jazz bands - Columbia Basin College
jazz bands - Columbia Basin College
The Columbia Basin College Music department presents: FRIDAY, APRIL 15 CONCERT BANDS SATURDAY, APRIL 16 JAZZ BANDS FRIDAY, APRIL 22 CONCERT CHOIRS SATURDAY, APRIL 23 JAZZ CHOIRS APRIL 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 CBC’S DAVE CAZIER, RANDY HUBBS, BILL MCKAY, & MARIA ALLAN have put in a full year of work in bringing together . . . 3,800 HIGH SCHOOL MUSICIANS 34 CONCERT BANDS 57 JAZZ BANDS 36 CONCERT CHOIRS 21 JAZZ CHOIRS RICH CUMMINS PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE Welcome to Jazz Unlimited 2011 at Columbia Basin College, where over 4,500 student performers from around the Northwest will compete and celebrate America’s only original art form. For 39 years, Columbia Basin College music faculty and staff have offered this opportunity for young musicians to benefit from adjudicated competition in both instrumental and vocal music. APRIL 15 CONCERT BAND FESTIVAL 7:30 AM-6 PM, CBC Theatre & Gjerde Center GUEST ARTIST CONCERT: WAYNE BERGERON & THE COLUMBIA BASIN JAZZ ORCHESTRA Also appearing, the CBC Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Randy Hubbs 7:30 PM, Pasco – Gregson Auditorium – Pasco High School $15 General, $10 Students & Seniors No matter what style of music you like, jazz ensemble, vocal ensemble, concert choir or concert band, we are glad you are here! Unleash your creativity and make the most of Jazz Unlimited! APRIL 16 JAZZ BAND FESTIVAL AND COMPETITION 7:20 AM-5 PM, CBC Theatre, HUB & Gjerde Center CBC JAZZ ENSEMBLE WITH GUEST ARTIST WAYNE BERGERON Clinic/Concert at 11:00 AM, CBC Theatre PRESIDENT COLUMBIA BASIN COLLEGE APRIL 21 FREEFORM CD RELEASE CONCERT 7:30 PM, CBC Theatre. Free to the public. BILL MCKAY APRIL 22 CONCERT CHOIR FESTIVAL AND COMPETITION 8 AM-5 PM CBC Theatre, Gym & Gjerde Center CONCERT CHOIR HONORS SHOWCASE CONCERT Welcome to Jazz Unlimited 2011! We are honored to have you on our campus for two weekends of competitions, clinics and concerts. The Dept. of Music at CBC strives to make Jazz Unlimited an educational experience that provides inspiration as well as the opportunity to meet fellow musicians. I hope you all take the opportunity to attend as many performances as you can during your stay with us. Please enjoy your time at CBC and I wish you the best of luck in all of your events. I also want to thank Randy Hubbs, Dave Cazier, Maria Allan and our numerous student workers for all of the effort they put in during the year to make this event happen at CBC. DEAN FOR ARTS AND HUMANITIES COLUMBIA BASIN COLLEGE 7 PM, Kennewick High School Auditorium. Free to the public. (Hosted by the Kennewick High School Choirs) APRIL 23 JAZZ CHOIR FESTIVAL AND COMPETITION 8 AM-5 PM, CBC Theatre & Gjerde Center Please demonstrate respect and courtesy to those groups performing. Do not leave or enter performance areas while a group is performing, and remain quiet during performances. Thank you! INSTRUMENTAL FESTIVAL JUDGES CHRIS B R UYA, C ent r al W a sh i ng ton Univer sit y Chris Bruya is Director of Jazz Studies at CWU, and directs Jazz Band I, combos, jazz composition and arranging, improv and jazz styles. He is a graduate of CWU and spent six years teaching high school in Oregon and Washington prior to appointments at Pacific University and Mt.Hood CC. He is an active adjudicator and clinician throughout the Northwest. His bands have won the Reno Jazz Festival, Lionel Hampton Festival and have performed at the IAJE convention in Chicago, as well as backing numerous guest artists. The CWU Jazz Band I performed in 2005 at the North Sea Jazz Festival and the Montreux Jazz Festivals in Europe. In 2008 the band was invited as a finalist at the Next Generation Festival, part of the Monterey Jazz Festival. The CWU Jazz Band’s new CD In A Mellow Tone, which Scott Yanow of Jazz Times magazine cited as ”consistently impressive and well worth hearing,” is available from Sea Breeze Records as well as the CWU Bookstore online. MIK E B RY AN, Vancouver S ch ool of Arts & Academics Mike lives in Vancouver, WA where he teaches jazz band at the Vancouver School of Arts and Academics. Mike has nine years of teaching experience in public schools, including eight years teaching in the Richland School District. Bands under Mike’s direction have found a consistent success through their performances at festivals and in other educational concert experiences. Mike earned a Bachelor of Music from the University of Oregon and a Masters of Music from American Band College. He is a saxophone player and has been a clinician at several festivals and educational events in the Northwest, including five years of teaching at the Jazz Dialogue Middle School Jazz Camps at EWU. ME L C LA Y T O N , E a s te r n W a s hin g ton U n ive r s ity a n d W hitw or th U n ive r s ity Mel Clayton served as president of MENC: The National Association for Music Education, from 20002002. He has a background of 43 years in education, including experience at the elementary, junior high, high school and college levels. With twenty-three years experience as a high school/junior high band and orchestra director, Mr. Clayton also has worked as a high school administrator, and as Coordinator of Fine Arts and Director of K-12 Summer School Programs for the Northshore School District near Seattle, WA. . As a high school band and orchestra director, Mr Clayton’s groups were consistent award winners in areas including marching band, jazz band, concert band, and orchestra. His high school teaching included tenure at University High School and Central Valley High School, both near Spokane, WA, and also at Woodinville High School in the Northshore School District near Seattle, WA. Mel Clayton continues his grass roots commitment to music education by serving as an adjudicator/clinician in the areas of marching band, jazz ensembles, concert band, and orchestra. Besides frequent requests for presentations at state and regional conferences, Mel serves as a consultant for school districts in evaluation of and strategic planning for K-12 music programs. MI T C HE LL J. F E N N E LL, C a l Sta te F u lle r ton Mitchell Fennell is The Coordinator of Wind Studies and Director of Bands at Cal State Fullerton. He conducts the University Wind Symphony, the University Band, and teaches undergraduate and graduate instrumental conducting, courses in wind literature and courses in music education. He is also the producer of the Bravo Bands concert series which is one of the few professional concert series in America dedicated to wind music performance. The University Wind Symphony, under the direction of Dr. Fennell, has produced five compact disc recordings featuring the music of Warren Benson, Alfred Reed, Richard Wagner, Paul Hindemith, Karel Husa, Leslie Bassett, Zdenek Lukas, and Vincent Persichetti. They recently presented the world premier of William Kraft’s Vintage Renaissance and Beyond for the opening of Meng Concert Hall. The Wind Symphony has also performed at music conventions and festivals in South Korea, Japan, Germany, Austria and Denmark as well as for California Music Educators conferences and at College Band Directors National Association Western Regional conventions. In addition to his duties at Cal State Fullerton, Associate Professor Fennell has conducted a live Public Radio broadcast of Myer Kupferman’s Images of Chagall and Stravinsky’s L’Histoire du Soldat. He has also published a teaching guide to “Winds of Nagual” by Michael Colgrass, which appears in the second volume of Teaching Music Through Performance in Band by Richard Miles. He currently holds the position of Artist in Residence in Conducting at the Escola de Musica do Conservatorio Nacional in Lisbon, Portugal and has appeared as a guest conductor numerous times throughout South Korea. Fennell also has presented clinics on the art of teaching conducting at regional and national CBDNA conventions and has regularly served as a clinician at the annual RCC Conductors Workshop. He is also active as a guest conductor for high school honor bands throughout the region. Dr. Fennell received his Bachelor of Music degree from Long Beach State University and the Master of Music and Doctorate of Arts degree from the University of Northern Colorado. He holds an Honorary Life Membership in the Southern California Band and Orchestra Association and is a recipient of the Orpheus Award from Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. He is a member of Pi Kappa Lambda, Phi Mu Alpha, Music Educators National Conference, and the College Band Directors National Association. L A RRY G OOK I N , C e n t r a l W a s h i n gt o n U n i v e r s i t y Larry Gookin has been Director of Bands at Central Washington University since 1981. His fields of expertise include music education, wind literature, conducting, and low brass performance. The CWU Wind Ensemble has performed at state, regional and national conventions, including the College Band Directors National Association Conference in Boulder; the Music Educators National Conference in Minneapolis; the Western International Band Clinics in Seattle, and the Western/ Northwestern CBDNA Division Conferences in Reno. The ensemble has twice been invited to perform at the prestigious American Bandmasters Association National Conference. Professor Gookin has appeared as clinician, adjudicator, and conductor in the United States, Canada, Japan, Southeast Asia, and Europe. He is former principal trombone of the Eugene Symphony and is currently principal trombone with the Yakima Symphony Orchestra. He is an educational clinician for Yamaha Corporation of America. Gookin resides in Ellensburg, Washington with his wife Karen, who teaches English at CWU and performs on piccolo and flute with the Yakima Symphony Orchestra. D R. G EOFFREY H A YD O N, G e o r gi a S t a t e U n i v e r sit y As a performer, composer, arranger, and educator, Dr. Geoffrey Haydon has successfully bridged both the classical and jazz styles. He is also in demand as a clinician and adjudicator. Currently Dr. Haydon coordinates the piano faculty at Georgia State University where he teaches piano, piano literature, jazz history, and jazz theory. He has performed throughout the USA, in Europe, Russia, China, Japan, South America, and Central America. Dr. Haydon also regularly performs with the Atlanta Ballet Orchestra and has performed with touring shows including The Phantom of the Opera and The Producers. He has numerous publications with Alfred Publishing, Warner Bros., Stipes Publishing and is co-author of Jazz History Overview, a textbook by Kendall Hunt Publishing. Dr. Haydon has articles published in Clavier Companion and is an artist/clinician with the Contemporary Keyboard Division of Roland. D A N K EB ERL E, W h i t wo rt h University Dan Keberle is Director of Jazz Studies and trumpet professor at Whitworth University. Under his direction the Whitworth Jazz Ensemble has won first place at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival numerous times in the last fifteen years, and has also been selected to perform at several MENC All Northwest and All State conferences including 2011. He has also led the group on numerous tours to Italy, Germany, Brazil, Australia, Cuba, and Hawaii. He is a clinician for the Bach Trumpet Corporation and performs regularly in both the jazz and classical music worlds MARK LANE , Ce nt r al W a sh i ng ton Univer sit y JI M R I C E , I n g le m oor Hig h Sc hool Mark Lane is the Associate Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Music Education at Central Washington University. Previously, he taught high school for 27 years in both Oregon and Washington. Mark holds a BA from EWU and a MA from the UO. He has served on both the OMEA and WMEA Boards and is the past President of the Washington Music Education Association. Jim Rice is Director of Orchestras and Jazz Ensembles, at Inglemoor High School in the Northshore School District of Washington state. He has been the Conductor and Music Director of the Everett Youth Symphony Orchestra, and is also an affiliate teacher of the Woodring College of Education at Western Washington University and Everett Community College. Mr. Rice, an avid proponent of a well-balanced music program, has had outstanding groups, earning consistent superior or first place ratings in all areas of instrumental music performance, involving concert, jazz, marching, and small ensembles in each school music program in which he has taught throughout his music teaching career. He is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Central Washington University with a B.A. Ed. in Music, and has earned a M.A. in Music from the University of Washington. Mr. Lane was awarded Educator of the Year five times and has received two Citations of Excellence from the NBA. In 2001, Mark was inducted into the Sudler Order of Merit of the John Phillip Sousa Foundation. His bands have performed at conferences in both Oregon and Washington. In addition his groups have performed twice in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade and twice at the Bands of America National Concert Band Festival. R USS NE WB UR Y, Pasco S ch ool D i stri c t Russ Newbury is currently the Visual and Performing Arts Facilitator for the Pasco School District in Pasco, Washington. During Russ’s tenure as both band director and facilitator, the Pasco School District has been recognized four times as one of the “Best Communities” for support of music education in the United States by music industry and education partners NAMM and MENC. Prior to his current assignment, Russ served as the Director of Bands at Pasco High School and Bozeman High School in Bozeman, Montana where his performing ensembles were among the top groups in festivals and competitions throughout the northwest. Russ has served as the music arranger for the Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps, the Seattle Cascades, and the Spokane Thunder. Russ maintains an active schedule writing original works for concert band, jazz ensemble, and marching band along with a variety of commission projects for groups of all ages. Russ’s “Cantabile” for orchestra was performed in Carnegie Hall in New York in 1997, “Elegy” for chorus and piano was performed in 2002 at the regional American Choral Directors Association conference in Tacoma, Washington, and “Noah,” written for concert band has been performed at the National Music Educators Conference in 2002. His Sonata for Flute and Piano is currently being performed internationally, as well as throughout the United States, having been recently published through ALRY Publications. Russ has been active as a clinician throughout the United States and Canada and currently resides in Pasco with his wife Loralee. In addition to his teaching assignments, Jim Rice is the Past-President of the Northwest Division of MENC: The National Association for Music Education, has served three terms as Vice-President of the Washington Music Educators Association, and is one of two nominees for National President of MENC. He was the Coordinating Chair of the 2005 MENC All-Northwest Honor Groups, and the 2002 WMEA All-State Honor Groups, as well as the organizing chair of the 1997 MENC All-Northwest Orchestra, and the 1990 WMEA All-State Jazz Ensemble. Rice has been inducted into the WMEA Hall of Fame, the Northwest Bandmasters Association, and was recently recognized by the Northwest Division of MENC with the Distinguished Service Award. He has served on several comprehensive curriculum development committees, and is active throughout the western states and Canada as an adjudicator/clinician. He also has served as elder, congregational chairman, music committee member, and choir member at his church. He and his wife Donna have two children, Rachel, an elementary music teacher at Fall City Elementary School in the Snoqualmie School District, and Rebecca, a music education major and oboe player at Central Washington University. LE E SHO O K, W hitw or th U n ive r s ity a n d N or thw ood Middle Sc hool Lee Shook has served as a music educator for 37 years. He is a graduate of Kennewick High School, Gonzaga University and The Lionel Hampton School of Music. He is the former director of bands at Central Valley High School and University High School. Mr. Shook has also served as Wind Symphony conductor at Whitworth University where he is an Adjunct Professor of Music Education and is currently teaching instrumental music at Northwood Middle School in the Mead School District. His concert bands and jazz bands are frequent award winners at area festivals. Mr. Shook is a recipient of the American Band Masters “Citation for Excellence” and is a member of the WMEA Hall of Fame. D r . T H OM A S W . S T ON E, N o r t h s t a r C h a r t e r S ch o o l Dr. Thomas W. Stone is in his second year of teaching at North Star Charter High School in Eagle, Idaho. He taught for 33 years in the Nampa School District in Nampa, Idaho. For the past 13 years, he has been Nampa High School’s director of bands. Under his leadership, the NHS Marching Band has won the District III Marching Band 1st place Sweepstakes Award from 2003 to 2008. The bands at Nampa High School consistently scored high ratings at music festivals in Idaho and other states. Tom was named Band Director of the Year for the District III Music Educators in 1998, and Music Director of the year in 2005. In 1999 he was selected as Secondary Teacher of the Year for the Nampa School District. Dr. Stone was named Nampa’s Citizen of the Year and received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Northwest Nazarene University in 2006. He has served as adjudicator at many music festivals as well as conducted workshops for bands and directors. Tom is married to Monica Stone who is currently a 6th grade teacher at Sage Valley Middle School in Caldwell Idaho. They share the love of music and have performed in various groups together. Tom and Monica have two daughters, a son-inlaw, and three grandchildren. Their favorite hobby is being with their grandchildren and driving their Miata around the Northwest Dr. Stone currently teaches at North Star Charter School: High School Band, Middle School Band, 6th Grade Beginning Band, High School Jazz Band, Two Sections of High School Guitar Class, Music Theory/Composition, and World Music for the International Baccalaureate Program. He teaches a total of 300 students, grades 6-12. ROB T A P P ER, Ea s t e r n W a s h i n gt o n U n i v e r s i ty A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Rob has attended the Eastman School of Music (M.M. in Jazz & Contemporary Media) and the University of New Hampshire (B.M. in Music Education). Rob is currently Professor of Trombone and Director of Jazz Activities at Eastern Washington University where he coordinates three big bands, five small groups, two vocal jazz ensembles, a Graduate Jazz Pedagogy Degree, an undergraduate Jazz Certificate Program and the trombone studio. A relentless advocate for music education, Rob was awarded a Washington State “2008 Teacher of the Year Award” and is currently the Music Director of the Spokane All-City Jazz Program. As an active performer and teacher in both classical and jazz idioms, Rob has performed, adjudicated and directed ensembles at many festivals, concert halls and conferences in orchestral, jazz and commercial settings around the United States and Canada. In the summertime Rob is co-founder and Director of the EWU Jazz Dialogue Summer Camps (MS & HS) and is on the faculty of the Drury University Jazz Camp, University of Wisconsin Summer Music Clinic, Las Vegas Academy Jazz Camp and is also a Getzen Clinician playing Getzen trombones exclusively. P A T RI C K W I N T ERS , East ern W a s h i n gt o n U n i v e r s i ty Patrick Winters is the Director of Bands and Music Department Chair at Eastern Washington University where he conducts the Wind Ensemble, teaches conducting and courses in music education. Mr. Winters combines his broad experience as a university conductor and teacher with his experience as a successful high school director. His high school ensembles in Virginia and California achieved an impressive record of competitive and festival performances, as well as tours through the eastern and western United States, Canada, Mexico and Japan. Mr. Winters has established a band program at Eastern Washington University that is one of the finest and most active in the Northwest. Concert, marching and jazz groups regularly perform throughout the Northwest United States and Western Canada. His EWU Wind Ensemble’s compact discs Celebrations and Dances, Songs & Celebrations have received wide acclaim. The group can also be heard on Soundscapes, Prisms and Millenium CD, the EWU Music Department’s three compact discs. In 1994, Mr. Winters received the PTI Outstanding Faculty Award for excellence in teaching. In 1998, he was awarded the Washington Music Educator’s Association Outstanding Music Educator Award. In 2000, he was inducted into the W.M.E.A. Hall of Fame. Mr. Winters’ article Building Ensemble Musicianship For Your Concert Band appears in “Spotlight On Teaching Band,” published by M.E.N.C. Mr. Winters holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Elon University and a Master of Music Education degree from California State University. Mr. Winters is in demand throughout the country as a guest conductor, clinician and adjudicator, having appeared in 16 states and five foreign countries. Patrick lives in Spokane, Washington with his wife Joyce and their three children Brittany, Danica, and Zach. G RE G YAS INIT SKY, W a sh i ng ton S tat e Uni v e rs i ty Gregory W. Yasinitsky, Regents Professor of Music and Coordinator of Jazz Studies at Washington State University, has a national reputation as a composer, arranger and saxophonist. A recipient of grants and awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, Meet the Composer West, The Commission Project, Artist Trust, Washington State Music Teachers Association (WSMTA) and ASCAP, Yasinitsky has performed with Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Louis Bellson, Stan Getz, Lionel Hampton, Manhattan Transfer, Mel Torme and many others. He also has written music especially for Clark Terry, Dave Liebman and the USAF “Airmen of Note” big band, with over 150 musical works published by Kendor Music, Belwin Jazz, Advance Music (Germany), Hal Leonard, Dorn, Walrus, UNC Jazz Press, Daniel Barry Publications, Sound Music Publications and Hoyt Editions which are performed in over 30 countries world-wide. His compositions and saxophone playing can be heard on recordings released by Soul Note, Palo Alto Records, the Musical Heritage Society, Vienna Modern Masters, Arizona University Recordings, Open Loop Recordings and his own label, Yazz Recordings. Under Yasinitsky’s leadership, the Washington State University Jazz Studies Program has received widespread recognition including awards from Down Beat magazine, invitations to perform at prestigious conferences and top awards at major jazz festivals. Lonnie Cline is enjoying his 30th year as Conductor of Classical Choral Music and Director of Vocal Jazz Studies at Clackamas Community College in Oregon City, Oregon. During Mr. Cline’s tenure at CCC, the Vocal Jazz Ensembles and Chamber Choirs have received numerous honors at various festivals and events. CCC vocal groups have performed in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe. Most recently, the Chamber Choir and Vocal Jazz ensembles toured Europe and performed in Tallinn, Estonia, at the World Estonian Friendship Song and Dance Festival. CCC’s premier vocal jazz group, Mainstream, tours regularly, has appeared at IAJE and OMEA conventions, and has released several highly acclaimed CDs. Over the past 35 years Mr. Cline has served as adjudicator/clinician here and abroad. In 1998, he served as a Jazz educator in residence at the Georg Otsa Music School in the European Baltic country of Estonia. Mr. Cline is also the recipient of a Spirit of Jazz Award from the Salem Jazz Festival. Though his first passion is teaching, Frank has enjoyed many performance opportunities including singing with the St. Martin’s Chamber Choir, a Denver based professional ensemble and Male Ensemble Northwest. Frank also enjoys performing musical theatre, vocal jazz and leading worship. Eychaner is in his second season as Artistic Director of the Colorado Chorale. Frank serves the choral community as the President of the College and University Council of the Colorado Music Educators Association and the Membership chair of the Colorado chapter of the American Choral Directors Association. He completed his BA in Music Education and the MA in Choral Conducting at Central Washington University under the supervision of Geoffrey Boers. Eychaner recently completed his dissertation titled, “Transformational Collegiate Choral Leadership” and received the DMA in Choral Conducting at the University of Kentucky where he worked with Jefferson Johnson. VOCAL FESTIVAL JUDGES LO NNIE CLINE , C lack amas Communit y Colle g e arrangements are available through UNC Jazz Press. Recent conference presentations include “Balance, Blend and Vocal Voodoo: A Principled Approach to Achieving Ensemble Unity” and “Blow Man, Blow! Ten Keys to Developing Vocal Improvisers,” clinics given at both the Colorado and Northwest MENC conventions in 2009. Dr. Eychaner recently presented sessions at the Texas MEA convention in 2010, the North Central Division MEA convention in 2010 and headlined the 2011 Minnesota MEA convention. DR . F R A N K E Y C HA N E R , C olor a do C hr is tia n U n ive r s ity Dr. Frank F. Eychaner came to Colorado Christian University in 2006 as the Director of Choirs and Music Education. Before coming to CCU, Eychaner taught at the high school, community college. Choirs under Eychaner’s direction have consistently distinguish themselves through excellence both on and offstage. They have been invited to appear at both state and regional conventions of the ACDA and MENC including the Southwest Division convention in 2007 and most recently at the Colorado MENC convention in 2011. An active conductor, clinician and presenter, Eychaner has published many articles on vocal jazz techniques and pedagogy including “The Jazz Choir Goes Legit: Copyright Law for the Vocal Jazz Educator” which was published in the Choral Journal, the National journal of the American Choral Director’s Association. Other research interests include teacher preparation, choral pedagogy, conducting and leadership. His When not making music, Frank enjoys spending time with Karen, his wife of 18 years and their three children. In the summertime, he can be found knee deep in a mountain river with fly rod in hand. T ERES A FRA S ER, Ol y m p i c C o l l e ge Ms. Fraser, the Director of Choral and Vocal Music and a former Community College representative for WMEA, is a popular clinician and adjudicator. Ms.Fraser, in her 14th year at Olympic College, is a graduate from Eastern Washington University and received her Master’s in Choral Conducting from the University of Northern Colorado where she served as teaching assistant to Dr. Gene Aitken and Dr. Galen Darough from 1994-96. She currently conducts two choral groups and the vocal jazz group Jazzline. An advocate of music education, she also teaches music fundamentals, private voice lessons and advises music majors and non majors in persuing degrees in higher education. Always the promoter and supporter of music education she is proud to serve music and the people involved. N A T H A N L A N S I N G , S po k an e Fa l l s C o m m un i t y C o l l ege Nathan Lansing graduated from Edmonds Community College after two years in Soundsation. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Choral Music Education and his Master’s degree in Choral Conducting from Central Washington University. Nathan is a long time faculty member of the Soundsation Jazz Camp and has served as a clinician or adjudicator at numerous vocal, choral and jazz festivals and competitions across the Pacific Northwest and the Dakotas. He has been featured on over a dozen jazz and choral recordings and has performed at venues ranging from an underpass on Interstate 84 to Seattle’s Benaroya Hall. At SFCC, Nathan directs the Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Chamber Choir and Vocal Jazz. He also teaches courses in music theory, music fundamentals, music appreciation, and applied vocal jazz. He is also a published choral arranger with Sound Music Publications, and will arrange or write lyrics for food. K A T H Y M A N C I N EL L I , C o l um b i a B a s i n C o l l ege Kathy Mancinelli is currently working as an adjunct instructor at Columbia Basin College in Pasco, Washington. She began this position in the fall of 2006. Prior to her work at CBC, Kathy was the director of Choral and Jazz studies at Lower Columbia College in Longview, Washington. Kathy taught both high school and middle school choirs in the Pasco, Kennewick and Granite Falls school districts. Her choirs received numerous awards and honors in both chamber and jazz choir settings. Kathy received her education at Central Washington University where she studied with John Moawad and Dr. Geoffrey Boers. She is frequently sought out for adjudicating and clinics across the northwest. She likes to emphasize the importance of well-rounded musicians who develop a life long appreciation of the arts as well as a desire to constantly develop skills and knowledge. Besides her involvement in music, Kathy enjoys being very involved in the lives of her four young children and all of their individual activities. K RIST INA PLO E GER, East er n W a sh i ng ton Univer sit y V I JA Y SI N GH, C e n tr a l W a s hin g ton U n ive r s ity Kristina is the Director of Music Education, Vocal Jazz, Collegians and Concert Choir at Eastern Washington University, as well as the Artistic Director for the Spokane Area Children’s Chorus in Spokane, WA. Kristina’s MA is in Choral Conducting and her BM is in Music Education. She has taught in both public and private schools at the elementary, middle school and high school levels. A member of ACDA, MENC, WMEA and EWMEA, Kristina has conducted and/ or presented numerous times for local MENC/WMEA conventions and WA ACDA summer institutes. Vijay Singh, Professor of Music at Central Washington University, has been rapidly gaining international attention for his eclectic compositions, arrangements, workshops, and performances. Vijay’s music is performed by educational, community, church, and professional groups in both choral and jazz idioms with over 170 published pieces. He frequently composes on commission for some of North America’s finest choirs and jazz vocal ensembles. An active bass-baritone soloist, he has performed with the Robert Shaw Chorale, Male Ensemble Northwest, Choral Cross Ties, David Byrne (Talking Heads), numerous orchestras, and his own award winning a cappella jazz quartet Just 4 Kicks. Vijay’s student ensembles at CWU have performed at prestigious national conferences for ACDA, MENC, and IAJE. A former ACDA National R&S Chair for Jazz, Vijay is a 10-time ASCAP Composer Awards recipient, strong advocate for music education, and has guest conducted All-State Honors Choirs (mixed, non-mixed, and jazz) in over 20 states. Vijay’s “MASS with Orchestra” will receive its world premiere at Avery Fischer Hall/Lincoln Center in New York City May 30th, 2011. LI ND A SCHMID T, Boise S ch ool D i stri c t Linda Elliott Schmidt is currently the Interim Director of Choral Activities at Boise State University. She conducts the Meistersingers select Chamber Choir and the University Singers. Schmidt was employed for the last two years as a music consulting teacher for the Boise School District in Boise, Idaho. Prior to this, she was the Choral Music Teacher/ Director at Capital High School in Boise for 21 years, and at Fairmont Jr. High for four years. Mrs. Schmidt also taught music in both Idaho and Oregon, teaching in grades K-12. She started her career in Twin Falls, Idaho, teaching music at Robert Stuart Jr. High School. Schmidt has her Bachelor’s and Master’s of the Arts in Music Education from Boise State University. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Education Administration from the University of Idaho. Schmidt was selected Idaho Music Educator of the Year in 1997 and was also selected as District III Choral Educator of the Year in 2002. Her groups consistently won top honors throughout the Northwest. Her choirs have been selected to perform for state IMEA and northwest ACDA conventions. Mrs. Schmidt’s select Jazz Choir was one of two high school choirs to perform by invitation at the prestigious Sun Valley Dixieland Jazz Jamboree each October, and her concert groups were selected to perform for many special concert openings, such as Josh Groban, Shania Twain, & Mannheim Steamroller. Under her direction, Capital Singers was mentioned in Downbeat Magazine as “Outstanding and Upcoming” Vocal Jazz group. Schmidt is also a member of the New Modernaires, a 5-voice vocal jazz group that performs with the Kings of Swing Big Band. Mrs. Schmidt is married and has a daughter, son-in-law, a year old puppy and a granddog. CBC MUSIC FACULTY RANDY HUBBS Randy is the director of bands at Columbia Basin College. His responsibilities include directing the Columbia Basin Concert Band, the C.B.C. Jazz Ensemble, as well as teaching courses in music theory and applied trumpet. He is also serving as the music department co-lead. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Randy plays trumpet for the Mid-columbia Brass Quintet, directs the Columbia Basin Jazz Orchestra, serves as a guest conductor, adjudicator, performer, clinician, and consultant throughout the west coast. He is currently a member of the following professional organizations: Music Educators National Conference, and Association of Concert Bands. Randy earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Central Washington University. Prior to his assignment at CBC, he was Director of Bands at Pasco High School. During this eightyear period, he developed an award winning program with his concert bands, jazz ensembles, and marching bands. D. ROBERT BURROUGHS Rob teaches strings, Music Theory and Music Appreciation. He holds Master’s Degrees in Music Theory, Composition and Violin Performance. Rob has 30 years experience in performance and has produced, composed and performed for NPR and National Public Television. DAVE CAZIER Dave is one of the most exciting writers of vocal jazz in the Pacific Northwest. Dave is a staff writer for UNC Jazz Press, Sound Music Publications. He is a staff member of the EWU Jazz Dialogue Camp as well as the Frank DeMiero Jazz Camp during its 25 years of operation. He also writes and publishes his original jazz compositions at caztunes.com. Dave is a frequently requested vocal clinician in Choral and jazz venues and has been a clinician at numerous festivals throughout the U.S. & Canada and All-State director. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees at Central Washington University. After several successful years teaching on the high school level, Dave is now in his 18th year as Director of Choral Instruction at Columbia Basin College, where he directs the vocal jazz ensembles FreeForm & Desertones, the Concert and Chamber Choirs, and teaches history of jazz & private voice. W ayne Bergeron is enjoying a career as one of the most active players in the world. With studio dates, International touring, jazz concerts, guest soloist appearances and clinics, he has no intention of slowing down. Born in 1958 in Hartford, Connecticut, Bergeron grew up in Southern California where he started on French horn before switching to trumpet in the 7th grade. Although a difficult instrument to play, Bergeron took to the trumpet quickly. “I found I had natural ability for playing the trumpet in the upper register at an early age.” Bergeron credits his junior high school band director and first trumpet teacher, Ron Savitt, for molding his natural abilitiess into practical working skills. In 1986, Bergeron landed the lead trumpet position with thee Maynard Ferguson Band. He can be heard on such MF recordings as “Body & Soul,” “Big Bop Nouveau,” “Brass Attitude” and “The One & Only Maynard Ferguson.” on Remarking on the talented trumpet player, Maynard Ferguson had this to say during a radio interview: “Wayne is the mostt musical lead trumpet player I’ve ever had on my band.” ’s who As a sideman, Bergeron’s list of CD credits reads like a who’s om Ray in contemporary jazz and pop, running the stylistic gamut from Charles to Green Day. Other stellar names include Beyoncé,, Michael Buble, Josh Groban, Natalie Cole, Celine Dion, Seal, Diana Krall, ow, Tito Puente, Christina Aguilera, Dianne Reeves, Barry Manilow, Michael Bolton, Gwen Stefani, Earth Wind & Fire, The Pussyy Cat go, Dolls, My Chemical Romance, The Mars Volta, INXS, Chicago, Rosemary Cloony, Diane Schuur, Barry Manilow, Lee Ann Womack, Lou Rawls, Eric Marienthal, Kenny G., Brian Culbertson and David Benoit. ndtracks. Bergeron has worked on 300 plus TV & motion picture soundtracks. A partial list of film credits include Toy Story 3, Despicable Me, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Charlie St Cloud, 2012, Percy Jackson, C Cats & Dogs, Surrogates, The informant, G-force, Star Trek, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, High School Musical 1 & 3, Race to Witch Mountain, National Treasure 1 & 2, Bedtime Stories, Pink Panther 2, Marley & Me, Role Models, The Mummy 3, Get Smart, Enchanted, Hancock, Horton Hears a Who, Semi Pro, Superman Returns, Pirates of the Caribbean 1,2&3, Ratatouille, The Simpson’s Movie, Dreamgirls, Hairspray, Ice Age 2, Spiderman 1 & 2, Fantastic Four 1 & 2, Team America, Anchorman, Catch Me if You Can, South Park, Flubber and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Wayne’s featured trumpet solos can be heard on the motion pictures Duplicity, Rocky Balboa, The Incredibles, Leather Heads, Princess & the Frog, The Perfect Game, High Crimes, Rounders, Fled, Hey Arnold (the movie), The Mask, The Life Aquatic, The Rat Pack, Child Star, Illegal Tender, Aladdin King of Thieves, Foolproof, and Two Days in the Valley. Numerous TV credits include shows such as NBC, ESPN & TNT sports themes, Entertainment Tonight Theme, Academy Awards, American Idol (2001-02), Emmy Awards, Grammy Awards, Latin Grammy’s, The Goode Family, Jeopardy, America’s Funniest Home Videos, Phineas & Ferb, Emperor’s New School, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, Mouse works, Make em Laugh, House of Mouse, King of the Hill, Futurama, Buzz Lightyear, FREEFORM GUE ST ART IST WA YNE BER GER ON In concer t with the Colum bia Basin Jazz Orches tra Also appea ring, the Colum bia Basin Colleg e Jazz Ensem ble, under the direct ion of Randy Hubbs Friday , April 15, 7:30 pm Pasco High Schoo l - Gregso n Audito rium $15, Genera l Admis sion $10, Studen ts and Senior Hercules and Hey Arnold. After being behind the scene for so many years, Bergeron stepped out on his own with his first solo effort “You Call This a Living?” This debut project earned him a Grammy nomination in 2004 for Best Large Jazz Ensemble as well as rave reviews from fans and press worldwide. Wayne’s latest recording “Plays Well With Others” was released on the Concord Jazz label in 2007 is being met with the same acclaim. Bergeron’s passion for big bands has led to his inclusion in some of Los Angeles’ most well respected bands. He has recorded with Quincy Jones, Gordon Goodwin, Arturo Sandoval, Pat Williams, Sammy Nestico, Jack Sheldon, Chris Walden, Tom Kubis, John La Barbara, Andy Martin, Ralph Carmichael, Bob Florence, Frank Capp, Matt Cattingub, Bill Liston, Kim Richmond, Ray Anthony, Buddy Childers, Roger Neumann, Bill Perkins, Bill Elliott, Gary Irwin, Bill Watrous, Bob Curnow and Phil Kelly. Bergeron is a National Artist for the Yamaha Corporation of America and is co-designer of the YTR-8335LA trumpet and YFH8315G Flugelhorn. Bergeron enjoys his work as a clinician/educator and feels it’s important to “give back” by mentoring young musicians. Citizen s FreeForm, directed by Dave Cazier, is the premier vocal jazz ensemble offered at Columbia Basin College. This ensemble focuses on the traditional as well as contemporary advances in the jazz idiom, encompassing swing, ballad, bebop, fusion, funk and even elements of free jazz. FreeForm 2010 consists of 14 singers on individual mics, and a rhythm section of piano, bass, guitar and drums. Now in its 18th year, FreeForm continues to set impressive new standards in the vocal jazz movement. FreeForm has traveled extensively throughout the U.S. They traveled to New York City in 2004; New Orleans in 2005, where they were a featured guest group at the New Orleans Music Festival; Dallas, Texas with featured performances at the UNT/Addison Jazz Festival; Alaska in 2007; and Chicago in 2008. FreeForm has received numerous awards at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival and the Reno Jazz Festival, including college winner in 2010, and was named “Best Jazz Choir in the Nation” by Downbeat Magazine for the year 2001 (Stolen Moments CD). The 2003 CD (Behind The Face) won the group the “Outstanding Performance” award from Downbeat Magazine. FreeForm has just completed its 18th CD, which will first be available at the CD release concert April 21, 7:30 p.m. in the CBC Theatre. Auditions for the CBC Vocal Music Department, including FreeForm, DeserTones and Chamber Choir take place each spring. For an audition appointment and any further information please contact: Dave Cazier (509) 542-5537 or email at dcazier@columbiabasin.edu CBC CHAMBER CHOIR/ DESERTONES The Chamber Choir a.k.a. DeserTones is a vocal ensemble of 36 singers and is part of the established music curriculum at Columbia Basin College. DeserTones was established in the 1960s by Terry Crab as an auditioned choir performing a very wide range of choral literature from pop/show to traditional. It was in the early 1970s, under the direction of Byron Gjerde, that DeserTones began to center on vocal jazz as its sole repertoire. The DeserTones has established an outstanding reputation in the Northwest with tours, competitions, and other performances. DeserTones has appeared at Northwest ACDA and MENC conferences as well as being the featured college vocal jazz ensemble at the 1983 NAJE convention in Kansas City. DeserTones also takes on the double duty as CBC’s Chamber Choir, learning a variety of traditional choral music in addition to some vocal jazz. In May of 2006, DeserTones traveled to New York City to perform Mozart’s Mass in C Minor with the New England Symphony Orchestra in the legendary Carnegie Hall. The group returned again to New York’s Carnegie Hall to sing the Gabriel Faure’ Requiem under the direction of world renown conductor & composer, John Rutter in May of 2009. The Chamber Choir/DeserTones is an auditioned ensemble, which includes the members of FreeForm. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The symphony orchestra at CBC rounds out the performance with opportunities for students seeking to prepare for a lifetime of music. The Symphony draws from the Baroque and Classical repertoire to offer a program that is at once entertaining while providing a fundamental performance education. Conductor D. Robert Burroughs brings a wealth of directing and performance experience to the podium with the Columbia Basin College Symphony Orchestra. CBC BANDS CBC JAZZ ENSEMBLE The CBC Jazz Ensemble has been in existence for over 40 years. The first known director of the band was John Fitzpatrick who led the band from its beginning until December of 1972. John was an excellent clarinetist and saxophonist and organized some very fine jazz bands. He also hosted some jazz workshops and brought in guest jazz groups and artists such as Cannonball Adderly. In 1973, Don Paul took the job after Fitz’s untimely death. Don continued the jazz program and also brought the Jazz Unlimited festival to CBC. For a while, the music program fielded a big jazz band plus smaller jazz combos of various instrumentations. The band twice attended the festival at Orange Coast College in California and took yearly tours of the Northwest. From 1983-1986, the jazz band was headed by well-known composer/arranger Dave Barduhn whose groups made some of the first recordings of the CBC jazz band. Dave also took over the running of the jazz festival. In the fall of 1986, Mel Clayton filled Barduhn’s shoes for a year directing the jazz band and running the festival. Since the fall of 1987, Randy Hubbs has been the director. Under his direction, the band maintains an active performing, touring, and recording schedule. The CBC Jazz Ensemble’s most recent CD, “Breakthrough” is available for purchase at the festival sales table along with earlier CD’s “Eastside Story”, “Two Weeks Notice” and “Fun Time.” Recently, the group had the honor of being invited to perform at the University of North Texas Jazz Festival in Addison, TX. COLUMBIA BASIN C O N C E R T B A N D The Columbia Basin Concert Band was first formed in the fall of 1974 by Don Paul. The purpose of this group is to provide an opportunity for individual musical expression and growth during one’s membership as well as contribute to the musical and/ or cultural environment of the Tri-Cities and surrounding area. Membership is comprised of Tri-City area musicians and CBC music students, both music majors and non-majors. The group performs at least three times during the academic year and also performs a number of concerts during the summer months at various community events. Randy Hubbs, the current conductor, began as associate conductor during the fall of 1987 and has taken the position of conductor since the fall of 1997. The Columbia Basin Concert Band has grown to over 65 members and has performed as a guest ensemble at the CWU Wind Ensemble Festival as well as the EWU Solid Brass Ensemble Festival. THE COLUMBIA BASIN JAZZ ORCHESTRA The Columbia Basin Jazz Orchestra, under the direction of Randy Hubbs, was formed in October of 2003 and made its public debut at the Jazz Unlimited Festival - Friday, April 16, 2004. This is an 18-piece big band that is made up of professional musicians from the TriCities area and the surrounding region. The CBJO is a new repertory ensemble intent on offering programs of various styles of jazz ranging from Swing-era to Neophonic and contemporary big band literature. Each fall, the CBJO presents a concert in the community and has also become the featured group for this festival. We are excited to have the honor of playing with our special guest artist, Wayne Bergon for Friday evening’s event. THE COLUMBIA BASIN JAZZ ORCHESTRA D ire c tor Randy Hubbs S axo ph o ne s Ben Knox - Alto Andy Evens - Alto Joe Farey- Tenor Keith Russell - Tenor Lori Lydeen - Baritone T r u mpe ts John Ladines Troy Lydeen John Nelson Brent Steinert CBC JAZZ ENSEMBLE CBC FREEFORM 2011 Dir e c tor Soprano Randy Hubbs Victoria Lodahl, Othello HS Talitha McCall, Connell HS Lisa Trescott, Southridge HS Tabitha Wildenborg, Hanford HS Sa xop hon e s Omar Farias – Alto Chelsea Jordan – Alto Joe Farey – Tenor Anthony Tiburcio – Tenor Ben Whiting – Baritone T r om bon e s Tanner Cornell Chet Dennis Chrystal Perea Alex Smith Esteban Zarate Alto Miki Harvey, Southridge HS Lindsey Yearout, Manhattan HS Chadley Till, Pasco HS Jessica Rinehart, Southridge HS Tenor JR Samson, Southridge HS Nick Trowbridge, Connell HS Nicholas Huppe, Kamiakin HS T r u m p e ts Bass Rich Carterby Chet Dennis Phillip Simpson Bob Swoboda Bruce Barrett Spencer Blake Trevor Burgess Jose Lazaro Jobe Tijerina David Whitsett, Kamiakin HS Greg Rose, Kamiakin HS Joshua Osborn, Kennewick HS R h yth m S e c ti on R hy thm Se c tion T r o mbone s Bill McKay - Piano Juan Hernandez - Bass Doug Rice – Guitar Derek Munson – Drums Ryan Hubbs - Percussion S o u nd Dave Cazier Ligh ts Ronn Campbell Juan Hernandez – Bass John Crigler – Piano Bailey Ehrgott - Guitar Ryan Hubbs – Drums Rh y t h m Manuel Avila, Piano, Hermiston HS Michael Douglas, Guitar, Pullman HS Brian Williams, Bass, Hanford HS Omar Farias, Drums, Pasco HS Laurie Trescott, Sound, Southridge HS PAST WINNERS JAZZ BANDS 2000 Jazz Band Division Winners Middle Sch.: Sacajawea Jr. High: Greenacres A: Chimicum High School AA: Gonzaga Prep. AAA: Mt. Spokane High School AAAA: Prairie High School Best Overall Instrumental Program* AA: Ellensburg High School AAA: Mt. Spokane High School AAAA: Mead High School 2001 Jazz Band Division Winners Middle Sch.: Sacajawea Jr. High: Greenacres A: McLaughlin High School AA: Selah High School AAA: Mt. Spokane High School AAAA: Prairie High School Best Overall Instrumental Program* A: West Valley High School AA: Ellensburg High School AAA: Mt. Spokane High School AAAA: Kennewick High School 2002 Jazz Band Division Winners Middle Sch.: Cheney Jr. High: West Valley A: Port Townsend High School AA: Gonzaga Prep High School AAA: Mead High School AAAA: Meadowdale High School Best Overall Instrumental Program* A: Port Townsend High School AA: Ellensburg High School AAA: Mt Spokane High School AAAA: Meadowdale High School 2003 Jazz Band Division Winners Middle Sch.: Cheney Jr. High: West Valley A: Columbia High School (Burbank) AA: Cheney High School AAA: Mead High School AAAA: Marysville Pilchuck High School Best Overall Instrumental Program* A: Columbia High School (Burbank) AA: Cheney High School AAA: Mead High School AAAA: Marysville- Pilchuck High School 2004 Jazz Band Division Winners Middle Sch.: Cheney Jr. High: West Valley A: Mead High School Jazz Lab AA: Mead High School Jazz II AAA: Mead High School Jazz I AAAA: Marysville Pilchuck High School Best Overall Instrumental Program* A: Columbia High School (Burbank) AA: Riverside High School AAA: Mead High School AAAA: Lewis & Clark High School 2005 Jazz Band Division Winners Middle Sch.: Sacajawea Jr. High: West Valley A: McLoughlin High School AA: Mead High School Jazz II AAA: Mead High School Jazz I AAAA: Ferris High School Best Overall Instrumental Program* A: Riverside High School AA: Ellensburg High School AAA: Mead High School AAAA: Ferris High School 2006 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Jr. High: Kalles Jazz Band A: Colfax High School AA: Ellensburg High School AAA: Eastmont High School AAAA: Central Valley High School Jazz I Best Overall Instrumental Program* AA: Ellensburg High School AAA: West Valley High School-Yakima AAAA: Mead High School 2007 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Jr. High: Kalles Jazz Band A: West Valley High School -Yakima AA: Gonzaga Preparatory AAA: Mt. Spokane High School Jazz I AAAA: Mead High School Jazz Ensemble I Best Overall Instrumental Program* AA: Washougal High School AAA: Mt. Spokane High School AAAA: Mead High School 2008 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Jazz I Jr. High: Kalles Jazz Band A: Riverside High School Jazz I AA: Washougal High School AAA: Mt. Sumner High School Jazz ‘A’ AAAA: Mead Jazz Ensemble Best Overall Instrumental Program* A: Riverside High School AA: Washougal High School AAA: Hanford High School AAAA: Kennewick High School 2009 Middle Sch.: Woodland Jr. High: Kalles Jazz Band A: Hockinson High School Jazz I AA: Cheney High School Jazz I AAA: Mercer Island High School Jazz I AAAA: Pasco High School Jazz I Best Overall Instrumental Program* A: Hockinson High School AA: Cheney High School AAA: Mercer Island High School AAAA: Mountain View High School 2010 Middle Sch.: Cheney MS Jazz Band Jr. High: West Valley Jr. HS Jazz Band A: Hanford HS Freshman Jazz Band AA: Cheney HS Jazz I AAA: Hanford HS Jazz Ensemble I AAAA: Mead HS Jazz Ensemble I Best Overall Instrumental Program* A: Riverside High School AA: Cheney High School AAA: Hanford High School AAAA: Mead High School *combined scores of Concert Band & Jazz Band competitions JAZZ CHOIRS 2000 Middle Sch.: Pioneer Jr. High: West Non-Mixed: Centennial High School A: Gonzaga Prep AA: Centennial High School FreeForm 1: Selah High School FreeForm 2: Kamiakin High School Sweepstakes: Eagle High School Waldo Award: Eagle & Centennial High Schools 2001 Middle Sch.: Northwood Jr. High: Les Bois A: Othello High School AA: Gonzaga Prep FreeForm 1: Selah High School FreeForm 2: Southridge High School Sweepstakes: Selah High School Waldo Award: Lake Stevens High School 2002 Middle Sch.: Meadowdale Jr. High: Riverglen Non-Mixed: Eagle High School A: Hanford High School AA: Centennial High School FreeForm 1: Aberdeen High School FreeForm 2: Bainbridge High School Sweepstakes: Meadowdale MS Waldo Award: Hanford High School 2003 Middle Sch.: Meadowdale Jr. High: West Non-Mixed: Lake Stevens High School A: Gonzaga Prep AA: Mt. Lake Terrace High School FreeForm 1: Othello High School FreeForm 2: South Kitsap High School Sweepstakes: South Kitsap High School Waldo Award: Othello High School 2004 Middle Sch.: Meadowdale Jr. High: West Non-Mixed: North Kitsap High School AA: Hanford High School AAA: Mt. Lake Terrace High School FreeForm 1: Eastmont High School FreeForm 2: South Kitsap High School Sweepstakes: South Kitsap High School Waldo Award: South Kitsap High School 2005 Middle Sch.: Northwood Jr. High: West Non-Mixed: North Kitsap High School JC-1 : North Kitsap High School JC-2 : Lake Stevens High School FreeForm 1: West Jr. FreeForm 2: Kamiakin High School Waldo Award: Eagle High School 2006 Middle Sch.: Mead Select Jr. High: West Non-Mixed: North Kitsap High School JC-1: Gonzaga Prep JC-2: Eagle High School FreeForm 1: West Jr. FreeForm 2: South Kitsap High School Sweepstakes: South Kitsap High School Waldo Award: Eagle High School 2007 Middle Sch.: Northwood Jr. High: Les Bois Non-Mixed: North Kitsap High School JC-1: North Kitsap High School JC-2: Centennial High School FreeForm 1: Mount Si. High School FreeForm 2: South Kitsap High School Sweepstakes: South Kitsap High School Waldo Award: Eagle High School 2008 Middle Sch.: Meadowdale Jr. High: Sedgwick Non-Mixed: Lake Stevens High School JC-1: Richland High School JC-2: Lake Stevens High School FreeForm 1: Cashmere High School FreeForm 2: South Kitsap High School Sweepstakes: South Kitsap High School Waldo Award: Eagle High School 2009 Middle Sch.: Meadowdale Jr. High: King’s Non-Mixed: North Kitsap High School JC-Area: Pasco High School FreeForm 1: North Kitsap High School FreeForm 2: Mark Morris High School FreeForm 3: South Kitsap High School Sweepstakes: South Kitsap High School Waldo Award: Gonzaga Prep 2010 Middle Sch.: Meadowdale Jr. High: King’s Non-Mixed: North Kitsap High School JC-Area: Eagle High School FreeForm 1: North Kitsap High School FreeForm 2: Lynnwood High School FreeForm 3: Meadowdale High School Sweepstakes: Meadowdale High School Waldo Award: Meadowdale High School CONCERT CHOIRS 2000 Middle Sch.: Salk Jr. High: Les Bois Non-Mixed: Marysville-Pilchuck High School A: Deer Park High School AA: Central Valley High School AAA: Skyview High School 2001 Middle Sch.: Northwood Jr. High: Les Bois Non-Mixed: Skyview High School Men A: Ephrata High School AA: South Kitsap High School 2002 Middle Sch.: Cheney Jr. High: North Non-Mixed: Skyview High School Men A: Cashmere High School AA: Timberline High School AAA: Skyview High School 2003 Middle Sch.: Northwood Jr. High: North Non-Mixed: Fort Vancouver High School A: Coeur d’Alene High School AA: Kamiakin High School AAA: Bothell High School 2004 Middle Sch.: Salk Jr. High: North Non-Mixed: Eagle High School A: Cashmere High School AA: Ellensburg High School AAA: Centennial High School 2005 Middle Sch.: Mead Jr. High: Les Bois Non-Mixed: Eagle High School A: Cashmere High School AA: Bellarmine Prep High School AAA: Skyview High School 2006 Middle Sch.: Northwood Jr. High: West Non-Mixed: Eagle High School A: Rigby High School AA: Gonzaga Prep AAA: McNary High School 2007 Middle Sch.: McLoughlin Jr. High: Les Bois Non-Mixed: Kamiakin High School A: Cashmere High School AA: Othello High School AAA: Eagle High School 2008 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Non-Mixed: Eagle High School 1: Gonzaga Prep High School 2: South Kitsap High School 3: Eagle High School 2009 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Jr: West Non-Mixed: Eagle High School 1: Cashmere Prep High School 2: Eagle High School - Madrigals 3: Eagle High School – Sonous 2010 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Jr: West Non-Mixed: Moses Lake High School 1: Cashmere Prep High School 2: Bellarmine Prep High School 3: Meadowdale High School OUTSTANDING VOCAL DEPTARTMENT AWARDS 2004 Middle Sch.: Northwood Jr. High: West A Cashmere High School AA Kamiakin High School AAA South Kitsap High School 2005 Middle Sch.: Northwood Jr. High: West A: Othello High School AA: Hermiston High School AAA: Skyview High School 2006 Middle Sch.: Mead Jr. High: West A: Othello High School AA: Gonzaga Prep 2007 Middle Sch.: No entry eligible Jr. High: Les Bois A: No entry eligible AA: No entry eligible AAA: South Kitsap High School 2008 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Jr. High: Sedgwick I: Cashmere High School II: No entry eligible III: South Kitsap High School 2009 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Jr. High: West I: No entry eligible II: Timberline High School III: South Kitsap High School 2010 Middle Sch.: Enterprise Jr. High: West I: No entry eligible II: Gonzaga Prep High School III: Meadowdale High School For a complete list of top groups since 1993, go to columbiabasin.edu/jassfestival and go to ‘Past winners’. JAZZ UNLIMITED HISTORY AVAILABLE AT THIS YEAR’S JAZZ UNLIMITED The first Jazz Unlimited festival was hosted jointly by the Tri-Cities high school music departments in 1971, with nine high school jazz bands participating. It continued the following year with assistance from the Tri-Cities Water Follies Association, thus the name Jazz Unlimited. The festival site was moved to Columbia Basin College in 1973 when Don Paul moved here from Kennewick High School. Eventually, the sponsorship of the Water Follies Association was dropped but the name Jazz Unlimited was retained. The jazz choir portion of the festival was added in 1974 by Byron Gjerde. In 1986, a concert choir portion was added by Steve Baer. In 2001, FreeForm began hosting a CD release concert which showcases selections from their yearly recording session. Since its inception, the festival has grown until as many as 61 bands and 93 choirs have participated, the maximum that our facilities can accommodate. In 1998, a concert band division was added by Randy Hubbs. The CBC Jazz Ensemble’s latest CD, “Breakthrough”, and the 18th Annual CD featuring CBC’s vocal Jazz group FreeForm. Cost is $10. They will be available for purchase by the Registration table along with other CBC Music Department CD’s. Guest artists from past years include: Shelly Manne and his Mannekind, Stan Kenton and his orchestra, Fred Raulston Trio, Kim Richmond, Red Kelly’s Owl Jazz Ensemble and Supersax, Matrix, Barney McClure & Jan Stentz, Bud Shank, Diane Schuur, Straight Ahead, Dennis DiBlasio, Ron McCorby, Consort Columbia, Cross Current, Jeff Hamilton, Jeff Clayton, Big Miller, Louise Rose, Viva Jazz, Buddy Baker, Bobby Shew, Bob Curnow & The New Jazz Repertory Ensemble, Big Band Northwest, The Jazz Police, Michael Brecker, the Yellow Jackets, Eddie Daniels, Bill Watrous, John Fedchock and The Columbia Basin Jazz Orchestra. Stay on campus for lunch! Affordable concessions will be available each day. MUSIC DEPARTMENT COURSE OFFERINGS Music Theory I-VI Music Appreciation (Humanities) History of Jazz (Humanities) Piano Class Jazz Theory and Improvisation Jazz Ensemble DeserTones (Chamber & Jazz Choir) FreeForm (Vocal Jazz Ensemble) Voice Ensemble Instrumental Ensemble Brass Techniques Woodwind Techniques Chorus Studio Problems Concert Band (evenings) Applied Instruction in: voice, piano, winds, brass & strings Orchestra (evenings) For more information, visit columbiabasin.edu/music ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS C olu m bia Ba s in C olle g e w ou ld like to a c kn o w l e d ge a ll of thos e w ho he lp e d m a ke Ja z z U n lim it e d 20 11 p os s ible . CBC Jazz Ensemble CBC Concert Choir CBC FreeForm Columbia Basin Concert Band Bill McKay, Dean of Arts & Humanities Maria Allan, Program Support Supervisor Willow Conley, Secretary Heidi Dickenson, Student Worker Hannah Polomsky, Student Worker Tanner Cornell, Student Worker Alex Smith, Student Worker Todd Pearson, CBC Graphics Shawn Strait, CBC Printing Elias Perez, CBC Printing Columbia Basin Jazz Orchestra CBC College Relations Steve Swanson Paul Papiese Ted Brown Music Harrington’s Trophies Pasco High School Band Boosters CONCESSIONS AVAILABLE Pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, ice cream, and much more. The concessions trailer is located north of the music building and is sponsored by the Pasco High School Band Boosters. JAZZ UNLIMITED T-SHIRTS Get your limited edition 2011 JU T-shirt $10 each TE TA O BIA CO 7< 6(&B85, ASIN E GE LL F W ASH (after hours and weekends) Campus Security (509) 542-4819 Cell Phone 521-4599 A Bldg. H Bldg. H Bldg. T Bldg. H Bldg. H Bldg. A Bldg. AF Bldg. H Bldg. I Bldg. T Bldg. T Bldg. P Bldg. H Bldg. G Bldg. I Bldg. H Bldg. T Bldg. L Bldg. W Bldg. C Bldg. H Bldg. H Bldg. P Bldg. H Bldg. B Bldg. Administration Bldg. Foundation Business Bldg. Security Classroom Bldg. Gymnasium Student Services (HUB) Industrial Complex Kartchner Ag. Tech. Bldg. Library Maintenance Maintenance Annex Grounds Maintenance AG Technology Center Observatory Performing Arts Bldg. Lee R. Thornton Center Utility Bldg. Vocational Bldg. CH2M Hill Technology Center Administrative offices . . . . . . . . . . . . Admissions/Registration . . . . . . . . . . Assessment Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLS Center for Laboratory Sciences. Counseling/Career Center. . . . . . . . . CBC Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CBC Business office . . . . . . . . . . . . . CBC Foundation office . . . . . . . . . . . Cafeteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dental Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diversity Commons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Esvelt Gallery (art gallery) . . . . . . . . . Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphics & Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gjerde Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information Technology . . . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Media Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Security & Safety office . . . . . . . . . . . Student Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . Student Body offices (ASB) . . . . . . . . Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resource Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Writing Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A AF B C D G H I K L M M-1 M-2 N O P S/T U V W BUILDING FUTURES FOR CHANGING TIMES SOFTBALL FIELD BASEBALL FIELD CARPOOL PARKING BUS STOP DIAL-A-RIDE PICK-UP HANDICAPPED PARKING PAY PHONE Rev.6/09 O OBSERVATORY I West verflow O g Lot Parkin Charlie & Helen Cox AG Research Fields 2600 N. 20th Ave. Pasco, WA 99301 Softball/Baseball & Observatory Parking Columbia Basin College BUS STOP C ATHLETIC FIELD D g Lot Parkin D Security K N I I § P G g Lot Parkin OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATRE Theatre Staff TH WES g Lot Parkin P g Lot Parkin I g Lot Parkin I G URTS IS CO TENN g Parkin H No g Lot Parkin ING BUS PARrthKH MAIN CAMPUS ENTRANCE and areer n o r for C Cente al Educati ic Techn n Gree e hous PASCO CAMPUS L AF U J AF g Lot Parkin Staff op us Lo Camp t SouthParking Lo B Gazebo S T V A EAST Lot g Parkin M 182 OOP US L AMP TH C SOU OR VISIT G IN PARK A M-2 BUS STOP BUS STOP TRI-CITIES AIRPORT AD CE RO ENAN MAINT ic l Clin Dentarking Pa CLS g Parkin W W Northg Lot Parkin lty Facu e hous g Parkin Staff CBCs- CLS ee Clasm s RJ Lup roo Gro ce Scien Labs W g Lot Parkin ity Diversons Comm tion rmalo Infoh o gy Tec n Mathce Scien W WESTg Lot Parkin W WESTg Lot Parkin Shrub/Steppe Research Area ARGENT STREET NORTH 20TH AVENUE A COMMUNITY OF LEARNING ARTS & HUMANITIES Parking DIVISION OFFICE Staff M M-1 TA WES ing Lot Park Staff S CONCESSIONS g COL U GJERDE CENTER Parkin . REGISTRATION MUSIC BUILDING © Cou rtya rd TECH WAY Staff HUB Parkin G WESTOverflow g Lot FARM ROAD