Calumet County Sheriff`s Department evidence list
Calumet County Sheriff`s Department evidence list
STEVEN AVERY AVERY HOMICIWE-Case #OS-OlJ.57-955 STEVEN HOMICIDE-Case #05-0157-955 Ledger*/ Ledger# ProQerty Tag# Property Tag# Description DescriQtion 06-41 06-41 8632 8632 control swab swab control 06-41 06-41 8622 8622 dried red stain dried stain 06-41 06-41 8617 8617 06-41 06-41 8633 8633 06-41 06-41 8635 8635 06-41 06-41 8637 8637 06-41 06-41 8636 8636 red substance control swab swab control control control swab dried blood stain dried blood stain control swab swab control 06-41 06-41 8638 8638 stain swab swab dried stain 06-41 06-41 8639 8639 dried stain stain swab swab dried 06-41 06-41 8640 8640 dried stain stain swab swab dried 06-41 06-41 8641 8641 control swab control swab 06-41 06-41 8618 8618 dried stain stain dried 06-41 06-41 8631 8631 06-41 06-41 8625 8625 substance in debris debris pile red substance pile substance red substance 06-71 06-71 9168 9168 swab of of stain stain swab 06-71 06-71 9160 9160 swab swab of stain 06-71 06-71 9154 9154 swab of stain 06-71 06-71 9161 9161 control swab control swab 06-71 06-71 9155 9155 control swab control 06-71 06-71 9156 9156 swab of of stain stain swab 06-71 06-71 9171 control swab swab control 06-71 06-71 9159 9159 control swab swab control 06-71 06-71 9167 9167 control swab control 06-71 06-71 9173 9173 control swab swab control 06-71 06-71 9163 9163 control swab swab control 06-71 06-71 9162 9162 swab of of stain stain swab 06-71 06-71 9157 9157 control swab swab control 06-71 06-71 9170 9170 06-71 06-71 9164 9164 06-71 06-71 9165 9165 06-71 06-71 9158 9158 06-71 06-71 9169 9169 swab of of stain stain swab swab of stain swab of stain control swab swab control swab of of stain stain swab control swab swab control 06-71 06-71 9172 9172 06-71 06-71 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 9166 9166 9631 9631 9633 9633 9629 9629 06-42 06-42 06-185 06-185 8345 8345 9627 8835 8835 8832 8832 8839 8839 8841 8841 06-185 06-185 8853 8853 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 swab of stain stain swab of swab of stain swab of stain control swab swab from point D control point D control swab swab from G control from point point G control swab from point C control point C grand prix clock clock radio grand control swab from point B control swab from point B control swab from small small chunk chunk concrete concrete 9618 9618 control swab from control swab from point F 8286 control swab from point F control swab from from point B 9618 control point B control swab swab from from point e 9618 control point C control swab from poi nt E E 8287 8287 control swab from point 06-185 06-185 06-185 06..185 06..185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06·185 06-185 06-185 06-92 06-92 06-92 06-92 06-92 06-92 06-92 06-93 06-69 06-69 06-69 06-72 06-75 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-72 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-42' 8851 8849 8830 8826 9635 9623 9625 8804 8810 8808 8837 9637 9683 9639 8812 8816 8814 8806 9101 9087 9102 9100 9098 9099 9097 9103 9151 9152 9153 8300 9198 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8859 8863 8865 8869 8867 8359 control swab from point O 8287 control swab from point e 8287 control swab from point E 8286 control swab from item 8286 point e control swab from point F control swab from broken suñace of concrete one control swab A control swab from point I control swab from point A control swab from item 9616 control swab from A 9618 control swab from point E control swab from point J contri swab from point H control swab from 8284 control swab from D 8284 control swab from C 8284 control swab from K 8283 possible hair possile hair possible hair possible hair possible black hair possible hair possible hair two black hairs hair or fiber hair or fiber possible hair/toilet paper possible hair fiber hair or fiber possible hair fiber possible hair fiber possible hair fiber possible hair fiber possible hair fiber possible hair fiber possible hair fiber hair/fibers possible hair fiber possible hair fiber control swab by point A on item 8276 control swab by Point e on item 8276 control swab by point D on item 8276 control swab by point B from item 8288 control swab by Point A on item 8288 left slipper ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i l | | | l l l l i l i l i a > a i i i i i i s i i i i i * i a l l l l l l l l l t 00 in 0 M -» h-» 00 in l-» 00 w ««J IO v|N|N|vlvlN|Njsls|v|viaitHOIIOIOIll«>»lOIOIOHHHHPh'lJl-'l-1HMHPH|J OOOOOOOOOUlNlOU3l0WION>IOK>IOIOtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VIU1UIUIUIU1U1U1U1UIU1UIUIUIU1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOlOOOlDlOlOlOlOtOlOlOlOlOlDOOOOOOOOlOlOlOOOOOOOOOlOlOIOOOO oaooooMNiMMMMNNNMh>wpi->h>MOOOHi->OHnoooonmmo)awnaa\(noiai tOta>lnlC(0(0(OlClOlOlO(010lOOU1l/1l/10«C(OlOOOOOOO»-1t-'h^U)OOlMU>Ol--kON'NIOL>NJ fiU1UIU)l000Nj01U1«WMI->O00OUIOPWv|l0OONslh>0t^OINUIUI\|NinO^U1WUiai a> ) VI VI Vi I 3 3 3 en 3 3 o O o o 3 o o o •a "•• cr (D TJ O J* (/> VI CP re VI =» 3) W " CP 3" TJ OJ O 3} CP (D 3- 2 01 CP re cr (0 P cr cr cr •< •< •< j CP r* r+ 3 3 O TJ o cr •Q TJ O O O 0 O * O + 3 = VI VI £p re 3" 22. -i 2» CP re TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ 3"TJTJ 3"3" OOOOOOOIOOOIOI viviviviinviT'vivi^^ oo oo 2 o TJ O VI l/l TJ O VI VI TJTJTJTJTJ Q Q Q ooooo°oo n o «-* VIVIVIl/IVIr*<-»<-r 3 v></i(/ii/ii/i333 r> o 3 •*♦ CP CP3"3"OI3"ggS O) 3> 31 =» CP re =» CP re =ft CP re =» CP re 31 cr -i ST 2L 2L ~ -t .-? O re -i -i 2L 5 -i S cr 5 cp oi S S -« cr r» o 3 o ^_ <A 2 oj cr n o 3 *-• o ^B VI £ oi cp r> o 3 «-* o ^B </» £ at cp -»i —•» -*» ^ cr r> CD IO 00 NJ 00 W A cr 3 ^ 3 3 3 O 3 o o o 3 3 3 3*333 g"• ts- o oo oo TJ oo #•* "''^333 2i si si 5i °i °l =, s!s!° - rr 1^. ^. CP CP O — •^ ^» ^. CP ^. CP L^. <r> li 2. o2. o2. o__ (/) rererereren>3>ren>3)3) o re re n>a,m3-'Dvivivi Cfl g 3*3"3-3-3-3-CP3-3-CrCP aiaiaioioioireaiairere CP re CP re r* 3 r* TJ re > O = ? 5T 5"" . re re re T 3 3 3 mfli m , M M N» O si M si 0 0 00 O o 00 to 00 H =r =f ^» TJ TJ > o 0 3 o O 3 »* ** t-» m 00 o o o r> VI s ft) cr r* -t 3 re o cp 3 r* -» 3 2. 2. 2. r* •n VI s 01 o </! ID 3 s 01 cp VI r> 0 3 rt ^ r» O 3 rl ^ o O 3 rf "^ 2. 2. 2. VI s 01 cp VI s Oi CP VI s 01 CP s O 3 O 3 ?* "5 "2 o K 5' 2. 2. «j re o S «* 3 3 C> 3 3 "^ I <- «^ t-» at CP > 3 _ 3 3 o o CP TJ ^ O o 3 7+ re g- 3 3 re ** m 3 -n jg Vi 00 c en ?» 01 TJ X n -* 3 re o o 3 r> S fD • • • • 06-42 06-42 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-70 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-72 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 06-68 05-217 05-217 05-217 05-217 05-218 05-218 06-90 06-90 06-43 06-43 06-43 06-43 8360 8360 8861 8861 8875 8875 8871 8871 8873 8873 8879 8879 8877 8877 8820 8820 8828 8828 8822 8824 8824 8818 8818 8855 8855 8857 8857 8847 8847 8845 8845 8843 8843 9174 9174 9175 9175 9176 9176 9177 9177 9178 9178 9179 9179 9180 9180 9181 9181 9182 9183 9183 9184 9184 9185 9185 9192 9192 9191 9191 9194 9194 9195 9195 9196 9196 9197 9197 9145 9145 9146 9146 9147 9147 9148 9148 9149 9149 9150 9150 8483 8483 8485 8485 8482 8482 8775 8775 9270 9270 9271 9271 right Slipper Slipper right control item 8276 8276 control swab by point point Bon B on item control swab by point item 8281 8281 control swab point A from from item control swab by point e on item control swab point C item 8288 8288 control concrete #8288 #8288 control swab swab from from concrete control e from item 8281 control swab swab by point point C from item control swab swab by point point BB from from item control item 8281 8281 control item 8286 8286 control swab swab from from point point A item control item 8286 8286 control swab swab by point point D D from item control G from item 8286 8286 control swab swab by point point G from item control swab swab by point point BB from from item control item 8286 8286 control swab swab from from item control item 8286 8286 control swab swab at point point Fon Fon item control item 8287 8287 control G item item 8287 control swab swab by point point G 8287 control swab item 8287 8287 control swab by point point BB from from item control swab by point point A item control swab item 8287 8287 control swab item 9618 9618 control swab by point point O D from from item swab of of stain stain control swab control swab swab of of stain stain control swab control swab swab of of stain stain control swab control swab swab of of stain stain control control swab swab swab swab of of stain stain control control swab swab swab of of stain stain swab control swab control swab swab evidence swab containing containing possible possible DNA DNA evidence swab swab containing containing possible possible DNA DNA evidence evidence swab dried blood swab of of possible possible dried blood stain stain control control swab swab swab swab of of possible possible dried blood blood stain control swab control swab swab swab of of red stain control control swab swab swab of of stain stain control control swab swab swab of of stain stain control control swab swab search CP CP Map CP MapCP officer officer crime crime scene log incident group time incident group time logs entry/exit entry/exit log log for for residence residence entry/exit log log for for residence residence entry/exit 05-183 05-183 05-180 07-125 06-41 06-46 07-37 05-224 05-224 06-55 06-55 05-243 05-230 06-49 06-49 06-82 06-49 06-49 06-49 06-111 06-111 06-49 06-49 05-210 05-246 07-148 05-223 07-148 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 12-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 05-183 8036 8029 649 8952 8629 8642 8512 7828 7827 7842 7841 7838 7829 7846 7845 7843 7844 7849 7847 9226 9227 7848 9219 8044 8087 10296 8739 10295 14927 14932 14930 14929 14931 14926 14923 14922 14924 14928 8383 8332 8382 8331 8330 8385 8384 7123 STEVEN AVERY bed comforter comforter and blanket comforter original avery interview 8mm video tape from detective jacobs 8mm video tape one cd interview roger radovenz cd of calls from stachowski to avery cd of calls from stachowski to avery audio tape interview of brennan dassey audio tape interview of brennan dassey envelope containing microcassettes cd containing interviews of brandon dassy/steven avery tape 3 of brennan dassey tape 2 of brennan dassey video interview brennan dassey two rivers pd tape 1 of brennan dassey tape 3 of brennan dassey tape 1 of brennan dassey VHS tape 1 dassey interview vhs tape 2 dassey interview tape 2 of brennan dassey cassette tape interview of brennan dassey camcorder tape of property 8mm digltial camcorder cassette dassey computer CD/DVD cassette tape recording dispatch phone calls audio cassette delores avery digital photos/video Miranda forms CD of photos CD of video 2 m icrocassettes Audio cassettes with steve avery Jodi Stachowski interview Jodi Stachowski interview cd recorded conversations VHS tapes knife knife chicago cutlery model knife chicago cutlery model knife EKCO stainless steel knife chicago cutlery model brown handled knife brown handled knife knife with red/brown stains OOOOOOMMI-'I-»I-»MI-»MMI-»000©000000000©000000000000 ioimmoioiWNivJWNNiNJNivJWsiwsiuiinmmmcnoicnciimoioiuiwoioiuiinsimoiNiui i i i i i i i i i j i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i MIONJMISJMIOMMIOMMNNJNJM4^KJ^^I--tlO<0MI--»l0<0U>NJlOU>U>.^ OOUIOOOlOMM O W -C» .fc. (SI O OOOOCOOOCOOOPI-'Hh'Ph'HHPPHOOHIlOOOIOMIfllOMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOfllOO UIWWUIW^^^^b^^^titiOslOOOMOONKJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOUIOIOIUIA 09UIUIOOWOOO^lDUOlDlDlDlD^MUL>IOOO^^&IOM^^&^^^MU)^^MIOM4-kN>U1lON 7T P O 1 H OO^MWCnHlDOMvlUI 3 L x- x- 0 m r> 3 a» re re 0' n 01 O x- re re 01 01 c f* re < 1 In ^^ OI 0 3- 00 0 era 0 VI 3 re" (A VI VI TJ re o" 0' 0 0 0 c r+ -2 re re. x- 3# 3# 3. 5% r t i 5» re 3- 7-Z 3- rti 1 e L S" re e* 3 0 CL re VI 0 a. -^ re 0 0 5. re a. 0 0 0 c 3 < *♦ re re —\ -2 -3 3 0 a. re 0 0. ^mm 0 CL _• «-»• r+ tn en 01 O 3" O l/l 01 r> 3- 0 S VI 5; t-t 3 2 •*» re VI 3 VI > c CL O r> a> V) V) re rt S re 2 3 0 0 0 OI VI VI O 0 0 -*• -*• 0 O < a. re 0 re TJ 3- O r+ O VI •** re VI 2 01 3 a. 01 33 VI re VI 3' 3* re re' 0 01 3 0 0. re 3- 0. OQ rt- 01 c 0 5' r> ai re t-t V) V) TJ 3" O O J/1 < O. re 0 ?* 0) VI VI re «-+ •-•> re r* OI TJ re re re a. —% VI < re < re -^ 0 re 0 re VI OI re < re •2 0) 0 -^ 0. on a. OI VI VI re -< 0 0 3 00 3 3 a. OQ «-• oT TJ C «•» re -1 O O OI 3 0 -1 CL 3' OQ a. re < 0 OI VI VI VI T» 01 0 01 3 0 0 3. re -1 *-• 01 TJ re 0 -0 TJ -1 O TJ re <•> 01 VI VI re 01 TJ re 10 rt re a> TJ re 3 <-»• re 2 re' 2 0 0 CP 3 3 3 at 3 CL 01 l/l VI re •< 3 •< < 3VI 01 TJ re to CL OI VI «A re •< < in 01 TJ re ** a. 01 1/1 VI re •< 3* 5' re 2 re 2 CP -n re <•> 3- •2 re 2 5 rt 01 TJ re 01 TJ re 01 TJ re u> 0 ^> cr 3 3 3 01 3 CL 01 (A IA re •< 0 ^» cr 3 3 3 01 3 CL OI l/l IA re •< O rti CP 3 3 3 OI 3 a. OI IA IA re •< re rt re •0 WUIOIIfiOOPNMOOMMIfiN < 51 re 0 5' re 2 re 2 CP 3 3 3 01 3 a. 01 TJ re to 0 ^» CP 3 3 3 01 3 CL CD IA IA 01 TJ re U) 0 ^1 CP 3 3 3 01 3 CL 01 VI IA re •< VI IA re •< 1 OI 3 Q. O VI 2L 3 cl re o o JS. CD c cu c IA o 3 0 re 3 o re 3 9J. iD A 2. i. 2 3 O vi rt oi cr n CL °- 2: O 01 01 ST si. ~° re t j t j 2. r» 3 OQ 3 re 3 S. OQ i 3 2. 3 IA 01 re 3 re s re s -*» 2L 57 « 3 3 S 01 9. a. re o Q 3 ^» CP n ia -h < VI 3S CD CD n. < VI l/l 01 .2 01 re •< re >< IA IA re o> O a- 3 o-1. om a 2L 3— 1= rt re 00 3 53 < sCL re o 1 i. sr 3 v. re tj S n> Sy. oq 3 000 ^> CP 3 3 3 0 £• 3 3 3 S- !» CL CL *5 VI 3 a. OI IA VI re re •< n re •< 01 2 re 3 3 OI 3 3" 0 <* VI VI re TJ vT < re 3 < re (A S 01 CL ? ™ < re IM 00 3 3 3 < 5S O o o =• O <E 3 3' o CD_ 3 < (V re -1 ST-2 TJ 3> =• re 3 re a. § re «-♦• re o ♦j <" re *5" n o CP VI • • .. . 05-247 05-247 8081 8081 05-247 05-247 8083 8083 05-247 05-247 8084 8084 05-247 05-247 8082 8082 05-194 05-194 8488 8488 05-194 05-194 8489 8489 05-194 05-194 8494 8494 05-194 05-194 8468 8468 05-194 05-194 8466 8466 05-194 05-194 8492 8492 05-194 05-194 8497 8497 05-194 05-194 8498 8498 05-194 05-194 8499 8499 05-194 05-194 8495 8495 05-194 05-194 8496 8496 05-194 05-194 8467 8467 05-194 05-194 8461 8461 05-194 05-194 8462 8462 05-194 05-194 8463 8463 05-194 05-194 8470 8470 05-194 05-194 8471 8471 05-194 05-194 8472 8472 05-194 05-194 8487 8487 05-214 05-214 8040 8040 05-214 05-214 8041 8041 05-214 05-214 8042 8042 06-119 06-119 9605 9605 05-189 05-189 8431 8431 05-189 05-189 8432 8432 05-189 05-189 8433 8433 05-189 05-189 8434 8434 05-189 05-189 8435 8435 07-65 07-65 9880 9880 07-54 07-54 9857 9857 07-54 07-54 9856 9856 06-81 06-81 9220 9220 06-119 06-119 9599 9599 06-119 06-119 9594 9594 06-119 06-119 9607 9607 06-119 06-119 9608 9608 06-10 06-10 8243 8243 05-193 05-193 8442 8442 06-10 06-10 8239 8239 06-141 06-141 9232 9232 06-141 06-141 9233 9233 06-10 06-10 7132 7132 05-187 05-187 8322 8322 cancer paperback book cancer paperback book "the secret "the secret years" years" paperback paperback book book "Gilda Radner Its always "Gilda always something" something" paperback paperback book book Catch a falling falling star star paperback paperback book book left left palm print print of of Steven Avery Avery right palm print print of Steven avery right of steven avery permission to to search form form consent consent form form permission right of charles avery right palm print print of charles avery FBI card of of charles avery charles avery FBI fingerprint fingerprint card of of delores delores avery avery FBI fingerprint fingerprint card Barb Barb Janda right Janda right palm palm print print of of Barbara BarbaraJanda left Janda of Barbara BarbaraJanda left palm palm print print of right right palm print print of of Delores Avery Avery left left palm print print of of delores delores Avery Avery left left palm palm print print of of Charles Charles Avery Avery FBI fingerprint card of Earl Avery fingerprint of Avery left palm of Earl Avery's left palm print print of Avery's hand Right of Earl Avery•s Avery's hand Right palm palm print print of FBI fingerprint fingerprint card card of of bobby bobby dassey left left palm print print of of bobby bobby dassey right of bobby right palm print print of bobby dassey FBI finger finger print print steven Steven avery avery FBI applicant bloedorn applicant fingerprint fingerprint with with scott scott bloedorn left left palm print print of of scott scott bloedorn bloedorn right palm palm print print of of scott scott bloedorn bloedorn right fingerprint bearing steven fingerprint palm print print cards bearing steven avery avery fabric top left left by zipper fabric from from couch cushion cushion top zipper stain from from couch cushion cushion top right front front stain top right fabric taken from fabric taken from couch couch front front fabric taken from couch fabric taken couch cushion cushion zippered zippered end fabric taken from fabric taken from upper upper couch couch back envelope of print envelope of print tags fingerprints from from Andrew Andrew Colborn fingerprints Colborn fingerprints fingerprints from from James Lenk left left or or right right palm palm prints prints from from brennan brennan dassey envelope containing containing fingerprint envelope fingerprint palm print print cards envelope containing fingerprint palm print envelope containing fingerprint palm print cards dassey envelope containing containing fingerprints avery envelope fingerprints allan allan avery envelope prints allan envelope containing containing palm prints allan avery avery that all items were were in 8 paper paper bags that all items gray gray and black black bag containing containing road road side emergency emergency kit kit Bolts Bolts for for drive drive shaft shaft target receipt target receipt cingular cingular receipt receipt CD player GPX CD player adapter adapter converter converter latent lifts latent lifts CO CL CL re i_ v, 5 IA CL re 3 01 oi w re is re xt re o u 2 OI c VI u 4-* re 4-» VI e 43 re CL TJ 01 k- o o u c c 00 r 01 XC TJ O x: TJ w re u u E 2 «♦= V) *-• CL 'oi w c c o E 01 E 0J IS re v> k_ E re CL . c P<J 01 CL CL to IA iS CL OI c o t_ 01 CL CL re i- re u IA 3 XI V) 01 "C o E E TJ 01 3 C re c E CL re oo o vi OI O 01 VI c o vT c 01 CL u XI O 01 3 00 4-* XJ w CL 5 o TJ C 5 x: «= 01 +* re CL 4-* u 01 ^ 00 PM inOvmioN ir,«.comrompn OOCNfNrMfsl cor>>cocococo o c o 00 c OI oo c >. 00 5 O >• C o TJ (M CL o w O. OI CL "re ~ ro 52 « cl 2" -*= Q. o XI N •K u =r E re O oo 8 < -2 IA CO 4; CL C c 01 *-> OI u o X IA TJ E c re >• re CL o 3 01 5 c OI re E o 4J < u re l/> <j 3 OI re C X c *•* CL l/J o 4W .V) CL x: OI .> CL "in 3 co 00 oo c CL OI > ^; 00 re XI IA re O w Xt 01 M 01 u 01 V) CL CL 'H IS LU re x: 5 4-» XI 'lA o CL IA c 01 TJ OI o CL 5 i_ 01 01 CL XI re 01 xt CL •4- o o u "O 01 01 u re XI CL TJ re u to V) 4-" X .00 "o r>j g re $ g .5 re sp i xi •5 E re .E 01 u OI '5. Q 01 U c O x: .O v> 3 2"5 J2 01 4-* 01 IA V) re u 4-* oi IA •a 01 c >- c ai CL a< u c OI 01 IA IA 01 V E gf ai oo TJ C o XI 01 re 2 cl E jz .« £ VI J* C ~ ai re TJ 01 *o o u •/> — c 01 .2 x: oi re x a, u bo TJ 01 *o o u c 01 <u oo 5 "o go re c xt •° re S >*- « •* Sre ~4-> "5 .-=s -». "» .sT re O 3 XI TJ — re o S LL. 8151 8137 9566 o 8634 7131 8007 o 06-41 05-257 05-257 06-119 06-119 06-10 7127 8077 7125 7130 crearne saver, 2 golighty, one orbits gum and wrapper one plastic wrapper 2 dimes one penny 2 bobby pins hair clip scotch tape BAC mechanical pencil plug adapters silver pocket knife St. Christopher chip Mary Kay Satin Hands Blue Automatic pencil Zebra silver pen zip lock bag Eclipse chewing gum red colored pencil black fiber possibly hair piece of paper with writing/ english french cassette la bel headset for phone Chris Isaak Music CD Len Teresinkski business card photographic memories bus. Card green colo red pen green colored marble essence pen body and bath hand gel durastip bandaid royal Jelly fragrence bottle F&M bank pen body splash cd-Cody's mix pure aye odor eliminator what appears to be hair appears to be hair possible hair clother fiber hair fibers hair hair hair fiber o 8624 8621 8078 8095 7129 8232 8715 7128 8097 8074 8091 8099 8718 7126 8721 8720 c "5 | -c: n°> i._ •g o 2 « .. 8079 •Sre .wi S "§ cl S *-o ^I 8100 cl >• S. cl "> "g re ™ oi m 2: «2 O TJ ="5 8716 >• V 3 tj 8096 8717 xi XI U o cl 3 8722 8240 8241 VI « »» CL CL ai xt re ai XI OI co XI ±! v» VI O re r cl eoorHr>i^r^»ooa»iHOU3co^^cnr^ooinr>iincneo^i>-LnorHr^TH^^'Hp«->JDr po^^r>iOTi«HtHOi^f>ir>ir>i^r^c^OTc^r>irHmcnr>ii^p»jr^f>icopoor\ip<iminfn rgcNC>IP^Or>.r^rHOI>-P«.tHr>.OOOO«-«r«.r>IOrHOr-IOrH»-<rHOl0lDIJB«HrH oooooooontaooooooMoo^loa)oooooo^ooooto^n^oo^^^ooncooooooocn 8238 airlip tire inflator and sealer dirty rag window cleaner wipes green colored plastic ice scraper 2 receipts from intimate treasures market pantry chewy granola bar wrapper plastic memory card holder hair tie 2 bic pens, one fish window pen o 06-42 9567 8354 06-41 06-10 06-41 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06·10 06-10 06-10 06-09 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 8073 8093 8094 8075 7830 8234 8235 8236 8237 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 05-230 06-10 06-10 06-10 06-10 r«. r- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfHiHTHinin tHi-trH«-trHr-lr-lTHrHrHrH»-lrHrHQ»-trHrHrHTH»-lririt-ltH«H»HrHrH«a-^'^-CMrgt- o iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DIDLOIDIDIOUO OOOOOO io^(oio^io(0^ioioioioioioioioiowioioioio^iou)uioiDiou)iD<Dininio oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo • • • • 06·42 06-42 06-86 06-86 05-182 05-182 05-182 05-182 05-182 05-182 05-208 05-208 06-170 05-254 05-254 05-254 05-254 05-254 05-254 05-195 05-195 06-10 06-10 05-195 05-195 8341 8341 7425 7425 8418 8418 660 660 661 661 8676 8676 9614 9614 8127 8127 8131 8131 8132 8132 7103 7103 8723 8108 06-10 8076 8076 06-10 06-10 06-170 06-170 05-255 05-255 05-255 05-255 05-244 05-244 05-244 05-244 05-192 05-192 05-192 05-192 05-250 05-250 05-250 05-250 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 06-10 06-10 8230 8230 06-159 06-159 9237 9237 05-220 05-220 8049 8049 05-220 05-220 8047 8047 05-220 05-220 8051 8051 05-220 05-220 05-220 05-220 05-220 05-220 05-187 05-187 8052 8052 05-187 05-187 8320 8320 05-187 05-187 8321 8321 05-188 05-188 8309 8309 05-220 05-220 8048 8048 05-187 05-187 8326 8326 05-208 05-208 8694 8694 05-208 05-208 8682 8682 05-208 05-208 8677 8677 9617 9617 6198 6198 6199 8755 8755 8756 8756 8449 8450 8450 8089 8089 8090 8090 8301 8301 8302 8302 8429 8429 8231 8231 8053 8053 8046 8046 8325 8325 05-208 05-208 8678 8678 05-208 05-208 8690 8690 05-208 05-208 8689 8689 hair fiber fiber on on night stand hair night stand fibers fibers fiber/hair fiber/hair fibers from from inside fibers inside AGS467 fibers/hairs fibers/hairs hair/fibers hair/fibers unknown unknown fiber fiber bag containing containing fabric fabric bag containing containing plant material plant and fiber fiber material fiber bag containing containing fiber Lint roller roller paper paper Lint black paper mate pen paper mate mauve/green colored fiber mauve/green colored fiber Lint roller roller lint lint paper paper withhair withhair suspected suspected fiber fiber hair fibers fibers hair fibers fibers letter found office letter found at green green bay post post office container envelope the letter container envelope the letter was in two two 22 cal rounds rounds several rounds several 22 22 cal cal rounds red 12 ga spent spent shotgun shotgun shell shotgun shells 2 red spent spent shotgun red federal shotgun shotgun shell shotgun shells shotgun rifle she Ils rifle shells 4 duracell two energizer energizer batteries batteries duracell and two kodak easyshare 2730 2730 kodak red/black pair of women's panties red/black pair of women1s panties light blue colored pair light blue colored pair of of women's women's panties panties pink of women's thong pink colored colored pair pair of women's thong black colored women's panties black colored women's panties purple of women's purple colored colored pair pair of women's panties panties brown colored women's panties brown colored women's panties panties thong from trailer near car panties purple purple thong from white white trailer stained mound stained rock from from gravel mound tissue from from gravel mound mound white thread white thread black striped women's women's panties panties black and pink striped white blanket and coffee middle seat seat silver white blanket coffee can from from middle silver Renait Renalt compact compact disc tire plastic down nut nut spare tire plastic hold down dry residue residue control control sample sample normark folding knife knife normark black black folding winchester stainless knife with black sheath Winchester stainless steel steel knife with black sheath 06-40 06-40 06-40 06-40 05-193 05-179 05-179 05-195 05-197 05-176 05-250 05-188 05-195 12-42 05-207 05-254 05-201 05-209 05-209 05-199 05-209 05-201 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 05-209 12-42 05-197 05-188 05-180 05·204 06-86 05-202 05-254 05-254 05·254 05-254 05-254 8134 8126 8130 8128 8129 8701 blue jacket red/white starter tennis shoes red/white brand tennis shoes red/white brand tennis shoes two sexual devices and 1 vibrator 1 dildo misc pornographic material and identifiers misc pornographic material and identifiers pornographic photos magazine hustler maroon case containing vibrator white gray cotton sock arrow bag containing sheets and pillow cases from south bedroom photos from auto trader bone fragments empty container bone fragments burnt material burnt material unidentified material suspected to be bone burnt bone pieces barrell #2 bone fragments suspected nonhuman bones nonhuman bone fragments bone fragments bone fragments bo ne fragments bone fragments bo ne fragments bo ne fragments bone fragments bo ne fragments suspected nonhuman bones bone fragments burnt bone plastic bag with burned material unknown melted item with clothing fiber paper towel with blood rag red stain rag with possible blood or rust stains red coagulated substance, charred bone not suspected to be human bag containing biological material bag containing biological material bag containing non biological material 1 bag nonmetal non biological from item A bag contain metal OOOOOOOOl-'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl-'OOOOOOOOOO 7417 winwo>inininuiKJincnmmcftC«cnmoioimmmininwiflinininwwinininiflwinininuicno i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i JIOIOrOOOMI^I^M^MOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOIOMMMtOMIOtO^MMMMMMMMM&. UIU1WO©Ot»03lDMO01(Jim0im010im01Wm01OOU3OOOlnONaMWvll0lD\l^«)O > J> » N J> O 00 M U> MIOlDlOlOPJiM UIOOOOIMUIISIOU 8476 8411 8478 8310 0000000M00000000h>vl>IM>IMMMM>lNlMN|MM^NlMMMMNjh'0000COslCO00NjNj00000 M^^4^4^4^W4^4^l04^4^4i4^4^4^4^4^4^4^4^4^U5^U3UDU)lOlOVO*^0*^004^MCTlO^+^M )NltOOM^I^I^^lOCriNJI^tOSJOJUIWU)UJMIOI^4^0tOOIO>4^Wl^lCOtOTO 00WPN|^HO«UIO^U1WU)U1UMPOvJW(ll)WJ>J>l->NKICnUIKJNai010)N|IOaiN100W ui 01 1 CP P cr 01 3 3 O O n n OQ OQ t rt 1 2J. 3. * 3* 00 t CP o 3 re 3 O 01 IA 3 3 OQ O o O o' cr CP c IA TJ re r> rt P OQ. qa ' n' o 22. >' rt rt OI OI 3 3 re 1 re re re OI CL OQ O O 01 OQ C 01 rt re CL (A c s rt 3- TJ O IA ia o o OI rt rt IA CP cr CL o re re o CP 01 2. 2. 3" OI 3 01 OQ re CL IA rt 01 5" CP re CL 3 O 3" C 3 3 5* 55' CL TJ 01 TJ re c 3 3 2 3 TJ 01 (A cr 01 OQ 2 3- re rt rt rt rt re 3 2 rt O IA 3* e ° c cr cr «2 S cr ° crcrcrcpcrcrcr3 OQ q. OQ 3 3 o 3^ ~ c 3 ") 3 r+ VI re re re re re ^» r> re '" re oiaiaioioiaioi3roa> OQOQOQOQOQOQOQ OI r> OQ 3333333 = 33 rererererererecPQiri 33333330^3 rtrtrtrtrtrtrt^ ^ rt lAIAIAIAVIVIVIjpWVI CP c 33 rt ** CP o 3 re TJ CP 3 OI re. I § 3 5t IO IA c 3 CL sr re 3 rt 2} 3 re IA 3 s i OQ o v» re CL 01 o re —•» 3 C 3 ^ ^ i -^ CP 3 vT re re —\ cp 3333333.jg re cr?S ? 3 « re 3 rtIA CP 01 3 re CL fU re v» 00000000f=0 re rt O o 2 re. 3 re a. 3" CP O o CL o -I 3e (A O rt 3* *•* 01. VI * cr c 3 = rt <-» 3 01 re 2. 01 cr c cp o re 3 en cr t j o 3. 3 .g 3 cr 3" oi oi 3. O OQ 3 3 2.1 2. 3 8 * cd o cd -*> 3. % oo o oq 3 ST 3 oi "^* re 3 3 01 rt c 2 3 3; 01 ft- re OQ 3 re 3 rt 3 1 5" 3. re B> "" r+ 5 < ^ 01 IA o 3 o 3 r» re r> IA re o *-* o 3 3 OI OQ OI N. 3* re 3" C IA rt re TJ O 3 O OQ 3 TJ 3- o' TJ 3 vi' n TJ O 3 O OQ 3 TJ 3 3; 3; 3" o o 3 01 rt re 2L 2L cr CL re 3 «-♦ 5 re -^ VI 2 VI* o -1 re r CL r> TJ O 3 O OQ 3 TJ o rt re 01 0) o 3 o 3 rt OQ < 3 CL rt -^ (A re o CP re CL 5 3 (A O rt 22. 3. 01 3 ai 3 CL TJ. O $ n oi CP re IA 3 re 01 IA =• >K ^ o rt 3 re SL Q. «" IA re -« c TJ re n re CL 2L 5' OQ 35 CP ~ CP o re 14933 7960 7424 7415 7428 7429 7435 7433 7430 7431 7432 7423 7427 7418 8270 8272 8271 8273 8438 7622 7618 8109 8477 7098 8088 8426 8002 14925 7955 7936 7942 7962 7961 7924 7964 7943 01 VI re X c CD. CL re < o re IA OI 3" rt re CP 3 3 3 CL rt re I IA I vi' 3" O re < 01 3 ^ 3 3 l-» 3 CL IA -i CP rt CL CL re 3 •^ 3} re I o -n l-» Q. CL o <A • • • • 05-254 05-254 8133 8133 05-208 05-208 8700 8700 05-208 05-208 8648 8648 8660 8660 8679 8679 7944 7944 8030 8030 8343 8343 7953 7953 7956 7956 6002 6002 7959 7959 8035 8035 8107 8107 8034 8034 8242 8242 9130 9130 9131 9131 8038 8038 8039 8039 7628 7628 8031 8031 8409 8409 15270 15270 8414 8414 8033 9074 9074 9076 9076 9075 9075 8318 8318 8140 8140 8148 8148 8118 8118 8675 8675 14921 14921 8479 8479 8646 8646 8683 8683 8681 8681 8697 8697 8647 8647 7952 7952 8475 8475 8311 8311 7108 7108 8312 8312 7957 7957 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-201 05-201 05-183 05-183 06-42 06-42 05-207 05-207 05-207 05-207 05-195 05-195 05-207 05-207 05-183 05-183 05-195 05-195 05-183 05-183 06-10 06-10 06-155 06-155 06-155 06-155 05-205 05-205 05-205 05-205 05-197 05-197 05-183 05-183 05-180 05-180 12-103 12-103 05-182 05-182 05-183 05-183 06-50 06-50 06-50 06-50 06-50 06-50 05-254 05-254 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-255 05-255 05-208 05-208 12-42 12-42 05-197 05-197 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-208 05-207 05-207 05-204 05-204 05-188 05-188 05-198 05-198 05-188 05-188 05-207 05-207 bag containing containing metal metal and plant plant material material necklace unfired 22 long rounds unfired rounds debri pile debri bottle with bottle with white white powder powder bone fragments fragments bone bed pillow, pillow, shams and bed sheet sheet pillow pillow various items various clothing clothing items blanket blanket sheets sheets pillow pillow case blanket blanket pillow pillow case pillow pillow sheet bed sheet tripod tripod two to lock two keys to two to lock with two keys to with tag attached attached two to storage #7 Rav two keys to Rav 4 inside inside two to storage two keys to storage #7 pontiac pontiac grand am inside inside pillow with red stain pillow with bed blanket bed blanket fitted two pillow fitted sheet sheet two pillow cases brown paper brown paper bag containing containing DNA DNA evidence evidence floor floor mat mat passenger side possible blood stain bed sheet bed sheet carpet carpet from from Rav 4 carpet carpet under under driver driver from Rav 4 Insulation under under carpet carpet Insulation contents contents sifted sifted from burn pit pit bone fragments fragments bone suspected suspected bone bone fragments fragments suspected suspected bone bone fragments fragments debris debris pile contents contents film negatives negatives film unknown burned item from burn burn pile unknown burned item tire impression tire impression cast box of of baking soda white white powder powder debris debris debri pile contents contents debri contents of of debri debri pile contents oily substance substance charred insulation charred piece of of apparent apparent insulation pair pair of of blue jeans with with hair hair fiber fiber pillow pillow case with with red stain pair black pants with with hair hair fiber fiber pair plastic plastic pall pail with with dog food I • 05-187 05-187 8327 8327 06-119 06-119 9577 9577 06-10 06-10 8233 8233 06-119 06-119 9578 9578 06-119 06·119 9579 9579 05-187 05-187 8324 8324 05-187 05-187 05-187 05-187 06-119 06-119 06·119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-86 06-86 06·86 06-86 05-208 05-208 05-200 05-200 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-255 05-255 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-257 05·257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05·257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05·257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-256 05-256 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-255 05-255 05-199 05-199 06-10 06-10 05-217 05-217 8328 05-187 05-187 8323 9581 9581 9584 9584 9583 9583 7409 7409 7410 7410 8680 8680 8473 8473 8368 8368 8356 8356 8352 8352 8365 8365 8351 8351 8146 8146 8163 8163 8152 8152 8123 8123 7935 7935 7934 7934 7938 7938 8144 8144 8147 8147 8135 8135 8161 8161 8145 8145 8155 8155 8159 8159 8158 8158 8142 8142 8157 8157 8156 8156 8139 8139 8141 8153 8153 8117 8117 7928 7928 8092 8691 8691 8315 front front passenger passenger seat fabric fabric gold gold Honda Honda Civic driver side blinker blinker driver hand wipe wipe used lug wrench wrench crunchy granola bar wrapper wrapper crunchy front cover bronze front driver driver seat seat cover bronze Honda Civic cuttings carpet on middle middle passenger seat under blanket cuttings from from carpet under blanket car mountain toher side of mountain dey can on toher of fence fence adjacent adjacent to to Mercury Mercury car Aquafire Aquafire water water Aquaflre Aquafire water water empty bottle bottle of aquafire water water empty of aquafire 2 glass slides bobby pin bobby two letters two letters part part of of female female blue jeans jeans pant pant leg rubber rubber penis cover cover light switch switch cover light cover gold colored colored necklace outlet outlet cover cover brown shells on a string string brown paper paper paper pieces paper metal metal pod burnt burnt paper paper clear light light lense duct duct tape tape duct tape tape duct 22 AAA AAA batteries batteries unknown unknown material material with with perferations perfections AA battery battery AA battery battery four AA batteries four batteries spent spent 22 caliber caliber shell glass piece 22 AAA batteries batteries 2 charged batteries charged AA batteries 2 AA batteries batteries metal metal and wire wire garring garring spent spent 22 caliber caliber shell brass from from shotgun shotgun shell paper paper unidentified 05-230 unidentified material material charred charred ALSO 05-230 silver colored cardboard box silver colored cardboard box yellow yellow box and photos photos contents of barrel barrel contents of • • 05-187 05-187 8319 8319 contents of of barrel barrel contents 05-187 05-187 05-187 05-187 05-187 05-187 05-209 05-209 05-255 05-255 05-201 05-201 05-208 05-208 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 8314 8314 contents of of barrel barrel contents contents of of barrel barrel contents 05-195 05-195 8317 8317 8318 8318 7964 7964 6197 6197 7936 7936 8675 8675 7422 7422 7416 7416 7419 7419 7414 7414 7426 7426 7421 7421 7413 7413 7434 7434 7825 7825 7411 7411 7412 7412 9598 9598 9597 9597 7944 7944 7925 7925 7936 7936 7943 7943 6200 6200 8150 8150 7420 7420 6197 6197 7623 7623 7627 7627 646 646 7120 7120 7121 7121 7122 7122 7116 7116 05-195 05-195 7119 7119 05-195 05-195 7117 7117 05-195 05-195 05-195 05-195 05-195 05-195 05-195 05-195 05-204 05-204 05-204 05-204 05-193 05-193 7118 7118 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-86 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 05-201 05-201 05-199 05-199 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-255 05-255 05-257 05-257 06-86 06-86 unk unk 05·179 05-179 05-179 05-179 05-181 05-181 05-183 05-183 05·184 05-184 05-185 05-185 7105 7105 8116 8116 8115 8115 8008 8008 8009 8009 8436 8436 contents sifted sifted from from burn burn pit pit near near Steve's steve's residence/garage residence/garage contents burnt bone bone pieces pieces burnt suspected bone bone fragments fragments Empty Empty box box suspected unknown material material suspected suspected burnt burnt bone bone empty empty box box unknown debris pile contents debris pile contents suspected non-human non-human bone bone empty empty box box suspected suspected human human bone bone frags frags empty empty box box suspected suspected non-human non-human bone bone fragments fragments empty empty box box suspected bone fragments fragments empty empty box box bone bone fragments empty box bone fragments empty box unidentified suspected suspected bone bone empty empty box box unidentified nonhuman bone bone fragments fragments nonhuman bone fragments empty box bone fragments empty box unidentified material material unidentified possible bone bone fragments fragments possible possible bone fragments possible bone fragments plastic bag bag containing containing items items described described as as cranial cranial pieces pieces plastic plastic bag containing items described as cranial pieces plastic bag containing items described as cranial pieces bone fragments frag men ts bone unidentified material material charred charred unidentified cranial bone cranial bone cranial bone bone cranial empty box box (Teeth (Teeth were were in in box) box) empty empty box (contained teeth) empty box (contained teeth) empty box box (suspected (suspected charred charred item item resemble resemble bone) bone) empty empty box empty box blood spots spots swabs from possible blood blood spots swabs from possible blood samples from possible blood blood spot blood stain stain swab possible blood blood stain swab possible blood blood stain swab possible blood swab of of stain stain bathroom bathroom floor floor swab possibly blood blood on interior interior exit/entrance exit/entrance door door across bathroom bathroom swabs of stian possibly control swab swab on on bathroom bathroom floor floor near near stain stain control control swab near the stain control swab near the stain control swab swab control control swab swab control swab of of possibly possibly blood blood stain stain living living room room of possible possible blood blood swab of control swab for #3 control swab for #3 misc bullets bullets and and 33 knives knives misc • • 05-193 05-193 05-193 05-193 05-193 05-193 05-179 05-179 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 05-195 05-195 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 06-119 07-78 07-78 07-78 07-78 07·78 07-78 05-195 05·195 06-42 06-42 06-42 06·42 06-42 06-42 06-115 06-115 05-179 05-179 06-12 06-12 05-193 05-193 05-212 05-212 05-212 05-212 05-247 05-247 05-191 05-191 05-195 05-195 07-40 07-40 07-40 07-40 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 05-230 05-230 05-195 05·195 05-251 05-251 05-195 05-195 05-191 05-191 8437 8437 8443 8443 8446 8446 7107 7107 9595 9595 9588 9588 9589 9589 9592 9592 9585 9585 9580 9580 9602 9602 9590 9590 9603 9603 7104 7104 9575 9575 9604 9604 9573 9573 9591 9591 9613 9613 9611 9611 9587 9587 9612 9612 8935 8935 8934 8934 8933 8933 8106 8106 8353 8353 8348 8348 8374 8374 9228 9228 7621 7621 8730 8730 8444 8444 7821 7821 7822 7822 8086 8086 8441 8441 8003 8003 9804 9804 9805 9805 8349 8349 8350 8350 7831 7831 8010 8010 7850 7850 7106 7106 8440 8440 black womens womens gloves gloves roll tape roll of gray gray duct duct tape waded duct tape tape waded up piece of duct duct tape duct tape bag containing containing teast fired bullets teast fired bullets swab of of stain stain swab swab of of unknown swab unknown stain stain cutting brown stain cutting of of reddish reddish brown swab of of stain swab stain swab of of stain swab stain swab stain swab of of stain swab of unknown stain swab of unknown stain swab of stain swab of stain swab of stain swab of stain swab stain swab of of stain swab stain swab of of stain questioned debri questioned debri swab swab of of unknown unknown stain stain swab stain swab of of stain envelope likefilm envelope containing containing material material plastic plastic likefilm latent latent prints prints envelope containing tape tape lifts envelope containing lifts map drawn by kayla avery avery map drawn note from robin note from robin map drawn map drawn by robin litersky litersky vacuum bag and filter filter vacuum green colored colored hula grass shirt shirt green power horn power horn heater cover heater cover wallet containing containing $31 wallet cloth rope cloth rope 2 buccal swabs swabs electrical roll electrical tape tape roll yellow folder folder containing containing direct yellow direct tv bill 2004 deer tag 2004 gun deer power cord power cord black duct roll duct tape tape roll broken cell phone phone broken styrofoam container 9806, 9807, 9808, 9809) styrofoam container (contains (contains 9806,9807,9808,9809) white cardboard box contains 9810, 9811, 9812, 9813, 9814, 9815 white cardboard contains 9810,9811,9812,9813,9814,9815 black black colored colored hanger hanger brass colored colored hanger hanger garage door opener garage door opener roll of of duct duct tape tape roll sony remote control remote control of duct tape 2 rolls of duct tape misc bullets folding knife with with broken bullets folding broken tip • • 05-179 05-179 7626 7626 06-41 06-41 06-42 06-42 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06·41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-50 06-50 05-200 05-200 05-182 05-182 05-247 05-247 06-41 06-41 06-50 06-50 05-198 05-198 06-50 06-50 05-221 05-221 06-42 06-42 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 06-140 06-140 06-42 06-42 05-179 05-179 05-183 05-183 05-198 05-198 05-198 05-198 05-198 05-198 05-182 05-182 06-42 06-42 06-50 06-50 05-207 05-207 05-179 05-179 none none 05-202 05-202 06-42 06-42 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-41 06-42 06-42 05-195 05-195 05-182 05-182 05-182 05-182 05-193 05-193 8620 8620 7966 7966 8626 8626 8609 8609 8608 8608 8614 8614 8615 8615 8616 8616 8612 8612 8619 8619 9073 9073 8474 8474 8415 8415 8085 8085 8613 8613 9078 9078 6195 6195 9079 9079 8736 8736 8357 8357 7931 7931 7939 7939 7940 7940 7941 7941 9586 9586 8342 8342 7616 7616 8032 8032 7111 7111 7109 7109 7110 7110 8413 8413 8347 8347 9077 9077 7951 7951 7617 7617 none none 8702 8702 8390 8390 8630 8630 8628 8628 7968 7968 8013 8013 8416 8416 8417 8417 8448 8448 misc pornographic material pornographic material work work gloves gloves with with what what appears appears to be hair hair brown brown colored colored butcher butcher black black knife knife holder holder brass shell casing brass shell casing brass sheII shell casing brass casing brass shell casing brass shell casing kitchen kitchen pairing pairing knife silver si Iver box cutter cutter band band aid aid astroglide astroglide personal personal lubricant lubricant dating dating paper paper GE GE cordless cordless phone phone handset handset debri debri pile passenger seat seat passenger bed sheets sheets with with red stains driver seat seat from from Rav 4 driver two envelopes/ashtray with butts two envelopes/ashtray with butts ceramic lion ceramic lion trowel trowel soil sample sample soil sample sample sample soil sample vinyl vinyl tire tire cover cover from from spare tire tire pillow pillow pavilion HP pavilion bed comforter comforter misc ammo ammo can misc ammo in ammo misc ammo misc ammo misc misc ammo ammo blanket blanket Bag brown gun rack to court) Bag brown rack (released to court) carpet insulation from carpet insulation from Rav Rav44 plastic jug jug with with unknown unknown substance plastic substance misc computer computer equipment equipment Empty items for Empty bag items for court court unknown burned cloth unknown burned cloth "oops" paint "oops" paint remover remover woolite carpet carpet cleaner cleaner woolite part part of of yard stick stick drain drain pipe CD case with with 2 CD's gray/blue rag rag gray/blue multicolor multicolor rag rubber hammer wood rubber hammer wood handle handle • • • 05-193 05-193 05-203 05-203 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-201 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-255 05-255 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-257 05-177 05-177 07-125 07-125 06-42 06-42 06-185 06-185 06-42 06-42 06-210 06-210 06-210 06-210 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-188 05-205 05-205 05-195 05-195 05-195 05-195 05-215 05-215 05-257 05-257 05-184 05-184 06-71 06-71 06-74 06-74 06-73 06-73 06-73 06-73 06-73 06-73 06-73 06-73 05-188 05-188 05-216 05-216 05-173 05-173 05-197 05-197 05-239 05-239 05-222 05-222 8447 8447 8703 8703 7933 7933 7932 7932 8136 8136 8143 8143 8154 8154 8125 8125 8160 8160 8149 8149 7613 7613 8953 8953 7967 7967 8874 8874 8391 8391 9642 9642 9643 9643 8428 8428 8422 8422 8427 8427 8421 8421 8419 8419 8423 8423 8425 8425 8420 8420 8303 8303 8306 8306 8308 8308 8304 8304 8037 8037 8114 8114 8012 7826 7826 8162 7099 7099 7861 7861 7860 7860 9190 9190 9186 9186 9189 9189 9187 9187 8424 7814 7814 7100 7100 8674 8674 8056 8056 8737 8737 claw hammer with claw hammer with yellow yellow handle handle red cut off shirt red cut off shirt hammer, hammer, claw, yellow yellow handle handle screwdriver screwdriver metal metal pieces clothes clothes snap metal object metal object metal metal pieces metal clothing clothing pieces metal clothes snap clothes manitowoc and green manitowoc green bay deputy deputy badge recordings from MTSO radio radio traffic recordings from traffic drain trap drain trap four item 8281 8281 four swabs of of unknown unknown substance substance item drain trap drain trap fiber fiber pieces vaccum hair vaccum roller roller with with hair Rifle shells red federal federal shotgun shotgun shell shotgun shotgun shells brown shotgun shell brown shotgun winchester low brass shotgun Winchester shotgun shell shotgun shotgun shells shotgun shotgun shells federal federal red shotgun shotgun shell shotgun shells shotgun shotgun shotgun shells shotgun shotgun shells shotgun shotgun shells copy for Toyota Rav key copy for Toyota key 2 keys on 2003 key ring ring hair from theresa halbach hair from theresa halbach clothing fiber fiber clothing one one 0.223 0.223 empty empty case swab evidence swab containing containing possible DNA DNA evidence swab evidence swab containing containing possible DNA DNA evidence swab containing evidence containing possible DNA evidence swab containing evidence containing possible DNA DNA evidence swab evidence swab containing containing possible DNA DNA evidence swab containing containing possible DNA DNA evidence swab evidence map quest quest phone bill/phone bill/phone instructions instructions phone broken glasses broken zippered zippered pouch pouch black woven belt black woven belt women's women's panties panties n o in o on o on o on on on O o o on o on O 01 O on O on o on ft to ft to ft Nl O on O on O en O cn • i -J piastre part silver cell phone audio model cdm8815 duct tape and coin purse aquarium back uniden phone and charger cd carrying case containing cd's misc overhead photos misc overhead photos misc overhead photos misc overhead photos empty box returned from crime lab misc overhead photos misc overhead photos misc overhead photos misc overhead photos Tube and Photos piece "a" board piece "d" board piece "e" board Piece "b" board brown molding trim brown molding trim motorola phone cingular cell box brown molding trim women's camo insulated boots Quilt flower tin containing plastic bag with ash substance black red creeper carpet blue in color mattress head board mattress metal bed frame right side rail board brown panel "2" Brown panel "3" ca pet "off white" box spring Brown panel "1" molding trim flourescent fixture with what appears to be blood left side rail board box spring mattress rear door off suzuki sam vaccum nightstand wooden night stand l-» ft IO ft n> ft Nl ft Nl ft N> ft to ft M ft ft Nl ft Nl o in o in OOOOOOOOO inoninononononoion o o O O O in • ft Nl * NlftNlftftftftftft N> M (AI to in Nl MMHMMMMMN ni on Nl in Nl in Nl in Nl in 7101 8451 7112 8307 8346 9582 8945 8949 8943 8947 8951 8950 8946 8948 8944 8692 8372 8369 8370 8371 8378 8377 7802 8376 8738 8001 8043 9218 8366 8386 8375 8344 8388 8363 8380 8381 8367 8392 8379 8373 8627 8364 8387 641 8410 8355 8080 0 O Nl in o Nl W O 06-41 06-42 06-42 05-174 05-180 06-42 05-247 o O O on o O on ft Nl in IO in Nl in 05-173 05·190 05-198 05-188 06-42 06-119 07-125 07-125 07-125 07-125 07-125 07-125 07-125 07-125 07-125 05-217 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 05-216 06-42 05-222 05-195 05-213 06-44 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 06-42 i-» Nl ID CO 00 OOnOOOOOOOOmOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOlOOOOOOOOOvJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOlOOOOO ftUI04aiWWWWWWUIUIUIUIWWNOO>IUOOUUUIlMUUOIUIO(OlOU)IO(OIOU)UlUIUI MMOOcnNivj>jiconoooocnooft^ooo^Mftoiuvio^vi^<>ion>JU3ftftftininftftftftOoftOi -- N - -s i H O W - SO ui OIOIOOWMOOWNMOOMOIOIONt OOOIOHN . .J.U ._ ._ .I.N _H I sl^MUIIO O IU U ST 3J 3 COCPO CO CP 3 - 3 . 0 2 3 0 ° > 3 3 do 3 SS> ox ^ c 2 . o S t j o o 3" rret OI rt rt 01 cl IA IA oX 3. ^ Q. 8 5' 3 TJ ~ 3 3 CL CP 3 IA re n 0Q TJ 5'OTJTJ re V» - l j g r t o i ^ a j o i o i re CL 0l3^30Q-*33 ™~ o « 38 3 — •* 5' re rt OI ^ £, IA 3E 3SI 3 re •*• c — VI 3) =» i-r CP ^ 5 ^ —•- g 01 Si o g. rt oi Cr C re re re ^ CU 3 — Nl CP o 01 re 3" re 01 3 01 01 TJ re cr IA IA OI rt 3 CP rt CL o c re 3. o re ri 3 5' o? CP 01 o 7T T re CL o 3 re TJ re -n o 3. 33 O 2 | 2 o 3 re CP 3 2 o 01 O 3 vf 3 3 re 3 -^ rt o 3 3 rt o 01. —» 3| c OQ o CL 5' rt 3 o rt o CP 5 2 3 o OI TJ 3" O 3 re 3 o a. CP 5 2 rt -O TJ re re re re o p> TJ re o re TJ re o re 3 3 o Cl 3* 5' OQ OQ cr r\ cl of CP o Q| CP o 01 CP o 01 CP o OI 3. 3. 3. 3. rt -H CP re ai 3 CL TJ 3" O rt o ri 3 01 3 OQ 3 3 c. rt IA OI 01 2 re OQ 3 IA 3* •1 TJ_ OI rt^ o' CP OQ TJ TJ rt ai r» cr o o 01 re CL 3 IA n o < re re 01 CL 3 «A r> o < re re OI CL 3 IA Cl o < re re CD CL 3 IA O o < re re 01 CL Tl TJ TJ TJ 3" 3" 3" 3" O O rt rt O O o IA o IA rt o IA rt o IA i 2. •< X -i re o 3" re oi S Z ^ 2 re TJ 3 IA ri o < re re 01 cl TJ 3* =" o o °- !? rt o (A 3 CP O IA re 5" cr IA 3- c cr re -h O "T v> o re ^ rt X zr 01 CP cr IA IA rt o o 01 3 CL n re 3 (A ci 01 32. cl IA o n oi o < re re oi a. XI re ai -i < -2 ~ s- t j re "^ 3 3" 2" 0Q O CP g O 3 01 I" oi re o Tl 3o rt o IA o rt O u o "• "• OQ re 3 3* oi 3 rt m ri 2. OQ n CL • • . . 05-191 05-191 8439 8439 05-179 05-179 7625 7625 05-179 05-179 7619 7619 05-191 05-191 8023 8023 05-196 05-196 8026 8026 05-208 05-208 8696 8696 05-201 05-201 7937 7937 06-119 06-119 9610 9610 07-64 07-64 9879 9879 06-119 06-119 9601 9601 06-119 06-119 9609 9609 05-197 05-197 8693 8693 06-185 06-185 8850 8850 06-185 06-185 8852 8852 06-185 06-185 8854 8854 06-185 06-185 8871 8871 06-185 06-185 8872 8872 06-185 06-185 8870 8870 06-185 06-185 8878 8878 06-185 06-185 8829 8829 06-185 06-185 8876 8876 06-185 06-185 8862 8862 06-185 06-185 8868 8868 06-185 06-185 8848 8848 06-185 06-185 8844 8844 06-185 06-185 8846 8846 06-185 06-185 8821 8821 06-185 06-185 8817 8817 06-185 06-185 8858 8858 06-185 06-185 8860 8860 06-185 06-185 8866 8866 06-185 06-185 8856 8856 06-185 06-185 9628 9628 06-185 06-185 8833 8833 06-185 06-185 8842 8842 06-185 06-185 8840 8840 06-185 06-185 8836 8836 06-185 06-185 8838 8838 06-185 06-185 8831 8831 06-185 06-185 8834 8834 06-185 06-185 8823 8823 06-185 06-185 8827 8827 06-185 06-185 8815 8815 06-185 06-185 8819 8819 06-185 06-185 8813 8813 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 8864 8864 8811 8811 12 gauge side by side double double barrel misc ammo misc ammo misc ammo misc ammo mis ammo empty gun magazine ammo empty 1 box 300g federal federal rounds rounds feces with hair with hair dog stool stool sealed DNA packet packet dna samples packet sealed DNA packet sealed DNA DNA packet packet dog feces swab from from point point D D item item 8287 swab from from point point EE from item item 8287 8287 swab of of uknown uknown substance substance control 8288 control swab by point point e C on item item 8288 four unknown substance 8288 four swabs of of unknown substance from from concrete concrete 8288 two swabs unknown 8288 two unknown substance from from concrete concrete 8288 two swabs of unknown item 8281 8281 two unknown substance substance at point point C from from item one swab of item 8286 of unknown unknown substance substance at point point EE from from item 8286 two swabs of unknown item 8281 8281 two unknown substance substance at point point BB from from item one swab of e item of unknown unknown substance substance at point point C item 8276 one swab at point point BB on item item 8828 two swabs of unknown unknown substance at point two swab s of substance at point C from from item item 8287 two swabs of unknown substance at point A 8287 two unknown substance point two swabs of unknown item 8287 two unknown substance substance at point point BB from from item 16 swabs from item 8284 from Point Point E of of item one swab from from item item 8286 two of unknown two swabs swabs of unknown substance substance at at Point Point A A itme itme 8276 8276 two unknown substance substance at point point B item item 8286 two swabs of of unknown swabs at point item 8288 point A item one swab of unknown Gon item 8287 unknown substance substance at point point G on item swab from e from point point C one swab of of unknown item 8286 unknown substance substance at point point G from from item unknown substance substance at Point Point O D from from item one swab of of unknown item 9618 9618 one swab of of unknown item 9618 9618 unknown substance substance at Point Point C from from item one swab of unknown 9618 unknown substance substance at at point point A from from item item 9618 one swab of of unknown item 9618 unknown substance substance at point point B B from item one swab of of unknown item 8286 unknown substance substance at point point FF from item one swab of of unknown small chunk concrete 9618 9618 unknown substance substance from from small chunk concrete two swabs of of unknown unknown substance ite 8286 two substance point point BB from from ite two swabs of of unknown unknown substance two substance at point point D from item item 8286 one swab from print print D D from from 8284 two swabs from point item 8286 two point A item one swab from point item 8284 point e C from from item 8284 swab swab of of uknown uknown substance substance one swab from point point BB from from 8284 . ... 06-185 06-185 06-185 06-185 8807 8807 9640 9640 06-185 06-185 8809 8809 06-185 8805 06-185 8805 06-185 06-185 8803 8803 06-185 9638 06-185 9638 06-185 8825 06-185 8825 9634 06-185 9634 06-185 06-185 9632 06-185 9632 06-185 9636 06-185 9636 06 185 9630 9630 06-185 9621 06-185 9621 06-185 06-185 9622 06-185 9622 9624 06-185 9624 06-185 06-185 06-185 9626 9626 7840 06-30 7840 06-30 05-199 7927 7927 05-199 05-199 7926 05-199 7926 06-12 8731 06-12 8731 07-40/07-99803 07-40/07-9 9803 00 one from item 9616 one swab from item 9616 two swabs from two from point point JJ one swab from from point point A from 8284 two two swabs from from point point K K from from 8283 item 8283 Two swabs from from point point II item three three swabs from point point H H two of unknown unknown substance substance at point e from item 8286 two swabs of point C from item two two swab from from point point FF swab from G from point point G four swabs from from point point EE four two two swabs from from print print O D four swabs from from concrete four concrete two two swabs of of unknown unknown substance substance two "A" piece two swabs from from "A" two two swabs from from point point BB two extracted extracted tubes two tubes unidentified material charred unidentified material charred unidentified material charred unidentified material charred 2 buccal buccal swabs vile of of steven blood vile steven avery avery blood
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