Birdsong in the Music of Olivier Messiaen A thesis submitted to
Birdsong in the Music of Olivier Messiaen A thesis submitted to
P Birdsongin the Music of Olivier Messiaen A thesissubmittedto MiddlesexUniversity in partial fulfilment of the requirementsfor the degreeof Doctor of Philosophy David Kraft School of Art, Design and Performing Arts Nfiddlesex University December2000 Abstract 7be intentionof this investigationis to formulatea chronologicalsurveyof Messiaen'streatmentof birdsong,taking into accountthe speciesinvolvedandthe composer'sevolvingmethodsof motivic intrinsic incorporation instrumentation, characteristicsand structure.The of manipulation, in developing is in to turn, taken this survey selected works appropriatetabular study approach formswith regardto Messiaen'suseof 'style oiseau',identifiedbird vocalisationsandeventhe frequentappearances of musicthat includesfamiliar characteristicsof bird style,althoughnot so labelledin the score.Dueto the repetitivenatureof so manymotivic fragmentsin birdsong,it has becomenecessary to developnewterminologyandincorporatederivationsfrom other research findings.7be 'motivic classification'tables,for instance,presentthe essentialmotivic featuresin birdsong. complex somevery The studybeginsby establishingthe importanceof the uniquemusicalproceduresdevelopedby Messiaen:theseinvolve,for example,questionsof form, melodyand rhythm.7he problemof 'authenticity' - that is, the degreeof accuracywith which Messiaenchoosesto treat birdsong- is in birdsong Messiaen's A selectedmajor works use of of then examined. chronologicalsurvey follows, demonstrating an evolutionfrom the ge-eralterm 'oiseau'to the preciseattributionof birds. to particular material particular harmonies(or in later periods,the composerexploresnew instrumentationandaccompanying , idiosyncrasies timbres the to and other chordalcomplexities) create,as closelyaspossible, unique larger introduce begins Messiaen birds' to time, the a much varietyof same vocalisations;at of birdsong 7be birdsong from his into the are of representations world. music,using all over species least in the 'authentic', than and perhaps, with works colourful, previous or at more more much is Catalogue, landscape in (for greaterverisimilitude created. portrayalof example) accompanying The inclusionof so manyexotic speciesin the scoresof, for instance,SeptHarkar and Chronochromieis a resultof Messiaen'smeticulousornithologicalinvestigationsandpainstaking by be importantly, increasingly bird More to the tends replaced other monophonic style notations. texturessuchastwo-voicehomophony,hornorhythin,hybrid forms andpolyphony. The mostpertinentworks of this final periodare evaluated,clearlydisplayingthe manyfeaturesof drawn Conclusions in birdsong their the the are call, and part pieces. and structureof each features distinguishing by the the of each technical the means which composerrealises concerning birdsong.Thethesisis sustainedby a closestudyof threeelementsgoverningMessiaen'streatment between (rbythm., birdsong; the close relationship melodyandstructure),especiallyconsidering of them. Therehasnot previouslybeena systematicattemptto analyseMessiaen'spiecesin this way. This birdsong, Messiaen's of employment researchprovidesa coherentstructuraloverviewof displayingrecurringpatternsfound in the useof rhythm,melodyand structure.Further,the recent d'Ornithologie' Couleur de de 'Trait6 Rythme, to Messiaen's the research enables et of publication begenuinelyup-to-date,usingthe composer'spersonalcommentson, andanalysesof, birdsongs found frequentlyin his music. ii Acknowled2ements I shouldlike to thank AlphonseLeduc in generalandHilary Thomsonat UnitedMusic PublishersLtd in particularfor permissionto quote extractsandmusicalexamplesfrom like I to thank ProfessorMichael Bridger, my tutor for the copyrightmaterial. shouldalso four years,andMichaelFrith, my secondsupervisor.Specialthanksmustgo to my parents for their continuedsupportandfinancialhelp:they havegenerouslypaid for fees,books and scores.Finally,my thanksto PerryKeenlysideandPeterHill for additionaladvice. iii Foreword In a critical studyof this kind wherea musicaldevelopmentis surveyedover a substantial it is inevitable (1928-1987), that certainworks aregiven more attentionthan period is level important innovations higher the are cited, corresponding section given a others:as in innovations both "motivic the these shown are and classification'tablesand of analysis, in the musicalexamples.Nevertheless,in order to follow the thesisin detail, it will be have I hand. have Throughout the thesis to to employeda numberof scores usefW For directions [p6, in b4l in bold to the to reader. example, s2, order give specific symbols indicates further, bar four, IH/7 in two, a musical example at signifiespagesix, system ChapterIII, numberseven. iv Contents ChapterI ChapterII ChapterIII ChapterIV ChapterV ChapterVI ChapterVII ChapterVIII ChapterIX Background Issuesin MessiaenResearch MusicalLanguageof Messiaen The Notation of Birdsong Characteristicsof 'Le StyleOiseau'in Works 1933-1948 The ExperimentalPeriod 1949-1951 R6veildesOiseauxandOiseauxExotiques Catalogued'Oiseaux Use of Birdsongin SelectedWorks 1960-1987 Conclusion MusicalExamples Bibliography Dissertations Discography 1-14 15-44 45-59 60-72 73-127 128-168 169-219 220-263 264-336 337-356 357-457 458-463 464 465466 V Gloi-tarv Key: DK- original terms 0: ornithological terms NI: Nfessinen'sterms This involves (1%1): tcchnique the repetitionof a asymmitrique agrandissement down, transposed cell: or notesare up while othersremainthe same. melodic alternator (DK): Two notesinterchangeone after the other in a patternof equal Commonintervalsare the tritone or augmentedoctave. durations,often serniquavers. bird call: A short, declarnatorysequenceof pitches. birdsong:A sectionof musicwhichhasbeenidentifiedby thecomposer with a it is birdsong bird. be features, but A can shortwith repetitive specific morecommonly thana call. melodicandmoreelaborate block for7n: This term is usedby a few musicologists.It refersto an episodic compositionalstylewhich is contraryto a more 'developmental'form. Most of the Catalogue dDiseaur in juxtaposemanypassages, of pieces usuallyrepresentations bird vocalisationsanddepictionsof habitats.The phrase'block form' is extendedto device instrumental the where groupswithin the ftmework of an encompass orchestralwork - typicallystrings,pianoandtunedpercussion,woodwind and xylophone-trio- play in their respectivegroups. is least high-pitched A (0): usually an at shortýoften staccato, soundwhich chirp octaveabovesurroundingpitches. durations in A (M): series of which eachnote progressively chromatic rhythm diminishesor augmentsby one primaryunit (see'Regardde I'Onction Terrible' from Vhigl Regardssur I'Difwit Jesus). is invented An chord which often usedto simulatethe timbre of chordal-complexes: birdsong. form describing by Messiaen Tenn (M): the of a piece employed circadian time-scale beinga microcosmo& andrelatingto, the 24 hour daily cycle. development, behaviour, Scientist to attempting elucidate ethologist: of animal function andevolutionof animals. harmonic litany (51): A melodic cell of two or more notes repeated with several different harmonisations. vi hors tempo (NI): This techniqueis almostaleatoricin effect, althoughthe birdsongs birdsongs, Certain playedby specificinstruments,are heralded are notatedprecisely. by a signfrom the conductorand,therefore,play in their 'own time' independentof the rest of the orchestra.This effect is found in 'The Sermonto the Birds' from Saini Franýois d Assise(1975-83)andin the polyphonictutti sectionsof Un 111railel des Oiseaux.(1986). inferior resonance/lowerresonance(M): This techniqueis frequentlyusedby Messiaenandis producedwhen a chordis playedloudly in the bassof a pianoand set Catalogue dDiseaux, fiandamental In the chords phrasesof other or notes. against birdsongare often accentuatedby the coloursproducedby superioror inferior See "superior also resonance'. resonances. interruption call (DK): In earlyworks, thereare manyshort exclamatoryfiguresthat interrupt anothertexture: I refer to theseappearances as 'interruption calls', although they arevery often not labelled'style oiseau'.Frequently,the complexityof the chord 'interruption ity. it These 'interruption in short an call' may give alarmingquz! used an birdsong. throughout appear calls' form of permutation:by additionor interversion system(M): A systematised (e. increase durational decrease by g. the value one values or rhythmic subtraction, Chronochronfie in is in This the of system used case retrogradeorder or, serniquaver). (for example),durationsmay be subdividedinto sets,providingrhythmicpatternsfor the structure. (0): An apparatusthat providesan objectiveregistrationof mona melograph frequencyandpressurelevel in musicalsounds.Thereis a markedimprovementover is included, filter has faster 'variable" the the sonagram: analyser a response,and a isolatingthe fundamentalmelodicline in the birdsong. A (DK): tabularmethodologywhich showsunderlying classirication motivic is birdsong. in 'motivic The classification' phrase characteristics somevery complex from develops for hand 'motivic The a table this classification' codification. my short larks in la Each Messe de PentecOte. investigate to the rhythrnand of chorus used pitch characteristicis given a letter: x, y andz... representpitch predominance,while a, b andc... areusedto demonstrateotherfeatures.Metrical forms andplainsong in findings in These are set out terminologyarealsoused conjunctionwith thesecodes. bar-by-baror phrase-by-phrase accountof a a tablewhich givesa comprehensive birdsong. This term islands: Indicates that certain pitches. around a passage revolves motivic (1985). Griffiths by Paul wasoriginallyused describe have Ornithologists the quality to attempted onomatopoeicrepresentation: includes Messiaen In bird the real or sameway, of vocalisationswithmnemonics. inventedwords that most closelyresemblethe sonoritiesof a particularbird in is instance, Oiseaux, for des in Riveil thrush the portrayed song vocalisation: i-di-di, by '6-di-di, tioto, tioto, the onomatopoeia, musicalnotationandaccompanied tioto, tou-hitte'. vii personnagesrythrniques (INI):Formedby threerhythmiccontinuums.In the first group the durationsincrease,in the secondthey decrease,while in the third, the durationsremainthe same.As Johnsonadvises,this deviceis a rhythmiccounterpartto the 'agrandissement asym6trique'systemwherethe pitchesshift progressivelyup and down while one remainsconstant. prosody (INI):Metrical forms areusedin musicalanalysisin order to describestressor in found birdsong. list be in the A these terms and un-stress rhythmicpatterns can of MusicalExamples,Table11/1. derived birdsong, Due (M): terms to the phraseology plainchant repetitivenatureof from Gregorianchantare appositewhendescribingsimilar melodicshapes.A list of thesetermscanbe found in the MusicalExamples,Table11/2. referencepoints/anchor points: In a musicallanguagethat is rarely diatonic, referencepointsprovidethe listeneror analyrtwith a senseof coherence.They are feature that regularlyin,a birdsongpassage,and are ofien returnedto at the end pitches of a phrase. renversementstransposis (M): Translatedas '[chords ofl transposedinversions. A in transposing chordal-complexes, series usually a cadentialcontext.In 'Le Traquet Stapazin'(Catalogued'Oiseaur, 1958)the inventedchord on C# is transposed des C# Bb, in La Fauvelle Jardins third: a up n-dnor progressively while -E-G(1970) sequences areuninterrupted- the bassnotesremainthe sameandthe voice leadingof the other partsmovesstep-by-step(a tone or a semitoneaway). resonancecontractie (AT):Translatedas '[chords ofl contractedresonance.Just as, is Messiaen, F# to according an perceivedin the perfectchord (seeMusicalExample 111/1a-d), so too are harmonicimplicationsperceivedin a more complexchord of Messiaen'sown invention.In a 'superior' or inferior" resonanceeffect,chordsare but here, however, is resonance widely-spaced; achievedwithin a restrictedarea. Chordsof 'contractedresonance'aregenerallytwo compactchordal-complexes that in hands. 'overlapping together a quasi-cadence, usually played with merge is be This can which read a group of pitchesor rhythms rhythmic/pitch palindrome: the sameforwardsasbackwards.Generallya non-retrogradablerhythmis a rhythmic palindrome,which often includesan addednotevalue (that cannotbe dividedequally) is its For example,a cretic rhythm palindromic. at centre. in differences indicates, in form, (0): An the that relative graphic apparatus sonagram b soundpressurein a bird vocalisationor, indeed,in any musicalsound. style oiseau:This phraseis reservedfor bird stylephrasesor cellswhich are not be This that to attributed a particularspecies. phrasecanalso usedto refer to passages havebird-Ekequalities,evenif they havenot beencreditedas suchby the composer. superior resonance/upperresonance(M): Formedwhen a loud note or chord on the is piano playedaboveother musicalmaterial.Seealso 'inferior resonance'. viii Was: Compositerhythinicpatterns.Thereare 120 'degi-tilas' in the IndianRhythmic Systemrecordedby Sharrigadeva. Their characteristicametricalityreplaceswestern notion of 'beat' with the shortestnote value. texture classirication: Adaptedfrom the dissertationof Philipsand Sun,a classificationof textureshasbeencompiled.I haveextendedthe codification,originally intendedfor the analysisof the pianocycleCataloguedDiseaux, to encompass the largerrangeof texturesin orchestralworks. The texturesare asfollows: (1) monophony(2) homophonyin coequalemphasis(3) homophonywith onevoice or (4) homorhythm dominant in (5) homorhythm coequal emphasis with onevoice or part part dominant(6) hybridtexture and(7) polyphony. is from (0): 'Birdsong' distinct 'bird This term encompasses calls'. often vocalisation both forms. Chapter-1: Back2round background is to placeMessiaen historicallyand Thepurposein tracingthecomposer's life important his for his birdsong. The to. of attraction periods suggestpossiblereasons in influential by discussed, to composers; works written other with passingreferences are his influential is The the to own considered. extent music proved which addition, diverse involving integration as of elements an such philosophical outlook, composer's is beauty, freedom, love theology, and alsosurveyed. nature, Olivier Messiaenis generallyregardedas one of the mostimportantcomposersof the for focus been have His a twentiethcentury. compositions,philosophyandpersonality derives influence his the not only world on musical manyarticlesandmonographs,yet ftornhisoeuvrebut alsofroma lifetime'swork asa pedagogue. Messiaenwas born on 10 December1903at Avignon. His father,Pierre,taughtEnglish indeed, Shakespeare: known for his is best the the translation and of analysis of works and imagination in forefront Messiaen's the these at only of playswere mysteryandmagicof Sauvage, Cicile Ifis was a poetess:shewas of paramount age. mother, of years eight importanceto the youngboy's artistic andemotionaldevelopment.The prophetic"L'Ame first book 'As World her last Soul', [The Burgeoning the Bourgeon' the chapterof en Turns'], written by Messiaen'smotherbeforehe was born, no doubt had a profound effect describes book, Te Vallon', Messiaen's the second characterandphilosophy,while on 2 life birds being introduced Already Messiaen that to of was aspects and particularly nature. asa grownman.Indeed,hismothersaid, wouldlaterbecomeobsessions '.. all the Orient is singingherewithin me " ' its bluebirds., its butterflies. with with Messiaenlived with his motherandgrandmotherin Grenobleduring the First World War. The mountainsof Dauphinyare closeto this city: they too influencedthe youngman's him inspiration led The to write that samemountainrangeprovideda sourceof outlook. 'Montagnes'(the third movementof the songcycleHarawi) and the later La Fauvelledes Jardins. Messiaenhassaid(seeRobert SherlawJohnson,p9) that his motherbroughthim fairy in Messiaen here Grenoble in It tales. that was an atmosphere ripe with poetry and up Giovanni', Mozart's 'Don discoveredvariousgreatclassicalmasterpieces, them amongst Wagner's'WalUre' andBerlioz's 'The Damnationof Faust'. Messiaenalsoreceivedas gifts pianopiecesby RavelandDebussy.Betweenthe agesof sevenandnine,Messiaen inquisitive taught himselfto play the piano.Theseimpressionable and an yearsproduced first his composition,'The Lady of Shalott'. and culturedyoungman- Messiaenmovedto Nantesafter the First World War. During this brief stayMessiaenso him in finest that they the the town offered musicians rapidly gainedthe respectof someof free lessons.The most notableof thesemusicians,Jehande Gibon,taughtMessiaen harmony.Messiaenhadalreadybeenintroducedto impressionisticmusicwith Debussy's 'Pell6as de Gibon however, Jehan 'EstampeS"2 the ten of et gave year old a score ; M61isande',andit wasthis operawhich openedup a completelynew soundworld to the youngcomposer. The influenceof Debussy'sharmony,soundcomplexesin orchestrationandrhytý is to someextentprevalentin Messiaen'sPreludesof 1929.The subtitlesof the piecesare quite similarto thoseof Debussy- 'Les SonsImpalpablesdu R6ve', for example.On the other hand,we rarelyfind sonataform andternaryphrasesin Debussy,yet thereis much in According Reverdý Messiaen's to these to classical constructions preludes. reference betweenMessiaen's'Chant d'extacedansun PaysageTriste' thereis a strongresemblance (Prehides)andDebussy"spreludeto 'Pell6aset Mdlisande. Messiaen'smodesof limited transpositionwere alreadyquite sophisticatedandwere entirelydistinctfrom the tonal/modallanguagesof Debussy.At this stage,Messiaenhadyet to achievea degreeof inspiration freedom Bartok Debussy. Both Debussy took to comparable and rhythmic from folksongandEasternmusic,addingelementsderivedfrom themto their own by language harmonic Messiaen Debussy"s andmodal extended compositionalstyles. for lEndu Gregorian Oriental the and many and modes,while also exploring searching Greekrhythms.It is this rhythmicfreedomwhich Messiaenwas, aboveall, to discoverin birdsong:thesesongswould provideinnumerable,innovativesourcesof motivic material for compositions. his he Conservatoire Paris In 1919,Messiaen studiesuntil the continued where entered 1930,talcingpianolessonswith GeorgesFalkenberg.Later, Messiaenstudiedharmony lessons (for Gallon Jean ten on musicaltheory.and yjears) private and received with counterpoint-ArithNodl Gallon.He undertookorganclasseswith Marcel Dupr6,history of musicwith MauriceEmmanuel, percussion with JosephBaggersandcomposition with PaulDukas.It wasMarcelDupr6whointroducedMessiaen to plainchant, organ registrationandimprovisation,aswell asgiving specialattentionto Greekmetres.The for source discoveryof the 120Indiandeg!-Idlasrhythmsprovedto beinvaluable in LAscension). described (especially These early even works after are material, rhythms in his treatise'Sarrigita-ratnikara'. by the thirteenthcenturyHindu theorist,Sharngadeva, The mostimportantfeatureof manyof theserhythmsis their inherentametricality: Messiaenderivedthe principleof 'addednotevalues' from both the IEndu rhythmsand the rhythmsof Stravinsky.Messiaenwould adda sixteenthnote, lengthena note or adda sixteenthnote asa rest. This becamea notablecharacteristicof Messiaen'slanguage:the is dueto the is by both (which the the timelessness of music achieved absenceof a pulse [ex the tempi the value and =etricality) some of pieces note rhythmic and of added slow ]U11.4 Messiaenalreadyhad a predilectionfor the rhytlunscreatedby the use of prime- numbers;after subdividingcertaincellsinto sixteenthnotes,durationsof 5,7,11,13,17are found. often At the ageof twenty-two, in 1931, Messiaenwasappointedorganistat the churchof La SainteTrinit6 in Paris,a post which he held for the rest of his life. He wasthe youngest titular organistin Franceat the time. For manyyears,Messiaenplayedthreemassesas later during funerals Sunday, the week, a schedule andweddingsand well asvespersevery little Messiaen Sunday. It that to two wrote very music mayseemodd masseson reduced for liturgical use,but all of the organworks are on religioussubjects,evenif they are essentiallymeditativein nature,andare relevantfor specificdatesin the Christian hadgreataffectionfor theCavailk-Collorganof La Tfinit6.The Messiaen calendar. rangeof colours(includingsomeelectronicstops)is fully utilisedin theseven extensive large-scaleorgancycleshe composedin his career.The organcyclesof the 1930'swere L'4scension(1934),La NalivitJ (1935) andLes Corps Glorieux (1939). Messiaen's highly-tunedtimbral complexities,chromaticharmoniesandimprovisationsbecamea sourceof inspirationfor organistsandcomposers;however,Catholicsand church-goers first by language. Many the shocked at musical were who objected,anxiousto givethe he label, likened it dance jazz. Messiaen, This to as was angered a or music e-en music vehementlyopposednot only to jazz but alsoto 'Les Six' andtheir disciples. In 1936, Messiaenbecamethe leaderof Ta JeuneFrance'with composersJolivet, BaudrierandDaniel-Usur.Thebasicbeliefsof thisselectgroupinvolveda reactionboth for the the the time to composers solely of who sometimesappeared write music against purposeof beingdifficult andsomewhatmechanical,andthosewho seemedto trivialise the form. At this time, the maindirectionof compositionswas following a courseaway in from romanticandimpressionisticassociations and seekingrefuge eighteenthcentury dancemusic,andjazz. Messiaen'sgroup,on the other hand,valuedmusicthat not only hada humanelementbut would touch peopleon a spirituallevel, while remaining few The their concerts and a aims, group publisheda manifestowl-dchoutlined cerebral. broke large following. brought Ta Jeune France' up at the a which werearranged different followed War Two, World the very after which composers outbreakof directions.However,theseyearswerevery importantfor Messiaen:he marriedthe 6 violinist, ClareDelbos,in 1936,andthey hada son, Pascal,in 1937.The two songcycles PoemespourMi(1936),andCliamsdeTerreeldeCiel(1938) wereinspiredby these in life. Messiaen's personal As thecomposer's majorevents rhythmic,melodicand harmoniclanguageevolves,bird style,althoughnot alwaysindicated,also appearsmore frequently.The texts of the cyclesareboth religiousand surreal:.the words are honestin sentimentandtypical of his own intrinsicmanner,to the extentthat one might imagine Messiaenhimselfadvisinganyonewho wishedto understandhis musicbetter to beginby is in Messiaen's love dramatic them. the of sopranovoice shownclearly these reading songs,which were originallyintendedfor the vocally flexibleandmusicallysensitive MarcelleBunlet.The musicof thesetwo cyclesincludesvery long extendedphrases,using the extremesof a soprano'svocal range.Messiaenshowsthat he hasawide knowledgeof the voice: he revealsan understandingof the problemsof diction, registerandbreathing. but therehaverecentlybeen FewsingershavetackledPojmespourMi, for instance, someenlighteningversions,notablyby lane Manning,GabrielleDumaine,Felicity Palmer andPhylfisBryn-Julson. Messiaenjoined the anny whenwar broke out. He worked in a hospitaluntil 1940before beingtakenprisonerafter Francefell to the Germans.He spenttwo yearsin StalagVIII at 66rlitz in Silesiawhere,in extremelycold andunpleasantconditions,Messiaencomposed the Quatuorpour la Fin A Tempsfor clarinet,violin, cello andpiano.The work was himself Messiaen in January IS 194 1. POW the playedthe piano, on camp performed La NativiN instruments. fellow Messiaen the three regards prisonersplayed other while in Quartet, freedom. In initiating Quartet therhythmic the the as newstages rhythmic and 7 is based system on the addednote value,prime numbers,Hindu andnonretrogradable thanthoseof previousworks.It is here aremoredissonant rhythms,whiletheharmonies birdsongs that specified areintroducedfor thefirst time. After his repatriationin 1942,MessiaenwasappointedProfessorof Harmonyat the Paris Conservatoire.Over the next forty-five years,Messiaenwasto includeamonghis distinguished pupils a number of composition composers.In 1943he taught composition house the of a friend, Guy Delapierre.11isfirst pupils includedthe*pianists, privatelyat Yvette GrimaudandYvonneLoriod, andthe composer,PierreBoulez. Messiaenlater becameProfessorof Aesthetics,AnalysisandRhythmat the Conservatoire,but it was not he 1966 that was officially appointedProfessorof Composition.Stockhausen, until Xenakis,Jolas,GoehrandBenjaminare amongstthe long list of composerswhom Messiaentaught.The immensepower andopennessthat he possessed reflectedon his pupils: he was interestedin finding an individualvoice for eachcomposer.Messiaenwas the antithesisof dogmatic,andrefusedto imposehis musicaltechniqueson any one composer,preferringto makesuggestionsand askfor somethingoriginal. 'Throw awaythe book I havetaughtyou to readandadda new, wholly unexpected page!' Messiaenwas very impressedwith the talentsof the pianistYvonneLoriod, later to be his incentive him Her Messiaen's to write major the to sensitivity compositionsgave wife. works for solo pianoanda substantialduet. In fact, the musicof the next six yearswas for Regwz& Vingi for The the almostexclusivelywritten piano. sur pieces pianowere I'Difam Jisu.v (1944) and Psiotu de IAmeti (1943).Messiaenalso wrote piecesthat includedthepiano(practicallyasa soloinstrument) in theorchestra,for example,Trois PetilesLittirgiesdelaPriseiiceDit,itie (1943)andthe TurangalilaSymplimy(19461948)a few yearslater. The pianobecamea very prominentfeatureof Messiaen'smusic at this time: the full rangeof the instrumentwasexploredwith experimentalharmonies has been being the virtuosity and,although piano criticisedas not a andremarkable it is usedregularly,andto greateffect,to suitablesubstitutefor birdsongrepresentation, this end.The pianocontinuedto play an integralr6le in the composer'smusicthroughout his career.Beforewriting the TurangafflaSymphony,his regardfor Wagner(specifically the opera,'Tristan und Isoldes'),humanlove andthe love of God were expressedin the song-cycleHarawi (1945),wherethe relationshipbetweenlove and deathis also explored. Messiaenasa composerof high repute,althoughthe first Theseworks established Pelites Liturgies de Trois la Divine Prisence of on I April 1945caused performance somethingof a musicalscandal.The critics of the time were either outragedat the music for beingtasteless,or delightedwith his creativityandnew ideas.The avant-garde detestedthe nineteenthcenturyharmoniesthat were complementedby a twentiethcentury instrumentation,tonality/modalityandrhythm,while the traditionalistsdislikedboth the did Catholics instrumentationandthe dissonances, the not take to the supposedly and Another treatment concepts. problemarose:the critics could not even of sacred vulgar labelthe piece,asit wasneitheran oratorio nor a cantata.The text, written by Messiaen himself,is both surrealisticand Christian.Messiaenusesa variety of instrumentsin the including In he had the three ondes work, martenotwhich usedon previousoccasions. a Messiaen transfersthe Churchandits liturgyto theconcerthall:'I intendedto sense, a liturgicalact,thatis to say,to bringa kindof office,a kind of organised act accomplish into hall. ' [O. Messiaen the concert of praise, with ClaudeSamuel,1986,p22]. On the otherhand,the performancewas a successwith the public KoussevitskycommissionedMessiaen'sTurangafflaSymphonyandmadeit possiblefor him to teachcompositionin EuropeandAmerica.This major symphony(of ten in four) in first Boston 1949 than the traditional under rather was performed movements the directionof LeonardBemstein.The Turmigall1aS)mphonyis onepart of Messiaen's TristanandIsoldetriptych, the other piecesbeingthe Cinq Rechantsandthe songcycle, Harawi. The symphonyincludesa wide variety of dynamics,colourationandmelodies,but in importance birdsongis not of paramount it differsfromlaterorchestralworksbecause the compositionalform, althoughit doesappear(for example)in 'Jardindu Sommeil d'amour', whereit occursmonophonicallyandis labelledsimply 'oiseau' ratherthan bird, in later to a as nmned works [ex 1/2]. attributed Messiaendecidedto explorevery differenttechniquesof musicallanguagein the period 1949-1952.He hadfor sometime taughtthe theoriesof serialismandthe dodecaphonic Schoenberg's his School, langua, Second Viennese tone to though the aversion even c,, of e did Schoenberg Messiaen that not apply serial recognised rows waswell-known: techniquesto the other elementsof composition.Mode de Valeurset d7ntensif& (1949) but Messiaen's the the not only pitches, alsothe experiment organising with was resultof 10 durations,intensities towards a short-livedmovement andthetimbres,whichstimulated ' byModede ýaleursel 'integral'or 'total' serialism.Thepiecesthatwereinfluenced MichelFano'sSonata Sonatafor two pianos(1950_51)7, d'Intemilis wereGoeyvaert's for two pianos(1951), Stockhausen's'Kreuzspiel' (1951), Boulez's 'StructuresI a' (1951-52)and,muchlater, BarbaraKolb's 'Apello' for piano(1976). In fact, Mode de Valeursel dItifewiles (1949) is not a serialcomposition,althoughmusicologistssuchas David Drew seemto categoriseit as 'durchgeordnetemusik'. Onceagain,the pieceis basedon modes;however,thistimeit is built up fromthirty-sixnotesdividedinto three if brief integral Though this to revolutionary, twelve-notegroups. serialismowed mueh further for it did himself little this Messiaen with much and continue not cared work, technique. birdsong. harmonic After thisperiod,Messiaen's was mainsourceof andmelodicmaterial Messiaenwas a skilledornithologistandbecameableto namethe songsof birds ashe heardthem.Messiaenbeganto transcribethe songsof birds by hand:he slowedthem down andreducedtheir pitch, makingit possiblefor westerninstrumentsto play them.He knowledge in daybreak the to the of to the gain evening at or woods go would differentiationof soundqualitybetweentheseperiodsin time. La Messede la Pentec6te (1950),for organ,indicatesthe return of Messiaen'sbelovedbirds. This work not only includes 11indu it but improvisation and the also organ, on showsthe effectof yearsof Greekrhythmsandthe techniqueof 'interversions'which hadpreviouslybeenintroduced in oneof the Quatrebudes de Rythme(1949-1956).The fourth movement, 'Communion',includesa wide variety of birdsong.A year later in Livre d'Orgue (1951), II The Messiaencombinesthe 'Sharngadeva'rhythms,%kith techniques on pitch. quasi-serial fourthmovement, 'Chantd'Oiseaux,andthelastmovement, 'Soixante-Quatre Durdes', both makeextensiveuseof birdsong.NMI desOiseaux(1953) andOiseauxExotiques (1956) deriveexclusivelyfrom birdsongandcalls.By the time of writing Chronochronfie (1960), Messiaenhad alreadycollectedbirdsongfrom all over Europe,Japan,India, China,Malaysia,the Middle East,partsof Afficas,North AmericaandMexico. In Chronochromiea strict interversionsystemis applied(seeJohnsonp159); however,the freedom to the this ratherthan sophisticatedstructureseems give piecean effect of use of half Messiaen's deliberate These the of career second of construction. andother -works of in later in detail the thesis. are surveyed greater tp8de', is reminiscentof the total useof birdsongappliedin NMI The sixth movement, desOiseauxand consistsof a counterpointof eighteenstrings,mimickingthe songsof like but, birdsong birds. did Messiaen the a not wish to createthe exactsoundof eighteen had he inflection intended he to that timbre to which and createa very similar painter, heardin the field. In 1962,MessiaenandYvonneLoriod were married.Messiaenbeganto write works that Celeste Citj (piano de la Couleurs Amongst these are: works were on a granderscale. C La Trwisfiguralion (orchestra), Mortuorum Remirrectionem Et Ekspecto and orchestra), de notre SeigneurJ&us-Chrisf (choir, soloistsandorchestra),Des Cmiyonsmxboiles (orchestraandpercussion)andthe operaSaint FrangoisdAssise. 12 Messiaen at anearlyagehada considerable passionfor thetheatreandgraduallythis developedinto a love of opera.In manyof his analysisclassesat the Conservatoire,a dAuise deal devoted Saint His Franqois (1975time to of was good opera. own opera 85) is a grandwork that celebratesthe Saintandhis love of nature(especiallythat of birds), people,heavenand angels.The sixth scene'Le Priche aux Oiseaux'('The Sennon birdsong is by St. Francis transformed theangels'music to theBirds')is saturated as with the languageof the birds and speaksto them. Messiaen andconsequentlyunderstands describesthis sixth sceneas 'organisedchaos'.Not only doesthe conductorhavethe complextask of beatingbarsof unequallength,but he is alsofree to bring in certain instrumentsin his own time ('hors tempo): in the words of St. Francis:'Everythingof beautymustleadto freedom,the freedomof glory.' The next two yearsMessiaenspentwriting the Livre du Saint Sacrement(1984),the eighteenmovementsof which makeit his largestwork for organ. Smallerworks followed, notablyUn Vitrail et desOiseaux(1986) for pianoandensemble.Written in 1992, Messiaen'sfinal work, Eclairs mir Vau-dela.. (for orchestra)haselevenmovements. Therearevariousopinionsasto the successof the last work's compositionalstyle.It has had he beenarguedthatMessiaen's hadreached that to return techniques a stand-stilland to thearchaicvocabulary of theearlierworks,whereasothersstatethathe hadlostthe impact of thosecompositions,althoughsomesectionsare very moving. emotional 13 Messiaen'smusichashad an immenseeffecton twentiethcenturymusicians.Historians him:thisis anextremelyproblematic haveendeavoured taskasthemany to categorise is language. his to conglomeration seem create a a unique of which music constituents The considerationof Messiaen'srelationshipto his contemporarieshasperhapsbeen discussedenough.PeterFlill points out: ' Strangeasit may seem,we needfor the momentto abandonthe long view, to its details to the to the of glass, explore closer shimmering colours stained step afresh,andfeel againhow extraordinarythey are' [PeterHill, Messiaen Companion,1995,plO]. 14 Notesto ChapterI 'Taken fromClaudeSamuel,OlivierMessiaert MusicandColor:Conversations with the Composer(Portland,Oregon,Amadeus, 1986),p15. 2Althoughmanymusicologists in relationto wouldquestiontheterm'impressionist' for Messiaen heembodied Debussy, certainfeaturesof the 'impressionist' style. 3MicheleReverdy,L'OeuvrepourPianod'OlivierMessiaen. (Paris,AlphonseLeduc, 1978). demonLangageMusical.(Paris,Leduc,1944)pl, ex. I4For examples, seeTechnique 10. 5TheworksHarawi,the TuratigalilaSymphojiy Chiq form Rechants a triptych and inspiredby themythof TristanandIsolde. ' For moreinformationon thesubjectof 'Modedevaleurset d'intensites'andthe influenceon Boulez,Stockhausen et al, seeToop,Richard:'Messiaen/Goeyvaerts, Boulez,' in Perspectives Fano/Stockhausen, of NewMusict13,No.I (1974)pp141-169. 7But at thetimeof writingthis Sonata,Goeyvaerts hadleft Messiaen's classes a year beforeandhadnot heardModede Valeurset d7nivisitesdirectly. ' AlthoughAfficanbirdsongmostlyappears in La in laterworks,especially deNotreSeig7zezir Transfiguration Jimis-ChristandDesCwzyons auxboiles. 15 Chanter 11: Issues in Nlessiaen Research In orderto builduponpastanalyticaldiscoveries, findings themostnotableresearch to thesubjectof birdsongon a theoreticalrather shouldbecited,establishing contributions than empiricalbasis. has been for is Messia. topic the there a en popular musicologistsover years: much literatureexaminingthe maintechniquesof his style.Most scholarsdiscussthe early, later Hindu limited the transposition, years, rhythms, and modes of middle Christian/Catholicsymbolism,colour andthe 'experimentalperiod' (includingpiecessuch Ile books de Valeurs d7ntensWs de few Mode Feu II). Yet el and give only a as birdsong Messiaen Companion'l, 'The to them attention an amongst systematic Johnsoný by Sherlaw interviewwith ClaudeSamuel2,. Robert the and and views expressed Paul Griffithsý.The first task in this researchproject was to extractthe importantviews of Messiaenhimselfon the subjectof birdsong.The next informationneededwas the to the subject.Therehasbeenlittle researchinto the musicologists'analyticalresponses developmentof birdsongin his music,but the literature foundgivesa basison which to work. The issuesI proposeto dealwith maybe categorisedasfbHows: 1 The Composer'sPersonalInsights 2 Trevor Hold and Authenticity 3 Previous Research. Eachcategoryis, in addition,subdivided. 16 I The Comnoser'sPersonalTnsiehts de 'Technique (1944) Mon Langage Musical' by 0. Messing a) Messiaenin this book outlinesthe techniquesthat he had developedand invented.In the birdsong, his views on the subjectseemto be at an early,undevelopedstage. chapteron He hasalreadyrealizedat this point that birds makeextremelyinterestingrhythmicpedals. He alsosaysthat their melodiccontours,especiallythat of the blackbird,'surpassthe humanimaginationin fantasy'.Messiaendeemsit 'ridiculous' to copy the soundsof natureexactly,asthe birds useuntemperedintervalssmallerthanthe lark blackbird, individual has begun The the to and composer speakof speciessemitone. devices birdsong The to compositional used notate are sparrows. labelledas 'transcription', 'transformation'and 'interpretation'.He citesfour omamenW blackbird. he by improvisations the that theme the of saysaresuggested variationsof a The free natureof birdsongappealedto Messiaenas he also incorporatedinto his Greek in freedom 11indu the the and andchangesof pulse pieces rhythmic birdsong Ms up to rhythmsandthe useof addednotevalues,e.g. the sen-ýquaver. useof du Seigneur, NativitJ La had been limited book LAscension, to the time of writing this Quatuorpour la Fin du Temps,Visionsde IAmen andanywork doneon the Vfngt Regardssur I'Enfant-Jisus so far, but it mustbe remembered that eventhe otherworks first in For 'style the movement example, oiseau'. up to this period containedelementsof 17 of TroisPelilesLiturgies de la PresenceDivine thereis muchheterophoniccounterpoint in theaccompaniment thatsuggests theinteractionof birdsong. b),&JmutR6BIer--Interviewswith the Composers Almut RoBlerhascollecteda great dealof interestingmaterialin her book: like the invaluable discussions Samuel, Claude these sourceof providean conversationsvAth knowledgeaboutthe compositionalprocessesandthe generalphilosophyof the working follows: discussionL Two these are as examplesof musician. i) PublicDiscussionwith Olivier Messiaenduringthe first DiisseldorfMessiaen Festival in Honour of his 60'hBirthday (L)ecember7.196D Messiaenadmittedhavingto go back hometo listento the tape-recordingthat his wife hadmadein order to transcribethe rest of the birdsongthat he hadbeenworking on that day. Thereare,accordingto Messiaen,manydifficultiesto overcomewhen transcribing birdsongin silu: 'To beginwith: onehasto knowwhatit is oneis hearing,andonecanonlyknowthatwhenthefirst kind is this accompanied undertaken expeditionof ' by a professional omithologist6. 18 He lists the two initial difficulties that onewould comeacross: I therecognitionof theindividualsingerandthespecies to whichit belongs 2 musicaldictationandthespeedof thebird'svoice Other informationgiven hereincludesMessiaen'suseof the Wagnerian'leitmotif' in RgveildesOiseaux,andthe reductionof long silencesto a few seconds(whendepictinga whole day of birdsong).He clearly showsa comparisonbetweenthe recognitionof the characteristicsof differentpeoplewith ornithology.That is to say,everyonehasa is individual hair, the that characteristic colour one's eyes,a particularway of particular of spealdngor wallýing.Onewould recognisea personby anynumberof theseintrinsic is it deterrnine Messiaen this to the that says same one qualities. perceptionwhich enables bird from its vocalisation. speciesof 'For an omithologistit's muchthe same. It's like it is with leitmotives:he recognises its by bird style,its themes,its melodic each ' turns of phrase,its specificrhythms7. Messiaenstatesthat the real work beginswhenthe songsareto be incorporatedinto the piece.For example,a songthrush'ssongwRIbe written from a conglomerationof differcnt manuscriptsaccumulatedby Messiacn, over the years.Thesemanuscriptsareput togetherandsomephrasesare chosento form the songof the songthrushthat typifiesits maincharacteristics. The reproductionof timbreis a further difficulty. No musicalinstrumentcanhopeto in birdsong: tone-colours the number of reproduce extraordinary 19 ' Oneneedscombinations of instruments, andstill morecombinations or complexes of pitches...Each is furnished the noteof melody with a chordwhich is intendedto reproduce ' thetimbreof thatnoteg. Messiaenexplainsthat he alsousesthe leitmotif principleto makesurethat the listener bird songor call. For example,he typically usesthe sameinstrumentsto recogniseseach bird a certain sound,andthe compositionaldevicesmayalsobe the sameon each portray occasion.The goldenoriole mayalwaysbe written in octaves,or surroundedby certain soundcomplexes;or the samemusicalphrasemay simplybe repeated. Messiaenalsoaddresses musicalform with regardto the useof birdsong.Thereare two basicsystems,accordingto the composer: I Deceitful 2 Truthful The first usesthe bird soundsas raw material- the birdsongis alteredso muchthat the Oiseaur is Messiaen He 'musique tlýs to relates classes concrete'. original unidentifiable. Exotiquesasa piecethat fulfils this criterion, ashe hastakenbirds from India, China, North AmericaandMalaysiaandput themtogether,althoughthey could not possiblyhave is in Messiaen, The the to sungwith eachother real world. secondmethod,according better,more original andperhaps'more indicativeof the future'. He callsit the 'truthful idea it have describes As that the to asone conforms reality. we notedearlier, method' and in is freedom integral Messiaen's St. John's of an part philosophy:perhapsa sayingof of his Gospelsumsup this belief - 'the truth will makeyou free' - andperhaps,too, this 20 freedomis apparentin this 'truthful method'.This approachmaybe found in Riveil de.5 Oiseazix. To accompanythe birdsong,Messiaenintegratesthe soundsof the naturalenvironment. fragrances,coloursand IEs synaesthetic approachenableshim to suggestthe landscapes, the passageof time. ' To do any pieceof work is alwaysa manifestation of one's self,but to experiencethe truth is to grow aboveandbeyondoneselfandto rediscoverone's real selfwhich is abovethe ordinaryself. ' ii)AddressDeliveredat the Conferringof the PraemiumErasnýanumin Amsterdam(June25-1971). Messiaensaysthat apartfrom the criesand caUsof the birds,there are threetypesof song: I The songindicatingpossession(territorial) 2 The enticingsong(matingsong) 3 The breakof day song(dawn chorus) 21 Messiaen citesthreebasictypesof caflsalso: I The matingcall 2 The feedingcall 3 The cry of alarm Similarly,in the Conferenceof Notre Dame(1977),Messiaensaysthat eachof his sacred belongs to one of threetypes: pieces I Liturgical music 2 Religiousmusic 3 Sound-colour and Dazzlement Almut R6BIeralsogivesusefulinformationabouthow to perform Messiaen.Like many who havetalked aboutthis topic, sheadvisesa playerwhen confrontedwith the complex be learnt durations learnt; they should until they are rhythmsto subdividethe oncethey are fluent andperhapslessstrict andmathematical: ' the birds - which in Messiaen'swords populate .. the mathematicallyrigid rhythmicstructureswhich for in demand their a crab-like way rights progress the feelingof their creator.Often enoughin typical bird-calls- suchasthe tappingof the woodpecker- he demandsa broadeningof the countingunit for the benefitof the bird's characterisationlo. ' 22 " Claud Samuel, Conversations with c) ClaudeSamuel'sconversationswith the composergive us invaluableprimary sources his Messiaen the techniques. composer's comments on compositional pointsout revealing that eachnote of the birdsong(in later works) is accompaniedby an inventedchord: ' Eachnote is providedwith a chord,not a traditionalchord but a complexof sounds destinedto give the timbre of that note12 .I Messiaentalks abouthis problemswhentranscribingbirdsonginto his compositions. Whenhe wantedto re-createthe intrinsicquality of a certainbird sound,he neededthe it. to accompany exactchordal-complexes The composergivessomeinsightful remarksinto his experiencesof eachbird andits song, from a musician'spoint of view. For instance,whenlisteningto the willow warblerhe it, that notices 4...singsan accelerando[Ekethe finch] on a instead having finch's but the of roUednote, victoriouscodetta,it hasonethat diesaway, slow doesn'tlearnjust one codetta, inventsnew codettas..131 but ceaselessly 23 This descriptionof the willow warbleris far morerevealingto a musicianthanthe bird's in far bird descriptions dictionary. Messiaen of each voicegiven any evengoesso as to claimthat, 'Only a composer could manageto understand it and capture it on paper; in fact, most ornithologi -.ts refrain from describing it and merely say'Txtraordinary song, impossible 14%v describe to Messiaenlater talks aboutthe birds in somedetail.He mentionsthe trips that he hasmade in order to collect certaintypesof birdsongandhe talks aboutthe intrinsic characteristics of certainfamousbirds. Whenhe mentionsthe finch it is almostlike a musicalguideto the he birds In this to mentionsthe same section asopposed an ornithologist'sview. songsof blackbird,the songthrushandthe nightingalein asmuchdetail. Many peoplehaveoften wonderedwhy Messiaendid not usegramophonerecordingsto help him capturebirdsong.He pointsout that suchrecordingsare incompletesincethey give only a portion of the song, Just as a photographconveysthe snapshotof a singleindividual's.' 0 24 However,is not a pieceof musicthat is written down with its exactpitchesand notations like a photograph? Messiaen's transcriptions areintendedasaninterpretation of whatthe bird sings,just asa paintingcapturesthe essenceratherthan the surfaceof its subject:it is morethana merelymechanicalreproduction.It is possiblethat Messiaen'sinherentdislike of machineryandfuturismlies behindthe statementquotedabove. Messiaenalsogivesthe readeran aestheticrationaleof the CataloguedDiseaux by birds he depict bird, its habitat, that are the that tried to other a and particular explaining form it. be before, likely The to this to needed singing after with or modifications most in here the 'Conversations'.Thesemodificationsare essentialto touched upon work are birdsong: by is done timbral this the quality of each accompanyingeachnote exact create individual its different bird's timbre. thus the soundcomplex, songwith a enhancing of includetheslowingdown(sometimes by four or five times)of the Othermodifications songsandthe useof gracenoteson the pianoto createa portamentoeffect. This sourcehelpsus to understandthe compositionalprocessesinvolvedin producingthe kind of exactitudethat Messiaenrequired. d) 'Trait6 de Rghme. de Couleuret d'Ornithologie' (1999) by 0. Messiaen16 This secondtreatise,a vast project,took Messiaenfrom 1949to the endof his life to Loriod, Yvonne in According to write: the sevenvolumesare the courseof publication. 25 Messiaen'sfaithful assistantandinterpreter,eachone is over threehundredpagesin indeed".Volume5, part 1, is of paramount lengthandsomeareverysubstantial importanceto the researchasit is devotedto the composer'suseof Europeanbirdsong. However,the other volumesare also significant,especially(for example)the analysesthey d'Orgue la Livre de Chronochromie (volume Meise 3), (volume 3) and containof Petdýcdte(volume4). Volume 5, part 1, dividesa selectionof the most commonbirds of Europeinto fourteen in is birdsongs devoted For the to there section example, a environments. contrastina 0 is bird 'marine 'the Each 'the town'. to to coasts',and another oceans'and woods, one dealtwith separately,its habitat,appearance andthe songitself beingdescribed. The birds' songsthemselvesare presentedin two distinctways.First, Messiaen'soriginal indications instrumentation in is the or quoted, without of wild son,, g transcriptionof a included. Secondly, lines, bar these though various are original notations not always even from is Messiaen"s deal A birdsong taken compositions. great of variety are extractsof illustratedin the treatmentof birdsong,wherebirds suchas the nightingaleor blackbird instruments of and contrastingmethodsof are concerned,as so manycombinations Musical" 'Technique de Langage The treatise, earlier mon representationare employed. (1944), only toucheson early'style oiseau',whereashereMessiaensurveyshis own his his focusing throughout they of career, use particular upon evolved techniquesas a him identify in birdsongs Messiaen's to Analyses the allow own compositions of species. features individual of songs. and rhythmic the mainmelodic 26 in order to indicate Occasionally,the composerincludesonomatopoeicrepresentations in bird's timbre of and nuances phrasing a vocalisation.Although Messiaen particular his in it is for this tool the performer compositions way, nevertheless a useful rarely marks in RJveil to the thrush certain phrasesof song and nightingale whenattempting portray de.v Oiseaux.For example,a featureof the nightingale'ssong,comprisingrepeatedlow in is described by flourish, then a grace concludingwith a note, and pitcheseachpreceded the treatiseas 'tio, tio, tio, tiotiolaborix'. Becausebirdsongis by naturerepetitive,Messiaenis compelledto introducenew is distinguished between discriminate Just to terminology motivic characteristics. asverse from proseby its useof rhythmicpatterning,so, in the sameway, thereare manypatterns in birdsongcreatedby stressor accent.Alain Louvier citesthe well-known saying'au le in 'Avant-Propos' dtait Rythme' to the treatise:certainly,the the commencement knowledgeof GreekandHindu rhythmsand of addednote composer,with his-advanced Ids by here Messiaen is to analysesof rhythmic appliesprosody values, obsessed metre. investigations". from Dupr6's, cells,adapted 'Iarnbic feet'19representtwO-notecefls,the first notebeingunaccentedandthe second in known is (U English 'cretic' (U as an cell rhythm a palindromic accented -), while,a -), 'amphimacer'.Both featuresare found regularlythroughoutMessiaen'streatmentof birdsong,andare of usewhenanalysingparticularlyrepetitivesongsand calls.In the blue iambic followed is 'dochmiac' Messiaen the thrush's cites cell rhythmwhich an song, rock 27 by a cretic cell (U -/-U features, the while skylark, amongst other many employsa -), leaps(a ninthanda seventh), ccretic'rhythrnin two descending andmanycompound intervalsusingrepeatediambiccells.Messiaenemploysmanyof thesetermsthroughout this secondtreatise:Table WI is a compilationof thosecited in TraW. Plainchantphraseologyis also adapted,describingshort melodicshapesof birdsong. For from derive 'porrectus flexus' 'climacus 'torculus resupinus', all and resupinus' example, tenns originallyappliedto plainsong,just as adaptationsof chantingappearin Les Corps Glorieur. In addition,Messiaencombinesthesetermswhenreferringto morecomplex This Latin the of above, and other melodicshapeswith names. shapesusingcombinations canbe seenat Table 11/2. development his being It is interesting tracing the treatise that than of an argument, rather 0 'bird style', it is in fact an encyclopaediccoflectionof illustrativeportraits on the common birds of Europe,presentingtheir uniquesongsand cas. This importantinformation for individual the the understanding of musicalcharacteristics providesan essentialguide in in both Messiaen'sworks. the and wild of eachspecies'songs, 2 Trevor Hold and Authenticitv. In lis article,'Messiaen'sBirds' (1971)", Trevor Hold enlightenedmanymusicologists introduced from footnotes, his The too, ornithological and papers and articles views. with biologicaljournalsunknownto manymusicologists.He challengedthe musicologistswho 28 he bird, Olivier Messiaen's the skill at notating actualsoundof each and over-estimated inauthenticity imitations, Messiaen's TrevorHold,a the of some of out pointed had in in journals but had only written articles musical alsopublished an musicologist, not journal 'Ibis'. He relatedMessiaen'stranscriptionsto thoseof ornithological ornithologists.In addition,he criticisedthe rathernaivecommentsmadeby musiccritics it Messiaen's At this the subjectof authenticityandcriticisedsomeof point claims. on shouldbe pointedout that althoughat onestageMessiaenclaimedthat the soundswere he his his life, through the to true often changed of oeuvreand mind course extremely thereforeit is difficult to classwhat he hassaidat any onemomentasthe definitivetruth. Early in his birdsongwriting career,Messiaensaidthat his songswere authentic,yet later be saysthe opposite. The Trevor Hold articledrew attentionto the manyarticleson bird vocalisationsin The 'Ibis', 'Auk', 'Biophon' 'Wildlife Sound'. joumals such as and omithological just be birdsong to to the asthe on seemed naYve ornithologists, papers musicians' Griffiths Paul bird to the vocalisationsappearednaive musicians. ornithologists'paperson claims: 'He [Messiaen]is far more conscientiousan ornithologistthan anyearliermusician,andfar moremusicalan observerthanany other ornithologiSt21 .I 29 Trevor Hold talks aboutgeneraltranscriptionprinciplesin his article 'The Notation of 22 He conflatesviews from the two sidesof Birdsong:A ReviewandRecommendation . the academicliteratureon the subject,producinga comprehensive overviewof the many typesof notationalprocessesdiscoveredup to 1970. In ornithologicalliteraturethereis muchon the transcriptionof birdsong.First, it is interestingthat Trevor Hold wrote the article 'The Notation of Birdsong' Pis, 112,1970] a yearbeforethe previouspaper,'Messiaen'sBirds'. The later article,concernedwith the generalnotationof birdsong,was submittedto the ornithologicaljournal 'Ibis'. Thereare threesectionson transcriptiontechniques: I Syllabicnotation 2 Staff notation 3 Otherforms of subjectivenotation Hold follows the stringentdescriptionsof thesewith somespeculationson the 'Sound 0 Spectrograph'.The descriptionsof the staff notations,however,beginwith extractsby Oswald von Wolkenstein (1377-1445), Kircher (1650), through to Matthews (1904) and the highly sophisticatednotationsof Sz6ke(1969). Hold thendiscussesthe attemptsmade to evolvea new notationfor birdsong,citing Stadlerand Schmitt(1914) asthe pioneersof theseprocesses,or at leastthe first to attemptto makea convincingcasefor their discoveries. 30 M. E.W. North's article, 'TranscribingBirdsong"3(Ibis, 1950)is importantin that it lists in field birdsong the andbacksup Messiaen's theproblemsof notating pointsof view in birdsong. The the timbres technical of unique are suggestions made aboutrepresenting but is for is the there that averagemusician, someadvicegiven somecasessimpleeven for North is the that more proficient. similar useful employs a vowel system and relevant 4. 1,17ý from (193 8 The 'Handbook' the the vowel-scale showsa gradation to that of highest-sounding to the lowest-soundingvowels,and displaysan indicationof the North the transcribed. timbres of sounds suggestsevokingthe quality of each comparative descriptive include, for These by techniques. would sound usingratherrudimentary hands is into This blowing to the timbre the tawny create cupped owl. a of example, in describing Messiaen that muchof his music.North givesa often used technique form he lists field to twelve transcription, the an accurate and needed methods of summary include: imitating by birdsong in Examples bear the to whistling or singing, mind. points describing He the the sound quality. and octave givesuseful adviceon estimating in field, from including bird be distance the the the the that of might encountered problems hearer.Distance,he says,affectsthe quality of the timbre, and someof the notesmay becomeinaudibleto the humanear. Thesearticlesarevery important,not only to the ornithologistwishing to write down the Messiaen's for but birds, the to the of musician wishing authenticity research also sonasof in his final the music. results transcriptionsand 31 3 Previous Research Sherlaw Johnson. Robert a) Johnsonhasdonea great dealof groundwork on bird style,techniquesandgroup-forms. He'4asalsocompiledan appendixwhich lists eachspeciesof bird andthe works in which they appear.In his book, 'Messiaen23(1975/89),he writes abouttwo earlypieces,Rived desOiseaux(1953)andOiseaurExoliques(1956),while anotherchapteris devotedto Catalogued'Oiseaux(1956-58).A smallsectionof approximatelytwo pagesdealswith the developmentof birdsongin his music.The ideassuggestedherebecamethe basisin taxonomyof the way Messiaen'streatment the presentresearchfor a more comprehensive birds developed. Johnson listed birdsong (as that the transcriptions all also an appendix) of hadbeenusedin thepieces,and indicatedwhich pieceseachone appearedin. This informationhasbeenan extremelyhelpfultool for researchandgroundwork. However, he omits (quitenaturally)the birdsongthat hasnot beenspecifiedby Messiaenin the du birds in first la Fin Quatuor For the the the example, used pour movementof score. Tempsare,quite obviously,the nightingaleandthe blackbird,but asthey arenot written into the scoreandmight theoreticallybe anotherbird entirely,they are not includedin this tablefor reference. Johnsongivesthe readeroutlinesof theformal structuresemployedby the composerin Rdveil desOiseauxandOiseaurExotiques.In NMI des Oiseauxhe seesthe form as binary:typically,he seesa relativelysimpleform in what is otherwisea complexwork. 32 The orchestralpassages that precedethesesectionsalso havean identicalstructure, findings form, diagrams in These Johnson. to are represented graphical vAth according layout He the the of overview of usesgraphicalmeansto show a strict piece. which give how Hindu andGreekrhythmsandtheir assignedinstrumentsare deployedin Oi.veaux Exotiques.Thesegraphsdemonstrateinstantlythe processesof the composer. In the chapterentitledCatalogued'OiseauxJohnsoncreatesa classificationschemeof below. four groupsof bird vocalisations,assummarised I Brief andlongervariedcallsby birds which otherwisedo not sing;homophonicanddissonant 2 Short repetitivesong-patternswith slight variations 3 Varied songpatterns,declamatoryandoften tonal 4 Rapid 'chattering' songs,continuousor brokenup by rests He thengoeson to list eachbird that appearsin the CataloguedDiseaux and assigns themto their group. The He alsoclassifiesthe non-birdsongmaterialusedin Caialogued'oiseaUX26. Mows: into five drawn be this groups as may summationof Rhythm:a) Greekor Sharngadeva I Mode:twelve-tone. b) permutation series c) free 2 Modeof pitches,durationsandintensities 3 Modesof limitedtransposition 4 Turangalila motives (otherthantheonesin groupsI andIII) 5 Colour-chords 33 Johnsonalsodisplaysa seriesof diagrams applyinghis'group' structuretheoriesto the CataloguedDiseaux. He includesinformationon texture,tonality, timbre,frequency, diagram bird its intensity that the to a second and relationshipof each group, and rhythms, its bird, in formal and the animal structureof eachpiece correspondence with each shows habitat. natural Messiaen'slove of naturein generalis exhaustivelydiscussedby Johnson.Aspectsof he Like Debussy, in bird feature someof the pieces. nature,suchas waves,cliffs andsea, had a specialregardfor the sea:Debussywrote Ta Mer', while Messiaen(for example) in Merle Bleu' Te lapping its blue the of water sea, wavesand general representedthe (Catalogued'Oiseaux).In CataloguedDiseaux, for instance,Messiaencreatesa portrait depict find he in the bird. to to soundsand means attempts musical piece: each single of a in (sunrise, the to the the suggest sunset and sound of sea), order nature of colours like bird. Johnson that others, also proposes, surrounding each envirorunent particular Messiaen'sdisillusionedor evenmisanthropictemperamentmay accountfor his for preference natureto the soundsof carsandthe city. ' it is in a spirit of no confidencein myself,or I meanin the humanrace,that I havetaken bird-songsasmodeF.' is he birds: in he hours it is in the Messiaensays perhaps the of gloom that seeksrefuge like the psaMst who declares, 34 'in the shadowof your wings will I take refuge/ until thesetroublesare past.' [Psalm57, v.2]. for information Johnson'smonographis an authoritativeandcomprehensive the sourceof studyof all of Messiaen'smusic.His studiesin birdsongare particularlypertinent:the be Companion', 'Messiaen Ifill, Peter for to this the the subject asked chapteron editor of lim. by written b) NormanDemuth. 28(1 Early Birds v in his 'Messiaen's 960) discussesthe earlytranscriptions Demuth, article des Oiseaux Rgveil (1953). He birdsong to talks aboutthe episodicnatureof up of Messiaen'sform as opposedto the symphonicstyleof manypast composers.Demuth have birds breath, Messiaen that to that take even writes a and quite naturally, pointsout, in 'block-form' almostexclusively.The useof separatebirdsongsconsecutively,as opposedto the superimpositionof oneupon another,createsan effect of separationrather include do birdsong,Messiaenwas writing materialthat In that than continuity. works not has in Turwigaffla Sjmphony. Boulez in Pierre the was very episodic nature,especially in form' Messiaen's 'block is it French trait to that that musicwas write and a mentioned birds, lucky It Messiaen discovered keeping in the this29. that as of songs seems with only in for inherent his technical to style, use they createda nucleusof musicalresourcesakin works after the period of 1941. 35 Musicalnotationhaddevelopeddramaticallysincethe beginningof the twentiethcentury: the needto signify complexrhythms,atonalityandconstantchangesof metrebecame Messiaenwas thus ableto hearandrepresentbirdsongwith twentieth commonplace. birdsong 'ears', techniques the to available vocalisationswith using newly create century inevitable It that the composer'sown musical was and subtlety. greaterprecision birdsong: 'subjective' notations of compositionalprocedures produced preferences Messiaen's in For the throughout transcribing process. example, a part played necessarily instances there wherephrasesexpandor contract,giving the musican aremany career improvisatoryquality.The 'motivic island' cfFect,asPaul Griffiths callsit, is producedby the expansionor contractionof phrasesandinterweavingof motivic cells.It wasthe birdsong. innovative Messiaen that the tools to gave simulate evolvingmusicalclimate Trevor Hold hasdrawnattentionto the prominentpart playedby the pianoin Messiaen's imposes limitations fact this that the to on the use of glissandi,which are sucha music,and Symphony Turangaffla has Certainly, Demuth likened birdsong. feature to the a of strong GrandPianoConcerto,derivedfrom the concertanteprinciple.PerhapsMessiaenwas by his by Skriabin, influenced andthe only sensitivityto synaesthesia not greatly importancethey both attachedto tone andcolour relationships,but alsoby his useof the bird du Feu). Demuth (Le Po6me in 'Prom6th6e that music suggests also piano (incorporatedmerelyas fragmentsby Wagner,Beethoven,Rousselandothers)was in birdsong by Messiaen, many exclusively who eventuallyused effectivelyoriginated pieces. 36 It is not correctfor NormanDemuthto saythat, 'Messiaenhasnow completedwhat is kind bird " Of course,at the time that this article a collection of every of music3o. virtually he had collectedmanydifferentkinds of birdsong,but he found manymore waswritten from all over the world after this date.He also concludesthe paperwith the comment, 'I do not envisage,however,anythingnovel in the way of harmonyarisingfrom it, sinceits 31 natureandtextureare too mobile .i Messiaenhimselfcomplainedthat one of his pupils, GeorgeBenjamin,wrote the piece'At First Light' with little useof harmony.Benjaminhadto explainthat the piecewas saturatedwith harmony,but that the harmonywas 'lost insidethe form, insidethe be It texture the of music'. clarified that perhapsDemuthviews and must argument harmonyin a moretraditionalway thanthe older Messiaenandthe young George 32. Benjamin Certainly the birdsong was later accompaniedby quite exploratory harmonies. c)Paul Griffiths Paul Griffiths.,in 'Olivier Messiaenandthe Music of Time933spokeof the difficulty in , finkincyvariousbirdsongstogetherin a work. The most significantpoint is that theremust be a consistencyin the treatmentof variation;however,thereis an ever increasingsubtlety intrinsic bird. that the timbral transcriptions accentuate colouration of and quality each of 37 He mentionsthat the differentinterpretationsof the chaffinch'ssong,for instance,may different bird be different two to the time attempt show chaffinches of an same at a either day - or it maysimplymark the stagesin Messiaen'stranscriptionsof the idealway to have developed his birdsong. Messiaen to techniqueafter eachpiece. seems a such notate In the earlyworks, 'style oiseau"was infusedpredominantlywith the useof the ubiquitous . fairly frequent: fourth, limited The transposition. tritone, trills the are of and mode second being in birdsongs, the trills comment on many a significant motive manyornithologists in fourths later in Trills, territorial/mating tritones calls. a quite appear and also andalso * Griffiths, however, birdsong. Paul of some of use of shows examples musical sophisticated the birds in RdveildesOiseauxbeingportrayedmusicallyusingthe intervalsof the fourth little The fifth, tritone the particularly. owl, robin, whitethroat andthe song plus a and Griffiths dominant feature These thrushare examples. motivic cellsare a of earlymaterial. by is influenced the that transcriptions proportion of early a substantial postulates intervallic Griffiths Paul Moreover, these relationships. composer'spreoccupationwith Oiseaux Exotiques Catalogue d'Oiseaux des Oiseaur, NMI that aUsuitedthe and says Griffiths Like Johnson, Paul the style. also musical composer's presentstateof does in but he Riveil des F-roliques, Oise= Oiseaux formal demonstrates and structure a it, without diagrammaticalmeans. Jannequin, Paul Griffiths displaysmusicalexamplesof the nightingale'ssong,starting with 0 CouperinandBeethoven,and concludingwith StravinskyandMessiaen.He finds that, in individuals, Messiaen for the the song of amongst nightingale evenallowing variation 38 hasfar moresophisticationthan his precedingrivals lex 11/3].Notice, however,that both BeethovenandMessiaenincludefalling secondsas a prominentfeature;six serniquavers but Messiaen, Beethoven the and same with up a sernitoneandwith the additionof with in development Griffiths traces the complexityand sophisticationof the a gracenotes. des IDifant Nved Vingi Jýsus, from Regards sur chaffinch'ssong,showingexamples oiseaux, Catalogued'OiseauxandfinallyMiditatiom swr le MystJre de la SainteTrinjtJ. Theseexamplesareusefulstartingpointsfor the understandingof the developmentof Messiaen'stechniquesin portrayingbirdsong. d) David Morris David Morris's 'A ComparativeBibliography'lists almostall of the bookson Messiaen, information dissertations, recordingsandother articles,the composer'sown publications, in a systematicformat.In addition,Morris's articleanalysing'AbIme desOiseaux',from du The la Fin Temps, Quatuorpour reveal uses a serrýotic segmentations approach. the intervallic find in the to the of recurringpatterns music,enabling reader manysymmetries de is from 'Technique Further, the taken mon poietic evidence andrhythmiccefls. LangageMusical', in order to form - asfar aspossible- hierarchiesin a 'neutral' analysis. For example,he dividesthe movementinto separateparts.Part I is givena pitch count four into Morris this mode arranges eight-note whereonly eightpitch classesareused. Using G/Db F/B. E/Bb, Ab/D, to forrning evidence tritone: poietic and a pairs,each lists 'Technique', he first findings, three Messiaen's his treatise, and cites support research 39 intervallicpreoccupationsof the composer.The first is the tritone, found throughout Messiaen's music.Thesecondis a descending majorsixth,andthethird is a 'chromatic formula' which involvesthe rearrangement of threesemitones.Morris alsopoints out two predominantmelodicshapes:versionsof the Boris Godunovthemeand 'distortions' of a from 'Solveig's Song' Grieg's 'Peer Gynt'. of segment Morris statesthat althoughthe mainbirdsongworks datefrom the 1950'sandthe more later in these compositions,manyrhythmicandmelodic sophisticatedportrayalsappear featuresof 'style oiseau"appearin earlierpieces,includingthe 'AblimedesOiseaux'. Later, the specificnamesof the speciesareincludedin the score;however,Morris cites de Crystal' in linking bars from Titurgie and certainmotiviccharacteristicsa chart, (movements I andIH fromtheQ-Uarlel) 'AbIme,desOiseaux" to thespecifiedbirdsongin deduces d'Oiseaux (1956-58). Monis Catalogue that, the 'severalbirds are presentin "AbIme", but... at this point in Messiaen'soutput [ 1940-1] they areunspecifiedor the transcriptionsinsufficiently '-14 accuratefor identificationpurposes. Similarpoietic evidenceis givento Messiaen'sfrequentemploymentof 11indurhythms, (especiay diminution, transmutations ceUs augmentation of rhythmic various progressiveaugmentation)- andthe useof addednote values. 40 This researchis particularlyimportant:asthe title suggests,it is an investigationof various serniotichierarchies.Segmentations are employedin order to produce,with referenceto the 'Technique',a 'neutral' analysis,while revealingmanymotivic patterns. de e)Tenneguy Qu6netain Tenneguyde Qudnetainin his article 'Poet of Nature'" advisesus that Messiaenis When by Debussy. talking aboutMessiaen'scompositional the started continuing work languagehe saysthat, '.. [it is] essentiallya languageof modality; in other free it. use not only of the classic makes words, but also of the modes - ma or and minor ecclesiasticalmodes of the middle ages, of exotic modes and indeed, of modes of the composer's is In Messiaen invention. this, continuing all own the work of DebuSSY'-36. Tenneguyde Qu6netainalsonoticesthat in Messiaen'smusiceachbird hasits own mode. It becameessentialin pursuingthe currentresearchto find basicsimilaritiesin the songof eachbird ratherthanto analyseeachsongwith pitch-settheory.De Qudnetainalsopoints from Stravinsky idiom had begun: Debussy the the that revolt and classical with out 'with Debussy,the revolt is gentle:he frees the beatcompletelyfrom time to time... continuallyvariesthe tempi andmultiplies the pauses.Stravinsky'srevolt is aggressive: he shiftsthe stressesashe wishesinsteadof leavingthemat the sameplacein eachba?" 41 deQuenetain, begana revolutionthatwasmore Messiaen, accordingto Tenneguy by the methodical:as followersmight say,he beganto capturethe rhythmicconsciousness systematicreconnoitringof the rhythmicpossibilities'not only of the musicalworld, but in the.universeitsele'. ' Moreover,Messiaenseesa rhythmicsymmetryof 'rhythmic canons' and 'non-reversiblerhythms'reflectedin nature. 39 fir 'An thevAngsof butterflies,in theveinsof leaves,in thebranches of a tree .9 f)David Dre David Drew's 'ProvisionalStudies40are essentialreadingfor all musicologistswho have in interest anyaspectsof the musicof Messiaen. an This is a good basisfor an immediateunderstandingof the basicprinciplesof Messiaen's however, in 1954/5andcan only talk aboutworks the of articles was group written music; inevitably dated. He the that to as a opinions pointsout that period, and result seem up fall Messiaen, the to that and rise thereare certainprinciplesof structure governing appeal highly birdsong, line both the chromatic a of a complex of which admit of pitch, and freedom. and rhythmic stylisation 'The style oisema, like the stylehindoue,satisfies Messiaen'sdesirefor the orn=ental, andat the same time allowshim to avoid anyharmonicimplications, if he so wishee'.' 42 He also statesthat Messiaen'slanguageis suchthat counterpointcannotfunctionin the Diviiie in Trois Pefiles la Priseme Liturgies de Messiaen the traditionalway, although la important did in Meive de he Pentecdle. This birdsong with counterpoint,as combined for is by David Drew the generalunderstandingof useful more group of articles Messiaen"scompositionaltechniquesthan,specifically,his useof birdsong. It is importantfirst to surveythe issuesrelatedto birdsongandincorporatethesefindings into a critical taxonomy.It was found that little researchhadbeenpublishedon the subject birdsong. in his developed Phrases how Messiaen of earlycompositionsare use of its bird 'oiseau', labelled the and analysisof eachcommon and so simply normally developmentin transcriptionwill be presentedafter the earlyresearch.A further taskwill be to look at Messiaen'smethodologyin his useof birdsong,andthe earlypieces incorporatingthe transpositionandtransmutationtechniques. 43 Notesto Chapter11 (London, Faber,1995). PeterHill (editor), Messigen-Companion, 2 ClaudeSamuel,Olivier Messiaen:Music and-Color:Conversationswith ClaudeSamuell, trans.By E. ThomasGlasow, (Portland,Oregon,AmadeusPress,1986). 3Robert SherlawJohnson,Y-ýnajije-n, (Lond6n,Dent, 1976,revised1989)pp116-158. " PaulGriffiths, Olivier Messiaenandthe Music of Time.. (London/Boston,Faberand Faber,1985)pp166-189. 5Almut Mler, Contributionsto the SpiritualWorld of Olivier Messiaen,(Duisburg, Gillesund Francke,1986). ' Almut R68ler, op. cit., p31. 7 Ibid., p31. 8 Ibid., p32. 9 Ibid., p35. 10Ibid., p 149. ClaudeSamuel,op. cit., pp85-97. 12ClaudeSamuel,op. cit., p94-95. " ClaudeSamuel,op. cit., p87. 14ClaudeSamuel,op. cit., p89. " ClaudeSamuel,op. cit., p89. 16Olivier Messiaen,Trait6 de Rý d'Ornýithologie. 1vol-5-pt. Chantsd'Oiseauxd'Europe, (1999). 17SeePeterHill's Conversationwith YvonneLoriod in the MessiaenCompanjo op. cit., , p285. " MarcelDupr&,'Traitd d'Improvisation',takenfrom vol.2 of CoursComplet d'Improvisationd'Orizue (Paris,Leduc, 1926). "' Note that a 'trochee' rhytlun is the opposite(- U). 2' Trevor Hold, 'Messiaen'sBirds' from Music andLetters, Vol.52, no. ii, (April 1971), pp113-122. " PaulGriffiths, op. cit., p 168. 22TrevorHold, 'The Notation of Bird Sona:a ReviewandRecommendation '-Tb)Lis 112, (1970) pp151-172. ' M. E. W. North, 'TranscribingBird Song' from Ibis, 92, (1950) pp99-114. 24cHandbook.' Witherbyet aL The Handbookof British Birds. (London, 1938). 25Johnson,op. cit. pp116-127andpp128-158 (Catalogued'Oiseaux). 26Johnson,op. cit., p136-137. 27Messiaenin Antoine Gol6a'sbook, RecontresavecOlivier Messiaen,(Paris,Julliard, 1960). 28NormanDemuth,'Messiaen'sEarly Birds' from MusicalTimes,ci, (1960), pp627-9. 290ther clearexamplesof thýisform canbe seenin Stravinsky's'Symphoniesof Wind Instruments'andin Debussy's'Jeux'. 30Demuth,op. cit., p627. " Demuth,op. cit., p629. 32MessiaenCompanio op. cit. p271. 44 PaulGriffiths, op. cit., pp166-189. David Morris, 'A SemioticInvestigationof Messiaen's"Abime desOiseaux"',Musical Analysis,vol 8, (1989),p 142. " Tanneguyde Qu6netain,'Messiaen:Poet of Nature' from Music andMusicians,xi/9, (May 1963)pp 8-12. " Quinetain,op. cit., p 11.However,it is importantto n,ote that ecclesiasticalmodesare le Midilations de la Myslýre Sainte TrinW (1969). the organ work, mir until used not Qu6netain,op. cit., p 11. Qu6netain,op. cit., pl 1. Qu6netain,op. cit. p 11. David Drew, 'Messiaen-A ProvisionalStudy', The Scor 10,13and 14 (1954-5). 4' David Drew, 'ProvisionalStudyI', The Scor no. 10, (1954),p.44. , 45 Chapter TIT: Nf usical Lan2uas!e or Messinen The characterof Messiaen'smusicwas clearlyinfluencedby his personalinclinations. Messiaen,beingdeeplyreligious,chosemanysubjectswhich hadtheir roots in ChristianCatholic love Roman FEs in his is theology. specifically, of sophisticated nature reflected depiction in birdsong, the that surroundedthese and musicof the landscapes useof songsters.The religioussideof the composerwas susceptibleto plainsong,sacredtexts, intensecolours(especiallythosefound in stained-glass windows) andthe soundof the be in isolation: form his However, these to they cannot aspects considered merge organ. characteristicstyle.Messiaenwas highly receptiveto manystylesof classicalmusic.His from Greek I-findu Stravinsky taken and classical andDebussy,the music, rhythmswere harmoniesfrom Debussy,Mussorgsky,Dupr6, Stravinsky,WagnerandRavel.Justashis from cosmopolitansourcesof inspiration,so his useof compositionalstyleevolved birdsong,too, camefrom visits to manycountriesaroundthe world. With the traditionaltrainingthat Messiaenreceivedat the Conservatoire,he discovered formulae formed his the composition, conglomeration of uniquestyle. of which special Messiaenpreferreda compositionalform that wasa reactionto the nineteenthcentury in keeping language Debussy' trend tradition the and more with of musical symphonic -a had from is form harmonic French The that evolved strong system a ancestry. of musical is in 'dynamic' formal Flis there no referenceto a and structure. static nature, rather 46 'pedal-group',for instance,is a modemform of ostinato,andhis 'omamental-group' refersto a cadenza. In 1944Messiaenpublishedthe treatisein two partsentitled'Techniquede mon Langage Musical22This pair of technicalbooks illustratesthe musicalsourcesfrom which . Messiaenhadtakenhis influences,and explainsthe techniquesthat he hadusedin someof his earliercompositions.The entirechapterfocuseson this source.The follovAngheadings fundamental brief Messiaen the theories outline of of at thistime,whilereferringto a show their inherentconnectionwith a later, more maturecompositionalstyle,especiallywith birdsong. to regard Harmonv Messiaenbeginsto addressthis enormoustopic with a chapterin the 'Techniquede mon LangageMusical', entitled'Harmony,Debussy,AddedNotes'. The title obviously indicatesthe importancewhich is givento Debussy.It is importantto rememberthat Messiaengenerallyusedharmonyfor decorationrather than for functionalreasons:a dominantchord,for example,would be incorporatedinto a piece,but a chromaticnote be for Modal harmonies, be too, this to combined often might chord variety. might added 'added is Messiaen One the the that the of notion of principles advises with chromaticism. In include 'added introduces Messiaen that these chords notes'. the examples note', and , he quotes,he is candidaboutthe sourcesof his musicallanguage.He seemscompelledto justify his musicby clearlyshowinga 'natural' progressionfrom pastcomposers- just as 47 Schoenberg'satonalityand serialismwere shownto be a developmentfrom the harmonic fluctuationof Wagner'sstyle.Debussy'suseof non-resolvingappoggiaturasandpassing is do to includethesenotes notes- which not resolve- sufficientjustificationfor Messiaen in a chordin theirownright.Not onlydo theaddednotesfforeign') havethesame but they are alsonotesthat are presentin sonorityasthe aforementionedappoggiaturas, the 'perfectchord' lex IH/1]. The chord of the addedsixth is the first of which he speaks: ' feature is this chord a common of the composer'searlyworks, yet morejustification is for is The techniques. other overtone series needed usedto validatea modalandharmonic language.Messiaenstates, 'In the resonanceof a low C, a very acuteear hearsanF sharp[the eleventhharinonic]... Thereforewe arejustified in treatingthis F sharp in asan addednote the perfectchord,already providedwith an addedsixO. " The added60',9" and I I" are alsoincludedin this formula.Messiaenshowsthat the gnormalresolution' from the F# (the augmentedfourth) shouldbe a C. This chord andits is feature an unmistakably melodic resolution characteristic of the early ubiquitous in be found In the traditional a music resolution of chromatic notes would compositions. downwardsmotion - to its neighbournote.Messiaenfeelsthat he needsto justify this too, from the 'Boris Godunov'themeby Mussorgsky.I-Esargumentthat showingan example is dissonant the the appropriateresolutionfor the F# is the C is rather strange, not note as 0 it does but has fourth, However, the chord no senseof movement. only an augmented being dissonant C dorainant The 9hchord. the the the root of or addednotes vAth resolve, 48 appearwithout preparationor a traditionalresolution,andwithout a particularexpressive for interest. harmonic the specifically colouration and are used notes accent: Messiaen's useof invented,contrivedandspecialchordsis notable.Thechordon the don-ýinant canbe displayedin severalways:a chord which containsall the notesof the inverted dominant bass (with the a and as note an positionof the other six scale major inversion the with of array notes),a supposedresolution, addednotesas appoggiaturas,an left in hand (the in the windoweffect),a stained-glass chordalcomplexes closeposition be the the chordwhich can ornamented appoggiaturasasaddednotes,and chordwith be in dominant The thenonnalway,or the can chord of resolved notes. with added dissonance form [ex IWIJ. to a complex are added appoggiaturas is citedwithall thepossiblenotesthat canbe heardby what The'chordof resonance' Messiaendescribesas 'an extremelyfine ear'[ex III/11. Messiaenalsodisplaysan interest in a chordthat is built up from perfectandaugmentedfourths ratherthan superposed limited fifth fourths from in Messiaen's the the of mode usesall notes thirds. chord bass fourths note: often, given transposition,alternatingperfectandaugmented abovea interval involves formula have the of the tritone the a melodic which the chordsand mode [ei IR/2]. is subdividedinto two categories.The first, 'superior', involvesgenerallya Resonance The fundamental is second, chord/note. quiet chord/notewhich playedabovea more 'inferior', is predominantlybuilt up from loud chordswhich includesofter coloursabove. 49 More regularly,this resonanceis achievedby a chord or note playedloudly in the bass Messiaen includedactual amongstothermusicalmaterial.In earlycompositions, transcriptionsof birdsonginto his compositions,andmanytimbral complexitiesthat are in found birdsongareused.In laterworks,Messiacn hismusicwith saturated commonly both high andlow registerresonances, andaccompaniedthesesonoritieswith colourful The 'resonancechords, asonewould expectfrom Wsgeneralharmonic device for timbral than are used as a rather purelystructuralpurposes.The approach, Catalogued'Oiseauxincorporatesmany'inferior' and 'superior' resonanceeffects;in left held birdsong define begin. These textures are chords often while new effects addition, the later 'hybrid' texturewherean 'inferior' or 'superior' resonanceprecedesor follows a birdsong. phraseof Often, chordsarearrangedin closeposition,andsomeincludedissonantaddednotes.The 'stained-glasswindow' effectis perhapscreatedby the colour that the chord has in The (out the total twelve of certain absence pitches of sernitones an of produced. intense from Messiaen these the often produces colours. an extract quotes octave) Quatuorpour la Fin du Tempslex IH/3] describingthe progressionas a cascadeof blueHe in dissonant colourchords. also, quite would regularly combine early works, orange I'Enfant-Jdsus' diatonic is in de An found Te Baiser this example of ones. chordswith from VingiRegardssur I'Enfwit-Jemis. Messiaencontinuesto developnew approachesto harmonythroughouthis career.A continuumof inventedcolour-chordsis found in the pianopart as earlyasthe first so increasingly (1944) later, becomes the the as composer of quartet movement - birdsong, invented timbre to many the chordsareattached with recreating of preoccupied theiruniquetimbralqualitiesin the%ild.Inventedchords,harmonic pitches,simulating inflectionsandcolour becomesynonymous: 'Messiaen translates coloursinto harmonies, for thosewho haveearsto see'$. The Modes of Limited Transposition Messiaen'smodesdividethe octaveinto betweentwo and six points of symmetry.The for Messiaen's harmonic form early melodic and compositional a nucleus modes be limit The that the transpositions made can of of symmetry number points constructions. based The the chromatic scale. points of symmetryare on equal-tempered and are being into the the tones andsernitones, only exception samerelationshipof subdivided Messiaen divisions. into divides (the I the six equal octave whole-tonescale)which mode it is incorporated Debussy, this as only when concealedamongst mode: with uses rarely Consequently [ex IH/4]. He the this textures. combines mode with others also other identity of mode I is changedquite dramatically.The pedalpart in 'Les Eaux de la Grice' from Messiaen'sLes CorpsGlorieur involvesthe continualuseof the whole tone scale. The harmonythat mode I implieslacksa certaintensionthat the composerrequires:the tritone is the only featurethat hasanyinherentimportance, 51 Mode 2 is usedmoreregularlyin Messiaen'scompositions.Certainharmonies,melodies formulas is The this associated are often vvith of threenotes mode. unit andcadential intervallic fonnula involves (associated The the succession sernitone/tone. cadential which for first 'Boris Godunov') has the the of clearly significance scene a marked vvith he in incorporating this the samemelodic used as often, early works, mode composer intervallicrelationships[ex HI/51. Messiaen'sinterestin mode2 is dueto its harmonic implications.The modeitself doesnot refer to a particulartonality; however,it caneasily be usedin relationto onetonal centre,andmoveinto anotherwithout an alarming in in The Messiaen 'exist an atmosphereof general, as points out, modes modulation. liberty being to the tonalities either at composer at once, without polytonality several feeling ' leave fluid. The to the tonal to tonality, modescreate or give predominance one (andallow)a varietyof chromaticchordsthatarerelatedto a tonalcentre.Thus, Messiaenis ableto juxtaposechordsthat haveno diatonicrelationshipwith eachother, is formal is that the structure produced a which coherentwithout the useof result with traditionalharmonicimplications. Modes4,5 pd 6 areusedlessfrequentlythanthe othersasthey do not haveso many Messiaen citeseachof thesemodes,pointing out their possibilities. chromatic in someof his earlyworks. They are truncatedin form asall distinguishablecharacteristics is in 3 7. Mode transposition a modeof strictly their of mode notesarepresent some of limited transposition,like modesI and2. 52 Messiaenjuxtaposescomplexdissonances with consonanttonal harmonies:in the conjuresup thecolourassociations mind,thiscombination composer's whichwerevery importantto him. For Messiaen,Mode 2 suggestsshadesof purple,blue andviolet, whilst mode3 displaysreddishorange,greenwith spotsof gold, andmilky-whitewith iris like Colour important in Couleurs Messiaen's opal. remains an aspect of music: reflections de la CW Oldie the coloursare namedin the score,in relationto specificchordal ' complexes. Occasionally,in the later 'birdsong' works, modesof firrited transpositionare employedin depict bird's Te de (Catalogue in In Merle Roche' to the plumage. chords order dDiseaza), the principalbird's songis 'bright orangelike its plumage'7.The term 'mode' features is laterextended to encompass generically manyother of Messiaen's compositions: '[Messiaen"swork] is essentiallya languageof modality; ... in otherwords, it makesfree usenot only of the classic modes- major and minor - but alsoof the ecclesiastical modesof the middleages,of exotic modesandindeed,of modesof the composer'sown invention!'. It maybe saidthat eachbird's songhasits own 'mode'. Melody Messiaen'smelodicstyleis closelyrelatedto his useof harmony.The melodicshapesof folksong, in be from derived to the early works, seem composers, phrases, past manyof 53 Indianjatis and- later - birdsong.As we haveseenin the Boris Godunovtheme,the is descending fourth becoming F# C, (tritone) the the a vvith augmented of resolution feature. in his 'perfect chord', andthe use The 6" the composer'suseof major prominent in lines by interval Mozart this many melodic promptsthe composerto employthis of intervalregularly.Onceagain,the openingof Mussorgsky's'Boris Godunov' is cited, is by from interval first the a transposed,but nonetheless augmented copied,apart which (which he Messiaen lei 111/61. three-note alsomentions chromaticcells semitone descending 2'J, Bartok) two that a or consecutive span a major pitches, associatedwith followed by inversion the tone of this second an ascending sernitc-ne as well as whole figure. This systemis really a form of imitation:the three-notecellsare subjectedto by is interesting but It that to note swapped around. variousmanipulations are essentially is in this the changing pulseor metre, effect produced manyworkswithoutstrictly but techniques, these to only usingan ostinatopassagewith a changeof pulse. adhering Stravinskyprovidesseveralexamplesof this technique,two of which aregiven here: [ex 111/7a, b). AlthoughMessiaenemploysthe melodicprinciplesof previouscomposers,not in but his by he does the transform the completely natureof melodies using own style, only the sameway he is alsoableto changedramaticallythe natureof the melodicpatternsof birdsongsaftertranscribingthem. The Indianjatis areusedas a basisfor melodicmaterialby Messiaen.Many of the rules influenced Raga the traditions clearly style someof the composer'smelodic of and feature, Messiaen the the and at end of a phrase a conunon notes are structures: repeated des in 'Amen VAnge like 'Technique'), Parfurns' (exI idea in 13 this aux pieces uses 54 Anges, des Saints, du Chant des Oiseaux' (ex 146, ex 142 in 'Technique'), Troi.v Petites LiturgiesdelaPr6semeDiviize(movlandex168in 'Technique').Of course,theadded is feature too, takenfrom this source. a primary note value, The principlesof manyplainchantphrasesare takenandusedby,Messiaenin diverseways. The contoursof plainsongphrasesoften foreshadowthe oneswritten by Messiaen.Most plainsongphrasesendon the 'final' (the I' note of the fnode):ex170in the 'Techniquede is idea Musical' from Langage SalveRegina[ex HI/8]. this taken an exarnple of mon Someof the phrasesthat Messiaenusesfollow contourssimilarto thoseof plainchant,but he transformsthemby his melodicstyle.Evenif the melodieswere difficult to understand, at the time of composition,the chromaticandaddednoteswere often resolvedto a note is usedbothin thatwasdiatonic,maldngit morecoherentto thelisteners'ear.Plainchant forms Miditationssur la Saime IeMywre de throughout the modified and original TrilliM (1969).Interestingly,plainchanttenninologyservesasa fonn of analysis,usedby the composerandduringthis thesis:the basicshapeof manymelodiccellsin birdsongcan be categorisedby plainchanttem-dnology. Rhvthm Messiaensaidto ClaudeSamuelthat he is an omithologistanda rhythmician.The in disciplines work conjunctionwith eachother, however,theseseemto aforementioned be the mostimportanttraits of the composer 55 'I feelthatrhythmis theprimordialandperhaps , it likely I think of music; most essential part existedbeforemelodyandharmony,andin fact for thiselement.I I havea secretpreference I all themorebecause cherishthispreference feelit distinguished ' myentryinto contemporary music?. David Drew pointsout that the moreattenuatedthe hold on tonality becomes,the more needthereis for a force to propelthe musicforward: this needis indeedsatisfiedby the useof rhythm. Messiaen'sinterestin rhythmdatesback to his daysat the Conservatoire.It washerethat the'youngcomposerdiscoveredthe Greekrhythmsandthe 120 deei-tilas (Hindu), by thethirteenthcenturytheorist,Sharngadeva. Messiaen described mentionsthese influencesalongwith thoseof Stravinsky.The commonfactor betweenthe rhythmsof StravinskyandIndianrhythmis that they are ametrical.Ametricalityis a particularfocal (five, Messiaen for Messiaen's the seven, cites of prime numbers rhythms. rhythms point by beat in ) the therefore thirteen replaced notionsof measureand are etc. which eleven, the shortvalues(the semiquaverpredominantly).The Simhavikriditarhythm showsthe in bars diminution The as an example shown techniqueof rhythmic andaugmentation. 'Techniquede monLangageMusical' includetwo values-A andB. A augmentstwice being B diminishes the the the twice, a nonretrogradable value while stays same, result and in due be lex In/9]. this course will explained rhytý - 56 Theaddednoteis a shortvalue(normallythesemiquaver) thatcanbeaddedto any is it be dot. The the the additionof a addednote useof rhythm,whether a note,rest,or la from Quatuorpour in de la Fin du Tanse Fureur' Temps, the wherethe veryprevalent into In duration in to subdivided addup prime numberswhen semiquavers. cells Messiaen'sfirst treatise(1944), a tableof possibleexamplesof augmentationand diminutionis shownlex III/101. The nonretrogradable rhythm is one of the mostimportantrhythmicdevicesusedby is identicalto the originalfonn and Messiaen: thetermis inexactasthe retrograde thereforeconstitutesa palindrome.The nonretrogradable rhythmscontaininternal internal just his transpositionsthat preventmultiple contain as modes retrogradations, de Tanse from Messiaen the the second of citesan example part transpositionsof whole. la Fureur' - eachbar is a nonretrogradable rhythm,anda fairly commonfeatureof each bar is the centralvaluewhosedurationis that of five semiquavers(whetherit be a quaver durations, or a group of quaver,semiquaver,quaver,respectively). tied to a senuquaver Messiaenpointsout the paraUelbetweenhis modesandtheserhythms:the modesare (transposition) direction in the are andthe nonretrogradablerhytbxns, vertical realized direction (retrogradation). horizontal in the realized The superpositionof rhythmsof unequallengthforms the basisof earlypolyrhythrnin the Instead, loses its in barline The the Messiaen. the therefore meter. r6le outlining of music barlinehelpsthe performerandthe analystunderstandwherethe phrases/rhythmic cells 57 beginandend.If two irregulargroupsof rhythmare superimposed the endresultis that durations have barlines tied acrossthem. most In the first songof the cyclePoýmespozirMl, Messiaenmakesuseof a rhythmiccanon. The samerhythmicvaluesareusedin the sameorder in eachhand(in block chords),but a included Messiaen Moreover, Added note values are also as a variation. crotchetapart. in technique the conjunctionwith nonretrogradable canon rhythms,rhythraicpedals, used dot. itself is The the the of addition rhythmic pedal repeats a rhythmwhich andwith for it be in, the time-signature or the compromise may and without or regard consistently ideas it. be This to that the surround seems one of rhythmic may earliest other material birdsong: birds is that to of many are representedwith contrasting that comparable both birds de In Cristal', Titurgie the that the them. to other surround patterns rhythmic in 'comme The the to the are required play pedal violin un oiseau'. rhythmic clarinetand by harmonic illusion both the the pedal of motion use of and a rhythmic pianogives (twenty-ninechord complexesin order, andseventeenseparatedurationalvaluesin order), is The heterophony. static. effect one essentially of explicit wlile remaining Not only do the rhythmicvaluesandthe smallmotivesof rhythmiccellslend themselvesto but do birdsong; the melodies. so the musicof 'Certainprinciplesof structure- govemingrise fall, accentandrepetition- appealparticularly and to Messiaen,andthe "line' of a complexbird-song is suchthat it admitsof a highly chromaticstylization. Bird-songis often microtonal,andMessiaentransforms it freely,sometimeseveninvolvingit in an impliedharmonylo' 58 desirefor theomamental, The'styleoiseau',asDavidDrewhassaid,satisfiesMessiaen's him it harmonic implications it if he deems to time the avoid any allows same at and hada certaininfatuationfor a numberof influences he Messiaen inessential. which either disregard6d in his include It to style almost or completely. was a combinationof chose his love his individual influences,, together the of ornamental with these and, of course, his increasing interest led in birdsong. to which character, 59 Notesfor ChapterIII For moreinformationon this subjectseeHsu, Madeleine,Olivier Messiaen-the MusicalMediator: A Studyof the Influenceof Liszt. Debussy.andBartok. (London, Fairleigh DickinsonUniversityPress,AssociatedUniversityPresses,1996). 2 Olivier MessiaenTechniquede mon Lan-Rage Musical, (Paris,Leduc,-1944). 3 It is interestingto be awareof the fact that althoughMessiaenwas severelyopposedto the membersof 'Les Six', their supportersandjazz music,the addedsixth chord is a in both feature theseopposingstylesof composition common Techniquede mon LangageMusical', op. cit., p47 (text version). A Note on Messiaen'sDevelopment',Musical Paul Griffiths, Toemes andHaYkaY: Times (September1971), pp851-852. ' For a usefulsourceanda wider understandingof Messiaen'suse of colour, seeBernard, Correspondence betweenColor and Sound JonathanW, 'Messiaen'sSynaesthesia: Structurein His Music,' Music Perceptionvol. 4, (1986), pp41-68. Seeprefaceto the score. Tanneguyde Quenetain,'Messiaen:Poet of Nature', Music andMusicians (xi/9, May 1963),p 11. " ClaudeSamuel,Olivier Messiaen:Music andColor Conversationswith ClaudeSamueL (Portland,Oregon,AmadeusPress,1986),p67. " David Drew, Wessiaen ProvisionalStudyI', The Score.10, (1954), p44. -A 60 Chanter TV: The Notation of Birdsong. Today,tape-recordersareusedas a matterof course.Messiaenneverreliedupon tapebirds: it his Yvonne Loriod, the transcribe to who of was sounds only wife, recorders home. finish Messiaen his that transcribing tape-recorder at so could occasionallyuseda The notationof birdsongis very importantto the analysisof the birdsongand eachbird's intrinsic soundquality.Messiaenhassaidthat in somepieceshe hasaimedat depictingthe he himself Later that of course corrects and says as possible. authentically as sound actual in forming be has the endproduct. to preference of personal musical an element there Trevor Hold realisesthis, ashe recooses that manyof the earlytranscriptionsusemode became Authenticity limited Messiaen's transpositions! subordinateto timbral of fteedom. representationandrhythmic Thereare severalfactorsthat makeit impossibleto recreatethe exactsoundof birdsong. had is inadequate hearing for Mqssiaen, Even is first this task. a that who The man's point birds bird"s Of to time. course song at a particularly good ear, was able write only one has been bird is fast; to or the a second notated, already on phrase one once sing extremely for high Passerine Birds the species, pitch: songs of most sing at a very subsequentphrase. highest is (vibrations Hz 4000 the per second),which around example,averagearound 2. black-poll in Brand's highest fact, A. R. In the the researches, pitch of note of the piano (E8 Hz Frequencies 10,225 been has tone). other of at plus a quarter estimated warbler is human in laboratory. Hz being That 17,000 the been the ear so, birds have cited up to In high-pitched intervals distinguish addition, very are sung. when sounds to unable ofien 61 individualnotesin birdsongfrequentlyincorporateshifis (or bends)in pitch. Messiaen later the time construct the a and one song at next of a part polyphonyat would notate date.He would haveto rely on memoryto createa complexityof soundwhich resembled field. in heard Dart (1954) hassurnmarised had he the the evolutionof musical that which from through notation neumicandproportionaltranscriptionto early alphabetic notation, form OTesent-day of grapWcnotation.Referenceto a bird dictionarygivesa basic the (non-musical)outlineof the soundsthat birds produce,their callsand songs.To a facile; however, important basic they to the these rather seem would are musician bird. it is impossible By the of each vocal effect using staff alone notation understandingof havea clearunderstandingof the sound/timbralquality. I suggestthat Trevor Hold in 'The 3 hasa relevantideain notatingbirdsong:he would combinequite Birdsong Notation of lists He three and onomatopoeic main suggestive with representation. notation pointillistic typesof birdsongnotation: (1) musicalstaff notation. (2) onomatopoeic/syllabic notation (3) a contrivedform of grapMcnotation Nowadays,we havequite complicatedmethodsthat creategraphicrepresentations with Melograph Spectrograph Mona. I proposeto concentrate Sound the the and the useof Messiaen thesis the notation, as musical very rarely complementedstaff on throughout he More talk timbral. would andabout about complexities, usually, words. with notation lower he techniques to to the which slow speed and used the rhythmicandcompositional instrument. bringing the the within range thus notes of each the pitch, 62 OlMusical StaffNotation. Pastcomposersoccasionallyusedbirdsongtranscriptionsin their compositions.Jannequin in Messiaen In birdsong the section piece as a cadential of music. many pieces often used incorporatedbirdsonginto piano cadenzas,asin The Turatigalila Symphoity,Oiseaux F-rotiquesandevenin SeptHalkar Messiaenwas fortunatein adoptingbirdsong,asit for his formal basis for became the structure of a a source motivic elaborationand often in de discussed 'Technique Langage Musical4' Many the techniques are mon of pieces. issue. became difficult birds. The in the timbre the sensitive and most musicof present Birdsongwas not only usedas an ornamentaldevice,asit had so often beenbefore,but in his incorporated the the the music. structure all were phrasing, soundsand the shapeof CharlesHartshorneshastalked aboutthe 'monotonythreshold',which in birdsongis its discovers andanalyses useof pitchedandunpitchedsounds, passedover whenone diminuendo the units, use of andcrescendo, repetitionof melodicphrasesandrhythmic in balance between Birds sing many sound silence. a and ritardandoandaccelerandoand differenttempi.By usinga discreteformal structureMessiaenwas unableto createthese down fast he birds them He that and always sing extremely would slow effects. realized become doing by Quite this the the sound song would of often considerably. by instruments, ligh for birdsong The too and yet was normally western unrecognisable. four became down the three song or sometimes octaves putting the songs birdsong down Slowing the enabledMessiaento measurethe indistinguishable. high between he The the the and various songs using. was speed and of pitch relationship looldng Messiaen become to at at an early stagewas possible play. low noteswould all 63 birds for the were a very good source motivesusingthis and rhythmicametricality, Of freedom. Hindu the added values course, note and rhythmswere never rhythmic but birds, by Messiaen follow the to their naturalrhythmic wanted consciouslyused is heard dawn Birds the of as an sing as part an never ensemble: chorus not complexity. but as a continuouscacophonyof individualsongsters.A classic homogenousensemble, birds individual Chronochromie, is the sixth movementof whereeighteen exampleof this du Temps la Fitt in first Quatuor Even the the of movement pour singsimultaneously. Messiaenwas alreadywriting musicwhich useda continuousheterophoniceffect.The end in Riveil des Oiseaux Norman Demuth like be dawn a what piece might chorus resultof a -1 'impressionisticverism'. The problemof the notationof birdsongis that howeverrhythmically free it maybe, its be Mler A. to the very strict. rhythmicvaluesneed tempomarkingsand advises Messiaen that to to the then to on say subdivide goes values; she play start who musicians is it has learnt Once this, to to the it would soundurimusical continue subdivide. performer importantthat s/hethen playsthe musicasif s/hewere improvising.In just the sameway, instincts. birds the to their birds other own or responding arenaturally the has instruments for is difficult Messiaen the the task The problemof choosing right a one. for instance, difficulty. When is the the the glissandi using timbre piano, major that said is impossible. birdsong become The in this to around only way that are so common much Of has Trevor Hold a out, piano course, as pointed appoggiaturas. and notes grace use 64 be intervals to true on one crescendo note, produce a glissando able or play will never smallerthanthe semitoncý. In a bird dictionary,for example,onomatopoeicdescriptionsof birdsongare not for They the complete understanding enough of are content. musical comprehensive intendedasa simplereferenceguideandnot for detailedanalyticalscrutiny.These descriptionscannotbe reliable:like poetry,one caninterpretthem in manyways - they are is difficult doing Timbre but to particularly one way of classifications. notate, subjective this is to usea syHabicrepresentationof the bird's voice. It is necessary to slow birdsongdown if the westernmusicianis to understandsomeof its forms andmusicalsyntax This processrevealsseveralthings.First, somewestern instrumentscanplay the notesto a fair degreeof accuracy,albeitwith inaccuratetimbre, high-pitched fall Second, the unique the the sounds the some of of i&rithin range. and notes by a musicianin this slowed-downversion.One form of the songcanbe comprehended bird. individuality by that the the some of of phrasesand motivesproduced canrecogmse The blackbird,for instance,singsin a virtually strophicforin. Thereis a seriesof phrases but length, is different After the time. each phrase each same slightly that are practically is it but down to transcribe the possible not only alsoto analyse process song, the slowing it just asonewould anymusicthat is built up from phrasesandmotivic repetition. The skylarkoften singsa phrasethat soundsto the humanearlike a high-pitchedtrill. Oncesloweddown sixteentimes(asDavid I-Iindleyhasdone),the songof originally fifty 65 lasts for in like longer is The that thirteen trill music minuteS7 a no sounds seconds written . is that trill, but other notesare perceivable.The songresemblesa through-composed work both complexandvery differentfrom the strophicform of the blackbird:it seemsto includea seriesof motivic manipulationsandvariedrepetitions. (2) SyllabicNotation.ýor The Notation of BirdsongUsing,Syllables. Therearetwo basicforms of syllabicnotation.The first usesonomatopoeicmnemonicsto describethe 'jizz's of birdsong,andthe secondemploysstaff notation.Onomatopoeiais is for literature. in English There found to the much reference nightingale: early often instance,in Elizabethanwork, the 'jug-jug-tereu' phrasewas often employedwhen in in bird Lyle, Barnfield Garstang In this and others. a non-literarycontext, representing 'Songsof The Birds'9 (1922) mainlyusesonomatopoeicrenderingsof birdsongsand book 'Birdsonglo' (1925) is his Morris's Stanley useful still a resource: glossary phonetics. deciphering in delineations found birdsong: following the the when various accents offers (a) Unmarkedvowelsretaintheir short sound(bad,bed,bid, bot, but) (b) Long vowelsare markedwith a `-' (mate,mete,mine,mote, mute) (c) An acuteaccentover a syllabledenotes accentuationc6ck-coo) (d) i) A dippingslur denotesan upwardinflection H) A rising slur denotesa downwardinflection 0 in bird is disadvantage that The major varies onomatopoeic and syllabic each of notation 0 from from in to country another, and onetime of the year one also varies pitch timbre and 66 to another.Anotherproblemwith Morris's andGarstang'snotationsis that rhythmsand discussed. We description far from it is cannot entirely rely never on verbal are speeds indicated bird by his Messiaen the timbres of each orchestration,choiceof accurate. instrument(s),harmoniccolourationand Italian termsof articulation,ratherthanby adding Gladys Page-Wood to or syllabic annotations each note. was quite radical onomatopoeic (seeT. Hold 'The Notation of Birdsong"') in her cfforts to notatebirdsong:shetried to imaginea humanscalethat was in fact brokeninto rnicr6tones.The five-line stavewas divisions illustrated into by other and speeds several were commasat the extended distanceof everysecond.Sheshowedtimbreby meansof colour, a methodused for The by Messiaen the same purpose. coloursaddedto someof the scores particularly lend interpretation inevitably to the a and mystique subjective of the music- aswe can are 12 However, Wilson (1982) (1986) by & Jonathan W. Bernard Lyle in the and articles see . first in (many is birdsong the to timbre this attempts one of categorise method although have be this topic), the to theory avoided would need and ethologStS13 ornithologists deal be in the to and a great of care choosing would required work, systematic more instance, For is for for there sonority. each no clear reason usinggrey and correct colours brownsto signiý soundssimilarto that of a soprano,or, indeed,a shadeof greento be be It therefore, that the the said, might use of colour can ciffichaff represent interestina,but it canneverbe reliable. 0 14 in Sz6ke Peter 1969 The ornithomusicologist madesomevery sophisticated by Kodaly birdsong, the and various notational symbols used adapting of transcriptions folk-songs.To obtainthe notationhe hasmechanicallyslowed Bartok in their Huncyarian 0 67 down the songs,sometimesby a ratio of 1:10 or evenby 1:25. This processis called &soundmicroscopy'.However,Sz6kestill madeno attemptto representtimbre.It is interestingto note that Messiaen,usingonly a pencilandmanuscriptpaper,could slow down the songsonly after he hadnotatedthqmin the field. He was ableto slow thern down by doublingor tripling the rhythmicvalues,but his changesof tempofor different birds seemoftento havebeenbasedon guesswork.Perhapsat sourcehe attemptedto ideas his but inevitably had he both bird the of own vocalised, added write exactlywhat intrinsic limitations hearing human As based the and memory. of on andmadeerrors Trevor Hold advises, 'Behindthe whole questionfiesthis importantfactor: 15' hearing. inadequacy the of man's It is alsoimportantto rememberthat eachbirdsongoften falls into a numberof rhythmic from different the audible: other songs which are simultaneously that entirely are patterns difficult but it is differentiate from is it hard to also one song another, asa result,not only full form the can represent of notationwhich rangeof rhythmic to choosea single comp exity. (3) ContrivedFonnsof GraphicNotation. indeterminate is birds that westernnotationalmethods pitch The problemof singingwith havedifficulty in relayingthe information.Stadlerand Schmittin 1914realizedthis, and discoveredthat perhapsthe answerlay in the additionof certainsymbols(seeT. Hold's following indeterminate Birdsong') the to Notation sounds: represent 'The of 68 (a) Theroller,theshake (b) For toneswith a strongchatteringof nonmusicalsounds (c) Soundsthat arenon-musical [ex IVAJ None of thesemethodsfully solvesthe problemof timbre yet, as PierreBoulez says, &on its own timbre is nothing,like a soundon its own is nothing"'. thetimbreof a particularbirdsong,phoneticimpressions In orderto suggest wereoften in field, the though this even precisepitch was not normally useful especially was usedby represented this method. 17 Aý k Saunders usedhorizontalaxesto representa period of time andvertical axesto fine line The the thickness to of was equivalent a serriitone. representrelativepitch: each indicatedthe dynamics,andtimbre was shownby descriptive,subjectivetermssuchas is interesting It Trevor Hold flute-Eke that values etc. 'buzzing,warbling, sonorities' highly Saunders'theoriesof notation:he recommendsthesesubjective,introspective himself by Messiaen those to used suggestions,similar is bird describes the uniquequality of each sound Ultimately,the notationthat most clearly basic bird's The As be phraseschangeregularly. to preferred. mentionedearlier,each by bird be that to of means of also customised need that characteristic so are phrases in bird's to that tables understand particularphraseology. order 49motivic classification' 69 The methodsalreadydescribed('syllabic", 'staff' and 'speciallyinventedgraphnotations') being This 'subjective'. be be the so, as sound classedas spectograph classified may may 'objective". SonagEams, Sonagramsprovideinformation,in graphicfrom, about the relativedifferencesin sound in Unfortunately, information between the the a strophe. pitches on stress,accent pressure have been is is lost 'pruned' that the to the say, when excess once results andrhythm - informationhasbeenexcluded. This visualrepresentationhasits restrictions.The Sonagramdisplaysthe song cobjectively',displayingits frequencies.Later (cl 970), the 'MelographMona' wasused. originally namedbecauseof its ability to analysemonophonicbirdsong,it givesan 'objective' andeasilyinterpretedgraphicdisplayof the mainpropertiesof the frequencies levels This both [see IV/218]. the the and pressure vocalisations,showing fle)dbledevicealsocoversa largerangeof pitches.Frequencyalterations,attack and lines. from The important development the two as most written continually are silences fundamental 'variable' filter isolates 'octave' is the the the or which use of sonagram Catalogue in d'Oiseaux Messiaen line'9. Indeed, the writes many phraseswhere melodic is dominant. part onevoice or 70 Nowadays,a computeris ableto do the samething. With the help of a soundtechnician,I havebeenableto recordthe songof a blackbirdfrom a CD, eradicatingthe unwanted, blurredpatternsof backgroundnoise.In order to makesenseof thesegraphs,it is importantto interpretthe songand makesuitablechangesfrom a musicaland objective be familiar frequency do To this, transcriber the should chartsof with view. point of birdsongmadeon a computerprogramme;onecan then makethe necessarydecisionsto be ableto interpretthe originalnotationthat the Sonagramhasproduced.For instance,if into for a midi-interface asks an exact on a computer and piano onerecordsan electronic is be tied that time slightly out crotchet of as a may written each crotchet notation, musical be helpful durations Quantization tool, the would need not a as exact onto a serniquaver. length however, be down: be the time-signatures the of each should ornitted and to written bar shouldbe chosenaccordingto the specificphrasingand accentsof the song.Likewise, have be by this these up would not picked system: effects would glissandiandmicrotones be harmonics included if Overtones be they serveda significantpart might and to added. if have be done birds' to timbral notation might stave while on a second expression, of the by The motives or exclamations. overlapped use of the was phrase a particular birds. further in interface transcribing the of a advance songs represents computer/midi However,it is importantto note that 'objective' analysisof this kind revealsthe sound hears. As Br6mond the is that sound one points out, not and that actuallyproduced 'it has beenshownthat frequenciesthemselves ... are often not the most essentialpropertiesof a form length lapses but the and of, or vocalisation between,its phraseor notei2o'. 4 71 Perhapsit is morerevealingto cite the principalfeaturesof birdsongsratherthanuse involve Messiaen's It to against go principles suchmechanical complexgraphs. would devicesin order to producemore 'authentic' transcriptions,but it is interestingthat in high 'aide use similar subjective order to understand of repute memoires' ornithologists has decided birdsongs. Trevor Hold 'jizz' to usea combinationof the of particular field; in Messiaen in the the same way, usesstaff notation,onomatopoeia, techniques dynamics to capturethe characterof and responses subjective specificarticulation, birdsongs. 72 Notesto ChapterIV SeeTrevor Hold's article, 'Messiaen'sBirds', Music and Letters, Vol. 52, no. ii, (April 1971),ppl]3-122. 2For moreinformationon the songsof Passerine birds seeA. R. Brand's article, in PasserineBird Song,' Auk, 55 (1938) pp263-268. 'Vibration Frequencies ' Trevor Hold, 'The Notation of Birdsong:A ReviewandRecommendation',lhjý, 112, (1970),pp151-172. Olivier Messiaen,Techniquede mon LangageMusical,(Paris,Leduc, 1944). Born to Sing,(London/Bloomington,IndianaUniversityPress, CharlesHartshorne,, 1973). 6 Trevor Hold, 'Messiaen'sBirds', op. cit., p 116. 7 SeeDavid Hindley'sarticle 'The Music of Birdsong',.Wildlife Soundvol.6, np.4 (1990), pp25-33. ' This odd term, 'jizz', is usedby Trevor Hold throughouthis article 'The Notation of Birdsong', op. cit., when describingthe 'essentialshape'of a particularbird vocalisation. " Walter Garstang,The Songsof the Birds (London,JohnLane - the BodleyHeadLtd., 1922). StanleyMorris, Birdsong:A Manualfor FieldNaturalists.(London, Witherby, 1925). 'The Notation of Birdsong', op. cit., p160. 12For more informationon the relationshipbetweenmusicand colour, seeWilson Lyle, W. (1982); Jonathan ' Review. 43 Musical Introduction, An Music: 'Colour and and Correspondence BetweenColour and SoundStructure Bernard,'Messiaen'sSynaesthesia: in his Music', Music Perception4, (1986). 13An ethologiststudiesanimalbehaviour,especiallyin the wad. 14p. Sz6ke,W. Gunn&A Filip's article, 'The MusicalMicrocosm of the Hermit in (1969), Trevor 11 Academiae Scientarurn Hungaricae Musicologia Studia cited Thrush', Hold, 'The Notation of Birdsong:A ReviewandRecommendation',IhiiL vol. 112(1970), pp151-172. 15Trevor Hold, 'The Notation of Birdsong:A ReviewandRecommendation',Ibis (1970) P151. 16Takenfrom PierreBoulez,'Timbre andComposition- Timbre andLanguage', (Harwood 2 Acaden-&Publishers,1987),p166. ContemporgyMusic Revi vol. 11k A. SaundersBird Song,(New York StateMus. Handbook7,1929); andGuideto Bird Songs(New York, Doubleday& Co., new Ed. 1951). " This diagramis takenfrom 1.ITjorth's article, 'A Commenton the GraphicDisplaysof Bird SoundsandAnalyseswith a New Device,the MelographMona", Journalo TheoreticalBiology vol. 26 (1970), pp6-7. 19For moreinformationon the 'MelographMona', seeIngemarHjorth's article, op. cit., PPI-10. 20J.C. Brimond's chapterin the book, AcousticBehaviourof Animals,(New York, Company,19633), pp709-750. ElsevierPublishing 0 73 Chapter V: Characteristics of 'Le Style Oiseaul in Works 1932 - 1948. For the purposesof this research,use of the term 4le style oiseau' is limited to instancesof birdsongstylein earlyworks, whereeachappearance of this techniqueis not affixedwith frequently bird. Messiaen did label 'style oiseau', not passages the nameof a particular is display birdsong The that many episodes characteristics. contention althoughmy incorporated in is in birdsong the early material works written a single-line majority of in in Many described (monophonic) the techniques octaves. of and annotated or texture Messiaen'streatise,'Techniquede mon LangageMusical', are frequentlyusedin early for in 'style found The but sectionsutilising oiseau'. addednote values, are also works, bird freedom. Free immediately the give style a sense of rhythmic example,almost birdsong is by incorporated the the on many occasions: expanded are multiplications (of The fragments to sizes) various a cell. useof prime numbers motivic additionof small is also prominentin rhythmicgroupingsof 'style oiseau'phrases,aswell asin nonbirdsongmaterial. The first appearance of 'le style oiseau'mustbe creditedto L Ascetision(1932-3), where Messiaendoes not categorisethe passagesas such; the melodic lines include trills and VA both features birdsong fez fragments, of are co. which mmon of repetitionsof small in flute II, Movement In b3l. the L'Ascension p6, s2, cor anglais,oboe, andclarinets- the interwoven the that other, and this with each phrases are play piece of version orchestral by birdsong. The freedom trill the cor anglais the played sug ests movement of rhythmic .19 developsas a result of the sametwo notes being repeatedwith a dotted rhythm. This 74 in into been has that pieces %ith used romantic/classical quavers graduallyaccelerate effect however, dotted finally trill; of a use and rhythmscreatesan energeticeffect, semýiquavers bird Many found birdsong. be in later trills to more examples of can also works, more akin for exampleRived desOiseauxlei V/2 - Reveil desOiseauxp7, s2, b I]. PojmesPourMj (1936), a work that musicologistshavenot previouslydiscussedin terms for in displays it his love freedom. A birdsong, the composer's affection of rhythmic of brief episode in the fourth song of the cycle, Vtpouvante', features a Lisztian, &chattering'soundin the pianopart lex V/3 - PoýmesPour Mi, Book 1, p,13, s5, bl], and includes is Godunov 'Ta Voix' Boris that the to to a motive very similar the postlude begins (like 2, V/4 Book lex the trill) with a slower rhythm and p6] which tbeme, increasesto sextuplets.A high-pitchedgroup of pitchesin 'Les Deux Guerriers' sounds bird like Mt, Book high 2, [ex V/S Poames Pour the the to a sparrow chirp of similar Corps Glorieux, Les in includes Messiaen high-pitched Even b3]. the work, grace p9, s2,, feature Les birdsong [exV/6 a common again of yet many are phrases. notes, which CorpsGlorieux - Book 3- p8, A, b1l. Thereis also the point that sloweddown birdsong in be to speededup plainsong,especiallywhen there are repeated nature similar often may 'anchor' notes. be du Seigneur (193 brief 5), 'style Nativitj In the organwork, appearances of oiseau'can found. In the secondmovement,'Les Bergers' lexV/7 - Book 1- p5, s5, b1l, the organ help depict Great Positive Bourdon Salicional 8' the the the on and an on specificationsof both the sonority and the melodic effect of birdsong, even though Messiaenmay have 75 done this unintentionally.Robert SherlawJohnsoncites this movement,as it employs birdsongsonorities;but the mainthemeof the movementis meantto representa shepherd last is The 'Dieu Nous', his Parmi third theme the main of movement, pipe'. playing describedby Messiaenin 'Techniquede Mon LangageMusical' as being 'a Magnificat, in bird V/S lex 'Dieu Parmi Nous' bl-21. This (Book 4) A, style' praise p2, alleluiatic is by Charles indeed, his 'alleluiatic' Tournemire (1870-1939): used curious adjective in to approach organ registration- especially relation to spiritual natureand experimental his monumentalVOrgue Mystique' (1932) - show a clear influence on Messiaen's philosopHcalandmusicalworld. ouatuor Pour La Fin du Temps (1941) Perhapsit was the composer'ssituation of confinement,and the fact he had no idea for how long he was to be imprisoned,that led to the title of this Quartet. Certainly, the due be instruments The to the title that time. musicians available was at can choice of interpretedas 'Quartet for the End of Metre'; as Roger Nichols says of this work, 'bar 2 to lines are often no more than aids ensembleand a meansof reducingaccidentals. The in ftom 'The St. derived Revelation John the fact in is the a passage apocalyptic of title Divine', chapter ten, versesfive and six: the Angel lifts his right hand heavenwards, it for The four instruments be time there easier that more use of makes shall no vowing .3 Messiaen incorporate to extensive use of structures. also an polyrhythmic the composer includesquite sophisticateduse of rhythmic pedals,11indurhythms, added note values, birdsong. diminution, non-retrogradable and rhythms augmentationand 76 The phrase'commeun oiseau' is usedfor the first time in the Quartet.Both the clarinet 'Liturgie de first Cristal', bird-like in the the movement, play phrases:the names and violin in but, improvisations in the they the the to of preface, are attributed score are not given between in four The blackbird the the and nightingale and morning. repetitive the -three high-pitched semiquavers(all on the same note) are similar in nature to the more in Nveil des Oiseaux [Quatuor bi the nightingale s2, of pl, sophisticatedrendition Riveil des Oiseaux pl, s2 b1l. The motives of the violin part (nightingale)are limited, fbHows: into four be as categories, andcan put followed by eight/tendemiserniquavers. I three serniquavers, 2 'scandicus' 3 repetitivehigh-pitchedtritones (derniserniquavers) 4 extendedversionof 2 lex V/9] The beautyof the nightingale'ssongis not found in its rhythmic or melodicinvention,but its in later be its immense tone and, as can seen power, portrayals, rather as a result of in de fact, dynamic. In 'Trait6 tempo, to articulation change and easily ability rapidly and 4, Messiaendividesthe nightingale'ssonginto eight d'Ornithologie Rhyme,de Couleur,et high-pitched described (3) The tritones two repetitive as are motives. principal disconnectednotes, creating a 'drumming" effect: as mentionedearlier, this ubiquitous (1) are featuremay be betterreferredto as an 'alternator'. The repeateddemiserniquavers by described 'macline-gun' 'rapid labelled trillings bere as a effect on one note', often as later in frequent (2) Similarly, three-note the cell analyses of rhythmic ornithologists. 'quartet' be the or rhythm scandicus. as classified may works 77 The clarinetpart (blackbird)is slightly more complex.The first phrasecan be regardedas full in the this to the of rhythmic and gamut melodic phrases of given clarinet a microcosm is first developed into longer The three this are syncopated notes a phrase. movement. The trill, too, can be prolongedinto four crotchet beats in length [see p4, sI, b1l. The final two staccatosemiquaversare also extendedto three jp3, s2, bl], while the triplet by followed [pl, the two characteristic use of staccato semiquavers are often serniquavers, four included in However, bl]. the clarinetpart: that there characteristics other are are s2, I four quavers [pl, sl, b3l 2 grace notes jp5, sl, b2l 3 paired grace notes (deux en deux') IpS, sI, b2l 4 two 'climacus' cells, chromatic ascending flourish [p6, sI, b2l Not only doesthe characteristicsoundof eachinstrumenthelp the listenerto identify the differentiation between is but birdsongs, the phrasesto make a there also sufficient two distinction. clear The third movementof the Quartet is entitled 'AbIme des Oiseaux. Messiaengives the bird to s/heshouldattemptto min-de: the clarinetpart seems which clue as perfomer no features 'style be several of of oiseau', and the movement to an amalgamation incorporatesmany birdsongcharacteristicswhich expressMessiaen'srhythmic, melodic begins first Boris Godunov The the of section a version with and ornamentalpreferences. R. bar The G A 'neighbour back C A, Bb, to Fg, the as next adds notes and and themefirst is F9. The Messiaen's to the typical of rhythm a example notes' and againresolves R is in The taken the regular up an octave and resolved values. note use of added Messiaenicway (as in the perfect chord) to the C Natural. Te style oiseau' beginsat the 78 'PresqueVif section.Featuresof birdsong similar to those in the first movementalso here: appear (with threepreceding I two high-pitchedstaccatosernýiquavers derniserniquavers) IpI5, s5, b1l 2 trills (usuallyprecededby a gracenote) lp IS, s8, b4l (the first four slurredandrising, othersstaccato) 3 serniquavers, jp15, s4, b3l flourish IpI5, s7, b2] 4 ascending/descending 5 trill (slowingdown) jp16, s5, b2l [ex V/101 Primarily,the third movementdescribesthe 'abyssof Time, its sadnessand its weariness'. In completecontrastto this, the birdsongdisplaystimelessness,the desirefor light, the in difference dramatic The heaven's the tempo this changes and give mark riches. and stars birdsongevenmore senseof rhythmic freedom.It is important to note that the trills and by high (Mowed two three the pitched staccatosemiquavers) semiquavers the motive of 'style in Messiaen's found they oiseau'. scores,evenwhen are not credited as are often Containedwithin the birdsongare durationswhich are adjustedby addingand subtracting in Sim9arly, few the next of non-retrogradable occurrences rhythms. a and a semiquaver, 'Interm6de', to: there are many references movement, I trills (precededby a grace note) [p19, s5, b2l 2 three serniquavers, followed by two high-pitched staccato [pI8, b3] s4, semiquavers 3 ascendingflourish [pI8, s3, b5] du la Fin Temps', IAnge dArc-en-ciel, Annonce 'Fouillis pour qui Movement seven, by five high-pitched five 'chirping' brief notes sounds, created includesa suggestionof described be they as may written as grace notes, although notes: grace preceding with 79 iambic cells lex V/11 - p49, s2, b2-31. In conclusion,the blackbird's theme of the first labelled 'style is these appearances are oiseau' whether or not prevalent movementfashion. in the episodic an throughout work 0 Visions de I'Amen (1943) The duet for two pianos,Visionsde IAmen, marks the beginningof a new period in the is importance. One in the take to a of piano role of paramount which composer'soutput, Messiaen'sfirst pupils at the Conservatoirewas the pianistYvonne Loriod (who became his secondwife), whose exceptionaltechniqueand virtuosic capabilitiesinfluencedthe for The demanding, two to pianos. original and exploratory work composer write sucha duet is on a grandscale,exploiting entirelyseparateroles for eachpart. The first, written for and played by Yvonne Loriod, is both rhythmically and harmonically complex, displayinga decorativenatureand featuringthe distinctive timbres of bells and birdsongs lower (labelledor otherwise).The second,originallyplayedby Messiaen,is predon-dnantly in registerandholdsthe principalthemes,rich harmoniesanda sympatheticseductiveness. The two parts complementeachother- as Messiaensays, 'I have entrustedto the first involves difficulties, the that charm chord-clusters, speed, everything the rhythmic piano have I the the thematic to the elements, second melody, piano main entrusted andsonority. in ' The they demands recur themes and power. are cyclic nature: that emotion everything unity. overall giving occasions, many on 80 Rhythmicpedalsappearon numerousoccasionsthroughout the work. Many appearances introduced: first is Sharrigadeva, the the to tila-like are attributed rhythms tila or of by is Messiaen, double is the third rhythm and rhythmic a second a non-retrogradable justify The bird Greek based use of asymmetric and style may rhythms rhythms. on pedal it is 'celebration freedom', Nichols' the that Roger work a although of personal comment fteedom. be may only a rhythmic in is Messiaen de I Amen techniques that Visions uses anotherexampleof a piecewhere later works would be more specificallyassociatedwith namedbirdsongor 'style oiseau'. As an analyst,one must first excludepassagesthat simply use added note values, and intrinsic both high-pitched: to these that are although qualities the are passages second, in Messiaen's birdsong,they are alsoregularlyused all of music. de IAmen interrupts Visions in the main the composer where There are many occasions birdsong. be bird-like that they as cannot classified so short phrases calls, texture with Suchexamplescanbe found in the secondmovement,asfollows: ei V/12 a- p8, sl, b2 ex V/12 b- p8, s2, b3 itself intervals in 'call' this movement,and manifests The same motive appearsat several in (2) (1) in identical forms: close successionusing chords,and in two separate notably, V/14 & different V/13 [ex ex chordal very complexities employing serniquavers, straight b2]. & bi-2 s2, pl9, p9, s3, 81 in be likened to the The rhythmandgroupingof the sen-ýquavers the can woodlark songof Riveil des Oiseaux- if we ignore the fact that harmonyis used in exampleV/14. The in 'Moins Vif' derniserniquavers dectaplet the section of this secondmovement ostinato includegracenotes,repetitiveB naturalsand cretic cells in a sectionthat lastsfor thirtyfour bars,concludingwith the 'Au Movement'which beginswith three call motivesIp 15, b2l. & b2 bl; s3, p159 slq p159 sl, in den-ýisemlquaver high-pitched Even the passage the 'Tres Lent, avecAmour' sectionof be birdsong jp371. feasibly four to conscious or a unconscious reference may movement in line is top to the decorative this that sinýlar of whitethroat The nature of Chronochromie- althoughit would be impossiblefor evena bird to sing, as there are no The breathing, for with markings. whitethroatsingsmanyother passages, only phrase rests however, in lines; line W16 the melodic shows and melodic the use of varied rhythms Hgh-pitched demisemiquavers that are and may seem to resemble twelve continuous birdsong[ei V/15 & ex V/16]. birdsong intended by from be derived is the to fifth composer The movement specifically in des du Saints, Chant des Oiseaux'. Most des Anges, this is 'Amen notable its title 0 is this there that and are effect, several employ notes: passages the grace of use movement V/17. in is oneexample shown ex 82 The high-pitched,climacusgrace notes (in both the piano parts) that occur immediately first the exampleabove,glisten one after the other: the effect may be said to sound after like a conversationbetweenseveralbirds [p5l, s3, bl-3]. It can be arguedthat the earlier falling (like is but later in this clusters chromatic a call) used movement, motive employing double dotted quaver.The first time (in the in this casewith the rhythm: denýiisenýiiquaver, 'comme he includes Messiaen the the words uses expression un oiseau, entire work) 4clair,libre et gaiMight, free and cheerful'. The sevenmotivic featuresof this birdsong 5 in are: movement section (with gracenotes)[p56, s3, b4] I four demiserniquavers 2 syncopation(with gracenotes)jp56,.s2, bl-21 3 extendedtrills [p57, s3, bl] 4 repeatednotes(semiquavers)JpS7,s3, b2] fp56, s3, b3l 5 alternatorwith four precedingdemisemiquavers 6 staccatotriplets with four precedingclimacuscells Jp57,sl, b4] 7 the previous'call' themeIpS8,s3l The previousiambic call themetakes on a life of its own, as it marks the climax of this final 'resonance' b3l These [p64, the to the conclude and s2, movement. virtuosic section birdsong Quatuor la Fin in than those the no are more advanced of pour representations du Temps:their useis for symbolicreasonsratherthanfor an effect of preciseimitation. Vin2t Regards sur I'Enfant-Jisus (1944) This epic work consistsof twenty piecesfor solo piano and lasts for approximatelytwo hours. The completework is coherent to the listener for many reasons.Messiaen's 83 distinctive use of harmony,modality, chromaticism,non-retrogradablerhythms and the sagrandissement asymdtrique'technique (for example)which may seemdislocatingto the by intermittent diatonic passages:in fact sevenof listenerat the time, is counterbalanced in F# have The tonal the centre major. cyclic principles are manifested the movements Some display beautiful, 'Icitmotifs'. the of slow movements a reflective themes and faster sectionsthat exhibit the exuberantvirtuosity of the tenderness,contrastedwith Inspiration full timbre, the colouration and of range. primarily springs gamut pianist, and from the composer'sadmirationfor YvonneLoriod and religioustexts. The word 'regard' literally canbe translatedas 'look' or 'gaze': the latter is more appositein this case,as it involveswondermentaswell asinward contemplation,andbecausesomeof the piecesare de horse Christ (Regard including by tapestry inspired visual art, on a a representing de la in Communion Vierge') kneeling (Premi6re Virgin Terrible'), the I'Onction prayer de I'Enfant-ksus'). The St. Lisieux ('Le Baiser Thdr6se God of embracing andthe child of St. John Cross, Columba Marmion by Dom influenced is theologians: the of work also (author of 'Christ and his Mysteries"),Maurice Toesca(Tes Douze Regards), and the four Gospelwriters. immediately Messiaen's preceding compositions, a striking In comparison with birdsong, instead decorative in found is the of of which a merely use transformation There that soloistic r6le. are a great numberof passages of a functiontakeson muchmore bird; but 'comme the therefore, exact oiseau' also un named with as arenot only specified bird-like influences the that are not be to all sonorities and consider it would unreasonable his in does limit Messiaen by such a substantial not work. the composer categorised 84 birds into that to the score,amongst several other phrases are of written symbolisation la foudre', des 'comme le Jardin'. 'comme cloches', are: which The first useof birdsongappearsin the third movement,'Regardde la Vierge". The high'chirp" introduce b4l later 'interruption [p14, to seems calls' s2, or pitchedexclamation [seep14, S3,bl-21. There are, however,many other occurrencesof a very similar sound labelled birdsong. include: Such the are not as which examples qualitythroughout piece p15, s3, W p74, s2, b2 p160, sl, b2 du is birdsong found in fifth labelled 'Regard the The secondappearanceof movement, Fils sur le Fils' [pl9, s4l. Messiaenon this occasionspecifiesthat the soundof the right handshouldbe Tke the songof a bird. For that reason,one may be permittedto interpret decorative left hand the line simply not especially as only and as soloistic, the lasts is 'song' for The bars block twelve tempo chords. at a swift and with accompanies it includes than representations, as previous meticulously marked much more realistic breaths(rests).The notion of freedomseemsto be explorednot only by the ametricuse of demiserniquaver/quaver by the triplet the but use the and cells: with notes grace also rests, is For interpretation the specific analytical purposes, both necessary. some systems, of is from by built 'grace The be the term song up note'. comprehended rhythmsabovewill features follows: birdsong The the as of are severalexactmotivic repetitions. 85 I gracenotes 2 triplets, sextupletsand quintuplets 3 gracenotesusing the intervals major second,major seventhand minor ninth 4 contrastfrom loco to up an octave 5 singlehigh-pitchednote 6 derniserniquaver-semýiquaver rhythmiccell (iambic) 7 scandicus 8 'climacus resupinus' lex V/181 The next occurrenceof birdsongis againfound in this movement,and it includesthe same into frenzy However, ideas. this the on occasion, use of sextuplets evolves a of the motivic bl) [see both the the samevaluesand s3, p23, with repetition of samerhythmicpattern birdsong This is higher the the section. to of end principle again, used at a mark notes [see the p24, s3-end]. pitch, closing movement Movement eight, 'Regard des Hauteurs', begins with the inscription - 'Gloire dans les les hauteursdescendentsur la cr6checommeun chant d'alouette...', which can hauteurs... be translatedas, 'Praisein the heights...the heightsdescendon the crib like a songof the lark...'. After a short introductionwherea repetition of sextupletdemiserniquaver chordal in depicts is Played a short sounded, excerpt a single nightingale. complexes vigorously dissimilar it it is hard brief is it to that to any nightingale so as and so recognise octaves, However, G interpreted be b2-3]. the [see repeated sharps as a can s4, p49, such birdsong: 'trillings' in feature this the medium treble rapid on one of note common in hear listens If the to sonc, nightingale's a wild, one may often repeated register. one 00 86 faster is (sometimes like The the than example a machinemuch cited effect usually notes. if however, the that the on assumption one works nightingalesings many phrases gun); fast, his down for Messiaen that the slows and own phrases that are extraordinarily bars [see two the then second credible are a symbolic rendition perhaps purposes, from by An b4l. this the transcribed a version of song, of nightingale's example p49,s4, be in V/19. the Flindley speed, can seen David of cz a quarter at Messiaen'slarks (the symbol for the heights)are depictedby a two-part invention.The like high has flute(even ) is the hand's sonorit3r, and a piccolo. tessitura particularly right left handis lower and in comparisonsoundsEkea clarinet.Messiaencontrastsa staccato is larks hand) (left legato to the two texture hand) singing overall of effect (right a with is than to The a symbolic technique reality a much closer appro)dmation other. each do bird's larks display the the they the the virtuosity as as much of songs stylization: V/201. [ex pianist's hand's follows: lark features important the the right representation of as of are The most [p49, (ULTU-) b3l IV' 'paeon s5, a) b) E natural/Bb - dirninishing the interval (in serniquavers)IpSO,sl, bl] [p5O, bl] grace notes with s2, c) repetitive chirp d) repetitive B flats lp5O,s4,bl and extended p5l, s3qb1l [p52, bl & b3] s3, s3, p5O, semitones e) varied u§e of 0 trills [p50, s4qbl-21 instance first Bb A in two and natural. the uses notes, namely The paeonic cell a) includes for A Bb bar, the third in and as the substitutesan natural Messiaen, the next from There Eb. this that cell fourth several melodic variants emerge are an note cell's 87 between The Bb the sernitone relationship and the A natural pavesthe way for the alone. instances incorporate There that are many repetitive Bb: we find them in the e) phrase. first a) cell, andthe Bb is repeatedalternatelyin phraseb); in addition,d) consistsentirely is flats. it Therefore, B reasonableto concludethat the Bb is a 'reference of repeated in hand. key In the the right hand, in fact, if grace notes are not right note, or point', includedin this statistic,therearethirty-oneB flats out of eightynotesin total on page52. The repetitive 'chirp' subject c) developsin its second appearance,including not nine but first (as thirteen- notice that, in both passages, the occasion) on the rninor third chirps for final (which the two sen-ýiquavers changes use ascendingsemitoneswith repetition gracenotesalsoa senfitoneaway). The left hand's treatment of the lark incorporatesentirely different motives. The main featuresof the left handmaybe categorisedas follows: a) three grace notes followed by a quaver D natural [p50,sl, b2 & p5O,s4,b3] b) repeatedsemiquaverE naturals,followed by a fifth leap lp5O,s2,b3 and b3j notes p52, s1, with grace c) trills [p50,s5,b3l d) Ab -D-G passage,openingwith ionic minor (UU-) jp52,s3,bI-6j e) seýnitonemovementwith gracenotes jp51,s2,bI] 0 syncopatedAb and descendingmovementfp52,s2,b3 & p5O,s3,b2j The cell a) is a minor feature,occurringtwice andnot developing.The earlyappearanceof but be is d) simpler, nevertheless can expanded:as soon as some rhythmically the passage is disturbed. is detected, b) first five The the pulse motive appears as coherence rhythmic into is the expanded also elaborateversionwith addeduse of grace eventually and notes 88 in dawn in birds Just the the to as chorus, sing an start may notes, as shown above. develop fashion manyof the original motivic and rhythmiccells. andquite quickly episodic After the 'Vif' sectionwhich consistsof twelve sextupletdenýsemiquavercolour-chords (the groups being an exact replica of each other), there are two bars with the tempo does bars birdsong, Messiaen Although 'Moddrd'. the they two to credit not marking include severalfeatures,alreadycited, that are intrinsic to 'le style oiseau. The next Messiaen les 'Trds Vif Te has tous tempo the writes, oiseaux'/ merle et marking section . 'The blackbirdandall the birds'. The title is somewhatvague;however,it may be possible birdsong interpret this style, with a certain affiliation to the sounds specifically as to factors There blackbird. that this section a rather the are several make with associated depiction lark. There in the the to the of sounds of earlier relation approximaterendition if but if birds' 'all the then they breath are singing would overlap, perhaps marksare no be dynamics, full there contrasting many use of a the should rangeof pitch, case this were factors is None the time. these are sounded at same of notes where and manyoccasions it is in is The in entirely octaves. written overall effect present this section;moreover, 'moretriumphalthan natural. 'reference' Messiaen 'blackbird gives many points: thereare a phrases section', During the few in A group seven of six or semiquavers. substantialnumber of repeatednotes a V/21. device at ex are shown examplesof this 89 On manyoccasionsthe two repeatednotesare at the beginningof eachsemiquavergroup. Theserecurrentsemiquavergroupsdominatethe 'blackbird section', and the ordy variety is provided by the 'exclamations' in between them. These 'exclamations' take the following forms: (spondee) I two slurredserniquavers 2 onehigh-pitchedserniquaver 3 two high-pitchedsemiquaversandprecedinggracenotes 4 one serniquayer(lower range) The final 'Un Peu Vif section can be likened to a faster version (with semiquavers but interruptions 'blackbird the section', with of no as listed above(1-4). underneath) The Styleoiseausonoritiesprovidealmostall the musicalideasfor the wholemovement. is 'Vif' final the to confined the material section and perhaps exclamatory non-birdsong 'inferior resonance' at p54, s5, b2-3. Movement ten, 'Regard de I'Esprit de,Joie', introduces (in its second bar) a violent ,interruptioncall' [ex V/22a - p58, sl, b2l. Messiaendoesnot indicate 'Styleoiseau'here; but exactrepetitionsof this motive recur throughout the movement.The third emergence jp58, b2], last is before the 'Bien ModdW s3, and the this repeated appearance motive of different notes which neverthelesscreate an equivalenttimbral effect; this uses section in The is [ex V/22b times A, b1l. exact repetition eight repeated climacuscell - p63, 'PresqueVif' sectionmakesfull use of the interruPtioncall, in this casewith an altered in (although in harmonic this the section music as a whole and yet addition, colouration; 'style labelled employs repeated oiseau) semiquavers,very similar to a motive not again 91 first have birdsong thirteen, to at may glance seem element, no movement However, 'Moddrd, Peu Vif, the un otherwise. whichoccursaftera short or unintentional is bells, introduces in hand depicting the the that introduction soundsof a phrase right intended to emulatethe xylophone. The phrase is shown in ex V125. This phrase is in is the also movement, version points and a at various manipulated repeatedexactly involving in later the the the a towards reorganisation as end, of original pitches, employed [p96, b2l. The the s3, yellowharnmer eight repeatedserniquaversare representationof in j hand [p9l, bIj left in this transposed the occasion ma or seconds, on s49 and alsoused down a tone includingthree semiquaversbeforethem. [p92, sl, b1l Repeatednotesare a Chronochromie, for instance, in Messiaen's the feature the of use xylophone: of common demisemiquavers by IF that repeatthe samenote. In thiis 'Strophe is saturated sextuplet depictin(S.,a fragment of the nightingale's song. Perhaps Messiaen is Messiaen example, 'Nodl'lex V/26 - Chronochromie, p90, b2l. hadthesetimbresin mindwhen writing 0 features des its Anges', bird in 'Regard 'MEme fourteenth specified style The movement, juxtaposed 'style The oiseau' passages are with a rhythmiccanon. Mouvement'section. feature intrinsic displays an of Messiaen'smusicalstyle,often This sectionperfectly (which bird-like form: textures the 'block the canon alternate with rhythmic referredto as freedom. durational The form), in chordsof the creating an effect of is used a reduced for birdsong [pl03, & form begin the to s5, an accompaniment s3 p103, canon rhythmic follow bar flourishes themselves a regular consistsof two The also pattern: each bl-31. A The beginning first the flourishes, the second an aB on natural. on natural, descendinc, 0 92 Theleft handcontinuesto usethesemotivesuntil the first andthelastnoteshaveaccents. interludethat precedestwo barsof stridentchordsof resonanceandthe demisemiquaver final 'Bien mod6rd' section. features full, hand typical The right of 'style oiseau'.Being much part makes useof many left hand; it Messiaen the complements as so where uses often rhythmically, complex more Numerous is it the to there performer. assist motivic aspectsare a time signature, four (with (1) hand: in the the the staccato serniquavers; additionalquaver) right employed form in [ b3l, their times original p103, s2, and many employing two occasions on appear bl-2; b2-3]; (2) b2; b2; Jp1049 derivation the s5, p104, s4, s2, s2, p105, p106, a close followed double-iamb by 'spondee' (-) jp][03, b1l. is feature the s3, a of note second diminished (seven bars later) time, to the the quaversare Whenthis cell appears next . followed by C E both the two naturals, occasions, are an accented yet on serniquavers; higher be If to term A this (3) a pitch. one precedes may permitted often note grace sharp. divided into be follows: its then several 'chirp' may categories, as use cell, the including (often iambic aG natural grace a phrase note); a) ending jp103, s3, b3l b) in the middleof a phrasei) repeated;iambic [p104, s4, b3l ii) threegracenotes[p103, s3, b2l iii) two gracenotes[as before] iv) highergracenote;iambic JpI04, s3, bIj [ex V/27] its is lower than attachedquaver,andproducesthe effect of the gracenote Predon-ýinantly, divergent bird Messiaen balances 'twitoo' the and style sonority. than a rather a chirp' On (disregarding two by the the a occasions grace notes) rhythms. varying rhythmiccanon is frantic in bar [p104, b3four the from comparison s4, next yet, built is quavers; bar up 93 41,(4) Thesefaster(frantic) phrasestake the form of sextuplets,quintuplets,triplets and divided is birds that the rhythms of one of using urgency and effect rushing septuplets: human have to to the seem sing reactions may very quicker rapidly ear. are smallerand JpI05, s3, b3l The left handaddsto this stateof urgency(seethe aboveextract):its for it becomes difficult flourishes therefore, the effect and, an ostinato create continuous final (5) The than to more given note any another. motive performernot emphasise below: Three derniserniquavers. four examples shown are consistsof I p103, s5, bl 2 p104, s2, bl 3 p104, s2, W ExamplesI and3 includea whole tone descentftom Bb to Ab, andexample2 is a in between it feature: that times two alternate oneanotherseveral one notes uses common ceH. de I'Enfant-j6susl, des Baiser Te 'Regard fifteenth the and sixteenth, Both the movement, is 'style des Mages', des Bergers there contain elements of oiseau',although et Proh6tes, first longest The (the in the two the the this of of slow score. movements) of mention no includesmanyhigh-pitchedtrills [pI10, A, b1l, repetitionsof anapaesticcells jp114, sI, high-pitched 'stabs', clusters and short scmiquavcr bl-21, gracenoteswith accompanying 0 "style [V/28a, The b]. as with oiseau' movement a preoccupation suggest may which all of harmonic tension involves resolution, screaming chordal and even and complexes a whole into long flourishes in hand. The lead the figurations that middle, right Chopinesque depicted by however, in birds Jardin'; Te is the this are garden 'Mod6r6', section entitled 94 The IpI 131. includes the two second of serniquavers movements repeated gracenotesto be playedlike an oboe,perhapsreminiscentof the We of the unaccompanied cor anglais "Tristan Isolde' Act III [p beginning 123, bII% of und the of s2, while the penultimate at bar is rhythmicallycomplexandagainsuggestsbird style IpI27, s5, b2l. The triplet feature distinctive is Messiaen's later birdsong: just of a cell use of one senýquaver Sept HaYkar in [see be Halika-i b2] The in seen p99, can grace notes parallelonly example ringt [exV/29 Regard LEnfant Jim 'style the effect. to oiseau' sur i. add pl; 7, s5q b2l. The seventeenth movement,'Regarddu Silence,' hasa numberof bird style events, by first The found be the they as credited such composer. not are appearance can although in the form of an interruptioncall [p][29, A, b4l: it involvesa chordalcomplexandgrace feature Not does it itself in This the 'Bien movement. the saturates only manifest notes. Mod6r6' sectionasa serniquaver/quaver rhythmiccell (iambic) [pI29, s5, b3l, but it also hand before in Jp133, in bl the A, 21 part, right major the seconds reo--ularl and occurs 0y [pl35, the INIoddrd,PresqueVif, andbeforehigh-pitched repetitions of same note s2, 0 b2l. The 'Mod&6, PresqueVif sectionusesmanyserniquaverflourishesthat, first, b1l, A, fp130, involves descend that and, second, use ostinato an crossed gradually hands,both of which 'vibrate delicatelylike spiders'webs". The mainbird stylefeatureis however, b2l; [p132, C the codausesthe polymodalityof the s2, the repetitive sharps between in the two hands.One caninterpretthe chords alternating introduction, altissimi, Eke light; the in the overall effect sounds yet rather terms chatteringof a of passage 93 down into it breaking towards the the end of slows movement, as chaffinch,especially colourful gracenotes. Two aspectsof the eighteenthmovement,'Regardde IOnction Terrible,' are of notable importancein relationto birdsong.The first is found in the-gTace noteswhich produce fp141, s4t b1l: rapid, ascendingnotesclash interestingharmonicsin a quasi-glissando in One find in but descent, in the caneven sameeffect, with one another parallelmotion. 'Le Loriot'from the CataloguedDiseaux I'Le Loriot, (Catalogue)p2, s2, b1l, when feature is feature The depicting is the of second Messiaen robin. a certaincharacteristic in have keys in found the composer'srepetitiveuseof white piano chords,which a describing by the used when song often ornithologists phrase velocity -a machine-gun-like MI. A, V/30 fex p144, of the nightingale PEglise d'Amour', de begins figure in 'sheaf 'Regard final with a The epicmovement, interrupt flourishes The the three rhythms which opening are cretic contrarymotion. first de 'Theme ('Theme in Dieu' God') the the appearance of of graduallyextendeduntil interruption followed by low, This call, with an a concludes B major. announcement drumbling'percussiveeffect in the lower regionsof the piano's registerwhich amplifiesthe The Wif sectionthat follows high-pitches, a colourful creating resonance. aforementioned in hand the the right are is a lengthytranspositionalpassage: melodicpermutations is in bass. Although the the somewhat passage expansion juxtaposedwith an asymmetric is involving the by a pedal, menacing a effect produced, also of use the extensive clouded 0 leaps the the permutations are raised an and melodic octave bird-like quality,especiallyas 96 in b2l. The God' A, [see 'Theme the tempo second appearance of of p159, are at a rapid Db majoris interruptedby a very brief 'Bien ModiW sectionwhich includesa flourish, followed by gracenotesandalternatingmajor seconds,and finally an interruptioncall. Later (pl6l), the 'Tr6s Mod6r6' sectionbeginswith stridentchords(like bells),the 'Th6med'Accords' ('Theme of Chords) andchordsin 'transposedinversions'.Call-like bar, in When the emphasising power of each chordal complex. each exclamationsappear form, in its in it is in F# God' 'Theme complete a stylethat written occurs major, of the describes tam-tams,bells Messiaen alsotellsus thatcymbals, as'brassfanfare'.Messiaen birdsong in here. Messiaen Before included the the birdsong the credits score, are and 'Theme God'. When break the the composer appearance of of each up exclamations it is be 'interruption that can', non-diatonic may categorisedas an eventuallycreditsa cell in left bars 'style b3l, JpI73, by the three complex of oiseau's s2, which andpreceded handbeginswith a repetitionof the triplet cell [ex V131a].The triplet is then alteredto a transposed two the three the are up a sernitone notes on occasions, and where sextuplet, hand for The first the these chromatic scale. ascending right an of with concludes phrase becomes frantic it (in itself. the bars phrase more as plays octaves) alsorepeats three is interruption flats towards the E the exclamation, which call. accelerates and repeated 9 high C sharpsare The diatonic the are repeated one after other. Later, the exclamations deepen 'chirp', like. their the timbre. the other quality of and notes a sound prominentand break 'Theme God' [ex interruption diatonic the calls up of chords repeated In addition, V/31b - p173, s4, bl-21. 97 The grandcodaon the 'Themeof God' displaysthe triumph of love andtearsofjoy: as Messiaenmight say,all our passionembracesthe invisible.The pcnuitimatebar, afler a includes its (as interruption F# sixth, added an resonance) with an call, until chord striking in distance brings bass the flourish that thework to a close. rumble notes of a in be that therefore, a comparativelyearly work manyof the general clear should, Trills interruption bird frequent, but later style are present. and are calls of characteristics (especially the reorganisationof short motivic cells), phrases of many the repetitivenature be blocks for building high the of many passages rhythm and may seen as pitches, the laterbirdsongrepresentations. Messiaen's Harawi (1945) is for demanding and piano subtitled,'Chant d"Amour et de Nfort, and This work- soprano 'Tristan' being TurangaftlaMessiaen's triptych first the two the other is the of part Cinq Rechants (1949). is derived The from the title, (1946-48) the subtitle and s)anphonie from dialect for Peruvian love the 'Quechua" is the a song which word ends with a which by Messiaen himself The death. surreal nature, written a and possibly, lovers' poemsare of d'Harcourt in forefront B6clard by the who notably was of the influenced similarwriters, time. the at mind composer's but the arrangesthe movementssymmetrically,vAth Messiaenstructures piececyclically, Ville Ta Dormait, Toi', an qui as the movement, which acts opening of the exception 98 introduction. The piano takes on an immenser6le, and together with the soprano it in As 'Trois Petites Liturgies de la the Pr6sence the of surreal. adventure an undertakes Divine', many devout Catholics may feel uneasy %ith Messiaen's exploration or the intense love: human dramatically displays the music's spirituality of momentsof passion hypnoticsensuality. 'BonjourToi, ColombeVcrte', revealsthe imageof the mythical Thesecondmovement, 'limpid 'parted 'interlocking dove the pearl', represents clouds', which stars', and green in the openingmovesin chords in the left hand,and birdsong.The piano accompaniment dernisenýiquavers in hand lead the triplet right onto ten 'tweeting' highthe rapid arpeggio The 'comme b is first 1-21. in [p4, 'Un Peu F the un oiseau' sI, sign shown pitched sharps Vif' section.Above a sustainedEb major broken chord, the song beginswith two followed by the first main feature [p5q s2, b1l. (1) This 4chattering"groups of grace notes, feature,in wl-&h serniquavers predominate,beginswith aD natural and endswith an F: B The B's high four F are naturals. repetitive the semiquavers are reminiscent of the other This is in beginning the the movement. of cell manipulated various guises,as sharpsat f0flows: a) usingmoreBs andFs lei V/321 b) in transpositionlei V/331 (2) The secondmotive consistsof two serniquavers(A natural and B natural) and two ionic D4) Ips, & G4 b2 (an constituting an a minor and rhythm, s2, p5, quavers accented first birdsong first duration is diminished, At the the section, bl]. the quaver A, closeof is G9/D Gff/D9 The iamb. to altered cell natural, and after a flourish, this leaving an 99 10 C 1 The begins (3) two third naturals p6, sIqbI]. sounding again, motive rhythm appears C. E Each down demisemiquavers, these two and of two notes moves two up or with loud high-pitched A With first finishes the the a natural. with exception of and sernitones demisemiquavers in first begins this or of semiquavers section with a motive, eachgroup descendingmajor/minorthird, threeexamplesof which are shown at pS, s3, U. (4) The fourth featureis an accentedhigh-pitchedquaver,which breaksup the semiquavcr have flourishes: [p5, b1l. the derniserniquaver quaver may a preceding note s4, grace or (5) The next featurebeginseachgroup of serniquavers with the notes E natural,C sharp, in the examplesbelow at pS, s3, b2. this shown C natural:two examplesof are is in highest 3: the to the structure very similar motive The middle group of sen-ýiquavers begins (in is the third this third); (a D) twice, and group with a case a major repeated note D lower (the A to C# the the first a sernitone natural, up and note natural) moves the G9. Each by the down to tone of groups usually a moves step, an exampleof a moves begins bl I" A, D below [p5, The is third. group], and and ends with a which shown down Eb, Bb but Ab Each E the to to an to moves an and up an octave. naturalmoves an in is into the technique be close of pitches proximity: very similar can condensed a group asymdtrique'process. to the lagrandissenlent The begins 1. begins birdsong motive second with phrase with a more section The second interval Jp7, than third. flourish greater uses no a major s2, nevertheless which complex in D B D the texture, the top out D#/E#/G#/Bb/ stand and natural acts as a and The bl] 100 begins Eb. I high to the this time of return motive which note on a prolongedneighbour The characteristicthird that beginseachgroup is alteredto an ascendingminor third - on begins C Eb. the with notes natural and a group severaloccasions lp7, s3, bl - third group (with three repeated C naturals)l lp7, s4, bl - third group] [p8, s2, bl) [ex V/33] (6) The trill is introducedfor the first time on a Hgh-pitchedE natural Jp7, s4, b1l: it acts broken bird Eb high that the the major chord underpins all of sections. over resonance as a bird flourish final the sectionstartson a middle C and rapidly ascendsvvith The second of Ngh-pitched 'call'. finishing a with a crescendo, follows: textures, ModdW three 'Tr6s as employs The section I birdsongin the right hand,block chordsin the left 2 the openingostinatoflourishes[eg. p4, s2, bl] 3 colourful two-part descendingtriplet serniquavers first: Birdsong is the the other. after appears one phrase exactlythe Thesetexturesappears four flourish hen-ddemisemiquavers, followed by both begins It a of with sameeachtime. five C The 'Un legato ends and with repeated next naturals. serniquavers, staccatoand long): four bars birdsong (only brief is the two consists of Smcenotesand Vir peu section flourish C that the completes an exact repetition of substantial and naturals, two repeated birdsong section. the second 101 The birdsong in this movementis made comprehensibleby Messiaen'scompositional technique.The repetitionof notes,similar patterns,imitation, hybrid forms and the varied legato) (staccato its and are to essential comprehension.The whole use of articulation descending two-part. triplet semiquaversand two diatonic colourful movementendsvAth in Eb major chords. versions The onomatope,Tounclou Tchil', the title of the fourth movement,representsthe sounds dancers' Indian After is by Peruvian the title ankle-bells. the soprano the pronounced of left hand piano accompanimentdepicting primitive drums, a 'Vif' times, a with twenty introduction between bridge 'Niod6r6'. The 'Vijr the the and a as acts section section 'NfoddW like homs the the acts as a refrain and staccato chords glass andthe represents After introduction dance-like. in these left the sections are repeated, the returns voice hand, as a recapitulation,this time with a right hand part intentionally representing birdsong. Nfessiaencreatesa balancein texture: the prin-dtivedrums, in the left band, are staccato in legato. introduction, is As in beginning birdsong, is the the the right, the pianissimo and increased dynamics in 'cry' intensity are gradually the right until a sforzando and and the hand. Messiaenuses the phrase, 'comme un oiseau: the phrasing is realistic, as the breathe bird time to The the the with single meticulously marked gives tests. composer describin, birdsong be before that 'phrase' (,,,, a when period of used sounds will a rest; word 102 however,thereare call-like instancesthat are too short to be labelledas such,cspcciallyif in be down human is to birdsong to the order comprehensible slowed ear and within the V/341. [ex the pianoforte the rangeof Many phrasesendwith a high 'chirping' sonority: thesechirps arc all staccato,and in the duration long, for is it bird the to short the very makes plausible a phrase when only event [p28, bl-21. first birdsong A, In before breath the the the phrase phraseof next snatcha lp26, has bl-2], A, high three grace preceding notes and on other chirp section, the [p27, four b2l [p27, bIj include A, s2, notes, or all. one, grace none at they occasions have bar fourth this some phrases a preoccupation with a rhythmic section, Fromthe of [p27, bl], bar three of three of quintuplets sl, another groups groups includes one cell: [pVt s2, b1l. The latter examplebeginswith two repeatednotesin the denusemiquavers bar derniserniquavers. there is an i=bic rhythm, an earHer -In first two sets of C F's toward the the two sharps, and repeated end of movement, using serniquaver/quaver 0 demiserniquaver between [p28, bl-21. focal two rapid passages s4, become a point listener intervaUic be the they to might a specific note, Messiaengives referencepoints birdsong form but the the to they with a provide of coherence relationshipor rhythm; 28, three a On there a rapid phrase concludes with occasions where are page musician. from inversion) in from C B (one the to interval: two other natural, and are majorseventh here is included The feature two Another the use of similar repetition. E Eb to natural. in is the below, the the samenotes sameorder-,only rhythm slightly use interspersions 'motivic in This is [p28, bi-21. the A second version sI, absent . the natural as adJusted 103 island"' effect is often usedby Messiaen,and also by Stravinskyin the 'Pite of Spring' VRite', p1j. The end of this birdsongsection concludesvAth a sextupletflourish and a high-pitchedsforzando'chirp'. The glass-like'Vif' follows, and the song closeswith the Toundou TcH' ostinatoin the voice, down a tone and accompaniedby three growling bassnote clashes[V/351. The eighth movement,'Syllabes', makesno specific use of birdsong. There are several interruptionsin the texturewithinthe tempomarking'Moddre,un PeuVif. Theyarenot interruption calls, but colourful chord clusters in semiquavers,beginning with pairs of four three them, then groups occasional scattering of and amongst and semiquavers . frequent [p56, Messiaen's to use of stained-glass window sonorities soundingvery similar Eke bird B Tia' The the b2l. sound naturals style, especially with words and repetitive s4, 'Tchil' that are soundedon many occasions:Uke the movement'Doundou TchU', the The final 'Modire, faster Peu Vif is becomes more excited. and un more andmore effect in fact, 'Pia', legendary The the the of suggest alarm cries of repetitions manic energetic. Peruvianapes;however,the words are sung so fast that each "Pia" blends into the next, hear Ustener "pee-pee' is the the that that may very weU sonority so often the result with if intended by birdsong, this the effect was not composer. even with associated in VEscalier is du Redit, Gestes bird the ninth movement, present style Once again, first bar features The three sets of tribachic triplet intentional or otherwise. Soleil'. 104 being three-note the same.They are an important tool for the cell each serniquavers, is Bb the minim, and the piano strikesa chordal complex,using the on a voice composer: is duration, the therefore only rhythmic motion provided by this motive lei V/36 same is bar The from b1l. final the exactly same, next apart the slo chord which seemsto p70, flunction as a resolution. The accompanimentin bar four includes three sets of the is (iambic); each set rhythm exactly the same,and the voice singsthe semiquaver/quaver jp70, A4 b2l. is E The in the same rhythm using s3, and effect not very similar notes it bird-call; interruption This three to motivically, yet, produces a calls. addednote nature An is flourish the first throughout movement. ascending utilised the concludes cell value five in length. The bars bars five same are repeatedexactly, the only differcnce subjectof being the words. After the flourish is soundedfor the secondtime, an 'exclamationcall' in Jp72, high Ab b2]. The the voice part sl,, a major secondgrace note clash precedes in When the timbre complex, chordal the of to altissimo. the tribachic serniquavers adds fifteen in itself times: this and occur they ostinato pattern are presents regularly return, 'A Tempo' the A the Ab until pitches, same the which uses exactly notes natural, using feature This MI. W& Jp75, C# s4, p78, also completesthe movement,addingto s3, and final Eb. the sustained singer's the exuberanceof is (movement d'Etoile' ten) Oiseau possiblythe most gentle and pensivesong of 'Amour F# key key love. The birdsong, Messiaen the the major, the of chooses mystical the cycle. for be first to markedas such sometime, actsas an interludeafter eachbrief phraseby the birdsong the the movement, without throughout exception, excerpts are singer, and 105 F# first long lex V/371.12 The major chord with an added sustained sixth a over sounded Jp84, the birdsong same are sI. b2]: the phraseendswith a gracenote exactly phrases two C natural and a minor third descentto an A natural. The 'style oiseau' phrasesin the (occurring longer, this one times), exactly seven are either a whole or a as more movement be labelled The The 1. 'style third will common phrase most phrase elaboratesong. derniserniquavers I's C#, begins B# two a phrase on with and only the oiseau' passage by is displaced Two F's E twice. an octave, and sounded are repeated next natural followed by two anapaesticcells, and the phraseconcludeswith the inversionof the final feJs immense Straight in 1. one away an space:not only as a result of two notes phrase longer durations faster but the th tempo, wi which after also appear rhythmic such a slow birdsong 1, the After of phrase a three more elaborate extends appearances more cells. bl]. The beginning faster Jp85, between the the s4, durations groups gracenotes at of this but is full it freedom, the crotchetand dotted crotchetthat give the bar addto the senseof high is its full Even the the to register a range Of such at piano explored phrasespace. G The is in E2 from I to triplet sharp4. semiquaver pattern phrase potential, ranging P-toiles, les 'Tous Oiseaux des The words, displayedhere on two occasions. prompt the intervals, includes triplet the third ubiquitous semiquavers and minor short phrasewhich hemidemisemiquavers jp86, b2l. bird The s2, septuplet next style of but with the addition high 'chirps, B three two includes simple quavers and on naturals with sextuplets, phrase begins first The the three phrase with penultimate notes of phrase notes. grace preceding includes four It durations. triplet the serniquaver/quaver also rhythm and 1, usingthe same is This in two the only one straight crotchets. phrase addition, and derriiserniquavers, interval, A C (inverted [p87, third to or s2, does a minor not) with conclude not which 106 b1l. The song draws to a close with an F9 major chord with an added sixth, in a low by 1. followed phrase register, ttoiles', les is a striking contrastto 'Amour Oiseau The eleventhmovement,'Katchikatchi d'ttoile'. This untamed dance-like movement features many excerpts similar to an be complex construedas grace notes which may interruption call, and repeatedchordal interlude before idea Eke the again, used as chirping an motivic next continuous sounding & bl]. The 'Ahi' b2 [p88, line s3, on p89, unpitched scream, occurs the s2, poem of or by interruption-Eke final The the an call. cry ends accompanied each three occasions, movement death in its finality. lovers le The Noir, 'Dans last represents eternal are at The movement, is tragic, recallingthe beginning love. The human from the far but end of movement rest, dead. 'Toi', lovers Messiaen the the word as are now mentioning of the work without instruction bouche ferm6e'. 'i displays for the final the with singer which note writes the lovers at peace. and motionless the of one Sharngadeva rhythms and many other characteristic Nlessiaencombinesrhythmic canons, birdsong. in The takes of a soloistic r8le even use piano on techniqueswith a sophisticated 107 bird depiction to 'style oiseau', style: althoughthe piececredits numerouspassages of the included has also manycharacteristicsof birdsongor calls. the composer elsewhere The Turangalila Symphony (194648) Foundation, by theKoussevitsky Commissioned the TurangalflaS)-mpliony wasto occupy from 17" July 1946 to 29h November 1948. This large-scale for two Messiaen years, lasts The ten and approximately movements seventy-five minutes. work consists of divided follows: the as are workmovementsof I Introduction Mod&6, un Pcu Vif II IH IV v Chant d'Amour I Chant d'Amour 2 Mod&6, Lourd Pr sque Lent, REveur Bien Niodere Joie du SangdesEtoiles Jardindu Sommefld'Amour Vif Passionn6,avecJoie Tr&sNfod6r&,Tr6s Tendre VI VI[I Turangalila 2 Un Peu Vif, VIH D6veloppementde I'Amour 3 IX Turanszah^la Final X Bien Nlod6r6 Mod&6, PresqueVif, avecune GrandeJoie Xloder6 _Bien Bien Mod6r6 Cyclic themesare incorporatedthroughoutthe symphony,and in addition eachmovement its four There themes separate using own, and of are motives. has a unique character in the a on numerous occasions symphony and play reappear themes which cyclic have by The themes titles the are given cyclic and composer, r6le. symbolic significant The first, 'th6me-statue' ('statue by theme'), musicologists. been numerous adopted since fortissimo. dense For Messiaen, the trombones, this on played in is thirds and mainly 108 brutality Mexican The indicates the of ancient monuments. secondcyclic theme, motive Ith6me-fleur'(Tower theme') - is given to the clarinetsin two parts, with a pianissimo dynamic.The two parts are opposites:they are widely separatedand then move together 13 ' 'like two eyesreflectingeachother... Messiaenthinks of a 'delicate in contrarymotion, " fuchsia, florid This theme gladiolus, an a red excessively convolvulus'. pliant a orchid, but is in the the theme also antithesis notes, opposing of previous character. not only uses The third cyclic theme ('th6me d'amour/the 'love theme') is the most important, This theme the the to surges with composer. passion, symbolising spiritual and according fourth Isolde. The Tristan 'th6me d'accords' ('chord theme, and cyclic of union emotional four in in that the cluster chords occur at various of points work theme'), consists fragmented or elaboratedversions. truncated, original, is its full to used the Although potential, few elementsof traditional cyclic principle in found introduction be The has form the the two work. can parts and states symphonic is in (introduction The 2. I two second movement sections and themes and coda): cyclic design, in hybrid is the first which a rondo/variation of episodesare variants of the a the development is the the of opening the a motive and secondphraseof second and refrain; be interpreted The the could also as one of variation, movement while ninth the refrain. be like 'Final' fifth the also seen may as scherzos, and a sonata fourth and movements is for 'development the the the According to eighth movement composer, section' form. the whole symphony. 109 The symphony,in addition,hasseveral'love themes. Thereare four 'love themes'in their du 'Chant d'Amour 'Jardin (movement in 1' found forms the two), basic movements: 'Diveloppement de I'Amour' (movement (movementeight), and d'Amour' six), Sommeil 15 in Given is (movement that ten). 'Final' each constructed movement predominantlY the discrete sections(with the exception of the eighth), it is the love and cyclic themes, free that multiplications give the musiccoherenceand propel the and technicalprocedures 'love The theme' the tempi the two second of of contrasting main time. in music feminine, from derived 'statue described the masculine and and are as movementare have love is doomed lovewithin fact, them: the In the elements of movements all theme'. it, 'irresistible, Messiaen transcending everything, puts as and, to self-destruction itselý love is by Tristan the a such as symbolised philtre of outside suppressingeverything 16 Yseult'. and from Sanskrit. 'Turanga' denotes taken word movementand -Turangalla' is a compound 'play, is in literally described divine 'Lila' terms the depicting time. means and of rhythm, has in its Messiaen The also several word polarities meaning: the universe. action upon love. in Harawi, lifeldeath. As The destruction, word also may mean and cites creation/ inextricably interconnected. Other death, life all are and and love is confined within follows: list, be the to as added can opposites rhythrii/ametricality time/timelessness tonality/modality tonality/atonality joy/despair human/superhuman In fact, Messiaendescribesthe whole symphonyas a love song and a hymn to joy. it is also a vast pool of rhythmiccounterpointsandgroupsthat are manipulatedby a full range of compositionaltechniques. The immenseorchestraneededto perform this symphonyconsistsof triple woodwind, four homs, four trumpets, one comet, three trombones,one tuba, sixteen first violins, fourteen double basses, twelve ten violas, cellos, seconds, piano, ondesmartcnot sixteen The large section. percussionýection consistsof a glockenspiel, percussion and a very together which, with the piano and the metal percussion,form a vibraphone and celesta smallGamelanorchestra. The solo piano almost acts as a solo instrument,possiblyinfluencedby the r6le that the 'Prom6th6e (Le Poirne in du Skriabin's Fcu). There long takes arc cadenzasthat piano in but is movement, the a climax a above all the most essentialtool piano often precede Rarely, birdsong. depicting the the sonorities of woodwind and the violins producea when 'le instruments that oiseau; to style of certainly, these on no occasion akin are sonority creditedas such. described illustrated in de full technical 'Technique procedures The and of mon gamut in found is Messiaen this Musical' symphony. Lwga.(Ye uses non-retrogradablerhythms, diminution, superimposed rhythmic structures and a sophisticated and augmentation by the rhythmic series superimposingWas rhythms. The most chromatic deploymentof in incorporatcd Messiaen's is in bird to appear this symphony, output style yet authentic More namesof specific birds are included in the score: many of the namedbirds are in birdsong The has become decorative differentiated character. musical not only sharply but alsorcalistic. The first movement,'Introduction', consistingof two parts linked by a piano cadenza, introduces the first two cyclic themes. Messiaenmakes full use of special orchestral in by demiserniquavers is followed first the The strings sextuplet ascending created effects. from the timc same at playing a glissando by trills, the ondesmartenot a G# to aD natural, is 'statue the theme' to follow jp4j. The secondis found in in altissimo:on eachoccasion introduces indeterminate flourishes, the immediately where section piano succeeding the in flute have the contrary motion, while and clarinets playing semiquavers 17 do figure in the solo violin andviola who alsoplay the as of a pyramid , demisemiquavers G C The is hannonics the string and string respectively. overall on cffect s*UM*Iar glissandi tjoijey in Des CmiyoYls the wind machine aux of the sonorities to lp6]. The 'flower before The four the introduced is piano cadenza. moments second part uses theme' Hindu harmonic The interrupts rhythmic on cells. ostinato rhythmic pedalssuperimposed be heard fast the and inight as a occasions ostinato cell of several texture on the is based 'statue The b3l. Ip 19, the theme'. conclusion on song nightingale's d'Amour 'Chant I' The second movement, begins with tWa rhythms that are form The is 'coupict-rcfrain'. the by of augmentation. movement a of superimposed means first is by into the the divided trumpetsand is two sections: contrasting played The refrain 112 is strong, passionateand quick; the secondis played by the ondesmartenot and is slow, first Messiaen In the verse, contraststhe sombretimbre of the low oboe, quiet. gentle and light ftom (in the clarinets with percussive effects and violins anglais pizzicato) and cor bells. Messiaen links from the the and also piano rapid sectionswith a warm and attacks denselyorchestratedF# major chord lp88-891. begins (the F third movement) with a coriversationbetweenthe first clarinct 'Turangalila is, it, Messiaen 'punctuated by bell, as the puts which martenot, vibraphoneand and ondes double basspizzicatos'. Thi's sectionis very reminiscentof the opening of Stravinsky's it Spring', is the openingof the movement, 'Rite [see Spring' not only p1j, as of 'Rite of dialogue between its because two parts, its use of two grace notes, continuous but also of fragmented The second theme on the low long the of small first repetition cells. and note a is the a passage unison on with celesta, glockenspiel and the right combined trombones is by The flute theme in third the played oboe the part. and piano hand of a rhythmic canon first the Messiaen then combines and second themes on the brass, and in retrograde. first he to the and second movements of the symphony with refers immediately after, A fourth theme, made up of three rhythmic characters played on the 'allusions'. various is introduced fully drum, bass developed from and the and to middle wood-block maracas, drum bass The decrescendo, the gradually crescendos, the maracas movement. he t. end of The movement constant. ends with texture remains a sparse the wood-block very while bells, doub I bass (Pizzicato) and its the martenot, ondes clarinet, e to opening: sirlUlar identical but this occasion the maracas, sonorities, using on present, again are vibraphone .P Although does include the music added. not are a style oiseau wood-block and piano 113 bells the the sonorities of piano, combined celeste, element, and vibraphone (p92) foreshadowthe xylophone-tnoand Gamelantimbresof later works, while the use of Chinese is indication the cymbals and maracas, especially an early percussion, of Balinese inspiration. According to Messiaen,the fourth movement(Thant d'Amour 2') can be divided into follows: as nine sections, I scherzofor piccolo andbassoonin unison, block the theme on wood with a rhythmic 2 bridge 3a reffain andthe first trio on the woodwind 4a secondtrio on solo strings 5a superimpositionof the two trios (woodwind and strings)with birdson-g 6 bridge 7 reprise and superpositionof the scherzos,two trios and the 'statue therne$ is heard the movement simultaneously everyelementof 8 pianocadenza 9 coda. The 'flower theme' is played on the clarinets,the 'statue theme' on the is the refrain playedon the ondesmartenotandthree solo violins while trombones, is importance. The piano anticipatesthe this fifth of notable movement The sectionof birdsong passagewith occasionalcharacteristicexcerpts,specificallyan interruption call [pi2i], fluttering [p1301 JP1201. The trill and rapid phrases extended an composer 0 Eke bird [p1321: the this forte song sound of a the should solo piano indicatesthat remains 0 final begins the the exception of the with phrase which section, piano and throughout On V/38]. [ex fortissimo the whole, the piano is triumphant: important to a crescendos love the 'Tr6s theme Njodird, and passionate the scherzo the opening of as such themes instruments. If it were and strongly simultaneously on other Amour' appear section avec 114 is birdsong fact in for the that generally the written octaves,the piano would not be not heard at all; at other times, one-partwriting is reservedfor tender momentswhen the fp136, b3], both is quiet and while the groupsof rapid, %videly-spaced sparse texture notes do not in any caseallow for playingin octaves[p136, W& p134, b2l. demisemiquavers, bars four first three groups of of consist The each separatedfrom the first is dotted longer D the by is a note: quaver the natural a single and second aG other G# is length. The in does it feature in a reference point: not only twice the crochet a sharp, in the secondand alternatelywith aD natural in the third, but it times three first group, fact, In G# features the two the groups. throughout second regularly this separates also in first bars is [p132, b3-6]. Each D these also ubiquitous the natural group of section,and by broken is [p133, b6l [p133, b3l in a up rest, the section a single entire note or an notes When b4l. [p134, the solo strings announcethe passionatetheme, the interruption call freer: introduced, is and quintuplets septuplets are together rhythmically with a piano figure Jp1331. At 9, line the notes piano grace plays and a single cell consisting syncopated G# is heardeleventimes,anda top G natural breaksup demiserniquavers: the of sextuplet (G forms three final a cell of note sharp/C sharp/G part the natural) on and texture the Two double in bar. bar first figure the 9 note cells beat alternate týe second of of quaver G finally, leading interruption three G a single onto and, grace note (E/D# and sharp/D) demisemiquavers idea (using first followed by a singlelonger The b241. eight jp134, calls followed bar, by interruption in two the next is calls and a short repeated note) W] [pM, serniquaver/quaver/semiquaver, cell which was rhythmic palindromic [p133, bl-2]. The by third the syncopation group of eight semiquavers introduced earlier 115 in the first four barsis a tritone alternator,a regularfeatureof Messiaen'suseof birdsong. The composerincorporatesthis samedevicein the secondbar of figure 10 jp136, b341, F# C This device the and notes this using natural. occasion may now clearly be on describedas the alternator.Many examplesof this can be found in the violin part in the first movementof the much earlierQualuorpour la Fin A Temp. v ['Technique' plo, s3, b2l. The final phraseof the birdsongsectionis built up with a triplet, three sextuplets,a final interruption E call and a single note sforzando grace a natural: the G# and septuplet, D natural are againreferencepoints,andthe composeralsomakesfull use of the sernitone is in The [p1391. V/39. this of part section piano shown ex relationship labelled figure 16, "style although not at oiseau', incorporatesmany The piano cadenza 'Mod&6, Libitum' These the at ad occur sectionsJp160,SS,bl-21, after interruption calls. flourishes (like in dectaplet a glissando), the and secondgroup of 'Tris the ascending dark-textured bars, chords. alternatingwith Moderd' ttoiles', is des long Sang dance du jubilation, five, 'Joie a of Movement perhapsthe first (1933). LAscension from Apart from 'Alleluia' episodic to the references the since is based 'statue the the on a variant therne,,especially movement of entire 'flower theme', After interval third. a triple exposition-vAth-variation,there is an a of in its use of the development of consisting a rhythmic section, canon made up of six rhythmic extended increases, first three decreases the The rhythmic characters the of second rcharacters'. and durations forming these the of are reversed, six rhythmic the third remainsconstant: 'statue the thirds A the ensues, presenting theme' cadenza of piano a solo at characters. 116 The 'statue the concludes movement tempo. %ith theme' played%ýithextremelylong rapid durations on the brass.Althouoghthere is no intended'Style oiseau' in this movement,the have interruption an affinity the exclamations vAth some of conversational calls cited on many earlieroccasions. examplesinclude: fp1881 fp201, fig 24] [p214, b5-8] [p231, bl-31 The 'love theme' is employedthroughout the sixth movement, 'Jardin du Sommeil d'Amour', andis playedby the string sectionandthe ondesmartenot.This cyclic phraseis for first is the example, after continuously; phrase completed,a repetition expandedupon than the fourth major sixth on a rather This cell, concludes expected and perfect overlaps by followed long is dinuiruished tied a to a quaver/crotchet note, crotchet a of consisting fourth bar of figure 1. The two templeblocks displaya double progression in the rhythm (figure 4), flute, the rhythms chromatic while Gamelan motion clarinet contrary and of harmony block to the of the strings,punctuatingthe long sustainedchords instrumentsadd has invention The two-part light the texture. celeste a with use of augmentationof a with t,wo rhythmiccells. I birdsong material is played on the piano. Based on the nightingale,black-bird The and from is it The the themes. is heard separate main entirely piano warbler, very garden free long-sustained high its the rhythms which off-set and notes the chords with of clearly birdsong first begins The phrase, and many others, with successive section. string 117 bl]. These V/40 [ex slow repeatednotes give the movementa calm p239, serniquavers - flowing lovers timelessness contentment, and and a serenity the as and sleep,while the intended depiction light, instruments to the add of shadow, the new plantsandthe other flowers in this specialgarden.Not only are there repeatednotesin serniquavcrs, but 'reference the struck, are especially at notes' endsof. phrases,giving a senseof certain be found One in Messiaen's can example coherence. useof modesix: the rnodal/melodic C F B 'reference, the sharps the naturals, and naturals, are and notes points are repeated These 'reference' D naturals. quaver points are often precededby triplet the two staccato denýserniquavers.After sevenbars of reper.ed notes (on the samepitch), scatteredgrace interval (always C the 'alternator' tritone F with phrase to natural an sharp)" and notes, distinctive birdsong b2l, [p239, This is a interruption phrase of call appears. phrase an throughout it the be labelled occasions several on movement: exactly may the repeated divided into four be (i) first The four This can parts. song rserenesong'. notesmakeup an by followed (H) immediately four a group of sextuplets, cell, , alternator' rising staccato 'chirps' (iv) [p240, b2l. This &serene (iii), two note does grace s2, and song' serniquavers bar in [ex V/411. the the point same at occur always not derived from &serene birdsong the also are song. The secondbar of Other segmentsof (ii) 'serene but the features of the'second cell song, as a quintuplet: on this figure I C begins the the Eb (the second note and concludes on with natural the cell and occasion in 'chirps, (iii)) two tritone last and grace augmentation note the of using first two notes Frequently, b1l. there [p241, (iii) are repetitious sl, serniquavers the on same of two notes note, however, is introduced 'serene in the fourth the song'; a new cell 'alternators' and 118 bar of figure 1. This featureusesthe notes,G, D, G#, F# and C#. In a later instance,the is identically V/42a rig 3, b3l lex down this motive the of repeated, with pitches rhythm it different bars two appears earlier with pitchesusing a retrogradeversion an octave,and durations, finally first two first three additional with an serniquavers, and the the three of in forms bar fig. 3): 3 (of this aggregate a non-retrogradablerhythm lex V/42 b, durations fragments is between In bl-21. these two A another ubiquitous s2, motive. very p243, cin bar 'of introduced is the. in Written the second movement. shape similar descending intervals first the are small notes derniserniquavers, and the others are set very high-pitched "chirp'. The is a with overafl effect a group of rapid wide apart, concluding V/42c first [ex b2l, On A, Ab Eb begin the the occasion p239, the and notes. scattered high-pitched D quaver a natural;on the secondoccasionthe with fragment, and conclude but followed by four den-ýisemiquavcrs they are employed, are three notes which same high-pitched D F9 quaverinstead(p243, high-pitched and end with a naturals two contain frequently is throughout the movement, but it is altered, This used b2l. shape s2, On dramatically. in few important this each occasion motive, expanded a and transposed left hand in Two be the part. put and examples can emphasis, seenon page notes aregiven in hand the the notes are right of part and the phraseconcludes 244, where the majority Immediately 'chirp' [see high-pitched p2441. the preceding second comparatively a with (describedabove)is a fragmentof musicthat usesthe samenotesas the cell in appearance is incorporated (the in bar 1) but time natural repeated aB note this at the bar two, high-pitched D the after added are natural. beginning,andgracenotes 119 At figure 4, Messiaenusesfeaturesftom the 'serene song': entirely different notes are in but in first The transposition. shape not exact similar a phrasejp2451 begins written 'serene 'alternator'; in the the second part of song' ensues an a manipulatedform, with followed by two high-pitched'chirps'. Thenext bar repeatsthe last five notes:there is a 'alternator' by followed two the the This then of notes and a continuation. rest same short 248, is introduced in new again on page where pitches utilised are almost exact pattern 245 The final the in example on page previous two of the notes are transposition same: C., is in found instances in the movement. ' two many notes fact, the repetitionof for frantic bars becomes two birdsong and excited at the successive'Mentir Peu i The bars Although lp252, bl-21. Tempo' 'A the speedis rather slow, there are no peu' and its followed to these by state of urgency: add grace notes notes are grace and groups rests, finally sextuplets(also demiserniquavers). Apart from demiserniquavers, and the major of bars built from the two B, A, D, G the notes, are grace up second notes and second/minor final high Ab or Bb. Thesegroups of notes begin at several between the an alternation frantic A bars. 261: two second section the occurs on page once again places within finish bars B, A, D, G, Ab two the in the open and with cell as cited octaves, written in between to At recurrent serniquavers, them. attached notes the grace with above, 'serene Tempo', 'A is the the second part of song" played, starting immediatelyensuing C (D (the first the and ending on natural) natural the third note note the of second with is first twice, the 'serene repeated with the and phrase of the song), song' part of The bar, its the repetition. next second with use of rising staccato immediatelypreceding is very sin-dlarin natureto the third and fourth parts of the 'serenesong' (see serniquavers, 120 below). The movementconcludeswith five repeatedB naturalsand the derniserniquaver introduced in bar. the that second was originally motive The characteristicsof the birdsongin the pianopart of this movementmaybe simplifiedas follows: I repeatedpitches(in serniquavers) 2 'alternator' (tritonesusedin isolation) 3 'serenesong' (andfragmentsfrom it transposedor not) i) alternatorconsistingof four notes ii) sextuplets ifi) four rising staccatoserniquavers iv) two gracenote 'chirps' 4 G, D, G sharp,F sharp,C (with rhythmsin original,retrogradeandnon-retrogradableorders) (transposedandconsiderablyextended) 5 scatteredderniserniquavers i) short extracts,a triplet anda finishinghigh-pitchednote" ii) extendedandelaboratedphrase 6 frantic two bars full "free the in technique makes use of this of movement multiplications',where Messiaen in isolation is from to put repeated, or added fragment phrase a another segment,giving a An be found improvisatory in this blackbird's quality. example of can the birdsong an the Livre d'Orgue. fourth in of the movement cadenza 'Turangalila begins 2', The first with a movement, piano cadenza. seventh The episodic descending in four the martenot chromatically ondes groups with of section ensues (in tuba in trombones a and close Position) chromatically three ascending and crotchets, describes full Messiaen the ondes phrase martenot as gentle, of three. pity and of goups 121 depths; bass down the the towards muddy of the trombones and the tuba is going like 'monstrous dinosaurs'. The rhythms that use the slow advance a as surnmarised 4chordstheme' are terrifying, and symbolisea pendulumknife relentlesslyapproachinga 'The Edgar Allan Poe's Pit in Pendulum'. the story and as prisoner, includes birdsong Messiaen several In the piano cadenza, characteristics.As in previous is the &styleois.eau' episodes, music mainly in octaves [ex V/431. This section contains high-pitched grace notes, repetitive machine-gun-likesemiquavers(on the same pitch), interruption b2l [p264, [specifically and s2, calls groups staccato when closing ostinato 'Bien Similarly, NfoddW the figure first 6 I p264]. see sections at cadenza and the in interruption in high-pitched the calls piano and the even celestaand several contain At Mod6r6 [see -, Peu Vif (figure the 3), both p265]. un the instruments woodwind flute the has the serniquavers repetitive on the. play piano same pitch, and very clarinet 'chirps' with precedinggracenotes,andthe piano, on its own, has high-pitched occasional flourishes interruption 'alternator' and passages, calls [seep2701.The movement frequent interruption the call on piano and a single sforzandoquaver exclamatory an with closes in does At the the composer classify these movement point no frorn the maracas. fragmentsas 'style oiseau'. has been ten which, up until now, movements without substantial in a symphonyof for development Messiaen for the sees need a section the expansion, entire and evolution de I"Amourl, is dedicated 'D6veloppement to this task: Movement the title eight, of work. According both has to symbolic the and significance. a musical composer, the movement 122 have drunk Isolde love Tristan like and a potion that unitesthem for ever. All the couples in but it is 'love the the is themes movement, used are theme' which the main cyclic is The 'love development. theme' in three full glory, like employed on of occasions subject 'Lent" The explosionsrepresentthe climactic momentsof the whole ecstatic explosions. by Isolde. Tristan-Isolde. Tristan transcended The ABABAB are and pattem symphony: 'love intermittent three-chord theme' episodes and ostinato toccatas are contained and introduction coda. and an within in bird be found in the colourful use of this style movement can The only conceivable intemption calls jp298; p311, W& p316, b2l and the fast 'chattering', perhaps,in the (figure Vif 'Presque 49). Messiaen does label the at cadenza these not piano short lp339-3401. such passagesas Turangahla3 (movementnine) setsout a numberof choruseson a theme announcedby a chromatic and martenot, rhythmic mode of seventeendurations ondes and the clarinet These irregular in block-, the order. rhythms appear on an wood tam-tam, arranged Provengal Thirteen tabor. Was, and solo maracas strings underpin cymbal, each suspended is governedby the rhythin. On the first statementof the harmony being the that the result in has instance duration the serniquaver, preceding a and second two tMa, each On the third occasion,eachdurationhasa trill of five serniquaversin length: serniquavers. trills The the finish, occur, closing movement. continuous and movementends the tilas been have completed. the variations suddenlywhen 123 At figure6, the pianobeginswith four barsof continuousmusic.The first andthird bars fifth birdsong to the pattern similar characteristicof the 'Jardin du use an extremely ascategorised Sornmeild'Amour' movement, above.The secondandfourth barsdisplay thus formingtwo tritone 'alternator'seriesjp3481. four groupsof triplet serniquavers, thescattered serniquavers The fifth barof figure6 continues with manycommonnotes.2' bars in length,while the remainingfifty-two bars four two two of ostinatos are The next bars are slightlyaltered,with occasionalalternatorsand two winding descendingand in between The birdsong them be found in other scales sonorities chromatic can ascending jp362] the (with the and staccato celesta serniquaver of exclamations notes the grace (at figure flute 12) lp362]. in the piccoloand rests) focuses 'Final' on two main subjects.The first subjectis a fanfare triumphant The epic and horns, instruments the by trumpets while other the and the of orchestraemphasize played is 'love is, Robert The the theme' Sherlaw subject Johnson and second as sonorities. these " into the 'transformed the scherzo rhythm of movement'. out, points The various bars 3116 the impelling give of semiquavers movement the a considerable of groupings force. The first subject returns as a recapitulation: the three groups of instruments intensify brass the brass, other, each giving a ceremoniousand intense strings) (woodwind, in 'love theme' the sixth movement makes a dramatic the The of version power. in the coda. The movementbeing well-establishedin its original key of F# appearance concludes. the symphony major, 124 Looking at the symphonyas a whole, it is the piano that has the 4style oiseau' music, as birdsong that suggest may characteristics,even though Messiaenhas not well as passages labelledthem as such.The gamelanand strings,on occasions,add to the various birdsong difficult instruments. to Many that with produce western so are musicologists sonorities Messiaen in interested the the why chose reasons piano as the main, and almost only are for The 'le depict oiseau'. piano, style example,cannot glissandolike 4 violin or tool, to it in instruments; both familiar tones: can play nor quarter attributes of some other for foremost The reason usingthe piano is its range:the piano also hasa birdsong or calls. brilliance its Nevertheless, the top at crisp of a range*. and the composer percussiveeffect in that 'like this bird': states work phrases should the sound occasion song of a on every but decorative is representative,at this stage of the composer's the bird style not only development.The only attemptat renderingparticular species,however,may be found in du d'Amour', Sommeil 'Jardin blackbird the where nightingale, movement, the sixth and less imitated, Messiaen later than albeit accurately are to achieve. was warbler garden in lack him hesitate this task Messiaen's confidence of made to namethe species Perhaps just blackbird left in the the birds the as nightingale and score, were the out of the score of du Temps, Fin in la Quatuor the preface.The credited and only mentioned pour in the is it it is in to achievea tentativesound,if the is when not, octaves: usually birdsono, 0 intervals because it impossible it, the for widely-spaced make or allows octave orchestra incorporatesthis monophonicand explicitly linear techniqueto Messiaen playing. through motives/cells are small put as many effect compositional comprehensive The birds to do applied non-birdsong also material. are obviously which of all processes, 125 but forms imitation, themselves, techniques these many of manipulation and not use be detected in birdsong. The Tra may cells motivic of 11 11 gal 11, aSnpho XI it i e extensions for (written five later), the and naturalistic exploratory work the way some years paves birds Oiseaux, thirty-eight des named are used,and where the piano is again where Riveil importance. In this devotes itself the instrument work entire of paramount orchestra to the Turmigall1a S)-mphonie birdsong, to the depiction as opposed of where the pianoplays the bird 'style the and most of uncredited the oiseau" style, while credited the rest of the all harmonic textures, themes. cyclic and principal voluptuous plays orchestra 126 Notesto ChapterV MessiaenCompanion,ed. PeterHill, (Faber,1995),p250. 2 Roger Nichols,Messiaen,(London, Oxford UniversityPress,1975,revised19S6). 3 Both the JerusalemBible andthe King JamesAuthorisedversionusethe word time,, but the original Greekversion(written towardsthe end of the first centuryA. D.) might be better translated'delay'. " Olivier Messiaen,'Trait6 de Rhyme,de Couleur,et d'Ornithologie', (Paris,Leduc, 1999), pp423427. ' In this instance,Messiaenwrites the phrase'commeun oiseau':no particularbirdsong or intended. is call " This techniqueis usedin a passagewith manyrepetitions, involving the transposition of down a sernitone,while othersstaythe same. somegroupsof notesup or 7 Taken from the record sleevenotesin Malcolm Troup's Tealisationof Vi?zgtRegardsSur 1,Enfalli Jisus, Altarus RecordsLtd, 1986.The noteswere written by Messiaenhimself by the pianist. translated and ' Perhapsone cancategorisethe diatonicarpeggiogracenotesasthe cymbals,and the Tam-Tarnbottom See the 173, the four, bar the of piano page at system two in crashes the score. 9 This is a regularoccurrencein Messiaen'soeuvre:an interruptioncall is definedandthen in bar. one again and again later repeated 10The samenotesof the syncopatedrhythmarerepeatedstraightafter, in simple serniquavers. 11This term is employedby Paul Griffiths in his book, Olivier Messiaen ndthejýfusjcof 1985), Faber, (London, p147. Ti-n-me, 12it is interestingthat all the birdsongin this songis in altissimo. 13See CD notes from Myung-Whun Chungs recording with the Orchestre de I'Opera Messiaen's 431781-2. Stereo own words, translated by Paul Griffiths, pI0. Bastille, 14Ibid, p10- 11SeePaul Griffiths, OP.Cit-, p 134. 16CD notes,op. cit, P10. 17The descriptionof the figure of a 'Sheaf that is found in HaraW is referredto by However, the contoursof this flourish of rapid notesfeature Messiaenon one occasion. It Messiaen. is like a circumflex.An in to that seems this the of me music shape regularly be described han-nonic that cannot a notes as melodic, of or chromatic ascendinggroup descending like is accent, wl-ffle a acute an one resemblesa graveaccent. mode or scale for be &accent' this purpose would confusing,andthereforethe best The use of the word flourish, flourish, descending flourish. be: ascending pyramid terms might is All the -alternator'phrasesin this movementusethe tritone interval,a very frequent Messiaen's in melodicwriting. of interval much 19This is a 'reference'note on most occasions. 20As in the fifth birdsongcharacteristicin the sixth movement,'Jardindu Sommeil in that the texture, andthereare manynotes stand out notes there several are d'AmOur", down that transposed The other notes are and up or a semitone. regularly that are used 127 follow bars this texture same use with a very similartechniqueto that of the which sixty dagrandissement asym6trique'system. (London, Dent, 1976,revised1989)ppl 16-158. 21Robert SherlawJohnson,Me-LssiLaen, 128 Chavter VI: The Experimental Period 1949 19ýsj - The years1949-1951mark an experimentalperiod in which Mcssiaenexploresnew 'Interversion' the with the which, exception procedures of compositional system',he does later The in direct this time to compositions of works. are a result of the not return Someof his more illustriouspupilshad goneto seeRend following circumstances. follower Schoenbergian himself the of a Leibowitz, principlesof composition,in an dodecaphony. Messiaen had discover introduced to his to extensions already attempt Second Viennese by School: it the to works was at theseclassesthat, pupils various his disappointmentthat the aforementioned GoI62, the stressed to composer according intensity, had timbre, of new ways representing embodied not articulationand composers highly in their organisedserialcompositions.Accordingto Boulez, in an articlea duration it later, was the more cerebralthird memberof the SecondVienneseSchool, few years v3 'threshold for the the Webern, the future, as he organisedthe and was path who Anton highly in Richard Toop four a methodical of music manner. elements statesthat the other integral between 1948-1953,4 and serialism music occurs -risevof electro-acoustical Wghfightingthe significantadvancestaldngplaceat this time. Tanglewood Darmstadt, he began teaching at and to Messiaen three was write WhHe short 0 Rythmiques Neumes Mode de CwWyodjavd, Valeurs dInteilsilis. for and el piano: pieces his influenced to final that pupils write suchcomplexand sophisticated piece the It was by Stockhausen (195 'Kreuzspiel' 1), 'Structure I as a' and such integral pieces, both Fano"s(1951) and Goeyvaerts'(1951-2) (1951-2) Boulez X'by and -polyphonie 129 Sonatasfor two pianos.Mode de Valcurset dInlensikv is the first westerncomposition dynamic, duration introduce to procedures pitch, numerical to and timbre. The piecesIle de Feu I andII, NeumesRythmiquesandMode de Valeursel d7ntemit& collectively budes de Rythme(1949-50).The final three piecesof this period,Afessede la forrn the Pentec6le(1950),Livre d'Orgue (1951) andespeciallyLeMerle)VOir(1951), are of most importanceto this study:the formertwo makesignificantuseof identified birdsong,while 5 dedicated is blackbird. to the latter Le Merle songsandcalls of the an entirepiece the des Oiseaux'and'Soixante-Quatre 'Chant Durees'(fourthand the Arbirandperhaps Livre d'Orgut) from the the anticipate predominantsignificanceof movements seventh birdsong materialin the works to come. (1950) Pentecke In de Messe Z.ý - in five is la Pentecile fbUows: de Messe written movements as The I la"frAp I 2 Offertoire 3 4 Co nunion 5-C!"?+;,. (Les Lanauesde Feu) (Les ChosesVisibleset Invisibles) (Le Don de Sagesse) es Oiseauxet les Sources) (Le Vent de LEsprit) into integrated be low the Mass to service, the specifically of intended is TWswork described has his the Messiaen composition a as r6sum6 of all collected Pentecost. in La Sainte improvised Trinitd the He the services at all church of on improvisations6. 130 Sunday,with the exceptionof the eleveno'clock, where a pieceof classicalor romantic be A improvisation the conglomeration of played. all would styles of that repertoire Messiaenhadan especialregardfor was deployedin this work. Suchdeviceswould include: inventedandmedievalplainsong,serialtechniques,irrational values,original Hindu Greek Turangalila rhythms, religious symbolism, and motivesand registrations, birdsong. it birdsong has be first element: no would The wise to start by looking at the movement begins Shamgadeva 'Offertoire' in three 'personnages with rhythms movement. next first (trifiya) remainsconstant,the second(caturthaka)augmentsby The rythrniques'. (nihpnkarila) diminishes the third by demisemiquavers and each repetition, at one three is legato 'Mod6rd' The that ensues a unisonsection,perhapsreminiscent den-dserrýiquaver. first Glorieux, Corps, des the Les the Corps movement of 'Subtilite organ cycle of features decade It previously. short semiquaverphrasesthat are Glorieux written over a in nature.The 'PresqueVir incorporatesthe 'dur6eschromatiques, discrete extremely hand the treated The and pedal are as separate entities,and serialised right/left technique. by (top for hand duration The stave) augments a sixteenth duration. each right by until the itself. 5, The left hand the begins has the repeats where pattern unit duration reached with 5,4,1,2,3, follows the duration 5 pattern: and other permutations and he unit t in is The texturesarebroken up by two The an ostinato. organised part pedal supervene. bass. follows 'Mod6rd" The in C the the using exact naturals pitches and crotchet simple left handpart is added the title, that from same except with a section the previous rhythms 131 frequent its listener for grace the of use notes, prepares with the bird style at the which, 'Un PeuLent'. The pedalpart in the 'Un PeuLent' section(p I I) is an augmentedversionof the unison in 'Mod6r6' melody,only transpositionand slightly modified. The right handpart is divided into two separategroups.The first group, with its detachedand spiky texture, bird droplets [ex VU11. the Both have and second, of water, style groups represents droplets forte independent the bird of water sonorities: are all staccato the and entirely is the the is there near end only of section and piano, one sofitarystaccato always style (givenspecificallyto eachgroup) accentuatesthis Moreover, the registration phrase. below: differentiation,asshown K. gambeet voix c6leste Pos: Mae 4, piccolo 1,3ce (water drops),forte G: bourdon8 (bird), piano Ped: flCite4 seule 'comme Messiaen the relinquishes phrase, that un oiseau'usedin previous It is significant in 'oiseau': labels focus is interest this phrase the each section, real of pieces,andplainly droplet is birdsong from in this representation found water and the the be a change to r6le in Messiaen's Nevertheless, birdsong does Messiaen earlier bird works. or as style of be bird, bird these The to excerpts must referred as style. particular any not specify in follows: into divided be sections order seven as birdsong can 132 I two 'alternators' legato,+E natural 2 exact repetition of I 3 first half of I 4 repeated notes legato +E natural leszato+E natural a) staccato and mostly in threes and twos b) divided into three parts, the first two are identical with the characteristic high note IchiTto finish 5 irrational value flourish At natural 6 13flat ý A 1ralI na entati! ::::::::::::::::::: 6 Of tioLnof he 'alternator' tthe two usin the usIn u0 ne ý Imo, n( tes of t lh'altcrnator notes otes 01ýý tlus! LE 1 lus an E naturýý tu ralI atura [see pll-12 - VI/11 The 'Un PeuLent' returnsat the endof the movement.In this instance,the sectionis in bars final following format: The take the hand nine andonepart. one I Moder6- first bar of the original section(page4 in the score) 2 two barsof repeatedlow Cs (as originally found on page5 of the score) 3 two 'alternators'as I above 4 onerepeatedlow C natural 5 first andthird partsof the repeatednote motive as4 above 6 two clarinetandnazardchordalcomplexes 7 final semibrevechordalcomplex [seep131 (Les Oiseaux Les Sources)' involves 'Communion et fourth a specificuse movement, The it begins in this in As the with an movements, epigraph other or quotation, birdsong. all of case: 'Sourcesd'eau,b6nissezle Seigneur;oiseaudu ciel, binissezle Seigneur'. 133 The epigraphaboveis Messiaen'sversionof part of the 'Song of Creation' so often read in churchafter the communionhastakenplace.The bird style in this movementis either 'oiseau', indication 'rossignol' two (nightingale) or on separate occasions the and given 6chantde merle"(blackbird). fourth bars this three movementare labelled'oiseau. The listenermay of The opening immediatelyfind a new senseof rhythmicfreedom[ex VI12aj. The barsare all at a long durations,while shorternotesare usedin the first two the consist of tempo: moderate indeterminate final 7: 8 henýidemisemiquaver the bar the marking on specific last with flourish. Unfortunately,the gracenotesandthe disregardof any senseof beatare the only like bird bars that style.It certainlydoesnot soundlike birdsong, sound featuresof these does include the be 'chant' composer the the not why reason word at the which may bird-calls The birdsongs. than The two slow are sounds the rather section. begmng of in distantly faster bird flourish the displaysthe the woods, the singing and bars represent its [see fluttering The tree startled on wings, a of p171. calls of two other agitation and Groups tempo two markings. of chordalcomplexesappearrather birds occupythe next bars 'Lent' in natureto the first two are exact repetitions and very similar the statically: labelled the A not as such, mark this although which, end of the sectiom cuckoo cansof bars five is for the the as nightingale's next song three written with emerges contrast V1/2a]: [ex separateregistrations 134 Pos: Me 4, piccolo 1,3)ce G: bourdon 8 R: tlQte 4, cymbale The characteristicsof the nightingale'ssongare as follows lex VI/2b): I repeatedquavers(B naturalor F natural) 2 interruptioncall (gracenote(s)and high 'chirp') (C#) 3 repeatedserniquavers 4 staccato'alternator' (tritone) 5 torculusresupinus Theorderforthese tennsis: 1,2,3,1,2,5,2,122,4. innovative is here birdsong than in Messiaen'spreviousworks: no more style The useof is in his different exploration timbraleffects,whichis achieved of change the onlynotable The in this sectionis very reminiscentof the the nightingale registrations. by modifying 'Jardin du Sommeil d'Amour' (Turangaffla in Stpnphonýy). the of The part piano birdsong in Turwigaffla S)7nphony, the are used 'alternator' the quavers/semiquavers and repeated its interval C-F the is common tritone of most fact, use of In replica exact an sharp. series found in first the of nightingale's the sono, representation the violin N4essiaen's part of 01) la Pour Fin du Quatuor Temps, includes the also tritone 'alternators' first movementof dcn-ýisemiquavers. repeated of use regular and (moderately, freely) Librement' full irrational 'Mod&6, makes use of The ensuing rhythms W is indication hand, tempo The of contradictory: on the performeris one VI/31. above je]L (s)he is hand, the to observethe specific free, be other required on and to asked durations! However, Messiaen be the may that the suggesting rhythmic of comple)dties 135 French 'libre the to Pair' customary (Tree asa bird'). refer saying, should comme organist in the left handby staccatopitches(mostly The song,on this occasion,is accompanied drops in that the secondmovementthe drops of of water, represent whereas serniquavers) birdsong important The bird features in the right the separated. were most and style water hand maybe characterised asfollows: I four ascendinghernidernisemiquaver thirds and a high chirp, 2 two low pitch sustainednotes(I" occasion:C#) 3 threeinten-nittentdottedquavers(occasionallywith gracenotes)(3:2) 4 two irrationalflourishes 5 two intermittentdotted quavers(3:2) 6 long D natural(with gracenotes) 7 three syncopatedquavers (21b-G natural -E natural) 8 exact repetition of I nd 9 prolonged/augmented versionof 2 (2 occasionC natural) -[seep181 blackbird in bars. the He marksthe changeby the the of song ensuing Messiaenspecifies its flute the These 4' own, on and use texture. a of staccato stop a phrasesand the use of from Turangalila the incorporate aforementioned a principle movement:many calls also 'reference These 'reference point. G a the with end points' are notes of notes groups first in B C#. the is is it important times phrase, natural six and sounded at sharp,which in its function 'phrase' integral define to the relation word as to an part of this point is broken into A 'Phrase' blackbird's is defined up cadenza separate phrases. the birdsong:. is 'call' is that continuously until a rest marked, appear and a a short as a group of notes However, Messiaen's birdsong of side rests. either that use appears of rhythmic cell in in be terms of calls and phrases: some cases other analysed always cannot insight into timbre rhythm and may provide more the melody, as such characteristics 136 The the song. of meticulouslynotatedrestscreatea realisticeffect, motives structure and breaths birdsong. Using texture the spasmodic and of the above they signify as form found: be Mowing the can tern-ýnology, Blackbird Sectionof 'CommunionL(righthandpart). pBRASE/CALL MOTIVES threeG#s,two sernitone 'alternators' syncopatedphrase 3 4* call FINAL 'REFERENCE POINT" G9 endsAith a scandicuscell G# four serniquavers 99 6 pitch palindrome', (porrectusshape) staccato and semiquavers, gracenotes long phrase 7* call 8 9 10 two sen-ýquavers flourish extended syncopatedrhythm syncopatedrhythm wC 12 two semiquavers four serrýiquaver group, sounded threetimes - -----13 INFORMATION using G-C# interval includesG-C# interval C# usingan indetem-Linate flourish gracenote on 2nd indeterminate + gracenotes the last threenotes of 9 gracenote on I' the third group is altered,beginsand endson the ref point G sharp B natural C-A-C + G-C# repetition long C natural iambic Eb + call 1 1 derived from iambic G-C#, - 15* call 7& 11 than birdsong is a phrase. rather a call that cell a * Denotes 16ý B natural C# G# B natural G# C# 1 C.# 137 be followssimplified can as The structureof the whole movement de Messe la-PentecOte. Movement 4 'Communion' Structure: Song of Bird Ecq5 E "rI cvr-riON 6r6 [ 6 rE Lent Un Peu Vif Kjo--d&6,Librement E LENGTH 3 bars 5 bars 5 bars bars 6 IY2 a) b) 7 1/2bars ---------Lent 5 bars Vif Peu n I bar 12 bars Mif Un Peu VIf Tr&s Lent 2 bars 3 bars TEXTURE oiseau chord clustersandcuckoo single-line:nightinstale oiseauand drops of water, blackbird and drops of water chordalcomplexesand cuckoo (as the previousLent) I' bar of earliernightingale texture chordal/modalchordsand addednote values+ solo linelo( not labelled) earliernightingaletexture modal chordalcomplexes, dim 7ths,+ ascending dropletsusing the highest piccolo I stop, 32' on the pedal in to the are nature calls similar chordal complexes the cuckoo-type As mentionedearlier, final 'Call' The blackbird in bl-21. [see the the before of them s3, bars p17, two andthree C G to the top correspond exactly which sharp, note and natural the hand notes uses right &reference' B two the other the employ notes calls cuckoo and chord, cluster of each natural G and sharp. 138 The bird stylein this movementis innovativewith its frequentuseor irrational values.The is by blackbird droplets the the accompanied of water (althoughthe second sectionwhere birdsong) between the is suggests possibility of a counterpoint not two separatebirds, part In fact, this sectionis the first movetowardsa two-part.birdsonglike that of a 'Tris Vir (Le Loriot') Catalogue dDiscaux. in the movement of second section The fifth movement,'Sortie (Le Vent de I'Esprit), containsa long passageof birdsong larks. Wif This be divided into of section can a chorus three which represents is birdsong, first The the the while secondand third partsusethe parts. simultaneous 'interversionsSurdur6eschromatiques'technique.The secondpart, written in chordsin duration begins that to in twenty-three adds up bass a with semiquavers total; the clef, the by diminished is it this serniquaver, one and process continues until reachesa next chord (in the of continuous use semiquavers where chords)concludesthe single serniquaver, in first duration the lasts four the Thý opposite mannerthird acts part section. in length(a crotchet),andgraduallyaugmentsto a durationworth twentyserniquavers five serniquavers. in included In Messiaen's larks this movement. are entire output, a vocalisationsof lark has the different typeý are represented, and of composer madea clear numberof include Types lark, between the them. used calandra short-toedlark, differentiation skylark, lark (African), hoopoe Japanese lark lark, (African), horned shore skylark, wood from lark North USA. types the Messiaen USA) two is less of meadow (North and lark in indication the scoresimplystatesThoeur des instance: the in this specific 139 larks'. However, larks because the of are chosen they fly muchhigher alouettes'/'Chorus birds, immense freedom. they The senseof frcedomis and so symbolise an other than most by the the complexity of chromaticrhythmsthat negateany senseof precise enhanced bird has the human ideas. these no conception although of or regularity, rnetre in following be larks' the 'chorus analysed may The manner.The characteristicswill of first be.defined,andthenthe form of the sectionoutlined [ex VIU41. MainCharacteristics. D# four threequavers repetitive serniquavers, a) b) four semiquavers, two 'cretic' sets(addednote values) Ab (in Bb fours) twos note, serniquaver grace or c) cell: d) anapaesticcell: two demisemiquavers anda semiquaver (C4 C two or natural) crotchets e) 0 'alternator'E/F#, Ab/E natural,Bb/Ab (derivedftom c) dramatically 'alternator' changedby 'agrandissement g) asymitrique' h) four repeateddottedquavers i) repeatedEb serniquavers bar-by-bar, be Eachbirdsong asopposedto phrase-by-phrase. examined The structurewill is bar, durations the (and cell) written mere within a a while occasion chromatic on phrase 'interruption The ties is included be many are used. as separate, call' to entirely not seem in [see the two appear section whole only p23-26). since characteristic as a 140 Labelled Characteristic a as b Bar I 2 3 4 c (& d) 5 6 e all 8 9 10 e a b I a 13 ý. F#) f 14 9 15 9 - is 19 & f (Bb and reference notes Ab)12 - 20 - 21 )&h f (Bb d --- ------22 73 extra M*o slurred quavers long passageof 'alternators' with grace notes, d D# repetition E and Ab C natural a +291) 16 17 extratwo slurredquavers usingmajor 7"' and minor 901in a 'cretic' rh%ihm plus Mo groupsof threenotes, I' usesthe major 71 'Rererence' Points/Notts DOtepctition DN reNtition outer parts:E-Eb-D& nh-Mb CN &d E) f (Ab and cs 7 Variation/Qualities extra two slurred quavers long passage- extended version of b new 'reference note' for a. opposite direction for final two quavers two quaver and three quavers 'alternator', two GN quavers, repeated Rs, two G# quavers, 'interruption call' -agrandissanent.. "' D-Bb 'alternators. broken up by I" a quaver & 2d two quavers version of 14, broken up by I' a d dotted quavers &2 quaver 'interruption call' (iamb) four preceding grace notm many "reference notes' and subsidiary notes continuation of 17 (paeon IV) extended phrase i) using reference point (E) & subsidiary notes ii) two grace note 'diirps' iii) Bb-Ab 'alternator' iv) two quavers (E) i) Bb-Ab 'altemator' ii) four repeated E's as dotted cruavers three groups of d and a spondee on E naturals i) 'reference note' (Bb) ii) 2 Climactis CCUS iii) two seniiquavers E and Eb twenty Eb semiquavers A natural repetition A natural repetition F# in 'alternator' and repeated cells E natuz-al E natural E natural E natural E natural E natural Bb Eb L--ý [p23-261 incorporates birdsong, irrational Messiaen simultaneously first which in the is TIiis work values found in his Divergent variations are use and startling 'interversion' system. andthe 141 depicting birdsong. More when even regularly,the composerusesthe of registrations, in its bird to the timbre. an attempt create unique of name actual Ongue Pikes (1951) Sept d'Orgue pour Livre - Messiaen'sstrict organisationalproceduresreachtheir apogeein Livre d'Orgue, the immediately this acts to period which as a the conclusion of work preceding secondorgan interversions la Pentecdte.Sharngadeva de Messe rhythms, and various audacious piece, betweei, display them, intensities timbre, synthesis a and note-lengths techniques and serial are has The below seven movements, work as shown as pitch. as important Livre dDr Zte Movements I- H Hi IV v vi vH Reprisespar Interversion Pike en Trio Les Mains de I'Ablme Chants des Oiseaux Pi6ce en Trio Les Yeux dans les Roues Soixante-QuatreDur6es in Messiaen's for the last only sections are output first movements organwhich The and The theological. the or secondand sixth movementsare also spiritual forgo any elementof in incorporate the the same pitch-series, they sameway that the third as together, finked is fourth fantasy the the nucleus movement of entire do, the work fifth of while -a and in Hindu first become the three rhythms The movement, uses which composer birdsongy. 142 4rhythmicpersonages'.This monodicwriting is repeatedbut in the form of a 'closcd fan'Nventail ferm6': the first note is followed by the,last, the secondwith the penultimate, been has Similarly, the overall structureof the movementsis reached. the centre note until IV (centre III-V, II-VI, I-VII, The movement). utilisation of retrograde and a palindrome: is forms to the work as a whole. essential palindromic The day is dividedinto two in the fourth movement,'ChantsdesOiseauxl.Nlessiaen includesa characteristicepigraphat the beginningof the piece: 'Apr6s-rrAdidesoiseaux:merlenoir, rouge-gorge,grive musicienne la ' vient nuit... quand rossignol et (, Afternoonof the birds: blackbird,robin, songthrushdarkness falls... ') the nightingale when and has become indisputably in this birdsong the centreof attentiorLNo longer movement The fact, In textures. amongst other embedded the in sonorities all these passages this are birdsong display in isolation, by uncontaminated monophonically western movement far aspossible. as techniques compositional between birdsong black-bird, to act as conversations the seem of Two passages nightingale is first blackbird, The the principally a vocalisation of thrush. two with short song and " by The secondusesthe songof the thrush. intedections and nightingale song episodic it flamboyant the as sings alternate voice, the main passages thrush as with the song from The blackbird the call a short and nightingale. three the other of sections rnelodies blackbird, in the robin and nightingale turn each birdsong exhibit cadenzas: several of are 143 the intrinsic virtuosic elementsof their vocal repertoire.Five separatepans maybe distinguishedin the birdsong: blackbird,nightingale, I Conversations: songthrush,blackbird 2 Blackbird'scadenza 3 Conversations: songthrush,nightingale, songthrush,blackbird, blackbird, thrush, blackbird songthrush,nightingale, song 4 Robin'scadenza 5 Nightingale's cadenza is by first in bird the separated a very brief "Un PeuLent' bar on the pedal Each passage (violoncelle8) which containsthe ubiquitousgracenote so often associatedwith short 'interruption as an call'. As Messiaendoesnot labelthis as categorised interjections,often is low in comparisonto the conversational kind the register very and birdsongof any describe be it to However, in later them unwise as may such. works, vocalisations, birdsongs in low because he has a register transposedall the numerous N4essiaen notates high-pitched that the down so octaves very several soundsareboth audibleand birdsong The instrument. desired is this overall the effect of to method on representthe playable In it is in to this each other. case, moreprobablethat these birdsongsexactly relation listener the the of giving a chanceto differentiatebetweeneach interjectionsserve purpose its has is fact, further In tempo this own song each marking: a that element song. species' besides from the birdsongs another, one articulation,comparativedynamics the divides birdsong, in Moreover, has its the each whole movement own styles. specific motivic and first in the section: appear three of which registration, 144 blackbird PresqueVif (et Fantaisiste)14 nightingale Tr6sMod6rd,Tendre song thrush robin Bien Mod6r6,Auto Vif Pos: Me 4-,nazard2 213. tierce 13/5 R.- Me 4, octavin2, bourdon 16 G: plein jeu, clairon 4 G: Me 4 seule [see p13 and top of p141 is in lengthY blackbird's bar. It canbe dividedinto rive first the written songs one The of five derniserniquavers built is first high that The A of up end on a accented natural, parts. it high the that B same vein, except concludes in third written is with the a natural. and high fourth with conclude a accentedpitch, but they are not marked parts The secondand fifth The is F# 'interruption cell staccato sign. two a an and only calls, with an accent, have frequently Ornithologists dactylic cell. mentionedthat the blackbird forrrýinga high-pitched 'chuckled' declamatory Ilese a very with concludes sonority. two regularlY E naturals(with precedinggracenotes)typify this uniquequality, as they are higherthanthe precedingpitches:the naza d2 2/3andthe tierce 13/5 comparatively bar be described 'call'. Only the two notes The can only this. nightingale's as a exaggerate demiserniquaver forming 74 thirteen 'alternator' "o, a B major staccato used, are and is far The sound than more calm overall and tiotio'. that reserved tiotio, of the tiotio, in itself (f-pp). dramatic is The dynamic in be contrast a to the nightingale seems blackbird: its fortissimo The thrush It an exciting entrance makes with distance. song marking. the 'call' it is described than be both rather song, as as a made two of up motives, also should of bar few first the The 'interruption and entire only makes calls', use of a notes. which are flat-F# G-A an accompanying with grace the note, and the second notes uses Inotive 145 involves an 'alternator' (B flat-A natural)where eachSeiniquaverin the group of two forming iambic The thus three note, a grace as cells. acts secondof the blackbird's notes bars in four is length. Each bar displays of unequal written an entirely appearances different characteristicandstyle.The rangeof the blackbird's songis conveyedby using a in bass first The bars the two Eb clef natural aC are exactrepetitions.More and top importantly though,the most commonfeatureof the four barsis the useof 'double' notes. The firstbar beginswith an anapaesticcell - two B naturalsand an F natural.The third bar 'chuckled before flats A ending'.The endingsof the third and fourth bars another hastwo in include both (although fourth three bar they notes common the usesoctave are similar: high-pitch derniserniquaver the and use a rapid displacement), endon patternwith widely. blackbird's fourth The the in intervals. 'conversations' of phrase second the song spaced A (G 'reference double The first natural) which four and act as notes points'. uses also interval: first the two the augmented down same transposed notes are use also a notes leap from huge bottom C in bass The a a the with natural ends fifth. song clefto a highflat. B pitched described be [exVI/5] birdsong may as a section blackbird's of cadenza which uses The islands'. Paul Griffiths 'continuous motivic originaUy the coined of expression the principle 15 frequently that islands' short phrases of music summarising when usemanyof dmotivic This this theory, the epitornises with section additional useof pitches. the same intervalfic incorporate the The of same many relationships. which cadenza transpositions be into the into since music cannot parts; segmented divided several be phrases as may 'chirps'. However, it is isolated importance single-note to of paramount many so are there 146 definehow a 'part' is separated.In this case,a 'part' is a sectionOf musicbeforea rest. Whethera rest representsa periodof time when the bird takesa breath,pauses,or not, it is the simplestway to visualiseandanalysethe birdsong.If this sectionwere to be sung, lengthen the time after a staccatonote at the endof a slur; however, the performerwould durations be be is the the organ, on to should played observedas accuratelyas as this into Taking does thi consideration, staccato the a s note at end of a slur not possible. (pause), in instances, a comma although the a part, of which end appears several constitute from feature the reststhat dividesonepart ftorn the ntxt. The apart is the only other into be broken length: thirty-two between up therefore parts of varying music can section built it is birdsong The be up of one note or many more. whether cannot restsor pauses, in however, bars two it into the there only are whole as section; brokenup maybe by thetwo barlines.The'motivicislands"effiect delineate two separations to reasonable if 'alternator' few in the to only be a notes are used a similar section of music:the very can be four included. three is Examples repeated and may or that a pitch notes difference of in Part be I the A flat, the D of parts. most seen uses notes can technique naturaland this have interval flat-D A the tritone beginning the end and natural.Out of the G: boththe C#, is Ab G the before twice, the the sounded unexpected natural once, and notes eight These in five 3; the pitches same times. are only notes used D part onceagain the natural Part 7 G a staccato serniquaver. the with two concludes uses notes pitches of the group 'alternator', C4 is is before to the an only repeated similar the C#: once the effect and For for immediate the time. the this is second purpose of the study, sounded note other is be labelled Ab G that they Y. D, There so regular will motive and are the notes of use Y is the third be the of are used and notes missing: two of examples can where occasions 147 found in parts 5 and28. Many of the partsconcludewith a high-pitchedstaccato'chirp': because higher texture in the they of out not only are stand notes these pitch, but also becausethey are all staccato.Thesehigher-pitchedsoundsVAththeir precedingnourishes 'chuckled by the ending' characteristic so to often referred ornithologists. resemble may in last of notes, severalinstances,form a tritone. In addition,if a two of a group The notes final 'referencepoint' is introduced,nearbyparts or groupsof pitchesoften concludewith D is For 14; the single natural example, presented at pitch. part parts 15-16,18. the same fact, In this the D naturalis the most conclude with pitch. also others 20 and many discrete 'reference' the natureof the birdsonggivesthe final pitch point: frequentlyused in The however, impetus. scattered at the notes are various points grace section; more birdsong drawing the than enriching rather sparingly, attentionto they are used length, in birdsonga senseof coherenceand The the which gives vary parts themselves. for it this, the musicwould stop andstart without developingthe true if not were freedom: flexibil. ity. blackbird's creative the of nature durations. Part displays include 15 features of repetitions two groups of three Rhythmic be divided into 24 identical two can part groups(two while demisemiquavers, in These repeated scandicus a semiquaver melodic shape). a and groups demisemiquavers "reference finish three-note by a pattern and note, while the grace broken a note' up are part. 148 The following tablesimplifiesthe useof rhythmic andmelodicstructuresin the blackbird's digits The the that number signify of notes are groupedtogether,the singlenotes cadenza. in included The they being Y is their are a part own unless right. symbol usedwhen not describingthe notesG, Ab andD natural.For exaxnple,in part no. 1, the Y in the 'Pitches' columnindicatesthat only the notesG, Ab or D naturalare uscd; '2x, 4x' in the 'Groupings..' columnshowsthat thereare two groupswhich both use notesdrawn from in C#' 'low D; the 'Final ReferenceNote' columnis self-explanatory G, Ab and while [pl4-151. Groupings/ Characteristics in Order Pitches part 2 x x+ C#, C 3-ý 4- A B, C#. x+ x+ CW,B -- E x(n-dssingG)+Eb. x+ C# G and C# B) Eb (and C#, x+ x+ Eb, C# 7 8 9 x -A natural_ 11 notesof Chromaticscale 10 II 12 i F21 II I 'Reference Note' low C# low D D Ab 3 (climacus,resupinus).2+ cretic cell D 3x (paeon M, 4 6 (like an altemator) 9.5. x. 5 3x (paeon.IV), 5x, 4, Sx (altemator at end) G co Ab C# 7x Ab A Eb single note C# D natural Eb. E, D Eb. E. D UF Lpnatural (Eb gracenote) x+B natural 9 notesof (total of x chromaticscale I.3 14 5 15 16 17 is 19 20 2-ý 4x 3,4 (paeon IV), 2 (ends urith scandicus) 3x (paeon IV). 4-- 3-- 4.6x 3 (torculus resupinus). S. 4 Final extendedphrase6,7,3 (climacus resupinus),6 referencenote:D natural singlenote sinde note 2 tribachic cells + crctic cell 2+ cretic cell single note single note 5 extendedphrase5x (incl. Climacus resupinus),7, iamb, 3x (climacus resupim) singlenote co D D D C# D D D Eb 149 22 23 24 x+B natural x+ Eb. C. F# and C# x (total of sevennotesof chromaticscale) 25 26 27 28 29 x+B and C# x+B and C# C nawral x (missing G) D and C# 30 - 31 32 ' x+ Eb, D, Ab 5.4+1 3 (torculus resupinusy (climacusresupinus).5+1 2x (scandicus), 2 (porrcctus). 2x (Scandicus), 2 (porrcctus). 3x (climacus resupinus) 4 4 single note iambic interruption call iambic interruption call extended phrase: 3 (climacus rcsupinus). 3 (climacus rcsupinus), 5x, 3 (climacus resupinus). 4 C natural C F#, Bb, x+E, sinrje note+ gracenote 2,3x (climacusresupinus), 4 (incl. torculusresu2inus).6 D C# D Ab G C Ab C# D C# (p16) involves soundsof the songthrush,nightingale The secondconversationalpassage follows: is The blackbird. as order and blackbird thrush black-bird thrush song song nightingale song,thrush- songthrushblackbird. nightingaleintrinsically The first is four barsin are repetitive. thrush's vocalisations, excerpt The sono, 0 both is bar the same, melodicallyandrhythmically,and the tritone is exactly length. each The first bar The begins two interval. uses excerpt motives. final second with the the in bars the three-note anapaestic cell, F while remaining a use the rhythm tritone sharp/C different The third first pitches. only with appearance usesa short vocalisation, the of is final involves twice, the repeated while two motives,the which call dramaticanapaestic G/A 'alternator' 'touhitte'. 'iambic' The is has brief an nightingale two which secondof first is a shortandrapid pianissimo'alternator' call, the secondis a group of The extracts. fade into the distance.The blackbird's F# that demiseýniquavers an gradually on successive ISO be described they as songs or phrases as can are slightly morevaried. Its first vocalisations first The two three motives. usea smallcell and are repeatedexactly(two uses appearance but like IV two the third anapaestic cells), sounds the characteristic and cells paeon is The phrase second reminiscentof its own cadenza:the useof 4chuckledending'. followed by higher-pitched demisemiquavers 'rcrcrence which are staccato of groups The blackbird's Eb/D this in the make note clear. grace third the song and notes' lively is immediately than the and vibrant more antecedentphrases. conversations much is flourishes taken and Eb/D repeated, up more cell note The are usedwith higher grace far includes before. Huge leaps Messiaen than found: a wider range the are and pitches, had been bird if The is the is is startled. phrase there as continuous scattered only Inusic [see p16-17j. one rest is built dernisemiquavers, is continuous and also up of very occasional The robin's cadenza interruptions [ex VU6]. These high-pitched semiquaver note three single and grace notes break the textureandact aspauses:the notesusedare F up again once serniquavers is in Variety found flat, in E Messiaen's that order. also E and use natural of natural, have There that two If groupings successive many are pitches. the section notes. repeated durations following (a together), be then the grouped into of number can divided sets is found: set 3: A natural 6 times set 5: F# twice set 8: Ab twice 151 set 9: E naturaltwice set 10: E naturaltwice, D naturaltwice set 11: Eb four times set 15: A naturalthreetimes set 18: Bb twice set 21: A natural twice Moreover, the A naturalgracenote andthe G appearlater in set 12, but as two regular dernisemiquavers,immediatelyfollowed by a shorttritone 'alternator' in set 13. The same incorporated in is 6 12 19: in two sets and set notesremainconstant,while seen principle [see p171. change the other pitches begins with exactlythe samemajor 7"' 'alternator' as its first The nightingale'scadenza in this movement[ex VI/71. This is straightawayfollowed by the minor 9Ih vocalisation F displayed in as sharps, the nightingale'ssecond previously repeated interval andrapid Other this of movement. conversation successive the repeated second of call into incorporated different this section on are pitches(sets 17 and14), derniserniquavers but (sets 5 10). F The tempo much slower at a the sharp, and slurred on minor again and developed is into 3 Vh beginning is 15: a of set compound the major this leap at set at 9' 'alternators', here displaced. in the The following only of octavely most interval used the ftom The divided; deduced the be nightingale's cadenza. sets are the general may table however, degree to; sets are adhered and phrases a of subjectivity separating of principles is inevitable. 152 TheNightingale's -Cadenza - Features 'alternator' major7" Set I 4 _6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 _ 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24_ _ pp single F# 2 3 Dynamics mp (minor 9h) repeatedRs _three iambs(major7h) mf >PEE Mr slow versionof 3 (fewernotes) CA Tencated (as 3) 'interruption callt tritone 'alternator' five Wgh-pitched'chirps' sloweddownversionof 3 (on C natural) major Th 'alternator' (as 1) spondee" Mf>P22 mf DO pp f>ppp pp - Mf f P f -anapaest Th C B-C + repeated naturals major two spondaiccells 6alternator'(as 1) flats (as 3) A repeated C# + threeBbs E natural 'chirp' threerepeatedRs 2 anapaesticcells + porrectus repeatedA naturals torculusresupinus F# (as_ 3) + repeated spondee, pp inn (pp) (P2) mf/pp f> pp fsee p181 'Soixante-Quatre Dur6es', Messiaen final movement, takessixty-fourchromatic the into them groupsof four, forming the effect of a 'closed fan'. This durationsand arranges by is simultaneouslycounterbalanced a retrogradeorder which is like the openingof a fan. bars: displays the following opening The 61,62,63,64,4,3,2, Manuals) line, (top Fan Closed 6,3 2,3 0,3 1,3 5,34,3.3 29,3 (Pedal) fan ... Open Is L. 153 or combinedwith the rhythmic series:the vocalisations Even the birdsongis superimposed birds, tit, blackcap the spotted great included, great woodpecker and three new are of for the the whole movement;therefore,the most same The -tempomarkingremains is to the certain aspects to of referring of section provide pagenumbers. method practical interversion in the 33-37 aforementioned of the top line and the systems consist pages it becomesimmediatelyapparentthat the middle line hasa distinct however, pedal; it 'style includeswitbin oiseau'characteristics.Although much of the writing freedom, and it includes lower than expect, nevertheless would one repetitiveserniquavers pitch is at a 'alternator', flourishes, between an grace notes and contrasts pitch, staccato on the same it is discrete in time the same at nature and lcgato, yet rhythmically and clearly and interversions. On 34, from line the the concurrent page takesover the middle distinguished fine: becomes from 'freer' for this few top bars. the In fact, fan' part a series sclosed there two 'fan' are predominantly to the the parts adhering movement throughout is distinct. messiaen's introduction the part wholly remaining wIdle series, of interversion is helpful in discriminating bird between extremely for vocalisation the each brackets calls. and songs var-ious in Messiaen's first its 38 lei VI/8a]. This music appearance on page t1t makes The great identical be three as anapaestic characterised calls: each the may cell uses excerpt succinct tritone flat, demiserniquavers the two followed D and rhythm consists of interval natural-A brief its The woodpecker also makes spotted a appearance great with by a semiquaver. 154 lex VI/8b]. U The three semýiquavers tritone calls of the greattit are soon repetitive slow heard again,which prefacea short-livedtritone 'alternator' comprisingstaccatotriplets, VU8c] lex labelled the nightingale and bird texture stylechangesat page41. Shortly after four high-pitchcd of The single-line &chirps'with precedinggracenotes,the songthrushcontinueswith two 'interruption calls' has line label bird 'oiseaux divers"Narious that the birds. style The subsequent a with the torculus Although is Messiaendoesnot second a and resupinus. a porrectus first call in is he line, it is birds this important middle representing nevertheless an specify which birdsong. Two birdsongs, his in heard of or use possibly more, are development at once: VI/9]. individual [ex The 'various birds' is bird the continue entirely until named eachpart has blackbird The one concise has call which somewhat concluded. overshadowsthe style is it 7h 'alternator' for final birds' F a major moment: split a with a sharp, cvarious blackcap is The brief also the swift and sextuplet. a excerpt vvithin consistsof contained first The D. E four A, is G and group of notes sharp, practicallyorganisedinto four notes: retrograde four. The begins for the nightingale second with the characteristiclong order 9" is falls to like a pitch minor which a repeated a which machine-gun, note, only seamless in interpretations. is The it than previous slower much repeated notes are occasion this on demisemiquavers found in the than fourth usual the rather written assemiquavers 'Chantd'Oiseaux'.Thenightingale's vocalisations conclude with a sextuplet rnovernent, durations(interversionseries)drawthepieceto flourish, the chromatic as derniserrýiquaver [see p40431. its close 133 As canbe clearlyseen,this work incorporatescounterpointsbetweentwo birds' is bird juxtaposed that occasionally style and a with an intervcrsionsystem. vocalisations, in foreground birdsongs mainly placed for The are calls and than rather used simply -the introduces Messiaen decorativepurposes. new birds' namesinto his stylistic repertoire, 'oiseaux divers. term, an Messiaen's ambiguous uses occasion one on only and blackbird be the in his the of sounds may with reflected concentrationon preoccupation Noir, Le Merle is dedicated in the work, which to the unique next this species bird. this vocalisationsof Le for final flute 'concours' at the Paris to the write a piece commissioned Messiaenwas first is Messiaen's This the 1952. of works that most musicologists Conservatoireof based birdsong. It be being on may to plausible exclusively suggestthat as regard the uniquesoundsof the naturalworld - specifically, Messiaenwas heresubstituting-, into for musiqueconcr6teandelectronicmusicwith which he the explorations birdsong This heralds been work a substantialepochwherebirds experimenting. had previously in important the for cases, many single most and, concern nucleus chief becomeof musical felt dominated by Messiaen devices, that Perhaps a world mechanical science inspiration. and intellectual to discipline, too music as a clinical regard and eager only rather war, was been decision have Messiaen's It a conscious on may to part emotion. move of one than andrelatedcompositionaltheories,andwrite a pieceof from concr&te musique away 156 based on phrasesandother characteristicvocalisationsof the ubiquitous solely music blackbird, a bird that Messiaenhadusedto an increasingdegreein recentworks. Le Merle Noir hasbeenkept in the 'ExperimentalPeriod' first becauseit was written in the same it includes d'Orgue, Livre still and second, as elementsof a quasi-tone-row,on year as in the twelve the octave.Moreover, of eleven possible sernitones employing occasions from dramatic is this solo pieceto the chorusof thirty-eight birds in the shift there a following work, Riveil desOiseaux(1953), which is to be discussedin the follo%%ing is Merle Noir Le his Nevertheless, the apogee and synthesis of early approachto chapter. if blackbird, he loquacious the the even sounds createdweremoreinspired the soundsof by memorythanactualtranscriptions. into divided be The movementcan subsections:the tablebelow hasbeenadaptedfrom basic form The Nichols' Roger of the pieceaccordingto Roger Nichols originalanalysis. is 'bar form' (A - A' - B); however,it may alsobe describedasA- A' - Coda Form. The forrn of the pieceis shownbelow: SUBDPASION I 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 A F-7 TEXTURE BAR NOS. I rumbling' piano (sustained) blackbird's cadenza pianolflute conversation octaves chromaticchords& silent bar 'rumbling'piano, trills (staccatoon flute) Irumbling'piano blackbird's cadenza piano/fluteconcurrentcanonicconversation octaves(eachpart 1 quaverapart) colour chords& silent bar eight semiquavcrs(higher than I and not sustained) trills (staccatoon flute) 'Vif" section 1-2 3-8 9-26 27-28 29-35 36 37-43 4445 46-53 54-71 72-74 75-82 93 94-90 91-125 A A' CODA 157 N. B. Sectionsmarkedin bold are idiomaticrenditionsorthe blackbird's song. Generallythe A" sectionis an extendedversionof A. Roger Nichols describedthe 'combined conversation as a song";however,the regularityof the rhythms, piano/flute bar, one value added note per makesthe overall soundvery unlike birdsongor using only Nichols does Roger kind. it is birdsong, but the merefact that he uses that specify not any implies idiomatic 'song' The this. only the word representationof birdsongseemsto 'Un in Peu Vif, the two cadenzas marked avecFantaisie'(2), the two sectionsof appear by the flute as the piano playscontinuous serniquavers are staccato played where music in final Wif (7). (6), In thesesections,birdsongis only found in the the section and trills flute part, althoughthe pianoatmosphereenrichesthe sonorityof the flute's tone, diversity has the that wide of register with INIessiaen used. especially The first cadenza,from bars3-8. maybe analysedin a slightly different way lei VVIO]. In birdsongs, the entire sectionhasbeendividedinto representations of structural previous however, if bars; birdsong has been the and calls transposeddown severaloctaves phrases, frequent is the therefore slower, significantly useof quaverrestsmay symbolise and breaths Moreover, if the than or end of a pfirase. rather a phraseof the blackbird pauses high-pitched "chuckle', concludes with a thenthemusicalnotationthat occasions most on the For this signify may effect end of the sakeof clarity, eachof the a phrase. creates blackbird'scadenzas mustbedividedinto bars,but thisfirst songin addition%illbe in relationto the'chuckledending',asshownbelow. described 138 (1) 'Chuckled' endingstructure (2) 1' phrase:3-6 flatterzunge (3) 2'd phrase: 6 flatterzunge-8 flatterzunge bc final five into the chromatic sen-dquavcrs cannot Taking this principle consideration, in blackbird distance blackbird's these the resemble a Nvith notes perhaps song: this of part is inaudible in life. 'chuckled On that dynarnic, the other ending' real its ppp, andpossibly have blackbird's cometo a conclusion. necessarily may not hand, the phrase first flutter-tongue by the two effects, on aC sharp2 The 'chuckled' endingsare signified by flute harshness, flat2. This E the effect creates a special produced and secondlyon an Nichols Roger in As high in the the mentions aforementioned register. article, a especially Gg arethe mainpitchesused.The 'motivic islands' effect canbe flat, D E A, and notes form, dividing in tied together, table each of group notes a and relatingall again once seen The four flat, D be A, E G9 labelled Y. these notes. notes to and will the pitches BAR 3 4 5 ý6_ 7 8 [see GROUPS 3x (scandicus),7x + C# & B, D and neighbour note alternator iamb, 5x Sx, D, +C sinizienote OTHER FEATURES includes final B includes final B 4x, x, flutter-tongue, 7x + 'chirp' 5x, iamb (minor 9' 'call'), 5 (staccato), 2 longer durations 5x, 4, iamb, 8x + C# & C, iamb, 3, flutter-tongue, five chromatic derniserniquavers repeated F natural repeated F natural 159 The iambic cell occurson four occasions:it becomesa featurebecauseon the penultimate in immediately F it the this version preceding rhythmic appearance usesa tied natural,and 2' become Features the of coherent with use the generally note. same uses augmentation found be An in this of can small cells that appear the sameorderwhile expanding. example in first in D the sameorder, Eb A, the bar: first again set areutilised the in the and used in is F bar four fortissimo G high The and natural natural very but with additionalpitches. bar. be in As G the clearly seen,the methodsof can sixth diminishedto a single natural in frequent the traits diminution movement. very are and expansion in bars 37 41 to that also circle arounda occur The twenty-eightcontinuousserniquavers bar four bars first The the ]. 1 VI/I an ostinato: each uses [ex are practically few pitches between interchanges Bb from the third a and a note which apart pitches, and samerhythm The first bar 2nd final transposed alternately. a up major two notesare B natural, andthe first The beat, the the two of series. out notes missing begins on the third serniquaver bar the other slur, are with a while notes always marked are each third of notes secondand below: displayed bars four the are The of pitches staccato. bar 37 bar 38 bar 39 bar 40 Bb A F# Gg D A B A GN A# D A Bb A Fhl Gil (i) D A1 B1 A1 Gig 1 Aß 1(ii) 160 The fifth bar (41) employsthe four notesof Ix' (D, A, Eb and GO),followed by an F D bird long The Eb sustained natural. style qualitiesare enhancedby the trills anda sharp, but it canonly be realizedif one imaginesthe phrases in the piano accompaniment, higher least faster. therefore three times and octaves several at recreated [see P31 in (b46-53) blackbird the A' sectionis conceivedin a similar fashionto its The cadenza from Apart VI/121. lex 'motivic islands' the continuous the use of earlier counterpart follows: features as the are special effect, iamb in (also retrograde:trochee) a) b) flutter-tongue c) scandicus d) 'altemator' (cretic) 'rhythmic palindrome' e) f) high-pitched'chirps" (usiWly repeatediambs) be in A' blackbird's (the the same way as before, as 46-53 can structured cadenza) Bars in instance, letters However, initially following this in table. six other are the shown 0 birdsong features the the of which are not relatedto the 'motivic included,signifying designated in letters first The the to theseother motivic alphabet are islands'effect. for letters later the are reserved Messiaen'spreoccupationwith certain features,while from eachother in the table: Generally, two the groups symbols are separated of pitches. is, however, in found The the also subsequent the pitches music. music same the useof 161 is (a-f) large in list is the always a above group of slurreddernisemiquavers that not in In figure Y the be table, the to a set. next notes nine again up can uscdto sometimes describethe notesD, A, G# andE flat, andthe groups of pitcheswhich containthree. 'y. These labelled three-note repetitionsonly occur on two are repetitions note-cell is altered.An additionalcell maybe labelled instance first in the third the note occasions: The it includes describcd the three pitches repeated within 4z' group. approach when . 'motivic The black-bird's be in the A' to classification. as cadenza referred will abovewill however, bar bars; into in left hand divided be the the numbers columnreferto onceagain The follows: in the pitch characteristics as a whole. are as piece their position x: D, A, G9, E flat y: includesrepeatedthree-notecells z: threerepeatedpitches [see pp341 is blackbird's A" in the the table below. cadenza shown of The overall structure Bar No. Groupings/Features 46 2x, a, b (torculus,trochee+ fluttertongue) -------- 47 9x, d, c (flourish, alternator,scandicus) ---------48 8+I quaver(z), Sy,6, e+I quaver(3 flourishes+ syncopatedcell) -------- 49 a, 9y, z+I quaver,c, e (iamb,flourish,paeonIV, 2 scandicuscells(2*din a cretic rhythm) 162 50 f, f, f, a (gracenotes,iamb) 51 9. c, f, f, f, f (flourish, scandicus,gracenotes) 52 a, f, a, f (4 iambic cells) 53 8,8$ b, descendingchromaticscale,2 (2 flourishes,fluttertongue,extendedclimacus,and spondee) [see VI/121 The use of dynamicsin bar 52 demonstratesan echoof similar motives.The dynamicsof intensity be 'alternator'. This bar seen as an version can of an which mf-ff-mf-ff, are this in be form ABAB subset can alsoseen the previoussection(bars3741), whereeach bar usesthe samepitches. altemate in in the flute, the pianoandstaccatosen-ýquavers trills The secondsection,which uses identical is It 90. bars 84 between to the exactly Previousversionexceptthat and occurs dynamics 4ý is durations the transposed articulation, up a perfect and section the whole remainingthe same. be last is 'Vif the final can realistically componentwhich regardedas The section is last five bars the The continuous until birdsong. wherethe pianoaccompaniment discrete The texture. to a pianotakeson a strict interlocking andoverlappinggive way from The flute bars 91 121. to thirty the part consistsentirelyof twelve-noterow over The and sextuplet serniquavers. quavers entire syncopated song sen-ýquavers, staccato G high G Bars A 91-96 natural and sharp. the a natural, notes only use oscillatesaround includes D The first 97 the commonly most employed next pitch, sharp. threenotes,while its form. in displays in (bar 9 1) As 'Vif the motive original bar of the previous section 163 instances,the most frequentlyusedpitchesthat appearin closeproximity are collectively labelled Y. The motive Y, in its original state,comprisesnine serniquavers:the first four final in The the first order, the same with a ninth note at are repeated end. and last notes bars Although 91-94 Y in its have form, note. grace use only an attached original notes is begins the as monotonous middle version sound not on the secondcrotchet the overall beat of the bar, thusmakingit possibleto fit threeversionsof Y into four barswithout is Bar 95 first four The in 'x' third the extended. uses version notes of overlapping. fourth is it followed by the the third, second with starts note, and as order2', retrograde last 'x, first: the two bar the with this concludes notes of phrase original small while and 96 is an exactrepetitionof 95 [seep6j. Messiaenemploysthe 'open fan' efrect in the The rearrangementof intervalscanbe birdsong aswell asin his 'interversion"SYstems. G A in bar 97, is D# the natural and natural swapped are around where and a shown included.Bar 98 introducesa new motive, 'y, which beginswith scmiquavers,syncopated descending a sextupletflourislL Motive 'z' consistsof the notesA C sharpsand endswith intermittent 'double' G they with grace notes: predominantly natural, usean and natural instances few in but form, they use 'double notes'. Thesealternatorsare a 'altemator' heavily disguisedby the frequentgracenotesthat are appliedrather arbitrarily. in T, the however, is from Y by D# the Gg the phrase separated added; are numerous and notes thatdifferentiate 'double'gracenotes.Thesegracenotesarethemainauralconstituents flute in 'Vif 'motivic The the 'x'. the from of classification' part sectionis as follows: 'z' 164 G# (see bar G 91) A natural, x: natural, Us descending flourish syncopated sextuplet y: serniquavers A G 'double' notes with many naturals grace and naturals z: it is importantto note that althoughthe sectioncanbe subdividedwith the help of the A G, bars 91-121 the and notes and uses motive evolvearound above classification,each 'reference' D#, G# C#. The C# in the the notes and of occurs addition these notes,with Ggs D#s the and while regularlyspringout of the cy' as repeatedsyncopatedpitches, its blackbird's help 'reference' the to These song uniquecharacter,and give notes texture. birdsong in for termsof set theory. As that tWs is cannot one analyse reason it precisely for features the the classes cannot account of pitch Johnsonexplains22, use of birdsong. by 'anchor described 'points' Johnson 'reference are or as points', which These notes' have a pivotal functionfor the variouscompositionalprocessesthat promotetheir development.Moreover,the inversionsandcompoundsetsof certainintervalscannotbe below The the table coherence a sense of audible gives and to other. each related flute [see framework the part pp6-81. of structural Bars 91-94 95-96 97 98-100 101 102 103 104 Features X. X. x retrograde version of four note cell in Y ice) (t%-, x+D# v z double-iamb.fragmentof z four unidentifiedsen-tiquavus doublenote z+ gracenotesand trochee 165 105 106 z z. doublenote z+ G# 107 108 109-113 z. + D# and G# porrectus. z fragment use of notes G, D#, C#. G# iýith and z fragments 'high-chirp'. x 114 115-116 117-121 122-123 124-125 . X. X. extendedversionof v +! ý%mcopation rests -I flourish in but (as + y. ascending) sextuplet t wo high-pitched'chirps' The wide rangegivento the flute part also enablesit to displaya significantcontrastin its described be 'chuckled final The as a may ending', especiallyvdth phrase timbral effects. 'un-pitched' harsh The birdsong in the ff dynamic and even a quality. produces which the 'Vif sectionis mademoreidiomaticwith its repetitivelanguage;however,with the piano it is hard decipher in to the this the pitches, and style rhythms comparisonto overlapping its counterpartsin the two earliercadenzas. Messiaen's it abandonmentof electronicmuýicand many However surprising may seem, deeply 11is inevitable. and forms of serialismwas aesthetic religiousphilosophieswere interconnected. inextricably Where both Messiaenmight life his integralto andmusic: instead he favoursglissandiand the indeterminate rhythms, haveusedmicrotonesand its fundamental the with sernitone as augmentation: unit, the processof proportionate durationsandpitchesof the bird's originalvocalisationsaretransposed,makingthe music in desired instrument.As Messiaenhas the the rangeof ,to scale',aurallyperceptibleand proudly pointedout: 166 'I chosethe birds - others,the synthesiser'23 In the following work, NMI desOiseaux(1953), Messiaenrediscoversthe ability of the highly to the also produce a sophisticated,contemporary,forward piano orchestraand looking and exploratorymusic.Birdsongis to be usedfor its own sake,rather than for decorativepurposes;but it wasLe Merle Noir that was the first pieceto be entirely dedicatedto bird style. 167 Notes to ChapterVI The 'interversion'systemis a form of permutation:by addition or subtraction,rhythmic decrease. increase Examples be found in this or 'Regard of method gradually can values des Proh&tes,desBergers,et desMages' and in 'Regardde I'Onction Terrible' from the Ving Regardsmir I'Dfiant-J67is (1944). This systemcan be usedin retrogradeorder or durations into dividing the total subsets.The 'intervcrsion' system,using of by group Re is de Fett I 11 throughout the experimental present work, rhythms, and chromatic in de Mode Maleurs the twelve of the note permutations series systematic et where d'Intensilis are extendedto the durationsin what Johnsoncalls a 'wedge' shape.This d'Orgue, in Livre but is on this occasionit is describedas a &wedge'shape alsoemployed fan'. 'open permutationof an 2 Antoine Gol6a,Renc6ntresavecOlivier Messiaen,(Paris,Julliard, 1960). 3 SeePierreBoulez'sarticle, 'The Threshold'.takenfrom Die Reihe.Vol. 11(1955), p40. Boulez," Perspectivesof Ne Fano/Stockhausen, " Richard Toop, 'Messiaen/Goeyvaerts, 13,No. I (1974)pp141-169. _Music, 5 There is anotherrninor piece,Timbres-Duries(1952). 1 For more informationaboutthe improvisatoryquality ofMesse de la Penfecdlesee Color: Conversations Music Claude Samuel, Messiaen: Olivier Samuel, ! and Claude _%vith Oregon, Press, (Portland, Amadeus 1986), Glasow, Thomas E. p2s. trans. beingusedinsteadof the gracenotes. 7 Derivative of 2, derniserniquavers 0 8Moreover, Messiaenincludesthe markings"pocorubato', 'rall. ', and 'A Tempo'. 9 The pitchesusedsignifythe sameforwardsandbackwards,just as a 'rhythmic durations is in the a of group used samemanner. palindrome' 10The sixth chordsandresolutionsarevery reminiscentof the love themesin the Turangaffla Symphony. " This bar of musicincorporatesthe 'agrandissement asymdtrique'systemto the pitches, be 'alternator' to the unrecognisable. thereby causing 12The 'alternator' Bb-Ab is derivedfrom c, the Ab-Bb gracenotes. 13The nightingale'ssongis particularlybeautifuland drawn-outin the early evening,but it during the afternoon. vocalises still 14On two occasionsthe '.. et fantaisiste'is omittedfrom the tempomarking. 1:5Paul Griffiths, Olivier Messiaenandthe Music of Time, (London/Boston,Faber, 1985), p147. 16The Y that appearsin the characteristics colurnndenotesa phraseor group of notes this three the of motive. notes use that only 17This simplescandicusmotive producesa 'swooping' effect. 11The informationhereis only relevantfor the first pageof musicin 'SoixanteQuatre from interversion system moves the one staveto anotherlater in this movement. Dur6es': I" Each intervalfrom the Y ceUis augmentedby a semitone,while the whole group of is transposed. notes 20When the iambicrhythmdoesnot usethe samepitch, major 7h and minor 9h intervals are employed. 168 11 Motive Y is built up of two four-note cells, followed by a final note: this bar can be being first four-note 'inside-out', the the retrograde or of as cell. classified See Messiaen Cg=anion, ed. Peter Hill, (London, Faber, 1995), p260. This quotation is taken from Almut R6131er's compilation of various discussions on topical issues in Messiaenresearch,Contributions to the-Spiritual World of Olivier Messiaen, (Duisburg, Gilles und Francke, 1986). 169 Chavter VH: Riveil des oiseaux and Oiseamy Exotiques In this chapter,the comparisonof thesetwo works is strongly emphasisedfor many in Messiaen's First, the two transition a notable works reveal output, specifically reasons. birdsong: importance to to the the sheervariety of species,andtheir given with regard disclose interpretations, a more consistentand complextreatmentof rnelodic andrhythmic length,comparedto, for bird vocalisation.Secondly,both piecesare of manageable dDiseaux, Catalogue books. the which comprises seven epic substantial example, Thirdly, thesetwo works are comparablefor manycompositionalreasons,and for the fact information in The time. the this chaptershouldbe read same they about that were written before, As bar figure hand. included full to and numbers are score asguidelines. a with to definea numberof different categoriesof texture At this point, however,it is necessary but have the throughout composer's oeuvre, are more frequentfrom appeared that may Phi1ips (1977) identified his dissertation, has In kinds six onward. this point of texture with Catalogue in d'Oiseaux. is depicted Shu-NVen Sun birdsong the further adds a type which be dis divisions Messiaen's lise. These may used when cussing most of this musicwith to has (1975) listed Johnson Similarly, birdsong. more detailedclassificationsin four separate ideas be birdsong; these may applied of when analysing composite groUPS3 .A is chiefly an adaptationof Philips' codification. following the categorisation nevertheless, des Reveil Oise= both from Examplesof textures andOiseauxF-roliquesare specified form Philips' ' to these of system here,extendinga modified orchestralworks. 170 The first type is the 'single-linetexture' (monophonic).This is found in eventhe very des in Oiseaux R&M falls from Apart that the octave writing ubiquitous early works. in its found be 'un 'un vif' and peu preceding peu true may example within this category,a lent' bars beforethe final pianocadenzalex VII/I - R6, eil des Oiseaux p58, s4, bl-31, it is for is since very rare that This texture most appropriate piano solosand cadenzas, it likely be is its line, to instrument superimposed own: more on one plays solo another instrument. least juxtaposed other one with, at upon, or There in homophony' two are emphasiscd equally. voices is 'two-voiced which Type two depiction The F-roliques. Oiseaux in device the of olive. this frequent of examples are homophonic in both demonstrates two-voiced for effect, a which backed thrush, example, [ex VJIU2 Oiscalix synchronously hands left serniquavers triplet staccato play and r-ight is Of the bl]. W& orchestra employed,more parts when course, F_xotiquesp25, p26, homophony. in be rnay used is homophony, but two-voiced type, third the also which differentiation creates Dynamic where There in Nveil des dominant. true is this no examples are of only onevoice or part be found in following Exotiques the Oiseaux though may examples many Oiseauxor In VAlouette Calandrelle'(eighthpiece),the representation dDiseaux. Catalogve work, instances lark' 'short-toed contains numerous this bird type texture the of of title the of b3l. Calandrelle' sl, p7., IL"Alouette [ex VIEW- 171 The fourth type ariseswhenchordsare usedand all the voices are givcn cqual wcight, This type is named'chordal' or 'homorhythmic'. An illustration of this can be seenin Oiseaux Exotiques,wherethe composerdepictsthe sonoritiesof the Indian shama.The is in block isolation, in taken written chordsclearly exemplifyingthis type of part, piano Himalyan Messiaen the white-crestedlaughingthrush and the texture. alsorepresents but lex VII/4a, b, c- Oiscawc this texture, orchestral using ensembles sharpawith Exotiques p40, p3l, p161.'Harmonicostinato' and 'harmoniclitany' are usedto grcat (see glossary). effect The fifth group is exactlythe sameasthe previoustype, exceptthat one voice or part is Once differentiation. dynamic importance again,thereare no suchexamples through given it is dealt in found this be chapter not until the ensuing two the within works to Catalogue d'Oiseaux (1958) that the use of dynamic differentiation in birdsong is in be Te Courlis Cendrd' (tMrteenth An tlýs seen can piece),,where employed. exampleof left hand's [ex V11/5 to the ILe single note prominence give chords the redshank's. be found in Ca'llgYOdjajYl TMs b1l. technique CendrP (1949). can also Courlis P9, sl, birdsong. depict intended it is here to not although forms in the is hybrid above of texture which any may manifestthemselvesin Type six a juxtapositionwith a chord of resonance,commonlyusedto depictnon-birdsongmaterial. dDiscalor, Catalogue however, in frequently is the Americanwood thrush the This used is depictedby resonanceeffectsin the first pianocadenzaOf OiscauxEx0liques.Hcre, a 172 insistent by (chordaYhomorhythmic: followed is chords six all voices resonance set up and Oiseaux Evotiques VW6 in [ex this p5, s4l. example equal) - The final type is 'two-voice polyphony',in which two birdsongsappearsimultaneously.A fantastically complexandvariedsampleof this type is found in the counterpointof, or in fourth bobolink Meaux between, the piano cadenza and of catbird conversation Exotiques (p62). Of course,orchestralworks allow for a greaternumberof partsto be included in a complextutti of polyphonicbirdsong. These textures,alongwith manymore exotic melodic/rhythmiccharacteristics,occur from Messiaen this work onwards.However, at the frequently throughoutthe musicof (albeit in Oiseaux, des texture Reved mostly octaves), only a single-line time of homorhythmicandmany-voicedPolyphonictexturesare employed.The additional in included fisted here be to terminology analytical establish to order are used categories intended Although be later these types to were originally to pieces. appliedto with respect Catalogue dDiseaux, form is in to a modified otherwise analytical research relation definition by be there where works' must orchestral so many analysing useful when for textures. multi-voiced opportunities more Here is the Estof textures/notationsoriginally categorisedby Philips andaddedto by Sun: 173 Single-voicetexture(monophony) 0 (2) Homophonictexture:coequalemphasis (3) Homophonictexture:one voice dominant (4) Homorhythmic/chordaltexture: coequalin partsor voices (5) Homorhythmic/chordaltexture: onevoice or part dominant (6) Hybrid texture:juxtapositionof 1-5 or 7 with a chord of resonance 7 (7) Polyphoniceffect:counterpoint/conversation Rived desOiseaux After a brief explorationof numerousexperimentalforms involNingnew rh)rthmicand des Oiseaux, NMI for Messiaen wrote a work piano solo and modal procedures, is lasts dedicated The twenty to the approNimately minutes, piece,which orchestra. identification knowledge Delarnain, invaluable Jacques of whose was of use ornithologist, him in Yvonne Loriod, the reworking of the pianoparts; to who assisted to the composer; blackbirds, birds thrushes, orioles, robins, warblers the the nightingales, and to all of and is forests. This French piece perhapsa reactionagainstthe manycomplexmusical the forms that he hadusedin the past few years.RogerNichols suggeststhat in this work ' for itself interference'. Certainly, with a minimumof compositional 'birdsong speak[s] by Messiaen birdsong. Messiacn describesit is to the piece make exclusive use of only this both left the (apart the 'truthful melodies and since rhythms are untouched work', as a from the transpositionprocesses);however,the choicesof instrumentation,ordcr and 174 intervention. Revell des the together reveal compositional transposition proportional Oiseaux (7heAwakeningof the Birds) describes,in twenty minutes,a cycle from midnight Ta Mer' Debussy's first Similarly, also representsthe passing the of movement till noon. follows: divides Messiaen the as piece of time. Midnight Four o'clock in the Morning Dawn Chorus Morning Songs Noon lead andorchestralensemble Thereis anoverridingarchform.Alternatingpianocadenzas from is Robcrt following in The table dawn adaptation tutti. an chorus up to thegrand Oiscaux, des Rived basic interpretation using structureof SherlawJohnson's of the than timings9: rather points rehearsal i1 16-17 Cadenza:Robin 28-29 Cadenza:Black-cap 7-16 Earlv Morning 6-7 Cadenza:Whitethroat 29-34 I-Ite Morning 34-35 Cadenza:Blick-bird 3-6 Early Morning 3542 Late Morning Oý2 Cadenza:Nightingales 42-End Cadenza Fading 175 There are two profoundsilencesin the work: the first occursafter the dawn chorus,while before immediately the secondappears noon. The importancethat the composerattributes to birdsongis nowheremoreapparentthan in the list printed at the headof the score, in birds birds The in the the thirty-eight music. used are catalogued all gives ordcr which different in five languages. listed their names of appearance,and At this point, Messiaenhasbecomemuchmore methodicalin the score.Most phrascsare labelledwith the species'name,althoughoc.-asionallyMessiaenlabelsa phrasesimply, 'thrush', without statingwhetherit is a 'song thrush' or a 'rnistle thrush'. Certainphrases for the sound: suggested example,on are also providedwith onomatopoeicexamplesof in hand (played first the the the second right nightingale score, the piano part) has pageof is 'tikotikotiko'. These 70'alternator fortissimo, which also subtitled major examPlesgive a idea bird in instrumentalists the the the this case pianist an way of vocalises. the - At the time of writing, Messiaensaidthat he wasvery proud of the accuracyof eachbird's He transposed that the song was Proportionally, every claimed end result vocalisation. being,thateachinstrument a closeapproximation chosenshouldrepresent of a certain birdsong,while remainingsafelywithin its range.Furthermore,the characteristic in is in birdsong interval the expanded order to conform with structureof vrild microtonal frequent impression the the while tempered often gives system, of grace notes use the of less intervals is focused Since than this a sernitone. so closely on the work and glissandi depictionof a Frenchforest andits birdsong,it achievesgreaterrealism,in certain 176 but Exotiques; Oiseaux later the to suit a with all compronýses than the made respects, interpretative is inevitably duration, than purely realistic. the more piece twenty minute Respighi's 'The Pinesof Rome'usesan actualrecordingof a nightingale'ssong:this was in had Messiaen that mind. the of realism sort not in The birds. the are cadenzas written of piano's majority The piano representsmany birdsong instances i. being than more one s where octaves, with the exceptionof certain is but is latter superimposed song the In one monophonic, upon still song this case, played. is distinct has and often characteristics, one and rhythrnic melodic another: eachsong Sherlaw Robert Johnson There two which examples the are played more softly than other. inflection harmonic in birdsong this being added with the only usesof ( 1995) citesas harmonised homorhythmic harsh is first chords and climacus crackling cells the the piece: its is delicate high. b141 the [p58, the serin, with second and s3, of the carrion crow bl]. It be homorhythmic) (also sl, could that p57, argued complexes chordal pitched In before be the the to this same part of ffirther work, to pair. added examples there are (A, D, Ab, Db) in the chord same the groupsof final repeats pianocadenza, starling the homorhythmic the cries of nuthatchrepeatanother the similarly twos, and threesand the Bb), A, addition of separate F, chordal with (C, and rhythms varied using chord blue in In tit the jp57, also the are represented and s5l. addition, greenfinch complexes hand left in having fourths former the the part, giving piano the open chord clusters, [pS6, 'pi-pe-rr6-re' b3-4]. Furthermore, the s2, exclamationsof impressionof a glissando in bl-21 dawn ionic (UU-), fpl2, the preceding an s2, minor metre the songthrush 177 by in lightly the trumpet cor anglais, clarinet octaves and played are and chorus, lex VII/7a, b, by d, the strings on chords elaborate c, el. accompanied Rgved des Oiseauxopenswith a piano cadeaza,in altissimo,representingthe songof the is follows: form basic The this cadenza of as nightingale. I I' nightingale'ssong(octaves) 2 Counterpoint:2nd& Yd nightingales(short phrases) (two-voicedhomorhythmic) 3 1' nightingale'ssong(octaves) frequently. G# The R in features first the occur grace note and In the appear several part, formula fine, iambic but four the third this this recurs on on occasionthe of a group A Ab is D, A The is the the and are anchor points: natural notes usefulto the tritone used. interval it tritone the andproducesan atonal effectwith the composer,as splitsup following Ab. The referencepoint F# appearsfrequentlyin the first passagein the that, by this stageof Messiaen'scareer,are gmachine-gun'repetitivedemiserniquavers definitely associatedwith his depictionof the nightingale.Amongstintermittent'machine(Ab-G), D-Ab-A (often flourish 7th the motive as a short alternators gun' effectsaremajor length The is of each notes. phrase slightly varied. to end a phrase)andnumerousgrace begins (figwe 1) with the secondnightingale.The secondand The counterpointsection in both have they the of a conversation: each other with manner overlap third nightingales 178 long and short breaks(rests),giving the counterpointa varied fluidity. The third its by dotted from beats is the that slo%v use of semiquavcr second nightingale separated F frequently Bb. Both havegrace down the the and natural the music parts andaccentuate G 'tikotikotiko' Ab The the natural with and sonority. an on sccond alternators and notes first, is in dramatic the there the as when suddenly vein same a continues unison passage from birds: little (solo figure At 3, the separate there owl passages short are violin) pause. 70' based (piano) has tritone, the the and major three on wryneck cells scandicus a sings harmonic ostinatopatternfinishingwith two staccatochordsin the bass,and the little from Cetti's by followed (Eb the short phrase a warbler clarinct). reappears, owl's motive high in that (piccolo) twos. The pitches grouped are Next, the woodlark playsextremely found later in in is the the that to chiffchaff piece of and sinilar woodlark's sonority very Te Loriot' from Catalogued'Oiseaux. I'Le Loriot' p8l. The ensuingfew barsintroduce blackbirds 4, three (played first blackbird the where celeste), until sing, on the Birdsong is by trills. tam-tams continuous playing and gradually accompanied strings introducedto the polyphonictexture:eachsonghasentirelyuniquequalities.Often the the the chiffchaff and use exactly that woodlark samerhythmsand represent calls short in VII/8 is bl-3. the The as shown xylophone, ex on played p4, chiffchaff sI, pitches. Thewoodlarkis verysirnilar,andgivestheeffectof anansweringcallto thechiffchaff Meanwhile,the little owl continuesits scandicuscells(derniserniquaver-derniscrniquaver. its has highest The the middle note as motive slurred each point. robin's sons scmiquaver): (playedon the piano)consistsof an Eb andthreeA naturals,two B's, a flourish, a C#-G 'anchor' flourish. A Ilie grace notes and a point, concluding chordal natural alternator, 179 rhythmic motive of the songthrushis striking andwell-defined: the three anapaesticcells (6-di-di) are followed by the 'tioto, tioto, tioto tou-hitte' figUration f previous ex V1117c]. At figure 5, the threeblackbirdsseemto be competingwith one another,while the second violins, violas and cellos,cymbalsandtam-tamsaccompanywith atmosphericpianissimo is This trio the reminiscentof the heterophonic trills, representing nightjar. polyphonic de la Conversation Intirieure' from in 'Antienne Trois the of section second counterpoint Petites Liturgies de La PrisenceDivine. It is not madequite clearwhy thesesongsare bustling leaves Perhaps by the the trills clusters represent or even strings. on accompanied birds in the distance,althoughthe most plausiblereasonfor this scoringis to counter. balance the high-pitchedsonoritieswith a warmer,lower texture. It is, however,rather difficult to believethat Messiaenis attemptingto depict a singlenightjar with these chordal trills. The whitethroat's song,at figure 6, is playedin octavesby the piano.Each phrasebegins high Bb 'anchor' Bb. This the standsout of the texture point strong extremely with Every Bb's. begin (a the phrase phrases certain vAth repeated song: numberof throughout first few indeed, least begins between the one suchnote; phrases with at rests) notes include threeBb's, while the later barsincorporategroupsof two. Within phrases,most is Bb. The 9h (or begin a very common a minor octave) augmented writh subsetsalso feature: the intervalbetweenthe A naturalandBb is frequent;but, on manyoccasions,tlis interval is interruptedby an E naturalwhich forms the motive Bb-E-A [seep6, s2, b4j. The songmaybe brokenup into ninephrasesasfoflows lei VII/91: ISO Phrase 1 2 No. of opening Bb's 3 3 Pitches and Characteristics G, C, F4 Bb, E, _A, Bb, E, A, G, C, F#, A, Bb 3 4 Bb, E, A, Eb (double-iamb) 4- II 51 6 7 1 2 2 9 9- 2 I2 Bb, B, A(.x2),Eb, F#, F Bb, B, A(x2),E, C#, B, A+ interruption call Bb, A, F# GA Bb E Eb (2 semiquavers+-3 dactyls) Bb, A, Bb, A, interruption caUusing an addedvalue (2 anapaests,gracenotes+ cretic) Bb, A, Bb (A, G, Eb) Bb, long phrase- includingthe samenotes+ Db + interruption call As is immediatelynoticeable,the first two phrasesare almostidentical, the second finishing with a final A andBb. Many of the phrasesare closelyrelated:this gives the derived from improvisatory coherence retaining a while certain reference quality, music an is (Bb) The by Bb. taken the the note or anchor pivotal point over notes, most notably by first 7, figure The the to raised and chaffinch aB natural. at chaffinch second 'syncopated'durationsof the first chaffinchare alsoplayedat II by the first clarinct, in longer the pitches are repeated played rhythmswhich give representing nightingale: however, if busy faster durations tocture; the to at any point an otherwise of a stability durations help longer From figures to the the 7-9, the vary pulse. monotonous, are passage Messiaen introduce by texture. this sparse creates a effect representing two chaffinches before The is in bird succeeds. another song short snippets effect of a short call one (in distance), between the two cuckoo chaffinches, a great spotted conversation be These familiar Messiaen listcncr to the short calls a nightingale. will and woodpecker 0 for is but tritone alternator, example, one of Messiacn'snightingalemotifs the ubiquitous lead-up beginning The Dawn Chorusrnaybe to the the in an extensive of vocabulary. follows: simplifiedas 181 Figure 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Information blackbird counterpoint whitethroatand (extensive song). robin nightingale, robin - extensivecontinuoussongwith celesteeffects (and fl timbral effects) cl and nightingaleimýitativemelodiouswarbler sings five-parthomorhythraiccall of hoopoe,counterpointrobin (3/4-voiccd polyphonic),two dunnocks,and severalsparrows 'pi-pe-rre-re' thrush song authoritativechordal ID The introductionto the Dawn Chorusis strikingly confident,using the high anchorpoints E natural andthe lower F natural.The robin redbreastis representedin octavesby the intermittent is bar lines: There the serniquaver music mostlycontinuous,with areno piano. is by The The the this created partly repeated pitchcs. song authority of immense rests. fast tempo givesonethe impressionthat thereis no hesitationand, therefore,the robin is in is, he Circadian he this the timenew period singing, as presenting, proud of what is fbHows, dividing from be The each cadenza as phrase may categorised one robin's scale. VIIU10[ex to p14]. another rest Phrase Groups 4,116 1 3 2 4,1113,6 Ifi, 1,1 2ý31,1,5, 4 3jlt5,1,3,1,1,8 374v6t4vlt5,, 5 6 _ 7 _ 9ý 9 2,2,3 6,1,2,2,4,4,3,1 5,,3?1j3j.1,4, )1,4,1,5,1,5,1,2 4,2 51.4,5,2? Characteristics E anchor,maj _7' porrectus E andF anchors+ alternator E anchor,aug octave+ interruptioncall E anapaest,cfimacus anchor,alternator, dotted senýquavers, machine-guneffect double-i=b,, tribach double-iamb Ws and G#'s, repeatedE andD's Ionizergroups 182 One can quite easilyseethat manyof the longer groups are divided by a solitary staccato semiquaver:thesetake the placeof, or add variety to, the manyinterruption calls and had been break the predominant musical to material serving which previously notes grace up continuousnote values. The blackbird,representedby the first violin, joins the texture at figure 17. The violin is This to the particularlyexpressiveand creativecomparedto world. sound gives contrast first displayed figure 4: blackbirds" the on the celeste,and the three was the songsat blackbird has Although the third the two slurredand pianostaves. secondandthird on different figure is in Perhaps 17, its style. at a quite counterpart, staccatomotives, Messiaenis introducinga greaterfluidity as opposedto the more tentative,uneasysongs before; however, first, At tentative the sound as as phrases cach and calls of midnight. between loudly is the excl=atory and the softly phrase meticulouslymarked,alternating is different 2) (phrase from The the of violin very that of the staccato sound exploratory. in found incidentally, be Phrase the violin part of the first three, almost exactly can piano. Quatuor its du Pour la Fbi Temps Phrase 4 the scandicus motive. of with movement displaysa glissandoeffect,which possiblymimicsthe chatteringat the endof many blackbirds'songsin thewild. At 18, anotherblackbirdand robin now appearcreatinga quartet,with the pianistplaying Occasionally, derniserniquavers. in added grace note or emerge values notes continuous the robin's song,but the anchorpointsE, R and G# and the tritone relationsMpshold it 183 together. The pianois extremelyimportant:it imposesa unity on the music at this point, both rhythmically- dueto the simplecontinuoussemiquavers- and in terms of pitch, with In its many reference/anchor points. addition,the song of the golden oriole (after fig 20) horns it like (four times the the on and cellos: theme several strings recurs a cyclic as acts dense harmonic its distinctively The four & to sound. add calls of violas) second violins . (seconds the trumpet, and thrush, strings violas) and wood%ind, the song playedon also 0 Chorus Dawn This the the throughout section and whole piece. regularly occur demisemiquavercanapaestic'rhythm is normallysemiquaver-semiquaver-quaver or but hoopoe, in the derniserniquaver-semiquaver, the without the additionalgrace cry of as it is The the 201. figure [see 14 the same rhythm: exactly of uses oriole song and notes dense, harmonic this but the trumpet accents rhythm with second rather while and quiet hear down Bb listener interval [p191Intermittently, E to the the tritone might the is bird in the the the great of of a spotted effect semiquavers woodpecker, sextuplet distanceamongstlouder, higherandmore obtrusivebirds singingat peaktime. In fact, lost in if here birds' the texture: are yet, one or two were sounds overall polyphonic many be bird Moreover, is hcard the changed quite would every sound considerably. missing brought higher the throughout piece times as certain are pitches phrases or out of several intervals. Messiaen he has the texture stage where marksall at regular not yet reached the (equivalent that out, to the Hauptstinune/'chiefvoice' and stand should the phrases in Nebenstimme/'under markings voice' a serialcomposition),but manyimportant forte. momentsare marked 184 The fourth bar of figure 20 displaysthe songof the chiffchafr. The first bar consistsor BbA-Bb and Ab, if the gracenotesare excluded.The use of grace notesand high-pitched depiction in Catalogue identical is the to the composer's of chiffchaff semitones almost dlOiseazix. In this version,however,restsare included.MessiaenaccuratelYportraysthe densely-scored More decidedly chords,producing cascadesof song. restricted chiffichafrs den (hom in 2) found the the section, while gol oriole string plays numerous are colour, 0 is held The by flexus together the polyphony occasional shapes. melodic porrectus dense horns the the and chords. and strings on rhythms anapaestic labelled birds figure fifth 21: fourth the bars are all of already of and The busiest are the forte is interesting It higher is that there of markings. proportion time, a this and singing at invented in (divisi) but incorporate the chords strings with a to complex Messiaenchooses is At the The dynamic. than subtle and obtrusive. strikingly rich rather effect pianissimo (14) (1 figure 22, bar the play second violins and violas complex third the of -4) of end is follows: bottom, G#, A#, B#, From the VH/111. the [ex chord as chordal complexes form "gfissandos' to G. This E, then D, a chordalcomplexalmost Bb, chord D#;, F#, Mow divisi that The 2. consist of separate partsthat complexchords built from mode forming down) that the (up complement chordal sonorities exciting or rnove step-by-step features instruments. harmony here The the many other linear horizontalmovementof all includes intervals instance, for A-D bar 22), (fourth first the The fourths. of chord perfect (5-8) B-E Bb-Eb. (5-8), the violas play and the Ab-Db second violins while on played and distinctive 'quartal' the by although sound chords, This is followed a sequenceof shnilarly between fourths intervals by is two the pairs of reduced partly of chords such of quality 185 being tritones [see4" bar of rig 221.Hannoniesbuilt on fourths are also found in the calls is based (p four 19), chord where each the oriole golden on setsof perfect fourths I ex of NrIl/12a, b]. The characteristicsonority of the violin and viola parts is createdby blocks of in thus: two groups, arranged sound . nd 2'd violins 1-4 2 violins 5-8 violas 5-8 violas 1-4 four in below. however, first staves as set out shown The are vioas, II violins 1& 2 robin demisemiquavers, occasionaladdednote values 11 violins 3&4 blackbird complexand varied song 11 violins 5&6 chaffinch syncopatedB's, long B trills, flourish I' vioHns7&8 chiffchaff semiquaver+ semiquaverrest, serritones [4'h bar of rig 221 Chinese blocks high-pitched and snares The give the overall sounda celeste,xylophone, has high listener The that the such a metallic resonance celeste often feels tingling quality. beyond The flute far piccolo reach. and contributeto this combined that the pitchesare dawn Each to instrument the the overall collage quality of chorus. silvery a adding effect, birdsongs become fhantic, in the the some of vein: more same while otherstake continues 0 in fourth bar For 23, (5-8) the the example, less of second role. violins and prominent a into two (5-8) split each groups playinggracenoteswith semiquams predominate, violas 186 JP291. found just is before its dawn the chorus completion(p4 1). At this The secondclimaxof basses 2"d double the around revolving aD semiquavers natural, the play point, fourths, based 2d (5-8) the violins/violas on perfect play modal chords play violins/violas first in the their while violins are all playing specific syncopation, complexes chordal has At [see break time, the the same woodblock relentless p4l]. a rnotivesurithout instruments bassoons the triplet the chords, while all other are and sextuplet semiquavers ff. playing introducing in texture, Messiaen the the morning figure 28, a pause creates Suddenly at in than The the its two much shorter a cadenza previous plays piano songs. - which and is less The is than blackcap previouscadenzas:there are song regimented portrayed. the is increased by flourish the tempo moments where and a markings rnany rallentando first dove When thrush turtle the jp42, the song and appear, three whitethroat, s3]. ending latter's harsh flutter. imitate the three-part the song with a sounds of flutes creatively bars before be found in figure 30 this the two A of can version tongue effect. gentler by Messiaen is has dove trills. three-part obviously turtle represented where the second has bird's be by to this song/call created particular of more the sonority found that guttural blur The that the actual pitches. polyphonic time, effects and with a at note one than The are effects muchmore noticeable aforementioned sparse. this is point at texture liveliness The the of Messiaen's whitethroat's songat of orchestration. choice becauseof interval leaps, by the the the is the sound celeste, of particular phrases time produced this 187 dance-like high the many and grace notes that are includedat certain pitches, ending on Cetti's lark little 32, At thrush, the warbler, wood and owl join in as beforc, moments. beginning features the the as at samemotivic of the work (midnight to 2 am). Two using blackbirds andtwo robinsaddto the texture,until yet anotherbreak at 34 for the blackbird's cadenza.The blackbird'scadenzamay be broken up into twenty-two phrases jp51j. Each in be the example musical attached phrase may categorisedas as shown follows [ex VW131: - 10 Phrase Characteristics No. G, 2 C#'s high-pitched repeated 1 quasi-altemator, 4-notegroup, singleC# andhiSh-pitchedanchor G 2 I high E, A), Ab, (Ab, D, U, 5-note single 3 porrectus' group 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -To 21 22 (as scandicus triplet), porrectus 4-note group (same pitches as3), single G, porrectus flexus 7-note group: double Ab's, grace note, triplet, 6-note group, single C# 3-note group, triplet, single G, repeated Ab's, triplet, porrectus flexus 2 dotted quavers (Spondee) high G D-C#,, and staccato Ab, ending with 2G anchors alternator 2-gro p, cretic, short flourish ending with_2 re2eated G anchors G flexus, 3repeated anchors with grace note porrectus 7-note set (note of 3), 5, single C9, alternator, 2 tribachic cells, climar-us flourish . s, resu Bb-Ab set, grace notes E anchor 2 repeated G's 3-note flourish, single Ab 5 single quavers 2 flourishes ending with anchor G dactyl 3-note ascendingset, preceding grace notes,high G 4-note ascendingflourish, porrectus, grace notes + trochee 5-noteset, singleAb, 3 G's (+l Ab) flourish,singleBb andflourish,singleC# , 188 The whole of this cadenzais basedaroundthe notesAb, D, E, Ab and A naturalwith the demisen-ýiquavers C#. The G groups of many revolvearoundthe anchor points naturaland is improvisatory by the thesepitches quality produced five aforementionednotesC# G break The the and points natural anchor rapid groups using a regularly. so occurring including a rest usually or a staccato two marking signifýing pitches, a repeated or quaver included in demiserniquaver In these the in points are reference the break song. addition, blackbird in the flourishes the the The chattering ubiquitous signify ending of may groups. is is found in limited chosen, Although pitches variety of articulation, number a vAld. is It that length climacus resupinus and porrectus also noticeable of phrase. and rhythm birdsong to used conclude phrases. flexus melodicshapesarepredominantly followed blackbird, by together, 35, figure chaffinch and magpiejoin shortly the wren, At later, blackbirds two further As garden warblers and and, a willow warbler. two a robin, listener this the drops reacquaints exchange bird the enters: with many another of out, one in the dawnchorus.The superimpositionof variousbirdsongssuddenly found sonorities birds between into species: several many sing a small section of convetsation a changes This lasts before its has to in species. another pattern giving way say each which music, discrete figure In 42. this final section, several occurrences at of cadenza the piano until follows: in harmony. They are as birdsong arerepresented 189 ( I) green woodpeckerjp56, s1, b21 (2) green finch jp56, s2, b3l (3) blue tit [p56, s2, b4l (4) $erin jp57, sl, b1l (5) nuthatch [p57, s5, bl] (6) starling [p58, sI, b2l 12 (7) carrion crow [p58, s3, b141 (8) great spottedwoodpecker[p58, s3, b5l All of the harmonyin the abovemusicis written in block chords(homorhythmic).For instance, the greenwoodpecker'sharshlaughis createdby four simpledemisemiquavers finch displays The the closestequivalentto a gUssando green the augmentedoctave. using The this slurred marking creates a piano. on specialcolourful soundcffect possible effect hand left fourths in tone in the and and sernitone clusters the right. The latter perfect using blue by is tit, the the only continuous staccatoserniquavcrsproduce employed also effect Rhythmically, the features the serin uses quality. many of whimsical same aimost an as are found in the pianocadenzas.Groupsof demisen-ýiquavers are played,brokenup by single built Chordal lengths. intervals: complexes alternate with chords on wider these note between the tritone, the Bb andE natural.The intervalsare centredon specifically (A, D, Ab, in Bb) however, bursts only one chord sings short of twos andthrees. starling, 190 -Noon is representedby the final pianocadenza.First, the redstart appearsVvithan F in F# this the of notes, note and every group often breakingup the line. At figure inatural 43, there is an extensiveduetbetweenblackbird and roýin using motives from the introduction of the dawnchorus,but herein counterpoint.A first and secondchaffinch bring blackbird A to the a close. great spottedwoodpecker'ssextupletis piece a vvith ]heard,,followed by a solitarycuckooin the distance. It is interestingthat the pianocadenzasall work accordingto the sameprinciples. Continuous semiquaveror denfisen-ýiquavers are often brokenup by flourishes,conunon (usually If is the staccato a attack), with grace notes or rests. points piano not reference in between birds typically, then, begins.In this a simple two counterpoint octaves playing limitations the of the pianoare evident,althoughthe glissandoeffectscan be work, its In by in the slurs. and cadenzas, clusters chord piano acts part as a structural simulated for listener in does the points a piece reference which providing not rely on agent, form. These tonality pianocadenzasalso changethe mood and create or traditional in Circadian before the time-scale.The overriding arch form may new periods interludes has become this help to piece, especially as one comprehend audience an so also Messiaen's birds. being Harmonies to to the represent used piano are accustomed has, by in Nfessiaens timbres, this counterpoint to while specific create stage employed development,becomethe norm in bird ensembles. 191 listener feature kind the is to the A, enables which grasp some of piece of structure nother -, in birdsong fact the that parts of various work using very similar rhythmic appears ltlie Moreover, particular birdsongsare often the same pitches. around and evolving jpatterns identify is listener A instrumentation. to the sonoritiesof a birdsongby able specific _given by its instrument(s) designated as motivic characteristics.Sectionsare also asmuch its jjnified: birdsongs For calls are or sometimes associated. of example,the certaingroups followed is immediately by figure 4, bars before a wood lark and blackbird. little owl, ten in 'un 32, birds the section together peu vif' of with the addition in -fhese same are put does duplicate but Messiaen 1p, 461. instance not exactly, the short nightingale of -this intervals. it is Yet 'r6le de birds' in the at regular the songs rnotivic cells areused diamentation'/'diamond-studdedrole' of the piano cadenzathat makessenseof the whole for decoration. is longer focuses form". Birdsong this used no piece only on -work's arch imagined by Messiaen. forest French as this particular the songsof OiseauxF.rotiques -* for by Pierre Boulez Tornaine Musical' the Exotiques oiseaur commissioned series was The between Marigny. October Th6itre 5'h composed Petit piece was the at of concerts d ,,, 1955 andJanuary2) 1956,andfirst performedon March IOh 19S6.Yvonne Loriod playedthe piano. but it demonstrates for is E-koliques and orchestra, piano Oiseaux a numberof also a piece instrumentation is less in The its from than the of choice varied predecessor. changes 192 earlier in but the there orchestra, strings work: manyunpitchedpercussion areno ixistrurnents are included.It is theselatter instrumentsthat evoke more innovative birdsong. Perhaps the trying to avoid any suggestionof the composer was of onorities !; interpretation birdsong, in this tradition of where the only non-birdsong syrnphonic . found is Greek in Ilindu On hand, the the the of use and score rhythms. other the rnaterial due be fact 'exotic' birds, to the that for the timbres these may solely of strings of absence r, lessiaen, do not lend themselvesto stringedinstruments.The instrumentschosenare as follows: flute, (in I Eb), I I 2 I (in Bb), bass I oboe, clarinet piccolo, clarinets clarinet ,woodwind: (in Bb), I bassoon (in horns (in F), I 2 trumpet brass: pitched percussion:glockenspiel,xylophone piano solo blocks, block, drum, 3 3 temple wood side percussion: gongs,tam-tam Unpitched in the prefaceto the score,Messiaenprovidesa plan showingthe position of the instrumentsfor a concertperformance[ex VII/141. This plan is divided into separate The blocks. block. Uke, dividing compositional processes are often equally the orchestral far left To into the the the these of conductor are groups. unpitchedpercussion, njusic the the pianoandxylophoneare either sideof the woodwind; are ahead straight front. The Bb the the also at clarinets with clarinet,piano andxylophoneare conductor, 193 intended front important to they the the are play as most also positionedat r6les in the longer Messiaen has describesthe The two three and cadenzas short ones: piano piece. in Rived des Oi. The like the of piano use vealixwas a pianoconcerto. piece as here in has harmonies the octaves, whereas piano and many predorninantlý monophonic built from complexinventedchords;there are also resonanceeffects,many supcrimposcd in Bb The lines the a chief clarinets play part centraltutti, counterpoints. and solo is instrument. The America also used as a solo xylophone robin. representingthe However, in the preface,Messiaenstatesthat eachand every instrumentshouldbe is displays itself the there of soloistic role each part, as only one audible: the orchestration This Bb two the select clarinets. the instrument to a part, with exceptionof instrumentationlooks like a smallchamberorchestraon the podium. The positioningof balancing for is the instruments of all the complexsonorities.In conductor's essential the Messiaen the timbres that and colourations; of aU to order createan approximation intends, the composerhelpsthe interpreterwith numerousmarkingsin the score.The difference but, to the (for tremendous sound quality, the a make more piano) pedal parts dynamic birdsong the and meticulous marldngshelp the importantly, the characterof each balance. Furthermore, footnotes the many conductor to createthe correctacoustic Each has be new to phrase anattached emphasised. describetheelements thatneed is the dynamic,while the articulationof notes alwaysspecified.In addition,the tempo free birdsong frequent that especially the seems and unregimcntcd. so are changes MessiaendescribesOisemixErotiques as a work that containsonly birdsong.In fact, in be described the Rived desOiseauxis theonlywork of Messiaen whichcan 194 later work, the composerlinks non-pitchedpercussionwith woodvAnd,xylophone,brass, based Hindu the constituting a strophic percussion support piano, and on glockenspiel feet. The (strophic Greek form) is unpitched percussion metric and rhythms, verses fact, the music is generallycreatedby birdsong. In from independently the realised juxtaposing blocksof materialsand occasionallysuperimposingthem on one another.The fonn is effectivedueto the balanceof similaritiesand contrasts. has from here fruition. the to around world come research Messiaen's own ornithological 'unrealistic' labelled immediately be as so many compositionalprocesses The work may birdsong; homogenisation to the in been nevertheless, to prominence have used order give diverse from birdsongs countries creates such an evocative andvaried exotic many so of collage. here, incorporated birdsongs the majority of which are taken from forty-eight There are India, Malaysia, from South America, China America, are andthe North while others in fists the prefaceto the score,putting eachone in its them Messiaen all Islands. Canary Nlessiaen listener had have the birds on The that most effect as a are origin. of country importantly, a short listed with informationabouttheir colouration,sizeand, most calls. or their songs of characterisation five Circadian tuttis the with piano solos time-scale form six The of the piececomprises is redundanthereasMessiaenis not attemptingto representa time period. However,the follows: into defined divided be three sectionsas piecemay 195 Introduction Sequence (PianoCadenzasandInstrumentalInterludes-2 long Tuttis) Coda A more detailedbreakdownof the form is given below: SECTION FIGURES PAGES (I) Introduction 1-2 pl-p3 (2) 1' PianoCadenza 3 p4-p5 (3) P Tutti 4 p6-pS (4) 2d Piano Cadenza 5 ps-P9 (5) 2"Tutfi 6 p9-p12 (6) 3dPiano Cadenza 7 p13 (7) Central Tutd 8-23 p14-p6l (8) 4uPiano Cadenza 24 p62-p65 (9) Final Tutli 25-30 p66-pS3 (10) Final PianoCadenza 31 p84 (11) Coda 32-end p85-pS6 Although the maintutti is very complexandincorporatesmanydifferentbirdsongs,the des Oiseaux, Rived in help fewer listener they the to locatea as songs: use other sections, in fonnal the pieceas a whole - seebelow: structure senseof 196 i[ntroduction: commonmynah,Mmalayanwhite crestedlaughing thrush (ppl-3) I" Cadenza: commonmynah,red-billedmesia,American wood thrush,veery (pp4-5) I' Tutti: leafbird,Baltimoreoriole, red-billedmesia,Califomian thrasher(Pp6-8) nd Piano Cadenza:cardinal(pp8-9) -IF Tutti: leafbird,Baltimore oriole, red-billedmesia,Californian thrasher(pp9-12) 3'dPiano Cadenza:cardinal(p13) Central Tutti: (ppl4-61) (i) opening- prairie chicken (ii) main section- manybirdsongs& rhythmicstrophes (iii) a) introduction- commonmynahtimbres b) asbeginningof centraltutti 4'hPiano Cadenza:bobolinkýcatbird (pp62-65) Final Tutti: rhythmicstrophes,manybirdsongs(pp66-83) Final Cadenza:wood thrush,cardinal(p84) Coda: commonmynah,Ifirnalayanwhite crestedlaughingthrush (pp85-86) It is importantto note that severalof the sectionsare very closely related.Not only do the first (such the andsecondtuttis) use the samebirdsongsas one as smaller sections instrumentation, but they alsoemploysimilar rhythmic and melodicmotives,to another, bird's the songs. representeachof There is a strikingly consistentuseof GreekandI-findurhythms,playedon the following in both final instruments, the the central and tuttis: unpitchedpercussion SideDrum WoodBlock Gongs Tam-Tam TempleBlocks 197 from Messiaen takes theKarnaticsystemof Indianmusic.In fact, all of the also rhythms fornis, Hindu in the that the their exception with onesaresubjectedto are original rhythms The exotic rhythms(GreekandHindu)in thispiecearelistedbelow: dirninution. OnLu2by-thim-g system: (1)Ded-Tilas from the Shamgadeva Candrakala, Gajahampa Caccad, Dherýd, Gajalila, Lakskrrýqa, prlhgankalna, (2)KamaticTheory. Matsya-Tishra, Atatila-Cundh Triputa-NEshra, Matsya-Sankima, CgeA3jWLbms- (1) ComposedFeetor Metre: Dactylo-tpitrite (2) Linesof ComposedMetre: Iamb6l6giac Phal6cien, Glyconique,Aristophanien, (3) LogoaedicLines:Ascl6piad,Saphique, Ph6r6cratien is four by (figures 10-22) framework Tutti's Main provided rhythmicstrophes.Each The in Greek I-Endu format: in is identical thirteen the the and rhythms appear same strophe in Rythmique' following I, II, III IV 'Strophe four the and times. are order order 198 (Logoaedic) I Ascl6piade (Logoaedic) 2 Saphique Nihgankallia (Tfilas) (Logoaedic) 4 Glyconique 3 Adorýque 6 Gajarila 7 Lakskmica(Talas) Metre) (Line of Composed Iamb6legiaque (Logoaedic) AristoPhanien (Kamatic) 10Matsya-Sankima (TWas) II Caccan^ 14 Groups I Is of serrýquavers 12Candrakali(Tilas) 13Dactylo-tptitrite (ComposedFeetor Metre) diminution) to gradual/chromatic (Notethat the Indian rhyflunsaresubjected instrumentslistedabove.The Theserhythmsare all playedon theunpitchedpercussion its form, four the tutti series central provides with rhythmic successive of appearance birdsongs throughout. occur randoHy wMe 0 A few of the GreekandHindu rhythmsfoundin the centraltutti recurin the final tutti; The mostcommon however,other rhythmsaremostlyemployedin this later ensemble. hereis thewoodblock, in thecentraltutti wasgiven instrument whereas eachinstrument 199 equal weight. In the first section,the woodblock plays the rhythms Dhen)Ci,Gajahampa, while returning to Dhenkiin a continuousfashion.The rhythms chosenappearas follows: (I) temple blocks: quavernotemotive drum trills, gongs side Vhenld, Gajahampa,Dhenk! C31yconiqueandsidedrumtrills (2) Temple blocks: 3 quavermotive drum trills, gongs side 1Dhenld,Phal6cien,Triputa-Mshra J)henki, Ph6r6cratien,Matsya-Tishra,Atatila-Cundh Dhenld (wood block andgongs)+ trills -trills +3 quavermotive Both groupsbegin-,vith the templeblock's 'three-quavermotive' and are succeededor drum. These Messiaen's by insistent to the trills patterns add side on more preceded Birdsong, however, is forefront the always motivic repetition. of at employment of the generalensemble. 200 -rhe introduction of the work maybe divided simply,thus: in homs In glissando molto cresc. woodwind(2) short interruption call - two derniserniquavers(2cl, b cl, cls, bsn) (3) piano & glockenspiel grace notes (homorhythmic) (4) repetition of I in by (descending seinitone) clannets& bassoon(homorhYthrnic) (5) syncopatedpitches (6) piccolos, flute andoboes (woodwind brass) interruption + call and (7) chordal repeatedpitches (8) powerful semiquaversof 11imalayanwhite crested laughing thrush, ending with [see &p3l (homorhythmic) pl repeated pitches The first pianocadenzaappearsat figure 3. The commonmynahis represented. immediately, the listeneris awarethat thereis a greatabundanceof rpetition., more than for instance, however, first The comprises alternator, this is an in earlier works. phrase, The but times. two complexes repeated several chordal seven not two notesrepeated, Other in for the this ending. cluster chord exact repetitions gravelling way make chords (bar 6), (7 the triplet the chords and cluster grace notes and chords preceding are cadenza The bars flourishes (bar 12) four thirty-one this 8), and others. many of the sequential follows VIEUIS be [ex & 51: therefore, simplified as pp4 cadenzacan, 201 bar characteristics i mynah: 'chordal alternator', 'low-gravelling' ending 2 2 interruption calls + ascending,homophonic flourish 3 ascendingflourish to high B+ major 7' alte-mator 4 two-part homorhythmic climacus (quasi-glissando15), 4 chords and 'lowgravelling' ending 5 flourish, ascendingflourish, major 7h alternator (homophonic) 6 Cresc. (pp-ff), 8 C-E-B chords with accompanying grace notes"' 7&8 triplet + chord 17 2 spreadchords flourish " 10 2 harmonised 'quartet calls"" (scandicus) I quasi-glissando,grace notes 12 4 sequentialanapaesticcalls (two-voiced homophonic) ri _3 two-part homophonic flourish: all in major 2' 14 low bass chords 15 two-part homophonic flourish (white/black pitches), 3 widely-spread chords 16 low bassnotes 17 widely-spread chords 18 & 19 triplet + chord (as 7& 8) 20 iamb, 2 iarnbs 3 scandicus cells, mesia: red-billed 21 descendingflourish 22 &23 mynah: triplet + chord (see 7& 8) 202 24* American wood thrush: 2-part chords & resonanceeffects (hybrid) (the final flourish is a harmonised porrectus flexus) 25* final but 24 repeated chords (B, E, G#, D#, G, A) (hybrid) with as 26* as 25 but 6 repeated chords (hybrid) 27* like 25 (hybrid) 28* final (hybrid) but 8 24 chords as 29* bars as previous samerhythms 30 (5 5 triplet tribachic cells) chordal clusters of groups veery: 31 4 descending chords (left handa scmitone aboveor below2n6noteof right hand) [ex VII/151 It seemsthat eachbar of the commonmynah'ssonghasan entirelydistinct quality. Only bars 7-8, andthe useof the alternator,appearseveraltimesduringthe cadenza.The Americanwood thrush,however,usesthe samechordalcomplexesandrhythmsin eachof its exclamatorybars:this is clearlyshownin the abovetableby the asterisk.The second introduces American threerepeated in thrush's song, bar, the wood chordsthatendthe 18 The bars 26 this the extend with more of same chord. and veery'ssong phrase,while triplet demisemiquavers (fromNorth America)is madeup of repeated andchords,ordy five its first is bar. last It is left in the that, the groups the of of notable not only changing from lower in the away hand'spitcha sernitone part the righthand,but also,in eachof the in left hand below two the the two or notes the one a senýtone are of groups, preceding To flexusý in in the principal the employ melodic shapes, such as porrcctus right. notes innovation. important an harmoniesrepresents 203 The heterophonicfirst tutti (figure 4) usesthe following instruments: piccolo flute oboe 2 clarinets(in Bb) glockenspiel xylophone high-pitched twittering calls of the lessergreenleafbird from the The piccolo represents 19 imalaysia;the 'Chinesewood-block sonorities' of the red-billedmesia(China)are played lower Californian in is the at and pitch; thrasher altissimo the glockenspiel playedon on joyful Baltimore by the oriole's songs are represented a the xylophone;while flute, comprising one one oboeand two clarinetsin Bb. hornorhythmicwoodwind quartet in block the again woodwind of this section;only, in The scandicusmelodicshapeappears is harmony throughout. instance, used this is leafbird lesser listener The hastwo the feature the green repeated pitches. The main of the several scandicus pitches and repeated many melodiccells of the reference: of points In fact, the Baltimoreoriole (p6) only hasthe (Baltimore block oriole). woodwind following characteristics:iambs[bl], quavernoteswith semiquavers[b2l, slurred flourish Both the this semiquaver quintuplet a the and at end of section. cells scandicusýo 204 Californian (xylophone) (glockenspiel) between the thrasher and mesia alternate red-billed The l6ve loco pitch. xylophonealso employsthe scandicusshapewith at and phrasesat [see in its the the while glockenspiel p7j, uses grace notes slurs everyoneof and without bass bar bassoon At the this the section, clarinet and of sixth are addedto the phrases. instruments These two only appearwhen the clarinetsare playing,SiNing a rich quartet. depth to the sonority. The secondpianocadenzais rathershort and extremelyrepetitive.Here, the cardinal(of Accordingto Messiaen'sprefaze,its call is very shrill, rapid and Virginia) is represented. 'liquid'. In the musicalscore,the composerasksfor a 'tres vif tempo marking(one is However, 100): 1%lessiam the to the the song clear certainly speed of pianist. = crotchet includesthe expression'conuneun cr6pitementde gouttesd'eau'/'Iike a splutteringof imagery is for Water droplet drops': the this somewhat vague pianist. subjective water Celeste Le Banquet (1928). heard Perhaps be the referenceto early as as sonoritiescan &Hquid[ity]'and 'water' is especiallyrelevantto the ascendingslurreddemiserniquavcr figure 5. With durations bar fourth in tempo these so quick a marking, slurred the of runs (in two-part chords)mergeinto eachother. Messiaenalso statesthat eachstrophe(or fragment harmonic different five, idea) that twice, occurs melodic or a contains musical 21 The times two with accompanying cadenza opens quavers with repeated sevenor nine . for first 'two-part E the setting an up group's major chord gracenotes,while clearly in in The [VEU161. two parts, this strophes, cadenza, are categorised chordal*alternator' thus: 203 No. in Features Strophe Part I E majorchords(+ A# and C gracenotes) 2+ triplet 5 nd (using from 2 bi) E + cell major major alternator: 2 two-part rising flourish (major iiýirdsand augmentingto a fourth) 7 two-part rising chordalflourishes- tritones in lower part 2 two-part (atonal) 7 two-part, fourths andfifths in lower part, secondsandthirds in upper PgZI 2 bar 1 as 2+ triplet 9 b I) (extended bar 2 of version as 2 cquartal'chords 5 descendingflourishes,first two notesrepeated(invertedminor thirds) five (extended climacus) groupsof 5 descendingflourishes(as last bar) (extended five climacus) of groups 5 descendingflourishes (extended five climacus) of groups 206 The secondtutti (at figure 6) takesthe sameform asthe heterophonicfirst tutti of figure 4. However,this is extendedevenfurther, althoughall the samefeaturesappearhere.The Baltimore oriole (playedby the flute, oboe andclarinetsin Bb) gives the effect of greater introduced: it is before, than rests are as only later that the more insistent more timidity The follows, the very shrill'call regularity. of recur with cardinal rhythms using scandicus (3d Piano Cadenza) This before. section also openswith two the samemotivesas loud gracenotes- anda suddencrescendo chordswith preceding accented repetitionsThe in follows: dinýnuendo the chordal alternator. groups of strophes ensuing are as and 527272925235 Apart from the oneexception(at the endof the abovelist), eachstrophe,in prime identical [pl3]. by is followed * two calls numbers, (page figure 8 14 of the score).As alreadymentioned,the begins Tutti Central at The instruments divided into the are percussion strophesand put unpitched rhythmsplayedon i nto four sections,wherethe rhythmsareplayedin the sameorder. This centralmovement in four thus: divided be sections, analysed and may 207 Central Tutti Figure Section 8-10 introduction of maintutti - prairie chicken 10-13 . StropheRythmique1 13-16 StropheRythmiqueII 16-3 before19 StropheRythmiqueIII 3 before 19-22 StropheRythmiqueIV 22-24 Codaof maintutti - prairie chicken The introductionto the mamtutti openswith a crescendotrill from the tam-tam.The in is In the Messiaen the woodwind. represented preface, chicken prairie mentionsthree first is its bird's The 'gurgling features this calls. sounds',which apparentlyhave. of main horns'. This is hunting 'distant sonority representedat figure 8 with the qualitiesof descendingtriplets and solemnpitchesin the low register.Secondly,the composer is has 'shrill by it descent lowest that which succeeded to the a call' a rapid mentions part found is 9. After This its atfigure characteristic a gracenote andrclatively of register. long accentedhigh-pitchedquaver,a rapid descendingflourish from the woodwind leads finally, flourish from the a single and, piano on oneclarinet (in Bb), chords to staccato bassclarinetandbassoon[ex VIEU171. 208 At 10, the 'stropherythmiqueF begins.Throughoutthis main tutti section,Greekand Indian rhythmsrun almostcontinuouslyfrom endto end, creatinga rhythmic cantus firmus. Ascl6piadebeginson the sidedrum. The only other instrument,at this time, which is not depictingthe white crestedlaughingthrush,is the xylophone,representingthe figurations22 high B it The with natural scandicus reference uses notes. oriole: orchard Himalayanwhite crestedlaughingthrushhasa very commandinganapaesticchordal in its first Each four bars is VII/4 in [see note the pl6l. accented: ex previous refrain its having 'implacable bursts describes Messiaen song as of the score, prefaceto drarnatic harmonic ' The like concludes a with song alternator a mountaingiant. sound... horns bassoon, Eb harmonic two trumpet, the and clarinet, producing oboe, a employing is dense harmonic The The extremely effect and rhythmically static. overall alternator. is laughing it is for thrush also the rather grand: this crested perhaps white texture of idea, instrument Messiaen to the this work end with and that chooses with every reason playing synchronously. dulcet The B A#'s is II sporadic. repeated naturals, and and Figure sparse rather of still first by intervals tritone the complemented are and piccolo, the cowbird, playedon (from bulbul India), by from Eb's the and, subsequently, red-whiskered syncopated barred depicting the the triples triplets owl and porrectus continuous scandicus periodic homophony, In devoted bars thrush. two-voiccd the to the olive-backed olivc. two the of indicated in the the pianoplayseachnote with staccato backedthrush's songrises pitch: by for in first the the triplet created effects are called pedalling resonance yet articulation, in eachset. Gradually,moreandmorespeciesare introducedinto the music.Designated 209 instruments remaindevotedto particularbirdsongsuntil a new bird appearsin the score, indigo bunting, be An hermit they rose-breasted thrush grosbeak, re-allocated. may where before Indian figure 12. the shama are presented reappears sparrow at and white-crowned The new figure markingstressesthe importanceof the shama:its significanceis horns loud in it by the trumpet two to the and which, enough emphasised giving just behind in Bb - in both the solo and xylophone clarinets situated themselves,are also heard last homs dense, fore. The 'giant' the to the were representing other words, well laughing The describes thrush. 11imalayan the composer crested the white of sonorities Indian shamathus: figuration rhythrnicaUy percussive twitch of the tail varied warblings 4 descentto low register 5 repetitionof disjunctpitches fanfare sparkfing 7 brassytone 8 clear and gay Someof the qualitiesoutlinedaboveare speculativeand personalto Messiaen;howcvcr, it is possibleto locateprobableexamplesin the musicalscore.The sharna'sfirst phrases in first bom [see VII/4b rigure B 141. The Bb the previous ex the natural and centreon but down hom transposed the classes pitch a tritone, while the plays same second 210 in four-voiced F# is C to tritone an a a short call. On page21 or trumpet's natural raised bassoon join horns in bass first the trumpet the and and the clarinet the score, shama's follow in displaying Vivacious triplet cells staccato a the crescendo, ascending phrases. figuration' [see I b This 1-3). 'rhythrnicaHy above p25, percussive phrasemay shama's be regardedasthe 'sparkling.fanfare' (6 above),whereasthe bird's 'brassytone' is creatcd The instrumentation. by generallystrong,confidentquality of the simply the choiceof description 'clear justifies The frequently the the composer's of music as and Say'. shama intermittently incorporated bird's throughout this are maintutti this song of motives is, 'twitch is 'descent it the to the tail' However, the of as what clear or where not section. found23. The be 'disjunct be found low its pitches' may on page38, where to register' may demisenýquavers C [see natural continuous also repeats p38, bl-31. The the xylophone hermit thrushis reintroducedin this section,with its two-voiced homophoniccall in [p24, b2l. In three-note a repeated rhythmic cell pattern addition, the a comprising but flourishes the an appearance with short make calls swift rising shrill cardinal'srapid, on the piano. At thistimein Messiaen's career,thechatteringandalmostunpitchedsonoritiesof the figure 14, by In American this the trills. at case, shown sons sparrowarerepresented The in C B depicted is the the same way. repeated and naturals of summer sparrow flourishes from follow the cardinal,this shrill, short and rising amongstextremely tanager time playedon the xylophone. 211 At figure 15,the northernmockingbirdforcefully takes over the texture, playedby the instruments homs trumpet, normallyassociatedwith the white crested and obtrusive laughing thrushor shama.Its song,too, is joyful, staccato,but more delicate.For some has become insistent, in the more and the part, more virtuosic piano cardinal, time now, figuration (four before involves 15) immediately the seven preceding and,playful: Continuous triplet staccatosemiquavcrsare pattern. the melodic/rhythmic of repetitions (wild 42 turkey turkey) the in found common on page the of of the representation also bass bassoom is the the clarinet generally Each plays above triplet the same,and score. heard (fig 19): busy becomes alternators and repeated groupings mor. are The music more in two parts,while the hornsplay loudly and synchronouslywith the trumpet. The sharnais representedin a completelydifferentway on the piano. At figure 20 (bar4), in interpretation Messiaen's birdsong. technique line new relatively of a shows the rapid jump In 'Le Loriod' (Cataloglie the texture. hands out of notes Both certain yet areused, dDiseaux), Messiaenexpandson this principle,dividing certainpitches,whetherthey be hand, designated therebyrequiringthe pianistto play with lower, higher or to a four by four however, instance, IpS3, In hands. signified this phrases are slurs overlapping lower G, C, G (C#, A), is hand left the The W]. the notes and %vhile assigned b2; p54, in higher in the this same order on each occasion: repetition, pitches, the other, right plays fluidity. first The broadly creates slurs, an effect of the arching phrase conjunctionwith final B the to fifth the natural,yet the second continuing system, beginson the of note C#, the that two the begins the starts other pitch phrases. with phrase 212 At figure 21, the powerful chordalrefrain of the I-fimalayanwhite crestedlaughingthrush (on by the sparrow xylophone),olive-backedthrush a white-crowned succeeded returns, (on the clarinet)and,finally, a more deterniinedsecondreftain from the laughingthrush. break in tutti, the musicoccursat figure 22. The second After a prolongedpolyphonic a is followed by introduction tutti this to quoted: shrill calls main are the a rapid part of descentin the woodwind,in an exactreplica.The far off 'hunting hom' effect of the by descents. is The 'gurgling two short succeeded calls and shortly chicken sounds' prairie figure drawing 23, figure 8 this main tutti to a emerge at now section the earlier of These two recapitulationsclearlydefinethe section(from close. tentative, sparsely-scored figures 22-24) asthe codato the maintutti. 'miaow' from the catbird anda WghlYcomplex The fourth pianocadenza. a openswith bobolink. bobolink between The in catbird and employs conversation counterpoint in features, 'brilliant' melodic revealinga masterlypolyphonicvirtuosity its interplayvvith in is IVII/181: form The two thus this sections, cadenza of the catbird. 213 Section I Section 2 'miaow' catbird's catbird's 'miaow' counterpoint counterpoint 'miaow' catbird's (continues) counterpoint (short solo) catbird catbird (short solo) bobolink (short solo) bobolink (short solo) At the beginningof the counterpointrepresentingcatbird andbobolink, eachbirdsongis fifth bar demonstrates however, from the different the overlapping the already other; very by the gracenotesandslurswhich map onto anothervoice two exemplified the songs, of is frequent There 'crossed hands' interlocking also use of groups. the and rhythmic and 7" (D bobolink The the alternator plays minor natural-Cnatural) overlappingof pitches. inverted interval (B 7h The major an natural-C natural). with alternator andan ensuing but its B naturalalso incorporated is this throughout passage, latter alternator not only intermittent lp62, b1l, two the as groups s5, endof pitches occursas a referencepoint at [p62, A, b4l, in white-keychords[p62, s5, b2l andasthe top note of the catbird's is bobolink is busy, When the 241. the Ifigure catbird often given slower, very 'miaow' b2) jp63, b1l. The [see consistsof s5, fTantic catbird's short solo less p63, s3, rhythms bass fortissimo having bars, two chordal identical one chordalcomplexesand each two in parallel,the pitches flourish. The bobolink,on the other hand,usesdemiserniquavers nd fd because 3 2 the of many close major and minor intervals another one clashingwith 214 betweenthe two. The two-part alternatorin the middle is particularlycolourrul.The bobolink's solo at the endof the cadenzaemploysthe sameprinciple asin its earlier in is higher, drawn Nevertheless, the more out, and concludeswith a scale music versions. in hand, black hand left the the right reminiscentof a stained-glass notes the which, with 24 higher in The the the cries of catbird also use preceding pitches colouration. window's first. has been The bar being the of cadenza an exact repetition chords,the second high fortissimo for time: the perpetual grace notes, stabsand working up to a climax some drawn out alternatorsprecedetheseexcitingsolos. The final tutti begins at figure 25 on page 66. Simple quaver rhythms are written in harmony, using the full resources of this orchestra. The piccolo has an ascending run, in B black trill, the top two parts, plays a to natural a while xylophone, notes, using mostly dectapletglissandoin the shapeof a 'closing fan' Jp66].At this time, the rhythmic first by in figures the three the the same are represented, quavers shama as of percussive fortissimo After by three sen-dquavers. accented a short and s%%ift other parts,andsecondly bars first bar bar in 3, interlude two the the repeat ensuing almost monophonicmartellato identically.With the exceptionof the piccolo andthe xylophoneruns,the tonal centrc is E E G# 13 first the the The natural, only notes and of units employs each of chord major. (a G9, B D9 E, with the The chord of and major consists notes an chord second natural. bass in C, A# B, F, E, F# the the clarinets with an added7h), andthe third uses pitches 'E [see bar be the to This bassoon. motive major' referred as p671. characteristic will and From figure 26, the Indian shamais representedin the piccolo, flute, all clarinetparts and in include features The the pitches, upper woodwind grace many repeated piano. solo 215 in (see first The however, Bb). cells clarinet piano solo, notes andrepetitionsof melodic beginswith two '6clatant' chords:the,first is relatedto E major, while the secondincludes E in the the third chord aforementioned of major motive. many of the pitchesemployed interval. flourish, heavily based by followed is the tritone two-part on a This striking chord follow: here, is two-part flourish two-part chord each no more Another alternator anda homs: by is The interval. the two texture of the represented shama third than a n-dnor bassoon frantic, the becomes especiallywhen, subsequently, moreandmore ensemble. in by drawn-out followed the turn alternators of wren triplets, winding continuous plays bars' before 'E At 72, Greek two there FEndu are major from Carolina, rhythms. page and figure the lark, to a shama appear homed ensemble and at vireo - newcomers red-eyed. a including birds, introducing is the staccatoscmiquavcrs Messiaen [p73]. more new 28 stiff finch high trills the the and rapid endings of purple and short, the vireo, warbling of latter horns from the the two the vireo competing with yellow-throated colourful phrases in iambic block The Luzuli 'quartet the chords. cells of the rhythm' andtrumpetplaying birdsong blue-headed leaps interval the the other are only new vireo bunting andthe of final T bars before introduced be the which concludethis section.At major' featuresto 30, figure before bar the texturecomprisesmanyalternatorsandquick runs fourth the divide, E 30 Figure bass textural as bassoon a major provides from the clarinet. and from final flourishes block by the two followed and two shama chords, motivesare falls interval leaps, distant A bars. to the E piano solo, using virtuosic major subsequent final bar last E the to its piano cadenza. givesway depthsof range,asa major 216 The final pianocadenza,at figure 3 1, depictsthe wood thrushand cardinal.In fact, this first first is The the composite of or and second a microcosm piano cadenzas. short section first bars American bars the three the of of three exact replica wood thrush's an are 'hybrid' callsin the first pianocadenzaý5 using a harmonicversionof a porrectusflexus bl-31. E JpS, Sifffflarly, 'liquid' the major s4, around strophesof the centring shapeand found in is identical the this to those second piano cadenza, only version cardinalare determines '5' The the numberof repetitionsof strophesand transposed. primenumber the restsat the end. The codaat figure 32 (page85) beginswith the strangecall of the Indian mynah,already found at the openingof this work, thoughhereit is followed straightaway by the but staticandunrelentingstaccatoserniquaverchordsof the white crested powerful laughingthrush.In this last instance,the samechord - usingall 12 pitch classes- is [ex VEU19 The is dcnse the times close thirty-one p84]. overall effcct until a sounded immense bird's the this power of songand, moreover,the climacticsoundemphasising found in birdsongaroundthe world. This static be that infinite timbral possibilities can densityof soundpre-figuresthe gigantismof later works suchasEt Ekspecto Mortuorum. Resurrectionem 217 OiseauxExotiquesrepresents, ' the first systematicattempton the part of Messiaento capturethe timbre of birdsong insteadof, asin RdveildesOiseaux,contentinghimselfwith outline alone.' [Malcolm Troup in the 'MessiaenCompanion',1995,p409]. The composer'sdevelopingmodusoperandi (in relationto birdsong)hasrcachcdits birds included have been in bird style. timbres these and exotic unique apogeenow Certainly,manybirdsongshavean almostthree-dimensional quality, whHethe piece, is lavishly in the tutti, written superimpositions. saturatedwith numerous main especially With the wide variety of timbral complexity,it is inevitablethat the marriagebetween 'timbres' and 'couleurs'wasformed.In-thesetwo works, explorationsof this higWy synaestheticandsubjectiveapproachare first developed.The Tolour of Time'/Chronochromie(1960)marksthe next stageof the composer'sorchestra]output. The conceptof harmony,too, is broadened:the birdsongin the upper pitchesof chordsis heightenedand enhanced,often forming complexcolourationswhich contain'all the including the red, that colour especiallyassociatedwith hot countriesrainbow, colours,of the colour of the Americanbird known asthe "cardinal"'. [Prefaceto the score,pagex]. helpto produceluminoussoundqualities, Additionally,combinations of instrumentation brass the andpercussion combinein anensemble, notablyin the especially when wind, balances in Messiaen tutti. grandeur main with a greatmanysubtleties thisexotic masterpiece. 218 Notes to ChapterV11 JohnPhilips,'The Modal Languageof Olivier Messiaen;Practicesof"Technique de mon LangageMusical" asreflectedin CataloguedDiseaur'. D.M. A. dissertation,Peabody Conservatoryof Music, 1977. 2 Shu-WenSun,'Birdsong andPitch-ClassSetsin Messiaen'sVAlouette Calandrelle", dissertation,Oregon,(1995). ' Robert SherlawJohnson,Messiaen,(London, Dent, 1976& revisedin 1989),pp134135. 4 As texturesdependvery muchupon their notation,Philips refersto theseas 'notationsi. ' Someof theseeffectsare so frequentin R&eil des Oiseauxand OiseauxEvotiquesthat the terminologyis not alwaysapplied.For example,the two-voice polyphoniceffect is increasedto eight,nine,ten etc. differentpartsand,therefore,shouldrefer to the whole dawn chorusin RgveildesOise=.. 6 The 'chord of resonance'representsnon-birdsongmaterial. " In R&eil desOiseaux,the dawnchorusis, in effect, continuouslypolyphonic,involving here frequently birdsongs; the polyphony usesmore than two voices. simultaneous many " Takenfrom the programmenotesto Riveil desOiseaux,conductedby Pierre Boulez DG 453 478-2,1997. Op. cit. (Johnson),p122. " As melodicandrhythmicmotivesin Messiaen'sbirdsongbecomemore varied and frequent,it is increasinglyimportantto employ'motivic classification'tablesinsteadof birdsong. the that characteristicsof show all ones 11Semiquaver-semiquaver-quaver motive, not a scandicusshape. 12This bird is representedharmonicallyto someextent,althoughthe bass-register clusters createa somewhatgravellyguttural soundratherthan a timbral complexity. 13ClaudeSamuel,Olivier Messiaen:Music andColor-Conversati n trans.ThomasGlasow,(Portland,Oregon,AmadeusPress,1986). " Thesegroupsof five serniquavers are includedin this list asthey appearin the four decli-tilas In in five the the the same position. system, exactly strophes rhythmic quaver unit is known as 'gauri'. 15As alreadymentioned,the piano cancreatea 'quasi-glissando'effect with a two-part descendingflourish of rapid durations:the pitchesoften employblack notesin one hand in The the colourationandthe simultaneousrun of pitchesproducethis other. andwhite specialsonority. 1'6Like the nightingale's`macfiýine-gun' in but harmonicostinato. effect, 0 17Chordsin an extremelyopenposition: eachpart is at leasta perfectfourth away from the next. 18The serniquaver-serniquaver-quaver (or diminishedversion)motive found in the violin is, du by Quatuor Fin Temps first Pour La the the now, a regular of movement part of featurein its classicscandicusshape. '9 SeePrefaceto the score. 20Demisemiquaver-den-ýsenýquaver-serniquaver motive (anapaesticrhythm) appem throughoutthis sectionin the woodwind block. 21Notice that 5,7 and9 are prime numbers. 219 22Its melodic Oualuor first is in found the the of movement shape oppositeto the original pour La Fin du Temps. 23Perhaps (at figure 17 and on the piano) the very differentinterpretationof the shama. could representthis 'twitch' with its A andB naturals(seep40, bI). " Another exampleof this effect canbe found in the last two barsof the first songin the 'Action PojmespourMi, de Qrices'. entitled cycle 25 Bars24-26 of the cadenza.