yearbook of the 2011-12 academic year
yearbook of the 2011-12 academic year
Annual Report 2011/2012 Department of Computer Architecture ii Introduction In the framework of the campaign to promote the strategic lines of basic units, the Department of Computer Architecture (DAC) presented a project in the 2009 call for the automated compilation of yearbooks. This yearbook-the fourth to be published as a result of this project-describes the DAC’s activities over the 2011-2012 academic year. The information published was obtained from a number of databases held by the DAC (single user, academic management, etc.) and by the UPC (scientific output, PRISMA, etc.). All data were processed automatically by an application developed by the DAC. The yearbook is a compendium of most of the activities carried out by members of the DAC. Future editions of the yearbook may include other types of activities, providing they have been recorded in a database. Agustín Fernández, Department Director. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to all of the staff at the DAC for their efforts over the academic year, and I urge them to continue the good work. Annual Report 2011/2012 iv CONTENTS Contents 1 Staff 1.1 Management Team . . . . . . . . 1.2 Committees of the DAC . . . . . . 1.3 People . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Teachers . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Administration and Services Staff 1.3.3 Research Associates . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 3 3 3 6 6 2 Teaching 2.1 Subjects taught by DAC staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Castelldefels School of Telecomunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC) . . . 2.1.2 Vilanova and the Geltrú School of Superior Engineering (EPSEVG) . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB) . . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.5 Master in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems (Master CANS) . . . . . . 2.1.6 Master’s degree in Aerospace Science and Technology (Master MAST) . . . . . . 2.1.7 Master in Information Technology (Master MINT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Supervision of final projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Diploma in Aeronautics, specializing in Air Navigation (EETAC) . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Electronic Engineering (ETSETB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Computer Engineering (FIB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.5 Diploma in Computer Software (FIB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.6 Diploma in Computer Software (EPSEVG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.7 Diploma in Computer Systems (FIB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.8 Diploma in Telecommunications, specializing in Telecommunications Systems (EETAC) 2.2.9 Diploma in Telecommunications, specializing in Telematics (EETAC) . . . . . . . 2.3 Masters thesis Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Master in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems (FIB) . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering & Management (EETAC). . . . 2.3.3 Master of Science in Information and Communication Technologies (ETSETB) . . . . 2.3.4 Master in Information Technology (FIB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.5 Erasmus Mundus in Distributed Computing (FIB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Doctoral Theses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 9 10 11 12 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 3 Research 3.1 Research Group ANA . . . 3.2 Research Group ARCO . . 3.3 Research Group CAP . . . 3.4 Research Group CBA . . . 3.5 Research Group CCABA . . 3.6 Research Group CNDS . . 3.7 Research Group DAMA-UPC 3.8 Research Group DMAG . . 3.9 Research Group GCO . . . 3.10 Research Group ICARUS . 3.11 Other research activities . . 28 29 31 33 40 46 47 50 52 54 54 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual Report 2011/2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v CONTENTS 4 Awards and honors 60 Annual Report 2011/2012 2 1 Staff Annual Report 2011/2012 3 1. Staff 1.1. Management Team Director: Agustín Fernández Jiménez Secretary: Enrique Morancho Llena Assistant Director of Planning and Organization: Alejandro Ramírez Bellido Assistant Director of Teaching Management: Julita Corbalán González Head of Doctoral Studies: Xavier Masip Bruin Head of the Master’s Degrees: Leandro Navarro Moldes Head of Administration and Services: Maria Dolors Sánchez Lafarga (from 01/Sep/11 to 08/Jul/12) - (from 09/Jul/12 to 31/Aug/12) IT Responsible: José Antonio Rodríguez Garrido 1.2. Committees of the DAC Departmental Board: Agustín Fernández Jiménez Alex Muntada Durán David Carrera Pérez Eduard Ayguadé Parra Enrique Morancho Llena Jaime María Delgado Merce Jordi Pons Llauradó Josep-Llorenç Cruz Díaz Josep Lluis Larriba Pey José María Llabería Griñó Marta Jiménez Castells Miguel Valero García Juan José Costa Prats (from 01/Sep/11 to 01/Feb/12) Jordi Fornés de Juan (from 02/Feb/12 to 31/Aug/12) Representatives at the schools: Representative at EETAC: Miguel Valero García Representative at EPSEVG: Xavier Masip Bruin Representative at ETSETB: Josep Solé Pareta Representative at FIB: Agustín Fernández Jiménez 1.3. People The following tables show a breakdown of DAC staff, divided into Teachers (Functionary and Contract workers), Administration and Services Staff (Functionary and Labor) and Research Associates. 1.3.1. Teachers Annual Report 2011/2012 4 1.3. People Functionary Full Professors Ayguadé Parra, Eduard Domingo Pascual, Jordi González Colás, Antonio M. Llabería Griñó, José María Navarro Guerrero, Juan José Torres Viñals, Jordi Valero García, Miguel Delgado Merce, Jaime María García Vidal, Jorge Labarta Mancho, Jesús José Medina Llinàs, Manel Solé Pareta, Josep Valero Cortés, Mateo Associate Professors (University) Barceló Ordinas, José María Bofill Soliguer, Pau Careglio , Davide Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Cortés Rosselló, Toni Espasa Sans, Roger Freitag , Fèlix Garcia Almiñana, Jordi Jiménez Castells, Marta Juan Hormigo, Antonio Llosa Espuny, Josep Martorell Bofill, Xavier Monreal Arnal, Teresa Navarro Mas, Nacho Olivé Duran, Àngel Ramírez Bellido, Alejandro Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín Tubella Murgadas, Jordi Barrado Muxí, Cristina Canal Corretger, Ramon Cela Espín, José María Corbalán González, Julita Cruellas Ibarz, Joan Carles Fernández Jiménez, Agustín Gallego Fernández, Ma. Isabel Herrada Lillo, Enrique (to 31/Aug/12) Jordán Fernández, Francisco Larriba Pey, Josep Lluis López Álvarez, David Masip Bruin, Xavier Morancho Llena, Enrique Navarro Moldes, Leandro Pastor Llorens, Enric Royo Vallés, Dolors Sánchez Lopez, Sergio Associate Professors (College) Gil Gómez, Marisa Contract workers Tenured Assistant Professors Álvarez Martínez, Carlos Carrera Pérez, David Guerrero Zapata, Manel Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón Parcerisa Bundo, Joan Manuel Serral Gracia, René Velasco Esteban, Luis Barlet Ros, Pere González Tallada, Marc Guitart Fernández, Jordi Pajuelo González, Manuel Alejandro Rodríguez Luna, Eva Tous Liesa, Rubén Annual Report 2011/2012 5 1. Staff Tenure-track Lecturer Cabellos Aparicio, Alberto Perelló Muntan, Jordi Verdú Mulá, Javier Nin Guerrero, Jordi Royo Chic, Pablo (from 01/Feb/12) Yannuzzi Sánchez, Marcelo Collaborating Lecturer Becerra Fontal, Yolanda Cruz Díaz, Josep-Llorenç Fornés de Juan, Jordi Jiménez González, Daniel López Rubio, Juan Meseguer Pallarés, Roque Reyes Muñoz, María Angélica Sanjeevan , Kanapathipillai Utrera Iglesias, Gladys Costa Prats, Juan José Farreras Esclusa, Montserrat Gallardo Gómez, Antonia Llorente Viejo, Silvia Marín Tordera, Eva Otero Calviño, Beatriz Salamí San Juan, Esther Santos Boada, German Adjunct Lecturer Alonso López, Javier (to 01/Nov/11) Chacín Martínez, Pablo Royo Chic, Pablo (to 31/Jan/12) Álvarez Mesa, Mauricio (to 11/Sep/11) Moretó Planas, Miquel Sánchez Castaño, Friman (to 11/Sep/11) Part-time Lecturers Aletà Ortega, Alexandre Badia Sala, Rosa Maria Cuadrado Santolaria, Raul García-Cervigón Gutiérrez, Manuel Guim Bernat, Francesc Jo Ruiz, Jaume Lázaro Iglesias, Daniel López Canalda, José Manuel Medina Medina, Esunly María Mochón Duro, Francisco perez batlle, marcos Rodríguez Doncel, Víctor Santamaría Barnadas, Eduard Suñol Capella, Josep Toribio González, Ángel Villanueva Gómez, Miguel Ángel Annual Report 2011/2012 Alonso Martínez, Carlos Canto Rodrigo, Pablo del Fernández Barta, Montserrat Garcia Gasulla, Marta Heredero Lázaro, Ana M Lara Ochoa, Eduard Linares Blanco, Jordi Macías Lloret, Mario Millán Vizuete, Amador Morillo Pozo, Julián David Pérez Rico, Juan Luís San Martino , Antonio Solé Simó, Marc Teruel García, Xavier Valverde Amador, Antoni Xavier 6 1.3. People 1.3.2. Administration and Services Staff Functionary Álvarez Díaz, Marta (to 29/Feb/12) Freixa Rodriguez, Meritxell Rodriguez Luna, Maria Sánchez Nabau, Alícia Carneros Cerezo, Trinidad (to 28/May/12) Martínez Jover, Sílvia (from 03/Oct/11) Sánchez Lafarga, Maria Dolors (to 08/Jul/12) Souto Carbonell, Xavier (from 02/May/12) Labor Bellido Cerdà, Jordi Hornos Vidal, Albert Muntada Durán, Alex Rodríguez Garrido, José Antonio 1.3.3. Escobar Casanova, Joan Mora Antolino, Victor Pérez Rubio, Robert Serrano Gispert, Xavier Research Associates Research Associates Aguila Lorente, Miguel Angel Arias Moreno, Francisco Javier Balart Tarzán, Jairo Berlanga Fuentes, Juan Bufistov , Dmitry Cano Reyes, José (from 01/Mar/12) Carpenter -, Paul Christianos , Nikolaos (from 21/Oct/11) Dominguez Sal, David Escandell Miguel, Vicente Hasanov Zyulkyarov, Ferad Izquierdo Ustrell, Miquel Lezzi -, Daniele (to 03/Dec/11) López Brescó, Albert Martinez de Salinas, Jorge (to 13/Mar/12) Morales Pacheco, Roberto Antonio (from 15/Dec/11) Nicolaides , Marios Ninkovic , Andjelka (from 03/Nov/11) Palomar Pérez, Óscar Pau Fernández, Raquel Pino García, Alfonso (from 21/Oct/11) Roca Monfort, Jordi (to 09/Nov/11) (to 31/Oct/11) Sanchez Fernandez, Raul Sanjuàs Cuxart, Josep (from 01/Jan/12) Siddiqui Shuaib, Muhammad Sreekarshenoy , Govind (to 14/Jun/12) Torán Vilarrubias, Pere (to 30/Jun/12) (from 01/Jun/12) Vaquero García, Jorge Daniel (to 09/Nov/11) Argyrides , Costas (from 11/Nov/11) Axelos , Nicholas Baleta Ferrer, Pere Bosque Arbiol, Ana (to 31/Oct/11) (from 01/Dec/11) Camacho Villanueva, Jesus (from 01/Feb/12) Carazo Torres, Omar (from 16/Sep/11) Castell Uroz, Ismael (from 01/Jan/12) Cuesta Sáez, Blas Antonio (from 03/Oct/11) Escalé Claveras, Francesc González Rodríguez, Carlos (to 01/Nov/11) Herrero Abellanas, Enric (to 13/Nov/11) Jakab , Loránd (to 28/Apr/12) Lira Rueda, Javier Martínez Bazán, Norbert (to 16/Nov/11) (to 16/Nov/11) (from 01/Jul/12) Martínez López, Álvaro Munell Canto, Dórica (to 01/Apr/12) Nikiforos , George (from 21/Oct/11) Padarnitsas , Konstantinos (from 21/Oct/11) Patón Martín, Joan Ramon Pediaditaki , Sofia (from 17/Oct/11) Reyes Imbernón, David Ruiz Lobato, Raul (from 26/Oct/11) Sanchez Pedreño, Daniel (from 11/Nov/11) Serna Olvera, Jetzabel Maritza (to 09/Oct/11) Souza Nascimento, Lisandra (from 05/Jul/12) Tomás Ozalla, Miguel (to 31/Dec/11) Trench Ribes, Nuria Ventura Simon, Robert (to 30/Sep/11) Annual Report 2011/2012 8 2 Teaching Annual Report 2011/2012 9 2. Teaching 2.1. Subjects taught by DAC staff This section shows the DAC’s teaching activities over this academic year. A list is given of all the course subjects taught by DAC staff. There is an additional list of DAC lecturers who taught those subjects in each semester (coordinator lecturers are shown in bold). 2.1.1. TAC) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Castelldefels School of Telecomunications and Aerospace Engineering (EE- AC: Arquitectura de Computadors APC: MASTEAM. Arquitectura per a la Protecció de Continguts Aviònica: Aviònica DSA: Disseny de Serveis i Aplicacions EA: Enginyeria d’Aplicacions INF1: Informàtica 1 INF2: Informatica 2 (aeronautica) IO: Introducció als Ordinadors LAE: Laboratori d’Arquitectura d’Equips MXCA: Microprocessadors i Xarxes de Comunicacions a l’Aviònica PAD: Programació d’Aplicacions Distribuïdas PES: Projecte d’Enginyeria del Software PGX: Projecte de Gestió de Xarxes PROP: Projecte de Programació PSEM: Programació de sistemes empotrats i mòbils Simula: Simulació SO-grau: Sistemes Operatius (grau) EETAC Subj. AC Q1 Meseguer Pallarés, Roque APC Aviònica DSA EA INF1 INF2 Barrado Muxí, Cristina Pastor Llorens, Enric Barrado Muxí, Cristina Hidalgo Carrillo, Rubén Valero García, Miguel Annual Report 2011/2012 Q2 Meseguer Pallarés, Roque Vega D’aurelio, Davide Canto Rodrigo, Pablo del Gallego Fernández, Ma. Isabel Pastor Llorens, Enric Gallardo Gómez, Antonia Valero García, Miguel Valero García, Miguel Barrado Muxí, Cristina Hidalgo Carrillo, Rubén Pastor Llorens, Enric Royo Chic, Pablo Pastor Llorens, Enric perez batlle, marcos Valero García, Miguel 2.1. Subjects taught by DAC staff EETAC (Cont.) Subj. IO Q1 LAE MXCA PAD PES PGX Q2 Gallego Fernández, Ma. Isabel López Canalda, José Manuel Medina Medina, Esunly María Mochón Duro, Francisco Salamí San Juan, Esther Santamaría Barnadas, Eduard Valero García, Miguel López Rubio, Juan Pastor Llorens, Enric Medina Medina, Esunly María Royo Chic, Pablo López Rubio, Juan Meseguer Pallarés, Roque Royo Vallés, Dolors Canto Rodrigo, Pablo del Cuadrado Santolaria, Raul Salamí San Juan, Esther López Rubio, Juan Gallardo Gómez, Antonia Royo Vallés, Dolors Santamaría Barnadas, Eduard Meseguer Pallarés, Roque PROP PSEM SO-grau Simula 2.1.2. · · · · · · · Pérez Payeras, Andres Royo Vallés, Dolors Santamaría Barnadas, Eduard Vilanova and the Geltrú School of Superior Engineering (EPSEVG) ARCO(I): Arquitectura de Computadors (I) CBAM: Comunicacions de Banda Ampla ESCI: Estructura de Computadors I ESCII: Estructura de Computadors II INCO: Introduccio als Computadors SIOP: Sistemes Operatius SITR: Sistemes Informàtics en Temps Real EPSEVG Subj. ARCO(I) CBAM ESCI ESCII INCO Q1 Marín Tordera, Eva Masip Bruin, Xavier Q2 Marín Tordera, Eva Masip Bruin, Xavier Masip Bruin, Xavier Yannuzzi Sánchez, Marcelo Sánchez Lopez, Sergio Yannuzzi Sánchez, Marcelo SIOP SITR Annual Report 2011/2012 Marín Tordera, Eva Yannuzzi Sánchez, Marcelo Sánchez Lopez, Sergio Yannuzzi Sánchez, Marcelo 10 11 2. Teaching 2.1.3. · · · · · · · · Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB) ARISO: Arquitectura de Computadors i Sistemes Operatius ARISO1: Arquitectura de Computadors i Sistemes Operatius 1 ARISO2: Arquitectura de Computadors i Sistemes Operatius 2 FO: Fonaments d’Ordinadors LabARISO: Laboratorio de Ariso MPOO: Metodologia de programació orientada a objectes PAST: Programació Avançada per a Sistemes de Telecomunició TFO: Telecomunicacions per Fibra Ã?ptica ETSETB Subj. ARISO ARISO1 Q1 Fornés de Juan, Jordi Alonso Martínez, Carlos ARISO2 García Vidal, Jorge Monreal Arnal, Teresa Bofill Soliguer, Pau Delgado Merce, Jaime María Farreras Esclusa, Montserrat Jiménez Castells, Marta Jo Ruiz, Jaume Lara Ochoa, Eduard Llorente Viejo, Silvia Monreal Arnal, Teresa Moretó Planas, Miquel Otero Calviño, Beatriz Rodríguez Luna, Eva Villanueva Gómez, Miguel Ángel Garcia Gasulla, Marta FO LabARISO MPOO PAST TFO Arnedo Moreno, Joan Cruellas Ibarz, Joan Carles Fornés de Juan, Jordi Macías Lloret, Mario Perelló Muntan, Jordi Alaei , Mohammad Solé Pareta, Josep Annual Report 2011/2012 Q2 Fornés de Juan, Jordi Alonso Martínez, Carlos Utrera Iglesias, Gladys García Vidal, Jorge Monreal Arnal, Teresa Alonso Martínez, Carlos Jiménez Castells, Marta Jo Ruiz, Jaume Lara Ochoa, Eduard Llorente Viejo, Silvia Monreal Arnal, Teresa Otero Calviño, Beatriz Pérez Rico, Juan Luís Rodríguez Luna, Eva Cela Espín, José María Garcia Gasulla, Marta Cruellas Ibarz, Joan Carles Fornés de Juan, Jordi Macías Lloret, Mario Morillo Pozo, Julián David Perelló Muntan, Jordi Rodríguez Luna, Eva San Martino , Antonio Cruellas Ibarz, Joan Carles Solé Pareta, Josep 2.1. Subjects taught by DAC staff 2.1.4. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB) AC: Arquitectura de Computadors AC2: Arquitectura de Computadors II ACA: Arquitectura de Computadors Actuals AC-grau: Arquitectura de Computadors - grau APC: Arquitectura de un PC ASO: Administració de Sistemes Operatius ASO-grau: Administració de Sistemes Operatius-grau CARS: Configuració i Avaluació del Rendiment de Sistemes CPD: Centres de Processament de Dades DM: Disseny de Microprocessadors EC-grau: Estructura de Computadors - grau EDSO: Estructura i Disseny de Sistemes Operatius IC-grau: Introducció als Computadors - grau ILSLD: Introducció al Linux i al Software de Lliure Distribució IM: Internet Móvil MP: Multiprocessadors MP-grau: Multiprocessadors-grau PAR: Paral.lelisme PCA: Programació Conscient de l’Arquitectura PCA-grau: Programació Conscient de l’Arquitectura PEC: Projecte EC PI: Protocols d’Internet PIAM: Protocols d’Internet i Aplicacions Multimèdia ProSO: Projecte de Sistemes Operatius PTI: Projecte de TI PXC: Projecte de Xarxes de Computadors PXCSO: Projecte de Xarxes i Sistemes Operatius SI: Seguretat Informàtica SO2: Sistemes Operatius II SOA: Sistemes Operatius Avançats SOAD: Sistemes Operatius Per Aplicacions Distribuïdes SODX: Sistemes Operatius Distribuïts i en Xarxa Annual Report 2011/2012 12 13 · · · · · · · · · 2. Teaching SO-grau: Sistemes Operatius - grau SPD: Servei Públics de Dades SSI: Seguretat en Sistemes Informàtics TIS: Tecnologies de la Informació Sostenibles TXC: Tecnologies de Xarxes de Computadors XC: Xarxes de Computadors XC2: Xarxes de Computadors II XCA: Xarxes de Computadors i Aplicacions XC-grau: Xarxes de Computadors - grau FIB Subj. AC AC-grau AC2 ACA APC ASO ASO-grau CARS Q1 Canal Corretger, Ramon Herrada Lillo, Enrique Lázaro Iglesias, Daniel Llabería Griñó, José María Olivé Duran, Àngel Parcerisa Bundo, Joan Manuel Álvarez Martínez, Carlos Fernández Jiménez, Agustín Llosa Espuny, Josep Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín Olivé Duran, Àngel Cruz Díaz, Josep-Llorenç Fernández Jiménez, Agustín López Álvarez, David Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín Pérez Payeras, Andres Serral Gracia, René Valverde Amador, Antoni Xavier Martorell Bofill, Xavier Serral Gracia, René Valverde Amador, Antoni Xavier Carrera Pérez, David Gil Gómez, Marisa Torres Viñals, Jordi CPD Q2 Canal Corretger, Ramon Herrada Lillo, Enrique Lázaro Iglesias, Daniel Llabería Griñó, José María Parcerisa Bundo, Joan Manuel Álvarez Martínez, Carlos Fernández Jiménez, Agustín Llosa Espuny, Josep Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín Olivé Duran, Àngel Espasa Sans, Roger Serral Gracia, René Martorell Bofill, Xavier Serral Gracia, René Valverde Amador, Antoni Xavier Barceló Ordinas, José María López Álvarez, David Ramírez Bellido, Alejandro DM EC-grau Canal Corretger, Ramon Fernández Barta, Montserrat Lara Ochoa, Eduard Parcerisa Bundo, Joan Manuel Rodríguez Doncel, Víctor Tous Liesa, Rubén Tubella Murgadas, Jordi EDSO Heredero Lázaro, Ana M Annual Report 2011/2012 Fernández Barta, Montserrat Lara Ochoa, Eduard Parcerisa Bundo, Joan Manuel Rodríguez Doncel, Víctor Tous Liesa, Rubén Tubella Murgadas, Jordi Utrera Iglesias, Gladys Heredero Lázaro, Ana M 2.1. Subjects taught by DAC staff FIB (Cont.) Subj. IC-grau ILSLD IM MP MP-grau PAR PCA PCA-grau PEC PI PIAM PTI PXC PXCSO ProSO Q1 Alaei , Mohammad Aletà Ortega, Alexandre Cortés Rosselló, Toni Cruz Díaz, Josep-Llorenç González Tallada, Marc Larriba Pey, Josep Lluis Navarro Guerrero, Juan José Ruiz Ramirez, Marc Sole Clotet, Josep Solé Simó, Marc Teruel García, Xavier Álvarez Martínez, Carlos Garcia Gasulla, Marta Labarta Mancho, Jesús José Ayguadé Parra, Eduard Farreras Esclusa, Montserrat Jiménez González, Daniel Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón Morancho Llena, Enrique Barceló Ordinas, José María Barceló Ordinas, José María García Vidal, Jorge Cabellos Aparicio, Alberto Freitag , Fèlix Guerrero Zapata, Manel Jordán Fernández, Francisco Marques Puig, Joan Manel Toribio González, Ángel Navarro Mas, Nacho Velasco Esteban, Luis Becerra Fontal, Yolanda Costa Prats, Juan José Garcia Almiñana, Jordi Gil Gómez, Marisa Guitart Fernández, Jordi Millán Vizuete, Amador Reig Ventura, Gemma Q2 Aletà Ortega, Alexandre Cortés Rosselló, Toni Cruz Díaz, Josep-Llorenç González Tallada, Marc Navarro Guerrero, Juan José Sole Clotet, Josep Solé Simó, Marc Teruel García, Xavier Álvarez Martínez, Carlos López Álvarez, David García Vidal, Jorge Garcia Gasulla, Marta Labarta Mancho, Jesús José Llabería Griñó, José María Ayguadé Parra, Eduard Badia Sala, Rosa Maria Jiménez González, Daniel Labarta Mancho, Jesús José Tubella Murgadas, Jordi Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón Morancho Llena, Enrique Jiménez González, Daniel Cruz Díaz, Josep-Llorenç Barceló Ordinas, José María Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Barceló Ordinas, José María García Vidal, Jorge Freitag , Fèlix Guerrero Zapata, Manel Jordán Fernández, Francisco Toribio González, Ángel Velasco Esteban, Luis Becerra Fontal, Yolanda Garcia Almiñana, Jordi Gil Gómez, Marisa Delgado Merce, Jaime María Nin Guerrero, Jordi SI Annual Report 2011/2012 14 15 2. Teaching FIB (Cont.) Subj. SO-grau Q1 Barlet Ros, Pere Becerra Fontal, Yolanda Corbalán González, Julita Costa Prats, Juan José Garcia Almiñana, Jordi Pajuelo González, Manuel Alejandro Pérez Payeras, Andres Radojkovic , Petar Toribio González, Ángel Verdú Mulá, Javier SO2 SOA Costa Prats, Juan José Pajuelo González, Manuel Alejandro SOAD SODX SPD SSI TIS TXC XC XC-grau XC2 XCA Guitart Fernández, Jordi Navarro Moldes, Leandro Santos Boada, German Solé Pareta, Josep García-Cervigón Gutiérrez, Manuel Linares Blanco, Jordi Nin Guerrero, Jordi Ricciardi , Sergio Santos Boada, German Santos Boada, German Solé Pareta, Josep Careglio , Davide Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Iñigo Griera, Jordi Morillo Pozo, Julián David Perelló Muntan, Jordi Suñol Capella, Josep Barceló Ordinas, José María Barlet Ros, Pere Carrera Pérez, David Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Delgado Merce, Jaime María Nin Guerrero, Jordi Careglio , Davide Ricciardi , Sergio Carrera Pérez, David Annual Report 2011/2012 Q2 Barlet Ros, Pere Becerra Fontal, Yolanda Corbalán González, Julita Costa Prats, Juan José Garcia Almiñana, Jordi Millán Vizuete, Amador Morancho Llena, Enrique Pajuelo González, Manuel Alejandro Pérez Payeras, Andres Toribio González, Ángel Verdú Mulá, Javier Costa Prats, Juan José Becerra Fontal, Yolanda Pajuelo González, Manuel Alejandro Gil Gómez, Marisa Guitart Fernández, Jordi Santos Boada, German Solé Pareta, Josep Ricciardi , Sergio Santos Boada, German Santos Boada, German Solé Pareta, Josep Careglio , Davide Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Iñigo Griera, Jordi Suñol Capella, Josep Valverde Amador, Antoni Xavier Barceló Ordinas, José María Barlet Ros, Pere Careglio , Davide Carrera Pérez, David Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Delgado Merce, Jaime María Morillo Pozo, Julián David Nin Guerrero, Jordi Careglio , Davide Ricciardi , Sergio 2.1. Subjects taught by DAC staff 2.1.5. · · · · · · · · · · · · · Master in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems (Master CANS) AMPP: Algoritmos y Modelos de Programación Paralelos AP: Arquitectura de Procesadores CAAR: Compiladores para Arquitecturas de Alto Rendimiento CMARC: Conceptos Matemáticos Aplicados a Redes de Computadores EEAP: Entornos de Ejecución para Arquitecturas Paralelas EECD: Entornos de Ejecución para Computación Distribuída NEO: Optimització de xarxes de comunicacions OPI: Internet Optica OSNI: Optimización de Simulaciones Numéricas en Ingenier RALIAS: Redes de Area Local Inalámbricas, Ad Hoc y de Sensores SD: Sistemas Distribuídos SDS: Sistemes distribuïts escalables SONAR: Sistemas Operativos para Nuevas Arquitecturas Master CANS Subj. AMPP AP CAAR CMARC EEAP Q1 Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón Jiménez González, Daniel González Colás, Antonio M. González Tallada, Marc Jiménez Castells, Marta Llosa Espuny, Josep Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Gil Gómez, Marisa Martorell Bofill, Xavier Navarro Mas, Nacho Torres Viñals, Jordi Ruiz Ramirez, Marc Velasco Esteban, Luis Larriba Pey, Josep Lluis Solé Pareta, Josep Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón Larriba Pey, Josep Lluis Barceló Ordinas, José María Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç García Vidal, Jorge Freitag , Fèlix Marques Puig, Joan Manel Navarro Moldes, Leandro EECD NEO OPI OSNI RALIAS SD SDS SONAR Q2 Navarro Mas, Nacho Annual Report 2011/2012 16 17 2. Teaching 2.1.6. · · Master’s degree in Aerospace Science and Technology (Master MAST) IUAV: Introducció als UAV: disseny i aplicacions SAD: Sistemes Aviònics Digitals Master MAST Subj. IUAV Q1 Q2 Pastor Llorens, Enric Royo Chic, Pablo Barrado Muxí, Cristina SAD 2.1.7. · Master in Information Technology (Master MINT) NGI: New Generation Internet Master MINT Subj. NGI 2.2. Q1 Q2 Ricciardi , Sergio Santos Boada, German Solé Pareta, Josep Supervision of final projects As listed below, there are the final projects presented in this academic career and where any member of the DAC has been involved as director or as a promoter. This relationship is divided according to the degree. 2.2.1. Diploma in Aeronautics, specializing in Air Navigation (EETAC) AERN Date 05/Sep/11 Title Enhancing a RNAV guidance system for UAS with fly over waypoints and track to a fix path terminators Student Jaime Hileno, Àlvar Annual Report 2011/2012 Director/Promoter Santamaria Barnadas, Eduard 18 2.2. Supervision of final projects 2.2.2. Electronic Engineering (ETSETB) EE Date 04/Sep/12 2.2.3. Title Diseño e implementación de un servidor de comunicaciones para redes multidisciplinares con acceso seguro a internet, alta disponibilidad y calidad de servicio Student Gonzalez Fernandez, Abelardo Director/Promoter Sole Pareta, Josep Computer Engineering (FIB) EI Date 02/Nov/11 22/Nov/11 10/Jan/12 16/Jan/12 17/Jan/12 18/Jan/12 19/Jan/12 20/Jan/12 23/Jan/12 24/Jan/12 24/Jan/12 24/Jan/12 26/Jan/12 Title Supervisor De Componentes De Tiempo Real Para Una Plataforma Robótica Humanoide Aplicació de gestió i compartició multimedia en iOS basat en Cloud Computing Desenvolupament del Programa de Censos i la Xarxa Social Interna d’Escoltes Catalans Desenvolupament d’un sistema de control domòtic amb tecnologies sense fils autoalimentades Mejora de la eficiencia energética en Centros de Proceso de Datos Sistema de soporte para la decisión de asignación de recursos en sistemas pervasivos basados en sistemas móviles Altair-T: Sistema de detección y gestión de amenazas sobre activos Extracció automàtica de metadades semàntiques d’imatges de biòpsies òptiques ClusterMem: Ús de la memòria total d’un cluster LSIM: execució d’aplicacions en entorns realistes a gran escala Plataforma web per a la reutilització d’equips informàtics Análisis de aplicaciones 3D en el sistema operativo Google Android Digital Signage sobre IP Student Palacios, Jordan Director/Promoter Martorell Bofill, Xavier Pinyol Laserna, Xavier Nin Guerrero, Jordi Travesa Centrich, Francesc Larriba Pey, Josep García López, Carlos Santos Boada, German Perendreu Guerrero, Jordi Santos Boada, German Ricciardi, Sergio (Co-advisor) Otero Calviño, Beatriz Gil Gomez, Maria Luisa (Co-advisor) Medina Fernández, Carlos Berlanga Fuentes, Juan Leandro Navarro Moldes, Leandro Ballester Ripoll, Rafael Tous Liesa, Rubén Muñoz García, Héctor Costa Prats, Juan José Verdura Gelmà, Esteve Marques Puig, Joan Manel Caballero Peña, Sergio Navarro Moldes, Leandro Álvarez Monedero, Enrique Fernández Jiménez, Agustín Casademont Filella, Albert Guerrero Zapata, Manel Annual Report 2011/2012 19 2. Teaching EI (Cont.) Date 15/Mar/12 10/Apr/12 01/Jun/12 12/Jun/12 14/Jun/12 18/Jun/12 20/Jun/12 20/Jun/12 20/Jun/12 21/Jun/12 22/Jun/12 22/Jun/12 22/Jun/12 25/Jun/12 26/Jun/12 26/Jun/12 27/Jun/12 27/Jun/12 27/Jun/12 Title Instalación de telefonía Cisco e integración y configuración de Asterisk dentro de la estructura telefónica de Labco. Desenvolupament de nous mòduls sobre la plataforma Moodle 2.0 Implementación de aplicación masivamente paralela usando CUDA Gestor de newsletters i web mantenible per a World Trade Center Barcelona OmpSsCL: Entorno para la programación automática de aplicaciones OpenCL Web content classification in a massively paral.lel platform Test systems monitoring Student Calvo Ceinos, Gonzalo Director/Promoter Serral Gracià, René Casas Danes, Jordi Delgado Merce, Jaime M. Gifre Renom, Lluís Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Nistal Solis, Jordi Larriba Pey, Josep Filgueras Izquierdo, Antonio Jimenez Gonzalez, Daniel Mutsuda Zapater, Masumi Barlet Ros, Pere Casals Cullell, Joan Gestió dinàmica de màquines virtuals per topologies de xarxa Sistema d’informació per a una ONG Canes Gonzalez, Miquel Martorell Bofill, Xavier Ros, Fred (Co-advisor) Serral Gracià, René Didici - Language Learning Platform Desenvolupament d’una aplicació per distribuir continguts digitals generats a dispositius mòbils amb la plataforma DMAG-MIPAMS Simulación de Fluidos mediante OpenCL Arroyo Gil, Rubén Paral·lelització del software de simulació Pele++ utilitzant gpu’s Herramientas para simplificar la gestión de la privacidad en redes sociales Creació de les eines necessaries per a la reutilització d’equips informàtics Implementación de un procesador MIPS en una FPGA Implementación RTL/Verilog de un procesador de shader para una GPU Adaptació a l’entorn Android d’un editor segur d’EHRs (Electronic Health Records) Manegador d’esdeveniments per a sistemes UNIX Oró Gay, Xavier Bassons Velasco, Raquel García Almiñana, Jordi Cuatrecasas Capdevila, Marta (Co-advisor) Navarro Moldes, Leandro Berbiela Rodriguez, Albert Llorente Viejo, Silvia Roig Pina, Carlos A. Gil Gomez, Maria Luisa Dadvand, Pooyan (Co-advisor) Badia Sala, Rosa Maria Sans García, Carlos Antonio Delgado Merce, Jaime M. Ramirez Lázaro, Fernando Guillen Fandos, David López Álvarez, David Franquesa, David (Co-advisor) Llaberia Griñó, Jose M. Pizarro Calvo, Ivan Espasa Sans, Roger Garcia Alvarez, Roger Oriol Delgado Merce, Jaime M. Villalba Navarro, Alvaro Costa Prats, Juan José Annual Report 2011/2012 20 2.2. Supervision of final projects EI (Cont.) Date 27/Jun/12 28/Jun/12 29/Jun/12 29/Jun/12 2.2.4. Title Desarrollo de una interfaz gráfica mediante Galaxy para Qiime. Desenvolupament d’una funció de captura de pantalla per Android 2.3 Implementació d’un Tesselador de DirectX 11 per una targeta gràfica Desarrollo de un monitor de redes wifi con capacidades avanzadas de medición Student Navas Molina, Jose Antonio Director/Promoter Otero Calviño, Beatriz Navas Peire, Alvaro García Almiñana, Jordi Ramírez Guerrero, Daniel Fernández Jiménez, Agustín Garcia Villalba, David Cabellos Aparicio, Alberto Portoles Cameras, Marc (Co-advisor) Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB) ET Date 19/Sep/11 03/Oct/11 03/Oct/11 04/Oct/11 21/Dec/11 21/Dec/11 05/Jul/12 Title JA(G)OBS Simulator: Implementation of the main features of the routing protocol Granular enablers for sustainable design Estudio, uso e implementación de una aplicación de las nuevas caracteríticas de HTML5 Exploring the limits of cloud computing Interacción entre usuarios en aplicativos de Realidad Aumentada Strategies assessment for resource sharing networks and ad hoc systems Optimización y paralelización de un algoritmo para evaluar la fiabilidad "all-terminal" de una red Student Miranda Batalha, Rui Pedro Director/Promoter Careglio, Davide Selles, Jérôme Jean Gilbert Naharro Parra, Marc Careglio, Davide Delgado Garcia, Victor Careglio, Davide García Benítez, Boris Meseguer Pallares, Roque León Anglès, Núria Meseguer Pallares, Roque Pascual Martínez, Maria Silvia Otero Calviño, Beatriz Annual Report 2011/2012 Meseguer Pallares, Roque 21 2.2.5. 2. Teaching Diploma in Computer Software (FIB) ETG Date 24/Oct/11 12/Jan/12 29/May/12 07/Jun/12 14/Jun/12 21/Jun/12 25/Jun/12 26/Jun/12 26/Jun/12 2.2.6. Title Desenvolupament d’una aplicació per a la compartició de màquines virtuals en una xarxa peer-to-peer i desplegament sobre l’entorn Planet Lab Herramienta de diseño visual de redes Desenvolupament per dotar Moodle de la capacitat d’impartir classes a distancia eSalud/Telemedicina Projecte Intranet Liferay Aplicació geo-localització Forns IGP amb iOS / Android Reusable web hosting control panel interface Cercador de punts d’interes amb Goggle Latitude Desarrollo de aplicaciones PEER-TO-PEER para Iphone Student Vallecillo Folguera, Carles Director/Promoter Freitag, Felix Peña Bravo, Carlos Lorente Unión, David Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Becerra Fontal, Yolanda López Capó, Carlos Bonilla López, Juan Miguel Sánchez Delgado, Raúl Jimenez Gonzalez, Daniel Sánchez Carracedo, Fermin Nin Guerrero, Jordi Acedo Rodríguez, Carlos Navarro Moldes, Leandro Fabregas Sole, Jacint Nin Guerrero, Jordi Martínez Fidalgo, Mario Cruz Diaz, Josep-llorenç Alonso López, Javier (Co-advisor) Diploma in Computer Software (EPSEVG) ETIG Date 07/Feb/12 2.2.7. Title Implantación de un sistema de videoconferencia CUVM sobre una red MPLS Student Centelles Celma, Helena Director/Promoter Sanchez Lopez, Sergio Diploma in Computer Systems (FIB) ETS Date 12/Jan/12 18/Jan/12 19/Jan/12 23/Jan/12 24/Jan/12 Title Sistema Multiposting de anuncios A reusable web hosting control panel with billing System Detecció de patògens respiratoris a partir de fotografies monocromàtiques Central Key Manager for Tango/04 Construcció d’un sistema Linux a partir de codi font Student Cornejo Vila, Alejandro Aymerich Gubern, Marc Director/Promoter Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Navarro Moldes, Leandro Serralta Riera, Miquel Tous Liesa, Rubén Martínez Cazorla, Rubén Nin Guerrero, Jordi Requejo Garcia, Borja Martorell Bofill, Xavier Annual Report 2011/2012 22 2.2. Supervision of final projects ETS (Cont.) Date 25/Jan/12 25/Jan/12 27/Jan/12 01/Jun/12 19/Jun/12 19/Jun/12 19/Jun/12 22/Jun/12 22/Jun/12 26/Jun/12 27/Jun/12 27/Jun/12 27/Jun/12 28/Jun/12 Title Smartphones com a eina d’ajuda per a gent gran Conversión de un modelo de datos para su ejecución en el cloud: del modelo relacional al no relacional Sistema de desplegament ràpid de xarxes MANET Desenvolupament d’un software appliance per Nagios Framework de desarrollo rápido de algoritmos paralelos Student Cifo Servera, Juan Director/Promoter López Álvarez, David Navarro Alcaraz, Francisco Jav. Becerra Fontal, Yolanda Barguñó Jané, Luis (Co-advisor) Escrich Garcia, Pau Navarro Moldes, Leandro Casas Ríos, Jordi Diseño de una aplicación Android para calcular el potencial de generación de energía eléctrica eolica Implantación de un cluster heterogéneo y escalable Perez Orozco, David Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Martorell Bofill, Xavier (Co-advisor) Santos Boada, German Ricciardi, Sergio (Co-advisor) Rediseño de sistemas y red en una empresa industrial Labdoo Dootrips Fernández Sabatés, Miguel Roselló Rey, Adrián Testbed d’una xarxa sense fils amb màquines virtuals. Wone-Watch Extension Gilabert Perez, Yuri Desarollo de una herramienta CMS Instalación y configuración de un cluster de computación Monitorització de l’ús de diferents elements de comunicació en un dispositiu Android Cervera Quintilla, Daniel Expósito Piñol, Luis Alvaro Saperas, Ferran Forns Soler, Xavier Melon Rial, Santiago Burgos Plaza, Alberto Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Fernández Piqueras, Joaquin (Co-advisor) Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo García Almiñana, Jordi Massaguer, Daniel (Co-advisor) Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo García Almiñana, Jordi 2.2.8. Diploma in Telecommunications, specializing in Telecommunications Systems (EETAC) SIST Date 21/Oct/11 30/Nov/11 Title Aplicaciones Moviles para Teleasistencia Sistema de guiado para incendios forestales Student Ramos Pérez, Cristóbal Director/Promoter López Rubio, Juan Garcia Garcia, Ramon López Rubio, Juan Annual Report 2011/2012 23 2.2.9. 2. Teaching Diploma in Telecommunications, specializing in Telematics (EETAC) TEL Date 05/Sep/11 05/Sep/11 2.3. Title Implantación de la telemedicina en la región del RAAS de Nicaragua. Fase VI Implantación de la telemedicina en la región del RAAS de Nicaragua. Fase VI Student Palau Zaidín, Macarena Director/Promoter Royo Vallés, M. Dolores Benavides Gómez, Jesús Royo Vallés, M. Dolores Masters thesis Address Below is a list of the master’s degree dissertations submitted this academic year and for which a member of DAC staff acted as supervisor. 2.3.1. Master in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems (FIB) CANS Date 03/Feb/12 Title Hardware Support for Efficient Watchpoint Virtualization Student Karakostas, Vasileios 03/Feb/12 Remote Execution For Accelerators Compiler’s analysis and it applications to ompss Guided-based prefetching in CMP systems Analyzing stability concerns in the presence of variations in Subthreshold SRAM Gasnet library evaluation on Barrelfish and Intel SCC Privacy extensions for LSIPMN Evaluation of rodinia benchmark set with ompss Emulación eficieinte de x86 en máquinas virtuales codiseñadas A quantitative study of State-ofthe-Art memory technologie Jorda Peroliu, Marc 03/Feb/12 03/Feb/12 02/Jul/12 02/Jul/12 02/Jul/12 04/Sep/12 04/Sep/12 04/Sep/12 Royuela Alcázar, Sara Director/Promoter Unsal, Osman Cristal, Adrián Ayguadé, Eduard Navarro, Nacho García Flores, Víctor Durán, Àlex Martorell, Xavier Navarro, Nacho Rana, Manish Canal Corretger, Ramon Gomez Marmolejo, Zeus Ayguade Parra, Eduard Rodríguez Natal, Alberto Cabellos Aparicio, Alberto Priskas, Vasileios Martorell Bofill, Xavier Dot Artigas, Gem Martinez Vicente, Alejandro Martínez López, Álvaro Canal Corretger, Ramon Annual Report 2011/2012 24 2.3. Masters thesis Address 2.3.2. Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering & Management (EETAC) MASTEAM Date 09/Nov/11 01/Dec/11 21/Dec/11 2.3.3. Title Ground Control Segment for UAS Civil Applications Indoor Rover with Simultaneous Location And Mapping (SLAM) Strategies assessment for resource sharing networks and ad hoc systems Student Cuadrado Santolaria, Raúl Albalá Díaz, Alejandro Director/Promoter Royo Chic, Pablo León Anglès, Núria Meseguer Pallares, Roque López Rubio, Juan Master of Science in Information and Communication Technologies (ETSETB) MINT Date 19/Sep/11 17/May/12 19/Jun/12 03/Jul/12 2.3.4. Title Cooperative signal amplification for molecular communication in nanonetworks. YouTube Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Combining two formal methods of the static analyses Anaylysis of the efficiency of protocol DOCSIS 3.0 in HFC networks Student Abadal Cavallé, Sergi Director/Promoter Cabellos Aparicio, Alberto Dimopoulos, Georgios Sanjuàs Cuxart, Josep Honorat Poblette, Jorge Luis Tan, Hui Sole Pareta, Josep Santos Boada, German Master in Information Technology (FIB) MTI Date 06/Sep/12 2.3.5. Title Crowdsourcing for software localization Student Gritti, Andrea Director/Promoter Gómez Seoane, Cristina Erasmus Mundus in Distributed Computing (FIB) MUDCOMP Date 22/Jun/12 22/Jun/12 04/Jul/12 04/Jul/12 04/Jul/12 04/Jul/12 Title Distributed Storage on Community Networks Scalable recommendation framework Exponential Histogram on BigData Storages S4 Checkpointing analysis A crowdsourcing framework for software localization Persistence For In-Memory Key-Value Stores Student Ying, Liu Director/Promoter Navarro, Leandro Ljungblad, Per Marcus Matuszczyk, Tomasz Setianingsih, Sari Guitart Fernandez, Jordi Valles, Mariano Jawad, Manzoor Guitart Fernandez, Jordi Guitart Fernandez, Jordi Kiarash, Rezahanjani Guitart Fernandez, Jordi Annual Report 2011/2012 25 2.4. 2. Teaching Doctoral Theses Between 1980 and August 2012, 200 doctoral theses have been defended at the DAC. In the September 2011 - August 2012 period, the following doctoral theses were defended: Doctoral Theses Date 08/Sep/11 Title Parallel Video Decoding Author Mauricio Álvarez Mesa 19/Sep/11 Castell: A Heterogeneous CMP Architecture Scalable to Hundreds of Processors MSTACK: A communications stack for mobile ad-hoc networks Running Stream-Like Programs on Hetereogeneous Multi-Core Systems A Multi-core Processor for hard Real-time Systems Felipe Cabarcas Jaramillo Trade-off Among Timeliness, Messages and Accuracy For Large-Scale Information Management Managing Dynamic NonUniform Cache Architectures GMPLS-OBS Interoperability and Routing Scalability in Internet Architectural Support for high-Performing Hardware Transactional Memory Systems Hardware and Software Support for Distributed Shared Memory in Chip Multiprocessors Code Optimizations For Narrow Bitwidth Architectures Rene Brunner Estimación Automática de Grupos en Entornos de Aprendizaje Cooperativo con Aplicaciones Sensibles al Contexto Efficient Algorithms for Passive Network Measurement Cross-Layer Optimization for Optical Networks HW/SW Mechanisms for Instruction Fusion, Issue and Commit in Modern u-Processors Architectural Explorations for Streaming Accelerators with Customized Memory Layouts Roque Meseguer Pallarés 21/Oct/11 24/Oct/11 04/Nov/11 18/Nov/11 25/Nov/11 16/Dec/11 23/Dec/11 09/Jan/12 23/Feb/12 02/Mar/12 23/Mar/12 16/Apr/12 03/May/12 21/May/12 Advisor(s) Alejandro Ramírez Mateo Valero Alejandro Ramírez Mateo Valero David Fusté Vilella Jorge García Vidal Paul Carpenter Alejandro Ramírez Bellido Eduard Ayguadé Parra Marco Paolieri Eduardo Quiñones Moreno Francisco Javier Cazorla Almeida Felix Freitag Leandro Navarro Moldes Javier Lira Rueda Pedro Miguel Mendoça Pedroso Antonio González Carlos Molina Davide Careglio Josep Solé i Pareta Marc Lupon Navazo Antonio M. González Colás Grigorios Magklis Carlos Villavieja Prados Alejandro Ramírez Bellido Nacho Navarro Mas Indu Bhagat Antonio González Enric Gibert Codina Jesús Sánchez Navarro Leandro Navarro Moldes Josep Sanjuàs Cuxart Maria Ioanna Angelou Abhishek Deb Muhammad Shafiq Annual Report 2011/2012 Josep Solé Pareta Pere Barlet Ros Davide Careglio Salvatore Spadaro Antonio Ma González Colás José Ma Codina Viñas Eduard Ayguadé Parra Miquel Pericàs Gleim Nacho Navarro Mas 26 2.4. Doctoral Theses Doctoral Theses (Cont.) Date 01/Jun/12 05/Jun/12 13/Jul/12 23/Jul/12 23/Jul/12 Title DVFS Management in HPC Systems Software Caching Techniques and Hardware Optimizations for On-Chip Local Memories Towards Lightweight and High-Performance Hardware Transactional Memory Mitosis Based Speculative Multithreaded Architectures Author Maja Etinski Opportunistic Routing Wireless Mesh Networks Amir Darehshoorzadeh in Nikola Vujic Advisor(s) Jesús Labarta Mancho Julita Corbalán González Eduard Ayguadé Parra Marc González Tallada Sasa Tomic Adrián Cristal Kestelman Osman Unsal Carlos Madriles Gimeno Antonio M. González Colás José M. Codina Viñas Pedro Marcuello Pascual Llorenç Cerdà Alabern Annual Report 2011/2012 28 3 Research Annual Report 2011/2012 29 3. Research The activities of each research group over the academic year are described below. All of this information was automatically retrieved from the UPC’s scientific output database and from the DAC’s application for the management of research reports. The research groups in the DAC are: · · · · · · · · · · 3.1. ANA: Grup d’Arquitectures Avançades de Xarxes. ARCO: Microarquitectura i Compiladors. CAP: Grup de Computació d´Altes Prestacions. CBA: Sistemes de Comunicacions de Banda Ampla. CCABA: Centre de Comunicacions Avançades de Banda Ampla. CNDS: Xarxes de Computadors i Sistemes Distribuïts. DAMA-UPC: Data Management Group. DMAG: Grup d’Aplicacions Multimèdia Distribuïdes. GCO: Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques. ICARUS: Sistemes Aviònics i de Comunicació Intel·ligents per Avions no Tripulats Fiables. Research Group ANA The research activities carried out by ANA are focused on three areas: Networking, with special focus on the design of next generation network architectures and protocols, both in IP and optical networks, E-health and Design of real-time applications and services. Web page: Responsible: Xavier Masip Bruin People German Duarte, Martin Martinez Manzanilla, Anny Gabriela Ramirez Almonte, Wilson Serral Gracia, Rene Marin Tordera, Eva Masip Bruin, Javier Sanchez Lopez, Sergio Yannuzzi Sanchez, Marcelo Journals · Puype, B., Marin, E., Colle, D., Sanchez, S., Pickavet, M., Masip, X. and Demeester, P. "Prediction-based routing as RWA in multilayer traffic engineering", Photonic network communications, 23(2), Apr/12, 172-182. Annual Report 2011/2012 30 3.1. Research Group ANA Conference Presentations · Ahvar, E., Marin, E., Yannuzzi, M., Masip, X. and Ahvar, S. "FRA: A new fuzzy-based routing approach for optical transport networks" in 2012 17th European Conference on Network and Optical Communications, NOC 2012, 7th Conference on Optical Cabling and Infrastructure, OC and I 2012, 01/Jan/12, 1-6. Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 19/Jun/12 22/Jun/12 01/Aug/11 31/Jul/12 17th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications; 7th Conference on Optical Cabling and Infrastruct. CONFERENCIA NOC 2012 01/Jan/10 31/Dec/12 01/Jan/10 30/Jun/13 01/Sep/10 31/Aug/13 01/Jan/09 31/Dec/12 01/Nov/10 31/Dec/11 01/Dec/11 28/Feb/13 Responsible Researcher Masip, X. Funding Body Masip, X. MINIS DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Mec) Diseno Multinivel de Nuevas Arquitecturas y Protocolos para Redes Multidominio - CICYT DISEÑO MULTINIVEL DE NUEVAS ARQ.Y PROTOCOLOS PARA REDES MULTIDOMINIO FP7-258300-ONE Masip, X. Intelligent Monitoring Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems TEC2007-30328-E (NEWBONE) TEstbed for Future Internet Services AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Masip, X. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Yannuzzi, M. Masip, X. Commission of European Communities European Commission Masip, X. MEC Yannuzzi, M. Commission of European Communities Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 01/Oct/10 31/Dec/11 Ajut Cisco per CRAAX Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Masip, X. Funding Body CISCO SYSTEMS 31 3.2. 3. Research Research Group ARCO ARCO is formed by members of the Department of Computer Architecture at UPC, members of the IntelUPC Barcelona Research Center and members of the Computer Science Department at the Universitat Rovira Virgili (URV). The group is formed by professors, PhD students, and post-doc researchers. The research of the group focuses on microarchitectures and compilers for future processors, bearing in mind the underlying technology. The main goal is to increase performance, enhance reliability and reduce power dissipation of future processors. Web page: Responsible: Antonio M. González Colás People Aleta Ortega, Alexandre Canal Corretger, Ramon Cruz Diaz, Josep-llorenç Gonzalez Colas, Antonio Maria Piñeiro Riobo, Jose Alejandro Vera Rivera, Francisco Javier Aliagas Castell, Carles Codina Viñas, Josep M Gibert Codina, Enric Parcerisa Bundo, Joan Manuel Tubella Murgadas, Jordi Journals · · · · · Jones, T., O’Boyle, M., Abella, J. and Gonzalez, A. "Compiler Directed Issue Queue Energy Reduction", Lecture notes in computer science, 6760, 01/Dec/11, 42-62. Canal, R., Rubio, J.A., ASenov, A., Brown, A., Miranda, M., Zuber, P., Gonzalez, A. and Vera, X. "TRAMS Project: variability and reliability of SRAM memories in sub-22nm bulk-CMOS technologies", Procedia Computer Science, 7, 22/Dec/11, 148-149. Lira, J., Jones, T., Molina, C. and Gonzalez, A. "The migration prefetcher: anticipating data promotion in dynamic NUCA caches", ACM transactions on architecture and code optimization, 8(4), Jan/12, 1-20. Herrero, E., González, J. and Canal, R. "Distributed cooperative caching: an energy efficient memory scheme for chip multiprocessors", IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems, 23(5), May/12, 853-861. Aymerich, N., Ganapathy, S., Rubio, J.A., Canal, R. and Gonzalez, A. "Impact of positive bias temperature instability (PBTI) on 3T1D-DRAM cells", Integration. The VLSI journal, 45(3), Jun/12, 246-252. Book Chapters · · Chang, J., Herrero, E., Canal, R. and Sohi, G. "Cooperative caching for clip multiprocessors", Cooperative networking, 11, 217-275. Franquesa, D., Cruz, J., Alvarez, C., Sanchez, F., Fernandez, A. and Lopez, D. "Cómo formar ingenieros en Informática en la competencia Sostenibilidad y Compromiso Social", TICAI 2009: TIC’s para a aprendizagem da Engenharia, 11, 131-138. Annual Report 2011/2012 3.2. Research Group ARCO 32 Conference Presentations · · · · · · · · · · · · · Pons, M., Moll, F., Rubio, J.A., Abella, J., Vera, F. and Gonzalez, A. "Design of complex circuits using the via-configurable transistor array regular layout fabric" in Proceedings: IEEE International SOC conference, Taipei (Taiwan), 28/Sep/11, 166-169. Lopez, D., Cruz, J., Sanchez, F. and Fernandez, A. "A take-home exam to assess professional skills" in Proceedings: 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 12/Oct/11, F1C1-F1C6. Deb, A., Codina, J. and Gonzalez, A. "A power-efficient co-designed out-of-order processor" in 23rd International symposium on computer architecture and high performance computing: Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil: 26-29 October 2011: proceedings, Vitória, Espírito Santo (Brasil), 29/Oct/11, 1-8. Lira, J., Molina, C., Brooks, D. and Gonzalez, A. "Implementing a hybrid SRAM / e DRAM NUCA architecture" in Proceedings HiPC - International Conference on High Performance Computing, Bengaluru, Bangalore (Índia), 18/Dec/11, 1-10. Amat, E., ASenov, A., Canal, R., Cheng, B., Cruz, J., Jaksic, Z., Miranda, M., Rubio, J.A. and Zuber, P. "Analysis of FinFET technology on memories" in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 18th International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS): 27-29 June 2012, Sitges, Spain, Sitges, Barcelona (Espanya), 01/Jan/12, 169-169. Sreekar Shenoy, G., Tubella, J. and Gonzalez, A. "Hardware/Software Mechanisms for Protecting an IDS against Algorithmic Complexity Attacks" in 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 21-25 May 2012: Shanghai, China, Shanghai (Xina), 01/Jan/12, 1190-1196. Sreekar Shenoy, G., Tubella, J. and Gonzalez, A. "Exploiting temporal locality in network traffic using commodity multi-cores" in ISPASS 2012: IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software: April 1-3 2012, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 01/Jan/12, 110-111. Sreekarshenoy, G., Tubella, J. and Gonzalez, A. "Improving the performance efficiency of an IDS by exploiting temporal locality in network traffic" in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, MASCOTS 2012, 01/Jan/12, 439-448. Upasani, G., Vera, X. and Gonzalez, A. "Setting an error detection infrastructure with low cost acoustic wave detectors" in 39th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture: Portland, Oregon, USA, June 9-13, 2012: proceedings, Portlan, OR (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 01/Jan/12, 333-343. Amat, E., Garcia, C., Aymerich, N., Canal, R. and Rubio, J.A. "Strain relevance on the improvement of the 3T1D cell performance" in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems: MIXDES 2012: Warsaw, Poland, 24-26 May, 2012, Warsaw (Polònia), 24/May/12, 120-123. Jaksic, Z. and Canal, R. "Enhancing 6T SRAM cell stabilitty by back gate biasing techniques for 10nm SOI FinFETs under process and environmental variations" in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems: MIXDES 2012: Warsaw, Poland, 24-26 May, 2012, Warsaw (Polònia), 24/May/12, 103-108. Arnau, J.M., Parcerisa, Joan-Manuel and Xekalakis, P. "Boosting mobile GPU performance with a decoupled access/execute fragment processor" in ISCA’12: proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 09/Jun/12, 84-93. Arnau, J.M., Parcerisa, Joan-Manuel and Xekalakis, P. "Adecoupled access/execute architecture for mobile GPUs" in ACACES 2012 poster abstracts, Fiuggi (Itàlia), 11/Jul/12, 17-20. Annual Report 2011/2012 33 3. Research Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title Responsible Researcher Tubella, J. 01/Jan/09 31/Dec/13 2009-SGR-1250 Arquitectura i Compiladors (ARCO) 10/May/12 30/Jun/12 Canal, R. 30/Sep/09 31/Dec/13 IEEE On-Line Testing Symposium 2012 MICROARQUITECTURA I COMPILADORS (ARCO) 01/Jan/11 31/Dec/13 Gonzalez, A. 01/Jan/10 31/Dec/12 MICROARQUITECTURA Y COMPILADORES PARA FUTUROS PROCESADORES II TERASCALE RELIABLE ADAPTIVE MEMORY SYSTEMS Tubella, J. Gonzalez, A. Funding Body Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (Agaur) MINIS DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Commission of European Communities Patents · 3.3. Cai, Q., Gonzalez, J., Chaparro, P., Magklis, G. and Gonzalez, A.. Intel Corporation (21/Oct/11). Thread Migration to Improve Efficiency in a Parallel Processing Environment. US 7,930,574 Research Group CAP HPC group researchs on improving the efficiency of high-performance computing systems. To that end, it is necessary to take different approaches that require a certain level of cooperation and integration: microarchitecture and multiprocessor architecture, compilers, operating systems, analysis, visualization and prediction tools, algorithms and applications. When measuring efficiency, and besides the classical approach that includes the execution time, we will use metrics that consider design aspects (such as cycle time, area and power dissipation of the processor and memory hierarchy, scalability of the microarchitecture and multiprocessor organization), systems correctness, portability and easy-to-use of the programming models and performance when running on multiuser, multiprogrammed and distributed environments, among others. Web page: Responsible: Mateo Valero Cortés People Abella Ferrer, Jaume Alvarez Martinez, Carlos Badia Sala, Rosa Maria Bofill Soliguer, Pablo Cela Espin, Jose M. Cortes Rossello, Antonio Farreras Esclusa, Montserrat Garcia Almiñana, Jordi Gonzalez Tallada, Marc Guitart Fernandez, Jordi Herrero Zaragoza, Jose Ramon Jimenez Gonzalez, Daniel Llaberia Griño, Jose M. Annual Report 2011/2012 Alonso López, Javier Ayguade Parra, Eduard Becerra Fontal, Yolanda Carrera Perez, David Corbalan Gonzalez, Julita Costa Prats, Juan Jose Fernandez Jimenez, Agustin Gil Gomez, Maria Luisa González Garcia, Juan Herrada Lillo, Enrique Jimenez Castells, Marta Labarta Mancho, Jesus Jose Llosa Espuny, Jose Francisco 3.3. Research Group CAP 34 People (Cont.) Lopez Alvarez, David Morancho Llena, Enrique Navarro Mas, Nacho Olive Duran, Angel Pajuelo Gonzalez, Manuel Alejandro Ramirez Bellido, Alejandro Sirvent Pardell, Raül Torres Viñals, Jordi Valero Cortes, Mateo Villavieja Prados, Carlos Martorell Bofill, Xavier Moreto Planas, Miquel Navarro Guerrero, Juan Jose Otero Calviño, Beatriz Pérez Cáncer, Josep Maria Sanchez Carracedo, Fermin Tejedor Saavedra, Enric Utrera Iglesias, Gladys Miriam Verdu Mula, Javier Journals · · · · · · · · · · · · · Moreto, M., Cazorla, F., Alex Ramirez and Valero, M. "Dynamic cache partitioning based on the MLP of cache misses", Lecture notes in computer science, 6590, 11, 3-23. Sanchez, F., Megias, D. and Prieto, J. "SiMR: a simulator for learning computer architecture", International journal of engineering education, 27(2), 11, 238-247. Tovar, E. and Sanchez, F. "Nuevos retos en las enseñanzas universitarias de informática", IEEE - RITA (Revista iberoamericana de tecnologías del aprendizaje), 6(2), 11, 78-79. Carpenter, P., Alex Ramirez and Ayguade, E. "The Abstract Streaming Machine: compile-time performance modelling of stream programs on heterogeneous multiprocessors", Transactions on HIPEAC, 5(3), 01/Oct/11, 1-20. Foina, A. G., Badia, R.M. and Ramirez-Fernandez, J. "G-Means improved for Cell BE Environment", Lecture notes in computer science, 6310, 01/Oct/11, 54-65. Le, K., Nguyen, T., Goiri, I., Bianchini, R., Guitart, J. and Torres, J. "Towards sustainable solutions for European cloud computing", Upgrade, 12(4), Oct/11, 59-66. Bosque, A., Viñals, V., IBÁÑEZ, P. and Llaberia, J. "Filtering directory lookups in CMPs", Microprocessors and microsystems, 35(8), Nov/11, 695-707. Marco, M., Sanchez, F. and Escribano, J. "Premio Aenui a la Calidad e Innovación Docente 2011", ReVisión, 4(2), Dec/11, 9-9. Jones, T., O’Boyle, M., Abella, J. and Gonzalez, A. "Compiler Directed Issue Queue Energy Reduction", Lecture notes in computer science, 6760, 01/Dec/11, 42-62. Sanchez, F., Cabarcas, F., Alex Ramirez and Valero, M. "Scalable multicore architectures for long DNA sequence comparison", Concurrency and computation. Practice and experience, 230(17), 10/Dec/11, 2205-2219. Rico, A., Cabarcas, F., Villavieja, C., Pavlovic, M., Vega, A., Etsion, Y., Alex Ramirez and Valero, M. "On the simulation of large-scale architectures using multiple application abstraction levels", ACM transactions on architecture and code optimization, 8(4), 23/Jan/12, 36:1-36:20. Albericio, J., Gran, R., Ibañez, P., Viñals, V. and Llaberia, J. "ABS: a low-cost adaptive controller for prefetching in a banked shared last-level cache", ACM transactions on architecture and code optimization, 8(4), Jan/12, 19:1-19:20. Juan, A., Hernández, F., Tordsson, J., Elmroth, E., Ali-Eldin, A., Zsigri, C., Sirvent, R., Guitart, J., Badia, R.M., Djemame, K., Ziegler, W., Dimitrakos, T., Nair, S., Kousiouris, G., Konstanteli, K., Varvarigou, T., Hudzia, B., Kipp, A., Wesner, S., Corrales, M., Forgó, N., Sharif, T. and Sheridan, C. "OPTIMIS: A holistic approach to cloud service provisioning", Future generation computer systems, 28(1), Jan/12, 66-77. Annual Report 2011/2012 35 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3. Research Sahelices, B., de Dios, A., Ibañez, P., Viñals, V. and Llaberia, J. "Effcient handling of lock hand-off in DSM multiprocessors with buffering coherence controllers", Journal of computer science and technology, 27(1), Jan/12, 75-91. Bertran, R., Becerra, Y., Carrera, D., Beltran, V., Gonzalez, M., Martorell, X., Navarro, N., Torres, J. and Ayguade, E. "Energy accounting for shared virtualized environments under DVFS using PMC-based power models", Future generation computer systems, 28(2), Feb/12, 457-468. Zyulkyarov, F., Stipic, S., Harris, T., Unsal, O., Cristal-Kestelman, A., Hur, I. and Valero, M. "Profiling and optimizing transactional memory applications", International journal of parallel programming, 40(1), Feb/12, 25-56. Ruiz, J., Moreto, M., Cazorla, F., Gioiosa, R., Buyuktosunoglu, A. and Valero, M. "CPU accounting for multicore processors", IEEE transactions on computers, 61(2), Feb/12, 251-264. Casas, M., Servat, H., Badia, R.M. and Labarta, J. "Extracting the optimal sampling frequency of applications using spectral analysis", Concurrency and computation. Practice and experience, 24(3), 10/Mar/12, 237-259. Bertran, R., Gonzalez, M., Martorell, X., Navarro, N. and Ayguade, E. "A systematic methodology to generate decomposable and responsive power models for CMPshola", IEEE transactions on computers, 23/Apr/12. Etinski, M., Corbalan, J., Labarta, J. and Valero, M. "Understanding the future of energy-performance trade-off via DVFS in HPC environments", Journal of parallel and distributed computing, 72(4), Apr/12, 579-590. Alvarez, C., Corbal, J. and Valero, M. "Dynamic tolerance region computing for multimedia", IEEE transactions on computers, 61(5), May/12, 650-665. Goiri, I., Berral, J., Fitó, J., Julià, F., Nou, R., Guitart, J., Gavaldà, R. and Torres, J. "Energy-efficient and multifaceted resource management for profit-driven virtualized data centers", Future generation computer systems, 28(5), May/12, 718-731. Seyedi, A., Armejach, A., Cristal-Kestelman, A., Unsal, O., Hur, I. and Valero, M. "Circuit design of a dual-versioning L1 data cache", Integration. The VLSI journal, 45(3), Jun/12, 237-245. Sánchez, A., Montes, J., Pérez , M. and Cortes, A. "An autonomic framework for enhancing the quality of data grid services", Future generation computer systems, 28(7), Jul/12, 1005-1016. Utrera, G., Tabik, Siham, Corbalan, J. and Labarta, J. "A job scheduling approach for multi-core clusters based on virtual malleability", Lecture notes in computer science, 7484, Aug/12, 191-203. Vincent, E., Araki, S., Theis, F., Nolte, G., Bofill, P., Sawada, H., Ozerov, A., Gowreesunker, V., Lutter, D. and Duong, N. "The signal separation evaluation campaign (2007-2010): Achievements and remaining challenges", Signal processing, 92(8), Aug/12, 1928-1936. Bertran, R., Gonzalez, M., Martorell, X., Navarro, N. and Ayguade, E. "Counter-based power modeling methods: top-down vs. bottom-uphola", The computer journal (Kalispell, Mont.), 24/Aug/12, 1-16. Annual Report 2011/2012 3.3. Research Group CAP 36 Books · · · Morancho, E., Hernández, P., Suppi, R., Jové, T., Marzo, J. and Royo, M. Diseño de sistemas operativos, 01/Sep/11. Morancho, E., Hernández, P., Suppi, R., Jové, T., Marzo, J. and Royo, M. Disseny de sistemes operatius, 01/Sep/11. Peiron, M., Ribas, L., Sanchez, F., Velasco, A. and Costa, R. Fonaments de computadors, Sep/11. Book Chapters · · · · · Franquesa, D., Cruz, J., Alvarez, C., Sanchez, F., Fernandez, A. and Lopez, D. "Cómo formar ingenieros en Informática en la competencia Sostenibilidad y Compromiso Social", TICAI 2009: TIC’s para a aprendizagem da Engenharia, 11, 131-138. Garcia, J., García-Almiñana, Daniel, Esteban, F., Pujadas, M., Navallas, F. and Miralles, R. "A survey of sustainability promotion experiences: the IPSO Project", World trends in education for sustainable development, 11, 295-309. Etinski, M., Corbalan, J. and Labarta, J. "Power-aware parallel job scheduling", Handbook of energyaware and green computing, 02/Jan/12, 875-897. Vaqué, A., Goiri, I., Guitart, J. and Torres, J. "EMOTIVE cloud: the BSC’s IaaS open source solution for cloud computing", Open source cloud computing systems: practices and paradigms, Jan/12, 44-60. Berral, J., Goiri, I., Nou, R., Julià, F., Fitó, J., Guitart, J., Gavaldà, R. and Torres, J. "Toward energy-aware scheduling using machine learning", Energy-efficient distributed computing systems, 30/Jul/12, 215244. Conference Presentations · · · · · · Alier, M., Lopez, D., Sanchez, F., Garcia, J., Piguillem, J. and Velasco, M. "Using a crowdsourcing knowledge base to support the Sustainability and Social Compromise skill in Computer Science Engineering studies" in Proceedings of the 4th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2011), Mykonos (Grècia), 01/Sep/11, 251-260. Bueno, J., Martinell, L., Durán, A., Farreras, M., Martorell, X., Badia, R.M., Ayguade, E. and Labarta, J. "Productive cluster programming with OmpSs" in Euro-Par 2011 parallel processing, Bordeaux (França), 01/Sep/11, 555-566. Bosque, A., Viñals, V., Ibañez, P. and Llaberia, J. "Filtering directory lookups in CMPs with write-through caches" in Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing: 17th International Conference, Euro-Par 2011: Bordeaux, France, August 29-September 2, 2011: proceedings, Part I, Bordeaux (França), 02/Sep/11, 269-281. Villavieja, C., Etsion, Y., Alex Ramirez and Navarro, N. "FELI: HW/SW support for on-chip distributed shared memory in multicores" in Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing: 17th International Conference, Euro-Par 2011: Bordeaux, France, August 29-September 2, 2011: proceedings, Part I, Bordeaux (França), 02/Sep/11, 282-294. Berral, J., Gavaldà, R. and Torres, J. "Adaptive scheduling on power-aware managed data-centers using machine learning" in 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing, Lyon (França), 23/Sep/11, 66-73. Pons, M., Moll, F., Rubio, J.A., Abella, J., Vera, F. and Gonzalez, A. "Design of complex circuits using the via-configurable transistor array regular layout fabric" in Proceedings: IEEE International SOC conference, Taipei (Taiwan), 28/Sep/11, 166-169. Annual Report 2011/2012 37 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3. Research Lopez, D., Cruz, J., Sanchez, F. and Fernandez, A. "A take-home exam to assess professional skills" in Proceedings: 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 12/Oct/11, F1C1-F1C6. Lopez, D., Sanchez, F., Garcia, J., Alier, M., Piguillem, J. and Velasco, M. "Introducing "Sustainability and Social Commitment" skills in an engineering degree" in Proceedings: 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 12/Oct/11, S2C1-S2C6. Alonso, J., Goiri, I., Guitart, J., Gavaldà, R. and Torres, J. "Optimal resource allocation in a virtualized software aging platform with software rejuvenation" in The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering: Hiroshima, Japan, 29 November-2 December 2011: proceedings, Hiroshima (Japó), 01/Nov/11, 250-259. Goiri, I., Le, K., Haque, Md.E., Beauchea, R., Nguyen, T., Guitart, J., Torres, J. and Bianchini, R. "GreenSlot: scheduling energy consumption in green datacenters" in SC’11 Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Seattle, WA (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 01/Nov/11. Oro, D., Fernandez, C., Rodriguez, J., Martorell, X. and Hernando, J. "Real-time GPU-based face detection in HD video sequences" in 13th International Conference on Computer Vision : November 6-13, 2011. Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona (Espanya), 06/Nov/11, 530-537. Macias, M. and Guitart, J. "Client classification policies for SLA negotiation and allocation in shared cloud datacenters" in Economics of grids, clouds, systems, and services: 8th International workshop, GECON 2011: Paphos, Cyprus, December 5, 2011: revised selected papers, Paphos (Xipre), 01/Dec/11, 90-104. Hussain, T., Pericas, M., Navarro, N. and Ayguade, E. "Implementation of a reverse time migration kernel using the HCE high level synthesis tool" in 2011 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, New Delhi (Índia), 12/Dec/11, 1-8. Badia, R.M., Labarta, J., Marjanovic, V., Martín, A. F., Mayo, R., Quintana-Ortí, E. S. and Reyes, R. "Symmetric Rank-k Update on Clusters of Multicore Processors with SMPSs" in Applications, Tools and Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing, Ghent (Bèlgica), 01/Jan/12, 657-664. Bertran, R., Gonzalez, M., Martorell, X., Navarro, N. and Ayguade, E. "POTRA: a framework for building power models for next generation multicore architectures" in SIGMETRICS ’12: Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE joint International conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, 01/Jan/12, 427-428. Bueno, J., Planas, J., Duran, A., Badia, R.M., Martorell, X., Ayguade, E. and Labarta, J. "Productive programming of GPU clusters with OmpSs" in 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 21-25 May 2012: Shanghai, China, Shanghai (Xina), 01/Jan/12, 557-568. Cusso, R. and Gil, Marisa "Implementation of Web 2.0 Tools and Virtual Platforms to PBL Methodology: a Case Study" in SIIE 2012. Actas del XIV simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa : Andorra La Vella. 29-31 de octubre de 2012, Andorra la Vella (Andorra), 01/Jan/12, 145-150. Gajinov, V., Stipic, S., Unsal, O., Harris, T., Ayguade, E. and Cristal-Kestelman, A. "Supporting stateful tasks in a dataflow graph" in Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT, 01/Jan/12, 435-436. Gayatri, R., Badia, R.M., Ayguade, E., Lujan, M. and Watson, I. "Transactional access to shared memory in StarSs, a task based programming model" in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Rhodes Island (Grècia), 01/Jan/12, 514-525. González, J., Huck, K., Gimenez, J. and Labarta, J. "Automatic Refinement of Parallel Applications Structure Detection" in 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium workshops & phd forum (IPDPSW), 01/Jan/12, 1680-1687. Annual Report 2011/2012 3.3. Research Group CAP · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 38 González, P., Piernas, J. and Cortes, A. "DADS: dynamic and automatic disk scheduling" in SAC’12: proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 01/Jan/12, 1759-1764. Hayes, T., Palomar, O., UNSAL, OSMAN, Cristal-Kestelman, A. and Valero, M. "Vector Extensions for Decision Support DBMS Acceleration" in Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Vancouver (Canadà), 01/Jan/12, 166-176. Manousopoulos, S., Moreto, M., Gioiosa, R., Koziris, N. and Cazorla, F. "Characterizing thread placement in the IBM POWER7 Processor" in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization, IISWC 2012, San Diego (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 01/Jan/12, 120-130. Maric, B., Abella, J. and Valero, M. "ADAM : an efficient data management mechanism for hybrid high and ultra-low voltage operation caches" in GLSVLSI - Proceedings of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 01/Jan/12, 245-250. Miranda, A. and Cortes, A. "Analyzing long-term access locality to find ways to improve distributed storage systems" in Proceedings - 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2012, 01/Jan/12, 544-553. Pascual, S., Otero, B. and Rocco, C. "All-Terminal Reliability Evaluation through a Monte Carlo simulation based on an MPI implementation" in Proceedings of PSAM 2011/ESREL 2012, Helsinki (Finlàndia), 01/Jan/12, 1-6. Pavlovic, M., Etsion, Y. and Alex Ramirez "Can manycores support the memory requirements of scientific applications?" in Computer architecture: ISCA 2010 International workshops A4MMC, AMAS-BT, EAMA, WEED, WIOSCA: Saint-Malo, France, June 19-23, 2010: revised selected papers, 01/Jan/12, 65-76. Radojkovic, P., Moreto, M., Carpenter, P., Alex Ramirez and Cazorla, F. "Kernel Partitioning of Streaming Applications: A Statistical Approach to an NP-complete Problem" in Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Vancouver (Canadà), 01/Jan/12, 1-12. Radojkovic, P., Cakarevic, V., Moreto, M., Verdu, J., Pajuelo, M.A., Cazorla, F., Nemirovsky, M. and Valero, M. "Optimal task assignment in multithreaded processors: a statistical approach" in ASPLOS’12: Proceedings of the seventeenth international conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, London (Regne Unit), 01/Jan/12, 235-248. Otero, B., Castillo, Z. and Astudillo, R. "Parallel algorithm for pseudospectra computation" in USB con todos los resumenes presentados entregado en las Jornadas, Caracas - Venezuela, 26/Mar/12, 1-1. Goiri, I., Le, K., Nguyen, T., Guitart, J., Torres, J. and Bianchini, R. "GreenHadoop: leveraging green energy in data-processing frameworks" in EuroSys’12 proceedings of the 7th ACM European conference on Computer systems, Bern (Suïssa), 01/Apr/12, 57-70. Macias, M. and Guitart, J. "Client classification policies for SLA enforcement in shared cloud datacenters" in 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing: Ottawa, Canada 13-16 May 2012: proceedings, Ottawa (Canadà), 01/May/12, 156-163. Vujic, N., Alvarez, L., Gonzalez, M., Martorell, X. and Ayguade, E. "DMA-circular: an enhanced high level programmable DMA controller for optimized management of on-chip local memories" in CF’12: Proceedings of the 9th conference on Computing Frontiers, Cagliari (Itàlia), 15/May/12, 113-122. Perez, A., Sanchez, F., Salán, N. and Lopez, D. "Análisis multifactorial de la aplicación de metodologías activas en la calidad docente" in Actas XVIII JENUI 2012, Ciudad Real, 10-13 de julio 2012, Ciudad Real (Espanya), 01/Jul/12, 67-74. Perez, A., Sanchez, F., Lopez, D. and Salán, N. "Análisis multifactorial de la aplicación del e-portfolio sobre la calidad docente" in Jornada d’Innovació Docent UPC 2012, Barcelona (Espanya), 01/Jul/12, 494-504. Etinski, M., Corbalan, J., Labarta, J. and Valero, M. "Optimizing job performance under a given power constraint in HPC centers" in 2010 International Conference on Green Computing: August 15-18, 2010, Chicago, IL, Chicago, IL (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 01/Aug/12, 257-267. Annual Report 2011/2012 39 3. Research Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 01/Jan/10 31/Dec/12 30/Sep/09 31/Dec/13 01/Oct/07 01/Aug/12 01/Oct/07 29/Nov/12 01/Mar/10 28/Feb/13 2009SGR-1167 (Grupo Consolidado y Financiado de Investigación) ARQUITECTURA DE COMPUTADORS D’ALTRES PRESTACIONS (CAP) Computación de altas prestaciones V Consolider-ingenio 2010 Supercomputación y e-Ciencia ENabling technologies for a programmable many-CORE (ENCORE, IST-248647) 01/Dec/06 01/Dec/11 01/Jun/10 31/Dec/11 01/Jan/10 Responsible Researcher Garcia, J. Valero, M. Valero, M. Valero, M. Alex Ramirez EuroNGI (7th Framework Program) European Exascale Software Initiative (EESI, IST-261513) Garcia, J. 31/Dec/13 Exploiting Dataflow Parallelism in Teradevice Computing (TERAFLUX) Alex Ramirez Navarro, N. 01/Jan/07 31/Jan/12 De Bosschere, K. Valero, M. 01/Feb/12 31/Jan/16 30/Sep/09 31/Dec/13 01/Jul/10 30/Jun/12 01/Jan/07 31/Dec/11 01/Oct/07 31/Mar/13 01/Jun/10 31/Aug/12 01/Jun/10 31/May/12 Hipeac 2: European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation HIPEAC 3 - European Network of Excellence on HighPerformance Embedded Architecture and Compilers MPEXPAR: MODELS DE PROGRAMACIO I ENTORNS D’EXECUCIO PARAL·LELS Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) Supercomputación y eCiencia TIN2007-60625 Computación de Altas Prestaciones V: Arquitecturas, Compiladores, Sistemas Operativos, Herramientas y Aplicaciones Towards EXaflop applicaTions - TEXT Towards EXaflop applicaTions - TEXT Annual Report 2011/2012 Alex Ramirez Navarro, N. Valero, M. Ayguade, E. Funding Body Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación European Commission. Directorate-General for Information Society and Media UE European Commission. Directorate-General for Information Society and Media European Commission. Directorate-General for Information Society and Media 7th Framework Programme. Subprogramme Area: Computing Systems; European Commission HiPEAC (NoE - Unión Europea) Ayguade, E. AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Labarta, J. European Commission Valero, M. Valero, M. Proyecto Consolider del Programa Ingenio-2010 MEC Labarta, J. Comissió Europea Valero, M. Unió Europea - FP7 40 3.4. Research Group CBA Competitive Projects (Cont.) Start date End date Title 30/Sep/09 31/Dec/13 XARXES DE COMPUTADORS I SISTEMES DISTRIBUÏTS Responsible Researcher Garcia, J. Funding Body AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 04/Dec/09 03/Dec/13 04/Dec/09 04/Dec/13 04/Dec/09 04/Dec/11 15/Nov/11 14/Nov/14 AJUT PREDOCTORAL UPCBSC COFINANÇAMENT AJUTS DOCTORALS Cofinançament d’un ajut predoctoral per BSC CUDA Center of Excellence 01/Jan/10 01/Jan/13 29/Apr/11 29/Apr/31 Enmarca i coordina l’actuació del BSC-CNS i PC en assessormanent, intercanvis d’informació i realitzacions en els camps de la recerc Manifestació de realció laboral per a la cessió de drets de Propietat Intel.lectual Responsible Researcher Cela, J. Cela, J. Cela, J. Valero, M. Navarro, N. Valero, M. Sanchez, F. Torres, J. Funding Body BCN.SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER BCN.SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER BCN.SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER NVIDIA BCN.SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER LIBROS DE CABECERA, S.L. Patents · · 3.4. Pajuelo, M.A. and Verdu, J.. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (16/Apr/12). PROCEDIMIENTO, SISTEMA Y PIEZA DE CÓDIGO EJECUTABLE PARA VIRTUALIZAR UN RECURSO DE HARDWARE ASOCIADO A UN SISTEMA INFORMÁTICO. ES P201230581 Pajuelo, M.A. and Verdu, J.. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (16/Apr/12). PROCEDIMIENTO, SISTEMA Y PIEZA DE CÓDIGO EJECUTABLE PARA CONTROLAR EL USO DE RECURSOS DE HARDWARE DE UN SISTEMA INFORMÁTICO. ES P201230580 Research Group CBA The investigation is focused on the Broadband networks, services and applications. Key topics in the development of research activities are: capture and traffic analysis, traffic modeling, traffic engineering, congestion control, switching and routing protocols. These issues within the group are developed for both IP / MPLS as well as for optical networks. In the latter case are included the development of control plane protocols and network physical level. Web page: Responsible: Jordi Domingo Pascual People Barlet Ros, Pere Careglio , Davide Cruellas Ibarz, Juan Carlos Jakab , Lorand Paredes Oliva, Ignasi Cabellos Aparicio, Alberto Carela Español, Valentin Domingo Pascual, Jordi Mikians , Jakub Pedrola Escriba, Oscar Annual Report 2011/2012 41 3. Research People (Cont.) Pedroso Mendonça, Pedro Ricciardi , Sergio Santos Boada, German Sócrates Dantas, Joana Perello Muntan, Jordi Sanjuas Cuxart, Josep Sole Pareta, Josep Journals · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Klinkowski, M., Pedroso, P., Careglio, D., Pioro, M. and Sole, J. "Joint routing and wavelength allocation subject to absolute QoS constraints in OBS networks", Journal of lightwave technology, 29(22), Sep/11, 3433-3444. Pedrola, O., Careglio, D., Klinkowski, M. and Sole, J. "Offline routing and regenerator placement and dimensioning for translucent OBS networks", Journal of optical communications and networking, 3(9), Sep/11, 651-666. Pedrola, O., Careglio, D., Klinkowski, M. and Sole, J. "Regenerator Placement Strategies for Translucent OBS Networks", Journal of lightwave technology, 29(22), 15/Nov/11, 3408-3420. Garcia Manrubia, B., Pavón, P., Aparicio Pardo, R., Klinkowski, M. and Careglio, D. "Offline impairmentaware RWA and regenerator placement in translucent optical networks", Journal of lightwave technology, 29(3), 11, 265-277. Garralda, N., Llatser, I., Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Alarcon, E. and Pierobon, M. "Diffusion-based physical channel identification in molecular nanonetworks", Nano communication networks, 2(4), Dec/11, 196204. Papadimitriou, D., Coras, F. and Albert Cabellos-Aparicio "Path-vector routing stability analysis", Performance evaluation review, 39(3), Dec/11, 22-24. Ricciardi, S., Careglio, D., Santos, G., Sole, J., Fiore, U. and Palmieri, F. "Towards an energy-aware internet: modeling a crosslayer optimization approach", Telecommunication systems, –(–), 31/Dec/11, 1-22. Angelou, M., Pointurier, Y., Careglio, D., Spadaro, S. and Tomkos, I. "Optimized monitor placement for accurate QoT assessment in core optical networks", Journal of optical communications and networking, 4(1), Jan/12, 15-24. Palmieri, F., Fiore, U. and Ricciardi, S. "Selfish routing and wavelength assignment strategies with advance reservation in inter-domain optical networks", Computer communications, 35(3), 01/Feb/12, 366-379. Molina, M., Paredes Oliva, Ignasi, Routly, W. and Barlet, P. "Operational experiences with anomaly detection in backbone networks", Computers and security, 31(3), Feb/12, 273-285. Pages, A., Perello, J., Spadaro, S. and Junyent, G. "Strategies for virtual optical network allocation", IEEE communications letters, 16(2), Feb/12, 268-271. Pedroso, P., Perello, J., Careglio, D., Klinkowski, M. and Spadaro, S. "Optimized burst LSP design for absolute QoS guarantees in GMPLS-controlled OBS networks", Journal of optical communications and networking, 4(2), Feb/12, 66-77. Jornet, J., Capdevila, J. and Sole, J. "PHLAME: a physical layer aware MAC protocol for electromagnetic nanonetworks in the terahertz band", Nano communication networks, 3(1), Mar/12, 74-81. Perello, J., Spadaro, S., Agraz, F., Angelou, M., Azodolmolky, S., Qin, Y., Nejabati, R., Simeonidou, D., Kokkinos, P., Varvarigos, E. and Tomkos, I. "Experimental demonstration of a GMPLS-enabled impairmentaware lightpath restoration scheme", Journal of optical communications and networking, 4(5), May/12, 344-355. Annual Report 2011/2012 3.4. Research Group CBA · · · · · 42 Sole, J., Subramaniam, S., Careglio, D. and Spadaro, S. "Cross-layer approaches for planning and operating impairment-aware optical networks", Proceedings of the IEEE, 100(5), May/12, 1118-1129. Velasco, L., González de Dios, Ó., Ricciardi, S., Castro, A., Muñoz, F., Careglio, D. and Comellas, J. "Value optimization of survivable multilayer IP/MPLS-over-WSON networks", Photonic network communications, 23(3), 01/May/12, 246-258. Ricciardi, S., Palmieri, F., Fiore, U., Careglio, D., Santos, G. and Sole, J. "An energy-aware dynamic RWA framework for next-generation wavelength-routed networks", Computer networks, 56(10), 05/Jul/12, 2420-2442. Pedrola, O., Castro, A., Velasco, L., Ruiz, M. and Careglio, D. "CAPEX study for a multilayer IP/MPLSover-flexgrid optical network", Journal of optical communications and networking, 4(8), Aug/12, 639650. Castro, A., Velasco, L., Ruiz, M., Klinkowski, M., J. Fernández-Palacios and Careglio, D. "Dynamic routing and spectrum (re)allocation in future flexgrid optical networks", Computer networks, 56(12), 16/Aug/12, 2869-2883. Conference Presentations · · · · · · · · · · Morea, A., Spadaro, S., Rival, O., Perello, J., Agraz, F. and Verchere, D. "Power management of optoelectronic interfaces for dynamic optical networks" in Optical Communication (ECOC), 2011 37th European Conference and Exhibition on, Ginebra (Suïssa), 18/Sep/11, 1-3. Pagès, A., Casellas, R., Perello, J., Martinez, R., Spadaro, S. and Muñoz, R. "Experimental evaluation of a full-meshed domain abstraction design model for reduced state information dissemination in multidomain PCE-based WSONs" in ECOC 2011: 37th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, Ginebra (Suïssa), 18/Sep/11, 1-3. Pedroso, P., Papadimitriou, D. and Careglio, D. "Dynamic compact multicast routing on power-law graphs" in 2011 IEEE global telecommunications conference (GLOBECOM 2011): 5-9 December 2011, Houston, Texas, USA, Houston, Texas, 05/Dec/11, 1-6. Azodolmolky, S., Angelou, M., Tomkos, I., Morea, A., Pointurier, Y. and Sole, J. "A comparative study of impairments aware optical networks planning tools" in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Atenas (Grècia), 01/Jan/12, 483-490. Coras, F., Albert Cabellos-Aparicio and Domingo, J. "An analytical model for the LISP cache size" in Networking 2012: 11th International IFIP TC 6 Networking Conference: Prague, Czech Republic, May 21-25, 2012: proceedings, part I, Praga (Txeca, República), 01/Jan/12, 409-420. Llatser, I., Kremers, C., Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Alarcon, E. and Chigrin, D. "Comparison of the Resonant Frequency in Graphene and Metallic Nano-antennas" in AIP Conference Proceedings, 01/Jan/12, 143-145. Llatser, I., Kremers, C., Chigrin, D., Jornet, J., Lemme, M. C., Albert Cabellos-Aparicio and Alarcon, E. "Characterization of graphene-based nano-antennas in the terahertz band" in Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012, 01/Jan/12, 194-198. Paredes Oliva, Ignasi, Castell-Uroz, I., Barlet, P., Dimitropoulos, X. and Sole, J. "Practical anomaly detection based on classifying frequent traffic patterns" in Proceedings of IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GI), Orlando, Florida (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 01/Jan/12, 49-54. Pedrola, O., Velasco, L., Fernández-Palacios, J., Castro, A., Careglio, D. and Junyent, G. "CAPEX study for grid dependent multi-layer IP/MPLS-over-EON using relative BV-WSS costs" in National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference: OSA Technical Digest, Los Angeles (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 01/Jan/12, 1-3. Ricciardi, S., Santos, G., Careglio, D. and Domingo, J. "GPON and EP2P: A techno-economic study" in 2012 17th European Conference on Network and Optical Communications, NOC 2012, 7th Conference on Optical Cabling and Infrastructure, OC and I 2012, 01/Jan/12, 1-6. Annual Report 2011/2012 43 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3. Research Sanjuas, J., Barlet, P., Duffield, N. and Kompella, R. "Cuckoo sampling: Robust collection of flow aggregates under a fixed memory budget" in Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM, 01/Jan/12, 2751-2755. Sócrates-Dantas, J., Careglio, D., Melo Silveira, R., Vicente Ruggiero, W. and Sole, J. "PCE QoS tools and related scalability in WDM networks" in ICTON 2012: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks: 2nd - 5th July, 2012, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Warwick, Coventry (Regne Unit), 01/Jan/12, 1-7. Wang, J., Ricciardi, S., Manolova, A., Ruepp, S., Careglio, D. and Dittmann, L. "OSPF-TE extensions for green routing in optical networks" in Technical Digest - 2012 17th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2012, 01/Jan/12, 411-412. Cruellas, J., Apitzsch, J., Boldrin, L., Caccia, A., Foti, S., Llaneza, P. and Sun, G. "ETSI STF 402 Standardizing the pan-European infrastructure for registered electronic mail and e-delivery" in ISSE 2011 Securing Electronic Business Processes, Praga (Txeca, República), 03/Jan/12, 267-278. Pope (editor), N., Delos, O., Cruellas, J., Geers, M., Lipp, P., Llaneza, P., Peirani, B., de Lavernette, A. and Santesson, S. "CEN/ETSI rationalised framework for electronic signature standardisation" in ISSE 2011 Securing Electronic Business Processes, Praga (Txeca, República), 03/Jan/12, 279-289. Palmieri, F., Ricciardi, S. and Fiore, U. "Evaluating network-based DoS attacks under the energy consumption perspective: new security issues in the coming green ICT area" in 2011 International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications: proceedings: BWCCA 201: 26-28 October 2011, Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, 07/Feb/12, 374-379. Wang, J., Ruepp, S., Manolova, A., Dittman, L., Ricciardi, S. and Careglio, D. "Green-aware routing in GMPLS networks" in Workshop on Cost, Reliability, Energy Requirements and Constraints in Next Generation Networks, Maui, 07/Feb/12, 227-231. Morea, A., Perello, J., Agraz, F. and Spadaro, S. "Demonstration of GMPLS-controlled device power management for next generation green optical networks" in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest, Los Angeles (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 04/Mar/12, 1-3. Llatser, I., Abadal, S., Gómez Cid-Fuentes, R., Jornet, J., Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Alarcon, E., Sole, J. and Akyildiz, I. "Prospects of graphene-enabled wireless communications" in Imaginenano abstract booklet : Poster contributions, Brussel·les (Bèlgica), 01/Apr/12. Pages, A., Perello, J. and Spadaro, S. "Lightpath fragmentation for efficient spectrum utilization in dynamic elastic optical networks" in ONDM 2012: 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling: University of Essex, April 17th-20th 2012: Colchester, Essex, UK, Essex, Colchester (Regne Unit), 17/Apr/12, 1-6. Pages, A., Perello, J., Spadaro, S., Garcia, J., Ferrer, J. and Figuerola, S. "Optimal allocation of virtual optical networks for the future internet" in ONDM 2012: 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling: University of Essex, April 17th-20th 2012: Colchester, Essex, UK, Essex, Colchester (Regne Unit), 17/Apr/12, 1-6. Abadal, S., Llatser, I., Alarcon, E. and Albert Cabellos-Aparicio "Quorum sensing-enabled amplification for molecular nanonetworks" in Proceedings of the ICC Workshops, Ottawa (Canadà), 01/Jun/12, 6162-6166. Abadal, S., Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Lazaro, J., Alarcon, E. and Sole, J. "Graphene-enabled hybrid architectures for multiprocessors: bridging nanophotonics and nanoscale wireless communication" in ICTON 2012: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks: 2nd-5th July, 2012, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Warwick, Coventry (Regne Unit), 01/Jul/12, 1-4. Wang, J., Ricciardi, S., Fagertun, A., Ruepp, S., Careglio, D. and Dittmann, L. "Energy-aware routing optimization in dynamic GMPLS controlled optical networks" in ICTON 2012: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks: 2nd-5th July, 2012, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Warwick, Coventry (Regne Unit), 01/Jul/12, 1-4. Annual Report 2011/2012 44 3.4. Research Group CBA · · · Pages, A., Perello, J. and Spadaro, S. "Virtual network embedding in optical infrastructures" in ICTON 2012: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks: 2nd - 5th July, 2012: University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Warwick, Coventry (Regne Unit), 02/Jul/12, 1-4. Velasco, L., Ruiz, M., Castro, A., Pedrola, O., Klinkowski, M., Careglio, D. and Comellas, J. "On the performance of flexgrid-based optical networks" in ICTON 2012: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks: 2nd - 5th July, 2012: University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Warwick, Coventry (Regne Unit), 02/Jul/12, 1-4. Peterson, B., Ricciardi, S. and Nin, J. "Energy-efficiency and Security Issues in the Cisco Nexus Virtual Distributed Switching" in The Sixth Int. Conf. on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, 04/Jul/12. Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 14/Apr/11 13/Apr/13 Asistencia a las reuniones periódicas de la IETF 13/Mar/08 12/Mar/12 01/Jan/11 31/Dec/13 05/May/09 04/May/13 01/Oct/10 30/Sep/13 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/14 01/Jun/11 31/Mar/13 14/Apr/11 13/Apr/12 Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) DISEÑO Y OPTIMIZACIÓN DE REDES ÓPTICAS MULTI-CAPA CONSCIENTES DEL GASTO ENERGÉTICO Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems Experimental UpdateLess Evolutive Routing GESTION DE LA MOVILIDAD BASADA EN LA SEPARACION DE IDENTIFICADORES MEDICIÓN EFICIENTE DEL TRÁFICO EN REDES AVANZADAS (METRA) Organización de IEEE Monacom 2011 13/Apr/11 12/Apr/12 30/Sep/09 31/Dec/13 01/Jan/11 31/Mar/12 01/Apr/12 31/Mar/13 Organización del NaNoNetworking Summit 2011 SISTEMES DE COMUNICACIO DE BANDA AMPLA (CBA) Soporte a la iniciativa de interoperabilidad transfronteriza de las firmas electrónicas SOPORTE A LA INICIATIVA DE INTEROPERABILIDAD TRANSFRONTERIZA DE LAS FIRMAS ELECTRONICAS FASE 2 (SIITFE2) Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Albert CabellosAparicio Domingo, J. Funding Body Careglio, D. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Careglio, D. COST OFFICE Careglio, D. Commission of European Communities Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Domingo, J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) COST OFFICE Barlet, P. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Albert CabellosAparicio Sole, J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Domingo, J. Cruellas, J. Cruellas, J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) MINIS DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD 45 3. Research Competitive Projects (Cont.) Start date End date Title 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/14 UN NUEVO PARADIGMA DE MONITORIZACION Y COMPARTICION DE DATOS DE RED Responsible Researcher Barlet, P. Funding Body Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 12/Oct/10 15/Nov/12 11/Jun/12 25/Feb/11 30/Jun/12 30/Apr/12 25/Feb/11 28/Feb/12 25/Feb/11 28/Feb/12 15/Feb/12 28/Mar/12 03/Nov/11 31/Jan/12 28/Mar/11 26/Apr/10 30/Apr/12 30/Sep/11 15/Jul/11 14/Jul/12 28/Jun/12 27/Sep/12 Ajuste de herramienta de comprobación de conformidad para ajustarla a las últimas modificaciones de la/’Commission Decision 2009/767 Analysis of trusted lists Desarrollo de un marco racionalizado de estándares europeos para la gestión de firmas electrónicas Especificación de perfiles básicos de firmas avanzadas que cumplan con los requisitos de la Directiva Europea de Servicios. Especificación de verificación de firmas electrónicas Preparación, organización, soporte y participación en el evento remoto de interoperabilidad de firmas XAdES (ETSI TS 101 903 y ETSI Preparación, participación y soporte en el primer evento remoto de pruebas de interoperabilidad de firmas electrónicas PAdES para PD STF-428-Interop STF 402/01 REM Interchange: e-mail Interchange between Registered E-Mail (REM) systems based on different transmission protocols Subcontractació en relació al projecte MRKT/2011/025/E1/SE/NP. Tasques: - T1: TL based signature verification procedures - T2 Assistance in review of the eSig & TL tools & Testing Training at Telefónica I+D Giorgios Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Cruellas, J. Funding Body Cruellas, J. Cruellas, J. SEALED s.p.r.l. ETSI Cruellas, J. ETSI Cruellas, J. ETSI Cruellas, J. ETSI Cruellas, J. ETSI Cruellas, J. Cruellas, J. ETSI ETSI Cruellas, J. SEALED s.p.r.l. Sole, J. TELEFONICA S.A.UNIP. ETSI I + D, 46 3.5. Research Group CCABA Non-competitive Projects (Cont.) Start date End date Title 14/May/12 13/Aug/12 01/Jan/11 30/Jul/12 Training at Telefónica I+D (Jakub Mikians) Work of Albert Cabellos on How can LISP improve interdomain 1. live streaming Work of Albert Cabellos on Open-sourcing of the LISP- 3.5. Responsible Researcher Sole, J. Albert CabellosAparicio Funding Body TELEFONICA I + D, S.A.UNIP. SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Research Group CCABA Web page: People Agusti Comes, Ramon Domingo Pascual, Jordi Sallent Ribes, Sebastian Casadevall Palacio, Fernando-jose Junyent Giralt, Gabriel Sole Pareta, Josep Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 13/Mar/08 12/Mar/12 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/14 13/Apr/11 12/Apr/12 30/Sep/09 31/Dec/13 Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) GESTION DE LA MOVILIDAD BASADA EN LA SEPARACION DE IDENTIFICADORES Organización del NaNoNetworking Summit 2011 SISTEMES DE COMUNICACIO DE BANDA AMPLA (CBA) Responsible Researcher Domingo, J. Funding Body Domingo, J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Sole, J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Domingo, J. COST OFFICE Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 28/Jun/12 27/Sep/12 14/May/12 13/Aug/12 Training at Telefónica I+D Giorgios Training at Telefónica I+D (Jakub Mikians) Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Sole, J. Sole, J. Funding Body TELEFONICA S.A.UNIP. TELEFONICA S.A.UNIP. I + D, I + D, 47 3.6. 3. Research Research Group CNDS The goals of the group are to perform basic and applied research, education and dissemination in top,ics on computer networks and distributed systems. Topics: Computer networks with support for mobility. Ad-hoc and sensor networks. Design of network equipment. Evaluation of performance. Internet protocols. Security protocols, mechanisms and specifications. Protocols and distributed applications. Decentralized and large scale systems. Educational and collaborative applications. Web page: Responsible: Jorge García Vidal People Arnedo Moreno, Joan Cerdà Alabern, Llorenç Freitag , Felix Guerrero Zapata, Manel Lopez Berga, Ester Medina Llinas, Manuel Morillo Pozo, Julian David Reyes Muñoz, Maria Angelica Sanjeevan , Kanapathipillai Barcelo Ordinas, Jose Maria Chacin Martinez, Pablo Jesus Garcia Vidal, Jorge Leon Gutierrez, Xavier Medina Medina, Esunly Meseguer Pallares, Roque Navarro Moldes, Leandro Royo Valles, Maria Dolores Vega D’aurelio, Davide Journals · · · · · · · · · Darehshoorzadeh, A. and Cerdà, L. "Modeling and comparison of candidate selection algorithms in opportunistic routing", Computer networks, 55(13), 15/Sep/11, 2886-2898. RodriÂguez-Covili , J., Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Meseguer, R., Medina, E. and Royo, M. "A communication infrastructure to ease the development of mobile collaborative applications", Journal of network and computer applications, 34(6), 11, 1883-1893. Leon, X., Trinh, T. and Navarro, L. "Modeling resource usage in planetary-scale shared infrastructures: PlanetLab’s case study", Computer networks, 55(15), 27/Oct/11, 3394-3407. Guerrero, J.A., Contreras, J., Barba, A. and Reyes, M. "A QoS-based dynamic pricing approach for services provisioning in heterogeneous wireless access networks", Pervasive and mobile computing, 7(5), Oct/11, 569-583. Rivas, D., Barcelo, J., Guerrero, M. and Morillo, J. "Security on VANETs: Privacy, misbehaving nodes, false information and secure data aggregation", Journal of network and computer applications, 34(6), Nov/11, 1942-1955. Vega, D., Meseguer, R., Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Freitag, F. and Royo, M. "Sharing hardware resources in heterogeneous computer-supported collaboration scenarios", Integrated computer-aided engineering, 20(1), Jan/12, 59-77. Reyes, M. "Redes móviles en entornos inteligentes", Obra Digital, 1(2), Feb/12, 57-62. Trullols-Cruces, O., Fiore, Marco. and Barcelo, J. "Cooperative download in vehicular environments", IEEE transactions on mobile computing, 11(48), Apr/12, 663-678. Rivas, D. and Guerrero, M. "Chains of trust in vehicular networks: a secure points of interest dissemination strategy", Ad hoc networks, 10(6), Aug/12, 1115-1133. Annual Report 2011/2012 3.6. Research Group CNDS 48 Books · · Morancho, E., Hernández, P., Suppi, R., Jové, T., Marzo, J. and Royo, M. Diseño de sistemas operativos, 01/Sep/11. Morancho, E., Hernández, P., Suppi, R., Jové, T., Marzo, J. and Royo, M. Disseny de sistemes operatius, 01/Sep/11. Book Chapters · · Reyes, M. "Las comunicaciones móviles en los edificios inteligentes", m-todos. Tendencias y Oportunidades de la Mobilidad Digital, Dec/11, 116-122. Alaei, M. and Barcelo, J. "Power management in sensing subsystem of wireless multimedia sensor networks", Wireless communications and networks: recent advances, 14/Mar/12, 549-570. Conference Presentations · · · · · · · Meyer, H., Trullols-Cruces, O., Hess, A., Hummel, K.A., Barcelo, J., Casetti, C. and Karlsson, G. "VANET mobility modeling challenged by feedback loops" in Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net), 2011 The 10th IFIP Annual Mediterranean, Illa Favignana, Sicilia (Itàlia), 01/Sep/11, 95-102. Amiri, M. and Cerdà, L. "Adaptive channel assignment for wireless mesh networks using game theory" in MASS 2011: the Eighth IEEE International conference on mobile ad-hoc and sensor systems: 17-22 October 2011, Valencia, Spain: proceedings, València (Espanya), 22/Oct/11, 746-751. Trullols-Cruces, O., Morillo, J. and Barcelo, J. "Impact of the infrastructure in mobile opportunistic networks" in Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, Barcelona (Espanya), 26/Oct/11, 1-564. Amiri Nezhad, M., Bellalta, B., Guerrero, M. and Cerdà, L. "Should next generation wireless mesh networks consider dynamic channel access?" in 2nd Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications, 25-27 April 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vilnius (Lituània), 01/Jan/12, 32-39. Cesana, M., Redondi, A., Tiglao, N., Grilo, A., Barcelo, J., Alaei, M. and Todorova, P. "Real-time multimedia monitoring in large-scale wireless multimedia sensor networks: Research challenges" in 8th EURO-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet, NGI 2012 - Proceedings, 01/Jan/12, 79-86. Rodríguez , F., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Hernández, E., Farías, N., Guerrero, J.A. and González, A. "A summary of virtualization techniques" in Procedia Technology, 3 (2012), Guadalajara (Mèxic), 01/Jan/12, 267-272. Darehshoorzadeh, Amir and Cerdà, L. "Distance Progress Based Opportunistic Routing for wireless mesh networks" in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2012 8th International, 27/Aug/12, 179-184. Annual Report 2011/2012 49 3. Research Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 01/Jan/10 31/Dec/12 01/Oct/11 30/Sep/15 01/Jan/11 31/Dec/13 01/Dec/06 01/Dec/11 01/Oct/10 30/Sep/13 01/Jan/11 31/Dec/13 11/Dec/09 11/Nov/11 30/Sep/09 31/Dec/13 2009SGR-1167 (Grupo Consolidado y Financiado de Investigación) Community Networks Testbed for the Future Internet COOPERACIÓN Y OPORTUNISMO EN REDES DE ACCESO INALÁMBRICAS Y HETEROGÉNEAS EuroNGI (7th Framework Program) SISTEMAS DISTRIBUIDOS AUTO-ADAPTABLES PARA LA INTERNET DEL FUTURO SISTEMAS DISTRIBUIDOS AUTO-ADAPTABLES PARA LA INTERNET DEL FUTURO Transport Hub Intelligent video System XARXES DE COMPUTADORS I SISTEMES DISTRIBUÏTS Responsible Researcher Garcia, J. Navarro, L. Funding Body Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa Commission of European Communities Barcelo, J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Garcia, J. UE Navarro, L. Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Micinn) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Navarro, L. Medina, M. Garcia, J. Commission of European Communities AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 20/Dec/11 31/Dec/12 01/Jul/11 30/Sep/11 28/Oct/10 28/Oct/11 Auditoria intranet i VNP ENISA Avaluar mecanismes d’identificació dels usuaris de les xarxes de comunicacions en general i altres aplicacions financeres en particu Cibercrim 01/Nov/11 15/Sep/12 15/Dec/11 12/Nov/12 10/Jan/11 31/Dec/11 Especificación de las necesidades del servicio en cuanto a funcionamiento, usabilidad y escalabilidad. Desarrollo de una versión bet Realització de l’assessorament, anàlisis, assaigs d’ un sistema d’apostes per tal de verificar la seva seguretat SPONSORITZACIO ERASMUS MUNDUS Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Medina, M. Medina, M. Medina, M. Medina, M. Funding Body EUR NETWORK INFORMATION SEC.AGENCY FUNDACIO PRIVADA BARCELONA DIGITAL FUNDACIO PRIVADA BARCELONA DIGITAL ESPLUMEDIA, S.L. Medina, M. BMM SPAIN TESTLABS S.L.U. Navarro, L. GOOGLE 3.7. Research Group DAMA-UPC 3.7. 50 Research Group DAMA-UPC The work of the group focuses on the research and technology transfer in topics related to the management and retrieval of large data volumes, information quality and data exploration. Topics of interest for our group include studying and improving performance in several scenarios such as relational databases, graph databases, data cleansing and integration and, in general, in any operation related to the management of very large data volumes. Web page: Responsible: Josep Lluis Larriba Pey People Dominguez Sal, David Lafon Gracia, Nestor Martinez Bazan, Norbert Perez Casany, Marta Rius Cruz, Carles Escale Claveras, Francesc Larriba Pey, Josep Lluis Muntés Mulero, Víctor Pons Sumalla, Xavier Sindreu Abello, Roger Journals · · · · Dominguez, D., Martinez-Bazan, N., Muntés, V., Baleta, P. and Larriba, J. "A discussion on the design of graph database benchmarks", Lecture notes in computer science, 6417/2011, 11, 25-40. Prat, A., Dominguez, D. and Larriba, J. "Social based layouts for the increase of locality in graph operations", Lecture notes in computer science, 6587, 11, 558-569. Dominguez, D., Aguilar, J., Surdeanu, M. and Larriba, J. "Using Evolutive Summary Counters for Efficient Cooperative Caching in Search Engines", IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems, 23(4), Apr/12, 776-784. Sole, M., Muntés, V. and Nin, J. "Efficient microaggregation techniques for large numerical data volumes", International journal of information security, 11(4), Aug/12, 253-267. Conference Presentations · · Martinez-Bazan, N., Muntés, V., Gómez, S., Dominguez, D., Aguila, M. and Larriba, J. "Efficient graph management based on bitmap indices" in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 01/Jan/12, 110-119. Muntés, V., Paladini, P., España-Bonet, C. and Marquez, L. "Context-aware machine translation for software localization" in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation: EAMT 2012: Trento, Italy, May 28th-30th 2012, Trento (Itàlia), 28/May/12, 7780. Annual Report 2011/2012 51 3. Research Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 01/Jan/11 30/Jun/12 01/May/11 30/Jun/12 01/Apr/11 01/Oct/12 01/Jan/12 30/Sep/13 01/Jan/10 31/Mar/13 01/Jan/11 31/Dec/12 EVALUACION DE LA CIENCIA EN ESPAÑA, CONTINUACION DEL PROYECTO TIN2008-01202-E/TIN Gestió i projecció de projectes de recerca i innovació amb empreses internacionals Plà de consolidació i col.laboració del CIT UPC i centres TECNIO UPC (Grup DAMA-UPC) Pla de transferencia tecnologica pttu de la Univeristat Politècnica de Catalunya PROCESADO DE ALTO RENDIMIENTO DE GRANDES CONJUNTOS DE DAOTS REPRESENTADOS COMO GRAFOS Recomanació i Exploració de Continguts Audiovisuals Orientats a l’Aprenentatge Responsible Researcher Larriba, J. Funding Body Larriba, J. Larriba, J. AGAUR. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca ACC10 Larriba, J. ACC10 Larriba, J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Larriba, J. ACUP–ASSOCIACIÓ CATALANA UNI.PUB Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 01/May/09 01/Sep/10 31/Dec/12 01/Sep/13 01/Jun/10 01/Jun/13 01/Jan/09 31/Dec/11 CAS PROJECT Desenvolupar algoritmes eficients que permetin trobar les característiques descrites anteriorment per a persones, productes i empreses amb l’objectiu de saber quina és la seva evolució en el temps. Ob Investigació spbre mètodes i algoritmes per a la caracterització de les reds socials i els seus agents i la seva evolució en el temp Research Agreement for Access Methods for Hybrid Inand Out-of-Core DBMSs Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Larriba, J. Larriba, J. Funding Body Larriba, J. MEDIA PLANING GROUP, S.A. Muntés, V. Larriba, J. IBM IBM CANADA LTD. ACCESO GROUP, S.L. 3.8. Research Group DMAG 3.8. 52 Research Group DMAG The current research and development activities mainly deal with: the production, management and distribution of multimedia content in a secure and standard way, including electronic commerce of multimedia services and products and its business models; metadata use, search and interoperability to manage and store information about content; and all aspects of security, privacy and digital management of rights along the content life cycle. A key issue in all the previous topics is standardisation. Furthermore, research is also progressing on topics such as content adaptation and semantics, event reporting, ontologies and privacy and rights in online social networks. Web page: Responsible: Jaime María Delgado Merce People Delgado Merce, Jaime M. Llorente Viejo, Silvia Rodriguez Luna, Eva Gallego Fernandez, M. Isabel Nin Guerrero, Jordi Tous Liesa, Ruben Journals · · · · · · · · · · Herranz, J., Nin, J. and Sole, M. "Optimal symbol alignment distance: a new distance for sequences of symbols", IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 23(10), 14/Oct/11, 1541-1554. Carreras, A., Rodriguez, E., Dogan, S., Arachchi, H., Perramon, X., Delgado, J. and Kondoz, A. "Architectures and technologies for adapting secured content in governed multimedia applications", IEEE multimedia, 18(4), 15/Nov/11, 48-61. Herranz, J., Nin, J. and Sole, M. "Kd-trees and the real disclosure risks of large statistical databases", Information fusion, 13(4), 11, 260-273. Rodriguez, V., Delgado, J., Chiariglione, F., Preda, M. and Timmerer, C. "Interoperable digital rights management based on the MPEG Extensible Middleware", Multimedia tools and applications, 53(1), 11, 303-318. Tous, R., Delgado, J., Zinkl, T., Toran, P., Alcalde, A., Goetz, M. and Ferrer-Roca, O. "The anatomy of an optical biopsy semantic retrieval system", IEEE multimedia, 19(2), Feb/12, 16-27. Nin, J., Tous, R. and Delgado, J. "Variable linkage for multimedia metadata schema matchinghola", Multimedia tools and applications, 16/Apr/12. Tous, R., Ballester, R., Delgado, J., Kiesslich, R. and Goetz, M. "Computer-assisted diagnosis of confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) by a novel image analysis and semantic annotation method", Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 75(4), Apr/12, 220-220. Andrade, M., Dogan, S., Carreras, A., Barbosa, V., Arachchi, H., Delgado, J. and Kondoz, A. "Advanced delivery of sensitive multimedia content for better serving user expectations in Virtual Collaboration applications", Multimedia tools and applications, 58(37), Jun/12, 633-661. Sole, M., Muntés, V. and Nin, J. "Efficient microaggregation techniques for large numerical data volumes", International journal of information security, 11(4), Aug/12, 253-267. Yoon, K., Kim, Y., Park, J., Delgado, J., Yamada, A., Dufaux, F. and Tous, R. "JPSearch: New international standard providing interoperable framework for image search and sharing", Signal processing: image communication, 27(7), Aug/12, 709-721. Annual Report 2011/2012 53 3. Research Book Chapters · Maroñas, X., Llorente, S., Rodriguez, E. and Delgado, J. "Implementing mobile applications with the MIPAMS content management platform", Mobile multimedia communications: 7th International ICST Conference MOBIMEDIA 2011: Cagliari, Italy, September 5-7, 2011:revised selected papers, 04/May/12, 266-280. Conference Presentations · · · · · Boch, L., Di Carlo, A., Delgado, J., Rodriguez, E., Rodriguez, V. and Gallo, F. "Towards a contract expression language for audiovisual content" in Proceedings: Virtual Godds + ORDL 2011, Barcelona (Espanya), 29/Sep/11, 45-57. Maroñas, X., Llorente, S. and Delgado, J. "Management and distribution of rights governed live cultural events" in Virtual Goods + ODRL 2011: 9th International Workshop for Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects of Business Models for Virtual Goods: 7th International ODRL Workshop: Barcelona, Spain, 29th-30th September 2011: proceedings, Barcelona (Espanya), 29/Sep/11, 121131. Rodriguez, V. and Delgado, J. "Towards an expression language for licensing content in the connected semantic web" in Virtual Goods + ODRL 2011: 9th International Workshop for Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects of Business Models for Virtual Goods: 7th International ODRL Workshop: Barcelona, Spain, 29th-30th September 2011: proceedings, Barcelona (Espanya), 29/Sep/11, 91101. Delgado, J., Llorente, S. and Rodriguez, E. "Digital rights and privacy policies management as a service" in CCNC’2012 - IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 01/Jan/12, 527-531. Peterson, B., Ricciardi, S. and Nin, J. "Energy-efficiency and Security Issues in the Cisco Nexus Virtual Distributed Switching" in The Sixth Int. Conf. on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, 04/Jul/12. Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 01/Jan/09 31/Dec/11 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/14 01/Jan/12 30/Jun/13 GESTION DE CICLO DE VIDA DE CONTENIDOS MULTIMEDIA PROTECCION, BUSQUEDA E INTEROPERABILIDAD DE CONTENIDOS MULTIMEDIA: NUEVAS TECNICAS Y APLICACIONES PUESTA EN MARCHA DE LA AUTORIDAD DE REGISTRO DE JPSEARCH Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Delgado, J. Funding Body Delgado, J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Delgado, J. MINIS DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) 54 3.10. Research Group ICARUS 3.9. Research Group GCO Web page: People Bock Montero, Carlos Comellas Colome, Jaume Gene Bernaus, Joan Manuel Hernandez Sola, Guillem Lazaro Villa, Jose Antonio Polo Querol, Victor Manuel Ruiz Ramirez, Marc Sales Zaragoza, Vicente Soneira Ferrando, M. Jose Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo Castro Casales, Alberto Andres Escalona Zorita, Eduard Grasa Gras, Eduard Junyent Giralt, Gabriel Perez Pueyo, Rosanna Prat Goma, Josep Joan Ruiz Moreno, Sergio Segarra Mullerat, Josep Spadaro , Salvatore Participation in research projects Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 01/Jun/12 15/Jun/12 Formación en Optimización de redes de Telecomunicaciones 3.10. Responsible Researcher Velasco, L. Funding Body TELEFONICA S.A.UNIP. I + D, Research Group ICARUS The ICARUS group works on the Unmanned Aircraft Systems research topic (UAS) and on the Air Traffic Management (ATM). In the UAS area the target is the development of systems that allow UAS efficient operations in the civil world. Also, the group is working on the identification of high added value applications for UAS utility demonstrator. The UAS airspace integration is also a target of the group. A short term target is to build a prototype of UAS capable to fly autonomously to obtain useful data for end users which are not expert on aeronautics. Technical research topics are: the aircraft, the avionics, the ground devices, communications and the software which creates the useful service out of these systems. In the ATM area the group is proposing new operative procedures that minimize the environmental impact of the general aviation and that will not compromise the economics requirements of the airliners. Also the procedures must maintain or enhance the security of the airspace. Web page: Responsible: Enric Pastor Llorens People Barrado Muxi, Cristina Lopez Rubio, Juan Prats Menendez, Xavier Royo Chic, Pablo Santamaria Barnadas, Eduard Valero Garcia, Miguel Delgado Muñoz, Luis Pastor Llorens, Enrique Ramírez Alcantara, Jorge Salami San Juan, Esther Tristancho Martinez, Joshua Annual Report 2011/2012 55 3. Research Journals · · · · Herranz, J., Nin, J. and Sole, M. "Optimal symbol alignment distance: a new distance for sequences of symbols", IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 23(10), 14/Oct/11, 1541-1554. Pastor, E., Royo, P., Prats, X. and Barrado, C. "In-Flight Contingency Management for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", Journal of aerospace computing, information, and communication, 9(4), 31/Jan/12, 144160. Prats, X., Delgado, L., Ramírez, J., Royo, P. and Pastor, E. "Requirements, issues, and challenges for sense and avoid in Unmanned Aircraft Systems", Journal of aircraft, 49(3), May/12, 677-687. Santamaria, E., Pastor, E., Barrado, C., Prats, X., Royo, P. and Perez, M. "Flight plan specification and management for unmanned aircraft systems", Journal of intelligent and robotic systems, 67(2), Jul/12, 155-181. Book Chapters · · Prats, X., Ramírez, J., Delgado, L. and Royo, P. "Regulations and Requirements", Sense and avoid in UAS. Research and applications, Apr/12, 87-117. Royo, P., Santamaria, E., Lema, J., Pastor, E. and Barrado, C. "Integration of SAA Capabilities into a UAS Distributed Architecture for Civil Applications", Sense and avoid in UAS. Research and applications, Apr/12, 55-82. Conference Presentations · · · Torres, O., Ramírez, J., Barrado, C. and Tristancho, J. "Synthetic vision for Remotely Piloted Aircraft in non-segregated airspace" in 2011 IEEE/AIAA 30th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Seattle, WA (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 16/Oct/11, 5C4-1-5C4-8. Pastor, E., Royo, P., Perez, M., Prats, X. and Barrado, C. "Evaluating technologies and mechanisms for the automated/autonomous operation of UAS in non-segregated airspace" in Proceedings of the SESAR Innovation Days (2011), Toulouse (França), 01/Dec/11, 1-10. Perez, M., Pastor, E. and Prats, X. "Evaluation of separation strategies for unmanned aerial sytems" in Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Research in Air Transportation, Berkeley, California, 01/May/12, 1-8. Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/13 01/Jan/11 31/Dec/13 15/Oct/09 15/Oct/12 ESTANDARIZACION DE SISTEMAS AVIONICOS PARA AVIONES NO TRIPULADOS INTELLIGENT COMMUNICATIONS, OPERATIONS AND AVIONICS FOR ROBUST (UN)MANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS Projecte mima: valorización tecnológica sistema de mission management per uas Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Pastor, E. Funding Body Pastor, E. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Pastor, E. CIDEM MINIS DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD 56 3.11. Other research activities Competitive Projects (Cont.) Start date End date Title 01/Jun/08 01/Jun/13 Smooth UAV: Evaluation and new strategies for the smooth integration of civil mission oriented UAV in non-segregated airspace Responsible Researcher Pastor, E. Funding Body Eurocontrol Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 14/Jan/12 14/Jan/13 Col.laboració CONET 3.11. amb Boeing Responsible Researcher Pastor, E. Funding Body BOEING RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CENT Other research activities Journals · · · · Grassi, M. and Faúndez, M. "Template protection for security enhancement of a biometric face authentication system", Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications, 226, 11, 293-300. Juan, A., Faulín, J., Jorba, J., Caceres, J. and Marques, J. "Using parallel and distributed computing for solving real-time vehicle routing problems with stochastic demandshola", Annals of operations research, 11, 1-23. Lafortune, P., Aris, R., Vazquez, M. and Houzeaux, G. "Coupled electromechanical model of the heart: parallel finite element formulation", The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 28(1), Jan/12, 72-86. Velasco, L., Jirattigalachote, A., Ruiz, M., Monti, P., Wosinska, L. and Junyent, G. "Statistical approach for fast impairment-aware provisioning in dynamic all-optical networks", Journal of optical communications and networking, 4(2), Feb/12, 130-141. Conference Presentations · · · · · Castro, A., Martínez, R., Velasco, L., Casellas, R., Muñoz, R. and Comellas, J. "Experimental evaluation of a dynamic PCE-based regenerator-efficient IA-RWA algorithm in translucent WSON" in European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication: OSA Technical Digest, Amsterdam (Països Baixos), 01/Jan/12, 1-3. Cavdar, C., Ruiz, M., Monti, P., Velasco, L. and Wosinska, L. "Design of green optical networks with signal quality guarantee" in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Otawa (Canadà), 01/Jan/12, 3025-3030. Velasco, L., Wright, P., Lord, A. and Junyent, G. "Designing national IP/MPLS networks with flexgrid optical technology" in European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication: OSA Technical Digest, Amsterdam (Països Baixos), 01/Jan/12, 1-3. Velasco, L., Klinkowski, M., Ruiz, M., López, V. and Junyent, G. "Elastic spectrum allocation for variable traffic in flexible-grid optical networks" in Optical Fiber Communication Conference: OSA Technical Digest, Los Angeles (Estats Units d’Amèrica), 01/Jan/12, 1-3. Castro, A., Ruiz, M., Velasco, L., Junyent, G. and Comellas, J. "Path-based recovery in flexgrid optical networks" in ICTON 2012: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks: 2nd-5th July, 2012, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Warwick, Coventry (Regne Unit), 01/Jul/12, 1-4. Annual Report 2011/2012 57 3. Research Participation in research projects Competitive Projects Start date End date Title 15/Jan/10 14/Jan/13 01/Oct/10 31/Aug/12 01/Jan/09 31/Dec/11 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/14 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/14 01/Oct/10 30/Sep/13 01/Jun/11 31/May/14 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/12 01/Jan/11 31/Dec/13 159386-TEMPUS-1-20091DE-TEMPUS-JPCR e-AEGIS: Escudo electrónico para conciliar la privacidad de los consumidores y la seguridad de las transacciones en la sociedad de la información: Privacidad en bases de datos ENGINEERING NEXT GENERATION OPTICAL TRANSPORT NETWORKS Enhanced optical networks featuring adaptable and highly scalable multi-granular transport services Enhanced Optical Networks Featuring Adaptable and Highly Scalable Multigranular Transport Services (ELASTIC) - TEC2011-27310 Experimental UpdateLess Evolutive Routing Future Internet testbeds/experimentation between BRazil and Europe EU Integración de modelos de programación paralela en entornos de computación científica Interconexión y Memoria en Computadores Escalables. Jerarquía de Memoria 01/Apr/09 31/Mar/12 01/Jun/10 01/Jun/13 01/Feb/10 31/Jan/13 01/Jul/10 01/Jan/10 31/Oct/12 31/Dec/12 01/Jan/10 31/Dec/12 Normalized Usage of Business-oriented Architectures (NUBA) Optimized Infrastructure Services (OPTIMIS) PROARTIS: PRObabilistic Analyzable Real TIme Systems projecte GEYSERS Scalable, Tunable and Resilient Optical Networks Guaranteeing Extremely-high Speed Transport TERASCALE RELIABLE ADAPTIVE MEMORY SYSTEMS Annual Report 2011/2012 Responsible Researcher Castell, N. Funding Body Torra, V. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Spadaro, S. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Spadaro, S. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Spadaro, S. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Spadaro, S. Commission of European Communities Commission of European Communities Spadaro, S. Unió Europea NIÑO RAMOS, ALFONSO Junta de Comunidades de Castilla - La Mancha Viñals, V. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental. Plan Nacional de I+D+i Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Hierro, J. Martrat, J. Unió Europea - FP7 Cazorla, F. European Commission Junyent, G. Comellas, J. Fundació i2CAT Unión Europea Rubio, J.A. Commission of European Communities 58 3.11. Other research activities Competitive Projects (Cont.) Start date End date Title 01/Jun/10 01/Jun/12 Virtual multidisciplinary EnviroNments USing Cloud infrastructures (VENUS-C) Responsible Researcher Manieri, A. Funding Body Unió Europea - FP7 Non-competitive Projects Start date End date Title 14/Sep/11 13/Oct/11 01/Jan/12 31/Dec/13 01/Jul/11 01/Oct/11 10/Oct/11 31/Dec/11 Administracio avançada sistemes Unix COMPUTER RESEARCH CENTER INTEL/UPC Flight Training and Evaluation Tool (FTET) Oferta: Instal.lacio de sistemes Responsible Researcher Fornes, J. Funding Body Espasa, R. INTEL CORPORATION Prats, X. GRUP AIR-MED S.A. Fornes, J. MOLINARE S.A.U CUSTOM EFFECTS Patents · Barak, E., Rico, A., Derby, J.H., Golander, A., Heymann, O., Levison, N., Manole, S. and Montoye, R.K.. IBM Corp (13/Dec/11). MICRO ARCHITECTURE FOR INDIRECT ACCESS TO A REGISTER FILE IN A PROCESSOR. US YOR920100370US1 Annual Report 2011/2012 60 4 Awards and honors Annual Report 2011/2012 61 4. Awards and honors The following table shows the awards and honors for the members of the DAC during this academic year. Awards and honors Date 29/Sep/11 12/Dec/11 10/Jan/12 28/Feb/12 29/May/12 29/May/12 11/Jun/12 6/Jul/12 13/Jul/12 24/Jul/12 Author - Award or honors Miquel Moretó Planas has been awarded a Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Mateo Valero selected as one of the most prominent Hispanic-American scientists for their important research in Mathematics or in the use of Mathematics The newspaper "El Mundo" includes Mateo Valero in the list of 500 most influent Spaniards for 2012 Alex Pajuelo and Javier Verdú, Ludium Lab members, are one of the 10 winners of the 2012 Barcelona Wayra contest with the project "Play Everywhere" Cosmocaixa has selected Mont-Blanc, European Project coordinated by Àlex Ramírez, as one of the most innovative in the category "Idea d’EcotendènciesCosmoCaixa" within the cycle Moure Informació’ Mateo Valero conducts the laying ceremony of a replica of an Olmec colossal head Phd candidate Ana Jokanovic awarded with a Davyd Luque award for Innovate Ideas on ICT Ana Jokanovic and Jesús Labarta received the Best Paper Award at the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2012) David López, Fermín Sánchez, Josep-Llorenç Cruz and Agustín Fernández received the best-paper award at the "XVIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria sobre Informática" (JENUI’2012) Miquel Moretó Planas received the UPC’s award for outstanding PhD theses in the area of Information and Communications Technology Annual Report 2011/2012
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