People of the Heart Weavings


People of the Heart Weavings
Volume 1 Issue 3
October/November 2008
People of the Heart
Con~spiring with People of the Heart
Rev. Jayna Gieber- Spiritual
Director and President
Jon Gieber-Vice-president
Linda Sant'Angelo-Treasurer
Amanda Schueler-Secretary
Dean Sizemore
I S S U E :
African Water Festival
Movie Reviews
Autumn, the season of going
deep within is here. Conspire
with us now, taking a fresh
breath in and breathing out
gratitude for leaves turning
golden-red on beautiful
Mother Earth.
At People of the Heart we
are deepening in beauty also
through coming together for
gatherings that manifest joy
and meaning. Along those
lines, Jon’s 50th Celebration
was a blast! Boka Marimba
played their hearts out as all
ages danced wildly and
raised funds to produce clean
water for the Engeye village
of Uganda.
Amy Livingstone
Tan Pinney in Bolivia
Namaste’ Friends,
Please join us for another
heartfelt gathering—Sunday,
November 16th, POTH’s 1st
Gratitude Open House, 2-5
pm! Come reconnect with
old friends and be appreciated for your contributions to
our sweet community and
enjoy a sumptuous feast and
spirit-filled music by Shama.
Your presence will make it a
warm and special time on the
bearing in mind how our decisions impact the Greater Good,
for we are all connected. To
uplift our community spirit, we
offer this heartening poem by
We are all longing to go home
to some place we have never
a place half-remembered and
half-envisioned we can only
catch glimpses of from time to
As we watch the world
time. Community. Somewhere,
around us changing—the
there are people to whom we
economy, the political arena,
can speak with passion without
and the environment—we
having the words catch in our
need each other to walk in
hope and integrity. May we
throats. Somewhere a circle of
all feel supported in making hands will open to receive us,
the wisest decisions we have
eyes will light up as we enter,
the blessed freedom to make,
voices will celebrate with us
whenever we come into our own
power. Community means
strength that joins our strength
to do the work that needs to be
done. Arms to hold us when we
falter. A circle of healing. A
circle of friends. Someplace
where we can be free.
Don’t Miss Jayna’s
Exercise Your Right To
Braided Way Blessings to all,
Rev. Jayna and Jon Gieber
Jon and Jayna , Stewards of the Land
P e o p l e
o f
t h e
H ea r t
P a g e
Tan Pinney Provides Care In Bolivia
By Scott Hewitt, Columbian Staff
Writer. Sept 16, 2008
There are some winding roads and
hairpin turns in the hills east of
Hockinson. But that’s nothing compared to El Camino de la Muerte —
“The Road of Death.”
Tan Pinney, who lives in those
Hockinson hills and works as an
emergency physician with Kaiser
Permanente in Portland, found himself bumping down that famously
lethal mountainside lane in Bolivia
and reminding himself that he’d
come to this country to save lives —
not so much to risk his own.
The road is about 10 feet wide, a
sheer wall on one side and a sheer
cliff on the other. “At least 40 people die every year falling off it,”
Pinney said. (Actually, according to
one BBC news report, the number is
between 200 and 300.)
The harrowing bus trip was just the
beginning of his journey into the
heart of Bolivia — and poverty the
likes of which he’d never seen.
He went with a medical team sponsored by Project Helping Hands
— 35 Americans who joined with
an equal number of Bolivian interpreters and assistants. They arrived
in Bolivia on Aug. 23.
Their first stop was the village of
Guanay — population no more than
1,200, Pinney said.
“We arrived in town and what we
did was set up medical clinics. We
had lots of donated medical supplies
— antibiotics, fungal creams, IV
bags, glasses — and we would sign
people in and see them. If we found
somebody who was extremely ill,
needing more care than we could
provide in that setting, we had a
contingency fund to send people La
Paz” — the biggest city in Bolivia
and the site of the most sophisticated hospital care.
What kinds of problems and illnesses were most frequent?
“Lots of musculoskeletal injuries,”
Pinney said. “Lots of intestinal
worms that kids had. It’s all over the
country. They don’t have good sanitation and kids are running around
in dust and bare feet all the time. It’s
difficult to control when you don’t
have good infrastructure.”
From there, he said, the group split
into three teams that took primitive
wooden boats down the Midiri
River, a tributary of the Amazon.
Each team stopped at a different
village each day, treating hundreds
of people, sleeping on church or
school floors and packing up to float
on to the next village in the morning.
On Aug. 28, he said, his 35-foot
boat hit some rapids and capsized.
“All the gear floated away. Fortunately we were only waist high in
the water. We had to bail it out, and
as we were doing that, the motor
caught on fire.”
Pinney remembers thinking: “We’re
waist deep in the middle of a Bolivian river, miles from nowhere. I
signed up for an adventure, but I’m
not sure I signed up for this.”
Amazingly enough, the medical
gear was rescued downriver by another medical boat, and somebody
had the mechanical know-how
needed to rebuild the engine. It
“We spent one night on the beach at
the entrance to Midini National
Park,” he said. “In the morning,
there was a thunderstorm so we
packed up and got back on board.”
Dr. Tan Pinney examines a young patient in
Bolivia. (Photo courtesy of Tan Pinney)
From there it was a large town —
population 15,000 — called Rurrenebaque.
“We saw 1,200 patients in one day,”
Pinney said. “They flocked to us.”
He said he saw hospitals where the
price list is posted: $1.25 for each
suture, $5 for a medical test.
“To see the poverty that these people
live with every day was an incredible
experience. What we have here, even
indigent care, is significantly better.”
Pinney, 59, said he’s been fortunate
to have a successful career in emergency medicine and was glad to do
something for others. He paid his
own way to Bolivia but wanted to
thank ambulance provider American
Medical Response and a Battle
Ground nonprofit spiritual group
called People of the Heart for their
donations of supplies and cash.
“What little we could do, it was a
drop in the bucket — but it was a
great way to touch people. It was a
great adventure.”
V o l u m e
I s s u e
P a g e
Ayni: Sharing in the Labor for POTH and its Community
"In South America, ayni is the single
most important concept of the Andean
way. It is translated as reciprocity and
means the interchange of lovingkindness,
knowledge, and the fruits of one's labor
between individuals, between humans
and the environment, and between humans and nature spirits. Reciprocity
implies that one's labor is shared. I will
help you today, and tomorrow you might
help me. The purpose of reciprocity is
the maintenance of life." -The Andean
When we attend an event, a meditation, a
celebration, or a workshop at POTH we
feel a reciprocity (ayni) with each other,
the land and with spirit. Now we invite
you to share in the reciprocity of labor
among us all. Maintaining a home and
garden can be overwhelming to keep up
with physically as well as financially. In
the spirit of the Andean Spiritual tradition, we would like to propose a communal system of "sharing in the labor for
all." In other words, when we spend a
few hours at POTH (tending the land,
the Laurel Lodge, and/or the sweat
lodge) to maintain that sacred land, we
know that we can ask and receive sup-
port in-kind from the community. Like a
barter system, members of the community would donate time in their area of
expertise or comfort-from weeding or
painting to woodworking or plumbing.
In this way, we share our gifts with each
other and save time and money! All in
the spirit of love and kindness and a desire to build a stronger community.
From Amy Livingstone, POTH community member
I was inspired to suggest this system in
our last board meeting for two reasons.
The first comes out of my pilgrimage to
Peru in 2006 where I spent time studying
the Andean spiritual tradition with an
indigenous community and their Q'ero
shaman. Ayni is central to their way of
life and these teachings continue to inform my life and work. The second reason comes from my experience with a
small group of women friends (4 of us)
who that gather each month to do home
and garden projects. We rotate homes
each month and meet on a Monday
morning from 9am-12pm, rain or shine.
In the warmer months we do gardening
projects--anything from clearing land,
trimming, weeding, planting, or cleaning
Amy Livingstone,
Sacred Shamanic
artist and POTH
Board Member
gutters to much larger projects like redoing a walkway. Last month, we
cleared a path, mixed the cement and
laid in flagstone with river rock! It is so
beautiful. In the winter, projects come
indoors and we paint, tile, or clean. It is
amazing what the four of us can accomplish in three hours all the while sharing
what is happening in our lives and having fun, too. Not only have we strengthened our bond of community but we
save time and money on these projects
while freeing up time for our other passions in life. It enriches my life so profoundly and feel that all of us in the
POTH community could benefit from
this type of support.
If you are interesting in signing up to
share in this community support, please
contact POTH at
or 360.666.4942.
P e o p l e
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H ea r t
P a g e
October 2008
S chedu le o f
Even t s
Sangha &
Nature Kids
Sister’s of the
“Gifts From
the Heart”
Sister’s of the
Autumn Day
of Mindfulness
Blessing of
the Animals
October 4th—Braided Way
Sangha and Nature Kids at
Heart 4:30-6:30 p.m.
October 8th—Sisters of the
Heart Prayer Circle (Closed,
prayer requests welcome)
October 18th—Blessing of the
Animals 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
October 19th—Couples Unite,
(closed, next offering Winter
October 22—Sisters of the
Heart Prayer Circle (Closed,
prayer requests welcome)
October 24th—Autumn Day
of Mindfulness, 9:30 a.m.—
3:00 p.m.
October 26th—Jayna speaks
on “Gifts from the Heart”
10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. at
Abundant Life Center in August Moon
Dear Friends of People of the Heart,
Here is our Autumn list of community offerings and additional upcoming notices for you to save the dates if you wish.
We hope they speak to your desire for connection and that we get to share some of these gatherings with you and your
families. Please note that we require RSVP's for most gatherings to determine if the event will be held.
October Calendar of Gatherings: (All offerings at Crooked Kitty Ranch in Battle Ground, Washington unless otherwise
noted. RSVP's requested 10 days in advance of event to or 360.666.4942)
For gatherings that include potlucks, please bring:
*Your own plate, utensils, cup, bowl and napkin in your own bag to keep at home
(a recyclable one works great and can be reused).
We are making the concerted effort to use fewer resources. (Paper products & dishwasher's hands)
*Please visit our Yahoo site to carpool with community friends:
C a l e n d a r
October 4th: 1st Saturday Braided Way
A Mindfulness Meditation Circle, 4:306:30 pm, simultaneous with
Nature Kids at Heart children's program,
followed by vegetarian potluck. RSVP
required for kid's attendance.
(Children under 6 may attend if accompanied by a parent)
Self select contributions of $10-$25 appreciated, not required.
October 8th: Sisters of the Heart Prayer
Circle, closed.
Prayer requests welcome.
October 18th, Blessing of the Animals,
between 10 am-2 pm,
ALC at August Moon parking lot,
111 W 39th Street, Suite C, Vancouver, WA 98660, 360-695-0211
Bring your beloved animal(s) for
special blessings by Reverends
Barbara Valencia and Jayna Gieber and to be listened to by animal
whisperers Mark and Sandy.
Bring a picture or something from
a loved pet and place it on our
Memorial table. Love donation
appreciated and not required. No
RSVP required for this.
October 19th: Couples Unite,
filled. Next offering, Winter, 2009
October 22nd: Sisters of the Heart
Prayer Circle, closed.
October 24th: Autumn Day of Mindfulness: 9:30 am-3 pm. Meditation, movement, chanting, journaling, and personal
reflection time in the country.
7 RSVP's required by 10/14 to make this
a go.
Contributions of $10-$25 welcome and
not required.
October 26th: Rev. Jayna speaks on
“Gifts from the Heart.”
10-11:30 am, Abundant Life Center in
August Moon, 111 W 39th Street, Suite
C (right off I-5) Vancouver. No RSVP
P e o p l e
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H ea r t
P a g e
November 2008
Hallows Eve/
WOY Gathering
Day of
Silence &
POTH Gratitude Open
True Nature
of Oneness
S chedu le o f
Even t s
November 1st—Hallows Eve/
Samhain/Wheel of the Year
Gathering 6:45-9:00 p.mish.
November 9th—Day of Silence and Yoga, 8:30 a.m.—
2:30 p.m.
November 16th—1st People
of the Heart Gratitude Open
House! 2:00—5:00 p.m.
November 23rd—Jayna
Speaks on “Inter-being: True
Nature of Oneness” 10:00—
11:30 a.m.
December 16th—Save this
Date Jayna’s Book Celebration Party
U p c o m i n g
Sat. November 1, Hallows Eve/Samhain/
Wheel of the Year Gathering, 6:45-9 ish
pm. Honoring ancestors of all kinds we
will weave a Days of the Dead theme into
a joyful remembrance of those who've
passed on. Come dressed as the ancestor
who wants to attend with you
(May be human, animal or another species) and bring their favorite food for the
feast. Bring a photo for the ancestor altar.
Families welcome. Donations $10-$25 to
POTH appreciated and not required.
RSVP required.
Sunday, November 9th, Day of Silence
and Yoga, 8:30 am-2: 30 pm
with yoga instructor, Sarah Robinette,
$100. Meditation, yoga, and light breakfast. Register now by sending your
E v e n t s
name, contact info. and a check to
POTH at 24205 NE Alvas RD., Battle
Ground, WA. 98604, or by credit card
through Paypal at
RSVP required.
Sunday, November 16th: 1st People of
the Heart Gratitude Open House! 2-5
pm. Save the date. Come be appreciated for your contributions to our beloved POTH community. (There will be
a door prize!) Hear from our Board of
Directors what POTH is about-our vision and accomplishments-where funds
go and so on... Enjoy a sumptuous
gratitude feast and spirit-filled music by
Shama. (Her CD's will be for sale)
RSVP's required by 11/1 for feast planning.
Sunday, November 23rd: Rev.
Jayna speaks on “Inter-being: True
Nature of Oneness.”10-11:30 am,
Abundant Life Center in
August Moon, 111 W 39th Street,
Suite C (right off I-5) Vancouver.
No RSVP needed
Save the Date! Sunday, Dec. 14th.
Jayna's Book Celebration Party.
Finally! Whew. More details soon.
V o l u m e
I s s u e
A f r i c a n
P a g e
Wa t e r
Dearest Friends and Family,
The African Water Festival was an
awesome success! The outpouring
of support, generosity and joy was
truly beautiful to behold. I am such
a lucky man to be part of this
incredible loving community. My
heart is full with memories of the
dancing, laughter, music and love.
Particularly moving for me was
when the community walked with
me to deliver the last gallon of water. I was overcome with emotion;
the sense of connection and support
was a wave that passed through my
core. To turn 50 in such a manner
was one of the greatest events of my
life. Thank all of you; I am such a
rich man to have you in my life.
While there are simply too many
people to thank you in this letter
individually, please know that your
standing in support for this project
F e s t i va l
means the world to me. Your action
gives me greater hope for the world.
Due to all of the supporters and donors for the water carry, the donors
for the auction, the participants in
the raffle and the auction we raised
over $3,000!!! You Rock!
I am currently creating the Ugandan
Flute Company. This company will
create Native American Style flutes
made out of bamboo. 100% of the
proceeds from this company will go
directly to Engeye. I am looking for
someone that is interested in making
the flutes. I will sell them and donate time to teach people to use
Jon Gieber is thankful for the
many friends that supported his
endeavor to aide Engeye children during his 50th birthday
Love, Jon
There is calmness to life lived in
gratitude and quiet joy.
Ralph H Blum
F e e l
G o o d
CD’s/DVD’s/Jewel Cases
Are you trying to keep your life simple by
not adding any new items to the family
collection of CD’s and DVD’s and yard
sales just aren’t your style. Try swapping
with another music or movie lover at If you own CD’s and
DVD’s that are too damaged to swap, but
don’t want them to end up in a land fill
sent it along with the jewel case to for recycling.
R e c y c l i n g
Juice Boxes/Bags
Your child’s juice box or juice bag can
not be recycled due to the combination of
plastic polymer and aluminum. Terra
Cycle will donate money, 2 cents, for
each Honest Kids, Capri Sun, and KoolAid Drink pouch and 1 cent for any other
brand to your favorite charity. TerraCycle used all of the juice boxes that you
send in to manufacture purses, totes, and
pencil cases that you find being sold by
Target and Walgreens stores. To learn
more go to
( has a program
for the kids to provide a second life for
your holiday cards. Kids cut off the
front covers, glue them onto a new card
and sell the result as a brand new card
with proceeds helping to support the
Have an old PDA, MP3, Portable CD
Player? Money earned from the sell of
parts from your outdated devices is
given back to a worthy cause or charity.
What to do with the box of 64 million half is an examused crayons? Send them to the National Holiday Cards
ple of a worthy cause that will send you
Crayon Recycle Program with their wrap- The holidays are right around the corner. prepaid shipping labels, recycle your
pers still intact (blue, black, and purple all Do you still have last years cards laying gadget, then donate the cash to breast
at the bottom of a cardboard box? Will
look the same in the crayon world) to
cancer research and awareness chariyou feel guilty if you throw them into LuAnn Foty
your blue recycling bin? St. Jude’s
a.k.a. the Crazy Crayon Lady will melt
Ranch for Children
them down to make new crayons.
V o l u m e
I s s u e
P a g e
POTH Movie Reviews By E’lan Geiger Buendia
"What Dreams May Come" - Worth a second take (on DVD)
I watched this film, in my early-20’s, in the theater. I found the story-line interesting with beautiful scenery, though it was just another movie to me. I’m now in my mid-30's with a 'few' more life experiences under my
belt and am a Consciousness Explorer with an interest in the Spirit Realm. So, when I recently learned that a cofounder of the Spiritual Cinema Circle was a producer of "What Dreams May Come", I thought there was probably
something more to the film.
My husband, Danilo, and I bought the DVD and are happy we did! The film is deeply interesting, at times
very sad, and amazingly beautiful. We enjoyed the concepts and quotes. With Danilo as a Special Effects artist we
are always interested in watching the ‘behind the scenes’ - we learned that the imagery in the film was completed by
a means not formerly attempted and really not attempted since (even maybe impossible to replicate), could it be then
that this film was meant to be? Was it meant to be made to get out into the Hollywood masses and into people's
"Ghost Town" - A fun Hollywood film of the Afterlife (in theaters 9/08)
We recently watched this movie at the theater. I was pleased that there was a good attendance, as it allowed
a mass audience a look at the spirit realm. The film delves into how the Afterlife affects the living and how the living affect each other and why spirits ‘hang around’.
Though it is a very light-hearted film and does not purposefully step into Consciousness. However, what I
noticed was how ‘believing’ created a new, wonderful life and viewpoint for the characters. It’s a sweet film that,
dare I say, misted up my husband’s eyes.
"Henry Poole is Here" – A look at how miracles present themselves (on DVD 11/08)
I’d been curious about this film because of the actors and story-line. Then I read an article by the director,
he’d suddenly lost his wife and was raising his 2yr old daughter, he eventually remembered reading this script and
felt it was just the film he needed to make.
The film looks at a young man’s reaction to news of his terminal illness, coupled with a miracle ‘image’ of
Jesus on the sidewall of his house by his snoopy neighbor. Does he believe in this miracle? Does he eventually feel
the image will save him? How does it impact him and the neighbors he begins to interact with?
The film is not a strict religious film, but more of an opportunity to see that miracles can happen in diverse
ways for different people and for vast reasons.
On a side note, the day we went to see this movie, we crossed paths with Deepak Chopra while shopping at
Whole Foods. That encounter made us eager that this movie was going to make us ‘think’ and ‘feel’, we were not
Jayna’s Labor of Love
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for December 14th to join Jayna in
celebration of the upcoming release of her first book, Snatched From the
Fire. The following is an overview from the back cover of her latest labor
of love.
E’lan Geiger Buendia and Danilo Buendia
Jayna Gieber, Warm Nest Woman, weaves a stirring account
of triumph over suffering to achieve healing of body, mind, and spirit. In a
lifetime, one might brush with death once, but Jayna makes her way not
only through drug-addiction and alcoholism but also breast cancer. She
realizes that to truly free herself from the past she must also heal the pain
of her religiously oppressive upbringing and shunning by the Jehovah’s
Witness religion. Jayna takes on us on a journey of the heart, revealing her
deep love for her daughters, her husband, her ancestors, and Great Spirit.
This passionate book offers hope to the hopeless, courage to the frightened, strength to the disempowered, and freedom to the spiritual seeker!
P e o p l e
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H ea r t
P a g e
Eve Gathering
Saturday, November 1, 6:45-9 ish pm in the Laurel Lodge
Created and led by Jayna Gieber, Ingrid Dankmeyer, Nan Niiranen
and the Wheel of the Year Council
Bring their favorite food for the feast.
Bring a photo for the ancestor altar.
All are invited to celebrate the ancestors—those who wore skin, fur, bark,
scales, or feathers—in this Days of the
Dead joyful remembrance of those
who've passed on.
Bring your own plate, utensil, and cup.
Tax-deductible contributions of $10$25 to support People of the Heart's
WOY nature based gatherings are
deeply appreciated and not required
RSVP's are needed now for planAdults and children both are welcome to ning purposes.
attend this circle.
Limited to 30 guests.
Come dressed as the ancestor who wants To RSVP reply to or call 360.666.4942
to attend with you!
(May be human, animal or another species)
Directions will be sent out when we
receive your RSVP.
Registration Form
Celebrate your ancestors with POTH at our All
Hallows Eve/Samhain gathering.
Method of Payment
To Register for POTH Events
Poth has numerous ways to
register for many of it’s upcoming events.
Phone: 360-666-4942
Mail: send attached registration form to People of the
24205 NE Alvas Rd
Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-666-4942
Credit Cards: Paypal on website:
People of the Heart: A Braided Way
We are an inclusive community and non-profit
organization dedicated to peace.
We honor oneness and diversity in each other,
nature, and planet earth.
We gather together in community to play, pray,
24205 NE Alvas Rd
Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-666-4942
work, teach, and learn.
We help one another to peacefully love and
serve our world.
Rev. Jayna and Jon Gieber,
Stewards of the Land
24205 NE Alvas RD., Battle Ground, WA.
Volunteer Help Always Appreciated!
E x e r c i s e
(360) 666-4942
y o u r
R i g h t
t o
V o t e
By Cody Sizemore, POTH youth
What I would like those of you that can
vote to do for me is to vote with your
I am 17 & 1/2 years old, on the edge of
head and hearts. I can’t tell you who to
being able to exercise my right to vote;
vote for, but I would like you to make
however due to a six month technicality, an informed decision for me and your
denied. Can you believe the government children. I don’t want you to vote berecognizes that I am old enough to drive a cause you would like to see more great
car, work, enlist in the military and possi- Saturday night comedy or because you
bly die for my country, even get married are looking at the color of the candiand have children, but can not exercise
dates skin or because your family has
the privilege of voting until six months
traditionally voted for a particular
after it really matters to me. I am an unparty. I want you to vote for what really
derage United States citizen that still de- matters to not only me, but you, your
pends on adults, even if they were only
family, and the rest of the United
born six months before me to vote on my States.
future as an adult. Imagine my frustration
in knowing there are people out there that Vote on the candidate that best reflects
can legally vote and due to whatever rea- your view on the issues. Which candison, will choose to go without exercising date will uphold your feelings regarding
a right that I can only envy at this point in women’s issues, economic issues, edumy life.
cation, and environmental issues?
You hold the future of America in the palm
of your hand on November 4. This can
possibly be considered the most critical
election ever. If you cannot make it to the
polls, pick up your pencil and vote by mail.
There is absolutely no reason to not take
five minutes out of your busy life to make
a decision affecting the rest of your life
and mine.
Vote for me, I envy your constitutional
right to vote.