Assembly, maintenance and operating instructions manual
Assembly, maintenance and operating instructions manual
ZF-Synchroma-Gearbox S 5-18/3 Assembly,Maintenance and OperatingInstructions AG ZAHNRADTABRIKFRIEDRICHSHAFEN SCHWAEBISCH GMUEND WORKS D-7070SchwaebischGmuend Graf.von-Sodon-Stra0e $9 Germany phone07171 /601-l . telex 07 24880.| . cable:Zahnradfabrik SdrwaeblsdEnuond 07 24A825for servlc€deoartmsnt 1 2 5 57 5 1l 0 Prlnted In Germany S 5-18/3 ZF.SYNCHROMA.GEARBOX Assembly,Maintenanceand OperatingInstructions Contentg Pag€ L Todrnical Data ll. Do8crlption lll. HandlingOperation. lV. Mgint6n6nc6and Lubrication . V. Tools . Vl. Stripping ot Tranambsion . I Vll. Ch6cklngof Individu.lCompon6nts 12 Vlll. Ass.mbly of G€arbor 12 lX. Ordering Sp6r6 Parts 23 X. Koy to lllustrationa 24 xl. Erplod6d Views Xll. List of ZF Servico Stations . 3l l. TedrnicalData Typc Input Torqu6 max. kpm t.Gear] 2.Gear I s.c*. ll.o"". ls.cea.i R.c"a.I speedokpm' 2,4 2,08 for CAR 30 2,99 I,76 6,0 5,33 3,24 | 3,03 3,24 't6 for light conmercial t6 t8 vqhlcl€8 PTO Md.Ab.. I pgrm|agaDrg Bdor t,76 1,39 t,3 1,26 t.0 't.0 t,0 0.87 0,87 2,U |,81 t,3 1,3 t,3 't,0 2,U 1,0 1,0 3,67 2,5 3,67 to 3,67 3,4 5,47 2,17 5,47 IO 5,47 4,0 12 | I outout ^ uPooo t,02xn Engln6 ' For cor€ct value, rovcr to ZFF t€drniqal d€pgrtment. W.lghk ca. $ kg Oll crprclty! ca. 1,6 liter ll. Description The ZF Synchroma5 sp€od ggarbox S $18/3 is an up to date ge€rbox syn.hronlsod ln all forward geara. Thg rcvora€ 96ar haa a claw clutdl. Ths traosrnis8lonls flangod dlrotly to tho sngine and lo actueted by meana of a sst b;ck or a centrol flo6r Ehift or bJ a atoerlng column dqpendlng on th€ type of vehlcle. Thg dosign ofthe transmlssionand the us6 of of push rods ior trEnsmttdng th6 Ehlftlng iorces guar6nt96 easy 9nd accurats shifting of th6 trahsmission in all sttuations. Ths.tr6namisslonls a countershaft (layshsft) typ€. Thg mating gears of all speed8 remain conatantly in m€8h. Whllst thg who€ls on thq countsrshaft aro permanontly gttadr€d to ths shaft. the nssdls bearing count€r wh€ele can rdtatg freely on the mEtn 8h9ft. During tho rhlftlng opgration, the 6pe€d8of tho membcrs to bo coupled 619 eyndrronleed by ZF-B syndtrontggre.The Idler gear of thg pertinsnt Bpe6d 19couplgd to tho mainshatt by m€ang of a clawed eleevi and the powlr flow d gutded by the perinqni gearg to ths outoul snd. At dirsct epeod (that can bg 4th or sth g€ar according to gEarbox type) the countsrahaft is not Includsd in the powor flow i. e. thg Input thaft.and th6 maln shaft ar€ coupled diroctly to eadr othg. and conaoqu€ntly tho ongine r€volution end the torquo dlango to l:1. In revsrse gear ths diroction of tho output sp€ed i6 .fi6n9qd by I built-in intermedlatgggar (so-called reveree geir). Tho shiftlng El€9vqs 8upply 8hlft forke whldr are guided by bearing gplgots €nt€.ino th6 gesrbox housinq and wht.h ar€ actuatod by thg push rod8. Tho Ehlft forks arg hgld in th6 engsged pgsition by spring dot6nt8. A butlt-in shift lock luarantees that only ono Bpo6d qan be snggg€d at a timo. ZF-Synchroma-GearboxS 5-t 8/3 Assembly Descriptionof ZF-B-Synchroniser Oescription The follow ng components are assembled between lhe gear wheels of lst and reverse speed, of 2nd and 3rd speeds as well as 4th and sth speeds. 1 The Synchrobody (A) A x r a l l y a n d r a d r a l l yr m m o v e a b l eI n r e l a t i o nt o m a n shaft (B) on wh ch rl rs located 2 Synchro Sprrngs (C) A synchro spflng is attached to each side of the synchrobody. They press the pressure preces lightly on the slrdrng sleeve (H) 3 Pressure Preces (D) They are axrally drsplaced on selectron of the slrdng sleeve and thus press the synchro rrngs onto the cone of the clutch body (l) 4 Synchro Brngs (F) These are placed loosely between gear wheel (G) and synchrobody (A) There rs no synchro ring on the reverse gear wheel. as this is not synchrontsed These components permrt establ shrng of unrtorm angular speeds between the gear wheel to be coupled and the shafi before the slrdrng sleeve (H) and rts Internal teeth enter lhe cluich teeth of lhe (pertinent) gear Op€retion ot Syndronl.or A...nbly 1 . l d l i n g( F i g s .I a n d 2 ) J t H I N Sliding slsevo (H) is in th€ centre positaon.h i9 hsld in this position by 6 shift fork whidt is located by tho sslgctor of the dstent bolt. The gear wheels (G) can rotate froely on thg mainshaft. Shifting Opsration(Figs.3 and 4) II FR A) Syndrro Body B) Mainshatt C) Syn.hro Springs D) Prgsgure Piece E) N€€dle B€aring F) Syn.hro Ring G) Geer whe€l H) Sliding Sleeve .,) Clutch Body 4 Th€ sliding sleev€ (H) as pushgd forward axially in ono direction (in th€ exampl€shown to the left). The pr€g8ure piecos are tsk6n along by tho 8liding slosvo, as th€ pressurs pigcsa 9re push€d by th6 preloaded gynchronissr 8prin96 (C) with th€i. trapoziuh shop€d tops into the some$rhat wider 6nnular groov€ of tho sliding als€v€. Th6 two syndrro rings (F) lie to lgft and right of the prossure pieces. When the sliding slogve movos to the left after passing through ths fre€ lravol botw€on the sliding slsgvo and the preasurs piece. the lgft Byndrro ring will be movod to the left side in the sam6 way by thg prosgure pigcea. After approximatgly0.5 mm the syndtro ring with lts conical 6urfaco is adjacent to the simil6r conical surfaca of the clutdl body. This will rotate thg synciro ring by app.oximately 2 mm In relation to thg sliding sle€ve and the synchro body (A) until ih6 syndrro.lng and its lugg 619 resting in tho slots of the gynchro body. The position of tho syndrro ring in rolation to the sliding gleeve is thgrgfore gudr that thg tggth on th€ out6r diam€ter of the rangare offset in rel6tlon to the toothgaps ot the sliding 8le6ve (Fig.3).Wh9nthe sleeve i3 pushodon further.itg tgethwill rest againSt those of the aynchro ring and submit an axial force against the ring. Th€ flat adjoiningangl6 on the Eliding Eurface of the clutdr body (J) and the blocking ring will €stablish forcos in radial direction whidl ar9 stronger than thg forces whidr are trsn6mitted to th6 sliding slegve in axial direction. Thio $rill continually r€duce tho diffgrgncs in sps€d betwe€n the g€ar to be 6ng6ggd and th6 mainshaft (es well ae the 8liding sleevo). Only wh€n the two apeeds aae synchronig6d will the synchro ring and ths gsgr whe€l turn back slightly (approx. I to 2 mm) until thg teoth of ths sliding slsove are in line with the tooth gaps of the syndrro ring. At thig momsnt, thg rcsistanco whidr has prcvonted 9ny furthgr movsment of the sliding 8la6ve during thg shifting operation will b€ overcomg and the slg€v€ is now pushod into thg coupling teeth of th6 appropriate goar whesl (Fig. 4). This is th6 end of th6 shifting cycl€. lll. HandlingOperation Economicdrivingof a vehicle requiresthe engineto run constantlyin the most favourablospeed range. On most €ngines,thi6 speed range is restrictedbut a s-speedtransmiasionpermits easy adaptationof th€ engineto the varyingdriving conditions. Since all forward gears on the S5-18/3 are fully syn.fironised,a fast reliableand noiselessg€ar changecan be effectedwithout doublede-clutdringon shiftingup and without rewing up when 6hiftingdown. On shifting, the sel€ctor lever of the syndrronised forward gears should b€ pressed in smoothly and evenly. Only when the synchroprocessis at an 6nd does the Eelectorlever move into final selectedposition. To protectsynchronising componentsin the transmission,in the main clutc$ and the engine, shifting down should be effected only when the driving speed corresponds to the max. speed of the next lower gear. The rever6egear may be engagedonly when the vehicleis stationaryas otherwisethe dog teeth may be damaged. The clutdl pedal should always be depressed when selecting both forward and reverse speeds. Por'oct adiustmeni of lhe main clutdr contribute! considorably to the prov€ntion of .hifting trouble. The clutci should engage and disengagecompletely.The 6pecifiedpedal play shouldther€forebe checkedregularly. lV, Maintenance and Lubrication The followingtyp€s of oil can be used for lubricationof the gearbox unl6s5the lubricationinstructionsof the vehicle manufacturer are different. 1. Mild €P-Goarbox oll., prctcrably of viscosity cla3! SAE 8{, 2. HD-Engins oil3 ot vi.co3ity cla33 SAE 30 Mild gear oil types are those EP oil grade6whiah in the presenceof condensationdo not cause corrosionon steel and non-ferrous metal parts and hardeningof gasketsand Eeals.So-called multi-purposeor universaloils can be used if they meet our for ZF Transmission Nr. 13-118".In case of doubt,pleaseaek an oil supplier. "LubricationOil Roquirements To facilitatethe choicoof oil for vehiclesused abroad,it should be mentionedthat multi-purposeoil SAE 80, with rnild EP-Additives, as per specification MIL-L- 2105 (A), can meet these requirements. Oil Lovol Ch€d( The oil level in the transmissionshouldbe ch€ckedregularly(approx. every 10.000km). The dleck should be undertakenonly when tho vehicleis in a horizontalposition.lf this is carri€dout after drivjng,'thensome time shouldbe allowedto elapseuntil the oil has settledin the transmigsion. Ths oil filler plug should be removed fron the sid€ of the gearbox (to the right as seen on th6 output flange) to check the oil level. The area aroundth6 plug shouldbe cleanedso that no dirt c6n fall antothe transmission.lf ths oil level has dropped below the edge of the bore, then the oil should be filled to overflowingagain.Then close the oil filler plug. lf possible,the sam6 type of oil should alwaysbe used. Oil Change The gearbox oil in.a new or repaired gearbox should be .tianged first after 4000 to 5000 km or 6fter 100/125 working hours, and then every 16 000/20000 km or 400/500working hours.The old oil should always be drained after driving as it i6 th€n warm, flows easily and flushes th6 driving parts and possibly removes the w6ter condonsationwhich has tormed tiom the gearbox more ea9ry. The oil drain is on the undersideof the transmigsion, set furthestback. Prior to screwingthe drain plug back,the magnetshould be cleanedof adheringabragiv€s. The now oil shouldbe put in vja the oil fill€r and should in fact overtlowat the €nd of the bore (requiredoil capacityapprox.1,6 l). Oft€n, lubricantsand additivesare offored in additionto the oil. The oils meeting our instructionsalrsady have their additives whidl the transmission needs. An)4hing further is not nece9s6ry, and could even cause damage. V. Tools Tool Nr. 12538986s3 Tool .1. Device for fasteningtransmissioninto vice f ool .2. Tool for pullingout ball bearingof the mainshaft and input shaft. 1253898205 the ballbearings ln a larggrnumb€rof thesegearboxeg, ar€ fitted with divid€dinner ring. The followlngtools are necegsaryfor the assemblyof thi6 boaring. UniversalPuller 124889820r fnsert for pufling ball bearings (212 and 423) 1253898203 Pullerfor ball bearing inner ring r 255898202 Tool .3. r211898206 Pullerfor reversebolt (only for heavyvehicleversions) r 253898204 Tool .4. Ba6acTool Tool .5. Grippingpiece for pullingroll€r bearings (303 and 309) off the counter shaft. ts 1253898202 Tool .6. Bu6hes for presging synchroni66ronto mainshaft for 1.--+l- g€ar 2.---3. Gear 4.-5. Gear trga 1255 898 052 1255898 053 1255898 054 Tool Nr. Tool .t. Preasura pi€c€ for knocking spring rings onto Syncnronlaaa r 2s3898054 Tool .8. Tool for pr€8slng ball b€aring (212 a d 423) on tho main- and input shafts | 253898652 Tool .0. Prssslng mandril for tho sh6ft 8€al (207 in tho wlthdraviral bgaring carrlor (206) Tool .t0. Toolfor preeelngBhaftssal Into thg sp6€dobush | 25s898051 ,,$e 1253898631 Tool .l |, Mandril for presglng th6 tapergd roll bearing Inner rlng onto ths countor shaft | 2r | 898051 Vl. Strippingof Transmission Noi€: The numeralsIn bracketse.g. (611) refer to part numbersin explodedview at end of instructions. Screw tool .1. into the thread of the oil drain plug (to fasten transmissionmore socurely,the full thread in the housingshould be used) and secure gearboxwith the tool in the vice- Pull the lock nut of the tool .1. lightly. A) Bemov.l of G€ar Shift l. Remote lloor shllt (Car) 1.1Removeboot (643).Removecirclips(642)from the groove of the gear lever turret (Fig. 1). Pull the geardrang€control lever (640) with the bushes (641) from the gear change turret (Fig.2). 1.2Loosen the 4 screws (637) (Fig. 3) and lift off the gear changeturret from the selectorarm (Fig-4). Take off guide prare. Fig.4 1 3 Pull pivot pins (630)from the gear changeturret.Take out interlockswing (625)with torsion springs(633 and 633.1). Screw off the 4 nuts (648)on the selectorarm (619)(Fig.5) and plll selectorarm over the selectionrods. Take pivot piece (624) out of solector arm. Fig.2 2 Loosennuts (808)and screws(803).Takeoff speedocover (801).S ip off short drstancebushes (428).speedo worm (427)and long spacingbushes(426). Fs.5 I 5 T a L e o u t c y l ' n d ' r c a l s c e w s ( 6 4 5 ) r F g 6) and take off vibration damper (644) Fiq I Snap sprrng ang (425) out of ball bearing groove (423) and slide off the spacer (424) Pull the ball bearing frorn the marnshaftwth tool 2. Attach the spacer (424)to the ballbcaring. Dismantlingof Front Part of Housing 1 Loosennuts (20r) (Frg.9) and front cover (203) F r g .6 2. Centrallylocateddirect gear change(commercialvehicle) 2.1 Sl p off the gaiter (643) Unhookcap (655)frorn the prvot pins (652) and p!ll selecton lever completelyout of the gearchangeturret. 2 2 Loosenthe 4 nuts (648)and lrft up gearchangeturret from housing(629) Removeselectorgate (653). 2.3Pull pivot plns (630)from the gearchangeturret Take out interlockswing (625)with tors on spring(633and 633.1) Fig 9 B) Dismanllingof SpeedoCover I Push back the safety tab on the nut (430)and loosennut (Fig 7). For this, 2 gears must be engaged Pull the output flange (429) from the mainshaft. 2 Bemovecrrclp (208) (Fig. 10) and take off spacer (209) 3 D s m a n t l es p r n g r i n g P u l l o f f b a l l b e a r i n g( 2 1 2 )w r t ht o o l .2 4. Push back the 2 dowels (106)(Frg ll) D) Oi3mantlingof Gearbor Shaft3 l. Take off selectorfork 4th and 5th gear (601). 2 D i s m a n t l se e l e c t o r o d s ( 6 0 8 , 6 1 2a n d 6 1 a )( F r g .l 5 ) . Loosen set screws (602) on the prvot prns (604 and 610) ( F i g 1 2 ) a n d p u l l p v o t p L n sf r o m t h e h o u s r n g F9 15 Take gearbox shatl from the housrng (Frg 16) Pull the 2 detent plungers and lhe 2 ccmpressron spnngs (616) Ftg 12 U n s c r e w n u t s ( 1 0 2 ) a n d t u r n c y l r n d rc a l s c r e w s ( F r g l 3 ) Fg 16 E) Oismantlingof Bever6eGear I U n d o t h e s c r e w s( 1 1 8 )a n d t a k e o f f t h e c o v e rp l a t e( 1 1 7 ) 2 Removethe set screws (507) from the hous ng (Frg. 17) o r p u l lo u t t h e d o w e l( 5 1 1 ) P u l lo u t t h e r e v e r s er d l e rs h a f l Fig l3 T a k eo f f f r o n t p a r t o f h o u s r n g( 1 0 1 )( F r g 1 a ) P u l l d e t e n r p u n g e r( 6 17 ) a n d c o m p r e s s r osnp r n g ( 6 1 6 )f r o mt h e b o r e it Fg 17 (505) wrth specra too 3 or knock towards the output s de wrth a frtteCmandril(Frg l8) Take out the reverse gear (502) wrth the 2 thrust washers (501) Pull the 2 neede cages (503)from the bore of the gear. Fig. 18 F) Dismantlingol Mainshah I Berrove thrust washers (422) and 1st gear (421) wrth synchroring (402) and needle cage (408) from the mainshaft. Remove synchro spring (403) from the pressure piece (aoa) (Fig. 19). Pull slrdingsleeve (420) from the synchro Fig.21 Pull off synchrobody 4th and 5th gear (405)wrth 2 screws M 8 and conventionalpullrng bridge (Fig. 22). Take off synchroring (402),5th gear (a07)and needlecage (408). Fig.1 9 body (419)and take off pressurepiece (404).Bemovecir' clip (409)from groove (Fig.20) and mark posrtronof the svnchrobodv on the mainshaft. Fig.20 Clamp mainshaftwith the input side upwardsbetweensoft jaw6 of a vice. Removeinput shaft (213).roller cage beartng (214) and synchro ring (402).Removesynchrospring (403).Pull off sliding sleeve (406)and dismantlepressure piece (404).Removecirclip (401)and mark positionof the synchrobodyon the shaft (Fig. 2i). Fis. Remove circlip (409). Push the thrust washer (410) with the 3rd gear (411) from the cylindricalspliningof the shaft. Take off synchroring (402)and needlecage (412). B€move synchro spring (403) on the syncfiro body 2nd and 3rd gear (414). Pull off sliding sle6ve and r€move pressure pieces(404).Removecirclip (413)(Fig.23) and mark position of the synchro body on the shaft. 7 . With a press, press down first of all the roverEegear (418), with the synchro body to the output side, and then the 2 nd gear (415) with the 6ynchrobody (414) to the input sid€. Take the 2 needle cages (416) from the mainshaft.Bend back the circlip (419-2) on the synciro body rev€rse gear (419). Bemove spring ring (419.1)and take off circlip, spacing plate (419.3)and Eynchrospring (403).The synchro spring (403) which lies bohind tho weldod angular plccc. anthe synchro body reverse gear should not be removed. G) Di3mantling of Layshaft Removecirclip (301)and pull off roller bearings(303 and 309) with tools .4. and .5. The constant gear wheel (304), the sth speed gear wheel (306) and the 3rd speed gear wheel(307)can be pressedfrom the countershaft individually with the help of a 20 ton pres6, as theso geara are shouldbe notedthat the circlip (305)shouldbe removed before the pres6ing of the sth speed gear wheel. Removeall gasketpartssuchas shaft seals,(207,811, 812) gasketsand O-Rangsfrom the housinghalves,the speedo cover,the withdrawalbearingflangeand the pivot pins. Fig. Vll. Checkingof IndividualComponents t . Check synchrorings (402)for wear. lt is advisablealwaystoreplacesynciro ringswith new ones when repairingtransmissions. 2. Check short teeth of clutch body for wear and damage. 3. Check all slide pieces for wear. The axaalplay in the groove of the slidang6leeve must be 0,2 mm to 0.45 mm for 15t and reversegearsand 1,6 to 1,85mm for the remaininggears. Check shift forks for damageand wear. 5. The runningsurfacosof th6 needlebearingson the mainshaft(417),on reverseshaft (505)and in the bores of gear wheels,as well as the n€odlesthemselves,should show no signs of wear or pitting. 6 . Check teeth of all gear wheels for wear and pitting. 1 . Check outputflange(429)6nd input shaft for ecore marks caused by shaft sealingrings. 8. Ch€ck drive pins and guide grooveson shift rails (608.612, 614) for wear. Gears of countershaft are shrunk-fit.They can be removedonly on a 20 ton press.For shrinking,heat gear6to 150 to l80o C and then slide on counter shaft. Be sure to maintain the above temp€rature since a temperaturs in excess of l80o C may cause structural dtanges which in turn might impair hardness. At temperatures below t50o C, the- expansion-of thg gear i9 too low and the gear w-heolmight seize when pressed onto shaft (also refer to "Prca66embly of Countershaft"). Vlll. Assemblyof Transmission Prior to assemblyof the transmission,all componentsshould be carefullycleand.The sealingsurfacesof the housingfront end and rear end should always be smooth€ddown to remove remainingvarni6hand p€rtinentdamage.Prior to reassembly,ead! part must be ctecked for w€ar or oth6r faults and lubricatedwell. Gaskets.shaft sealingrings, O-Ringsand lock washersshould alwayg be replaced by new ones. Mak€sure in particularthat no dlip6 or other foreign particlesremain in the hou6ing.For insertingshaftsand bolts, always use a soft hammer(plastic,lead etc.).N€ver hit hardenedtransmissionparts with a ste€l hammer.When installingstuds, make sure holes togetherwith sealingcompound(for good sealing). that they are insertedinto tapped-through The assemblyof the individualshaft and of the entiretransmissionproceedsvice versa to stripping.When assemblinggear levers and the lik€with hubs on one side, correct positioningduring assemblyas important. A) Preassembly of HousingComponents S c r e w s t u d s ( 1 0 4 .1 0 5 , 1 0 8 ,1 0 9 1 1 0 , 8 0 5 a n d 8 0 6 ) i n t o t a p p e dh o l e so f h o u s r n g . Note: New studs for through holes are Insta ed coated w r t h s e a l i n gc o m p o u n d . B) AssemblyoI ReverseGear Wheel 1 Put needle cages (503) nto reverse gear bore (502) and strck needleswith grease.Stick a thrust washer (501 and 510) on each side of the wheei with grease (the turned down faps lre outwards).Put the reverse gear Into the housing.Push the reverse dler shaft wth the sma er .' first into posrtronn the housrngbore from the output s de (Fig 24). Take care that the thrust washersare not dama ged by the shaft 2. Insertscrews (507)wrth spnng washer(506) (underneath) a n d t i g h t e nt o 2 . 0 t o 2 . 5 k p m ( s e e F i g . l 7 ) T h e s e c ! r n g bolt must come to lie behrndthe shaft (not rn the groove) On various gearbox types a dowel (511) must be pLrt throughthe housing nto the shaft bore 3 srng,the posrtronsot the hub and shafi, markedon d s a s s e m yb . s h o u l db e I n l r n e . 1 . C l a m pm a r n s h a (f t4 1 7 )b e t w e e ns o f rj a w s i n t h e v i c e .O u t - put end on top. 2 . S l i d e n e e d l ec a g e ( 4 1 6 )a n d 2 n d g e a r w h e e ( 4 1 5 )o n t o rnainshaftwith dog teeth on top (Fig. 25). Placea synchro nng (402)on the cone of the gear 3 Placc a synchrospnng (403)onto the side of the 2nd and 3rd gear synchrobody (414)whrchrs first pushedonto the m a i n s h a fi e t o n t h e s i d ew h L c h a st h e s p l n r n ga n d a t t a c h the squaredoff end into the cross slot (Fig. 26) Heat the preassembled 2nd and 3rd gear synchrobody up to 80oC andwrththe spl nes Ined up Intothe positionmarkedduring pressonto ma nshaft(Frg.27).Only assemble drsassembly, the synchrobodywrth tool .6. or wrth a suitabe tube whrch fits over the hub. Make sure that the lugs of the synchro r ngs (402)lie in the recessof the synchrobody.SprLngon the circl p (413)i this must sit tightly in the radralgroove a n d i s t h e r e f o r ea v a r l a b l e r n t h i c k n e s s eosf 1 . 8 i 1 , 9 a n d 2,00 mm Use loo 1 fot tapprngthe circlip into posrlron. Fastengasket(116) and cover (117) onto the housrngw th s e t s c r e w s( 1 1 8 )a n d s p n n g w a s h e r s( 1 0 3 )( u n d e r n e a t h ) Trghtentorque of the screws to 2 to 2.5 kpm '\ Itl ll c) P r e a s s e m b l y o f Mainshaft Note: New synchrobodies (405, 414 and 419) have no cyl ndncal sp rn ng n their hob. Thrs rs pressed onto t h e h a r d e n e d m a n s h a f t T h e r e f o r e . w h e n L r s i n go d s y n c h r o b o d r e s ,r t s h o u l d b e n o t e d , t h a t b e f o r e p r e s - F g 25 Fig 26 F'g 2 1 Attach the 3 pressurepreces(404)wrth greaseto the assembledsynchrospring such that the wire is frxed In the recessesof the pressurepieces.The squaredoff end of the s y n c h r os p l n g m u s t c o m e t o l e o n t h e i n s r d eo f a p r e s s u r e p r e c e( F i g . 2 8 )s o t h a t t h e s p n n gc a n n o td r s t o r t Attach secondsynchrospnng (403)in the pressurepreces (Frg.30) The squaredoff end of the springmust le on the nner srde of a pressurepiece. Moreover,take care that the 2 sprLngends are assembledIn drfferentpos trons to each other r. e lre In 2 drfferentpressurepeces. Lay the second synchro rng (402) on the synchro body (see F i o .3 1 ) Fig.30 Slide the needlecage (412)onto the mainshaftand place t h e 3 r d g e a r( 4 1 1 )i n t ot h e s y n c h r or i n g ( F i g .3 1 ) .S l i d et h e t h r u s tw a s h e r( 4 1 0 )o n t o t h e s p l i n r n ga n d s n a p a c r r c l i p (409) Into the radialgroove of the shaft The ring must sit trghtly In the groove and rs therefore availablein thick' n e s s e so f 1 , 8 i 1 , 9 a n d 2 , 0 0 m m . U s e t o o l . 7 . f o r t a p p r n g the circlip into position. F i g 28 P u s h t h e s l r d r n g s l e e v e ( 4 0 6 ) o n t o t h e s p L r nn g o f t h e s y n ' chrobody as shown in Fig.29 (This sliding sleeve is the same on both sides). The 3 flat teeth lie on the pressure pieces. Engage pressure pieces In the notches of the teeth Frg.31 Fg.29 Fig 32 Slide the needle cage (408) and 5th gear wheel (407) w th the dog teeth upwards onto the bear ng seat of the shafl (F g.32). Place a synchro ring (402) on the cone of the gear 9 o f t h e m a i n s h a fTt h e c r r c l i pm u s ts L tt r g h t y I n t h e g r o o v e A v a i l a b l en n g t h i c k n e s s e s1 , 8 i 1 , 9 a n d 2 , 0 0 m m P u s h clrcl p up to stop In the groove with tool 7. Place a synchro spnng (403) onto the side of the synchrobody (405) with the longer hub and attach squared off end to the cross slot (see Fig 26) Heat 4th and 5th gear synchrobody toS0oCand press itwith the ongerhub frrst onto m a r n s h a f t( F i g . 3 3 ) . U s e t o o l . 6 . a n d n o t e t h e m a r k e d position when pressrng on and insert the lugs of the synchro rings Into the notches of the synchrobody. Select a c r r c l L p( 4 0 1 ) t h i c k e n o u g h t o s i t t i g h t l y I n t h e r a d a l g r o o v e T h e r n g s a v a i l a b l e i n t h r c k n e s s e so f 1 , 8 i 1 , 9 a n d 2 . 0 Attach crrcl p and with tool .7 push into groove Frq 35 A I 3 . S t c k t h e 3 p r e s s u r ep e c e s ( 4 0 4 )w r t h g r e a s eo n t h e a s sembledsynchrospang (403)(see Fig.28). The wire must strckin the groovesof the pressurepiecesand the squared off ends lie on the inner srde of the pressureprece 10.Belease rnarnshaftand wrth output srde upwards fasten frrmlyagain In the vice. 14.SlLdethe sl drng sleeve (420) onto the synchrobody(see F g. 29) such that the 3 flat teeth come to rest on the pressurepteces The narrowercollar and the small rounded off teeth must lie agarfst reversegear. sure p eces In the notchesof the teeth Fig 33 l 1 . S l i d et h e n e e d l ec a g e ( 4 1 6 )a n d r e v e r s eg e a rw h e e ( 4 1 8 ) wrth the dog teeth upwardsonto the shaft (Fig 34). 15 Attach 2nd synchro spflng (403) In the pressure pieces (see Fig. 30) The squaredoff ends of the spring must lie on the nner side of a pressureptece Moreover,take care that the 2 spnng ends are assembledin differentposrtions to each other . e lying in 2 different pressure pieces. P ace 2nd synchroring (402)onto synchrobody (see Frg 36). 1 6 S l i d en e e d l ec a g e( 4 0 8 )a n d l s t g e a r( 4 2 1 )w t h c l u t c ht e e t h d o w n w a r d (sF i g . 3 6 ) Frg.34 l2 Heat lst and reverse gear synchrobody(419) B0oC and wrth the longerhub placedfirst in the positronon the shaft s p l i n i n gm , a r k e dd u r L n gs t r i p p l n g(, F i g . 3 5 ) , p r e s s u p t o stop wth tool .6. Insert crrcIp (409) in the radial groove Fg 36 15 Fohrtrichtung (directronof travel) F,9 39 lnsert layshatt wth the small teeth first Into the housrng (F 9. a0). Place selector fork 1st and reverse gear (613) rn the groove of the 1st and reverseslrdrngsleeve(420)and 2nd and 3rd selector fork (609) In the 2nd and 3rd sldrng sleeve (406).The detent pad must le on the side of the 'nstalledreversegearwheel(502) Frg 37 l7 Plece on the thrust washer $22\ wllh step upwards (Fr9 37) D) Preassemblyot Layshari Make bores of helrcalgear and frttedseatson the layshafl tree ot oil, grease and dust. Heat 3rd gear (307) and sth g e a r ( 3 0 6 )t o 1 5 0 o- 1 8 0 oC a n d p u s h I n d r v r d ul ya a g a i n s t stop on layshaft.Note that the 3rd gear is put on the shaft with the side hav ng lhe locatrnghole and the somewhat wider collar first Insertc rcl p (305) Warm constantgear (304) lrkewise to l50o- 180oC and press on wrth rhe longer hub first. Press on both Inner races of the taper roller beanng (303 and 309) up to the stop The larger drametersare each towardsthe gear wheels Placec rclrp (301) n radralgroove On gearboxeswrth manufacturers numberunder 1152,ball bear|ngsare used to some extent In such a case the rear beanng (309) should not yet be pressedon (only after the Installatron of gearboxshaft Into the housing). E) Installationot Gear Shatts 1 S t i c k p r e s s u r es p r L n g( 6 1 6 )a n d d e t e n tp l u n g e r( 6 1 7 )r n t o the 3 retainng bores of the gearbox front and rear with g r e a s e( F i g . 3 8 ) F,g 40 Note: The selectorfork 1st and reversegear has a detent pad with open detenls,thereforewith only 1 notch i n t h e m d d l e a s s h o w nl n F i g 4 1 . T h e d e t e n tp a d of selectortork 4th and 5th gear has 3 notches Pushpreassembled marnshattwith outputsrde frrst into the beaflngbase of the housrng(Frg.42).Pay attentionto correct positionof forks (detentplunger(617)over the detent pad)andthe 1st gear(421). Snap the spnng nng (425) Into the radral groove of the ball bearing(423) Push ball bearrngwrth the spacer (424) d r s m a n t l eddu r i n gd r s a s s e m bol yn t ot h e m a i n s h a f( tF t 9 . 4 5 ) Brnd layshaftto the marnshaftwrth tape (see F g. 45). F,9 Stick 2 selectorpads (607) with grease Into the bores of the selectorforks (601 609, 613), for selector fork (609) I n t h e m i d d l eh o l e sa n d f o r f o r k s( 6 0 1a n d 6 1 3 ) i n t h eo w e r h oe s ( F i g . 3 9 ) . l Wrth pressingtool .8.,the threadedp eces belongingto lt and the 2 distancebushes (426 and 428), press the ball bearingto the stop on the thrust washer (422) Then tap the ball in the housrngbore Leavetool .8. tight. Fg 44 Turn the housrngsuch that the open side porntsupwafds With a depth gauge measurefrom the face of the synchrobody to the gearboxjoint face (withoutgasket) (Fig. 451. A stralghtedge with the hrgh lip on which the slide of the depth gauge rs set must be put onto the gearboxJointface (Fig.45). The measurementestablishedplus the width of the straight edge should amount to 53,5 1 0,i mm. The differencebetweenthe measuredsize and the theoretical size shows the thicknessof the spacer (424),which les between the recess of the housrngand the spring ring (425).The shrm (424)which is available n thicknessesof 0,6: 0,8; 1,0: 1,2 and 1,4 rirmmust,if necessary,be exchan' ged. Standgearboxin horizontalpos tion againand take of pressingtool .8 F9.41 Tfr/ Fig 45 9 Take off tape. Stick the 3 pressure preces (404) with grease onto the installedsynchrospring on synchrobody 4th and sth gear (405) such that the wire is fixed in the recessesand the squaredoff end on the lnner side of a pressurepiece (see Frg.28). l0 Push the sliding sleeve(426)onto the spliningof the syn' chrobody(see Fig.29). The 3 flat teeth come to rest on the pressurepieces.Engagepressurepiecesin notches. ll.Attach the second synchro spring (403) to the pressure preces (see Fig. 30). Attach the squared otf end of the spring again as describedfor synchrobody2nd and 3rd gear. 12.Put the secondsynchroring (402)on the cone of the input shaft (213) (see Fig. 33). Place the roller cage bearing into the spigot bearing bore of the input shaft. Push the input shaft on the spigot of the mainshaft. F) A!3embly of Shift Part. 1. Place 1 off O-ring (605) into the grooves of each of the pivot pins (604and 610).Put 2 pivot pins (604)throughthe rear housrnqbor€3 into the bores of the lst and reverse aear eelect; fork (613)(beginwith pivot prn which lies on ihe d.tent p"d side ss shown In Fig 46) Tightenscrews (602)with sgrinqwashers(603) Push pivot prns (610)Into setei:torfoti 2nd and 3rd gear (609) and fasten wrth the screws (602) and spring tashers (underneath).Tighten torque screws (602) to 0,8 to 1 2 kpm. as shown in Fiq.49 into the bore of the selectorfork (609) Install 4th and-sth gear selector rail (608) as prevaously described(Fig. 50). , I Fig 46 Place the 4th and sth gear selectorfork onto the sliding sleeve as shown in Fig.47 Fig. 50 Slrde qasket (l07) over the protrudrngstuds and Install oearbo-xhousrngfront part (101)(Fig.51) Screw the nuts (l02) with sorinq washer (103) on the stud Tap in dowel itOOi ana tiren-trghtennuts (l02) to a torque of 2 to 2,5 kpm. Frg.47 Assembleshift rails. First the shortest reversegear shaft ra'l (Fig.48).Note that the notchat the end of the rarl lres neai tlie shift lever (640) and should pornt upwards.This aooliesalso for the 2 other shift rails. Insertweldedpivots 2nd and 3rd gear shift rails (612)with the 2 plastic bolts ( 6 11 ) . Fig.48 18 Place O-rinq6 (605) into the pivot prns (604) lnsert pivot orns throuohthe housinqinto the bore of the 4th and sth fork. Screw in bolts (602)wrth sprrngwashet oear selec-tor a6O3)and tighten to 0,8 to 1,2 kpm. F'ig 51 I G ) Installing Inpul Shaft W t h a p l a s tc h a m m e r . t a p t h e b a l b e a r n 9 ( 4 2 3 ) o n t h e output shaft nto the housng unt rt comes up aga nst the s p r n g r n g ( a 2 5 ) ( t o e n s u r e t h a t m e a s u . e m e n t sa r e n o r W t h a d e p t h g a u g e m e a s u r et h e s p a c e f r o m t h e f r o n t o l t h e h o u s i n q t o t h e s e t t r n gs u r t a c e o f t h e b a l l b e a r n g ( 2 1 2 ) on the rnput shaft (Frg 52) Press nput shaft wth hanLi I rmly and eveny to make i le n the bore ot the synchro r ng I tJ_ f I t Fq 54 S e l e c l a s p r c e r ( 2 C g )s l c h t h a t t h e c r c r p ( 2 0 8 ) s t s t L g h t l y r n t h e r a d a l q r o o v e o f t h e I n p u ts h a f t A s s e m be t h e s p a c e , dnd c,c p (Fs 5s) "\\ t ^-\i'. Er.'iff n Dt\ \- t Fq 52 \ nsertsplng r fq l21l) Into the qroove of the ba bearnlr ( 2 T 2 ) M e a s u r e f r o m t h e u p p e r s L r r f a c eo f t h e b e . r n q t o the sDnng flng The spr ng r ng must be pressedonto the outef edqe of the beanng groove (F g 53) Fct 55 H ) Assembling Speed Cover I l n l F r s t y t a p t h e o L r t e ,' n g o f t h e r o e r b e a f i r c t { 3 0 3 ) o r t h e a r g e s t d r a m e t e r n t o t h e h o u s n g b o r e F o r t h s L r s ei l pastc or ead hammer P a c e q a s k e t ( 8 0 2 ) o n t h e g e a r b o x , e a r h o L r sn g -F C e n t l y w t h a p a s t c o r e a d h a n r n r e rt a p t h e o u t e r r n g o f t h e b a I b e a n n g ( a 2 3 ) I n t o t h e h o u s , n g! p t o t h e s t o p W th a depth gauge me.sure the d stancefrom the uppe, s u r f a c eo f t h e o u t e r b e a r n g r n g t o t h e g e a r b o xl o n t f a c e wrth q.sket n place (Frq 56) Frq S3 The d fferencebetweenthe 2 meas!rements ess 0 5 mni to 0I mm for the axra play of the 4th gea. synchror nfr {a02)g ves the th ckncss of the spacer (209) wh,ch n !st be placed under the ba I bearnq (212) The sh ms are a v a a b l e n t h c k n e s s e so f 0 5 : 0 6 : 0 . 7 . 0 8 i 0 9 l 0 1 l I 21 13: 14 and I 5 mm Push the spac,nqwasher over the Input shaft Press the ba bear ng (212)w th pressng too 8 up to the stop or, t h e n p u t s h a f t a n d n t o t h e h o u s r n q( F g 5 4 ) Note: When pressng n rhe ball bear nq. the bal be.r nq mlst De dr ven nto the housng bo'e w,th a c hanrnrea r t t e r a p p r o x m a t ey 2 t u r n s o f t h e t o o r9 4 Determinethe depthof the matinqbore In the speedocover (Fig 57). The drfferenceof the 2 measurementsless O to 0,1 mm play gives the thicknessof the spacer(804)which must be placedin the bore of the speedocover.The spa, cers are availblein thrcknessesof 0,4t 0,5: 0,6; 0,7; 0,8t 0 . 9 a n d 1 . 0m m . Press the needle bearing (810) and shaft seal (81l) wth hot bearinggreasebetweensealinglip and dust lip up to the stop on the output bore of the speedo cover. With sealinglip to the inside of the gearbox. Stickthe spacer(804)for the mainshaftbearingwrth grease in the appropriatebore of the speedo.cover. On layshafts with ball bearings (installedup to gearbox No. 1152) a spacer(302) 1,5 mm thick mu6t be placedinto the smaller bore of the speedo cover. The shim rs equivalentto the differencein width betweenthe ball bearingand the equivalent roller bearing.The installationof both bearingver, sions is carriedout on the input srde. Frq.59 Pushthe outputflange(429)onto the mainshaft.Screw nui (430)onto the threadand tightento 14 to 16 kpm (forthis. 2 gears must be engaged).Tap lock tab of nut with a drift Into the groove of the mainshaft(Fig.60). Fig.57 Place long distancebush (426),speedo worm (427) and short distancebush (428) on the mainshaft(Fig.58). Set split ring into the groove of the hainshaft and push cir clip over-With a depth gauge measurethe space between the split ring and the shorter bush (a28).The space must be 0,17 to 0,22 mm. lt can be correctedby fitting varying sizeddrstancebushes33,35i33,4;33,45;33,5;33,55t33.6; 33,65or 33,7 mm. long. Fig.60 10.PlaceO-ring (815)in the radialgrooveof the speedobush (814).Pressshaft seal (812)with tool -10.jnto the speedo bush (sealinglip upwards).Put speedoshaft (813)into the speedo bush and insert both together in the bore of the speedocover. Screw in self lockingbolt (816)with spring washer (807). AssemblingWithdrawalBearingCarrier 1 With the larger internaldia facing the inside of the gearbox, place the outer ring of bearing (303) into the bore for the layshaftbearingof the front cover (101). Push gasket (204)over the threadedstuds. Press shaft seal (207) into the bors of the withdrawalbearing carfler (206)with tool No. .9. Sealinglip must point to inside of the housing. Fig. 58 Pushthe speedocover over the studs and up to the hou, sing Screw on nut (808) with spring washer underneath (807) and rightento 2 to 2,5 kpm. 20 4 . Gently tap layshaftwith a plasticor lead hammertowards rear (output side) until the bearingouter ring ljes on the speedocover-Pressdown the front b€aringouter ring and with a depth gauge,measurethe distancefrom the upper edge of the bearing outer ring to the gearboxjoint face with the gasket in place (Fig.61). 1 . Strckthe spacerfor the input shaft beanngand for the lay, shaft bearingwith grease Into the appropnatebore of the withdrawalbearingbarrier Push the wrthdrawalbearng carner over the tnput shaft and positionon the hous ng Tghten nuts (201)with spring washer (202) underneathto 2 to 2,5 kpm. I Fig.61 Determinethe depth of the appropriatebore in the wth drawal bearing carrier (Fig.62). The drfferencebetween the 2 measurementsgives the thicknessof the spacer (302),which must be placed Lnthe bore of the withdrawal beaflngcarner. The sh ms are avallableIn thtcknessesof 0 , 4 : 0 , 5 0; , 6 ; 0 , 7 ; 0 , 7 50:, 8 :0 , 8 5 0 ; , 9 , 0 , 9 51r , 0 ;1 , 0 5 1 ; .1r 1 , 1 5 :1 , 2 ; 1 , 2 5 r1 , 3 i 1 , 4 a n d 1 , 5 .T h e i n s t a l l e d t a p e rr o l c r hearingmust have between0 and 0,05 mm prc-load Frg.64 Fig.62 i The selecnonof the spacer(804)for the ball bea ng must give between0 and 0,05 mm pre-load.Hold the layshaft bearingand first y measurethe amountof the ball bear ng prolectingover the sealingsurface(Fig.63) and then take thrs measurement from the depth of the smallerbore n the w i t h d r a w abl e a r i n gc a r r i e r( F i g . 6 4 ) .T h e r e s u l t a ndt r m e n sion less 0 to 0,1 mm play gives the thtcknessof the spacing washer(210)which rs avarlablein thicknessesof 0,4i 0 , 5 ; 0 , 6 t 0 , 7 ;0 , 8 ; 0 , 9 a n d 1 , 0 K) AssemblingSelectorKnob l. Eemote gear levers (Cars) 1.1Pushvibrationdamper(644)over the shrft rods and fasten with the set screws (645)and spring washers(646). 1.2Place the pivot piece (624) on the 2 locatingbolts In the gear changeextenslon(619).Push shift arm over the shift rods (Fig.65).Trghtennuts (648)with thrust washer(647) Fig.63 21 l.3Place ring (659) wrth the bore to the taper compressron spring(628)in the shift turret (629).Placetaper compresson spring on the ring. Fastentorsion 3prings (633 and 633.i) to Interlockswing as shown in Frg 66 The stronger spr ng lles agarnstthe shortertang. I 5 Placeselectorgate (627)with the 2 bores to the breather hole over the interlockswing and place on the shift turret (629) (Fis. 69) Fiq.66 1 . 4Placeinterlockswrng In the shrft turret (629)(F g. 67). The weaker sping lies againstthe breatherhole Push n the 2 pivot prns (630) and press n the bore (Fig 68). t Frg.69 1.6Frt gasket (626).Placepreselectedshift turret on top (Frg 70). Screw and t ghten set screws (637)with spflng washer (636)to 2 to 2,5 kpm. Placegear lever ball (640) n the shift turret (629).The flat side of the gearleverball must point rearwards.Pushball socket(641)over the gear lever ball and insert circlip (642) ) L a- - ld"-r Ftg 61 Fig.70 Cenirallymounteddirect gearchange(heavyvehicles) 2.1 Fastentorsron spring (633) on the InterlockswLng(625) Place nterlockswing in the shift turret (629)and fit the 2 prvot pins (630). Place selector gate (653) with the nose potntrngto the input shaft and the selector guides to the gearbox inner onto the gearbox housrng. Lay gasket (626) on and place preassembledshifr turret on the gearbox housing. Screw nuts (648) with spring washer (647) onto the studs (650) and tighten to 2 to 2,5 kpm. Screw breathervalve (635) in the thread of the shift turret. Fig.68 22 2 . 4Place gear lever ball (640) in the shift turret. Push pressure spring (628),socket (645) with cylindricalside first. and cap (655) over the gear lever ball. Attach cap to the pivot bolts (652).Pur boot (643) over cap. Test transmssion. lX. Ordering of Spare Parta Od€rs for sparr part! shouldalwa!€provld. th9 iollowlngdat6 to guar6nl!! f6st and conact dlllvary. l. Type ld6ntlflcatlon(on typ! ratlng plote) 2. Produqilonnumborof t lmmilslon (on typ€ratlng pl€t6) 3. DlrlgnEtlon of daslBd lpgra paft!. Ahlvay! uga ngma 9a ghown In Spsro Parts List and Assombly In8tructlonB. lf th! type numbqroi thc tron!4, Statsten-dlgltnunb.r pundrsdinor cast on part to b6 roplacod.Thls numbsrls tndlspen8ebb, mlaslgn c€nnot bc glvln. 5. lf you cannotsuppv rny or sov6ralof th6 dats listod undgrt. to 4. th! iollowlngIngtructlon.aro lmportant. a) Nuntlr of lllulrr.t d tabb eupplledwlth Spa.e Parts Llst or numbsrof illustretld iable In tha plrthqnt Alsambv lnstruction8, b) Makg and typ€ deslgnadonof whicle, nano of drassis manufacturar6. Mathodof de8pstdr audr !r Poet, F,rlght, Expro6sotc. Unl€ss lndic€tsd, shipinsnt wlll be as sslectsd by ue. A part ctly ord.r should br rs iollowa: I am ordcrlngharowtlfionc malnshaft12553{X073 for fanlml.slon: S $18/3, productlonnumbqrdX{}, by expressmeil. Inmodlatodoliwry requlrsd. In wrltlng. Ordorsplacsdby tolophoncor lhould ba acknowledgod Shlpmantet rlsk of bqor, awn wh.n rgsr! pertr !r. not drarged ior. Sprro plrt !r! .xdungad ft.. of dr.rg. durlng thc warranty p€rlod only lf dsmlgrd parta ar! alnt to us frla of coEt 6nd withor^ p]lrloit! dungar msdr thcrcon, and whln sn Insplctlon of ths pgrtlngntcompgnaotlhov.' trat the d!rugc ls tho rulult of a productlon or matadal fault. Drnlged p!rt! lrnt to u! wlll ba ecrappedunlee thelr roturn ls aN'fr|.ly raqurltld whsn shlppgd. Prtmut: All Ep6r9part8 aro dollv6rc.o.d. a X. Key to lllustrations Hou6ingG.oup 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 11 0 11i 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 I l9 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Front Housing Nut Spring Washer Stud Stud Dowel Gasket Stud Stud Stud S e a l i n gW a s h e r MagneticDrain Plug D r a i nP l u g Boar Housing Type Plate Gasket Cover Bolt Cover Stop Plate Stud Spring Washer Nut Set Screw Spring Ring OperatingShaft (Rev.Light) Input Sh.ft Group 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 204 209 210 211 212 214 Nut Spring Washer CentralisingFlange Gasket Stud ClutchWithdrawalBearina Carrier Circlip Shim Shim Spring Ring Ball Bearing Input Shaft RollerCage Bearing Layshaft Group 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 Circlip Shim Ball/RollerBearing ConstantGear Circlip 5th gearl4th Cear 3rd Gear Layshaft Ball Bearing Mainshaft Group 401 402 403 24 Circlip SynchroBing SynchroRing 404 405 406 407 408 40S 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 411 418 419.1 419.2 419.3 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 421 428 429 430 431 PressurePiece 4th & sth gear synchro body Sliding sieeve Complete5th gear/cpl.4th g. Needle Bearrnq Circlip ThrustWasher Complete3rd Gear Needle Bearing Circlip 2nd & 3rd gear synchrobody Complete2nd gear Needle Bearing Mainshaft ReverseGcar S p r i n gB i n g Circlip Cover Plate Sliding sleevefor tst & Rev. Complete16t gear ThrustWasher Ball bearing Shim Spring Ring Distance Bush Speedo Worm DistanceBush Output flange Nut Washer Reverse Gear Group 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 Thrust Washer Reverseldler Needle Bearing DistanceBing Flevers€ldler Shaft Spring Washer Bolt BollerBearing Washer ThrustWashcr Dowel Gear ChangeGroup 601 602 603 604 605 607 608 609 610 6l I 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 4th & sth gear selectorfork Bolt Spring Washer Pivot Pin O Bing Selector Pad 4th & 5th gear selectorFlod 2nd & 3rd gear selectorfork Pivot Pin Pivot Bolt 2nd & 3rd gear selectorBod lst & Rev.Gear SelectorFork lot & Rev. Cear SelectorRod Ball PressureSpring Detent Plunger Casket Gear changeextension 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 62A 629 630 631 632 633 633.1 634 oJc 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 Washer Pressure Spring Pressure Spring Guide Body GuadePiec€ Interlock Swing Gasket Selector Gate Conicalcorl spring Gear lever turret Pivot Pin Spring Washer Bolt Gear lever bias sorino Gear lever bias sfrini Pivot pin breather Spring Ring Short Set Screw Long Set Screw Selector Pad Shift lever ball Shift lever socket V Ring Bubber Gaiter VibrationDamper Set Screw Spring Ring Spring Washer Nut Stud BayonetCap Guide Pin Interlock Plate Dust Cap Cap Locating Block Gear Knob Nut LockingBing IntermediatePlate Gasket Speedo Driva Group 801 802 803 804 805 806 806.1 807 808 809 810 811 A12 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 Speedo Cover Gasket Set Screw Washer Stud Stud Stud Spring Washer Nut Stud NeedleBearingHousing Oil Seal Oil Seal Speedo Shaft Speedo bush Ring Self Locking Nut Cover Gasket Set Screw e,q, 804 # t- r \ 0 - - 102 to3 .sifs r05 rc 66@ 't08 6[@' 805 @ ds@- 109 802 I,fu, 9u, {^) lr-/-' ll5 -ft@ 807 808 806 ffiflb_) tl 't't5 ttt Gear Housing SpeedoDrive ,or'@\D 118 ZF-Synchroma-Gearbox S 5-18/3 Fig.30-l/b @ NstmdW*7::.!o*'''o' .,)V -K$_ :-f., s ** *^^^i@@'w' #')ffi@@gffiYi-" 'ffi"s'@S |'z'22'3 1'' -ffinr@#ryXffi-N nxsrr ir \.t oor -Y='-' *"SM aaba, _:. rr{C\\ pffi4q \t t - W 406 d InputShaft ' Main Shaft r^.r Ewsl@,'*"a*;}, eq-;, 62E J:t*" ;";,,:,,s-,8,3 50r Fig.30-2/b t 611 6150 #e srop srzS - o, &", <=D 642 o 615 #3d q^ @2v 0os@^ f=-,4 628 ><\ 04 | \-, W''ed *-ffi eV! 6@ ,6il o 615 *t*, & ^ 610 $em 0 617 *d#i, 605 _1,\l A f,\ 633.r /'\k 62s M / \9 srr ft\ Ul\\ l f fl,' oozlP *'-"Fr @ 605 fl*r& a ^^- @u o'" 6046oa % 602 so$ "tn5 N ' I 609 604 I -a { t- g 65! 630 F 637 til o 636 I qS sr.r $8 ZF-Synchroma-Gearbox S 5-1813 Gear Change Fig.30-3/o 811 '"m 6s6 @@ @ 6@ 805 0 0 *=- 804 l o @ @--td 806 |0, .fr) I.Q, a\ -qD 103 @'- d 106 807 @u, eoe 816 s@ 8r3 @Oo s11 .; 812 ^.815 lrg GearHousing SpeedoDrive ZF-Synchroma-Gearbox S 5-18/3 Fig.30-4 @ 211 213 *^mNw@ -:,-' ^".ff\f\5ffin'WqW -(Ac\ r\g3uouO0qY 2'?2'82@'e )\ )i) zot-- P,$i}{l:, * r \ q* \\-n -1'otr:*l',}u.fl";2os . i'zozn3q1a01 ^. Nffi%@o$@q::Hr'[ me -ffiNN@€ ^ ffi,mowD\J\J i l0')// 206 "n04,0 j\ilto@ / .0S@!}$ )" 430 ,^^ 127 InputShaft MainShaft Lay Shaft ReverseGear 0 ?o? ^^. ,ln^ 7 304 JUC JUZ ZF-Synchroma-Gearbox S 5-18/3 gK gV o 615 t srs o 515 0oz tr* I sro q^ uo'u# @ 0 617 q.a o 5r5 60/' a bq 605 @ott q:ot^ '(h^ 610 8o"s *?" ,P' 5@ Q.,& t6*;-, #,h;*, fl,* oozlF 605 @ @u !o,F*u&sos 613 % fiz ZF-Synchroma-Gearbox S 5-18/3 o d 630 E 5 652 648 617 GD 650 65r G NM "40, Gear Change Fig.30-6 X]l. List of ZF-Service-Stations GERMANY Telephon€ Teler ZahnradfabrikFriedrichshafen AG. Werk Berlin 1000 Berfin 26. Wilhelmsruher Damm 2311245,Postfa.h 24 030/4rr209r 0t 81 789 zfbln d ZF-KundendienstHannoverGmbH ZweigstelleBielefeld 4800 Bielefeld,Fleichenberger Str. 42 0521t200071 t200072 1200073 09 32 596 zfbie d Dglm6nho13t RichardUrbanek Ing., GmbH & Co. KG ZF-Kundendienst 2870 Delmenhorst, Fiedeweg 280, Postfach 74 0422t I60025 /60026 02 49 285 zfkdd d Dortm!nd ZahnradfabrikFriedrichshafen AC. KundendienstDortmund 4600 Dortmund, BornstraRe207 023r/8r 2891 181A441 0€227 @2 zfdo d Ecagn Gustav Hennig & Co. GmbH.,ZF-Kundendienst 4300 Essen-Buhr,KruppstraRe 74, Postfach 673 o21411221951 08 57 785 Franklun FranzBucherKG, ZF-Kundendienst 6000 Frankfurt1/Main. HanauerLandstraBe336 0611/415021 0417 272 buffm d Frlcdrldr!hatcn ZahnradfabrikFriedricfi shafenAG, - Werk ll Kundendienst 7990 Friedrichshafen/Bodensee, Postfach307 075411a4-1 07 34 363 zfkd d ZF-Kundendienst Fulda Arnold FikentscherKG, 6400 Fulda, Frankfurter StraBe 45 0661/3028 /3029 M9756 Hamburg BichardUrban€k Ing., GmbH & Co. KG ZF-Kundendienst 2000 Hamburg70, AngerburgerStraRe 18 040/6932041 02 r4 907 Hannovcr ZF-Kundendienst HannoverGmbn 3000 Hannover-Linden, Bernhard-Caspar-Straoe 7, Postfach 21265 0511/456045 /456046 /456047 0 92 21 5 1 zfhan d ZF-Kundendienst Kassel,Arnold FikentscherKG 3501 Sandershausen-Kassel, BettenhauserStr. 39, Postfach120 (on the haghway tributary road Kassel East, entrance Osterholzstreet.) 056r/5 2141 152142 t5 2143 09 97 25 ahfk d Gerhardvon Umbscheiden,ZF-Kundendienst 5000 K6ln 30, Ehrenfeldgiirtel 112l122 0221 /5510r1 0888r01r Mannhelrn FranzBu.her KG, ZF-Kundendienst 6800 Mannheim 1, WaldhofstraBe 82-84, Postfach 369 0621/372066 04 63 236 frabud Miindr6n Beis6barth& MLilleroHG. ZF-Kundendienst 8000 Mrinc$en 80, Zamdorfer StraRe 90, Postfach 8002 60 (on the high road to the airport Riem) 089/93105r 05 22 793 bei d Niimberg Lang GmbH & Co. KG, ZF-Kundendienst 8504 Stein-NUrnberg. Bogenstra[Je 3 0 9 r1 / 67 01 r 1 6 7 0t 2 06 22 867 zfnbg d Paosau ZahnradfabrikPassauGmbH, Kundendienst 8390 Passau 2, Postfaci 1, Grubweg 0851/207r 05 78 49 zetpe d Erich Bonn GmbH, ZF-Kundendienst 6600 Saarbriicken 3, Mainzer StraRe 269, Postfach 733 068r/6 6161 /6 8035 0681/66161 /6 80 35 04 428 959 DOnno Zahnradlabrik FriedrichshafenAG. Werk SchwabischGmUnd,Kundendienst 7070 Scfiwiibisch Gmund, Graf v. Soden Str. 5-9, Postfach 119 071711601-1 07 248 825 zfgk d ErichBonn GmbH,ZF-Kundendienst 5500 Trier-Euren,lm Speyer 4 0651/42815 h2@2 04 ?2 634 B.rlin EL Blelefeld EL EL EL Fulda EL EL K.'3.1 EL Katln EL EL S.arbriid(cn Workshop and Spare parts storel 6604 Galdingen. SaargemunderStraRe48 Sdrwebisdr Gmiind EL Tri6r EL 'W = Workshop EL = Sparepartsstore erzll d umoao 04 428 605 DOnno ZF-Service-Stationsoutside Germany EUROPE lolophono Tolor Au.trfa W EL Zahnradfabrik FriedrichshafenGes. m. b. H. Wien ZF-Kundendienstfur Osterrei.h TriesterStresse 134-136. 1232 Wl€n.ln2erldorf Cables: ZF-GetriebeWien 02221671548 Ott 291 zfwien a B.lgfun W EL Agence ZF-Service S.P.B.L. 1440,Chaussde de Wavre, 1160 Bruxellcr-Audorgh.m Cables: Zetefservis Bruxelles 021724064 1727032 22 451 zetefservis bru Donmark ry EL Skandia-Motorimport, SjgellsndA/S Lf""selager 21, 2600 Glo.trup/Kobenhavn C6bl€s: Skandiamotor 01/451599 2i 444 skaglo dk 0a1132244 69771 skamo dk W EL Branch: Fr. l€ns€n A/S Skandia-Motorimport, Egholmsgade7, g(x)oAalborg, P.O.Boxll7 Flnland W EL Atoy OY, Industrydepartment Lauttasaarentie54, P.O.Box 10137,00200 Hel.inki 20 Cables: Atoy Helsinki 6?337, 12555 atoy sf F6ncc W EL ZF-France S.a.r.L. Bue de Villeneuve3/11, 94533Rungi. Sillc 6 86 68 40 26 954 zl te w EL o.M.A.-zF Zone Industrielle 28. 4Cne Avenue, 13700Vitrollo. 890239 4 34 6 3 fra W EL EtablissementCauchois 150,Bue d€s Marquillies,59013Lillo Codox 53 93 21 W EL Str€sbourgGadouis,S.A. l-3, Bue des Pompisrs,673q)Sdtlltlgh.lrn Post adresse: 9.P.27,67042 StrasbourgCeder 333838 87 083 U. J. Phostiropoulos& Cia. E. E. Leoforos Athinon 26, Ath€n 2m, P.O.Box 1122 Cables: lngphostiAthen 520/.23 52 05 42 533910 216360 fost gr Branch: U. J. Pho6tiropoulo6 & Cia. E. E. MonastiriouStr. 61, Tho$alonlki 51 3313 51 64 06 Britain W EL ZF Gears (Great Britain) Ltd. Lilac Grove, Beeston, Nottinghan NG 9l QX Cables: TransgearNottm. 0602/25 35 50 1221865 1221a66 377 062 transgear nottm Italy W EL S.A.|.M. S.p.A.SviluppoApplicazioniIndustrialiMeccani.fre Via Leon Battista Alberti t0. 20149 Mllano CablesrSviluooosaimMilano o2l38 15 70 l3A44A1 33 393 saimspa Spare parts store: Servicio Assistenza e Ricambi 31 51 93 34 47 43 Workshop: Officina di Assistenza 20090 LiBiro/Milano, Nuova Strada Flivoltana 9 04 60 15 Groece W EL EL Branch: s.A.r.M. S.p.A. Sviluppo Applicazioni Industriali Meccanidte Viale Aventino 32la, 00.|53 Fona 578 440 W EL CETRULLO VITTORIO Viale Pindaro, 45---65,65100 P.rc.ra 60 335 W EL SCARPAZZA BALDO Zona Industriale 90 strada, 18, 35ldt Padoya 66 11 76 W EL Autoriparazioni BOMBARA Strade del Barocchio. 39. 10136 Torino 3217 1A W EL IGNAZIO ZAPPA S.r.l. Circonvallazione Nomentana,474. 00l6il Bona 4233 A1 42 53 59 w Bossr BoMANo 26s47 EL W EL w EL 32 VialeTrento.204,36100Vlcsnza AVLES-SELVA Via E. Mattei,50,Stradaper Ravenna,,Ol3,l Bologn. FADES LargoS. Mariadel Pianto,40/41,8|tlilit Napoli 53M 15 33 0042 51576l T.lcphonr Tcbr w RICCI FRANCO Vla Rusqslll,50, 47qfa S. Pbro In B|gno (Forll) 9fi35 w AUTOCAF Vla Au|llla Owst. 8l/a. 5al0 Mr.. 43250 4 39 /tg w SAPIENZALUCIANO Vla Golso Blanco.28. 051216t 2t 2a46 w LONGOROCCO Vla S. Csterina,2 (FioneS. Glorglo),70l2a B.rl 2466 34 w MONACHESI& MOZZONI Via, 4, 2a44 w VALLEBONAS.p.A. C.P.2Ol (andrqper GM),OI00 C.glld 23864 Autocommgrcg Zastopnlako Podlotle TrdlnovaUlica ,1,Et00Oqub[.n., P.O.Box422 Cobles:Autocon€rcoLlubllana 06r/32 30 46 3r r8g 31 299 Ecllb yu Workshoo: TitovaUlica 136,61000qubU.n|' P.O.Box280 Cablse:Gral LJubllana 06t /34 20 | 0 31 427 Branch: Autocomm€rcg ZEetopnlakoPodretle Katanlcova18, B.og.d 0t 14(}2 0t 1421 0t t4 36 fi 328 acbgd yu TodrnlsdrBureauM€dia B.V. Trqubatrsat31, 2100 Bl.wllk CZ-H),Postbus2 070/9825 20 3t 087 mqdia nl A/S Auto Supply Co. Ringedkevn, 243,Odo l, l3l4 Skui Cabl6s:AutoBupply 0211324g fi 629 aaEon Portug.l parEVelculoa,Lda, SIPAVEL,Soclededsdo lsolamsntos Rua RamalhoOrtlg6o,+rldl Ll.bor I Cablee:SIPAVELLISBOA 53 79 53 stt 86 05 56 28 40 56 37 59 1 22 5 fmtl p S0cdcn w EL K.G.KnutssonAktiobolag 08/252660 Ulvslndevdg€n146,t6lit Bronn. | | /Stodrholrn,P.O.BoxI l0@ Cabl6s:KnutlngStockholm w Brandls: Ruekvtd.rEgrtan 10, /m77 Gdbborf 48, P.O.Box48019 03r/53 04 60 w Koepmengaten29, ESiI't Sond|vdl 060/!2 t9 45 w Mumansgalan112,zlZE il.|fr 040/9323 45 SKAG- Steuerungenund KupplungrnAG Androaestraoo17, m50 Zorldr P.O.Box636 Cableo: SKAG Zorlcfr 0t /50 EL EL EL EL lugo.lavla w EL EL Ndh.rl.ndt w FI Norway w EL EL EL EL SI|E w rl.nd EL Spdn w w EL Tr|rkly w EL nh to. g..r borat grrr drlv|t, .d.r, 9..8, loddng dlti.rnd.b |nd punp.: l.S.A. Industrl€8Avlscl6nda Subeldlerlae, SA. Apartado 250, Canetora d6 Carmona,Scvlll. PollgonoIndustrlald€ Calong6 Cablss:ISA Sevllla for d..rlng grrn whh pump. .nd .rhaurt bnkat: IMENASA Indu8tdasMstdllcasde Navarra,S.A. ApartadoCor.eosli|o, CanoterEdo BaratlainlT, Pamplon! Cables: IMENASA t5 04 kgk s 20 955 kgk I 50 3528(D 35 29 00 72113 lga g 25fi @ 367t8 ArsimldisMusss€asaFotomobll.Malz€meslTlcErotlTA.S, 447460 lttrnbul-lbr.kdy Fue Okcu MusaCadd€sl$/5'1, P.O.Box8112, C8blosrArchlmldislstEnbul gln o 22585 ardr tt 3:' AFEICA Tclcphonc Tcler lvory Coa.t w EL SociCtd d lmportataonde PadcesAutomobiles S.A.B.L.(S.|.P.A.) B.P. 2171,34, Autorout€do lAeroporl AbldJan/C6te d'lvol.c 32 30 18 3s s7 s0 698 Gabon ^,,,--,, -,,J EasternTradingCompany(Hamburg)G.m.b.H. 04 /34901 Krppingstr. 6, 2qr0 H.nburg 13 Post adre6se: Hamburg 1, P.O.8ox fl4 ;::::-' iJiJirr" ra,"a 'Cliiiliiiii-"i 2125,23 aerco d Hamburg Rcoubtic cables,Ethrope Company in chargeof 6ervice: Gabon W EL Hatton& CooksonMatforce,B- P. No.75 Libr.Ylll., (F.p|lblic of cabon) Camcrun W Ciacam Matforce, B. P. No. 4025, ( R.publlc of Camorun) ".";:W s. c. K. N. conso Matforce, B. P. No. 6s2 Pointe Noirs, (R.publlc ot Congo) B.public Tchad W EL G. B. Ollivant(Congo)Ltd., P. B 712 Avenue du Gen6ral de Gaulle, Forl Latny, (Republic of Tdrad) Ccntr.l Afric.n R.public W EL S. C. K. N- CA B. P. No. 799 et 809 Bangul, (C6ntral Afrlcan Republic) R.public of South Afrlca Rhod..ia W EL (Pty.) Ltd. TRADE BELATIONSINTERNATIONAL P-O.Box 2259, lohenn.rburg (R.publlc ol South Atrics) Office and Workshoo: P.O.Box4007,BosworthStreet. Al.od€/Albonon,Transvaal,(Republicof South Af.ica) Cables: ZAFBUBG 834-4559 869-82 16 43-0927 O&O Electricand Engineering(fiY) Ltd P.O.Box 5056, Krupp Str. 33. WtndhoGk/S.W.A. 2-6650 56465 South-We3t-Afrlca W EL AMEBICA Aig€ntin. W EL Rehm S. C. P. A. Avonide Maipi 3146/50,Casilla de Correo No. I Ollvor (Prov. BuenosAires) Cables: ZETAEFE-SERVICE Olivog Brazll W EL ZF-DO BBASIL,S. A. Caixa Postal 1626. S5o P.ulo, Work6 and Administrationl Bua Senador Vergueiro, 428, 09500 Sao Caeteno do Sul Cablos: Ultramaran-Seo-Paulo 791-4088 797-5394 42-2122 023 865 zf sco 03 53 emasa sgo Ghllc W EL RobertBoschde Chile,Equiposy Maquinarias, S. A. Av. San Eugenio68, Santiagodc Chll., Casilla832 Cables: CHILEBOSCH 25 96 48 259691 25 97 93 Colombia EL AutomotoraLEMKO, Ltda. Apartado A6reo 4989 Carrera 30/15-16,Bogoti D. E. Cables: LEMKO Branch: Carrera5/24-10.Cali 37 27 16 37 46 83 EL Safvador Guatamal. Hondura. Co.ta Rica Servicio Centroamericano ZF, S.A. Boulevard Venezuela No. 1153 San Salvador / El Salv.dor, C.A. Cables: ZETAFEZA 21 3217 EL Tecnica lmport. S. A. Llma, Palca201-Casilla 171 Cables: TECNICAIMPORT 32 30 88 V.d.zueb W EL SEBVEPESA,Servicaosde VehiculosPe6ados.S.A. Av€nida R€p0blicaDominicanaBoleito Norte. C.r6c.. l0? Cables: Serveoesa 342355 34 24 55 34 77 1563 21 136 zico servepesa lnn w EL ASIA T.l.phon. G. Reza Sanaty, Ave. Saadl,PassagsSaadlNo. l l, Trh.r.n Cablss:SonesadlTehran Workshop: No. l42fl,|:}l, Ave. GhazvlnEetegahoSoloymanlysh 3S38 39 Teh€rqn Tolcr 95539l Ad66bM. SabbaghBros.Co.,MotorEnglnsera& Agentg P.O.Box868.Ann.n CEbles:AMS-Amman 2 21 95 Oftics 2 3089 Workohop GLOBE.CommsrclalEstabllshmont P.O.Box 4580, ltuwelt/Anble Cables:Globecom 429829 ia l0 73 Ado€bM. Sabbagh,Motor Englnsers& Agent8, P.O.Box3694,Bcyrourh Cablea:AMS-Beyrouth 41275 Dlesel-Elqctrlc Conpany P.O.Box l(Xg. ,rd&htsludl Cables:Delcent,laddah Blandrgsl P.O.Box297.J.ddlhrsludl C6bl6s:Dios€ctrlcroddah 22222 EL P.O.Box86, myldhrsludl Anbla CEblsB:Dlesoctlc Rlyedh 22222 225?2, P.O.Box24, Dlmn.mr8ludl Arrbl. Cablos:DissectrlcDammam 22 444 FI AdoebM. Sabbagh,Motor Enghsers& Agente B.O,Box743, D.m... . CableE:AMs-Damascus '| 84 05 lordrn w EL Kur.h w FI Lb.non FI s.udl w EL w strl. EL 22122 221?3 AUSTRALIA VlcbrL w FI TranspsqLlmltsd 570, Geelong Road, BrooklFr Cboum., vlc 3025 ?.O.Box223,Footscray/Vlc.3011 Cablos:TransmotorMslboume 3t4@22 30 225 transp€c aa Brandrss: W..irm-Audrdl! l,|4, W6lahpoolRoad lryd.hpoolrP.t||r, w. A 6106 Cablsg:TrangmotorP€rth 68 32 36 9:] 009 Sou F^u.trdl. 5(l9. Grsnd Junctlon Road wlngfr.ldr^dcldd., S. A. 5lrl3 Cables:TransmotorAdolelde '180,SllverwatorRoad Aubunrsydrry, N. S. lY. 2l+l Cablss: Transrptor Sydney 626r 15 82 891 6482892 2l il43 tranap6c l&Il, lpswldr Rold Ro*ltrrBdtb.n., Qld. /tl6 CablsE:TrsnsnotorBrlsbang 474!i 3!i 41 296 TggmsnlsTranspecLlmibd G. P.O. Box 90 Llr|nccdoo t25O 3120 18 w N.w Soulh W.lor w FI Q0..ndrnd w EL T!.n.nh w EL 35
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