Summer Newsletter 2013 - MANA de imperial Valley
Summer Newsletter 2013 - MANA de imperial Valley
Find us on Facebook On the Web: Board Members: R ebec c a-T erraz as Baxt er, President de Imperial Valley Newsletter MANA de Imperial Valley awards $25,000 in New scholarships to forty-one local students Alic ia Arm ent a, Im m ediat e Past President J uanit a Salas, President Elect R osy o R am irez, Sec ret ary M aria Enriquez -C alder a, Treas urer M onic a Lepe -N egret e, M em bers hip D irect or M onic a Labrada, Spec ial Act iv it ies C oord. R ut h M ont enegro, C om m unit y Ev ents H ay dee R odriguez, Sc holars hip C oord . Lillian Poz os, Las Prim eras C oord. M aria Peinado, N ews lett er SAVE THE DATE! Friday October 18th Las Primeras Awards Gala & Scholarship Fundraiser this issue MANA Awards Scholarships Noche de Poesia Dillards Spring Fashion Show Upcoming Events Congratulations to the 2013 MANA Scholarship Recipients!! On June 18th, MANA de Imperial Valley held a ceremony to recognize forty-one students that received a MANA scholarship. The ceremony was held at the Board of Supervisor Chambers at the County Administration Building in El Centro. The keynote address was offered by the Honorable Ruth Bermudez-Montenegro. This year’s Scholarship Coordinator, Haydee Rodriguez did a fabulous job coordinating this year’s scholarships and review of applications. We thank her and all who assisted with coordinating the Scholarship Ceremony. A small reception was held after the ceremony for the recipients and their families. The scholarship recipients will be attending different public and private universities including UC Berkeley, UC Riverside, St. John’s University, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Arizona State, UC San Diego, CSU San Bernardino, Princeton, UC Los Angeles and San Diego State University, among many others. Thank you to our Corporate Members Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District El Centro Regional Medical Center Dr. Alfredo Negrete Monica Lepe-Negrete Esq. VDC Sol Market /Home Decor The MANA Scholarship Awards Ceremony was well attended by the scholarship recipients and their proud families. Scholarship recipients: Brawley Emily Rae Cabanillas Jackie Hernandez Allyson Galarte Dana Beltran Geraldine Jovel Neyra Ochoa Bridgett Nunez Carolyn Martinez Amanda Casey Calexico High School Joanna Garcia Vivian Garcia Alejandrina Ochoa-Benson Calipatria High School Carla Barraza Cynthia Marie Zendejas Brianna Spence Alexis Torres Central Union High School Elisa Ayon Briana Cabrera Alyssa Marie Williams Dharla Yvette Torres Alejandra Avila Dania Munoz Marlen Lopez Kristina Buenrostro Annisa Duron Holtville High School Julieta Fernandez Karina Yolanda Carreno Stephanie Gutierrez Blanca Cine-Garcia Stephanie Silva Imperial High School Daniela Chavez Alondra Chavez Tiffany Luz Wuence Southwest High School Lucy Isabella Sanchez Celina Cantu Jaenny Herrera Elvia Murga-Morales Celeste Estrada Vincent Memorial High School Mariana Gonzalez Elsa Downs Memorial Nursing Scholarship Eva Nayeli Mojica Munoz Ariana Ramos Dillards Spring Fashion Show MANA de Imperial Valley supports the March of Dimes at the Dillards Spring Fashion Show. Dillard’s Department store at the Imperial Valley Mall held a Spring Fashion Show in the Children’s Department on Saturday, March 23rd. Approximately forty children participated in the event. The local March of Dimes participated by having local children who were born premature model some of Dillard’s Spring fashions and raise awareness about premature birth. MANA de Imperial Valley was invited to participate in the event in support of the March of Dimes and share information on the organization as well as spread the word about the MANA scholarship. Thank you to the MANA members that assisted at the table: Monica Labrada, Rosyo Ramirez, Maria Caldera and the Honorable Ruth Bermudez Montenegro. Gabriella Celeste Martinez (left) and Miranda Montenegro participated in the Fashion Show modeling casual and formal fashions . On the left: Monica Labrada, Cheryl Anderson and Rosyo Ramirez. On the right: Mariano Peinado Noche de Poesia: Thank you to Monica Lepe-Negrete and Alfredo Negrete for hosting this year’s Noche de Poesia at their home. They were excellent hosts and made the evening memorable for all who attended. The annual event had plenty of fine wine, delicious food and poetry for all who attended. Attendees also discovered Alfredo Negrete’s barrista qualities when he prepared homemade cappuccinos. If you were not able to attend poetry night this time around, make sure you don’t miss it next year. (Photos provided by Maria Peinado and Evelia Jimenez) Wine, poetry, cappuccinos, and good company made for a fabulous evening. MANA de Imperial Valley is a proud supporter of the House of Hope, a shelter designed for the unique needs of homeless women and children. Single women and women with children go to House of Hope to receive services to help them out of homelessness. A stable environment helps both women and children thrive and House of Hope's goal is to offer a safe, clean and family orientated home during their transition. MANA recently donated $100 to House of Hope to support their efforts. Member Accomplishments Congratulations to MANA President, Rebecca Terrazas-Baxter, who is the new Imperial Valley Outreach Coordinator for Representative Juan Vargas. The newly relocated El Centro District office is at 380 N. Eighth St., No. 14. Upcoming Events/ Announcements Las Primeras Media Event. MANA will be announcing the 2013 Las Primeras honorees on Thursday, September 5th. Location to be announced. Don’t miss this event. Las Primeras Nomination forms are now available! Go to to download the application which is due Friday, August 16th. Las Primeras Awards Gala & Scholarship Fundraiser, Friday October 18 th. . of Hope Year-round Wish List: House Monetary Donations Hand Soap, liquid & bar Bath Towels Body lotion Shampoo and conditioner Women’s deodorant Toilet paper Baby Wipes Bath Towels Food Items Wash Cloths Cleaning supplies Napkins Stamps Do you have news to share, pictures for the MANA newsletter? Contact the newsletter editor, Maria Peinado 760-996-0679 or at MANA, a National Latina Organization, was founded in 1974 as the Mexican-American Women's National Association. MANA's original intent was to provide a voice for Mexican-American women at the national, state and local levels. The organization has since expanded into a diverse group of Latinas who continue to develop their abilities in political, social and professional fields. MANA empowers Latinas through leadership development, community service and advocacy. Know someone who wants to join MANA de Imperial Valley or volunteer? Membership Dues: Regular $40 / Full-time Student $20 /Senior (60+) $20 Corporate $250 Questions, please call Monica LepeNegrete at (760) 353-1102 or email at