A design-your-own lab for chemistry
A design-your-own lab for chemistry
A design-your-own lab for chemistry S A CHEMISTRY TEACHER, I OFTEN wondered how buffered my contact solution really was. When I mentioned the word “buffer” to chemistry students, I realized they had no knowledge of buffers despite being surrounded by products that are “pH balanced,” so I decided they needed a buffer challenge. After learning about acids, bases, pH, and titrations, my students were introduced to the concept of buffers. I explained that buffers are solutions of a weak acid (or base) and its conjugate salt and are used to resist changes in pH when relatively small amounts of bases (or acids) are added. Buffer mechanisms were then discussed in a qualitative manner, and titrations of buffers were treated quantitatively as students found the pH of a buffer before and after a strong base or acid was added. Students performed two “cookbook” labs to prepare for their buffer challenge. First, they completed a diprotic acid titration to investigate titration curves, and then they made and tested a buffer for its buffering capacity. These labs, fairly detailed in instructions, were followed by an open-ended opportunity to investigate buffers in household products. Standards addressed by this lab are listed in Figure 1 (National Research Council, 1996). THE CHALLENGE PHOTOS BY HILARY SCHWAB I presented the buffer investigation in a written handout with the following sections: The mission: With the help of a partner, find a household product such as a lotion, shampoo, or saline solution with a pH and buffering capacity that interest you. Report the product choice to your teacher. Each group needs to ■ KELLY MORGAN 20 T H E S C I E N C E choose a different product. If you are adventurous, compare a cheap brand to an expensive brand to see if there are differences. This will take more time, but it is worth extra points. ■ Write a purpose/problem and prediction such as, “ This product will have a large (or small) buffering capacity.” ■ Gather background information. Most importantly, you must find Materials Safety Data Sheets on any product you bring in. These sheets describe the material and explain the safety precautions needed when working with it. To find these sheets, an Internet search or phone call usually works. Find out what pH is appropriate for the use of the product. For instance, if you are using shampoo, what pH is good for your hair? What pH is normal for hair? Should the pH of the concentrated shampoo be the same as that of your hair? Or should your natural hair pH be matched by a diluted shampoo sample because we wash our hair with water as a solvent? ■ Write a procedure. Think about whether you will dissolve the specimen in water or use it undiluted. Remember to control everything except for what you are testing. Use 0.100 M HCl and standardized 0.1 M NaOH to titrate. (Stock solutions will be made for you.) Use the O N L I N E E X T E N S I O N For more information about obtaining Materials Safety Data Sheets for household products, NSTA members can log on to www.nsta.org/ pubs/tst. T E A C H E R pH probes and the computers for graphing data. Remember to include safety precautions in your procedure and to always wear safety goggles when working with acids and bases. You do not need to use indicators if you use the pH probe. ■ Write a materials list and bring in the product to be tested. Everything else will be provided. We will use laptops with pH probes to measure the pH of the samples. ■ Set up a data table. Often this is the best way to see if you truly understand your procedure and are ready to perform it. ■ Perform the experiment and write it up. Put data in written form, including results and any necessary graphs or charts. Write a summary of results and a conclusion, which should address the original problem/purpose, your prediction, the information you learned while completing the background search, results, errors, and anything else you deem appropriate such as ideas for further investigation. THE LAB EXPERIENCE To learn about the buffering capacity of household products, students tested adult shampoo, baby shampoo, hand lotion, dog shampoo, fizzies candy, and cola. Students freely chose their products and were only required to test one product per lab group. Students proposed rough procedures, largely based on the previous two preparatory labs they had completed. However, once they began, they ran into problems. Some realized, for instance, that it was necessary to dilute their sample. They then began to puzzle through how they would take the dilution into account when analyzing results. Others found that the way they wanted to measure their sample was not practical. One group realized that its candy sample had to be crushed and then dissolved to FIGURE 1. Standards emphasized by the buffer challenge. Technology standards: Use of pH probes increased accuracy and precision, lowered student stress levels, and allowed students to focus on concepts. Students investigated matters of personal health and safety as well as materials science. ■ Content standards: Students studied the chemical processes in buffer systems. Students wondered what acids or bases and salts made up their products’ buffer system and how well buffered the system was. Students connected chemistry with the processes of the human body and the necessities of buffers, and students discussed the use of buffers in cell biology experiments. ■ Inquiry standards: Students performed scientific processes and gained an appreciation for the frustrations, revisions, changes in models, and other processes that scientists go through when experimenting. Students also communicated their findings through written reports. ■ N O V E M B E R finish the lab in a timely manner. Each group realized their plan needed revising once they began the investigation. Several students asked whether all experiments had these technical glitches or if it was just due to their inexperience. This provided an excellent opportunity to discuss scientific investigation. Students modeled typical scientific procedure—planned a rough procedure, performed a trial, tweaked the procedure, redid the trial, and so on until a controllable, meaningful experimental procedure could be established. Students observed for themselves that sometimes the first trial worked and sometimes it took many revisions of the procedure. Their introductory buffer labs called for students to add strong acid or base to a student-prepared buffer until the pH changed by 1.0. The buffer in the cookbook lab had a large buffering capacity and therefore required a large amount of acid or base to change the pH. Students assumed the same procedure would be good for investigating the buffering capacity of their products. Many of them noticed quickly that barely a milliliter of acid or base changed the pH of their product greatly. So, students had to re-evaluate their procedure. Some students continued to use the pH change as the independent variable and the volume of acid or base as the dependent variable, while others chose to control the amount of acid or base and measure the pH change. Either way, students decided what was best for their product and controlled for all but one variable. Most groups took nearly 2 hours to complete the experiment. The majority of the time was spent using different sampling and titrating techniques. Once the group decided on a reliable method, they performed two titrations with acid and two trials with base rather quickly. Lab write-ups were done outside class, with a few 10minute periods throughout the week during class to ask questions and get together with partners. When it came time for data analysis, some groups were able to use their pH readings without further manipulation. Others, however, needed to do some calculations to take into account the dilution they used in the procedure. For example, shampoo and lotion require dilution with water to take pH readings. Because dilution changes the pH of a sample, students needed to decide whether to compensate for this dilution in the data analysis. Because shampoo is used diluted in the shower, the dilution does not need to be taken into account. However, lotion is used full strength, not dilute, so calculations must be completed to compensate for the sample dilution. The majority of the groups obtained their background information from the Internet. Students also found information in literature from the manufacturers and books about the products. Most students began with search engines that lead them to commercial sites of product manufacturers. Students were encouraged to investigate more than one site to find information presented by a variety of brands. Unfortunately, none of the groups were able to find information about their specific brand. 2 0 0 0 21 FIGURE 2. Example of a student lab write-up. Title: pH and buffer capacity of a popular brand of skin care lotion Purpose: Our lab group wondered what the pH and the buffer capacity of a household product such as lotion would be. Our mission for this lab is to answer those questions. Background: Through research, we determined that the ideal pH of household lotion should be 5.5 since that is the pH of skin. Prediction: Based on my knowledge of buffers, I predict that household lotion will have a large buffer capacity since changing the pH of substances on the skin seems unhealthy. Materials: Laptop, pH probe, computerized data collection program, buret, 100 mL graduated cylinder, ring stand, distilled water, clamp, skin care lotion, 0.1 M NaOH, balance, 0.1 M HCI, 100 mL beaker, stirring rod. Procedure: ■ Obtain and wear safety goggles. ■ Set up computer to collect data with the pH probe. ■ Place about 30 mL of distilled water in a 100 mL graduated cylinder and find the mass. Dissolve about 2 mL of the skin care lotion in water and find the mass of the water, cylinder, and lotion. Record exact volume of lotion by change in reading. ■ Pour entire solution into the 100 mL beaker, making sure the lotion is completely dissolved by stirring briskly. ■ Find the pH of the solution by stirring the pH probe in the solution while collecting data on the computer. ■ Rinse and fill the buret with 0.1 M NaOH and set it up on the ring stand to titrate. ■ Collect data with the computer and titrate the solution with NaOH until the pH changes by 1.0. Stir continuously. ■ Repeat entire procedure titrating with HCl rather than NaOH, making sure to rinse the pH probe in distilled water in between experiments. Safety: Wear goggles at all times to protect eyes from harmful chemicals. Wash hands thoroughly after finishing the lab. In case of chemical spill on clothing, use shower. In case of chemical splash in eyes, use eyewash. Data: HCl titration: Data analysis (calculations were repeated for trial two for a pH of 8.16): Mass of water and cylinder 101.21 g + + pH = –log ( moles H ) therefore, 10–pH = moles H Volume of water 30.0 mL Ltotal Ltotal Mass of water, cylinder, and lotion 102.74 g mole + –7.78 –8 [H ] = 10 = 1.679 × 10 Volume of lotion 1.7 mL Ltotal mole Initial pH 7.78 + –8 –10 1.679 × 10 Ltotal × 0.317 Ltotal = 5.32 × 10 moles H total Volume of HCl used 1.65 mL + + + Final pH 5.779 mole H lotion = moles H total – moles H water mole + NaOH titration: 5.322 × 10–10 mole – (10–7 L × .0300 L water) = –2.47 × 10–9 mole H lotion total Mass of water and cylinder 101.69 g + – –2.47 × 10–9 mole H lotion = +2.47 × 10–9 mole OH lotion Volume of water 32.0 mL mole Mass of water, cylinder, and lotion 103.58 g – [OH ] = 2.47 × 10–9 .0017 L= 1.452 × 10–6 M Volume of lotion 1.7 mL Initial pH 7.66 pOH = –log (1.45 × 10–6) = 5.84 Volume of NaOH used 1.60 mL pH = 14 – pOH = 8.16 Final pH 9.630 Results: The above calculations show that the pH of the lotion was 8.162. It took 0.650 mL NaOH to change the pH 1.012 and 0.550 mL HCl to change pH 0.979. Conclusion: In the experiment, it was determined that the pH of the lotion was 8.16. The second trial verified this. It was also determined that the buffer capacity of the lotion is low since it only took 0.650 mL NaOH to change pH 1.012 with NaOH and 0.550 mL HCl to change pH 0.979. We had low errors in this lab; however, we did not need to record the mass of the water and lotion. If we needed them, we had them. This conclusion did not support my hypothesis at all. I expected the lotion to be acidic to go well with skin, but it in fact was basic. I also expected the buffer capacity to be high, but it was low. Further experiments could be done on more brands of lotion to determine if more expensive brands are more closely matched to human skin. 22 T H E S C I E N C E T E A C H E R [I watched] the buffer challenge working as students realized they needed to take information they acquired during the preparatory labs and apply it in a different manner. THE RESULTS Each student turned in a lab writeup, which was assessed using guidelines that were stressed throughout the year. An unedited sample of such a write-up is given in Figure 2. I looked for a clear, concise writing style, relevant and thorough background information, repeatability, and a logical approach to testing the specific product. I also checked all significant figures, units, and multiple trials in the data table. I stressed the difference between data analysis/results and conclusions throughout the year, and as I checked the calculations for accuracy I noted attempts to explain the data in the results section instead of waiting for the conclusion. Conclusions needed to address the problem and prediction, attempt to explain the observed behavior of the product, relate observed behavior to the background information, report any sources of possible error, indicate how the procedure should be changed if the lab were to be repeated, and comment on extensions of the lab. Students had a rubric that I used to grade these labs, as well as a description of what each lab report section should contain. Giving information ahead of time improved the quality of the write-ups as well as eliminated any grading surprises. Not only did I see the value of the “real experimentation” aspect of the lab but the students also had a real sense of being scientists. They were interested in the outcome because they picked their own product to investigate—this really kept their attention. When trying inquiry labs with my students earlier in the year, I noticed that they took information from previous, cookbook-type labs and tried to use the exact procedures on the new problem. I was pleased to watch the buffer challenge working as students realized they needed to take information they acquired during the preparatory labs and apply it in a different manner. Often, students rely a great deal on comparing their results or answers with other groups around them. This challenge allowed students to work in small groups of three or four, but each group faced different situations with different procedural necessities and different analysis needs. The differences in experiments forced each group to rely on its own knowledge, skills, and ideas instead of a larger collaborative effort. I found that using slightly larger groups, rather than pairs, was beneficial because of the level of challenge for the students in this lab. L O O K I N G T O WA R D T H E F U T U R E The next time I do this lab, students will use products about which they can find specific information instead of finding general information about the type of product they N O V E M B E R choose. This way, they can compare their results with those of the manufacturer. I will allow approximately 45 more minutes of lab time for students to compare name and off-brands and have students present their findings in a mini-poster session. In the write-up, students will explain why they think the product does or does not need to be buffered. If students write their reasoning for their predictions, then they can comment on their prior knowledge in the conclusion. Many students simply stated their predicted pH and buffer capacity without commenting on why they made those predictions. It is difficult to find an inquiry lab that introductory chemistry students can do safely, and I worry about students designing a procedure that is unsafe. Even if I check written procedures for safety, it does not guarantee that they actually perform a safe procedure. Because this lab used household products and dilute solutions of an acid and a base, students were able to take precautions to protect themselves while designing their own procedure. The lab could be used with younger students with a qualitative look at how buffers work. The dilutions of samples can also be taken into account qualitatively. Second year or advanced chemistry students can complete this lab with calculations after quantitatively studying buffers and titrations. Students gained a better understanding of the scientific process while analyzing a product they use daily. They were interested in their problem and continued to formulate other questions they would like to investigate. Students gained more understanding of buffers in this lab than the cookbook labs I prepared for them. ✧ Kelly Morgan is a chemistry teacher at Olathe East High School, 14545 W. 127th Street, Olathe, KS 66062; e-mail: Kmorganoe@mail.olathe.k12.ks.us. REFERENCES National Research Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. 2 0 0 0 23 Buffer Biology: Online Extension 1 of 2 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... To print this page, select "Print" from the File menu of your browser Visit the Copyright Clearance Center to obtain permission for approved uses << back The Science Teacher November 2000 Online Extension Buffer Biology: Online Extension Kelly Morgan back to main article How to Obtain MSDS Data for Products Teachers are responsible for the safety of their students in the classroom. This includes exposure to all chemicals, even household products that students bring in for analysis. Here are MSDS for some common products: Hand Soaps Shampoo Dishwashing Liquid To look up MSDS information online, try the following sites: http://siri.uvm.edu/msds/ http://www.msdssearch.com/DBLinksN.htm http://www.msdsprovider.net/Site/msdsprovider.nsf/search http://www.pg.com/about_pg/corporate/sustainability/msds_main.jhtml or the toll-free number for MSDS sheets (fax on demand) is 1-800-866-4674. 3/26/2008 5:42 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension 2 of 2 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... back to top Copyright © 2000 National Science Teachers Association. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2000 NSTA www.nsta.org 3/26/2008 5:42 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 1 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... To print this page, select "Print" from the File menu of your browser Visit the Copyright Clearance Center to obtain permission for approved uses << back The Science Teacher November 2000 Online Extension Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps back to MSDS information Hand Soaps BALL INDUSTRIES -- 45510 CASTILLIAN HAND SOAP BRANDBRIDGE -- 2U135 THICK & PINK - LIQUID HAND SOAP BORAXO POWDERED HAND SOAP - SOAP, BORAX RIVER SIDE MANUFACTURING -- PINK SOAP - HAND CLEANER S C JOHNSON WAX -- SOFT CARE ANTISEPTIC HAND SOAP ZEP MFG -- E-Z HAND SOAP BALL INDUSTRIES -- 45510 CASTILLIAN HAND SOAP MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 852000F053357 Manufacturer's CAGE: 12120 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: 45510 CASTILLIAN HAND SOAP =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: BALL INDUSTRIES Company's Street: 335 ARTESIA BLVD Company's City: COMPTON Company's State: CA Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 90220-5000 Company's Emerg Ph #: 310-605-4975 Company's Info Ph #: 310-605-4975 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 2 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 02JAN93 Safety Data Review Date: 03APR97 Preparer's Company: BALL INDUSTRIES Preparer's St Or P. O. Box: 335 ARTESIA BLVD Preparer's City: COMPTON Preparer's State: CA Preparer's Zip Code: 90220-5000 MSDS Serial Number: CDSMH =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: WATER Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: ZC0110000 CAS Number: 7732-18-5 ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: COCONUT OIL, DIETHANOLAMINE CONDENSATE *96-4* Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1009343CO CAS Number: 8051-30-7 ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: BLENDED SURFACTANT Ingredient Sequence Number: 03 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1006744BS ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT: 0 GMS/L Ingredient Sequence Number: 04 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 9999999VO =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: GREEN LIQUID W/PLEASANT FRAGRANCE Boiling Point: 212F Specific Gravity: 1 Solubility In Water: COMPLETE pH: (SUPP) =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Special Fire Fighting Proc: NONE Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Hazardous Decomp Products: OXIDES OF CARBON & NITROGEN Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NONE =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: EYES: MAY CAUSE BURNING. INGESTION: GASTROINTESTINAL DISTURBANCES. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NONE Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: REDNESS, TEARING, BURNING, GI DISTURBANCES, NAUSEA 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 3 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYES: FLUSH THOROUGHLY W/WATER FOR 15 MINS. INGESTION: DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH IF UNCONSCIOUS. NEVER INDUCE VOMITING IF UNCONSCIOUS. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: MOP UP MATERIAL/PICK UP W/ABSORBENT MATERIAL. RINSE W/WATER. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE W/LOCAL, STATE & FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NONE Ventilation: NONE Protective Gloves: NONE Eye Protection: NONE Other Protective Equipment: NONE Suppl. Safety & Health Data: PH: 7.5-8.5. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== BRANDBRIDGE -- 2U135 THICK & PINK - LIQUID HAND SOAP MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 793000F047667 Manufacturer's CAGE: BRAND Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: 2U135 THICK & PINK =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Item Name: LIQUID HAND SOAP Company's Name: BRANDBRIDGE Company's Street: 120 BARTLETT ST Company's City: MARLBOROUGH Company's State: MA Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 01752-5000 Company's Emerg Ph #: 800-228-5635/508-787-2248 Company's Info Ph #: 508-787-2248/800-228-5635 Distributor/Vendor # 1: BALL INDUSTRIES Distributor/Vendor # 1 Cage: 12120 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 02JAN93 Safety Data Review Date: 30APR96 Preparer's Company: BRANDBRIDGE Preparer's St Or P. O. Box: 120 BARTLETT ST Preparer's City: MARLBOROUGH Preparer's State: MA Preparer's Zip Code: 01752-5000 MSDS Serial Number: BZDFX =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: WATER 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 4 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: ZC0110000 CAS Number: 7732-18-5 ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: COCONUT OIL, DIETHANOLAMINE CONDENSATE *96-1* Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1009343CO CAS Number: 8051-30-7 ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: DODECYLBENZENESULFONIC ACID DIETHANOLAMINE SALT *96-1* Ingredient Sequence Number: 03 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: DB6800000 CAS Number: 26545-53-9 =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: PEARLESCENT PINK LIQUID W/FLORAL FRAGRANCE Boiling Point: 212F Specific Gravity: 1.01 Solubility In Water: COMPLETE pH: (SUPP) =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Special Fire Fighting Proc: NONE Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Hazardous Decomp Products: OXIDES OF CARBON Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NONE =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES MAY CAUSE GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISTURBANCES. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NONE Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: EYES: REDNESS, TEARING, BURNING. INGESTION: MAY CAUSE GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISTURBANCES. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYES: FLUSH THOROUGHLY W/WATER. REMOVE ANY CONTACT LENSES. CONTINUE TO FLUSH W/WATER FOR 15 MINS. INGESTION: DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH/INDUCE VOMITING IF UNCONSCIOUS. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: MOP UP MATERIAL/PICK UP W/ABSORBENT MATERIAL. RINSE W/WATER. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE W/LOCAL, STATE & FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NONE Ventilation: NONE Protective Gloves: NONE Eye Protection: NONE 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 5 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Other Protective Equipment: NONE =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Label Status: G Common Name: 2U135 THICK & PINK MAY CAUSE GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISTURBANCES. EYES: REDNESS, TEARING, BURNING. INGESTION: MAY CAUSE GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISTURBANCES. Label Name: BRANDBRIDGE Label Street: 120 BARTLETT ST Label City: MARLBOROUGH Label State: MA Label Zip Code: 01752-5000 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-228-5635/508-787-2248 DIAL THE -- BORAXO POWDERED HAND SOAP - SOAP, BORAX MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 8520002700258 Manufacturer's CAGE: 0T7H8 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: BORAXO POWDERED HAND SOAP =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Item Name: SOAP, BORAX Company's Name: DIAL CORP THE Company's Street: 1865 DIAL TOWER Company's City: PHOENIX Company's State: AZ Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 85077-1865 Company's Emerg Ph #: 602-991-3000 Company's Info Ph #: 602-991-3000 Distributor/Vendor # 1: KUTOL PRODUCTS CO INC Distributor/Vendor # 1 Cage: 87190 Record No. For Safety Entry: 002 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 004 Status: SM Date MSDS Prepared: 24APR92 Safety Data Review Date: 05FEB93 Supply Item Manager: GSA MSDS Serial Number: BPWXD Specification Number: A-A-1543 Spec Type, Grade, Class: UNKNOWN Hazard Characteristic Code: J6 Unit Of Issue: BX Unit Of Issue Container Qty: 5 POUNDS Type Of Container: BOX Net Unit Weight: 5 POUNDS =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: SODIUM TETRABORATE, DECAHYDRATE Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 100 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: VZ2275000 CAS Number: 1303-96-4 OSHA PEL: 10 MG/M3 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 6 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... ACGIH TLV: 5 MG/M3; 9293 Other Recommended Limit: NONE RECOMMENDED =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: WHITE GRANULAR POWDER WITH SLIGHT FLORAL ODOR Boiling Point: UNKNOWN Melting Point: UNKNOWN Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): UNKNOWN Vapor Density (Air=1): UNKNOWN Specific Gravity: 0.898 (WATER=1) Decomposition Temperature: UNKNOWN Evaporation Rate And Ref: UNKNOWN Solubility In Water: MODERATE pH: 9.1 Corrosion Rate (IPY): UNKNOWN =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NONE Extinguishing Media: MEDIA APPROPRIATE FOR SURROUNDING FIRE. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS AND BUNKER GEAR. Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE Materials To Avoid: NONE Hazardous Decomp Products: NONE Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NONE =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: ORAL LD50 (RAT) IS >6810 MG/KG Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: ACUTE: INHALATION OF DUST MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. SWALLOWING VERY LARGE AMOUNTS MAY CAUSE BORON POISONING. CONTACT WITH SKIN MAY CAUSE IRRITATION AND CONJUNCTIVITS IF CONTACT WITH EYES. CHRONIC: UNKNOWN. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NO INGREDIENT OF A CONCENTRATION OF 0.1% OR GREATER IS LISTED AS A CARCINOGEN OR SUSPECTED CARCINOGEN. Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: INHALED: NOSEBLEEDS, COUGHING, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, SNEEZING,DRY MOUTH-NOSE-THROAT. EYES: REDNESS, BLURRED VISION, DISCOMFORT. SKIN: REDNESS, SWELLING, ITCHING, DISCOMFORT. INGESTED: NAUSEA, VOMITING, DIARRHEA, ABDOMINAL PAIN, HEADACHE, LETHARGY, LIGHTHEADEDNESS, CONVULSIONS, COMA, ALOPECIA, LOW URINE OUTPUT. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Emergency/First Aid Proc: INHALED: MOVE TO FRESH AIR. GIVE RESPIRATORY SUPPORT IF NEEDED. EYES: FLUSH WITH LOTS OF WATER FOR 15 MINUTES WHILE HOLDING EYELIDS OPEN. SEE DOCTOR. SKIN: FLUSH WITH WATER UNTIL MATERIAL GONE. INGESTED: FOR AMOUNTS EXCEEDING A TASTE; IMMEDIATELLY CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR A PHYSICIAN. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: SWEEP OR VACUUM. RINSE AREA WITH WATER. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDS SANITARY SEWER OR SOLID WASTE; 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 7 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... MATERIAL IS NOT A HAZARDOUS WASTE. Precautions-Handling/Storing: STORE IN DRY INDOOR AREA. PROTECT FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE. Other Precautions: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: USE NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPIRATOR FOR DUST IF AIRBORNE DUST CONCENTRATIONS OF BORAX EXCEED ESTABLISHED WORKPLACE LIMITS. USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 29 CFR 1910.134. Ventilation: USE ADEQUATE MECHANICAL VENTILATION. Protective Gloves: IF SKIN DISEASED: RUBBER Eye Protection: SAFETY GLASSES IN DUSTY CONDITIONS Other Protective Equipment: EYE WASH STATION & SAFETY SHOWER Work Hygienic Practices: WASH HANDS AFTER USE AND BEFORE EATING, DRINKING, OR SMOKING. LAUNDER CONTAMINATED CLOTHES BEFORE REUSE. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== Trans Data Review Date: 93036 DOT PSN Code: ZZZ DOT Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IMO PSN Code: ZZZ IMO Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED FOR THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IATA PSN Code: ZZZ IATA Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION AFI PSN Code: ZZZ AFI Prop. Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 05FEB93 Label Status: F Common Name: BORAXO POWDERED HAND SOAP Chronic Hazard: NO Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: INHALATION OF DUST MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. SWALLOWING VERY LARGE AMOUNTS MAY CAUSE BORON POISONING. CONTACT WITH SKIN MAY CAUSE IRRITATION AND CONJUNCTIVITS IF CONTACT WITH INHALED: MOVE TO FRESH AIR. GIVE RESPIRATORY SUPPORT IF NEEDED. EYES: FLUSH WITH LOTS OF WATER FOR 15 MINUTES WHILE HOLDING EYELIDS OPEN. SEE DOCTOR. SKIN: FLUSH WITH WATER UNTIL MATERIAL GONE. INGESTED: FOR AMOUNTS EXCEEDING A TASTE; IMMEDIATELLY CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR A PHYSICIAN. Label Name: DIAL CORP THE Label Street: 1865 DIAL TOWER Label City: PHOENIX Label State: AZ Label Zip Code: 85077-1865 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 602-991-3000 RIVER SIDE MANUFACTURING -- PINK SOAP - HAND CLEANER MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 8520005279942 Manufacturer's CAGE: 0ZRN3 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: PINK SOAP =========================================================================== General Information 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 8 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... =========================================================================== Item Name: HAND CLEANER Company's Name: RIVER SIDE MANUFACTURING Company's Street: 10390 BERMUDA CT. Company's City: MOHAVE VALLEY Company's State: AZ Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 86440 Company's Emerg Ph #: 602-768-7393 Company's Info Ph #: 602-768-1771 Record No. For Safety Entry: 005 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 010 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 08NOV94 Safety Data Review Date: 07MAY97 Supply Item Manager: CX MSDS Preparer's Name: L LIVELY Preparer's Company: RIVER SIDE MANUFACTURING Preparer's St Or P. O. Box: 10390 BERMUDA CT Preparer's City: MOHAVE VALLEY Preparer's State: AZ Preparer's Zip Code: 86440 MSDS Serial Number: CBTNV Specification Number: A-A-268 Hazard Characteristic Code: N1 Unit Of Issue: PT Unit Of Issue Container Qty: 1 PT CN Type Of Container: NK Net Unit Weight: NK Net Explosive Weight: NK Coast Guard Ammunition Code: NK =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: NONHAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1000314NH Other Recommended Limit: NONE SPECIFIED =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: PINK LIQUID, MILD ODOR Boiling Point: 200F,93C Melting Point: NA Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): 25 Vapor Density (Air=1): 4.3 Specific Gravity: .98 (WATER=1) Solubility In Water: 100% Percent Volatiles By Volume: NA Viscosity: NK pH: 5.5+ Radioactivity: NK Autoignition Temperature: NK =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NONE Lower Explosive Limit: NONE Upper Explosive Limit: NONE =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE Materials To Avoid: NONE Hazardous Decomp Products: THERMAL DECOMPOSITION MAY PRODUCE CO, AND CO2. 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 9 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NONE =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== Route Of Entry - Skin: YES Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: DIRECT EYE CONTACT WITH LIQUID MAY CAUSE IRRITATION. DIRECT CONTACT WITH DELICATE BODY PARTS CAN CAUSE IRRITATION. Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: IRRITATION OF EYES AND DELICATE BODY PARTS. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE KNOWN. Emergency/First Aid Proc: FLUSH IRRITATED AREA WITH LARGE QUANTITIES OF WATER. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: ABSORB W/INERT MATERIAL. MOP & DISPOSE OF IN NORMAL MANNER. Neutralizing Agent: WATER Waste Disposal Method: WASH TO SEWER. Precautions-Handling/Storing: NORMAL STORAGE AND HANDLING PROCEDURES. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NONE Ventilation: NA Protective Gloves: NA Eye Protection: NA Other Protective Equipment: NA Work Hygienic Practices: NA =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== Trans Data Review Date: 96194 DOT PSN Code: ZZZ DOT Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION DOT/DoD Exemption Number: NK IMO PSN Code: ZZZ IMO Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED FOR THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IATA PSN Code: ZZZ IATA Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION AFI PSN Code: ZZZ AFI Prop. Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION MMAC Code: NK N.O.S. Shipping Name: NK Additional Trans Data: NK =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== S C JOHNSON WAX -- SOFT CARE ANTISEPTIC HAND SOAP , 15510-9 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 852000N057218 Manufacturer's CAGE: 32204 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: SOFT CARE ANTISEPTIC HAND SOAP, 15510-9 =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: S C JOHNSON WAX Company's Street: 1525 HOWE ST Company's City: RACINE Company's State: WI Company's Country: US 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 10 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Company's Zip Code: 53403-5011 Company's Emerg Ph #: 800-228-5635 Company's Info Ph #: 414-631-2777 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 29JUN90 Safety Data Review Date: 09FEB95 MSDS Preparer's Name: TERRY A MEYERS Preparer's Company: SAME MSDS Serial Number: BWPNB =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: PARACHLOROMETAXYLENOL Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: <1 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: NK CAS Number: 5538-41-0 OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: WATER Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: <99 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: ZC0110000 CAS Number: 7732-18-5 OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: SURFACTANTS (TYPE NOT SPECIFIED) Ingredient Sequence Number: 03 Percent: <99 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1001310SA OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: CLEAR BLUE GREEN LIQUID WITH MILD DETERGENT ODOR. Boiling Point: >200F,>93C Melting Point: 32.0F,0.0C Vapor Density (Air=1): SUP DAT Specific Gravity: 1.01 (H*2O=1) Solubility In Water: COMPLETE Percent Volatiles By Volume: N/A pH: 6-7.2 =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NOT APPLICABLE Lower Explosive Limit: N/A Upper Explosive Limit: N/A Extinguishing Media: FOAM, CO*2, DRY CHEMICAL, WATER FOG. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA & FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NO SPECIAL HAZARDS KNOWN. CONTAINER MAY MELT AND LEAK IN HEAT OF FIRE. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE KNOWN. Materials To Avoid: NONE KNOWN. 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 11 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Hazardous Decomp Products: WHEN EXPOSED TO FIRE, PRODUCES NORMAL PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT RELEVANT =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: DIRECT CONTACT OF PRODUCT WITH EYES CAN CAUSE IRRITATION. PRODUCT MAY CAUSE IRRITATION AND NAUSEA IF TAKEN INTERNALLY. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: SEE HEALTH HAZARDS. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Emergency/First Aid Proc: INHALATION:REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. SUPPORT BREATHING (GIVE O*2/ARTF RESP) (FP N). EYES:FLUSH WITH WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL AID. INGESTION:DRINK LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER OR MILK AND SEEK MEDICAL AID. SKIN: NOT APPLICABLE. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: RINSE AFFECTED AREA THOROUGHLY WITH WATER. DIKE LARGE SPILLS. ABSORB WITH OIL-DRI OR SIMILAR INERT MATERIAL. SWEEP OR SCRAPE UP AND CONTAINERIZE. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: NO SPECIAL METHOD. OBSERVE ALL APPLIC FED/STATE REGS LOC ORDINANCES REGARDING DISP OF NON-HAZ MATLS. WASTE FROM NORM PROD USE MAY BE SEWERED TO A PUBLIC OWNED TREATMENT WORKS (POTW) IN COMPLIANCE W/APPLIC FED, STATE & LOC PROTREATMENT REQUIRMENTS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: KEEP FROM FREEZING. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Other Precautions: FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: USE NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPIRATOR APPROPRIATE FOR EXPOSURE OF CONCERN (FP N). Ventilation: NO SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. Protective Gloves: NOT REQUIRED UNDER NORMAL USE. Eye Protection: ANSI APPROVED CHEM SAFETY GOGGLES (FP N) Other Protective Equipment: NO SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS UNDER NORMAL USE CONDITIONS. Work Hygienic Practices: USE GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICE. WASH THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: VAP DENS:SAME AS WATER. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 09FEB95 Label Date: 09FEB95 Label Status: G Common Name: SOFT CARE ANTISEPTIC HAND SOAP, 15510-9 Chronic Hazard: NO Signal Word: CAUTION! 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 12 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: ACUTE:DIRECT CONTACT OF PRODUCT WITH EYES CAN CAUSE IRRITATION. PRODUCT MAY CAUSE IRRITATION AND NAUSEA IF TAKEN INTERNALLY. CHRONIC:NONE LISTED BY MANUFACTURER. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: S C JOHNSON WAX Label Street: 1525 HOWE ST Label City: RACINE Label State: WI Label Zip Code: 53403-5011 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-228-5635 ZEP MFG -- E-Z HAND SOAP, 0920 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 793000N055390 Manufacturer's CAGE: 27674 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: E-Z HAND SOAP, 0920 =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: ZEP MFG CO Company's P. O. Box: 2015 Company's City: ATLANTA Company's State: GA Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 30301 Company's Emerg Ph #: 800-424-9300 (CHEMTREC) Company's Info Ph #: 404-352-1680 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 30NOV92 Safety Data Review Date: 13OCT95 MSDS Serial Number: BWDHC Hazard Characteristic Code: N1 =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: SODIUM ALPHA OLEFIN SULFONATE; (ALPHA OLEFIN SULFONATE, SODIUM SALT) Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 5-10 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1005616SA CAS Number: 68439-57-6 OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: 3,5-XYLENOL, 4-CHLORO-; (4-CHLORO-3, 5-DIMETHYL-PHENOL ** PARA-CHLORO-META-XYLENOL) Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: <5 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: ZE6850000 CAS Number: 88-04-0 OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 13 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Appearance And Odor: CLEAR, SLIGHTLY AMBER LIQUID WITH PHENOLIC ODOR. Boiling Point: 215F,102C Specific Gravity: 1.0 Solubility In Water: COMPLETE Percent Volatiles By Volume: 18 pH: 7-8 =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NOT APPLICABLE Lower Explosive Limit: N/A Upper Explosive Limit: N/A Extinguishing Media: NON-COMBUSTIBLE. MEDIA SUITABLE FOR SURROUNDING FIRE (FP N). Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA & FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Materials To Avoid: NONE Hazardous Decomp Products: CHLORINE GAS. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT RELEVANT =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO Health Haz Acute And Chronic: ACUTE:THIS PRODUCT CAN BE AN EYE IRRITANT. INFLAMMATION OF EYE TISSUE IS CHARACTERIZED BY REDNESS, WATERING, AND/OR ITCHING. CHRONIC:PROLONGED SKIN CONTACT (4-8 HRS), WITHOUT RINSING, MAY RESULT IN IRRITATION CHARACTERIZED BY ITCHING OR REDDENING OF THE SKIN. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: SEE HEALTH HAZARDS. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NO MEDICAL CONDITIONS ARE KNOWN TO BE AGGRAVATED BY OVEREXPOSURE TO THIS PRODUCT OR INGREDIENTS IN THIS PRODUCT. Emergency/First Aid Proc: SKIN:THIS PROD IS FORMULATED FOR USE ON SKIN, BUT IT SHOULD BE RINSED OFF WITH WATER. EYES:IMMED FLUSH EYES WITH PLENTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES, OCCAS LIFTING UPPER AND LOWER LIDS. GET MED ATTN AT ONCE. INHAL:THIS ROUTE OF EXPOSURE IS NOT LIKELY DUE TO PROD NATURE. INGEST:IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. IF VICTIM IS CONSCIOUS GIVE PLENTY OF WATER TO DRINK. GET MED ATTN AT ONCE. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: OBSERVE SFTY PROC IN FIRST AID PROC & HNDLG & STOR PREC DURING CLEAN-UP. ABSORB SPILL ON INERT ABSORB MATL (EG ZEP-OZORB). PICK UP & PLACE RESIDUE IN A SUITABLE WASTE CNTNR/, IF PERMITTED, FLUSH TO SEWER. THOROUGHLY RINSE SPILL AREA WITH WATER. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: LIQ WASTES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN LANDFILLS. THIS PROD IS NOT CONSIDERED A HAZ WASTE UNDER RCRA. UNUSABLE LIQ MAY BE ABSORB ON AN INERT ABSORB MATL (EG ZEP-O-ZORB), DRUMMED, & TAKEN TO A CHEM/INDUS LANDFILL. IN SOME AREAS DISP BY FLUSHING INTO (SUPDAT) Precautions-Handling/Storing: STORE TIGHTLY CLOSED CONTAINER IN A DRY AREA AT TEMPS BETWEEN 40-120F. Other Precautions: KEEP PRODUCT OUT OF EYES. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. =========================================================================== 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Hand Soaps 14 of 14 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NO SPECIAL MEASURES REQUIRED. USE NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPIRATOR APPROPRIATE FOR EXPOSURE OF CONCERN (FP N). Ventilation: NO SPECIAL MEASURES ARE REQUIRED. Protective Gloves: NO SPECIAL MEASURES REQUIRED. Eye Protection: ANSI APPROVED CHEM WORKERS GOGGS (FP N). Other Protective Equipment: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Work Hygienic Practices: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: WASTE DISP METH:A SANITARY SEWER WITH PLENTY OF WATER MAY BE PERMISSIBLE. CONSULT LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL AGENCIES FOR PROPER DISPOSAL METHOD IN YOUR AREA. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 16NOV94 Label Status: G Common Name: E-Z HAND SOAP, 0920 Chronic Hazard: YES Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-None: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: AVOID EYE CONTACT. ACUTE:THIS PRODUCT CAN BE AN EYE IRRITANT. INFLAMMATION OF EYE TISSUE IS CHARACTERIZED BY REDNESS, WATERING, AND/OR ITCHING. CHRONIC:PROLONGED SKIN CONTACT (4-8 HRS), WITHOUT RINSING, MAY RESULT IN IRRITATION CHARACTERIZED BY ITCHING OR REDDENING OF THE SKIN. Label Name: ZEP MFG CO Label P.O. Box: 2015 Label City: ATLANTA Label State: GA Label Zip Code: 30301 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-424-9300 (CHEMTREC) back to top Copyright © 2000 National Science Teachers Association. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2000 NSTA www.nsta.org 3/26/2008 5:43 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 1 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... To print this page, select "Print" from the File menu of your browser Visit the Copyright Clearance Center to obtain permission for approved uses << back The Science Teacher November 2000 Online Extension Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo back to MSDS information Shampoo JOHNSON & JOHNSON -- JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO NEXXUS PRODUCTS -- DIAMETRESS SHAMPOO EUROBATH GEL - HAIR & BODY SHAMPOO HARTZ MOUNTAIN -- 2 IN 1 RID FLEA SHAMPOO S C JOHNSON WAX -- ENHANCE HAIR AND BODY SHAMPOO JOHNSON & JOHNSON -- JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 852000F039254 Manufacturer's CAGE: 1R840 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: JOHNSON AND JOHNSON Company's Street: GRANDVIEW RD Company's City: SKILLMAN Company's State: NJ Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 08558-5000 Company's Emerg Ph #: 201-874-1000/800-526-3967 Company's Info Ph #: 201-874-1000/800-526-3967 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 11MAY93 Safety Data Review Date: 06APR95 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 2 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Preparer's Company: JOHNSON AND JOHNSON Preparer's St Or P. O. Box: GRANDVIEW RD Preparer's City: SKILLMAN Preparer's State: NJ Preparer's Zip Code: 08558-5000 MSDS Serial Number: BWWQH =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: GLYCERINE, 1,2,3,-TRIHYDROXYPROPANE, GLYCEROL, ANHYDROUS GLYCERINE, GLYCERIN Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 2 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: MA8050000 CAS Number: 56-81-5 OSHA PEL: 15 MG/CUM (DUST) ACGIH TLV: 10 MG/CUM (VAPOR) ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PLASTICIZER) Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1003262PC OSHA PEL: 5 MG/CUM ACGIH TLV: 10 MG/CUM =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: LIGHT YELLOW VISCOUS LIQUID W/FRAGRANT, CHARATERISTIC ODOR Solubility In Water: COMPLETE pH: 6-6.5 =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Extinguishing Media: USE APPROPRIATE MEDIA FOR SURROUNDING FIRE. Special Fire Fighting Proc: NO SPECIAL PROCEDURES ARE NECESSARY Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: PRODUCT WILL NOT BURN. PACKAGING MATERIALS MAY BURN IF IGNITED. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Hazardous Decomp Products: POLYVINYL CHLORIDE EMITS HYDROGEN CHLORIDE & CO. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO Health Haz Acute And Chronic: INGESTION MAY CAUSE SLIGHT DIARRHEA. MASSIVE INHALATION OF GLYCERIN MIST FOLLOWING ACCIDENTAL INGESTION MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NONE Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: INGESTION MAY CAUSE SLIGHT DIARRHEA. MASSIVE INHALATION OF GLYCERIN MIST FOLLOWING ACCIDENTAL INGESTION MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYES: FLUSH W/WATER. INGESTION: ENCOURAGE FLUID INTAKE. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 3 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Steps If Matl Released/Spill: NO SPECIAL CLEANUP PROCEDURE IS NECESSARY. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSE OF IAW/FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: PLASTIC CONTAINERS MAY EMIT TOXIC FUMES & VAPORS WHEN BURNED, AVOID INHALATION. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NO RESPIRTORY PROTECTION IS REQUIRED UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Ventilation: GENERAL ROOM Protective Gloves: NOT REQUIRED Eye Protection: NOT REQUIRED Other Protective Equipment: NO OTHER SPECIAL EQUIPMENT IS NECESSARY. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Label Status: G Common Name: JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO Special Hazard Precautions: INGESTION MAY CAUSE SLIGHT DIARRHEA. MASSIVE INHALATION OF GLYCERIN MIST FOLLOWING ACCIDENTAL INGESTION MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. INGESTION MAY CAUSE SLIGHT DIARRHEA. MASSIVE INHALATION OF GLYCERIN MIST FOLLOWING ACCIDENTAL INGESTION MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY IRRITATION. Label Name: JOHNSON AND JOHNSON Label Street: GRANDVIEW RD Label City: SKILLMAN Label State: NJ Label Zip Code: 08558-5000 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 201-874-1000/800-526-3967 NEXXUS PRODUCTS -- DIAMETRESS SHAMPOO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 851000N041145 Manufacturer's CAGE: NEXXU Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: DIAMETRESS SHAMPOO =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: NEXXUS PRODUCTS CO Company's Street: 82 COROMAR DR Company's City: SANTA BARBARA Company's State: CA Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 93117 Company's Emerg Ph #: 805-968-6900 Company's Info Ph #: 805-968-6900 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 01APR89 Safety Data Review Date: 19APR93 MSDS Serial Number: BSQNQ Hazard Characteristic Code: NK =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: NON HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 4 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1000314NH OSHA PEL: NOT APPLICABLE ACGIH TLV: NOT APPLICABLE =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: GOLDEN YELLOW LIQUID WITH TIGRESS SCENT. Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): N/A Specific Gravity: 1.04 Solubility In Water: COMPLETE =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NOT APPLICABLE Extinguishing Media: NON-FLAMMABLE. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA SUITABLE FOR SURROUNDING FIRE (FP N). Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA AND FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Materials To Avoid: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Hazardous Decomp Products: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT RELEVANT =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO Health Haz Acute And Chronic: NON-TOXIC. MAY BE AN EYE OR SKIN IRRITANT WITH PROLONGED OR RPTD CONTACT. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: SEE HEALTH HAZARDS. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYE: FLUSH WITH WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MIN. IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL ADVISE. SKIN: FLUSH WITH COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF WATER. CALL MD (FP N). INHAL: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. SUPPORT BREATHING (GIVE O*2/ARTF RESP)(FP N). INGEST: GET MD IMMEDIATELY (FP N). =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSE OF ALL WASTES IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS (FP N). Precautions-Handling/Storing: USE LATEX OR OTHER TYPE OF GLOVE IF SKIN IRRITATION IS A PROBLEM. Other Precautions: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPIRATOR APPROPRIATE FOR EXPOSURE OF CONCERN (FP N). Ventilation: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Protective Gloves: LATEX GLOVES. Eye Protection: ANSI APRV CHEMICAL WORKERS GOGGLES (FP N Other Protective Equipment: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 5 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Work Hygienic Practices: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 19APR93 Label Date: 02APR93 Label Status: G Common Name: DIAMETRESS SHAMPOO Chronic Hazard: NO Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-None: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: ACUTE: NON-TOXIC. MAY BE AN EYE OR SKIN IRRITANT WITH PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT. CHRONIC: NONE LISTED BY MANUFACTURER. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Label Name: NEXXUS PRODUCTS CO Label Street: 82 COROMAR DR Label City: SANTA BARBAR Label State: CA Label Zip Code: 93117 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 805-968-6900 SANI-FRESH INTERNATIONAL -- EUROBATH GEL - HAIR & BODY SHAMPOO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 852000F025333 Manufacturer's CAGE: 59943 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: EUROBATH GEL =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Item Name: HAIR & BODY SHAMPOO Company's Name: SANI-FRESH INTERNATIONAL Company's Street: 4702 GOLDFIELD Company's City: SAN ANTONIO Company's State: TX Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 78218-4603 Company's Emerg Ph #: (512) 661-5374 Company's Info Ph #: (512) 661-5374 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 002 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 21JUN91 Safety Data Review Date: 15SEP92 Preparer's Company: SANI-FRESH INTERNATIONAL Preparer's St Or P. O. Box: 4702 GOLDFIELD Preparer's City: SAN ANTONIO Preparer's State: TX Preparer's Zip Code: 78218-4603 MSDS Serial Number: BNZRD =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 6 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Proprietary: NO Ingredient: AMMONIUM LAURYL ETHER SULFATE Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 10-20% NIOSH (RTECS) Number: MD0100000 CAS Number: 32612-48-9 ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: COCAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE *92-2* Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: 5-15% NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1007746CB CAS Number: 61789-40-0 OSHA PEL: N/A ACGIH TLV: N/A Other Recommended Limit: N/A ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: SULFONIC ACIDS, C14-16-ALKANE HYDROXY & C14-16-ALKENE, SODIUM SALTS, SODIUM ALPHA OLEFIN SULFONATE *92-2* Ingredient Sequence Number: 03 Percent: 5-15% NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1005265SA CAS Number: 68439-57-6 ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: AMMONIUM CHLORIDE Ingredient Sequence Number: 04 Percent: <5% NIOSH (RTECS) Number: BP4550000 CAS Number: 12125-02-9 OSHA PEL: 10 MG/CUM ACGIH TLV: 10 MG/CUM ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: NON-HAZARDOUS FOR INGREDIENTS Ingredient Sequence Number: 05 Percent: BALANCE NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1000314NH =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: GOLD GEL W/CITRUS FLORAL ODOR. Boiling Point: >212F Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): <18 Vapor Density (Air=1): <1 Specific Gravity: 1.015-1.025 Evaporation Rate And Ref: (BU AC = 1): <1 Solubility In Water: COMPLETE Percent Volatiles By Volume: <10% pH: 5-6 =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Extinguishing Media: USE MEDIA SUITABLE FOR SURROUNDING MATERIALS. Special Fire Fighting Proc: NO SPECIAL PROCEDURES REQUIRED. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE UNDER NORMAL USE CONDITIONS. Materials To Avoid: STRONG OXIDIZERS Hazardous Decomp Products: CO, CO2, TRACES OF AMMONIUM CHLORIDE FUME Hazardous Poly Occur: NO =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 7 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES Route Of Entry - Skin: YES Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES IRRITATION. EYES: BURNING & IRRITATION. INGESTION: NAUSEA. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NONE IRRITATION. EYES: BURNING & IRRITATION. INGESTION: NAUSEA. FLUSH W/PLENTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINS. INGESTION: OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: CLEAN UP W/ABOSRBENT MATERIAL. CLEAN UP SPILLS IMMEDIATELY. Waste Disposal Method: FLUSH WASTE TO SEWER W/PLENTY OF WATER IN ACCORDANCE W/LOCAL, STATE, & FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: STORE BETWEEN 40-100F. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NOT NORMALLY REQUIRED. IF >TLV OR FOR SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE, USE A NIOSH APPROVED DUST/MIST RESPIRATOR. Ventilation: ADEQUATE GENERAL DILUTION VENTILATION Eye Protection: AS REQUIRED. Work Hygienic Practices: CLEAN-UP SPILLS IMMEDIATELY. PRACTICE GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 15SEP92 Label Date: 14SEP92 Label Status: F Common Name: EUROBATH GEL Chronic Hazard: YES Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X EPICHLOROHYDRIN IS A SUSPECTED A2 HUMAN CARCINOGEN BY ACGIH, IARC, & NTP. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: SANI-FRESH INTERNATIONAL Label Street: 4702 GOLDFIELD Label City: SAN ANTONIO Label State: TX Label Zip Code: 78218-4603 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: (512) 661-5374 Year Procured: UNK HARTZ MOUNTAIN -- 2 IN 1 RID FLEA SHAMPOO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 684000B080012 Manufacturer's CAGE: HARTZ Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: 2 IN 1 RID FLEA SHAMPOO 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 8 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: HARTZ MOUNTAIN CORPORATION Company's Street: 700 FRANK E. RODGERS BLVD., SOUTH Company's City: HARRISON Company's State: NJ Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 07029 Company's Emerg Ph #: 201-481-4800 Company's Info Ph #: 201-481-4800 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 24OCT90 Safety Data Review Date: 15NOV94 Supply Item Manager: CX MSDS Serial Number: BMTBY Hazard Characteristic Code: N1 =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: D-TRANS ALLETHRIN; PYNAMIN; ALLYL CINERIN Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: <1% OSHA PEL: NOT ESTABLISHED. ACGIH TLV: NOT ESTABLISHED Other Recommended Limit: NONE SPECIFIED ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: MGK 265 (INSECTICIDE SYNERGIST); -OCTYL BICYCLOHEPTENE DICARBOXIMIDE Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: <1% OSHA PEL: NOT ESTABLISHED ACGIH TLV: NOT ESTABLISHED Other Recommended Limit: NONE SPECIFIED ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: PROPYLENE GLYCOL; 1, 2-PROPENEDIOL; 1, 2-DIHYDROXY PROPANE METHYGLYCOL Ingredient Sequence Number: 03 Percent: 1-10% OSHA PEL: NOT ESTABLISHED ACGIH TLV: NOT ESTABLISHED Other Recommended Limit: NONE SPECIFIED ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: SURFACTANT BLEND RF Ingredient Sequence Number: 04 Percent: 30% OSHA PEL: NOT ESTABLISHED ACGIH TLV: NOT ESTABLISHED Other Recommended Limit: NONE SPECIFIED ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: NATROSAL 250 HR; CELLULOSE ETHER; 2-HYDROXYETHYL ETHER Ingredient Sequence Number: 05 Percent: 1% OSHA PEL: NOT ESTABLISHED ACGIH TLV: NOT ESTABLISHED Other Recommended Limit: NONE SPECIFIED =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: CLEAR, GREEN LIQUID. 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 9 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Boiling Point: 212F,100C Specific Gravity: 1.0 Decomposition Temperature: UNKNOWN Solubility In Water: SOLUBLE Corrosion Rate (IPY): UNKNOWN =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NONE Extinguishing Media: WATER, CO2, FOAM, DRY CHEMICAL. Special Fire Fighting Proc: TOXIC GASES MAY BE RELEASED UPON THERMAL DECOMPOSITION. USE SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: WATER OR FOAM MAY CAUSE FROTHING. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): HIGH TEMPERATURES. Materials To Avoid: STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS Hazardous Decomp Products: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT APPLICABLE =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: YES Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: PROLONGED DIRECT SKIN CONTACT MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION. DIRECT CONTACT WITH EYES WILL CAUSE IRRITATION. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: THIS COMPOUND CONTAINS NO INGREDIENTS AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.1% OR GREATER THAT ARE CARCINOGENS OR SUSPECT CARCINOGENS. Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. PROMPTLY FLUSH EYES WITH WATER FOR 15 MIN., SEEK MEDICAL AID IMMEDIATELY. SKIN: PROMPTLY WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND WATER, RINSE THOROUGHLY. IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL AID. INGESTION: INDUCE VOMITING AND CALL A PHYSICIAN. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: WEAR RUBBER GLOVES AND EYE PROTECTION. FLUSH WITH EXCESS WATER IF SMALL SPILL. CONTAIN LARGER SPILLS WITH VERMICULITE OR OTHER NON-FLAMMABLE ABSORBENT. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AS A CONSUMER GOODS PRODUCT CONTAINING A PESTICIDE. Precautions-Handling/Storing: DO NOT STORE NEAR FOOD OR FEED STUFFS. Other Precautions: AVOID SKIN AND EYE CONTACT. WASH HANDS AFTER HANDLING. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Ventilation: USE WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION. Protective Gloves: RUBBER GLOVES. Eye Protection: GOGGLES OR FACE SHIELD (OPTIONAL) Other Protective Equipment: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Work Hygienic Practices: WASH THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING AND BEFORE EATING, DRINKING OR SMOKING. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: DO NOT GET ON SKIN OR IN EYES. READ PRECAUTIONS ON LABEL BEFORE USE. =========================================================================== 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 10 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: NO Label Status: X Common Name: LABEL COVERED UNDER EPA REGS - HAZCOM LABEL NOT AUTHORIZED S C JOHNSON WAX -- ENHANCE HAIR AND BODY SHAMPOO, 15532-2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 852000N046672 Manufacturer's CAGE: 32204 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: ENHANCE HAIR AND BODY SHAMPOO, 15532-2 =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: S C JOHNSON WAX Company's Street: 1525 HOWE ST Company's City: RACINE Company's State: WI Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 53403-5011 Company's Emerg Ph #: 800-228-5635 Company's Info Ph #: 414-631-2777 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 27AUG91 Safety Data Review Date: 04OCT95 MSDS Serial Number: BSJTG Hazard Characteristic Code: T6 =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: SULFURIC ACID, MONODODECYL ESTER, AMMONIUM SALT; (AMMONIUM LAURYL SULFATE) Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 1-5 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: WT0825000 CAS Number: 2235-54-3 OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: GLYCOLS, POLYETHYLENE, DODECYL ETHER, MONOSULFONATE, AMMONIUM SALT; (AMMONIUM LAURYL ETHER SULFATE) Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: 1-5 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: MD0100000 CAS Number: 32612-48-9 OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: WATER Ingredient Sequence Number: 03 Percent: 90-99 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: ZC0110000 CAS Number: 7732-18-5 OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 11 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: ACRYLIC POLYMER Ingredient Sequence Number: 04 Percent: 1-3 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1001265AP OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) ------------------------------------Proprietary: NO Ingredient: COCAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE Ingredient Sequence Number: 05 Percent: UNDER 1 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1007217CB CAS Number: 61789-40-0 OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: AMBER CLEAR LIQUID Boiling Point: >200F,>93C Specific Gravity: 1.01(H2O=1) Solubility In Water: COMPLETE pH: SUPDAT =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NOT APPLICABLE Lower Explosive Limit: N/A Upper Explosive Limit: N/A Extinguishing Media: FOAM, CO2, DRY CHEMICAL, WATER FOG. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA AND FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NO SPECIAL HAZARDS KNOWN. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE KNOWN. Materials To Avoid: NONE KNOWN. Hazardous Decomp Products: WHEN EXPOSED TO FIRE, PRODUCES NORMAL PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT RELEVANT =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO Health Haz Acute And Chronic: ACUTE: DIRECT CONTACT OF PRODUCT WITH EYES MAY CAUSE IRRITATION. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: SEE HEALTH HAZARDS. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYE: FLUSH WITH WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL AID. SKIN: FLUSH WITH COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF WATER. CALL MD (FP N). INHAL: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. SUPPORT BRTHG (GIVE O2/ARTF RESP) (FP N). INGEST: CALL MD IMMED (FP N). =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 12 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: ABSORB WITH OIL-DRI OR SIMILAR INERT MATERIAL. SWEEP/SCRAPE UP AND CONTAINERIZE. RINSE AFFECTED AREA THOROUGHLY WITH WATER. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: NO SPECIAL METH. OBSERVE ALL APPLIC FED/ST REGS & LOC ORDINANCES REGARDING DISP OF NON-HAZ MATLS. WASTE FROM NORMAL PRODUCT USE MAY BE SEWERED TO A PUBLIC-OWNED TRTMT WORKS (POTW) IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLIC FED, ST, & LOC PRETREATMENT REQUIREMENTS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: AVOID CONTACT W/EYES. Other Precautions: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: N/A. Ventilation: GENERAL ROOM VENTILATION ADEQUATE. Protective Gloves: N/A. Eye Protection: N/A. Other Protective Equipment: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Work Hygienic Practices: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: PH: 6.5-7.2. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 17DEC93 Label Date: 17DEC93 Label Status: G Common Name: ENHANCE HAIR AND BODY SHAMPOO, 15532-2 Chronic Hazard: NO Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: ACUTE: DIRECT CONTACT OF PRODUCT WITH EYES MAY CAUSE IRRITATION. CHRONIC: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: S C JOHNSON WAX Label Street: 1525 HOWE ST Label City: RACINE Label State: WI Label Zip Code: 53403-5011 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-228-5635 back to top Copyright © 2000 National Science Teachers Association. All rights reserved. 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Shampoo 13 of 13 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Copyright © 2000 NSTA www.nsta.org 3/26/2008 5:44 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 1 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... To print this page, select "Print" from the File menu of your browser Visit the Copyright Clearance Center to obtain permission for approved uses << back The Science Teacher November 2000 Online Extension Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid back to MSDS information Dishwashing liquid PALMOLIVE PLUS DISHWASHING LIQUID DAWN LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT DOVE LIGHT DUTY LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT SUNLIGHT LIGHT DUTY LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT ULTRA IVORY LIQUID (CLEAR DISHWASHING LIQUID) COLGATE-PALMOLIVE -- PALMOLIVE PLUS DISHWASHING LIQUID, 46000 - DISHWASHING COMPOUND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 7930013791422 Manufacturer's CAGE: 03617 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: PALMOLIVE PLUS DISHWASHING LIQUID, 46000 =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Item Name: DISHWASHING COMPOUND Company's Name: COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO Company's Street: 300 PARK AVE Company's City: NEW YORK Company's State: NY Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 10022 Company's Emerg Ph #: 800-424-9300(CHEMTREC) Company's Info Ph #: 412-692-5596 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 01DEC93 Safety Data Review Date: 08MAY95 MSDS Serial Number: BXJZX =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: NON-HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 2 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1000314NH OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: SYRUPY, CLEAR, GREEN LIQUID WITH MILD FLORAL OR LEMON ODOR. Boiling Point: N/A Melting Point: N/A Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): N/A Vapor Density (Air=1): N/A Specific Gravity: 1.05 +/- 0.02 Evaporation Rate And Ref: NOT APPLICABLE Solubility In Water: COMPLETELY SOLUBLE pH: SUPDAT =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NOT FLAMMABLE Extinguishing Media: NOT APPLICABLE. USE WATER, CO*2, FOAM, DRY CHEMICAL IF CASE LOTS OF PRODUCT (PACKAGING) ARE AFIRE. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA & FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE KNOWN. Materials To Avoid: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Hazardous Decomp Products: NONE KNOWN. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT RELEVANT =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO Health Haz Acute And Chronic: THIS MIXTURE HAS NOT BEEN TESTED AS A WHOLE. MAY CAUSE IRRITATION UPON PROLONGED CONTACT. INHALATION:NONE KNOWN. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: SEE HEALTH HAZARDS. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NOT KNOWN. Emergency/First Aid Proc: INHAL:REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. SUPPORT BREATHING (GIVE O*2/ARTF RESP) (FP N). EXPECT NO PROBLEMS. INGESTION:IF YOU EAT/DRINK THIS, YOUR MAY THROW UP. DRINK SIPS OF WATER/MILK. IF VOMIT CONTINUES, CALL POIS CTR/MD. EYES:POUR WARM WATER FOR AT LST 15 MIN. IF YOUR EYE STILL BOTHERS YOU, CALL POIS CTR/MD. SKIN:IF IRRIT OCCURS, DISCONTINUE USE OF PROD UNLESS PREC MEASURES ARE USED (RUBB/PLASTIC GLOVES. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: SMALL SPILLS CAN BE WIPED UP WITH A CLOTH, PAPER OR STANDARD ABSORBENTS (SAWDUST, VERMICULITE) OR VACUUMED UP. RINSE AREA THOROUGHLY WITH WATER. BE ALERT FOR SLIPPERY SURFACES. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSAL MUST BE I/A/W FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS (FP N). PREFERRED METHOD IS TO USE THE PRODUCT FOR INDICATED PURPOSE. EMPTY CONTAINERS MAY BE DISPOSED AS CONVENTIONAL WASTE. Precautions-Handling/Storing: STORE IN COOL, DRY PLACE (40F-125F). Other Precautions: UNDER NORMAL PRODUCT USE, NO SPECIAL PROTECTION FOR EYES/SKIN IS REQUIRED. PROLONGED DAILY DISHWASHING WITH ANY DETERGENT MAY CAUSE IRRITATION OF THE HANDS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: USE NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPIRATOR APPROPRIATE FOR EXPOSURE OF CONCERN (FP N). Ventilation: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 3 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Protective Gloves: RUBBER OR PLASTIC GLOVES. Eye Protection: ANSI APPROVED CHEM WORKERS GOGGS (FP N). Other Protective Equipment: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Work Hygienic Practices: AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: PH:7.2 +/- 0.3 (1% SOLUTION). =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== Trans Data Review Date: 95258 DOT PSN Code: ZZZ DOT Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IMO PSN Code: ZZZ IMO Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED FOR THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IATA PSN Code: ZZZ IATA Proper Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION AFI PSN Code: ZZZ AFI Prop. Shipping Name: NOT REGULATED BY THIS MODE OF TRANSPORTATION =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 08MAY95 Label Status: G Common Name: PALMOLIVE PLUS DISHWASHING LIQUID, 46000 Chronic Hazard: NO Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: ACUTE:INGESTION:NAUSEA, VOMITING AND DIARRHEA. EYES:IRRITANT UPON CONTACT. SKIN:MAY CAUSE IRRITATION UPON PROLONGED CONTACT. CHRONIC:NONE LISTED BY MANUFACTURER. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO Label Street: 300 PARK AVE Label City: NEW YORK Label State: NY Label Zip Code: 10022 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-424-9300(CHEMTREC) PROCTER & GAMBLE -- DAWN LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 793000N018770 Manufacturer's CAGE: 74188 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: DAWN LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: PROCTER & GAMBLE Company's Street: 301 E SIXTH ST Company's P. O. Box: 599 Company's City: CINCINNATI Company's State: OH Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 45201 Company's Emerg Ph #: 800-543-0485 Company's Info Ph #: 800-543-0485 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 002 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 26JUL88 Safety Data Review Date: 17APR95 MSDS Serial Number: BLFYH Hazard Characteristic Code: F4 =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: ETHYL ALCOHOL (ETHANOL) 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 4 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: KQ6300000 CAS Number: 64-17-5 OSHA PEL: 1000 PPM ACGIH TLV: 1000 PPM; 9192 =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: CLEAR BLUE LIQUID. PRODUCT IS PERFUMED. Specific Gravity: 1.03 Solubility In Water: COMPLETELY SOLUBLE Percent Volatiles By Volume: 60 =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: 116F,47C Flash Point Method: CC Lower Explosive Limit: N/A Upper Explosive Limit: N/A Extinguishing Media: CO*2, WATER, OR DRY CHEMICAL. Special Fire Fighting Proc: ALTHOUGH THIS PRODUCT HAS A FLASH PT BELOW 200F (CLOSED CUP), IT IS AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION CONTAINING ETHYL ALCOHOL WHICH DOES NOT SUSTAIN COMBUSTION.(SUPP DATA) Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE KNOWN. Materials To Avoid: CHLORINE BLEACH. Hazardous Decomp Products: NONE KNOWN. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT RELEVANT =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: EYE: MAY CAUSE MILD TRANSIENT IRRITATION. INGEST: MAY CAUSE TRANSIENT GASTROINTESTINAL IRRITATION. SKIN: TRANSIENT IRRITATION W/PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO CONCENTRATED MATERIAL. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: EYE: MAY CAUSE STINGING, TEARING, ITCHING, SWELLING, &/OR REDNESS. INGEST: MAY RESULT IN NAUSEA, VOMITING, &/OR DIARRHEA. SKIN: PROLONGED CONTACT W/CONCENTRATED MATERIAL MAY BE DRYING. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYE: FLUSH W/WATER FOR A MINIMUM OF 15 MINUTES. INGEST: DRINK 1 OR 2 GLASSES OF WATER. SKIN: IF PROLONGED CONTACT OCCURS, RINSE THOROUGHLY W/WATER. IF SPILLED ON CLOTHING, CHANGE CLOTHES. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST OR REOCCUR, SEEK MEDICAL ATTN. INHAL: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. SUPPORT BRTHG (GIVE O*2/ARTF RESP) (FP N). =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: FLUSH DOWN ACCEPTABLE SEWER (CONTAINS BIODEGRADABLE SURFACTANTS). PREVENT LARGE SPILLS FROM REACHING A WATERWAY. SORBENTS MAY BE USED. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSAL IS TO BE PERFORMED IN COMPLIANCE W/ FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL REGULATIONS. SMALL OR HOUSEHOLD QUANTITIES MAY BE DIPOSED OF IN SEWER. FOR LARGER QUANTITIES, INCINERATION IS PREFERRED. DO NOT LANDFILL. Precautions-Handling/Storing: NO UNUSUAL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY. Other Precautions: CONSUMER PRODUCT PACKAGE HAS NO CAUTION STATEMENT. DO NOT MIX WITH CHLORINE BLEACH AS HAZARDOUS FUMES MAY RESULT. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NONE REQUIRED WITH NORMAL USE. IF NECESSARY, USE NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED RESPIRATOR APPROPRIATE FOR EXPOSURE OF CONCERN (FP N). NORMAL/GENERAL DILUTION VENTILATION IS ACCEPTABLE. 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 5 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Protective Gloves: NONE REQUIRED W/NORMAL USE. (SUPP DATA) Eye Protection: NONE REQUIRED W/NORMAL USE. (SUPP DATA) Other Protective Equipment: NONE NECESSARY UNDER NORMAL USE. Work Hygienic Practices: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: FIRE FIGHT PROC: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA & FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). PROT GLOVES: RUBBER, NEOPRENE GLOVES SHOULD BE USED FOR PROLONGED DIRECT CONTACT. EYE PROT: IF A SPLASH IS LIKELY, CHEMICAL WORKERS GOGGLES MAY BE NEEDED. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== Trans Data Review Date: 91339 DOT PSN Code: GJL DOT Proper Shipping Name: FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, N.O.S. DOT Class: 3 DOT ID Number: UN1993 DOT Pack Group: III DOT Label: FLAMMABLE LIQUID IMO PSN Code: HIA IMO Proper Shipping Name: FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. o IMO Regulations Page Number: 3345 IMO UN Number: 1993 IMO UN Class: 3.3 IMO Subsidiary Risk Label: IATA PSN Code: MCA IATA UN ID Number: 1993 IATA Proper Shipping Name: FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. * IATA UN Class: 3 IATA Label: FLAMMABLE LIQUID AFI PSN Code: MCA AFI Prop. Shipping Name: FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, N.O.S. AFI Class: 3 AFI ID Number: UN1993 AFI Pack Group: III AFI Basic Pac Ref: 7-7 =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: P Technical Review Date: 23SEP91 Label Date: 23SEP91 Label Status: G Common Name: DAWN LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT Chronic Hazard: NO Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-Slight: X Reactivity Hazard-Slight: X Special Hazard Precautions: ACUTE: MAY CAUSE MILD TRANSIENT EYE AND SKIN IRRITATION. AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES, SKIN, AND CLOTHING. WASH THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. DO NOT MIX WITH CHLORINE BLEACH, AS HAZARDOUS FUMES MAY RESULT. CHRONIC: NONE LISTED BY MANUFACTURER. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Label Name: PROCTER & GAMBLE Label Street: 301 E SIXTH ST Label P.O. Box: 599 Label City: CINCINNATI Label State: OH Label Zip Code: 45201 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-543-0485 LEVER BROTHERS -- DOVE LIGHT DUTY LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGEN MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 793000B120079 Manufacturer's CAGE: LEVER Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: DOVE LIGHT DUTY LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGEN =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: LEVER BROTHERS COMPANY 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 6 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Company's Street: 390 PARK AVENUE Company's City: NY Company's State: NY Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 10022 Company's Emerg Ph #: 212-688-6000 Company's Info Ph #: 212-688-6000 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 02NOV90 Safety Data Review Date: 14JUL95 Supply Item Manager: CX MSDS Serial Number: BRHFV Hazard Characteristic Code: N1 =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: NON HAZARDOUS INGREDIENT Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1000314NH OSHA PEL: NOT ESTABLISHED ACGIH TLV: NOT ESTABLISHED Other Recommended Limit: NONE RECOMMENDED =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: LIQUID Boiling Point: ND Melting Point: NA Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): ND Vapor Density (Air=1): ND Specific Gravity: 1.035 Decomposition Temperature: UNKNOWN Solubility In Water: COMPLETE pH: 6.2 Corrosion Rate (IPY): UNKNOWN =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NA Lower Explosive Limit: NA Upper Explosive Limit: NA Extinguishing Media: USE WATER FOG, CARBON DIOXIDE, FOAM, OR DRY CHEMICAL. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR FIRE FIGHTING PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND A FULL FACED SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. COOL FIRE EXPOSED CONTAINERS WITH WATER SPRAY. Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: COMBUSTION OR HEAT OF FIRE MAY PRODUCE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS AND VAPORS. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): ND Materials To Avoid: ND Hazardous Decomp Products: OXIDES OF NITROGEN AND SULFUR Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT APPLICABLE =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO Health Haz Acute And Chronic: EYE: MAY CAUSE DISCOMFORT. SKIN: POSSIBLE IRRITATION FROM PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT. INGESTION: MAY PRODUCE NAUSEA, ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT AND DIARRHEA. SPONTANEOUS EMESIS MAY OCCUR IF INGESTED IN SUFFICIENT AMOUNT. INHALATION: MAY PRODUCE IRRITATION OF RESPIRATORY TRACT. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: THIS COMPOUND CONTAINS NO INGREDIENTS AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.1% OR GREATER THAT ARE CARCINOGENS OR SUSPECT CARCINOGENS. 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 7 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN & RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. MAY ALSO CAUSE HEADACHE, DIZZINESS AND NAUSEA. ASPIRATION PNEUMONITIS MAY CAUSE COUGHING, LABORED BREATHING, CYANOSIS, AND IN SEVERE CASES, DEATH. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: PERSONS WITH A HISTORY OF AILMENTS OR WITH A PRE-EXISTING DISEASE INVOLVING THE SKIN MAY BE AT INCREASED RISK FROM EXPOSURE. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYES: FLUSH WITH RUNNING WATER FOR 15 MINUTES WHILE HOLDING EYELIDS OPEN. SKIN: RINSE WITH WATER. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. INHALATION: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. INGESTION: DRINK A GLASS OF WATER OR MILK. VOMITING NEED NOT BE INDUCED, BUT INGESTION OF LARGE QUANTITIES MAY PRODUCE SPONTANEOUS VOMITING. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: FLUSH SMALL AMOUNTS TO SANITARY SEWER. FOR 5 GALLONS OR MORE, USE ABSORBENT MATERIAL. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSE OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: STORE IN A COOL, DRY PLACE. Other Precautions: NONE =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NOT NORMALLY NEEDED Ventilation: LOCAL AND MECHANICAL(GENERAL) EXHAUST TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTILATION. Protective Gloves: IMPERMEABLE GLOVES IF NEEDED Eye Protection: SAFETY GLASSES WITH SIDE SHIELDS Other Protective Equipment: NA Work Hygienic Practices: NA Suppl. Safety & Health Data: AVOID PROLONGED OR REPEATED EXPOSURE. DO NOT GET ON SKIN OR IN EYES. DO NOT BREATHE VAPORS OR MIST. DO NOT INGEST. READ PRECAUTIONS ON LABEL BEFORE USE. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 05AUG93 Label Status: F Common Name: DOVE LIGHT DUTY LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: EYE: MAY CAUSE DISCOMFORT. SKIN: POSSIBLE IRRITATION FROM PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT. INGESTION: MAY CAUSE NAUSEA, ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT AND DIARRHEA. SPONTANEOUS EMESIS MAY OCCUR IF INGESTED IN SUFFICIENT AMOUNT. INHALATION: MAY CAUSE IRRITATION OF RESPIRATORY TRACT. STORE IN A COOL, DRY PLACE. FIRST AID: EYES: FLUSH WITH RUNNING WATER FOR 15 MINUTES. SKIN: RINSE WITH WATER. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. INHALATION: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. INGESTION: DRINK A GLASS OF WATER OR MILK. VOMITING NEED NOT BE INDUCED, BUT INGESTION OF LARGE QUANTITIES MAY PRODUCE SPONTANEOUS VOMITING. Protect Eye: Y Label Name: LEVER BROTHERS COMPANY Label Street: 390 PARK AVENUE Label City: NY Label State: NY Label Zip Code: 10022 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 212-688-6000 LEVER BROTHERS -- SUNLIGHT LIGHT DUTY LIQUID DISHWASHING DETE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 793000B120087 Manufacturer's CAGE: LEVER Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: SUNLIGHT LIGHT DUTY LIQUID DISHWASHING DETE =========================================================================== 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 8 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: LEVER BROTHERS COMPANY Company's Street: 390 PARK AVENUE Company's City: NY Company's State: NY Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 10022 Company's Emerg Ph #: 212-688-6000 Company's Info Ph #: 212-688-6000 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 02FEB90 Safety Data Review Date: 14JUL95 Supply Item Manager: CX MSDS Serial Number: BRKVY Hazard Characteristic Code: N1 =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: NON HAZARDOUS INGREDIENT Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1000314NH OSHA PEL: NOT ESTABLISHED ACGIH TLV: NOT ESTABLISHED Other Recommended Limit: NONE RECOMMENDED =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: YELLOW, TRANSPARENT LIQUID, LEMON ODOR Boiling Point: ND Melting Point: NA Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): ND Vapor Density (Air=1): ND Specific Gravity: ND Decomposition Temperature: UNKNOWN Solubility In Water: COMPLETE pH: 6.5 Corrosion Rate (IPY): UNKNOWN =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: ND Lower Explosive Limit: ND Upper Explosive Limit: ND Extinguishing Media: USE WATER FOG, CARBON DIOXIDE, FOAM, OR DRY CHEMICAL. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR FIRE FIGHTING PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND A FULL FACED SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. COOL FIRE EXPOSED CONTAINERS WITH WATER SPRAY. Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: COMBUSTION OR HEAT OF FIRE MAY PRODUCE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS AND VAPORS. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): HIGH HEAT, OPEN FLAMES AND OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION Materials To Avoid: CHLORINE CONTAINING COMPOUNDS Hazardous Decomp Products: OXIDES OF NITROGEN AND SULFUR Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT APPLICABLE =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO Health Haz Acute And Chronic: IRRITATING TO EYES. POSSIBLE IRRITATION OF SKIN FROM PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT. INGESTION MAY PRODUCE NAUSEA, ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT AND DIARRHEA. INHALATION MAY PRODUCE IRRITATION OF RESPIRATORY TRACT. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 9 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Explanation Carcinogenicity: THIS COMPOUND CONTAINS NO INGREDIENTS AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.1% OR GREATER THAT ARE CARCINOGENS OR SUSPECT CARCINOGENS. Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN & RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. MAY ALSO CAUSE HEADACHE, DIZZINESS AND NAUSEA. ASPIRATION PNEUMONITIS MAY CAUSE COUGHING, LABORED BREATHING, CYANOSIS, AND IN SEVERE CASES, DEATH. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE KNOWN Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYES: IMMEDIATELY RINSE EYES WITH WATER. REMOVE REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHIN AND RINSE SKIN WITH WATER. INGESTION: DRINK A GLASS OF WATER OR MILK. VOMITING NEED NOT BE INDUCED, BUT INGESTION OF LARGE QUANTITIES MAY PRODUCE SPONTANEOUS VOMITING. INHALATION: MOVE PERSON TO FRESH AIR. CALL A PHYSICIAN IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: FLUSH SMALL AMOUNTS TO SANITARY SEWER. FOR 5 GALLONS OR MORE, USE ABSORBENT MATERIAL. Waste Disposal Method: DISPOSAL SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: .TORE IN A COOL, DRY PLACE. KEEP CONTAINERS CLOSED WHEN MATERIAL IS NOT IN USE. Other Precautions: NONE =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NOT NORMALLY NEEDED. Ventilation: LOCAL AND MECHANICAL(GENERAL) EXHAUST TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTILATION. Protective Gloves: NA Eye Protection: SAFETY GLASSES WITH SIDE SHIELD Other Protective Equipment: NA Work Hygienic Practices: NA Suppl. Safety & Health Data: NA =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: NO Technical Review Date: 17AUG93 Label Status: N Common Name: SUNLIGHT LIGHT DUTY LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-None: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: IRRITATING TO EYES. POSSIBLE IRRITATION OF SKIN FROM PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT. INGESTION MAY PRODUCE NAUSEA, ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT AND DIARRHEA. INHALATION MAY PRODUCE IRRITATION OF RESPIRATORY TRACT. .TORE IN A COOL, DRY PLACE. KEEP CONTAINERS CLOSED WHEN MATERIAL IS NOT IN USE. FIRST AID: EYES: IMMEDIATELY RINSE EYES WITH WATER. REMOVE CONTACT LENSES, IF ANY, THEN CONTINUE RINSING FOR 5-10 MINUTES. DRINK A GLASS OF WATER OR MILK. VOMITING NEED NOT BE INDUCED, BUT INGESTION OF LARGE QUANTITIES MAY PRODUCE SPONTANEOUS VOMITING. INHALATION: MOVE PERSON TO FRESH AIR. CA Protect Eye: Y Label Name: LEVER BROTHERS COMPANY Label Street: 390 PARK AVENUE Label City: NY Label State: NY Label Zip Code: 10022 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 212-688-6000 PROCTER & GAMBLE LAUNDRY CLEANING DIV IVORYDA -- ULTRA IVORY LIQUID (CLEAR DISHWASHING LIQUID) MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 793000F048523 Manufacturer's CAGE: PROCT Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: ULTRA IVORY LIQUID (CLEAR DISHWASHING LIQUID) CX =========================================================================== 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 10 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... General Information =========================================================================== Company's Name: PROCTER & GAMBLE LAUNDRY/CLEANING DIV/IVORYDALE TE Company's Street: CH CENTER/5299 SPRING GROVE AVE Company's City: CINCINNATI Company's State: OH Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 45217-1087 Company's Emerg Ph #: 800-253-2756 Company's Info Ph #: 800-253-2756 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 01AUG95 Safety Data Review Date: 19JUN96 Preparer's Company: PROCTER & GAMBLE LAUNDRY/CLEANING DIV/IV Preparer's St Or P. O. Box: CH CENTER/5299 SPRING GROVE AVE Preparer's City: CINCINNATI Preparer's State: OH Preparer's Zip Code: 45217-1087 MSDS Serial Number: BZFNH =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: ETHANOL (ETHYL ALCOHOL), TECSOL, ALCOHOL, SYNASOL Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: KQ6300000 CAS Number: 64-17-5 OSHA PEL: 1000 PPM ACGIH TLV: 1900 MG/CUM Other Recommended Limit: 1900 MG/CUM =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: CLEAR LIQUID W/PERFUMED ODOR Specific Gravity: 1.08 Solubility In Water: COMPLETE Percent Volatiles By Volume: 60% =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: 104F Flash Point Method: PMCC Extinguishing Media: CO2, WATER/DRY CHEMICAL Special Fire Fighting Proc: ALTHOUGH THIS PRODUCT HAS A FLASH POINT BELOW 200F, IT IS AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION CONTAINING ETHYL ALCOHOL WHICH DOESN'T SUSTAIN COMBUSTION. Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Stability: YES Hazardous Poly Occur: NO =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: NO Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: INGESTION: MAY CAUSE TRANSIENT GI IRRITATION. EYES: MAY CAUSE MILD, TRANSIENT IRRITATION. SKIN: TRANSIENT IRRITATION W/PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO CONCENTRATED MATERIAL. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NONE Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: IRRITATION, NAUSEA, VOMITING, DIARRHEA, STINGING, TEARING, ITCHING, SWELLING, REDNESS, DRYNESS. FLUSH THOROUGHLY W/WATER FOR 10-15 MINS. SKIN: RINSE THOROUGHLY W/WATER. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: PREVENT FROM REACHING A WATERWAY. SORBENTS MAY BE USED. 3/26/2008 5:45 PM Buffer Biology: Online Extension - Dishwashing Liquid 11 of 11 http://www3.nsta.org/main/news/stories/science_teacher.php?news_stor... Waste Disposal Method: DILUTED/DISPOSED SOLUTIONS W/IVORY MAY BE ALLOWED TO BE FLUSHED DOWN SEWER IAW/FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. INCINERATION IS PREFERRED. DON'T LANDFILL. Precautions-Handling/Storing: NO UNUSUAL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: NONE REQUIRED W/NORMAL USE. Ventilation: MECHANICAL (GENERAL): NORMAL/GENERAL DILUTION IS ACCEPTABLE. Protective Gloves: RUBBER/NEOPRENE Eye Protection: CHEMICAL GOGGLES Other Protective Equipment: NONE REQUIRED W/NORMAL USE. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Label Status: G Common Name: ULTRA IVORY LIQUID (CLEAR DISHWASHING LIQUID) CX Special Hazard Precautions: INGESTION: MAY CAUSE TRANSIENT GI IRRITATION. EYES: MAY CAUSE MILD, TRANSIENT IRRITATION. SKIN: TRANSIENT IRRITATION W/ PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO CONCENTRATED MATERIAL. IRRITATION, NAUSEA, VOMITING, DIARRHEA, STINGING, TEARING, ITCHING, SWELLING, REDNESS, DRYNESS. Label Name: PROCTER & GAMBLE LAUNDRY/CLEANING DIV/ IVORYDALE TE Label Street: CH CENTER/5299 SPRING GROVE AVE Label City: CINCINNATI Label State: OH Label Zip Code: 45217-1087 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-253-2756 back to top Copyright © 2000 National Science Teachers Association. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2000 NSTA www.nsta.org 3/26/2008 5:45 PM