
Quality Culture in Vocational
Franz Gramlinger
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Quality Culture in Vocational Schools:
a Leonardo-da-Vinci Project
 Q-KULT is a 30 months LdV-project (10/2013 – 03/2016)
 with an EU Grant from LLP of EUR 320.957
 and 6 partners from 5 countries
 www.q-kult.eu 
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
The partners:
• Senatorin für Bildung und Wissenschaft Bremen
• Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (CH)
• 3s research laboratory (AT)
• Handelsskolen Silkeborg Business College (DK)
• ROC Gilde Opleidingen (NL) and
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Why this project?
 Quality management systems for IVET are
implemented all over Europe for several years now
 Structures, methods and tools are provided at system
and provider level
 However: Existing structures are no guarantuee for
sucessful implementation of QM at provider level
 What are the reasons for sucessful or non sucessful
implementation at provider level?
 Are there cultural elements at provider level which are
influencing sucessful implementation of QM?
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
The aim
 Development and testing of a diagnostic
tool to identify relevant dimensions of
“quality culture” in organisations of initial
vocational education and training.
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
The steps: 1. Research
 WP 2: Research and literature studies,
definitions of concepts (3s): 11/2013 - 03/2014
 Bibliography on the basis of
450 books and articles
 2 articles handed in to journals
 Selected conclusions:
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Conclusions from WP 2:
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Step 2: Development
 WP 3: Development of a diagnostic instrument
for the identification of quality culture (Bremen)
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Step 3: Testing and validation
 WP 4: Test the diagnostic instrument for the
identification of quality culture (Bremen):
01/2015 - 07/2015
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Involving the EQAVET network:
workshop: 23/24 march 2015
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
The way still to go
WP 5: Recommendations for implementation of the project results
at provider and system level (ARQA -VET): 08/2015 - 01/2016
WP 7: Dissemination (ARQA -VET): 10/2013 - 03/ 2016
WP 8: Exploitation (Bremen): 10/2013 - 03/2016
Final conference: 02-03 March 2016 in Bremen
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Some questions at the end
1. Is “QUALITY CULTURE“ a term that is discussed/ of
interest in your country?
2. What are factors for successful implementation of QM in
VET schools (in your opinion) in your country?
3. What could be the benefits vs. the risks when using a
(self-)diagnostic tool for quality culture at provider level?
4. And what is the benefit at system level?
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia
Thank you for attention!
Franz Gramlinger
EQAVET Annual Forum 17-18 June 2015, Jurmala, Latvia