
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vorasun Buranakarn
Center of Excellence Building and Environmental Technology,
Department of Architecture, School of Architecture,
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand,
In the early year of architecture approach, the architects develop knowledge to
serve all basic needs. Since the awareness of energy and environment has been promoted
all over the world, building codes had been included the energy conservation section.
Therefore, most buildings were encouraged to reduce energy consumption. The result
shown that it was not enough to achieve the energy conservation' objectives. Then research
and development in this area were conducted to identify and suggest how the best ways to
design the high efficiency building. It still consumed energy even consume less. The new
paradigm of architectural design has changed from producing energy building instead of
less consumption building. Architectural design and construction has been developed to fit
local climate as well as human comfort. The design was characterized into 3 stages as 1)
Architectural Best Practice 2) Buildings Codes & Energy Awards 3) Research and
Development in Energy Integration. There are many ways to design and construction
buildings to be more energy efficiency. Vernacular approach building mostly considers its
function and local material. When building codes were applied, designers have forced to
find the ways to reduce energy consumption. Therefore, many construction techniques,
materials, and systems were developed. Then, the deep research has been conducted to
support the energy regulation. The question is even we try to reduce energy consumption
but the building still consume some energy source. Are there any other ways to make it to
be true sustainable and environmental friendly? The research result has proposed that if
buildings can generate energy and supply to their neighbor, it would be an appropriate
model of true sufficient house. Construction industry is one of the major impacts to the
country economy. The government could pick up the idea in the national policy. After the
research were applied, they would not need for the new power plants, very less greenhouse
gas emissions, produce more micro-grid system, and so on.
Keywords: Paradigm, Vernacular, Energy, Environment, Sustainable, Green, Performance,
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Architecture reflexes social experiences and technology. Architecture development
in Thailand began from vernacular technology of Thai heritage house, Thai temple, and
simple house through shop house, market place, hotel and then housing project, high-rise
building, department store, hospital and government centers. The design process starts
from feasibility study, schematic design, detail design, bidding, construction, using and
facility management, and maintenance, then demolition. In the fact that, barely buildings in
Thailand have good performance, comfort, and appropriate energy efficiency. Even
designers have tried very hard and used all available technology in their times, but building
performances still not reach the target. After science and technology have produced better
building system and machine along with high quality building materials, architectural
design can support further requirements. Currently, it comes to the energy and resource
crisis since world population increases. Architectural design and construction has come to
the real competition and challenge. The idea of renewable energy and recycle have forced
to designers and developers. Real estate project has moved to environmental concern,
quality of life, and off course profits.
The development of building design was reviewed to classify the impact factors of
each development. The different design and architecture performance were grouped and
characterized in different period. Then, selected buildings as sample to the calculated
performance were analyzed. The design technique and other related building
technology such as materials, machine, etc. were evaluated to describe each
development. Then, Comfort condition, cooling load, energy consumption, and
carbon dioxide emission were analyzed. Finally, all involved factors were
explained and compared.
The first dwelling of mankind started with existing place such as cave, wood
shelter, leather shelter, etc. When fire was used, many people started to build community.
Thai vernacular architecture normally used wood materials with penetrate to its rain forest.
Brick and wood were used in most buildings and still very popular till today. Then, the
technology of steel structure and other flat sheet materials were used during industrial
revolution period. Building condition, especially human comfort, is not suitable for users.
Then, air conditioning system was installed. The energy consumption rate is very high
since the conventional design did not design for air conditioning mode. Architects have
tried to develop their design to reduce energy consumption with available knowledge. In
this paper, it called “Architectural Best Practice” period. Then, energy code was enforced.
Most designers were forced to learn and find the ways to pass the code as called “Building
codes and Energy Awards.” Along with energy code, many researches have been
conducted to find the good solution for energy efficient building design and construction.
The idea is to integrate all building components, machine, equipments, and environment in
design. This paper explained each period as
1. Architectural Best Practice
2. Buildings Codes & Energy Awards
3. Research and Development in Energy Integration
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Sample building in 3 periods
Period 1: Architectural Best Practice
Sample: General Buildings
Design criteria: Freedom in design
Period 2: Buildings Codes & Energy Awards
Sample: EGCO Headquarter Building
Design criteria: Wall, roof and glass materials
and heat transfer consideration
Period 3: Research and Development
in Energy Integration
Sample: Royal Thai Army Headquarters
Design criteria: Integration
of all energy factors
Figure 1
Sample of the buildings in 3 periods consist of (a) Architectural Best
Practice (b) Buildings Codes & Energy Awards (c) Research and
Development in Energy Integration.
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
4.1 Architectural Best Practice Period
The first period “Architectural Best Practice,” the leader architects have used their
knowledge to design good building. The design factors are as follows:
- Orientation
- Shading Device
- New Glazing Material
- High Efficiency Equipment
Building orientation is the fundamental from vernacular architecture. These
Building is mostly in rectangular shape. The narrow side would face to the east and the
west. The East and West side would design for services as circulation core, toilet, storage,
and elevators to protect heat source from sun ray. The orientation still means natural
ventilation flow through space both air conditioning area and non-air conditioning area.
Some cases, curtain wall facade were used to express the modern technology. Its glazing is
single plane reflective glass as some believes that it will reflect most of the heat flow
outside its surface. The shading devices commonly used to prevent direct sun ray penetrate
through the openings. It usually provides with each opening. Shading devices are also an
important for facade design.
The building structure in this period is mostly reinforced concrete or steel structure.
Air condition system is split type, package air cool, or chiller system. Machine room is
usually located in the basement. Floor height of the building (Floor to floor) would be at
least 5.00 meter height since the space require for floor beam, air duct, electrical conduit,
and sprinkler system. Then, usable height is only 3.00-3.50 meter. In case of curtain wall
design, building would have window to wall ratio (WWR) as 100 percents. The cooling
load of curtain wall building is about 276 Btu per hour square meter of usable area (Btu / h
m2) (Figure 1b). The energy consumption would approximately 420 kilowatt-hours per
square meter per year of usable area (kWh / m2 / yr).
4.2 Buildings Codes & Energy Awards Period
The second period “Buildings Codes & Energy Awards,” the architects have been
forced by local and national regulations. The design factors are changed. The designers
have to think and make some calculation as
Office Building
OTTV: 50 Watt/m2
Department store
OTTV: 40 Watt/m2
Hotel & Condominium
OTTV: 30 Watt/m2
RTTV: 15 Watt/m2
RTTV: 12 Watt/m2
RTTV: 10 Watt/m2
(The Royal Gazette, 2009)
The architects and the mechanical engineers worked more close together. The way
to reduce the overall thermal transfer value (OTTV) is to concentrate on architectural
materials performances on building envelop. Wall section and details were designed such
as double wall with air space, double wall with insulation, aluminum cladding with
insulation. For the openings, reflective glazing was used to reject some heat from the sun.
Then, it produces huge glare problems to its surrounding such as car driver, other buildings’
occupants, etc. Shading devices still used with some interior curtain. The interior curtain
cannot help to reduce cooling load since the sun ray passes through the glass, it will change
to heat and get trap inside. Therefore, the room temperature will raise that cause higher
cooling load. The solution to reduce the roof thermal transfer value (RTTV) is roof attic
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
with ventilation as a common detail design. Some roof detail is to make double roof which
can pass the building code easily, but the actual heat flow passes into the building which is
opposite result compare to the calculation.
Architects and involved persons were normally avoided concerning the building
performance therefore the lack in energy conservation was the consequence.
Misunderstanding in building materials property and non total integrated in building design
concept gave them the low performance building. This conventional design concept and
construction method, which the architects (or other designer) was used to, made no chance
for them to know the cause. The regulation about OTTV and RTTV can improve only the
“Components specification” instead of the truly whole building.
For energy award buildings, the cooling load is about 257 Btu per hour square
meter of usable area (Btu / h m2) (Figure 2b). The energy consumption would
approximately 180 kilowatt-hours per square meter per year of usable area (kWh / m2 / yr).
4.3 Research and Development in Energy Integration Period
The third period “Research and Development in Energy Integration,” some
architects and researchers have conducted study and research since most buildings that
meets building code requirements still consume high amount of energy which as much as
conventional design. The research started with basic human perception of thermal comfort
factors as
1. Air temperature
2. Relative humidity
3. Mean Radiant Temperature
4. Air velocity
5. Clo-value
6. Metabolism rate
The human comfort in building is the major impact to the design as research
approach. The thermal comfort relates to air temperature and relative humidity, while the
comfort zone is range from 22-27 degree Celsius (OC) and 20-75 percent Relative Humidity
(%). It requires some air condition system. The mean radiant temperature (MRT) factor
can bring human sensation to comfort zone besides air temperature and relative humidity.
Air velocity is a common way to help human comfort. The Clo-value and the metabolism
rate are uncontrolled factor in building. Since all 6 factors are applied to building design,
cooling load would be reduced.
For the energy conservation design, the first factor is to take benefit from the nature.
In hot and humid climate, tree and water evaporation can reduce ambient air temperature
which can reduce about half of heat gain from building envelop. Then, high insulated
materials are constructed to prevent heat gain and also condensation inside. Both human
comfort and energy saving factors are needed to be integrated.
It was found that design factors, material property, and construction management
are very important to reduce energy consumption and construction cost. Those factors can
be defined as:
1. Minimized Surface Area Ratio
2. Minimized Infiltration & Ventilation
3. Manage each construction budget to reach regular cost
4. Maximized use of Daylighting without thermal heat gain
5. Maximized Visual Connection
6. Maximized Identification and Aesthetics
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Surface area / net area ratio
Royal Thai Army
Number of floor with in one unit of volume surface
Figure 2
Surface to usable floor area ratio between simple forms and Royal Thai
Army Headquarters.
For Research and Development in Energy Integration buildings, the cooling load is
about 58 Btu per hour square meter of usable area (Btu / h m2) (Figure 3b). The energy
consumption would approximately 65 kilowatt-hours per square meter per year of usable
area (kWh / m2 / yr).
Architecture design has been developed step by step to meet human needs. The
design criteria still consider to use less and to concern with construction budget. The
common way is to reduce consumption factor as much as we can. Are there any other ways
to be the solution for global warming and climate change situation? The design paradigm
has to be changed. Less consumption may not be appropriate. Even we consume less and
less but we still consume at least some. If we change our thought from less consumption to
more production as the nature, our paradigm criteria would be more benefit and fit to the
nature. The design criteria in this period began with reduce energy requirement in the
building. Then, gather some renewable energy sources to supply energy load. Since the
load can reduce about 10 to 15 times of conventional design, the renewable energy now is
matched. After research was done, the area of building surface or skin, and its
surroundings has plenty of space to generate more energy. Then, now we can produce
renewable energy more than energy demand in the building. The energy left over each day
has to be used. It is the first time that after we consume all produced renewable energy, we
still have some energy left to share with neighborhood or sell to the grid. It is the way to
change our paradigm of though from consumer to producer.
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Figure 3
General Buildings: (a) a sample of buildings in Architectural Best Practice
period. (b) Peak cooling load from building components as wall and
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Figure 4
EGCO Headquarter building: (a) a sample of buildings in Buildings
Codes & Energy Awards period. (b) Peak cooling load from building
components as wall and fenestration.
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Figure 5
Shinawatra University: (a) a sample of buildings in Research and
Development in Energy Integration period. (b) Peak cooling load from
building components as wall and fenestration.
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
4.4 The Paradigm shift in Architecture
Bio-solar home is one sample of producing energy to its neighbors. The design
criteria consist of the following concepts:
- No Greenhouse gas pollution
- No Heat pollution
- No Noise pollution
- No Visual pollution
- No Air pollution
- No Water pollution
- No Waste pollution
- No Toxic pollution
Then, recycle water, waste, and human waste were applied. Reclaim condensate
water, recycle water, store rain and run-off water are some ways to harvest or collect those
water. The design started with these factors:
- Microclimate modification
- Unique building form, site and climate
- Enhanced natural factors
- Energy & Environmental friendly materials
- Reducing energy loads
- Appropriate technology
- High efficiency equipment
- Low maintenance
As a result of “Producer Energy Building,” the cooling load of Bio-solar home is
about 17 Btu per hour square meter of usable area (Btu / h m2) (Figure 4b). The energy
consumption would approximately 36 kilowatt-hours per square meter per year of usable
area (kWh / m2 / yr). Renewable energy production is 56 kilowatt-hours per square meter
per year of usable area (kWh / m2 / yr), therefore, 20 kilowatt-hours per square meter per
year of usable area (kWh / m2 / yr) is left over energy for its neighbor. It called the “New
Paradigm Shift in Architecture” or the “Sustainable Era.”
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Figure 6
Bio-solar home: a sample of buildings in New Paradigm Shift in
Architecture period with the Natural Capitalism approach. (b) Peak cooling
load from building components as wall and fenestration.
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Table 1
Design efficiency and energy profile between each period and the Paradigm shift.
Architectural Design Stage
> 50
> 30
Architectural Best Practice
General building
Buildings Codes & Energy Awards
EGCO Headquarter
Research and Development in
Energy Integration
Shinawatra university
The Paradigm Shift in
Bio-solar home
*(EGAT, 2007)
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Architectural Best Practice
Buildings Codes & Energy Awards
Research and Development in Energy Integration
Figure 7
The energy consumption and CO2 Emission comparison in each period
between Architectural Best Practice, Buildings Codes & Energy Awards, and
Research and Development in Energy Integration.
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
3 Periods
Architectural Best Practice
Paradigm shift
in Architecture
(Sustainable Era)
Buildings Codes & Energy Awards
Research and Development in Energy Integration
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Figure 8
The energy consumption and CO2 Emission comparison between each
period and The Paradigm Shift in Architecture.
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
Since the climate change has come to people concern, all buildings are no longer
appropriate. Therefore, the idea of using renewable energy and recycle materials was
applied. The existing design process now is not applicable any more. Even, designer has
tried to design to reduce the cooling load or the energy consumption but the building form,
the mechanical system, the building materials and the components are still not integrated.
They still use “Reducing Paradigm.” It will never be the real solution for climate change
problem since building still consume even consume very less. Now, comes to the new
paradigm. The previous idea is to consume less but the new one is to produce more. It
means that designer need to change their design paradigm from consumer to producer
building, called “The Paradigm Shift in Architecture.” The idea is to design and build the
building to be one of energy producer. So the way to do is reduce the energy load as
minimum and use the alternative energy producers in building system that can produce
exceed the total energy consumption.
The author greatly appreciates the valuable suggestions from Prof. Dr. Soontorn
Boonyatikarn and would like to thank my researcher teams, Jayanin Chitranukroh, Ph.D.,
Suteewan Lohasuwan, Ph.D., Miss Usanee Mingvimol, and Mr. Anusitt Sirirachtaphat of
center of excellence building and environmental technology, school of architecture,
Chulalongkorn University.
The Paradigm Shift in Architecture
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The Paradigm Shift in Architecture