Diocesan Catechist Mass C O N N E C T I O N S


Diocesan Catechist Mass C O N N E C T I O N S
Diocese of Broken Bay
Volume 11 Issue 4
Term Four 2006
Diocesan Catechist Mass
Sunday 12 November 2006
Corpus Christi Cathedral
St Ives
You are invited to join
Bishop David Walker,
together with the priests and deacons
in celebrating this Eucharist.
Diocesan Office
Caroline Chisholm Centre,
Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Rd,
Pennant Hills (Enter off City View Rd)
Postal Address
PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715
Phone: (02) 9847 0484 Fax: (02) 9847 0481
(on leave until January 2007)
Mrs Ann Maree Whenman
E- mail: amwhenman@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
Acting Director &
Special Project Officer: Curriculum
Mr. John Donnelly
Phone: (02) 9847 0486
E-mail: jdonnelly@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
Northern Region Office
Caroline Chisholm Centre (details above)
Postal Address
PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715
Phone: (02) 9847 0492 Fax: (02) 9847 0481
Regional Primary Coordinator
Northern Region
Mrs Kath Ryan
Phone: (02) 9847 0490
E-mail: kryan@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
Regional Coordinator: Northern Region
Mr Michael Tebbutt
Phone: (02) 9847 9488
E-mail: mtebbutt@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
Central Coast (Gosford) Office
CCD Centre
58 Victoria St East Gosford 2250
Phone: (02) 4323 7090 Fax: (02) 4323 7097
E-mail: ccd_gosford@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
17 CCD Executive Meeting
18 CC: Parish Coordinators Meeting 12:00pm–3:00pm
20 2007 Curriculum Resources Orders due
Curia Leaders Workshop
22 World Mission Sunday (World Mission Week)
23 MWP: Parish Coordinators Meeting 10:00am–2:00pm
25 MWP: Creative Teaching Workshop 12:30pm–2:30pm
27 CCD Executive Meeting
30 Curriculum Day
3 NTH: Bishop’s Reflection Day 9:30am–2:30pm
6 CCD Executive Meeting
8 Curriculum Consultative Committee 9:30am–12:00pm
10 MWP: Bishop’s Reflection Day 9:30am–2:30pm
12 Annual Diocesan Mass 2:00pm
13 NTH: Stage 2 Curriculum Workshop 12:30pm-2:30pm
14 MWP: Stage 2 Curriculum W/shop 12:30pm-2:30pm
17 CC: Bishop’s Reflection Day 9:30am–2:30pm
20 CCD Executive Meeting
21 CCD Executive Meeting
21 CCD Advisory Council Meeting 5:00pm–7:00pm
22 CC: Stage 2 Curriculum Workshop 1pm-3pm
24 Diocesan: Parish Coordinators
Thank You Luncheon 11:00am–2:30pm
27 NTH: Basic Accreditation Course 9:00am–3:00pm
CCD Centre
Room 9 108 Ocean Rd, Narrabeen
Postal Address
PO Box 158, Narrabeen NSW 2101
Phone: (02) 9913 3040 Fax: (02) 9913 3090
E-mail: ccd_manly@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
Regional Coordinator
Ms Eulalie O’Keefe
E-mail: eokeefe@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
CCC, Pennant Hills
CCC, Pennant Hills
Terrey Hills
St Ives
CCC, Pennant Hills
CCC, Pennant Hills
CCC, Pennant Hills
The Entrance
CCC, Pennant Hills
CCC, Pennant Hills
World Mission Week 2006
begins on
World Mission Sunday
22 October.
Central Coast (Wyong) Office
Manly Warringah Peninsula Office
CCC, Pennant Hills
The Entrance
1 CC: Basic Accreditation Course 9:00am–3:00pm
4 MWP: Basic Accreditation Course 9:00am–3:00pm
7 – 8 CCD Executive Retreat
CCC, Pennant Hills
13 CCD Executive Meeting
CCC, Pennant Hills
14 CCD Executive Meeting
CCC, Pennant Hills
18 CCD Staff Meeting 10:00am–2:00pm
December 22 – January 19, 2007
Regional Coordinator
Mrs Alison Newell
E-mail: anewell@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
CCD Regional Centre
Catholic Formation and Education Centre
12 Ashton Avenue, The Entrance
Postal Address
PO Box 390, The Entrance NSW 2261
Phone: (02) 4334 3367 Fax: (02) 4334 3230
E-mail: ccd_wyong@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
Regional Coordinator
Mrs Maria Whitton
E-mail: mwhitton@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
CCC, Pennant Hills
Diocesan Office
CCC, Pennant Hills
Catechists are
encouraged to obtain lesson
material from Regional Offices
and present some aspect of our
Church’s commitment to the missions.
Diocesan Mass
Term 4 Events
From the Director
From the Regions – Regional Masses
From the Regions – (cont’d)
Extra Curricula Events
Curriculum News
For the Classroom – Advent and Christmas
For the Classroom – (cont’d)
Catechist Formation – Marks of Spirituality
Catechist Formation – (cont’d)
Term 4 2006
Agents of Formation: Who is involved?
The ecclesial community, especially the Bishop and parish priests, is called to cooperate in the formation of
catechists. This community initially provides an environment that nurtures the formation of the catechist.
In an atmosphere of acceptance and encouragement, the vocation of the catechist is acknowledged, affirmed
and supported.
The formation of the catechist occurs within the local Church and requires all agents of formation to focus on
a holistic approach underpinned by pastoral care. Such an approach will involve:
the call for vocations for the ministry of the catechist in
every parish community determined by the specific needs
of that community;
encouragement of diversity within the ministry to allow for
the diversity of gifts within the parish community;
distribution of catechists to suit the local needs;
fostering animators of catechetical activity with
responsibilities at diocesan, regional and parish levels;
adequate organisation of the formation of catechists – basic
training and ongoing formation;
attending to the needs of the individual catechist as well as
the general body of catechists;
coordination of the work of the catechists with other
ministries in the local Church to ensure consistency in the
work of evangelisation and avoid the isolation of the work
of the catechist from the life of the parish community.
Within the Diocese of Broken Bay, the Bishop and the Priests lead and support the work of the catechists in
the provision of Special Religious Education in the State schools of their local parish.
The role of the CCD team, Diocesan and Regional, and the Parish Catechist Coordinators – is that of an
‘animator’ – agents of formation and overseeing the pastoral care of the catechists on behalf of the Bishop.
The catechist should be convinced that the most important agent of formation is Christ himself. Christ
forms the catechist through the Holy Spirit.
I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of
truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will
speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will
glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All the Father has is
mine. For this reason I said he will take what is mine and declare it to you. (John 16:12-15)
To hear God’s voice requires a spirit of faith and an attitude of prayer and recollection. So in this sense,
catechists themselves are considered agents of their own formation as they are responsible for their own
interior growth through their response to God. The ’animators’ are there to assist the catechists in this
Ann Maree Whenman
Adapted from: Guide for Catechists (1993) & the General Directory for Catechesis (1997)
This edition of CONNECTIONS focuses on the theme, Celebrate. Photographs of the recent Regional
Masses capture these enthusiastic and inspiring evenings. The Eucharist is the focal point of every
catechist’s spirituality and there is much to read regarding our formation throughout the pages that follow.
The practical suggestions in the pages, For the Classroom anticipate the coming seasons of Advent and
Christmas while presenting some creative teaching strategies from the new curriculum. At this busy time
you are all warmly invited to join with Bishop David at Reflection Days or at the Annual Catechist Mass.
God bless
John Donnelly
“Your word is a lamp unto my feet a light unto my path.”
Term 4 2006
Regional Masses
Welcome to All
Proclaiming the Word
The Church of St Patrick
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Term 4 2006
Regional Masses
We Celebrate with our Greatest Supporters
Term 4 2006
Each workshop discussed a current issue that affects our
lives such as racism, the homeless, preserving the
environment, human trafficking and relations with Muslims.
The one Brooke attended was about homophobia. Brother
John Gaven conducted this workshop. He is a pastoral care
worker who works with people with AIDS.
The workshop that Traci attended dealt with the issue of
human trafficking. She found it difficult to accept that there
are people out there being treated like animals. We talked
about things that we could do that could stop these practices.
For example, we need to buy Fair Trade products so there
won’t be a demand for people to work in sweat shops.
During the next session, we watched a play called Village
Space that was performed by “Kinetic Energy”. Stacey and
Brooke were chosen to participate as slaves. The play made
us aware of people who are less fortunate than ourselves.
After this, everyone got together in the hall. All of our
pieces of cardboard were stuck up on a large corkboard.
Each school was given a candle to light which symbolizes
our commitment to carry out our Action Plan.
We felt lucky to have the opportunity to attend this day.
Mrs Whitton, the CCD Regional Coordinator was just
fantastic! We would strongly recommend the Social Justice
Excursion to any student. We can’t wait to share our
experiences with fellow students of Tumbi Campus.
Brooke Webb and Traci Davis
Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College
A small but enthusiastic group of students from government schools
joined the 140 young people who made the festival a real celebration
of youth by youth for youth. These students came to the event via
their parishes. Personal relationships and effective ministry seem to
be the key ingredients for attracting youth to this most spiritual event.
One student described the festival as the best weekend in years.
Others cited Saturday night’s celebration of reconciliation as a
turning point in their lives. Catechists are encouraged to start
targeting Year 10 and 11 students for next year’s festival.
We wish to thank Mark MacDonald and the Youth Ministry team for
their inspirational leadership of the special event.
Term 4 2006
To date the CCD Office has received 73 completed evaluation forms from 31 parish groups
and individual catechists. The comments on these forms are proving invaluable in the
refinement of the draft program that has been trialled in real classrooms across the Diocese this
year. The table below shows a sample of typical concerns and the corresponding solutions
which have been suggested or proposed.
Too much work in each lesson
Writers instructed to reduce content
Not enough visual material for students
Graphic designer revising draft material
Instruction to catechist sometimes vague
Increased detail for particular lessons
Family Forums are being planned for parish
centres across the Diocese to assist in the
evaluation of the new program. These will
be significant given the outreach component
known as Family Supplements.
Families of Year 5 going to Year 6 will be
the target group for these forums which will
conducted early in 2007.
Anyone who wishes to nominate a family or
self nominate can contact
John Donnelly - phone 9847 0484
Email jdonnelly@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
Year 6 students will be targeted in Term 4 for their
evaluation of the new units. A simple form will ask
students about their experiences and to describe
what they have done in response to each unit. The
ultimate test of our new program will be how well
students rise to the challenge of discipleship
Welcome Jessica Roberts:
generation catechist and teacher.
You might remember Jess’ work
on the CCD recruitment poster
last year. This bright young lady
joined the CCD team last month
and made an immediate impact
on the curriculum project.
The Contemporary English
Version is recommended as
the preferred Bible or New
Testament to accompany the
new program with Years 5
and 6.
The Bible Society offers the
best value for bibles bought in
bulk for ministry.
Phone: 1300 766 963
Term 4 2006
Teaching Strategies for Advent and Christmas
KWL and Advent
The purpose of the KWL Chart is to determine what the students already
Know about the topic, What they want to learn or know about the subject
and at the end of the lesson or unit, to state what they have Learnt.
Distribute to each student a sheet of paper titled KWL under which three
columns have been drawn. The first is headed K, the second is titled W,
and the third, L.
Announce to the students that the new topic is “Advent”. Ask the students
to write down everything that they Know about Advent. When they have
completed that ask the students to tell you all that they have written down
and compile the responses of the class on a large chart in the K column.
Have the students complete the second column by writing in that column
everything that they Want to learn about Advent and then repeat the
compilation step on the chart. These two steps, K and W will give you, the
teacher, information that will enable you to organise your lessons on
Advent that will not repeat material the students already know and enable
you to present material that interests the students and thus enhance their
involvement and learning across the topic.
Leave the last column, the L column, until the end of the unit. Have the
students fill this column in with all the things that they Learnt. This will
enable you to evaluate how well the students receive the material you
presented and how effective are the methods you employed. It often gives
you a pleasant surprise as to how effective you are as a teacher.
The Annunciation and the Y-Chart
Y- Chart exercises help the students to get
What does it
inside the scripture passage and increase
sound like?
their understanding of the passage. Three
questions are asked about the passage:
1. What does it sound like?;
2. What it look like?; and
3. What does it feel like?
When studying the Annunciation (Lk 1:2638), after reading the story from the
What does
What does
it look like? it feel like? Gospel, the students are led through the
process of filling in the Y-Chart one
question at a time.
What Does It Sound Like? The students are to imagine what it would have
sounded like for Mary when she was inside her house as the Angel Gabriel
brought her God’s Message. Students write their responses in the top
section of the Y.
What Does It Look Like? The students imagine the scene. Have them
write down what they see, who is present, and describe what Mary and the
angel look like.
What Does It Feel Like? This question asks the students to imagine what it
might have been like to have been Mary and the angel and to write down
their possible emotional and physical feelings.
This is then compiled on a large chart and this information is used for
organising a dramatic presentation, an assembly or a prayer service.
Term 4 2006
Term 1
Week 1
Ordinary Time
Week 2
Ordinary Time
Mission Week
Annual Diocesan
Week 3
Ordinary Time
Week 4
Ordinary Time
Week 5
Ordinary Time
Week 6
Christ the King
Week 7
1 Sunday of
Week 8
2 Sunday of
Week 9
3 Sunday of
Term 1
Week 1
Ordinary Time
Week 2
Ordinary Time
Week 3
Ordinary Time
Week 4
Ordinary Time
Week 5
21 February
Ash Wednesday
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Holy Week
Teaching Strategies for Advent and Christmas (cont’d)
The Visitation and Liquid Pictures
Using Liquid Pictures as a technique of bringing the Scriptures to life, the students
identify key emotions and develop an appropriate action that represents the part he or
she plays in the re-enactment of the story. Initially the students listen to the story and
then, as a group under the direction of the teacher, identify the emotions and develop the
The passage is then proclaimed to the audience and is followed by the presentation of
the liquid pictures. The whole troupe begins side by side facing away from the
audience. The first actor turns and faces the gathering repeating each phrase and action
three times. As the story moves along the line of students, the earlier ones continue the
action, quietly saying the phrase. This is particularly suited to assemblies or prayer
The Visitation could look something like this:
Story Moment
Mary walking from
Walking on the spot.
I am going to see
Nazareth to Judea.
my cousin Elizabeth.
Elizabeth sees Mary
greets her.
An excited, happy,
welcoming wave.
Blessed is the child
you carry inside you.
Mary replies to
Mary stops walking, smiles
and raises her hands to
My soul glorifies the
Mary and Elizabeth
hug and enter the house.
Mary and Elizabeth hug.
Welcome Mary to
my home.
The Journey to Bethlehem and the Scripture Think Pad
This is a reflective group activity. It aims to allow
Think Pad
students with differing learning styles to work cooperatively and express their understandings of the
Scripture passage in differing ways. The class is divided
into learning groups of 4.
Given to each group is a Think Pad sheet (see diagram)
and after a description of each of the four dimensions of
the Think Pad, each group begins to fill theirs in.
To Life
The Words section requires one or two sentences to
explain the meaning of the passage; the Pictures section
asks for a sequence of pictures to illustrate the passage.
The Connections to Life section asks for the passage to be applied to a real life situation
in today’s world, while the Symbols section asks for a symbol or two to capture the
essence of the passage. When all this is complete the group discusses the work and then
there is feedback to the whole class from each group. The conclusion of this process
comes when the class reflects on the class responses.
The story of the Journey to Bethlehem would look like this:
Slow; Mary and Joseph; uncomfortable; no booking; a crowded
Mary on the donkey led by Joseph; town of Bethlehem; crowd of
people; Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus in a stable.
Connections to Life Refugees.
Map; donkey; winding, rocky road; or a stable.
Term 4 2006
The Marks of Catechist Spirituality:
Coherence and Authenticity of Life
The work of catechists involves their whole
being. Before they preach the word, they must
make it their own and live it. “The world . . .
needs evangelisers who speak of a God they
know and who is familiar to them, as if they saw
the Invisible.”(Evangelii nuntiandi, 75)
For Reflection:
How have you made the Word you teach your own?
How do you live the Word?
What catechists teach should not be a purely human science nor the sum of their personal opinions
but the Church’s faith, which is the same throughout the world, which they themselves live and
whose witnesses they are - hence the need for coherency and authenticity of life. Before doing
catechesis one must first of all be a catechist. The truth of their lives confirms their message. It
would be sad if they did not “practice what they preached” and spoke about a God of whom they had
a theoretical knowledge but with whom they had no contact.
For Reflection:
How does your witness as a catechist demonstrate your ‘contact’ with God?
Authenticity of life means a life of prayer, experience of God and fidelity to the action of the Holy
Spirit. It implies a certain intensity and an internal and external orderliness, adapted to the various
personal and family situations of each. It might be objected that catechists, being members of the
laity, cannot have a structured spiritual life like that of religious and therefore they must content
themselves with something less. But in every life situation, whether one is engaged in secular work
or in the ministry, it is possible for everyone, priest, religious or lay person, to attain a high degree
of communion with God and an ordered rhythm of prayer, including the finding of times of silence
for entering more deeply into the contemplation of God. The more intense and real one’s spiritual
life is, the more convincing and efficacious will one’s witness and activity will be.
For Reflection:
How do you nurture your spiritual life?
It is also important for catechists that they grow interiorly in the peace and joy of Christ, so that they
may be examples of hope and courage (cf. Romans 12:12).
Catechists, therefore, should be bearers of paschal joy and hope, in the name of the Church. In fact
“the most precious gift that the Church can offer to the bewildered and restless world of our time is
to form within it Christians who are confirmed in what is essential and who are humbly joyful in
their faith.” (Catechesi tradendae, 61)
For Reflection:
What are the unique gifts you give as a catechist?
From Guide for Catechists (1993), #8.
Ann Maree Whenman
Term 4 2006
The Marks of Catechist Spirituality:
Missionary Zeal and Devotion to Mary
Missionary Zeal
In view of their Baptism and special vocation, catechists “go
out to the whole world and preach the gospel to every
creature” (Mark 16:15), they have a strong missionary spirit.
This spirit will be all the more effective if they are seen to
witness the Gospel message – convinced of what they say,
enthusiastic, courageous and never ashamed of the Gospel.
For Reflection:
From the loving knowledge of Christ springs out the irresistible desire to announce, to
‘evangelise’ and to lead others to the ‘yes’ of the faith in Jesus Christ. At the same time, one
also feels the need to know this faith even better. Catechism of the Catholic Church para. 429
When have you experienced this desire to announce, evangelise and lead?
How have you recognised the ‘yes’ response in those you have taught?
The stamp of authenticity on the missionary spirit is that of the
cross. Recognising Christ as “a crucified Christ” (1 Cor 2:2)
whom the Father raised from the dead on the third day, the
catechist can be prepared to live in the hope of the mystery of
the death and resurrection of Christ. It is through this hope that
the difficult situations, personal suffering, family problems and
obstacles in the apostolic work encountered by the catechist are
brought into clear focus, as Saint Paul reminds us - “in my
own body I complete what is lacking in Christ’s affliction for
the sake of his body, the Church” (Col 1:24).
For Reflection:
*Pray Col 1:24-29
How do these words of St Paul relate to your interest in those you teach?
Devotion to Mary
A deep devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, enriches the spirituality
of the catechist. Mary, through her special vocation, saw Jesus
“grow in wisdom, in age and in grace” (Luke 2:52). She was a
teacher who trained Jesus as he grew to manhood and she was also
the first of his disciples. Mary has been described as a living
catechism, the mother and model of all catechists.
For Reflection:
*How is Mary a model for you as a catechist?
From Guide for Catechists (1993), #9-10.
Ann Maree Whenman
Term 4 2006
Basic Accreditation Courses (BAC)
Term 4 Date:
Register by:
Central Coast
December 1 (Friday)
The Entrance (CCD Centre)
Manly Warringah
December 4 (Monday)
Narrabeen (CCD Centre)
November 27 (Monday)
CCC, Pennant Hills
Monday 27 November
Tuesday 28 November
Tuesday 21 November
Sunday 12 November, 2pm
Corpus Christi Cathedral
263 Mona Vale Rd, St Ives
RSVP: Tuesday 7 November
Ph: 9847 0484 (Jackie/Sharon)
Celebrant: Bishop David Walker
Includes presentation of:
This workshop focuses
on strategies used in the
new program.
Papal Blessings
25 Year and above Service Awards
CCD Diplomas
Afternoon tea will be served after the Eucharistic celebration.
Wednesday 25 October
12:30pm – 2:30pm
St Kieran’s Parish
Centre, Manly Vale
RSVP: 20 October
Ph: 9913 3040 (Dolly)
Walking with Jesus, Pathways of Discipleship Program
Stage 2 Part 2 for Years 3 & 4 Catechists
These workshops will include a demonstration lesson and sample lessons.
Northern Region
Monday 13 November, 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Queen of Peace Parish, 18 Stuart Ave, Normanhurst
Enquiries/Registration: 9847 0492 (Sharon),
RSVP: Thursday 9 November 2006
Central Coast Region
Wednesday 22 November 2006
1pm – 3pm
Parish Centre, Ashton Ave, The Entrance
Enquiries/Registration: 4334 3367 (Colleen)
RSVP: Monday 20 November
Manly/Warringah Region
Tuesday 14 November 2006, 12:30pm - 2:30pm
St Joseph’s Parish Hall, 211 Lagoon St, Narrabeen
Enquiries/Registration: 9913 3040 (Dolly)
RSVP: Friday 10 November 2006
Bishop David Walker will be presenting the upcoming Regional Reflection Days
across the Diocese. The theme of Discipleship will be further explored.
BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am – 2:30pm
Manly Warringah
Central Coast
3 November
10 November
17 November
Terrey Hills
For further details or to
register, phone your local
CCD Centre
(details – page 2).
Do you have something to share of your experience as a catechist?
One or two lines . . a good lesson . . a story . . a great resource . . a special event - parish or school?
Send it to: The Editor, Connections, CCD, PO Box 340, Pennant Hills NSW 1715
e-mail: ccd@brokenbay.catholic.org.au
Deadline: Friday 8 December 2006
Term 4 2006