Maryland, College Park ISBN-10: 0534376037 | ISBN-13: 9780534376031 作者介绍 : 绍: 菲特兹帕特里克:是美国马里兰大学的数学学会主席 620 Pages Case Bound 6 3/8 x 9 1/4 Dimension 出版社:Thomson Learning 本书简介 : 介: 高级微积分使用了最简单便捷的方法如:独特的例子和联系来阐述数学分析的基础原理。强调了综合性的习题。它强调了数 学分析不仅仅是把独立的个体进行简单的组合,而使一些知识连贯整合。除了强调了现实的应用外,本书还灌输了学生纯粹 数学和应用数学的一些思考方式。本书适合于 1 年制的教学,前 9 章适合第一学期。 本书特点 : 点: * 本书采用了对话式的语言来表述精准的数学语言 * 本书除了运用了一些基本的理论外还使用了许多重要理论,如:估计微积分求近似值的方法 * 广泛的习题使学生最好的理解教材,一些困难的题目是学生反复阅读课本使他们更好的理解教材 章节介绍 : 绍: 1. TOOLS FOR ANALYSIS. 2. CONVERGENT SEQUENCES. 3. CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS. 4. DIFFERENTIATION. 5. ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS AS SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 6. INTEGRATION: TWO FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS. 7. INTEGRATION: FURTHER TOPICS. 8. APPROXIMATION BY TAYLOR POLYNOMIALS. 9. SEQUENCES AND SERIES OF FUNCTIONS. 10. THE EUCLIDEAN SPACE Rn. 11. CONTINUITY, COMPACTNESS, AND CONNECTEDNESS. 12. METRIC SPACES. 13. DIFFERENTIATING FUNCTIONS 教辅资料 : 料: 14. LOCAL APPROXIMATION OF REAL-VALUED FUNCTIONS. 15. APPROXIMATING NONLINEAR MAPPINGS BY LINEAR MAPPINGS. 17. THE IMPLICIT FUNCTION THEOREM AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 18. INTEGRATING FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. 19. ITERATED INTEGRATION AND CHANGES OF VARIABLES. 20. LINE AND SURFACE INTEGRALS. Appendix A: Consequences of the Field and Positivity Axioms. The Field Axioms and Their Consequences. The Positivity Axioms and Their Consequences. Appendix B: Linear Algebra. OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. ·96· 习题解答 采用院校 : 校: Cumberland University Dowling College EPPLE ESCOTT ASSOCIATES George Mason University Georgia College 工程学 026 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (with Student Solutions Manual CD-ROM) 作者介绍 : 绍: 《离散数学中的电脑应用》 Gary Haggard - Bucknell University 加里,哈格德:邦克尼尔大学电脑科学教授 约翰。斯科利浦:辛辛那提大学电脑科技教授,主要研究逻 John Schlipf - University of Cincinnati Sue Whitesides - McGill University ISBN-10: 053449501X | ISBN-13: 9780534495015 辑系统和数据库推论 休,莱特塞斯:迈克基尔大学电脑科学教授,斯坦福大学博 士,研究组和数学和理论电脑 718 Pages Case Bound 7 3/8 X 9 1/4 Dimension 出版社:Thomson Learning 本书介绍 : 绍: 越来越多的电脑专家用离散数学的方法来解释问题和原理。基于多年的教学经验作者使用了简单的语言来阐述离散数学的基 本原理和一些高级的问题。本书用数学性的语言表述了精确的想法。使用了电脑科技和解决问题的结构引导学生发现离散数 学的真谛。 本书特点: * 免费的学生解答手册 * 教会学生怎样用数学语言来阐述数学的构思和想法 * 讨论了一些理算数学的应用 * 使用图表来解释一些数学基本原理 * 大量的习题帮助学生理解课本内容 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 : 校: 1.SETS, PROOF TEMPLATES, AND INDUCTION. 2. FORMAL LOGIC. 3. RELATIONS. Adelphi University BAUDER COLLEGE Florida Atlantic University Oklahoma State Technolgy 4. FUNCTIONS. 5. ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS. 6. GRAPH THEORY. 7. COUNTING AND Sinte Gleska College Troy State University COMBINATORICS. 8. DISCRETE PROBABILITY. 9. RECURRENCE RELATIONS. 教辅资料 : 料: 在线教师手册 ·97· 工程学 027 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9th Edition 《 高 级 工 程 数 学 》, 第 9 版 : Erwin Kreyszig, Ohio State Univ. 者: 作者 ISBN10: 0-471-48885-2 ISBN13: 978-0-471-48885-9 Publication Date: June 16, 2006 装帧:paperback 页数:1248 出版社:JOHN WILEY 本书介绍 Work more effectively and check solutions as you go along with the text! This Student Solutions Manual that is designed to accompany Kreyszig's Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9e provides students with detailed solutions to odd-numbered exercises from the text. Thoroughly updated and streamlined to reflect new developments in the field, the ninth edition of this bestselling text features modern engineering applications and the uses of technology. Kreyszig introduces engineers and computer scientists to advanced math topics as they relate to practical problems. The material is arranged into seven independent parts: ODE; Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus; Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Complex Analysis; Numerical methods; Optimization, graphs; and Probability and Statistics. Previous works by author/editor (Title; Author; ISBN; Price; Pub Date; Net Sales; Publisher; Comments) 章节介绍 : 绍: PART A: ORDINARY DIFFEREN- Chapter 11. Fourier Series, Integrals, Optimization. TIAL EQUATIONS (ODE'S). Chapter 1. First-Order ODE's. Chapter 2. Second Order Linear ODE's. Chapter 3. Higher Order Linear ODE's. and Transforms. Chapter 12. Partial Differential Equations (PDE's). Chapter 13. Complex Numbers and PART G: PROBABILITY; STATISTICS. Chapter 24. Data Analysis: Probability Theory. Chapter 4. Systems of ODE's Phase Plane, Qualitative Methods. Chapter 5. Series Solutions of ODE's Special Functions. Functions. Chapter 14. Complex Integration. Chapter 15. Power Series, Taylor Series. Chapter 16. Laurent Series: Residue Chapter 25. Mathematical Statistics. Appendix 1: References. Appendix 2: Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems. Chapter 6. Laplace Transforms. PART B: LINEAR ALGEBRA, VECTOR CALCULUS. Chapter 7. Linear Algebra: Matrices, Integration. Chapter 17. Conformal Mapping. Chapter 18. Complex Analysis and Potential Theory. Appendix 3: Auxiliary Material. Appendix 4: Additional Proofs. Appendix 5: Tables. Vectors, Determinants: Linear Systems. Chapter 8. Linear Algebra: Matrix Eigenvalue Problems. Chapter 9. Vector Differential Calculus: PART E: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE. Chapter 19. Numerics in General. Chapter 20. Numerical Linear Algebra. Chapter 21. Numerics for ODE's and Grad, Div, Curl. Chapter 10. Vector Integral Calculus: Integral Theorems. PART C: FOURIER ANALYSIS, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. PDE's. PART F: OPTIMIZATION, GRAPHS. Chapter 22. Unconstrained Optimization: Linear Programming. Chapter 23. Graphs, Combinatorial ·98· 教辅资源 : 源: Supplements: Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint Slides 采用院校 : 校: University of Washington,UCLA 工程学 028 Calculus Single and Multivariable 4th Edition 《 微 积 分:单 变 量 与 多 变 量 》, 第 4 版 作 者 Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Univ. of Arizona; Author biography INFORMATION Andrew M. Gleason, Harvard University ; William G. McCallum, Univ. of Arizona; Daniel E. ISBN10: 0-471-47245-X Flath, Macalester College ; Patti Frazer Lock, St. Lawrence Univ.; Thomas W. Tucker, Colgate Univ.; David O. Lomen, Univ. of Arizona; David Lovelock, Univ. of Arizona; David Mumford, Harvard Univ.; Brad G. Osgood, Stanford Univ.; ISBN13: 978-0-471-47245-2 Publication Date: September 5, 2006 Pages: 1104 (estimated) 出版社:JOHN WILEY Douglas Quinney, Univ. of Keele, UK; Karen Rhea, University of Michigan and Jeff TecoskyFeldman, Haverford College 内容简介 Striking a balance between concepts, modeling, and skills, this highly acclaimed book arms readers with an accessible introduction to calculus. It builds on the strengths from previous editions, presenting key concepts graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally. Guided by this innovative Rule of Four approach, the fourth edition examines new topics while providing readers with a strong conceptual understanding of the material. 主要章节 1. A Library of Functions. 2. Key Concept: The Derivative. 3. Short-Cuts to Differentiation. 4. Using the Derivative. 5. Key Concept: The Definite Integral. 6. Constructing Antiderivatives. 7. Integration. 8. Using the Definite Integral. 9. Series. 10. Approximating Functions. 11. Differential Equations. 教辅资源 : 源: 18. Line Integrals. 19. Flux Integrals. 20. Calculus of Vector Fields. Appendix A: Roots, Accuracy, and Bounds. Supplements: Sample Chapters, Online Theory Supplement, Algebra & Trigonometry Refresher, ConcepTests (. pdf), ConcepTests (.ppt), Instructor's Manual, Test Bank.,Instructor's Solutions Manual, Calculus Horizons, Web Quizzes, Clicker Questions. Appendix B: Complex Numbers. Appendix C: Newton's Method. Appendix D: Determinants. Ready Reference. 采用院校 : 校: Answers to Odd Numbered Problems. Index. Adoption Information: Duke 12. Functions of Several Variables. 13. A Fundamental Tool: Vectors. 14. Differentiating Functions of Many Variables. 15. Optimization: Local and Global University,Princeton University, Harvard University. Extrema. 16. Integrating Functions of Many Variables. 17. Parameterized Curves and Vector Fields. ·99· 工程学 029 Probability and Computing Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis 《概率和计算》 Michael Mitzenmacher, Harvard University, Massachusetts 0 521 83540 2 HB 368pp 2005 出版社:Cambridge 本书介绍 : 绍: Randomization and probabilistic techniques play an important role in modern computer science, with applications ranging from combinatorial optimization and machine learning to communication networks and secure protocols. Assuming only an elementary background in discrete mathematics, this textbook is designed to accompany a one- or two-semester course for advanced undergraduates or beginning graduate students in computer science and applied mathematics. It gives an excellent introduction to the probabilistic techniques and paradigms used in the development of probabilistic algorithms and analyses, including random sampling, expectations, Markov's and Chevyshev's inequalities, Chernoff bounds, balls and bins models, the probabilistic method, Markov chains, MCMC, martingales, entropy, and other topics. 章节介绍 : 绍: 采用院校 校: Preface; 1. Events and probability; 2. Discrete random variables and 加州大学柏克莱 / 德州大学 / 爱荷华州 立大学 / 宾州州立大学 / 塔夫兹大学 / 加州大学戴伟斯 / 伍斯特理工学院 expectation; 3. Moments and deviations; 4. Chernoff bounds; 5. Balls, bins and random graphs; 6. The probabilistic method; 7. Markov chains and random walks; 8. Continuous distributions and the Poisson process; 9. Entropy, randomness, and information; 10. The Monte Carlo method; 11. Coupling of Markov chains; 12. Martingales; 13. Pairwise independence and universal hash functions; 14. Balanced allocations; References. ·100· 工程学 030 Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, 8/E 《 概 率 论 与 数 理 统 计 》( 工 程 / 科 学 方 向 ), 第 8 版 作者 : 者: Ronald E. Walpole / Raymond H. Myers/ Sharon L. Myers/ Keying Ye 书号: 9780131877115 出版日期: 02/23/2006 页数:848 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For junior/senior undergraduates taking probability and statistics as it applied to engineering, science or computer science. With its unique balance of theory and methodology, this classic text provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference that is motivated by interesting, relevant applications. Extensively updated coverage, new problem sets, and chapterending material extend the text's relevance to a new generation of engineers and scientists. 章节介绍 : 绍: Contents 1. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis 2. Probability 3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions 4. Mathematical Expectations 5. Some Discrete Probability Distributions 6. Some Continuous Probability Distributions 13. One Factor Experiments: General 14. Factorial Experiments (Two or More Factors) 15. 2k Factorial Experiments and Fractions 16. Nonparametric Statistics 17. Statistical Quality Control 18. Bayesian Statistics 教辅资源 : 源: 7. Functions of Random Variables (optional) 8. Fundamental Distributions and Data Description 9. One and Two Sample Estimation Supplements Problems 10. One and Two Sided Tests of Hypotheses 11. Simple Linear Regression 采用院校 : 校: Instructors Solutions Manual (ICR Download only), 8/E/ 9780132384841 斯坦福大学、华盛顿大学等 12. Multiple Linear Regression ·101· 环境科学 001 Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future, 9/E 《 环 境 科 学 》第 9版 作者 : 者: 书号: Richard T. Wright 9780131442009 出版日期: 04/19/2004 页数:736 出版社:Pearson 本书介绍 : 绍: For introductory courses in Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, and Environmental Biology. This text focuses on the question "What will it take to move our civilization toward a long-term sustainable relationship with the natural world?" Its goal is to engage and inform students so they can critically evaluate environmental issues and make informed decisions about their environment. An exciting new CD, Global City, allows students to put their critical thinking skills into practice through a series of interactive activities corresponding to issues faced by environmental professionals. An extensive resource package integrates text and digital media in an easy-to-use format designed to assist instructors in classroom preparation. 章节介绍 : 绍: 教辅资源 : 源: Contents 1. Introduction: Toward a Sustainable Future. Supplements Instructor's Manual, 9E / 9780131442061 PART 1. ECOSYSTEMS: BASIC UNITS OF THE NATURAL WORLD PART 2. THE HUMAN POPULATION. Test item File, 9/E/ 9780131442085 PART 3. RENEWABLE RESOURCES PART 4. ENERGY PART 5. POLLUTION AND PREVENTION. 采用院校 : 校: 杨百翰大学等 PART 6. TOWARD A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. ·102· 教 师 订 购 表 如果您希望订购本目录中的教材请在下表填写相应信息。 类 别 序 号 定 购 教 师 信 息 姓名: 学校: 院系: 联系电话: Email: 书 名 书 号 订购数量 教 师 推 荐 表 除本目录推荐的书目外,如果您希望采用其他外版教材请将相应信息填写在下表。 书名 推 荐 教 师 信 息 姓名: 学校: 院系: 联系电话: Email: 作者 书号 版次 出版社