Sponsors - Multiphase Flow Group
Sponsors - Multiphase Flow Group
“El Generalife” Sponsors Travel & Accommodation Office C.I.C. MA 59 Congress Organization Organizers EFCE European Federation of Chemical Engineering General Secretariat DECHEMA e.V., Theodor-Heuss-Alle 25 D-60486 Frankfurt am Main/Germany Phone: ++49-69-7564-143/-209 Fax: ++49-69-7564-201 e-mail: meier@dechema.de internet: http://dechema.de ANQUE Asociación Nacional de Químicos de España C/ Lagasca, 27 - 1ºE E-28001 Madrid/Spain Phone: ++34-91-4310703 Fax: ++34-91-5765279 e-mail: anquejg@mail.ddnet.es internet: www.anque.es web site: www.anque.es/ecce4 e-mail: ecce4@anque.es Collaborators • Edita: ANQUE. Asociación Nacional de Químicos de España • Diseño Gráfico: AzulFaroDiez • Producción Gráfica: GRÁFICAS CRISTAL S.A. • ISBN: 84-88233-23-X © ECCE-4. Junio 2003 Index Programme Honour Committees 02 Welcome Address 04 Organizing and Scientific Committees 06 Plenary Lectures 08 Key Notes 10 Exhibition 12 Special Events 12 Programme at a Glance 14 Oral Communication Programme 16 Poster Programme 38 Poster Information and Time-Table 89 Social Programme 90 General Information 93 Honour Committees Honour Committee President H.R.M. Juan Carlos I The King of Spain Josep Piqué Manuel Chaves Cándida Mártinez Fuensanta Coves Jose Antonio Viera Pedro Morenés José Torres David Aguilar Luis Parras Francisco Belil Lluis Seguí Joan Malagelada José Lladó • Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology • President of C.A. Andalucía • Counselor for Education and Sciences (C.A. Andalucía) • Counselor for Enviroment (C.A. Andalucía) • Counselor for Employment & Technological Develop (C.A. Andalucía) • Spanish Secretary of State for Science and Technology Policy • Major of Granada • President of University of Granada • President of University of Jaen • President of FEIQUE • President of A-IQS • President of SEQUI • President of Técnicas Reunidas, S.A. Scientific Honour Committee Hans Hoffmann Luis G. Jodra K. Roel Westerterp • First President of EFCE, DE • Royal Academy of Science, ES • Past President of EFCE, NL Congress Chairmen Jean Claude Charpentier Baldomero López • President of EFCE • President of ANQUE H.R.M. the King of Spain Juan Carlos I Welcome Address As long as we define Culture as a particular stage of advancement in civilization, Chemical Engineering forms part of the Culture of the human beings since the beginning of History. Though it became a scientific and technological body only one hundred years ago, Chemical Engineering is an intrinsic instrument in all the processes in which men and women have changed the form, the physical state, the energy content and the composition of the matter, thus contributing to the social development along the centuries and nowadays to the sustainable growth. Chemical Engineering is, and has always been, a Tool For Progress. The goals of a transition to sustainability are promoted by the today’s scientific interdisciplinary multiscale approach of chemical engineering. Indeed, the mesoscale production of the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, bio and agrochemical products desired by the consumer implies a precise knowledge of the various processes occurring at different scales, from the molecular scale processes up to the plant macroscale, and the environmental, societal and economic requirements. Baldomero López Pérez This involves as well nanotailoring of materials with controlled structure as manufacturing end-use properties for product-design or process intensification with the design of novel equipment or new methods of production based on scientific principles, modelling and simulation. This approach shows the paramount importance of the current Chemical Engineering as a multidisciplinary key-technology serving mankind in a context "market demands versus technological offers". Topics and Items of the Congress Programme reveal this multidisciplinarity. They cover the present research priorities of the European Commission, in which Chemical Engineering is widely involved, from energy efficiency to globalisation and from waste management to new product processes. They survey the current state of the art in the basic Chemical Engineering Tools and deeply refer to the new Trends in Chemical Reactor and Separation Technologies. They also offer a platform to chemists, food technologists, computing experts, biotechnologists and several other field specialists to join us and interchange ideas on matters in which collaboration is necessary. Jean Claude Charpenter Congress Chairman Welcome Address Items like "Education in Chemical Engineering" and "Student Program" are traditionally a must in the ECCE congresses, because education programs have to be contrasted and revised periodically in order to prepare the chemical engineers to react successfully before the new, rapid and continuous advances of Science, Technology and Innovation. As an example of the new approaches, the ECCE-4 presents the 1st European Symposium on Product Design and Engineering. This is a growing subject in the last decade in the Process Industry, relative to the manufacture of specific performance products at a smaller scale than in the bulk industry. This has originated a multidisciplinary product oriented research for product relevant functionality, in which chemical engineers are also engaged. the Topic "Sustainable Development", which is of intimate relation with Society. Coming to this point, it looks appropriate to stand out that congresses are, besides their scientific and technical interest, a way of mutual communication with the social factors, thus ECCE-4 has profited the opportunity to offer a Plenary Conference on "Social Communication of Chemical Engineering", an open Round Table on Sustainability with the participation of journalists, and a Press Office organized for the connection of journal, radio and TV reporters with the Congress participants in order to spread the skills of Chemical Engineering to solve the problems and meet the challenges of modern society. More than 1.400 papers and posters from over 60 countries and more than 20 sponsors give a clear idea of the interest that ECCE-4 has reached in the Educational, Scientific and Technical communities, in the Industry and in the Administration. In a panoramic view, we would outline that over 300 contributions are on We express our thanks to the members of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, to the Collaborators, to the Sponsors, to the ANQUE Executive Committee and to all the participants. We welcome you to Granada, one of the most beautiful Spanish towns, monumental and historical, artistic and charming, crossway of cultures. We wish you all a fruitful and rewarding Congress and an enjoyable stay in Granada. Leopoldo Martínez Nieto Chairman Organizing Committee Felix Garcia Ochoa Chairman Scientific Committee Organizing and Scientific Committees ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Leopoldo Martínez-Nieto (Chairman, U. Granada, ES) Alfredo Vara (Vicechairman, ANQUE, ES) Jaime Arboles Alvaro Badiola Antonio de Diego Gilles Flamant Juan G. Monar Willi Meier Rafael Murillo Juan J. Nava Cristóbal Nebot Luis F. Rivera Jaime Soley José Antonio Vinós Lorenzo Baselga Vicente Bravo Mercedes Fernández Ana García José A. Jiménez Salvador Rodriguez (AIQS, ES) (ANQUE, ES) (CGCQ, ES) (CNRS, Odeillo, FR) (ANQUE, ES) (EFCE, DE) (ANQUE, ES) (FEIQUE, ES) (ANQUE, ES) (ANQUE, ES) (SEQUI, ES) (ANQUE, ES) (ANQUE,Technical Secretary, ES) (U. Granada, ES) (U. Granada, ES) (U. Granada, ES) (U. Granada, ES) (U. Granada, ES) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Félix García-Ochoa (Chairman, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, ES) Ryszard Pohorecki (Vicechairman, U. Technology Warsaw, PL) José Costa (Vicechairman, Universidad Barcelona, ES) Alberto Arce Poul Bach Giancarlo Baldi Howard A. Barnes F. Javier Benítez Alberto Bertucco Javier Bilbao Antonio Bódalo David Bogle Jacques Bousquet Ulrich Broeckel Gerd Brunner Guillermo Calleja Fernando Camacho Joaquín Casal Francesc Castells María J. Cocero Tomás Cordero Richard C. Darton Bernard Delmon P. Ditl John A. Dodds (U. Santiago, ES) (Novozymes, DK) (Politecnico Torino, IT) (Unilever Research, UK) (U. Badajoz, ES) (U. Padova, IT) (U. País Vasco Bilbao, ES) (U. Murcia, ES) (U. College London, UK) (Total-Fina-Elf, FR) (FHTrier/Birkenfeld, DE) (U. Hamburg, DE) (U. Rey Juan Carlos, ES) (U. Granada, ES) (U. Politécnica Cataluña, ES) (U. Rovira I Virgili, ES) (U. Valladolid, ES) (U. Málaga, ES) (U. Oxford, UK) (U. Cath. Lovaine, BE) (U.Czeh Technical, CZ) (E´cole Mines d’Albi, FR) Organizing and Scientific Committees J. Drahos Enrico Drioli Lutz End Santiago Esplugas Pedro Fito Eric Forssberg Miguel A. Galán Rafiqul Gani Eloy García-Calvo Ernst. D. Gilles John Gillett M. Glor Carmen González Andreas Gutsch Angel J. Irabien Ian C. Kemp Matthias Kind Valery Kirillov Nikolai N. Kulov Jorge Lang-Lenton Joseph J. Lieto Antonio de Lucas Giusepe Marrucci Antonio Martín Timothy McKenna Thierry Meyer Martin Molzahn Rosa Nomen Jan Novosad Inmaculada Ortiz Hans J. Pasman Joaquín Pérez-Pariente Luis Puigjaner Albert Renken Encarna Rodríguez Juan J. Rodríguez Frank Runge Luis Salvador Jesús Santamaría Aurora Santos Julià Sempere Helmar Schubert Heike Schuchmann Karl Sommer Eva Sørensen José L. Sotelo Julia Stegemann Joachim Ulrich Manuel del Val Jan Venselaar Gerhard Wagner R. J. Wakeman Gabriel Wild Anthony A. Wragg (Inst. Chemical Process Fund., CZ) (U. Calabria, IT) (BASF AG, DE) (U. Barcelona, ES) (U. Politécnica Valencia, ES) (U. Technology Lulea, SE) (U. Salamanca, ES) (Tech Univ Denmark, DK) (U. Alcalá Henares, ES) (Max Plack Inst. Maddeburg, DE) (EFCE, UK) (Inst. Forderung der Sicherheit, CH) (U. Barcelona, ES) (Degussa AG, DE) (U. Cantabria, ES) (AEA Technology, UK) (U. Karlsruhe, DE) (Inst. Catalysis, Novosibirsk, RU) (Russian Acad. Sci., Kurnakov Inst., RU) (ENRESA, ES) (U. Claude Bernard,Lyon, FR) (U. Castilla-Mancha, ES) ( U. Napoli, IT) (U. Córdoba, ES) (LCPP-CNRS, FR) (Inst. Process Science, Lausanne, CH) (Weisenheim am Berg, DE). (U. Ramon Llull, ES) (Czech Soc. Chem. Eng., CZ) (U. Cantabria, ES) (TNO Defence Res., NL) (ICP-CSIC, ES) (U. Politécnica Cataluña, ES) (EPF Lausanne, CH) (U. Politéc. Madrid, ES) (U. Autónoma Madrid, ES) (BASF AG, DE) (U. Sevilla, ES) (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES) (U. Complutense Madrid, ES) (U. Ramon Llull, ES) (U. Karlsruhe, DE) (Fed. Research Centre Nutrition, DE) (TU Munchen, DE) (Univer. College London, UK) (U.Complutense Madrid, ES) (U. Oxford, UK) (U. Halle-Wittenberg, DE) (Técnicas Reunidas, ES) (TNO - MEP, Apeldoorn, NL) (F.Hoffmann-La Roche, CH) (U. Loughborough, UK) (ENSIC-CNRS, FR) (U. Exeter, UK) Plenary Lectures OPEN CEREMONY Monday, 22nd September 10:00 - 11:00 • Opening by Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology. • Welcome by the President of ANQUE. • Welcome by the President of EFCE. Monday, 22nd September 11:00 - 12:00 Communication in Science, Technology and Chemical Engineering. Is it a voluntary challenge or an absolute necessity? Tuesday, 23th September 11:00 - 12:00 Dr. Valentin Gonzalez (U. Autónoma. Madrid, ES) Dr. Valentin Gonzalez is Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) as well as a Journalist. He is mainly devoted to the teaching of the industrial chemical process and the project design. He works in catalytic reduction of industrial pollutants in effluents and flue gases. He worked in research and development of new processes for the production of uranium compounds and in the management of radioactive wastes in the Junta de Energia Nuclear (JEN) in Spain, and in the Kernforschungs Zentrums Karlsruhe, in Germany. He was Director of Nuclear Technology at JEN and Director of Communication and International Relations and Research and Technology at ENRESA, Spanish Company responsible for the Management of Radioactive Wastes. He was appointed to held technical missions in South American countries for the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations Organization and has been member of different Advisory Committees in the E.U., OECD and I.A.E.A. Doctor Gonzalez is a member of the Spanish Academy of Pharmacy; of the European and Spanish Nuclear Societies; of the Spanish Associations of Directors of Communication, of the Press and of Scientific Journalists, inter allia. 2010: A NanoSpace Odissey Prof. Sir Harry W. Kroto (U. Sussex, UK) Harold Kroto received a BSc (Chemistry, 1961) and a PhD (Molecular Spectroscopy, 1964) from the University of Sheffield. After Postdoctoral work at the National Research Council (Ottawa, Canada) and Bell Telephone Laboratories (Murray Hill, NJ USA) he started his academic career at the University of Sussex (Brighton) in 1967. He became a professor in 1985 and a Royal Society Research Professor in 1991. In 1996 he was knighted for his contributions to chemistry and later that year, together with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley (of Rice University, Houston, Texas), received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the discovery of C60 Buckminsterfullerene a new form of carbon. Plenary Lectures Wednesday, 24nd September 11:00 - 12:00 The Role of the Chemical Engineering in the FP6 (Six Framework Programme) Mr. Ezio Andreta (EU Commission Directorate for Sustainable & Competitive Growth, IT) Andreta, Ezio - Graduated in Political Sciences and Economics (Univ. of Genoa and Lyon); postgraduated studies in Industrial and Monetary issues at the London School of Economics; Doctorate in International Relations (Univ. of Genoa);Assistant Professor in Economics. Since 1995 he is Director at the European Commission DG Research. Under FP6 he is responsible for the Priority on Nanotechnologies, multifunctional materials and new production processes. Professor of knowledge management at the PhD school of Politecnico di Torino. Thursday, 25th September 12:00 - 13:00 Challanges in Research and Process Development for the Chemical Industry. Dr. Helmut Mothes (Process Technology, Bayer Technology Services, Leverkusen, DE) Dr. Mothes heads the Process Technology Department of Bayer Technology Services, the technology provider for the Bayer Group. He has extensive experience in manufacturing, supply chain management and process development in the chemical and pharmaceutical business. In 1984 he joined Bayer focussing on process design and optimization in Central Research. During his US-assignment he was responsible for the biotechnology pilot plant and technical operations at Bayer's Citric Acid Business in Elkhart (USA). After his return to Germany he headed the Flavor Production of Haarmann & Reimer and later Technical Operations of Bayer's Animal Health business. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe and worked as Post-Doc at the University of California (Berkeley/USA). CLOSING CEREMONY Thursday, 25th September • Good-bye Address. • Performance of the “Manuel de Falla” choral group. 13:00 - 13:45 Key Notes TOPIC 1: TOPIC 4: • Chemical Engineering Education in Europe – Trends and Challenges. Dr. Martin Molzahn (Weisenheim am Berg, DE) • New Trends on Combustion Gases Treatments. Dr. Juan Adanez et al. (Inst. Carboquímica, CSIC, ES) • Forensic Engineering. Prof. Alan J. Smith (U. Sheffield Hallam, UK) • Contaminant Transport in Soils and Groundwaters. Dr. Antonis D. Koussis (National Observatory, Athens, GR) • The European Higher Education Area: The Future of Engineering. Prof. Pedro Lourtie (Inst. Sup. Tecnico, Lisboa, PT) • Environmental Application of Carbon Materials: Success Stories and New Challenges. Dr. Ljubisa R. Radovic (Pennsylvania State U., US) TOPIC 2: • Improved Refining Planning and Operation through Better Feedstock Characterization with Rigorous Models. Mr. Jose L. Pena (Repsol-YPF, ES) • Contract Strategy for Industrial Projects: the Case of TR. Mr. Miguel Paradinas (Tecnicas Reunidas, ES) • Spanish Chemical Industry Outlook. Dr. Francisco Belil (FEIQUE, ES) TOPIC 3: • Sustainable Growth and Chemical Engineering. Dr. Jan Venselaar (TNO Environment, Energy & TOPIC 5: • Group Contributions Methods for the Prediction of Phase Equilibria and Viscosities. Prof. José Tojo (U.Vigo, ES ) • Possibilities and Limitations of CFD in Disperse Multiphase Flows. Prof. René V.A. Oliemans (Delft U. Technology, NL) • Interactions of Droplets and Bubbles Induced by Thermo-capillary Forces. Prof. Avinoam Nir (Technion, Haifa, IL) • Two-phase Flow with Mass Transfer in Bubble Columns. Prof. Dieter Mewes et al. (U. Hannover, DE) Process Innovation, NL) • Sustainable Chemical Engineering. Prof. Richard C. Darton (U. Oxford, UK) • Fuel Cells, Advanced Reactors and Smart Catalysis: the Exploitation of Ceramic Ionconducting Membranes. Prof. Ian S. Metcalfe (UMIST, UK) • Breaking the Looking Glass: Scenario Approach for a Sustainable Energy Future Ing. Dante Casati (ENI-Tecnologie, IT) TOPIC 6: • Catalytic and Multiphase Reactors. Prof. J.T.F. Keurentjes (T. U. Eindhoven, NL) • Challenges in Product Design in Emulsion Polymerisation Reactors. Prof. Jose M. Asua (U. Pais Vasco, ES) • Process Intensification: Reactor Technologies for Fine Chemicals & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. Mr. A. Green (BHR Solutions, UK) Key Notes TOPIC 7: TOPIC 10: • Process Intensification in Emulsion Separations: Mechanism of Demulsification and Applications. Prof. Galip Akay et al. (U. Newcastle, UK) • Electrolytic Production of Potassium Hydroxide and Chlorine with Membrane Cells. Y. Noaki, H. Houda (Asahi Kasei, JP) J. L. Hernández, A. Usón (Aragonesas, ES) • Separation of Organic Pollutants from Air using Zeolite Membranes. Prof. Jesús Santamaría et al. (U. Zaragoza, ES) • Nanotechnology. Dr. Frank Menzel (Degussa AG, DE) • Advances in Cyclic Adsorption Processes. Prof. Alirio Rodrigues (U. Porto, PT) TOPIC 11: • Advanced Membrane Contactors in Integrated Membrane Operations. Prof. Enrico Drioli et al. (U. Calabria, IT) • Reactive Separation Processes. Prof. José Coca et al. (U. Oviedo, ES) TOPIC 8: • Enzymatic Reactors in Environmental Engineering. Prof. Juan M. Lema (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES) • Chemical Engineering Issues Essential for Large Scale Bioprocesses. Prof. John Villadsen (Tech. Univ. Denmark, DK) • Design of Photobioreactors. Prof. José Merchuk (U. Ben Gurion, IL) • Micro-porous Solid Characterization. Dr. Angel Linares (U. Alicante, ES) • Spouted Bed Reactors. Prof. Martin Olazar (U. Pais Vasco, ES) • Solution Crystallization: Developments and New Trends. Prof. Joachim Ulrich (U. Halle-Wittenberg, DE) TOPIC 12: • Chemical Processes at High Pressure. Prof. Michael Buback (Georg August U., Goettingen, DE) • Particle Design using Supercritical Fluids. Prof. Ernesto Reverchon et al. (U. Salerno, IT) TOPIC 9: • Hierarchical Plant Control and Associated Modelling Aspects. Prof. Sten Bay Jorgersen (Tech. U. Denmark, DK) • Capturing the Value of the CAPE-OPEN Standard. Dr. Michel Pons (Atofina, FR) • Interactivity and Automated Process Design. Prof. Eric Fraga et al. (U. College London, UK) • Plant-wide Integration of Information and Decision Support Systems: Present Tools & Limits Prof. Antonio Espuña et al. (U. Politecnica Cataluña, ES) TOPIC 13: • Product Design of Food Emulsions. Prof. H. Schubert et al. (U. Karlsruhe, DE) • Methods and Tools for Efficient Chemical Product Design: Property, Estimation & Computer Aided Molecular Design. Prof. R. Gani and Dr. J. Marrero (Tech. U. Denmark, DK) Exhibition-Special Events EXHIBITION Along with the scientific meetings and lectures there will be an Exhibition Hall where private companies, corporations and official bodies will display and show, in various Stands, their products, achievements and solutions in connection with the ECCE-4. Since the booking of Stand space is not closed yet , the list of exhibitors is not included here. It will be shown in the Congress web site as soon as possible. The final list will be attached to the Congress documents. SPECIAL EVENTS The Executive Board as well as the General Assembly of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, EFCE, will take place in Granada. In addition, several EFCE Working Parties have decided to hold their annual meetings during the Congress. By now, the Working Parties to meet in Granada are: The Meeting of ANQUE Executive Board will be held during the Congress • Agglomeration • Education • Multiphase Fluid Flow • Chemical Engineering in Catalysis Applications • Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development • Electrochemical Engineering • Polymer Reaction Engineering 1st EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM on PRODUCT ENGINEERING Product design and product engineering faces a strongly growing interest with respect to a wide range of consumer related products. Due to product design well-established products enjoy of new market opportunities based on custom designed multifunctional product properties. The "1st European Symposium on Product Engineering" intends to act as a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge in this highly interdisciplinary field. Specialists and scientists from industry and academia will contribute to the symposium. The fundamentals and educational aspects of product design will be discussed as well as product engineering covering fine chemicals, paints, detergents, food products, pharmaceuticals, polymers and fertilizers. ROUND-TABLE ON SUSTAINABILITY Tuesday, 23rd september 15:00 Sustainability is a concept often employed in the last two decades. It tries to define a world in balance with its inhabitants, in such a way that impacts can be absorbed and digested by the natural mechanisms in a reasonably short-medium time. All this must be accompanied by the assurance that the natural materials and the biodiversity are not destroyed or does not disappear. Nevertheless, there are different ideas and definitions on this subject. This is the main reason to hold a round-table inviting a group of experts, coming from different activities and social responsibilities. Therefore, the point of view of politicians, researchers, managers, experts in sustainability, etc., will be discussed. Therefore, this session will be open to the public. The round-table will take advantage of the impact of the 4th ECCE in Granada and the big concentration of experts in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in site. Its mise in scene and development will allow to pick up conclusions about the general opinion of the public on sustainability. At the same time the potential solutions of Chemical Engineering on how to reach sustainability will be discussed. Some decades ago, Chemical Industry had its future depending on the social understanding of its activities. Not the future, but the social transcendence of Chemical Engineering could be affected by the role that the Chemical Engineering plays, according to the social opinion, in the application of the sustainability concept. ROUND-TABLE PARTICIPANTS Chairman: Session Organizer: Speakers: • Prof. Felix Garcia-Ochoa U. Complutense, Madrid, ES. • Dr. Valentin Gonzalez U. Autonoma, Madrid, ES. • Dr. Juan Espada General Director of Environment Quality, Junta de Andalucia, ES. • Mr. Ezio Andreta Director Industrial Technologies, UE. • Prof. Juan J. Rodríguez U. Autonoma, Madrid, ES. • Prof. Richard Darton U. Oxford, UK. • Mr. Manuel Toharia Scientific Journalist, Director of "Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia", ES. • Dr. Gerardo Rojas FEIQUE, CEO Huntsmann Tioxide, ES. • Dr. Helmut Mothes CEFIC, BAYER, Leverkusen, DE. Topics 1 TOPICS 1.1 Chemical Engineering and Society Demands. Forensic Engineering. 1.2 Education in Chemical Engineering. Computers in Chemical Engineering Education. 1.3 Student Program. 2 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY STRATEGIES Structural Changes and Strategies. Quality Management & Environmental Standards. 3 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Chemical Engineering in Energy. Biomass and Solar Energies. Fuel Cells, Batteries, Hydrogen Technology. 3.2 Sustainable Materials Resources: Renewable & Secondary Materials, Derived Products & Processes. 3.3 Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Technologies. 4 SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 4.1 Process Safety, Hazard Assessment and Health. 4.2 Air Pollution Control. 4.3 Wastewater Treatments. 4.4 Domestic and Industrial Waste Management. 4.5 Soil Remediation. 5 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TOOLS 5.1 Thermo-Physical Properties. Molecular Modelling. 5.2 Interfacial and Transport Phenomena. 5.3 Rheology. 5.4 Applied Chemical Kinetics. 5.5 Computer Fluid Dynamics and Mixing. 5.6 Multiphase Flows. 6 TRENDS in CHEMICAL REACTORS 6.1 Catalytic and Multiphase Reactors. Structured Catalysts. 6.2 Polymerisation Reactors. 6.3 Electrochemical Processes. 6.4 Process Intensification. Microreactors. 7 SEPARATION TECHNOLOGIES 7.1 Advances in Unit Operations. 7.2 Membrane Technologies and Hybrid Processes. 7.3 Adsorption and Integrated Processes. 8 POWDER TECHNOLOGY 8.1 Solids Handling. 8.2 Porous Solids. 8.3 Solid-Fluid Operations. 8.4 Drying. 8.5 Crystallisation. 9 PROCESS SYSTEM ENGINEERING & CAPE 9.0 Process System Engineering. 9.1 Process Dynamics and Control. 9.2 Computer Aided Modelling, Simulation & Optimisation. 9.3 Innovative Process Synthesis and Design. 9.4 Tools for Integration. 10 NOVEL PRODUCTS and TECHNOLOGIES 10.1 New Chemistry. Advanced Materials. 10.2 Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals. 10.3 Nanotechnology. 10.4 Innovative Technologies, Methods and Processes. 11 BIOCHEMICAL and FOOD ENGINEERING 11.1 Bioprocess Engineering and Development. 11.2 Separation Processes in Biotechnology. 11.3 Food Engineering. 12 HIGH PRESSURE TECHNOLOGY 12.1 Chemical Reactions under High Pressure. 12.2 Supercritical Fluid Technology. 12.3 Fundamentals of High Pressure Processes. 13 FIRST EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM on PRODUCT ENGINEERING Product Design. Product Engineering. 14 Programme at a Glance (1 de 2) 1a PARTE 2a PARTE Programme at a Glance (2 de 2) 15 Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 1 17 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING and SOCIETY TOPIC 1.1 Chemical Engineering and Society Demands. Forensic Engineering ROOM ANDALUCIA 1 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 70 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Jose Costa (U. Barcelona, ES), Dr. John Gillett (EFCE, UK). KN-1.1-001 Forensic Engineering. 12:00-12:30 Prof. Alan J. Smith (U. Sheffield Hallam, UK). O-1.1-002 Chemical Engineering Via Art. 12:30-12:45 T. Abraham (Ben-Gurion U. Negev, IL). O-1.1-003 On "Non-traditional" Methods of 12:45-13:00 Teaching. C. Roizard, E. Schaer (E N S Industries Chimiques, FR). O-1.1-004 Chemical Kinetic Mechanism 13:00-13:15 Analysis Training in the Digital Lab. I. Kirillov (Kurchatov Institute, RU). TOPIC 1.3 Student Program ROOM ANDALUCIA 1 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 70 people or MANUEL de FALLA HALL (FLOOR 1) CAPACITY: 270 people Thursday, 25th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Ryszard Pohorecky (U. Tech. Warsaw, PL), Dr. John Gillett (EFCE, UK). O-1.3-001 Experiences of a Spanish Chemical 09:00-09:15 Engineer in the UK. S. Gallego Schimd. (Institution of Chemical Engineers-AGREIQ, ES) O-1.3-002 The Institution of Chemical 09:15-09:30 Engineers in Spain. A. Cuevas (FEIQ, Spanish Federation of Chem. Eng. ES) KN-1.3-003 The European Higher Education 09:30-10:00 Area: The Future of Engineering. Prof. Pedro Lourtie (PT). 10:00-10:30 Round Table on European High Education. TOPIC 1.2 Education in Chemical Engineering. Computers in CE Education ROOM ANDALUCIA 1 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 70 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Ryszard Pohorecky (U. Tech. Warsaw, PL) , Prof. Jose L. Sotelo (U. Complutense, ES) . KN-1.2-001 Chemical Engineering Education in 16:30-17:00 Europe – Trends and Challenges. Dr. Martin Molzahn (Weisenheim am Berg, DE). O-1.2-002 A Chemistry and Chemical 17:00-17:15 Engineering Curriculum. S.M. Lemkowitz, G. Korevaar, E. van der Voet, I. Nikolic (Leiden U., NL). O-1.2-003 A Virtual Bioreactor for the 17:15-17:30 Education of (Bio-) Chemical Engineers. V.C. Hass, K. Kuhn, S. Pulschen, B.C. Bodenschatz. (U. Applied Sciences & Rentschler Biotechnologie GmbH and Co., DE). O-1.2-004 Computer Aided Teaching Modules 17:30-17:45 for Chemical Engineering Education. R. Gani (TDU, DK). O-1.2-005 A Project-Oriented Learning System 17:45-18:00 for Control Engineering. A. Liefeldt, M. Volker, K. Dadhe, S. Engell, C. Schmid (U. Dortmund, DE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Oral Communication Programme 18 TOPIC 2 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY STRATEGIES Structural Changes and Strategies ROOM ANDALUCIA 1 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 70 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Giancarlo Baldi (Politecnico Torino, IT), Dr. Carmen Gonzalez (U. Barcelona, ES). KN-2-001 Contract Strategy for Industrial 12:00-12:30 Projects: the Case of TR. Mr. Miguel Paradinas (Tecnicas Reunidas, ES). O-2-002 Using Data Reconciliation in 12:30-12:45 Chemical Industry. W. Peschel, J. Ciprian (BASF AG, DE). O-2-003 Multicriteria Choice of Industrial 12:45-13:00 Management System for a Typical Greek Tannery operating in a Changing Environment. A. F. Batzias, F.A. Batzias (U. Piraeus, GR). KN-2-004 Lecture about the Chemical 13:00-13:30 Industry. F. Belil (U. , GR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Quality Management and Environmental Standards ROOM ANDALUCIA 1 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 70 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. Jacques Bousquet (Total-Fina-Elf, FR), Dr. Rosa Nomen (U. Ramon Llull, ES). KN-2-005 Improved Refining Planning and 16:30-17:00 Operation through Better Feedstock Characterization with Rigorous Models. Mr. Jose L. Pena (Repsol-YPF, ES). O-2-006 Sustainability Metrics for Industrial 17:00-17:15 Waste Treatment Technology Selection. F. Fdz-Polanco, M.Fdz-Polanco, M.J. Cocero, P.A. G. Encina (U. Valladolid, ES). O-2-007 Contribution to Sustainable 17:15-17:30 Improvement in Chemical Process Industries through Multi-objective Technology Assessment. A. Masia, T. Arrieta (Tecnicas Reunidas, ES). O-2-008 Open Problems for Research in Life17:30-17:45 Cycle Engineering: a R&D Roadmap. C. Tsoka, P. Linke, A. Kokossis (U. Surrey, UK). O-2-009 Assessment of Environmental 17:45-18:00 Impacts in an Early Design Stage of a Chemical Process Plant. T. Kupfer, M.Fischer, P.Eyerer (IKP, U. Stuttgart, DE). Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 3 19 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TOPIC 3.1 Chemical Engineering in Energy. Biomass and Solar Energies. Fuel Cells, Batteries, Hydrogen Technology HALL MACHUCA (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Richard Darton (U. Oxford, UK), Prof. Jose R. Mirasol (U. Malaga, ES) KN-3.1-001 Sustainable Growth and Chemical 09:00-09:30 Engineering. Dr. Jan Venselaar (TNO Environment, Energy & Process Innovation, NL). KN-3.1-002 Breaking the Looking Glass: 09:30-10:00 Scenario Approach for a Sustainable Energy Future. Ing. Dante Casati (EniTecnologie, IT). O-3.1-003 Biomass: Renewable Feedstock for 10:00-10:15 Producing Liquid Fuels. B. Delmon (U. Catholique de Louvain, BE). O-3.1-004 Chemical Engineering Issues in 10:15-10:30 Hydrogen Production by Solar Thermal Energy. G. Flamant (ISGMP- CNRS, FR). TOPIC 3.2 Sustainable Materials Resources: Renewable & Secondary Materials, Derived Products and Processes HALL MACHUCA (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Angel Irabien (U. Cantabria, ES), Dr. Jan Venselaar (TNO Environ., NL). TOPIC 3.3 Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Technologies HALL MACHUCA (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. Julia Stegemann (U. Oxford, UK), Prof. Juan J. Rodriguez (U. Autonoma Madrid, ES). O-3.3.-001 Added Value in the Process 16:30-16:45 Industries through Integrated Environmental Engineering. M. Thuerd (Ciba Specialty Chem. Inc., CH). O-3.3-002 Product Engineering vs. Process 16:45-17:00 Engineering on VOC’s Emission. T. Vilela, P. Pessoa, P. Pereira, J. Coutinho (U. Aveiro, PT). O-3.3-003 Prevention and Minimisation of 17:00-17:15 Agro-Food Wastes Generation in the European Industries. E. Vagi, L. de las Fuentes, A. Lorenzo, B. Simandi (U. Budapest, HU). O-3.3-004 Covering Physical-Chemical 17:15-17:30 Sustainability Principles by Quantitative Indicators. J. Dewulf and H. Van Langenhove (ENVOC, Gent U., BE). O-3.3-005 A Framework for the Selection and 17:30-17:45 Evaluation of Sustainability Indicators for a Geographic Region. I. Butnar, Z. Martin, F. Castells (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). O-3.3-006 Some Results of Implementation of 17:45-18:00 Cleaner Production Methods. A. Nakonieczny, M. Kieszkowski (Inst. Precision Mechanics, PL). O-3.2-001 Water: Resources and Use–Water 12:00-12:15 Crisis?. V. Hopp (U. Rostock, DE). O-3.2-002 Qualification of Industrials Wastes 12:15-12:30 as Aggregate for Valorization in Geotechnic. D. Bulteel, P. Degugilliers, E. Garcia-Diaz (Ecole Nationale Superieure, FR). KN-3.2-003 Sustainable Chemical Engineering. 12:30-13:00 Prof. Richard Darton (U. Oxford, UK). KN-3.2-004 Fuel Cells, Advanced Reactors and 13:00-13:30 Smart Catalysis: the Exploitation of Ceramic Ion-Conducting Membranes. Prof. Ian Metcalfe (UMIST, UK). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Oral Communication Programme 20 TOPIC 4 SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIROMENTAL ENGINEERING TOPIC 4.1 Process Safety, Hazard Assessment and Health HALL MACHADO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Hans Pasman (TNO Defence Res., NL), Prof. Joaquin Casal (U. Pol. Catalunya, ES). O-4.1-001 Process Safety, (Major) Accidents 12:00-12:15 and Loss Prevention. F. Babinec, L. Ivanek, A. Bernatik (Brno U. Technology, CZ). O-4.1-002 Dynamic Management of Human 12:15-12:30 Error to Reduce Total Risk. Y-D Jo and K-S. Park (Korea Gas Safety Corporation, Daeya-dong, KR) O-4.1-003 Application of the Safety Modelling 12:30-12:45 Language (SML) During the Early Design and Development Stages of Chemical Processes and Plants. B.A. Schupp, S.M. Lemkowitz, L. Goossens, A.R. Hale, H.J. Pasman (U. Delft, NL). O-4.1-004 Criteria for the Considerations of 12:45-13:00 Possible Domino Effects and its Consequences in Hazard Industries under the European Council Directive Seveso II. R. Nomen, J. Sempere, E. Serra, D. Marteles (U. Ramon Llull, ES). O-4.1-005 In-Situ Crude Oil Tank Fire Experiments. 13:00-13:15 J. Koodziejski, J. Stawczyk, M. Dziubinski, W. Jarosz (U. Lodz, PL). O-4.1-006 Towards a More Realistic Theory of 13:15-13:30 Thermal Explosion: Influence of the Initial Conditions. S. Vasilevsky, I. Zaev, I. Kirillov (Kurchatov Inst. RU). TOPIC 4.2 Air Pollution Control HALL MACHADO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. Ljubisa R. Radovic (Penn. State U., US), Dr. Tomas Cordero (U. Malaga, ES). O-4.2-001 Long-Term Performance of a 16:30-16:45 Biotrickling Filter for H2S Control. D. Gabriel, M.A. Desuses (U. Autonoma Madrid, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering O-4.2-002 Prediction of the In-Duct 16:45-17:00 Desulfurization Behaviour at Low Temperatures from Macroscopic Modelling. A. Garea, A. Irabien (U. Cantabria, ES). KN-4.2-003 New Trends on Combustion Gases 17:00-17:30 Treatments. Dr. Juan Adanez et al. (Inst. Carboquimica, CSIC, ES). O-4.2-004 NOx Removal on a Thermal Power 17:30-17:45 Utility Boiler by SCR. J. B. Lee, I. Y. Lee, D. W. Kim (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, KR). O-4.2-005 Modelling the Adsorption of PCDD/F 17:45-18:00 from Waste Incineration Flue Gases. K. Everaert, J. Baeyens, C. Creemers (Katholieke U. Leuven, BE). TOPIC 4.3 Wastewater Treatments HALL MACHADO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Giancarlo Baldi (Politec. Torino, IT), Prof. Javier Benitez (U. Extremadura, ES). O-4.3-001 Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Phenol 09:00-09:15 with Nanostructured MnO2 Based Catalysts. M. Abecassis-Wolfovich, M.Herskowitz, M.Landau, A. Brenner (U. Ben-Gurion, IL). O-4.3-002 Oxidative Degradation of Nonionic 09:15-09:30 Surfactants with Immobilized TiO2 Photocatalyst in an Airlift Reactor. N. Yoshikawa, T. Kimura, Y. Kawase (U. Tokyo, JP). O-4.3-003 Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions 09:30-09:45 Using Solvent Impregnated Resins. B. Saha, R.J. Gill, D.G. Bailey (U. Loughborough, UK). O-4.3-004 Sludge Conditioning with the Focus 09:45-10:00 of Flocculation Engineering. C. Schroeder, M. Sievers, H. Bornnann, T.I. Onyeche, O. Schlaefer, S. Schaefer (CUTEC-Inst., DE) O-4.3-005 Use of a Detoxification Solar Plant 10:00-10:15 for Abatement Surfactants. A. Amat, A. Arques, R. Quilis, S. Segui, J.M. Vicente (U. Politecnica Valencia, ES). O-4.3-006 Kinetics of the Catalytic Wet Air 10:15-10:30 Oxidation of Phenol over Active Carbon. A. Eftaxias, J. Font, A. Fortuny, A. Fabregat, F. Stuber (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). Oral Communication Programme HALL MACHADO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Angel Irabien (U. Cantabria, ES), Prof. David Bogle (U. College London, UK). O-4.3-007 Oxidation of Phenol in Aqueous 12:00-12:15 Phase with Copper Catalysts: Ecotoxicity of the Intermediates Detected. J. A. Zazo, J. A. Casas, A. Quintanilla, A. Santos, P.Yustos, F. Garcia-Ochoa (U. Autonoma & Complutense, Madrid, ES). O-4.3-008 Hexavalent Chromium Recovery at Acidic 12:15-12:30 pH by Ion Exchange Using Lewatit MP-64. B. Galan, M. Calzada, I. Ortiz (U. Cantabria, ES). KN-4.3-009 Environmental Application of 12:30-13:00 Carbon Materials: Success Stories and New Challenges. Dr. Ljubisa R. Radovic (Pennsylvania State U., US). O-4.3-010 Multi-injection Points of Oxidant in 13:00-13:15 a Tubular Reactor for Hydrothermal Oxidation: Simulation and Experimental Results. S. Vielcazals, J. Mercadier, F. Marias, D. Mateos, M. Bottreau, F. Cansell (U. Pau, FR). O-4.3-011 Photocatalytic Detoxification of 13:15-13:30 Metal-Cyanide Complexes in Industrial Wastewater. J. Aguado, R. van Grieken, M.J. LopezMuñoz, J. Marugan, L.Torrente (U. Rey Juan Carlos, ES). TOPIC 4.4 Domestic and Industrial Waste Management HALL MACHADO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Juan J. Rodriguez (U. Aut. Madrid, ES), Prof. Joseph Lieto (U. Claude B., Lyon, FR). O-4.4-001 Chemical Recovery of Polyols from 09:00-09:15 Flexible Polyurethane Foam Wastes. A. de Lucas, M.Perez-Collado, C. Molero, J.F. Rodriguez (U. Castilla La Mancha, ES) O-4.4-002 Removal of Phenolic Compounds in 09:15-09:30 Vinasse by Ozonation at Acid and Basic pH. M.A. Martin, J.L. Fernandez, A. Martin, J.L. Bonilla, I. Garcia (U. Cordoba, ES). 21 O-4.4-003 Hydrogenolysis of Organogalogen 09:30-09:45 Compounds Over Bimetallic Catalysts. V.I. Simagina, I.V. Stoyanova, A.G. Gentsler, E.S. Tayban (Boreskov Inst., RU). O-4.4-004 Valorization of Polyethylene/Light 09:45-10:00 Cycle Oil Blends over HY Zeolites. J.M. Arandes, J. Erena, M.J. Azkoiti, I. Torre, J. Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, ES). O-4.4-005 Methods of Paint Wastes 10:00-10:15 Solidification/Stabilization. R. Arce, A. Andres, A. Irabien, J. Viguri (U. Cantabria, ES). O-4.4-006 The Feasibility Study of Hybrid 10:15-10:30 Recycling System Using SSF and SmF Reactor for Organic Solid Waste Treatment. N. Nagao, T. Matsuyama, H. Yamamoto, I. Namiki, T. Toda (SEAWELL Co., JP). TOPIC 4.5 Soil Remediation HALL MACHADO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Alberto Arce (U. Santiago, ES), Dr. Ian C. Kemp (Aspen Tech., UK). O-4.5-001 A New Technique to Enhance 12:00-12:15 Electrokinetic Remediation of Soils: Polarity Exchange. M. Pazos, M.T. Ricart, M.A. Sanroman, C. Cameselle (U. Vigo, ES). O-4.5-002 Microcosms under In-Situ, 12:15-12:30 Enhanced and Optimised Conditions for Studying Biodegradation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Soil. R. Breiter, K. Poggel, T. Neesse (U. Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE). KN-4.5-003 Contaminant Transport in Soils and 12:30-13:00 Groundwaters. Dr. Antonis D. Koussis (National Observatory, Athens, GR). O-4.5-004 Ground Dielectrical Behavior in 13:00-13:15 Microwave Heating for Decontamination Applications. D. Acierno, A. A. Barba, M. dAmore (U. Naples "Federico II", IT). O-4.5-005 Field Tests to Evaluate the Potential 13:15-13:30 Applicability of Bioventing as a Soil Remediation Technique. I. Coleto, N. de las Casas, J. Guadano, R. Rodriguez (URS España, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Oral Communication Programme 22 TOPIC 5 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TOOLS TOPIC 5.1 Thermo-Physical Properties. Molecular Modelling HALL PICASSO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. Jose R. Mirasol (U. Malaga, ES), Prof. Inma Ortiz (U. Cantabria, ES). O-5.1-001 Thermodynamics of Equilibria and 12:00-12:15 Kinetics of Chemical Reactions in Strongly Non-Ideal Systems: Esterification of Acetic Acid. S. Grob, H. Hasse (U. Stuttgart, DE). O-5.1-002 Molecular Weight Determination of 12:15-12:30 Lignins by Size Exclusion Chromatography. V. M. Dominguez et al. (U. Oviedo, ES). O-5.1-003 Prediction of Diffusion Coefficients 12:30-12:45 in Fluid Systems. D. Bosse and H.J. Bart (U. Kaiserslautern, DE). O-5.1-004 Calculation of Gas Solubility in 12:45-13:00 Water and Various Organic Solvents Using Cosmo-RS. A. Friedl, M. Miltner, A. Kerschbaum (Vienna U. Tech., AT). KN-5.1-005 Group Contributions Methods for 13:00-13:30 the Prediction of Phase Equilibrium and Viscosities. Prof. Jose Tojo (U. Vigo, ES). HALL PICASSO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Avinoam Nir (Technion, Haifa, IL), Prof. Jose Tojo (U. Vigo, ES). O-5.1-006 Limitations of the Thermodynamic 16:30-16:45 Models and Methods for Phase Equilibrium. Proposal of a New Methodology. A. Marcilla, M.M. Olaya, J.A. ReyesLabarta, A. Botella (U. Alicante, ES). O-5.1-007 CAPEC Property Estimation 16:45-17:00 Package. J. Marrero, R. Gani (Technical U. Denmark, Lingby, DK). O-5.1-008 Thermodynamic Properties of 17:00-17:15 Perfluorocarbons. A.I. Caço, A.M.A. Dias, J.A.P. Coutinho and I.M. Marrucho (U. Aveiro, PT). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering O-5.1-009 Evaluation of the Thermodynamic 17:15-17:30 Parameters of Edible Vegetable Oils by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. J. C. O. Santos, S. A. Prasad and A.G. Souza (CCEN, UFPB, Paraiba, BR). O-5.1-010 A Priori Prediction of Thermo17:30-17:45 physical Properties of Hyperbranched Polymers Using Cosmo-RS. O. Spuhl, W. Arlt (Technische U. Berlin, DE). O-5.1-011 A Simple Model for Calculating 17:45-18:00 Thermodynamic Properties of Some Binary Polymer Solutions Using Viscosity Data. M. Rahbari Sisakhta M. Taghizadeha A. Eliassi (U. Mazandaran, IR). TOPIC 5.2 Interfacial and Transport Phenomena HALL PICASSO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Guillermo Calleja (U. Rey J.Carlos, ES), Prof. Antonio de Lucas (U. CastillaLa Mancha, ES). KN-5.2-001 Interactions of Droplets and 09:00-09:30 Bubbles Induced by Thermo-capillary Forces. Prof. Avinoam Nir (Technion, Haifa, IL). O-5.2-002 Concentration fields and profiles at 09:30-09:45 liquid-liquid interfaces. A. Grimm, K. Mühlfriedel, K.-H. Baumann (U. Halle Wittenberg, DE). O-5.2-003 Mass Transport in Packed Bed 09:45-10:00 Reactors Using Network Models. A. A. Martins, J. C. B. Lopes, M. M. Dias (U. Porto, PT). O-5.2-004 Numerical and Experimental 10:00-10:15 Investigation of Heat Transfer. S.H.D. Silalahi, A. Hussain, A. SeidelMorgenstern, E. Tsotsas (Otto-vonGuericke-U., DE). O-5.2-005 Modelling the Immobilization of 10:15-10:30 Proteins Inside Porous Supports. M. Ladero, R. Ferrero, A. Santos, F. Garcia-Ochoa. (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 5.3 Rheology HALL PICASSO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Dieter Mewes (U. Hannover, DE), Prof. Francesc Castells (U. Rov. Virgili, ES). O-5.3-001 Rheology: A Useful Tool to Monitor 12:00-12:15 Structural Changes in Surfactant Liquid Crystals. J. Munoz, M. Alfaro, G.Velez, M. Fernandez, I. Martinez (U. Sevilla, ES). O-5.3-002 Ionic Effect on Rheological 12:15-12:30 Properties of Surfactant Solutions. L. Broniarz-Press, J. Rozanski and J. Bednarz (Poznan U. Tech., PL). O-5.3-003 Rheology of Bulk Solids: Response 12:30-12:45 to Shear Flow Interruption. A. Rycka, R. Condottaa, M. Lubertb and J. A. Doddsa (CNRS, Albi-Carmaux, FR). O-5.3-004 Viscosity of Aqueous Solutions of 12:45-13:00 Lactose and Sodium Chloride. F. Chenlo, G. Pereira, R.Moreira and B. Bello (U. S. de Compostela, ES). O-5.3-005 Rheological Characterization of 13:00-13:15 Mineral, Semi-Synthetic and Fully Synthetic Lubricant Oliz. J.C.O. Santos, A.G. Souza, I.M.G. Santos, A.J.N. Silva, S.Prasad and E. V. Sobrino (CCEN, UFPB, Paraiba, BR). O-5.3-006 Influence of Polymer/Surfactant 13:15-13:30 Interactions on the Rheological and Interfacial Propierties of Flooding Systems. N. Moulai-Mostefa, M. Nedjhoui M., R. Khalladi, A. Bens- maili (C. U. Yahia Fares, Medea, DZ). 23 TOPIC 5.4 Applied Chemical Kinetics HALL PICASSO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Valery Kirillov (I. Cat. Novosibirsk,RU), Prof. M.A. Galan (U. Salamanca, ES). O-5.4-001 Single Events Modelling – Review. 09:00-09:15 D. Guillaume, K. Surla, P. Galtier (Institut Français du Petrole, Vernaison, FR). O-5.4-002 Kinetic Modelling of a Solid-Liquid 09:15-09:30 Non-Catalytic Reaction. H. Markus, S. Fugleberg, T. Salmi, D.Yu. Murzin, M. Lahtinen (Abo Akademi U., FI). O-5.4-003 Catalyst Deactivation Kinetics: 09:30-09:45 Relationship between Deactivation Order and Residual Activity. A. Monzon, E. Romeo and A. Borgna (U. Zaragoza, ES). O-5.4-004 Regeneration of Coked Catalysts: 09:45-10:00 from the Basic Kinetics to the Modelling of a Technical Fixed Bed Reactor. A. Jess, C. Kern (U. Bayreuth, DE). O-5.4-005 Study of Calcite Particle 10:00-10:15 Decomposition. A. Escardino, J. Garcia-Ten, A. Barba, S. Mestre (Instituto Tecnologia CeramicaAICE, Castellon, ES). O-5.4-006 Number of Active Sites in TAME 10:15-10:30 Synthesis. M. M. Vilarinho and J. M. Loureiro (U. Porto, PT). HALL PICASSO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Bernard Delmon (U. Cath. Lovaine, BE), Prof. Antonio Bodalo (U. Murcia, ES). O-5.4-007 Kinetics of Propene Hydrogenation 12:00-12:15 over Palladium Nanoclusters. L. Brandao, L. M. Madeira, A. Mendes, D. Fritsch (U. Porto, PT). O-5.4-008 Epoxidation of Styrene with 12:15-12:30 Hydrogen Peroxide Using Hydrotalcite as Heterogeneous Catalyst. I. Kirm, F. Medina, X. Rodriguez, Y. Cesteros, P. Salagre , J.E. Sueiras (U. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 24 Oral Communication Programme O-5.4-009 Wash-Coat Catalysts in Micro12:30-12:45 Channels - Results of Screening and Mechanistic Studies on Propane Steam Reforming. G. Kolb, R. Zapf, V. Hessel, H. Löwe (Institut für Mikrotechnik, Mainz, DE). O-5.4-010 Kinetics of the Low Temperature 12:45-13:00 WGS Reaction on Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Catalyst. J.L. Ayastuy, M.A. Gutierrez-Ortiz, J.A. Gonzalez-Marcos, J.A. and GonzalezVelasco (UPV/EHU, Bilbao, ES). O-5.4-011 Kinetics of Methanol Dehydration 13:00-13:15 to Dimethyl Ether over HZSM-5. M. Grzesik, A. Ptaszek, J. Skrzypek, K. Krupa (Polish Acad. Science, Gliwice, PL). O-5.4-012 Stoichiometry in Multireacting 13:15-13:30 Systems. J. O. Marroquin, J. A. Ochoa, T. Viveros (Inst. Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico, MX). TOPIC 5.5 Computer Fluid Dynamics and Mixing HALL PICASSO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Jiri Drahos (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fund., CZ), Dr. Aurora Santos (U. Complutense, ES). O-5.5-001 Mixing and Mass Transfer Using 16:30-16:45 Rotary Jet Heads. M. Nordkvist, T. Grotkaera, J. S. Hummerb, J. Villadsen (U. Technical Denmark, PL). O-5.5-002 A New Approach for Studying 16:45-17:00 Mixing Characteristics in Bubble Column Bio-reactors. F. Camacho, A. Sanchez, F. Garcia, E. Molina, Y. Chisti (U. Almeria, ES). KN-5.5-003 Possibilities and Limitations of CFD 17:00-17:30 in Disperse Multiphase Flows. Prof. Rene V.A. Oliemans (Delft U. Technology, NL). O-5.5-004 Comparison of Measurement 17:30-17:45 Techniques for the Determination of Mixing Times in Stirred Tank Reactors. M. Signorinoa, L. Malcovatib, A. Paschedaga, M. Kraumea (Technische U. Berlin, DE). O-5.5-005 Comparision of Theoretical and 17:45-18:00 Experimental Characteristics of Oscillating Bubbles. F. J. Montes, M.A. Galan, R.L. Cerro (U. Salamanca, ES & U. Alabama, US). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering TOPIC 5.6 Multiphase Flows HALL PICASSO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Thursday, 25th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Rene Oliemans (Delft U. Technol., NL), Prof. Alberto Arce (U. Santiago Compostela, ES). KN-5.6-001 Two-phase Flow with Mass Transfer 09:00-09:30 in Bubble Columns. Prof. Dieter Mewes et al. (U. Hannover, DE). O-5.6-002 Oil-Water Flow Characteristics in an 09:30-09:45 Inclined Pipeline. J. Y-L. Lum, K. Ioannou, J. Lovick and P. Angeli (U. College London, UK). O-5.6-003 Liquid Distribution In a Packed 09:45-10:00 Column: Comparison between Images obtained by X-Ray Computed Tomography and by Electrical Capacitance Tomography. D. Toye, G. L.Homme, M. Crine, P. Marchot (U. Liege, BE). O-5.6-004 Hydrodynamics of Conical Spouted 10:00-10:15 Beds Consisting of Low Density Solids. M.J. San Jose, M.Olazar, S.Alvarez, A.Morales, J.Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES). O-5.6-005 Multiscale Study of the Kinetics of 10:15-10:30 Break Down of Dispersions. B.J. Azzopardi, L. Yang, D. Ambrose, G. Baker, A. Belghazi (U. Nottingham, UK). Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 6 TRENDS in CHEMICAL REACTORS TOPIC 6.1 Catalytic and Multiphase Reactors. Structured Catalysts HALL MACHUCA (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Albert Renken (E.P.F. Lausanne, CH), Dr. Aurora Santos (U. Complutense, ES). KN-6.1-001 12:00-12:30 O-6.1-002 12:30-12:45 O-6.1-003 12:45-13:00 O-6.1-004 13:00-13:15 O-6.1-005 13:15-13:30 25 Catalytic and Multiphase Reactors. Prof. J.T.F. Keurentjes (T. U. Eindhoven,NL). Dynamic Modelling & Simulation of Trickle-Bed Reactors under Cycling Operation Mode. S. Schubert, M.Grünewald, R. Lange (U. Dortmund, U. Dresden, DE). Continuous Production of Optically Active Compounds Via Heterogeneous Asymmetric Catalysis. E. Toukoniitty, P. Maki-Arvela, A. Kalantar, T. Salmi, D. Yu. Murzin (Abo Akademi U., FI). Structured Pd/C-Catalysts for the Selective Liquid Phase Hydrogenation. E. Joannet, L. Kiwi-Minsker, A. Renken (Swiss Fed. Inst. Tech., EPFL-SB-LGRC,CH). In situ Investigation of the Catalyst Grain Operation in the Reactor with Cocurrent Gas-liquid Flow by the NMR Microimaging. A.Lysova, Koptyug, A. Kulikov, V. Kirillov, R. Sagdeev, V. Parmon. (Novosibirsk State U., RU). HALL MACHUCA (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. Gabriel Wild (LSGR-CNRS, Nancy, FR), Prof. Jose M. Asua (U. Pais Vasco, ES). O-6.1-006 Propane Dehydrogenation in a Two 16:30-16:45 Zone Fluidized Bed. J. Gascon, C. Tellez, J. Herguido, M. Menendez (U. Zaragoza, ES). O-6.1-007 Residence Time Distribution of the 16:45-17:00 Solid Phase in CFB-Risers. C. Vandewalle, J. Baeyens, J. Degreve (Katholieke U. Leuven, BE). O-6.1-008 A New Technique for the 17:00-17:15 Determination of Contact Time Distribution (CTD) from Tracers Experiments in Fixed Bed. B. Boulahdef, M. Tayakout-Fayolle, S. Othman, C. Jallut (U. Claude Bernard et ESCPE-Lyon, FR). O-6.1-009 Dimerization of Isobutylene for 17:15-17:30 Clean Fuel Synthesis. Experimental Reactor Modelling. T. Ouni, A.Kolah, J. Aittamaa (Helsinki U. of Technology, FI). O-6.1-010 Methanol-to-Olefin Conversion over 17:30-17:45 Ceramic Foam Supported. F.C. Patcas, B. Kraushaar-Czarnetzki (U. Karlsruhe, DE). O-6.1-011 Combustion of Methane in the Free 17.45-18:00 Piston Pulsed Compression Reactor. M. Glouchenkov, A. Kronberg, H. Veringa (U. of Technology, NL). HALL MACHUCA (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Anthony Wragg (U. Exeter, UK), Prof. Luis Salvador (U. Sevilla, ES). O-6.1-012 Application of a Composite 09:00-09:15 Functionalised Polymer-Inorganic Carrier for the Solid-Phase Supported Selective Reduction of Cinnamaldehyde. R. Cecilia, L. J. Alemany, H.Schöenfeld, U. Kunz (U. Malaga, ES & T.U. Clausthal,DE). O-6.1-013 Preparation of ZSM-5 Catalytic 09:15-09:30 Layers on Monolith Supports. M.A. Ulla, R. Mallada, L.B. Gutierrez, J. Coronas, E. Miro, J. Santamaria (U. Zaragoza, ES). TOPIC 6.3 Electrochemical Processes O-6.3-001 Electrochemical Membrane Reactor 09:30-09:45 for Controlled Partial Oxidation of Hydrocarbons: Model-based Analysis of Reactor Dynamics. B. Munder, L.Rihko-Struckmann, Y.Ye, K. Sundmacher (Max-Planck-Institute, DE). O-6.3-002 Electrochemical Degradation of 09:45-10:00 Pesticides at Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes. M. Mascia, G. Tola (U. St. Caglia, IT). O-6.3-003 Electrochemical Decomposition of 10:00-10:15 Nitrobenzene on a Tubular Electrochemical Reactor with a Pt Anode and a Stainless Steel Cathode. A. Pinto, F. G. Colina, J. Costa (U. Barcelona, ES). O-6.3-004 Numerical Investigation of the Current 10:15-10:30 Distribution in Different Geometries. F. Dupuy, H. Vergnes, B. Fenouillet, P. Duverneuil (LGC-ENSIACET, FR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 26 Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 6.2 Polymerisation Reactors HALL MACHUCA (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Thierry Meyer (E.P.F. Lausanne, CH), Dr. Gabriel Wild (LSGR-CNRS, Nancy, FR). KN-6.2-001 Challenges in Product Design in 12.00-12:30 Emulsion Polymerisation Reactors. Prof. Jose M. Asua (U. Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, ES). O-6.2-002 Mixing Mechanisms in High 12:30-12:45 Pressure RIM. R. J. Santos, A. M. Teixeira, M. R. Costa, J. C. B. Lopes (U. Porto, PT). O-6.2.-003 Polymerization in Supercritical 12:45-13:00 Reaction Calorimeter. F. Lavanchy, S. Fortini, Th. Meyer (Inst.Chem. & Biological Process Science, CH). O-6.2-004 Esterification Rate as Key 13:00-13:15 Parameter in the Modelling of PET Production. T. Rieckmann (U. of Applied Sciences Cologne, DE). O-6.2-005 Reaction Moulding of Polyamide 13:15-13:30 Fibrids in a Reactor-Fibridator. Y. A. Pankratov, E. I. Laguseva, V. A. Nikiforov (Tver State Tech. U., RU). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering TOPIC 6.4 Process Intensification. Micro-reactors HALL MACHUCA (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Thursday, 25th of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. H. Lowe (Inst. Mikrotech.,Mainz, DE), Dr. Miguel Ladero (U. Complutense, ES). O-6.4-001 Process Intensification by 09:00-09:15 Integration of Chemical Reaction. S. Tlatlik, T. Borren, G. Schembecker, H. Schmidt-Traub (U. Dortmund, DE). O-6.4-002 High Loading Catalytic Elements 09:15-09:30 for Microstructured. P. Reuse, I. Yuranov, L. Kiwi-Minsker, A. Renken (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH). KN-6.4-003 Process Intensification: Reactor 09:30-10:00 Technologies for Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. Mr. A. Green (BHR Solutions, UK). O-6.4-004 The Fluid Mechanics Relating to a 10:00-10:15 Novel Oscillatory Flow Micro-Reactor. A. Harvey, M.R. Mackley, N. Reis, J.A. Teixeira, A. A. Vicent (U. Cambridge, UK). O-6.4-005 Development of Micro Distillation 10:15-10:30 Device. K.I. Sotowa, K. Kusakabe (Kyushu U., JP). Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 7 SEPARATION TECHNOLOGIES TOPIC 7.1 Advances in Unit Operations ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Miguel A. Galan (U. Salamanca, ES), Dr. Julia Stegemann (U. Oxford, UK). O-7.1-001 Distillation of Formaldehyde 12:00-12:15 Containing Mixtures: Experiments, Modelling and Simulation. M. Ott, H. Schoenmakers, H. Hasse (U. Stuttgart, DE). O-7.1-002 The Application of Ionic Liquids as 12:15-12:30 an Entrainer in Extractive Distillation. Y.A. Beste, H. Schoenmakers (BASF, DE). KN-7.1-003 Process Intensification in Emulsion 12:30-13:00 Separations: Mechanism of Demulsification and Applications. Prof. Galip Akay et al. (U. Newcastle, UK). O-7.1-004 Design of Pulsed L-L Extraction 13:00-13:15 Columns with Structured Packing Based on Lab-scale Experiments. T. Gromping, A.Pfenning (RWTH Aachen, DE). O-7.1-005 Synthesis and Optimization of Liq13:15-13:30 Liq Extraction Processes. A.I. Papadopoulos, P. Linke (U. Surrey, UK). TOPIC 7.2 Membrane Technologies and Hybrid Processes ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Inma Ortiz (U. Cantabria, ES), Prof. Alirio Rodrigues (U. Porto, PT). O-7.2-001 16:30-16:45 O-7.2-002 16:45-17:00 KN-7.2-003 17:00-17:30 KN-7.2-004 17:30-18:00 27 Membrane Slurry Reactor. R. Klaassen, A.E. Jansen (TNO, NL). Zeolite Membranes for Methanol Synthesis in Membrane Reactor. O. Gomez, R. Mallada, S. Aguado, P. Bernal, M. Menendez, J. Santamaria, C. Algieri, G. Barbieri, G. Goleeme (U. Zaragoza, U. Calabria, ES & IT). Advanced Membrane Contactors in Integrated Membrane Operations. Prof. Enrico Drioli et al. (U. Calabria, IT). Separation of Organic Pollutants from Air using Zeolite Membranes. Prof. Jesus Santamaria et al. (U. Zaragoza, ES). ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Tuesday, 23th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Enrico Drioli (U. Calabria, IT), Prof. Jesus Santamaria (U. Zaragoza, ES). O-7.2-005 Towards Super-selective Olefin09:00-09:15 paraffin Separation by Membrane Gas Absorption. D. C. Nymeijer, T. Visser, R. Assen, B. Folkers, M. Wessling (U. Twente, NL). O-7.2-006 Visualization of the Disappearance 09:15-09:30 of the Polarization Layer in Ultrafiltration by Holographic Interferometry. J. Fernandez-Sempere, F. Ruiz-Bevia, R. Salcedo, V. Gomis (U. Alicante, ES). O-7.2-007 Behaviour of Silica Membranes in 09:30-09:45 the Separation of Organic Solvents/ Water Mixtures by Pervaporation. C. Casado, A. M. Urtiaga, I. Ortiz (U. Cantabria, ES). O-7.2-008 Industrial Applications and 09:45-10:00 Possibilities for Membrane Contactors. R. Klaassen, A.E. Jansen (TNO, NL). KN-7.2-009 Reactive Separation Processes. 10:00-10:30 Prof. Jose Coca et al. (U.Oviedo, ES). TOPIC 7.3 Adsorption and Integrated Processes ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Tuesday, 23th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Jose L. Sotelo (U. Complutense, ES), Prof. Jose Aguado (U. Rey J. Carlos, ES). O-7.3-001 Design of Countercurrent Ion 12:00-12:15 Exchange and Adsorption Processes in Liquid-Solid-Fluidized Beds. S. Franzen, H. Schmidt-Traub (U. Dortmund, DE). O-7.3-002 High Performance Carousel12:15-12:30 Simulated Moving Bed Process. B. Dutre (Chemviron, BE). O-7.3-003 Adsorption Equilibrium of CH412:30-12:45 CO2-N2 on Zeolite 13 X. S. Cavenati, C. A. Grande, A. E. Rodrigues (U. Porto, PT). O-7.3-004 Determination of the Equalization 12:45-13:00 Pressure in PSA Systems. K. Warmuzinski, M. Tanczyk (Polish Acad. Sci., Gliwice, PL). KN-7.3-005 Advances in Cyclic Adsorption 13:00-13:30 Processes. Prof. Alirio Rodrigues (U. Porto, PT). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Oral Communication Programme 28 TOPIC 8 POWDER TECHNOLOGY TOPIC 8.1 Solids Handling ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Martin Olazar (U. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES), Dr. Tomas Cordero (U. Malaga, ES). O-8.1-001 Fluidisation of Fine Powder Bed by 09:00-09:15 Vibration: Effect of Size of Particle. D. Marino, Alain de Ryck, J. A. Dodds (Lab. Genie Procedes Solides Divises, FR). O-8.1-002 The Use of Near Infrared 09:15-09:30 Spectroscopy for the In-Line Determination. V. Kehlenbeck, K. Sommer (Technical U. Munchen, DE). O-8.1-003 Modelling of the Mixing Process of 09:30-09:45 Cohesive Powders in a Continuous Dynamics Powder Blender. V. Kehlenbeck, K. Sommer (Technical U. Munchen, DE). O-8.1-004 Towards a Fundamental 09:45-10:00 Understanding of High Temperature Defluidization: a Micro Mechanistic Approach. P. Pagliai, S. J. R. Simons, D. Rhodes (U. College London, UK). O-8.1-005 PVC Plastisols Foams by Rotational 10:00-10:15 Moulding. A. Marcilla, J.C. Garcia, S. Sanchez, R. Ruiz, M. Beltran (U. Alicante, ES) O-8.1-006 Dynamical Light Scattering Method 10:15-10:30 for Particle Size Determination using Optical Fibres. M. Rivallin, A.. Andreev, A. Lazarenko, A. Gaunand, A. Kanaev (LIMHP-CNRS, Paris, FR). TOPIC 8.2 Porous Solids ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Bernard Delmon (U.C. Louven, BE), Dr. Joaquin P. Pariente (CSIC, ES). KN-8.2-001 12:00-12:30 O-8.2-002 12:30-12:45 Micro-porous Solid Characterization. Dr. Angel Linares (U. Alicante, ES). Comparasion of Spray Dried Particles Formed from Superheated and Not-superheated Suspensions. K. Monse, P. Walzel (U. Dortmund, DE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering O-8.2-003 Development of Green Porous 12:45-13:00 Ceramics Bodies with Controlled Porosity via Freeze-casting Process. D.Donchev, l. Andersen, M. Kuhn, D. Koch, G. Grathwohl, J. Ulrich (U. Halle-Wittenberg, DE). O-8.2-004 Novel Approach for the 13:00-13:15 Characterization and Applications of Nanomaterials through Molecular Modelling and Experimental Adsorption Techniques. C. Herdes, F. Medina, L. F. Vega (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). O-8.2-005 Ethylene Polymerization over 13:15-13:30 Chromium Supported onto Mesoporous Materials. G. Calleja, J. Aguado, A. Carrero, J. Moreno (U. Rey Juan Carlos, ES). ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. Angel Linares (U. Alicante, ES), Dr. Joaquin P. Pariente (CSIC, ES). O-8.2-006 Modelling of Solute Migration in 09:00-09:15 Grain Porous Layers with Sorptive Effects on Agglomerates. A. Adach, S. aw Wronski (Warsaw U. of Technology, PL). O-8.2-007 n-Octane Hydroisomerization on Pd 09:15-09:30 and Pt with Mordenite, Beta and ZSM-5. A. de Lucas, J. L. Valverde, P. Sanchez, F. Dorado (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). O-8.2-008 Preparation of Silica-Chitosan 09:30-09:45 Hydrid Particles-Adsorption Behaviors and Surface Properties. K. Kondo, M. Matsumot, R. Maeda (Doshisha U., JP). O-8.2-009 Porous Structure Evolution during 09:45-10:00 Chemical Activation of Lignin. C. Pedrero, E. Gonzalez, T. Cordero, J. Rodriguez-Mirasol, J. J. Rodriguez (U. Malaga, ES). O-8.2-010 Investigations Corcerning Alumina10:00-10:15 MFI-Zeolite Substrates. A. Brehm, R. Glöckler, J. Schimanski, KD. Zanter, (U. Oldenburg, DE). O-8.2-011 Porous Media with Bimodal Pore 10:15-10:30 Size Distributions. C. H. Braga, J. C. B. Lopes, M.M. Dias, (U. Porto, PT). Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 8.3 Solid-Fluid Operations ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Karl Sommer (Tech. Univ. Munchen, DE), Dr. Tomas Cordero (U. Malaga, ES). O-8.3-001 Particle Trajectories and Cycle Times in 12:00-12:15 Spouted Beds Consisting of Particles of Different size, Density and Shape. M. J. San Jose, M. Olazar, S. Alvarez, M. A. Izquierdo, J. Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, ES). O-8.3-002 Modelling of Mass Transfer and 12:15-12:30 Fluid Flow in Lysozyme Ultrafiltration Slits. V. Magueijo, V. Semiao, M. N. de Pinho (Inst. Sup. Tec., Lisboa, PT). KN-8.3-003 Spouted Bed Reactors. 12:30-13:00 Prof. Martin Olazar (U. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES). O-8.3-004 Kinetics Flotation of Sedimentary 13:00-13:15 Phosphates. F. Hernainz, M. Calero, G. Blazquez (U. Granada, ES). O-8.3-005 The Effect of Different Additives on 13:15-13:30 Gypsum Precipitation. M. Prisciandaro, G. Daniele, A. Lancia, D. Musmarra (U. Aquila, IT). TOPIC 8.4 Drying ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Joachim Ulrich (U. Halle-Witt., DE), Prof. Pablo Canizares (U. C.- Mancha, ES). O-8.4-001 Process Synthesis of Solids 16:30-16:45 Flowsheets. Ian C. Kemp (Aspen Tech., UK). O-8.4-002 Condensation and Heat Transport 16:45-17:00 Phenomena in Fluidized Bed Steam Drying. M. Peglow, S. Heinrich (U. Magdeburg, DE). O-8.4-003 Local Moisture Content and Stress 17:00-17:15 Distribution within Clay During Drying Shrinkage. D. Mihoubi, F. Zagrouba, J. Vaxelaire, A. Bellagi (Inst. Nat. Rech. Sci. Tech., TN). O-8.4-004 A comparision of Physical 17:15-17:30 Properties of Skin-Forming and Agglomerate Like Materials Formed During Spray Drying. M. Kwapinska, I. Zbicinski (Technical U. Lodz, PL). 29 O-8.4-005 Drying of Washed Quinoa 17:30-17:45 (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) Seeds in Fluidized Bed: Effect of the Operation Conditions on the Drying Time. C. Rohvein, M. C. Gely, E. Santalla (UNCPBA, AR). O-8.4-006 Soaking and Freeze-drying of Paper 17:45-18:00 Simulating Water-damaged Documents for Salvage of Archival Materials. A. Capolongo, A. Barresi and G. Rovero (Politecnico Torino, IT). TOPIC 8.5 Crystallisation ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Thursday, 25th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Ian C. Kemp (Aspen Technology, UK), Prof. Martin Olazar (U. Pais Vasco, ES). O-8.5-001 Effect of Basic Polyelectrolyte on 09:00-09:15 Precipitation Phenomena of Lead Sulfate. A. Katayama, I. Hirasawa (Waseda U., JP). O-8.5-002 Simulation of Heat Transfer Rate, 09:15-09:30 Residence Time and Product Classification in Eutectic Freeze Crystallization. C. Himawan, M. M. Seckler, G. J. Witka (Delft U. of Technology, NL). KN-8.5-003 Solution Crystallization: 09:30-10:00 Developments and New Trends. Prof. Joachim Ulrich (U. Martin-Luther, HalleWittenberg, DE). O-8.5-004 Melt Entrapment During Growth of 10:00-10:15 Cellular or Dendritic Crystal Layer and Removal of Captured Impurities under Influence of Temperature Gradient. S. K. Myasnikov, A. D. Uteshinsky (Kurnakov Institute, RU). O-8.5-005 Investigation of the Growth Rate 10:15-10:00 During the Crystallization of Cyclodextrin in Water. M. Kohl, F. Puel, G. Fevotte, J. P. Klein, C. Hoff, O. Monnier (U. Lyon, FR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Oral Communication Programme 30 TOPIC 9 PROCESS SYSTEM ENGINEERING & CAPE TOPIC 9.0 Process System Engineering ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Rafiqul Gani (CAPEC-DTU, DK), Prof. Eric Fraga (U. College London, UK). O-9.0-001 Using Bond Graph Formalism to 12:00-12:15 Build Dynamic Models in Chemical Engineering. An Introductory Example. P. Breedveld, F. Couenne, C. Jallut, B. Maschke, M. Tayakout – Fayolle (U. Claude Bernard Lyon, FR). O-9.0-002 Evaluation-based Method for 12:15-12:30 Process Development. T. Virkki-Hatakka, B. Rong, K. Cziner, M. Hurme, I. Turunen (Helsinki U. Tech., FI). O-9.0-003 Analysis of Design and Operation of 12:30-12:45 Processes with Reaction-Separation Recycle Systems. E. Ramirez, R Gani (CAPEC-DTU, DK). O-9.0-004 Modelling of Solids Concentration 12:45-13:00 Profiles in Aeronautical Cartridge. N.S. Hanspal, W.R. Ruziwa, V. Nassehi, R.J. Wakeman (Loughborough U., UK). O-9.0-005 Soft Sensor Design in Polyolefin 13:00-13:15 Plants using First Principle Models. A. Frick, P. Kabore, A. Prata (ABB Corporate Research, DE). O-9.0-006 Chemical Process Fault Detection 13:15-13:30 Using Non-Linear Partial Least Square Method Based on the Support Vector Machine. C. J. Lee, D. E. Lee, S. J. Choi, S. O. Song, E. S. Yoon (Seoul Nat. U., KR). TOPIC 9.1 Process Dynamics and Control HALL ALBENIZ (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. David Bogle (U. Padova, IT), Prof. Javier Benitez (U. Extremadura, ES). O-9.1-001 Control Strategies Application for 09:00-09:15 Solving a Supply Chain Problem. F. Mele, F.Forquera, E. Rosso, M. Basualdo, L. Puigjaner (U. Politecnica Catalunya, ES). O-9.1-002 Nonlinear Behavior of Reactor 09:15-09:30 Separator Networks: Influence of Separator Control Structure. K.P. Zeyer, S.Pushpavanam, A. Kienle (Max-PlanckInstitut, DE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering O-9.1-003 An Integrated Riser-Regenerator 09:30-09:45 Dynamic Model for the Simulation of Pilot and Commercial FCC Units. G.M. Bollas, A.A. Lappas, D.K. Iatridis, I.A. Vasalos (Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute, GR). O-9.1-004 Minimization of Startup Period for 09:45-10:00 Continuous Distillation Processes. A. Woinaroschy ( U. Politechnica Bucharest, RO). KN-9.1-005 Hierarchical Plant Control and 10:00-10:30 Associated Modelling Aspects. Prof. Sten Bay Jorgersen (DTU, Lyngby,DK). TOPIC 9.2 Computer Aided Modelling, Simulation & Optimisation HALL ALBENIZ (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Antonio Espuna (U. P. Catalunya, ES), Dr. Jose L. Valverde (U. Castilla La Mancha, ES). KN-9.2-001 Capturing the Value of the CAPE12:00-12:30 OPEN Standard. Dr. Michel Pons (ATOFINA, FR). O-9.2-002 Multicriteria Supply Chain Design 12:30-12:45 Using Metaheuristics Algorithms. C.Pina, G.Guillen, S.Sequeira, A.Espuna, L Puigjaner (U. Politecnica Catalunya, ES). O-9.2-003 PPSiM: Modelling, Simulation & 12:45-13:00 Production Planning of Pipeless Batch Plants. A. Liefeldt, S. Engell (U. Dortmund, DE). O-9.2-004 Automatic Hierarchical Abstraction 13:00-13:15 Tool for the Retrofit of Processes. A. Rodriguez, I. Lopez, R. Banares, A. Aldea (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). O-9.2-005 Computer Aided Modelling System 13:15-13:30 for Bio and Chemical Process and Product Design. A. M. Sales-Cruz, I. Skiadas and R. Gani (CAPEC-DTU,DK). Oral Communication Programme HALL ALBENIZ (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Sten B. Jorgersen (DTU, DK), Prof. Jose Aguado (U. Rey Juan Carlos, ES). O-9.2-006 Design of Coupled Batch 16:30-16:45 Reaction–Distillation Systems. D. Demicoli, J. Stichlmair (Technical U. Munchen, DE). O-9.2-007 Modelling and Simulation of Steam 16:45-17:00 Crackers. T. Gal, B. G. Lakatos (U. Veszprem, HU). O-9.2-008 An Approach towards a Systematic 17:00-17:15 Modularisation of Chemical Engineering Simulations. M. Bauer, G. Eigenberger (U. Stuttgart, DE). O-9.2-009 Use of Flow Modelling with 17:15-17:30 Multiphase Reactor Simulations. V. Alopaeus, K. I. Keskinen (P.O.B., FI). O-9.2-010 A Methodology to Model and 17:30-17:45 Simulate Binary Distillation Columns with Inventory Control. N. Duro, F. Morilla (U. Nacional Educacion Distancia, ES). O-9.2-011 Mathematical Simulation of Mixing 17:45-18:00 Process in a Spinning Disk Reactor. I.N. Ilyina-Sidorova, A. Chianese, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleyev U. Chem. Tech., RU). TOPIC 9.3 Innovative Process Synthesis and Design HALL ALBENIZ (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Thursday, 25th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Luis Puigjaner (U. Politec. Catalunya, ES), Dr. Michel Pons (ATOFINA, FR). KN-9.3-001 Interactivity and Automated 09:00-09:30 Process Design. Prof. Eric Fraga et al. (U. College London, UK). O-9.3-002 Global Analysis for The Conceptual 09:30-09:45 Design of Complex Chemical Plants. E. Musulin, J.P. Ruiz, M.Basualdo, J.M. Nougues, L. Puigjaner (U.P. Catalunya, ES). O-9.3-003 Process Synthesis and Design for 09:45-10:00 Non-Standard Processes. H. Schoenmakers, G. Kaibel (BASF AG, DE). 31 O-9.3-004 An Efficient Decomposition-Based 10:00-10:15 Approach for the Integrated Design of Solvents and Processes. A. I. Papadopoulos, P. Linke (U. Surrey, UK). O-9.3-005 Reactive Distillation by Statics 10:15-10:30 Analysis. Y. Pisarenko, L. Serafimov, A. Shuwalov, D. Efremov (Lomonosov Academy of Fine Chemical Tech., RU). TOPIC 9.4 Tools for Integration ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Rafiqul Gani (DTU, DK), Prof. Antonio Espuna (U. Politecnica. Catalunya, ES). O-9.4-001 Control Structure Selection by 16:30-16:45 Optimization for Integrated Processes. S. Bozanic, S. Engell, T. Scharf (Process Control Laboratory, DE). O-9.4-002 Non-linear Dynamic Optimization 16:45-17:00 for the Integrated Design of Activated Sludge Processes. M. Francisco, P. Vega, M. Poch, I. Rodriguez-Roda (U. Salamanca, ES). O-9.4-003 Tools and Methods for 17:00-17:15 Comprehensive Process Integration. M. Hurme, M. Tuomaala (Helsinki U. of Technology, FI). O-9.4-004 Retrofit of Processes & 17:15-17:30 Environmental Analysis, a Decision Support Alternative in Process Engineering. A. Rodriguez, I. Herrera, R. Banares, M. Schumacher (U. Rovira Virgili, ES). KN-9.4-005 Plant-wide Integration of 17:30-18:00 Information and Decision Support Systems: Present Tools & Limits. Prof. Antonio Espuna et al. (U. Politecnica Catalunya, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Oral Communication Programme 32 TOPIC 10 NOVEL PRODUCTS and TECHNOLOGIES TOPIC 10.1 New Chemistry. Advanced Materials ROOM ANDALUCIA 1 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 70 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Encarna R. Hurtado (U. P. Madrid, ES), Dr. Rosa Nomen (U. Ramon Llull, ES). O-10.1-001 Modernization of Multi-assortment 09:00-09:15 Manufacturing of Ultra Pure Materials. A. M. Bessarabov, A. A. Avseev, E. M. Koltsova, L. Puigjaner (Mendeleyev U. Chem. Tech., RU). O-10.1-002 Cellulose/Silica Hybrids Prepared by 09:15-09:30 a Catalytic Sol-Gel Process. I. Portugal, S. Magina, M. A. Batista, D. Evtiouguine (U. Aveiro, PT). KN-10.1-003 Electrolytic Production of KOH and 09:30-10:00 Chlorine with Membrane Cells. Y. Noaki, H. Houda (Asahi Kasei, JP) & J. L. Hernandez, A. Uson (Aragonesas, ES). O-10.1-004 Properties of Polymer Exchange 10:00-10:15 Membranes from Irradiation Introduced Graft Polymerisation. G. Schmidt-Naake, W.Becker, M. Pacheco (Tech. U. Clausthal, DE). O-10.1-005 Exterior-Grade Eucalyptus globulus 10:15-10:30 Plywoods Employing Pinus pinaster Bark Tannin-Modified Adhesives. G. Vazquez, J. Gonzalez, F. Lopez, G. Antorrena (U. Santiago Compostela, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering TOPIC 10.2 Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals ROOM ANDALUCIA 1 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 70 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. Gerhard Wagner (F.H.- Roche, CH), Prof. Santiago Esplugas (U. Barcelona, ES). O-10.2-001 On-line Concentration Estimation 12:00-12:15 during Chemical Reactions Using Adaptive Heat-Mass Balances. G. Hessel, H. Kryk, W. Schmitt, T. Seiler, F. P. Weiss (Inst. of Safety Research, DE). O-10.2-002 A Novel Process for Conjugated 12:15-12:30 Linoleic Acid Production. A. Bernas, N. Kumar, P. Maki-Arvela, B. Holmbom, T. Sal (Abo Akademi U. FI). O-10.2-003 Production of Structured 12:30-12:45 Triglycerides by a Three Steps Process. F. Camacho, P. A. Gonzalez, A. Robles, B. Camacho, L. Esteban, E Molina. (U. Granada, ES). O-10.2-004 Preparation of 2-Phenylethanol by 12:45-13:00 Catalytic Selective Hydrogenation of Styrene Oxide. I. Kirm, F. Medina, X. Rodriguez, Y. Cesteros, P. Salagre , J. E. Sueiras. (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). O-10.2-005 NANOMIX: New Developments in 13:00-13:15 High-Pressure Emulsification Technology. (UNIMIX Haagen & Rinau Mischtechnik GmbH, DE). O-10.2-006 Chemical Engineering Aspects of 13:15-13:30 Hydrogenation of Fine Chemicals. L. Datsevitch, A. Jess, J. Panten, S. Peter, W. Pickenhagen, D. Schatkow. (U. Bayreuth, DE). Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 10.3 Nanotechnology ROOM ANDALUCIA 1 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 70 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Maria J. Cocero (U. Valladolid, ES), Dr. Miguel Ladero (U. Complutense, ES). KN-10.3-001 09:00-09:30 O-10.3-002 09:30-09:45 O-10.3-003 09:45-10:00 O-10.3-004 10:00-10:15 O-10.3-005 10:15-10:30 Nanotechnology. Dr. Frank Menzel (Degussa AG, DE) Fabrication of Nanostructures by Soft Molding and Capillary Force Lithography. Y. Kahp, Y. S. Suh, S. Kim, P.S. Min, P. J. Hong, P. J. Yoo, H.H. Lee (Seoul Nat. U., KR). Chemical Kinetics of Polydisperse Peptization Reactions. W. Hintz, T. Nikolov, V. Jordanova, J. Tomas ( Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, DE). Silica and Titania Nanoparticles obtained in W/O Nano-emulsions as Reaction Media. M. Porras, C. Solans, C. Gonzalez, J. M. Gutierrez (U. Barcelona, ES). The Role of Solvent in the Production of Nano-particles by Flame Spray Pyrolysis: an Experimental and Numerical Study. J. Johansen, M. B. Larsen, H. Livbjerg, T. Johannessen (Technical U. Denmark, DK). TOPIC 10.4 Innovative Technologies, Methods and Processes ROOM ANDALUCIA 3 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 140 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Dr. Miguel Ladero (U. Complutense, ES), Dr. Miguel A. Gilarranz (U. Autonoma, Madrid, ES). O-10.4-001 New concepts in kinetic modeling 15:00-15:15 of complex organic reactions. D. Yu. Murzin, T. Salmi, J.-P-Mikkola, E. Toukoniitty, P. Mäki-Arvela, J. Wärnå (Åbo Akademi U., FI) O-10.4-002 Monolytic Stirred Reactor. 15:15-15:30 I. Hoek, T.A. Nijhuis, A.I. Stankiewicz, J.A. Moulijn (Delft U. of Technology, NL). O-10.4-003 The Use of Hybrid Membrane15:30-15:45 Distillation System for the EthaneEthylene. Separation in Olefin Plants. Al-Rabiah (King Saud U. SA). 33 O-10.4-004 Modeling and Numerical Simulation 15:45-16:00 of Hydrodynamic Electrodeposition Processes for Obtaining Thin Layer Materials. Ph. Mandin, Th. Pauporte, D. Lincot, H. Roustan (Lab. Electrochem. & Analytical Chem., FR). O-10.4-005 Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics 16:00-16:15 and Process Control. M. Duenas, B. Lie (Telemark U. College, Porsgrunn, NO). O-10.4-006 Mass Transfer at Liquid-Liquid 16:15-16:30 Phase Boundaries by Interfacial and Free Convection at Elevated Pressures. R. Eggers, D. Dittmar, P. Jaeger (U. Technical Hamburg, DE). ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Alirio Rodrigues (U. Porto, PT), Dr. Julia Sempere (U. Ramon Llull, ES), O-10.4-007 Recycling of K3Fe(CN)6. Case Study 15:00-15:15 on the Oxidative Coupling Step of the Galanthamine Synthesis. A. Horvath, J.Verbraeken, K. de Smet, S. Pauwels, G. Torok (U. Szeged, HU). O-10.4-008 An Automatic System for Hazop 15:15-15:30 Analysis. F. Zajkaniha, M.R. Pishvaie, D. Rashtchian (Sharif U. of Technology, ZA). O-10.4-009 Bio-Tricklingfilter - an 15:30-15:45 Economically Attractive Process for the Treatment of Waste Air Containing VOC and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. M. Buser (Ciba Specialty Chem. Inc, CH). O-10.4-010 Simulation of Oil Saturation in 15:45-16:00 Porous Media. W. Heikamp, A. Stephan (Filterwerk Mann+Hummel GmbH, DE). O-10.4-011 Solvent Recovery from Non-Ideal 16:00-16:15 Quaternary Mixtures with Hybrid Processes Based on Extractive Distillation. Szanyi, P. Mizsey, Z. Fonyo (Budapest U., HU). O-10.4-012 Development of a Monolithic 16:15-16:30 Bioreactor: Adsorption of b-Galactosidasa on Functionalized Supports. K. Lathouder, F. Kapteijn, J. Mou (U. Delft , NL). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Oral Communication Programme 34 TOPIC 11 BIOCHEMICAL and FOOD ENGINEERING TOPIC 11.1 Bioprocess Engineering and Development HALL ALBENIZ (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. John Villadsen (DTU, DK), Dr. Victoria Santos (U. Complutense, ES). O-11.1-001 Modelling of Biotransformation 12:00-12:15 Processes in High-density Cell Recycle Membrane Reactors: Production of Lcarnitine by E. coli and P. mirabilis. M. Canovas, V. Bernal, A. Sevilla, J.L. Iborra (U. Murcia, ES). O-11.1-002 Optimization of Integrated 12:15-12:30 Bioprocessing for Production of Recombinant Pharmaceutical Proteins. R. Luttmann (U. of Hamburg, DE). KN-11.1-003 Enzymatic Reactors in Environmental 12:30-13:00 Engineering. Prof. Juan Lema (U. Santiago Compostela, ES). O-11.1-004 High Pressure Membrane Reactor 13:00-13:15 for Enzyme-catalysed Reactions. M. Habulin, M. Primozic, Z. Knez (U. Maribor, SI). O-11.1-005 The use of Antioxidants as 13:15-13:30 Stabilizer for Detergent Enzyme Granules. Ole Simonsen. (Solid Products Development, Novozymes A/S, DK). HALL ALBENIZ (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Monday, 22nd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Eloy G. Calvo (U. Alcala Henares, ES), Prof. Juan Lema (U. Santiago Comp., ES). KN-11.1-006 Chemical Engineering Issues 16:30-17:00 Essential for Large Scale Bioprocesses. Prof. John Villadsen (Denmark Technical U., Lyngby, DK). KN-11.1-007 Design of Photobioreactors. 17:00-17:30 Prof. Jose Merchuk (U. Ben Gurion,IL). O-11.1-008 Analytical Procedure for 4S17:30-17:45 Desulfurization Route: Intermediate Concentration and Enzymatic Activity. A. Alcon, V. Santos, P. Yustos, A. Martin, C. del Olmo, F. Garcia-Ochoa (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). O-11.1-009 Improvement of the Biological 17:45-18:00 Formation of Aroma Compounds by Integrated Pervaporation. B. Maltzahn, B. Lademann, A. Wilke (GKSS, Geesthacht, DE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering TOPIC 11.2 Separation Processes in Biotechnology HALL ALBENIZ (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Ernst. Gilles (Max Plack Inst., DE), Prof. Santiago Espulgas (U. Barcelona, ES). O-11.2-001 Development of Advanced 09:00-09:15 Techniques and Equipment for the Separation of Mixtures of Proteins using Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography. R. Gutierrez, M. Galan (U. Salamanca, ES). O-11.2-002 Partial Feed and Product 09:15-09:30 Withdrawal for the SMB Separation of a Glucose fructose Mixture. A. Vacca, M. Mascia, G. Tola (U. Cagliari, IT). O-11.2-003 A New Chemical Engineering Tool 09:30-09:45 for Industry: a Dynamic Liq-Liq Extraction Chromatography System. D. Fisher, I. Sutherland (Univ. Brunel, Uxbridge, UK). O-11.2-004 Purification of Lactic Acid Via 09:45-10:00 Formation of Methyl Lactate by Catalytic Distillation. M. Sanz, S. Beltran, J. Cabezas (U. Burgos, ES). O-11.2-005 Concentration of Lisinopril with 10:00-10:15 Reverse Osmosis from Pilot Plant Experiments to Industrial Scale Unit. J. Rzen, D. Senica, M. Ustar, P. Dornovsek, S. Kogej, A. Pavko (U. Ljubljana, SI). O-11.2-006 Modelling of Cytochome b5 10:15-10:30 Continuous Extraction Using Neural Network. G. Fisher, A. Fileti, E. Tambourgi (U. Campinas, BR). Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 11.3 Food Engineering HALL ALBENIZ (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Tuesday, 23rd of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Jose Merchuk (U. Ben Gurion, IL), Dr. Heike Schuchmann (FRC-Nutrition, DE). O-11.3-001 Interpretation of the Inactivation of 12:00-12:15 Bacterial Spores with New Models. N. Kopf, H. Schubert (U. Karlsruhe,DE). O-11.3-002 Starch Hydrolysis during Mashing: 12:15-12:30 An Extended Model for Non-malted Cereal and Exogenous Enzyme Addition. C. Brandam, X. Meyer, P. Strehaiano, N. Dallies, J. Proth (LGC, Toulouse, FR). O-11.3-003 Optimal Scheduling and Energy 12:30-12:45 Minimization Strategy for the Sugar Cane Industry. H. Heluane, S. Sequeira , M. Colombo, M. Hernandez, M. Graells, L. Puigjaner (U. Tucuman, AR). 35 O-11.3-004 Wine Clarification by Membranes: 12:45-13:00 Removed Colloids and their Role in Tartaric Stability. F. Gonçalves, M. N. de Pinho (Inst. Sup. Tec., PT). O-11.3-005 Isolation of Goat Milk Lactose13:00-13:15 derived Oligosaccharides by Cross Flow Ultra and Nanofiltration. A. Martinez, A. Guadix, L. Baro, J. Jimenez, E. Lopez, J.J. Boza, E.M. Guadix (U. Granada, Puleva Biotech, ES). O-11.3-006 Modelling of Heat Transfer and 13:15-13:30 Evaporative Mass Losses during the Drying of Food Products. S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba, A. Bellagi (Inst. Rech. Sci. Tech., TN). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Oral Communication Programme 36 TOPIC 12 HIGH PRESSURE TECHNOLOGY TOPIC 12.1 Chemical Reactions under High Pressure ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Alberto Bertucco (U. Padova, IT), Prof. M. Jose Cocero (U. Valladolid, ES). O-12.1-001 Synthesis and Phase Behavior of 12:00-12:15 Poly-p-phenylene Polymers in SC Fluids. E.Wrighta, K.L.Lottb, Z.Shenb, A. GarachDomech, M. A. McHugh (Virginia Commonwealth U., US). O-12-1-002 Production of Pure Enantiomers 12:15-12:30 using Enzimatic Catalysis in SC CO2. Z. Dijkstraa J. Keurentjesa, H. Weytenb (Flemish Tech. Res., BE). O-12-1-003 Oxidation of Hexanal to Hexanoic 12:30-12:45 Acid in Supercritical CO2. A.Kruse, H Ederer, N. Dahmen (Inst. Tech. Chem. CPV, DE). O-12-1-004 Synthesis of Nanoparticles under 12:45-13:00 Supercritical Conditions (SPS). An Overview. E. Alonso , I. Montequi, M. J. Cocero (U. Valladolid, ES). KN-12.1-005 Chemical Processes at High 13:00-13:30 Pressure. Prof. Michael Buback (Georg August U., Goettingen, DE). TOPIC 12.2 Supercritical Fluid Technology ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Wednesday, 24th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Gerd Brunner (TU Hambug, DE), Prof. Miguel A. Galan (U. Salamanca, ES). O-12.2-001 Separation of Enantiomers by 16:30-16:45 Supercritical Fluid Extraction. B. Simandi, E. Szekely, I. Kmecz, E. Fogassy P. Molnar, J. Sawinsky. (U. Budapest, HU). O-12.2-002 Water as Tuneable Solvent for 16:45-17:00 Reactions with Biopolymers. Gerd Brunner and Tobias Albrecht (TU Hambug-Harburg, DE). O-12.2-003 Treatment of Textiles in 17:00-17:15 CO2–Potentialities and Limitations. E. Bach, E. Cleve, E. Schollmeyer (Deutches Textilforschung. Nord-West, DE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering O-12-2-004 Solutions for Pipeline Vibrations in 17:15-17:30 High Pressure Plants. E. Schluecker and U. Klapp (U. ErlangenNuremberg, DE). KN-12.2-005 Particle Design using Supercritical 17:30-18:00 Fluids. Prof. Ernesto Reverchon et al. (U. of Salerno, IT). TOPIC 12.3 Fundamentals of High Pressure Processes ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Thursday, 25th of September CHAIRMEN: Prof. Zeljo Knez (U. Maribor, SI), Prof. Francesc. Recasens (U. Politecnica Catalunya, ES). O-12.3-001 High Pressure Phase Equilibrium of 09:00-09:15 Interest for Enzymatic Reactions. B. Parczewska and Th. W. de Loos (Delft U., NL). O-12.3-002 Measurement and Modeling of CO2 09:15-09:30 Absorption in PLGA. N. Elvassore, A. Bertucco, K Vezzu (U. Padova, IT). O-12.3-003 Deep-Ocean Sequestration of Carbon 09:30-09:45 Dioxide. S. S. S. Cardoso, S. T. McHugh (U. Cambridge, UK). O-12.3-004 Production of Ultra Fine Particles 09:45-10:00 using Supercritical Fluids – An Overview. T. Gamse, F. Miguel, M. J. Cocero (U. Graz, AT). O-12.3-005 Cell for in-situ Analysis of Size, 10:00-10:15 Shape and Structure of Microscopic Particles, Cell-Materials and Microorganisms under High Pressure. M. Hartmann, K. Sommer (Technical U. München, DE). O-12.3-006 High-pressure Homogenization as a 10:15-10:30 Process for Emulsion Formation. S. Schultz, G. Wagne, J. Ulrich (Martin Luther-U., DE). Oral Communication Programme TOPIC 13 37 FIRST EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM on PRODUCT ENGINEERING CHAIRMEN: O-13-001 09:00-09:15 O-13-002 09:15-09:30 KN-13-003 09:30-10:00 O-13-004 10:00-10:15 O-13-005 10:15-10:30 CHAIRMEN: O-13-006 16:30-16:45 O-13-007 16:45-17:00 O-13-008 17:00-17:15 O-13-009 17:15-17:30 O-13-010 17:30-17:45 O-13-011 17:45-18:00 ROOM ANDALUCIA 2 (FLOOR: 1) CAPACITY: 120 people Wednesday, 24th of September Prof. Ulrich Broeckel (U. App. Sci., DE), Dr. Carmen Gonzalez (U. Barcelona, ES). Biodegradable Products from Thermoplastic Starches. L.P.B.M. Janssen, L. Moscicki, M. Mitrus, T. Oniszczuk (U. Groningen, NL). Vitamin E Nanoparticles for Beverage Applications. Chyi-Cheng Chen (Roche Vitamins AG, CH). Product Design of Food Emulsions. Prof. H. Schubert and K. Ax (U. Karlsruhe, DE). Design of Impact Resistant Enzyme Granules. K. Joergensen, P. Bach, A.D. Jensen (Technical U. Denmark, Novozyme, DK). Design of Cereal Based Instant Powders for Food Applications Using a Cooking Extrusion Process. H. P. Schuchmann (Federal Res. Center Nutrition, DE). HALL: MACHADO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Wednesday, 24th of September Prof. E. Favre (ENSIC, Nancy, FR), Dr. Jose L. Valverde (U. Cast.- La Mancha, ES). Innovative Products through Product Design. Esper, Steinbeck, Klinksiek, Hofmann, Reizl (Bayer AG, DE). Product Design of Solid Fertilizers. U. Broeckel (U. Applied Sciences Trier, DE). Polystyrene Reinforced with Ligno-cellulosic Fibers. F. Vilaseca, M.F. Llop, E. Busquets, M.A. Pelach, P. Mutje (U. Girona, ES). Product Design. W. Raehse, S. Hoffmann (Henkel KgaA, DE). Product Engineering of Antifouling Paints by Use of Mathematical Modelling. S. Kiil, K. Dam-Johansen (Technical U. Denmark, DK.) Computer-Aided Design and Rapid Prototyping of Granulated Products. F. Stepanek, A. Bismarck (Imperial College London, UK). CHAIRMEN: O-13-012 09:00-09:15 O-13-013 09:15-09:30 O-13-014 09:30-09:45 O-13-015 09:45-10:00 KN-13-016 10:00-10:30 HALL: MACHADO (FLOOR: -2) CAPACITY: 160 people Thursday, 25th of September Prof. Matthias Kind (U. Karlsruhe, DE), Prof. Francesc Castells (U. Rov.i Virgili, ES). KAFEP - A Centre for Academic Research and Development in Product Engineering. M. Kind, H. Schuchmann (KAFEP-Karlsruhe Centre Res. Dev. Product Eng., DE). Chemical Product Design-A New Multidisciplinary Teaching and Research Activity at Institut for Kemiteknik (DTU). G. M. Kontogeorgis, S. Kiil, J. Abildskov, T. Johannessen (Technical U. Denmark, Lyngby, DK). The Impact of Chemical Product Design on Process Design. H. Van Luijk, P. Herder, I. Turunen (Lappeenranta U. of Technology, FI). Developing a Filler for Pharmaceutical Tablets. A. Broekhuis, J. A. Wesselingh, A. Mul (U. Groningen, NL). Methods and Tools for Efficient Chemical Product Design: Property, Estimation & Computer Aided Molecular Design. Prof. Rafiqul Gani and Dr. J. Marrero (Tech. U. Denmark, Lyngby, DK). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 38 Poster Programme 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Poster Programme 39 TOPIC 1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING and SOCIETY TOPIC 1.1 Chemical Engineering and Society Demands. Forensic Engineering P-1.1-006 The Evolution and Valorization of the Industrial Chemistry before the Chemical Engineering in Brazil. J. C. O. Santos, M.B. Dantas, M.G.O. Santos, E.C. Silva Filho, S. Prasad. (CCT, UEPB, BR). P-1.1-007 Comparison and Characterization of Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Programs by Multivariate Analysis. L. Jimenez, J. M. Mateo (U. Rovira Virgili, ES). P-1.1-008 Student Perception of the more important Skills of a Chemistry branch Industrial Engineer. J.I. Moreno, J.A. Cascales, E. Solano, G. Leon (U. Polit. Cartagena, ES). P-1.1-009 Open Learning Management System for Improvement of Pharmaceutical Education. D.V. Shishulin, M.N. Puchkov, H. Leuenberger, L.S. Gordeev, N.V. Menshutina (Mendeleev U. Chemical Technology, RU). P-1.1-010 Comparative Analysis of the Results and for the Students\ Sexes Studying Technical Engineering in Industrial Chemistry. M.M. Montiel, F.A. Corpas (U. Jaen, ES). P-1.1-011 New Methods and Technologies in the Industrial Chemistry Lectures. N. Martinez, J.de la Torre (U.Valencia,ES). P-1.1-012 Chemical Engieering: New Paradigms and Environmental Syllabus. F. Gutierrez-Martin (U. Politecnica Madrid, ES). P-1.1-013 Evaluation of Biosafetys Norms in the Didactic Laboratories of Chemistry in Brazil. J.C. Santos, J.D. Fernandes, L.S. Soares, J.R.S. Araujo, E.C. Silva Filho, S. Prasad (CCT, UEPB, BR). P-1.1-014 Experimental Determination of the Ignition Conditions: a New Procedure. J. Costa, F.G. Colina (U. Barcelona, ES). P-1.1-015 Artificial Inteligence Methods Used in Chemistry. T. Rusu, O.M. Gogan, P. Poni. (I. of Macromolecular Chemistry, RO). TOPIC 1.2 Education in Chemical Engineering. Computers in CE Education P-1.2-006 Simple Computational Tools for Calculation of Various of Various Types of Heat Exchangers. K. Bonischova, J. Kohoutek, Z. Jegla, P. Stehlik (Technical U. Brno,CZ). P-1.2-007 Java based Process Control of a Distillation Column Via Internet Using OPC. A. Klein, R.Zerry, C.Hausmanns, L.Urbas, G. Wozny (Fach. Dyn. Bet. Tech. Anlagen, DE) P-1.2-008 Process Control Teaching Supported by Intelligent Tutoring System. N. Bolf, J. Bozicevic, S. Stankov (U. Zagreb, HR). P-1.2-009 Using Dynamic Simulation to the Process Control Education. Refinery Fractionator Example. C.J.G. Vasconcelos , R. Maciel Filho, M.R. Wolf-Maciel (State U. Campinas, BR). P-1.2-010 Using MathCad in Teaching the Calculations of Unit Operations. J. Lora, J.M. Gozalvez, A. Santafe ( U. Politecnica Valencia, ES). P-1.2-011 Labour Insertion of the Graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Barcelona. I. Dorio, G. Fonrodona, C. Gonzalez, A. Prades, P. Figuera, J. Barbosa (U. Barcelona, ES). P-1.2-012 Innovation-Oriented Professional Chemical Engineering Education in Regional Research University of Russia. S.I. Dvoretsky, D.S. Dvoretsky, V.F. Kalinin, V.P. Tarov (Tambov State Technical U., RU). P-1.2-013 Teaching in Laboratories of Chemical Engineering: Integration of Tasks. J. Gimenez, J. M. Gutierrez, C. Fite, X. Baraza, D. Curco (U. Barcelona, ES). P-1.2-014 Enhancing Team Performance at Chemical Engineering Curriculum. L. Jimenez, J. Font, A. Fabregat (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). TOPIC 1.3 Student Program P-1.3-004 Regulation Institutions of Chemical Engineering. S. Moran, E. Oliete (Madrid Assoc. Chemical Engineers-AMIQ, ES). P-1.3-005 The European Credit Transfer System in the European Higher Education Area. I. Cabrera (Granada Assoc. Chemical Engineers-AGREIQ, ES). P-1.3-006 European Higher Educational Area New Methologies of Teaching and Learning. D. Sanchez-Sanz (AINQUIVA, ES). P-1.3-007 Past and Present of Chemical Engineering Education in Galicia (Spain). S. Barros, A. Cuevas, G. Eibes, A. Hospido, H. Rodriguez, J. Rodriguez. (Galicia Assoc. Chem. Engineers-AGaEQ, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Poster Programme 40 P-1.3-008 Regulation Chemical Engineer’s Competences. A Comparison between Spain and Europe. R. Camarillo (Spanish Federation of Chemical Engineers-FEIQ, ES). P-1.3-009 Professional Associations, Associations, Federations and Universities: Representative Attributions in the Chemical Engineering. R. Aldaco, R. Onandia, E. Sebastia, TOPIC 2 M. Sebastia (Cantabrian Assoc.of Chemical Engineers, ES). P-1.3-010 Guidelines for the European Higher Education Area: European Mobility. L.Cortes, A. Perdones, A. Valero, B. Ferreira (Spanish Federation Chem. Engineers-FEIQ, ES). CHEMICAL INDUSTRY STRATEGIES P-2-010 Advance Simulation Tools Applied to Chemical Process Development. A.B. Mejias, J. Palma, M.A. Garcia, G. Diaz (Tecnicas Reunidas, ES). P-2-011 Adsorption Research Requirements from an Industrial Point of View. J. Ciprian, S. Maurer (BASF AG, DE). P-2-012 Mathematical Methods at the Analysis and Synthesis of the Circuits of Division in View of the Circuits of Management. Yu. A. Komissarov, S.V. Nikolaev (U. of Chemical Technology, RU). P-2-013 Decision Support System for Evaluation of the Chemical Equipment in the Terms of Tenders. E.A. Surzhikov, E.A. Nikulina, I.N. Dorokhov (U. Chemical Technol., RU). P-2-014 Mass and Energy Balances in a Clinker Production Plant. C. Ordeñana, E. Garcia, S. Astarloa, Y. Parra, C. Urcelay, Gutierrez-Cañas (UPV, Cementos Lemona, ES). P-2-015 New Technologies for Oil Refinery in Serbia. O. Ocic (NIS-Pancebo Oil Refinery, YU). P-2-016 Devolatilization of Polymeric Latexes. R.E. Salazar, P. Ilundain, D. Alvarez, L. da Cunha, M. J. Bara (Institute for Polymer Materials, ES). P-2-017 Neutralization Processes for New Catalysts in Polyol Industry. L. Rodriguez, P. Sanchez, M. Perez-Collado (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-2-018 The UBE`s case. A. Herreros (Departamento de Procesos, UBE, Castellon, ES). P-2-019 Utilization of Ultra Sound for Inactivation of Coliform in Waste of Bacteriolocal Assay. A. M. de Lima, J.F. Mello dos Santos, J.L. de S. Melo (UFRN, BR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-2-020 Life Cycle Engineering and it’s use in Environmental Management Systems in the Chemical Industry. M. Fischer, T.Kupfer, P. Eyerer (U. Stuttgart, DE). P-2-021 Standarization of Specifications for LPG Mixes Properties in Central and South America Markets. S. Wilinski, M. Infantini, R. Diaz, R. Sciamanna (UCV, VE). P-2-022 Classification of Cost Elements in the Settling of Quality Costs. A. Garcia, C. Hernandez, R. Sciamanna (UCV, VE). P-2-023 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Core Sediments of the Santander Bay, Northern Spain. C. Gonzalez Pinuela, A. Coz, A. Andres, J.R. Viguri, A. Irabien (U. Cantabria, ES). Poster Programme TOPIC 3 41 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TOPIC 3.1 Chemical Engineering in Energy. Biomass and Solar Energies. Fuel Cells, Batteries, Hydrogen Technology P-3.1-005 Methanol Synthesis from CO2 and H2 over Ga and Zr Promoted Cu/Zn Catalysts. M. Lachowska. (Polish Academy of Sciences, PL). P-3.1-006 Methanol Decomposition in the Presence of Steam over Manganese and Magnesia Promoted Cu/Zn/Zr Catalysts. M. Lachowska. (Polish Academy of Sciences, PL). P-3.1-007 Metals Additions Effects on a Thermal Storage System which Uses the Ca(OH)2 CaO Reversible Reaction. M. N. Azpiazu, J.M. Morquillas, A. Vazquez (UPV, ES). P-3.1-008 Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC):Analysis of Miniplant Experiments based on MaxwellStefan Equations. B. Munder, L. Rihko-Struckmann,Y.Ye, K. Sundmacher (Max Planck Institute, DE). P-3.1-009 Production and Nitration of Biodiesel from Vegetable Oils. R. Alcantara, L. Canoira, S. Torcal. ( Polytechnic U. Madrid, ES). P-3.1-010 The Usage of Biomass at a Gasification Plant – Conversion Technology in Comparison. S. Osowski, J. Neumann, H. Fahlenkamp. (U. Dortmund, DE). P-3.1-011 Modelling of Biogas Production Processes from Biomass - Including the Energetic Conversion. A. Friedl, T.Loderer, M. Pfeffer, M. Harasek (Vienna U. Technology, AT). P-3.1-012 Start up Problems of Liquid-fuel Reformers for Fuel Cell Applications. A. Cutillo, I. Guaglio, P. L. Maffettone, G. Saracco ( Politecnico Torino, IT). P-3.1-013 Characterisation of Fly-ashes from Cocombustion of Coal/Biomass Mixtures in FBC. L. Armesto, J. R. Maroto, J.L. Dorronsoro, M. Martin Espigares (CIEMAT, ES). P-3.1-014 Estimation of the Required Dimension of a Photovoltaic Pumping Installation for the Drip Irrigation of an Olive Grove. F. Cuadros, F. Lopez-Rodriguez, A. Marcos, S. Carretero (U. Extremadura, ES). P-3.1-015 Optimization of Mass and Heat Transport in PEM Fuel Cells. S.A. Grigoriev, A.A. Kalinnikov, V.N. Fateev, V.I. Porembsky, R. Blach (HE & Plasma Tech. Inst., RU). P-3.1-016 Petroleum-based Carbon Anodes for Ion-Li Batteries. A. Concheso, R. Santamaria, M. Granda, R. Menendez, J. M. Jimenez Mateos, R. Alcantara,P. Lavela, J.L. Tirado (Instituto Nacional del Carbon, ES). P-3.1-017 Biodegradability of Biodiesel from Several Vegetable Oils. J. Pasqualino, D. Montane, X. Farriol and J. Salvado (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-3.1-018 Water Managament in a Lab-PEMFC and its Effects on the Electrochemical Behaviour. M. Billot, P. Carre, S. Didierjean, F. Lapicque (CNRS-ENSIC, FR). P-3.1-019 CO Reduction in Small Domestic Pellet Stoves through Statistics Analysis. J.C. Moran , E. Granada , J. Porteiro , J. L Minguez (U. Vigo, ES). P-3.1-020 Co-firing with Pellet. New Hopper for Small Boilers. G. Lareo, J. L. Ortiz, E. Granada, J. Porteiro. ( U. Vigo, ES). P-3.1-021 Solar Thermal Seawater Distillation Activities at the Platform Solar of Almeria: Increasing the Thermo-economical Efficiency of the Process. D. Alarcon, J. Blanco, S. Malato, M. I. Maldonado, B. Sanchez (CIEMAT-Plat. Solar Almeria, ES). P-3.1-022 Energy Savings in Refinery Plants. M. A. Masri (Algerian Petroleum Institute, DZ). P-3.1-023 Compact Heat Exchanger to Replace Shelltube Exchangers. M. A. Masri (Algerian Petroleum Institute, DZ). P-3.1-024 On Board Hydrogen Storage in Fuel Cell Vehicles by Carbon Nanotubes. S. Rowshanzamir, M. H. Eikani (Iran U. Science and Technology, IR). P-3.1-025 Design Calculations for the Development of 1 kW Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Stack. S. Rowshanzamir, M. H. Eikani (Iran U. Science and Technology, IR). P-3.1-026 Heat Integration of the Commercial Ethylene Process. A. A. Al-Rabiah (Department of Chemical Engineering, SA). P-3.1-027 PEM Fuel Cell based Power Plant. Efficiency and Ecology. V.N. Fateev, S.A. Grigoriev, R. Blach, S.V. Ostrovsky (Hydrogen Energy & Plasma Technol. Inst., RU). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 42 Poster Programme P-3.1-028 Behaviour of Metallic Oxides Mixtures in Hydrogen/Methane separations. E. Lorente , P. Duran, E. Romero, J. A. Pena (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-3.1-029 Optimize Crude Topping Unit Operations to Save Energy. A-A S. Kadhum, and M. Oun (Azzawiya Oil Refining Comp., LY). TOPIC 3.2 Sustainable Materials Resources: Renewable & Secondary Materials, Derived Products and Proceses P-3.2-005 Mechanistic and Structural Aspects of the Biological Degradation of Polymers. K. Welzel, R.J. Müller, W.D. Deckwer (GBFTU Braunschweig, DE). P-3.2-006 Metallic Secondary Raw Materials. Recycling Strategy in Serbia. N. Mitevska (RTB BOR, Copper Institute, YU). P-3.2-007 Secondary Materials from Electrical and Electronic Equipment. A. Calva, A. Andres, J. Viguri, A. Irabien, A. Fdez de la Vega, V. del Campo (U. Cantabria, ES). P-3.2-008 Behaviour of Construction Materials (Mortars) with Metallic Oxides. I. Lopez, A. Irabien (U. Cantabria, ES). P-3.2-009 Activated Carbon from Sewage Sludges. A. Colin-Cruz , C. Barrera-Diaz , M.C. JimenezMoleon , Cheikh Fall (U. Autonoma of Mexico, MX). P-3.2-010 Production of Oligosaccharides through Hydrolytic Depolymerisation of Residual Lignocellulosics and Purification in a Ceramic Membrane System. D. Nabarlatz, R.Garcia D. Montane (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-3.2-011 Neutralization of Fluoride Wastewater with Product Recovery: Calcium Reagents Behaviour. R. Aldaco, A. Irabien (U. Cantabria, ES). P-3.2-012 Ecoproducts: Mining on Wastes. M. Martin, M. Rigola, M. D. Balaguer (U. Girona, ES). P-3.2-013 Improvement of Flotation Deinking by Artificial Vision. M.A. Pelach, S. Presta, V. Marquez, F. Vilaseca, P. Mutje (U. Girona, ES). P-3.2-014 Prediction of the Behaviour of the Mortars with Metallic Oxides. I. Lopez, A. Irabien (U. Cantabria, ES). P-3.2-015 Chemical Modification of Natural Fibers. J. Gironesa, F. Vilasecaa, P. Mutje, A. Polo (U. Girona, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-3.2-016 Development of a Tannin Gel Adsorbent for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Effluents. G. Vazquez, J. Gonzalez-Alvarez, S. Freire, G. Antorrena (U. Santiago, ES). P-3.2-017 Sodium Dispersion Technology to Upgrade Waste Lubricating Oils to Valuable Products. H. J. Heeres, H. D. Klapwijk, R. M.Voncken (Rijks U.,NL). P-3.2-018 By-products from Saltwork: Recovery of Sodium Sulphate and Magnesium Chloride. J. Ariza, M.J. Diaz, F. Lopez, M. Canto, L. Jimenez (U. Huelva, ES). P-3.2-019 Dynamic Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Thermoplastic Starchy Materials. M. Mitrus, L. Moscicki, L. P. B. M. Janssen (Lublin Agricultural U., PL). P-3.2-020 Analysis of the Sintering Process in the Preparation of Petroleum Derived Highstrength Polygranular Graphites. J. Llorca, M. Martinez Escandella, F. Rodriguez-Reinoso, J. Echeberria, E. Gallego, J. Jimenez (U. Alicante, ES). P-3.2-021 Controlling Hydrothermal Reaction for Increasing Acetic Acid Yield from Biomass Wastes for Use as a Roadway Deicer. F. Jin, Z. Zhou, H. Enomoto, T. Moriya,H. Higashijima (Tohoku U., JP). P-3.2-022 Thermal Treatment and Characterization of Impregnation Pitch from Bituminous Coal. J. Ganan, J. F. Gonzalez, E.Sabio, A. Ramiro, C.M.Gonzalez (U. Extremadura, ES). P-3.2-023 A Renewable Raw Material for the Formulation of Phenolic Resin. M.V. Alonso, M.Oliet, M.A. Gilarranz, J.M. Perez, F. Rodriguez (U. Complutense, ES). P-3.2-024 Use of Ethanolamine-soda-water Mixtures for Making Olive Wood Trimmings Pulp. L. Jimenez, A. Rodriguez, I. Perez, R. Jimenez, A. M. Calero (U. Cordoba, ES). P-3.2-025 Kinetics of Hydrothermal Processing of Barkey Husks. G. Garrote, H. Dominguez, J.C. Parajo (U. Vigo, ES). P-3.2-026 Fermentation of C6-C5 Mixtures of Sugars Derived from Acidic Hydrolysis of Corn Stems. L. Martinez-Nieto, S. Rodriguez, J.A. Gimenez, M.B. Serrano (U. Granada, ES). P-3.2-027 Preparation of Activated Carbons from Gasification with Air of the Almonds Shells Pyrolysed. J. F. Gonzalez, C. M. Gonzalez, J. Ganan, A. Ramiro, E. Sabio, J.M. Encinar, J. Moreno (U. Extremadura, ES). Poster Programme P-3.2-028 Design & Fabrication of a Pilot Plant to Recover Aroma Compounds from Aqueous Wastestreams. M. H. Eikani, F. Golmohammad, S. Rowshanzamir, N. Bidgoli (Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, IR). P-3.2-029 Random Search Based Approach for Designing Optimal Water Networks. G. Poplewski, J. Jezowski, A. Jezowska (Rzeszow U. Technology, PL). P-3.2-030 Sustainable Management of the Chemical Resources of Black Sea. S. Tepavitcha-rova, C. Balarew, A.Kovacheva, D. Rabadjieva, P. Borissov (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., BG). P-3.2-031 Production of Enterocin AS-48 from Whey as a Growth Substrate. A. Munoz, M. Maqueda, A. Galvez, M. Martinez-Bueno, E. Valdivia (U. Granada & U. Jaen, ES). P-3.2-032 Use of a Regenerable ZnO-based Sorbent for Hot Gas Desulfurization. Pilot Plant Studies. J. M. Sanchez, E. Ruiz, J. Otero (CIEMAT, ES) P-3.2-033 Applied Studied In Solar Photocatalytic Detoxification: Twelve Years Of Experience In Plataforma Solar De Almería. M. I. Maldonado , S. Malato, J. Blanco, D. Alarcón, J. Cáceres, A. I. Cardona (CIEMATPlataforma Solar de Almeria, ES) TOPIC 3.3 Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Technologies P-3.3-007 Proposition of New Clean Air Technology for N0x and S0x Emissions Reduction at Power Plants using Coal. B. S. Repic, N. D. Crnomarkovic, R.V. Mladenovic, M. P. Jovanovic, V. M. Manovic (Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences. U. Belgrade, YU). P-3.3-008 Deep Desulphurization of Fuels by Extraction with Ionic Liquids. J. A. Wasserscheid, J. Esser (U. Bayreuth-U. Aachen, DE). P-3.3-009 Pollution Prevention by Nitrophenols Reduction in the Benzene Nitration Process. P. A. Quadros, C. Baptista (U. Coimbra, PT). P-3.3-010 Valuation of Quality Index of Lagoon Receiver Petroleum Effuent Treaty. A. M. de Lima, M.R. Fernández (UFRN, BR). P-3.3-011 Effects of the Mat Structure on the Performance of Methane Premixed Burners. S. Specchia, M. Bizzi, G. Saracco, V. Specchia (Politec. Torino, IT). 43 P-3.3-012 New Treatment Process for Petroleum Industry Slop Oils by Heteroazeotropic Distillation Comparison with Other Processes. E. Lucena, Y. Aurelle, Y. Romero, L. La Rosa, A. Secq (INSA Toulouse, FR). P-3.3-013 Avoiding Environmental Loads in the Low Density Polyethylene Process. H. Yrigoyen, L. Kulay, F. Castells, G. A. Silva, L. Jiménez (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-3.3-014 Effluent-free black liquor treatment in a nonwood pulp mill-The Celsur case. B. Myreen, J.B. Cobo Conox (Ltd-Cotton South, FI). P-3.3-015 Minimizing Environmental Impact by Enhanced Usage of Oxygen and Peroxide in the Bleaching of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulps. T. M. Povoas, A. P. V. Egas, M. Graça V.S. Carvalho, L.M. Ferreira (U. Coimbra, PT). P-3.3-016 Hybrid Catalysts Based on HY and HZSM-5 Zeolites for Recycling Low Value Hydrocarbon Cuts in FCC Units. I. Torre, P. Castano, J. Erena, J. Bilbao, J. M. Arandes (UPV-EHU, ES). P-3.3-017 Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Butylacetate Process through WAR Algorithm. C. A. Cardona, V. F. Marulanda, D. Young (ES). P-3.3-018 Heavy Metals Speciation in Sewage Sludge using a Simple Extraction Procedure. A. Fuentes, L.Parra, M.Llorens, M.Aguilar, J.Saez, J.Ortuno, J.A.Ramon (U.Murcia, ES). P-3.3-019 Optimisation of Deinking Process. X. Zafra, J. Labidi , P. Mutje, M. A. Pelach (U. Girona, ES). P-3.3-020 The Use of CO2 to Improve the Catalytic Behavior of Mg-V-Al Mixed Oxides for the Process of Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation to Styrene. G. Carga, R. Nakamura, T. Aida and H. Niiyama (Tokio Institute of Technology, JP). P-3.3-021 Industrial Biofilter Installation for Cleaning. A. Vinarov, D. Sokolov, V. Smirnov (SSR Inst. of Protein Biosynthesis, RU). P-3.3-022 TCF Bleaching of Cellulosic Pulps of Holm Oak Wood. M. E. Eugenio, A. Rodriguez, F. Lopez, M.J. Diaz, J. Ariza, I. Perez (U. Pablo de Olavide, ES). P-3.3-023 Solvent Recovery by PSA, an Experimental and a Simulation Study. K. Chihara, T. Kaneko, T. Aikou, S. Oda, S. Hamashima (Meiji U., JP). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Poster Programme 44 P-3.3-024 The Esterification of Benzoic Acid with n-Octyl and iso-Octyl Alcohols in the Presence of tetraButyl Titanate and Phosphotungstic Acid. J. Skrzypek, M. Lachow-ska, J.Zbigniew Sad£Owski, K. Krupa (Inst. Chemical Eng. Polish Acad. Sciences, PL). P-3.3-025 Environmental Analysis of Galician Food Sectors: Milk and Canned Tuna. A. Hospido, M.T. Moreira, G. Feijoo (U. Santiago, ES). P-3.3-026 A Transient Model of Catalytic Converters. A. A. Noori Khoshknab, N. Sallamie (Iran U. of Science & Technology, IR). P-3.3-027 Design of Caustic Wash System for Light Hydrocarbons. M. Tajerian, E. Ganji (Research Institute of Petroleum Industry Iran, IR). P-3.3-028 Study of the Incidence of the Drilling Activity. L. Benzeghiba, K. Daoud (U. Sci.Technol. Houari Boumediene, DZ). TOPIC 4 P-3.3-029 An Alternate Solution. A Sustainable Development Point of View to the Environmental Impact Produced for Elevated Flares in the Petroleum Industry. A. Estrada Flores (Inst. Mex. del Petroleo, MX). P-3.3-030 Hydrolysis of Toluene Diisocyanate Distillation Residues. J. Ilmurzynska, L. Ruczynski, R. Szczepaniak (IChem R. Institute-ZACHEM, PL). P-3.3-031 Improvement of the Deep Desulphurisation of Fuels by the Employment of a Pre-saturation and a Recycle. L. Datsevitch, N.J. Gudde, A. Jess, C. Schmitz (U. Bayreuth, DE). P-3.3-032 Life Cycle Assessment of Chipboard Manufacture. A. Hospido, M.T. Moreira, G. Feijoo (U. Santiago, ES). P-3.3-033 Removal of Chromium (VI) by the Adsorbents Produced from Coal Mining Wastes. K. Guclu, M. Mahramanlioglu (Istanbul U., TR). SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING TOPIC 4.1 Process Safety, Hazard Assessment and Health P-4.1-007 Explosion Protection in the Process Industry: an Integrated Approach. P. Lerena, G. Suter (Swiss Safety Inst., CH). P-4.1-008 Smoke Spreading Trajectory During Crude Oil Fire. J. Stawczyk, M. Czapnik, W. Jarosz (Technical U. of Lodz, PL). P-4.1-009 Theoretical Investigation of Auto-Ignition Temperatures of Gas Mixtures. E. F. Zanoelo, R. Rota (URI, BR). P-4.1-010 Domino Effects Due to a Butadiene Storage Tank Bleve. M. Demichela, L. Marmo (Politecnico di Torino, IT) P-4.1-011 Quantitative Risk Analysis for Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline. Y.D. Joa, B.J. Ahnb (Korea Gas Safety Corporation, KR). P-4.1-012 Explosibility of Cork Dust in Methane/Air Mixtures. R. Pilao, E. Ramalho, C. Pinho (Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, PT). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-4.1-013 Effect of Thermokinetics on Detonation Onset, Induced by a Temperature Gradient, in Hydrogen-Air Mixtures. I. Kirillov, A. Panasenko, D. Roekaerts (Kurchatov Institute, RU). P-4.1-014 Major-Accident Prevention of Large Gasholders. A. Bernatik, F. Babinec, L. Ivanek (U. Ostrava, CZ). P-4.1-015 Mathematical Models for Safety Analysis of Chemical Reactors. The Role of the Model Accuracy. A. Molnar, J. Markos, L. Jelemensky (Slovak Technical U., SK). P-4.1-016 Possibilities of Using HYSYS Simulation Program for Safety Analysis of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors. A. Molnar, J. Markos, L. Jelemensky (Slovak Technical U., SK). P-4.1-017 Advanced Detecting Runaway Using Chaos Theories. R. Nomen, J. Sempere, E. Serra, J. Cano (U. Ramon Llull, ES). Poster Programme P-4.1-018 Modelling of Self-Heating Processes in Bulky Solids. T. Rieckmann, C. Kuska (U. Applied Sciences Cologne, DE). P-4.1-019 SPAI: Substance Prediction by Artificial Intelligence. J. Sempere, R. Nomen, A. Pey (U. Ramon Llull, ES). P-4.1-020 Runaway Prevention in Fine Chemicals Reactors. K. R. Westerterp, E.J. Molga. (U. Ramon Llull, ES). P-4.1-021 An Approach to Management of Accidental Loss through Analyzing Failure Rate and Human Reliability. K.S. Park, Y.D.Jo (Korea Gas Safety Corporation, KR). P-4.1-022 Two Dimensional Model for Methane Gas Migration into Adjacent Area from an Unprotected Landfill. M.J. Khalil, V.K.Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology, IN) P-4.1-023 Hazard and Operability Studies & Fault Tree Analysis of Melamine Unit. A. Parsa, D. Rashtchian (Sharif U. of Technology, ZA). P-4.1-024 Influence of the Initial Conditions on Critical Value of the Frank-Kamenetsky’s Parameter for Thermal Explosion. I. Zaev, S. Vasilevsky, I. Kirillov (Kurchatov Institute, RU). P-4.1-025 Multicriteria Choice of Solvent in the Lithographic Printing Industry with Emphasis on Occupational Health. A.F. Batzias, F.A. Batzias (U. Piraeus,GR). P-4.1-026 Bioindicators of Heavy Metals in Aquatic Ecosystems in the Case of Fish Parasites. M. Gabrashanska, M.M. Galvez-Morros, I. Nedeva (Bulgarian Acad. of Sciences, BG). P-4.1-027 Information Support of the Problem of Chemical and Biological Safety. D. Bobrov, A. Biryukov, A. Ermakov (U. of Chemical Technology, RU). P-4.1-028 Development of Consequence Analysis System for Integrated Risk Management System. S. J. Ahn, Y. H. Kim, D. E. Lee, K. H. Kim, E.S. Yoon (Seoul National U., KR) P-4.1-029 Leak Detection in Pipelines. Pressure Transient Analysis. C.F. Braga, S.A. Cariati, A.,L. Souza, S.,L.,Cruz, J.,A.,F.,R. Pereira (UNICAMP, BR). P-4.1-030 Estimation of Potential Hazard of Long-Lived Radionuclides of HLW. A.V. Ochkin, A. O. Merkushkin, S. V. Stefanovsky, S. I. Rovny (U. Chem. Tech., RU). 45 P-4.1-031 Environmental Issues of Iran. S. Rowshanzamir, M.H. Eikani (Iran U. of Science and Technology, IR). P-4.1-032 A Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Leather Tannery Industry. B. Rivela, M.T. Moreira, G. Feijoo (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). P-4.1-033 Heavy Metal Distribution around Lake Poopo, Bolivia. M. E. Garcia, L. Bengtsson, R. Berndtsson, K. Persson, J.Quintanilla (U. Mayor de S.Andres, BO). P-4.1-034 Biosorption of Cadmium by Dead Biomass Stretomyces rimosus. Z. Salem, A. Selat-nia, K. Allia, M.Z. Bakhti (Lab. Proces. Eng. & Environm.-USTHB, DZ). P-4.1-035 Comparison Study on Wind Tunnel System and Flux Chamber for Determination of Odours from Liquid and Solid Surface. P. Centola, R. Del Rosso, M. I. Grande, A.N. Rossi, S. Sironi (Politecnico Milano, IT). TOPIC 4.2 Air Pollution Control P-4.2-006 Air Pollution and Environmental Protection. B. Varlakova, S. Varlakova (U. St. Cyril and Methodist, MK). P-4.2-007 Toluene Removal from Waste Gas in Biotrickling Filter. J. Paca, E. Klapkova, B. Koutsky (Institute of Chemical Technology, CZ). P-4.2-008 SO2, TSP and Black Smoke Inmision Trends in an Industrial City (Alcoy, Spain) from 1989 to 2000. A. Carratala, P. Varo, D. Prats (U. Alicante, ES). P-4.2-009 Biofilters Evolution Control by Means of Biological Specific Activity Determination. F. Fdz-Polanco, R. de los Mozos, M. Fdz-Polanco, P.A.G. Encina (U. Valladolid, ES). P-4.2-010 Removal of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Volatile Organic Compounds from Contaminated Air Streams by Biofiltration. M. B. Bagherpour, M. Nikazar, M. Sanati, B. Bonakdarpour (Tehran Polytech.U.,IR). P-4.2-011 Periodic Operation of Biofilters: Simulation and Experimental Results. K. Chmiel, K. Piotrowski, M. Palica, A. B. Jarzebski (Silesian U. of Tech., PL). P-4.2-012 Strategies for Excess Biomass Elimination in Gas-Phase Biofilters. J.A. Mendoza, O. J. Prado, M. C. Veiga, C. Kennes (U. Coruña, ES). P-4.2-013 Designing Ceramic Filters for High Temperature Gas Cleaning. J. M. Caballero, E. Hontañon, M. M. Espigares (CIEMAT, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 46 Poster Programme P-4.2-014 The Effect of Thermal Surface Treatment on the Cleaning Behaviour of Textile Dust Filter Media. G. Mauschitz, W. Koschutnig, W. Hoeflinger (Vienna U. of Tech., AT). P-4.2-015 Aerosol Deposition in Non-Isothermal Laminar Flows. R. Muñoz Bueno, E. Hontañon, I. Rucandio, M.M. Espigares (CIEMAT, ES). P-4.2-016 Simulation of SO2 Absorption-Oxidation Process with Hydrogen Peroxide for the Treatment of Tail Gases. S. Colle, D. Thomas, J. Vanderschuren (Faculte Polytechnique de Mons, BE). P-4.2-017 Treatment of VOC-Containing Gases by Regenerative Absorption: Investigation of V/L Equilibrium and Transfer Phenomena Allowed by Promising Solvents. R. Hadjoudj, H. Monnier, C. Roizard, F. Lapicque (CNRS-ENSIC,FR). P-4.2-018 Enhancement of Hydrogen Sulphide Removal by Absorption in Ferric Sulphate Solutions. J.M. Gomez, D. Cantero (U. Cadiz, ES). P-4.2-019 Characterization of Clays Used as Support in the Preparation of Desulfurant Sorbents. J. Fernandez, M.J. Renedo (U. Cantabria, ES). P-4.2-020 Determining the Major Factors of Atmosphere’s Pollution at Quarry in the Process of Iron Ore Extraction Using Opencast Mining. Tchmykhalova (Moscow State Mining U., RU). P-4.2-021 Low Temperature SCR Catalysts for the Simultaneous Destruction of NOx and Dioxins. D. Fino, M. Russo, S. Solaro, G. Saracco, U. Cornaro, A. Basseti, V. Specchia (Politecnico Torino, IT). P-4.2-022 Effect of the Reactants Concentration on the NO Reduction by Propylene under Lean-Burn Conditions over a Pd/Ce0.68Zr0.32O2 Catalyst. A. Betolaza, M. P. Gonzalez Marcos, J.R. Gonzalez Velasco, M. A. Gutierrez (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-4.2-023 NO Removal from Flue Gases Using A Combined Wet Chemical-Biological Concept. F. Gambardella, M. Alberts, K.J. Ganzeveld, H.J. Heeres, J.W. Wesselingh (Rijks U. Groningen, NL). P-4.2-024 Gas-Phase Catalytic Removal of Chlorinated VOCs over Ce/Zr Mixed Oxides under Oxidising and Inert Conditions. B. de Rivas, R. Lopez-Fonseca, J.I. GutierrezOrtiz, J.R. Gonzalez-Velasco (U. Pais Vasco, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-4.2-025 Water-Promoted Combustion of Chlorinated VOCs over Metal/H-ZSM-5 Zeolite Catalysts. R. Lopez-Fonseca, U. Aurrekoetxea, S. Cibrian, J. I. Gutierrez-Ortiz and J.R. Gonzalez Velasco (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-4.2-026 Recovery of VOCs from Exhaust Gases by Low Temperature Condensation. H. Walczyk (Polish Academyof Sciences,PL). P-4.2-027 Engineering a Novel Catalytic Combustion Process for Chlorinated and Non-Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds. K. Everaert, J. Baeyens, J. Degreve (Katholieke U. Leuven , BE). P-4.2-028 Modelling Catalytic Oxidation of Sulfur Oxides Procceding from Power Plants. F. Tomas-Alonso, F. Martinez (U. Murcia, ES). P-4.2-029 Modeling Automotive Catalytic Converters for Exhaust After-Treatment of Hydrocarbons During Cold Start. S. Chauhan, V.K. Srivastava (Indian Institute of Tech. Delhi, IN). P-4.2-030 Behaviour of Deuterated Naphthalene in Pyrolysis of Polyethylene. I. Aracil, R. Font, A. Fullana, J.A. Conesa (U. Alicante, ES). P-4.2-031 In-Situ Determination of Soot Particle Size Distributions in Laminar Acetylene Diffusion Flames. T. Lehre, M. Hermle, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn (U. Karlsruhe,DE). TOPIC 4.3 Wastewater Treatments P-4.3-012 Sludge Zero-Emission Process for Biological Wastewater Treatment. H. Unno, K. Miyanaga, Y. Tanji, L. Shanshan, S. Etoh (Tokyo Inst.Tech., JP). P-4.3-013 Treatment of Alcaloide Industry Wastewater. G. Aytimur, Z. Bycaksyz, S. Atalay (Ege U., TR). P-4.3-014 Treatment Alternatives for Metalworking Oily Wastewaters. P. Cañizares, J. Garcia, F. Martinez, M.A. Rodrigo, C. Saez (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-4.3-015 WWTP COD-Loading Rate Estimation Based on In-Reactor OUR Measurements Using Artificial Neural Networks. J.A. Baeza, J.F. Lafuente (U. Autonoma de Barcelona, ES). P-4.3-016 Evaluation of Compressive Strength in Bituminous-Sewage Sludge Mixed. F. Mirada, S. Torres (U. Complutense, ES). P-4.3-017 A Simple Kinetic Model of Nitrate Reduction with Anaerobic Sludge Using External Carbon Sources. M. Imbierowicz (Technical U. Lodz, PL). Poster Programme P-4.3-018 Autotrophic Denitrification of Industrial Wastewater. J. L. Campos, R. Portela, A. Mosquera-Corral, R. Mendez (U. Santiago Compostela, ES). P-4.3-019 Simultaneous Formaldehyde Biodegradation, Urea Hydrolysis and Denitrification. M. Eiroa, A. Vilar, C. Kennes, M.C. Veiga (U. Coruna, ES). P-4.3-020 Effect of Industrial Wastewater Discharges on Biological Nutrient Removal Proces. L. Rod. Mayor, J. Villaseñor, F.J. Fdez. Morales, J.M. Sanz (U. Cast-La Mancha, ES). P-4.3-021 Partial Nitrification System with Organic Matter Removal. A. Mosquera-Corral, T. Barz, A. Dapena, J.L. Campos, R. Mendez (U. Santiago, ES). P-4.3-022 Elimination of Nitrates from Highly Concentrated Aqueous Solutions. L. Limousy, E. Fauvel, D. Hadjiev, T. Lendormi, A. Peron (Centre of Research, FR). P-4.3-023 Tests of Biological Denitrification by Stems of Dates without Contribution of Phosphorus. H. Yazid, R. Maachi (USTHB, DZ). P-4.3-024 Why Many Industrial Biological Nitrogen Removal (BNR) Processes Have Important Operational Problems?. J. Carrera, M. Torrijos, J. Lafuente (U. Autonoma Barcelona, ES). P-4.3-025 On-Line Control of a Denitrifying Activated Sludge System from an Industrial Wastewater. J. Carrera, J.A. Baeza, T. Vicent, J.Lafuente (U. Autonoma Barcelona, ES). P-4.3-026 Influence of Temperature on Nitrate Removal in a Submerged Filter for Contami-nated Groundwater. A. De la Rua, M.A. Gomez, B. Moreno, J. Gonzalez, E. Hontoria (U. Granada, ES). P-4.3-027 The Design of Biological Nitrification Systems and the Influence of Inhibitors. S. R. Juliastuti, J.Baeyens, J. Degreve (Katholieke U. Leuven, BE). P-4.3-028 Application of Freezing Crystallization Phenomena in Wastewater Treatment: Removal of Nitrates, Phosphates, Surfactants and Alcohols. A. Rodriguez, Y. Aurelle (Institut National des Sciences Appliquees, FR). P-4.3-029 Phenol Biodegradation and Nitrification in Presence of Zinc. B. Fernandez, L. Amor, C. Kennes, M. C. Veiga (U. Coruna, ES). 47 P-4.3-030 Improving Carbon and Nitrogen Removal in SBR Wastewater Treatment Plants by Applying a Step-Feed Strategy and Analysing Simple On-Line Data. J.Colprim, T.Vives, M.Balaguer (U. Girona, ES). P-4.3-031 Reactor Design and Performance for Microbial Mercury Removal from Wastewater of Chloralkali-Electrolysis Plants. J. Leonhaeuser, H. von Canstein, I. WagnerDoebler, W. D. Deckwer (GBF, DE). P-4.3-032 Removal of Fluorides from Watery Solutions. C. Maria de Jesus, F. Camacho, N. Ceci, R. Sciamanna (U. Central Venezuela, VE). P-4.3-033 Removing of Heavy Metals from Water by Strong Interaction with a Nickel Catalyst Surface. G. Godard, J.P. Candy, J.M. Basset (LCOMSCPE, FR). P-4.3-034 Kinetics of Cadmium Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Sunflower Leaves: Experimental Study and Modelling. H. Benaissa, M. A. Elouchdi (U. Tlemcen, DZ). P-4.3-035 A Semicontinuous Laboratory-Scale Process for the Recovery of Cadmium from Industrial Effluents by Means of Polymer Enhanced Ultrafiltration. P. Canizares, A. Perez, R. Camarillo, J. J. Linares (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-4.3-036 The Precipitation of Water Dissolved Heavy Metals Using Gaseous Hydrogen Sulfide: Mathematical Modelling. M. Al-Tarazi, A.B.M. Heesink (U. Twente, NL). P-4.3-037 Potentiometric Method for Composition Determination of Ammonium Carbonate Solution. L. P. Korneev, V.K. Saranchin, V.G. Soloviev (Russian RI Chem.Tech., RU). P-4.3-038 Experimental Optimisation of Gum Guar Dosage in Water Treatment. B. Sent Gupta, J. Ako, I. Kikkert, S.J. Allen (Queens U. Belfast, IE). P-4.3-039 Studies of Inhibition on the Anammox Process. A. Dapena-Mora, J.L. Campos, A. MosqueraCorral, R. Mendez (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). P-4.3-040 Low-Cost Mineral Sorbents to the Purification of Industrial Wastewater. A. Garcia-Sanchez, E. Alvarez –Ayuso (IRNASA-CSIC, ES). P-4.3-041 Removal of Mercury Ion from Aqueous Solutions by Activated Bentonite. Z. Bendjama (USTHB, DZ). P-4.3-042 Removal of Cu+2 and Ni+2 from Aqueous Solution Using Irish Peat as an Adsorbent. B. Sen Gupta, M. Curran, S.J. Allen (Queen’s U. Belfast, IE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 48 Poster Programme P-4.3-043 Ozonation of Activated Carbon. Effect on Adsorption of Selected Phenolic Compounds from Aqueous Solutions. P. M. Alvarez, F. J. Beltran, J. F. GarciaAraya, F. J. Masa (U.Extremadura,ES). P-4.3-044 Formaldehyde-Treated Posidonia oceanica as Biosorbent for Cadmium. M. L. Pinzon, V.F. Meseguer, M. I. Aguilar, J. F. Ortuño, A. Soler, J. Saez, A. Fuentes (U. Murcia, ES). P-4.3-045 Uptake of Cu(II) and Ni (II) from Aqueous Solution by Kraft Lignin. V. Fierro, R. Garcia-Valls, D. Montane (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-4.3-046 Equilibrium and Microscopic Study of Cadmium Biosorption from Aqueous Solutions by a Dried Activated Sludge. H. Benaissa, M. A. Elouchdi (U.Tlemcen, FR). P-4.3-047 Effect of Operational Variables on Phenol Adsorption by Pinus pinaster Bark. G. Vazquez, A. I. Garcia, J. Gonzalez-Alvarez, S. Freire, G. Antorrena (U. Santiago, ES). P-4.3-048 Zeolites and Activated Carbons for the Removal of NPE's from Kraft Pulp Bleaching Filtrates. S. Sequeira, A. Silvestre, C. Pascoal-Neto, I. Portugal (U. Aveiro, PT). P-4.3-049 Removal of Phenol from Wastewater by Tyrosinase Extract and Biomass from Agaricus bisporus. E. Kameda, M. A. P. Langone, M. A. Z. Coelho (U. Federal Rio de Janeiro, BR). P-4.3-050 Treatment of Ammoniacal Coke Plant Wastewaters by a Nanofiltration/Steam Stripping Sequence. M. Minhalma, M. Norberta de Pinho (Inst. Superior Tecnico, PT). P-4.3-051 Extraction of Phenol from Wastewater Using a Vibrating Plate Extraction Column. A. Heyberger, M. Carsky, O. Mikus, B. Hutton, P. Myburgh (U. Durban-Westville, ZA). P-4.3-052 Electrocoagulation for the Treatment of Oil Suspensions: Relation between the Waste and Metal Ion Contents for a Batch Treatment Process. M. Khemis, G. Tanguy, J.P. Leclerc, G. Valentin, F. Lapeicque (CNRS-ENSIC, FR). P-4.3-053 Performance of Peat Filters in the Treatment of Oily Runoff Waters. B. Fernandez, A. Cambiella, J. M. Benito, C. Pazos, J. Coca (U. Oviedo, ES). P-4.3-054 Uranium Mine Water Decontamination by Ion Exchange Process. F. Aurelian (Research and Design Institute for Rare and Radioactive Metals, RO). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-4.3-055 Metal Working Fluid Treatment using Micro and Ultrafiltration Techniques. P. Canizares, A. Perez, R. Camarillo, A. Funez (U. Cast.-La Mancha, ES). P-4.3-056 Water Treatment of Rejections of Textile Industry and an Oil Refinery by Nanofiltration. M. T. Selatnia, K. Bouriah, B. Belhadi, F. Mohellebi, A.Cherg (Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, DZ). P-4.3-057 Water Sanitation by Membrane Processe. C. Causserand, P. Aimar, C. Roques (P. Sabatier, FR). P-4.3-058 Influence of pH in the Removal of Nitrates from Groundwaters. Differences between Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration. A. Santafe, J.M. Gonzalvez, J. Lora, J.M. Arnal (U. Politecnica Valencia, ES) P-4.3-059 Effect of Pore Size on Ultrafiltration and Nanofiltration for Natural Organic Matter Removal in Drinking Water Production. A.R. Costa, M.N. de Pinho (Instituto Superior Tecnico, PT). P-4.3-060 Behavior of Coagulants-Flocculants in the Improvement of the Secondary Effluents from a Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plant. S. Delgado, F. Diaz, D. Garcia, N. Otero (U. La Laguna, ES). P-4.3-061 Physico-Chemical Characterization of Surface Water and Groundwater Polluted by Leachates from a Composting Plant and Five Sanitary Landfills in Huelva (Spain). M. J. Moreno, J. C. Ceron, I. Brito, J. D. De la Rosa, A. Santos (U. Huelva, ES). P-4.3-062 On Line Determination of the Concentration of Ozone in Aqueous Phase. A. Abad, S. C. Cardona, F. Lopez, J. NavarroLaboulais, J. I. Torregrosa, A. Valor (U. Politecnica Valencia, ES) P-4.3-063 Treatment of Urban Wastewater in SBR Reactors. M. A. Martin, S.F. Calatrava, F. Vazquez, A. F. Chica, A. Martin (U. Cordoba, ES). P-4.3-064 Biomass Granulation in Sequencing Batch Reactors. B. Arrojo, A. Mosquera-Corral , J.M. Garrido, and R. Mendez (U. Santiago, ES). P-4.3-065 Leachate Treatment in an UASB-WSP System. V. D. Leite, M. C. Silva Lima, S. Prasad, W. Silva Lopes, G. Barbosa Athayde ( UEPB, BR). P-4.3-066 Anaerobic Treatment of Municipal Wastewater by a Two-Stage Pilot Plant. J.A. Alvarez, E. Armstrong , M. Gomez, M. Soto (U. of Coruna, ES). Poster Programme P-4.3-067 Immobilized Bacteria for Waste Water Treatment. A. Joerdening (Tech. U. Braunschweig, DE). P-4.3-068 Immobilization of Peroxidases on Cinnamic Carbohydrate Esters and its Applica-tion in the Treatment of Wastewater. F. Rojas, J. N. Rodriguez, J. Tudela, F. Garcia, P.bA. Garcia (U. Murcia, ES). P-4.3-069 Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment. P. Artiga, J.M. Garrido, R. Mendez (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). P-4.3-070 Design and Technoeconomic Study of the Two Stage/Two Pass RO Membrane System for Chromium Recovery from Tannery Wastewater, Part-3. A.I. Hafeza, M.S. El-Manharawyb, M.A. Kedrec (National Research Center, EG). P-4.3-071 Membrane Processes for Drinking Water Production, Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Main Issues and New Research Paths. R. Ben Aim, C. Cabassud (LIPE/GPI INSA, FR). P-4.3-072 Putting into Operation a Pilot Plant with Membrane Bioreactor for Treatment of Tannery Effluents. A. Bodalo, E. Gomez, M. Terry, J. Gozalbo, I. Lopez-Guillen, W.G. Scholz (U. Murcia, ES). P-4.3-073 Influence of Concentration in the Biodegradation and Toxicity of the Non-Ionic Tensioactive Agent Findet 1214n/23. E. Jurado, M. Fernández, J. Nuñez, M. Lechuga, G. Luzon, A. Reyes (U. Granada, ES). P-4.3-074 Experimental Comparison of Two Modifications of Activated Sludge for Treatment of Furfural Containing Wastewater. S. Yaghmaei, R. Asr, P. Moslehi (Sharif U. of Technology, IR). P-4.3-075 Waste Water Hydrolysis/Acidification with a Fluidized Bed System. K. Hausmann, H.J. Jordening (Technical University Braunschweig, DE). P-4.3-076 Empirical Equations for the Removal of Reactives Dyes by Electrochemical Oxidation. M. Pepio, M. C.Gutierrez (U. Politecnica Catalunya, ES). P-4.3-077 Photocatalytic Oxidation of Organic Pollutants in Water: a Clear Example of Green Chemistry Technology. M. A. Aramendia, V. Boraua, C. Jimenez, J. M. Herrmann, A. Marinas, J. M. Marinas, F. J. Urbano (U. Cordoba, ES). P-4.3-078 Photodegradation of Pentachlorophenol: Kinetic Study and Reaction Products. F. J. Benitez, J.L. Acero, F.J. Real, J. Garcia (U. Extremadura, ES). 49 P-4.3-079 Photocatalytic Oxidation of Propane on B/TiO2 Catalysts. E. Ruiz, C. Herrera, M.A. Larrubia, L.J. Alemany (U. Malaga, ES). P-4.3-080 Degradation and Decolourisation of Dyes Using a Solar Detoxification Plant. A. M. Amat, A. Arques, S. Segui, R. F. Vercher (U. Politec. Valencia, ES). P-4.3-081 Mineralization of Phenol by Means of Solar Photo-Fenton Treatment: Influence of Different Types of Reactors. M. Rodriguez, S. Malato, J. Gimenez, D. Curco, C. Pulgarin, S. Espulgas (U. Barcelona, ES). P-4.3-082 Integrated Technologies: Photo-Fenton Reaction and Biological Sequencing Batch Reactor for Degradation of 2,4Dichlorophenol. F. Al Momani, O. Gonzalez, A. Giannoussaki, C. Sans, S. Espulgas (U. Barcelona, ES). P-4.3-083 Influence of Physicochemical Parameters on the Effectiveness of the Degradation of the Phenol by the System H2O2/UV into Annular Photochemical Reactor. F. Kaci, Y.K. Benkahla, F. Bentahar (U.S.T.H.B, DZ). P-4.3-084 Fenton Reagent Advanced Oxidation of Cork Processing Wastewater. J. Beltran, J. R. Dominguez, R. Lopez (U. Extremadura, ES). P-4.3-085 Evolution of the Toxicity of Aqueous Phenol Solutions Upon Fenton´s Oxidation. J. A. Zazo, J.A. Casas, A. F. Mohedano, J. J. Rodríguez (U. Autonoma Madrid, ES). P-4.3-086 Oxidation of Phenolic Water Using Fenton Reagent. C. Rojas, A.M. Urtiaga, I. Ortiz (U. Cantabria, ES). P-4.3-087 Physico-Chemical Treatment of Cork Manufacturing Process Wastewater. Integrated Fenton-Coagulation/Flocculation Process Using NaOH as Base-Precipitant. J. Beltran de Heredia, J. R. Dominguez, R. Lopez (U. Extremadura, ES). P-4.3-088 Chemical Stabilisation of Co-Fermented OFMSW-Sewage Sludge Mixtures Using Fenton's Reagent. E. Wisniowska, M. Janosz-Rajczyk (U. Czestochowa, PL). P-4.3-089 Wet Oxidation for the Treatment of TMP Concentrated Paper Mill Process Water. Kinetics of the Reaction. V. Garcia-Molina, S. Verenich, J. Kallas, S. Espulgas (U. Barcelona, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 50 Poster Programme P-4.3-090 Supercritical Water Oxidation for the Treatment of a Semisynthetic Cutting Oil Waste. J. Sanchez, J.R. Portela, E. Nebot Sanz, E. Mtnez.-de-la-Osa (U. Cadiz, ES). P-4.3-091 Modified Activated Carbons for Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol. M. Santiago, F. Stuber, A. Fortuny, A. Fabregat, J. Font (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-4.3-092 Catalytic Oxidation of Phenol in Aqueous Phase at Alkaline pH. A. Santos, P. Yustos, A. Quintanilla, F. Garcia-Ochoa (U. Complutense, ES). P-4.3-093 Adsorption and Oxidation of Phenol in Aqueous Phase on Active Carbon. A. Santos, P. Yustos, S. Gomis, F. GarciaOchoa (U. Complutense, ES). P-4.3-094 Enhanced Wet Oxidation of Wastewaters Containing Ethylene Glycol Using Active Catalysts. A.M.T. Silva, A.C.M. Oliveira, R. M. QuintaFerreira (U. Coimbra, PT). P-4.3-095 Evolution of Decolorisation of Textile Wastewaters after Electrochemical Treatment. V. Lopez-Grimau, M.C. Gutierrez (U. Politecnica Catalunya, ES). P-4.3-096 Piruvic Acid Oxidation by Means of Ozone and UV Radiation Processes. Effect of TiO2. B. Acedo, F. J. Beltran, F. J. Rivas, M. M. Valerio (U. Extremadura, ES). P-4.3-097 Removal of 1,3,6-Naphthalenetrisulphonic Acid from Water Using Ozone and Activated Carbon Simultaneously. M. Sanchez-Polo, J. Rivera-Utrilla (U. Granada, ES). P-4.3-098 Degradation of Phenolic Compounds by AOTs: a Kinetic Model. M. Rodriguez, M. Hincapie, D. Curco, S. Contreras, J. Gimenez, S. Espulgas (U. Barcelona, ES). P-4.3-099 Removal of Refractory Contaminants from Waste Water by AOPs Based on Ozone. S. Contreras, M. Rodriguez, F. Al Momani, J. Gimenez, C. Sanz, S. Espulgas (U. Barcelona, ES). P-4.3-100 Ozonation and Activated Sludge Treatment of Wine Vinasses in Laboratory Reactors. F. J. Benitez, F. J. Real, J. L. Acero, M. Sanchez (U. Extremadura, ES). P-4.3-101 Colour Reduction of a Dye Solution: Catalyst Influence. I. Castelo-Branco, D. Guilhermino, R. QuintaFerreira (U. Coimbra, PT). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-4.3-102 Hydrodechlorination of Chlorophenol Solutions at Mild Conditions. L. Calvo, A. F. Mohedano, J. A. Casas, M. A. Gilarranz, J. J. Rodríguez (U. Autonoma, Madrid, ES). P-4.3-103 Hydrogenation of Phenol in Aqueous Phase Using Noble Metal Catalysts. T. Herranz, A. F. Mohedano, J. A. Casas, J.J. Rodríguez ( U.Autonoma, Madrid, ES). P-4.3-104 Liquid-Phase Hydrogenolysis of 2Chloropyridine over Zirconia-Modified Palladium Supported Catalysts. M. A. Aramendia, V. Borau, C. Jimenez, A. Marinas, J. M. Marinas, J. M. Moreno, J. R. Ruiz, F.J. Urbano (U. Cordoba,ES). TOPIC 4.4 Domestic and Industrial Waste Management P-4.4-007 Influence of Sewage Sludge Addition on the Composting of Municipal Solid Biowaste. J. Villaseñor, L. Rodriguez, F. J. Fernandez, V. Sanchez, L. Sánchez (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-4.4-008 Production of an Organically Enriched Fertilizer from Organic Waste Material. M. Carsky, M. J. Oliver (U. Durban-Westville, ZA). P-4.4-009 Parameters Evolution of the Composting Process and Compost Stability. D. Prats, P.Varo, M.Rodriguez,E. Sanz, R. Soto, M. Marcos, B. Pastor (U. Alicante, ES). P-4.4-010 Evaluation of Co-Digestion of Fruit and Vegetable Wastes with Primary Sludge. Digester Performance under various Mixing Conditions. X. Gomez, M.J. Cuetos, J. Cara, A. Moran, A.I. Garcia (U. Leon, ES). P-4.4-011 Cation Exchange Capacity and the Attenuation of Heavy Metals in the CoComposting of Industrial Solid Wastes. A. L. Fiquene de Brito, A.C. Silva Muniz, S. Prasad, V. Duarte Leite, W. Silva Lopes (CCT, UFCG, BR). P-4.4-012 Viability of Helminth Eggs in the Sludge Compost of an Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). D. Prats, P. Varo, M. Rodriguez, E. Sanz, B. Pastor, R Soto, M. Monges (U. Alicante, ES). P-4.4-013 The Fates of Pahs During Continuous Digestion of Sewage Sludge. M. Wlodarczyk-Makula, E. Wisniowska, M. Janosz-Rajczyk (U. Czestochowa, PL). P-4.4-014 Biological Treatment of Organic Solid Waste. V. Duarte Leite, S. Prasad, W. Silva Lopes, J. Tavares de Silva (CCT, UEPB, BR). Poster Programme P-4.4-015 Potential of Anaerobic Digestion on the Municipal Wastewater Treatment. J.A. Alvarez, E. Armstrong , M. Gomez, M. Soto (U. Coruña, ES). P-4.4-016 Reduction of TVs in Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Solid Waste. W. S. Lopes, V. Duarte Leite, S. Prasad, J. Tavares de Sousa, A. C. Silva Muniz, A. L. Friquene de Brito (CCT, UEPB, BR). P-4.4-017 Textile Effluent Treatment Using the BIOCOL System: a Pilot-Scale Study. M. A. M. Khraisheh, M. Conlon, J. Ferguson (Queens U. Belfast, IE). P-4.4-018 Optimal Design and Simulation of the Composting of Waste Activated Sludge. Y. Yamada, Y. Kawase (Toyo U., JP). P-4.4-019 Centrifugal Separation Efficiency in the Treatment of Waste Emulsified Oils. A. Cambiella, J. M. Benito, C. Pazos, J. Coca (U. Oviedo, ES). P-4.4-020 Simulation of the Recovery of Lignin by Ultrafiltration. D. Gomez, V. M. Dominguez, S. Luque, J. R. Alvarez, J. Coca (U. Oviedo, ES). P-4.4-021 Adsorption of Triton X-100 Surfactant Onto Almond Shell Carbons. Comparison with some Commercial Activated Carbons. C. M. Gonzalez, J. F. Gonzalez, J. Ganan, M. L. Gonzalez, E. Sabio, A. Ramiro, A.C. Sanchez-Gago (U. Extremadura, ES). P-4.4-022 Adsorption Capacity of a Soil Amendment Used as a Carrier Matrix in a Biological Filter. I. Cano, R. Arias, A.Barona, A. Elias, I. Aranguiz (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-4.4-023 Removal of Several Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions Using a Natural Zeolite. Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies. C. Cabrera, C. Gabaldon, P. Marzal (U. Valencia, ES). P-4.4-024 Recovery of Protein from Food Wastewater Using Natural and Synthetic Adsor-bents. M. Khraisheh, W. McMinn, R. Magee (Queen’s U. Belfast, IE). P-4.4-025 Thermal Regeneration of Carbon Saturated with Atrazine. E. Sabio, J.F. Gonzalez, C.M. Gonzalez, A. Ramiro, J. Gañan (U. Extremadura, ES). P-4.4-026 Uncertainty in Measurements on Leaching Tests of APC Residues. M. J. Q. Margarida, J. C. M. Bordado, R. M. Quinta-Ferreira (U. Coimbra, PT). P-4.4-027 Long-Term Performance of a Stabilized/Solidified Metallurgical Waste: Leaching Behaviour. C. Fernandez Pereira, M. Rodriguez-Piñero, J. Vale (U. Sevilla, ES). 51 P-4.4-028 Leaching Behaviour of M.S.W.I. Fly Ash Stabilized with Cement. E. Garcia-Diaz, A. Caucheteux, P. Fourcy (Ecole des Mines de Douai, FR) P-4.4-029 Long-Term Behaviour of Electroplating Wastes. S. Soriano-Perez, A. Irabien (U. Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, MX). P-4.4-030 The Electrochemical Oxidation as an Alternative Treatment for Non Biodegradable Wastes. P. Canizares, J. Garcia-Gomez, F. Martinez, M.A. Rodrigo, C. Saez ( U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-4.4-031 Degradation of Silicone Compounds in Liquid Effluents by q Solar Driven Fenton Oxidation: Modeling the Effects of Process Variables by Means of Artificial Neural networks. A.C.S.C. Teixeira, R. Guardani, C.A.O. Nascime (U. Sao Paulo, BR). P-4.4-032 Comparison between Thermal and Catalytic Flash Pyrolysis of HDPE in a Flui-dized Bed Reactor. M. R. Hernandez, A. N. Garcia, A. Marcilla (U. Alicante, ES). P-4.4-033 Production Planning and Scheduling in Pyrolysis Plant of Industrial Solid Wastes. A .R. Costa, A. Bolzan, L. A. R. Muniz (U. de Caxias do Sul, BR). P-4.4-034 Pyrolysis of Tyres. Yields and Characterization of the Products Recovered. C. Diez, O. Martinez, L.F. Calvo, A. Moran (U. Leon, ES). P-4.4-035 Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Sewage Sludges. M. F. Gomez-Rico, R. Font, A.Fullana, I. Aracil (U.Alicante,ES). P-4.4-036 Barium Control in Cement-Based Materials. P. Beltran, A. Irabien (U. Cantabria ES). P-4.4-037 New Possibilities in Production of Biodegradable Polymers Utilising Dechromated Leather Wastes. M. Julinova, I. Rezniekova, J. Hoffmann, J. Ruzieka, P. Alexy, B. Bakos (Tomas Bata U. in Zlin, CZ). P-4.4-038 Investigation on Catalytic Oxidation and Decholorination of Pcdd/Fs ir Flue Gases from Waste Incineration Plant. G. Wielgosinski, A. Grochowalski, T. Machej, T. Pajak, C. Wlodzislaw (Tech. U. Lodz, PL). P-4.4-039 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide in Artificial Aggregates. M. Fernandez Bertos, A. Scuzzarella, S. Simons (U. College London, UK). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 52 Poster Programme P-4.4-040 Equilibrium and Kinetic Modelling of Cd (II) Biosorption by Gelidium and Waste from Agar Extraction in a Batch System. V. Vilar, C. Botelho, R. Boaventura (U. Porto, PT) P-4.4-041 Removal of Zinc Using Posidonia oceanica. L. Perez Camacho, M. L. Pinzon, V. F. Meseger, M. I. Aguilar, A. B. Perez Marin, A. Soler, J. A. Ramon (U. Murcia, ES). P-4.4-042 Biosorptive Behaviour and Equilibrium Parameters for Bacillus Sp. and Staphylococcus saprophyticus in the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions. M. Nourbakhsh, S. Kilicarslan (Osmangazi U., TR). P-4.4-043 Biosorption of Ni+2 , Cd+2, Fe+3 and Pb+2 from Aqueous Solution by Bacterial Dead Streptomyces rimosus Biomass. A. Selatnia, M.Z. Bakhti, F. Mohellebi, A. Chergui, L. Kertous, Y. Mansouri (Ecole Nationale Polytechnique Alger, DZ). P-4.4-044 Possibilities of Phosphorus Recovery from Municipal Sewage Sludge. K. Gorazda, Z. Kowalski, Z. Wzorek, M. Jodko, J. Kulczycka, P. Przewrocki (Cracow U. Technol., PL). P-4.4-045 Use of Organophosphorus Ligand to Recover Gallium from Solutions Containing Zinc or Aluminum. R. Dumortier, E. Rodil, J.H. Vera, M.E. Weber (U. Santiago, ES). TOPIC 4.5 Soil Remediation P-4.5-006 Misconceptions Concerning the Behavior, Fate and Transport of the Fuel Oxygenates TBA and MTBE. R.E. Woodward, R.L. Sloan (Sierra Environ. Serv., US). P-4.5-007 Effect of pH on the Retention of Heavy Metal Ions by Soil. A. M. Polcaro, M. Mascia, A. Vacca, G. Tola (U. Studi di Caglia, IT). P-4.5-008 Reduction of Cadmium Content in the Plants Cultivated on Polluted Soils, by Ferti-lization with Manganese. C. H. Barbu, V. Jascanu, C. Sand Lucian (Blaga U.,RO). P-4.5-009 Remediation of Polluted Soils Using Minerals as Immobilizing Agents. A. Garcia-Sanchez, E. Alvarez-Ayuso (IRNASA, CSIC, ES). P-4.5-010 Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Hydrocarbons in Stirred Reactor. J. Arrar, N. Sahraoui, F. Bentahar (Ecole Nationale Polytech. Alger, DZ). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-4.5-011 Influence of Soil Characteristics on the Adsorption of Phenanthrene. O. Escolano,V. Rodriguez, F. J. Diaz, R. Perez, S. Garcia, F. J.Garcia Frutos (CIEMAT, ES). P-4.5-012 Application of Packed Bed Reactors for the Removal of Mercury from Contami-nated Soil. L. Szpyrkowicz, R.P.B.F. Costa, F. Casarin, S. Daniele (U.Venice, IT). P-4.5-013 Application of Electrokinetic Remediation Techniques to Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals and Organic Compounds. M. C. Lobo, M. J. Martinez- Inigo, J. Alonso, C. Perucha, A. De Fresno, J. Laguna (IMIA, ES). P-4.5-014 PAH Migration in Contaminated Soil Samples. K. Benhabib, M. O. Simonnot, J.C. AppertCollin, S. Chanel, M. Sardin (CNRS-ENSICINPL,FR). P-4.5-015 A Complete Model for Phosphorous Compounds Adsorption in Soil Packed-Bed. F. A. Batzias, A. S. Kakos, N. P. Nikolaou (U. Piraeus, GR). P-4.5-016 Cleaning of Mercury-Polluted Soils by Phytoremediation: Plant Selection. L. Rodriguez, J. Rincon, M.J. Lopez, M. T. Garcia (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-4.5-017 Free-Fatty-Acid Determination by Colorimetry During Trioleine Hydrolysis with Lipases to Clean Oily Soils. E. Jurado, V. Bravo, R. Bailon, J. Nunez, D. D. Altmajer, M. Garcia-Roman (U. Granada, ES). P-4.5-018 Evolution of two Different Soils Contaminated by the accident of Aznalcollar. P. Arambarri, R. López, A, Álvarez (CSIC, ES) Poster Programme TOPIC 5 53 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TOOLS TOPIC 5.1 Thermo-Physical Properties. Molecular Modelling P-5.1-012 Equations of State -Vs- Activity Coefficient Models for Describing Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium in Mixtures Found in Alcoholic Distillation. C. A. Faundez, J. O. Valderrama (U. La Serena, CL). P-5.1-013 The Carbon Dioxide + 1,1,1,2,3,3,3,Heptafluoropropane Mixture.Vapour – Liquid Equilibrium Data up to 7.4 Mpa and Modelling. A. Valtz, C. Coquelet, A. Baba-Ahmed, D. Richon (CENERG/TEP, Paris, FR). P-5.1-014 Phase Equilibria of Vanillins in Compressed Gas. M. Skerget, L. Eretnik, Z. Knez (U. Maribor, SI). P-5.1-015 Measurements of Phase Equilibrium of Trimethylborate + Methanol System. Y. Kim, P. Uusi-Kyyny, J. Aittamaa (U. Technology Helsinki, FI). P-5.1-016 Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium in the System Furfural+Heavy Neutral Distillate Lubricating Oil. J. J. Espada, B. Coto, E. Romero-Girong, J. L. Peña, R. Van Grieken (U.Rey Juan Carlos,ES) P-5.1-017 Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Binary Mixtures of Ethanol, Methylcyclohexane and P-Xylene at 101.3 Kpa. M. C. Sanchez-Russinyol, A. Aucejo, S. Loras (U. Valencia, ES) P-5.1-018 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations of Copolymer Solutions from Equations of State. (K.W. Cheng, M. Tang, Y. P. Chen (U. National Taiwan, TW). P-5.1-019 A P-T-X Correlation for the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Non-Polar Binary Mixtures. A. Mulero, D. Larrey, F. Cuadros (U. Extremadura, ES) P-5.1-020 Liquid-Liquid Equilibria Estimation of Methyl Acetate + Methanol + N-Alkane (C8C12) Mixtures. L.M. Casas, B. Orge, J. Tojo (U. Vigo, ES). P-5.1-021 Molecular Simulation and Theory of Associating Fluids: Phase Equilibria and Microscopic Behavior. R. M. Marcos, J. C. Pamies, C. Herdes, L. F. Vega (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-5.1-022 Study of the Phase Diagram of the System Cocl2-Tributyl Phosphate (Tbp) -H2O at 25°C Using the Quasi-Isothermic Thermometric and Cloud Point Methods. C.P. Souza, M.B. Dantas, Y.C. Nascimento. (U. Federal Rio Grande Norte, Natal, BR). P-5.1-023 Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of the Aqueous Biphasic Systems Formed by Na2CO3 + Polyethylene Glycol + H2O at 25 °C. T. A. Graber, S. Gonzalez, M. E.Taboada, L. A. Estévez (U. Antofagasta, CL). P-5.1-024 Extending the True Boiling Point Curve of Heavy Petroleum Fractions through Molecular Distillation. P. Sbaite, P.F. Martins, C.B. Batistella, M. R. Wolf Maciel, R. Maciel Filho, L. Medina, R. Kuner (U. Campinas, BR). P-5.1-025 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of System Ethanol/ 2-Methyl-1-Butanol / Calcium Chloride. Correlation and Prediction. I. Santiago, C. Pereyra, E. Martinez de la Ossa (U. Cadiz, ES). P-5.1-026 Liquid-Liquid Equlibria of the Mixture Limonene + Ethanol + H2O at Several Temperatures. A. Chafer, R. Munoz, A. Berna, M. C. Burguet (U. Valencia, ES). P-5.1-027 Extraction Equilibria in the Selected Systems in the Ionic Surfactants. W. Skrzypinski, M. Pajak, A. Kolek, B. Kurczewski (U. Tech. Wroclaw, PL). P-5.1-028 Thermodynamic Calculation of Equilibrium in Tbp Extraction Systems. Partition of Water. A.V. Ochkin, S. Y. Nechaevsky, D. Y. Gladilov, E. A. Kostjushko (U. Chemical Tecnology Russia D. Mendeleev, RU). P-5.1-029 Extending the True Boiling Point Curve of Petroleum Heavy Residuals through Molecular Distillation Process. M. R. Wolf Maciel, R. Maciel Filho, C.B. Batistella, P. Sbaite, L. Medina, K. Rosana (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR). P-5.1-030 Calculating the Activity Coefficients of NonElectrolyte Binary Solutions Based on Nrtl and Wilson Models and Experimental Excess Enthalpies at 298.15 K.J.B. Parsa (U. Bu-Ali-Sina, Hamadan, IR). P-5.1-031 Experimental Determination of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for the Binary Mixtures of Methanol, Methyl Ethanoate, 2-Methylpropan1-ol, 2-Methylpropyl Ethanoate. A. Calvet, J. Bonet, M. Galan, J. Costa (U. Barcelona, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 54 Poster Programme P-5.1-032 Thermodynamics of Mixtures with Strongly Negative Deviations from Raoult’s Law. Characterization of 1 Alkanol + Hexylamine or Triethylamine Systems in Terms of the Eras Model. S. Villa, N. Riesco, I. Garcia, J. A. Gonzalez, J.C. Cobos. (U.Valladolid, ES). P-5.1-033 Densities, Viscosities and Heat Capacities of Water/Lithium Bromide+Lithium Nitrate+Lithium Iodide+Lithium Chloride Systems for their Use in Absorption Chillers. D. Salavera, X. Esteve, A. Coronas. (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-5.1-034 Thermophysical Properties of the System 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol + Cyclohexanone at 283.15, 298.15 and 313.15 K.M.J. Valles, M.Dominguez, J. Pardo, J. Santafe (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-5.1-035 Thermal and Phase Behavior of Depolymerization Products of Polyethylene Terephthalate by Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry. T. Yalcynyuva, G. Guclu (U. Istanbul, TR). P-5.1-036 Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Glycols by the Transient Hot-Wire Technique. M. Khayet, J. M. Ortiz (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-5.1-037 Determination of the Especific Heat Capacity of Natural Oily Extracts by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. A. S. M. Simoes, J.C.O. Santos, M.F.S. Trindade, A.G. Souza, S. Prasad (CCEN, UFPB, Paraiba, BR). P-5.1-038 Formation of Reverse Micelles of Peo-Ppo-Peo Copolymers Under CO2. G.H. Hu,H.Han (CNRS-ENSIC-INPL, Nancy, FR). P-5.1-039 Cyclohexane Solubility and Diffusivity in Styrene-Diene Block Copolymers. F. Bacchelli, F. Montanari, F. Doghieri (U. Bologna, IT). P-5.1-040 Surface Tension of the Ternary System Water + Ethyl Propionate + Methanol at 303.15 K and Atmospheric Pressure. M. L. Kijeveanin, I. S. A.Ribeiro, A. G. M. Ferreira, I. M. A.Fonseca (U. Belgrade, YU). P-5.1-041 Dynamic Calibration of a Sensor Gas Calorimeter for Measurements of Adsortion Kinetics. M. Petkovska, D. Antov (U. Belgrade, YU). P-5.1-042 Thermal Conductivity of Composite Produced by Pultrusion Process. S. Mrkviekova, A. Blaha, R. Pavlica (Tomas Bata University, Zlin, CZ). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-5.1-043 Phase Partitioning and Diffusion of Macromolecules in Gels. D. Mazens, C. Castel, M. Leonard, E. Favre (Groupe ENSIC, INPL, FR). P-5.1-044 Preliminary Investigation for the CO2-H2O System. X. Ji, J. Yan (R.I. Technology, Stockholm, SE). P-5.1-045 Gas Chromatographic Study of the Thermal and Analytical Properties of a Binary Liquid Crystal Mixture. S. Sebih, S. Boudah, M. H. Guermouche, J. P. Bayle (USTHB, Alger, DZ). P-5.1-046 Water-Soluble Polymers as Quenching Bath Solution. Z. Koudil, M. Mouzali (USTHB, Alger, DZ). P-5.1-047 Solubility of H2, N2, O2 and CO2 in Water + 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropan-2-ol Mixtures at 298.15 K and 101,33 Kpa. A. M. Mainar, M. Dominguez, J. Pardo, J. S. Urieta (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-5.1-048 Solubilities of Noble Gases in Dimethylcarbonate and Diethylcarbonate at Several Temperatures and 101.33 Kpa Partial Pressure of Gas. E. M. Terrado, A. M. Mainar, J. Pardo, J. S. Urieta (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-5.1-049 Solubility of CO2 in Industrially Important Alkanolamines and its Dependency on Temperature, CO2 Partial Pressure, and Amine Concentration. M. K. Aroua, A. Benamor (U. Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, MY). P-5.1-050 The N2O Analogy: the Solubility of CO2 and N2O in Aqueous and Non-aqueous MDEA Solutions. H. Kierzkowska-Pawlak (U. Tech, Lodz,PL). P-5.1-051 The Technical-Economical Study of an Evaporative Condenser for the Ammonia Condensation on Refrigeration Plant. R. Gonzalez Cruz, R. Gonzalez, E. Fatjo, M. Monteiro, M. Samba (U. Camguey, CU). P-5.1-052 Excess Molar Volumes at 298.15 K for Mixtures Containing 1-Alkanols + Isomeric Amines. S. Villa, N. Riesco, I. Garcia, J.A. Gonzalez, J.C. Cobos (U. Valladolid, ES). P-5.1-053 Dynamic Viscosities of 2-Pentanol with Alkanes at T= 273.15, 298.15 and 303.15k. New Parameters for Unifac-Visco Method. B. Gonzalez, A. Dominguez, J. Tojo (U. Vigo, ES). P-5.1-054 Cosiderations on the Free Enthalpy for the Hydro-Ammonia Solution. I. L. Candin, M. A. Candin (U. Lucian Blaga, Sibiu, RO). Poster Programme P-5.1-055 A Comparative Study of Different Methods for the Prediction of the Normal Boiling Enthalpy for Non-Polar Fluids. A. Mulero, S. Carretero, F. Cuadros (U. Extremadura, ES). P-5.1-056 Validity of the Wczsw Model for Calculation of the Excess Enthalpy of Simple Non-Polar Binary Mixtures. A. Mulero, I. Cachadina, F. Cuadros (U. Extremadura, ES). P-5.1-057 Aspects Concerning the Optimization of the Thermal Conductance of the Thermoenergetic Cycles. I. Vonica, V. Jascanu (U. Lucian Blaga, RO). P-5.1-058 Calculation of the Surface Tension. A. Mulero, I. Cachadina, F. Cuadros (U. Extremadura, ES). P-5.1-059 Experimental and Predicted Enthalpies of Mixing of Mixtures of Alkyl Acetates with Sunflower Oil at 298.15 K. J. M. Resa, C. Gonzalez, M. M. Pineiro, J. L. Legido, M. A. Fanega (U. Vigo, ES). P-5.1-060 Measurement and Correlation of Excess Molar Enthalpy for Acetonitrile+1-Heptanol, or +1-Octanol at Various Temperatures. L. Dagostini, A. Z. Francesconi (U. Estadual Campinas, BR). P-5.1-061 Apparent Molar Volume, Isentropic Compressibility, Refractive Index, and Viscosity of Dl-Alanine in Aqueous Salt Solutions. H. Rodriguez, A. Soto, A. Arce, M. K. Khoshkbarchi (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). P-5.1-062 Thermodynamic Modeling of Noncatalytic Partial Oxidation of Natural Gas. M. H. Eikani, M. D. Mohammad (IROST, Tehran, IR). P-5.1-063 Equations for Calculating the thermodynamic State Parameters for Ammonia. I. L. Candin, V. Jascanu, I. Vonica (U. Lucian Blaga, Sibiu, RO). P-5.1-064 Molecular Simulation of Structure and Thermodynamic Properties of Poly(Dimethylsilamethylene) and Hydrocarbon Permeability therein. V. E. Raptis, I. G. Economou, D. N. Theodorou, J. Petrou, J. H. Petropoul (I. P. Center, Attikis, GR). P-5.1-065 Studies Concerning the Global Definition of the Specific Exergy Power, in Classic, Thermostatic and Modern, Thermodynamic Sense. I. Vonica, V. Jascanu (U. Lucian Blaga, Sibiu. RO) 55 P-5.1-066 Application of the Lee-Kesler Equation for the Calculation of the Excess Enthalpy of Binary Mixtures Near the Critical Region. A. Mulero, F. L.Roman, F. Cuadros (U. Extremadura, ES). P-5.1-067 Application of Excess Gibs Energy Mixing Rules to a Non-Cubic Equation of State. C.J. Kedge, M.A. Trebble (U. Calgary, CA). TOPIC 5.2 Interfacial and Transport Phenomena P-5.2-006 A Mass Transfer Coefficient Model for Low Interfacial Tension Systems Under Influence of Contamination and Agitation. J. Saien, M.H. Barani (U.Bu-Ali Sina, IR). P-5.2-007 Effect of Solids on Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Three Phase Systems. P. Mena, F. Rocha, J. Teixeira, M.N. Pons (U. Porto, PT). P-5.2-008 Gas Diffusion in the Funnel-Shaped Porous Network of Cogelled Supported Metal Catalysts. B. Heinrichs, J. P. Schoebrechts, J.P. Pirard (U. Liege, BE). P-5.2-009 Natural Convection Heat and Mass Transfer at Spherical Particle Melting. S. Petrescu, R. Diaconescu, C. Petrescu (Technical U. Iasi, RO). P-5.2-010 Non-LinearMassTransferTheory. Chr. Bojadjiev (Bulgarian Academy Sciences, BG). P-5.2-011 Temperature Heterogeneities in a Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger. J. Mabit, F. Fayolle, J. Legrand (GEPEA UMR CNRS, FR). P-5.2-012 Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop During Flow Boiling of CO2 Inside a Smooth Horizontal Tube. A. E. Schael, M. Kind (U. Karlsruhe, DE). P-5.2-013 The Heat Transfer Efficiency in the Molecular-Quantum Mechanism. G. Soare (U. Politechnica Bucharest, RO). P-5.2-014 Mechanism of Heat Transfer During the Condensation of a NH3-CO2-H2O Multicomponent Mixture. M.B. Jotanovic (U. Srpsko, BA). P-5.2-015 Modelling of Natural Convection in a Horizontal Annulus with Horizontal Eccentricity. F. Shahraki (U.Sistan Baluchestan, IR). P-5.2-016 Effects of the Stirring Intensity and Gas Phase Flow on the Mass Transfer Parameters. F. Camacho, G. Blazquez, M. Fernandez, J. A. Gimenez (U. Granada, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 56 Poster Programme P-5.2-017 Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Characteristics of Bubbles Contaminated with Soluble and Insoluble Surfactants. J.M.T. Vasconcelos, S.C.P. Orvalho, S. S. Alves (CEBQ, PT). P-5.2-018 Boundary Layer Development in Liquid Jets in the Presence of Surfactant. M. Weiss and R. C. Darton, T. Battal, C. D. Bain (U. Oxford, UK). P-5.2-019 Interfacial Instability on Spherical Surface During Chemosorption. S. P. Karlov, D. A. Kazenin, A. V. Vayzmin (U. Moscow, RU). P-5.2-020 Rayleigh and Marangoni Instability In Evaporation Processes. V.A. Kaminsky, V.V. Dilman, V.A. Lotkhov (Karpov Inst. Physical Chemistry, Moscow, RU). P-5.2-021 Modeling and Determination of the Interfacial Area of a Pilot Absorption Packed Column Used for CO2 Absorption in Aqueous Solution of Monoethanolamine (MEA). A. Selatnia, A. Chergui, Y. Kerchich, F. Mohellebi, S. Haddoum (E. Nationale Polytechnique Alger, DZ). P-5.2-022 Analyse of the Boiling Process for the Evaporation of the Hydrocarbons Effluents. A. Benbrik, A. Benzarhouda (U. Boumerdes, DZ). P-5.2-023 Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Study on Absorption of Carbon Dioxide into Aqueous Solution of Diethanolamine. D.J. Vinel, C. Bouallou (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Mines, FR). P-5.2-024 Oxygen Mass Transfer in Wastewater Films from Biological Treatment Facilities. A. Sturzoiu, R. E. Ceclan, T. Dobre, O. Floarea, M. Ceclan (U. Politech. Bucharest, RO). P-5.2-025 Determination of Interfacial Forces. F. Bertola, M. Vanni, G.Baldi (Politecnico Torino, IT). P-5.2-026 Water Vapor Sortion. O. Rodriguez, F. Fornasiero, A. Arce Jr., J. M. Prausnitz (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). P-5.2-027 Stripping and Distillation in High Speed Rotating Packed Beds. Mass Transfer Coefficients. J.V.S. Nascimento, D.S. Amatuzi, T.M.K. Ravagnani, S. L. Cruz, J. A.F.R. Pereira (U. Estadual Campinas, BR). P-5.2-028 Development of a Software to Construct Residue Curve Maps and Aplication to Extractive and Azeotropic Distillation Process. M.H.M. Reis, M.R.W. Maciel (U. Estadual Campinas, BR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-5.2-029 Foaming Power and Foam Stability of Surfactants. E. Jurado, V. Bravo, A. Galvez, A. Garcia, R. Bailon, N. Sabahi (U. Granada, ES). P-5.2-030 Rheological Properties of the Air-Liquid Interface. T. R. Sosnowski (U. Technology Warsaw, PL). P-5.2-031 Experimental Investigation on Liquid-Liquid Phase-Interfaces in Small-Sized Stirred Reactors. A. Wegmann, A. Spillmann,R.Von Rohr (ETH, Zurich, CH). P-5.2-032 Mass Transfer in Oil-Water Emulsions. K. Boltes, A. Caro, P. Leton, E. G. Calvo (U. Alcala de Henares, ES). P-5.2-033 Electroviscoelasticity of Liquid/Liquid Interfaces: Fractional Approach. M.P. Lazarevic, A. Spasic (U. Belgrade, YU). P-5.2-034 Modeling of the Mass Transfer in LiquidLiquid Systems Accounting Formation of Interfacial Structures. V. A. Vasilenko, V. V. Tarasov, E. M. Koltsova (Mendeleyevs U. Chemical Technology, RU). P-5.2-035 A New Equation for Surface Tension Calculations of Binary Mixtures Combined with a New Molar Surface Area Mixing Rule. B. Khodakarmi, H. Modarress (U. Tech. AmirKabir, IR). P-5.2-036 Characterization and Stability of W/O Emulsions of Trioleine and Tributyrine. E. Jurado, V. Bravo, M. Fernandez-Serrano, J.M. Vicaria, M. Garcia-Roman, A.F. Arteaga (U. Granada, ES). P-5.2-037 Mass Transfer Modeling of Oil Recovery During Hydrocarbon Gas/Water Injection. M.R. Ehsani, L. Sahranavard (U. Techn. Isfahan, IR). P-5.2-038 The Behaviour of Emulsions with Ferrofluid Content in Magnetic Field. R. Minea, A. Tamas, E. Brinzei, M. Suta (U. Timisoara, RO). P-5.2-039 A New Classification of Finely Dispersed Systems. A.M. Spasic, M.D. Babic, M.M. Marinko, N.N. Djokovic, M.M. Mitrovic, D. N. Krstic (U. Belgrade, YU). P-5.2-040 The Effect of Interfacial Surface Development on the Properties of Wet Drum Granulation Product. T. Gluba (Technical U. Lodz, PL). Poster Programme TOPIC 5.3 Rheology P-5.3-007 Pressure Drop Characteristics of a Structured Packing. M. Zivdar, T.A.G. Langrish, R. G. H. Prince (U. Sistan Bluchestan, IR). P-5.3-008 Rheological Behaviour of Food Product During the Evaporative Mass Loss. S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba, A. Bellagi (Inst. National Rech. Scientifique Tech., TN). P-5.3-009 Rheologycal Study of Diverse Foods: Condensed Milk, Natural and Commercial Honey and Liquid Caramel. M.A. Cancela, E. Alvarez, R. Maceiras (U.Vigo, ES). P-5.3-010 Effect of Blending Kaolin with Precipitated Calcium Carbonate on Rheological Characteristics of Coating Colors. S. I. Conceicao, J. L. Velho, M. J. Ferreira (U. Aveiro, PT). P-5.3-011 Influence of Cooling Profile and Homogenization on the Processing of Lithium Lubricating Greases. M. A. Delgado, J. M. Franco, C. Valencia, M. C. Sanchez, C. Gallegos (U. Huelva, ES). P-5.3-012 Rheological Behaviour of Hydrocolloids Blends. D. Gomez-Diaz, J. M. Navaza (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). P-5.3-013 Study of the Interactions Between Cationic (Chitosan) and Anionic (Mesquite Gum) Charged Polyelectrolytes in Aqueous Solutions and Oil-In-Water Emulsions Using Low Deformation Rheology. J.O. Ruiz-Ramos , J. P. Perez-Orozco, E. Bosquez-Molina, G. Espinosa (U. Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, MX). P-5.3-014 Convective Heat Transfer During Circulation in Geothermal Wells Considering Temperature Effects on the Rheological Properties of Drilling Muds. A. Garcia, G. Espinosa, G. Amaro (Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, MX). TOPIC 5.4 Thermo-Physical Properties. Molecular Modelling P-5.4-013 Kinetic Modelling of Acetylene Hydrogenation on Ni/ZnAl2O4 Coprecipitated Catalysts Modified with Fe and Cr. E. Romeo, E. Sanchez, R. Trujillano, F. Labajos, V. Rives, A. Monzon (U. Zaragoza, U. Salamanca, ES). P-5.4-014 Temporally-Complex Breathing Patterns During Pd-Catalyzed. O. Nekhamkina, R. Digilov, M. Sheintuch (Technion - I.I.T, IL). 57 P-5.4-015 Kinetic Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Partial Oxidation. M. Joshi, F. Klose, A. Tota, S. Thomas, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (Max Planck Inst., DE). P-5.4-016 The Effect of the Manganese Content on the Properties of ZSM-5 and Mordenite Catalysts. I. Asencio, J. L. Valverde, A. de Lucas, F. Dorado, A. Romero (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-5.4-017 N-Butane Oxidative Dehidrogenation over Supported and Promoted Vmgo Catalysts. N. Armas, J. M. Lopez Nieto, J. Papa, B. Solsona, L. Pilonieta (U.C.V., VE). P-5.4-018 Modeling and Optimization of Direct Partial Catalytic Oxidation of Methane to Methanol. M. Sohrabi, L. Vafajoo (U. Tech. Amirkabir, IR). P-5.4-019 Mild Mcp Hydrogenolysis by Pt on Ru/ZrO2 Catalysts. A. M. Serrano, F. Blas, P. Steltenpohl, J.A. Gonzalez-Marcos (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-5.4-020 Bimetallic V-Containing Al2O3-Supported Catalysts for C3-Alkane Oxidation. C. Herrera, M.O. Guerrero-Perez, M. A. Larrubia, M.A. Banares, L. J. Alemany (U. Malaga, ES). P-5.4-021 Study of C3-Alkane Partial Oxidation Reaction over Monometallic and Bimetallic Supported Catalytic Systems. C. Herrera, A. Garcia-Crespillo, M. A. Larrubia, J. M. Blasco, L. J. Alemany (U. Malaga, ES). P-5.4-022 Combustion Synthesis of LaMnO3/ZrO2Based Catalysts for Methane Oxidation. A. Civera, M. Pavese, G. Saracco, V. Specchia (Politecnico Torino, IT). P-5.4-023 Hydrogen Purification by Selective Methanation of CO in CO/CO2/H2. A.M. Andersen, T. Johannessen, H. Livbjerg (U. Technical Denmark, DK). P-5.4-024 Supported and Non-Supported Ni-Ba Systems. A. Collados, M. A. Larrubia, J. M. Blasco, L.J. Alemany (U. Malaga, ES). P-5.4-025 Novel Platinum-Heteropoly Compound Catalysts for Gas-Phase Hydroxylation of Benzene with Molecular Oxygen and Hydrogen. N. I. Kuznetsova, L. I. Kuznetsova, V. A. Likholobov (Boreskov Inst. Catalysis, RU). P-5.4-026 Effect of Binder on Bifunctional Catalysts for the Hydroisomerization of N-Butane. P. Canizares, F. Dorado, R. Romero (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-5.4-027 Kinetics of N-Hexane Isomerization on Promoted Pt/Y Catalyst. G. Boskovic, E. Kis, P. Putanov (U. Novi Sad, YU). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 58 Poster Programme P-5.4-028 Kinetics of Acetylene Hydrogenation on NiZn-Al Catalysts Modified with Fe & Cr. E. Romeo, E. Sanchez, R. rujillano, F. Labajos, V. Rives, A.Monzón (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-5.4-029 Kinetic Study of the Pyrolysis of EthyleneVinyl Acetate Copolymers Using Hb Zeolite and MCM-41 Catalysts. A. Marcilla, A.Gomez, S.Menargues (U. Alicante, ES). P-5.4-030 The Kinetics of the Hydrogenation of Toluene to Methylcyclohexane. S. Yolcular, O. Olgun (U. Ege, TR). P-5.4-031 Hydroisomerization of a Hydrocarbon Feed Containing N-Hexane, N-Heptane and Cyclohexane on Zeolite-Supported Platinum Catalysts. C. Jimenez, F. J. Romero, R. Rolda, J. M. Marinas (U. Cordoba, ES). P-5.4-032 Laboratory Ageing of Three Way Catalyst. Effect of Atmosphere. L. Martin, J.L. Arranz, O. Prieto, R. Trujillano, M. J. Holgado, M.A. Gala (U. Salamanca, ES). P-5.4-033 Kinetics of the Reaction of Carbon Dioxide with Mixed Aqueous Solution of 2-Amino-2Methyl-1-Propanol and Piperazine. W. C. Sun, M. H. Li (U. Christian Chung Yuan, CN). P-5.4-034 Ethylbenzene Oxidation with Air Catalyzed by Nickel Acetylacetonate Supported on Polyvinylpyridines. R. Alcantara, L. Canoira, P. Guilherme-Joao, J. Gonzalo (U. Polytechnic Madrid, ES). P-5.4-035 Autocatalytic, Liquid Phase Hydrocarbon Oxidations in Bubble Swarms. A.K. Suresh (Indian Institute Tech., IN). P-5.4-036 Kinetics of Higher Aliphatic Alcohol Synthesis from Syngas over CuO/ZnO/Fe2O3 /MoO3 Catalysts Performed with Various Dopants. M. Kulawska (Polish Academy of Sciences, PL). P-5.4-037 Selective Hydrogenation of Crotonaldehyde over Pt/SnO2 Catalyst. K. Liberkova, R. Touroude, L. Eerveny, D. Y. Murzin (Institute Chem. Tech., Prague, CZ). P-5.4-038 Application of Radioisotopic Screening of the Active Sites in Catalist Desighn of SulfideCo(Ni)-Mo Catalysts for HDS. V. M. Kogan (Russian Academy Sciences, RU). P-5.4-039 Hydrodesulphurisation on Silica-Alumina Supported Bimetallic Catalysts. RingOpening Activity. V. L. Barrio, P.L. Arias, J.F. Cambra, M.B. Guemez, B. Pawelec, J.L.G. Fi (U. Pais Vasco, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-5.4-040 Kinetic Modelling of Liquid Phase Decomposition of an Organic Compound in a Semi-Batch Reactor System. N. Musakka, J. Ahlkvist, T. Salmi, J. Warna, M. Piironen (U. Abo Akademi, Turku/Abo, FI). P-5.4-041 Hydrogenation of D-Lactose to Lactitol: Kinetic Modelling. K. Jyrki, M. Jyri-Pekka, S. Tapio (U. Abo Akademi, FI). P-5.4-042 Kinetic Models for Esterification of Methacrylic Acid with Isobutanol in the Presence of Heteropolyacids as a Catalyst. M. Grzesik, T. Gumula, J. Skrzypek (Polish Academy Sciences, PL). P-5.4-043 Catalytic Activity of Acidic Ion-Exchange Resins in Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) and Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) LiquidPhase Syntheses. C. Fite, J.F. Izquierdo, F. Cunill, M. Iborra, J. Tejero, F. Barquero (U. Barcelona, ES). P-5.4-044 Hydrotalcite-Like Catalysts for Aldol Condensation of Citral-Ketones. S. Abelloa, F. Medina, X. Rodrigueza, Y. Cesterosa, P. Salagrea , J. E. Sueiras, D. Tichit, B. Coq (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-5.4-045 Studies over Kinetic & Mechanism of Cyclohexene Epoxidation using Hydrocalcite Type Catalysts. M.D. Romero, J. A. Calles, J. M. Gomez, M. A. Ocana (U. Complutense, ES). P-5.4-046 Catalytic Rearrangement of Long StraightChain Epoxides in Liquid Phase over Different Acid Catalysts. D. P. Serrano, R.Van Grieken, J.A. Melero, A. Garcia (U. Rey Juan Carlos, ES). P-5.4-047 Kinetics of One-Dimensional Swelling of Polymeric Networks with Large Volume Change from Glassy to Rubbery State. M. Khorrama, E. Vasheghani-Farahania (U. Tarbiat Modarres, IR). P-5.4-048 Study of Pt-Re/Al2O3 Deactivation. M. A. Gutierrez-Ortiz, B. Inarra, I. Landa, M. P. Gonzalez-Marcos, J. M. Guil (U. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES). P-5.4-049 The Effect of Acid Site Concentration on the Catalyst Lifetime in Solid Acid Catalyzed Alkylation. S. Sahebdelfar, M. Kazemeini, F. Khorasheh, A. Badakhshan (U. Technology Sharif, IR). P-5.4-050 Deactivation Kinetic of Commercial Catalyst in Vinylacetate Process. Q. Smejkal, D. Linke, A. Bruckner, M. Baerns (Institute Applied Chemistry, BerlinAdlershof, DE). Poster Programme P-5.4-051 Kinetic Modelling of the Mto Process over Sapo-18. A.T. Aguayo, A. G. Gayubo, R. Vivanco, J. Erena, J. Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-5.4-052 Kinetic Study of Processes with Rapid Deactivation in a Fluidized Bed Reactor with Catalyst Circulation. A. G. Gayubo, A.T. Aguayo, A. Atutxa, N. Amun-darain, J. Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-5.4-053 Deactivation of a Nimo Commercial Catalyst During Hydroprocessing of Residue. G. Marroquin, J. Ancheyta, G. Centeno, G. Betancourt (Inst. Mex. Petroleo, MX). P-5.4-054 Approximate Effectiveness Factors. J. O. Marroquin de la Rosa, J. J. Valencia Lopez, J. A. Ochoa-Tapia, T. Viveros-Garcia (Inst. Mexicano del Petroleo, MX). P-5.4-055 Enhancement of Complex, Heterogeneous Autocatalytic Reactions by Internal Mass Transport. M. Grzesik, P. Ptaszek, J. Skrzypek (Polish Academy Sciences, PL). P-5.4-056 Mixing and Chemical Reaction in Porous Media: a Network Modelling Approach. J.C.B. Lopes (U. Porto, PT). P-5.4-057 Induction Time of High Temperature Ignition in Hydrogen-Oxygen-Containing Mixtures. Y. Ipatova, M. Strelkova, I. Kirillov, A. Vasilev, D. Roekaerts (Kurchatov Institute, RU). P-5.4-058 Studies on the Kinetics of Carbon Dioxide Absorption with Immobilised Amines. X. Zhang, S. Schubert, M.Grunewald, D. W. Agar (U. Dortmund, DE). P-5.4-059 Absorption of Carbon Dioxide at High Partial Pressures. F. Camacho, S. Sanchez, R. Pacheco, A. Sanchez, M.D. La Rubia (U. Granada, ES) P-5.4-060 Study of the Single Char Coal Particle Combustion. J. Markos, R. Zajdlik, U. Jelemensky, K. Holikova (U. Technology Slovak, SK). P-5.4-061 Kinetics of NH3 Formation from Cyanate (Ocn-) in the Kraft Pulp Mill Recovery Cycle. N. Demartini, M. Forssen, M. Hupa, D.Y. Murzin (U. Abo Akademi, FI). P-5.4-062 Curing Kinetics of Lignin-Resol Resin According to Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose’s Isoconversion Method. M. V. Alonso, M. Oliet, J. M. Perez, J. Garcia, F. Rodríguez (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-5.4-063 Dissolution of Vitreous Mineral Particles in Formic Acid. M. Bienert, D. Y. Murzin, T. Salmi, J. Warna, J. L. Bell, M. Perander (U. Abo Akademi, FI). 59 P-5.4-064 High-Temperature Reaction of Kaolin with Sodium Hydrogensulfate. A Study of its Reaction Mechanism. F.G. Colina, J. Costa (U. Barcelona, ES). P-5.4-065 Kinetic Study on the Reaction of Scheelite with Nitric Acid. S. Prasad, C. Almeida Melo (U. Federal Campina Grande, BR). P-5.4-066 Dynamic and Equilibrium Water Uptake of Enzyme Granules. J. Kringelum, P. Bach, S. Kiil, A. D. Jensen (U. Technical Denmark, DK). P-5.4-067 The Kinetics of Leaching of Molybdenum Trioxide with Ammonia Solution. D. Mowla, K. Salehi, M. Torabi (U. Shiraz, IR). P-5.4-068 Dynamics of the Laurconium-Chloride Production. J. Savkovic-Stevanovic, M. Ivanovic, R. Beric, V. Manjenc (U. Belgrade, YU). P-5.4-069 Thermal and Kinetic Analysis of the Automotive Mineral Lubricant Oils. J. C.O. Santos, A.G. Souza, I. M. G. Santos, A.J.N. Silva, S. Prasad, E.V. Sobrinho (CCEN, UFPB, BR). P-5.4-070 Kinetic Modelling of Wood Chips Pyrolysis by Means of a Three-Independent-Reactions Model. C. Gomez, J. J. Manya, E. Velo, L. Puigjaner (U. Politec. Catalunya, ES). P-5.4-071 Kinetics of Rubber Pyrolysis in a Conical Spouted Bed Reactor. R. Aguado, M. Olazar, D. Velez, R. Prieto, J. Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-5.4-072 Photophysical Properties and Kinetic Study of the Thermal Decomposition on Lanthanide(III) Complexes with 4,4,4Trifluoro-1-Phenyl-1,3-Butanedione. C. Rodrigues Da Silva, W. Silva Lopes, A. Gouveia De Sou (CCT, UFCG, Campina Grande, BR). P-5.4-073 Disintegration Kinetics Modelization for Laser Recovered Papers. P. Mutje, M. A. Pelach, J. Labidi, S. Presta, J. C. Roux (U. Girona, ES). P-5.4-074 Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polyethylene. Effect of Regeneration Temperature and Polymer Density on the Activity of HZSM5 Zeolite. A. Marcilla, R. Navarro, M. Beltrán (U. Alicante, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 60 Poster Programme TOPIC 5.5 Computer Fluid Dynamics and Mixing P-5.5-006 Residence Time Distribution: Experiment and Modeling In a Continuous Mixer. K. Marikh, H. Berthiaux, V. Mizonov (Ecole Mines DAlbi-Carmaux, Albi, FR). P-5.5-007 Influence of Flow Maldistribution on Packed Bed Adsorber Performance. W. Kwapinski, M. Winterberg, E. Tsotsas (U. Otto-von-Guericke, DE). P-5.5-008 Utilising CFD Software for Low NOx Burner Desing. J. Hajek, V. Kermes, F. Broz, P. Stehlik, J. Canek, J. Oral (U. Technical Brno, CZ). P-5.5-009 The Motion of a Single Taylor Bubble in Vertical Tubes – a Numerical Study. T. Taha, Z. Cui (U. Oxford, UK). P-5.5-010 The Motion of Long Bubbles in Square Capillaries – A Numerical Study. T. Taha, Z. Cui (U. Oxford, UK). P-5.5-011 Characterization of the Flow and Mixing in a Loop Reactor. A. Bensamaili, F. Atmani (USTHB, El-Alia, DZ). P-5.5-012 Optimization of Power Consumtion, Mass Transfer Coefficient and Flow Regime in GasLiquid Dispersion Systems. N. Saghatoleslami, H. R. Bahktiari. (U. Sistan Baluchestan, IR). P-5.5-013 Hydrodynamics of G-L-L’ Systems: the Steel Converter Reactor. M. Martin, M. Rendueles, M. Diaz (U. Oviedo, ES). P-5.5-014 The Flow of Non-Newtonian Liquids from Tanks. M. Dziubinski, A. Marcinkowski (U.Technical Lodz, PL). P-5.5-015 Analytical Solution of Couette-Poiseuille Flow of Nonlinear Viscoleastic Fluid Through Annular Duct. S. H. Hashemabadi, S. Gh. Etemad, M. R. Golkar Naranji (U. Tech. Isfahan, IR). P-5.5-016 Numerical Simulation of Transient Freezing of Liquids in Tube Flow. R. Conde, F. Castro, M. T. Parra, M. A. Rodriguez (U. Valladolid, ES). P-5.5-017 Hydrodynamic Force on a Porous NonUniform Floc in a Cylindrical Tube. J. P. Hsu, Y.H. Hsieh (U. Nat.l Taiwan, TW). P-5.5-018 Experimental Study of Diffusely Chaotic Mixing in a Twisted Duct Flow Reactor. C. Boesinger, Y. Le Guer (U. Pau Pays Adour, FR). P-5.5-019 Identification of the Coalescence and Breakage Parameters of the Musig Model in CFD Simulation with Experimental Data. Z. Sha, A. Laari, I. Turunen (U. Tech. Lappeenranta, FI). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-5.5-020 Mixing in Vessel Stirred by Various Impellers. L. Broniarz, S. Woziwodzki (U. Technology Poznan, PL). P-5.5-021 Turbulent Flow Modelling Within the Packing of Complex Geometry. J. Tobis (Polish Academy Sciences, PL). P-5.5-022 Blends of Bitumen with Various Polymers: Mixing Process Considerations. A. Perez-Lepe, F. J. Martinez-Boza, C. Gallegos (U. Huelva, ES). P-5.5-023 Application of Dispersion Model on Flow Mixers with Liquid and Solid-Liquid Systems. J. Eermakova, S. Castellino, N. Siyakatshana, V. Kudrna, A. Brucato, V. Mach (Prague Institute Chemical Technology, CZ). P-5.5-024 Estimation of Residence Time Distribution in EZ and KE Element of Buss Ko-Kneader by Using CFD Method. M. Mehranpour, H. Nazokdast, B. Dabir (U. Technology Amir kabir, IR). P-5.5-025 Hydrodynamic Calculation of a RDC Column with the Drop Population Balance Model Based on Single Drop Experiments. S. Schmidt, H. J. Bart (U. Kaiserslautern, DE). TOPIC 5.6 Mulitphase Flows P-5.6-006 Experimental Study on Reactive Packing Multipak: Hydraulics, Mass Transfer and Residence Time Distribution. A. Koodziej, M. Jaroszynski (Polish Acad. Sciences, PL). P-5.6-007 Measurement of Liquid Velocity and Gas Holdup in a Bubble Column. F. Yamashita, Y. Kousaka (Institute Technology Kanagawa, JP). P-5.6-008 Gas to Liquid Mass Transfer in Venturi Scrubbers. H. Sun, B.J. Azzopardi (U. Nottingham, UK). P-5.6-009 Analysis of Diameter Effect in Flow of Surfactant Solutions in the Straight Section of Pipes. L. Broniarz, Jacek Rozanski (U. Tech., PL). P-5.6-010 Hydrodynamics In External-Loop Airlift Reactors: Effect of Reactor Geometry and Sparger Design. I.G. Bantcheva, M. Abba Omar (U. DurbanWestville, ZA). P-5.6-011 Analysis of the Flow and Mass Transfer Processes in a Modified Spray Column. L. Broniarz, M. Ochowiak (U. Tech.,PL). P-5.6-012 Fouling Resistance of Different Column Internals. D. Groberichter, J. Stichlmair (U. Tech., DE). Poster Programme P-5.6-013 The Influence of Liquid Properties on Flooding Phenomena in Small Diameter Tubes. A. A. Mouza, M. N. Pantzali, S. V. Paras, A.J. Carabelas (U. Aristotle, GR). P-5.6-014 The Critical Volume of Gas Bubbles Flowing in Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Liquids. P. Budzynski., M. Dziubinski (U. Tech., PL). P-5.6-015 Wall Effects for Bubbles Flow in NonNewtonian Liquids. M. Dziubinski, M. Orczykowska, P. Budzynski (U. Tech, PL). P-5.6-016 Specific Interfacial Area in a Helicoidal Reactor for the Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Flow. S. Wronski, T. Ryszczuk, R. Hubacz (U. Technology Warsaw, PL). P-5.6-017 An Experimental Study of Liquid Films Flowing Down a Vertical Plate for Low Reynolds Numbers: Effect of Surface Tension. E. I. P. Drosos, S.V. Paras, A.J. Carabelas (U. Aristotle, GR). P-5.6-018 Effect of Gas Distributor on the Formation of Homogeneous Bubbling Regime in Bubble Column. M. Fialova, M.C. Ruzicka, J. Drahos (Academy Sciences, CZ). P-5.6-019 Slug Flow of Gas and Non-Newtonian Liquid Mixtures in Vertical Pipe. M. Dziubinski, H. Fidos, M. Sosno (U. Technical, PL). P-5.6-020 Droplet Size Distribution and Velocity Profile in Fcc Feed Atomization. M. Ahmadi Marvast, M.M. Akbarnejad, M. Taghi Zadeh, A. Gebreili Golodar (Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, IR) P-5.6-021 A New Design for Fcc Feed Atomization. M.M. Akbarnejad, M. Ahmadi Marvast, M. Taghi Zadeh, A. Gebreili Golodar (Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, IR). P-5.6-022 Prediction Model for the Two-Phase Upward Flow Pressure Loss in Vertical 90º Bends. A. Azzi, L. Friedel (USTHB, DZ). P-5.6-023 Metal Random Packing – Are High Capacity Types the Best Choice for All Applications? M. Lehner, K. Hoffmann, W. Geipel (Rauschert Verfahrenstechnik, DE). P-5.6-024 Three Phase Flow Hydrodynamics : Airlift and Bubble Column Contactors. S. Talvy, A. Cockx (DGPI- INSA, FR). P-5.6-025 Behaviour of Solid Particles with an Increase of the Gas Flow Rate in the Gas-Liquid-Solid Internal Loop Reactor with Mechanical Mixing. B. T. Kawalec-Pietrenko, Z. Cisiak (U. Technology Gdansk, PL). 61 P-5.6-026 Counter-Curent Gas-Liquid Hydrodynamic and Solid-Liquid Mass Transfer Studies in Columns with Katapak-S Structured Packing. G. Soare, R. Dima, G. Bozga, V. Plesu (U. Politehnica Bucharest, RO). P-5.6-027 Hydrodynamics of Cocurrent Gas – and Liquid Flow Through the Bed of Solid Particles. G. Bartelmus, D. Janecki, A. Szlemp (U. Opole, PL). P-5.6-028 Hydrodynamics of Pulsing Flow for Cocurrent Flow of Gas and Foaming Liquid in Fixed Bed Reactor. D. Janecki, G. Bartelmus, A. Szlemp,T. Mokrosz (U. Opole, PL). P-5.6-029 Chemical Deposition of Molecules in Internal and External Problems of Gas Flow. V. V. Levdansky, J. Smolik, P. Moravec (NAS RB, Belarus, CZ). P-5.6-030 Influence of a Singularity on Drag Reduction of the Flow of Surfactant Solutions. J. Myska, V. Mik (Inst. Hydrodynamics, CZ). P-5.6-031 Pumping Effect on the Drag Reducing Polymer Solutions. L. Broniarz, J. Rozanski, A. Jur , S. Dryjer (U. Technology Poznan, PL). P-5.6-032 Residence Time of Tagged Magnetic Particle in an Internal-Loop Airlift Reactor with an Enlarged Dual Separator. J. Klein, A. A. Vicente , J. A. Teixeira (U. Minho, PT). P-5.6-033 Phase Distribution of Liquid and Gas for an Accelerated Downward Flow inside an Internal Mixing Atomizer. M. Lorcher, D. Wiemann, F. Schmidt, D. Mewes (U. Hannover, DE). P-5.6-034: Liquid Holdup of a Modular Catalytic Structured Packing. M. Behrens, P. Moritz, Z. Olujic, P. J. Jansens (Delft U. of Technology, NL). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 62 Poster Programme TOPIC 6 TRENDS in CHEMICAL REACTORS TOPIC 6.1 Catalytic and Multiphase Reactors. Structured Catalysts P-6.1-014 Water-Gas Shift Performance of Plate-Type Copper Catalyst. C. Fukuhara, H. Ohkura, A. Igarashi (Kogakuin U.,JP). P-6.1-015 The Simulated Moving Bed Reactor for the Diethylacetal Synthesis. V. Silva, M.Minceva, A.Rodrigues (U.Porto,PT). P-6.1-016 Mathematical Modelling of Citral Hydrogenation over Ni/Al2O3 Cordierite Monoliths. J. Aumo, J. Mikkola, J. Warna, M. Ronnholm, J.Bernechea Rojas, T. Salmi (Abo Akademi U., FI). P-6.1-017 Multifunctional Reactors: Modelling of Reactive Distillation in a Batch and Semibatch Reactor. E. Molga, A. Milewska (Warsaw U. of Technology, PL). P-6.1-018 Catalytic Abatement of Nitrous Oxide from Fluidized Bed Combustion. Durability Study under Realistic Conditions. E. Ruiz, J. M. Sanchez, J. Otero (CIEMAT, ES). P-6.1-019 Inhibition Effects of Nitrogen Compounds on the Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene. C. Georgina, S. Laredo, S. Efrain Altamirano, J. de los Reyes (Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, MX). P-6.1-020 Dynamic Model for a Three-Phase Slurry Reactor: Catalytic Hydrogenation Reaction of Phenol to Cyclohexanol. C. Vasco de Toledo, D. P. Stremel, R. M. Filho. (State U. Campinas, BR). P-6.1-021 Studies of the Hydrotreatment of Heavy Crude Oils in Trickle-bed Reactors. J. Ancheyta, G. Marroquin, G. Betancourt, G. Centeno, J. A. Muñoz, F. Alonso (Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, MX). P-6.1-022 Parameters Characterising the Pulsing Flow of Fluids in a Pressurised Trickle-bed Reactor. A. Szlemp, T. Mokrosz, G. Bartelmus (U. Opole, PL). P-6.1-023 Simulation of the Catalytic Cracking of Gasoil using the Ten Lump Model. O. Montinni dos Santos, S. Araujo, J. Jailson Nicasio (U. Federal Campina Grande, BR). P-6.1-024 Plasmachemical Reactors for Special Syntheses and Decompositions. V. Brozek, J Janca (Masaryk U., CZ). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-6.1-025 Significant Improvement of the Calorimetric Estimation of the Heat of Reaction and Heat Transfer Coefficient in CSTR Reactors. S. Kramer, R. Gesthuisen, S. Engell, J.M. Leiza, J.M. Asua (U. Dortmund, DE). P-6.1-026 Modelling and Scale-up of Sitosterol Hydrogenation Process: from Laboratory Slurry Reactor to Plant Scale. J. Warna, D. Murzin, T. Salmi, M. Flores Geant, J. Orte, J. Oiva (Abo Akademi U., FI). P-6.1-027 The Importance of the Radiant Energy Distribution in Photocatalytic Kinetics Analysis and Reactor Design. G. Camera-Roda, F.Santarelli (U. Bologne, IT). P-6.1-028 Application of a Continuous Fluidized Bed Reactor in Catalytic Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde. M Sohrabi, H.Aghdasinia (Amirkabir U. Technology, IR). P-6.1-029 Industrial WGS Reactor Subject to Irreversible Chloride Poisoning: Modelling and Optimization Strategies. J. Ayastuy, M. Gutz.-Ortiz, J. Glez-Marcos, J. Glez-Velasco (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-6.1-030 Oxidation of Benzene to Maleic Anhydride in a Fluidized Bed Reactor. C. Uraz, S. Atalay (Ege U., TR). P-6.1-031 Design and Operation of Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactors with Mixed Coolant Flow as Optimal Factor. E.R. Morais, E.C. Vasco de Toledo, R.M. Filho. (UNICAMP, BR). P-6.1-032 Maleic Anhydride Using Structured MetalSupported V-P-O Catalyst. A. Kodziej, W. Krajewski. (Inst. Chem. Eng., Polish Academy of Sciences, PL). P-6.1-033 A Dynamic Model Library for Membrane Reactors. M. Mangold, M. Ginkel, E.D. Gilles (MaxPlanck-Institut, DE). P-6.1-034 Catalyst Residence Time Distribution in coreAnnulus Model of Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactors. H. Ganji, S. Zarinpasheneh, M. M. Akbarnejad (Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, IR). P-6.1-035 The Effect of External Energy Transport on the Optimum Temperature Profiles in a Catalytic Reactor for a System of Consecutive-competing Reactions. M. Grzesik, J. Skrzypek, A. Ptaszek (Polish Academy of Sciences, PL). Poster Programme P-6.1-036 Verification of Mathematical Models of a Trickle-bed Reactor Operating in the Trickle Flow and Pulsing Flow Regime. A. Szlemp, G. Bartelmus, D. Janecki (Polish Academy of Sciences, PL). P-6.1-037 Elucidation of Mass Transfer in Gas-LiquidSolid Slurry Reactors. J. Hajek, K. Eranen, T. Salmi, D. Y. Murzin (U. Abo Akademi University, FI). P-6.1-038 Conversion Enhancement by Periodic Operation of Trickle Bed Reactors. I. Meszaros (SULZER Chemtech Ltd., CH). P-6.1-039 High Operational Performance Multitubular Reactor: Proposed Alternative Design. M. Filho, E. Coseli, E.R. Morais (State U. Campinas, BR). P-6.1-040 Modelling and Simulation of Polyethylene Thermal Cracking Reactor. F. Sobron, E. Arenales, J. C. Rojo, S. Martín (U. Valladolid, ES). P-6.1-041 Vortex Centrifugal Bubbling Reactor. A.O. Kuzmin, B.N. Parmon, M.Kh. Pravdina, A.I. Yavorsky, N.I. Yavorsky (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, RU). P-6.1-042 Analysis and Modeling of Catalytic Reactors of Ethylene Production. E.V. Pisarenko, V.N. Pisarenko, L.S. Gordeev (Mendeleyev U. of Chemical Technology, RU). P-6.1-043 The Kinetics of the Copper Blow in the Peirce-Smith Converter. A. Rosello, F. Carrillo, R. Henandez, P. Barrios, J. Martinez (U. Sevilla, ES). TOPIC 6.2 Polymerisation Reactors P-6.2-006 Fuzzy Model Predictive Control for a Solution Copolymerization Reactor. A. Mattedi, R. M. Filho (School of Chemical Engineering Campinas, BR). P-6.2-007 Controller of a Polymerization Reactor Connected to a Horizontal Condenser: a Fuzzy Approach. A. Mattedi, E.C. Vasco de T., R.M. Filho (State U.Campinas,BR) P-6.2-008 Modeling of the nitroxide controlled free radical polymerization based on di- or trialkoxyamine used as initiator. G. Schmidt-Naake, M. Drache (Institut fur Technische Chemie, DE). P-6.2-009 Modeling and simulation of an inhibitor injection system to stop the PVC polymerization reaction. B.P. Guedes, A.M. Simoes, J.J.N. Alves, R.P. Brito, L.G.S. Vasconcelos, J.H.P. Bromman, L.R. Braga (U. Federal de Campina Grande, BR). 63 P-6.2-010 The Continuous Loop Reactor: A New Way to Obtain All-acrylic Polymers in Emulsion Polymerization. I. Gonzalez, M. Paulis, J.C. de la Cal, J.M. Asua. (Institute for Polymer Materials, ES). P-6.2-011 A Kinetic Study on Copolymerization of Lauryl Methacrylate-Isobutyl Methacry-late. A. Habibi, E. Vasheghani-Farahani, K. Sadaghiani (Res. Inst. Petrol. Industry, IR). P-6.2-012 Kinetic Study of the Polymerisation and Thermal Decomposition of DGEBA Epoxy Systems. A. Marcilla, F. Valdes, J.C. García-Quesada (U. Alicante,ES). P-6.2-013 Studying and Modeling Processes of Modifying Polymeric Materials by Heat Treatment with the Purpose of Increasing Ecological Safety at their Application. A. Y. Komissarov, Y.V. Zelenev, O.L. Nguyen. (Mendeleev U. Chem. Technol., RU). P-6.2-014 Evaluation of New Catalysts to Obtain Polyethylene with Control of Molecular Weight. H. Torres, H. Ortega, R. Sciamanna (UCV, VE). P-6.2-015 Grade Transition Policy of Prepolymerization of Styrene on a Plant Scale. L. F. Feng, G.H. Hu, X.P. Xue (CNRS-ENSICINPL, FR). TOPIC 6.3 Electrochemical Processes P-6.3-005 Otimization of the Bath pH and Operational Parameters for Electrodeposition of Co-W-B alloys. R. Alexandre, C. Santana, A. R. N. Campos, S. Prasad (U. Federal Campina Grande, BR). P-6.3-006 Corrosion of a Novel FeNbC Alloy in Neural Aqueous Medium in Presence of Sodium Molybdate in Comparison with Iron. F. Haddad, A. Benchettara, S.E. Amara, R. Kesri (USTHB, DZ). P-6.3-007 Creating / Maintaining a Diagnostic Knowledge Base for Electroplating. A.F. Batzias, F.A. Batzias (U. Piraeus, GR). P-6.3-008 Investigations in the Mechanisms of Ions Transport in the Course of an Electroleaching Process. N.Sabba, D.E.Akretche (USTHB, DZ). P-6.3-009 Influence of Ions Sulfate on the Electrochemical Behaviour of Al and Al-12Si S.Amokrane, M.A.Ladjouzi (USTHB, DZ). P-6.3-010 Modelling of Carrier Mobility in Organic Molecules. D. Karabasevic, R. Ramovic (Copper Institute Bor, YU). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Poster Programme 64 P-6.3-011 Electrochemical Behaviour of Stainless Steel AISI-420 in NaCl Aqueous Solution. Influence of a Corrosion Inhibitor Addition. MR. Boucelha, Y. O. Henia, MR. MekkiDouadji, G Nezzal (U. Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, DZ). P-6.3-012 Production of Flat Ceramic Tiles through Electrphoretic Deposition of Ceramic Suspension. S.N. Ashrafizadeh, S. S. Mirhaghi (Iran U. Science and Technology, IR). P-6.3-013 Ultrasonic Decomposition and Electrolysis of Organic Compounds. F. Yamashita, N. Aihara, H. Okamura, K. Ueda (Kanagawa Institute of Techn.,JP). P-6.3-014 Influence of Electrolyte and Potential Difference on Colour Removal of Methyl Orange by an Electrochemical Method. C. Cameselle, M. Pazos, M.T. Ricart, M. Sanroman (U. Vigo, ES). P-6.3-015 Application of Electrochemical Techniques in Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Studies. E. Alvarez, R. Maceiras, M. A. Cancela, X. R. Novoa (U. Vigo, ES). TOPIC 7 TOPIC 6.4 Process Intensification. Micro-reactors P-6.4-006 Catalyst Screening in a Modular Catalyst Testing Microreactor for Heterogeneous Gas Phase Reactions. A. Ziogas , V. Hessel, G. Kolb, H. Lowe, Ralf Zapf (Inst. fur Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH, DE). P-6.4-007 Design of Chromatographic SMB-Reactors. T. Borren, H. Schmidt-Traub (U. Dortmund, DE). P-6.4-008 Comparison of Integrated and Sequential Process Operation for Electrochemical Reaction and Chromatographic SMBSeparation. M. Michel, R. Ditz, J. Kinkel, M. Kupper, M. Vorbrodt (U. Dortmund, DE). P-6.4-009 Process Intensification: Performances Evaluation of a New Concept. A. Devatine, L. Prat, P. Cognet, M. Cabassud, C. Gourdon, F. Chopard (Lab. Genie Chimique, FR). SEPARATION TECHNOLOGIES TOPIC 7.1 Advances in Unit Operations P-7.1-006 Reduction of Backmixing in Deaerators for Boiler Feed Water. Paijens, J. De Graauw, G. van Zee (U. Delft, RND Tech., NL). P-7.1-007 Mathematical Modeling of Currents on Permeable Surfaces. F.G. Akhmadiev, L.P. Kholpanov, R.I. Ibjatov, R.R. Fazilzyanov (RU). P-7.1-008 The Effect of Thermal Surface Treatment on the Cleaning Behaviour of Textile Dust Filter media. G. Mauschitz, W. Koschutnig, W. Hoeflinger (Vienna U. Tec., AT). P-7.1-009 New Sintered Metal Fibre Filter for Wine Filtration as Replacement of Diatoma-ceous Earth after Cold Stabilisation. L. Schildermans, M. Arnaut, J. Baeyens (U. C. Leuven, BE). P-7.1-010 Polymer-Surfactant Complexes as a New Type of Flocculant. G. Petzold, H.M. Buchhammer, M. Mende, (I. Polymer Research, Dresden, DE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-7.1-011 Process Intensification in Surfactant Mediated Separations. G. Akay, B. Keskinler, P.T. Odirile, (U. Newcastle, UK). P-7.1-012 Enhancement of Mass Transfer by Microconvection during the Evaporation of Binary Mixtures from Porous Layers. Urukova, S. Post, E. Tsotsas (Otto von Guericke U., DE). P-7.1-013 Modelling and Determination of the Interfacial Area of a Pilot Absorption Packed Column Used for CO2 Absorption in Aqueous Solution of Monoethanolamine. Selatnia, A. Chergui, Y. Kerchich, F. Mohellebi, S. Haddoum (E. N. Polytec. Alger, DZ). P-7.1-014 Kinetic Study of Carbon Dioxide Transfer to Liquid Alkanes. D. Gomez-Diaz, J. M. Navaza, B. Sanjurjo (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). Poster Programme P-7.1-015 General Approach to Modelling of a Nonisothermal Gas Absorption with Exo-thermic Reaction. R. Pohorecki, E. Molga, W. Moniuk, (Warsaw U. T. PL). P-7.1-016 Irreversibility of Distillation Process. I. L.T. Alburquerque, R. P. Brito (U.F. Campina Grande, BR). P-7.1-017 Dividing Wall Distillation Columns. J.A. Treviño, (Tecnicas Reunidas, ES). P-7.1-018 The Distillation Efficiency and Hydrodynamic Behaviour of a Paradistillation Column. J. Belincanta, T.M.K. Ravagnani, J.A.F.R. Pereira (U. Campinas, BR). P-7.1-019 Exergetic Process Analysis of a HeatIntegrated Distillation Column. M. Nakaiwa, K. Huang, T. Endo, T. Ohmori, T. Yamamoto, T. Miyata, T. Akiya (Kansai U., JP). P-7.1-020 Dynamic Modelling of the Dividing Wall Column for Hydrocarbon Mixtures Separation. R. Isopescu, V. Plesu, A. Woinaroschy (U. P. Bucharest, RO). P-7.1-021 Two Flows of Feed in Continuous Distillation Columns. S. A. Reshetov (Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, RU). P-7.1-022 Optimal Operation of Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Processes. S. Chan, E. Sorensen (U. College London, UK). P-7.1-023 Reactive Distillation: From Idea to Flowsheet. D. Eremov, Y. Pisarenko, L. Serafimov (Lomonosov Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, RU). P-7.1-024 Liquid-Liquid Extraction in an Aqueous TwoPhase System in Bromeline Recovery. L. C. Betevello, E.B. Tambourgi (U. Est. Campinas, BR). P-7.1-025 Scale-up Facilities for Solvent Extraction. G. Diaz, D. Martin, M.A. Garcia, M. Frades (Tecnicas Reunidas, ES). P-7.1-026 Extraction of Zinc(II) with Tributyl Phosphate from Model HCl Solutions from Zinc Hot Galvanising Plants in Mixer Settler Unit. M. Regel-Rosocka, K. Alejski, A.M. Sastre, J. Szymanowski (U. Poznan, PL). P-7.1-027 Dioxane Delignification of Weakly Hydrolyzed Almond Shells Using a Second Order Doehlert Uniform Network Experimental Design. J. Quesada, L.E. Gomez-Espin, M. Rubio (U. Murcia, ES). P-7.1-028 Volume Changes of Vegetal particles in Contact with a Solvent. G. Angelov, L. Prat, P. Giraud, C. Gourdon (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., BG). 65 P-7.1-029 Some Aspects of the IMPEX Process for the Separation of Asphaltenes. P. Flores, R. Monroy (Inst. Mexicano Petroleo, MX). P-7.1-030 Hot Compressed Extraction of Terpenoids from the Bark. S. Inoue, T. Hanaoka, S. Morita (Nat. Inst. Advanced Industrial Sci. Tech., JP). P-7.1-031 Reduction of Nitrate Ion in Aqueous Solution by Ion Exchange. J. Beltran-Heredia, V. Trabadela (U. Extremadura, ES). P-7.1-032 Ion-Exchange Kinetics Using an Amidoxime Chelating Resin. L.M. Ferreira, J.M. Loureiro, A.E. Rodrigues (U. Coimbra, U. Porto, PT). P-7.1-033 Improvement of SMB Process by Cyclic Modulation of the Feed Concentration. M. Kaspereit, H. Schramm, A. Kienle, A. Seidel-Morgenstern (Max Plank, Inst., DE). TOPIC 7.2 Membrane Technologies and Hybrid Processes P-7.2-010 Pervaporation Process Modelling: Parameters Prediction & Estimation Techniques. Torres Alvarez, M.E., Wolf-Maciel, M.R (State U. Campinas, BR). P-7.2-011 Pervaporation Applications in the Purification Steps of Synthetic Rubber Manufac-ure. R. Ibanez, P. Gomez, P. Beltran, M.J. Rivero, M. I. Ortiz (U. Cantabria, ES). P-7.2-012 Comparison of Reactive Distillation and the Sequential Processes Based on Energy Consumption. D. C. Cubides, C. A. Cardona (Nat. U. Colombia F. Manizales, CO). P-7.2-013 Characteristic of Fouling in a Membrane Bioreactor. M.E. Hernandez , R. Vankaam, S. Schetrite,O. Lorain, C. Albasi (Laboratoire de Génie Chimique LUMR, FR). P-7.2-014 Steady-state Multiplicities in the Reactive Distillation Process for Dipe Production. L. G. Matallana, C. A. Cardona, A. Gomez (National U. Colombia F. Manizales, CO). P-7.2-015 Analysis of Extractive Effects in Reactive Distillation Processes. C. A. Cardona, F. E. Lopez., L. J. Lopez (National U. Columbia at Manizales., CO). P-7.2-016 Modelling of Hybrid Processes: distillation combined with pervaporation. P. Kreis, A. Gorak (U. Dortmund, DE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 66 Poster Programme P-7.2-017 Synthesis and Properties of Oxygen Permition Membrane Materials 0.6. Sr-0.4Co-0.8Fe-0.2O3ƒ (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Dy, Yb). E.V. Iakoubovitch, N.N. Oleynikov, V.A. Ketsko (Kurnakov Inst.General & Inorganic Chem., Russian Acad. Science, RU). P-7.2-018 Parameters Influencing the Rejection and Permeate flux Properties of Nano-filtration Thin-film Composite Membranes. J. A. Otero, S. Fernandez, J.M. Colina, F.O. Mazarrasa (U. Cantabria, ES). P-7.2-019 Transport Properties in Nanofiltration of Na2SO4 – Water Solution with Thin-film Composite Membranes. J. A. Otero, D. Colsa, G. Lena, M.A. Rodriguez (U. Cantabria, ES). P-7.2-020 Gas Separation using Membrane Contactors. S. Binkowski, J. Neumann, H. Fahlenkamp (U. Dortmund, DE). P-7.2-021 Design Model for Ultrafiltration Continuous Tank Reactors. Application to the Resolution of n-Acetyl-dl-butyrine Catalyzed by Laminoacylase. A. Bodalo, J.L. Gomez, E. Gomez, J. Bastida, M.F. Maximo, M.C. Montiel (U. Murcia, ES). P-7.2-022 Membrane Technology for Hydrogen Separation in Ethylene Plants. Al-Rabiah (King Saud U., SA). P-7.2-023 Effects of pH and Ionic Strength on the Fractionation of Model Proteins by Membrane Technology. E. J. de la Casa, R. Ibanez, M. P. Paez, F. Camacho, A. Guadix, E. M. Guadix (U. Granada, ES). P-7.2-024 Membrane Surface Modification by Surface Modifying Macromolecules. Applica-tions in the Separation Processes Ultrafiltration and Pervaporation. M. Khayet, T. Matsuura (U. Complutense, ES & U. Ottawa, CA). P-7.2-025 Synthesis and Characterization of ETS-10 Membranes. Zhi Lina, J.Rocha, A. Navajas, V. Sebastian, C. Tellez, J. Coronas, J. Santamaría (U. Aveiro, PT). P-7.2-026 Separation of Azeotropic and Eutectic Mixtures in Hybrid Processes. S. K. Myasnikov, A. D. Uteshinsky, B. A. Kasymbekov, N. N. Kulov (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, RU). P-7.2-027 Permeate Flux Enhancement Using Static Turbulence Promoter in Microfiltration with Mineral Membranes. D. M. Krstiae, M.Tekiae, M. D. Cariae, S.D. Milanoviae (U. Novi Sad, YU). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-7.2-028 Drying of Gas Streams with Membrane Technology. S.J. Metz, G.C. Kapantaidakis, G.H. Koops, M.H.V. Mulder, M. Wessling (AE Ensched, Twente, NL). P-7.2-029 Pervaporation Separation of Methanol–Ethylene Glycol Mixtures. J.P.G.Villaluenga, M. Khayet, P.Godino, B. Seoane and J.I. Mengual (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-7.2-030 Synthesis of Silicalite Membranes on Different Pretreated supports. E. Mateoa, R. Lahoz, X. de la Fuente, A. Paniagua, J. Coronasa, J. Santamaria (CSICU. Zaragoza, ES). P-7.2-031 Multiplicity and Dynamic Behavior of a Reactive Distillation Column for Deep HDS of Diesel. T. Lopez-Arenas, E.Perez-Cisneros (U. Autonoma Metropolitana, MX). P-7.2-032 Numerical Simulation and Economic Analysis of a Two-Stage Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant with Spiral-Wound Modules. V. Geraldes (Dept. Inst. Superior Tecnico, PT). P-7.2-033 Synthesis and Characterization. N. Agoudjil, S. Kermadi, A. Larbot (USTHB Bab Ezzouar, DZ). P-7.2-034 Experimental Approach of Nanofiltration. Bouchoux, H. Roux-de Balmann, F. Lutin (Laboratoire de Genie Chimique, FR). P-7.2-035 Ultrafiltration of Anionic and Nonionic Surfactant Solutions Using Ceramic and Polymeric Membranes. E. Fernandez, G.Gutierrez, J. M. Benito, C. Pazos, J. Coca (U. Oviedo, ES). P-7.2-036 Pervaporation Separation of Water/Alcohol Mixtures using Hydrophilic Zeolite Membranes: a Modelling Approach Based on the Generalized Maxwell-Stefan Diffusional Theory. M. Pera-Titusa (U. Barcelona, ES). P-7.2-037 Experimental Validation of a Non Equilibrium Model. D. Rouzineau, M. Meyer, M. Prevost (INP/ENSIACET Lab. Genie Chimique, FR). P-7.2-038 Modelling of Reactive Short-Path Distillation. N.C.T. Biller, E. Sorensen (Centre for Process Systems Engineering, UK). P-7.2-039 Preparation of oriented MFI membranes on stainless steel grids. M.P. Bernal, F. Lopez, J. Coronas, M. Menendez, J. Santamaria (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-7.2-040 Formation and Characteristics of Gel Chitosan Membranes. R. Zarzycki, Z. Modrzejewska (Technical U. Lodz, PL). Poster Programme P-7.2-041 Modelling of Hollow Compound Fibre Drawing Processes. J. I. Ramos (U. Malaga, ES). P-7.2-042 Recovery of Zinc(II) from Model Hydrochloric Acid Solutions in Hollow Fiber Modules. M. Torz, K. Alejski, J. Szymanowski (Poznan U. Tech., PL). P-7.2-043 A Generalized Concept of Membrane Permeability Based on Nonlinear Frequency Response. M. Petkovska (U. Belgrade, YU). P-7.2-044 Facilitated Transport of Phenylalanine through Bulk Liquid Membranes. G. Leon, A. Carrasco, M. A. Guzman (U. Politecnica Cartagena, ES). P-7.2-045 Application of Emulsion Liquid Membrane in the Extraction of Valuable Metals from Aqueous Solutions. T. Kaghazchi, A. Kargari, M. Soleimani (AmirKabir U. of Tech., IR). P-7.2-046 Fouling Identification Methods for Dead-end. A. Grenier, M. Meireles, P. Aimar, P. Carvin (U. Paul Sabatier, FR). P-7.2-047 Pervaporation of Multicomponent Mixtures: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties. A. Toikka (St. Petersburg State U., RU). P-7.2-048 Study of the chemical ageing of modified polysulfone membranes. S. Rouaix, C. Causserand, P. Aimar, P. Aptel, N. Abidine (Lab. Genie Chimique, FR). P-7.2-049 Aspects of Describing Stagewise Dosing of Reactants. C. Hamel, M. Joshi, E. Tsotsas, A. SeidelMorgenstern (Max-Planck-Institut, DE). P-7.2-050 Polyester Thin Film Composite Membranes. C. Blicke, J. Bordado, S.Verissimo (Technical U. Lisbon, PT). P-7.2-051 Pd-zeolite Membranes for Hydrogen Separation. L. Casado, M. Urbiztondo, M.P. Pina, M. Menendez, J. Santamaria (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-7.2-052 Application of Membrane Technology in Valorization of Cheese Whey and Second Cheese Resulting from Serpa Cheese Making. T.Z.N. Macedo, M. Minhalma, D. Queiroz, V. Magueijo (Escola Superior Agraria de Beja,PT). P-7.2-053 The Separation of Normal Heptane from Branched Ones using Zeolite Membrane. M.L. Maloncy, L. Gora, J.C. Jansen, Maschmeyer (Appl. Organic Chem.& Catalysis, Delf, NL). P-7.2-054 Application of Emulsion Liquid Membrane Process to Reduce NH3 Contents from Aqueous Ammonia Solution. A. Baktir, Kuswandi, A. Altway,S.Murwanti (Sepuluh Nopember Inst. Technology, ID). 67 P-7.2-055 Microstructuring Hybrid Catalysts. Marcus Grunewald (U. Dortmund, DE). P-7.2-056 Support Layer Effect on the Flux through Ceramic Pervaporation Membranes. F.T. de Bruijn, L. Sun, Z. Olujic, P.J. Jansens, F. Kapteijn (Delft U. Technology, NL). P-7.2-057 Selection of Membrane-solvent Combinations in Membrane Gas Absorption Proces-ses. V. Y. Dindore, D.W.F. Brilman, P.H.M. Feron, G.F. Versteeg (U. Twente, NL). P-7.2-058 Modelling of Non-dispersive Solvent Extraction of Cu(II) with LIX622N in Hollow Fiber Contactors. M.J Abellan, M.F. San Roman, A. Urtiaga, I. Ortiz (U. Cantabria, ES). P-7.2-059 Dynamic Simulation of Whey Protein Fractionation by Ultrafiltration. A. Guadix, E. Sorensen (Centre for Process Systems Engineering, UK). P-7.2-060 Integrated Membrane Process using Two Hollow Fiber Contactors: Future Scheme of Metal Separations. Anil Kumar, R. Haddad, A.M. Sastre (U. Polit. Catalunya, ES) P-7.2-061 Determination of Molecular Mass Dependent Retention of Caustic Hemicellulose Solution by Nanofiltration. R. Schlesinger (Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH, AT). P-7.2-062 Evaluation of the Performance of PTMSP Membranes in the Pervaporation of Diluted Ethanol Solutions. C. Lopez-Dehesa, J.A. Gonzalez-Marcos, J.R. Gonzalez-Velasco (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-7.2-063 Dynamic Modelisation of Mass Transfer Using Salt Calcium Through a Nanofiltration Membrane. T. Chaabane, D. Legheraba, G. Dorange, R. Maachi (Science U. Technology, DZ). TOPIC 7.3 Adsorption and Integrated Processes P-7.3-006 Monolithic Adsorbents: A Comparison with Their Particulate Counterparts. J.A. Botas-Echevarria, S. Perera, B. Crittenden (U. Rey Juan Carlos, ES). P-7.3-007 Effect of Water on the Vapour Phase Adsorption of Organic Solvents. M. Harasek, H. Kallinger, A. Friedl (T.U. Viena, AT). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 68 Poster Programme P-7.3-008 Adsorption of VOCS on Hydrophobic Materials. J.L. Sotelo, A. Rodriguez, M.A.Garcia (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-7.3-009 Adsorption Kinetics of Propane and Propylene in Zeolite 4. A. Grande, A.E. Rodrigues (U. Porto, PT). P-7.3-010 Effect of Oxygen on the Adsorption of Bisphenol A on Activated Carbon in Aqueous Solutions. J. Rivera, I. Bautista, M.A. Ferro, C. Moreno, J.D. Mendez, M.J. Santander (U. Granada, ES). P-7.3-011 Influence of Aromatics on the 2-Methyl Thiophene Adsorption onto Zeolites with FAU Structure. J. L. Sotelo, M.A. Uguina, J.A. Delgado, J.M. Gomez, V.I. Agueda (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-7.3-012 Adsorption of Phenolic Compounds from Aqueous Solutions. M. C. Jimenez-Moleon, M. Lucero-Chavez (U. A. Mexico, MX). P-7.3-013 Comparison of Adsorption Equilibrium and Kinetics of Methyl Ethyl Ketone from Water onto GAC and Silicalite. J. L. Sotelo, M.A. Uguina, L.I. Celemin, J.A. Delgado, V.I. Agueda (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-7.3-014 Influence of Olefins on the Deactivation of a 5A Molecular Sieve During the Adsorption/Desorption of n-Paraffins. M. A. Uguina, J.L. Sotelo, G. Calleja, J.A. Diaz, J.M. Gomez (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-7.3-015 Adsorption of Cadmium(II) From Aqueous Solution onto Corncob. R. Leyva-Ramos, L.A Bernal-Jacome (U.A. San Luis Potosi, MX). P-7.3-016 Adsorption Properties of Mesoporous Silica Materials of MCM-41 Type. Derylo-Marczewska, J. Goworek, I. Skrzypek, R. Kusak (U. Marie Curie, PL). P-7.3-017 Adsorption from Binary Liquid Mixtures on MCM-41 Silicas. Derylo-Marczewska, A. Borowka, J. Goworek (U. Marie Curie, PL). P-7.3-018 Adsorption of Cu(II) on Chitosan Based Adsorbents. S. Hasan, T.K. Ghosh, B. Sengupta, D.S. Viswanath, V.M. Boddu (U. MissouriColumbia, US). P-7.3-019 Adsorption of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) in Solution on Silica Oxides. S. Hamdi, Z. Kessaissia, B. Hamdi, H. Balard (USTHB, DZ). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-7.3-020 Adsorption Studies on the Decolouration of Basic and Reactive Dyes by Manganese Oxides-Modified Diatomite. M.A.M. Khraisheh, M.A. Al-Ghouti, S.J. Allen, M.N. Ahmad (Q.U. Belfast, IE). P-7.3-021 Azeotropic Adsorption Organic Solvent Vapor Mixture On High Silica Zeolite. Experimental Simulation. K.Chihara, K. Hijikata, H. Yamaguchi (Meiji U., JP). P-7.3-022 Chromatographic Adsorption Measurement of Chlorinated Organicson High Silica Zeolite. C. Kazuyuki, T. Ninomiya, H. Mizuochi, T. Terakado (U. Meiji, JP). P-7.3-023 Estimation of Freundlich-type Equation Constants by Molecular Orbital Properties of Adsorbate and Adsorbent Involved in Aqueous Adsorption Systems. Y. Otake, T.H. Chang, J.E. Sohn, E. Furuya (U. Meiji, JP). P-7.3-024 Approximation of a PSA Kinetic Separation Process by a Equivalent Continuous CounterCurrent Process. D. Leinekugel-le-Cocq, M. Tayakout-Fayolle, E. Jolimatre, C. Jallut (U. Claude Bernard, FR). P-7.3-025 Dynamic Behavior of Non-Isothermal Multicomponent Adsorption in Adiabatic Fixed Bed. M.H. Khalaf, M.M. Eisa (U. Baghdad, IQ). P-7.3-026 The Simulated Moving Bed Reactor for Glucose and Sucrose Synthesis. M. Minceva, V.M.T.M. Silva, A.E. Rodrigues (U. Porto, PT). P-7.3-027 Study for Adsorption of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon into Y-type Zeolite by GCMC Method. K. Chihara, M. Watanabe, T. Sasaki, S. Miyamoto (U. Meiji, JP). P-7.3-028 Molecular Simulation for Adsorption of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon into Y -type Zeolite by the Molecular Dynamics Method. K. Chihara, T. Sasaki, M. Watanabe and S. Miyamoto (U.Meiji, JP). P-7.3-029 On Irreversible Adsorption Of Sustituted Phenolics From Aqueous Solutions. C. Jiménez-Moleón, M.Lucero Chávez. (Auton. U. State Mexico, MX) P-7.3-030 Study of the Multicomponent gas adsorption on MSC5A by chromatographic method. K. Chihara, H. Mizuochi and H. Imabeppu (Meiji U., JP) P-7.3-031 Effect Of Inorganic Matter Content On The Water Vapor Adsorption On Lignin-Based Activated Carbons. Bedia-Matamoros, J., Morales, A.L. Rodríguez-Mirasol, J. and Cordero, T. (U. Málaga, ES) Poster Programme TOPIC 8 69 POWDER TECHNOLOGY TOPIC 8.1 Solids Handling P-8.1- 007 Fiber Optic Probes Characterize Bulk Solids in Motion. O. Guerra Gonzalez, P. Walzel (U. Dortmund, DE). P-8.1- 008 Determination of the Stress Ratio in a Self Developed Tablet Press over the Whole Height of a Tablet. S. Haas, K. Sommer (Tech. U. Munchen, DE). P-8.1- 009 Determination of the Stress Distribution in a Specially Instrumented Roll Press during Powder Compaction. D. J. Herold, K. Sommer (Tech. U. Munchen, DE). P-8.1- 010 Investigations of Stress Field in a Single Plug for Dense Phase Conveying. G. Niederreiter, K. Sommer (Technical U. Munchen, DE). P-8.1- 011 Calculation of Stress Field for Particulate Solids. N.G. Mishina, V.K. Sarahchin (Russian Research Inst. Chemical Technology, RU). P-8.1- 012 Apreciation of the Grinding Degree in Milling. I. Danciu (U. Lucian Blaga, RO). P-8.1- 013 Rheological Characterisation of Binary Particle Mixtures by a Shear Cell. J. L. Amoros, G. Mallol, M.J. Orts, J.C. Jarque, V. Sanz (U. Jaume I, ES). P-8.1- 014 Densification of Binary Particle Mixtures by Gapping. J. L. Amoros, G. Mallol, M.J. Orts, J.C. Jarque, A. Gozalbo (U. Jaume I, ES). P-8.1- 015 Modelling of Screening Processes Demonstrated by Means of Electromagnetically Vibrated Sieving Device. K. Graichen, K. Husemann (U. Mining and Technology, DE). P-8.1- 016 Creeping of Wet Gypsum using a Silocentrifuge. M. Grosstuck, J. Schwedes (Inst. Mech. Process Engineering, DE). P-8.1- 017 Segregation Control during Particulate Solids Handling. V. N. Dolgunin, A.N. Kudy, O.B. Yushkova, A.N. Ananev (Tambov State Tech. U., RU). P-8.1- 018 The Conveyor Shear Cell for Determination of Particle Tendency to Segregation and Mixing during Shear Flow of Particulate Solids. V. N. Dolgunin, V. S. Borschov, G. A. Deev, A. M. Klimov (Tambov State Techmical U., RU). P-8.1- 019 Comparison between Aggregation of Solid in Wetting and Non-wetting Medium. M. Cournil, F. Gruy, P. Cugniet (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, FR). P-8.1- 020 Investigation of the Breakage Kinetics of Cement Clinker in a Ball Mill. D. Touil, C. Frances (Lab. Genie Chimique, UMR-CNRS, FR). P-8.1- 021 Residence Time Distribution in a Granulation-drum for Dry-beading of Carbon Black. T. Rieckmann, S. Pirl (U. of Applied Science, DE). P-8.1- 022 Powder Resuspension by Airflow. T.R. Sosnowski, L. Gradon (Warsaw U. of Technology, PL). TOPIC 8.2 Porous Solids P-8.2- 012 Production of Carbon Active from Coal Tar Pitch. S.N. Ashrafizadeh, M. Nasr Esfahani (Iran U. Science & Technology, IR). P-8.2- 013 Obtaining of Macro-porous Ceramics from Uniform Foams. P.J. Plath, C. Gonzalez, S. Diaz (U. Bremen, DE). P-8.2- 014 Structural and Acid-base Characterization of TiOx-sepiolite Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts. F. M. Bautista, J.M. Campelo, D. Luna, J. Luque, J.M. Marinas (U. Cordoba, ES). P-8.2- 015 Methanol-to-olefin Conversion over Ceramic Foam Supported ZSM-5 Zeolite. F.C. Patcas, B. Kraushaar-Czarnetzki (U. Karlsruhe, DE). P-8.2- 016 Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polyethilene. Effect of Regeneration Temperature and Polymer Density on the Activity of HZSM5 Zeolite. A. Marcilla, R. Navarro, M. Beltran (U. Alicante, ES). P-8.2- 017 Macroscopic and Microscopic Investigation on Homogeneity of Compacted Powder Samples. L. Brendel, G. Bartels, D. Kadau, D. Wolf (U. Duisburg, DE). P-8.2- 018 Synthesis and Characterization of BoronContaining SI-MCM-41 Mesoporus Materials. J. M. Campelo, T. Conesa, D. Luna, J. M. Marinas, A. A. Romero (U. Cordoba, ES). P-8.2- 019 Transformation of H2, CO and CO2 into Dimethyl Ether over CuO-ZnO-Al2O3-HZSM5 Bifunctional Catalysts. J. Ereña, J.M. Arandes, R. Garoña, A.T. Aguayo, J. Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 70 Poster Programme P-8.2- 020 Highly Ordered Mesoporous Silica Materials Synthesized on Non-ionic Triblock Copolymer Templates. A. Deryo-Marczewska, A W. Marczewski, I. Skrzypek (Maria Curie-Skodowska U., PL). P-8.2- 021 Survey of the Catalytic Activity, Cracking of the n-Hexadecane in the Presence of Metallic Silicates Catalysts (Al, Ni, Mo, Co, Zr). A. Boucenna, O. Zamoum, S. Dekkar (U. Mohamed Bougarra, DZ). P-8.2- 022 Influence of the Pore Size into Amorphous SiO2 Precipitate upon the Measured Values of Specific Surface Area and Bulk Density. S. Bogoevski, D. Burevski (Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, MK). P-8.2- 023 Taylored Activated Carbons Prepared from Olive Stones Pretreated by Steam Explosion Hydrolysis. V. Fierro, D. Montane, J. Salvado (U. Rovira i Virgili, ES). P-8.2- 024 Controlled Crystallization of Freeze-sensitive Slurries for Production of Porous Ceramics. L. Andresen, D. Donchev, D. Koch, M. Kuhn, G. Grathwohl, J. Ulrich (U. Bremen, MartinLuter U., DE). P-8.2- 025 Structural Properties of Ordered Silica Materials. J. Goworeka, A. Borowkaa, S. Pikusb, E. Olszewskab (Maria Curie-Skodowska U., PL). P-8.2- 026 Particle Velocity-a Link between Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties of Poliphase Unsaturated Porous Material. T. Matusinovic, S. Kurajica, J. Sipusic (U. Zagreb, HR). P-8.2- 027 Preparation of Silica and Alumina Aerogels as Adsorbents for Water Vapour. Z. Novak, P. Kotnik, Z. Knez (U. of Maribor, SI). P-8.2- 028 The Influence of Temperature and pH on Particle Size of Powder. V.N. Rychkov, S. G. Sotnikov, V.V. Kartashov, M.G. Shtutsa, I.V. Mikrukova (Ural State Tech. U., RU). P-8.2- 029 Synthesis of Mesostructured Silica with Controlled Particle Size. D.P. Serrano, R. Van Grieken, A.M. Melgares (U. Rey Juan Carlos, ES). P-8.2- 030 Resent Progress in Microporous Materials. B. Cekova, D. Kocev (School of Chemistry and Technology, MK). P-8.2- 031 Characterization of the Surface Properties of Bentonites and Kaolinites by Inverse Gas Chromatography. B. Hamdi, Z. Kessaissia (Fac. Science-Chimie, USTHB, DZ). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-8.2- 032 Characterization of the Industrial Precipitation Process of Silica. J. Schlomach, M. Kind (U. Karlsruhe, DE). P-8.2- 033 Study of Al-PILCs Prepared at Pilot Scale. Characterization and Properties as Adsorbents of Organic Compounds. A. de Lucas, J.L. Valverde, F. Dorado, P.Sanchez, I. Asencio, A. Romero, A. Garrido (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-8.2- 034 Synthesizes of Ion-exchange Resins as MTBE Production Catalyst. A. Mehrabani-Zeinabad, M.M. Akbarnejad, H. Hosseini (Isfahan U. of Technology, IR). P-8.2- 035 A Comparative Study of Ti-PILCs Synthetized both at Lab and Pilot Scale. A. de Lucas, J.L. Valverde, F. Dorado, P. Sánchez, I. Asencio, A. Romero, A. Garrido (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-8.2- 036 Process Intensification in Particle Technology: A Novel Method of Intensive Agglomeration and Microencapsulation of Powders. G. Akay and L. Tong (U. Newcastle,UK). Poster Programme TOPIC 8.3 Solid- Fluid Operations P-8.3- 006 Filtration of an Iron Oxide Aerosol by Means of Magnetic Meshes. A. Alvaro, J.R. Sanchez, J.M. Rodriguez, A.M. Estévez (U. Salamanca, ES). P-8.3- 007 Effect of the Presence of a Jet on Bed Expansion. A. Ounnar, J. Arrar, F. Bentahar (U. Science & Technology Houari Boumediene, DZ). P-8.3- 008 Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Continuous Fluidized Bed Spray Granulation under Steady-state and Dynamic Conditions. M. Peglow, S. Heinrich, (Otto-von-GuerickeU., DE). P-8.3- 009 Effect of Mechano-chemical Properties in Ultrafine Grinding of Talc in Stirred Media Mill. T. Thirunavukkarasu, K. Ramkumar, P. Raghuraman, B.Pitchumani (Indian Institute of Technology, IN). P-8.3- 010 A Study on the Application of Filter-aids and Flucculents in ZDDP Filtration. M. Mehrabi, S. S. Nouri, A. Khaleghinasab (NIOC- Research Inst. Petrol. Industry, IR). P-8.3- 011 The Effect of Temperature on the Flotation of Sedimentary Phosphates. F. Hernáinz, M. Calero, G. Blázquez (U. Granada, ES). P-8.3- 012 The Effect of pH Regulation on the Flotation of Soluble Salts. F. Hernáinz, M. Calero, G. Blázquez (U. Granada, ES). P-8.3- 013 Effect of Solid Density on the Geometry of both Spout and Fountain of Conical Spouted Beds. M. Olazar, M.J. San José, S. Alvarez, A. Morales, J. Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-8.3- 014 Segregation in Cylindrical Spouted Beds with Bynary Mixtures of Particles of different Density and Shape. M. J. San José, M. Olazar, S. Alvarez, M.A. Izquierdo, J. Bilbao (U. Pais Vasco, ES). P-8.3- 015 Final Treatment of Slurries by Ultrafiltration. A.B. Perez, G. Espinosa, J. Saez, M. Llorens, A. Soler, J.F. Ortuño, V.F. Meseguer (U. Murcia, ES). P-8.3- 016 Reactive Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate by Carbonation of Oil in Water Emulsions. A. Mehra , J. R. Bellare, H. Shah (Indian Institute of Technology, IN). 71 P-8.3- 017 Analysis the Process of Dehydration and Granulation at the Air-fluidised Bed using the Lost Function for Sizes of Dispersed Particles Quality. G. Statyukha, Y. Korniyenko, D. Skladannyy (National Technical U. Ukraine, UA). P-8.3- 018 A Study of Pich to Coke Wettability. V. G. Rocha, M. Granda, R. Santamaría, E.I. Diestre, R. Menéndez (Inst. Nacional Carbon, CSIC, ES). P-8.3- 019 Behaviour of Solid Particles with an Increase of the Gas Flow Rate in the Gas-liquid-solid Internal Loop Reactor with Mechanical Mixing. B. T. Kavalec-Pietrenko, Z. Cisiac (Gdansk U. Technology., PL). P-8.3- 020 Behaviour of Fabric Filters in the Filtration of an Aerosol of Gel-Dart's Type-C Particles. J.R. Sanchez, A. Alvaro, J.M. Rodríguez, A.M.Estévez (U. Salamanca, ES). P-8.3- 021 Particle Growth Mechanism in Fluidized Bed. The Effect of Atomizing Conditions and Airliquid Flow Rates. R. Cherif, M. Hemati, C. Laguerie (EMP-BPENSIGC/INPT-CNRS, FR). TOPIC 8.4 Drying P-8.4- 007 Downer Fluidized Bed Dryers: Experimental Equipe and Simulation Model. R. Blasco, R. Vega, P. I. Alvarez (U. Santiago de Chile, CL). P-8.4- 008 Drying Curve in a Vibrated Fluidized Bed: Effect of the Intensity of Vibration at Different Air Velocities. P. I. Alvarez, R.Vega, R. Blasco (U. Santiago de Chile, CL). P-8.4- 009 Drying of Suspension in a Fluidized Bed Dryer with Mechanical Agitation and Lateral Air Jets. A. Reyes, P.I. Alvarez and F. Troncoso (U. Santiago de Chile, CL). P-8.4- 010 Kinetics and Characteristic Curves for Convective Conditions. S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba, A. Bellagi (Inst. National Research Science & Technology, TN). P-8.4- 011 Modeling of the Convective Drying of Osmotic Pretreated Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC). O.L.S. Alsina , J.A. Pereira, V.A. Silva (Federal U. Campina Grande, BR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 72 Poster Programme P-8.4- 012 Driying of Yeasts: Performance Study of a Spouted Bed Reactor. A. P. T. Rocha, V.S. Silva, F.L H. da Silva, O.L.S. de Alsina (Fed. U. Campina Grande, BR). P-8.4- 013 Application of X-ray Microtomography to Follow Cracks Development during Convective Drying of Deformable Materials. A. Leonard, S. Blacher, P. Marchot, J.P. Pirard, M. Crine (U. Liege, BE). P-8.4- 014 Experimental Investigation of Heat and Mass Transfer Coefficients on Drying of Mate Leaves in Fixed Beds. E. F. Zanoelo, C. Zakrzevski (URI – Department of Food Engineering, BR). P-8.4- 015 Modeling of Packed Bed Drying of Mate Leaves. E. F. Zanoelo, C. Zakrzevski (URI – Department of Food Engineering, BR). P-8.4- 016 Improving Higt Moisture Solid Drying by Artificial Neuronal Network. J. S. Torrecilla (U. Complutense, Madrid,ES). P-8.4- 017 Drying Orujo in Fluidized Moving Bed. J. S. Torrecilla, M. C. Palancar, J. M. Aragon (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-8.4- 018 On the Predictability of Fluidized Bed Evaporation and Drying:Analysis of Mixing Behaviour and Transport Phenomena. S. Heinrich, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas, L. Morl (Otto-von-Guericke-U. Magdeburg, DE). P-8.4- 019 Structural Characteristics of Chitosan Microgranules. R. Zarzycki, G. Rogacki, J. Adamiec, Z. Modrzejewska (Technical U. Lodz , PL). P-8.4- 020 Dynamic Modelling and Parametric Sensitivity Analysis Freeze Drying Process. E.A. Boss, R.M. Filho, E.C. Vasco de Toledo (State U. Campinas, BR). P-8.4- 021 Experimental and Theoretical Investigations about Fluidized Bed Adsorption Drying at Deep Temperatures. W. Behns, H. Haida, M. Ihlow (Otto-vonGuericke-U. Magdeburg, DE). P-8.4- 022 An Approximate Model for the Relative Velocity of a Particle in an Impingement Dryer. A. Merino, E. Canales, J. Ferrer, R. Bórquez (U. Concepción, CL). P-8.4- 023 Head and Mass Transfer in a Dryer with Immersed Channels. K. Daoud, F. Bentahar (U. Science & Technology Houari Boumediene, DZ). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering TOPIC 8.5 Drying P-8.5- 006 Inclusions in Organic Crystals: Influence of Process Parameters. M. Dumasa, P. Carvinb, M. Kohlb, B.Biscansa (Laboratoire de Génie chimique CNRS/INP/UPS, FR). P-8.5- 007 The Influence of the Thermoplastic Injection Molding Process Conditions on the Parts Degree of Crystallinity. Experiment and Simulation. J. Nabialek, J. Koszkul, O. Suberlyak (Technical U. Czestochowa, PL). P-8.5- 008 A Comparison of Different Models for the Prediction of Nonlinear Oscillations in Ammonium Sulfate Crystallization. P.K. Pathath, A. Kienle (Max Plank Institut fur Dynamik komplexer Systeme, DE). P-8.5- 009 A Integral Study of Extractive Crystallization of Potassium Sulfate. M.E. Taboada, T.A. Graber (U. Antofagasta, CL). P-8.5- 010 Ways to Crystallise Specific Polymorphs: Examples from Industry. A. Eble, D. Carini, J. Zank, H.P. Wirges (Bayer AG, Technology Services, DE). P-8.5- 011 Influence of Secondary Nucleation Rate on Cooling Profile in Batch Crystallization. G. Yang, M. Louhi-Kultanen, Z. Sha, J. Kallas (Lappeenranta U. of Technology, FI). P-8.5- 012 Crystal Growth of KDP in the Presence of Organic Compounds. Y. Mori, J. Partanen, M. Louhi-Kultanen, J. Kallas (Lappeenranta U. of Technology, FI). P-8.5- 013 Scaling-up of Semi-batch Reaction Crystallization. A.C. Rasmuson, M. Torbacke (Royal Institute of Technology, SE). P-8.5- 014 Xylitol Crystallization from Synthetic Solutions: the Combined Effects of Xylitol Supersaturation Level and Cooling Temperature. D. De Faveri, G. Spigno, P. Torre, A.Converti, P. Perego (U. Genova, IT). P-8.5- 015 Influence of pH-value on Crystallization Foulling of the Aqeuous Two-components System CaSO4/CaCO3. V. Hofling, W. Ausutin, M. Bohnet (Technical U. Braunschweig, DE). P-8.5- 016 Characterization of a Scraped Crystallizer: Mixing Time, Particle-liquid Mass Transfer and Secondary Nucleation. C. Himawan, M.M. Seckler, G.J. Witkamp (Delft U. of Tech., NL) P-8.5- 017 Crystal Growth of Sucrose – Influence of Hydrodynamics. P. Martins, E. Zettergren, F. Rocha (U. Porto, PT) Poster Programme TOPIC 9 73 PROCESS SYSTEM ENGINEERING & CAPE TOPIC 9.0 Process System Engineering P-9.0-007 Combined Approach of Group-Contribution and Molecular Modeling for the Estimation of Pure Component Properties. J. Marrero, R. Gani (Tech. U. Denmark, DK). P-9.0-008 Graph Theory Decomposition for Vector Lyapunov Function of Nonlinear Composite System. M. Kidouche (U. Boumerdes, DZ). P-9.0-009 Simulation of Heat Transfer under Airwater Cooling Jets. F. Kavicka, J. Stetina, B. Sekanina, B. Velicka (Brno U. of Technology, CZ). P-9.0-010 Case-based Approach for Preliminary Design of Equipment and Processes. Y. Avramenko, A. Kraslawski, N. Menshutina (Lappeenranta U. of Technology, FL). TOPIC 9.1 Process Dynamics and Control P-9.1-006 Control of a Reactive Simulated Moving Bed Process for Glucose Isomerization. A. Toumi, S. Engell (U. Dortmund, DE). P-9.1-007 A Case Study in Nonlinear On-line Optimal Control. San-Blas, R.W.H. Sargent, L.S. Kershenbaum (Centre for Process Systems Engineering, UK). P-9.1-008 Model Predictive Control of a Three-Phase Slurry Catalytic Reactor. E. C. Vasco de Toledo, A. Mattedi, A. P. Mariano (State U. Campinas, BR). P-9.1-009 Cascade Control Design for Composition Control for FCC Units. J. Valencia, H. Puebla, J. Alvarez-Ramirez (U. Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, MX). P-9.1-010 Dynamic Simulation of Reactive Distillation Columns. Mehrabani-Zeinabad, M.R. Pishvaie, A.R. Maddah (Isfahan U. of Technology, IR). P-9.1-011 Application of Wiener-type Input/output Databased Predictive Control. I. Song, R. Oh, M. Park, H. Rhee (Seoul National U., KR). P-9.1-012 Fuzzy Logic for the Description of the Dynamic Behavior of Steam Power System. A. Habbi, M. Zelmat (U. Boumerdes, DZ). P-9.1-013 Non Linear Predictive Control for SISO and MIMO Complex Chemical Plants. M. Basualdo, L. Jimenez (UTN, AR). P-9.1-014 Tolerant Predictive Functional Control Applied to a CSTR With Jacket when Faults in Sensor and Actuator Occur. A. Scandizzi, P. Soligo, M. Basualdo, L. J. Esteller (UNR, AR). P-9.1-015 Genetic Algorithm Driven Free-Time Optimal Control of a Batch Reactor. O. Raducan, V. Lavric , A. Woinaroschy (U. Politechnica Bucharest, RO). P-9.1-016 Dynamics of a system of caustic soda solution cooling. L. M. Souza, J. J. N. Alves, L. G. S. Vasconcelos (U. Federal Campina Grande, BR). P-9.1-017 Control of pH by Artificial Neural Network. J. S. Torrecilla (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-9.1-018 Control of an Absorption Packed Column by Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy Logic. R Illoul, A. Selatnia,S. Aberkane, D.Baba Ammi (E. National Polytech. Alger, DZ). P-9.1-019 Process Control of Catalytic Disproportionation of Carbon Monoxide. V.K. Francuzov, B.V. Peshnev, A.I. Nikolaev, K.U. Kolybanov (Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, RU). P-9.1-020 Simulation of Multicomponent Distillation Columns. A Computationally Inexpensive Approach. R. Monroy-Loperena (Inst. Mex. Petroleo, MX). P-9.1-021 Coordinated Control of Two-stage Heat Exchange Process Supported by a Neural Network. N. Bolf, J. Bozicevic, D. S. Vedrina (U. Zagreb, HR). P-9.1-022 Development of Mathematical Modeling and an Optimal Control for a Batch Crystallization Process. C.B. B. Costa, A. C. Costa, R. M. Filho (State U. Campinas, BR). P-9.1-023 Improved Relay Auto Tuning of Cascade Controllers. S. Vivek, M. Chidambaram (Indian Institute of Technology, IN). P-9.1-024 Partial or Total Decouplers in Multivariable Control Processes. A. Khelassi, J.A. Wilson, R. Bendib (U. Boumerdes, DZ). P-9.1-025 Control and Optimization of a Three Phase Industrial Hydrogenation Reactor. M. C. A. F. Rezende, A. C. Costa, R. M. Filho (State U. Campinas, BR). P-9.1-026 Advanced Control Implementation for a Tubular Bioreactor: Application of an Alternative Structured kinetic Model. D. P. Stremel, E. C. Vasco de Toledo, R. Pontarolo, M. Rubens (UNISUL, BR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 74 Poster Programme P-9.1-027 On-line Monitoring and Control of All Acrylic Emulsion Polymerization Systems by a Combination of Raman Spectroscopy and Calorimetry. O. Elizalde, S. Krame, R. Gesthuisen, J.R. Leiza, J.M. Asua (U. Pais Vasco, ES). TOPIC 9.2 Computer Aided Modelling, Simulation & Optimisation P-9.2-012 Saturated Solar Pond Simulation. F. Rashidi, M. Khatibi (Amirkabir U. of Technology, IR). P-9.2-013 Single Events Modelling - Extension to Large Network. D. Guillaume, K. Surla, P. Galtier (Inst. French Petroleum, FR). P-9.2-014 Modelling a Continuous Electrostatic Smoking Process. R. Baron, M. Havet (Lab. Genie Alimentaire, FR). P-9.2-015 A Real-time Optimization Scheme Based on Grey-box Neural Models and Genetic Algorithms. F. A. Cubillos, E. L. Lima (U. Santiago de Chile, CL). P-9.2-016 Dynamical Modelling of a Twin Screw Extruder. S. Choulak, Y. Le Gorrec, F. Couenne, C. Jallut, P. Cassagnau (U. Claude Bernard, FR). P-9.2-017 Dynamic Simulation of a Tubular Reactor for the Production of Low Density Polyethylene. M. Hafele, A. Kienlea, M. Bollc, F.O. Mahlingd, C.U. Schmidtd, M. Schwi (Max Planck Institute, DE). P-9.2-018 HF and HC Dispersion Modelling as a Basis for the Monitoring System Design. M. Demichela, N. Piccinini (SAFER, IT). P-9.2-019 Simulation Workbench between HYSYS Rigorous Model and the NN Extension: Case Study of a Complex Simulation with Recirculation. J. J. Macias, J. A. Feliu, A. Bosch (Hyprotech Europe, ES). P-9.2-020 The Computerized System of Calculation Indexes of Reliability Inventory of the Chemical-technological Objects Specialpurpose. T.N. Shvetzova, V.G. Gorsky, T.V. Gromova, O.V., S. Shvyriaev (State Research Inst. Organic Chem. & Technology, RU). P-9.2-021 Turning "Black Box" Neural Networks into "Gray Models": the Case of Variable Influence Inference. S. Papadokonstantakis, A. Lygeros, S.P. Jacobsson (National Technical U. Athens, GR). P-9.2-022 Artificial Neural Networks Modelling of the Kinetics of Supercritical Thermo-hydrolysis of 4,4’-dinitrostilbenedisulfonic-2,2’ Acid. A. Zawadzka, J. Stawczyk (Tech. U. Lodz, PL). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-9.2-023 Modelling and Simulation of Dimerization Reactor for the Selective Production of Butene-1. M. R. Ehsani, A. MehrabaniZeinabad, V. Esmati Isfahan (U. of Technology, IR). P-9.2-024 Influence of the Phenomenon of Change of Phase of the Reacting Medium and the Refrigerant Fluid on Model Predictions of Three-phase Catalytic Slurry Reactor. E. C. Vasco de Toledo (U. Campinas, BR). P-9.2-025 A New Simulation Model for NOx Storage Catalyst Dynamics, U. Tuttlies, V. Schmeisser, G. Eigenberger (U. Stuttgart, DE). P-9.2-026 Computer-aided Gas-assisted Injection Moulding of a Complex Thick Wall Part Using an Optimized Midplane Representation. R. Ruiz, A. Marcilla. (U. Alicante, ES). P-9.2-027 PFC MATLAB Toolbox Developed for Working with HYSYS Plant. J. P. Ruiz, G. Azuaga, J.P. Paredes Vera, M. Basualdo, L. J. Esteller (FCEIyA, AR). P-9.2-028 Simulation of the Primary Hydrogenation Reactor of the Pyrolysis Gasoline Unit. N. Sallamie, P. Nouroozi, M. Karimaei. (Iran U. of Science & Technology, IR). P-9.2-029 Flowsheeting for Solids Processes. J. Werther, G. Gruhn, E. Hartge (Technical U. Hamburg-Harburg, DE). P-9.2-030 A Hybrid Neural Network Model for the Performance Simulation. G. Bellos, C. Gounaris, L. Kallinikos, N. Papayannakos (Nat. Tech. U. Athens, GR). P-9.2-031 Simulation of Energy Requeriments of the Hall-heroult Process for Aluminum Production. J. J. N. Alves, R.P. Brito, S. Prasad (FederalU. Campina Grande,BR). P-9.2-032 Adiabatic Monte Carlo Simulations of Reacting and Non-reacting Systems. M. Lísal, W. R. Smith (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ). P-9.2-033 Simulation, Design and Analysis of a Reactive Distillation Process for Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Production. E. S. Perez-Cisneros (U. Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, MX). P-9.2-034 Consideration of Maldistribution in an Online Model for a Gas Treatment Control System for Chemical Absorption and Desorption in Packed Columns. T. Robin, R. Jens-Uwe, T. Holger, W. (Gunter Fachg. Dynamic-Bet. Tech. Anlagen, DE). Poster Programme P-9.2-035 The Analysis of Working Rectification Columns by Mathematical Modelling. G.N. Semenov, A. Komissarov, E.A. Semenova (Mendeleev Chem. Tech. U., RU). P-9.2-036 Rigorous Modelling of Multicomponent Mass Transfer in Reactive Absorption. D. Roquet, P. Cezac (Laboratoire de Thermique, Energétique et Procédés, FR). P-9.2-037 Simultaneous Inverstigation of Mass Transfer and Flow Patterns in Reactive Absorption using an Optimization Technique. V. A. Danilov, I. Moon (Yonsei U., JP) P-9.2-038 Modeling and Optimization of the Combined HDS and FCC Processes with a Computeraided Tool. J. Michalopoulos, G. M. Bollas, S. Papadokonstantakis, A. A. Lappas, G. Aram (National Tech. U. Athens, GR). P-9.2-039 Activated Sludge Modelling Software. Salazar, R. Sciamanna, J. Henriquez, B. Ortega (U. Central Venezuela, VE). P-9.2-040 Data Mining for the Selection of Separation Processes. S. Beliaev, A. Kraslawski, T.Antczak (Lappeenranta U. of Technology, FI). P-9.2-041 Decision-Making Strategy and Tool for Sensor-Placement. C. Benqlilou, M. Graells, L. Puigjaner (U. Politecnica Catalunya, ES). P-9.2-042 Economic Optimization of Ozone Production. Comparision of Different Ozone. J. R. Dominguez, J. Torregrosa, F. Sanchez, J. Beltran (U. Extremadura, ES). P-9.2-043 Development and Verification of CFD Model for Scaling-up of Spray Drying Process. I. Zbicinski, M. Podyma (Tech. U. Lodz, PL). P-9.2-044 Development of the Information System for Extrusion Molding of Catalyst Pastes. A.V. Jensa, A.A. Polunin, I.A. Petropavlovsky, V.V. Kostuchenko, E.M. Koltsova (Mendeleyev U. of Chemical Technology Russia, RU). P-9.2-045 IS "Crystalogue" for Equipment Design and for Optimization of Mass Crystalli-zation Processes. A. Vasilenko, E.Y. Kortchagin, E.M. Koltsova, M. Cherenkov (Mendeleev U. of Chemical Technology Russia, RU). P-9.2-046 Development and Validation of a Decision Support System for Integrated Design of Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes. I. Rodriguez-Roda, M. Poch, P. Vega, M. Francisco, R. Banar (U. Girona, ES). 75 P-9.2-047 Disintegration of Polymer Melts in Ultrasonic Standing Wave Fields Process Modeling and Computation of Particle Size Distribution. N. Lessmann, D. Bothe, H. Warnecke (U. Paderborn, DE). P-9.2-048 Virtual-reality-based Software Tools for the Fire Resistance Estimation of Buildings I. Lukashevich, I. Kirillov, V. Roytman, H. Pasman (Kinetic Technol. Ltd., RU). P-9.2-049 Hybrid Modelling Development for a Continuous Industrial Kraft Pulping Digester. R. M. Filho, H.C. Aguiar, V.N. Polowisk (U. Campinas, BR). P-9.2-050 Simulation of the Semi-batch Gas-liquid Reactor for Sodium Bisulphite Manufacture. M. Fernandez, S. Colina, A. Irabien (U. Cantabria, ES). P-9.2-051 Asessment of Software Tools for Simulation of a Methane Steam Reformer in a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC). C. Godinez, L.J. Lozano (Polytechnic U. Cartagena, ES). P-9.2-052 Parameter Settings in a Simulated Annealing/simplex Optimization Method. J.M. Jezowski, G. Poplewski, A. Jezowska, R. Soma (Rzeszów U. Technology, PL). P-9.2-053 Simulation of the Dust Collection in Flue-gas Desulphurization Scrubbers with Special Consideration of the Drop Collision. M. Feldkamp, J. Neumann, H. Fahlenkamp (U. Dortmund, DE). P-9.2-054 Stochastic Kinetics of Organic Raw Materials Deterioration Influencing the Design of Optimal Capacity of Downstream Chemical Processing Units. F.A. Batzias (U. Piraeus, GR). P-9.2-055 Computer Aided Scale Up/Down with Fuzzy Dimensionless Groups Three Case Examples in Industrial Process Simulation. A.F. Batzias, D.K. Sidiras and F.A. Batzias (Lab. Simulation of Industrial Processes-Dep. of Industrial Manage, GR). P-9.2-056 Design of Distillation Columns Using Commercial Short-cut Methods Based Software. N.F. Alama, M. Brodkorb, J. A. Feliu, A. Aucejo (Hyprotech Eur., ES). P-9.2-057 Monte Carlo Simulation of Particle Formation and Molecular Weight Distribution in Styrene/Butadiene Emulsion Copolymerization. S.M. G. Zarand, F. A. Taromi, S. Pourmahdian, B. Dabir (Amirkabir U. of Tech., IR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 76 Poster Programme P-9.2-058 CFD Modelling of Chemical Reactors Homogeneous Reaction. L. Rudniak, A. Milewska, E. Molga (Warsaw U. of Technology, PL). P-9.2-059 Simulation and Optimization of a Heavy Oil Thermal Cracking Unit. C. J. G. Vasconcelos, L.C. Medina, R. Kunert, R. M. Filho, M.R.Wolf-Macie (U. Estadual de Campinas, BR). P-9.2-060 Pollutants Generation in Combustion of Biogas. M. Khoshnoodi (U. Sistan and Baluchestan, IR). P-9.2-061 The Study of The Heat Transformer with Hydro-Ammonia Solution. Candin, G. E. Florinescu, M. A. Candin (University Sibiu, RO). P-9.2-062 Total Site Energy Integration through Heuristic Considerations. M.C. R. Marques, L.M.F. Lona (UNICAMP, BR). P-9.2-063 Analysis and Simulation of a Industrial Process using HYSYS Software. C. Fernandez-Herrero, R. Moreira, G. Pereira (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). P-9.2-064 Discrete Element Method Simulation of Coal Combustion in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed. H. Zhou, G. Flamant, D. Gauthier (Ins. Sci. Genie des Materiaux et Procedes, FR). P-9.2-065 Simulation and Response Surface Analysis for the Optimization of a Three-phase Catalytic Slurry Reactor. C. D. Melo, D. Salah, M. Hasan, R. M. Filho (State U. Campinas, BR). TOPIC 9.3 Innovative Process Synthesis and Design P-9.3-006 Development of a Process for Ethylene Production from Methane by OCM Reactions and its Commercialization Challenges. S. Zarrinpashne, J. S. Ahari, R. Ahmadi (Research Institute of Petroleum, IR). P-9.3-007 A Novel Framework for Reactor Network Synthesis using Knowledge Management and Optimisation Techniques. V. Ashley, P. Linke (Centre for Process & Information Systems Engineering, UK). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-9.3-008 Modeling a Process of Synthesis-gas Production from Natural Gas. V.N. Pisarenko, D.B. Belyi (Department of Cybernetics, RU). P-9.3-009 Soft Sensoring in Polyolefin Plants using Observers. A. Frick, P. Kabore, A. Prata (ABB Corporate Research, DE). P-9.3-010 Flow Shirt Simulation Intensification by Automated Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Diagram Structure Synthesis Algorithm. M.A. Solokhin, A.V. Solokhin, V.S. Timofeev Lomonosov (State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, RU). P-9.3-011 Short-term Scheduling of Chemical Processes An Overall Optimization Approach. B. Mishra, E. Mayer, J. Raisch, A. Kienle (Max Planck Inst., Magdeburg, DE). P-9.3-012 An Efficient Approach for Simultaneous Production Planning and Scheduling in Multiproduct Batch Plants. Woinaroschy, S. Voinescu (U. Politechnica Bucharest, RO). P-9.3-013 Engineering Technologies of Electroless Nickel Process. M. Reda Gad Abu El-Magd (National Research Center, EG). TOPIC 9.4 Tools for Integration P-9.4-006 Decision Support System for the Quality Control of Products. Y. A. Ivashkin, Y. L. Gordeeva (Moscow State U. Applied Biotechnology, RU). P-9.4-007 Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks Performing the Equipment Project and Locating Local Controllers (DMC). M.C. R. Marques, L.M.F. Lona (UNICAMP, BR). P-9.4-008 Methods of Integrated Design of Flexible Chemical Process and Automatic Control Systems. S.I. Dvoretsky, D.S. Dvoretsky, V.F. Kalinin (Tambov State Tech. U., RU). Poster Programme TOPIC 10 77 NOVEL PRODUCTS and TECHNOLOGIES TOPIC 10.1 New Chemistry. Advanced Materials P-10.1-006 Synthesis of Cation-Exchange Fibers. Q.M. Amory, N.M. Mohammed (U. Baghdad, IQ). P-10.1-007 Optimization of Glass-Ceramic Enamel Properties. D. Gavrilovski (Sartid- Institute for Metallurgy, YU). P-10.1-008 Obtention of Thermo-oxidative Stable Microcapsules Containing Carotenoids. C. Perez, J.G. Baez, M.E. Rodriguez, C.I. Beristain, E.J. Vernon (U. Autonoma Metropolitana, MX). P-10.1-009 Synthesis of Polystyrene Nano Latexes by Emulsion Polymerization Using an Amphiphilic Block Copolymer as Surfactant. Martínez, A.; González, C.; Gutiérrez, J. M. (U. Barcelona, ES) P-10.1-010 Synthesis of Octadecasil Thin Films for Separation Applications. V. Sebastian, J. Coronas, M. Menendez, J. Santamaria, M. A. Camblor (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-10.1-011 Sandwich Moulding of Chemically Bonded PTFE Polyamide Materials. D. Lehmann, B. Hupfer, U. Lappan, U. Geißler, R. Reinhardt, K. Lunkwitz (Tech. U. Dresden, DE). P-10.1-012 Layered Oxide Materials: Particularities and Advantages of Structure, Properties and Synthesis. I. Zvereva, V. Gusarov, A.Toikka (Inst. Silicate Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, RU). P-10.1-013 Synthesis of SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) Oxyde Using Oxalate Co-Precipitation Method. V. Chevallier, M. Roubin, E. Nigrelli, G. Nihoul (U. Federal Rio Grande Norte, BR). P-10.1-014 New Carbonaceous Materials for Powder Metallurgical Hypereutectoid Steel. A. J. Escobar, J.M. Jimenez, M.A. Martinez (Repsol-YPF, U. Carlos III, Madrid, ES). P-10.1-015 Advanced Heat-accumulating Materials on the Basis of Polyethylene Glycol – 2000. V.N. Danilin, S.G. Shabalina, F.R. Shperber, L.V. Borovskaya (Kuban State T. U., RU). P-10.1-016 Elasticity and Creep of Fired Ceramic Tiles. V. Cantavella, A. Moreno, S. Mestre, J.C. Jarque (U. Jaume I, ES). P-10.1-017 Silica Aerogels as Drug Carriers: Effect of the Aerogel Hydrophobicity on the Release Kinetics. I. Smirnova, W. Arlt (Fachg. Thermodynamic & Thermal Verfahrenstechnik, DE). P-10.1-018 Production of Silicon Dioxide Aerogel as a By-Product for a Technology for Production High-Grade Silicon. L. Gordeev, M. Glebov, I. Bogomolov (U. of Chemical Tech. Russia, RU). P-10.1-019 The Computer Analysis of Bioactive and Triboactive Properties of Additives on the Basis of their Molecular Structure. A. I. Nhulok, A.A. Ivanov (U. D. I. Mendeleev, RU). P-10.1-020 Use of Zeolite Films to Improve the Selectivity of Reactive Gas Sensors. M. Vilaseca, J. Coronas, A.Cabot, A. Cirera, A. Cornet, J.R. Morante, J. Santamaria (U. Zaragoza, ES) P-10.1-021 13C-NMR and DSC Studies of Phenol-UreaFormaldehyde Prepolymers & Phenol-UreaFormaldehyde-Tannin Adhesives. G. Vazquez, J. Gonzalez, A. Villar, F. Lopez and G. Antorre (U. S. de Compostela, ES). P-10.1-022 Mechanical Properties of Starch Based Plastic Composite with Jute Fibres. M. F. Llop, F. Vilaseca, M. A. Pellach, E. Busquets, P. Mutje (U. Girona, ES). P-10.1-023 Effect of High Shear Mixer Design on Emulsion Quality: Water in Oil Emulsions (Part 2). M. Buchholz, N. Hegen, G. Kolb, P. Todtenhaupt (UNIMIX Haagen & Rinau Mischtechnik GmbH, DE). P-10.1-024 Characteristics of Five Desorption Peaks for Hydrogen in Graphite and Novel Carbon Nanostructured Materials. Y. S. Nechaev, O.K. Alexeeva (Bardin Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, RU). P-10.1-025 Investigation of Thermal and Analytical Properties of the Nematic of Binary Liquid Crystal Mixture by Capillary GC. S. Boudah, S. Sebih, M. H. Guermouche, J. P. Bayle (Fac. of Chemistry, USTHB, FR). P-10.1-026 Cytos Continuous Chemistry – a Coherent Chemical Synthesis Technology from Research through to Production. T. Schwalbe (Cellular Process Chem. Systems, DE). P-10.1-027 Relationship Between the Molecular Weight and the Intrinsic Viscosity of Aminopolydemethylsiloxanes. M.C.Gutierrez, J.Cegarra (U. Politecnica Catalunya, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 78 Poster Programme P-10.1-028 Low-field Colossal Magnetoresistance in CaCuxMn7-xO12 Solid Solution. E.A.Pomerantseva, D.M.Itkis, M.V.Lobanov, J.G.Noudem, I. A. Presnyakov (Moscow State U., RU). P-10.1-029 Application of Nanotechnology in Pharmaceutical Industries. S. Rowshanzamir, M. H. Eikani (U. Science & Technology Iran, IR). P-10.1-030 Environmental Application of Modified Silica Gels. Ya. Tarasova, A. Trokhymchuk, A. Legynchuk (Inst. Biocolloidal Chemistry, Ukrainian National Acad. Science, UA). P-10.1-031 Linalool Preparation using Palladium Nanoparticles. N. Semagina, G. Demi-denko, E. Sulman, L. Bronstein (U. Technical Tver, RU). P-10.1-032 High Quality Diesel by Hydrotreatment of Atmospheric Gas Oil/Light Cycle Oil Blends. G. C. Laredo, R. Saint-Martin, M. C. Martinez, J. Castillo, J. L. Cano (Inst. Mexicano Petroleo, MX). P-10.1-033 Obtention of Niobium Carbide in a Rotary Cylinder Reactor: Synthesis and Kinetic Study. F.A. Oliveira, J.F. de Sousa, C.P. de Souza (U. Federal Rio Grande Norte, BR) P-10.1-034 Solid-Phase Synthesis of Phthalocyanine Metals in Microwave Field. V.V. Shatalov, V.A. Seredenko, T.S. Dakalova,V.A. Dushechkin (Russian Res. Ins. Chem. Tech., RU) P-10.1-035 Novel Metal Polymer Catalysts in StereoSelective Hydrogenation of Nerol. A. Bykov, E. Sulman, M. Sulman, V. Matveeva (Tver Tech. U., RU). P-10.1-036 Nanostructured Chromia Aerogel: Efficient Catalyst and Catalyst Support for Ethylacetate Combustion. H. Rotter, M.V. Landau, M. Herskowitz (Blechner Center for Industrial Catalysis and Process Development, IL). P-10.1-037 Reduction of Didymium for Application in the Magnets Area. P.B. Freire, C.P. de Souza, C. A. Junior (U. Federal Rio Grande Norte, BR). P-10.1-038 Development of Technology and Equipment for Manufacturing Anhydrous Rare & Trace Metal Fluorides. V. V. Shatalov, V. P. Mashirev, D. F. Kolegov, S.F. Kolegov, O. I. Kozlov, V. I. Lobanov, E. N. Znorarev (Russian Res. Inst. Chem. Technol., RU). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-10.1-039 Catalytic Hydrogenation with the Nanostructurized Metal. E. Sulman, V. Matveeva, N. Semagina, M. Sulman, L. Bronstein,S. Sidorov, P. Valetsky (Tver Technical U., RU). P-10.1-040 Valorisation of K10 and FeCl3 Doped Montmorillonites in the Arylation of 3Hydroxy-2-Methylenealkanoic Esters. D. Saib, A. Foucaud (U. Renne, FR). P-10.1-041 Synthesis of Amido-Esters Based on Alkenylmaleic Anhydrid used as Additives for Engine Oils. N. Khettab, Ol Kaddour (U. Boumerdes, DZ). P-10.1-042 Synthesis of New n-Alkylacrylamide Monomers. M. Solener, E. Uguzdogan, M. Nurbas, E. B. Denkbas, O. S. Kabalsakal, S. Patir, S. A. Tuncel (U. Osmangazi, TR). P-10.1-043 Investigation of Dimethyl Ether Manufacturing Process using Combined Technology. L. S. Gordeev, V. N. Pisarenko, M. B. Glebov, E. A. Moshnyakov (U. Chemical Technology Mendeleyev, RU). P-10.1-044 The Solid Solution Sr1-xKx(Ti1-xMgx)O33xF3x: Synthesis and X-Ray Characterization. D. Talantikite, Z.Ladjeroud, L.Taïbi-Benziada (Hourai Boumedicine U., DZ). P-10.1-045 Supplying Oxygen to Human in Water Using Novel Artificial Gill. Ken-ichi Nagase, Fukashi Kohori, Kiyotaka Sakai (Waseda U., JP). P-10.1-046 Metalo-Organic Synthesis Used As Additives To Engines Oils. Kaddour O., Khettab N. (U. Boumerdes, DZ). Poster Programme TOPIC 10.2 Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals P-10.2-007 Synthesis and Bactericidal Activity of tButylbenzene K. Hammoudi, S. Douali, M. N. Nabiev (U. Boumerdes, DZ). P-10.2-008 The Study of Thermodynamic Properties of Protein-Polysaccharide System by a Calorimetric Method. M. Y. Tamova, N. A. Bugayets, L. V. Borovskaya (Kuban State Tech. U., RU). P-10.2-009 Production of Primary and Secondary Amide From the Reaction of Gaseous Ammonia and Monoethanolamine with Fatty Acids. N. M. Mohammed (U. Baghdad, IQ). P-10.2-010 Isolation of Rosmarinic Acid and Antimicrobiological Properties of the Extracts. M. Hadolina, E. Vagic, Z. Knezb, D. Baumana, B. Simandic (PINUS, SI). P-10.2-011 Hydrogenolysis of Hydroxymatairesinol to Matairesinol. J-P. Mikkola, P. Eklund, R. Lehtila, R. Sjoholm (Abo Academy U., FI). P-10.2-012 Alternatives for the Industrial Production of Macrocyclic Lactones. R. Nomen, J. Sempere, E. Serra, K. Aviles (U. Ramon Llull, ES). TOPIC 10.3 Nanotechnology P-10.3-006 Mathematical Simulation of the Catalytical Pyrolysis for the Carbon Nanotubes Obtained. I. S. Nenaglyadkin, S. Y. Tsareva, E. G. Rakov, E. V. Zharikov, E. M. Koltsova (U. of Chemical Technology Mendeleyev, RU). P-10.3-007 Research and Mathematical Modeling Of Titania Nanoparticles Production via Sol-Gel Technology. E.A. Medvedev, S.E. Muhtarova, E.M. Koltsova (U. of Chemical Technology Mendeleyev, RU) P-10.3-008 Study on the Production by Drowning-Out of Organic Nanoparticles with Controlled Size Distribution. P. Grisoni, E. Plasari (E. National Sup. Indus. Chimiques, FR). P-10.3-009 Nanosized and Spheroidized Tungsten and Tungsten Carbide Powders. V. Brozek, V. Dufek, K. Neufuss (Inst. of Plasma Physics Acad. Sci, CZ). P-10.3-010 The Carbon Nanofibres Synthesis. V. K. Francuzov, B. V. Peshnev, A. I. Nikolaev (Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, RU). 79 P-10.3-011 Preparation of Colloidal Assembly Using Oligonucleotide Linker Molecules. Y.-S. Cho, G.-R. Yi, S.-M. Yang (KAIST, KR). P-10.3-012 Thermostability and Surface Morphology of Nano- and Micro-filled NBR/CSM and CR/CSM Cross-Linking Systems. G.Markovic, B. Radovanovic, J.Budinski, M. Marinovic Cincovic (Rubber Prod. Enterprise TIGAR, YU). P-10.3-013 Production of CNF by CCVD of Acetylene over Fe/SiO2 Catalysts. M. Perez, E. Romeo, C. Royo , I. Rodriguez, A. Guerrero-Ruiz, A. Monzon (UNED, ES). P-10.3-014 Nanostructured CdSe Electrodes for Conversion of a Solar Energy. G.Y. Kolbasov, T.S. Lukiyanuk (Institute of General & Inorganic Chemistry, UA). P-10.3-015 Preparation of CdS Nanowires with an MOCVD Process. Y.-J. Hsu and S.-Y. Lu (U. National TsingHua, TW). P-10.3-016 Preparation of Silver Bromide Nanoparticles in CTAB Microemulsions by Direct Precipitation with the Surfactant Counterion. M. Husein, E. Rodil, J. Vera (U. Santiago de Compostela, ES). P-10.3-017 Dispersing Nanoparticles in Aqueous Systems. M. Pohl, T. Mathieu, H. Schubert (U. Karlsruhe, DE). P-10.3-018 Extending PCS to Characterise Complex Nanoparticles. Rasteiro M. G, Lemos C. C., Vasquez A. B. (Coimbra U., PT) 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 80 TOPIC 11 Poster Programme BIOCHEMICAL and FOOD ENGINEERING TOPIC 11.1 Bioprocess Engineering and Development P-11.1-010 Enzymatic Membrane Reactor. M.Galwas-Zakrzewska and R. Pohorecki (U.T. Warsaw, PL). P-11.1-011 Membrane Bioreactor Modeling and Stability Analysis. O. Glebova, N. Tarutina, A. Sofiev, N. Menshutina (U. Mendeleyev, RU). P-11.1-012 A Membrane-reactor to Improve Production of Sodium Erythorbate. G. Spigno, D. de Faveri, M. de Faveri (U. Piacenza, U. Genova, IT). P-11.1-013 Biotransformation with a Membrane Reactor in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. G. Víllora, P. Lozano, D.Gomez, M.Rubio, J. Iborra (U. Murcia, ES). P-11.1-014 Screening of Thermus Species for the Production of Thermophilic Lipases. E. Alonso, P. Fucinos, L. Pastrana and M. L. Rua (U. Vigo, ES). P-11.1-015 Sensitivity of The Fed-Batch Animal Cell Bioreactor to the Kinetic Model’s Pa-rameters. I. Ofiteru, V. Lavric, A.Woinaroschy (U. P. Bucharest, RO). P-11.1-016 Biexponential Kinetics of the Inactivation of Michaelis Enzymes. J. Vidal, J. Rodriguez-Lopez, F. GarciaCanovas, J. Tudela (U. Murcia, ES). P-11.1-017 Biokinetic Parameters Determination for Wastewaters Characterization. Analysis of COD and Turbidity Data. A. Abad, S. Cardona, L. Domene, F. Lopez, J. Navarro-Laboulais, J. Torregro (U.T. Valencia, ES). P-11.1-018 Artificial Neural Networks Applied to the Kinetics of Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysis. F. Pardo, A. Guadix, P. Benítez, J. Benítez, E. Guadix (U. Granada, ES). P-11.1-019 Performance of Three Phase Fluidized Bed Reactor for Lovastatin Production in Semi Continuous Cultures of Aspergillus terreus. J. Casas, E. Rodriguez, J. Sanchez, J. Fernandez, M. Vilches, F. Acien, E. Molina, Y. Chisti (U. Almería, ES). P-11.1-020 Influence of Hydraulic Residence Time on Ferrichrome Production by Ustilago maydis in a Membrane Bioreactor. A. Drews, M. Kraume (U.T. Berlin, DE). P-11.1-021 Modelling Wine Acetic Acid Fermentation in Highly Efficient Fermenter. C. Jiménez, C. Alvarez, M. Macías, D. Cantero, D. Jimenez, J. Vazquez, I. Garcia (U. Cádiz, U. Cordoba, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-11.1-022 Modelling of Stress Phenomena in Lactic Acid Production. N. Menshutina, L. Gordeev, E. Guseva, T. Nizhegorodova, M. Fick, J. Boudrant (U. Mendeleev, RU). P-11.1-023 A Kinetic Model for Gluconic Acid Production by Aspergillus niger. H. Znad, O. Dolgo, M. Blasej, V. Bales, J. Marko (U.T. Slovak, SK). P-11.1-024 Parametric Adjustment of a Representational Model for Acetic Acid Fermentation. J. Jimenez, F. Vazquez, C. Jimenez, C. Alvarez, M. Macías, D. Cantero, I. Garcia (U. Cordoba, ES). P-11.1-025 Determination and Modelling of Yeast Viability under Stress Conditions. J. Coutinho, M. Coelho, I. Belo, E. Ferreira (U. Aveiro, U. Minho, PT). P-11.1-026 Kinetic Model for b-galactosidase Adsorption in Hollow Fiber Membrane. E. Jurado, F. Camacho, G. Luzon, J. Vicaria, J. Martinez-Gallegos (U. Granada, ES). P-11.1-027 Growth of C. guilliermondii, P. stipitis y P. tannophilus in C6 – C5 Synthetic Medium. L. Martinez, S. Rodriguez, J. Gimenez, M. Serrano (U. Granada, ES). P-11.1-028 Cultures of Z. mobilis, C. guilliermondii, P. tannophilus and P. stipitis in Synthetic Mediums with Furfural. L. Martinez, S. Rodríguez, J. Gimenez, M. Serrano (U. Granada, ES). P-11.1-029 Mathematical Models for the Adaptive Control of Hybridoma Cell Cultiva-tions by the OpenLoop-Feedback-Optimal (OLFO) Controller. K. Kühn, B. Frahm, R. Pörtner, P. Lane, A. Munack, V. Hass (U. H. Bremen, U. Hamburg-Harburg, DE). P-11.1-030 Autotrophic growth of Isochrysis galbana Parke in Stirred Tank and Bubble Column Batch Photobioreactors. S. Sanchez, E. Martinez, F. Espinola (U. Granada, U. Jaen, ES). P-11.1-031 Cultivations Problems of Bacteria Arthrobacter globiformis in Biochemical Reactor. A. Skitchko, M. Popova, N. Panikov, E. Koltsova (U. Mendeleev, RU). P-11.1-032 Enzymatic Lactic Acid Esterification Assisted By Pervaporation. E. González-Díaz, S. Luque, J. R. Álvarez, J. Berrueta, J. Coca (U. Oviedo, ES). Poster Programme P-11.1-033 Rheological Properties of the Suspension of Desintegrated Baker s Yeast Cells. A. Heim, M. Solecki, G. Kilbey, M. Delia, C.Frances (U. Lodz, PL). P-11.1-034 Immobilization and Stabilization of Glutamate Racemase: Biocatalyst for the Production of D,L-Glutamic Acid. M. Bernedo-Cornejo, E. Cuenca, R. Fernandez-Lafuente, J.M. Guisan and E. Garcia-Calvo (U. Alcala Henares, ES). P-11.1-035 Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Olive Tree Pruning Waste and Fermentation of Hydrolysates with Pachysolen tannophilus. S. Sánchez , M. Moya , I. Romero, V. Bravo, F. Camacho (U. Jaen, ES). P-11.1-036 Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Enzyme Catalysed Substrate Conversion in a Packed-bed Enzyme Reactor. O. Ozmutlu, C. Hartmann, A. Delgado (U.T. Munich, DE). P-11.1-037 Oxygen Transfer and Uptake Rates during Rhodococcus erythropolis IGTS8 Growth. C. del Olmo, E. Gomez, A. Alcon, V. Santos, F. Garcia-Ochoa (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-11.1-038 Mass Tansfer from Oscillating Bubbles in Bioreactors. F. Montesa, M.Galan, R.Cerro (U. Alabama, U. Salamanca, ES). P-11.1-039 Application of the Dynamic Pressure-step Method for Mass Transfer Coefficient Measurement in Airlift Reactor with Internal Loop. M. Blazej, J. Annus, O. Dolgos, J. Markos (U.T. Slovak, SK). P-11.1-040 Simulation of Contact Systems for Solid State Fermentation Processes. L. Ramos, M. Chacon, M. Julian,Y. Suarez (U. Camaguey, CU). P-11.1-041 Coriolopsis polyzona Decolorization of an Anthraquinonic Dye. M. Lucas, T. de la Rubiaand and J. Martinez. (U. Granada, ES). P-11.1-042 Optimisation of Laccase Production by Trametes versicolor in Bioreactor. A. P. M. Tavares, J. A. P. Coutinho, A. M. R. B. Xavier (U. Aveiro, PT). P-11.1-043 Degradation Capability and Laccase Profile of Inducted Cultures of Trametes versicolor. D. Moldes, M. Lorenzo and M. A Sanromán (U. Vigo, ES). P-11.1-044 Study of Biochemical Processes Related to Wood Decomposition During Making Materials of Construction. E. Sulman and E. Prutenskaya (U. Tver, RU). 81 P-11.1-045 Biosorption Capacity of Heavy Metals by Acidophilic Microorganisms. G. Cabrera, J.M. Gomez and D. Cantero (U. Cadiz, ES) P-11.1-046 New Biotechnology and Unit for Acceleration Processing of Manure and Bioorganic Fertilizer Production. A. Vinarov, D. A. Sementsov, T. Ipatova, D. D. Sokolov, E. Dirina (SSRIPB, RU). P-11.1-047 The Optimization of Washing Rate in Hybrid Recycling System of Solid State and Submerged Fermentation. S. Osaa, N. Nagaob, T. Matsuyamaa, H. Yamamotoa, I. Namikib and T. Todaa (U. Soka, JP). P-11.1-048 Influence of the Pentachlorophenol (PCP) on the Kinetics of the Anaerobic Degradation of the Volatile Acids. D.A. Vaz, H.M. Soares, Souza, S.M A.G.U., A. Furigo Jr. (U. Santa Catarina, BR). P-11.1-049 Parameters Affecting Volatile Organic Compounds Elimination in Gas-Phase Bioreactors. O. J. Prado, E. Machado, M. C. Veiga, C. Kennes (U. Coruna, ES). P-11.1-050 Optimization of Nutrient Supply in a TolueneDegrading Biofilter Packed with an Inert Carrier. O. J. Prado, J.A. Mendoza, M.C. Veiga and C. Kennes (U. Coruna, ES). P-11.1-051 Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of TwoPhases Olive Mill Solid Waste (OMSW). R. Borja, B. Rincon, F. Raposo, E. Sánchez, M.A. Martín and A. Martín (CSIC Sevilla, ES). P-11.1-052 Anaerobic Digestion of Wash Waters of Olives and Olive-Oil Coming from the Two-Phases Olive Oil Manufacturing Processes in an Immobilised Cell Bioreactor. F. Raposo, R. Borja, E. Sánchez, B. Rincón, M.A. Martín and A. Martín (CSIC Sevilla, ES). P-11.1-053 Anaerobic/Aerobic Biological Treatment of Preozonised Kraft Bleaching Effluents. C. Zaror, P. Gonzalez, C. Segura, V. Carrasco, M.A. Mondaca, H. Mansilla (U. Concepcion, CL). P-11.1-054 Removing Chlorophenol with Horseradish peroxidase Immobilized on Porous Glass. A. Bodalo, J.L. Gomez, E. Gomez, M. Gomez, M.D. Murcia, E. Sanchez (U. Murcia, ES). P-11.1-055 Influence of Membrane Transport of 4s Route Intermediates on DBT Desulphuri-sation Rate. R. Cantos, C. Taborda, M. M. Galiana, A. Alcon, C.H. del Olmo, A. B. Martin, V.E. Santos (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 82 Poster Programme P-11.1-056 Ascorbic Acid Influence in the Preparation of Pseudomonas putida CECT5279 as DBT Desulfurizing Biocatalyst. V. Perez, A.B. Martin, A. Alcon, V.E. Santos, F. Garcia-Ochoa (U. Complutense, ES). P-11.1-057 Desulfurization of Dibenzothiophene by Pseudomonas putida KTH2 (pESOX3). A. Caro, K. Boltes, P. Leton and E. GarciaCalvo (U. Alcala Henares, ES). P-11.1-058 Comparison of Immobilizing Techniques of R. Erythropolis IGTS8 on Celite for the Obtention of a Biodesulphurizing Catalyst. M. Ladero, S. Manso, A. Dominguez, M. Pacheco and F. Garcia-Ochoa (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-11.1-059 Repeated Desulphurization of DBT using Pseudomonas putida CECT5279. V. Fernandez, B. Nieto, E. Santos, A.B. Martin, C. del Olmo, A. Alcon, V.E. Santos (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-11.1-060 Desulfurization of Alkylated Dibenzothiophenes Using Both Natural and Genetically Modified Microorganisms. J. Calzada, S. Cortes, P. Yustos, A. Alcon, V.E. Santos (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-11.1-061 Transitional Processes of Continuous Fermentation in the Substrate Recycle Fermenter. J.L. Gordeeva and L.S. Gordeev (U. Mendeleev, RU). P-11.1-062 Continuous Production of Pectinase by Immobilized Yeast Cells on Spent Grains. C. Almeida, T. Branyik, P. Moradas-Ferreira, J.A. Teixeira (U. Minho, PT). P-11.1-063 Modelling the Bacterial Synthesis of Cellulose. A. M. Gerrard, M. Hornung and H-P Schmauder (U. Teesside, UK). P-11.1-064 Enzymatic Synthesis of Biotensides from Renewable Sources. E. M. del Amor Villa and R. Wichmann (U. Dortmund, DE). P-11.1-065 Influence of Carbon Source on Lipolytic Enzyme Production by Kluyveromyces marxianus and Issatchenkia orientalis. M. Costas, F.J. Deive and M. A. Longo (U. Vigo, ES). P-11.1-066 Operating Conditions for Lipase Production by Yarrowia lipolytica in a Batch Bioreactor. F. J. Deive, M. Costas and M.A. Longo (U. Vigo, ES). P-11.1-067 Effect of Carbon Source on Lipolytic Activity of Thermus thermophilus HB8. A. Dominguez, A. Sanroman and M.A. Longo (U. Vigo, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-11.1-068 Effect of Oxygen Enrichment on Morphology, Growth and Lovastatin Production in Batch Cultures of Aspergillus terreus in a Stirred Tank Reactor. J. L. Casas, E.M. Rodriguez, J.A. Sanchez, J.M. Fernandez, F.G. Acien, M.A. Vilches, E. Molina, Y. Chisty (U. Almeria, ES). P-11.1-069 Influence of Light Supply in the Yield of Phaeodactylum tricornutum Cultures. C. Brindley, M. C. Garcia-Malea, F .G. Acien, J. M. Fernandez, J.A. Sanchez, E. Molina (U. Almeria, ES). P-11.1-070 Influence of Fluid-Dynamic in the Feasibility of Phaeodactylum tricornutum Cultures. C. Brindley, M.C. Garcia-Malea, F.G. Acien, J.M. Fernandez, J.A. Sanchez, E. Molina (U. Almeria, ES). P-11.1-071 Structural, Chemical and Textile Poperties on Flax Stems RETTRD with Bacillus lichenoformis. M. A. Galan and J. M. Sánchez (U. Salamanca, ES). P-11.1-072 Construction of a New Derepressed Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain for Cell Mass Production. M. Minguez, P.F. Amaral, M.A.Z. Coelho, O.Q. Araujo, M.H.M. Rocha-Leao (U. Rio de Janeiro, BR). P-11.1-073 Oil Separation from Palm Oil Mill Effluent by the Newly Isolates Thermotolerant Bacteria. T. Laohaprapanon, P. Prasertsan and A.H-Kittikun (U. Prince of Songkla, TH). P-11.1-074 Synthesis of Monolaurin in a Solvent Free System by Immobilized Lipase. C. C. B. Pereira, J.S. Lisboa, M.A.P. Silva and M. A. P. Langone (U. Rio de Janeiro, BR). P-11.1-075 Use of Perfluorocarbons in Yeast Cultivation. M.A.Z. Coelho, P.F.F. Amaral, A.P.M. Tavares, I.M. Marrucho and J.A.P. Coutinho (U. Aveiro, PT). P-11.1-076 Effect of Pretreatment on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse. S. El-Nawawi and A. Abd-Elkader (Natl-Res Cente, EG). P-11.1-077 Optimization of the Recovery of Amylases from Maize Malt (Zea mays) in ATPS PEG 6000/CaCl2. G.B. Ferreira, A.F. Evangelista, B.S. Joao, J.C.C. Santana, E. Jordao and R.R. De Suoza (CCET-UFS, BR). P-11.1-078 Effect of Different Whey Pre-Treatments on Protease Production and Characteri-zation of Protein Consumption by Serratia marcescens. F.J. Ustariz, A. Laca, L.A. Garcia and M. Díaz (U. Oviedo, ES). Poster Programme P-11.1-079 Integrated Production and Seperation of Isomaltose. S. Berensmeier and M. Ergezinger (U. Braunschweig, DE). P-11.1-080 Biotechnology and Installation for Processing of Alcohol Waste to Protein Fodder Additive. A. Vinarov, D.T. Sydorenko and Smirnov (SSRIPB, RU). P-11.1-081 Lipase Catalyzed Ethanolysis of Fish Oils: Multi-Response Kinetics. P-11.1-082 Laccase Production by Trametes hirsuta Under Solid-State Fermentation Using as Subtrate Orange Peelings. E. Rosales, S. Rodriguez Couto and M A. Sanromán (U. Vigo, ES). P-11.1-083 The Potential Use of Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) in Biopulping. J. M. Carbajo, M.C. Terron, E. Revilla, C.de la Macorra, R.A. Silva, A.E. Gonzalez and J.C. Villar (INIA-CIFOR, ES). P-11.1-084 High Cell Density Culture of Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli for the Production of b-Glucanase: Behavior of FedBatch Cultures. U. Beshay, K. Friehs, G. Miksch and E. Flaschel (U. Bielefeld, DE). P-11.1-085 Quantitative HPLC Analysis of Aqueous Suspensions of Oleic and Hidroxyoctadecenoic Acids without Solvent Estraction. A. Bodalo, J. Bastida, M.F. Maximo, A.M. Hidalgo, C.M. Fernandez and M.R. Zamora (U. Murcia, ES). P-11.1-086 Optimisation of Xanthan Production by Xanthomonas campestris in Batch Cultures. I. Ramos, E. Lopez, A. Liebanas and M.A. Sanromán (U. Vigo, ES). TOPIC 11.2 Separation Processes in Biotechnology P-11.2-007 Downstream Processing for a Novel Fermentation Process for the Preparation of D-Pantothenate. D. Klein, M.Lohscheidt, C.Beck, H.Harz, E.Scholt, T. Herman, T. Patterson, J. Pero, R. Rogers (BASF AG, DE). P-11.2-008 Expanded Bed Adsorption Chromatography of Phycocianins from the Microalgas S. platensis. R.Bermejo, M.Felipe, E.Talavera, J.AlvarezPez (U. Jaen, U. Granada, ES). P-11.2-009 Micellar Chromatography for Enantiomer Separations. L. García, H. Bart (U. Kaiserslautern, DE). 83 P-11.2-010 Temperature-Induced Phase Separation In Aqueous Solutions Containing Ethylene Oxide-Propylene Oxide Block Copolymers. A. P. Brescancini, E. Basile, A. Pessoa Jr. (USP, Sao Paulo, BR). P-11.2-011 Nanofiltration Membranes Characterization and its Applications of the Dairy Industry: Study of the AFC80 (PCI) Membrane. J. Otero, M. Edesa, J. Amieva, J. Colina, G. Lena, F. Maza-rrasa, M. Rodríguez (U. Cantabria, ES). P-11.2-012 Extraction of a-phenil glycine from Aqueous Solutions by Surfactant Centrifugal Ultrafiltration. D. Domínguez, M. Ruiz, J. Benito, J. Cabezas, I. Escudero (U. Burgos, ES). P-11.2-013 Lactic Acid Recovery from Fermentation Broths by Ultrafiltration. M. González, F. Riera, R. Alvarez (U. Oviedo, ES). P-11.2-014 Visualizing Protein Fouling on Policarbonate Membranes by Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy. M. Ferrando, F. Lopez and C. Guell (ETSEQ, URV, ES). P-11.2-015 Study of the Sequence Filtration-RelaxationBackflushing to Prevent Membrane Fouling in a Submerged Membrane Bioreactor. R.van Kaam, M. Hernandez, S. Schetrite, O. Lorain, C. Albasi (Lab. Génie Chimiq., Toulose, FR). P-11.2-016 Column Extraction of Aspartic Acid with triAlkylmethylammonium Chloride Impregnated in a Macroporous Resin. E. Santidrian, M. Ruiz, J. Cabezas, I. Escudero (U. Burgos, ES). P-11.2-017 Perfomance of Pulsed Caps Columns for Continuous Liquid-Liquid Extraction. A. Rabelo, E. Tambourgi (UNICAMP, BR). P-11.2-018 Recovery of Bromelain on a Pulsed Columns using the PEG-Cashew Nut Tree Gum Aqueous Two-phase System. G. Campese, E. Tambourgi (UNICAMP, BR). P-11.2-019 Partition of Enzymes a and b-Amylases from Maize Malt (Zea mays) in Aqueous TwoPhases System PEG 4000/CaCl2. G. Ferreira, A. Evangelista, J. Santana, E. Jordao, R. Souza (U. Sergipe, BR). P-11.2-020 Purification of Trypsin in a New Aqueous Two Phase System PEG-Cashew Tree Gum. P. Leite, L. Oliveira, L. Sarubbo, E.Tambourgi (UNICAMP,BR). P-11.2-021 Partition of Endo- and Exo-pectinase in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems. M. Antov, I. Radiæ (U. Novi Sad, YU). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 84 Poster Programme P-11.2-022 Comparison Between Extraction of Lipids and Fatty Acids from Seeds Sources of Õ-Gammalinolenic acid (GLA). J. Guil, J. Lopez, M. Rebolloso, P.Campra (U. Almería, ES). P-11.2-023 A New Approach for Protein Crystallization Using Dissolution Process for Amorphous Protein. I. Hirasawa, S. Sasaki, Y. Shima (U. Waseda, JP). TOPIC 11.3 Food Engineering P-11.3-007 Choise Of Optimal Regimes Of Extractive Distillation For Industrial Units Operating Under Vacuum. N.A. Vyazmina (Joint-Stock Co. "Topaz" Distillery, RU). P-11.3-008 Theoretical And Experimental Study Of Whey Ultrafiltration. M.H. Eikani1,S. Rowshanzamir, T. Kaghaz (Chemical Industries Research Center, IR). P-11.3-009 Removal of Alcohol from Apple Cider by Reverse Osmosis. M. López, S. Alvarez, F. Riera, R. Alvarez (U. Oviedo, ES). P-11.3-010 Membrane Technology in Non-aqueous Media: Applications in Edible Oil Industry. A. García, S. Alvarez, F. Riera, R. Alvarez, J. Coca (U. Oviedo, ES). P-11.3-011 Whey Demineralization Using Nanofiltration Membranes: Food Applications. A. Lobo, F. Riera, R. Alvarez (U. Oviedo, ES). P-11.3-012 White Meat Mackerel (Trachurus Murphyi) Drying Using a Microwave-based Vacuum Rotary Drier. G. Enri-quez, R. Bohórquez (U. Concepción, CL). P-11.3-013 Study of the Food Quality Changes During Drying Process by Two Heating Modes: Convection, Infrared. S. Timoumi, D. Mihoubi, F. Zagrouba (INRST, TN). P-11.3-014 Effects of Heat Treatment and Dehydration on Pineapple Cell Walls. A. Femenia, S. Simal, C. Rossello (U. Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, ES) P-11.3-015 Analysis of Osmotic Agent and the Presence of the Integument on Osmotic Dehydration of Chestnut. G. Vazquez, F. Chenlo, R. Moreira, C. Fernandez-Herrero (U. Santiago, ES). P-11.3-016 Natural Drying Process for Tropical Fruits. A. Silva, A. Vieira (U. Rio Grande do Norte, Natal BR). P-11.3-017 Osmotic Dehydratation of Slices of Tomato. J. Souza, M. Magalhaes, M. de Lima, D. Silva (U. Rio Grande do Norte, BR). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-11.3-018 Meat Drying Experiments Under Fuzzy Control System. J. Stawczyk, J. Comaposada, P. Gou, J. Arnau (U. T. Lodz, PL). P-11.3-019 Rehydration Modelling of Dehydrated Boletus edulis Mushrooms. P. Garcia-Pascual, N. Sanjuan, M. Mañez, A. Mulet (U. P. Valencia, ES). P-11.3-020 Drying Modelling of Curcuma longa Rhizomes. M. Blasco, J. García-Perez, J. Garcia-Reverter, A. Mulet (U. Valencia, ES). P-11.3-021 Food safety and Hygiene: Systematic Layout Planning of Food processes. D. van Donk, G. Gaalman, L. Kooijman (U. Groningen, NL). P-11.3-022 Food Stuffs Contamination by Gamma-Ray Emitting Radionuclides. S. Timoumi, N. Reguigui, M. Achour (INRST, TN). P-11.3-023 Contaminants in Foodstuff Contact Paper. C. de la Macorra, L. Díaz., L. Jimenez, J. Carbajo, J. Villar (INIA, ES). P-11.3-024 A New Method for the Assesment of In-place Cleanability of Food Processing Equipment. J. Hofmann, K. Sommer (U.T. Munchen, DE). P-11.3-025 Use of the Oregano in the Production of Coagulum Cheese-Chemical and Sensorial Analysis. E. Silva, S. Prreasd, J. Santos, M. Fonseca, N. Silva, (CCT, UEPB, Campina Grande, BR). P-11.3-026 Evolution of the Content in Xases of the Virgin Olive Oils During Storage in Warehouse. L. Martinez Nieto, S. Rodriguez, J .Gimenez, J. Lozano, A. Cobo (U. Granada, ES). P-11.3-027 Evolution of the content in Alcohols Aliphatics of the Oils of Olive Virgins During the Storage in Warehouse. L. Martinez, S. Rodriguez, J. Gimenez, J. Lozano, A. Cobo (U. Granada, ES). P-11.3-028 Influence of Chocolate Powder Addition on a Mechanical Hardness of Food Extrudate Types Flips. M. Brncic, B. Tripalo, D. Jezek, D. Semenski, N. Drvar (U. Zagreb, HR). P-11.3-029 Overproduction of Thermus sp. Strain T2 bGalactosidase in E. coli and Stabilization by Immobilization on Novel Heterofunctional Epoxy Supports Plus Aldehyde-dextran Cross Linking. B. Pessela, C. Mateo, M. Fuentes, A. Vian, J. Garcia, R. Fernandez-Lafuente, A. Carrascosa, J. Guisan (CESIC, ES). P-11.3-030 Improving Technology of Obtaining Chitosan from River Crawfish Shell. E. Franchenko, M. Tamova (U.T. Kuban, RU). Poster Programme P-11.3-031 Rheological Behavior of Corn Starch During a-amylolysis for Maltodextrin Production. H. Torabizadeh (IROST, IR). P-11.3-032 Polymorphism of Resistant Starch. K. Shamai, E. Shimoni, H. Bianco-Peled (IIT, IL). P-11.3-033 Influence of High Pressure on the Texture of Post-Rigor Meat. C. Schaschke, S. Adams (U. Strathclyde, UK). P-11.3-034 Physical Properties Characterisation of Potato: Evolution of the Density with the Moisture Content. S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba, A. Bellagi (INRST, TN). P-11.3-035 Treatment with Microbubbles of Supercritical CO2 for enzymatic Inactivation of Orange Juice. V. Capilla, E. Casas, J. Garcia-Reverte, A. Barna (U. Valencia, ES). P-11.3-036 Reduction of Alcoholic Graduation in White Galician Wines by Vacuum Distillation. R. Maceiras, R. Taboas, M. Cancela, E. Alvarez (U. Vigo, ES). P-11.3-037 Milk Protein Purification by Membrane Technology in Pilot Plant. J. M. Espinosa, A. Martínez-Férez, E.M. Guadix, A.Guadix (U. Granada, ES). P-11.3-038 Preparation of gelatin from Calfskin for Food Pharmaceuticals Uses. M. Khlaf, M.Eisa (U. Baghdad, IQ). P-11.3-039 Development of a Bioprocess to Improve the Nutritive Vslue of Coffee husk: Kinetics of Enzymes Production and Toxic Compounds Degradation. C. Tagliari, K.Raquel, R. Sanson, A. Zanette, T. Franco, C. Soccol (UNICAMP, Campinas, BR). P-11.3-040 Analysis of Protein Structure During the Extrusion Cooking by Methods of Molecular Modeling and FTIR Spectroscopy. D. Kovaeek, A.Nineeviæ, B. Tripalo (U. Zagreb, HR). P-11.3-041 Optimizing the Carotenoid Content of Processed Products Based on a Lycopene Rich Carrot. E. Mayer-Miebach, D. Behsnilian, V. Graf, E. Neff, M. Regier, H. Schuchmann (FRCN, DE). P-11.3-042 Experimental Study and Modelling of Adsorption/Desorption Isotherms of Two Agricultural Products: Carrot and Apple. S. Timoumi, D. Mihoubi, F. Zagrouba, M. Brn Amor (INRST, TN). P-11.3-043 Effect of Blanching on the Texture and Microestructure of Dehydrated Carrots. I. Hernando, N. Sanjuan, R. Matamoros, M. Lluch, A. Mulet (U. P. Valencia, ES). 85 P-11.3-044 Influence that the Quality of the Honeys in the Process of Production Alcoholic. R. Gonzalez, R. Gonzalez, E. Fonseca, L. Avila, E.Candelario (U. Camaguey, CU). P-11.3-045 Oxidative Conversion of Isoeugenol to Vainillin by Ozone. J. Quesada, M. Zafra, M. Rubio (U. Murcia, ES). P-11.3-046 Effect of the Kinetic Compensation by Thermogravimetry Applied to Commercial Edible Oils. J. Santos, S. Presad, A. Souza (CCEN, UFPB, Paraiba, BR). P-11.3-047 Distribution of Fatty Acids and Oil Yield in the Favelaria Seeds (Cnidoscolus Quercifolius) in Plant Populations of the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region. J. Pires, J. Santos, K. Ferreira, S. Prasad, M. Conceisao, S. Nobrega, A. Salatino (CCT, UEPB, Campina Grande, BR). P-11.3-048 Milk Pasteurization Process Optimization: Use of a General Process Simulator. J. Bon, A. Meza, A. Mulet, G. Clemente, J. Carcel (U. Valencia, ES). P-11.3-049 Evaluation of the Thermoanalytical and Kinetic Parameters of Thermal Decomposition Reactions of Margarines with Different Lipid Contenta. J. Santos, S. Presad, A. Souza (CCEN, UFPB, Paraiba, BR). P-11.3-050 Increase Quality Process of Reception a Nucleus Seeds Sunflower. E. Koshevoy, R. Frolov (U. T. Kuban, RU). P-11.3-051 Analysis of the Chemical Composition of the Faveleira Meal (Cnidoscolus quercifolius). K. Ferreira, J. Pires, J. Santos, C. Medeiros, V. Caldeira, S. Nobrega, S. Prasad (CCT, UEPB, Campina Grande, BR). P-11.3-052 Express Method for Amino Acid Determination Via Capillary Electrophoresis without their Preliminary Derivatization. O. Manaenkov, A. Sidorov, E. Sulman (U. T. Tver, RU). P-11.3-053 Characterization of Protease from Penicillium aurantiogriseum for Application in Food Industries. C. Motta, K. Moreira, J. Lima, A. Porto (UFPE, BR). P-11.3-054 Methodology for Evaluation of System Industrial Refrigeration. R. Gonzalez (U. Camguey, CU). P-11.3-055 Neural Network Modelling of Heat Transfer in Pressure Food Processing. J. Torrecilla, L. Otero, P. Sanz (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES) 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 86 TOPIC 12 Poster Programme HIGH PRESSURE TECHNOLOGY TOPIC 12.1 Chemical reactions under High Pressure P-12.1-006 Hydrodearomatization of Petroleum Fuel Fractions on High-performance Silica Supported Ni-W-Sulfide. L. Vradman M. V. Landau, M. Herskowitz (U. of the Negev, IL). P-12.1-007 Reactions in Supercritical Conditions. D. Guillaume (Institut Français du Petrole Vernaison, FR). P-12.1-008 Investigation of Termination Kinetics of Acrylates and Methacrylates using HighPressure Single-Pulse Pulsed-laser Polymerization Technique. M. Buback, M. Egorov, A. Feldermann. (U. Gottingen, DE). P-12.1-009 Ultrasound-induced Polymerisations In Highpressure Fluids. M. W. A. Kuijpers, M. Kemmere, J .T .F. Keurentjes (Eindhoven U. Technology, NL). P-12.1-010 Reactions And Kinetics Of Lignin Model Compounds in near Critical Water. G. González, M. Daroca, D. Montané. (Rovira i Virgili U., ES). P-12.1-011 Hydrothermolysis Of Carbohydrates In Suband Supercritical in SC CO2 . R. Schweppe, J. Graf, T. Hirth. (Fraunhofer Inst. Chem. Technol., DE). P-12.1-012 Oxo-synthesis of Higher Aldehides in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. F. Patcas, S. Pitter, E. Dinjus. (Inst. Chem. Technol.-CPV, DE). P-12.1-013 Catalytic Polymerization of Olefins in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. M. Kemmere, T. de Vries, J. Keurentjes (Eindhoven U. of Technology, NL). P-12.1-014 Enzymatic Synthesis of Isoamyl Acetate in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. M. D. Romero , L. Calvo , C. Alba, M. Habulin , Z. Knez (U. Complutense, Madrid, ES). P-12.1-015 Supercritical Water Oxidation Process. Reactors Modelling and Comparative Study. M. J. Cocero, E. Alonso, A. Martín, M. D. Bermejo, D. Rincón, O. E. Perez ,F. FdezPolanco (U. Valladolid, ES). P-12.1-016 Experimental Investigation on Hydrothermal Flames. B. Wellig, K. Prikopsky, Ph. Rudolf von Rohr. (Institute of Process Engineering, SE). P-12.1-017 Gas-Phase Sunflower Oil Hydrogenation in High Pressure Propane: Preliminary Kinetics in an Internal Recycle CSTR. E. Ramírez, A. S. Oliveira, M. A. Larrayoz, F. Recasens (U. Politec. Catalunya, ES). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering TOPIC 12.2 Supercritical Fluid Technology P-12.2-006 Yield and Selectivity Enhancing Process Modifications For High Pressure Extraction Of Pharmaceutical Plant. R. Steinez, W. Tratz, O. Seidel (U. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE). P-12.2-007 Study Of The Extraction Of Hypericum Perforatum L. With Super-and Subcritical Carbon Dioxide. A. A. Smelcerovic, S.M.Dordjevic (Fac. Technology Leskovac, YU). P-12.2-008 Supercritical CO2 Extraction of High Valued Compounds from Industrial Tomato Wastes. E. Vági, B. Simandi, K. Vásárhelyiné, D. Hussein. (Budapest U. of Technol. and Economics, HU). P-12.2-009 Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Medicinal Components from Urtica Dioica. L. M. Sajfrtová, H. Sovová, M. Bbártlová, L. Opletal (Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, CZ). P-12.2-010 Supercritical Extraction From Plants: New Model and Extraction Curve Evaluation. H. Sovová, M. Bártlová, M. Sajfrtová, L. Opletal. (Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, CZ). P-12.2-011 Extraction of Juniperus Communis L. with Supercritical CO2. B. Barjaktarovic, M. Sovilj, Z. Knez (Faculty of Technology, SL). P-12.2-012 Extraction of Ocimun Sanctun with CO2 Pressurized and Comparison with Conventional Methods of Extraction. E. M. B. D. Sousa, A.P. Câmara, E.Galvão, H. Santana (U. Federal R.G. do Norte, BR). P-12.2-013 Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Essential Oils from Hyssopus Officinalis. L . E. Langa, A. M. Mainar, J. Santafé, J. Burillo, A. Palavra, J. Coelho, J. S. Urieta. (U. Zaragoza, ES). P-12.2-014 Dynamic Behaviour of Supercritical Extraction of Kerogen from Spanish Oil Shales. A. Martínez Bécares, M.A. Galán Serrano. (U. Salamanca, ES). P-12.2-015 Supercritical Extraction Process for Provitamin A Recovering: Simulation and Optimization. E.B. Moraes, M. R. Wolf Marciel (State U. Campina, BR). Poster Programme P-12.2-016 Production of Caffeine and Decaffeinated Coffee by Integration of Supercritical Extraction And Supercritical Antisolvent. F. Miguel, A. Gonzalo, M.J. Cocero. (U. Valladolid,ES). P-12.2-017 Improvement of the Soluble Coffee Aroma Quality using an Integrated Supercritical CO2 Extraction Process with A Separation Step by Adsorption. S. Lucas, M.J. Cocero (U.Valladolid, ES). P-12.2-018 Waste Lubricating Oil Re-refining by Extraction with Supercritical Ethane. J. Rincón, M.T. García, L. Rodríguez (U. Castilla-La Mancha, ES). P-12.2-019 Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Chlorophylls from Nannochloropsis gaditana. M. D. Macías-Sánchez, C. Mantell, E. Martínez de la Ossa, L. Lubián, O. Montero. (U. Cadiz, ES). P-12.2-020 Basic Guidelines For Design And Scale-Up Of Processes With Supercritical Fluids. J. García, M. J. Cocero (U. Valladolid, ES). 87 P-12.3-011 Correlation of the Solubility of Phenol in Supercritical CO2 with the Peng-Robinson Equation of State. M. J Molina, J. García, F. Rodríguez (U. Complutense, ES) P-12.3-012 Study of the Solubility of Kerogen from Spanish Oil Shale (Puertollano) in CO2 + Cosolvent. M. C. Torrente, M.A. Galán. (U. Salamanca, ES). P-12.3-013 Fluid Phase Equilibria of Mixtures with Supercritical Fluids with in-situ Concentration Measurements by Raman Spectroscopy. A. Stratmann, G. Schweiger (Ruhr-U. Bochum, DE). P-12.3-014 Correlation of Palmitic Acid-Carbon Dioxide Fluid Phase Equilibrum Data. M. D. Gordillo, C. Pereyra, E.J. Martínez de la Ossa (U. Cádiz, ES). P-12.3-015 Adsorption of BTX on Msc5a In Supercritical CO2. K. Chihara, N. Omi, T. Yoshida, Y. Inoue (Meiji U., JP). TOPIC 12.3 Fundamental of High Pressure Processes P-12.3-007 Reduction Of Carbon Dioxide in Air by Sequestration. Wolgang Arlt (Technical U., DE). P-12.3-008 High-pressure Phase Behavior of Etheneacrylate-copolymers in Supercritical Ethene. Experimental Study And Modeling via the Perturbed-chain. S. F. Becker, M. Buback, H. Latz, G. Sadowski, F. Tumakak (Georg-August-U., DE). P-12.3-009 Reduction of Residual Monomer in Polymer Products using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide - Phase Behaviour of Monomer-Polymer-CO2 Systems. N. E. Pereira, M. Kemmere, J. Keurentjes (Technical U. Eindhoven, NL). P-12.3-010 The Reduction of Coalescence During Highpressure-homogenization in Combined Orifice Valves. S. Schultz, G. Wagner, K. Urban, J. Ulrich (Martin-Luther-U. & FB Ingenieurw. Inst. Verfahrenstech., Halle, Roche Vitamine AG, Basel, CH). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Poster Programme 88 TOPIC 13 FIRST EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM on PRODUCT ENGINEERING P-13-017 The Study of UV Radiation Effect on the Crosslinking, Stability and Degradation of Coat of Paints On the Basis of Polyurethane, Alkyd and Epoxi Resins. L.D. Raskovic, O.P. Javanovic, A.R. Zarubica (U. Nis, YU). P-13-018 The Study of Influences of UV Radiation and Organic Coat of Paints (Polyvinyl Chloride and Chlorinated Rubber) Thicknesses on the Coordinates of their Colours on Steel. Milovan M. Purenovic, Milena N. Miljkovic, Aleksandra R. Zarubica (U. Nis, YU). P-13-019 Preparation of Defect-Free Sol-Gel Thin Films by the Dip Coating Method. L. Wiecaw-Solny, M. Gibas, J.ak, W. Turek, A.B. Jarzebski (Silesian U. Technol., PL). P-13-020 Formation of Nanocapsules by EmulsionDiffusion : Prediction of the Emulsion Size. L. Rivautella, S. Briancon, F. Puel (U. Claude Bernard Lyon, FR). P-13-021 New Graft Copolymers, New "Grafting From" Inorganic/Organic Hybridmaterials. G. Schmidt-Naake, M. Bothe, M. Drache (Technical U. Clausthal, DE). P-13-022 Preparation of Corrosion Protection Compounds By Soluble Polyaniline and Its Blends. S. Hosseini Hosseini (U. Tehran, IR). P-13-023 Application of ESMA-Methodology for the Product Design. G. Statyukha, V. Surup (National Technical U. Ukraine,UA). P-13-024 Thermodynamics of Moisture Sorption in Potato. S. Chemkhi, F. Zagrouba, A. Bellagi (Inst. National Research Science & Technology, TN). P-13-025 Modeling of the Maximum Particle Loadings in Polymer Dispersions. M.Drache, G. Schmidt-Naake (Technical U. Clausthal, DE). 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering P-13-026 Chemical Product Design: A New Challenge of Applied Thermodynamics. J.Abildskov, G. M. Kontogeorgis (Technical U. Denmark, DK). P-13-027 Comparative study of Cationic Demand Between a Crude and a Bleached Eucalyptus Pulp. P. Mutje, S. Presta, J. C. Garcia, M.A. Pelach, L. Jimenez (U. Girona, U. Cordoba ,ES). P-13-028 Productechnology: The Application of Lactide Based Microspheres as Injectable Implant Drug Delivery Systems. H. J. Heeres, E. Groot, W. J. Mulder, K.G. Ganzeveld, J. A. Wesselingh (Stratingh Institute, NL). P-13-029 Prediction of Physical Properties of a Model Food for Microwave Vacuum Drying. K. Knorzer, M. Regier, H. Schubert (Inst. Food Process Technol., U. Karlsruhe, DE). P-13-030 Product Engineering by Steam Jet Agglomeration. S. Hogekamp, M. Wollny, P. Kyaw Hla, H. Schubert (U. Karlsruhe, DE). P-13-031 Preparing of PA/PP Blends with Poliwinylopirrolidone Addition. O. Suberlak, J.Koszkul, A.Gnatowski (Technical U. Czestochowa, PL). P-13-032 Product Engineering by High-Temperature Flame Synthesis. T. Johannessen, J. Johansen, M. Mosleh, S.Thybo, U.Quaade (Technical U. Denmark, DK). Poster Information and Time-Table 89 POSTER INFORMATION The poster sessions will take place on Monday and Tuesday afternoon (15:00 to 16:00) and on Thursday morning (11:00 to 12:00), and more than 1.000 contributions will be presented. The oral and poster programmes are counterparts both of them forming the integral part of the Congress. The poster sessions will offer an excellent opportunity to discuss scientific and technical results between the research and the industrial worlds, exchanging information, methods, problems and solutions. Scientist and professionals of more than 60 countries may discover interactions and future collaborations. The list of the accepted poster contributions presented until 30th of January is given in previous pages, on Poster Programme. These contributions will be published in the electronic version of the journal Chemical Engineering and Technology (J. Wiley), and also they will be available in a CD-ROM distributed during the Congress. September 21 SUNDAY 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 September 22 MONDAY Poster contributions submitted after the deadline can be accepted as "Last Minute Posters", and should be presented before 31st of July. They will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and, if accepted, they will be exhibited in the Congress so long as free capacity is available. These Last Minute Posters will be announced in the Last Minute Information, being available for the participants at the beginning of the Congress. Posters must be placed on the assigned board by Monday 21st of September, 10:00 a.m. at the latest. Authors must be present at their posters during the Poster Sessions, Monday and Tuesday afternoon (15:00 to 16:00) and Thursday morning (11:00 to 12:00). The last session will take place along with a "Spanish Wine Cup". As far as possible posters should not be removed until the end of the Congress. September 23 TUESDAY September 24 WEDNESDAY September 25 THURSDAY KEY NOTES, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS X7 KEY NOTES, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS X7 KEY NOTES, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS X7 COFFEE-BREAK COFFEE-BREAK PLENARY LECTURE PLENARY LECTURE PLENARY LECTURE COFFEE-BREAK POSTER SESSION & SPANISH WINE KEY NOTES, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS X7 KEY NOTES, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS X7 KEY NOTES, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS X7 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH REGISTRATION CHECK-IN COFFEE-BREAK OPEN CEREMONY PLENARY LECTURE CLOSING CEREMONY POSTER SESSION COFFEE-BREAK REGISTRATION REGISTRATION CHECK-IN CHECK-IN KEY NOTES, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS X7 ROUND-TABLE SUSTAINABILITY POSTER SESSION COFFEE-BREAK KEY NOTES, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS X7 COCKTAIL RECEPTION SOCIAL EVENT: CONCERT OFFICIAL DINNER 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 90 Social Programme Sunday 21st September: RECEPTION COCKTAIL The Congress organisation is pleased to invite all participants and their registered partners to the reception cocktail that will be held on September 21st, at 7 p.m., in the Carlos I amphitheatre and roof-top garden of the Granada Congress Hall. Attendants will be able to admire the panoramic view of the city, with its medieval site, the Alhambra and the peaks of Sierra Nevada mountains. Spanish Dance School of Granada Music and Dance Conservatoire. Performance of dance Monday 22nd September: CONGRESS CONCERT At 8:30 p.m. an organ concert will be offered by professor Antonio Linares at Granada’s Cathedral (located downtown at about 10 minutes walk from Congress Hall). The program will be announced in due time. Free entrance. 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Social Programme 91 Monday 22nd September: VISIT TO CARTUJA AND ALBAYCIN Sightseeing tour through Granada’s main streets up to the Carthusian monastery. Tour around the Moorish quarter of Albaycin whose narrow streets will be strolled up to San Nicolas view-point from where the magnificent views of the Alhambra and Sierra Nevada mountains will be enjoyed. Tuesday 23rd September: VISIT TO ALHAMBRA AND GENERALIFE The visit will go over the Alhambra Palace and its most important halls and courtyards such as Patio de los Arrayanes, Patio de los Leones and Sala de Abencerrajes, etc. It will also include the Alcazaba fortress, the Royal Baths, Partal Gardens and Charles V Palace. The tour will finish visiting the splendid Generalife gardens. Departure time 9:30 a.m. Duration: half day. Minimum 50 persons. Price 20 € per person. (Includes transport, guide, VAT and admission tickets). Registration is required. Departure time 3:30 p.m. Duration: half day. Minimum 50 persons. Price 25 € per person. (Includes transport, guide, VAT and admission tickets). Registration is required. Limited number of places. ALHAMBRA BY NIGHT Visit to the Alhambra Palace and its most important halls and courtyards such as Patio de los Arrayanes, Patio de los Leones and Sala de Abencerrajes, etc. Departure time 9:30 p.m. Minimum 50 persons. Price 25 € per person. (Includes transport, guide, VAT and admission tickets). Registration is required. Limited number of places. 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 92 Social Programme Wednesday 24th September: VISIT TO THE ALPUJARRAS Highly recommended tour for those interested in nature and landscape since it will go over the areas of Sierra Nevada mountains on the Mediterranean, with its Moorish cultural heritage. The visit will include Lanjaron spa town as well as Orgiva and other picturesque villages such as Pampaneira, Trevelez, Pitres or Capileira where a typical regional lunch will be served. Departure time 9:00 a.m.. Minimum 50 persons. Price 35 € per person. (Includes transport, guide, VAT andlunch). Registration is required. OFFICIAL DINNER The Congress Dinner will be held on Wednesday evening, September 24th, at 9:00 p.m. in the restaurant “Palacio del Capricho”. PERFORMANCE OF FLAMENCO DANCE GROUP. Tickets at 60 € per person (Bus and VAT included) Please use registration form. Please note: 1. All tours will be accompanied by an English speaking guide. The organisers reserve the right to alter the individual programme and/or cancel any tour due to insufficient participation, or for any other reasons beyond their control. 2. For all tours and the congress dinner the meeting point will be in front the Congress Hall. 3. FOR OTHER GUIDED TOURS AND THE PRE AND POST CONGRESS please see the websites of the Congress or contact with the travel agency "Viajes El Corte Ingles". 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering Thursday 25th September: CLOSING CEREMONY The Congress closing ceremony will be held at 13:00 at Manuel de Falla Auditorium of the Congress Hall. “Manuel de Falla” choral group will offer a performance VISIT TO SCIENCE PARK On September 22nd (from 5 to 8 p.m.) and September 23rd (from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.) there will be for the ECCE-4 participants an special show of the "Todo es Química" ("Everything is Chemistry") exhibition, sponsored by FEIQUE (Member of CEFIC). The visit can be done either individually or in groups (please register at the counter). It is located at short distance of the Congress Hall (five minutes walking). In a large area of 30.000 sq. meters there are four buildings with the latest technologies holding eight interactive exhibition areas. In addition, a planetarium suitable for 83 people, a shop and a glazed entrance hall plus a 12 meters Foucault Pendulum can be seen. There is also an observation tower 50 meters high which is a privileged viewpoint of Granada currently used to make scientific experiences about meteorology, geography, astronomy, and so on. Free entrance with Congress identification. General Information HEALTH EMERGENCIES Congress Site In addition to the own Congress resources any emergency will be covered by a mobile medical unit provided and staffed by ADESLAS, a leading health insurance company, specially installed at the Congress site to assist any participant that might require it. Also good hospitals are nearby should it becomes necessary. 93 Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Granada Pº del Violón, s/n 18006 Granada (Spain) Congress Secretariat Until Septembre19th, 2003 ANQUE C/ Lagasca, 27 - 1ºE 28001 Madrid (Spain) Phone: +34 91 431 07 03 Fax: +34 91 576 52 79 E-mail: ecce4@anque.es Web-site: www.anque.es/ecce4 During the Congress Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Granada Pº del Violón, s/n 18006 Granada (Spain) Phone: +34 958 24 67 00 Fax: +34 958 24 67 02 E-mail: palacio@pogr.org Web-site: www.pogr.org Office Hours Sunday, 21 September 17:00 - 20:00 Monday, 22nd September 8:00 - 19:00 Tuesday, 23rd September 8:00 - 18:00 Wednesday, 24th September 8:00 - 16:00 Thursday, 25th September 8:00 - 16:00 st Congress Tickets The season tickets include admission to the congress area, 6 coffee breaks, 3 lunches, all the Congress social events, except Official Dinner, and documentation. The single ticket for a day includes admission to the congress area, coffee breaks, lunch and documentation. The student visitor per day (only for undergraduate students) includes admission to the congress area and coffee breaks, but no documentation. The cost of Official Dinner, on Wednesday 24th September, is 60 € per person. 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 94 General Information REGISTRATION Please complete the appropriate sections of the registration forms in the web site: www.anque.es/ecce4/inscription.php Web-site: www.anque.es/ecce4/inscription.php Registration deadline for being included in the list of participants is September 5th, 2003. However, late and on-site registration is possible. The payment at the Congress desk in Granada should be in euros (€) or by credit card. Confirmation of registration and an invoice will be sent on petition. Name tag, abstracts on CD-ROM and tickets for the social events will be available at the Congress Office in Granada. FEE RATES (1) Euro From Industry From University Authors PhD Students Authors (3) Committee Members SPECIAL RATES Single ticket for a day (4) Accompanying Person (5) Student Visitor (6) per day Visits and Social Programme Official Dinner Ticket (please use registration form) MEMBERS (2) 575 530 490 350 260 MEMBERS (2) 270 50 20 Price per event 60 (1) Including 6 coffee breaks, 3 lunches plus all the Congress social events and documentation. (2) For EFCE passport bearers and ANQUE and CGCQ members. (3) With accreditation. (4) Including coffee breaks, lunch and documentation. (5) Including all the Congress social events, except Official Dinner. (6) Including coffee breaks, but no lunch nor documentation. Only for undergraduates 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering OTHERS 650 600 560 400 300 OTHERS 300 50 20 Price per event 60 General Information 95 CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS € 25.00 administrative costs will be charged for cancellations received before June 1 st., 2003. Beyond such date, 80 % of the registration fee will be charged and the abstracts on CD-ROM will be sent. Only written cancellations will be accepted (letter or fax, not e-mail). ACCOMMODATION VISA FORMALITIES Participants from certain countries may need an entry visa for SPAIN. It is recommended that this be applied for well in advance of the Congress. If a formal invitation letter is needed please contact the Congress Secretariat at ANQUE. Reservation of accommodation will be arranged by the official travel agency: Viajes El Corte Inglés C/ San Antón, 67 – 1º A 18005 GRANADA Phone:+ 34 958 536 Web-site: www.anque.es/ecce4 INSURANCE The organisers cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to the private property of participants and accompanying persons which may occur either during or arising from the Congress. Participants should therefore take whatever actions they consider necessary for their insurance. e-mail of Viajes El Corte Inglés congresosgranada@viajeseci.es Viajes El Corte Inglés will also maintain an information desk at the conference Hall during the Congress. No reservation will be confirmed without a deposit. Hotel reservation can not be guaranteed for the forms received after 30th June, 2003. Due to the fact that in Granada other fairs will take place at the same time, it is highly recommended to book hotel rooms at your earliest convenience. The reservations are binding. Charges for rooms which are not used, or cancelled too late, must be paid. PREVIEW 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering The next Congress of the ECCE-Series will be held, together with the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, in GLASGOW, 10 – 14 July 2005. More infromation available in the web site: www.chemengcongress2005.com 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering 96 General Information How to reach the Congress Center Granada (CCG) By plane Granada is well connected by daily flights to Madrid and Barcelona airports both of which serve european and overseas international flights. Barcelona Madrid Granada airport is about 10 Km. away from downtown to which it is linked by bus service. Granada Málaga By train There are daily TALGO trains from Madrid and regular express trains from Barcelona and Málaga. Barcelona Tarragona Madrid Castellón Valencia Albacete Linares Jaén Granada By car Granada is located central south of the Iberian peninsula at about 435 km. from Madrid; 870 km. from Barcelona and 130 km. from Málaga, in all cases linked by modern motorways. MADRID N IV E5 N 323 Bailén E902 JAEN N342 A92 CÓRDOBA N432 MURCIA ALMERÍA Guadix By bus From Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga and other main cities there are frequent long-distance buses to Granada, fares being considerably lower than those by plane or train. 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering MÁLAGA N342 A92 Santa Fe Granada SEVILLA N334 A92 Sierra Nevada N323 Alpujarra y E902 Costa Tropical