radcliffe - Bury Council
radcliffe - Bury Council
892 QUKRNMORE. LANCASHIRE. [KKLLY'S Pnblio Elementary School (mixed), built in 1861-52, chiefly at Queramore; the school will hold 70 children; Mist Blittbeth the expense of the late William Garnett eeq. & endowed with H. Bentley, mistress; school controlled by Elementary 90s. yearly in 1840 b» the late Mr. William Simpson, of Education Sub-Committee No. 2 I Carter George, fanner, Friar's mos* PBIVATB BESIDKNTS. Morris Henry Titley, farmr. Bowten brook Barlow Micah Yates, Scarthwaite. T N Cranston James J. land steward to Wm Parker Francis, farmer, Old Park hall I Garnet, esq D.L., J.P. Quernmore Park Parklnton William, farmer, Denny bank Caton 17 Parkiuson William A. miller, Castle mill Oranston James J. Queramore Park cot ! cottage Pickard Christina (Mrs.), farmer, Middle Garnett William D.L., J.P. Queramore 1 Danson Edward, farmer iDearden Thomas, farmer, Conderside Brow top park. T N Caton 14 I Downham Robt. farmer, Bumble Bee nest Pye George M., jun. farmer, Barns end Gibson Thomas, Denny bank |Dnnderdale James, farmer, Rowten brook Pye Thomas, farmer, Fell end Greenall Miss, Denny bank Pye William, farmer, Greenall's farm Morris Henry Titley, The Bungalow. T N Dunderdale William, farmer, Far lodge Fox Thomas, farmer, Blackwood end Shaw Alfred, farmer, Narr lodge Lancaster 609 Simgson Matthew, wheelwright Kewmarch Bev.Edward Woolfield (rector), France William, fanner, Brow top Gardner Richard & William Robert, Slater William, farmer, Green lot The Rectory farmers, Lea end " Stackhouse William, farmer, Askew hill Seward Frederick Wm. Hare Apple tree Storey Isaac Hy. Escowbeck. TN Caton 8 Gardner Richard, farmer, Gibson'a farm Taylor John, blacksmith Garnett Richard, farmer, Days barn Thackray William, farmer, Stock-a-Bank Wilcock Thomas, Woodlands Gifford Thomas, farmer, Boothall Walling George, farmer, Knott's farm Wildman Mrs. Woodfield Gorst John, farmer, Three Mile house Ward Thomas, farmer, Lushy lea COMMERCIAL. Hodgson Robert, farmer, Narr lodge Whitaker William, temperance hotel, & Alston Thomas, farmer, Old Toll bar Ireland Matthew & Thomas, farmers, sub-postmaster Barton William, farmer, Blythe brow Hudson's farm Whittaker Richard, farmer, Home farm Bell Richard, farmer Johnson David, farmer, Hare Apple tret Whittaker Thos. farmer, Blackwood end Bethell Frederick, farmer, Corney S»ill Kelsall William, farmer, Low Pleasant Wilson Edward, farmer, Old Park side Bibby Barnett, farmer, Apple tree Kitchen Thomas, farmer, New Park side Wilson William, farmer, Oatlands Brewer Thomas, farmer, Old Brow top Maudsley John, farmer, Dam head Woodhouse Harold, farmer, Dukeetone RADCLIFFE RADCLIPFE is a town and parish, with three stations on the is a vicarage, net yearly value £455, with residence, in the London, Midland and Scottish railway, 7 miles north-north-west gift of trustees, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Arthur Prince from Manchester by road and 7 by railway, and 2* south- M A. of Jesus College, Oxford. south-west from Bury by railway, in the Heywood and Radcliffe St. Andrew's, Black lane, is an ecclesiastical parish formed division of the county, hundred ef Salford, union, petty ses- May 24th, 1878, from the parishes of St. Mary and St. Thomat. sional division and county court district at Bury, rural deanery The church of St. Andrew, consecrated and opened May 3rd, of Radcliffe and Prestwich, archdeaconry of Rochdale and 1877. at a cost of £6,000, is an edifice of stone in the Gothic diocese of Manchester. The town lies on both sides of the style, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, north and south river Irwell, which is spanned by a bridge of two arches. A porches and a tower at the north-west angle containing one portion of Whitefield has been added. The Roman Watling bell: there are 500 sittings. The register dates from the year street and the Bolton and Bury canal pass through the parish 1878. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £380, with The Local Government Act, 1858, was adopted in 1866, but residence, in the gift of the rector of Radcliffe, and held since under the Local Government Act of 1894 the town is now 1916 by the Rev. James Gordon Hayes M.A. of Corpus Christi governed by an Urban District Council. The town is lighted College, Cambridge. with gas by the Radcliffe and Little Lever Joint Gas Board, The Roman Catholic church of St. Mary and St. Philip Neri established in 1846 by Act of Parliament, and electric light is was erected, with presbytery and school, in 1877. supplied from works in Dale street: tramways were conThe Congregational chapel at Stand was founded in 1666 structed in 1900, having been authorised bv a provisional order and has 500 sittings; there is also a Congregational chapel in of the Board of Trade, dated 6 August, 1900. The church of Radcliffe, erected in 1848, seating 800 persons. St. Mary, an ancient stricture, dating from the year 1282 There are also Baptist, Wesleyan Me'thodist, Primitive Metho(although the name of Robert, parson of Radcliffe, occurs as dist, United Methodist and New Church or Swedenborgian witness to a deed about the year 1235), and built in various chapels. styles, consists of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts and a The Council offices, in Spring lane, erected in 1911, at a western tower containing 8 bells, hung in 1862 and recast in cost of about £15,000, is a building of red brick with stone 1923: some of the more ancient portions of the church are of dressings. Norman date; the south transept is of the 15th century, and The Public Library, situated in Stand lane, was erected in the tower was rebuilt in 1665, as appears from an incised date 1907, and contains 12,000 volumes. on the western face: the south transept, or "Sun" chapel, The Technical Schools, in Whittaker street, were erected in was restored in 1845 by the Rev. Nathaniel Milne, then rector: 1896 at a cost of £4,900, and enlarged in 1914 at a cost of the carved oak reading desk was the gift of the Rev. Charles £10,652. Public Baths were provided by the Urban District Council in Beswick, rector in T665: there are several memorial window* ' and some remains of ancient glass exhibiting the arms of the 1899, at a cost of £5,225. The manufactures comprehend cotton spinning, calico printRadcliffe family and various crowned heads: the church contains a monument of alabaster to James de Ratcliffe and his ing, gingham, fustian, nankeen and check weaving ; the making wife: the entire building was restored in 1870-3, and affords of small-wjurei, bleaching, dyeing, papermaking, iron founding, sittings for 570 persons. The register dates from the year 1558 machine making and the manufacture of chemicals are carried and is in good condition. The living is a rectory, net yearly on here. The Market House was erected in 1851 by the Earl of value £830, with residence, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1918 by the Rev. John Bamber M.A. of St. John's Col- Wilton. Friday is the market day. The Bealey Memorial Convalescent Hospital, presented to the lege, Cambridge. St. Thomas' is an ecclesiastical parish, formed July 5, 1839, town and endowed by Adam Crompton Bealey esq. in memory of from that of St. Mary. The original church, erected in 1819 his parents, Richard and Mrs. Bealey, was opened July 9th, from a design by Wyatt, at the expense of the Dowager 1903, and contains 9 beds. A public park of 8 acres was opened on the originally appointed Marchioness of Westminster, was rebuilt in 1864 at a cost of £14,000, and is "an edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, Coronation Day of King Edward VII. June 26, 1902; the total consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled tower on cost amounted to £5,395. Radcliffe Tower, now in ruins, was one of the most conthe south side with pinnacles 120 feet in height and containing one bell : there are memorial windows in the chancel to John siderable manorial residences in the county: there is no precise M. Astbury esq. of Sand Lodge, and his son, the Rev. Charles information as to its date, but it appears that William RadJohn Astbury, incumbent of Longton, near Preston, and there cliffe, High Sheriff of Lancashire, 6 Richard 1. (1194-5), was are others, placed in 1891, to the Rev. Robert Fletcher M.A. of Badcliffe Tower, as was his descendant, William de Badevic.ir 1844-90: a new organ was erected in 1904 at a cost of olive, usually styled " the Great William," one of the knights £1,000: the church affords 1,200 sittings, of which 512 are of the Grand Inquest of Henry IV. and ancestor of the Badfree. The register dates from the year 1819. The living is a clyffes, Barons Fitz-Walter and Earls of Sussex, from whom vicarage, net yearly value £300, and residence, in the gift of , also descended the Radcliffes, Earls of Derwentwater, the last the Earl of Wilton, and held since 1890 by the Rev. Heber rightful holder of thU title being the unfortunate 3rd earl who was executed after the abortive rising in favour of the exiled Marks, of St. Aidan's. The church of St. John the Evangelist, Stand Lane, erected Stuarts, in 1715, when his estates were confiscated and applied in 1866 at a cost of £5,800, is a stone building in the Early to the purposes of the Greenwich Hospital for Old Seamen. English style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, The park attached to the building stretched for some distance transept and a western tower with spire containing one bell: along the vale of the Irwell. there are memorial windows to Mrs. Kay, the Lord family, The land on the north side of the river Irwell ie, with a Mrs. Openshaw, Mr. John Barlow and to Major-Gen. Charles very small exception, the property of the Ear! of Wilton, who George Gordon R.E. killed at Khartoum, 26 January, 1885 : is lord of the ancient manor. of Radcliffe; this manor it noted the clerestory windows are also stained and the transept has a window presented by the Sunday school teachers in the year property of King Edward the Confessor. The land on the 1867, and there are four others, three of which were placed south side belongs to the Earl of Derby E.G., P.O., G.C.B., in 1891, to the B«v. W. D. Carter M.A. first vicar of this G.C.V.O. In 1911 part of Radcliffe Urban District was added ^church, 1862*4, and the fourth, erected by Mrs. Carter in to the connfy borough and civil parish of Bury. The area of memory of her son who fell in the Great War, 1914-18: the the parish and urban district it 2,980 acres of lend and 144 garble and alabaster pulpit was presented by the widow of of water; rateable value, £122,044; the population in 1991 the B*r. W. D. Carter M.A. In 1920 the transept was con- was 24,759. verted Into memorial chapel in honour of the men connected The population of the wards in 1921 was: Black La»e. with the porirB who fell in the Great War, 1914-18; the names 8,005; Radcliffe Bridge, 7,009; Badcliffe Hall, 5,112; Stand of the sten are recorded on an oak tablet surmounted by a Lane, 4,633. Calraz*. The church was restored in 1878 at a cost of £600, The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 1911 WM: and iifiWoiTitirl in 1897: it affords 720 sittings, of which 344 8t. Mary, 7,066'; St. Andrew, 4,428; (ft. John the are free, fbe register dates from the year 1866. The living Stand L«ne, 4,592; St. Thomas, 9,043. •imiCTORY.] LANCASHIRE. RADCLIFFE. 893 OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. LOCAL INSTITUTIONS Ac r r ar of Births 4 Deatli- fnr Rud- liffe Sub-ilistriot, Bury office, Milltown rt-ee». G. Madely, r" " dM'rict, .T«m«^s Howarth, Council oftj.-is, Spring lane through Mam heeler M O '^ > >. Black lane; Blackburn s-frft, R«-licvii!j» <'iTii-ir, Radcliffe District, liury Tnion, Stanley MilU, mb-|.. 'ii.imrtr. Chapel!:'-!'! (2»,0 Stand lane), 65 Peymour htrre 1 & Mnry hooter, M tt;it,rlii *f. Bnb-Po-t Offlc*, holton road. Mis< Martha Gartide, PL ACT:? OF WORSHIP. 8t. Mary's (parish church), Rev. John Baniber M.A. rector M. O. Offlc*, Radcliffe Hall St. Andrew'.*. Rev. Jame* Gordon Hsyes M.A. vicar Hall ia also a telegraph forwarding office St. Jc' n the Evanpeli?t. Rev. Arthur Prince M.A. virar St. Thomas', Rtv. Heber Marks, vicar URBAN DI8TBICT COUNCIL. St. Marj A St. Philip Nen. Roman Catholic, Rev. Canon on the ftecond monday in each month at the Council Edward M. Bray D.D. priest room, Council offices, at 6.45 p.m. Baptist, Church ^tr^ef, Rev. Isaac Watson C<.riL'itcrtU:.>nftl, Sti-i'l T.tne, Rev. Oliver Gregory AT. 8 Members. Coi><:re(,'htioiial, Rev. Paid John Bowen Chairman, Chri§topher Greenhal^h J P. New Church or Swedenbortfian, Stand lane (vacant) Vlce-Chairman,. Walter Brooke* J.P. Primitive Methodist, Chapelfield & Railway street; Rev. Wm. Swinnerton (#up r-rinter.dent) Badolfffe Bridge Ward. United Methodist (Bolton (St. George's Road) Circuit), RCT. 5*** Robert Allan George Scarr G. C. Whitt-ley Hay wood Frank Sc holes Wesleyan Methodist. Lund J.P Herbert Shaw Radcliffe Bridge Radcli/fe Close Radcliffe Hall Ward. St. Paul e, Ainnworth road Herbert T. Ogden Rev Brcene* Miller (bUpt.V, Rev. C. E. Cooke 4 Rev. Robert Charles Partridpe Armstrong. Or*«Dhalgh J.P George Henry Wilde EDUCATIONAL. Black Lane Ward An Education Committee, oon-isting of 14 members of the Bcwoks J.P George F. Taylor Council 4 10 co-opted numbers, was formed in 1903. John C. Tucker Meetings are held at the Couicil chamber, Spring lane, th* A Flafct M.B.8 first monday in every month. Stand Lane Ward. Clerk & Secretary, Samuel Mills M.B.E. Council offices Nathan Marsh School Medical Officer, John M. Gibson M.C., M.D., D.P.H. P.nil Whitehead Holly mount, Bolton road Attendance Officers, Edward Bakewell, 11 Rectory lane A Miles Houghton, 140 Lever street Officer*. Technical School, Whittaker street, Hubert Boardman, head l Mill* M.B.E. Council offices teacher Leonard Griiruhaw, Union Bank of Manchester Ltd. Public Elementary Schools. atrv«t Bolton Road Council (infants); accommodation, 140; Miss ! H«a!tk, John M. Gibeon M.A., M.C., M.D., Alice Reid, head mistress BoUy •Mraat, Bolton road Radcliffe Hall (mixed & infants), built in 1897, for 446 childr A Kirr«?or. William Lythgoe Bothwell, Council offices ren; J. Woodhead, master; Miss Harriet M. Finney, infant*' MMwa. Wilfred Holt, Council offices, Spring la mistress •»rr i»sp*rtar« 4 Health Victors, Mis« K. L,. St. Andrew'*, Ainsworth road (mixed A infants), built in 1860, 41 »* Mary Btephenson, Council offices, Spring la for 453 children; R. H. Walsh, ma«ter; Miss Elizabeth ypnmr. H«ory Wilkinson, Dale street Taylor, infants' mistress ohn Whitrhead & Fred Davenport, Council offices St. Anre's (bran-'ht, built in 1884, for 210 children; Miss Ia«ft»rtor. William W. Jebb, Market place Ellen Fnnce, mistress St John's. R*rlcliffe Bridge (mix^-rl), built in 1915. for 480 •AIMUPPB LOCAL OLD AGE PENSION COMMITTEE. children; John Bamber, ma«ter ; Miss Eleanor Rothwell, infants' mistress ar» twlrt at tht Council offices on 2nd monday in St Paul's, for 673 children; H. B. Pearson. master; Miss MKl nt doc* of monthly Council meetir.g. H-innah Monk«, mietreos CbrirtApher Gre^nhalgh J.P St. Thomas', erected in 1876, for 508 children; James B. Lord, amiel Mills M.B.E. Council offices master ; Mrs. E. N. L0WJF, infants' mistress New Jerusalem. Stand lane, h-n!» in 1887 as M memorial to PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. the late Rev. .James Bov?. for 471 children; James Kirkman, master; Mis? M. H. K» r-hnw. infants' mistress |b«>rr Memorial r »n7.»leso<>nt Hospital, RaddiffV Hall, Henry tlUam Br>ok« *jvill« M.R.C.S.Hnp., I. R.C.F Eilin. George St. VHPT'S Roman fVh.'V. built in 1877, for 438 children: Mi--' M. Woodward. MiBt-e-.,- mixed department; Miss M. » A«T M.B T>ub. I, B.C.?. I. Robert Lin.l--.ty MB., Ch.B.Glas. Sw~iii>. irk f,it';i!i»s' mi«tn'-s tia«n Hrowue L.B.C I1 . it 8 Ed'n. \-" John Wiiliainson »*ith M.D., (b.RGU?. med-.cnl ofli( < -rs ; James llo varth, ("on^ri'Cr.itioiuil, enlarged in l^i-2. for '^1 "kildron ; S. Hulme, ma^t.r; Mrs. A, \Vor-|.-\. rni-t-e«s I." 1 . s«»c. ; Mr- Ada M. Cror-i, matron Stufl Imlc p -ml, >nt. for "2:< rhiM-.n; H^rrv P.nlton. mister iMrke* Hou-*-, WHlimi W. ./ebb, ii'-pci-ror l»'ul-trv of T.aboi; 1 Kmjilnvitient Ev^harn: 3 >ion stre-f, J. E. W.^: . v..n Merholi-t. Ra'l^'if. H-idire, built : n 1!)06, for 6OC rhi'in-n; T. J. Cowan rna-r<r; Mi-s \ C!,iy, nr.islrets nuuiap«T A (n.e-0 50 <'l'Utx'h .-t-,>et u\.-t Station, Bai' «vny street, In-noctor Hari7 T'oti3 ; i pi)!i«'p Wf:'»van Met 1'..!..^, R.i 1 Miffe Cl-s,.. rebuilt hi 1^2. f-r 500 chilurt'i, ; Gi-^r.?e O. H.-^iit, m.-.ttr; Mr<. E. Gillf, in23 Mii'.n, Jobn Batbi. Wh.t; ik( r T * -: * » A *"» < Ar.'»n, Library, StBi'-l l\n-, Alhtit Ptrk, Thomus TJ.uron, k. ej' lan A DUtr'ct Li>rary 4 Soientiflc SoHcty. . T»fior, hon -r' 'nry for B.\I U'A Y station \k Lnne, -''u!> Br ! 'UJ1"^ Oco"1 ?. John Young, good? Ar,ijT f ou, clitTt. New i. offlcCH - o f F>or I'. cf rrj;>\ 24 JrvoJ. OCI «r ft VJ I "in i i-' ry f-.M,,. l:rt»n. Tb« Man.f AU -w.nl Joh-. Win.MJS. MX*. V (r-jinliH-n A Wbiti-r!.jld Observer, "9 R'lckbnm Rtreet; Bui Guardian Co. LfV'. ruiblisl.t ;s : ^u.j'i ht-d -a iri : ry iMir'fVp Tii.i'\-' 6- vTai'ef.'ij,1 A Distj-'Ci A.iv. rti-.er. " Times build'Tss. "* 'ir -h .-*rf»-i we.! ; Pu^y Times ]V.r:ti'ip 4 Pnb1'jh.ng Co. ).'d. r.ubli«L«-rs; r>nMi->i*-<i .iturday Tax tri< L. ft. C.I'. e V.H Si r^i rs insr> iIf-4 Boi.i'U rf«J " ». 253 T ».ltori . V';i.-u, 3»'^ : L. Pf. 34f -?t*nd f i Kiyh 1>".V Til. a Ko:,» li'!. flti -cd .i.'s TO Little from r Par)< M S.ntid 'ti.lrNy Thomi.s, i);r-t;rr.. 134 New (po^t ^l u. !.lr. <. «. Vtit f, ( H i 'i f Jjs»j,))i, F'iP ii.M-if. "t'ii«I X.-.i ir^d . { , -.t..l 11-oit.J 1.1 :f. v- h'.(f.. id. ,Li,T. tr>i.i.\, (. >lh worth n, it :J ,. J.P. 4 (' ^•_h< rt. c lin M ^. Berber HfY Ui*- fltl. I-**** Jo' A vr/n JIH«T.< .nrf ( r * >lir i, y, ring i.ina ri rlrr Joi , i'.K- Cion^'h. !(•. k- J.ii. s H. .ij Biirir-.R NfW ro*.-* H. .wn<i Will.ri;, Mao. Lfito: i , \..l Kl u. l.e-t ' Jllam C. TTJ-. -wr .-\ --t, t daily Henrv. ^ n:iriy'..nr:t, Now road '-Inert", Mjii'-t Sion 'anno'i Wa!:.-i, M.iiiu* £ on |Cu;k .fi->!u, M.8. J5 Ai i..wonh roud Cl-^-r -)tbn W. li^ *;e» K.I! n.-t-jl k.J.i.v-5.. Ul/.t-n -I'. V ,' Qr-,rer) ';! «",' Samuel, Hi!l.-c,1e. Star - ro;»(l r-1 I'W.IXT h rry. b: n.k.!*i.d-«, Ro-cce ttr»i-t coper Sep. re, A^iiaads, r\o>\'3e s rM»-t ""rornptor \ViiUain Hynry, ">a Wn.^r street Ort..-nport 'Joo'ge, 7 l).i!e» avei.ut l)u^enport Herbert L. !4 I>ule« AVC:H o I'urkwonh \rfbi. 1 . G 'ul. a av< n'ie f'u.-k-vcr'h Iii.u- I*1 I>aU* nv«ni:«.K«-«..r .i!i H. bcrt. 244 Stand l^n* Iv'e.Mor? J.ui.'.g, BrooK'fcrd, biarrLj ro.^3 894 RADCLIFFE. [KELI LANCASHIRE. Elliott Hiron, 25 Park B tre*t Ruyner Jame*, Holmleigh, New TliiK Parry Tre>or 22 Spring lane Emerson James B. 64 Blackburn strevt (postal address, Whittfleld, Ma art 'kirkinan *rs. 14 <-piing kn* Bntwi.le George, Bank hoiiM , N- w ro;, ] Ki-kmar. Kchert 200 Stand lane Saunders Fred, Osborne bo. BolUft Btheridge John Richard. Holmfleld Saville Henry William Brook»,Tb* " , xn.gr, William v»H:iam, 76 ,«« Blackburn jsiacauuru street >-i«:rt "vr.'.ghcanning Kred, Leicester house, New road ! Ki:.khcs Geor«v ' J.F. ^3 MalUwn street I Ainsworth road. T N 1*« (nostal address. Whitefleld. Manchester i. e .-k Of,-rge "Arthur, Glenroyd, New road Scarr George O.B.B., B.A., M.B. i-auikrier W ilham M.A. Hose bank, New (postal Rjdr^s Wuiurield', Manchester) I house, Water strett 1 S.-h.ifi.-Id Fred, 13 Dales avenue oh u ? address, Whitefleld. Man r.in.Nay R.M..T* M.B. 82 Stand lane »«« rfua « -.|LloyJ Mr- 9 W>sttK)i.rn» avenue (postal j Scholes Ernest, Ash Grove ho. Dmneri Scholes Frank, One Ash, Starling If pf.Tnn T K ',1 «Moorcroft, Starling road' address, Whitr-field, Manchester) Futon John 1 WeMbourne avenue(,,,,t^ Lomax F. C. Staring r-ad Schole* Joseph, Holly mount, Bolton addrp, Wbit.fiHd Manchester) Ll, maT Harrv, New road (postal address, Scholes Peter, 126 New road (postal F ?? J 8aw' W w° W bTa ' lk ' Jame8 8treet Whitcfield; Manchester) dress, Whibefleld, Manchester) i».r.» « w*' nryrvJ , 68 K1 a<*burn «t ii.omax John Jas. Beechdene, Starling rd Schole, H. 158 New road (postal addl Garstang Henry, 9 Dales avenue Whitefield, Manchester) Lomax William, 102 New road (postal adGillin Mrs. 103 Cross lane Scholes William, Mount Sion dress, Whitefleld, Manchester) Oreenhalgh Mrs. Be«. hfield, Stand lane S.aton Mrs. Joseph, 12 Dales avenue Lord Harry, 2 Dales avenue Orf-t'ory Rev. Oliver A.T.S. (Congrega- fjord James, Dinglehnr.-t, Seddon Fred, lOi New road (postal Outwood road tional), Chapel house, Chapelfield dress, Whitefield, Manchester) Lord Mrs. William, 80 Blackburn street Grimshaw Leonard Starling road Lund James Henry J.P. 14 Outwood road Seddon Mrs. 108 New road(postal ad<3 Grundy Edwin, Oaks cottage, Stand lane McLeod Mi-ses Mary & Jessie,20Spring W hit* field, Manchester) Hardman Joseph Henry. 128 New road Mann William Church, 127 Blackburn stla Senior Richard, 245 Dumers lan« (postal address, Whitefleld, Manchester) ; Mark* Rev. Heber (vicar of St. Thomas'), Shaw John, Home house, Stand Una Hardman Mrs. Mary E. 70 Blackburn st Simpkin Harry, 140 New road (poatal Thomas' Spring lam Hargreaves Frederick, 3 W^tbourne fl ven Marsh William, vicarage, dress, Whitefleld, Manchester) Spring lawn, Starling rd (postal address Whitefi.dd, Manchester) Martin Capt. G. C., M.C.I Westbourne av. Smith John Williamaon M.D. W Hartley- _ Thomas M.B. 1- -Darby?hire -.,--..- street .». (postal address, Whitt field. Manchester) burn street tiayes Hev. James Gordon M.A. (vicar of Mather James, 8 Dak-s avenue Smith Thomas A. 28 Spring lane _8t. Andrew's), St. Andrew's vicaraxe Melling Thomas, 130 New road (postal Snape Misses, Wilton bouse Heys John J.P. Beech bank. Chnpelfleld Stuttard William, Moorlands, Starling address, Whitefield, Manchester) Hill James W. Woodside, Starling road Middleton Mrs. klgerlon ho. Outwood road Swinn^rton Rev. William (Pri Hilton Mrs. 69 Ainsworth road Miller Rev. Bn-enes (Wesleyan Methodist), Methodist), 17 Railway street Hodgson John C. 106 N, w road (postal ,, Taylor Alfred, High Bank vils.Outl - - ,r-~--~ Kingarth, New road flddress, Whitefield, Manchester). T N , Mills Leonard Geo. Stoneycroft, New road Tsivlor Frank, Carlton avenue Whitefield 167 | ( postal address, Whitefleld, Manchester) Thomas Mrs. 133 New rd. (postal ad< Hogg Mrs. Lyndhnrst, New road (pohtal ! Mills Samuel, Lindley, Starling road Whittfleld, Manchester) address Whitefield, Manchester) I Monks John, 105 Cross lane Thornley James, Greenhill, May Holland Albert, 30 Spring lane Monks Robt.Ta.yler, Woodlands,Starling rd Walker Samnel R. Fern bank. Starlinfl Holt George E. 16 Spring lane •fj '« w -_-- „ Nightingale iiiatuiiiTato,!^ Mr*. n* t ?. v 5 Dales is c»i ^ o •§ avenue v c* * u «* Waterhouse Thomas, Sandy ridge,Btaa4j| Hopton Rev. Hy. Chas. (Congregational, Norris Alfred W. Laburnham house, Stand Watson Rev. Isaac (Baptist), 4 North 8t. Andrew's). St. Andrew's vicarage lane, Chapelfield Whatmore James, Carlton avenue Hopton Mrs. 18 Spring lane Orrell James William, Cliff house, New rd Whitehend Mrs. 5 Westboome Hoi rocks Frsnk, 300 Ainsworth road Orrell William, Shore house, New road (postal address. Whitefleld, Mancl Howarth John, Greenbank, Starling road Partington William, 142 New road (postal Whittaker Chas. Green moont,13« Vcv Hulton Walter, 100 N. w road (postal adaddress, Whitefleld, Manchester) (postal address, Whitefleld, Mai dress, Whitefield, Manchester) Pendlebury Charley, 78 Blackburn street Wilkinson Thomas, Brookgide, StarllBf Hutton , 202 Stand lane Perkins William, 4 Dales avenue Wilmer Ernest William,13 Westbound Hyslop Henry, Tattersall, Starling road Powell Walter, 28 Park street (postal address, Whitefleld, Jarvis Benj. Hiyh Bank vils. Outwood rd Prince Rev. Arthur M.A. (vicar of St. |Wol«tenholme Miss. 10 Spring Manel lane Johnston J. W. 198 Stand lane John the Evangelist), St. John's vicar- Worsley Robert, 3 Dales avenua Jones Robert Penton, 73 Blackburn street auf. New road Wright' Richard, 11 Dales avenue Kay Joseph Robert, 66 Blackbu -n street Radciiffe Frank, 67 Ainsworth road Young John ^t. 30 Park street Kershaw Mrs. Three houses,Mount Sion rd y- .. -_ • -.' - — — *.-•*-" tvro\A ;vi fj 1JI1 Vvl tll<l III X^UUl^Ily COMMERCIAL. Early closing day, Wednesday. Alien Brothers (Spinners) Ltd. cotton tpinners, Sunnv Bank mills. T N 11 Alien & Ron, smallware manufacturers, Dirigle Vale mill Sion street. TA "Alien, Dingle Yale;" T N 35 Alien Walker 4 Sons Ltd. manufrs. of checks, ticks, drills A, ginghams, Holly Bank mills & dyers, Holly Bank dye works Alien Alice (Mrs.), beer retailer, 22 Church street west Alien Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6G Knowles street Alien Frank, butcher, 155a, Ainsworth road Alien Hugh (Mrs ), butcher, 67 Blackburn street Alter. Jame* W. accountant & estate A insurance agent, 34*. Church street west. TX 112 Alien Jane i Mrs.», it.iiler, 1 Holland .._.. Alii n Josrph, boot .-hoe maker, .'(2 Ainswortli road A!l»-n Maggie (Mrmi'liner, H Coomassie street Alien Marv F.. i Mi i, beer retailer, 62 Stand lane djap-T, fll Bbckburr. stre'-r Alien Samuel, bi i r> 'tailci, 8 Ain.-'worth road ^l!*:n Thoma^, jinner. Flet'-lier strer-t Alien William, ....... . ...._-, poik r ..- iiitcher, 7 Water street A He-ton Jolin, boot repairer. 1 Brii'^efie'd i"tr«-i-t Alt-'on Rolx-rt, clo.'^iT, 335 Ain^woith road Anglo \rr;.-i-c:Hn (Hi (Jo. Ltd. oil :T;<.Tch:iiit«i, ^ i int: U.ne L-iTH'on, Midland A Scottish Harvey ^or.!- y«- \ Ar-itali Seliii.t (Mi-«). ct nf'-c'ion. r, '2*7 \ in- > . nrt!, ; Ar-'fall ViiKvuf, neW-t a.s.^nt. A- sub-i^j^t of^v « , lie.! I kr.nrn A*bvvorth Kiiz<b«'th iMU-'i, Milliner. G'i S'.r^l lane Ashworth F- u k, tfci.or, 15 Sprang lane Ash worth J. Spencer, man.iiacturir^ chemist & n.nk.r of r *-<> liquor, olfine on, scarlei n ordia' for woollen, bieachInc det^reen's, y'venne snb-Mitnte, jl'ible cils, 4 »«l ; k r/ds o f blue for b;« .--]rher«; ak-o r.lJ kinds of «iie» for p'P er niuV. « & f, A *\i kiinN o( tin soMition.' Ac. f »r pr: dyer. ilrysalts: ir-1 ', Hint <•'<• C{i« J»e.n'v C|, 1A I JJICllIVUUIii ^ i Bann William, wholesale grocer, see Porter 4 Baon Barker William H. erocer, 17 A 19 Ainsworth road Barlow Edward Ltd. »mallware manufactorere, Nursery Chape'fi,dd. TN Whitefield 5 Barlow Charles Hughes, stationer. Post office, 71 A.tnaw«rth Barlow Peter, fried fish dealer, 332 Bolton road Barlow Samuel, tobacconist, 5 New road Barnes A Howarth Ltd. pawnbrokers, 39 Church streak weal' Barnes Thomas, beer retailer, 14 Egerton street B'lrnes William, Mason's Arms P.H. 190 Sion street Bar rat t William, draper, 91 Blackburn street Barrett A. E. dentist. Ainsworth road. T N 169 Bun-eft Arthur, biitch.-r. Eton Hill road Barrett Jam.-«, irrem^'-ocer, 181 Cro«s lane Berref William, plumber, T»0 CTOBS lane Bates George, fried fish dealer, 20 Sion street Bateson & Lo\edny, d«ntist.s 33 Spring l«ne Bealev A. 0. A- Sun Ltd. bleachers, Radciiffe, near Manchent & 21 K.nn-dv stree% Manchester. TA "Bealey, Radcliff*; TN White'1, id 26 Bealey Memorial Convalescent Hospital (James Howarth, «ec.: Mr* Ada M. Cro-*, matron; for medical office n p. Slt.n, Radciiffe Kail Beel E Iward, shopkeeper, 258 Stand Une Bennett Arthur, beer retailer, 98 Ainsworth road BentYy John &. ^ >n- (Radoliffe) Ltd. cotton mannfi Welfinpton mills. Milltown ,-trect. TN Whitefleld 53 Bentley Arthur, crcr^r, 29 &, 31 Wa't.- street Bentley ThcnjRs, beer retailor, 62 F.iry street Rprry Albert JVv.a.'d, news -u-ent, 12 Blackburn street Berry William, boo, dealer, 92 Cross lane Bin b John A Co. Radciiffe» Ltd manufacturers of co!-»-fd '.'oo Is. Wlni'snr mil'. B')H(.i. road. TN WhitefltM Black I^ne V;ii> Co. Ltd. (Tlu) (\V-.,. H-rvoroft, nee.). spiniT-: i'JO. to 120- tvvi.-t A weft: <2.000 8pind:«v>. Blank BlackbiTii I'lii'iiitbropic Awi'^nce Co. Ltd (district (J. H. Jefl r jfiM, superintendent), "> narhy»l.ir« sbe*! fft\\\. oiiim, tt.1 l 1'2 H.'orr.'ey Willia.r. Join Blue V ; ,i Meij'r.la/ A rf butcher, 96 rv.-.«? ia i? d'es?n. 18 T^iifv «trt;(»t V'i'llam, '>* i n->l*i>r, 24 Si Chun-h street El'z> ;Wrs>, »hopkrc]i":, 8 - ; ,urrh street He-** »«;ent, tar.k Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd. weaving sheds, lane. T N WhiteJeld 336 Coupe William Wright, d« ntist, see Churlton A Ooupe Oowlev William, shopkeeper, 22 School Btreet Cox John (Bury) Limited, tripe dealers, 65 Blackburn street Craig James B. musical instrument dealer, 26 Stand lane Crampton Samuel, shopkeeper, 2 Cross lane Isne Cresrg James, butcher, 71 Bury street A 156 Cress ticks A gingCromnton A Horrocks, mauufacturera of checks, hams, Water Lane mill eld st Crompton Betsy A Sarah (Misses), grocers, 94 Bridgefi street Crompton Edward, teacher of music, 94 Bridgefield Crossley Walker Mus.D. music teacher, 34 New road Cullen Mary (Mrs.), grocer, 82 Bury street Patrick, fried tlsh dealer, 47 Green street ^•jJJJJJJJJ*! accountant, 1 Thomas Cnllen Cimliffe Albert, shopkeeper, 361 Ainsworth road Daglisli Joseph, Bwan A Railway P.H. 141 Spring lane . I±"f"!*', boot * ihoe "»*«. 17 ThomasA street Danby Frederick, photographer, Church street west st Water 86 st. rn Lt*- grocers, 82 Blackbu Thomas, piano tuner, 85 Sion street Darby Bridge A e Ixmsdal see t, Jetnro, leather merchan rt Fred, collector of urban di*trict rates, Council Davenpo lane Dumers 963 oner, Bohrrt, confecti Pprintr lane offices, street Church New 46 retailer, Samuel H. beer Jnh'i, frc-trical engineer, 101 Blnckburn st. TN 117 rt Davenpo Bridge A y Malh see oner, confecti Sarah (Miss), Davenp >rt Nan<-y (Mrs.), thopkefper, 67 Holland street Fred, beer retailer, Union street Pavenpjrt William, grocer, 13 Bla< kburn street _ ..P/? 1011,* W °o1 D.V '«' Association Ltd. (The), Cawdaw Dawson Florence (Miss), shopkeeper, 123 James street 4e» works, Mill street. TN Whitefield 12 road Dawson Robert W. painter A decorator, 338 Bolton John, medical botanist, 7 Deansgate , Spring lane approach Station New ner, confectio S. H. Deane » Liae A. (Mrs.), fruiterer, 5 Redbank road Deane Ruth (Mrs.), confectioner, 83 Church street west « Sarah Ann (Mrs.), ironmonger, 42 Cross lane Demaine Fred, preencrocer, 3'J7 Bolton road Brown A L ?ww* dw*rd <*«orge, dentift, see Garforth Derbyshire Alfred, ironmonger, 14 Bla< kburn street street r Nwm BrsMet, confectioner, 16 Sion n Robert, boot repairer, 56 Bury street Dickinso Fred, oaalectiooer, 6 Cross lane mmic & musical instrument dealer, 23 Water st Charles, Diggk* street Uly (Misa), shopkeeper, 82 Holland ladies' outfitter, 135 Blax-kburn street (Miss), Reena Diugle road th Eager rer, draper, 34 Ainswor farmer, Brookes bottom Arthur, Dodding physi S.Glas. A L.F.P. S.Bdin., A » WHH HHam L.R.C.P. Douglas Nellie (Mis*), confectioner, Church street west I jpigsaai. Cross lane. T N 115 Duckers R. 8. slater, 117 Stand lane street Melton 13 per, ehapkee *S», rn street Duck worth James Limited, grocers, 82 Blackbu street Bury 28 violin, of la. TN 25 teacher Venal, Duckworth James A Sons.tinplate workers,25 Stand Whitefield 133 TN waiter, hair dresser, 5 Water street st. n mfrs.Sio ical Ltd.chem John rth Duckwo lane VUhaa Henry, milliner, 12a, Blackburn street Duckworth Albert, shopkeeper, 47 Stand street k wetter, confectioner, 19 Church street west draper, 10 Ituiy (Mrs.), Jane rth Duckwo Harry, Swan P.H. 1*6 Stand lane Duffield Thomas H. boot repairer, Water street Brothesa, hardware dealers, 1 Blackburn street; Dutton Joseph, confectioner, G Sion street Oldhiun James, painter, 301 Ainsworth road Duxbury Millworks, Yale Irwell s, Blinnby Ltd. bleacher rs' A Sixers' Association (John Hardman, sec.), Bleache Dyers', 16 street. T N 45 A 47 Church street west lane Stand 57 oner, confecti Hannah (Mias), Dyet William, confectioner, 10 Blackburn street HBMe, bird food dealer, 24 Ainsworth road Spring la East Lancashire Paper Mill Co. Ltd. (Charles R. Seddon, mannch),108 Ltd.(bra Co. Posting Bill A lag aovtrtia Ser), paper manufacturers, Church street east. T N 79 " District Joint Water Board (branch office) (Bam Holt, Eckersall Samuel, fried fUh dealer, 333 Ainsworth road in), 16 Water street Eckersley J. H. A Co. furniture dealers, Church street west Bamsbottam A District Agricultural 8ociety(John Brown, Ellerbeck E. M. (Miss), draper, 46 Blackburn street ' 16 Ulandi street Ellis James, clogger, 15 New road rn street A Boas, contractors, 231 Ainsworth road EmTHon James P. hatter 45, A costumier 47, Blackbu street r IfcatJMs, ologfer, 38 Seymou Stuttard A Bone Ltd. cotton goods manufacturers, Emmotr, street Water 136 Walter Jackson.'baker, Pioneer mill. TN Whitefleld K assist*** overseer for Radcliffe district, Council Entwistle John (ezors. of), pickle manufacturers, Siddall st. laav Ainsworth road. T N 55 rer A cleaner, 28 Church street west Btheridge John, motor haulier, Croft lane William G. botcher, 16 Church street west Eton Hill Dyeing A Finishing Co. Ltd. dyers A finishers, Eton Wilfred, teacher of mask), 126 Cross lane Hill road." T N 71 Ada (Mr*.), draper, 3!6b, Ainsworth road Fallows James A. beer retailer, 1 Crook street Fred A Joe, confectioners, M Stand Isne the) knotted Fetton Jk Wilber, manufa\cttorero of TN Bdaa (Met), baker, 13 Bury street Radcliffe 161 at. es mill,Jam Blue rvs>*i wool cable) street Quarry Carriage Co. Ltd. Jobmasters, street Water 114 rooms, dining st John, Fletcher s, Fielding engineer ' brewers erton Conveyor Co. Ltd. Fielding Leah (Miss), shopkeeper, 78 Holland street Alfred, hardware dealer, 1 Water street Finch James, shopkeeper, 97 Eton Hill road20 Bnry street street Bury 84 per, shopkee (Mr».), Annie Flnney Agnes (Mrs.), stationer, Post office, road th Aiuswor 144 clogger, ck Charles, Marion (Miss), dress maker, 177 Cross lane Finner lane Stand 121 agent, news Frank, |;Chambers Firth'George, fried fhh dealer, Church street westrn street Alice (Miss), draper, 71 Church street Firth George, fruiterer A greengrocer. 96 Blackbu pmaa John, chemical manufacturer, Bridgefield street Firth Sarah Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, 28 Sion street John, grocer, 144 Stand lane Fish Andrew, Old Crow P.H. Eton Hill road rlton A Coupe, dentists, 54 Water street Fish Robert, farmer, Hampson Fo'.d rrs Joseph, joiner, 90 Knowles street Fitipatrick Denis, herbalist, 99 A 99a, Blackburn street ithaa Joseph (Mrs.), pork butcher, 120 Water street A tea Fitzpatr ick Elizabeth A. (Mi?»), herbalist, 20 Cross lane grocers or), propriet , Chf Tea Oo. (Thomas Gregory ick Thomas, boot dealer, 32 Cross lane Fitzpatr d«l*rs, 9 Ainsworth road L.R.C.P. A S.Edin., L.K.F.P.S.Glas. physician A Isaac tea Flack A grocers or), propriet Britton, 4Joseph Hty Ten Co. Scarr & Flack), 197 Stand lane (firm, surgoon Inns dealers, 62 Cross th rd Fletcher Ann (Miss), dress maker, 37 Blackburn street CUrk John M.B., C.M.Bdin. physician & snrcn.65 Ainswor Rufus, Railway hotel. 427 Ainnworth road darke> R. G. manager Manchester & County Bank Ltd. Black- Fletcher Flitcroft Florence (Mrs.), draper, 157 Bolton road street bnrn street soli- Flitcroft James William, beer retailer, 132 Water Clavton Reginald, solicitor & commissioner for oiths, &ALittle Flood Harry, blacksm!'h, 3 Green street - «ter to Radclifle Urban District Council & Radcliffe Forster Walter, watch maker, 37 Stand lane rn street Lever Joint Gas Board, Market chambers, Blackbu Forsythe Joseph, beer retailer, 2 Church street west Cltgg Q. A 9. A Co. manufacturers of grandrilldles,327harvard* Foster Sarah E. & Mary (Misses), grocers, A sub-post office, Whltefie N T »»reet. Ac. Springfield mill, Mill 2U2 SUnd lane A 260 ' lane Spring Clegg .fumes, ironmonger, 102 France Mary Alice (Mrs.), draper, 26a, Cross lane OUgg Jas. Hy. printer, 11 Deanpgate A 6 Thomas st. T N 21 Fray A Ernies Ltd. motor engineers, Cross Street. TIT 137 CRtfg Mary (Mrs.), midwife, 129 Ainsworth road Gabriel, boot maker, 8 Sion street Garhutt lane Cross 64 ki Clinton Hairy, draper, Saruli (MUs), i-hopkeeper, 36 Sion street Girbutt street Crosn , finl>hen« cloth Son. & Edwin Clohgh Gardner Ernest, paintex, 9tt James street Otekshoit Thomas A. plasterer, 128 Knowles street Gardner Olonzo, hair dresser, 179 Cross lane Calboorn Richard, shopkeeper. 23 9ion streetSion street Garforth A Brown, dentists, Blarkburn street . Qalefean Olara Jane (Kr«.), shopkeeper, 18 Garner Albert, tailor, 70 Cross lane I'.OoUsy A. A B. confectioners, 169 A 171 Cross lane Garner Harry, bookseller, 81 Church street west road £bllry George, grocer, 121 Cross lane Amelia (Miss), dresg maker, 353 Bolton (rarnide west atreet Church ' Oolller Robert, b*er retailer, 101 (Mi«s"», shopkpr. it sub-post office,353 Bolton rd Martha 104 TN Garside west. st. Church t, I'Gollltr Rob»rt, builders' merchan , manufacturers of colored goods, Bradbury Brother* lane. Garstang Stand ors, contract drainage A l»)Uns C. A Oo. road Whitefield 63 N T street. T Ho*. 45 A 129 , Ltd. cotton goods manufacturers, Pioneer Sons A 81.west Garstaog Church ,50 nee.), Og<len, T. t »Herber / Ooaaarvatlve Club ld 329 Whitefle X T west mill. street Church 70 per, shopkee (Miss), Jane Gftnsterdlne milliner, 28 Stand lane (Miss), Alice Garstang west street Church 76 dentist, Sannel, Qestts+rdlo* tripe dealrr, 349 Ainsworth road (Mrs.), Mary <Jarvey street Bury 50 t, herballH Harry, Caokeon Gee A. (Mi^s), dress maker, 56 Church street west Ctokaoa Richard, far alt are dcstoi-, .13 Desnsgate Gee Charles, hardware dealer, 11 Blackburn street Oaeaobtt Jamat A Oo, boot repairsrs. 9 Deaosgatt 65 Gee Frederick, hajr A straw dealer. Church st. west.st. TK Otopcr 0. A Bon> Ltd. mtchlnists, Seed street TN' 3 T N 93 General Engineering Co. mechanical engin(*r«,9eed L.0.8. midwife, 6 Hew Church street •A dealer, 74 Watat street stopfceeper. Jit stand tone A 8oa Limited, manufacturers of ticks, drills A -i tfttt. Bnry stn*t =57. (*«•), farmer, Countess lane street wntiasj. trioe dealer, 23 Blackburn . _ T«_*' "f*r* * l»i»hers. Stand lane .^S^S?' 8TOC rt' 107 Blackburn street; 1 A 3 A 110 Cross la.; 130 Water street A I Sion et Bates, engineer, manager A clerk to the board Me Lever Joint Gas Board.Etrerton at T K 47 rtothier., 46 Stand lane Betty (Mrs.), confectioner, Water street r 896 >.: ; .7*tu<-? . »: ',j>Vroi-r 106 }, vrr »tre-> on /or.i M. M A> M.c., M 1» . 1..F.K medical otf . * of I. ^rir-t Couro'? fr -MOO! medicul ..Jlvr, e.i-'h tc tne T rt,.r ' » . Gilbert A A j. * Op. --.ni terra ccrta mtnuf*o'r. Stnp-t. T ^. *n R,d'--!i;T< r;i»H Ui'har.i. v.-iitot. Am 8 P.U. 71 B;-<-kt>'irn Pt;vr-t Glover Jumej. frk-.i. liah L:\lrr, 8 rau-vh sir^et w^t aood.pr H.--a h A. (M.s.;. fri.-.l i-< n J. a ! er, 136 A.rn.-ortl. road Qi.o^.win Per,.* V. votton rcV.s niernfrs. irwcll .riH:. T».-.U ft d-eei 1. -i.-i, ... t.'r^w Limited, bi» pi W"-- On ;ch >vork« d A !* a .K.:.1>; : " T N ? .* V i,:.,fieia>; ^ 17 . >.! . "Gre-nr,.;.. cerv lane, Spi te L'V.KI*. M.ir.h.nri ireenhaL'h H,. iito^her Hair,- forrr,--. Cmw IT-PP farm '."M:h..:;fi, K:,7.'bHM.. A)in (M , ? . , ,. r .lperf ., itan_, ^ <?Sro. el. .(.k.e,.*.. 22 V. *ter str^-t k'"' 1 '!"' i <4r^ih,J.rri liarrv, -hoj.lc. -;. T. 17-. <on 8 1 > " >' nreonha'rh John, mjvier *ee Pick, ion.- 4v ";r«vi.hH:.-n ^ "" il, vh S'. II -iSiu-t t;>\. -.< -p.-,, -i-:f,;;ry ,v Grf-r'ina'pl. >-* re«" L; ,L-'., TliniiiJH U.-MV i'i -iirnn' nu?Li, 2(7 \"i-v.<>-t!t r<! C-ref-Tilnluh 'A' it;, anr.. < iienroal m M 'ifa: tun-r. Pee! street \'t!X'< nha!ich Viilinn, grocer, Stailit:..' rc.;c! !^h William, U-opkee;.* r, Si<-n stnn o'l .l.,;\ t (}nn. fanner. Hich Suenrnore firrn Mi > » *, n.i'.'^u'vs ?,(\ i'.Vkl::'rn 'i.-et Klua.'n.th (Mr .), ghopki ,-}.(> ] ; Cross lune Kreleri.-k. l:.jiJwny ,\ Xe-Aimrk-t im-. 17 A- }:> -ion gt viin-'l-.iv.- '/."h*-. 1 . marak.'i i- tc the r-,iir.n Bank «.f M-inche?'«r Ltd. A- tr.-.i^'r. r to the- r ; h;ui Hi^trict Council, ar-liit^et & snrvrvor. n.ik- rorta^e, Cliepslficlrl ohopki PT. ]•*" Bo'ton road ronfe* inner. 102 Cross 'a: r e fraiteiT, ,15 f'hnrch -t. west & M»rkit p'n T N* ttl.' in-^kprs E-lward n- r.ffl. .Tolu: ')) K-n-,- 1 Mv _-, < »-, -'i -' l ar,e k Hadfield MnrMia H (Mm.), grocer. 118 S i.l lane Ha?up F,'i7.ahflh iMr- ). draper. 08 Water rc» Haii, V'fi.'d. whnle--,ilo sti'ioiipr. Railn^v Tt-ct. T S* l.tO Hall Ha iv, f rii d fi.-h 'IpiK-r, 20 Ainswd-: th ro-t 1 Hal] James Ht-nrj-, iifwn appnt, Ki.1? Aiii'-worth i-oad Hall Snnth (Mr-.), news a>?eiit, 7.1 Water street Hall William, chimney swpep^r. 16 Bohert utr^pt ITalliweU Jacob, picture frame maker, 43 Blackburn gtrp«t Hallowcs Bobert, confect'onpr, 211 Aiusworth road Halntead James Limited, c'o'h rainproofer^Crow Ne?t work?. Whitnfield. Manchester. TN Whit.-field l.'iS Hamer Brothere. fruiterers & ErreenKrocerp, 331 Ainsworth road Haraer John C. Ltd. mannfacturern of oheoks, ticks, drills A gincrhaiin, Hopp mill, Water street. Canal mill A, Withinp mill & dyerfl. Seed street. T N 64 Hamer John A.L.C.M. tt-acher of music, 160 Ain^worth road Hamer William, hardware dealer. 63 Blackburn otreet Hampaon Annie (Xlis-i, tripe dealer, 155 Ainsworth road Hampton Herbert, ehopk^eper, 6 Green street Hampaon John Thomas, fruiterer & frreengrocer, 68 Stand lane Hampson Wripht, news a^ent, 1 Ainsworth road Hardcaetle W. & Co. dy» r* & flni-hers, New Road millt, New road, Whitefield, Manchester. TN Whitffteld 9 Hardman John A Bro*. (Dyers) Ltd. bleachers, Tower Mill wks Hardman John A Sono, wheel-wrights.Whittaker street. T N SO Hardman Walker Ltd. chemical manufacturer*, Irwell chemical works, Dale street Hardraan Fred, draper, 157 Ainswo-th road Hardman Harold, butcher, 21 Blackburn street Hardman Harold, peneral draper, 253 Bolton road Hardman John, stationer, 15 Bury street Hardimn John W. cabinet maker, 217 Ainsworth road Hardman Joseph, shopkeeper, 93 Ainsworth road Hargreaves Betsy (Mn».), confectioner, 373 Bolton road Harereavei Lilia'n (Mrs.), milliner, 119 Blackburn itreet Harker William, grocer, 11 Cro«s lane H«rri*on E'ir.ibvth (Mr-*.), shopkeeper, 7 Bridpefield etre«t Harrison John, srreenirrocer, 3 Bridrefield street Hart * Partingrton, manufacturing ch«ml«t« A dry»alt»r«, Ainsworth road. T N 75 Radclifle Hurt Clifforl. confectioner, 21 Wat»r street Hartley Thomaa M.B.Durh. phT«ician, 1 Darbyshire street Hartley Thomas, shopkeeper, 425 Ainsworth road Haslatn Fred «t Harold, corn mers. 323 Ainsworth rd. TN 144 Haslam Frank, watch maker, 94 Cross lane TIauphton John William, ur^er, 19 School street HawkR'-louch Mill Co. cotton goods manufactrs. Pioneer mill Haywoid Samuel J. draper, 41 Seymour street Healev Jnme», procer, 121 Spring lane Heaton T. accountant, 4 School street. T N 159 HHliwMI William, iomer, Cross Inne Helm Henry, butcher, 158 Water street Hepworth J. 4 Son Ltd. clothiers, Blackburn Mreet Hey wood A Radcliffe Divisional Labour Party fE. J. Hookaway, M-C. & Rcent). St-tnd lane Hihbenl Al'r.d. table cloth mannfactr. Irwell mill, Ezerton st Hibbert Isabella (Mrs . V fent dealer. 19 Dranscat* (Ml Francis A Co. Ltd. shuttle mas. Britannia works, Ebury st Hilton Charl.'« F. & Son", coal & coke me:*. Spring la. TN 114 Hilton T .1 Sonu, watch makers, 15 Bla kburn street IMton Edward James, insurance ^^.rit. 216 Ainsworth ro»d Hilton F.^wiii. teacher of violin. 1"> H'nckhurn street Hilton Htuinah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 47 Irwell street Ho'lR»on B. A Co. mill furnishers. West street Una? flportfe William, hair dresser, 65 Stand lane H >pif Wiili.un. b-iir dres-n-r. 78 Wat.-r street A 155a, Cross l»nc Holland A !' (Mrs), sh-.j.k ocppr. 3'» Biirv «t'T«.| |?..'itri t Uilliim Henrv con't-ct :om r, M fltand lane P ,M i .1.'),.. In" b»li»t. !'"> Vincwortli nnd Hclnies 1" »'»,. !. -h'-pkreper. 129 Wn'e- strett Holt Kn-'l. " '' 'leHlei, M.iM.m roid Holt James K.'l.rrt, beer retailer, 143 Ktand Kmf <i '-nn.l <".nimT Kdwin, .Tarnf-. Wui*f-r \Villinr, Hoit L<M Mr? .), draper, 64 Water street !( >!t. M . Mr« ), dress ranker, 110 Krifwle* rtp.et Ho't Rcbert, shopkeeper, 162 V*ati>r street T-tolt Thomas, pawnbroker, 15; A- 14 rr.-ir.b street wo»t "Jilt TWiu.«, tailor, 121 Bivk"mi .-t;ec-l Tif.'r 'Ailfrril. inap^c',,- of nuis«i.ce» to tne Urb«l, oiinci', Coti'Kil ofr>f>*-., spring lane H'jpkmr-op Robert, l»e ( r retailor jJ, A V'.t>-'r:er 30, ^rj» ;[i'h, i> i.' A > . LM twlri-'i ' ) hool rt- ?ct. TN Wlit.M-p'd i Mi'i»'«. -.fh.,<.l JM^I , 1*0 Levtr »rit, ' ••>nf».'f ti'.'nr *•, w rosd ?ioi e'r et , cf,-tvn m I i r tr-V.;rt iV Co. 1 Ftlv: i ton w ve ^hopkeH.^r, 76 Jame<; street ir of bi.-*i.- .t deaths 'or R.idoli 'Vrin-il ofii'-e* Spring lano ili>tri"t. T M k-- - A-ms PH. 21 TIM'M i, JiMiieV W. -rpf-r, 13 r!,<v, ar:*i street II'-wa"th Jo.-eph, s , tiii|''<ti' woikcr, Kac'ory si. T] Hdwar). li^bi-'t S l-v'ivf RO-A iMi iMi-«). L'KKir. 3i*> Ain-worth ro id man., ta<_ tnr«-i> of liovl- rv. A J. nia i' rk Strot-t ' ill Hoyte H.-nry, >! ap> --, 317 \in-wr>'-ru road ! T -i_'l."s l!« :«-i-t .';u. !*» *. b»kpr. I'll Biarkburr street Hiill>'y ^u-e-'er, ?), k>op-r, Ho Bolton reed llulton rarnuel, Lr r'< i. lOOb, Ainsworth r»ad Hur-t Samuel, Wr r» f ailer. 3f; 4 A.M-worth road Hutrh:p-on Jolir. .T'vtph, pro<-i-r, l ( »i Water street H'i'<hM;-ur Thotii.r, f;-ied fi<h ' I.»-IIP-, :',<«. Eton Hill road H'i'cliins'»i V. Viuin, f'-icd ft^h > -Hler, 2S3 Dumers lane e?lL' : ne'J>.': Milltown t-tieet H'lltO 1 ! J £U11 PS A- ^'H'S I::,'e Win\n, (?. <i- Sor,. '.uricr.- M lliown street . ITIH .t :spirit merchiint. 21 Deans lii£rli;i r n K-:>n-r (Mr-.i. '.MIIH ^li'Mffe) Limited, towel manufi UllTVl-no 1 BroilnT- fof RHli'liffr |M:-k : -lM, ?pi.-!.-r Bolton road. T N* 350 WhitefieTI \li ( ibntli K.r/ ). Turf P.H. 14.% Water street I-li^rwoM-l I>:i»rwood J !». *, clokrcev, 28 Crof lane .l,im c.<, l-Jnr\vood Nl'iry K. (M'-^.) i -hopkf ; r r 131 Stand lane • I-hr-iwuil Richer I, tilpe »lea'»-i, ''t Water s'reet Jark>on Lo'ii-, l!r,v :i: Oak P.H. 28 Water street Johiuon Brother- il)ypr.-i Limited. 1 Deansgite John»on J-<m'^. tailor, 5 Th >mas street Johnson John H. draper, 55 Church -treet west Johnson Mary iMi--M, milliner, 1 Mellor street Johnstone t>Horsr", '-hopkeeper, 96 Water street J> ne-, Son A Co. cotton jioods manufacturers, Eton Hill Jont-:« Edw-ard, farmer, RalclifEe Moor Jones Fred, plumber & g!.izier, 46 Stand lane Jones Oeorce, fi<hmons:?r. 16 Blackburn street Joneg Peter, c'.oeger, 5 Bridsrefield street Jones Thomas, farmer, Black MOB* farm .Tone* Walter, farmer, Countess lane Kay P. N A Sons plumbers A glaziers, 61 Blackburn it, Key Ernest, shoeing smith. New road Kay James, confectioner, 92 Water atreet Kay James William, ioinor. see Thomson A Kay Kay Peter, shopkeeper, 28 Seymour street Knv Richard A. plumber, 52 Chn"ch street west Kay 8 H. butcher, 229 Ainswortb road Kayne H. A Co. cotton goods manufacturers, Dale Kcfford H. E. Ltd. motor engineers, Water street. TIT Kelly James, agent for sewing machines, 4 Church st Kelly Jane (Mrs.), general draper, 4 Church street Kemp Jame*, hatter, 5 Deanigate Kenney Vincent, fruiterer A greennrrocer, GO Stand lane Kenvoh Bros. (Kaddiffe) Ltd. manufacturers of cotto* Foundry mill, Black lane. TN 94 Kenyon Herbert, tripe dealer, 33 Stand lane Ker?haw Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 137 BI KinL' A. J. cabinet maker, Irwell street Kinsr Harry Trevor, solicitor <fe commissioner for * Pickstone A Kins), 1 Stand lane Kirbv Ivan, confectioner, 36 Ainiworth road Ki'k" William, furniture dealer, 108 & 110 Water street Kirkman Robert, fried fish dealer, 44 Stand lane Knott Charles, confectioner, 38 Stand lane Knott Florence (Mis* 1*, draper, 39 Blackburn street Knowles Andrew Wharves Ltd. coal A coke merchants, lane. T N" 103 Knowles William, hair dr.joser, 38 Ainsworth road La^lyshore Coal Co. Ltd. colliery proprietor*, Water etreofcLancashire i York-hire Bank "Ltd. (branch) (Harry BI mr\np?er) (opv>n daily 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; sat. 1.30 toi Stand lan? ; draw on Westminster Bank Ltd. London Lancashire Thomas, joiner, Barlow street Latham Willnm R. shopkeep.-r, 224 Dumers lane Lawren<on Jame*, bricklayer, New road Le« k Thomas, blacksmith, Water street Lees & Co. window cleaners, 4 Barlow street Lee< William Ltd motor frujine'-r*, Mellor street. TTX Lets, cabinet mnkers. Po'.litt street Le»"i E-'w-ird, fried fish dealer, 130 Ain«worth road Lees James Henry, blacksmith, 16a, Water street Liberal Club i \fo^-« M. H. Brooke*. sec.), Sion street Lilley Annie (Mi««\ fent dealer, 11 Sion street Lind*av Uobt-r' M B., Ch.B.Ol.i-. physician A Stand lane. T N «4 Lin<isay William, hair dresser, 21 Sion gtreet Liverpool Victoria Lesral Friendly SocietT (Samuel nvtni-k:»-r); di«tr ; ct office, 82a, 'Blackburn street Tivsley Frne^t, fr litrrer, 55 Stand lane l.lorr'v'.Mnn L'oo.i* mfrc.York Street mill. TV Whlteftald l.if'hiii-.- S H A M (Mi--.-fV fun-y irp'>sitory, 1M Wal I.<iii.,-»- Kdwin. fl>ri<t, MHrket p'a«-e l,.>imx '<!ni B. l.'d. cloth fliifhtrs (A makere-up), VI work*. Dale -»r> t TN Wh ! t> field B4 l.om;ix John A Co. p'.ist.-i, r#. 38 Knowle* street LANCASHIRE. WaffdMd* uf" ^ mi§~ * ft"Uberl' RADCLIFFE. 897 Opefuhaw William, draper, Hi Blaokbnrn street Oatwood Co'.lierin Ltd. (Clifton A Kersley Coal Co. Ltd. pro prietors). Ontwood road Owens PredfrH'k, tailor, 80 Water street Parker Manufacturing Oo. cotton cloth manufacturers, Stand la Parker Robert H. chemical manufacturer, Wharf chemical work*. Water Htreei. TN 89 Parrington William, coBfectioner, 411 Dumem lane Partmgton Wm. manufacturing chemist, see Hart A Part ing ton Partridge Charles P. fruiterer A greengrocer, 52 Bury street Paul Albert, florist, 42 Blackburn street Ptwk Alfred A Sons, wheelwrights, Rock st. Stand la. T N 4 Peat field Harry W. metal broker, Sion street Pendlebury James, joiner, 274 Bolton road Pendlvbury Samuel, district superintendent Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society, 82a, Blackburn street Pendlebnry Thomas, beer retailer, 69 Blackburn street Perciral George, farmer, Harper fold Phuenix Doubling Mills, cotton doublers, Dale street Pick stone C. A E. Ltd. finishers Ac. Bankside works, Chapelfield. TN's Whiteneld 13 & City 6391 Pirki<tone A Greenhalgh, builders, Water street. T N 116 Pickstone A King, solicitors A commissioners for oaths, 1 Stand lane. TN 54 Pickstone Charles Herbert, solicitor A commissioner for oaths (firm, Pickstone A King) A registrar of Bury county court, 1 Stand lane. T N 64 Pickup Jemimah (Miss), grocer, 16 Sandford street Pilkinirton Ediff, dentist, 124 Ainsworth road Pilling James, costumier, 23 Dean B gate Pilling Samuel, Victoria hotel, 119 A ing worth road Plant Henry, dentist. 330 Bolton road Plastow A. motor engineer, Dale street Porter A Bsnn, wholesale grxjers, West street. T N 39 Pottj Harry, inspector of police, Police station, Railway street Premier Billiard Hall Co. Limited. Blackburn street Pra>mi*r Ctt«mic*l Co. ch«mica\l mauiufac* turer*. W*llinrton street. T N 93 Radcliffe Preston Thomas Ltd. wholes.\le paper bag manufacturers, FairfiVld works, Railway street. T N 43 Provident (The) Clothing & Supp'y Co. Ltd. 106 Blackburn st Public Library (Albert Clegg, librarian). Stand lane Pye John Thomas, chimney sweeper, 3 New Church street Pye Richard, assistant insurance supt. 10 Whittaker street Radcliffe Frank Ltd. small ware manufacturers, Britannia mills, Bowkcr street. TN Whiteneld 70 Radcliffe Central Grocery Stores, grocers, 15 Deansgate Radcliffe A District Destructor A Disposal of Sewage Works CDavid Bibby, manager), Sion street. TN IS Radcliffe A District Literary A Scientific Society (F. W. Taylor, hon. sec.), Stand lane BadolilTe Guardian A Whitefleld Observer (Bury Guardian Co. Ltd. publishers; published sat.), 29 Blackburn street Radcliffe A Little Lever Joint Gaa Board (Robert Bates Braddock, manager, engineer A clerk to the board), Egerton street. T N 47 Radcliffe Manufacturing Co. Ltd. cotton goods manufacturers, Windsor mill, Bolton road. TN 58 Radcliffe Motor Transit Co. Ltd. motor haulage contractors, Green street A Foundry street. T N 40 Radcliffe Musical A Social Club Co. Ltd. (J. N. Holt, sec.), Green street Radcliffe Nurws' Home (Miss M. E. E. Wileon, senior nurse), Springfield house, Butterworth street Radcliffe Paper Mill Co. Ltd. paper mannfrs. James st. TN 97 Radcliffe Picturedrome (W. Walker, manager), Water street Radcliffe A Pilkinirton Co-operative Industrial Society Limited (Edwin Emery, sec.); offices, Bion et. ; central stores, Stand lane. Branches: Butchery A grocery, 10, 12 de 14 A ins worth read; 30 A 32 Albert street; Black lane; Bolton road; ChapelSeld; 76, 77 A 79 Church street •west; CroBB lano; James street; 7 A 9 Mill street; Radrliffe JeHn William, fried fish dealer, M Stead lane M 1. (Mis*), shopkeeper. 349 Aiosworth road Mary Ana (Miss), feather dresser, 127 Ainsworth road ThesDM H. shopkeeper, 3 Lord street William, dyer A cleaner, 90s, Stand lane J? f *£?*•• le*th«* Merchants, Haddock street IMwia, boot repairer, in Water street Bdwin, shopkeeper, 129 Stand lane Bmma (Miss), shopkeeper, 46S Bolton road <.-_- £•"••? ™»m«s, c'off«, 286 Bolton road 'left Jeatph, confectioner, 28 Cross lane l»Md Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Fletcher street r**T - ** A> (*"•)> Pe*l Monument inn, 56 Green street >Lsxd Tern, news agent, 9 Sion street William, boot dealer, 115 A 117 Blackburn street y Bdward, dentist, tee Bateson A Loveday fofthua, Unicorn P.H. 351 Bolton road .^••binery Stores Ltd. machinery mers. Church st. we. TN 136 FJIaden Jane A. (Mrs.), draper, 21 Cross lane Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper, 358 Ainsworth road lUkin A Meekin, grocers, 263 A ins worth road A Bridge, confectioners, 13 Ainsworth road l,*-t*J, *_£?nnty B*nk Ltd - (branch) (*• »• Clarke, manager), Blackburn street; draw on National Provincial A Union Bank of England Ltd. London E C 2 nohester A Liverpool District Banking Co. Ltd. (branch) (A. P. Roger*, manager), Blackburn street; draw on head •floe, 75 Cornhill, London EC3 Handiest* r Matthew, fhopkeeper, 36 Cross lane William Church L.R.C.P. A S.Edin., L.R.F.P.8.Glas. in A surgeon, 127 Blackburn street. T N 78 A Spencer Ltd. hardware dealers, 33 Blackburn street .——Jen David, Three Arrows P.H. Bury street tlfarsh Albert, confectioner, 61 Stand lane til Robert, fnrterer, 26 Cross lane tin Oeorge, shopkeeper, 38 Clyde road ?y James, Insurance agent, 334 Bolton road Walter, shopkeeper, 398 Bolton road William, pork butcher, 46 Stand lane James, butcher, 31 Stand lane Richard, beer retailer, 70 Water street >ws F. M. (Miss), confectioner, 13 New road rs B. L. (Miss), laly sanitary inspector A health visitor to the Urban District Council, Council offices, Spring lane •—s, wardrobe dealer, 21 Church street west C. O. motor engineer, 140 Cross lane Lily (Miss), milliner, see Skidmore A Maybnry Dairy Co. Ltd. provision dealers, 24 Blackburn street T. Seymour A Co. Ltd. grocers, 6 Blackburn street [In William Henry, greer, see Makin A Meakin B. A W. grocers, 389 A 391 Ainsworth road Thomas, butcher, 82 Water street Wm. Bdwd. sign writer, 496 Bolton rd.A Church st.we Bebert, hair dresser, 19a, Church street west i Oeorge, dyer, 16 Grey street irn James, collector of taxes for Radcliffe A Ainsworth, 18 Irwell street ir Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 267 Bolton road Is Oeorge A Co. Ltd. iron founders, Globe Iron works, •nrlag lane. TN's 161 A 151 Us George, farmer, Carnsacre farm Ills John C. shopkeeper, 13 Sion street Nathan, beer retailer, 86 Spring lane Us Samuel M.B.E. clerk to Urban District Council, to the Education Committee A to the Old Age Pension Committee, Council offices, Spring lane tills Stanley, relieving officer Radcliffe district, Bury union, 15 Sevmonr utreet Ills William, clopger, 39 Waterlnne street "Ms Wm. cooper A cask dealer, Camsacre, Bolton rd. T N 20 Hall, Sion street; Victoria street; Water lane; 38 A 40 listry of Labour Employment Exchange (J. E. Healey, manBlackburn ntreet; Bury street; 13 to 17 Stand lane A 303 _afer), S Sion street (T N 83) & (m«-n) 50 Church street west & 305 Amswortb road; doggers, Radcliffe hall A Water "lell Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Abden street lane ; drapery A millinery, Cross la. ; Water la. A Dumers la tell John, fishmonger, Market place I one II John A. clothier, 87 Airsworth road Radcliffe & Pilkington Permanent Building Society (N. Bradnks, Tayior R. A Co. Ltd. wholesale grocers, Alexandra chaw, sec.t, Thomas street. TN Whitefleld 330 works, Park street. T N 10 Rai-lifTe Public Baths (Samuel Mills, clerk; John Terr ell, 'Morrrll Arthur, confectioner. 28 Ainsworth road Merrts John of Radcliffe (1920) Ltd. small ware manufacturers, Abden Street mill. T NT Whiteneld 125 Morris Joseph, inning rooms, 32 Staud lane Harris Walter, be«r retailer, 14 Water street Mujr/r 4>f William, shopkeeper, 215a, Stand lano |luih*ron Catherine (Mr«.), shopkffp^r, i Putterworth street. Mnnr> Wl'liam, Ram'e Hend P.F 40 Stsnd lane. TN 148 Morticb Miriam (Mins), milliner, 31 Bl»<-kbu-n street Murphy .T«m«*, be*r retaii^r, IP! Church street east Murphy Bobfrt. fried ft h dealer. 2 Butterworth street Haichimp Robert, taller 35 Uli^kbnrn street Vaiinnal Hoion « ( Div-harizcd Soldiers A Sailors (Padcliffe f«lt«2 Srmurl, frifd fish dealer, 4S 8«-yra^ur «treet 7«wton 'AhittAer, ha.fd\rare d-nler, Kt»-n Hill road i W. p!«.n^i^ ^r, JO Aipsvcrth rr>ad ' IcHall Amy M. tMUi). «««ilor<»*h, Maiket placvj Nc»h. >^".' retail, r, 28 K.oi U;1I road N 141 Wlliivn, ^hurtwn rt stoojucarit, G Seymour st. «*»» A H. T. who. r<>r.fV-tionrr». 50 Church «n James, tratrh tnak»r. 126 Water street P»;tr, •ho'/ceeper, 4fi Duiaers Une ^OBMU, t'riplate wn'k-r. 11? BUrkborn st. A ^ School sc OUr% WiJlUm, Vrr ret..!'*r, 01 Blackburn strett; 36 Church «»M» A 162 Crtti ian* G^'ee. st9ur manor. Voliri Mre«t ' J**t H. (Hi* >, Boor's Hurt P JT 2 B!eA*jtirn 4 gr«r :r, S3 superintendent), Whittak*r street Padcliff* Technical School (Samuel Mills M.B.E. clerk), Whittnk'-r o'ret-t RadHiffr Tiin«-8 & Whiteneld A District Advertiser (Bnry Times Printing A- Publishing Co. LiiLited, publishers; published Saturday), Times buildings, Church street west RadclitTe Trades Htll Club (John Robert Morris, sec,), School st Radcliffe Vulcanizing: Work**, vnlcanisers, Blue mill, Jimey str^'t. TN Radciiffe 113 Ka.vlifTe 4 Whitefield Charity Organization Society (W. B. Pnck^orth. agent), 86 Stand lane Working Men's Club (Joseph Thorpe, sec.), Bridge- Yotmp Mm's Christian Association (Fred Swii. dells, «*'*. \ Ai'en Grt?n .' R.-ffer'v mje», i.-u : terer 4 jrrsengrocer. 76 Water street R<fT r'y .1 -.vines. «hopke«per, li>9 Chuivh stieet east R»m .'.-» ! I P'l^ifl, news agent, . dobool stt9»t Walter, teacher of tnr.aic, 40 Church street west William E. slater, 74 Church street west Bvotbe'fl, painters, 16 Ainswort-h n*A 1.. ('Mivb^, dretft uinlrer, IS Ainu-worth r-jad r A Co. fBadcl<fff) Ltd cotton goodo raannfacturers, Piureci mill. T N Whlt« ft«U Hi Rsriier Hiomsn, /m^ngrr^t-r, 15 Crrok street Refuce Assurance <\ . Ltd. (ThoiDas Ward, snpt ), 13 Spring IM fl -t.l A>xsn'l«T A *ona, Dunn(soti:rini< ch*oljt«, Black Isue R»-i.l An;. it ,'Mra. ,, ontf.^r, !£4 Wat,.- ^--r«. •^ll-h-,1! Btchard. '-led flt\ Araier. Hi <}taa£ lane . B'^er Joi.cs V Men ^Ather*. Ridei Suites f ,f -.-) turn*- .Fp'ct;f^ ].. t, f^^ TtijTar. ,V !,-,, -c;.v . f n«j ,. ,, ; ;^, J? Uidvsr i Sail 1.* A.)II ('- «: ), cr'i ccfior-r, 1A- - -iii.1 Inne i 1 ^".- V .ilir.ir. .^M. L'a. tlritw.T u...a-1-^tb MJ:|'H- A t mr *, ^ u ' > ,'"n- ti't-'i W't'fc' ^r/.t'erii, caitiiy a^-,-atn .'prlii : !.» i<?. T N' -in iiiley T. <t V. ^tui^-n^i.frit 6" F.ic'-vm ^-t'i'»y J.-nic-B, )n-i;i>fr, 50 Cin'r.\-» <-tre»l ^v^pI".*-.* John p.,irr^-, l'J3 Ar iWO rth rr-i U''.e?s It.!, inirr-'t.) v.-pt n r nun jtxct, r-i« " S -, < ».-P ! Mar? ('1..-.I, J- .- icr:ti>r .-' * .at lie'.*"., t«:.rier, linik Top finr. ! t^tnes & "c, drug Cicn , 4? 'J't. * lane I Street M.TV (Mrs.», rar:r;« r, D >.' ^la'a f-»rm I ^tL-'njf^i'jv- F. 34'. A R warOou-*ir-<>.i, iO£ S'ackiCTK til S .ir.iper, **, Pis*. k'";rn so'.-tt ' Str.r Suth. rK.t,.' & Co. Ltd. .-le^ttic*! tik-'. cnv^i-e tnv^i-ers, 50 A' r.-/ <xrth i: T N Mi; jSnf-on VU.M- >J.,<r*::b ..\i-f-.), ii.fjke u IM ti'on ~*"a.te J. «t Son (T'eden^k tt?i saddlers A rtarnosa *rmker*i, motor Florence fMNhV milling, fhurch frr-'.-f -.v^-t Tl'ornis. furrier, old Hal' i.irm Cnat-elf.-id !{" ''r- A. I. m>inr,?.T of the Mm.. K ,tvr A Ir-mool Lis'-ib-ii.hi':'.- Co. Ltd. B!v ko^r ;i ,tr«. r Hojjfr.M Joseph. infr.-Mnrvr, 44 hlackbnrn «t'e«-; Hostrtn Ki,ih f to ration >n i;ners A nifrs. 8.11: mill, i^d- A on f Hot).well Samuel, fniitfrtr .v pn en;>ro"fr, 2.". Water Mreit K>^)u..'l \Vii5L. r,, n HO,. L, , r , 13 R,yn:..,,r street lUiihwe;! A i lit. in i.ytiifoe, eiiirin^r & si r»\-y-ir to Troyn District I Council, Conn 'ii offices, ypr.ni? lane ' Rudman F. E. & Co. Limited, chemical manu. ! facturers, Spring chemical works. Church ! street west. T \ 28 lUdciiffe | l!u<l:t.-n Thr. in:1 . H shopkeeper, 431 Ah.sworth road i Kid Vr IT -TV. higher. IJ.j Siand lane I 8and.fr>:d Ilacnel (Mr*.), el'.im d'.'uier, K>o Water street K-ind'foH Wilfn 1, ro-tl tu-t.-h int. Spring !une. TX 08 S I'll Willinm, ?lio|ikf( ;I.T, h7 hion -t •<•,•• Siivi'l. Henry William Kir.-ks M.H.C.S.Knr.. L.R.C.P. <v T, M Kdm. physician & surtrron, Jt m-dn-ai ofiVt r &. public vaccin.itnr Had. ! {} '( district, Hnrv union, The Man"1 \in*worth roa<l & 24 Sprint: lane. T X lf>S Paxon Themical Co. L"l. chemical manufaoturpis, Britanniu work-. 8mn »tre-t. T X i:\ Scale* & Sons Ltd. hoot A shoe makers, 13 Blackburn street Scarr A Fltu-k. phvinaus <v ?urgeons, Beech house, Water street A 197 Stand lane Soarr George' B.A., O.B E., M.B.Dub., L.R.C.S.Irel., L.M. Kotunda Hosp. Dnh. pl'v^cian A unrurnn (firm, Scarr A Flack), Beech ho'ise. Water street A 1H7 Stand lane. Schole* J. A Sons Ltd. <ti.T-n»rs, Albert A Canal works Water street. T X Whitefi. Id 325 floholes A Co.Ltd.arrocers, 60 Church st. we. TN Whitefield 134 Sfholes John A. confectioner. 153 Ainsworth road Bculthorpe Phyllis (Mrs.), milliner, 82 Ainsworth road Seabrooke J. H. Ltd cotton pools manufacturers, Ei?erton ft Seddon J. A R. towel manufacturers, Piik mill. Irwell street T N 72 Whitefleld Seed Richard A Co. Ltd. brewers, Spring Lane brewerv Seed street. TA "Seed;" T X 78 Seed Jameo, Bridsc P.H. 400 Pumers lane Senior A Brooks Ltd. (Herbert E ker^all, sec.), oil merchants Cross lane. T N 51 Sharpies John William stationer. 125 Blackburn street Shaw Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 Sion street Shaw Henry, upholsterer. Knowlea street Shaw Herbert, insurance aeent, 279 Bolton road Phaw William H grocer, 325 Ainaworth road Sherry's Dairy Co. Ltd. provision dealers, 20 B1ackbu-n street Slddall John Ltd. dyers, Irwell bleach & dye works Sillett Harold, ironmonger, 130 Cross lane Simpkin Harry, manager of the Lancashire A Yorkshire Bank Ltd. Stand lane Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited. 39 Stand lane Skidmore A Maybury, milliner-*, 88 Cross lane Slater Alfred, organ builder, Holly bank 8raethur-t John, bookseller, 34 Stand lane Smethorst William, news agent, 104 Water street Smith Charles W. A Co. painters, Astbury street A 24 New road. TN 6 Smith John Thomas A Son, chemists A druggists, 17 Blackburn street & 8a, Ainsworth road Smith Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper. 12 Waterlane «treet Smith Arthur, watch maker, 90 Church street west Smith Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, 1 Hampson street Smith Frederick, draper, 74 Ainsworth road Smith George, draper, 123 BUckburn «..reet Smith John. *ho;tkeeper, 3 Sutler- street bmiih Joi." V'il i« . i ' ] .'K.B.Glas. physician A surgeon, O Bl.'okb'ir-. r-ft. 'r s 77 Smit'-i Jo-tj.h. i>titftter, °;i A 28 Blackburn street dtrit'a Marynrut (Misb), s^xxking knitter, 4 Cross street hmith PatricL -fiopx eper. 60 A 52 Stand lane SmltL Pobert, vjn'e- "<-n -. 204 Dumers lane ilmith HUM i- (Mrs.;. /-!., -er A greeng ocer. 10 Sion street Smith Suscy (Vn».), *liopkeej)er, 189 Ain-\v<ir f h road . Smith T. Vsht-f.r'.n. lentiBt, 4 Siou >tr.-et Smith Thomai, g-een?r(K:er, 13'J Stand lane Smith Thomas W cabinet maker, 32 Church street west Fp^akTiHn Jam?*, < on/ectioner, 11, 13 A 15 Clmrch street west Spencer A. A A. (M»M«>s), confectioners, 205 Bolton road Spencer Wi'liam A Sun, contractors. 112 Kuowles street Spencer Albert, ^ «T retailer, G Uluckburn sh-et-t Spencer .! '», n Will mi fried fish dealer, SO Wolpey street Spencer VV r iurn, juri. IHHII.'.UI"'' a^ent. 11" Knowlcs street SpendHhiirr \ Or< ei.lmlgh. cablm i m.ikeM. 9 N'ew road Spencer William, draper A dreis n,ik.-r, 34 Hhckburn rtr««t Splndlow l(:u!l'<>n. IU-AS ng>nt. 108 Oons lune Standard Mnniifnc'iirliiK Co. (I'j'jOi Ltd. cotton goods msnuftc turrn, Pioneer mill. TN Whit-MeM 67 A Radcliffe 142 Btanjflold Robert, lobaoconiht, ]( Water Mrevt -t I I i ; ti. < ,(! T'V <>r Ta-inr tX Tavio: T.*; 1 ...!- II.OK»-IS, 36 Si.arJ lane A wrt A- .s r.-:, butcher?, H9 P'.a^kburri Fied & ><>!><;, cotUn go: IB av 1 ! iucturer-' P ci»er Wl' tefi»'d 10 ,' »>)'. A >>. Ltd. dr^V >. Mi'1 *c. UN Thomas W. £ Co. Lr<y 91 rU'.nd l;i u ;hopkee;ier. 89 E ckbur.l street T;:-.lor _;<v it r, CK-T'-h (--intt w«^t Tuyior X. pawij'jrokei', u9 B'.ack'jnm street T.ivlor . (Mr- . >. tnrmer, Hnrdrn:»D'» fold .-lor Vivrl, un lertaker, !H)b, Ain>wo;ih road I-. ir.jnmoTiirer, 11 , 1' Church etrv« : west ylur Harry, b^er r«" a. ! ?,-, IS Macher street ' »y;or John Gi ,t-lor .!, -I.''. !l-!i d.>itl< r. U Buy »tr»«;t T-iy'or r. 1'iJ Stand line T-iylor Ir-. i Old Tower I'.H. 6 Sandfonl s ir'iiiii)oiii-e r . 5 Amswonh ro.td r> S. (Mr Tu\,'.r W lliain, farer oi checks, ticks, drills A HJ i', I. >fi itowri street Thomas T 1fruiterpr, 17 Ohnroh street west Th.'in>oii <v Ki\. ji>.iitr.<, XCA real. T X 10« Th 'I,.-..:, Willuui. A Co. cotton go/'lv manufacturers, Pio« mil!. T X WhivnVM '. Thornle\ Eihvin, hair ii, '>ser, 18 Church street west Thornley Jiu-k, sho|ikerper, 210 Bolton road Thornley Thomas, bricklayer, 12 Milltown street Tild»9ley Fred, clopger, 46 Sion street Tildesley John 1 i.omas, clogger, 20 Green itreet Timms Wilfred, <-onfectioner, 74 Bnry street Timp.*on William Ltd. boot A ehoe makers, 13 Stand lane Titherinptou Thomas, grocer, 7 New road Tonee AlfJ. timber mer. Cliurch st. w c st. TN Whitefleld Tnnks Ephrairn, watch maker, Church street west Toothill A Snape, spindle makers, Bradbury street Toothill Rolxrt, boot A shoe repairer, 1 Coomaisie street Townsend William, beer retailer, 387 Ainsworth road Trufford A Pear-on Ltd. grocers, 24 Church street west Tu<lge A Sidlow, general ninths, Bridgefield street Tunnah niarles, joiner, Redbank road Tunnah Fred, coufectitner, 44 Cross lane Tunner Kdward, insurance agent, 19 Crook street Tnnstall Tx>ver, shopkeeper, 281 Dumers lane Turner A Booth, electrical engineers, 51 Church street wea* Turner Brothers, cycle repairers, 58 Stand lane Turner Ernect. shopkeeper, 14 Bury street Turner L C. agent to the Earl-of Wilton, School st. TN Tnsor M ; !l Co. cotton poods manufactrt. Irwell mills, Dale Tvrell Walter, Old Wool Pack P.H. Stand lane Union Bank of Manchester Ltd. (branch) (Leonard mr-,nauTu r\ Blackburn street; draw on Barclays Bank London E C 3 Vickers Isaac, grocer, 146 Ainsworth road Vizard William A H. hair dresser, Church street west Vose John R. tripe dresser, 113 Blackburn street Walkden Alice (Mf«.). ladies' outfitter, 55 Blackburn street Walkden James, hair dresser, Red Bank road Wa'kden William, superintendent Britannic Assurance Co. 34a. Church street west Walker Samuel & Sons Limited, engineer machinists & bleachers', dyers' & flnli engineers, iron & brass founders, ^ Atlas iron works. TA "Walker;" T Nos. BadcH 1G2 & 163 Walker Alfred, insurance agent, 34 Bury street Walker Alfred Thomas, clumber A glailer, 102 Water street Walker E.lwin. tripe dealer, 22 Ainsworth road Walker Frederick W. insurance agent, 19 Bowker street Walker George Henry, fire'ighter maker, Bridgefleld street Walker Hilda (Mi^s), confectioner. 100 Water street Walker Margaret (Mi-s), dress maker, 9 Victoria street Walkindon Thomas, boot repairer, Turks road Waller A Riley Limited, chemists, i» Blackburn street Wallw.uk Charles A. fruiterer, 100 Ainsworth road Wallwork Edward, brer retailer, 392 Ainsworth road Wallwork Ethel M. (Mrs.), greengrocer, 100 Ainsworth road Wall\virk James, beer retailer, 48 Stand lane. Warburton George W. draper, 241 Ainsworth road Warburton James, Bay Horse P.H. 207 Stand lane Wnrhurton Joseph 8. fishmonger, 34 Blackburn street Warburton Thomas, Wellington P.F. Stopeg road Ward F H. income tux collector, 6 Seymour street Ward Thomas, confectioner, '-M7 Ainsworta road Wn'die rtol>ert, shopkeeper, 'Jtil Stand lane Warine Henry, news ipent, 100 Sprine l»ne Warrii.jrt"n Hannah (Mr>.), fhopke*vr, 18 Cross street Wan iri'.'ton Joseph, bntoher. 9 Blackburn street \W«iMnti».' Tli'-iini-:, mttnaper of Westminster Rank Ltd. 2* BUckbiun street Watmoujfh Jamc*. farmer. Moor L-nte, Radcliffe Moor Weavers' I'nion fBen H«rgre;»vrs, sec.). 65 Seymour street Webster Paul, dairy. 3 Dennneate Wentminit.T Bnnk Ltd. (Thomas Waterhouse. msnager) dnilr 9.30 a.m. ' iru.'k'.iirn st lr> 3 L-» 9.1O am. to 12 noon), w <1 Lothbury.Loudon EC 2 DIRECTORY.] LANCASHIKE. RAINFOKD. 899 Wilkinson Henry, electrical engineer to Urban District CounWetherall John Percy, bntcher, 3 Market place Whetnn Patent Co. Ltd. boiler engineers, 4 School at. TN 169 cil, Bale street Wilkinson John, butcher, 51 Stand lane W he well Brothers, furniture removers, 10 School street Williams Thomas, hair dresser, Barlow street Whewell George & Thomas, yeast merchants, 154 Croas lane *Vnewell J. & w. chemical manufacturer*; Williamson Martha (Miss), shopkeeper, 36 Ainsworth road specialities, bleaching detergent, softenings, stiffenine for Wilson Peter & Co. cotton goods manufacturers, Sion street' bleachers & sizerg; also resin size & No. 1 Excel size for Wilson George A. ladies' outfitter, 11 New road paper makers & bleachers New bridge. T N 97 Whitefield .Wilton Spinning Co. Ltd. cotton spinners (J. R. Pennington, Whewell Wm. & Co. manufacturing chemists, Burners la sec.) (111,000 spindles). Wilton mill. T N Whitefield 332 Whitbread Selina (Mrs.), draper, 24 Water street Wilton (The) Earl of Estate Offices (L. C. Turner, agent), White Robert, pork butcher, 175 Cross lane School street. T N 81 Wlutefleld Joseph, British Queen P.H. 97 Stand lane Wohtenholme John & Son Ltd. engineers, Bridgefleld street. Whitehead & Pool LtcL engineers, Milltown street * TA " Wolstenholme Engineers;" TN 66 Whitebead John, collector of poor rate* & urban district rates, Wolstenholme Harold, tobacconist, 90 Cross lane Council offices, Spring lane Wolstenholme James, shopkeeper, 70 Green street Whitehead Margaret (Mrs.), hosier, 30 Stand lane Wolstenholme Thomas K. draper, 22 & 24 Stand lane Whittaker Brothers, painters, 53 Cross lane Wood Ellen (Mrs.), confectioner, 342 Ainsworth road Whittaker, Hall & Co. . Ltd. engineers, Black lane. T A Wood Richard Watson, incorporated accountant, 2 School st. ' Clutch;" TN 52 . T N 173 Whittaker Charles, stamp maker & designer, Pollitt street. Wood Walter, dentist, 115 Spring lane TN Whitefield 812 Wood William H. hardware dealer, 118 Water street Whittaker Edmund, farmer, Moss Shaw farm Woodbridge Joseph, fried fish dealer, 52 Cross lane Whittaker Thoma?, stamp maker, Rectory lane ^'Woodhouse, Hambly & Co. cotton goods manufrs. Pioneer mill -Whittakprs (of Mount Sion) Ltd. bleachers, Mount Sion works.' Worsley Walter H. confectioner, 94 Ainsworth road TN Manchester 777 Wright Georee F. grocer, 55 Green street Whittam Nellie (Mrs.), confectioner, 19 Blackburn street Wright John~C. fried fish dealer, 20 Robert street Wilbraham Alice (Mrs.), confectioner, Church street west Yates Baniel, fried fish dealer, 89 Sion street Witcock J. & Co. packing case makers, Seed street Yates George, builder, 12a, James street Wilcock Annie (Miss), dress maker, 27 Water street Yates Percy, greengrocer, 142 Cross lane -Wild John & Sons Ltd. paper manufacturers, Broad Burners Yates Thomas, insurance agent, 298 Ainsworth road paptsr works, Burners lane. T Nos. 149 & 150; TA "Wild" /Eoung John (of Radcliffe) Ltd. manufacturers of colored goods, Wilkinson T. & Son, accountants, 105 Blackburn street (TN Red Bank mills. T N Whitefield 61 68) & estate agents, Blackburn street KAINFOBD is a township and parish, formed June 22, 1869. from the civil parish of Prescot, with stations on the London, Midland and Scottish railway, and is about 4$ miles north from St. Helens, in the Ormskirk division of ths county, hundred of West Berby, county court district of St. Helens, union and rural deanery of Prescot, archdeaconry of Warrington and diocese of Liverpool. The parish adopted the Local Government Act, 1858, July 2, 1872, but by the Local Government Act, 1894, the township is now governed by an Urban District Council. .The church of All Saints, erected in 1878, near the old church, at a cost of £7,052, is a building of stone m the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a tower erected in 1903. at a cost of £2,350, and containing a clock and 8 bells: there are six stained windows, including the east window, presented by Joseph Robinson esq. of Pairfleld House, Crank, and the west window, a memorial, to Joseph Robinson esq.: in 1906 a lych gate was erected: in 1921 a chancel screen was erected in honour of the men of the parish who fell in the Great War; it was erected by public ^subscription at a cost of £600: there are 580 sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates from 1718 and of marriages from 1719. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £401, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Prescot, and held since 1911 by the Rev. Arthur Edward Bass M.A. of University College, Burham, and surrogate. There is a Roman Catholic chapel, erected in 1875 and dedicated to Corpus Christi; a Congregational chapel, built in 1876, and two "Primitive Methodist chapels, built respectively in 1857 and 1883. Rainford Urban District Infectious Diseases Hospital, formerly a farm house, was converted to its present use in 1893, and will hold 5 patients. A charity of £44, derived from land and property, was left in 1768 by Thomas Lyon, one-third of which is expended yearly in clothing the poor, one-third in educating two boys for two years and the remainder is given to the vicar. Thomas Basnett left £7 in 1832 to be distributed in clothing; Rasbotham's charity of £6 3s. 8d. was first given in 1857. The parish also receives a share of the Bispham charity. Tobacco pipe making, once extensively carried on. is now dying out. Rainford Hall is the seat of Mrs. Pilkington. The Earl of Berby E.G., P.O., G.C.B., G.C.V.O. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is clayey; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, potatoes and green crops. The area of the civil parish and Urban District is 5,877 acres of land and 11 of water; rateable value, £20,664; the population in 1921 was 3,945. Parish Clerk, John Mills. RAINFOKD. PIZIVATB HESIDENTS. Barton Vincent, Mill lane BaM Rev. Arthur Edward M.A. (vicar, & surrogate), The Vicarage Cook William Johnson. Shawhurst Fiahwick William. Hill side Grundy F. W. Dial house Grundy J. H. Clay holes Hopgood Col. John Tho». Edehurst. T N 9 Howarth Thomas. Willowdene Hud eon T. W. Church road Macrae Kennfth William Buncan M.B Olive James B.A. (curate), Brook houce Pennington Alfred, The Bungalow Pilkington Lt.-Col. Wm. Norman D.S.O., J.P. Rfiinford hall Pilkington Mrs. Palnford hall Pilkington Mrs. The Woodlands Prosper Frank M.B Richardson Mr*. William, Rnlnford house Richardson No well, Rainford home Fofbotbara John Roue, Bank villa Witlmtley Bey. William Thomas (Roman Catholic) William* Rev. Btophen (Congregational), The Mania Post, M. 0., T. & T. E. B. Office. Miss May Richardson, sub-postmistress. Letters through St. Helens There is a telegraph office at Rainford Junction station for delivery of telegrams on the station premises only, open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on week days only Post & M. 0. Office, Crank. Miss Annie Johnson, eub-postmistress. Letters through St. Helens. Rainford, 2 miles distant, is the nearest telegraph office URBAN BISTRICT COUNCIL. Offices, Church road, Rainford. Meeting day, 3rd monday in every month, at 6 p.m. T N 5. Members. Chairman, J. T. Hopgood. Yice-Chairman, J. Appleton. James Birchall Richard Huyton Edward E. Bean W. N. Pilkington James Eden John Porter' John Evans Thomas J. Swift Thomas Pishwick J. E. Taylor J. H. Grundy George Whalley Officers. Clerk & Assistant Overseer, Bernard Smith, Blackburn house Treasurer, J. Saywell, Parr's Bank, St. Helens Medical Officer of Health, Frank Prosser M.B., C.M Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Bernard Smith, Blackburn ho Water Inspector & Collector, George Lyon Police Station, William Benson, sergeant in charge PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Rainford, built in 1825 & enlarged in 1877; the school will hold 478 children; Edward G. Nicholls, master; Miss Henty, mistress; Miss E. S. Edwards, infants' mistress Crank (mixed), enlarged in 1880, for 200 children; J. J. Bailey, master; Miss Emma King, assistant mistress Rainford Coal Co.'s (mixed), built in 1877, for 150 children; Robert Fairclough, master Roman Catholic (mixed), built in 1874, for 133 children; Miss Mary Unsworth, mistress RAILWAY STATIONS. Rainford (village), Enoch Chilton, station master Rainford Junction, Adam Yates, station master Crank, R. J. Richie, station master Rookery, T. W. Seely, station master COMMERCIAL. Allan K. L. & Co. Ltd. T A " Autobile;" T N 17 As hurst Thomas, farmer, King's Moss Lane farm Bagley Prince, joiner Ball John, deputy registrar of births & deaths for Rainford sub-district Rail John, farmer, King's bridge Ball Richard, Bridge inn Ball William T. Eagle & Child P.H Banks Hy. farmer, Mosbro' frm. T N 15 Barton Charles, insur. agt. Brook lodge Birchall Edward, farmer, Moss Nook & Church farm Birchall Edward, farmer, Reeds Brow Birchall Henry, farmer Birchall Ralph, butcher Birchall Ralph, sen. farmer, Avenue Blackburn Isaac, painter, Ormskirk road Boardmnn John J.P. farmer, Murray ho Board man Thomas, farmer, Dairy farm Bradchaw Robert, fanner, Mill Lane farm Bromilow, Potter & Co. Limited, colliery proprietors. T N 1 Bryer* Richard, farmer Bnrrell Fredk J. Star P.H. T N 12 Cliffe John, farmer, King's MOM farm Cowman Alice (Mrs.), ironmonger Bean E. H. farmer, Rainford Junction Bean Edmund Edwd. farmer,Holiday moss Dean Esther (Mrs.), farmer, Bridge farm Dixon John, farmer Button Robert, cycle agent Fairclough Robert, registrar of births & deaths for Rainford sub-district, Preacot district Fishwick Richard, Derby Arms P.H Fishwick Thomas, tobacco pipe manufactr Fletcher Albert, shopkeeper Forber Alice (Mrs.), grocer Fryer Bros, motor engineers, Mosbro' ro-.id Fryer Joseph, painter Fryer Joseph A^grocer Glover Richard, farmer, Victoria farm Grace William, draper Grayson Edmund, farmer, Maggots nook Grayson Henry (Mrs.) (exors. of),farmers Hydes brow Green Brothers, farmers, Rookery Green Joseph, farmer, Ald<»r lane Green Joseph, insur. agent, Church Hall Jameti, Golden Lion P.H Harrisen Richard, farmer Harrlson William, farmer, MOM Heskoth Jamet, grocer LAN08. 29*