DIn 15402 ForGeD DUpLeX HooK s/DiN 15402
DIn 15402 ForGeD DUpLeX HooK s/DiN 15402
PROPIEDADES / MATERIALES / CAPACIDADES properties / MATERIALS / CAPACITY PROPIEDADES / MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF LIFTING HOOKS Minimum requirements to the basic series of fine grain structural steel as in DIN 17102 and DIN 17103 Strength Class 1) Upper yield strength ReH1 or 0,2% proof stress Rp0, 2 in N/mm2 P 315 (S) 390 T 490 (V) - Impact Energy Av, in J (ISO-V), as a test temperature of +20ºC, /-20ºC with direction of sampling 3) L Q 39 21 - Minimum requirements for steel for quenching and tempering as in DIN 17200 Upper yield strength ReH1 or 0,2% proof stress Rp0, 2 in N/mm2 Impact Energy Av, in J (ISO-V), as a test temperature of +20ºC, /-20ºC with direction of sampling 3) L2) L - - - 390 (35) 27 490 (35) 27 620 (30) 27 1) Use of strength classes given in brackets should be avoided where possible. 2) The values given in brackets are information only, the test is to be carried out at -20ºC 3) ‘L’ stands for longitudinal direction , ‘Q’ for traverse direction. Where the sheet is wider than 600mm the test piece shall be taken in the traverse direction MATERIALES / STEEL TO BE USED FOR LIFTING HOOKS Hook number Shank diameter 1) d1, in mm 4 48 6 60 8 67 10 75 12 85 16 95 20 106 25 118 32 132 40 150 50 170 63 190 80 212 100 236 125 265 160 300 200 335 250 375 DIN 17 102 and DIN 17 103 DIN 17 102, DIN 17 103 and DIN 17 200 2) P S T V StE 355 StE420 34CrMo4 34CrMo4 34CrNiMo6 StE 420 StE500 34CrMo4 34CrNiMo6 30CrNiMo8 1) See figures 1 and 2. The specified values have been taken from DIN 15401 Parts 1 and 2 and DIN 15402 Parts 1 and 2. 2) Where DIN 17200 steel is used, or where the diameter of the material is greater than 250mm (cf. Stahl-Eisen-Werkstoffblatt (Iron and steel materials sheet) 550), the following requirements shall also be met and be part of the contractual agreement. a) The total amount of aluminium in the steel shall be at least 2%, or it shall be verified in another way that the nitrogen in the steel is fixed. b) At a test temperature of -20ºC, the impact energy shall be at least 27J, as measured on an ISO-V notch specimen taken in the longitudinal direction. 3) For reasons of efficiency, it shall be permitted to use StE 355 steel in place of StE 285 steel. 4 DIN 15401 DIN 15402 DIN 15402-B CAPACIDADES / LIFTING CAPACITY Strength class Drive Group 1Am M4 2m M5 3m M6 4m M7 1Bm M3 1Am M4 2m M5 3m M6 4m M7 5m M8 1Bm M3 1Am M4 2m M5 3m M6 4m M7 1Am M4 2m M5 3m M6 4m M7 P S T V 1Bm M3 Strength class 1Bm M3 Hook number 5m M8 P S T V Lifting Capacity in kg Hook number 4 20.000 16.000 12.500 10.000 8.000 6.300 5.000 4.000 3.200 2.500 4 6 32.000 25.000 20.000 16.000 12.500 10.000 8.000 6.300 5.000 4.000 6 8 40.000 32.000 25.000 20.000 16.000 12.500 10.000 8.000 6.300 5.000 8 10 50.000 40.000 32.000 25.000 20.000 16.000 12.500 10.000 8.000 6.300 10 12 63.000 50.000 40.000 32.000 25.000 20.000 16.000 12.500 10.000 8.000 12 16 80.000 63.000 50.000 40.000 32.000 25.000 20.000 16.000 12.500 10.000 16 20 100.000 80.000 63.000 50.000 40.000 32.000 25.000 20.000 16.000 12.500 20 25 125.000 100.000 80.000 63.000 50.000 40.000 32.000 25.000 20.000 16.000 25 32 160.000 125.000 100.000 80.000 63.000 50.000 40.000 32.000 25.000 20.000 32 40 200.000 160.000 125.000 100.000 80.000 63.000 50.000 40.000 32.000 25.000 40 50 250.000 200.000 160.000 125.000 100.000 80.000 63.000 50.000 40.000 32.000 50 63 320.000 250.000 200.000 160.000 125.000 100.000 80.000 63.000 50.000 40.000 63 80 400.000 320.000 250.000 200.000 160.000 125.000 100.000 80.000 63.000 50.000 80 100 500.000 125 160 200 250 400.000 320.000 250.000 200.000 160.000 125.000 100.000 80.000 63.000 100 500.000 400.000 320.000 250.000 200.000 160.000 125.000 100.000 80.000 125 500.000 400.000 320.000 250.000 200.000 160.000 125.000 100.000 160 500.000 400.000 320.000 250.000 200.000 160.000 125.000 200 500.000 400.000 320.000 250.000 200.000 160.000 250 This table establishes a general claification of cranes basedd on the number of operating cycles to be carried out during the expected life of the crane and a load spectrum factor which represents a nominal state of loading. Classification considers only the conditions which are independent of the type of crane and the way it is driven. 5 Gancho Sencillo S/DIN 15401 SIMPLE FORGED HOOK S/DIN 15401 1 d1 f1d1 f1 a3 a3 l1 l1 h2 g1 SECTION RSN 3 r9 f3 b1 g1 g 12º +- 3° 3° r8 - 3° 12º b2 r2r8 + 3° f3 h2 h1 r1 e3 r2 b1 b1 SECTION RFN 2 SECTION RSN 2 h2 r2 3 r2 SECTION RFN 1 b2 g r2 r1 b1 r1 b1 b1 r2 r1 h2 r1 b1 h2 g1 r1 r1 r9 a1 3 h2 f3 h1 h1 r9 2 b1 e3 l1 a3 e3 g r2 b1 r1 b1 b1 r9 h1 r1 r1 23 a1 h1 r1 SECTION RSN 1 r2 h2 FN 3 r2 r2 r1 r9 h2 h1 r1 r9 r2 r9 2 3 •Forged hooks number 250 are made using free forging. b2 r2 b2 12 b2- 3° h2 r2r º + 3° h2 8 r2 h2 h2 2 a2 fore varying the L1 level is possible at a low cost. r2 h1 a2 r2 r2 • Desde el nº63 hasta el 160 en matriz abierta por lo que la variación de la cota L1 es posible a un bajo coste. 3 a1 • Los ganchos nº250 se realizan por medio de forja libre. b2 1 60º 1 1 60º 1 r2 60º • Ganchos sencillos desde el nº4 hasta el 250 • Simple forged hooks from nº 4 to 250 S/DIN d1 S/DIN 15401. THG ofrece la posibilidad a 15401. THG offers its customers the possibilsus clientes de entregar sus productos en ity of delivering their products rough forged, f1 bruto de forja, mecanizados S/DIN 15401 machined S/DIN 15401 part 2 or fully maparte 2 o completamente mecanizadas S/ chined S/DIN 15411. DIN 15411. •From forged hook number 4 to 16, THG forg1 THG for- 1 es its hooks with RSN geometry, and from • Desde el gancho nº4 hasta el nº 16 ja sus ganchos con geometría RSN y desde number 20 to 250 with RFN geometry. el 20 hasta el 250 en geometría RFN. •Forged hooks 4 to 50 are produced using 2 • Desde el gancho nº 4 hasta el nºa 50 son2 closed 2 die forging, therefore their L1 length forjados en matriz cerrada por lo que su is not adaptable. 3 longitud L1 no es modificable. •From 63 to 160 with open die forging, there- SECTION RFN 3 SECTION RSN 1 SECTION RSN 2 SECTION RFN 2 SECTION RFN SECTION RFN 3 DIMENSIONES / DIMENSIONSSECTION RSN 3 2 2 RSN 1SECTION SECTION RSN 1SECTION SECTION RSN 2 SECTION RFN SECTION RSNSECTION 3 SECTION RSNSECTION 3 SECTION RFN 3 RFN 1 SECTION RSN 2 SECTION RFN RFN 3 RFN 1 HOOK weight TYPE a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 d1 g1 h1 h2 l1 r1 r2 r3 r9 4 RSN 71 56 80 63 53 48 172 190 148 45 16 80 67 285 8 12 71 150 150 103 in kg 90 160 8,8 6 RSN 90 71 101 80 67 60 8 RSN 100 80 113 90 75 67 218 240 185 57 18 100 85 380 10 16 90 242 268 210 64 23 112 95 418 11 18 190 190 131 112 200 17,1 100 212 212 146 125 224 10 RSN 112 90 127 100 85 75 256 286 221 46 26 23 125 106 452 12 20 65 165 236 163 140 24 12 250 12 RSN 125 100 143 112 95 85 292 316 252 53 34 28 140 118 650 14 22 70 34 185 265 182 160 16 280 16 RSN 140 112 160 125 106 95 325 357 280 58 35 33 160 132 730 16 25 47 80 210 300 204 180 16 320 66 20 25 RFN 160 125 180 140 118 106 370 405 330 68 45 33 180 150 800 18 RFN 180 140 202 160 132 118 415 455 360 74 45 38 200 170 895 20 28 90 240 335 232 200 20 360 112 32 100 270 375 262 224 20 400 32 RFN 200 160 225 180 150 132 465 510 400 80 45 38 224 190 970 160 22 36 115 300 425 292 250 20 448 40 RFN 224 180 252 200 170 150 517 567 447 93 55 220 42 250 212 1040 25 40 130 335 475 326 280 25 500 50 RFN 250 200 285 224 190 170 575 635 485 100 310 55 42 280 236 1200 28 45 150 370 530 363 315 25 560 430 63 RFN 280 224 320 250 212 190 655 710 550 80 RFN 315 250 358 280 236 212 727 802 598 108 60 45 315 265 1320 32 50 160 420 600 408 355 25 630 600 113 60 45 355 300 1470 36 56 180 470 670 460 400 25 710 860 100 RFN 125 RFN 355 280 402 315 265 236 827 902 688 130 70 50 400 335 1615 40 63 200 530 750 516 450 30 800 1220 400 315 450 355 300 265 920 1020 750 138 70 50 450 375 1790 45 71 230 600 850 579 500 30 900 160 1740 RFN 450 355 505 400 335 300 1035 1145 825 147 70 55 500 425 1990 50 80 250 675 950 654 560 30 1000 2480 200 RFN 500 400 565 450 375 335 1150 1275 900 154 70 55 560 475 2248 56 90 285 750 1060 729 630 30 1120 3420 250 RFN 560 450 635 500 425 375 1280 1430 980 164 70 60 630 530 2505 63 100 320 840 1180 815 710 30 1260 4800 f1 g1 Nº e1 e2 e3 f1 f2 f3 Desviaciones admisibles / Permissible deviations a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 d1 e3 h1 h2 l1 f2 f3 4 +4/0 +2/0 6 and 8 +5/0 +2/0 10 to 16 +6/0 +3/0 20 to 32 +12/0 +/-10 +16/0 +12/0 +/-10 +20/0 +5/0 40 to 63 +16/0 +/-12 +20/0 +16/0 +/-12 +24/0 +6/0 80 to 125 +20/0 +/-16 +25/0 +20/0 +/-16 +32/0 +8/0 160 to 250 +25/0 +/-20 +32/0 +25/0 +/-20 +40/0 +10/0 6 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 Ganchos doble s/ DIN 15402 FORGED DUPLEX HOOK S/DIN 15402 d1 • Ganchos dobles desde el nº 16 hasta el 250 S/DIN 15402. THG ofrece la posibilidad a sus clientes de entregar sus productos en bruto de forja, mecanizados S/DIN 15402 parte 2 o completamente mecanizadas S/ DIN 15411. •Forged duplex hooks from number 16 to 250 S/DIN 15402. THG offers its customers the possibility of delivering their products rough forged, machined S/DIN 15402 part 2 or fully machined S/DIN 15411. RSN 20 RFN 112 90 146 125 100 163 95 95 237 106 106 265 25 RFN 140 112 182 118 118 32 RFN 160 125 205 132 40 RFN 180 140 230 50 RFN 200 160 63 80 RFN 224 RFN 250 100 RFN 125 160 e r3 h a1 a3 a1 h R5 R5 1 SECTIONSECTION RFN/RSNRFN/RSN 1 h g g 45° 45° f1 r2 SECTION RFN 2 SECTIONSECTION RFN 2 RFN 2 f2 f3 g h l1 r1 r2 r3 471 69 36 28 118 580 531 75 36 33 132 750 14 11 16 12,5 315 598 86 45 33 150 915 18 132 335 672 94 45 38 170 990 150 150 375 754 104 45 38 190 260 170 170 420 842 120 56 42 180 292 190 190 460 944 200 325 212 212 515 1062 131 56 144 56 280 224 364 236 236 575 1186 157 RFN 315 250 408 265 265 RFN 355 280 458 300 300 645 1330 725 1505 200 RFN 400 315 515 335 250 RFN 450 355 580 375 335 800 375 875 r2 r1 b1 r2 h e r1 b1 r2 b1 b1 b1 h d1 b1 r1 2 2 h 16 DETAIL IDETAIL I b1 2 2 h 30° a3 r1 SECTION RFN/RSN 1 I1 I1 a2 f1 h 30° r4 1 a2 f1 h r4 DETAIL 1 a2 f3 f3 r4 r4 a1 r3 •Forged hooks number 250 are made using free forging. • Los ganchos nº 250 se realizan por medio de forja libre. TYPE e •From 40 to 160 with open die forging, therefore varying the L1 level is possible at a low cost. • Desde el nº 40 hasta el 160 en matriz abierta por lo que la variación de la cota L1 es posible a un bajo coste. HOOK Nº 1 a3 •Forged hooks 16 to 32 are produced using closed die forging, therefore their L1 length is not adaptable. • Desde el gancho nº 16 hasta el nº 32 son forjados en matriz cerrada por lo que su longitud L1 no es modificable. l1 •Forged hooks number 16 are forged with RSN geometry. From number 20 to 250 with RFN geometry. • Los ganchos nº 16 son forjados con geometría RSN y desde el 20 hasta el 250 en geometría RFN. DIMENSIONES / DIMENSIONS f2 f2 l1 d1 h 2 SECTION RSN 2 RFN 2 SECTIONSECTION RFN 2 weight r4 r5 in kg 132 16 4,0 69,7 150 16 4,0 99,5 14 170 20 5,0 138 20 16 190 20 5,0 197 1085 22 18 212 20 5,0 286 212 1165 25 20 236 25 6,0 394 42 236 1290 28 22 265 25 6,0 547 45 265 1435 32 25 300 25 6,0 759 56 45 300 1575 36 28 335 25 6,0 1060 178 68 50 335 1750 40 32 375 30 8,0 1491 198 68 50 375 1945 45 36 425 30 8,0 2115 1685 218 68 55 425 2198 50 40 475 30 8,0 3015 1885 240 68 55 475 2450 56 45 530 30 8,0 4268 e g f3 h Desviaciones admisibles / Permissible deviations a1 a2 a3 b1 16 d1 f1/2 +6/0 l1 +4/0 20 to 32 +12/0 +/-10 +16/0 +12/0 +5/0 +20/0 40 to 63 +16/0 +/-12 +20/0 +16/0 +6/0 +24/0 80 to 125 +20/0 +/-16 +25/0 +20/0 +8/0 +32/0 160 to 250 +25/0 +/-20 +32/0 +25/0 +10/0 +40/0 7 Ganchos dobles forma B S/DIN 15402-B FORGED DUPLEX HOOK B S/DIN 15402-B 3 d1 a2 C e2 •From 40 to 160 with open die forging, therefore varying the L1 level is possible at a low cost. l1 B 1 a1 A •Forged hooks number 250 are made using free forging r2 r1 g 30° d2 f3 r6 + 3° 12° - 3° f1 45° b A C r5 • Los ganchos nº 250 se realizan por medio de forja libre. B •Forged hooks 20 to 32 are produced using closed die forging, therefore their L1 length is not adaptable. h • Desde el nº 40 hasta el 160 en matriz abierta por lo que la variación de la cota L1 es posible a un bajo coste. f2 a3 • Desde el gancho nº 20 hasta el nº 32 son forjados en matriz cerrada por lo que su longitud L1 no es modificable. •Forged duplex hooks from number 20 to 250 S/DIN 15402. THG offers its customers the possibility of delivering their products rough forged, machined S/DIN 15402-B part 2 or fully machined S/DIN 15411. r3 • Ganchos dobles desde el nº 20 hasta el 250 S/DIN 15402. THG ofrece la posibilidad a sus clientes de entregar sus productos en bruto de forja, mecanizados S/DIN 15402B parte 2 o completamente mecanizadas S/DIN 15411. r6 r2 r7 SECTION A-A SECTION A-A DIMENSIONES / DIMENSIONS HOOK Nº a1 a2 a3 b=d1 20 125 100 163 106 d2 H15 96 SECTION B-B SECTION C-C SECTION B-B SECTION C-C DETAIL 1 e1 e2 g f1 f2 f3 h l1 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 45 265 33 531 75 36 190 850 16 16 12.5 150 118 132 weight in kg 115 25 140 112 182 118 106 50 315 33 598 86 45 212 915 20 18 14 170 132 150 160 32 160 125 205 132 116 60 335 38 672 94 45 236 990 20 20 16 190 150 170 229 40 180 140 230 150 131 68 375 38 754 104 45 265 1085 20 22 18 212 170 190 330 50 200 160 260 170 146 76 420 42 842 120 56 300 1165 25 25 20 236 190 212 458 63 224 180 292 190 168 83 460 42 944 131 56 335 1290 25 28 22 265 212 236 638 80 250 200 325 212 188 90 515 45 1062 144 56 375 1435 25 32 25 300 236 265 892 100 280 224 364 236 208 105 575 45 1186 157 56 425 1575 25 36 28 335 265 300 1248 125 315 250 408 265 235 118 645 50 1330 178 68 475 1750 30 40 32 375 300 335 1757 160 355 280 458 300 260 128 725 50 1505 198 68 530 1945 30 45 36 425 335 375 2500 200 400 315 515 335 282 150 800 55 1685 218 68 600 2160 30 50 40 475 375 425 3560 250 450 355 580 375 312 170 875 55 1885 240 68 670 2410 30 56 45 530 425 475 5033 Desviaciones admisibles / Permissible deviations a1 8 DETAIL 1 a3 b 20 to 32 +12/0 a2 +/-10 +16/0 d1 +12/0 f1/2 e +5/0 g f3 h +20/0 l1 40 to 63 +16/0 +/-12 +20/0 +16/0 +6/0 +24/0 80 to 125 +20/0 +/-16 +25/0 +20/0 +8/0 +32/0 160 to 250 +25/0 +/-20 +32/0 +25/0 +10/0 +40/0