January 31, 2016-Bulletin Insert


January 31, 2016-Bulletin Insert
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Please bring your palm fronds by the
parish office during the week or
to the sacristy before or
after a weekend Mass.
The palms will be burned and the
ashes used for Ash Wednesday, which
is on February 10th.
January 31, 2016
February 3rd after the 6:15 p.m. daily Mass
from 6:45 - 7:00 p.m.
It is a tradition on the feast of St. Blaise
(February 3rd) to have one's throat blessed.
The minister, using blessed candles placed
around the throat, asks for the intercession of
St. Blaise to keep the person free from any
disease of the throat and any other illness.
Catholic Charities
Annual Rose Day
For many years, pro-life Oklahomans gathered on
the steps of the State Capitol on Sundays for Sanctity of Life rallies. Though the rallies attracted attention from the public and the news media, it seemed
that they never impacted legislation. In 1992, Rose
Day was established to give participants the opportunity to impact legislation by individually visiting
their Senator, Representative and the Governor in
their respective offices, presenting them with a red
rose and encouraging them to protect the life of the
unborn. Each year since, hundreds of pro-life Oklahomans have crowded the halls of the State Capitol
in an effort to make their voices heard.
This year’s Rose Day is scheduled for Wednesday,
February 3, 2016 and is held at the Oklahoma State
Capitol Building, 2300 North Lincoln, Oklahoma City.
The date is chosen to coincide with the beginning of
Oklahoma’s Spring Legislative Session. Rose Day
has two main events: Rose Distribution to Legislators and the Rose Day Rally. The Rose Distribution
begins at 9:30 am. Participants are encouraged to
bring and deliver a red rose to the office of each of
their legislators.
The Rose Day Rally is held a 11:45 am in the House
Chambers. The program consists of recognition of
legislators who are in attendance as well as a prolife
Catholic Foundation scholarships available
The 2016-17 Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma scholarship applications are now available. The Catholic Foundation offers a $6,000 scholarship to students attending a
non-Catholic college or university and a $12,000 scholarship to students attending a Catholic college or university.
Additional scholarships may be available to a University
of Oklahoma medical student, a nursing student at the
school of their choice, students studying pastoral music,
and a student attending Saint Gregory’s University.
If interested, visit the Catholic Foundation website at
www.cfook.org or contact (405) 721-4115,
Completed applications are due by
Wednesday, April 6.
Becas disponibles de la Fundación Católica
Las solicitudes de becas para el 2016-17 de la Fundación
Católica de Oklahoma ya están disponibles. La Fundación Católica ofrece una beca de $6,000 dólares a estudiantes que asistan a colegios o universidades noCatólicas y una beca de $12,000 para estudiantes que
asistan a colegios o universidades Católicas. Se podrán
adquirir becas adicionales para un estudiante de medicina que asista a la Universidad de Oklahoma, para un estudiante de enfermería, para la escuela de su elección,
para estudiantes que estudien música sacra, y para estudiantes que asisten a la Universidad de San Gregorio.
Si le interesa favor de visitar la página
de Catholic Foundation:
www.cfook.org, o llamar a (405) 721-4115, o escribir a cfo
Las solicitudes se estarán recibiendo hasta el
miércoles 6 de abril del 2016.
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Altar Society Audit
The Altar Society would like to
THANK Ray Rudnicki
for his help and expertise in auditing
their financial records.
The following is an excerpt taken from that
audit done on December 7, 2015:
“The Treasurer’s records for the audit are
well organized and are reconciled to the
monthly bank statement. The monthly
reports clearly represent the
finances of the Altar Society.”
Thank you Ray!
Holy Spirit Altar Society
January 31, 2016
To Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Thank you for your generous donation to
Birth Choice of Oklahoma, Inc. The women that
come to Birth Choice are in need of essential
items for their children. Your donation will
make a lasting impact on a mother and child’s
life. The items you supplied to Birth Choice will
help take stress off of the mothers and it will
help them become the best that they can be for
their children.
For Life,
Barbara Chishko
Executive Director
Birth Choice of Oklahoma
Las Becas de 2016 - 2017 de la Iglesia Espíritu Santo
ya están disponibles. Nuestra Parroquia Espíritu Santo
ofrece una beca de $250.00 para cualquier estudiante de
Preparatoria que este registrado en Espíritu Santo y ser
un feligrés participante activamente y en buen estado con
la iglesia. El parroquiano puede estar actualmente
asistiendo o aceptado como estudiante de pregrado en
una Universidad de 2-4 años / Universidad en el próximo
otoño. Cada becario podrá reaplicar por un máximo de
cuatro años. Consulte su DRE para más información y
aplicación. Aplicaciones Terminadas deben ser entregadas el 30 de Abril 2016.
The 2016-2017 Holy Spirit Catholic Church Scholarship
Applications are now available. Our Holy Spirit Parish
offers a $250 scholarship to any High School student registered Holy Spirit parishioner who is actively involved and
in good standing with the church. The parishioner can be
presently attending and/ or accepted as an undergraduate
student to a 2-4 year college/ university in the upcoming
fall. Each scholarship recipient may reapply for a maximum of four years. Please see your DRE for more information and application. Completed Applications are due
April 30th.
Thank you.
Cindy Moss, DRE/Parish Sec.
Cindy Moss, DRE/parroquia seg.
The 2016 Archbishop’s Appeal will be held on February
6th and 7th in our Parish. The programs, services and
ministries supported by the Appeal are for Catholics in
central and western Oklahoma. Archdiocesan financial
support is possible because of each of us. We are His
Church...Share the gifts you have received.
The Church serves each of us, and our financial and
physical support continues God’s work in the
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
La Colecta de Recursos para Desarrollo Arzobispal del
2016 se llevara a cabo el 6 - 7 de febrero en nuestra parroquia. Los programas, servicios y ministerios apoyados
por esta Solicitud de fondos son para los Catolicos en el
Centro y Oeste de Oklahoma. El apoyo financiero de la
Arquidiocesis es posible gracias a cada uno de nosotros,
Somos Su Iglesia… comparte los dones que has recibido,
La Iglesia sirve a cada uno de nosotros, y nuestro apoyo
financiero y fisico continua el trabajo de Dios en la
Arquidiocesis de Oklahoma City.
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
You May Be Just The Person We Need!
The Holy Spirit Website Ministry is looking for
new members. You don't need to be 'tech
savvy', just interested in making sure we
provide the best communication for our
parishioners through our website. We need
your ideas and impressions about how to use
this tool. Your time commitment is limited to
about 5 one-hour meetings a year.
We are also looking for bilingual members to
ensure we are meeting the needs of our
Hispanic parishioners. If you are interested
please contact us at
or contact Sharon Lafferty by leaving a
message at the Parish Office.
January 31, 2016
Stations of the Cross
Friday evenings starting
February 13th - March 18th
6:15 pm - Stations in English
6:45 pm - 7:30 pm
Simple Lenten Meal in Parish Hall
7:30 pm - Stations in Spanish
Girl Scout Meeting Changes
Girls Scouts meet on MONDAYS in
Pavilion Room #3 at 6:30 PM - 7:45PM
instead of TUESDAYS
Yes…It is the Altar Society Bake Sale
Cakes, brownies, pies…Oh My! The Altar Society is having its annual Bake Sale on
Saturday, February 6th, after evening Mass and Sunday, February 7th after all masses.
This is a perfect time to get your sweet tooth fix.
The Altar Society purchases the supplies for Holy Eucharist, decorates the Church for
Christmas and Easter, as well as provides other needs of the Church.
Please help support us, stop by the bake sale after Mass.
Also, if you like to bake, please feel free to make something for the bake sale.
Please bring it up to the Church before Mass on Saturday or before
the 8:00 am Mass on Sunday.
Thank you for all of your support.
Holy Spirit Altar Society Ladies