DIAMOND TOOLS - Marmoelettromeccanica
DIAMOND TOOLS - Marmoelettromeccanica
® CNC DIAMOND TOOLS Catalog without prices PATENTED TECHNOLOGIES FOR MAXIMUM PRODUCTIVITY . Diamond element’s height of only 2 mm for maximum cutting speed . Interchangeable elements for all profiles . Guaranteed double lifespan to the following wheel . Feed rate speed up to 5000mm/min in only one pass . Useable before any other manufacturer’s wheel Patent: N° RM 2003 A 000273 | N° 1 091 838 N° 1 181 133 | N° 6 142 139 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting LONG-LIFE Polishing . Perfect finish on every profile . Maximum shine on granite, marble and synthetic materials . Perfect final result guaranteed . Also available after other manufacturer’s metallic wheels Patent : N° 10/716110 | N° RM 2000 A 000445 PROGRESS HELP WORK MARMOELETTROMECCANICA is one of Italian leaders in manufacturing diamond tools for working marble, granite, natural and engineered stone. Marmoelettromeccanica’s international growth is due to its modern, dynamic organization, its deep knowledge of the stone field and customers specific needs. MARMOELETTROMECCANICA is well known for applying industrial diamond to new and patented technologies and developing innovative tools. Thousands of operators around the world have validated the quality and versatility of Marmoelettromeccanica products. These features are the result of a 40-yearsexperience in stone field and of a hard work unwavering dedication to the manufacture of high-quality cost-effective tools. Attentive care in producing its diamond tools, use of high-quality materials and innovative design help to spread Marmoelettromeccanica products all over the world. Marmoelettromeccanica’s leadership position is due to its skill to meet customers various needs, thanks to its highly flexible production processes, which allow to make perfect and guaranteed design tools to customer specifications in tight deadlines. Moreover Marmoelettromeccanica has a stock of about 30.000 standard wheels ready for immediate delivery on demand. All products bear the CE logo, because they are made under strict quality control standards established by international labor and safety regulations. The Quality Certificate UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 underlines Marmoelettromeccanica commitment to success. This Catalogue is a real “working tool” and a good support in order to suggest you the best product to satisfy your needs. Number 1 in Diamond Tool Field Our tradition : looking to the future Marmoelettromeccanica’s first mission is technology innovation. The company is well known for its newest and patented technologies. Its application of industrial diamond to develop new products offers Solutions which allow to improve stone working for thousands of operators worldwide. USEFUL, FAST AND EASY TO READ This price list is about the wide range of Marmoelettromeccanica CNC tools able to satisfy all customers’ needs and to work on all kind of materials, both marble, granite and engineered stone. Customers’ opinions and suggestions are essential to create new solutions able to solve market’s needs. Every single customer, with Marmoelettromeccanica’s help, is always the main protagonist of the market’s choices. Have a good work ! Please contact us, we will be pleased to answer to your requests offering you the best solution possible. Visit our detailed web site www.marmoelettro.com, a practical service for any stone worker. Tel.: +39 0761 50.51 Fax: +39 0761 50.83.88 E-mail: info@marmoelettro.it You can watch our videos on www.youtube.com. INDEX ® CNC DIAMOND TOOLS FINGER BITS 13 Wide range of finger bits for working any type of material. CORE DRILLS Wide range of core drills for drilling any type of material. PRE-CUTTING FRANGISTONE TECHNOLOGY 27 33 The only patented technology to break the stone and reduce costs and working times. HIGH LIFE POLISHING profile Wheels Granite | Engineered Stones 57 CNC profile wheels to work properly after others manufacturer’s diamond wheels. HIGH SPEED Profile Wheels LINE SHS Granite | Engineered Stones 103 CNC SHS (Super High Speed) profile wheels for a faster working. 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels Granite | Engineered Stones 129 CNC SHS (Super High Speed) profile wheels for the best result at high speed feed rate in only 5 steps. HIGH SPEED Profile Wheels LINE SHS DEC. Granite | Engineered Stones 153 CNC SHS (Super High Speed) profile wheels to realize profiles with a radius at the bottom in order to avoid sharp corners. LINE 60 profile wheels Granite | Engineered Stones 169 CNC profile wheels from grinding to polishing with minimum diameter 62mm. LINE 40 profile wheels Granite | Engineered Stones 201 CNC profile wheels from grinding to polishing with minimum diameter 40mm. LINE 20 & LINE 10 profile wheels Granite | Engineered Stones CNC profile wheels from grinding to polishing with minimum diameter 20mm or 10mm for working on internal edge of sink holes. 4 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 213 ® 229 INDEX 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheels Marble CNC profile wheels from grinding to polishing with minimum diameter 62mm. 263 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheels Marble CNC profile wheels from grinding to polishing with minimum diameter 40mm. 275 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheels Marble CNC profile wheels from grinding to polishing with minimum diameter 20mm. 295 DRAINBOARD TOOLS Wide range of drain board tools from grooving to final polishing. 305 GROOVING TOOLS Wide range of tools from grooving to final polishing. 311 315 TOOLS For block pieces working Wide range of tools for block piece working on all type of materials. TOOLS FOR TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS Wide range of wheels to work thick straight edges. 321 327 331 ENGRAVING TOOLS Wide range of tools for engravings, bas-relief and high-relief on all materials. CUTTING BLADES AND LATHE TOOLS Wide range of cutting blades and lathe tools for all CNC machines. AGEING TOOLS Ageing tools for specific profiling, available in the most common profiles. 335 ADAPTORS Wide range of adaptors to fit tools on all CNC machines. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 GENERAL PROFILES INDEX ® GENERAL PROFILES INDEX Precutting Precutting Open PROFILE 4 Closed PROFILE 1A1 A AR B D E ES F FGS FS FV F+V FZ F+Z G H L M O T Q TP V+F 45° B 6 TRAP V V+Q X B A X+D OG A YS Z ZR ZS www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE PRECUTTING WHEELS INDEX ® FRANGISTONE PRECUTTING WHEELS INDEX Precutting Precutting Open PROFILE Closed PROFILE p. 35 p. 35 A B A20 r10 A30 r15 A30 r20 A40 r20 p. 36 p. 36 p. 37 p. 37 B20 B30 F+V p. 38 p. 39 E20 E30 E40 p. 42 FZ30 r10 FZ40 r10 O p. 45 p. 46 OG20 OG30 F20 F30 p. 43 H20 H30 Q20 Q30 V+Q p. 41 p. 41 p. 47 p. 48 TP20 TP30 FV30 p. 42 M p. 44 p. 44 TP Q p. 46 p. 47 FV H G30 p. 42 p. 43 OG O20 O30 p. 39 p. 40 p. 40 G FZ F+V40 F E M30 p. 45 V p. 48 p. 48 V20 V30 V31,7 V40 V50 V60 p. 49 p. 50 p. 50 p. 51 p. 51 p. 52 X+D B A V GROOVING 20 V GROOVING 30 p. 52 p. 53 V+Q30 p. 53 X+D20 X+D30 p. 54 p. 54 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 7 HIGH LIFE INDEX ® Fits metallic wheels from ADI 1A1 1A1 80x35 1A1 80x45 p. 58 p. 59 A30 r15 A40 r20 p. 59 p. 59 T FS FS30 AR A p. 61 T30 r3 T30 r10 AR30 3x3 p. 60 p. 61 p. 62 V30 B30 p. 60 ZR V p. 62 F+Z F+V B ZR30 r5 F+V30 p. 60 F+Z30 p. 61 ZS p. 62 ZS40 p. 63 Fits metallic wheels from DIAMUT A A20 r10 A30 r15 A40 r20 8 p. 65 p. 66 O p. 68 p. 68 D30 p. 66 O30 p. 68 Q30 E30 p. 66 p. 69 T20 r3 T30 r3 T40 r3 F20 F30 p. 67 p. 67 TP T Q G F E p. 69 p. 69 p. 70 TP30 p. 71 p. 72 p. 72 Z30 Z50 G30 p. 67 TRAP p. 70 Z V V20 V30 V40 B20 B30 p. 64 p. 65 p. 65 H H20 H30 D B p. 72 p. 73 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 TRAP20 TRAP30 TRAP40 p. 70 p. 71 p. 71 HIGH LIFE INDEX ® Fits metallic wheels from NICOLAI DIAMANT 4 A 4-30 (2,5x2,5) 4-40 (2,5x2,5) p. 74 p. 75 OG OG30 A20 r10 A30 r3 A30 r5 A30 r6 A30 r10 A30 r15 A30 r20 A40 r20 p. 75 p. 75 p. 76 p. 76 p. 76 p. 77 p. 77 p. 77 T p. 81 T20 r3 T30 r3 T30 r5 T40 r2 T40 r5 B20 B30 p. 78 p. 78 V p. 81 p. 82 p. 82 p. 82 p. 83 V20 V30 V40 E D B D30 p. 78 V+F30 p. 79 p. 79 p. 79 ZH V+F p. 83 p. 83 p. 84 E20 E30 E40 F p. 84 ZH35 ZH45 F20 F20+10 F20+20 F30 p. 80 p. 80 p. 80 p. 81 ZS p. 84 p. 85 ZS30 12x12 ZS40 10x10 p. 85 p. 85 Fits metallic wheels from TYROLIT VINCENT A A20 r6 A30 r3 A40 r6 A30 r8 A30 r15 A40 r20 p. 86 p. 87 p. 87 p. 87 p. 88 p. 88 OG OG20 OG30 ES B B20 B30 r3 B30 r25 p. 88 p. 89 p. 89 T20 r3 T20 r5 T30 r3 T30 r5 T30 r6 T30 r8 T40 r3 T40 r8 p. 89 TP T p. 91 p. 92 ES40 p. 92 p. 92 p. 93 p. 93 p. 93 p. 94 p. 94 p. 94 TP30 FGS F F20 F30 p. 90 p. 90 V30 V40 V60 p. 90 X V p. 95 FGS40 FS p. 95 p. 95 p. 96 X20 X30 FS30 FS30 r3 p. 91 p. 91 Z p. 96 p. 96 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Z30 Z50 p. 97 p. 97 9 PROFILES WHEELS INDEX MARBLE | GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES A SHS DEC LINE Granite ® SHS LINE Granite Profiles Engineered Stones SHS 5 STEP LINE Granite Engineered Stones Engineered Stones Engineered Stones A20 r10 p. 104 p. 130 p. 154 p. 170 A30 r3 p. 104 p. 130 p. 154 LINE 60 Granite LINE 40 Granite Engineered Stones LINE 40 5 STEP Marble p. 230 p. 170 p. 215 A30 r5 Pfd p. 276 p. 276 p. 230 p. 277 p. 277 p. 215 A30 r6 p. 105 p. 131 p. 155 A30 r8 p. 105 p. 131 p. 155 p. 106 p. 132 p. 156 p. 202 p. 171 A30 r10 A30 r20 p. 171 p. 264 p. 231 p. 202 p. 231 p. 172 p. 232 p. 264 p. 106 p. 132 p. 156 p. 172 p. 233 B20 p. 107 p. 133 p. 157 p. 173 p. 233 p. 285 p. 173 p. 234 p. 285 B30 p. 107 p. 133 p. 157 B40 F FV F+V FZ G H L M O p. 286 E20 p. 174 E30 p. 174 p. 235 p. 235 p. 108 p. 134 p. 158 F20 p. 108 p. 134 p. 158 p. 175 p. 236 p. 286 F30 p. 109 p. 135 p. 159 p. 175 p. 236 p. 286 FV30 p. 109 p. 135 F+V40 P. 110 P. 136 FZ30 r10 p. 110 p. 136 p. 159 p. 176 p. 237 FZ40 r10 p. 111 p. 137 p. 160 p. 176 p. 238 G30 p. 203 p. 286 E40 p. 265 H20 p. 111 p. 137 p. 160 p. 177 p. 238 p. 287 H30 p. 112 p. 138 p. 161 p. 177 p. 239 p. 287 L20 p. 287 L30 p. 287 M30 O20 O30 10 p. 285 A40 r20 B30 r25 E LINE 20 5 STEP Marble p. 285 p. 214 A30 r5 B LINE 60 4/5 STEP Marble p. 214 A30 r3 Pfd A30 r15 LINE 20 Granite Engineered Stones p. 112 p. 138 p. 161 p. 178 p. 239 p. 178 p. 240 p. 288 p. 179 p. 240 p. 288 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 PROFILES WHEELS INDEX MARBLE | GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES ® Profiles OG SHS 5 STEP LINE Granite p. 113 p. 139 Engineered Stones OG20 Q SHS LINE Granite Engineered Stones SHS DEC LINE Granite Engineered Stones p. 241 p. 241 Q20 p. 180 p. 242 Q30 p. 181 p. 242 p. 181 p. 113 p. 243 LINE 40 5 STEP Marble LINE 20 5 STEP Marble p. 265 p. 216 p. 182 p. 268 p. 243 T30 r3 p. 114 p. 140 p. 182 p. 204 p. 216 p. 244 p. 266 p. 268 T30 r5 p. 114 p. 140 p. 183 p. 204 p. 217 p. 244 p. 266 p. 269 T30 r8 p. 115 p. 141 p. 115 p. 141 p. 183 p. 245 T40 r3,5 p. 184 p. 246 T40 r5 p. 184 p. 246 p. 185 p. 247 p. 185 p. 247 T40 r3 TP 20 p. 162 TP 30 p. 116 p. 142 V20 p. 116 p. 142 p. 186 V30 p. 117 p. 143 p. 186 V31,7 p. 205 p. 248 p. 288 p. 248 p. 288 p. 187 V40 A p. 203 p. 139 T30 r10 B LINE 60 4/5 STEP Marble p. 180 T20 r5 V LINE 20 Granite Engineered Stones p. 179 T20 r3 TP LINE 40 Granite Engineered Stones OG30 T20 r2,5 T LINE 60 Granite Engineered Stones p. 187 p. 249 V50 p. 188 p. 250 V60 p. 188 p. 250 V+Q30 p. 189 p. 251 X+D20 p. 189 p. 251 X+D30 p. 190 p. 252 p. 117 V GROOVING 20 p. 118 V GROOVING 30 p. 118 V45°- 30 V45°- 40 p. 123 p. 143 p. 267 p. 289 45° B A V+Q X+D YS20 1,5x1,5 YS p. 123 p. 119 YS30 2x2 p. 190 p. 119 p. 144 YS30 3x3 Z p. 217 p. 144 YS20 3x3 p. 218 p. 206 p. 218 p. 279 p. 252 p. 267 p. 280 p. 268 p. 280 p. 191 p. 219 p. 253 p. 281 YS40 3x3 p. 120 p. 145 p. 191 p. 219 p. 254 p. 281 Z30 p. 120 p. 145 p. 192 p. 220 p. 254 p. 282 p. 192 Z30 Ø80 Z40 p. 121 p. 146 p. 255 p. 193 p. 200 p. 193 Z40 Ø80 Z30-40 ZS p. 205 p. 194 Z60 p. 194 ZS30 p. 195 p. 268 p. 221 p. 256 p. 283 p. 257 p. 221 ZS30 Pfd ZS30-40 p. 282 p. 256 p. 206 Z50 ZS40 p. 255 p. 257 p. 283 p. 222 p. 121 p. 284 p. 146 p. 207 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 p. 269 11 FINGER BITS Cutting tools for all types of stone Finger Bits Use: MATERIAL SOFT GRANITE MEDIUM MARBLE ü ü ü ü Orange Line Black Line ü ü ü ü SHS Line ü ü ü ü Vacuum Brazed Line ü ü Electroplated Line Incremental Cutting Line 12 ENGINEERED STONES ü GOLD Line Blue Line HARD ü ü ü ü ü ü ü FINGER BITS Finger bits Sintered | Vacuum Brazed | Electroplated Incremental cutting Finger bits Sintered | Vacuum Brazed | Electroplated A wide range of finger bits is available for the cutting phase. From the sintered with segments for granite and engineered stones to the electroplated and vacuum brazed for marble and stone. All finger bits are made following the modern and innovative sintered and electroplated process. Thanks to their excellent cutting power and their long lifespan, they allow the best price/quality ratio. 13 FINGER BITS Sintered | Vacuum brazed | Electroplated GOLD Line ® Sintered . Medium Hard and Hard Granite . For fast cutting . Soft bond . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC01005 SC01006 SC01085 SC01007 SC01008 L. U. 25 35 42 50 60 Rpm 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 > For cuts thicker than 4 cm we suggest incremental cutting GOLD Small Sintered . Medium Hard and Hard Granite . For fast cutting . Soft bond . Specific for convex cuts with a 9mm radius . Ø 18mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC01088 SC01089 GOLD reinforced on head L. U. 35 45 Rpm 4600 4600 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 Sintered . Medium Hard and Hard Granite . For fast cutting . Soft bond . With reinforced segments for making holes . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC01050 SC01092 L. U. 35 45 Rpm 4600 4600 > Measures are in mm. 14 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 FINGER BITS Sintered | Vacuum brazed | Electroplated ® Sintered GOLD Premium Per Medium Granite and Hard Granite | 1/2” Gas fitting . Medium Hard and Hard Granite . For fast and extremely precise cutting . Soft bond . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm 5500 5500 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 200 ÷ 250 Code SC01097 SC01098 L. U. 35 45 Sintered . Medium soft and soft granite . Long lasting . Medium bond . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 Code SC01001 SC01002 SC01086 SC01003 SC01004 BLUE Per Medium soft and soft granite| 1/2” Gas fitting L. U. 25 35 42 50 60 > For cuts thicker than 4 cm we suggest incremental cutting Sintered . Medium soft and soft granite . Long lasting . Medium bond . Specific for convex cuts with a 9mm BLUE Small Per Medium soft and soft granite| 1/2” Gas fitting radius . Ø 18mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm 4600 4600 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 Code SC01090 SC01091 L. U. 35 45 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 15 FINGER BITS Sintered | Vacuum brazed | Electroplated BLUE reinforced on head ® Sintered . Medium soft and soft granite . Long lasting . Medium bond . With reinforced segments for making holes . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC01093 SC01094 BLUE reinforced on head L. U. 35 45 Rpm 4600 4600 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 Rpm 4600 4600 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 Rpm 5500 5500 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 200 ÷ 250 Sintered . Medium soft and soft granite . Long lasting . Medium bond . With reinforced segments for drainboard . Working area (L.U.) 40mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC01095 SC01096 BLUE Premium Ø 23 30 L. 25 30 Sintered . Medium soft and soft granite . Long lasting . For fast and precise cutting . Medium bond . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC01099 SC01100 L. U. 35 45 > Measures are in mm. 16 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® FINGER BITS Sintered | Vacuum brazed | Electroplated Sintered ORANGE . Engineered Stones . For fast cutting . Specific bond for Engineered Stones . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 Code SC01056 SC01057 SC01087 SC01058 SC01059 L. U. 25 35 42 50 60 > For cuts thicker than 4 cm we suggest incremental cutting Sintered ORANGE Premium . Engineered Stones . For fast and precise cutting . Specific bond for Engineered Stones . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm 5500 5500 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 200 ÷ 250 Code SC01101 SC01102 L. U. 35 45 Sintered BLACK . Universal for all types of Granite . Excellent price/quality ratio . Medium bond . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm 5500 5500 Feed Rate mm/min 250 ÷ 300 200 ÷ 250 Code SC01075 SC01103 L. U. 35 45 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 17 FINGER BITS Sintered | Vacuum brazed | Electroplated SHS ® Sintered HIGH SPEED . Universal for all types of Granite and Engineered Stones . For extremely fast cutting . HIGH SPEED specific bond . Ø 23mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SCS01006 SCS01007 Rpm 6000 6000 L. U. 35 50 Feed Rate mm/min 400 ÷ 450 350 ÷ 400 > For cuts thicker than 4 cm we suggest incremental cutting HYPER “Z” Frangistone HIGH SPEED . Universal for all types of Granite and Engineered Stones . To rectify irregular egdes after cutting . Bore 35 mm Code SCS72034 SCS72035 SCS72G034 SCS72G035 SCS72R034 SCS72R035 HYPER “Z” Ø 62 62 90 90 120 120 H 30 40 30 40 30 40 Rpm Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Segmented HIGH SPEED . Universal for all types of Granite and Engineered Stones . To rectify irregular egdes after cutting . Bore 35 mm Code SCS60Z034 SCS60GZ034 SCS60Z035 SCS60GZ035 Ø 62 80 62 80 H 33 33 43 43 Rpm Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 3000 3000 2500 2500 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 800 800 800 800 > Measures are in mm. 18 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FINGER BITS Sintered | Vacuum brazed | Electroplated ® VACUUM BRAZED . Soft Granite and hard marble . For precise cutting . Grit 40/50 . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm 6000 6000 6000 Feed Rate mm/min 400 ÷ 500 400 ÷ 500 400 ÷ 500 Code SC01009 SC01010 SC01011 Ø 16 16 20 L. U. 35 45 65 > For cuts thicker than 4 cm we suggest incremental cutting ELECTROPLATED . Marble . For fast and precise cutting . Grit 30/40 . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 5000 Feed Rate mm/min 400 ÷ 500 400 ÷ 500 350 ÷ 450 350 ÷ 450 350 ÷ 450 350 ÷ 400 250 ÷ 400 250 ÷ 400 250 ÷ 350 250 ÷ 300 250 ÷ 300 200 ÷ 250 Code SC01012 SC01104 SC01013 SC01105 SC01082 SC01078 SC01014 SC01106 SC01107 SC01015 SC01108 SC01016 Ø 16 16 16 16 18 18 20 20 20 20 23 45 L. U. 35 40 45 50 50 60 65 70 80 100 105 30 > For cuts thicker than 5 cm we suggest incremental cutting > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 19 FINGER BITS Sintered | Vacuum brazed | Electroplated ® ELECTROPLATED . Marble . For fast and precise cutting . Grit 30/40 . Flange fitting Code SC01109 SC01110 SC01111 Ø 20 30 30 L. U. 210 115 205 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 Feed Rate mm/min 150 ÷ 400 150 ÷ 400 150 ÷ 400 > For cuts thicker than 5 cm we suggest incremental cutting INCREMENTAL CUTTING Sintered . Universal for all types of Granite . Specific bond for incremental cutting . With reinforced segment that allows stock removal and longer lasting . Ø 28mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC01037 SC01038 SC01039 GOLD HEAD L. U. 48 90 120 Rpm 4600 4600 4600 Feed Rate mm/min 150 ÷ 200 150 ÷ 200 150 ÷ 200 Sintered . Medium Hard and Hard Granite . For fast incremental cutting . Soft bond . Height (H) 20mm Code SC01022 SC01023 SC01147 SC01148 SC01149 SC01157 SC01150 SC01151 Ø 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 Fitting M10 M12 M14 M10 M12 M14 1/2 gas 1/2 gas Rpm Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 6500 1 3000 6500 1 3000 6500 1 3000 6500 1 3000 6500 1 3000 6500 1 3000 6500 1 3000 6500 1 3000 > Measures are in mm. 20 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FINGER BITS Sintered | Vacuum brazed | Electroplated ® Sintered BLUE HEAD . Medium soft and soft granite . For long lasting incremental cutting . Medium bond . Height (H) 20mm Rpm Stock removal mm 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 Feed Rate mm/min 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Code SC01020 SC01021 SC01142 SC01143 SC01144 SC01158 SC01145 SC01146 Ø 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 Fitting M10 M12 M14 M10 M12 M14 1/2 gas 1/2 gas GREEN HEAD Sintered . Marble . For long lasting incremental cutting . Specific Marble bond . Height (H) 20mm Rpm Stock removal mm 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 6500 1 Feed Rate mm/min 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Code SC01024 SC01025 SC01152 SC01153 SC01154 SC01159 SC01155 SC01156 Ø 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 Fitting M10 M12 M14 M10 M12 M14 1/2 gas 1/2 gas Incremental cutting ELECTROPLATED . Marble . For fast and precise incremental cutting . Ø 23mm . Height (H) 40mm . Grit 30/40 . 1/2” Gas fitting Rpm Stock removal mm 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 Feed Rate mm/min 3500 ÷ 200 3500 ÷ 200 3500 ÷ 200 3500 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 Code SC01118 SC01119 SC01120 SC01121 SC01122 L.U. 85 105 125 155 205 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 21 FINGER BITS Incremental cutting | Sintered –Vacuum brazed - Electroplated ELECTROPLATED ® Incremental cutting . Marble . For fast and precise incremental cutting . For fitting interchangeable heads . Grit 30/40 . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC01112 SC01113 SC01114 SC01115 SC01116 SC01127 SC01128 SC01129 SC01130 SC01131 SC01132 SC01133 ELECTROPLATED Ø H L. U. 20 40 40 20 50 50 20 60 60 20 80 80 25 130 130 20 20 100 25 20 100 25 20 120 25 40 130 30 20 120 30 20 150 30 40 150 Rpm Stock removal mm 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 6500 2÷38 Screw-fitting M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M14 M14 M14 Feed Rate mm/min 3500 ÷ 200 3500 ÷ 200 3500 - 200 3000 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 2500 ÷ 200 Incremental cutting . Marble . For fast and precise incremental cutting . Grit 30/40 . Flange fitting Code SC01123 SC01124 SC01125 SC01126 Ø 20 30 30 30 H 50 30 50 60 L.U. 185 280 200 340 Rpm 5500 5500 5500 5500 > Measures are in mm. 22 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 150 ÷ 400 150 ÷ 400 150 ÷ 400 150 ÷ 400 FINGER BITS Incremental cutting | Sintered –Vacuum brazed - Electroplated ® Incremental cutting ELECTROPLATED . Marble . For fast and precise incremental cutting . For fitting interchangeable heads . Ø 30mm . Grit 30/40 . Flange fitting Rpm Stock removal mm 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 Feed Rate mm/min 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 Code H L.U. SC01117 230 230 SC01134 40 150 Screw-fitting M12 M14 ELECTROPLATED HEADS Incremental cutting . Marble . For precise incremental cutting . Grit 30/40 Rpm Stock removal mm 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 6000 1÷20 Feed Rate mm/min 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 Code Head type SC01135 Flat SC01136 Flat SC01137 Flat SC01138 Flat SC01139 Radius 10 SC01140 Radius 12,50 SC01141 Radius 15 Ø 20 25 30 30 20 25 30 H 20 20 20 30 20 25 25 Screw-fitting M12 M12 M14 M14 M12 M12 M14 Incremental cutting VACUUM BRAZED HEADS . Soft Granite and hard marble . For precise and fast incremental cutting . Grit 40/50 Rpm Stock removal mm 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 5500 1÷20 6000 1÷20 Feed Rate mm/min 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 3000 ÷ 300 Code SC01303 SC01304 SC01305 SC01306 SC01307 SC01308 SC01309 Head type Flat Flat Flat Flat r10 r12,50 r15 Ø 20 25 30 30 20 25 30 H 20 20 20 30 20 25 25 Screw-fitting M12 M12 M14 M14 M12 M12 M14 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 23 FINGER BITS Incremental cutting | Sintered –Vacuum brazed - Electroplated ® TOOL ADAPTOR . For all interchangeable heads . Made in stainless steel . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SA01023 SA01024 SA01025 SA01026 SA01027 SA01028 SA01029 SA01030 SA01031 SA01032 SA01300 SA01301 SA01302 SA01303 SA01310 SA01311 SA01312 SA01313 SA01314 SA01315 L.U. 55 90 120 150 200 55 90 120 150 200 55 90 120 150 200 55 90 120 150 200 Screw-fitting M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M14 M14 M14 M14 M14 1/2 gas 1/2 gas 1/2 gas 1/2 gas 1/2 gas > Measures are in mm. 24 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Ø 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 ® FINGER BITS Incremental cutting | Sintered –Vacuum brazed - Electroplated TECHNICAL NOTES ON THE CORRECT USE OF FINGER BITS In order to have the best quality results and the longest tool lifespan it is necessary to comply with the following indications. . Check frequently tool wear. . If you use a finger bit before profiling, you need to make the cut considering about 1,20 mm more than the final profile edge quote. . Near the external corners reduce feed rate speed up to 150 mm/min in order to avoid damages to the corners. . Reducing the speed of all tools you will have a longer tool lifespan. WORKING SEQUENCE 1. External profile cutting + profiling (counterclockwise). 2. Internal profile cutting + profiling (clockwise). . X symbol indicates the profile to realize SUCTION CUPS POSITION Comply with distances (cm) indicated on the schema. . X symbol indicates the profile to realize. WORKING ON FRAGILE MATERIALS . On fragile materials with one pass, enter clockwise for 50mm. . Then work the full profile counter-clockwise. . X symbol indicates the profile to realize. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 25 CORE DRILLS DRILLS ON GRANITE IN 3,5 SECONDS Core Drills Use: MATERIAL GRANITE ENGINEERED STONES Segmented ü ü SHS Thin Wall Line ü ü For Blind Holes ü ü MARBLE Electroplated 26 ü CORE DRILLS Marble Line Electroplated Granite and Engineered Stones Line Segmented | SHS Thin Wall Line | For Blind Holes A wide range of core drills is available for drilling phase. They are available both sintered with segments for granite, engineered stones and electroplated for marble. All core drills are made following the modern and innovative sintered and electroplated process. Thanks to their excellent cutting power and their long lifespan, they allow the best price/quality ratio. 27 CORE DRILLS Marble Line | Granite Line ® ELECTROPLATED . Marble . For precise holes, fast and without chipping . Grit 40/50 . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC02001 SC02002 SC02050 SC02051 SC02052 SC02053 SC02054 SC02055 SC02056 SC02057 SC02003 GRANITE Ø 20 35 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 80 80 L. U. 55 55 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 Rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Feed Rate mm/min 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 50 ÷ 60 Segmented . Granite and Engineered Stones . For fast holes . Specific bond to ensure maximum durability . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC02004 SC02005 SC02058 SC02059 SC02060 SC02061 SC02062 SC02063 SC02064 SC02065 SC02006 Ø 20 35 25 30 32 35 38 40 50 60 80 L. U. 55 55 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 200 Rpm 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 Feed Rate mm/min 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷60 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 60 40 ÷ 60 > Measures are in mm. 28 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 CORE DRILLS Marble Line | Granite Line ® HIGH SPEED CUTTING AAContinuous rim with slot SHS GRANITE . Granite and Engineered Stones . Continuous rim with specific bond for high speed . For precise holes and without chipping . Working area (L.U.) 55mm . Crown thickness 1mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC02013 SC02007 SC02008 SC02009 SC02010 SC02011 SC02012 SC02066 SC02067 SC02080 SC02081 SC02082 SC02083 Ø 20 25 30 32 35 38 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Feed Rate mm/min 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 300 ÷ 400 For blind holes GRANITE . Granite and Engineered Stones . For precise blind holes without chipping . Working area (L.U.) 50mm . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC02068 SC02069 SC02070 SC02071 SC02072 SC02073 SC02074 SC02075 Ø 5 6 6,5 7 8 10 12 15 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Feed Rate mm/min 80 ÷ 150 80 ÷ 150 80 ÷ 150 80 ÷ 150 80 ÷ 150 80 ÷ 150 80 ÷ 150 80 ÷ 150 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 29 CORE DRILLS Marble Line | Granite Line ® TECHNICAL NOTES ON THE CORRECT USE OF CORE DRILLS . In order to make a hole drilling sequence, it is necessary to: 1. Stop drilling at 2 mm before the polished surface, do not make a full hole (figure 1-2) in order to avoid chipping; 2. Before making a new drill, go back up with the core drill to a height equal to core drills height (H) plus hole depth (H1) (figure 3); 3. Proceed with the following drills following the above written points; 4. At the end of drilling procedure, reverse the slab and softly manually hit the remaining material. It is important to comply with the above written recommendations, because when the cores drill goes back up, fragments of the drilled slab could remain inside the core drill and damage the surface while working. . In order to make holes on marble and granite polished surface down, it is necessary to: 1. Stop drilling at 2 mm before the polished surface, do not make a full hole (figure 1-2) in order to avoid chipping; 2. at the end of drilling procedure, reverse the slab and softly manually hit the remaining material. N.B. Holes on engineered stones can be made as passing holes, it is not necessary to follow the above recommendations. > Measures are in mm. 30 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® CORE DRILLS Marble Line | Granite Line . In order to make blind holes, it is necessary to: 1. Remove the residual material every 30 mm. 2. Stop drilling at 8 - 12 mm before the polished surface. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 31 PRE-CUTTING PROFILE WHEELS FRANGISTONE Standard Profiles: Pre-cutting OPEN Profiles Pre-cutting CLOSED Profiles p. 35 F F+V F20 p. 41 F30 p. 41 O M30 p. 45 Q OG20 p. 46 OG30 p. 47 Q20 p. 47 Q30 p. 48 X+D V+Q B A V GROOVING 20 p. 52 V GROOVING 30 p. 53 Available any other profile on request. 32 V+Q30 p. 53 X+D20 p. 54 X+D30 p. 54 E20 p. 39 E30 p. 40 E40 p. 40 B20 p. 38 B30 p. 39 G FZ30 r10 p. 42 FZ40 r10 p. 43 OG O20 p. 45 O30 p. 46 p. 36 p. 36 p. 37 p. 37 FZ F+V40 p. 42 FV30 p. 42 E B A20 r10 A30 r15 A30 r20 A40 r20 p. 35 FV M A H G30 p. 43 TP TP20 p. 48 TP30 p. 48 H20 p. 44 H30 p. 44 V V20 V30 V31,7 V40 V50 V60 p. 49 p. 50 p. 50 p. 51 p. 51 p. 52 PRE-CUTTING PROFILE WHEELS FRANGISTONE TECHNOLOGY Patents : N° RM 2003 A 000273 | N° 1 091 838 N° 1 181 133 | N° 6 142 139 . Diamond elements height of only 2 mm to get maximum cutting speed . Interchangeable diamond elements on all profiles . Grants double lifespan of the following wheel . Feed rate up to 5000 mm/min in one pass . Can be used before any other manufacturer’s wheel We offer the innovative and patented FRANGISTONE WHEEL, in order to speed working process. It removes 60% of the material, reduced production costs, at speeds 4 times faster than traditional technology, very fast grinding and longer lifespan to the following wheel. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS : Standard Bore 35 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter 33 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® REPLACEMENT ELEMENTS FOR FRANGISTONE WHEELS TOP FITTING ELEMENTS Ø Code 160 SS32F041 157 SS32F040 154 SS32F039 151 SS32F038 148 SS32F037 145 SS32F036 142 SS32F035 139 SS32F034 136 SS32F033 133 SS32F032 130 SS32F031 127 SS32F030 124 SS32F029 121 SS32F028 118 SS32F027 114 SS32F026 111 SS32F025 108 SS32F024 105 SS32F023 103 SS32F022 100 SS32F021 98 SS32F020 96 SS32F019 95 SS32F018 92 SS32F017 90 SS32F016 87 SS32F015 85 SS32F014 84 SS32F013 82 SS32F012 80 SS32F011 77 SS32F010 74 SS32F009 73 SS32F008 71 SS32F007 70 SS32F006 67 SS32F005 66 SS32F004 64 SS32F003 63 SS32F002 62 SS32F001 SPACER DOWN FITTING > Measures are in mm. 34 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® OPEN PROFILE Pre-cutting Frangistone wheel Code SC72149 H 32 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Whole bevel Feed Rate mm/min 1500-3000 Slab thickness 20 30 Rpm 4500 4500 Feed Rate mm/min 450 300 Pre-cutting Segmented wheel Code SC60149 Wheel Type Segmented Ø Min Ø Max 62 126 Pos. 0-0 H 32 CLOSED PROFILE Pre-cutting Frangistone wheel Code SC72148 H 40 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Whole bevel Feed Rate mm/min 1500-3000 Slab thickness 30 40 Rpm 4500 4500 Feed Rate mm/min 350 350 Pre-cutting Segmented wheel Code SC60148 Wheel Type Segmented Ø Min Ø Max 62 99 Pos. 0-0 H 40 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 35 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® A20 r10 Code SC72002 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 4000 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 4000 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 A20 r10 Code SCS72002 A30 r15 Code SC72009 > Measures are in mm. 36 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® A30 r15 Code SCS72009 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 A30 r20 Code SC72010 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 A40 r20 Code SC72021 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 37 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® A40 r20 Code SCS72021 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 Code SC72026 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 Code SCS72026 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 B20 B20 > Measures are in mm. 38 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® B30 Code SC72027 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 B30 r25 Code SCS72028 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 E20 Code SC72045 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 4000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 39 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® E30 Code SC72D062 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 Code SCS72048 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 Code SC72049 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 E40 F20 > Measures are in mm. 40 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® F20 Code SCS72049 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 F30 Code SC72050 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 F30 Code SCS72050 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 41 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® FV30 Code SCS72103 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 Code SCS72052 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 F+V40 FZ30 r10 Code SC72074 > Measures are in mm. 42 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® FZ30 r10 Code SCS72074 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 FZ40 r10 Code SCS72076 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 G30 Code SC72054 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 43 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® H20 Code SC72056 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 Code SCS72056 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 Code SC72057 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 H20 H30 > Measures are in mm. 44 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® H30 Code SCS72057 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 M30 Code SC72068 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 O20 Code SC72070 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 45 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® O30 Code SC72071 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 Code SCS72071 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 Code SC72153 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 O30 OG20 > Measures are in mm. 46 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® OG30 Code SC72154 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 OG30 Code SCS72154 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 Q20 Code SC72077 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 47 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® Q30 Code SC72078 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 Code SC72029 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 Code SC72030 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 TP20 TP30 > Measures are in mm. 48 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® TP30 Code SCS72030 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 V20 Code SC72087 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 4000 V20 Code SCS72087 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 49 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® V30 Code SC72088 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 Code SCS72088 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 Code SC72089 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 V30 V31,7 > Measures are in mm. 50 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® V40 Code SC72090 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 V40 Code SCS72090 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 V50 Code SC72092 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1500 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 51 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® V60 Code SC72093 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1000 Code SCS72236 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 Code SCS72237 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 V GROOVING 20 20 A 20 B > Measures are in mm. 52 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® V GROOVING 30 30 A Code SCS72233 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 Code SCS72234 Rpm 5000 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 30 B V+Q30 Code SC72103 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 53 FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels ® X+D20 Code SC72108 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 3000 Code SC72109 Rpm 4500 Stock removal mm Complete profile Feed Rate mm/min 2000 X+D30 > Measures are in mm. 54 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® FRANGISTONE Pre-cutting profile wheels TOOL SET UP AND TECHNICAL NOTES . We advice to make tool set up centered on segmented wheel (0). . Grind partially the profile using Pos. 0 (Fig. 1) then set in the center with Frangistone at about 0,50 mm (Fig. 2). . Possibility to substitute every used diamond element. . Reducing all tool speed increases tool life span. PROCESSING TAB > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 55 HIGH LIFE PROFILE WHEELS Polishing profile wheels Standard profiles: 1A1 Fits metallic wheels from ADI p. 58 Fits metallic wheels from DIAMUT p. 64 Fits metallic wheels from NICOLAI DIAMANT A AR B F+V F+Z FS T V ZR ZS A B D E F G H O Q T TP TRAP V Z 4 A B D V V+F Z A B ES F TP V X Z E F OG T FGS FS OG T ZS p. 74 Fits metallic wheels from TYROLIT VINCENT p. 86 Available any other profile on request. 56 POLISHING PROFILE WHEELS H1 Fits metallic wheels from ADI p. 58 H2 Fits metallic wheels from DIAMUT p. 64 H3 Fits metallic wheels from NICOLAI DIAMANT p. 74 H4 Fits metallic wheels from TYROLIT VINCENT p. 86 Patents: N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 LONGLIFE TECHNOLOGY Marble | Granite | Engineered Stones HighLife is the line of profile wheels properly made to work after other manufacturers’ diamond wheels. HighLife wheel set is composed of 3 polishing rubber wheels made with the Patented and exclusive Long-Life technology, made of high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows to reach an exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. Using the HighLife wheels after your diamond wheels, you will reach results never seen before such as perfectly polished profiles without lines or waves. If your last metallic wheel is deformed or has waves on its body, we advice to: rectify the last metallic wheel or substitute it with our Bi Power metallic rectification wheel. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 35 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter In order to work after metallic wheels differently from ADI, DIAMUT, NICOLAI DIAMANT and TYROLIT VINCENT please consult LINE SHS on page 103 only on following profiles: A B A30 r15 A40 r20 Z V B20 B30 V30 V40 V60 Z30 Z40 57 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H1 Polishing profile wheels ® Fits metallic wheels from ADI PATENTED LONG-LIFE TECHNOLOGY 1A1 1A1 80x35 1A1 80x45 p. 58 p. 59 A30 r15 A40 r20 p. 59 p. 59 T FS FS30 AR A p. 61 T30 r3 T30 r10 AR30 3x3 p. 60 p. 61 p. 62 V30 B30 p. 60 ZR V p. 62 F+Z F+V B ZR30 r5 F+V30 p. 60 F+Z30 p. 61 ZS p. 62 ZS40 p. 63 1A1 80X35 Code SCH14001 SCH15001 SCH16001 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 80 5 80 80 6 80 80 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13001 > Measures are in mm. 58 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 ® HIGH LIFE | H1 Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones 1A1 80X45 Code SCH14002 SCH15002 SCH16002 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 79 79 5 79 79 6 79 79 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13002 A30 r15 Code SCH14003 SCH15003 SCH16003 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 98 5 62 98 6 62 98 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13003 A40 r20 Code SCH14004 SCH15004 SCH16004 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 108 5 62 108 6 62 108 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13004 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 59 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H1 ® AR30 3x3 Code SCH14005 SCH15005 SCH16005 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 73 5 62 73 6 62 73 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13005 B30 Code SCH14006 SCH15006 SCH16006 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 132 5 62 132 6 62 132 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13006 F+V30 Code SCH14007 SCH15007 SCH16007 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 104 5 62 104 6 62 104 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13007 > Measures are in mm. 60 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® HIGH LIFE | H1 Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones F+Z30 Code SCH14008 SCH15008 SCH16008 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 102 5 62 102 6 62 102 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13008 FS30 Code SCH14009 SCH15009 SCH16009 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 118 5 62 118 6 62 118 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13009 T30 r3 Code SCH14010 SCH15010 SCH16010 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 80 5 62 80 6 62 80 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13010 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 61 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H1 ® T30 r10 Code SCH14011 SCH15011 SCH16011 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 90 5 62 90 6 62 90 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13011 V30 Code SCH14012 SCH15012 SCH16012 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 105 5 62 105 6 62 105 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13012 ZR30 r5 Code SCH14013 SCH15013 SCH16013 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 80 5 62 80 6 62 80 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13013 > Measures are in mm. 62 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® HIGH LIFE | H1 Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones ZS40 Code SCH14014 SCH15014 SCH16014 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 80 5 62 80 6 62 80 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH13014 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 63 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H2 Polishing profile wheels ® Fits metallic wheels from DIAMUT PATENTED LONG-LIFE TECHNOLOGY A p. 64 p. 65 p. 65 A20 r10 A30 r15 A40 r20 p. 68 p. 68 p. 65 p. 66 D30 p. 66 O30 p. 68 Q30 p. 66 E30 p. 69 F20 F30 p. 67 p. 67 TP T Q G F E T20 r3 T30 r3 T40 r3 p. 69 p. 69 p. 70 TP30 G30 p. 67 TRAP p. 70 TRAP20 TRAP30 TRAP40 p. 70 p. 71 p. 71 Z V V20 V30 V40 B20 B30 O H H20 H30 D B p. 71 p. 72 p. 72 Z30 Z50 p. 72 p. 73 A20 r10 Code SCH24001 SCH25001 SCH26001 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 100 5 62 100 6 62 100 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23001 > Measures are in mm. 64 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 ® HIGH LIFE | H2 Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones A30 r15 Code SCH24002 SCH25002 SCH26002 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 109 5 62 109 6 62 109 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23002 A40 r20 Code SCH24003 SCH25003 SCH26003 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 115 5 62 115 6 62 115 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23003 B20 Code SCH24004 SCH25004 SCH26004 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 117 5 62 117 6 62 117 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23004 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 65 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H2 ® B30 Code SCH24005 SCH25005 SCH26005 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 137 5 62 137 6 62 137 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23005 D30 Code SCH24006 SCH25006 SCH26006 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 123 5 62 123 6 62 123 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23006 E30 Code SCH24007 SCH25007 SCH26007 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 93 5 62 93 6 62 93 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23007 > Measures are in mm. 66 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® HIGH LIFE | H2 Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones F20 Code SCH24008 SCH25008 SCH26008 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 102 5 62 102 6 62 102 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23008 F30 Code SCH24009 SCH25009 SCH26009 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 123 5 62 123 6 62 123 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23009 G30 Code SCH24010 SCH25010 SCH26010 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 128 5 62 128 6 62 128 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23010 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 67 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H2 ® H20 Code SCH24011 SCH25011 SCH26011 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 93 5 62 93 6 62 93 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23011 H30 Code SCH24012 SCH25012 SCH26012 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 115 5 62 115 6 62 115 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23012 O30 Code SCH24013 SCH25013 SCH26013 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 115 5 62 115 6 62 115 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23013 > Measures are in mm. 68 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® HIGH LIFE | H2 Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones Q30 Code SCH24014 SCH25014 SCH26014 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 121 5 62 121 6 62 121 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23014 T20 r3 Code SCH24015 SCH25015 SCH26015 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 83 5 62 83 6 62 83 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23015 T30 r3 Code SCH24016 SCH25016 SCH26016 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 84 5 62 84 6 62 84 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23016 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 69 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H2 ® T40 r3 Code SCH24017 SCH25017 SCH26017 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 88 5 62 88 6 62 88 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23017 TP30 Code SCH24018 SCH25018 SCH26018 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 128 5 62 128 6 62 128 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23018 TRAP20 Code SCH24019 SCH25019 SCH26019 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 5 62 75 6 62 75 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23019 > Measures are in mm. 70 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® HIGH LIFE | H2 Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones TRAP30 Code SCH24020 SCH25020 SCH26020 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 76 5 62 76 6 62 76 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23020 TRAP40 Code SCH24021 SCH25021 SCH26021 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 76 5 62 76 6 62 76 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23021 V20 Code SCH24022 SCH25022 SCH26022 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 98 5 62 98 6 62 98 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23022 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 71 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H2 ® V30 Code SCH24023 SCH25023 SCH26023 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 100 5 62 100 6 62 100 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23023 V40 Code SCH24024 SCH25024 SCH26024 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 115 5 62 115 6 62 115 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23024 Z30 Code SCH24025 SCH25025 SCH26025 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 62 5 62 62 6 62 62 7 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23025 > Measures are in mm. 72 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® HIGH LIFE | H2 Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones Z50 Code SCH24026 SCH25026 SCH26026 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 62 5 62 62 6 62 62 7 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH23026 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 73 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 Polishing profile wheels ® Fits metallic wheels from NICOLAI DIAMANT PATENTED LONG-LIFE TECHNOLOGY 4 A 4-30 (2,5x2,5) 4-40 (2,5x2,5) p. 74 p. 75 OG OG30 A20 r10 A30 r3 A30 r5 A30 r6 A30 r10 A30 r15 A30 r20 A40 r20 p. 75 p. 75 p. 76 p. 76 p. 76 p. 77 p. 77 p. 77 T p. 81 T20 r3 T30 r3 T30 r5 T40 r2 T40 r5 B20 B30 p. 78 p. 78 V p. 81 p. 82 p. 82 p. 82 p. 83 V20 V30 V40 E D B D30 p. 78 V+F30 p. 79 p. 79 p. 79 ZH V+F p. 83 p. 83 p. 84 E20 E30 E40 F p. 84 ZH35 ZH45 F20 F20+10 F20+20 F30 p. 80 p. 80 p. 80 p. 81 ZS p. 84 p. 85 ZS30 12x12 ZS40 10x10 p. 85 p. 85 4-30 2,5x2,5 Code SCH34001 SCH35001 SCH36001 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 68 6 62 68 7 62 68 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33001 > Measures are in mm. 74 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 4-40 2,5x2,5 Code SCH34002 SCH35002 SCH36002 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 68 6 62 68 7 62 68 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33002 A20 r10 Code SCH34003 SCH35003 SCH36003 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 90 6 62 90 7 62 90 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33003 A30 r3 Code SCH34004 SCH35004 SCH36004 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 6 62 75 7 62 75 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33004 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 75 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 ® A30 r5 Code SCH34005 SCH35005 SCH36005 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 6 62 75 7 62 75 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33005 A30 r6 Code SCH34006 SCH35006 SCH36006 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 77 6 62 77 7 62 77 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33006 A30 r10 Code SCH34007 SCH35007 SCH36007 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 88 6 62 88 7 62 88 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33007 > Measures are in mm. 76 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 A30 r15 Code SCH34008 SCH35008 SCH36008 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 98 6 62 98 7 62 98 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33008 A30 r20 Code SCH34009 SCH35009 SCH36009 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 105 6 62 105 7 62 105 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33009 A40 r20 Code SCH34010 SCH35010 SCH36010 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 105 6 62 105 7 62 105 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33010 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 77 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 ® B20 Code SCH34011 SCH35011 SCH36011 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 105 6 62 105 7 62 105 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33011 B30 Code SCH34012 SCH35012 SCH36012 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 125 6 62 125 7 62 125 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33012 D30 Code SCH34013 SCH35013 SCH36013 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 130 6 62 130 7 62 130 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33013 > Measures are in mm. 78 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 E20 Code SCH34014 SCH35014 SCH36014 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 92 6 62 92 7 62 92 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33014 E30 Code SCH34015 SCH35015 SCH36015 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 104 6 62 104 7 62 104 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33015 E40 Code SCH34016 SCH35016 SCH36016 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 103 6 62 103 7 62 103 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33016 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 79 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 ® F20 Code SCH34017 SCH35017 SCH36017 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 99 6 62 99 7 62 99 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33017 F20+10 Code SCH34018 SCH35018 SCH36018 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 99 6 62 99 7 62 99 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33018 F20+20 Code SCH34019 SCH35019 SCH36019 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 99 6 62 99 7 62 99 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33019 > Measures are in mm. 80 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 F30 Code SCH34020 SCH35020 SCH36020 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 119 6 62 119 7 62 119 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33020 OG30 Code SCH34021 SCH35021 SCH36021 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 107 6 62 107 7 62 107 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33021 T20 r3 Code SCH34022 SCH35022 SCH36022 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 6 62 75 7 62 75 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33022 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 81 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 ® T30 r3 Code SCH34023 SCH35023 SCH36023 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 6 62 75 7 62 75 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33023 T30 r5 Code SCH34024 SCH35024 SCH36024 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 6 62 75 7 62 75 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33024 T40 r2 Code SCH34025 SCH35025 SCH36025 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 6 62 75 7 62 75 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33025 > Measures are in mm. 82 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 T40 r5 Code SCH34026 SCH35026 SCH36026 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 6 62 75 7 62 75 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33026 V20 Code SCH34027 SCH35027 SCH36027 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 85 6 62 85 7 62 85 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33027 V30 Code SCH34028 SCH35028 SCH36028 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 95 6 62 95 7 62 95 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33028 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 83 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 ® V40 Code SCH34029 SCH35029 SCH36029 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 105 6 62 105 7 62 105 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33029 V+F30 Code SCH34030 SCH35030 SCH36030 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 104 6 62 104 7 62 104 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33030 ZH35 Code SCH34031 SCH35031 SCH36031 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 62 6 62 62 7 62 62 8 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33031 > Measures are in mm. 84 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H3 ZH45 Code SCH34032 SCH35032 SCH36032 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 62 6 62 62 7 62 62 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33032 ZS30 12x12 Code SCH34034 SCH35034 SCH36034 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 84 6 62 84 7 62 84 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33034 ZS40 10x10 Code SCH34035 SCH35035 SCH36035 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 82 6 62 82 7 62 82 8 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH33035 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 85 HIGH LIFE | H4 Polishing profile wheels Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones ® Fits metallic wheels from TYROLIT VINCENT PATENTED LONG-LIFE TECHNOLOGY A A20 r6 A30 r3 A40 r6 A30 r8 A30 r15 A40 r20 p. 86 p. 87 p. 87 p. 87 p. 88 p. 88 OG OG20 OG30 ES B B20 B30 r3 B30 r25 p. 88 p. 89 p. 89 T20 r3 T20 r5 T30 r3 T30 r5 T30 r6 T30 r8 T40 r3 T40 r8 p. 89 TP T p. 91 p. 92 ES40 p. 92 p. 92 p. 93 p. 93 p. 93 p. 94 p. 94 p. 94 TP30 FGS F F20 F30 p. 90 p. 90 p. 90 X V p. 95 FGS40 FS V30 V40 V60 p. 95 p. 95 p. 96 X20 X30 FS30 FS30 r3 p. 91 p. 91 Z p. 96 p. 96 Z30 Z50 p. 97 p. 97 A20 r6 Code SCH44001 SCH45001 SCH46001 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 80 4 62 80 5 62 80 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43001 > Measures are in mm. 86 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 A30 r3 Code SCH44003 SCH45003 SCH46003 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 70 4 62 70 5 62 70 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43003 A30 r6 Code SCH44004 SCH45004 SCH46004 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 83 4 62 83 5 62 83 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43004 A30 r8 Code SCH44005 SCH45005 SCH46005 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 83 4 62 83 5 62 83 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43005 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 87 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 ® A30 r15 Code SCH44002 SCH45002 SCH46002 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 102 4 62 102 5 62 102 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43002 A40 r20 Code SCH44006 SCH45006 SCH46006 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 105 4 62 105 5 62 105 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43006 B20 Code SCH44007 SCH45007 SCH46007 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 110 4 62 110 5 62 110 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43007 > Measures are in mm. 88 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 B30 r25 Code SCH44008 SCH45008 SCH46008 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 120 4 62 120 5 62 120 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43008 B30 r3 Code SCH44009 SCH45009 SCH46009 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 120 4 62 120 5 62 120 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43009 ES40 Code SCH44010 SCH45010 SCH46010 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 78 4 62 78 5 62 78 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43010 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 89 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 ® F20 Code SCH44011 SCH45011 SCH46011 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 99 4 62 99 5 62 99 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43011 F30 Code SCH44012 SCH45012 SCH46012 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 119 4 62 119 5 62 119 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43012 FGS40 Code SCH44013 SCH45013 SCH46013 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 103 4 62 103 5 62 103 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43013 > Measures are in mm. 90 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 FS30 Code SCH44014 SCH45014 SCH46014 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 99 4 62 99 5 62 99 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43014 FS30 r3 Code SCH44015 SCH45015 SCH46015 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 111 4 62 111 5 62 111 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43015 OG20 Code SCH44016 SCH45016 SCH46016 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 93 4 62 93 5 62 93 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43016 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 91 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 ® OG30 Code SCH44017 SCH45017 SCH46017 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 109 4 62 109 5 62 109 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43017 T20 r3 Code SCH44018 SCH45018 SCH46018 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 76 4 62 76 5 62 76 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43018 T20 r5 Code SCH44019 SCH45019 SCH46019 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 77 4 62 77 5 62 77 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43019 > Measures are in mm. 92 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 T30 r3 Code SCH44020 SCH45020 SCH46020 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 77 4 62 77 5 62 77 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43020 T30 r5 Code SCH44021 SCH45021 SCH46021 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 82 4 62 82 5 62 82 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43021 T30 r6 Code SCH44022 SCH45022 SCH46022 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 84 4 62 84 5 62 84 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43022 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 93 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 ® T30 r8 Code SCH44023 SCH45023 SCH46023 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 84 4 62 84 5 62 84 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43023 T40 r3 Code SCH44024 SCH45024 SCH46024 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 76 4 62 76 5 62 76 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43024 T40 r8 Code SCH44025 SCH45025 SCH46025 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 84 4 62 84 5 62 84 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43025 > Measures are in mm. 94 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 TP30 Code SCH44026 SCH45026 SCH46026 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 120 4 62 120 5 62 120 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43026 V30 Code SCH44027 SCH45027 SCH46027 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 98 4 62 98 5 62 98 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43027 V40 Code SCH44028 SCH45028 SCH46028 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 114 4 62 114 5 62 114 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43028 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 95 HIGH LIFE Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 ® V60 Code SCH44029 SCH45029 SCH46029 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 127 4 62 127 5 62 127 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43029 X20 Code SCH44030 SCH45030 SCH46030 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 66 4 62 66 5 62 66 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43030 X30 Code SCH44031 SCH45031 SCH46031 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 67 4 62 67 5 62 67 6 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43031 > Measures are in mm. 96 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE ® Polishing profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones | H4 Z30 Code SCH44032 SCH45032 SCH46032 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 59 59 4 59 59 5 59 59 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43032 Z50 Code SCH44033 SCH45033 SCH46033 Wheel Type Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 59 59 4 59 59 5 59 59 6 Rpm 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 In case last wheel is deformed or warn we suggest: > Rectify the last metallic wheel or > Replace last metallic wheel with our Bi-power wheel Code: SCH43033 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 97 HIGH LIFE Polishing wheels for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® TECHNICAL NOTES In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. Photo A > Measures are in mm. 98 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 HIGH LIFE Polishing wheels for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 99 HIGH LIFE Polishing wheels for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. 100 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® HIGH LIFE Polishing wheels for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 101 PROFILE WHEELS SHS PROFILE WHEELS GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Standard profiles: A A20 r10 p. 104 A30 r3 p. 104 A30 r6 p. 105 B A30 r8 p. 105 A30 r15 p. 106 A40 r20 p. 106 FZ FZ30 r10 p. 110 FZ40 r10 p. 111 B20 p. 107 B30 r25 p. 107 H20 p. 111 H30 p. 112 OG30 p. 113 F+V FV30 p. 109 F+V40 p. 110 T OG V45° TP T20 r3 p. 113 T30 r8 p. 115 T30 r3 p. 114 T40 r3 p. 115 T30 r5 p. 114 YS TP30 p. 116 ZS Z B A V GROOVING 20 p. 118 V GROOVING 30 p. 118 Available any other profile on request. FV F20 p. 108 F30 p. 119 O30 p. 112 B 102 E40 p. 108 O H V V20 p. 116 V30 p. 117 V40 p. 117 F E A V45°-30 p. 123 V45°-40 p. 123 YS20 1,5x1,5 p. 119 YS30 2x2 p. 119 YS40 3x3 p. 120 Z30 p. 120 Z40 p. 121 ZS40 p. 121 SHS PROFILE WHEELS High Speed 0 Position Segmented 1 Position Zenith Long-life Patents: 2 Position Zenith 3 Position Bi Power 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life 6 Position Long Life N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 The innovative SHS line (Super High Speed) for a faster working which doubles your CNC machine’s productivity. Thanks to Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures written on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 0 Segmented wheel It is of primary importance during the grinding step. It is made with helicoidal segments which avoids hammer effect. Thanks to the modern and innovative sinterization process, allows a high speed grinding and long lifespan. Pos 1/2 Zenith SHS The innovative SHS profile wheels made with water grooves and highquality diamond allow a perfect lubrication, removal of stone residues, a higher speed grinding and an extraordinary feed rate. Pos 3 Bi Power This wheel does not loose its shape and allows a perfect profile rectification. Thanks to its work the following polishing wheels will work in ideal conditions, have a longer lifespan and grant the perfect final polishing. Pos 4/5/6 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 35 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter 103 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A20 r10 Code SCS60002 SCS61002 SCS62002 SCS63002 SCS64002 SCS65002 SCS66002 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 91 120 0 91 120 1 91 120 2 62 94 3 62 94 4 62 94 5 62 94 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 36. A30 r3 Code SCS60004 SCS61004 SCS62004 SCS63004 SCS64004 SCS65004 SCS66004 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 80 0 60 80 1 60 80 2 60 83 3 60 83 4 60 83 5 60 83 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. 104 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r6 Code SCS60006 SCS61006 SCS62006 SCS63006 SCS64006 SCS65006 SCS66006 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 80 0 60 80 1 60 80 2 60 83 3 60 83 4 60 83 5 60 83 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. A30 r8 Code SCS60007 SCS61007 SCS62007 SCS63007 SCS64007 SCS65007 SCS66007 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 50 70 0 50 70 1 50 70 2 62 85 3 62 85 4 62 85 5 62 85 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 105 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r15 Code SCS60009 SCS61009 SCS62009 SCS63009 SCS64009 SCS65009 SCS66009 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 100 0 60 100 1 60 100 2 60 103 3 60 103 4 60 103 5 60 103 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 37. A40 r20 Code SCS60021 SCS61021 SCS62021 SCS63021 SCS64021 SCS65021 SCS66021 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 75 120 0 75 120 1 75 120 2 62 110 3 62 110 4 62 110 5 62 110 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 38. > Measures are in mm. 106 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® B20 Code SCS60026 SCS61026 SCS62026 SCS63026 SCS64026 SCS65026 SCS66026 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 70 120 0 70 120 1 70 120 2 62 115 3 62 115 4 62 115 5 62 115 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 38. B30 r25 Code SCS60028 SCS61028 SCS62028 SCS63028 SCS64028 SCS65028 SCS66028 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 140 0 80 140 1 80 140 2 62 125 3 62 125 4 62 125 5 62 125 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 39. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 107 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® E40 Code SCS60048 SCS61048 SCS62048 SCS63048 SCS64048 SCS65048 SCS66048 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 70 120 0 70 120 1 70 120 2 62 115 3 62 115 4 62 115 5 62 115 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 40. F20 Code SCS60049 SCS61049 SCS62049 SCS63049 SCS64049 SCS65049 SCS66049 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 120 0 80 120 1 80 120 2 62 102 3 62 102 4 62 102 5 62 102 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 40. > Measures are in mm. 108 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® F30 Code SCS60050 SCS61050 SCS62050 SCS63050 SCS64050 SCS65050 SCS66050 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 140 0 80 140 1 80 140 2 62 122 3 62 122 4 62 122 5 62 122 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 41. FV30 FV30 Code SCS60103 SCS61103 SCS62103 SCS63103 SCS64103 SCS65103 SCS66103 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 105 0 62 105 1 62 105 2 62 105 3 62 105 4 62 105 5 62 105 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 42. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 109 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® F+V40 Code SCS60052 SCS61052 SCS62052 SCS63052 SCS64052 SCS65052 SCS66052 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 120 0 80 120 1 80 120 2 62 105 3 62 105 4 62 105 5 62 105 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 42. FZ30 r10 Code SCS60074 SCS61074 SCS62074 SCS63074 SCS64074 SCS65074 SCS66074 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 120 0 80 120 1 80 120 2 62 102 3 62 102 4 62 102 5 62 102 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 42. > Measures are in mm. 110 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® FZ40 r10 Code SCS60076 SCS61076 SCS62076 SCS63076 SCS64076 SCS65076 SCS66076 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 120 0 80 120 1 80 120 2 62 102 3 62 102 4 62 102 5 62 102 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 43. H20 Code SCS60056 SCS61056 SCS62056 SCS63056 SCS64056 SCS65056 SCS66056 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 97 120 0 97 120 1 97 120 2 62 85 3 62 85 4 62 85 5 62 85 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 44. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 111 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® H30 Code SCS60057 SCS61057 SCS62057 SCS63057 SCS64057 SCS65057 SCS66057 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 94 0 60 94 1 60 94 2 60 94 3 60 94 4 60 94 5 60 94 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 45. O30 Code SCS60071 SCS61071 SCS62071 SCS63071 SCS64071 SCS65071 SCS66071 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 72 120 0 72 120 1 72 120 2 62 110 3 62 110 4 62 110 5 62 110 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 46. > Measures are in mm. 112 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® OG30 Code SCS60154 SCS61154 SCS62154 SCS63154 SCS64154 SCS65154 SCS66154 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 70 120 0 70 120 1 70 120 2 62 112 3 62 112 4 62 112 5 62 112 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 47. T20 r3 Code SCS60114 SCS61114 SCS62114 SCS63114 SCS64114 SCS65114 SCS66114 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 48 65 0 48 65 1 48 65 2 62 82 3 62 82 4 62 82 5 62 82 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 113 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T30 r3 Code SCS60115 SCS61115 SCS62115 SCS63115 SCS64115 SCS65115 SCS66115 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 52 66 0 52 66 1 52 66 2 62 79 3 62 79 4 62 79 5 62 79 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. T30 r5 Code SCS60082 SCS61082 SCS62082 SCS63082 SCS64082 SCS65082 SCS66082 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 84 0 60 84 1 60 84 2 60 85 3 60 85 4 60 85 5 60 85 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. 114 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T30 r8 Code SCS60081 SCS61081 SCS62081 SCS63081 SCS64081 SCS65081 SCS66081 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 84 0 60 84 1 60 84 2 60 87 3 60 87 4 60 87 5 60 87 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 T40 r3 Code SCS60117 SCS61117 SCS62117 SCS63117 SCS64117 SCS65117 SCS66117 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 50 64 0 50 64 1 50 64 2 62 79 3 62 79 4 62 79 5 62 79 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 115 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® TP30 Code SCS60030 SCS61030 SCS62030 SCS63030 SCS64030 SCS65030 SCS66030 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 120 0 60 120 1 60 120 2 60 123 3 60 123 4 60 123 5 60 123 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 49. V20 Code SCS60087 SCS61087 SCS62087 SCS63087 SCS64087 SCS65087 SCS66087 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 70 96 0 70 96 1 70 96 2 62 91 3 62 91 4 62 91 5 62 91 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 49. > Measures are in mm. 116 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® V30 Code SCS60088 SCS61088 SCS62088 SCS63088 SCS64088 SCS65088 SCS66088 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 96 0 60 96 1 60 96 2 60 99 3 60 99 4 60 99 5 60 99 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 50. V40 Code SCS60090 SCS61090 SCS62090 SCS63090 SCS64090 SCS65090 SCS66090 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 74 120 0 74 120 1 74 120 2 62 111 3 62 111 4 62 111 5 62 111 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 51. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 117 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® V Grooving 20 Code SCS60236 SCS61236 SCS60237 SCS61237 Wheel Type Segmented "A" Sintered ZENITH "A" Segmented "B" Sintered ZENITH "B" Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 52 97 0 52 97 1 52 108 0 52 108 1 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 Feed Rate mm/min 600 600 600 600 > Available also Electroplated for Marble: Electroplated “A” SC67236; Electroplated “B” SC67237. > Pay attention in centering Z axis. > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 52. V Grooving 30 Code SCS60233 SCS61233 SCS60234 SCS61234 Wheel Type Segmented "A" Sintered ZENITH "A" Segmented "B" Sintered ZENITH "B" Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 52 117 0 52 117 1 52 124 0 52 124 1 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 > Available also Electroplated for Marble: Electroplated “A” SC67233; Electroplated “B” SC67234. > Pay attention in centering Z axis. > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 53. > Measures are in mm. 118 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 600 600 600 600 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® YS20 1,5x1,5 Code SCS60120 SCS61120 SCS62120 SCS63120 SCS64120 SCS65120 SCS66120 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 66 0 60 66 1 60 66 2 60 69 3 60 69 4 60 69 5 60 69 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. YS30 2x2 Code SCS60122 SCS61122 SCS62122 SCS63122 SCS64122 SCS65122 SCS66122 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 67 0 60 67 1 60 67 2 60 70 3 60 70 4 60 70 5 60 70 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 119 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® YS40 3x3 Code SCS60124 SCS61124 SCS62124 SCS63124 SCS64124 SCS65124 SCS66124 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 60 69 0 60 69 1 60 69 2 60 72 3 60 72 4 60 72 5 60 72 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. Z30 Code SCS60034 SCS61034 SCS62034 SCS63034 SCS64034 SCS65034 SCS66034 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 70 70 0 70 70 1 70 70 2 70 70 3 70 70 4 70 70 5 70 70 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. 120 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® Z40 Code SCS60035 SCS61035 SCS62035 SCS63035 SCS64035 SCS65035 SCS66035 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 70 70 0 70 70 1 70 70 2 70 70 3 70 70 4 70 70 5 70 70 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75002 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. ZS40 Code SCS60042 SCS61042 SCS62042 SCS63042 SCS64042 SCS65042 SCS66042 Wheel Type Segmented* Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 75 85 0 75 85 1 75 85 2 62 80 3 62 80 4 62 80 5 62 80 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 121 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones PERFECTOR ® Line remover Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75001 SC75002 SC75003 SC75004 SC75005 SC75006 Ø 62 62 62 90 90 90 H 45 60 90 45 60 90 Rpm 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 > Measures are in mm. 122 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® 1 Solution to create 45° bevel 2 V45° 3 . Set designed to achieve the bevel miter at 45° as a point of junction between slabs. . After the third pass, the rough surface of the slab is ideal for applying mastic Realized with Frangistone/Zenith Technology . . Bore 35 mm 30 mm Code SC72149 SC60257 SC61257 Step 1 2 3 Wheel Type Frangistone Segmented Sintered Zenith Rpm 4500 4500 4500 Ø Min. 62 62 62 Ø Max. 124 126 126 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 Step 1 2 3 H 32 32 32 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 40 mm Code SC72256 SC60256 SC61256 Step 1 2 3 Wheel Type Frangistone Segmented Sintered Zenith Rpm 4500 4500 4500 Ø Min. 62 62 62 Ø Max. 139 146 146 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 Step 1 2 3 H 42 42 42 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 123 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® TECHNICAL NOTE In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these passages for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: Photo A . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. 124 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 125 LINE SHS - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. 126 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® High speed - LINE SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 127 PROFILE WHEELS PROFILE WHEELS SHS 5 STEP SYSTEM GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Standard Profiles A B A20 r10 p. 130 A30 r3 p. 130 A30 r6 p. 131 A30 r8 p. 131 A30 r15 p. 132 A40 r20 p. 132 FZ FZ30 r10 p. 136 FZ40 r10 p. 137 V V20 p. 142 V30 p. 143 V40 p. 143 B20 p. 133 B30 r25 p. 133 H H20 p. 137 H30 p. 138 YS YS20 1,5x1,5 p. 144 YS30 2x2 p. 144 YS40 3x3 p. 145 Available any other profile on request. 128 F E E40 p. 134 O FV F20 p. 134 F30 p. 135 OG30 p. 139 ZS Z Z30 p. 145 Z40 p. 146 FV30 p. 135 F+V40 p. 136 T OG O30 p. 138 F+V ZS40 p. 146 T20 r3 p. 139 T30 r8 p. 141 T30 r3 p. 140 T40 r3 p. 141 T30 r5 p. 140 TP TP30 p. 142 SHS PROFILE WHEELS 5 STEP SYSTEM 1 Position Segmented Long-life Patents: 2 Position Zenith 3 Position Long Life 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 The innovative SHS line (Super High Speed) 5 STEP SYSTEM made to get the maximum results with high speed feed rate in only 5 steps. From fast grinding to brilliant polishing thanks to Marmoelettromeccanica patented technologies as Frangistone and Long-Life. Thanks to Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures written on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 1 Segmented It is of primary importance during the grinding step. It is made with helicoidal segments which avoids hammer effect. Thanks to the modern and innovative sinterization process, allows a high speed grinding and long lifespan. Pos 2 Zenith SHS The innovative SHS profile wheels made with water grooves and highquality diamond allow a perfect lubrication, removal of stone residues, a higher speed grinding and an extraordinary feed rate. Pos 3/4/5 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 35 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter 129 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A20 r10 Code Wheel Type SCS60002 Segmented SCS62002 Sintered Zenith SCS63L002 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65002 Long Life Polishing SCS66002 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 91 91 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 94 94 94 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 900 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 900 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 36. A30 r3 Code Wheel Type SCS61004 Sintered Zenith SCS62004 Sintered Zenith SCS63L004 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65004 Long Life Polishing SCS66004 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 80 80 83 83 83 Step 1 2 3 4 5 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 130 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones A30 r6 Code Wheel Type SCS61006 Sintered Zenith SCS62006 Sintered Zenith SCS63L006 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65006 Long Life Polishing SCS66006 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 80 80 83 83 83 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. A30 r8 Code Wheel Type SCS61007 Sintered Zenith SCS62007 Sintered Zenith SCS63L007 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65007 Long Life Polishing SCS66007 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 50 50 62 62 62 Ø Max 70 70 85 85 85 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 131 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r15 Code Wheel Type SCS60009 Segmented SCS62009 Sintered Zenith SCS63L009 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65009 Long Life Polishing SCS66009 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 100 100 103 103 103 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 900 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 900 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 900 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 900 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 37. A40 r20 Code Wheel Type SCS60021 Segmented SCS62021 Sintered Zenith SCS63L021 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65021 Long Life Polishing SCS66021 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 75 75 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 110 110 110 Step 1 2 3 4 5 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 38. > Measures are in mm. 132 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones B20 Code Wheel Type SCS60026 Segmented SCS62026 Sintered Zenith SCS63L026 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65026 Long Life Polishing SCS66026 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 70 70 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 115 115 115 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 900 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 900 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 38. B30 r25 Code Wheel Type SCS60028 Segmented SCS62028 Sintered Zenith SCS63L028 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65028 Long Life Polishing SCS66028 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 80 80 62 62 62 Ø Max 140 140 125 125 125 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 900 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 900 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 39. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 133 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® E40 Code Wheel Type SCS60048 Segmented SCS62048 Sintered Zenith SCS63L048 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65048 Long Life Polishing SCS66048 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 70 70 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 115 115 115 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 900 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 650 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 900 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 40. F20 Code Wheel Type SCS60049 Segmented SCS62049 Sintered Zenith SCS63L049 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65049 Long Life Polishing SCS66049 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 80 80 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 102 102 102 Step 1 2 3 4 5 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 40. > Measures are in mm. 134 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones F30 Code Wheel Type SCS60050 Segmented SCS62050 Sintered Zenith SCS63L050 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65050 Long Life Polishing SCS66050 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 80 80 62 62 62 Ø Max 140 140 122 122 122 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 500 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 700 0,15 900 0,05 900 0,05 900 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 41. FV30 Code Wheel Type SCS60103 Segmented SCS62103 Sintered Zenith SCS63L103 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65103 Long Life Polishing SCS66103 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 105 105 105 105 105 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 650 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 42. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 135 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® F+V40 Code Wheel Type SCS60052 Segmented SCS62052 Sintered Zenith SCS63L052 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65052 Long Life Polishing SCS66052 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 80 80 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 105 105 105 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 650 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 650 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 42. FZ30 r10 Code Wheel Type SCS60074 Segmented SCS62074 Sintered Zenith SCS63L074 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65074 Long Life Polishing SCS66074 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 80 80 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 102 102 102 Step 1 2 3 4 5 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 43. > Measures are in mm. 136 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones FZ40 r10 Code Wheel Type SCS60076 Segmented SCS62076 Sintered Zenith SCS63L076 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65076 Long Life Polishing SCS66076 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 80 80 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 102 102 102 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 650 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 43. H20 Code Wheel Type SCS60056 Segmented SCS62056 Sintered Zenith SCS63L056 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65056 Long Life Polishing SCS66056 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 97 97 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 85 85 85 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 44. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 137 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® H30 Code Wheel Type SCS60057 Segmented SCS62057 Sintered Zenith SCS63L057 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65057 Long Life Polishing SCS66057 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 94 94 94 94 94 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 650 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 500 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 900 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 45. O30 Code Wheel Type SCS60071 Segmented SCS62071 Sintered Zenith SCS63L071 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65071 Long Life Polishing SCS66071 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 72 72 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 110 110 110 Step 1 2 3 4 5 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 46. > Measures are in mm. 138 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones OG30 Code Wheel Type SCS60154 Segmented SCS62154 Sintered Zenith SCS63L154 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65154 Long Life Polishing SCS66154 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 70 70 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 112 112 112 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 600 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 47. T20 r3 Code Wheel Type SCS61114 Sintered Zenith SCS62114 Sintered Zenith SCS63L114 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65114 Long Life Polishing SCS66114 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 48 48 62 62 62 Ø Max 65 65 82 82 82 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 900 0,20 1000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 139 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T30 r3 Code Wheel Type SCS61115 Sintered Zenith SCS62115 Sintered Zenith SCS63L115 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65115 Long Life Polishing SCS66115 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 52 52 62 62 62 Ø Max 66 66 79 79 79 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 900 0,20 1000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. T30 r5 Code Wheel Type SCS61082 Sintered Zenith SCS62082 Sintered Zenith SCS63L082 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65082 Long Life Polishing SCS66082 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 84 84 85 85 85 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 900 0,20 1000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 140 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones T30 r8 Code Wheel Type SCS60081 Segmented SCS62081 Sintered Zenith SCS63L081 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65081 Long Life Polishing SCS66081 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 84 84 87 87 87 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 900 0,20 1000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. T40 r3 Code Wheel Type SCS61117 Sintered Zenith SCS62117 Sintered Zenith SCS63L117 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65117 Long Life Polishing SCS66117 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 50 50 62 62 62 Ø Max 64 64 79 79 79 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 900 0,20 1000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 141 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® TP30 Code Wheel Type SCS60030 Segmented SCS62030 Sintered Zenith SCS63L030 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65030 Long Life Polishing SCS66030 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 120 120 123 123 123 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 600 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 900 0,05 900 0,05 900 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 900 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 49. V20 Code Wheel Type SCS60087 Segmented SCS62087 Sintered Zenith SCS63L087 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65087 Long Life Polishing SCS66087 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 70 70 62 62 62 Ø Max 96 96 91 91 91 Step 1 2 3 4 5 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 49. > Measures are in mm. 142 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® V30 Code Wheel Type SCS60088 Segmented SCS62088 Sintered Zenith SCS63L088 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65088 Long Life Polishing SCS66088 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 96 96 99 99 99 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 700 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 50. V40 Code Wheel Type SCS60090 Segmented SCS62090 Sintered Zenith SCS63L090 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65090 Long Life Polishing SCS66090 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 74 74 62 62 62 Ø Max 120 120 111 111 111 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 600 - (3000 after Frangistone) 0,30 0,20 800 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 51. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 143 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® YS20 1,5x1,5 Code Wheel Type SCS61120 Sintered Zenith SCS62120 Sintered Zenith SCS63L120 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65120 Long Life Polishing SCS66120 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 66 66 69 69 69 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 2000 0,20 2000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. YS30 2x2 Code Wheel Type SCS61122 Sintered Zenith SCS62122 Sintered Zenith SCS63L122 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65122 Long Life Polishing SCS66122 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 67 67 70 70 70 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 2000 0,20 2000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 144 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones YS40 3x3 Code Wheel Type SCS61124 Sintered Zenith SCS62124 Sintered Zenith SCS63L124 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65124 Long Life Polishing SCS66124 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 60 60 60 60 60 Ø Max 69 69 72 72 72 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 2000 0,20 2000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. Z30 Code Wheel Type SCS61034 Sintered Zenith SCS62034 Sintered Zenith SCS63L034 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65034 Long Life Polishing SCS66034 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 70 70 70 70 70 Ø Max 70 70 70 70 70 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 2000 0,20 2000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 145 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® Z40 Code Wheel Type SCS61035 Sintered Zenith SCS62035 Sintered Zenith SCS63L035 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65035 Long Life Polishing SCS66035 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 70 70 70 70 70 Ø Max 70 70 70 70 70 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 2000 0,20 2000 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75002 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. ZS40 Code Wheel Type SCS61042 Sintered Zenith SCS62042 Sintered Zenith SCS63L042 Long Life Polishing 5SS SCS65042 Long Life Polishing SCS66042 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 75 75 62 62 62 Ø Max 85 85 75 75 75 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 5000 5000 4500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 900 0,20 1500 0,15 1000 0,05 1000 0,05 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 146 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones Line remover PERFECTOR Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75001 SC75002 SC75003 SC75004 SC75005 SC75006 Ø 62 62 62 90 90 90 H 45 60 90 45 60 90 Rpm 2500 2500 2500 2000 2000 2000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,10 700 0,10 700 0,10 700 0,10 700 0,10 700 0,10 700 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 147 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® TECHNICAL NOTE In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these passages for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Photo A Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. 148 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 149 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. 150 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 151 PROFILE WHEELS SHS DEC PROFILE WHEELS GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Standard Profiles: A B A20 r10 p. 154 A30 r3 p. 154 A30 r6 p. 155 A30 r8 p. 155 A30 r15 p. 156 A40 r20 p. 156 O O30 p. 161 B20 p. 157 B30 r25 p. 157 TP TP30 p. 162 Available any other profile on request. 152 F E E40 p. 158 F20 p. 158 F30 p. 159 FZ FZ30 r10 p. 159 FZ40 r10 p. 160 H H20 p. 160 H30 p. 161 SHS DEC PROFILE WHEELS High Speed NO MORE SHARP CORNERS 0 Position Segmented 1 Position Zenith 2 Position Zenith Long-life Patents: Smoothes Sharp Corners 3 Position Bi Power 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life 6 Position Long Life N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 The innovative SHS DEC line (Super High Speed - Designer Edge Collection) developed to realize profiles with a radius at the bottom in order to avoid the sharp corners on polished slabs. Thanks to the SHS technology, they grant a high working speed which doubles your CNC machine’s productivity and without further manual operations. Thanks to Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures indicated on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 0 Segmented wheel It is of primary importance during the grinding step. It is made with helicoidal segments which avoids hammer effect. Thanks to the modern and innovative sinterization process, allows a high speed grinding and long lifespan. Pos 1/2 Zenith The innovative SHS profile wheels made with water grooves and highquality diamond allow a perfect lubrication, removal of stone residues, a higher speed grinding and an extraordinary feed rate. Smoothes sharp corner The innovative diamond element which can be mounted on position 2 wheel in order to smooth the sharp corners. Pos 3 Bi Power This wheel does not loose its shape. It has a radius at the bottom for the perfect profile rectification. Thanks to its work the following polishing wheels will work in ideal conditions, have a longer lifespan and grant the perfect final polishing. Pos 4/5/6 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 35 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter 153 LINE SHS DEC - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A20 r10 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60002 Segmented 91 120 0 SCS61002 Sintered Zenith 91 120 1 SCS62002 Sintered Zenith 91 120 2 SCSC6002 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63002 Sintered Bi power 62 94 3 SCSC64002 Long Life Polishing 62 94 4 SCSC65002 Long Life Polishing 62 94 5 SCSC66002 Long Life Polishing 62 94 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 36. A30 r3 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60004 Segmented* 60 80 0 SCS61004 Sintered Zenith 60 80 1 SCS62004 Sintered Zenith 60 80 2 SCSC6004 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63004 Sintered Bi power 60 83 3 SCSC64004 Long Life Polishing 60 83 4 SCSC65004 Long Life Polishing 60 83 5 SCSC66004 Long Life Polishing 60 83 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. 154 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS DEC Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r6 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60006 Segmented* 60 80 0 SCS61006 Sintered Zenith 60 80 1 SCS62006 Sintered Zenith 60 80 2 SCSC6006 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63006 Sintered Bi power 60 83 3 SCSC64006 Long Life Polishing 60 83 4 SCSC65006 Long Life Polishing 60 83 5 SCSC66006 Long Life Polishing 60 83 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. A30 r8 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60007 Segmented* 50 70 0 SCS61007 Sintered Zenith 50 70 1 SCS62007 Sintered Zenith 50 70 2 SCSC6007 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63007 Sintered Bi power 62 85 3 SCSC64007 Long Life Polishing 62 85 4 SCSC65007 Long Life Polishing 62 85 5 SCSC66007 Long Life Polishing 62 85 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 * For this profile Segmented Pos. 0 wheel is optional, you can start grinding with wheel Pos. 1. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 155 LINE SHS DEC - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r15 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60009 Segmented 60 100 0 SCS61009 Sintered Zenith 60 100 1 SCS62009 Sintered Zenith 60 100 2 SCSC6009 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63009 Sintered Bi power 60 103 3 SCSC64009 Long Life Polishing 60 103 4 SCSC65009 Long Life Polishing 60 103 5 SCSC66009 Long Life Polishing 60 103 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 37. A40 r20 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60021 Segmented 75 120 0 SCS61021 Sintered Zenith 75 120 1 SCS62021 Sintered Zenith 75 120 2 SCSC6021 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63021 Sintered Bi power 62 110 3 SCSC64021 Long Life Polishing 62 110 4 SCSC65021 Long Life Polishing 62 110 5 SCSC66021 Long Life Polishing 62 110 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 38. > Measures are in mm. 156 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS DEC Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® B20 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60026 Segmented 70 120 0 SCS61026 Sintered Zenith 70 120 1 SCS62026 Sintered Zenith 70 120 2 SCSC6026 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63026 Sintered Bi power 62 115 3 SCSC64026 Long Life Polishing 62 115 4 SCSC65026 Long Life Polishing 62 115 5 SCSC66026 Long Life Polishing 62 115 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 38. B30 r25 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60028 Segmented 80 140 0 SCS61028 Sintered Zenith 80 140 1 SCS62028 Sintered Zenith 80 140 2 SCSC6028 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63028 Sintered Bi power 62 125 3 SCSC64028 Long Life Polishing 62 125 4 SCSC65028 Long Life Polishing 62 125 5 SCSC66028 Long Life Polishing 62 125 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 39. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 157 LINE SHS DEC - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® E40 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60048 Segmented 70 120 0 SCS61048 Sintered Zenith 70 120 1 SCS62048 Sintered Zenith 70 120 2 SCSC6048 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63048 Sintered Bi power 62 115 3 SCSC64048 Long Life Polishing 62 115 4 SCSC65048 Long Life Polishing 62 115 5 SCSC66048 Long Life Polishing 62 115 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 40. F20 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60049 Segmented 80 120 0 SCS61049 Sintered Zenith 80 120 1 SCS62049 Sintered Zenith 80 120 2 SCSC6049 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63049 Sintered Bi power 62 102 3 SCSC64049 Long Life Polishing 62 102 4 SCSC65049 Long Life Polishing 62 102 5 SCSC66049 Long Life Polishing 62 102 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 41. > Measures are in mm. 158 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS DEC Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® F30 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60050 Segmented 80 140 0 SCS61050 Sintered Zenith 80 140 1 SCS62050 Sintered Zenith 80 140 2 SCSC6050 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63050 Sintered Bi power 62 123 3 SCSC64050 Long Life Polishing 62 123 4 SCSC65050 Long Life Polishing 62 123 5 SCSC66050 Long Life Polishing 62 123 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 42. FZ30 r10 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60074 Segmented 80 120 0 SCS61074 Sintered Zenith 80 120 1 SCS62074 Sintered Zenith 80 120 2 SCSC6074 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63074 Sintered Bi power 62 102 3 SCSC64074 Long Life Polishing 62 102 4 SCSC65074 Long Life Polishing 62 102 5 SCSC66074 Long Life Polishing 62 102 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 42. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 159 LINE SHS DEC - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® FZ40 r10 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60076 Segmented 80 120 0 SCS61076 Sintered Zenith 80 120 1 SCS62076 Sintered Zenith 80 120 2 SCSC6076 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63076 Sintered Bi power 62 102 3 SCSC64076 Long Life Polishing 62 102 4 SCSC65076 Long Life Polishing 62 102 5 SCSC66076 Long Life Polishing 62 102 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 43. H20 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60056 Segmented 97 120 0 SCS61056 Sintered Zenith 97 120 1 SCS62056 Sintered Zenith 97 120 2 SCSC6056 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63056 Sintered Bi power 62 85 3 SCSC64056 Long Life Polishing 62 85 4 SCSC65056 Long Life Polishing 62 85 5 SCSC66056 Long Life Polishing 62 85 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 44. > Measures are in mm. 160 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 High speed - LINE SHS DEC Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® H30 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60057 Segmented 60 94 0 SCS61057 Sintered Zenith 60 94 1 SCS62057 Sintered Zenith 60 94 2 SCSC6057 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63057 Sintered Bi power 60 94 3 SCSC64057 Long Life Polishing 60 94 4 SCSC65057 Long Life Polishing 60 94 5 SCSC66057 Long Life Polishing 60 94 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 45. O30 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60071 Segmented 72 120 0 SCS61071 Sintered Zenith 72 120 1 SCS62071 Sintered Zenith 72 120 2 SCSC6071 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63071 Sintered Bi power 62 110 3 SCSC64071 Long Life Polishing 62 110 4 SCSC65071 Long Life Polishing 62 110 5 SCSC66071 Long Life Polishing 62 110 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 46. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 161 LINE SHS DEC - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® TP30 Code Wheel Type Ø Min Ø Max Pos. SCS60030 Segmented 60 120 0 SCS61030 Sintered Zenith 60 120 1 SCS62030 Sintered Zenith 60 120 2 SCSC6030 Smoothes Sharp Corners SCSC63030 Sintered Bi power 60 123 3 SCSC64030 Long Life Polishing 60 123 4 SCSC65030 Long Life Polishing 60 123 5 SCSC66030 Long Life Polishing 60 123 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 - (3000 after Frangistone) 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 49. PERFECTOR Line remover Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75001 SC75002 SC75003 SC75004 SC75005 SC75006 Ø 62 62 62 90 90 90 H 45 60 90 45 60 90 Rpm 2500 2500 2500 2000 2000 2000 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 > Measures are in mm. 162 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 ® High speed - LINE SHS DEC Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones TECHNICAL NOTE In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these pass for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: Photo A . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 163 LINE SHS DEC - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. 164 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 High speed - LINE SHS DEC Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® INSTRUCTIONS EDGE SMOOTHER MOUNTING: Edge Smoother to be mounted on wheel Pos. 2 SOLUTION A 1 -Wheel shaft cone 2 - wheel 3 - Edge smoother 4 - Washer 5 - Screw 1 1 3 1 -Wheel shaft cone 2 - wheel 3 - Edge smoother 4 - Washer 5 - Screw SOLUTION B 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 SOLUTION A Figure A1: Mount tools on chuck then insert edges moother, lock all with screw and washer Figure A2: In this case total X height of tools doesn’t determine any offset of the alignment with previous and next position. You can work without modifying tool settings. 5 SOLUTION B Figure B1 : Mount edge smoother upside down, insert tools in the same way, lock everything tight with screw and washer. Figure B2: In this case X height of tools determines an offset alignment with previous a next position of 3 mm. it is necessary to modify tool settings raising Z axis of 3 mm on machine. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 165 LINE SHS DEC - High speed Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. 166 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® High speed - LINE SHS DEC Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 167 PROFILE WHEELS LINE 60 PROFILE WHEELS GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Standard Profiles: A B A20 r10 p. 170 A30 r5 p. 170 A30 r10 p. 171 A30 r15 p. 171 A30 r20 p. 172 A40 r20 p. 172 B20 p. 173 B30 p. 173 M H H20 p. 177 H30 p. 177 TP TP20 p. 185 TP30 p. 185 ZS E20 p. 174 E30 p. 174 O M30 p. 178 V V20 V30 V31,7 V40 V50 V60 F20 p. 175 F30 p. 175 OG O20 p. 178 O30 p. 179 V+Q p. 186 p. 186 p. 187 p. 187 p. 188 p. 188 ZS30 p. 195 Available any other profile on request. 168 F E V+Q30 p. 189 FZ G FZ30 r10 p. 176 G30 p. 176 T Q OG20 p. 179 OG30 p. 180 X+D X+D20 p. 189 X+D30 p. 190 Q20 p. 180 Q30 p. 181 T20 r2,5 p. 181 T30 r5 T20 r5 p. 182 T30 r10 T30 r3 p. 182 T40 r 3,5 T40 r5 YS YS20 3x3 p. 190 YS303x3 p. 191 YS40 3x3 p. 191 p. 183 p. 183 p. 184 p. 184 Z Z30 Z30 ø80 Z40 Z40 ø80 Z50 Z60 p. 192 p. 192 p. 193 p. 193 p. 194 p. 194 LINE 60 PROFILE WHEELS 0 Position Segmented 1 Position Zenith Long-life Patents: 2 Position Zenith 3 Position Bi Power 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life 6 Position Long Life N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 This line is composed of profile wheels with the minimum diameter of 62mm from fast grinding to brilliant polishing thanks to the Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures written on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 0 Segmented wheel It is of primary importance during the grinding step. It is made with helicoidal segments which avoids hammer effect. Thanks to the modern and innovative sinterization process, allows a high speed grinding and long lifespan. Pos 1/2 Zenith The grinding profile wheels keep their shape over their entire lifespan thanks to our innovative technologies. Pos 3 Bi Power This wheel does not loose its shape and allows a perfect profile rectification. Thanks to its work the following polishing wheels will work in ideal conditions, have a longer lifespan and allow the perfect final polishing. Pos 4/5/6 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 35 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter 169 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A20 r10 Code SC60002 SC61002 SC62002 SC63002 SC64002 SC65002 SC66002 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 83 0 62 100 1 62 100 2 62 100 3 62 100 4 62 100 5 62 100 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 36. A30 r5 Code SC60005 SC61005 SC62005 SC63005 SC64005 SC65005 SC66005 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 90 0 62 90 1 62 90 2 62 90 3 62 90 4 62 90 5 62 90 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 170 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r10 Code SC60008 SC61008 SC62008 SC63008 SC64008 SC65008 SC66008 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 100 0 62 100 1 62 100 2 62 100 3 62 100 4 62 100 5 62 100 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 A30 r15 Code SC60009 SC61009 SC62009 SC63009 SC64009 SC65009 SC66009 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 93 0 62 109 1 62 109 2 62 109 3 62 109 4 62 109 5 62 109 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 36. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 171 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r20 Code SC60010 SC61010 SC62010 SC63010 SC64010 SC65010 SC66010 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 103 0 62 115 1 62 115 2 62 115 3 62 115 4 62 115 5 62 115 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 37. A40 r20 Code SC60021 SC61021 SC62021 SC63021 SC64021 SC65021 SC66021 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 103 0 62 115 1 62 115 2 62 115 3 62 115 4 62 115 5 62 115 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 37. > Measures are in mm. 172 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® B20 Code SC60026 SC61026 SC62026 SC63026 SC64026 SC65026 SC66026 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 103 0 62 117 1 62 117 2 62 117 3 62 117 4 62 117 5 62 117 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 38. B30 Code SC60027 SC61027 SC62027 SC63027 SC64027 SC65027 SC66027 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 123 0 62 137 1 62 137 2 62 137 3 62 137 4 62 137 5 62 137 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 39. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 173 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® E20 Code SC60045 SC61045 SC62045 SC63045 SC64045 SC65045 SC66045 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 89 0 62 97 1 62 97 2 62 97 3 62 97 4 62 97 5 62 97 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 39. E30 Code SC60D062 SC61D062 SC62D062 SC63D062 SC64D062 SC65D062 SC66D062 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 91 0 62 93 1 62 93 2 62 93 3 62 93 4 62 93 5 62 93 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 40. > Measures are in mm. 174 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® F20 Code SC60049 SC61049 SC62049 SC63049 SC64049 SC65049 SC66049 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 102 0 62 102 1 62 102 2 62 102 3 62 102 4 62 102 5 62 102 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 40. F30 Code SC60050 SC61050 SC62050 SC63050 SC64050 SC65050 SC66050 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 123 0 62 123 1 62 123 2 62 123 3 62 123 4 62 123 5 62 123 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 41. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 175 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® FZ30 r10 Code SC60074 SC61074 SC62074 SC63074 SC64074 SC65074 SC66074 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 101 0 62 101 1 62 101 2 62 101 3 62 101 4 62 101 5 62 101 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 42. G30 Code SC60054 SC61054 SC62054 SC63054 SC64054 SC65054 SC66054 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 128 0 62 128 1 62 128 2 62 128 3 62 128 4 62 128 5 62 128 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 43. > Measures are in mm. 176 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® H20 Code SC60056 SC61056 SC62056 SC63056 SC64056 SC65056 SC66056 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 93 0 62 93 1 62 93 2 62 93 3 62 93 4 62 93 5 62 93 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 44. H30 Code SC60057 SC61057 SC62057 SC63057 SC64057 SC65057 SC66057 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 115 0 62 115 1 62 115 2 62 115 3 62 115 4 62 115 5 62 115 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 44. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 177 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® M30 Code SC60068 SC61068 SC62068 SC63068 SC64068 SC65068 SC66068 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 83 0 62 99 1 62 99 2 62 99 3 62 99 4 62 99 5 62 99 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 45. O20 Code SC60070 SC61070 SC62070 SC63070 SC64070 SC65070 SC66070 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 98 0 62 98 1 62 98 2 62 98 3 62 98 4 62 98 5 62 98 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 45. > Measures are in mm. 178 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® O30 Code SC60071 SC61071 SC62071 SC63071 SC64071 SC65071 SC66071 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 115 0 62 115 1 62 115 2 62 115 3 62 115 4 62 115 5 62 115 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 46. OG20 Code SC60153 SC61153 SC62153 SC63153 SC64153 SC65153 SC66153 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 95 0 62 100 1 62 100 2 62 100 3 62 100 4 62 100 5 62 100 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 46. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 179 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® OG30 Code SC60154 SC61154 SC62154 SC63154 SC64154 SC65154 SC66154 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 112 0 62 115 1 62 115 2 62 115 3 62 115 4 62 115 5 62 115 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 47. Q20 Code SC60077 SC61077 SC62077 SC63077 SC64077 SC65077 SC66077 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 101 0 62 101 1 62 101 2 62 101 3 62 101 4 62 101 5 62 101 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 47. > Measures are in mm. 180 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® Q30 Code SC60078 SC61078 SC62078 SC63078 SC64078 SC65078 SC66078 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 121 0 62 121 1 62 121 2 62 121 3 62 121 4 62 121 5 62 121 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 48. T20 r2,5 Code SC60114 SC61114 SC62114 SC63114 SC64114 SC65114 SC66114 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 83 0 62 83 1 62 83 2 62 83 3 62 83 4 62 83 5 62 83 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 181 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T20 r5 Code SC60080 SC61080 SC62080 SC63080 SC64080 SC65080 SC66080 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 73 0 62 87 1 62 87 2 62 87 3 62 87 4 62 87 5 62 87 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 T30 r3 Code SC60115 SC61115 SC62115 SC63115 SC64115 SC65115 SC66115 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 84 0 62 84 1 62 84 2 62 84 3 62 84 4 62 84 5 62 84 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 182 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T30 r5 Code SC60082 SC61082 SC62082 SC63082 SC64082 SC65082 SC66082 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 95 0 62 86 1 62 86 2 62 86 3 62 86 4 62 86 5 62 86 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 T30 r10 Code SC60081 SC61081 SC62081 SC63081 SC64081 SC65081 SC66081 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 100 0 62 98 1 62 98 2 62 98 3 62 98 4 62 98 5 62 98 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 183 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T40 r3,5 Code SC60117 SC61117 SC62117 SC63117 SC64117 SC65117 SC66117 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 85 0 62 85 1 62 85 2 62 85 3 62 85 4 62 85 5 62 85 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 T40 r5 Code SC60084 SC61084 SC62084 SC63084 SC64084 SC65084 SC66084 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 100 0 62 88 1 62 88 2 62 88 3 62 88 4 62 88 5 62 88 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 184 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® TP20 Code SC60029 SC61029 SC62029 SC63029 SC64029 SC65029 SC66029 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 99 0 62 110 1 62 110 2 62 110 3 62 110 4 62 110 5 62 110 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 48. TP30 Code SC60030 SC61030 SC62030 SC63030 SC64030 SC65030 SC66030 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 119 0 62 128 1 62 128 2 62 128 3 62 128 4 62 128 5 62 128 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 48. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 185 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® V20 Code SC60087 SC61087 SC62087 SC63087 SC64087 SC65087 SC66087 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 83 0 62 98 1 62 98 2 62 98 3 62 98 4 62 98 5 62 98 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 49. V30 Code SC60088 SC61088 SC62088 SC63088 SC64088 SC65088 SC66088 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 93 0 62 100 1 62 100 2 62 100 3 62 100 4 62 100 5 62 100 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 50. > Measures are in mm. 186 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® V31,7 Code SC60089 SC61089 SC62089 SC63089 SC64089 SC65089 SC66089 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 80 0 62 85 1 62 85 2 62 85 3 62 85 4 62 85 5 62 85 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 50. V40 Code SC60090 SC61090 SC62090 SC63090 SC64090 SC65090 SC66090 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 103 0 62 115 1 62 115 2 62 115 3 62 115 4 62 115 5 62 115 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 51. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 187 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® V50 Code SC60092 SC61092 SC62092 SC63092 SC64092 SC65092 SC66092 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 124 0 62 124 1 62 124 2 62 124 3 62 124 4 62 124 5 62 124 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 51. V60 Code SC60093 SC61093 SC62093 SC63093 SC64093 SC65093 SC66093 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 123 0 62 139 1 62 139 2 62 139 3 62 139 4 62 139 5 62 139 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 52. > Measures are in mm. 188 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® V+Q30 Code SC60103 SC61103 SC62103 SC63103 SC64103 SC65103 SC66103 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 106 0 62 106 1 62 106 2 62 106 3 62 106 4 62 106 5 62 106 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 53. X+D20 Code SC60108 SC61108 SC62108 SC63108 SC64108 SC65108 SC66108 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 95 0 62 103 1 62 103 2 62 103 3 62 103 4 62 103 5 62 103 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 54. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 189 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® X+D30 Code SC60109 SC61109 SC62109 SC63109 SC64109 SC65109 SC66109 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 120 0 62 123 1 62 123 2 62 123 3 62 123 4 62 123 5 62 123 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 - (2000 after Frangistone) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > We advise pre-cut wheel Frangistone. See section pre-cut wheels page. 54. YS20 3x3 Code SC60120 SC61120 SC62120 SC63120 SC64120 SC65120 SC66120 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 75 0 62 75 1 62 75 2 62 75 3 62 75 4 62 75 5 62 75 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 190 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® YS30 3x3 Code SC60121 SC61121 SC62121 SC63121 SC64121 SC65121 SC66121 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 76 0 62 76 1 62 76 2 62 76 3 62 76 4 62 76 5 62 76 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 YS40 3x3 Code SC60124 SC61124 SC62124 SC63124 SC64124 SC65124 SC66124 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 76 0 62 76 1 62 76 2 62 76 3 62 76 4 62 76 5 62 76 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 191 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® Z30 Code SC60034 SC61034 SC62034 SC63034 SC64034 SC65034 SC66034 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 62 0 62 62 1 62 62 2 62 62 3 62 62 4 62 62 5 62 62 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 Z30 Ø80 Code SC60G001 SC61G001 SC62G001 SC63G001 SC64G001 SC65G001 SC66G001 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 80 0 80 80 1 80 80 2 80 80 3 80 80 4 80 80 5 80 80 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75004 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 192 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® Z40 Code SC60035 SC61035 SC62035 SC63035 SC64035 SC65035 SC66035 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 62 0 62 62 1 62 62 2 62 62 3 62 62 4 62 62 5 62 62 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75002 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 Z40 Ø80 Code SC60G002 SC61G002 SC62G002 SC63G002 SC64G002 SC65G002 SC66G002 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 80 80 0 80 80 1 80 80 2 80 80 3 80 80 4 80 80 5 80 80 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75005 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 193 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® Z50 Code SC60036 SC61036 SC62036 SC63036 SC64036 SC65036 SC66036 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 62 0 62 62 1 62 62 2 62 62 3 62 62 4 62 62 5 62 62 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75002 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 Z60 Code SC60037 SC61037 SC62037 SC63037 SC64037 SC65037 SC66037 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 62 0 62 62 1 62 62 2 62 62 3 62 62 4 62 62 5 62 62 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75003 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 194 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® ZS30 Code SC60041 SC61041 SC62041 SC63041 SC64041 SC65041 SC66041 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 62 74 0 62 74 1 62 74 2 62 74 3 62 74 4 62 74 5 62 74 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 Line remover PERFECTOR Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75001 SC75002 SC75003 SC75004 SC75005 SC75006 Ø 62 62 62 90 90 90 H 45 60 90 45 60 90 Rpm 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 195 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® TECHNICAL NOTE In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these passages for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Photo A Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. 196 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 197 LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. 198 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® LINE 60 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 199 PROFILE WHEELS LINE 40 PROFILE WHEELS GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Standard Profiles: A A30 r6 p. 202 A30 r15 p. 202 E T E40 p. 203 ZS ZS30-40 p. 207 Available any other profile on request. 200 T20 r2,5 p. 203 T30 r3 p. 204 T30 r5 p. 204 V V30 p. 205 YS Z YS20 3x3 p. 205 YS30 2x2 p. 206 Z30-40 p. 206 LINE 40 PROFILE WHEELS 0 Position Segmented 1 Position Zenith Long-life Patents: 2 Position Zenith 3 Position Bi Power 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life 6 Position Long Life N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 This line is composed of profile wheels with the minimum diameter of 40mm from fast grinding to brilliant polishing thanks to Marmoelettromeccanica patented technologies. These wheels allow to work on internal concave corners till a minimum radius of 25mm and also on external edges. Thanks to Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures indicated on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 0 Segmented wheel It is of primary importance during the grinding step. It is made with helicoidal segments which avoids hammer effect. Thanks to the modern and innovative sinterization process, allows a high speed grinding and long lifespan. Pos 1/2 Zenith The grinding profile wheels keep their shape over their entire lifespan thanks to our innovative technologies. Pos 3 Bi Power This wheel does not loose its shape and allows a perfect profile rectification. Thanks to its work the following polishing wheels will work in ideal conditions, have a longer lifespan and allow the perfect final polishing. Pos 4/5/6 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 22 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter 201 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r6 Code SC41006 SC42006 SC43006 SC44006 SC45006 SC46006 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 65 1 40 65 2 40 65 3 40 65 4 40 65 5 40 65 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 A30 r15 Code SC40009 SC41009 SC42009 SC43009 SC44009 SC45009 SC46009 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 71 0 40 80 1 40 80 2 40 80 3 40 80 4 40 80 5 40 80 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Measures are in mm. 202 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® E40 Kit essentially studied for eliminating connections inside sinks. Long-Life technology guarantees an exceptional polish. Code SC40226 SC41226 SC42226 SC43226 SC44226 SC45226 SC46226 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 52 0 40 52 1 40 52 2 40 52 3 40 52 4 40 52 5 40 52 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 T20 r2,5 Code SC41114 SC42114 SC43114 SC44114 SC45114 SC46114 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 60 1 40 60 2 40 60 3 40 60 4 40 60 5 40 60 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 203 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T30 r3 Code SC41115 SC42115 SC43115 SC44115 SC45115 SC46115 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 60 1 40 60 2 40 60 3 40 60 4 40 60 5 40 60 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 T30 r5 Code SC41082 SC42082 SC43082 SC44082 SC45082 SC46082 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 65 1 40 65 2 40 65 3 40 65 4 40 65 5 40 65 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 204 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® V30 Code SC40088 SC41088 SC42088 SC43088 SC44088 SC45088 SC46088 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 71 0 40 83 1 40 83 2 40 83 3 40 83 4 40 83 5 40 83 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 YS20 3x3 Code SC41120 SC42120 SC43120 SC44120 SC45120 SC46120 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 50 1 40 50 2 40 50 3 40 50 4 40 50 5 40 50 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 205 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® YS30 2x2 Code SC41122 SC42122 SC43122 SC44122 SC45122 SC46122 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 50 1 40 50 2 40 50 3 40 50 4 40 50 5 40 50 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 Z30-40 Code SC41035 SC42035 SC43035 SC44035 SC45035 SC46035 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 40 1 40 40 2 40 40 3 40 40 4 40 40 5 40 40 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 206 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® ZS30-40 Code SC41042 SC42042 SC43042 SC44042 SC45042 SC46042 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min Ø Max Pos. 40 52 1 40 52 2 40 52 3 40 52 4 40 52 5 40 52 6 Rpm 5000 5000 5000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 Line remover PERFECTOR Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75007 SC75008 Ø 40 40 H 45 60 Rpm 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 207 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® TECHNICAL NOTE In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these passages for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: Photo A . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. 208 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 209 LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. 210 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® LINE 40 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 211 PROFILE WHEELS LINE 20 PROFILE WHEELS GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Standard Profiles: A A30 r3 A30 r3 Pfd A30 r5 A30 r5 Pfd T p. 214 p. 214 p. 215 p. 215 T20 r3 p. 216 T30 r3 p. 216 T30 r5 p. 217 Available any other profile on request. 212 YS YS20 1,5x1,5 YS20 3x3 YS30 2x2 YS30 3x3 YS40 3x3 ZS Z p. 217 p. 218 p. 218 p. 219 p. 219 Z30 p. 220 Z40 p. 220 Z50 p. 221 ZS30 p. 221 ZS30 Pfd p. 222 LINE 20 PROFILE WHEELS 1 Position Zenith 2 Position Zenith 3 Position Bi Power 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life 6 Position Long Life NEW Z30 LINE 10 Minimum diameter 10 mm p. 226 Long-life Patents: N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 This line is composed of profile wheels with the minimum diameter of 20 mm from fast grinding to brilliant polishing thanks to Marmoelettromeccanica patented technologies. These wheels allows to work on internal edge of sink holes till a minimum radius of 10mm. They are made according to the sintered continuous rim technology to grant a longer lifespan. Thanks to Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures indicated on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 1/2 Zenith The grinding profile wheels keep their shape over their entire lifespan thanks to our innovative technologies. Pos 3 Bi Power This wheel does not loose its shape and allows a perfect profile rectification. Thanks to its work the following polishing wheel will work in ideal conditions, have a longer lifespan and allow the perfect final polishing. Pos 4/5/6 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1/2” gas Fitting 213 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r3 Code SC21004 SC22004 SC23004 SC24004 SC25004 SC26004 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 A30 r3 Pfd Code SC21011 SC22011 SC23011 SC24011 SC25011 SC26011 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 214 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® A30 r5 Code SC21112 SC22112 SC23112 SC24112 SC25112 SC26112 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 A30 r5 Pfd Code SC21012 SC22012 SC23012 SC24012 SC25012 SC26012 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 215 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T20 r3 Code SC21114 SC22114 SC23114 SC24114 SC25114 SC26114 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 T30 r3 Code SC21115 SC22115 SC23115 SC24115 SC25115 SC26115 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 216 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® T30 r5 Code SC21082 SC22082 SC23082 SC24082 SC25082 SC26082 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 45 1 45 2 45 3 45 4 45 5 45 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 YS20 1,5x1,5 Code SC21D028 SC22D028 SC23D028 SC24D028 SC25D028 SC26D028 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 30 1 30 2 30 3 30 4 30 5 30 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 217 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® YS20 3x3 Code SC21120 SC22120 SC23120 SC24120 SC25120 SC26120 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 30 1 30 2 30 3 30 4 30 5 30 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 YS30 2x2 Code SC21122 SC22122 SC23122 SC24122 SC25122 SC26122 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 218 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 30 1 30 2 30 3 30 4 30 5 30 5 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® YS30 3x3 Code SC21121 SC22121 SC23121 SC24121 SC25121 SC26121 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 32 1 32 2 32 3 32 4 32 5 32 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 YS40 3x3 Code SC21124 SC22124 SC23124 SC24124 SC25124 SC26124 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 32 1 32 2 32 3 32 4 32 5 32 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 219 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® Z30 Code SC21034 SC22034 SC23034 SC24034 SC25034 SC26034 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 20 1 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 Z40 Code SC21035 SC22035 SC23035 SC24035 SC25035 SC26035 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75010 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. 220 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 20 1 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® Z50 Code SC21036 SC22036 SC23036 SC24036 SC25036 SC26036 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 20 1 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75010 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 ZS30 Code SC21041 SC22041 SC23041 SC24041 SC25041 SC26041 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 32 1 32 2 32 3 32 4 32 5 32 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 221 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® ZS30 Pfd Code SC21043 SC22043 SC23043 SC24043 SC25043 SC26043 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Rpm 6000 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,05 0,05 0,05 Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max Pos. 32 1 32 2 32 3 32 4 32 5 32 6 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 to eliminate lines. To be used between Pos. 5 and Pos. 6 PERFECTOR Line remover Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75009 SC75010 Ø 20 20 H 45 60 Rpm 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 > Measures are in mm. 222 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 ® LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones TECHNICAL NOTES In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these passages for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation; Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; Manually align tool until it is near the edge; At this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue your work; If paint is completely warn off ,settings are correct and work can proceed to the next step; In case paint is not completely removed, increase value indicated on table, proceed with the work and check if paint wears off completely. Repeat these operations for next steps (or levels). . . . . . . . Before mounting wheel, assure that the 1/2 gas attachment and the relative cone are perfectly clean. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Profile Z: after position 4 in this case The Perfector wheel works as position 5, this means that the next step (or passage) will be position 6. . Other Profiles: after position 5 To work on materials that can have “orange skin effect”, we advise to proceed in the following way: Reduce to minimum stock removal of position 4; Increase feed speed to 1500 mm/min; Reduce to minimum stock removal of position 5; Use the Perfector wheel and then use position 6 normally, with any variations to the parameters indicated on table. . . . . Working on the internal edges we recommend to activate feed reduction speed, when piece radius is near to tools radius. Reducing feed speed of the tools, you have a longer tool lifespan. Photo A Feed parameters shown on table are indicative and they depend on following factors: Type of work; Tool profile; Type of machine; Type of finish . . . . . Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 223 LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. 224 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® LINEA 20 Profile wheels for Granite and Engineered Stones WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 225 Z30 Line 10 ® TOOLS FOR WORKING INTERNAL SINK 1 Position Zenith 2 Position Zenith 3 Position Bi Power 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life 6 Position Long Life RADIUS 5 mm The Ideal Solution to obtain best results on works with 5 mm Radius on your CNC Machine. . Thanks to the Long-Life patented technology a perfect shine is guaranteed on marble, granite and engineered stones. COUNTER TOP SINK . A perfectly studied water feed holes for a perfect lubrication. Position 1 Diameter 10mm Position 2-3-4-5-6 Diameter 10mm WATER FEED HOLES WATER FEED HOLES 30 mm COLLET FITTING 1/2” Gas Fitting Diameter 10 mm > Measures are in mm. 226 35 mm www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® Z30 TOOLS FOR WORKING INTERNAL SINK Z30 Line 10 Code SC21255 SC22255 SC23255 SC24255 SC25255 SC26255 Wheel Type Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Diameter 10 10 10 10 10 10 Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 PARAMETERS Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 4500 4500 4500 Feed Rate mm/min 300 300 300 200 200 200 Stock removal mm 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 GENERAL NOTES: . To eliminate lines it is advisable to use Pos.5 with floating system . For a better shine use Pos. 6 twice. ATTENTION: for cutting use finger bits and not Pos.1. In green sections use parameters on table. In red section the feeding parameters will have to be of 50 mm/min. TOOL HOLDER NECESSARY FOR THE SET : N°1 Tool holder collet fitting. N° 5 Tool holder 1/2” Gas fitting. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 227 PROFILE WHEELS PROFILE WHEELS LINE 60 4/5 STEP SYSTEM MARBLE Standard profiles: A B A20 r10 p. 230 A30 r5 p. 230 A30 r10 p. 231 A30 r15 p. 231 A30 r20 p. 232 A40 r20 p. 233 B20 p. 233 B30 p. 234 M H H20 p. 238 H30 p. 239 TP TP20 p. 247 TP30 p. 247 ZS E20 p. 235 E30 p. 235 O M30 p. 239 V F20 p. 236 F30 p. 236 OG O20 p. 240 O30 p. 240 V+Q V20 V30 V40 V50 V60 p. 248 p. 248 p. 249 p. 250 p. 250 ZS30 p. 257 Available any other profile on request. 228 F E V+Q30 p. 251 FZ G FZ30 r10 p. 237 G30 p. 238 T Q OG20 p. 241 OG30 p. 241 X+D X+D20 p. 251 X+D30 p. 252 Q20 p. 242 Q30 p. 242 T20 r2,5 T20 r5 T30 r3 T30 r5 YS YS20 3x3 p. 252 YS303x3 p. 253 YS40 3x3 p. 254 p. 243 T30 r10 p. 245 p. 243 T40 r 3,5 p. 246 p. 244 T40 r5 p. 246 p. 244 Z Z30 Z30 ø80 Z40 Z40 ø80 Z50 Z60 p. 254 p. 255 p. 255 p. 256 p. 256 p. 257 LINE 60 PROFILE WHEELS 4 STEP SYSTEM 5 STEP SYSTEM 1 Position Electroplated Long-life Patents: 2 Position Electroplated 3 Position Long Life 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 This line is composed of profile wheels for Marble with the minimum diameter of 62mm from fast grinding to brilliant polishing. For some profiles it is available a 4 Step System, with only 4 wheels able to get an exceptional polish in very brief times. Thanks to Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures written on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 1/2 Electroplated wheel Electroplated wheels are made following the modern and innovative electroplated process which grants a very good grinding power and a long lifespan. Pos 3/4/5 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 35 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter 229 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® A20 r10 Code SC67002 SC68002 SC64002 SC65002 SC66002 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 100 100 100 100 100 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 90 90 90 90 90 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 A30 r5 Code SC67005 SC68005 SC64005 SC65005 SC66005 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 230 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® A30 r10 Code SC67008 SC68008 SC64008 SC65008 SC66008 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 100 100 100 100 100 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. A30 r15 (4 step) Code Wheel Type SC67009 Electroplated SC62L009 Long Life Polishing 4SSM SC65009 Long Life Polishing SC66009 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 109 109 109 109 Step 1 2 3 4 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,10 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 231 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® A30 r15 Code SC67009 SC68009 SC64009 SC65009 SC66009 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 109 109 109 109 109 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 800 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 115 115 115 115 115 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 800 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 A30 r20 Code SC67010 SC68010 SC64010 SC65010 SC66010 > Measures are in mm. 232 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® A40 r20 Code SC67021 SC68021 SC64021 SC65021 SC66021 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 115 115 115 115 115 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 B20 Code SC67026 SC68026 SC64026 SC65026 SC66026 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 117 117 117 117 117 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 600 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 233 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® B30 (4 step) Code Wheel Type SC67027 Electroplated SC62L027 Long Life Polishing 4SSM SC65027 Long Life Polishing SC66027 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 137 137 137 137 Step 1 2 3 4 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 800 0,10 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 600 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 B30 Code SC67027 SC68027 SC64027 SC65027 SC66027 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 137 137 137 137 137 Step 1 2 3 4 5 > Measures are in mm. 234 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® E20 Code SC67045 SC68045 SC64045 SC65045 SC66045 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 97 97 97 97 97 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 800 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 E30 Code SC67D062 SC68D062 SC64D062 SC65D062 SC66D062 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 93 93 93 93 93 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 800 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 235 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® F20 Code SC67049 SC68049 SC64049 SC65049 SC66049 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 102 102 102 102 102 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 123 123 123 123 123 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 600 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 F30 Code SC67050 SC68050 SC64050 SC65050 SC66050 > Measures are in mm. 236 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® FZ30 (4 step) Code Wheel Type SC67074 Electroplated SC62L074 Long Life Polishing 4SSM SC65074 Long Life Polishing SC66074 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 101 101 101 101 Step 1 2 3 4 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 700 0,10 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 FZ30 Code SC67074 SC68074 SC64074 SC65074 SC66074 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 101 101 101 101 101 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 237 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® G30 Code SC67054 SC68054 SC64054 SC65054 SC66054 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 128 128 128 128 128 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 600 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1000 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 H20 Code SC67056 SC68056 SC64056 SC65056 SC66056 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 93 93 93 93 93 Step 1 2 3 4 5 > Measures are in mm. 238 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® H30 Code SC67057 SC68057 SC64057 SC65057 SC66057 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 115 115 115 115 115 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 800 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 M30 Code SC67068 SC68068 SC64068 SC65068 SC66068 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 99 99 99 99 99 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1000 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 239 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® O20 Code SC67070 SC68070 SC64070 SC65070 SC66070 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 98 98 98 98 98 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 115 115 115 115 115 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 O30 Code SC67071 SC68071 SC64071 SC65071 SC66071 > Measures are in mm. 240 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® OG20 Code SC67153 SC68153 SC64153 SC65153 SC66153 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 100 100 100 100 100 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 OG30 Code SC67154 SC68154 SC64154 SC65154 SC66154 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 115 115 115 115 115 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 241 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® Q20 Code SC67077 SC68077 SC64077 SC65077 SC66077 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 101 101 101 101 101 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 121 121 121 121 121 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 600 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Q30 Code SC67078 SC68078 SC64078 SC65078 SC66078 > Measures are in mm. 242 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® T20 r2,5 Code SC67114 SC68114 SC64114 SC65114 SC66114 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 83 83 83 83 83 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. T20 r5 Code SC67080 SC68080 SC64080 SC65080 SC66080 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 87 87 87 87 87 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 243 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® T30 r3 Code SC67115 SC68115 SC64115 SC65115 SC66115 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 84 84 84 84 84 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. T30 r5 (4 step) Code Wheel Type SC67082 Electroplated SC62L082 Long Life Polishing 4SSM SC65082 Long Life Polishing SC66082 Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 86 86 86 86 Step 1 2 3 4 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,10 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 3 and step 4. > Measures are in mm. 244 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® T30 r5 Code SC67082 SC68082 SC64082 SC65082 SC66082 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 86 86 86 86 86 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. T30 r10 Code SC67081 SC68081 SC64081 SC65081 SC66081 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 98 98 98 98 98 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 245 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® T40 r3,5 Code SC67117 SC68117 SC64117 SC65117 SC66117 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 85 85 85 85 85 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. T40 r5 Code SC67084 SC68084 SC64084 SC65084 SC66084 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 88 88 88 88 88 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 246 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® TP20 Code SC67029 SC68029 SC64029 SC65029 SC66029 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 110 110 110 110 110 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 TP30 Code SC67030 SC68030 SC64030 SC65030 SC66030 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 128 128 128 128 128 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 600 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 247 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® V20 Code SC67087 SC68087 SC64087 SC65087 SC66087 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 98 98 98 98 98 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 800 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 700 0,10 800 0,10 800 0,10 800 V30 (4 step) Code Wheel Type Ø Min SC67088 Electroplated 62 SC62L088 Long Life Polishing 4SSM 62 SC65088 Long Life Polishing 62 SC66088 Long Life Polishing 62 Ø Max 100 100 100 100 Step 1 2 3 4 > Measures are in mm. 248 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® V30 Code SC67088 SC68088 SC64088 SC65088 SC66088 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 100 100 100 100 100 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 V40 Code SC67090 SC68090 SC64090 SC65090 SC66090 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 115 115 115 115 115 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 600 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 249 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® V50 Code SC67092 SC68092 SC64092 SC65092 SC66092 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 124 124 124 124 124 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 600 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 139 139 139 139 139 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 V60 Code SC67093 SC68093 SC64093 SC65093 SC66093 > Measures are in mm. 250 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® V+Q30 Code SC67103 SC68103 SC64103 SC65103 SC66103 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 106 106 106 106 106 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 800 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 X+D20 Code SC67108 SC68108 SC64108 SC65108 SC66108 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 103 103 103 103 103 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 251 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® X+D30 Code SC67109 SC68109 SC64109 SC65109 SC66109 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 123 123 123 123 123 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 700 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 75 75 75 75 75 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 YS20 3x3 Code SC67120 SC68120 SC64120 SC65120 SC66120 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 252 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® YS30 3x3 (4 step) Code Wheel Type Ø Min SC67121 Electroplated 62 SC62L121 Long Life Polishing 4SSM 62 SC65121 Long Life Polishing 62 SC66121 Long Life Polishing 62 Ø Max 76 76 76 76 Step 1 2 3 4 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,10 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 3 and step 4. YS30 3x3 Code SC67121 SC68121 SC64121 SC65121 SC66121 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 76 76 76 76 76 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 253 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® YS40 3x3 Code SC67124 SC68124 SC64124 SC65124 SC66124 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 76 76 76 76 76 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. Z30 Code SC67034 SC68034 SC64034 SC65034 SC66034 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 62 62 62 62 62 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 254 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® Z30 Ø80 Code SC67G001 SC68G001 SC64G001 SC65G001 SC66G001 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 80 80 80 80 80 Ø Max 80 80 80 80 80 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75004 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. Z40 Code SC67035 SC68035 SC64035 SC65035 SC66035 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 62 62 62 62 62 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75002 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 255 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® Z40 Ø80 Code SC67G002 SC68G002 SC64G002 SC65G002 SC66G002 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 80 80 80 80 80 Ø Max 80 80 80 80 80 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75005 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. Z50 Code SC67036 SC68036 SC64036 SC65036 SC66036 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 62 62 62 62 62 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75002 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 256 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® Z60 Code SC67037 SC68037 SC64037 SC65037 SC66037 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 62 62 62 62 62 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75003 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. ZS30 Code SC67041 SC68041 SC64041 SC65041 SC66041 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 62 62 62 62 62 Ø Max 74 74 74 74 74 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2500 2500 2500 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,50 1500 0,20 2000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75001 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 257 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble PERFECTOR ® Line remover Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75001 SC75002 SC75003 SC75004 SC75005 SC75006 Ø 62 62 62 90 90 90 H 45 60 90 45 60 90 Rpm 2500 2500 2500 2000 2000 2000 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 > Measures are in mm. 258 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 700 ® 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble TECHNICAL NOTE In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these passages for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On Vertical profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: Photo A . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 259 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. 260 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 4/5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 60 Profile wheel for Marble WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 261 PROFILE WHEELS PROFILE WHEELS LINE 40 5 STEP SYSTEM MARBLE Standard profiles: A A30 r6 p. 264 A30 r15 p. 264 E T E40 p. 265 ZS ZS30-40 p. 269 Available any other profile on request. 262 T20 r2,5 p. 265 T30 r3 p. 266 T30 r5 p. 266 V V30 p. 267 YS YS20 3x3 p. 267 YS30 2x2 p. 268 Z Z30-40 p. 268 LINE 40 PROFILE WHEELS 5 STEP SYSTEM 1 Position Electroplated Long-life Patents: 2 Position Electroplated 3 Position Long Life 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 This line is composed of profile wheels for Marble with the minimum diameter of 40 mm from fast grinding to brilliant polishing thanks to Marmoelettromeccanica patented technologies. These wheels allow to work on internal concave corners till a minimum radius of 25 mm and also on external edges. Thanks to Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures written on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 1/2 Electroplated wheel Electroplated wheels are made following the modern and innovative electroplated process which grants a very good grinding power and a long lifespan. Pos 3/4/5 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 22 mm For other bore dimensions see Adaptors chapter 263 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® A30 r6 Code SC47006 SC48006 SC44006 SC45006 SC46006 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 65 65 65 65 65 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. A30 r15 Code SC47009 SC48009 SC44009 SC45009 SC46009 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 80 80 80 80 80 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 800 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Measures are in mm. 264 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® E40 Kit essentially studied for eliminating connections inside sinks. Long-Life technology guarantees an exceptional polish. Code SC47226 SC48226 SC44226 SC45226 SC46226 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 52 52 52 52 52 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 900 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 T20 r2,5 Code SC47114 SC48114 SC44114 SC45114 SC46114 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 60 60 60 60 60 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 265 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® T30 r3 Code SC47115 SC48115 SC44115 SC45115 SC46115 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 60 60 60 60 60 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. T30 r5 Code SC47082 SC48082 SC44082 SC45082 SC46082 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 65 65 65 65 65 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 266 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® V30 Code SC47088 SC48088 SC44088 SC45088 SC46088 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 83 83 83 83 83 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 600 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 YS20 3x3 Code SC47120 SC48120 SC44120 SC45120 SC46120 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 50 50 50 50 50 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 267 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® YS30 2x2 Code SC47122 SC48122 SC44122 SC45122 SC46122 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 50 50 50 50 50 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. Z30-40 Code SC47035 SC48035 SC44035 SC45035 SC46035 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 40 40 40 40 40 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 268 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® ZS30-40 Code SC47042 SC48042 SC44042 SC45042 SC46042 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 40 40 40 40 40 Ø Max 52 52 52 52 52 Rpm 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Stock removal mm Feed Rate mm/min 0,30 1000 0,20 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 0,10 1000 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75007 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. Line remover PERFECTOR Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75007 SC75008 Ø 40 40 H 45 60 Rpm 2700 2500 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 269 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® TECHNICAL NOTE In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these passages for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Photo A Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. 270 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 271 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble ® WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. 272 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 40 Profile wheel for Marble > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 273 PROFILE WHEELS PROFILE WHEELS LINE 20 5 STEP SYSTEM MARBLE Standard profiles for full set of wheels from grinding to polishing: A YS T A30 r3 A30 r3 Pfd A30 r5 A30 r5 Pfd p. 276 p. 276 p. 277 p. 277 YS20 1,5x1,5 YS20 3x3 YS30 2x2 YS30 3x3 YS40 3x3 T20 r3 p. 268 T30 r3 p. 268 T30 r5 p. 269 ZS Z p. 279 p. 280 p. 280 p. 281 p. 281 Z30 p. 282 Z40 p. 282 Z50 p. 283 ZS30 p. 283 ZS30 Pfd p. 284 Standard profiles only for Pos. 1 and Pos. 2 for grinding : B A A20 r10 p. 285 A30 r15 p. 285 O E B20 p. 285 B30 p. 285 B40 p. 286 V O20 O30 p. 288 p. 288 V20 p. 288 V30 p. 288 V40 p. 289 Available any other profile on request. 274 F E30 p. 286 L H F20 p. 286 F30 p. 286 H20 p. 287 H30 p. 287 L20 p. 287 L30 p. 287 LINE 20 PROFILE WHEELS 5 STEP SYSTEM 1 Position Electroplated 2 Position Electroplated 3 Position Long Life 4 Position Long Life 5 STEP SYSTEM SET from grinding to polishing Long-life Patents: 5 Position Long Life 1-2 Position Electroplated Ideal for grinding only N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 This line is composed of profile wheels for Marble with the minimum diameter of 20 mm from fast grinding to brilliant polishing thanks to Marmoelettromeccanica patented technologies. These wheels allows to work on internal edge of sink holes till a minimum radius of 10 mm. They are made according to the sintered continuous rim technology to grant a longer lifespan. Thanks to Z axis alignment of the complete wheel set, to the measures written on each wheel and to our working parameters, your CNC machine set up has never been so easy. Pos 1/2 Electroplated wheel Electroplated wheels are made following the modern and innovative electroplated process which grants a very good grinding power and a long lifespan. Pos 3/4/5 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels. They have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1/2” gas Fitting 275 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® A30 r3 Code SC27004 SC28004 SC24004 SC25004 SC26004 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 40 40 40 40 40 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. A30 r3 Pfd Code SC27011 SC28011 SC24011 SC25011 SC26011 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 40 40 40 40 40 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 276 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® A30 r5 Code SC27112 SC28112 SC24112 SC25112 SC26112 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 40 40 40 40 40 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. A30 r5 Pfd Code SC27012 SC28012 SC24012 SC25012 SC26012 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 40 40 40 40 40 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 277 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® T20 r3 Code SC27114 SC28114 SC24114 SC25114 SC26114 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 40 40 40 40 40 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. T30 r3 Code SC27115 SC28115 SC24115 SC25115 SC26115 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 40 40 40 40 40 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 278 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® T30 r5 Code SC27082 SC28082 SC24082 SC25082 SC26082 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 45 45 45 45 45 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. YS20 1,5x1,5 Code SC27D028 SC28D028 SC24D028 SC25D028 SC26D028 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 30 30 30 30 30 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 279 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® YS20 3x3 Code SC27120 SC28120 SC24120 SC25120 SC26120 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 30 30 30 30 30 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. YS30 2x2 Code SC27122 SC28122 SC24122 SC25122 SC26122 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 30 30 30 30 30 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 280 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® YS30 3x3 Code SC27121 SC28121 SC24121 SC25121 SC26121 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 32 32 32 32 32 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. YS40 3x3 Code SC27124 SC28124 SC24124 SC25124 SC26124 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 32 32 32 32 32 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 281 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® Z30 Code SC27034 SC28034 SC24034 SC25034 SC26034 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 20 20 20 20 20 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. Z40 Code SC27035 SC28035 SC24035 SC25035 SC26035 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 20 20 20 20 20 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75010 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. 282 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® Z50 Code SC27036 SC28036 SC24036 SC25036 SC26036 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 20 20 20 20 20 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75010 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. ZS30 Code SC27041 SC28041 SC24041 SC25041 SC26041 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 32 32 32 32 32 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 283 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® ZS30 Pfd Code SC27043 SC28043 SC24043 SC25043 SC26043 Wheel Type Electroplated Electroplated Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Ø Min 20 20 20 20 20 Ø Max 32 32 32 32 32 Rpm 6000 6000 2700 2700 2700 Step 1 2 3 4 5 Stock removal mm 0,30 0,20 0,05 0,05 0,05 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 700 700 700 > Optional the Perfector wheel SC75009 for eliminating lines. Used between step 4 and step 5. PERFECTOR Line remover Studied to eliminate lines on straight edges polished with profile wheels Code SC75009 SC75010 Ø 20 20 H 45 60 Rpm 2500 2500 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 > Measures are in mm. 284 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 700 700 POS. 1 e POS. 2 LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® A20 r10 Code SC27002 SC28002 Pos. 1 2 A30 r15 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 40 40 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 ÷ 2000 1000 ÷ 2000 Code SC27009 SC28009 Pos. 1 2 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 50 50 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Step 1 2 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 ÷ 2000 1000 ÷ 2000 B20 Code SC27026 SC28026 Pos. 1 2 Grit 40/50 100/120 B30 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 60 60 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 800 ÷ 1500 800 ÷ 1500 Code SC27027 SC28027 Pos. 1 2 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 80 80 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Step 1 2 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 ÷ 2000 1000 ÷ 2000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 285 POS. 1 e POS. 2 LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® B40 Code SC27150 SC28150 Pos. 1 2 E30 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 100 100 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 800 ÷ 1500 800 ÷ 1500 Code SC27046 SC28046 Pos. 1 2 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 40 40 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Step 1 2 Feed Rate mm/min 800 ÷ 1500 800 ÷ 1500 F20 Code SC27049 SC28049 Pos. 1 2 F30 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 50 50 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 700 ÷ 1500 700 ÷ 1500 Code SC27050 SC28050 Pos. 1 2 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 60 60 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 > Measures are in mm. 286 Grit 40/50 100/120 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Step 1 2 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 600 ÷ 1500 600 ÷ 1500 POS. 1 e POS. 2 LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® H20 Code SC27056 SC28056 Pos. 1 2 H30 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 50 50 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 800 ÷ 1500 800 ÷ 1500 Code SC27057 SC28057 Pos. 1 2 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 60 60 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Step 1 2 Feed Rate mm/min 700 ÷ 1500 700 ÷ 1500 L20 Code SC27064 SC28064 Pos. 1 2 Grit 40/50 100/120 L30 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 40 40 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 ÷ 2000 1000 ÷ 2000 Code SC27065 SC28065 Pos. 1 2 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 50 50 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Step 1 2 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 ÷ 2000 1000 ÷ 2000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 287 POS. 1 e POS. 2 LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® O20 Code SC27070 SC28070 Pos. 1 2 O30 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 50 50 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 700 ÷ 1500 700 ÷ 1500 Code SC27071 SC28071 Pos. 1 2 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 60 60 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Step 1 2 Feed Rate mm/min 600 ÷ 1500 1000 ÷ 2000 V20 Code SC27087 SC28087 Pos. 1 2 V30 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 55 55 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 1000 ÷ 2000 1000 ÷ 2000 Code SC27088 SC28088 Pos. 1 2 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 60 60 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 > Measures are in mm. 288 Grit 40/50 100/120 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Step 1 2 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 800 ÷ 1500 800 ÷ 1500 ® POS. 1 e POS. 2 LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble V40 Code SC27090 SC28090 Pos. 1 2 H30 Ø Min 20 20 Rpm 5000 5000 Ø Max 70 70 Step 1 2 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Grit 40/50 100/120 Feed Rate mm/min 600 ÷ 1500 600 ÷ 1500 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 289 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® TECHNICAL NOTE In order to have the best results in terms of quality and longer lifespan tools, we recommend to follow the following notes. All the diameters written are purely indicative. For a correct setting of the tools use the centennial number located on top of the Tool (figure A). Diamond wheel settings: Align tools near edge of the slab you are working on, like figure 1A-2A for closed profiles and figure 1B-2B for open profiles; Set on machine incremental value indicated on table ; Proceed with your work; Repeat these passages for following steps . . . . . Polishing wheel settings: . Assure that machine works without dynamic compensation. . Spray with paint 2-3 cm the edge of board you are working on; . Manually align tool Until it is near the edge, at this point set incremental value indicated on table, and continue Working; . If paint is worn away, It means that everything went well and can proceed to the next level. . In case paint is not fully warn off, increase the incremental value using the quote reported on table proceed by checking that all the paint is completely removed; . Repeat operation for the following steps. The complete set of tools is aligned on the Z axis relative to the quote set on the machine, that must not be changed between one position to the next. On straight edge profiles we suggest to use the Perfector wheel that has to be used as follows: . Z Profiles: after position 4 . Other profiles: after position 5 Reducing feed speed increases the result and lasting of the tools. It is not advisable to use tools mounted on one another (example: 2 wheels mounted on the same cone). In this case pay particular attention at the Z settings, overlapping causes alignment loss. Feed rate parameters reported on table are purely indicative, depending on the following factors: . Type of material; . Tool Profile; . Machine Type ; . Finishing Type. Photo A Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. 290 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® SETTING OF THE TOOLS BEFORE PROFILING In closed profiles center Z axis first (drawing 1A) and then X axis (drawing 2A). 1A 2A In open profiles center X axis first (drawing 1B) and then Z axis (drawing 2B). 1B 2B HOW TO USE THE PERFECTOR WHEEL For the pass of the Position 5 Perfector wheel, set floating program on your CNC machine along the Z axis. Progress must be constant, the Z-axis must oscillate of 0.50 mm each 0.50 mm on his path along the X axis, as shown in the diagram below. Our technical department is at your disposal for any information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 291 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble ® WORKING PARAMETER SCHEME I: Stock removal A: Feed Rate Feeding parameters as shown on table Feeding parameters halved in reference of the ones shown on table Intermediate feeding parameters, reduced by 30% less than the ones shown on table. > Measures are in mm. 292 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® 5 STEP SYSTEM LINE 20 Profile wheel for Marble > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 293 DRAIN BOARD TOOLS MARBLE | GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Drain board Tools Use: MATERIAL 294 MARBLE GRANITE ENGINEERED STONES Sintered ü ü ü Electroplated ü 45° Set ü ü 60 ° Set ü ü 45° Set – 5 Steps ü 60 ° Set – 5 Steps ü DRAIN BOARD TOOLS These pages are about Milling tools for the realisation of drain board and slab calibration. It is available the complete set of tools for countertop working from milling drain board wheels to 45° or 60° angled wheels. The complete sets of wheels for the realisation of 45° or 60° angled drain board are entirely developed working alongside the leading CNC machine manufacturers. These drain board wheels allows a perfect and fast result without lines or waves. 295 TOOLS FOR KITCHEN DRAINBOARD Kit for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones DRAINBOARD WHEELS Ø 50 ® Sintered . Marble and Granite . Height(H) 25mm . 12 Segments . Bore 14mm Code SC03001 SC03002 Wheel Type Granite Marble Rpm 5500 5500 DRAINBOARD WHEELS Ø50 Stock removal mm 5,00 0,10 Feed Rate mm/min 300 1500 Electroplated . Marble . Grit 35/40 . Bore 14mm Code SC03050 SC03038 SC03070 H 20 25 30 Rpm 6500 6500 6500 DRAINBOARD WHEELS Ø87 - Ø91 Stock removal mm 0,10 0,10 0,10 Feed Rate mm/min 1500 1500 1500 Sintered - Standard Flange fitting . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . Also indicated for slab calibration . 20 Segments . Bore 50mm Code SC03007 SC03008 SC03066 SC03010 Material Marble Granite Engineered Stones Granite Ø 87 87 87 91 H 20 20 20 30 Rpm 5500 5500 5500 5500 Stock removal mm 5,00 0,10 0,10 0,10 > Measures are in mm. 296 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 500 1500 1500 1500 TOOLS FOR KITCHEN DRAINBOARD Kit for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® MOLE DA R ISintered - Bavelloni Flange fitting DRAINBOARD WHEELS Ø87 - Ø91 . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . Also indicated for slab calibration . 20 Segmented . Bore 50mm Code SC03011 SC03012 SC03067 SC03014 Material Marble Granite Engineered Stones Granite Ø 87 87 87 91 H 20 20 20 30 Rpm 5500 5500 5500 5500 ISintered reinforced - Standard Flange fitting Stock removal mm 5,00 0,10 0,10 0,10 Feed Rate mm/min 500 1500 1500 1500 DRAINBOARD WHEELS Ø87 . Granite . With reinforced segments that guarantee maximum lifespan also on flat surfaces . Also indicated for slab calibration . 20 Segments + 6 Reinforced segments . Bore 50mm Code SC03076 Material Granite H 20 Rpm 5500 MELECTROPLATED - Standard Flange fitting Stock removal mm 5,00 Feed Rate mm/min 500 DRAINBOARD WHEELS Ø87 . Marble . Also indicated for slab calibration . Grit 35/40 . Bore 50mm Code SC03015 H 20 Rpm 6000 Stock removal mm 5,00 Feed Rate mm/min 500 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 297 TOOLS FOR KITCHEN DRAINBOARD Kit for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones DRAINBOARD WHEELS Ø 87 ® ELECTROPLATED - Flange fitting Bavelloni . Marble . Also indicated for slab calibration . Grit 35/40 . Bore 50mm Code SC03016 H 20 Rpm 6000 Stock removal mm 5,00 > Measures are in mm. 298 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 500 TOOLS FOR KITCHEN DRAINBOARD Kit for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® SET OF 45° FOR GRANITE . Complete set for drainboard polishing Code SC03008 SC03024 SC03025 SC03046 SC03048 SC03054 SC03055 SC03056 SC03057 SC03058 SC03059 SC03060 Wheel Type Drainboard segment Segmented wheel 45° Segmented wheel 45° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 45° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 45° Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Inclination Flat 45° 45° 45° 45° Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Grit 40/50 50/60 240/270 600 1500 100 200 500 1000 2000 3000 LUX Ø 87 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fitting ** 1/2"gas 1/2"gas ** ** Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic ** Adaptors needed for mounting. See Adaptors section a pag. 335 SET OF 45° FOR ENGINEERED STONES . Complete set for drainboard polishing Code SC03008 SC03024 SC03025 SC03046 SC03048 SC03061 SC03062 SC03063 SC03064 SC03065 Wheel Type Drainboard segment Segmented wheel 45° Segmented wheel 45° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 45° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 45° Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inclination Flat 45° 45° 45° 45° Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Grit 40/50 50/60 240/270 600 1500 200 500 1000 2000 3000 Ø 87 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fitting ** 1/2"gas 1/2"gas ** ** Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic ** Adaptors needed for mounting. See Adaptors section a pag. 335 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 299 TOOLS FOR KITCHEN DRAINBOARD Kit for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® SET OF 60° FOR GRANITE . Complete set for drainboard polishing Code SC03008 SC03031 SC03032 SC03051 SC03053 SC03054 SC03055 SC03056 SC03057 SC03058 SC03059 SC03060 Wheel Type Drainboard segment Segmented wheel 60° Segmented wheel 60° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 60° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 60° Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Inclination Flat 60° 60° 60° 60° Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Grit 40/50 50/60 240/270 600 1500 100 200 500 1000 2000 3000 LUX Ø 87 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fitting ** 1/2"gas 1/2"gas ** ** Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic ** Adaptors needed for mounting. See Adaptors section a pag. 335 SET OF 60° FOR ENGINEERED STONES . Complete set for drainboard polishing Code SC03008 SC03031 SC03032 SC03051 SC03053 SC03061 SC03062 SC03063 SC03064 SC03065 Wheel Type Drainboard segment Segmented wheel 60° Segmented wheel 60° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 60° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 60° Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Flat polishing Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inclination Flat 60° 60° 60° 60° Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Grit 40/50 50/60 240/270 600 1500 200 500 1000 2000 3000 ** Adaptors needed for mounting. See Adaptors section a pag. 335 > Measures are in mm. 300 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Ø 87 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fitting ** 1/2"gas 1/2"gas ** ** Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic TOOLS FOR KITCHEN DRAINBOARD Kit for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® KIT 45° FOR GRANITE 5 STEP . Kit 5 Step System for drainboard polishing . Exceptional shine thanks to Long-Life technology Code SC03024 SC03025 SC03100 SC03101 SC03102 Wheel Type Segmented wheel 45° Segmented wheel 45° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 45° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 45° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 45° Step 1 2 3 4 5 Inclination 45° 45° 45° 45° 45° Ø 100 100 100 100 100 Fitting 1/2"gasa 1/2"gasb Bore Ø35 Bore Ø35 Bore Ø35 a Also available with bore Ø35 SC03106 b Also available with bore Ø35 SC03107 KIT 60° FOR GRANITE 5 STEP . Kit 5 Step System for drainboard polishing . Exceptional shine thanks to Long-Life technology Code SC03031 SC03032 SC03103 SC03104 SC03105 Wheel Type Segmented wheel 60° Segmented wheel 60° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 60° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 60° LONG-LIFE polishing wheel 60° Step 1 2 3 4 5 Inclination 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° Ø 100 100 100 100 100 Fitting 1/2"gasc 1/2"gasd Bore Ø35 Bore Ø35 Bore Ø35 c Also available with bore Ø35 SC03108 d Also available with bore Ø35 SC03109 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 301 TOOLS FOR KITCHEN DRAINBOARD Kit for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® TECHNICAL NOTE HOW TO START WORKING PROCESS Digging mill descend on(ramp XZ) or YZ Never directly land on the Z axis and dig on the axis XY WORKING DIRECTIONS it is necessary to work in the directions under indicated: With first digging mill use this direction. With next (second) digging mill use this direction. INCREASING OF DIGGING PASSAGE: use a pass that is at least 1,6 times the radius to optimize discharge The traced line indicates the discharge area of feed tools. TOOL ADVANCE: Use an increase from 20-40 mm. Keeping notice of the material consistency, increasement will have to be minor and working time will increase. > Measures are in mm. 302 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 TOOLS FOR KITCHEN DRAINBOARD Kit for Marble, Granite and Engineered stones ® Polishing positions will have to be used with: first step with 130 mm diameter and second step with 135 mm diameter. In the following table are indicated polishing generic parameters Code Grit N° of passes on Granite N° of passes on Engineered Stones Kg Rpm Feed Rate mm/min Note SC03024 SC03025 SC03046 SC03048 - 50/60 240/270 600 1500 100 200 500 1000 2000 3000 Buffer Lux 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 40 48 48 50 50 50 60 5000 5000 2500-3000 2500/3000 1400-1800 1400-1800 1400-1800 1400-1800 1400-1800 1400-1800 1400-1800 400 700 600 700-900 3000-5000 3000-5000 3000-5000 3000-5000 3000-5000 3000-5000 3000-5000 use little water Reducing feed speed of the tools, you will increase the results and obtain a longer tool lifespan. Feed parameters shown on table are indicative and they depend on following factors: Type of work ; Tool profile ; Type of machine; Type of finish . . . . . Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 303 GROOVING TOOLS MARBLE | GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Grooving Tools Use: MATERIAL MARBLE GRANITE ENGINEERED STONES Sintered ü ü ü Electroplated ü Blades ü ü ü Drainage Grooving Tools Electroplated ü ü ü Drainage Grooving Tools Sintered 304 GROOVING TOOLS Available is a complete set of tools for the realisation of flutes (grooving) on counter and kitchen tops. They are both sintered and electroplated to meet all customers needs. All tools are made following the modern and innovative sintered and electroplated process. Thanks to their excellent shaping power and long lifespan, they allow the best price/quality ratio. 305 TOOLS FOR GROOVING TOOLS Profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones Ø 15 r 7,5 ® Sintered . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC04005 SC04006 SC04007 Ø 12 r 6 Pos. 1 2 3 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 6000-6500 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 400-600 Sintered . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC04001 SC04002 SC04003 Ø 15 r 10 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 6000-6500 Pos. 1 2 3 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 400-600 Sintered . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC04014 SC04015 SC04016 SC04017 SC04018 SC04019 Tool Type Sintered Sintered Sintered LONG-LIFE polishing LONG-LIFE polishing LONG-LIFE polishing Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 6000-6500 2200-2500 2200-2500 2200-2500 > Measures are in mm. 306 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 400-600 400-600 400-600 400-600 TOOLS FOR GROOVING TOOLS ® Profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones Sintered Ø 20 r 10 . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC04026 SC04027 SC04028 Pos. 1 2 3 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 6000-6500 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 400-600 Sintered Ø 25 r 12,5 . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC04029 SC04030 SC04031 Pos. 1 2 3 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 6000-6500 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 400-600 Sintered Ø 30 r 15 . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC04032 SC04033 SC04034 Pos. 1 2 3 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 6000-6500 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 400-600 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 307 TOOLS FOR GROOVING TOOLS Profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones GROOVING TOOLS ® ELECTROPLATED . Marble . Grit 30/40 . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC04009 SC04010 Ø 30 50 R 15 25 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 H 30 40 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 BLADES Ø 140 . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . Used on machine with 90° device . Bore Ø 35mm Code SC04011 SC04012 SC04013 Tool Type ZENITH BI-POWER LONG-LIFE Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 6000-6500 Pos. 1 2 3 DRAINAGE GROOVING TOOOLS Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 400-600 Electroplated . Marble . To be used below the slab . Grit 30/40 . Height (H) 15mm . Shank Diameter 10mm . Working area (L.U.) 70mm . Collet fitting Code SC04050 SC04051 Ø 5 7 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 > Measures are in mm. 308 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 TOOLS FOR GROOVING TOOLS Profile wheels for Marble Granite and Engineered Stones ® DRAINAGE GROOVING TOOOLS Sintered . Granite and Engineered Stones . To be used below the slab . Height (H) 15mm . Shank Diameter 10mm . Working area (L.U.) 70mm . Collet Fitting Code SC04052 SC04053 Ø 5 7 Rpm 6000-6500 6000-6500 Feed Rate mm/min 150-300 400-600 TECHNICAL NOTE . To obtain the best result using 15 diameter wheel with a 10 radius for the realization of polished drainboard it is advisable to incline machine axis of 4° . Always work towards the Z axis (from down to up) with 2° inclinations. . Reducing feed speed of the tools, you have a longer tool lifespan. . Feed parameters shown on table are indicative and they depend on following factors: Type of work, Tool profile, Type of machine and Type of finish. Our technical office is at your complete disposal for any further information. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 309 TOOLS FOR BLOCK PIECES WORKING GRINDING POLISHING AGEING Use of Tools For block pieces working: MATERIAL MARBLE GRANITE Vacuum Brazed ü ü Electroplated ü ü Segmented 310 ENGINEERED STONES Polishing ü ü ü Ageing ü ü ü TOOLS FOR BLOCK PIECES WORKING Grinding Long-life Patents: LONG LIFE Polishing Ageing N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 Available is a wide range tools for block pieces grinding, polishing and ageing. They are sintered, electroplated and vacuum brazed for grinding, Bi-Power/Long-Life for polishing and silicon carbide-made brushes for ageing. All tools are made following the modern and innovative production systems. Thanks to their excellent cutting power and long lifespan, they allow the best price/quality ratio. 311 TOOLS FOR BLOCK PIECES WORKING ® VACUUM BRAZEDDi . Soft Granite and hard marble . Diameter (Ø) 85 mm . Height(H) 60 mm . Radius (R) 25 mm . Bore 35mm Code SC05001 SC05002 Grit 35/40 100/120 Pos. 1 2 Rpm 4500 4500 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Feed Rate mm/min 600 4000 ELECTROPLATED . Marble . Diameter (Ø) 85 mm . Height(H) 60 mm . Radius (R) 25 mm . Bore 35mm Code SC05003 SC05004 Grit 30/40 100/120 Pos. 1 2 Rpm 4500 4500 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 Feed Rate mm/min 600 4000 SINTERED SEGMENT . Granite and Engineered Stones . Diameter (Ø) 85 mm . Height(H) 60 mm . Radius (R) 25 mm . Bore 35 mm Code SC05005 SC05006 Pos. 1 2 Rpm 4500 4500 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 > Measures are in mm. 312 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 600 4000 TOOLS FOR BLOCK PIECES WORKING ® POLISHING LINE . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . Diameter (Ø) 85 mm . Height(H) 60 mm . Radius (R) 25 mm . Bore 35mm Code SC03040 SC03041 SC03042 SC03043 Tool Type BI-POWER LONG LIFE LONG LIFE LONG LIFE Pos. 3 4 5 6 Rpm 4500 4500 4500 4500 Stock removal mm 0,40 0,20 0,20 0,20 Feed Rate mm/min 600 4000 4000 4000 AGEING LINE . Marble and Granite . High quality Silicon Carbide wire that doesn’t absorb water . Exceptional finish . Diameter (Ø) 85 mm . Height(H) 60 mm . Radius (R) 25 mm . Bore 35 mm Code ST03074 ST03075 ST03076 ST03077 ST03157 ST03158 Grit 46 80 120 240 320 500 Rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Stock removal mm 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 Feed Rate mm/min 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 313 TOOLS FOR TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS TOOLS FOR TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS Standard Profiles: Z Z80 Ø60 Z100 Ø80 Z130 Ø100 Z160 Ø100 Z200 Ø100 Z240 Ø80 314 TOOLS FOR TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS 0 Position Segmented 1 Position Zenith Long-life Patents: 2 Position Zenith 3 Position Bi Power 4 Position Long Life 5 Position Long Life 6 Position Long Life N° 10/716110 N° RM 2000 A 000445 Line of tools made to work thick straight edges. This solution is entirely developed for tombstones and monuments. CNC machine has to have oscillating system in order to use these set of wheels. Pos 0 Segmented wheel It is of primary importance during the grinding step. It is made with helicoidal segments which avoids hammer effect. Thanks to the modern and innovative sinterization process, allows a high speed grinding and long lifespan. Pos 1/2 Zenith The grinding profile wheels keep their shape over their entire lifespan thanks to our innovative technologies. Pos 3 Bi Power This wheel does not loose its shape and allows a perfect profile rectification. Thanks to its work the following polishing wheels will work in ideal conditions, have a longer lifespan and allow the perfect final polishing. Pos 4/5/6 Long Life The innovative polishing patented technology from Marmoelettromeccanica used on polishing Long-life wheels, have high quality diamond printed on an elastic core. This unique technology allows lots of advantages: very long lifespan, halved working times, total absences of lines, exceptional polish with unbeatable results on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Standard Bore 35 mm 315 TOOLS FOR TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS Z80 Ø60 ® For block pieces working up to 4 cm . Complete set for working on edges of great thickness. . Exceptional degree of gloss thanks to Long-Life technology. . Diameter (Ø) 60 mm . Height (H) 80 mm . Bore 35 mm Code SC60039 SC61039 SC62039 SC63039 SC64039 SC65039 SC66039 SC66L039 Z100 Ø80 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi Power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Pos. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rpm 800 800 800 800 2500 2500 2500 2500 Feed Rate mm/min 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 For block pieces working up to 6 cm . Complete set for working on edges of great thickness. . Exceptional degree of gloss thanks to Long-Life technology. . Diameter (Ø) 80 mm . Height (H) 100 mm . Bore 35 mm Code SC60G007 SC61G007 SC62G007 SC63G007 SC64G007 SC65G007 SC66G007 SC66LG007 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi Power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Pos. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rpm 800 800 800 800 2500 2500 2500 2500 Feed Rate mm/min 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 > Measures are in mm. 316 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® TOOLS FOR TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS AA For block pieces working up to 9 cm Z130 Ø100 . Complete set for working on edges of great thickness. . Exceptional degree of gloss thanks to Long-Life technology. . Diameter (Ø) 100 mm . Height (H) 130 mm . Bore 35 mm Code SC60D022 SC61D022 SC62D022 SC63D022 SC64D022 SC65D022 SC66D022 SC66LD022 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi Power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Pos. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rpm 800 800 800 800 2000 2000 2000 2000 Feed Rate mm/min 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 For block pieces working up to 12 cm Z160 Ø100 . Complete set for working on edges of great thickness. . Exceptional degree of gloss thanks to Long-Life technology. . Diameter (Ø) 100 mm . Height (H) 160 mm . Bore 35 mm Code SC60G050 SC61G050 SC62G050 SC63G050 SC64G050 SC65G050 SC66G050 SC66LG050 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi Power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Pos. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rpm 800 800 800 800 2000 2000 2000 2000 Feed Rate mm/min 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 317 TOOLS FOR TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS Z200 Ø100 ® For block pieces working up to 16 cm . Complete set for working on edges of great thickness. . Exceptional degree of gloss thanks to Long-Life technology. . Diameter (Ø) 100 mm . Height (H) 200 mm . Bore 35 mm Code SC60G051 SC61G051 SC62G051 SC63G051 SC64G051 SC65G051 SC66G051 SC66LG051 Z240 Ø100 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi Power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Pos. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rpm 800 800 800 800 2000 2000 2000 2000 Feed Rate mm/min 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 For block pieces working up to 20 cm . Complete set for working on edges of great thickness. . Exceptional degree of gloss thanks to Long-Life technology. . Diameter (Ø) 100 mm . Height (H) 240 mm . Bore 35 mm Code SC60G052 SC61G052 SC62G052 SC63G052 SC64G052 SC65G052 SC66G052 SC66LG052 Wheel Type Segmented Sintered Zenith Sintered Zenith Sintered Bi Power Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Long Life Polishing Pos. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rpm 800 800 800 800 2000 2000 2000 2000 Feed Rate mm/min 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 > Measures are in mm. 318 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® TOOLS FOR TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS TECHNICAL NOTE . Use floating system . . The parameters settings of floating system varies based on the software of each machine. For a correct setting contact us at N° +39 0761 5051 or send us an e-mail info@marmoelettro.com. Our office is at your complete disposal for any further questions. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 319 ENGRAVING TOOLS ENGRAVING TOOLS Engraving Tools Use: MATERIAL 320 MARBLE GRANITE ENGINEERED STONES Double Widia Cutting Edge ü ü ü Single Widia Cutting Edge ü ü ü Tungsten Single Edge ü ü ü Electroplated Bit ü ENGRAVING TOOLS Available is a wide range of tools for engraving marble, granite and engineered stones. They are available in hard metals as Widia and Tungsten Carbide, and electroplated for marble engravings. 321 ENGRAVING TOOLS ® DOUBLE WIDIA CUTTING EDGE . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . Internal water feed . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SW01005 SW01006 SW01007 Tip 3x30 5x30 8x30 Rpm 2500-3500 2500-3500 2500-3500 Stock removal mm 15-20 15-20 15-20 Feed Rate mm/min 100-150 100-150 100-150 SINGLE WIDIA CUTTING EDGE . Marble, Granite and Engineered Stones . Straight shaft Ø 10 mm . Collet Fitting Code SW01001 SW01009 SW01010 SW01008 SW01002 SW01003 SW01004 Inclination 30° 30° surface 1 30° surface 3 30° surface 5 60° 90° Flat Rpm Stock removal mm 2500-3500 15-20 2500-3500 15-20 2500-3500 15-20 2500-3500 15-20 2500-3500 15-20 2500-3500 15-20 2500-3500 15-20 > Measures are in mm. 322 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Feed Rate mm/min 100-150 100-150 100-150 100-150 100-150 100-150 100-150 ENGRAVING TOOLS ® HARD METAL CUTTING EDGE . Hard Marble . Tungsten carbide cutting edge . For precise cutting . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SW01013 SW01014 SW01015 Ø Tip 10 5 5 Ø Shaft 20 12 12 Height 40 30 50 Rpm 2500-3500 2500-3500 2500-3500 Stock removal mm 15-20 15-20 15-20 Feed Rate mm/min 100-150 100-150 100-150 ELECTROPLATED CUTTER FOR SCULPTURE . Marble . Grit 30/40 . Internal water feed . 1/2” Gas fitting Code SC06001 SC06004 SC06005 SC06002 SC06006 Ø Head 25 - 30 20 - 25 25 / r12,5 10 - 15 30 Flat H Head 15 15 12 15 15 L.U. 60 60 55 50 55 Rpm 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 Stock removal mm 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 Feed Rate mm/min 300-2000 300-2000 300-2000 300-2000 300-2000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 323 ENGRAVING TOOLS ® INTERCHANGEABLE HEAD ELECTROPLATED . Marble . Internal water feed . M14 fitting Code SC06003 SC06007 SC06008 SC06009 SC06010 Ø Min 25 20 10 30 Ø Max 30 25 25 / r12,5 15 30 > Measures are in mm. 324 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 H Head 15 15 12 15 15 ® ENGRAVING TOOLS > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 325 CUTTING BLADES AND LATHE TOOLS MARBLE | GRANITE | ENGINEERED STONES Use of cutting blades and lathe tools: MATERIAL GRANITE ENGINEERED STONES Linear Cut ü ü Curved Cut ü ü Segmented Lathe Wheel ü ü MARBLE Electroplated Lathe Wheel 326 ü CUTTING BLADES AND LATHE TOOLS Available are cutting blades to be used on 90 degree-device or 5 axis CNC machines and lathe tools both electroplated and sintered for marble and granite lathing. All tools are made following the modern and innovative production systems. Thanks to their excellent cutting power and long lifespan, they allow the best price/quality ratio. 327 CUTTING BLADES ® BLADES FOR LINEAR/RECTLINEAR CUTS . Granite and engineered stones. . Optimal compromise between cutting power and durability Available for all CNC Machines . Code SCN01001 SCN01002 SCN01003 SCN01004 SCN01005 SCN01006 SCN01007 SCN01008 SCN01009 SCN01010 SCN01011 Machine BAVELLONI BREMBANA BRETON BRETON BRETON BRETON BRETON DENVER / THIBAUT INTERMAC PARK INDUSTRIES RAVELLI TEOREMA Diameter 150 210 260 350 Ø 210 210 210 260 350 260 350 200 150 150 210 Bore 22,2 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 22 25 28 N° Segmented 14 14 14 17 25 17 25 14 12 12 14 Rpm 3000 ÷ 3500 2400 ÷ 2900 2000 ÷ 2300 1500 ÷ 1800 S 3 2,8 2,8 2,8 3,2 2,8 3,2 2,8 4 4 2,8 H 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 Material Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Engineered Stones Engineered Stones Granite Granite Granite Granite Feed Rate mm/min 500-700 700-1000 700-1000 800-1200 BLADES FOR CURVED CUTS . Granite . Optimal compromise between cutting power and durability . Thickness (S) 5 mm . Height (H) 7 mm Code SCN02001 SCN02002 SCN02003 SCN02004 Machine BAVELLONI BREMBANA BRETON / OMAG DENVER / THIBAUT/ VEM Ø 155 190 190 190 Bore 22 50 32 50 V° 15° 30° 30° 30° Parameters for Blades for Breton, Thibaut, Omag Diameter 190 Rpm 3200 Feed Rate mm/min 500-600 Parameters for Blades for Brembana Diameter 190 Rpm 3200 Feed Rate mm/min 2000-2500 Rpm 3200 Feed Rate mm/min 250-300 Parameters for Blades for Bavelloni Diameter 155 > Measures are in mm. 328 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 CUTTING BLADES ® LATHE SAW WHEELS - Segmented . Marble and Granite . Optimal compromise between cutting power and durability . Specific bond for Lathe . Bore 50mm . Thickness (S) 10 mm . Height (H) 10 mm Code SCN03001 SCN03002 SCN03003 SCN03004 SCN03005 SCN03006 Ø 350 350 400 400 500 500 Material Granite Marble Granite Marble Granite Marble LATHE SAW WHEELS - Electroplated . Marble . Optimal compromise between cutting power and durability . Bore 50mm . Thickness (S) 10 mm . Height (H) 10 mm Code SCN04001 SCN04002 SCN04003 SCN04004 SCN04005 SCN04006 SCN04007 SCN04008 SCN04009 SCN04010 SCN04011 SCN04012 SCN04013 SCN04014 Ø 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 550 550 600 600 Grit D602 - 30/40 D427 - 40/50 D602 - 30/40 D427 - 40/50 D602 - 30/40 D427 - 40/50 D602 - 30/40 D427 - 40/50 D602 - 30/40 D427 - 40/50 D602 - 30/40 D427 - 40/50 D602 - 30/40 D427 - 40/50 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 329 AGEING TOOLS AGEING TOOLS Standard profiles: A F B A30 B30 Available any other profile on request. 330 V F30 Z V30 V40 Z30 AGEING TOOLS FOR EDGE AGEING A wide range of tools for ageing any profile on marble, granite and engineered stones. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Marble, Granite and engineered stones High quality Carbide silicon that doesn’t absorb water Surprising result on any profile Standard Bore 35mm 331 AGEING TOOLS ® Profile A30 Code ST61009 ST62009 ST63009 ST64009 Grit 46 60 80 120 Rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 Stock removal mm 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 Feed Rate mm/min 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 Profile B30 Code ST61027 ST62027 ST63027 ST64027 Grit 46 60 80 120 Rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 Stock removal mm 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 Feed Rate mm/min 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 Stock removal mm 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 Feed Rate mm/min 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 Profile F30 Code ST61050 ST62050 ST63050 ST64050 Grit 46 60 80 120 Rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 > Measures are in mm. 332 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 AGEING TOOLS ® Profile V30 Code ST61088 ST62088 ST63088 ST64088 Grit 46 60 80 120 Rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 Stock removal mm 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 Feed Rate mm/min 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 Profile V40 Code ST61090 ST62090 ST63090 ST64090 Grit 46 60 80 120 Rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 Stock removal mm 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 Feed Rate mm/min 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 Profile Z30 Code ST61034 ST62034 ST63034 ST64034 Grit 46 60 80 120 Rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 Stock removal mm 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 5÷6 Feed Rate mm/min 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 500÷1000 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 333 ADAPTORS Adaptors For all Cnc Wheels It is available a wide range of CNC tool ADAPTORS for fitting easily our tools on all CNC machines in order to meet all customers’ needs. All tool adaptors are in stainless steel or in niploy steel. They grant a perfect resistance and the best price/quality ratio. 334 ADAPTORS Tool Holders Drill Point Holders Collet Holders Adaptors for Line 40 Wheels Drill Point ½ gas Holders M30 Adaptors Flange Adaptors ½ gas Holders in stainless steel Bore 35mm Holders in stainless steel Bushings with blind holes for Bavelloni Magnetic Adaptors Bushings for reducing wheel’s bore 335 ADAPTORS ® TOOL HOLDERS . Realized in stainless steel with niploy treatment. . The cone is equipped with tail piece specific for any typology of machine, spacers, washers and tools locking screws. Code SA01001 SA01007 SA01002 SA01003 SA01004 SA01005 SA01006 SA01182 SA01010 SA01237 SA01008 SA01009 SA01011 Cone type ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 HSK80B ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO50 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 Ø 22 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 30 45 35 L 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 148 148 47 Machine Bavelloni Bimatech Brembana NEW Brembana OLD Breton Breton Intermac Northwood Omag Omag Ravelli Ravelli Vem/Thibaut/Helios/Park Ind. TOOL HOLDERS Flange fitting . Realized in stainless steel with niploy treatment. . The cone is equipped with 3 tools locking screws. Code SA01230 SA01233 SA01177 SA01231 SA01207 SA01232 SA01042 SA01236 SA01170 SA01235 SA01234 SA01044 Cone type ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 HSK80B ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO50 ISO40 ISO40 Machine Bavelloni Bimatech Brembana NEW Brembana OLD Breton Breton Intermac Northwood Omag Omag Ravelli Vem/Thibaut/Helios/Park Ind. > Measures are in mm. 336 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ADAPTORS ® DRILL POINT HOLDERS . Realized in stainless steel with niploy treatment. Code SA01012 SA01239 SA01018 SA01244 SA01013 SA01240 SA01014 SA01241 SA01015 SA01016 SA01242 SA01218 SA01017 SA01243 SA01183 SA01248 SA01020 SA01238 SA01246 SA01247 SA01019 SA01245 SA01021 SA01180 Cone type ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 HSK80B ISO40 HSK80B ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO50 ISO40 ISO50 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 Ø 50 50 50 50 35 35 50 67 50 67 50 50 50 50 54 54 50 50 L 50 50 50 50 47 47 50 44 50 44 50 50 50 50 51,6 51,6 50 50 Fitting Type 1/2" Gas M30 1/2" Gas M30 1/2" Gas M30 1/2" Gas M30 1/2" Gas 1/2" Gas M30 M30 1/2" Gas M30 1/2" Gas M30 1/2" Gas 1/2" Gas M30 M30 1/2" Gas M30 1/2" Gas M30 Machine Bavelloni Bavelloni Bimatech Bimatech Brembana NEW Brembana NEW Brembana OLD Brembana OLD Breton Breton Breton Breton Intermac Intermac Northwood Northwood Omag Omag Omag Omag Ravelli Ravelli Vem/Thibaut/Helios/Park Ind. Vem/Thibaut/Helios/Park Ind. > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 337 ADAPTORS ® CONES . Realized in stainless steel with niploy treatment. . The cone is equipped with bush ferrule for collet locking. Code SA01249 SA01250 SA01260 SA01261 SA01186 SA01251 SA01252 SA01253 SA01254 SA01255 SA01256 SA01257 SA01258 SA01259 SA01268 SA01269 SA01264 SA01265 SA01262 SA01263 SA01266 SA01267 Cone type ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 HSK80B HSK80B ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO50 ISO50 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 ISO40 Ø 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 L 72,5 72,5 52,5 56,25 53,4 57,15 42,5 46,5 53,4 57,4 94 94 52,5 56,25 72,5 56,25 72,5 76,25 60 70 72,5 76,25 Collet type ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 ER32 ER40 Machine Bavelloni Bavelloni Bimatech Bimatech Brembana NEW Brembana NEW Brembana OLD Brembana OLD Breton Breton Breton Breton Intermac Intermac Northwood Northwood Omag Omag Ravelli Ravelli Vem/Thibaut/Helios/Park Ind. Vem/Thibaut/Helios/Park Ind. On request available is any type of collet. WHEEL ADAPTOR LINE 40 . Realized in stainless steel. . The adaptor is equipped with 2 spacers and tool locking nut Code SA01022 SA01040 SA01041 Fitting Type 1/2” Gas For wheel heights from 28 to 41 1/2” Gas For wheel heights from 42 to 54 1/2” Gas For wheel heights from 55 to 70 Ø 22 22 22 > Measures are in mm. 338 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 L 33 47 60 ADAPTORS ® 1/2” Gas FITTING For interchangeable heads . Made in stainless Code SA01023 SA01024 SA01025 SA01026 SA01027 SA01028 SA01029 SA01030 SA01031 SA01032 SA01300 SA01301 SA01302 SA01303 SA01310 SA01311 SA01312 SA01313 SA01314 SA01315 L.U. 55 90 120 150 200 55 90 120 150 200 55 90 120 150 200 55 90 120 150 200 Screw-fitting M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M12 M14 M14 M14 M14 M14 1/2 gas 1/2 gas 1/2 gas 1/2 gas 1/2 gas Ø 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 For lathe tools M30 Fitting . Realized in stainless steel. . The adaptor is equipped with washers and tool locking screw . Upper thread M30 . Wheel shaft . Wheel shaft L 47 Code SA01033 SA01034 SA01316 L.U. 70 140 200 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 339 ADAPTORS ® FLANGE FITTING . Realized in stainless steel. . Adaptor with washer and locking screw. . Top end: Flange fitting . Wheel shaft Ø35 . Wheel shaft L.U. 47 Code SA01035 SA01036 SA01214 L.U. 70 140 200 1/2” GAS FITTING For drainboard wheel Ø 50 . Realized in stainless steel. . Adaptor comes with washer and locking screw. Code SA01037 SA01159 SA01160 SA01161 SA01162 L.U. 10 50 100 150 200 1/2” GAS FITTING For drainboard wheel Ø 87 - Ø91 . Realized in stainless steel. . Adaptor with locking screw. Code SA01038 L.U. 16 > Measures are in mm. 340 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ADAPTORS ® BORE FITTING For drainboard wheel Ø87 - Ø91 . Realized in stainless steel. . Adaptor with washer and locking screw. Code SA01039 For flat polishing wheel L.U. 16 MAGNETIC FITTING . Realized in stainless steel. . Adaptor with locking screw. Code SA01061 ADAPTOR TYPE 1/2” gas Fitting with Magnetic base L.U. 16 BUSHINGS . Made in Alluminium. Code ADAPTOR TYPE Bushing with blind holes for bavelloni SA01154 See lists on following pages Bushings for reducing wheel’s bore > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 341 ADAPTORS ® BUSHING FOR LINE 60/LINE 60 4-5 STEP SYSTEM Profile A20 r10 A30 r3 A30 Rr5 A30 r6 A30 r8 A30 r10 A30 r15 A30 r20 A40 r20 B20 B30 r25 B30 E20 E30 E40 F20 F30 F+V40 FZ30 r10 FZ40 r10 G30 H20 H30 M30 O20 O30 OG20 OG30 Open Pre-cutting Closed Pre-cutting Q20 Q30 T20 r2,5 T20 r3 T20 r5 T30 r3 T30 r5 T30 r8 T30 r10 T40 r3 T40 r3,5 T40 r5 TP20 TP30 V20 V30 V31,7 V40 V50 V60 V+Q30 X+D20 X+D30 YS20 1,5x1,5 YS20 3x3 YS30 2x2 YS30 3x3 YS40 3x3 Z30 Z40 Z50 Z60 ZS30 ZS40 H Bushing 41,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 61,5 37,5 53,5 53,5 41,5 53,5 53,5 37,5 45,5 57,5 45,5 45,5 49,5 33,5 41,5 53,5 37,5 41,5 45,5 53,5 45,5 57,5 33,5 45,5 45,5 45,5 41,5 57,5 65,5 57,5 65,5 65,5 65,5 65,5 37,5 49,5 41,5 49,5 61,5 61,5 81,5 91,5 49,5 45,5 65,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 49,5 61,5 33,5 45,5 53,5 65,5 45,5 57,5 Bore Ø 20 Code SA01082 SA01110 SA01110 SA01110 SA01110 SA01110 SA01110 SA01110 SA01130 SA01074 SA01110 SA01110 SA01082 SA01110 SA01110 SA01074 SA01086 SA01118 SA01086 SA01086 SA01102 SA01066 SA01082 SA01110 SA01074 SA01082 SA01086 SA01110 SA01086 SA01118 SA01066 SA01086 SA01086 SA01086 SA01082 SA01118 SA01142 SA01118 SA01142 SA01142 SA01142 SA01142 SA01074 SA01102 SA01082 SA01102 SA01130 SA01130 SA01316 SA01150 SA01102 SA01086 SA01142 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01102 SA01130 SA01066 SA01086 SA01110 SA01142 SA01086 SA01118 Bore Ø 22 Code SA01083 SA01111 SA01111 SA01111 SA01111 SA01111 SA01111 SA01111 SA01131 SA01075 SA01111 SA01111 SA01083 SA01111 SA01111 SA01075 SA01087 SA01119 SA01087 SA01087 SA01103 SA01067 SA01083 SA01111 SA01075 SA01083 SA01087 SA01111 SA01087 SA01119 SA01067 SA01087 SA01087 SA01087 SA01083 SA01119 SA01143 SA01119 SA01143 SA01143 SA01143 SA01143 SA01075 SA01103 SA01083 SA01103 SA01131 SA01131 SA01215 SA01151 SA01103 SA01087 SA01143 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01103 SA01131 SA01067 SA01087 SA01111 SA01143 SA01087 SA01119 > Measures are in mm. 342 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Bore Ø 25 Code SA01084 SA01112 SA01112 SA01112 SA01112 SA01112 SA01112 SA01112 SA01132 SA01076 SA01112 SA01112 SA01084 SA01112 SA01112 SA01076 SA01088 SA01120 SA01088 SA01088 SA01104 SA01068 SA01084 SA01112 SA01076 SA01084 SA01088 SA01112 SA01088 SA01120 SA01068 SA01088 SA01088 SA01088 SA01084 SA01120 SA01144 SA01120 SA01144 SA01144 SA01144 SA01144 SA01076 SA01104 SA01084 SA01104 SA01132 SA01132 SA01317 SA01152 SA01104 SA01088 SA01144 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01104 SA01132 SA01068 SA01088 SA01112 SA01144 SA01088 SA01120 Bore Ø 30 Code SA01085 SA01113 SA01113 SA01113 SA01113 SA01113 SA01113 SA01113 SA01133 SA01077 SA01113 SA01113 SA01085 SA01113 SA01113 SA01077 SA01089 SA01121 SA01089 SA01089 SA01105 SA01069 SA01085 SA01113 SA01077 SA01085 SA01089 SA01113 SA01089 SA01121 SA01069 SA01089 SA01089 SA01089 SA01085 SA01121 SA01145 SA01121 SA01145 SA01145 SA01145 SA01145 SA01077 SA01105 SA01085 SA01105 SA01133 SA01133 SA01318 SA01153 SA01105 SA01089 SA01145 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01105 SA01133 SA01069 SA01089 SA01113 SA01145 SA01089 SA01121 ADAPTORS ® BUSHING FOR LINE SHS/LINEA 5 STEP SYSTEM SHS Profile A20 r10 A30 r3 A30 r6 A30 r8 A30 r15 A40 r20 B20 B30 r25 E40 F20 F30 F+V40 FV30 FZ30 r10 FZ40 r10 H20 H30 O30 OG30 T20 r3 T30 r3 T30 r5 T30 r8 T40 r3 TP30 V20 V30 V40 V45°-30 V45°-40 V GROOV 20 A V GROOV 20 B V GROOV 30 A V GROOV 30 B YS20 1,5x1,5 YS30 2x2 YS40 3x3 Z30 Z40 ZS40 H Bushing 41,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 49,5 61,5 41,5 49,5 61,5 31,5 41,5 61,5 37,5 41,5 49,5 31,5 41,5 41,5 49,5 41,5 49,5 49,5 49,5 61,5 49,5 41,5 49,5 61,5 31,5 41,5 33,5 33,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 49,5 61,5 41,5 49,5 49,5 Bore Ø 20 Code SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01102 SA01130 SA01082 SA01102 SA01130 SA01106 SA01082 SA01130 SA01074 SA01082 SA01102 SA01106 SA01082 SA01082 SA01102 SA01082 SA01102 SA01102 SA01102 SA01130 SA01102 SA01082 SA01102 SA01030 SA01106 SA01082 SA01066 SA01066 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01102 SA01130 SA01082 SA01102 SA01102 Bore Ø 22 Code SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01103 SA01131 SA01083 SA01103 SA01131 SA01107 SA01083 SA01131 SA01075 SA01083 SA01103 SA01107 SA01083 SA01083 SA01103 SA01083 SA01103 SA01103 SA01103 SA01131 SA01103 SA01083 SA01103 SA01031 SA01107 SA01083 SA01067 SA01067 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01103 SA01131 SA01083 SA01103 SA01103 Bore Ø 25 Code SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01104 SA01132 SA01084 SA01104 SA01132 SA01108 SA01084 SA01132 SA01076 SA01084 SA01104 SA01108 SA01084 SA01084 SA01104 SA01084 SA01104 SA01104 SA01104 SA01132 SA01104 SA01084 SA01104 SA01032 SA01108 SA01084 SA01068 SA01068 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01104 SA01132 SA01084 SA01104 SA01104 Bore Ø 30 Code SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01105 SA01133 SA01085 SA01105 SA01133 SA01109 SA01085 SA01133 SA01077 SA01085 SA01105 SA01109 SA01085 SA01085 SA01105 SA01085 SA01105 SA01105 SA01105 SA01133 SA01105 SA01085 SA01105 SA01033 SA01109 SA01085 SA01069 SA01069 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01105 SA01133 SA01085 SA01105 SA01105 BUSHING FOR LINE SHS DEC Profile A20 r10 A30 r3 A30 r6 A30 r8 A30 r15 A40 r20 B20 B30 r25 B+B30 E40 F20 F30 H20 H30 O30 P+F30 r10 P+F40 r10 H Bushing 41,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 49,5 61,5 41,5 49,5 49,5 61,5 31,5 41,5 31,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 49,5 Bore Ø 20 Code SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01102 SA01130 SA01082 SA01102 SA01102 SA01130 SA01106 SA01082 SA01106 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01102 Bore Ø 22 Code SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01103 SA01131 SA01083 SA01103 SA01103 SA01131 SA01107 SA01083 SA01107 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01103 Bore Ø 25 Code SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01104 SA01132 SA01084 SA01104 SA01104 SA01132 SA01108 SA01084 SA01108 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01104 Bore Ø 30 Code SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01105 SA01133 SA01085 SA01105 SA01105 SA01133 SA01109 SA01085 SA01109 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01105 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 343 ADAPTORS ® BUSHING FOR LINE HIGH LIFE H1 - H2 - H3 - H4 Brand Identification Profile H Bushing Bore Ø 20 Code Bore Ø 22 Code Bore Ø 25 Code Bore Ø 30 Code ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI ADI DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT DIAMUT H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 1A1 80x35 1A1 80x45 A30r15 A40r20 AR30 3x3 B30 F+V30 F+Z30 FS30 T30r3 T30r10 V30 ZR30r5 ZS40 A20 r10 A30 r15 A40 r20 B20 B30 D30 E30 F20 F30 G30 H20 H30 O30 Q30 T20 r3 T30 r3 T40 r3 TP30 TRAP20 TRAP30 TRAP40 V20 V30 V40 Z30 Z50 33,5 41,5 45,5 53,5 41,5 41,5 33,5 37,5 45,5 49,5 49,5 53,5 41,5 53,5 26,5 41,5 61,5 37,5 53,5 65,5 53,5 37,5 45,5 41,5 33,5 41,5 41,5 45,5 45,5 57,5 65,5 49,5 31,5 49,5 61,5 31,5 41,5 61,5 33,5 53,5 SA01066 SA01082 SA01086 SA01110 SA01082 SA01082 SA01066 SA01074 SA01086 SA01102 SA01102 SA01110 SA01082 SA01110 SA01219 SA01082 SA01130 SA01074 SA01110 SA01142 SA01110 SA01074 SA01086 SA01082 SA01066 SA01082 SA01082 SA01086 SA01086 SA01118 SA01142 SA01102 SA01106 SA01102 SA01130 SA01106 SA01082 SA01130 SA01066 SA01110 SA01067 SA01083 SA01087 SA01111 SA01083 SA01083 SA01067 SA01075 SA01087 SA01103 SA01103 SA01111 SA01083 SA01111 SA01216 SA01083 SA01131 SA01075 SA01111 SA01143 SA01111 SA01075 SA01087 SA01083 SA01067 SA01083 SA01083 SA01087 SA01087 SA01119 SA01143 SA01103 SA01107 SA01103 SA01131 SA01107 SA01083 SA01131 SA01067 SA01111 SA01068 SA01084 SA01088 SA01112 SA01084 SA01084 SA01068 SA01076 SA01088 SA01104 SA01104 SA01112 SA01084 SA01112 SA01304 SA01084 SA01132 SA01076 SA01112 SA01144 SA01112 SA01076 SA01088 SA01084 SA01068 SA01084 SA01084 SA01088 SA01088 SA01120 SA01144 SA01104 SA01108 SA01104 SA01132 SA01108 SA01084 SA01132 SA01068 SA01112 SA01069 SA01085 SA01089 SA01113 SA01085 SA01085 SA01069 SA01077 SA01089 SA01105 SA01105 SA01113 SA01085 SA01113 SA01305 SA01085 SA01133 SA01077 SA01113 SA01145 SA01113 SA01077 SA01089 SA01085 SA01069 SA01085 SA01085 SA01089 SA01089 SA01121 SA01145 SA01105 SA01109 SA01105 SA01133 SA01109 SA01085 SA01133 SA01069 SA01113 > Measures are in mm. 344 www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ADAPTORS ® Brand Identification Profile H Bushing Bore Ø 20 Code Bore Ø 22 Code Bore Ø 25 Code Bore Ø 30 Code NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI NICOLAI Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 4-30 (2.5x2.5) 4-40 (2.5x2.5) A20 R10 A30 R3 A30 R5 A30 R6 A30 R10 A30 R15 A30 R20 A40 R20 B20 B30 D30 E20 E30 E40 F20 F20+10 F20+20 F30 OG30 T20 R3 T30 R3 T30 R5 T40 R2 T40 R5 V20 V30 V40 45,5 53,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 53,5 41,5 41,5 45,5 41,5 41,5 49,5 41,5 41,5 49,5 41,5 41,5 41,5 45,5 45,5 57,5 53,5 41,5 45,5 53,5 49,5 41,5 41,5 53,5 49,5 53,5 33,5 37,5 37,5 37,5 37,5 49,5 33,5 41,5 45,5 45,5 33,5 33,5 53,5 33,5 37,5 33,5 41,5 33,5 33,5 41,5 49,5 45,5 49,5 49,5 57,5 33,5 41,5 45,5 77,5 37,5 45,5 33,5 53,5 SA01086 SA01110 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01110 SA01082 SA01082 SA01086 SA01082 SA01082 SA01102 SA01082 SA01082 SA01102 SA01082 SA01082 SA01082 SA01086 SA01086 SA01118 SA01110 SA01082 SA01086 SA01110 SA01102 SA01082 SA01082 SA01110 SA01102 SA01110 SA01066 SA01074 SA01074 SA01074 SA01074 SA01102 SA01066 SA01082 SA01086 SA01086 SA01066 SA01066 SA01110 SA01066 SA01074 SA01066 SA01082 SA01066 SA01066 SA01082 SA01102 SA01086 SA01102 SA01102 SA01118 SA01066 SA01082 SA01086 SA01306 SA01074 SA01086 SA01066 SA01110 SA01087 SA01111 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01111 SA01083 SA01083 SA01087 SA01083 SA01083 SA01103 SA01083 SA01083 SA01103 SA01083 SA01083 SA01083 SA01087 SA01087 SA01119 SA01111 SA01083 SA01087 SA01111 SA01103 SA01083 SA01083 SA01111 SA01103 SA01111 SA01067 SA01075 SA01075 SA01075 SA01075 SA01103 SA01067 SA01083 SA01087 SA01087 SA01067 SA01067 SA01111 SA01067 SA01075 SA01067 SA01083 SA01067 SA01067 SA01083 SA01103 SA01087 SA01103 SA01103 SA01119 SA01067 SA01083 SA01087 SA01307 SA01075 SA01087 SA01067 SA01111 SA01088 SA01112 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01112 SA01084 SA01084 SA01088 SA01084 SA01084 SA01104 SA01084 SA01084 SA01104 SA01084 SA01084 SA01084 SA01088 SA01088 SA01120 SA01112 SA01084 SA01088 SA01112 SA01104 SA01084 SA01084 SA01112 SA01104 SA01112 SA01068 SA01076 SA01076 SA01076 SA01076 SA01104 SA01068 SA01084 SA01088 SA01088 SA01068 SA01068 SA01112 SA01068 SA01076 SA01068 SA01084 SA01068 SA01068 SA01084 SA01104 SA01088 SA01104 SA01104 SA01120 SA01068 SA01084 SA01088 SA01308 SA01076 SA01088 SA01068 SA01112 SA01089 SA01113 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01113 SA01085 SA01085 SA01089 SA01085 SA01085 SA01105 SA01085 SA01085 SA01105 SA01085 SA01085 SA01085 SA01089 SA01089 SA01121 SA01113 SA01085 SA01089 SA01113 SA01105 SA01085 SA01085 SA01113 SA01105 SA01113 SA01069 SA01077 SA01077 SA01077 SA01077 SA01105 SA01069 SA01085 SA01089 SA01089 SA01069 SA01069 SA01113 SA01069 SA01077 SA01069 SA01085 SA01069 SA01069 SA01085 SA01105 SA01089 SA01105 SA01105 SA01121 SA01069 SA01085 SA01089 SA01309 SA01077 SA01089 SA01069 SA01113 V+F30 r12.45+r7.55 Z H35 Z H45 Z H55 ZS30 12x12 ZS40 10x10 A20 r6 A30r15 A30r3 A30r6 A30r8 A40r20 B20 B30r25 B30r3 ES40 F20 F30 FGS40 FS30 FS30r3 OG20 OG30 T20r3 T20r5 T30r3 T30r5 T30r6 T30r8 T40r3 T40r8 TP30 V30 V40 V60 X20 X30 Z30 Z50 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 345 ADAPTORS ® Brand Identification Profile H Bushing Bore Ø 20 Code Bore Ø 22 Code Bore Ø 25 Code Bore Ø 30 Code Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit Vincent Tyrolit 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We recommend a daily cleaning of cones using a simple clean cloth, without using any solvent. . Weekly cleaning of cones using an oily composite product (gasoline). . Pre-grease tail piece weekly. MOUNTING SCHEME FOR BAVELLONI BUSHING WITH BLIND HOLES . The bushing with blind holes SA01154 must be used with Bavelloni cones with centering pins. This bushing fits between the diamond tool and cone. Here below is figured mounting scheme of diamond tools. 1 BAVELLONI CONE 2 WASHER 3 WHEEL 1 1 2 3 2 3 > Measures are in mm. www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 347 NOTES 348 ® www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 NOTES 349 NOTES 350 ® www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 ® www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 NOTES 351 NOTES 352 ® www.marmoelettro.com | info@marmoelettro.it | Tel. +39 0761 50.51 | Fax. +39 0761 50.83.88 Terms & Conditions of Sale All orders are accepted by MEM according to the Terms and Conditions of Sale set out below: 1. General All orders for products and services in the MEM catalogue are accepted by Marmoelettromeccanica srl Limited (‘MEM’) subject to these terms and conditions of sale. No other terms will apply to the supply of products and services by MEM unless agreed in writing by an authorised signatory of MEM or differently expressly stated in the following terms and conditions of sale. All descriptions of the products and services included in the MEM catalogue or otherwise communicated to the Customer are only approximately and shall not form any part of the contract between MEM and the Customer. MEM shall not be liable to the Customer for any errors or omissions contains in its catalogue. The advertising of products and services in the MEM catalogue is not considered as an offer capable of acceptance, it merely constitutes an invitation from MEM to the Customer to make an offer in order to purchase products and services. These terms and conditions do not apply to export transactions, to which separate terms and conditions of sale will be applied. MEM is a business-to-business supplier. The foregoing, nothing in these terms and conditions of sale shall affect the statutory rights of a Customer who deals as a consume. 2. Prices The prices of the products and services are as set out in the MEM catalogue that is current at the date of despatch of the ordered products or the date of provision of the ordered services. All prices are excluding VAT, which MEM will add at the rate applicable at the date of order despatch. MEM reserves the right to change prices without prior notice at any time. 3. Ordering Customer’s order will be considered as contract proposal, as the catalogue merely has a informative aim and constitutes an invitation to make an offer in order to purchase products and services. MEM can accept orders through their direct prosecution, without sending a previous formal order acceptation. 4. Delivery MEM will aim to deliver products to the most favourable transport terms and costs or in accordance with the Customer’s indications. 5. Inspection, Delivery Delays and Non-Delivery The Customer must inspect the products as soon as is reasonably possible after delivery and shall, within 8 (eight) days of the date of delivery give notice to MEM in detail of any defect in the product that is apparent on reasonable examination; or of any other claim. If the Customer fails to give any such notice, the products shall be conclusively presumed to be, in all respects, in accordance with the order and free from apparent defects, and the Customer shall be deemed to have accepted the products accordingly. MEM shall not be liable for any losses, consequential or otherwise, or for costs (including legal costs), expenses, liabilities, injuries, loss of profits, business or economic loss, depletion of goodwill, damages, claims, demands, proceedings, judgments or otherwise arising from third party (forwarder and similar). 6. Risk and Ownership Ownership of the products shall pass to the Customer when MEM accepts the Customer’s order. Damage risk of the products shall pass to the Customer from the date of delivery or from the due delivery date postponed because of customer’s responsibility. If the Customer is late in paying any sum to MEM, then MEM shall be entitled to the immediate return of all products where the ownership has not passed to the Customer. The Customer authorises MEM and its agents to recover the products, and to enter any premises of the Customer for that purpose. Demand for or recovery of the products by MEM shall not of itself discharge either the Customer’s liability to pay the whole of the price and take delivery of the products or MEM’s right to sue for the whole of the price. 7. Warranty For products purchased from MEM: MEM warrants that if any product is defective, it will replace or repair the product. The Customer has to give to MEM detailed information about the defective product by 6 (six) months from shipping date, or accordingly the terms communicated by MEM time by time. The Customer must return or dispose of the products, or make them available for collection by MEM, in accordance with MEM’s instructions and suitably packaged. Returned products must be accompanied by an delivery note stating the nature of any claimed defect and all information requested from MEM. Any products which are replaced by MEM shall become the property of MEM. Title to replacement products shall pass to the Customer on delivery, and the period of the replacement product’s warranty shall be the unexpired period of the defective product’s warranty. The remedies set out above shall be MEM’s sole liability and the Customer’s sole remedy for any breach of warranty and in respect of the supply or non-supply of products and/or services. 8. Product and Availability Information MEM reserves the right, without prior notice, to discontinue any product or to make design changes as part of its continuous programme of product improvement, or to assist product availability, and such changes may take place during the life of any MEM catalogue. Unless otherwise confirmed, nothing in any MEM catalogue is to be taken as a representation of the source of origin, manufacture, or production of the products or any part of them. 9. Liability MEM shall not be under any liability for damage, losses (whether direct, indirect or consequential), expenses, liabilities, injuries, loss of profits, business or economic loss, depletion of goodwill, costs (including legal costs), claims, demands, proceedings, judgments or otherwise resulting from the failure to give advice or information or the giving of incorrect advice or information (including through the MEM technical helpline) whether or not due to its negligence or that of its employees, agents or sub-contractors. 10. Payments Payments shall be done in accordance with the agreed terms with the Customer or indicated on orders. MEM reserves the right to ask for cash payments or others and different payment terms. 11. Currency All payments must be done in EURO; other currencies can be accepted after written confirmation of both parties. 12. Country of Origin All catalogue information are not a declaration of country of origin nor of preferential origin or product working, production or assembling, except as clearly written to the customer. 13. Returns The customer may only return products after receiving written confirmation from MEM. 14. Cancellations MEM may, at its discretion and by phone or in writing by fax or email by 48 (forty-eight) hours (except for week-ends and Italian holidays), allow an order to be cancelled or not accepted. 15. Rights and Patents The Customer acknowledges that MEM and its licensors own the intellectual property rights in the MEM catalogues, the catalogue content and the stock numbers, and that their whole or partial reproduction without MEM’s prior written consent is prohibited. 16. Force Majeure A force majeure event is any event beyond the reasonable control of MEM. If MEM is prevented or restricted from carrying out all or any of its obligations under these terms and conditions of sale by reason of any force majeure event, then MEM shall not be liable for any delay and/or failure in the performance of its obligations. 17. Law and Jurisdiction The contract between MEM and the Customer shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Italian Laws and the Customer submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice in Roma. 18. Data Protection and Customer Information MEM may keep and use personal details of the Customer and its employees for the purposes of providing products and services to the Customer. In addition MEM may disclose the Customer’s and its employees’ details to organisations working on behalf of MEM anywhere in the world (for example, credit reference agencies, mailing houses and call centres) for the purpose of proper fulfilment of orders and MEM’s obligations under these terms and conditions of sale. MEM may send to the Customer and its employees details of other products and services offered by its group that may interest the Customer. If the Customer or its employees do not want to receive details of these offers then they should contact the MEM Marketing Department. The Customer consents that MEM may use the name of the Customer by disclosing it to certain MEM suppliers for market research and commission purposes. Marmoelettromeccanica Srl does not take any responsabilities for eventual errors and reserves the right to modify wholly or partially the data and prices listed in this price list without prior notification. International publication. Publication’s descriptions, photos and details are only indicative. Publication’s information are not contractually binding. Marmoelettomeccanica may update them as necessary without notification. Marmoelettromeccanica is pleased to give further details and updating of products and services on request. Partial or total copy of this publication is only available under written licence of Marmoelettromeccanica. Any improper and/or unauthorized use of this publication will be prosecuted. CNC DIAMOND TOOLS | 2010 Via Flaminia Km 41,400 - 00068 Rignano Flaminio (Rome) Tel. +39 0761 5051 | Fax +39 0761 508388 info@marmoelettro.it | www.marmoelettro.com Authorized Dealer
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