Say it with flowers!
Say it with flowers!
CONTENTSERV MARKETING POWER. FAST‘N EASY. CONTENTSERV MARKETING POWER. FAST‘N EASY. CONTENTSERV MARKETING POWER. FAST‘N EASY. Say it with flowers! Mail order business via catalog and e-shop in 13 languages Catalog management and e-commerce solution using the example of Bakker Holland Customer Requirements Bakker is Europe‘s largest plant delivery service, a modern company based in the Netherlands with more than 700 employees. With over 70 years of experience in shipping plants by mail, only one thing truly counts: high quality. Success is based on the delivery of high-quality garden products, such as flower bulbs, roses, perennials, seeds, and garden accessories. Bakker has branch offices in many countries, including Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland and is considered the largest European specialist in gardening. Bakker is dedicated to providing its customers with the best possible advice to help them become “gardening experts”. In addition to the traditional catalog business, Bakker has also been selling its products across Europe via the internet since 1998. Bakker previously published two large catalogs for spring and fall every year, as well as several special editions and small catalogs. All of these catalogs were translated into 13 European languages. This was not only laborious but also cost-intensive. All of the nearly 450 catalog variants were put together for the most part by hand in the different languages with the relevant product information and images taken from a range of more than 5,000 products in addition to at least 15,000 associated image files. Due to the lack of a central product and image database and the separate maintenance of the website and catalog data, redundant data storage was the order of the day. This led to enormous costs and made translation extremely complex. The previous solution was no longer able to cope with the growing complexity and could not meet Bakker’s demands. It was therefore to be replaced. Bakker’s main goal was to introduce a system that would provide the customer with gardening expertise quickly and simply across all channels. Project Description Provide a central database for the cross channel product communication Ensure high performance despite complex and multi-variant data Provide flexible data structure aligned to meet Bakker’s requirements Prevent redundancies by means of a smart reference system Increase production processes with the aid of parallel workflows Enable collaboration of all involved parties via a central platform Reduce translation costs by means of an integrated Translation Management System Produce 450 catalogs in 13 languages annually Add approximately 150 new product images per month in a simple manner NEU Immer etwas Besonderes für Ihren Garten Glatt och färgrikt NEU Luftrenande växter Air So Pure® levererar friska växter vars sunda effekter är vetenskapligt bevisat. Växten fångar genom bladen upp en betydande mängd av potentiellt skadliga gaspartiklar i ditt hem och avger syre i retur! Dessutom hjälper de till att höja luftfuktigheten så att inomhusklimatet förbättras! Vriesea ’Carly’ En tropisk växt från Brasilien med en dekorativ spjutformad blomsterkolv som höjer sig över det stadiga bladet! En vacker krukväxt som ger en exotisk ’touch’ åt vardagsrummet. Leveranshöjd 30-35 cm. 9 Zimmerröschen Parade® ‘Dora’ Rosa. Dieses prächtige Zimmerröschen sorgt für eine schöne Atmosphäre im Wohnzimmer oder Wintergarten! Das Röschen hat Blüten in einer fröhlichen Farbe, die auch noch herrlich duften. Lieferh. 30-35 cm. 1 2 3 9 Bestell-Nr. 5438-70 pro Stück 12.50 5439-69 S’15 CHBd07 Gartenversand AG Postfach 1 Internet: Telefax: 071 - 744 80 06 E-Mail: WP_097-0095_001-016_001nl-NL.indd 16-1 154:- 5439-77 per styck 159:- C097-07-0095 Gulbrokig murgröna ’Golden Kolibri’ Hedera helix. Mycket dekorativ klätter- eller hängväxt, som kan placeras var som helst i ditt hem. Skapa ett grönt hörn där ljuset inte kommer åt. 9 Leveranshöjd 25-30 cm 5440-04 per styck 109:Leveranshöjd 50-60 cm 5440-12 per styck 144:- Spjutbräken Nephrolepis exaltata ’Green Lady’. Vacker ormbunke för ett skuggigt hörn i ditt vardagsrum! Skapa en oas i ditt hem med den här iögonfallande växten. En ormbunke är inte bara dekorativ, den sörjer också för ett bättre inomhusklimat. Leveranshöjd ca 35 cm. 9 5440-20 per styck 134:- 9430 St. Margrethen Bequemes Bestellen von zu Hause aus! Bestellen bei Bakker ist ganz einfach. Sie können den Bestellschein ausfüllen und einschicken oder Sie können per Telefon, per Fax oder im Internet bestellen. Und es ist jetzt besonders günstig, online zu bestellen. Denn Sie erhalten 5.- Rabatt auf eine Online-Bestellung: (Geben Sie hierzu Ihren Vorteilscode ein). Unsere allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen finden Sie in unserem Hauptkatalog und auf Telefon: 071 - 744 80 02 per styck Gul Kungsblomma Aphelandra squarrosa ’Dania’. De vita bladnerverna och de gula blommorna är unika och ger en exotisk atmosfär. Ge den en fin plats och njut av denna vackra krukväxt! Passar in i alla interiörer. Leveranshöjd 30-35 cm. 9 NEU: Aqua4®Weeks Nur noch sporadisch Wasser geben! Seite 15 Seltenheit! 70 Jahre Bakker So ein tolles Jubiläum feiern wir mit vielen Angeboten mit Rabatten von bis zu 70%. Der Katalog im neuen Gewand Übersichtlich, voll mit Gartentipps und noch inspirierender, schauen Sie selbst. Frühjahrsneuheiten Dieser Katalog ist wieder voll mit neuen und exklusiven Pflanzen. 70% Guzmanie Guzmania ‘Soledo Geel’. Eine prächtige Erscheinung im Wohnzimmer. Die Pflanze bildet einen Trichter aus Blättern, aus dem der Blütenstiel erscheint. Wenn dann auch noch die gelben Blüten zum Vorschein kommen, ist jeder begeistert von dieser prächtigen Guzmania! Lieferhöhe ca. 45 cm. 9 Bestell-Nummer 5438-88 pro Stück 28.95 NYHET Hawaii-Palme auf Seite 2 Zimmerpflanzen Frühjahr 2015 Rosenkalla ’Elido’ Anthurium andreanum. Den vackra och sensationella Anthurium är perfekt för ett bord, skåp eller i ett fönster i vardagsrummet. Ger en spektakulär effekt i ditt vardagsrum! Leveranshöjd 40-45 cm. 9 06.03.15 12:09 5439-85 4 per styck 169:- Mycket fint att se på WP_097-0095_004-005_003nl-NL.indd 4-5 Begonia ‘Baladin’ Begonia elatior. Den här mycket vackra begonian ’Baladin’ sätter färg i ditt vardagsrum under hösten. Den är lättskött och blommar i månader. Sätt den på en ljus plats utan direkt solljus. Leveranshöjd 30-35 cm. 9 5439-93 per styck 109:- Hartassbräken Phlebodium aureum ’Blue Star’. Vacker bräkenväxt för ett skuggigt hörn! Den starka plantan är lättskött. Ger lekfullhet i vardagsrummet! Leveranshöjd ca 45 cm. 9 Fredskalla Spathiphyllum wallisii ’Strauss’. En lättskött växt med vackra vita blommor som sprider en mycket angenäm doft! Leveranshöjd ca 55 cm. 3 9 Guldpalm Dypsis lutescens. En finbladig palm som gör sig bra i vardagsrummet! Stark växt som inte ställer så mycket krav. Leveranshöjd 65-75 cm. 9 5440-38 per styck 5440-46 per styck 5440-54 per styck 179:- 229:- Trädgårdsnyheter och -trender i 70 år! 109:- 5 Publish catalogs in 13 different languages 06.03.15 12:11 Our Solution Manage images and media data centrally in the Media Asset Management Maintain product information for all channels via the PIM-System Manage translations centrally and assign them automatically to the products The most important requirement was to ensure that content is maintained only once centrally and all channels are supplied consistently from one single source instead of dealing with each channel separately. The CONTENTSERV PIM system is the key component for the standardized maintenance, updating and delivery of all product information for 5,000 products. The existing ERP system SAP is seamlessly connected to the PIM system and transfers the current product master data to CONTENTSERV. Any changes in the ERP system are constantly synchronized with CONTENTSERV. Bakker now manages well over 15,000 image files centrally in the CONTENTSERV MAM system. The database grows by approximately 100 products per month in addition to the respective images. All relevant product data is transferred on a daily basis via a standard interface to the shop system Intershop and the multilingual web shops. At the same time, modified product data and translations can be transferred automatically to the layout files of all 56 catalogs and their 13 language variants at any time until shortly before going to print. The CONTENTSERV Translation Manager manages all translations in the system. Translations can be requested automatically and subsequently assigned to the centrally managed products without delay and without any manual intervention. Copywriters now produce new texts specific to each product and target group, which are no longer based on particular output channels. The integrated translation workflow then triggers the translation process for all language variants automatically. In the meantime, the product manager can already go ahead and plan the products on the catalog pages while the DTP department can simultaneously start working on finishing the layout. This saves the marketing department the time previously spent on extremely time-consuming and redundant data and translation processes. Marketing experts finally can focus all of their energy on developing relevant and convincing content for different types of customers. And CONTENTSERV ensures that the content is made available quickly and simply across all channels. Customer Benefits Substantial time and cost savings and quicker publication Less effort required for translation, catalog production and web shops Data quality is ensured because all data is stored in one central database Consistent customer approach from one source in all output media Quicker time to market for publications CONTENTSERV AG · Hauptstrasse 19 · 9042 Speicher/AR · Switzerland · T +41 71 566 1000 · F +41 71 566 1001 CONTENTSERV GmbH · Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 1 · 85296 Rohrbach (Ilm) · Germany · T +49 8442 9253-800 · F +49 8442 2044 ·