Perspective - Kisco Dental


Perspective - Kisco Dental
Perspective 9,10-14_Layout 1 10/9/14 8:54 AM Page 1
A refreshing and realistic approach to the business of dentistry!
Important Numbers To Track
by Joe Steven, Jr., D.D.S.
“Buy my book and I’ll show you how to attain a
97% collection rate!” “Take my course and I’ll get your
collection rate up to 99%!” “With my consulting program you will have a 100% collection rate!”
I’ve seen all the ads and hype about the above,
and I keep telling myself that there’s no way they can
do that in my practice. I’ve come to realize though that
it depends on how you look at your numbers.
Reviewing my monthly numbers 36 years ago is quite
different than how I look at them now. And the reason
for that is due to insurance companies and the write
offs that we incur.
Since day one in 1978, I always
focused on production. We tracked it
daily, monthly and annually. Back then
“production” was considered whatever
our normal charge was at the time. For
example, we charged a whopping $15
for an extraction back then. So, regardless if it was a welfare patient where we
didn’t receive our full fee, or a patient we offered a
discount to, at the end of the day $15 was recorded
as one of the production items for the day.
Over the years when start-up practices or struggling practices have requested my advice on building
their practices, I have always stressed “Production,
Production, Production!” Of course I have heard it
said many times that it’s all about “Collections”
because you can’t spend “Production” numbers. I
know, I know, I know, BUT I still say the first thing to
do is to focus on producing dentistry in a timely manner while maintaining quality. Why do some dentists
take 2 hours for a crown prep appointment, and others spend 30 minutes? I believe it is because increasing production has not been the main priority for the 2
hour doc.
It really is unfortunate that for the large majority of
dentists, in order to make a great living in dentistry we
have to work hard, and we have to produce a lot of
dentistry. Focus on production first, and then focus on
collections. Better yet, focus on both at the same
time, and you’ll be way ahead of the
game. Too many doctors are not willing
to go out on a limb and offer a little credit to some patients and therefore prefer
to read People magazine instead of taking a partial payment that day and
doing some dentistry.
Anyway, back to the numbers and
those statements at the beginning of this article. It
took me a while when I first heard those claims to
realize those numbers are truly attainable when you
are figuring the Collection % based on “Collectible
Production.” You can set up your computer to figure
“Gross Production” such as $15 for that extraction vs.
$10 from Welfare for Collectible Production. I’ve
heard various terms tossed about like Net Production,
Gross Production, Collectible Production, and
The Kisco Perspective Newsletter is a regular publication from the founder and president of KISCO,
Dr. Joe Steven, Jr., who is a full time practicing dentist in Wichita, Kansas. For the last 25 years, he
has been lecturing with Dr. Mark Troilo in presenting “The $1,000,000 Staff” seminar to dental groups
across the country. Their new seminar is called “Team Dynamics!” He also presents 3 other seminars:
“Efficient-dentistry”, “Efficient-endo”, and “Doctors Only.” Dr. Steven also provides a monthly consulting service, KISCO Select, to hundreds of dentists. This newsletter is intended to be an aid in helping
develop a more successful and enjoyable dental practice through efficient and proven techniques.
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Adjusted Production. For the sake of this article, we’ll
use Gross Production (GP) and Collectible
Production (CP). GP is the total dollars of dentistry
that you actually produced. CP is the actual production dollars that you are allowed to collect because of
write-offs and discounts. That’s why it is possible to
have a 97% - 100% Collection when based on CP. I
have always felt that I want to know my GP which
reflects on how hard and productive I’ve worked that
day. I find it to be more motivating and allows me to
set better goals when I look at GP. I want to know how
“productive” I am! If I do 10 PPO crowns one day,
there’s a big difference in the GP and the CP. GP is
the more motivating way to keep you focused on production.
Now when it comes to Collection %, I believe you
should have 2 numbers: one for GP and one for CP.
For example, If one month your Gross Production
The Absolute Best Intra-office Communication System: XLS Radios
The use of radios (walkie-talkies) for intra-office communications
is the most popular thing in dentistry for improved efficiency! Instead
of pushing buttons on a panel box to call someone into a treatment
HIPAA Compliant
room to give them instructions, you simply give the message
through your radio which results in fewer wasted trips back and forth
within your office.
Every member of the staff wears one with a speaker in their ear
so the patients don’t hear the messages. There are unlimited
usages within the office for these radios that will soon become one
of the most efficient aids you can implement into your practice!
Now, the new & improved Kenwood ProTalk XLS TK-3230 has
many benefits, which include an ultra-compact design, 50% higher
power, rapid rate battery charger, up to 18 hours of talk-time, and
enhanced Kenwood audio. These are business frequency radios so
you won’t get interference from less expensive walkie-talkies that
may be used around your area.
We have added to our product line a 6 unit charging stand to
• radio on your waist band organize your radios in a central location to charge up to 6 units with
• microphone attached to one electric outlet. See why so many dentists have added the use
your lapel
of these radios to their practice and claim that they cannot practice
• speaker in your ear
without them!
Business model with
privacy channels
6 Unit Charger (as purchased)
6 Unit Charger in use
fr CO
$25 Rebate
per radio
(min. 6 units)
until Dec. 31!
20 +
Kenwood XLS Radio*
Item #8903
Clearloop Speaker
Earbud Speaker
Earhook Speaker
Circle Speaker
*Includes Ah
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Item #8920
Item #8921
Item #8927
Li-ION battery &
desktop charger
6 Unit Charger
Item #8928
$199.97 each
Touch Free Radio Control Optional Earpieces
• Wrist bracelet allows for Near Field Communication
• Bring wrist within an inch of push-to-talk & communicate
without pressing the button
20 +
Earloop Style Item #8934
$119.97 $114.97 $109.97
Clearloop Style Item #8935 $129.97 $124.97 $119.97
(includes slap-on wrist band bracelet & receiving speaker)
Perspective 9,10-14_Layout 1 10/9/14 8:54 AM Page 3
(GP) was $100,000 but the Collectible Production (CP)
was $90,000, and your office collected $85,000, you
would have a big difference in your Collection %
between GP (85%) and CP (94%). Of course if you collected $90,000 for that month, your CP Collection rate
would be 100%, but your GP Collection rate would be
My staff provides me a monthly report that we generate ourselves - I don’t need to read a volume of
paper each month to seek out my numbers. Among
other stats on that report I want these 5 numbers on
there: Gross Production, Collectible Production,
Collections, GP Collection % and CP Collection %. I
feel it is important to review on a monthly basis those
last 2 numbers on Collection percentages. Because
that will keep you informed about how much of an
impact there is when participating with insurance
plans. More than likely, you will see those 2 percentages drift further and further apart as we keep getting
our fees downgraded by insurance companies.
If you simply look at your Collectible Collection %
month to month, it may look very good because it stays
around 98% or so. But, if you don’t look at the Gross
Collection % you will not really know the negative
impact that some of your insurance companies are
having on your practice. You may very well stay at a
98% Collectible Collection %, but you will eventually
realize that you’re working much harder to do that.
By looking at both Collection percentages, it will
give you information monthly about the impact of insurance on your practice which will allow you to make
decisions on weeding out some of the weaker plans.
It’s not uncommon to see a practice have a growing
variance on those two percentages which the doctor
needs to be aware of constantly in order to help the
office make better decisions in dealing with insurance
companies. Remember, it’s all about the numbers, so
you may want to keep track of these important ones.
Seminar with Dr. Joe Steven
Oklahoma City, OK - December 5
This fast-paced, entertaining seminar is packed full of efficiency tips that will help
your practice become more profitable the very first day back in the office!
4 The most efficient and effective way to present comprehensive dentistry!
4 Why you should be doing first visit prophies!
4 See how to transition many of these first visit prophy
patients into a very profitable soft tissue perio program!
4 The most efficient way to virtually eliminate post-op sensitivity with posterior composites and amalgams!
4 The most efficient way to establish contacts with your posterior composites!
4 Efficient and cost effective ways to generate tons of new
patient referrals!
November 7
4 Oral Surgery Efficiency Tips!
4 Automated molar endo in less than 30 minutes!
4 Absolutely the fastest and most efficient way to take C&B
impressions without the use of retraction cord or hemostatic agents (H&H technique)!
4 Efficient appointment scheduling utilizing the Great
Equalizer concept!
4 Learn the most efficient way to manage your practice
through a teamwork approach!
4 . . . . . and much more!
with Dr. Joe Steven & Dr. Mark Troilo
The ideal team building staff motivation seminar
for your whole team!
Also, Enjoy this seminar on a KISCO Cruise To the Bahamas!
Jan. 29 - Feb. 2, 2015 - Roundtrip from Fort Lauderdale, FL
Cruise with KISCO & your staff while attending this seminar!
Cruises must be booked through Cruise & Travel Partners
(800-856-8826) to participate in the Team Dynamics seminar!
Perspective 9,10-14_Layout 1 10/9/14 8:54 AM Page 4
Staff memo:
Smile - It’s Money In Your Pocket!
by Joe Steven, Jr., D.D.S.
Don’t do it! You’ve been working hard all day
long and you’re ready to go home in 45 minutes;
but you see that the front desk just worked in one
more emergency patient. Don’t do it! Stop yourself! Do not march up front and ask the front desk
if they know what the hell they’re doing! You’re
more than willing to give them a piece of your
mind. Don’t do it!
For the last 25 years of visiting with staff members at our seminars, this is a very common complaint I hear from dental assistants. They get so
upset when the front desk doesn’t schedule
according to what the assistants like. I’ve always
said that the appointment secretary has the most
difficult position in the office, and the clinical staff
needs to bite their tongues when they see another
patient worked in towards the end of the day.
Dare I admit that I’ve had similar problems
every now and then in my office. I remind them
that no one goes up front and unloads on them for
working one more patient in at the end of the day.
They can come to me and discuss it with me,
although to no avail. But don’t unload on them.
At one of our seminars, we had a young dental assistant stand up and say, “We don’t call them
emergencies, we call them opportunities!” She’s
absolutely right, and that’s how the whole team
needs to look at it. You should look at it as “icing
on the cake” for the day. These are the profit dollars that weren’t even scheduled which ends up
being the dollars that are shared as a bonus or
money put towards a team cruise to the Bahamas!
That’s how you have to look at it, because in reality that’s exactly what happens. Whenever we take
an average day and work in extra procedures,
those extra dollars are what allows the office to
pay higher bonuses, or to contribute more to
everyone’s retirement plans.
I’ve actually told my team that we don’t have to
work in these emergencies if you don’t want to, but
then let’s cancel our plans next year to go to
Puerto Vallarta as a group! Or, everyone could
give up some of the bonuses that they earn when
we have a better than average month. So, you
may as well smile when this happens, because it
really is money in your pocket!
The Roadmap to Wealth & Security
Your Complete Guide to Dental Transitions.
by Dr. Mike Abernathy
This 22 chapter book from Dr. Mike Abernathy, who is one of the most successful dentists ever, will help all dentists succeed in their practice especially if you are looking to bring in an associate or a potential partner now
or in the future.
He covers everything that you need to know from A-Z:
Why you should consider a Trial Partner!
How to go about finding one!
Why you shouldn’t wait too long to convert the associate to a partner!
How to evaluate a practice!
How to structure salary percentages
The important details needed in a contract!
The various “income buckets” entitled to the senior partner!
....and much more!
Item #6075...........$97.00
Perspective 9,10-14_Layout 1 10/9/14 8:54 AM Page 5
Are you afraid of doing endo?
Half Day Seminar featuring Dr. Barry Musikant
Chicago, IL at the Hyatt Hotel
Friday, October 17, 2014
4 Hours AGD Credits
This half day seminar will demonstrate how you can increase
your endodontic success rate using proven techniques and procedures,
ensuring continued success for years to come.
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
• The “Honest Facts” concerning the controversial
Sargenti Endodontic Technique!
• Positive biological and histological background
using N2!
• Increase your endodontic success rate!
• Decrease post-op discomfort!
• Decrease clinical stress!
• Posterior teeth made easier!
• Eliminate the risk of file breakage with the latest
• One appointment treatment!
• Ultrasonics for endo!
• Compatible with gutta percha!
• Apicoectomy - an obsolete approach!
• Pedodontic endodontics!
• Legal Concerns!
To register, contact KISCO at 1-800-325-8649 or go to
Product Overview:
Measures vertical dimension
Product Overview:
Measures the width of the nose
The Verti-Corder ensures accurate,
repeatedly verifiable measurements for
vertical dimension. The chin cup is positioned under the patient’s chin, and the
top portion is adjusted to mark an area on
the tip of the patient’s nose at rest position.
Item #8788........................................$69.97
Product Overview:
Measures the low lip line
The Alameter is used for selecting the
correct size of denture teeth for the
patient. The instrument measures the
widest part of the nose at the alae, and
this measurement indicates cuspid-tocuspid distance (center of cuspid) as it
was before edentation.
The Papillameter is a measuring device
used to determine where to position the
anterior teeth as far as their incisal
length. Take a measurement at rest to
decide where to position the incisal
edges, then take a measurement with
the patient smiling to determine where
the neck of the teeth should be.
Item #8787 ............................................$9.97
Item #8786.......................................$9.97
K-Bite is a silicone putty bite registration
material either fast set or regular set. Simply
take a scoop of white putty with a scoop of
blue putty and mix thoroughly.
The regular set putty is the same material
used with the Duplicate/ Replacement
Denture system as demonstrated in Dr.
Steven’s Efficient-prosthetics seminars.
Item #8780......$43.97
Available in Standard & Fast Set
Perspective 9,10-14_Layout 1 10/9/14 8:54 AM Page 6
Easy Pneumatic Crown & Bridge Remover II
by Joe Steven, Jr, D.D.S.
DentCorp’s remover absolutely the best. It connects
to one of your handpiece airlines, and you operate
it by depressing the foot pedal and pushing a button
on the side of the Easy.
The kit comes with 3 different tips to gain a purchase under a crown and a flexi-wire set that can be
used under a bridge. Sometimes it’s necessary to
create a small crevice at the
margin with an inverted cone
to gain a good purchase. If
you will be recementing the same prosthesis, simply restore that void with your material of choice.
Each time the button is pushed on the handpiece, a
jarring action is created to dislodge the restoration.
There is an adjustment on the handpiece to
increase or decrease the intensity of the "popping"
action. Always (I learned the hard way with the original DentCorp Crown Remover) start out with the
It’s usually an unexpected and unwelcomed
challenge when we’re faced with the troublesome
task of having to remove a single crown or a bridge.
It could be because an endopost came loose under
an abutment crown and the patient is complaining
about a loose bridge, or you need to remove a well
fixed crown or bridge in order to redo the work.
Many times it’s necessary to
remove the prosthesis without destroying it especially if
we have to reshade a new bridge that was recently
cemented. My favorite tool for tackling these jobs is
the DentCorp Slim Line Easy Pneumatic Crown
& Bridge Remover II.
I’m always surprised to see that many dentists
don’t know about this great device when I discuss it
at my Efficient-dentistry seminars. I’ve used 5 or 6
different systems over the years, and I find
W ar
N min
Developing & Managing a Winning Team!
with Dr. Joe Steven, Jr.
6 Hours
Friday, Nov 21, 2014 - Phoenix, AZ
Seminar Topics
∂ How to win over your team for their ultimate performance!
∂ Managing the new “Millennial” Generation of
∂ How to interview and hire the right people!
∂ Socializing with your team?
∂ Embezzlement prevention!
∂ Bonus plans that work and motivate!
∂ Commission pay options!
∂ Winning the War and Losing the Battle philosophy!
∂ Learn an important lesson in management about
6 Joe’s Mom & Cleo!
Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit
Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial
board of dentistry or AGD
endorsement. The current term of
approval extends from 11/1/11 to
10/31/16. Provider ID# 210096.
Call 800-325-8649 to
get signed up! Or go to
∂ Annual employee reviews - really?
∂ Dealing with Prima Donnas!
∂ Learn how to manage and improve difficult
∂ When to hire additional staff!
∂ How to resolve problems when employees don’t
get along!
∂ Appropriate staff benefits!
∂ Necessary Staff Policy Manual!
∂ How and when to give raises!
∂ Incorporating an Associate!
∂ And most importantly - how to have more fun
with your team in the office!
Perspective 9,10-14_Layout 1 10/9/14 8:54 AM Page 7
lowest power setting, otherwise you can break the
tooth off inside the crown. Now, with the new
improved Easy, there is less of a chance of that
I still have my other mechanical crown removers,
but the DentCorp is the first one I reach for now.
Some days go by and I never have to use it. But
then, there are days when I might use it two or three
times. There are some situations when we still can’t
remove the crown or bridge, and we have to section
it with a Baracuda Bur to remove it. But usually the
Easy will do the job. I’m sure you’ll be like me and
will really appreciate it after it saves you from redoing a bridge at your expense!
Easy Pneumatic C&B Remover II
Easy Pneumatic Crown and Bridge Remover
Bridge remover tip
Single crown remover tip
Single crown remover contra-angle tip
Open-end adjustment wrench
Air pressure gauge
Storage/carrying case
Flexi-wire set
One year limited warranty on parts and labor
Instructional/Clinical DVD
Item # 8550............$618.97
Fastest Cutting, Strongest Bur Ever!
Use for Crown Preps & Cavity Preps!
Amalgam & Composite Removal!
Slot Cutting to Remove Old Crowns!
Precision Design for Smoother Cutting
Cuts from the Side and Tip
Reduced Friction/Reduced Trauma
KISCO Item #5600
10-pk ....$29.97
100-pk ..$239.97
Friday, January 16, 2015 - St. Louis, MO
Seminar/Workshop with Dr. Joe Steven
Make Endodontics an A$$et to Your Practice!
• Perform safer, faster & more cost effective engine
driven endodontics while virtually eliminating instrument separation!
• Create unlimited earning potential with these easily mastered techniques!
• Shape and obturate even the most difficult cases!
• No more broken files & reduced fatigue!
• Perform molar endo in less than 30 minutes!
• 90% lower cost!
Let Dr. Steven show you instrumentation techniques that take the fear out of endo!
Perspective 9,10-14_Layout 1 10/9/14 8:54 AM Page 8
PPeer s
r sppeecct itvi vee
N eNweswls
eltet et tre r
A refreshing
and realistic
to the
of dentistry!
A refreshing
and realistic
the business
of dentistry!
232 N. Seneca
Wichita, KS 67203
Here’s what’s inside this issue of the
KISCO Perspective Newsletter:
Important Numbers to Track ..............................................................................Page 1
Staff Memo: Smile - It’s Money in Your Pocket! ................................................Page 4
Efficiency Tips - Easy Pneumatic Crown & Bridge Remover II ........................Page 6
Let’s Chat!
Upcoming KISCO Seminars for 2014
November 7
November 21
December 5
Las Vegas, NV
Phoenix, AZ
Oklahoma City, OK
January 16, 2015
St. Louis, MO
Jan. 29 - Feb. 2, 2015 Bahamas Cruise
February 20, 2015
Tulsa, OK
Team Dynamics
Doctors Only
Team Dynamics
If you would like to review past issues of
the KISCO Perspective Newsletter,
go to
Join the KISCO Email Network Group, and
learn from others! Join in and share many of
your insights also. Of course, there are no fees
involved for any of the participants.
You can read more about it by visiting our
website at Look for the
“Google groups” logo on our home page.
I hope you can join us online!
Joe Steven, Jr., DDS
Go to
& click on the speaker icons to
hear Dr. Steven’s discussion about
many of our products!