The Purchase - Purchase College
The Purchase - Purchase College
The Purchase Independent OCTOBER 26 2006 ISSUE 123 Purchase’s Only Weekly News Source Fall Fest Beefs Up Saftey Measures By Adam Tyrrell Purchase Becomes Gated Community By Claribel Ortega The cameras installed in the mall earlier this year seem to be just the beginning of new security measures being implemented at Purchase. A gate may be built at the Lincoln Avenue underpass, restricting vehicular traffic to emergency and utility vehicles. According to Assistant Chief of Police, Pete Maculoso, the new gate would be employed in order to “prevent accidents and...personal injuries from happening” he then went on to say that “Anything we could do to secure the area we should.” When asked why the Lincoln Avenue underpass was the site being discussed for the proposed gate, Maculoso added that, “mechanical services is right there, that’s basically the guts of all the utilities that run this campus.” The possible implementation of this gate would restrict access to not only the underpass but other “critical areas” that if affected could leave the campus “out of commission.” A barrier or gate at the Lincoln avenue underpass would not restrict pedestrian traffic however, and Chief Maculoso anticipates “very minimal effect to students.” Maculoso went on to add that no Matisyahu Returns to Purchase Page 4 Graphic by Sabrina Miller decision has been made in the implementation of the gates, but it was one of the options discussed by the President. In an email sent out on Tuesday, President Schwarz acknowledged the new security measures being taken on campus, stating that “the college hired a firm expert in security matters. The firm recommended, among other things, the purchase and installation of additional security cameras, as well as gates and barriers to protect pedestrian walkways and the campus infrastructure.” The Total Recall Corporation, a security firm who service everything from small business to corporations, was hired to suggest ways to make the campus more secure. President Schwarz attributes this heightened security as a response to an “increase in theft and vandalism.” Much like the cameras, Purchase students were not made aware of the decision making process. PSGA President Valerie Weaver, who was made aware of the gate a few weeks ago, stated that “Many of the decisions here at Purchase are made during committee meetings. Many of the decisions are made far in advance. These technological safety initiatives had been decided upon a while ago...I do not know whether or not a student representative sat on this committee.” Continued on Page 11... Fall Fest Line-up Inside! Page 7 The past few years Fall Fest has been considered a dud, criticized as being a “mini-Culture Shock,” but with smaller acts and a lower turnout. This year, Major Events Coordinator Jesse Heffler has reorganized the event, splitting the marathon concert into a two-day festival, complete with bands and a haunted house. The changes come about from the need to organize something “without all the hub-bub of just making a show into something bigger,” Heffler said. Fall Fest is being co-sponsored by CSA, LU, and Candies, in conjunction with their costume dance party that is being featured on Friday’s Fall Fest card. Another change in Fall Fest is security. Amidst the concerns over last year’s Culture Shock burglaries, the college administration and the PSGA have been working together to make the campus more secure, while not making the grounds a police state. The UPD will be training student volunteers, called the “extra force,” to serve as a community watch group, equipping them with walkie-talkies to phone in medical emergencies and suspicious behavior. According to PSGA President Valerie Weaver, the students will be trained in self defense, but “will not be breaking up parties, dealing with violence, detaining students, or anything like that.” The “extra force” will be composed of students who were contacted by Heffler. “I wrote an email. People responded. Those who didn’t express their concerns about being ‘narc’ed out had their email addresses forwarded to UPD,” Heffler said. The system of guest passes will be modified as well to implement Resident Assistants. Heffler said RAs will be outside the Student Center, handing out guest passes and checking student ids. This will be an improvement over the current Culture Shock procedure that has UPD check IDs, and guest passes given out in residential hall complex offices. Perhaps one of the most controversial changes to the Fall Fest event will be the elimination of the beer tent. Although originally frowned upon by Chartwells head Nick Menillo Continued on Page 11... Get the Lowdown on WPSR Page 3 The Purchase . Independent Established 2001 Founding Editor: Glen Parker Chief Editor: Emily Farrell Web Editor: Steven Tartick Layout Editor: Kaitlyn Sudol Feature Editor: Patrick Cassels Office Manager: Amanda Scigaj Print Supervisor: Robert Stewart-Rogers Print Staff: David Haack Graphic Design: Sabrina Miller Business Manager: Alice Gullotta Writers: Garry-Paul Bonesteel Melissa Callery Ocean Capewell The Dissident Peter Foy Arthur Larsen Jill Liptak Lindsay Randall Steven Sabel Adam Tyrrell Randall Unger Comics: Garry-Paul Bonesteel Dan Lopez-Melville Robert Stewart-Rogers Copy Editors: Peter Foy Adam Tyrrell Sable Yong This Week’s Issue: Transgenderism In Support: Ocean Capewell If a burly, hairy, combat boot-wearing penis-owner tells me she feels like and identifies as a girl, I will respect that. Why not? How is that hurting me, or anyone? It is a common perception that biology is destiny, that from the moment the obstetrician peers between your postnatal legs and declares your gender you’re stuck with it forever, that there’s no way out. But some people do exist who feel that their gender assignment is wrong. Some people have always felt like the “other” gender and some people feel like gender is a farce and want to live outside of it entirely. People have lived in transgendered ways long before there ever was an organized feminist movement. These were mostly women who felt limited by their roles in a patriarchal society who decided that it was better to change their gender presentation and live as a man with a huge secret than rot away in a living room. Joan of Arc was just one of these people--one of the few who we know about. So much trans history has been ignored, suppressed and obsfucated precisely because people didn’t know what to make of someone who did not fit neatly in a sex-assignment box. (Please read “Transgender Warriors” by Leslie Feinberg for more info!) I am not transgendered, but I have been through a stage in my life where I was extremely androgynous and percieved as a man on a regular basis. I encountered so much hate in that stage of my life; so many threats and insults. I didn’t feel safe in any bathroom or anywhere, really, simply because I overspilled the box labeled “female.” And why? Why did I and my transgendered/genderqueer/non-labeled friends have to deal with all of this prejudice for doing absolutely nothing at all besides being ourselves in the only way we knew how? Approximately two transgendered individuals are murdered every month The Purchase Independent is a non-profit in the U.S. alone. Why are they such a threat? Because newspaper, paid for by the mandatory student they challenge a deeply ingrained binary? Or because activity fee. The Independent welcomes submissions from it’s a tricky thing to wrap one’s mind around? the readers. We are an open forum for campus issues and comments about The Independent’s coverage. We accept letters, articles, comics, ads, and event listsings. The deadline for submissions to be considered for publication in the following issue is Tuesdays at eight. After that, you must bribe us with candy. Publication of submissions is not guarenteed, but subject to the discretion of of the editors. We prefer that submissions come to us electronically. Our e-mail address is: Backpage quotes can be left in the Back Page box, a makeshift container nailed to the wall outside the Media Board Office, which is located on the first floor of Campus Center North, room 1011. Finally, no anonymous submissions will be considered. Instead they will be posted on our totally sweet MySpace profile, surrounded by glittery graphics. 2 In Opposition: Adam Tyrrell Transgenderism is Feminism that’s looked too deep into itself. An ideology originated by intellectuals who wished to challenge the feminine and masculine concepts of gender, transgenderism has been manipulated by the emotionally insecure as a title for identity. The result is a complexity that makes discussion about gender and sexuality almost entirely subjective. I’m not speaking about post-op transsexuals, or those who have taken hormones to convert themselves from male to female, or vice versa. These are people who have thought seriously about themselves, and find that they are more comfortable being one sexuality than another. I am speaking of the person who rhetorically refers to himself as being a woman, despite have male genitalia, and so forth. This sort of person bonds to the liberal sentiment that “I can do/be whatever I want.” This generally is a positive thing, but in the context of gender and sexuality, “I can be whatever I want” translates into a radical view that just isn’t practical in the real world---and sillies serious discussion by association. Take for example, a man with male genitals who is sexually attracted exclusively to women, but considers himself a woman because he has feminine mannerisms. Should we respect his wishes by referring to him in the feminine pronoun, despite him not being a woman in any sense? Titles and roles should be questioned, however, when it gets in the way of practical use in society—and becomes subjective in a case by case basis---the person in question should evaluated by the same objectivity. Perhaps he has a high voice and was picked on in high school. There should be a point where we bring emotional and mental insecurity into question. Does that make him a woman? Not anymore that it makes him a dragon. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION OF FREDDY V. JASON IS ACTUALLY “MICHAEL MYERS”: MYERS”:* DUE TO ITS SHOESTRING BUDGET, THE PROP WPSR: The New, the Old, and the Pretty Darn Good By Melissa Callery Purchase Radio has always been a source of entertainment on campus, whether it be tuning into your friends’ radio show or listening to it while cranking out a paper at night. This year, new shows and returning favorites have made WPSR more popular than ever. Here are a few notable shows with charismatic DJs and noteworthy tunes. NYA: A newcomer to the lineup, NYA is Adam Tyrrell’s NPR tailored for the Purchase audience. NYA has no real meaning; it changes every week or as often as necessary. The show combines social and political commentary with Purchase artists and music. Tyrrell has made it a point to only feature artists that call Purchase home so listeners can become familiar with musicians and writers right here. There is a lot of commentary and discussion on Purchase news and events. Tyrrell wants to inform people of issues going on here that they might not know about. “I want to make people aware of information that’s right under their nose.” NYA has already had two episodes that have discussed topics like the idea of cutting down trees around campus and Arthur Larsen’s Independent column. Submissions of music, poetry and writing for the show can be sent to NYA is on WPSR Sunday nights at 9:30 PM. The Release with Brett Parker: Born in the spring of 2005, The Release was sparked by Brett Parker’s love for R&B, soul, and hip hop. Raised on old school Motown and R&B, Parker wanted to turn his appreciation of the style into something a lot of people could enjoy. The show s a mix of popular favorites, old school songs, and tunes that many people aren’t familiar with but he feels deserve radio play and recognition. Larsen Off The Hook by Lindsay Randall Today’s Senate meeting addressed the complaint filed by Claire Henry regarding the GLBTU elections that took place in September. Ultimately, the decision made by the Senate was that the references contained in the complaint that was filed did not warrant a reprimand of Arthur Larsen or any action by the Judicial Board. My actions in the Senate were based solely on the logic that I thought followed from the facts presented to me. I was able to leave my friendship with Arthur out of it. The personal attacks and hear-say claims that were used today in the arguments against Arthur were an inappropriate basis for a formal complaint to the PSGA. If you have a personal problem or feel personally persecuted by some- “I realized that there was a lot of great music that people my age weren’t listening to,” Parker says that the show combines his love of the music, personality and his passion for entertaining to create an upbeat and charismatic show. A motivating factor for him has been the internet feed, which allows people outside of Purchase to listen to WPSR. Through family and friends, The Release has built up impressive fan bases in Albany, Boston, and Miami. Catch The Release with Brett Parker every Wednesday at 11 PM. Bagels and Schmear: Two of Purchase’s biggest personalities, Steven Tartick and Arthur Larsen, hit the airwaves as Ethel Morgenstein and Ruth Horowitz (who are two even bigger personalities) for the first time last Spring. Tartick and Larsen’s apartment banter created these two Jewish old ladies who are loosely based on their mothers. Ethel works at her local Lowman’s, and has two kids. Her son Scott is dating a shiksa, and her daughter Judith lives with her girlfriend in their New York Loft. Obviously, her kids are a pretty touchy subject for poor Ethel. Ruth has been married three times, all to men named Morty. Her son, Simone, is a gay hairstylist in San Francisco who’s dating Jamal, and her daughter is dating a peace keeping solider in Israel. The show combines “coffee talk banter” with a humorous satire of Purchase events. Bagels and Schmear became the first WPSR show to have their own podcast. Their biggest achievement came when the show became the second highest rated Jewish pod cast over the summer. That’s something Ethel and Ruth were bragging about that over at Temple Beth Zion. Bagels and Schmear is on Sunday at 9 pm. The Midnight Rush: When Scott Mason heard that Purchase was launching a radio station, he immediately went down to sign up for a show. His desire spawned one of the original radio shows on WPSR. The Midnight Rush plays hip hop, reggae, and R&B in a show that Mason describes as “...pure entertainment.” Scott is Continued on Page 11... one, anyone for that matter, the mature thing to do is talk to that person about your issue. The Senate is a place for issues that concern the entire student body. If you can structure a logical argument that still stands when you remove yourself from it, then it is probably something that you could bring to the PSGA. Although I am new to the Senate this year, as the Senator for Natural Sciences, I am fairly sure that there are better resources for solving personal conflicts than wasting time in the Senate discussing who doesn’t like whom. However, as a result of this issue, both the PSGA Steering Committee and the Senate, as well at CoCOaS are now aware of the problems with the PSGA constitution relating to club membership and elections and can now work toward a solution – and for that we can thank GLBTU. Now can we please let the whole thing go? I Yet Another Reason Why The Internet Is Amazing Myspace is our generation’s form of legal crack. Nightly many of us stare at our monitors, feverishly looking for the most hilarious and “bling-filled” profiles we can find. This week’s Arthur Larsen is Nothing Without Without You with special guest Adam Tyrrell, would like to present you some Myspace profiles that deserve a closer look. She wants chocolate, and she wants it bad. Her love of DMX is unparalleled, shown by not one, but by the two DMX blogs she’s written about him. She’s a busy woman, so if you want to get ahold of her, contact one of the four instant messengers she’s listed. Oh, and notice the animation under the general interests. Although she is young and inexperienced, nothing has come between young Maria and her dreams of music super stardom. Her moving rendition of The Spice Girl’s ballad “Viva Forever,” is for me, not unlike listening to someone pour every single emotion they have into song. In addition to moving music, the design of the page, gothic fairies and roses, is candy for the eyes, ultimately, leaving her visitors emotionally satisfied in ways once thought unreachable. Whether because his page rains his name, or his advice on “not to get too close to the boss” on his pictures page, A.J. gets on the list due to his “experience on the streets” and his three myspace pages. We hope the exposure in this column makes it so a “big time record label will turn the sound of gunshots echoing in his backyard to the sound of a roaring crowd.” She’s hardcore. Ask her and she’ll tell you-over, over, and over again. She likes fake blood and pretending to be a zombie, and “Russian disco makes her wet.” Have fun. “I am goth/Punk but most of the time i am a Hippie” starts the “About Me” section of this precious myspace find. With a taste for fairies, her boyfriend, and all things metal, this feisty little New Yorker will leave you begging for more. With what seems to be a new photo collage every week, that seems to always be a declaration of undying love for her equally metal boyfriend, Jilly is definitely the kind of person on this planet who deserves a closer look. It’s a guy pretending to be Darth Vader. You can’t beat that. Continued on Page 11... “Larsen” from Page 3... OR CAN YOU... Ok, so this is a Myspace profile made for an actual coupon organizer. A COUPON ORGANIZER HAS A MYSPACE PROFILE! ENOUGH DEPARTMENT HAD TO USE THE CHEAPEST MASK THAT THEY COULD FIND IN THE COSTUME STORE: A CAPTAIN KIRK MASK. * HALLOWEEN WAS SHOT IN 21 I 3 Matisyahu Movin’ On Up 10-26-06 By Jill Liptak General George Casey and US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad were speaking in a room in the US controlled Green Zone in Iraq about the possibility of success, when the room went black. The power had gone out again, but the men continued talking. “Both Iran and Syria continue to be decidedly unhelpful by providing support to the different extremist and terrorist groups operating inside Iraq,” Casey said. “Now if you add all this - the intensities of Ramadan and the fact that the new government is about 150 days old -- it makes for a difficult situation and it’s likely to remain that way over the near term.” That near term, one could guess, is the time between now and the rapidly approaching elections. The war in Iraq is shaping up to be the deciding issue in this midterm election and everyone from the Republicans to the terrorists know it. Perhaps that is why October is shaping up to be the bloodiest month of the war. It makes sense that a vast increase in violence in Iraq would be devastating to Republican war supporters who claim that everything is going as planned, and I’m sure that the insurgents know it. What better way to turn American’s opinions of Iraq to unfavorable than a record-breaking death toll. So what does George Bush do? He promises not to say “stay the course” anymore. Finally he may be ready to admit that the strategy, or lack thereof, could use some tweaking. Now, George Casey and the Republicans are trying to use this sentiment to their advantage by suggesting that our grievances in Iraq can be solved, not by a withdrawal of troops, but by sending more troops. Now my first thought would be that they need more troops because the ones they have keep dying. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that if they had sufficient amounts of troops, supplies (including body armor) and planning when they went in, the whole operation would have undoubtedly have been more successful. The key word there is planning, which has been the biggest problem so far in Iraq. I don’t know if those in the military just haven’t watched the Battle of Algiers as many times as I have, but it seems like suitable preparation for a guerilla war would have been the smart course of action. Even if they didn’t think of it right away, it became clear very quickly that we weren’t about to fight Saddam’s army trench-warfare style. But what’s done is done and public opinion is such that I doubt anyone is very gung-ho about giving it another go in Iraq; this time with the right amount of troops and a plan. I would say that the sour taste left by the actions of Republicans would sway voters this November, but then again it didn’t work for us two years ago. 4 D Hassidic Jewish rapper, Matisyahu, will be returning to Purchase for another amazing performance. But this time it will be on a much larger stage with much larger prices. Known for his unique and innovative styles, Matisyahu will be at The Performing Arts Center Thursday October 26th. The concert, which was originally scheduled at the Concert Hall, was moved to The Pepsico Theater because of low ticket sales. And with tickets just below $100, it may be no surprise. However, these high prices have good intentions behind them. The event is a benefit for Westhab, an organization that provides housing for the homeless and low income families in Westchester County and surrounding areas. Because the concert is a rental event ticket prices and publicity is handled by Westhab, which may account for the lack of advertisements here on campus. There is also a reception after the show in which guests will be offered dessert and an opportunity to meet and mingle with Matisyahu. But this will not be the first time Matisyahu has performed on our campus. Two years ago he performed at the Student Center. The show was cosponsored by Hillel and the Chabad of Westchester which contacted his record company after he performed at Sarah Lawrence. “We (Hillel) thought it would be perfect if we brought him onto campus,” said Garbrielle Nazri, who organized the show. “A Hassidic rap artist is not something students get to see everyday and I thought the performance would resolve some stereotypes about Jews.” Although Nazri and other members were unsure how familiar the student body was with his music, they went to great lengths to publi- Week in Review: 10.26.06 New Jersey’s Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that homosexuals are entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals and gave lawmakers 180 days to rewrite marriage laws or to create a new system of civil unions. The Bush administration has started the process of building a new stockpile of two thousand two hundred new nuclear weapons. This new stockpile would last for decades with two nuclear weapons laboratories, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, competing for the new warhead design. The former Enron CEO, Jeffrey Skilling, was sentenced to 24 years in prison on Monday. Judge Simeon Lake said that Skilling’s crimes resulted in a life of poverty for thousands of people. After he was sentenced, Skilling still claimed that he had not committed any crime. According to the fifth annual Worldwide Press cize the event. And it payed off, as there was an incredibly large turnout of various students and community members. “I am definitely a fan,” said Nazri. “I think in terms of a performer, he’s very energetic and as an artist, his lyrics are thought of in depth and beautifully put to reggae beats. I remember being at the gym and seeing his music video on MTV! I was shocked.” Today there is no question whether the student body is familiar with his music, with exposure in magazines, radio stations, and various music television stations Matisyahu has become a very well-known artist. A performer who has reached such a level of fame that his student center show remains only a cherished memory in performance history here at Purchase. But one thing remains evident, whether on the stage at the Student Center, the PAC, or before thousands of people, Matisyahu is sure to leave a positive impact. For ticketing information contact the PAC at #914-251-6200 I Freedom Index, released by Reporters Without Borders, the United States has dropped to number fifty-three. With freelance journalist and blogger Josh Wolf in a San Francisco jail, Al Jazeera cameraman Sami Al Haj in Guantanamo, and AP photographer Bilal Hussein being held in Iraq, Reporters Without Borders criticized the Bush administration for using the War on Terror to take away the rights of the press. Nations with some of thee freest presses were Finland, Iceland, Ireland and the Netherlands. North Korea was rated at the bottom of the Index. Four Iraqi firefighters were stopped Monday by US, mistook for insurgents and shot to death. The US military is apologizing for the killings, calling them an “accident.” Venezuela and Gutamala have agreed to end their battle over a UN Security Council Seat. With Gutamala backed by the US, Venezuela sees the contest as crucial in combating US policy and is suggesting its ally Bolivia as a compromise. I DAYS IN THE SPRING OF 1978 * THE CHARACTER OF LAURIE STRODE WAS NAMED AFTER JOHN CARPENTER’S FIRST GIRLFRIEND. * THE CHARACTER OF LAURIE I MOVIE REVIEW What’s the Matter With Kids’ Shows Today? Man of the Year By Garry-Paul Bonesteel Audiences around the continental United States have flocked to theatres to see Man of the Year starring Robin Williams simply because it isn’t RV. Okay, so maybe audiences didn’t flock and maybe they were there more to see other stars such as Christopher Walken, Lewis Black, Jeff Goldblum or Chris Mathews. Okay, maybe not Chris Matthews. Williams plays Tom Dobbs, a political satirist akin to Jon Stewart or Bill Marr. One night during a routine Q & A an audience member suggests that Dobbs run for President, and days later Dobbs announces his candidacy. Dobbs ultimately ends up becoming the new leader of the free world with his manager, Walken, and head writer, Black, who I laughed at more than Williams, at his side. Though did Dobbs really win the election? The aforementioned commercials builds this movie up to be one in which a comedian gets elected as president and hilarity ensues; a white Head of State if you will. However this isn’t the overall story arc in Man of the Year. While there are jokes throughout the movie, most of which are political satire with poignant political commentary, this movie also has a strong corporate cover-up running through it related to the new computerized voting system invented for that election. This movie also takes on some heavy moments that really round out this movie taking it beyond the run of the mill rut it could have easily fallen into. Barry Levinson wrote and directed this film, which has some really strong cinematography-- always a pleasant surprise. Levinson’s script touches upon issues that are currently at play within the public eye. Issues such as gay marriage and flag burning are addressed in that they take focus away from issues that are more important such as education, which is underfunded and as a result kids suffer. There is also the issue of lobbyists and special interest groups who politicians become indebted to when they are elected to office which takes away from what is good for the people to what By Peter Foy is good for those you owe. While these are good points, they are unfortunately only touched upon and there is no real effort made on Dobbs’ part in order to change things, or even attempt to change things, and have it all go wrong and in the process learn an important lesion. Even if Dobbs had screwed up at least then we would see the political system as something that is a lot more complex than is often thought while at the same time it is recognized that as it stands now it is imperfect and there are things that need to be changed. This is a good movie but it falls short with much unexplored territory that I would have liked to have seen addressed. However, I think that the point was to make a comedy and somewhere along the way it developed a message. If you have ten bucks and are in the mood for something good, then see this film especially if you’re a fan of political satire. But again I must state that this isn’t the uproarious comedy that you think it might be. I give this movie seven electoral votes out of ten.I I Last year, my senior year of high school, was a time of reminiscence for me. I thought about the shit I had done throughout my teenaged years. I thought about the things I was proud of, the things I regretted, the people I met, the things I should and shouldn’t have done, etc. Besides all that melodrama though, I found perhaps the most comfort in this area: TV as a kid! Oh come on now, you know what I’m talking about. You remember when you used to spend hours and hours watching reruns on Nickelodeon, Fox Kids, Kids WB, Cartoon Network or whatever. I’m talking about the witty children’s programs that kept not just us young ’uns happy, but our parents as well. These were shows like Ren & Stimpy, Pete & Pete, Hey Arnold and even Rugrats. Watching some of these shows now, as an adult, would take on a whole different dimension. Take for example the classic Nicktoon, Rocko’s Modern Life. Its children’s entertainment and damn good at it, but it’s amazing how many double-entendres the creators were able to sneak into it. I mean, were the censors too dim to catch onto a board game called Spank the Monkey, or a fast food restaurant called Chokey Chicken (apparently Nickelodeon did catch onto this one, as it was renamed Chewey Chicken in later seasons). Besides references to masturbation, the show also lent some social commentary in episodes that focused on topics like immigration and pollution. Nowadays, Rocko’s Modern Life is often viewed as a precursor to the more successful SpongeBob SquarePants (creator Stephen Hillenberg had previously worked on Rocko as a director). This might be, but I don’t think even the absorbent one holds a candle to the former series’ originality. Another one of my favorites when growing up was Steven Spielberg’s Animaniacs (as well as its spin-off Pinky and the Brain). Something of a modern re-imagining of classic Warner Brothers cartoons, Animaniacs could appeal to just about anyone. The kids loved it for the wacky antics and slick animation (which is still very good by today’s standards), but it also contained movie parodies, celebrity impressions and even a dash of sexual innuendo. (Don’t fret mom and dad. It’s too hidden to be considered harmful towards children.) So they were not just tolerable for adults, but they could be considered quality entertainment as much as any liveaction prime-time variety show. Besides being a hit, the series went on to great critical acclaim and even emmy awards. What’s more, the series was even educational. It delivered learning segments that covered science, math, history and miscellaneous topics. It wasn’t even done in a corny fashion and it was more often laughContinued on Page 11... STRODE WAS NAMED AFTER JOHN CARPENTER’S FIRST GIRLFRIEND. * THE CHARACTER OF MICHAEL MYERS WAS NAMED AFTER THE EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTOR OF 5 At the Student Center 6 CARPENTER’S PREVIOUS FILM, ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 AS A KIND OF WEIRD “THANK YOU” FOR THE FILM’S OVERSEAS SUCCESS. * HALLOWEEN II IS THE ONLY HAL- I LOWEEN FILM TO SHOW THE MORNING AFTER THE 31ST; EVERY OTHER MOVIE ENDS ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT. * HALLOWEEN III IS THE ONLY HALLOWEEN MOVIE THAT I 7 MOVIE REVIEW The Prestige By Randall Unger Aries (March 21-April 19) You will discover that despite how unfailingly the cosmos appears to favor the forces that aim to confuse and distress you, a greater universal truth decides to befriend you this week. Let it. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Keep your friends close and those your enemies further way this week for a time of uncomplicated pleasantries. Yes it can be that simple. If you want it to be. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Someone or something you revere and that confounds you will shed its mystique this week just when you feel that you are at the brink of chipping away its disguise. Cancer (June 21-July 22) On this, an emotionally cavernous week for you, Cancer—it is your job to illustrate the depth and richness of your inner psyche with the precision and grace of a serious and skilled artisan, never with selfindulgence or casual desperation. Leo (July 23-August 22) Take a break and unground yourself this week, Leo, to indulge what can only be described as your ethical libido with small spurts of moral iniquity. One week of such indulgence can satisfy for a long time potentially disastrous future quagmires. Virgo (August 23-September 22) There may be some opportunity present itself to you in the form of indirect conflict. Keep your receptors peeked to be able to cultivate a neutrality that will gain trust and then some, from both sides. Libra (September 23-October 22) As the most balanced and harmonious of zodiacs, this week try and wretch free from your cosmic fate and go for an unbalancing act—you’ll find extremes to be something worth exploring once you can appreciate their potential profound impacts. Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Your venomous and sharp nature can actually lead to remarkable understanding and resolution when utilized in small doses directed at deserving parties. It has been a little over a year since Christopher Nolan surprised audiences with his faithful retelling of Batman’s origin in Batman Begins. Now the acclaimed director of Memento has pit the Dark Knight’s Christian Bale up against Wolverine’s Hugh Jackman in The Prestige, a tale of two rival magicians in turn of the century London. Jackman plays Rupert Angier, a very popular illusionist who sells out auditoriums using his celebrity persona and dressed up tricks to lure in audiences. Bale is a less experienced performer by the name of Alfred Borden, who lacks Angier’s showmanship however makes up for in his extremely raw talent. Both magicians work together for a while and garner huge success. However after an unfortunate accident involving a water tank trick and Angier’s wife. The dynamic duo have a major falling out when it is revealed that Borden may have been directly responsible for her death. Feelings of revenge motivate Angier to take Borden’s life but he is halted and thus merely wounds him. From then on the two tricksters take turns paying one another back either through physical harm or by simply spying on one another. In Nolan’s latest film, Bale continues to display strong leading man potential along with Jackman’s firmly established star power, and Scarlett Johanssen adds a much needed female touch. Joining the cast are Oscar winner Michael Caine, and singer/actor David Bowie who each provide a certain amount of class to this already rather sleek production. Much like Sleepy Hollow’s finale in which we see the transition of urbanization from 1799-1800, here we see the introduction of electricity in towns, 18991900, a marvelous time period to revisit. There is even mention of Thomas Edison’s “men” who happen to lodge in a Colorado Springs hotel where Angier is also staying. The plot is full of twists and turns, a vivid visual ride where two men’s lives intersect with powerful results. Based on a 1995 novel, The Prestige is not just a story about two dueling magicians in England but a story about two distinct social classes and the differences between them; the aristocrats vs. the peasants. Angier represents the “superior” former while Borden struggles to make ends meet as the downtrodden latter. When both worlds collide, murder, betrayal, and confusion run rampant throughout the film’s riveting yet slightly over-the-top sequence of events. Director Christopher Nolan has a few pretty good tricks up his sleeve here with amazing performances by the two macho leads, their very lovely assistant, and the always reliable Oscar winner Caine, this is decent movie worth checking out even if you’ve already seen The Illusionist. I Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Pretty much anything you do this week with a view of benevolent intentions will turn out well for those you direct these actions at, and in turn for yourself. Sacrifice your ambitions for some unselfish cause and reap beneficial rewards. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Take inventory of all of fears that sit festering in your psyche. Once and for all, get rid of what is irrational and crippling and maintain only the helpful reasonable ones. Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent—this sentiment courtesy of Eleanor Roosevelt is true. However to build upon that, keep in mind this week the people you may inadvertently give such consent to. Reevaluate and proceed accordingly. Pisces (February 19-March 20) Take the week to explore the stronger variations of your addictions and succeed in removing a large percentage of obstruction from your cosmic destiny. 8 I DOESN’T FEATURE MICHAEL MYERS. * DURING THE SCENE IN HALLOWEEN: H20 WHERE NORMA IS LEAVING, SHE STANDS IN FRONT THE CAR FROM PSYCHO. THE What’s A Club Without A Clubhouse? By Lindsay Randall It’s no secret that students at Purchase like to bitch. We bitch about the weather, we bitch about the dorms, we bitch about the food and we bitch about the bricks. We bitch about the classes and we bitch about the lack of classes but most of all, we love to bitch about the ways “Purchase screwed me over.” Now, I happen to love this school. Mock me if you will, but I am always the first to defend Purchase against the hordes of Purchase-haters on the grounds of all that it has provided for me in my three years here. Until now, I have sought refuge from the few frustrations I have found in the fact that as a student here, I have the power to change those things. I thought we needed some work on being more environmentally aware, so I started the Purchase Environmental Activists club. Certain aspects of the Natural Sciences building are a mess, so I ran for Senate. I could go on, but I am probably more involved on campus than is good for my health, and the fact is, that the solace I find in my involvement on campus has come to wear thin my patience. There exists a problem on campus that few people know about, but is bringing down those of us who look to make the school better. Perhaps if you are a member of a club that meets in the basement of Campus Center North, you know what I am talking about. The clubs that have “offices” in the basement of CCN have been told lie, after half-truth, after unfulfilled promise regarding when our rooms would be available. I am tired of waiting. I am tired of holding club meetings in a classroom. I am tired of looking like the asshole who doesn’t know what is going on because the people in charge of renovating the basement have changed their plans countless times since the semester began. The two people from the Center for Student Engagement who are overseeing this project both know me fairly well, and they both know that I respect what they do and the difficulties that they face. However, I am going to have to side with the Purchase-haters on this one: this is BULLSHIT. At this point in time, with Thanksgiving break drawing nearer every day, it is unacceptable that the offices (whose renovation, I might add, has been planned since last spring) are still not completed. When I contacted the coordinator in the CSE office about room availability at the beginning of the semester, I was told that it would be complete in September. Then, in September, I was told that everything would be done the first week in October. So I, ever the optimist, scheduled our next meeting, which was to be during the first week in October, in our new room. However, not only had our keys not come in, but the room wasn’t even close to completed. The latest update email spouts relative dates, and vague estimates (most of which range from mid-November to early December) about when our clubs can have their offices. I thought it was particularly exemplary of the situation at hand that the email from the director was dated Tuesday the 17th and yet that email didn’t reach the students involved until Tuesday the 24th. If you are going to give people the run-around, at least cover your bases. What has taken place in this situation is nothing short of abuse on the part of the Center for Student Engagement – abuse to the Purchase Environmental Activists, of PUSH, who have to hold their meetings in an apartment in the Olde, of W.H.E.N. and of all of the other clubs whose displacement has negatively affected the attendance at their meetings. I am not speaking for any of these clubs, but only for myself and my frustration that the Purchase Environmental Activists club has not been allowed to establish itself in one particular location. So now, to those who are involved in making the completion of this project happen, I just ask you one thing: How is it that the Center for Student Engagement has failed so miserably in assisting the students who are involved and want to be a part of the community we have here? A Center for ENGAGEMENT should ENCOURAGE involvement but what is happening here is the most discouraging situation I have yet encountered at Purchase. Seriously, please get your act together. The students here, most of which are far less patient than I, would like to have what they were promised so that we can reach out to the rest of the College and ENGAGE them in our clubs. If this has reached the end of my patience, I can only imagine what other people who don’t love Purchase can be thinking.I Trick-or-Feeding The Hungry By Steven Sabel The air is getting colder, the leaves are falling and it is clear that Halloween is right around the corner. The stores in town are decorated, costumes are being sold and people are placing pumpkins on their doorsteps. Most young people look forward to Halloween as an opportunity to dress up and collect bags full of candy. It is important, however, to take a moment to think about the people in Westchester who are hungry and homeless and cannot afford to buy food, winter clothing or shelter, let alone candy or costumes. We all know that Westchester is known for being an incredibly affluent place full of wealthy individuals, enormous houses and expensive cars. Despite these characteristics, one in five Westchester citizens are uncertain about where their next meal will come from. Many of these people are single mothers, the elderly or children. Many of these people even have full-time jobs but cannot make ends meet because of low wages and the high costs of living. Shocking as it may be, Westchester’s per capita homeless rate is twice that of New York City! Can you believe that? I’m sure there isn’t a single person reading this who hasn’t walked through the streets of New York and seen a man or woman sitting on the curb with a cup for change or sleeping on a park bench with their entire home and belongings stuffed into a plastic bag. Imagine twice that many homeless people in Westchester! So, by now you might be asking one of two questions: “What’s the point?” or “What can I do to help?” In regards to the first question, it is clear that inequality, hunger and homelessness are big problems that are negatively effecting the lives of people not only around the world but also right here in Westchester county. While you sleep in a nice bed with a warm blanket, there are people sleeping on the streets, five or ten miles away, with nothing but a box or some newspapers as their shelter from the increasing winter chill. When you go to the dining hall and eat all the food you like, people are digging in the garbage for their meals and children are not developing properly due to malnutrition. What can you do to help? On Halloween, between 4-8pm, Hillel and NYPIRG are teaming up and going into local neighborhoods to collect food, clothing, blankets, toiletries and other goods for those in need. Additionally, between Monday, October 30th and Saturday, November 4, NYPIRG will be collecting cans of food as well as money at various concerts being held at the Student Center. So, to have a blast while simultaneously helping the hungry and homeless, you can dress up with all your friends and go into town on Halloween. You can also go hear some great music for the price of a can or a couple dollars. What great ideas! If you’d like to help out with any of these (or future) projects, please email or call #914-251-6986. Happy Halloween everyone and have a blast.I MUSIC PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND AT THIS PART IS ALSO FROM PSYCHO. JANET LEIGH, WHO PLAYS NORMA, PLAYED MARION IN PSYCHO. * THE DIRECTOR AND I 9 THURSDAY Evening of Dance, Dance Theater Lab, 8 p.m. Fall Fest, Student Center, 8 p.m. EVENTS Two By Albee, 7 p.m., Humanities Theater Film Screening: “Young, Jewish and Left,” 7 p.m., Humanities 1064 CTS Professional Development: Using Blackboard, SS 0025, 4:30 p.m. Fall Fest, 8 p.m., Student Center MONDAY EVENTS Last Day to Withdraw from Classes Israel at Heart vs. Purchase Men’s Basketball, Gymnasium, 7 p.m. James Joyce’s The Dead, Performing Arts Center, 8 p.m. Voice Program: Noon Music, Recital Hall, Music Building, 12 p.m., SPORTS Rocky Horror Picture Show, Humanities Theater, Midnight Women’s Vollyball, Home Game, 7 p.m. SATURDAY CLUBS Fencing Club, Small Gym, Gymnasium, 2:30 manities Theater, Midnight EVENTS Rap Battle, Southside, Campus Center South, 8 p.m. CLUBS Art Club, Visual Arts Bldg. 2016, 8 p.m. Fencing Club, Small Gym, Gymnasium, 2:30-4 p.m. International Students Association, Student Services Building Fl. 2, 8 p.m. Two By Albee, Humanities Theater, 7 p.m. Rhymebook, Alumni Village Lounge, 9 p.m. James Joyce’s The Dead, Performing Arts Center, 8 p.m. Haunted Tour, Campus Center North lobby, 10 p.m. Art Club, Visual Arts Bldg. 2016, 8 p.m. Evening of Dance, Dance Theater Lab, 8 p.m. Rocky Horror Picture Show, Humanities Theater, Midnight SPORTS CLUBS Comic Book Liberation Army, Alumni Lounge, Campus Center North, 7 p.m. FRIDAY EVENTS Purchase Symphony Orchestra, Recital Hall, Performing Arts Center, 8 p.m. Two By Albee, Humanities Theater, 7 p.m. TUESDAY EVENTS Women’s Soccer, Home Game, 12 p.m. PTV Meeting, Campus Center South 0026, 10 p.m. Men’s Soccer, Home Game, 2 p.m. Commuter Student Association, Commuter Lounge, 2 p.m. SUNDAY EVENTS James Joyce’s The Dead, Performing Arts Center, 2 p.m. UUP Yoga, Aerobics Studio, Gymnasium, 12 p.m. Latinos Unidos, Campus Center North Fl. 2, 10 p.m. Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hu- Upcoming Shows Brought to you by your GPC Oct. 26, Fall Fest, Day 1 (Feat. Dr. Octagon), Student Center, 8 p.m. Oct 27, Fall Fest Day 2, Student Center, 8 p.m. Skalloween, Student Center, 8 p.m. WPSR Schedule SUNDAY 8 PM to 9 PM Short Stuff 9 to 9:30 PM Bagels and Schmear Angels With Filthy Souls, Student Center, 8 p.m. 9:30 to 10:00 PM - NYA My Brightest Diamond, Gregory and the Hawk, Student Center, 8 p.m MONDAY 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Monday Afternoon Blitz PTV Schedule Monday- 11p.m. Kai’s The Guy Wed- 10 p.m.- Film time with Ray Thurs- 9:30 P.M.- Charlie Buko Show Thurs- 11:30P.M.- 30 minutes Sunday - 10 P.M. Sunday Night Confessions EVENTS Art+Design MFA Graduate Group Exhibition, Richard and Dolly Maass Galler, School of Art + Design, all day Making the Most of Your Internship, Student Services Bldg., 12 p.m. First Wednesday, Neuberger Museum of Art, 4 p.m 2006 Natural & Social Sciences Lecture Series,Natural Science Lecture Hall CLUBS Women’s Health Education Now, Player’s Cafe, Campus Center North Second Floor, 8:30 p.m. Fencing Club, Small Gym, Gymnasium, 12-2 p.m. Co-Op Meeting, Dining Hall Mezz.12:20 pm Anthropology Club, Alumni 12-8, 9 p.m. S.P.E.A.K. Bible Study, Clearview Lounge, Campus Center North, 10 p.m. Film Society, Commuter Lounge, Campus Center North, 10 p.m. Alternative Clinic, Campus Center South Basement, 5:30-8:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Coffee & TV 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM Metal Horde 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM The Release 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM DJ Jem 10:00 to 11:00 PM The Showcase THURSDAY 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM Cybernator Radio 11:00 to 12:00 PM Red Wine & Kung Fu 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM Underdog Radio TUESDAY 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM The Twilight Track 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM Blue Condition Monday thru Friday- 10 A.M.-12 P.M.- Wake Up Purchase 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM The Power Hour feat. Superblunt and Trizzle Every Day: 12 A.M. to 7 A.M.- PTV AM (Sifl and Ollie and other shows from our childhoods) 12:00 AM to 2:00 AM Midnight Rush 10 WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 7:00 PM to 8:000 PM C-86 SATURDAY 4:00 PM - Lust 4 Life Radio WRITERS DECIDED TO TREAT THIS MOVIE AS IF HALLOWEENS 3-6 NEVER TOOK PLACE.. AFTER H20, A SERIES OF COMIC BOOKS WERE RELEASED THAT LINKED “Kids Shows” from Page 5... out-loud-funny than not. When was the last time you laughed and learned at the same time? Those were fine times indeed, but it also makes me sad for today’s youth. I’m sorry to say it, but kids’ TV isn’t what it used to be. Yes, the two big channels for children’s programming today are still Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. The thing is though, I can hardly tell the difference between them anymore. I mean is it just me, or does every cartoon on both of these channels feature an ultra-smart preteen scientist or an ultra-cute preteen super heroine? It seems ever since shows like Dexter’s Labrotory and Powerpuff Girls hit it big, rip-offs have been a dime-a-dozen. In other words, there are more crappy, derivative, uninspired, wannabe action shows then ever. It also seems that the FCC wants everything to be extremely politically correct and have a gen-X feel to it. I remember no more than five years ago, Cartoon Network’s style and promos were very retro. Now the channel might I say...more towards a “KIDS RULE” mentality. The channel has simply lost its clever promotional skits and replaced them with hyper-kinetic garbage. Plus, what’s up with the live-action hosts? I thought that it was called Cartoon Network, not The Retarded Sell-Out Channel. For shame! So what should we do? Well, unless I see a drastic change in children’s programming, I personally think I’m going to ban my children from watching any of that shit. Before you label me as tyrannical though, keep in mind that we are living in the age of TV-on-DVD! I’m sure (or at least hopeful) that all of my precious child memories will be collected in affordable box sets by the time I’m happily married and with children. This would enable me to not only share kickass programs with the new generation, but revisit my youth. There’s nothing like vegging out in front of the tv for mind-numbing quantities of time, right? I “WPSR” from Page 3... joined by other on-air personalities including Katanya James, DJ War and DJ Spawn. The unique blend of music is a mix of all of their musical tastes. The Midnight Rush often features DJ Spawn spinning live on the air, which is a unique feature of the show. The show’s variety of music is accompanied by on air commentary, and sometimes discussion of current events. The electric vibes of the hosts complement the eclectic music to create a truly spontaneous radio show. Mason takes pride in the variety and says that he often plays songs that are completely out of the blue. The Midnight Rush starts at 12 am on Tuesdays. tion of “morning friendly music,” and witty talk from the two hosts. The show is still really new, and everyone involved is still getting a feel for it, but they already have strong footholds for becoming a Purchase favorite. In their first week, with cooperation from Chartwells, they gave away free coffee to contestants who answered trivia questions. The show also promotes other WPSR radio shows hoping to get more people to listen. The hosts address campus doings, and every Thursday, they even do an Independent recap. Listen to The Morning Show with Matt and Adam Monday through Thursday starting at 9 am. The Morning Show with Matt and Adam: New this year, WPSR has stepped into the realm of a morning show. The show was created by Mike Barocca, the studio engineer, and Matt Dunnam, and it features Adam Tyrrell. The morning show debuted last week broadcasting live from Campus Center South. The show is a combina- You can listen to WPSR at 1610 AM on your radio, and they are always streaming live at If you have something that you want to hear on the radio, you can always drop off CDs at the station located in the basement of the Dining Hall, or email them at SAID! Hey ladies, are you hoping to snatch up Mr. Right on Myspace? If so, than I suggest a closer look at this profile. This man means business, “I’m tired of the prissy princess looking for her sugar daddy, the next best thing and the party of the year. This is the real deal and i aint settling for less than what I deserve.” With a wide array of gaming costumes and a knowing sense of what he deserves, this gem won’t be available for long. Part-time mom, full-time Bon Jovi fan, Elfia is a hurricane sweeping from the coast of Long Island. The perfect example of when a well meaning mother joins myspace and spends more time and energy on her profile than on nourishing her children. Chock full of glittery photo shrines to both her kids and Bon Jovi. While the profile is progressing, dinner’s still in the freezer. I “Fall Fest” from Front Page... due to the lack of revenue it has received in the past, according to Menillo, the final say had to do with the paperwork not being filed in time. “We wanted to put kegs in, but you need to do these things weeks ahead of time,” Menillo said. Weaver put a positive spin on the situation, saying how the lack of a beer tent will save the PSGA a thousand dollars. The festival itself will retain its consistent cost of ten-twelve thousand dollars. I “Gated” from Front Page... According to Chief Maculoso, student government members were invited to have representatives sit in on the meetings discussing the new security measures, but due to “ time constraints on their behalf, they didn’t send anybody.” Whether or not the gate will be installed at all is still up in the air. According to Joseph Olenik, Chief of Police, the gate project is “on hold at this time. It will not happen this year as far as I can see. Maybe next summer.” The UPD is stressing that this possible new addition is “nothing sinister” maintaining that “it’s just a security issue.” The main concentration seems to be focused solely on the cameras at this time. Valerie Weaver stated that, “We will not be able to get rid of the fence or the new cameras, but we may be able to work with facilities on regulations with the fence and cameras. I’m sure the Civic Actions Committee will work with facilities and UPD to ensure safety and convenience for the campus community.” I H20 TO THE OTHER FILMS, BUT THE EVENTS OF HALLOWEEN: RESSURECTION MADE THE CONNECTIONS GIVEN IN THE COMICS IMPOSSIBLE. 11 Trick-or-Treat, it’s the Indy... ™Wow, what's this log doing in the toilet?∫ Backpage! W HO DO YOU KNOW HERE ?!? “You’re gonna need to g someone to fix my computer.” “What’s wrong with it?” “It’s in several pi on my floor.” “You’ve got no business over there.” The Corporation Smells Like Sex If Arthur Larsen is alone in the woods and nobody can hear him, does he still cause unnecessary drama? “Stay Strong Meixcan Rope!” Don’t Give up Bulemia. It might not be a good Look. Hobo picnic, it’s a party. Hobo picnic, hide the body. “I don’t think these hammocks are meant to hold 5 people” Jazz sucks. Learn how to play your own music...NERDS! Purchase Sucks. Extra-Large Suit Jacket Found on H Street Friday Night. Yours? Call x7547 or leave note in Indy mailbox, PSGA office. Now that Jane is dating George of the Jungle, does that mean that she only wears Leopard print underwear? “Jam if you Can!” All week long! Bring a can of food or a dollar to concerts in the student center between Oct.30th Sometimes they like peanut butter, sometimes they like - Nov.4th to help the hungry and homeless in our jelly, and sometimes they like both . . . either way, it’s always a sandwich. community. Call x6986 or email to help. Rueben is so going brokeback on his personal jake gylenhall. Film Time With Ray Wed @ 10 PTV Lindsay randall is the new Adam tyrrell ”Same Suite, New Hair, 15% More Kick Ass.” Fire Flies in White Plains! Come hear some songs about aliens, end of the world prophecies and escapes from mental institutes! Listen to the first set, dance to the second! Friday, October 27th, 7:30 The Arts Exchange 31 Mamaroneck Ave in White Plains SUNY Purchase Students get in half price! “Trick or Eat!” Join us to cruise around on Halloween and collect food and clothing for those in need. Contact NYPRIG at or x6986 Or Hilell at THAT FOOD LOOKS GOOD! Rosa, how’s your weave? Ever say something amusing? NOW FUSION A PURCHASE WEBZINE BY THE WEB JOURNALISM CLASS UPDATING AT WWW.PURCHASE.EDU/FUSION “Natalie, listen to me. You’ve lost a lot of money to me tonight. You’re basically gonna be living the rest of your life on a charitable donation from the Jeremy Goodwin Foundation.” Now, some have argued Columbus actually discovered the West Indies, or that Norsemen had discovered America centuries earlier, or that you really can’t get credit for discovering an indigenous people with a developed civilization. Those people are communists. Columbus discovered America. Cloture is something all senators seek when a piece of beloved legislation dies. Arthur Larsen is amazing!!!!!1112@!!!! “it couldn’t have gone far, right?” “Right.” “Somewhere in this building is our talent.” “I nominate Adam Tyrrell as the next Jesus.” “....FORCED ABORTION!!” Attention Skunks of the Olde: Shake ‘n’ Bake. That is all. Israel at Heart basketball team plays the Purchase Men's basketball team Monday, October 30th, 7pm, Main Gym Open reception following the game - YOUR chance to meet Israelis on campus! “Oooh, the white ranger? Who’s he? He’s so mysterious.” Brett: No I will not make the turkey noise. “So what did you learn?” “Babies come with hats.” “Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? oh, that’s right. It feels good when I stop!” John Delate for president 2008 “Quick, somebody give me a BackPage quote!” Have a nice day! -Danri :) There are too many Mikes. From now on, half of you will be known as “Duckman.” Dave, Can I touch your surgery? What happened to all the Aaron Sorkin quotes on the backpage? “Am I being hazed? Is this a hazing? ‘Cause I’ll go along and everything but I have to see Josh again so...” “It’s not a hazing. They don’t do that... except, yes, you put olives in my jacket again.” “I did. I did put olives in his jacket but this is on the level.” Hugh Jackman? More like huge ackman!