2014 Holiday Issue


2014 Holiday Issue
Good Neighbor
El Buen Vecino
Recognizing the Importance of Family & Neighborhood
Reconociendo la importancia de la familia
“Good Neighbor” - El Buen Vecino” is a program of
community events and partnerships geared towards
fostering and strengthening the neighborhoods in which
we serve. We start with the children and we assist right to
the elders. Recognizing the importance of Community,
the Good Neighbor Program has reached out to many
non-profit and city agencies to provide outreach for
educational, art, health and wellness programs. With
the help of our sponsors, the Good Neighbor program
has grown into a nationally -recognized community
development program.
“Buen Vecino” – “El Buen Vecino” es un programa
de eventos comunitarios adaptado hacia el incentivo y
fortalecendo los barrios en que servimos. Comenzamos
ayudando a los ninos y los ancianos. Reconociendo la
importancia de la comunidad, el programa Buen Vecino
ha unido a muchas organizaciones con el fin de lucro
y agencias de la cuidad para, proporcionar servicios de
extension educative, arte, programas de salud y bien estar.
Con la ayuda de nuestros patrocinadores, el programa del
Buen Vecino ha crecido a ser un programa reconocido
sobre todo el pais.
*Met Foods, Pioneer Supermarket, Associated Supermarket, Metropolitan Citymarket, Compare Foods and MetFresh are proud supporters of Good Neighbor Magazine.
Thank You to Our Participating Sponsors:
3 Kings Day Parade - NYC
Reaching Our Dreams Dinner - Bronx, NY
Shrimp Cocktail
• 2½ lbs of cooked, large shrimp
• ½ cup of lemon juice or
ReaLemon® or ReaLime® to taste
• 3 large tomatoes diced
• 1 large white onion diced
• ½ cup of Sunkist® Soda or
Crush® orange flavor
SAVE $1.00
• 6 oz of ketchup
• 2 cups Clamato® Tomato Cocktail,
Original or Picante
• Salt & pepper
• 6 oz of Worcestershire sauce
• 3 oz of hot sauce
• 2 avocados cut in squares
1. Mix shrimp with lemon juice, tomatoes, onion, Sunkist® Soda or
Crush® orange flavor, ketchup, Clamato® Original or Picante flavor,
salt & pepper to taste, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce (to taste).
2. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3. Add avocado before serving.
on your purchase of TWO (2) 16oz.
bottles or larger of any flavor*
Clamato® Tomato Cocktail
*Flavors subject to availability
Retailer: Mott’s LLP will reimburse you for the face value plus 8¢ cents
handling if you and the consumer have met the offer’s terms. Void if prohibited, taxed, restricted, transferred, assigned, sold, purchased or if coupon
is reproduced, gang cut or mint condition. Consumer to pay sales tax. Cash
value 1/20 of 1¢. Good only in U.S.A and Puerto Rico. DO NOT DOUBLE. Limit
one coupon per purchase. RETAILER REDEEM BY MAILING TO: Dr Pepper
Snapple Group, Inmar, Inc, One Fawcett Drive, Dept. #78000, Del Rio, TX
78840. ©2014 Mott’s LLP. 2014 ™ & © Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. SUNKIST
is a registered trademark of Sunkist Growers, Inc., USA used under license by
Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. ©2014 Sunkist Growers, Inc. and Dr Pepper/
Seven Up, Inc.
Taste Off - Staten Island, NY
Good Neighbor Health Festival - Night Out Against Crime
Brooklyn, NY
Associated 1888 Fulton St. Street Fair
Good Neighbor Health Festival - Bronx, NY
Good Neighbor Little League Opening Day - Bronx, NY
Susan G. Komen for the Cure - NYC Central Park
Familia y Hogar - New York, NY
Good Neighbor Health Festival - Plainfield, NJ
Seeds of Talent - El Museo del Barrio, New York, NY
Iron Skillet Cook-Off for World Cares - New York, NY
Food Drive - Kingsborough Community College - Brooklyn, NY
Reaching our Dreams Game Day - Bronx, NY
Festival de las Flores Parade - Flushing Meadow Park,
Queens, NY
Good Neighbor Basketball Camp - Bronx, NY
Thanksgiving Voucher Giveaway with the Yankees - Bronx, NY
Good Neighbor/NY Yankees Holiday Food Drive - Bronx, NY
Toy Drive - Rising Stars - Bronx, NY
about this issue
Happy Holidays!
Buone Feste!
Trevlig Helg!
Felices Fiestas!
Boas Fe
r Fe
Joyeuses Fêtes!
We have included a bunch of recipes ideas from your favorite
Mutlu Bayramlar! brands including Knorr, Domino Sugar, Nestle, Ocean Spray
and General Mills. We even have some cool food articles from
the Staten Island Advance.
In this issue we celebrate the various traditions from all over
the world, sharing with you the many cultures around this seaSretn
i praz
nici! son. We also offer ideas to help you deal with some of the
challenges brought on by the holidays by providing some major tips. We encourage you to always keeping in mind that the
holidays are an occasion for celebrating not for stressing!
s we get into the festive mood of the season, we celebrate
good times and cheer with our Holiday Issue. The best part
of the season are those little homemade touches, the cookies
baked by Grandma, the kids eager little hands to open presents under the tree, the memories, laughters, and traditions.
Good Neighbor is here to inspire you and give tips about the
holiday season to better help you enjoy this time of happiness
and joy.
e fee
We also hope you enjoy this very special double issue of Home
for the Holidays. In this time of the year, we at Good Neighbor
wish you and your family the happiest of holidays!
Pastel de Tres Leches
Tres Leches Cake
Arroz con Pollo
y Gandules
Celebra y saborea nuestras tradiciones
Celebrate and taste our traditions
Mejora tu vida, mejorando tus recetas
Si buscas mantener una dieta balanceada, no tienes que renunciar a los platillos tradicionales que tanto te gustan,
¡el secreto está en sustituir! Descubre estas buenas recomendaciones de nuestra nutricionista, Gina Ruskie, RD, para
preparar otra versión de esta receta de Arroz con Pollo y Gandules que sea mejor para ti. Para más tips y deliciosas
recetas, visita vivemejor.com
Reduce la sal
las carnes
Incorpora granos
Enjuaga con agua y escurre
los frijoles enlatados o compra
frijoles enlatados bajos en sal
para reducir el consumo de sodio.
Trata de sustituir el chorizo
o la salchicha de cerdo con
salchicha de pollo o pavo.
Trata de sustituir el arroz blanco
por arroz integral para agregarle
los beneficios de los granos
integrales a este platillo.
Arroz Con Pollo y Gandules
1 cucharada de Country Crock® Spread
5 onzas de chorizo picado
1 taza de chalote (shallot) finamente picado
1 pimiento verde grande finamente picado
2 tazas de arroz blanco
4 tazas de agua
2 tazas de salsa para pasta Ragú®
1 lata (15 oz.) de gandules escurridos
4 tazas de pollo rostizado desmenuzado
1/4 de taza de cilantro fresco finamente picado, dividido
1/3 de taza de queso fresco, desmenuzado
En una cacerola pesada u olla de hierro de 6 litros, derrite
la cucharada de Country Crock® Spread a temperatura
media-alta, y sofríe el chorizo, chalote y pimiento verde
durante 3 minutos, revolviendo con frecuencia, o hasta
que queden blandos, pero crujientes. Baja la temperatura
a media, agrega el arroz y fríelo todo por 1 minuto.
Agrega el agua, la salsa Ragú® y los gandules. Cocínalos a
temperatura alta. Tápala, baja la temperatura y cocínalos
a fuego lento por 20 minutos o hasta que el arroz quede
blando. Agrega el pollo y 2 cucharadas de cilantro.
Espolvorea el queso y el resto del cilantro.
2 tazas de leche
1 lata (14 oz.) de leche condensada azucarada
1 lata (12 oz.) de leche evaporada
6 huevos, separados
¼ de cdta. de bicarbonato de sodio
¼ de cdta. de sal
1 taza de azúcar
½ taza de margarina Country Crock®, derretida
1 taza de harina blanca simple
2 cups milk
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
1 can (12 oz.) evaporated milk
6 eggs, separated
¼ Tsp. baking soda
¼ Tsp. salt
1 cup sugar
½ cup Country Crock® Spread, melted
1 cup all-purpose flour
Calienta el horno a 350 °F. Aceita un plato de cristal para hornear
de 13x9 pulgadas y reserva. Mezcla las leches en un recipiente grande
y reserva. Bate las claras de los huevos, el bicarbonato y la sal en otro
recipiente grande con una batidora eléctrica a velocidad alta hasta que
se formen ondas suaves. Bate poco a poco la azúcar, luego las yemas
de huevos hasta que se mezclen. Añade y revuelve la Country Crock®
derretida con una espátula de goma. Cuela la harina ¼ de taza a la
vez hasta que se mezcle. Viértela en el plato preparado. Hornéalo por
20 minutos o hasta que un palillo de dientes insertado en el centro
salga limpio. Déjalo enfriar por 10 minutos en una rejilla para cocina.
Vierte lentamente, y de manera uniforme, la mezcla de leche por
encima del pastel caliente. Cúbrelo y refrigéralo al menos 4 horas o
durante la noche. Si lo deseas, sírvelo con crema batida.
Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease 13x9-inch glass baking dish; set
aside. Combine milks in large bowl; set aside. Beat egg whites,
baking soda and salt in another large bowl with electric mixer on
high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in sugar, then egg
yolks, until blended. With rubber spatula, stir in melted Country
Crock® Spread. Fold in flour, 1/4 cup at a time, until blended.
Pour into prepared dish. Bake 20 minutes or until toothpick
inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes on wire rack.
Slowly pour milk mixture evenly over hot cake. Cover and
refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight. Serve, if desired, with
whipped cream.
Para MÁs tips y recetas,
visita vivemejor.com
For more tips and recipes, visit vivemejor.com
©2014 Unilever
St. Lucia Day in Sweden
St. Lucia Day honors a third-century saint on December 13,
when girls dress up as “Lucia brides” and wear long white
gowns and red sashes — a tradition that dates back to the 18th
century. The attire is accompanied with a wreath of burning
candles on their heads. The girls wake up their families by
singing songs and offering coffee, and a traditional bun, called
St. Lucia’s bun and made from saffron, is commonly eaten on
this day.
Hanukkah in Israel
Jewish people all over the world observe Hanukkah, but perhaps there is not a more brilliant celebration than in Israel.
The eight-day holiday, which lands on different dates in December every year, marks the successful Jewish rebellion over
the Greeks. The focal point of celebration is the menorah, a
branched candelabrum, and most homes have many. Each
night, one candle is lit and gifts are often given to children,
games are played and food is enjoyed. Children in Israel even
get a week off from school.
Christmas in France
In France, Christmas is called Noel. And though there are
many similarities to Christmas in the U.S., you’ll find a number
of key differences. A figure called Pere Noel, father of Christmas, makes home visits with gifts. On Christmas Eve, children
leave their shoes by a fireplace that will be filled with the gifts.
In the morning, they awake to find fruits, nuts and small toys.
Nearly every home has a Nativity Scene, which serves as the
focal point of decoration and celebration, just as the Christmas
tree does in U.S. homes.
Christmas in Alaska
Christmas traditions in Alaska are similar to the rest of the
Unites States, but there are a few unique differences that make
an Alaskan Christmas special. For example, children go caroling with a long pole topped by a colored star. Songs sung in
the home often include the Aleut words “Gristuusaaq suu’uq,”
which means “Christ is born.” The closing words, “Mnogaya
leta,” means, “God grant you many years.” Treats may include
cookies, doughnuts, and cake, as well as fish pie called piruk.
FA C E B O O K . C O M / G O O D N E I G H B O R N YC
St. Stephen’s Day in Ireland
Christmas festivities in Ireland tend to be more religious in
nature than about simple fun. Christmas celebrations last from
Christmas Eve until January 6th (Epiphany). On the 26th, St.
Stephen’s Day, an Irish tradition that is known as the Wren
Boys Procession takes place. Children go from door to door
singing, holding a stick that is topped by a holly bush and a
Kwanzaa in the U.S.
wren. They ask for money for the “starving wren,” which goes
Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration honoring African-Amerinto their pockets. In ancient times, a real wren was killed and
ican culture. It was first celebrated in 1966 and is one of the
fastest growing holidays. A Kwanzaa celebration often includes fastened to the stick, but today fake wrens are used.
singing, drumming and a selection of readings such as the
Sviata Vechera in the Ukraine
African pledge or parts of African history.
The Christmas Eve festivities in the Ukraine are known as
Sviata Vechera, which means “Holy Supper.” The celebration
Omisoka in Japan
In Japan, Omisoka, or New Year’s Eve, is the second most im- begins when the first evening star is sighted in the night sky. In
portant holiday of the year, following New Year’s Day, the start farming communities, the household head brings in a sheaf
of a new beginning. Japanese families gather for a late dinner of wheat which symbolizes the wheat crops of Ukraine. It is
around 11 p.m., and at midnight, many make visits to a shrine called “didukh,” which translates to “grandfather spirit.” In
or temple. In many homes, there is a cast bell that is struck 108 homes within the city, a few stalks of wheat may be used to
decorate the table.
times, symbolizing desires believed to cause human suffering.
New Year’s Eve in Ecuador
In this South American country, a family dresses up a straw
man representing the old year. Family members make a will
for the straw man that lists all of their faults. At midnight, they
burn the straw man in hopes their own faults disappear too.
Ta Chiu in Hong Kong
Those in Hong Kong pray to the gods and ghosts of their
ancestors asking that they will fulfill wishes for the next year.
Priests read aloud the names of every person living at the
celebration and attach a list of names to a paper horse and set
it on fire. The smoke carries the names up to the gods and the
living will be remembered.
Source:Tracee M. Herbaugh, sheknows.com
Pumpkin-white chocolate chip:
Nothing like Grandma’s cookies
BY: Pamela Silvestri
In winding up to a recipe, cookbook authors often
wax poetic about their childhood meals. Rightly so in
the case of Faye Porter’s “At My Grandmother’s Table.” Her book is replete with mouthwatering photos
of casseroles, a beautiful-looking blueberry-sausage
bake and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
But for sure, there was a Marie Silvestri food tradition that my dad and Uncle Bob would bring up — “Snow Bruh Joel,” a term
that would send he and his brother into serious fits of laughter.
“What was ‘Snow Bruh Joel’?” I asked my Aunt Annette.
She said matter-of-factly, “That was a way of saying, ‘There is no brasciole.’”
With that, I also have no brasciole recipe to share right now. And, if indeed there were written instructions about meatballs or
Sunday Sauce by Grandma Marie’s hand they are as long gone as is lutefisk from a Bay Ridge fish store.
Instead, here’s Ms. Porter’s grandmother’s recipe for you to enjoy.
We’ll get back to those particular cookies and a happy
recipe for them in a moment. But first, here is a windup in delivering that formula.
Just a note beforehand: Use a liquid measure to meter out the pumpkin. The original recipe calls for margarine (I much prefer
butter) and chocolate chips, as opposed to the white chocolate kind. Although I think the cookies look prettier with the white
chips, arguably a better compliment the pumpkin pie flavors.
Also, I did not sift the flour or beat the egg beforehand out of consideration for my grandma Lillian who likely would abandon
this recipe immediately after reading such steps.
I was transported back to my own grandmother’s table
at a church potluck luncheon held in Port Richmond
on Sunday that featured an admirable tray of Ambrosia. You know that dish — or maybe you don’t — it’s basically a salad
of Jell-O, fruit such as canned pineapple chunks, Cool Whip and marshmallows.
Perhaps this is just as formidable of a concept with which to grapple as are other Depression-era dishes like “dump cake” or
a solid, dessert loaf made with Campbell’s Tomato Soup. But, as sure as there is good pizza on Staten Island, there is a loyal
audience for Ambrosia.
Take my Grandma Lillian, for instance. To this humble cook on East 4th Street in Brooklyn, back in the day, Ambrosia was
a bit of a culinary feat, a side dish at McMullen family gatherings that proved a bit more complex than “mold,” another
edible wonder made from fruit suspended in (usually green) Jell-O eased from a Bundt cake form.
Both Ambrosia and “mold” were sources of pride for my grandmother of East Flatbush. That’s because she could make
the recipes very successfully.
Now, at 96 years old, she is quite comfortable joking to friends in her retirement community, “I always made one thing well
— reservations.”
Meanwhile, my Italian grandmother, Marie Silvestri, over on Fort Hamilton Parkway, always had something cooking on the
stove — bless her sweet soul — a pot of stock for soup or bell peppers getting charred right on the burners. And, whatever
she put on a plate, it was incredibly delicious and memorable. Who can deny the fantastical flavors of a juicy beef burger
fried in olive oil or pastina in broth with soft vegetables chopped into such teensy pieces they seemed invisible?
Cousins Liz and Joanne of Great Kills recently brought up Marie’s cooking while sitting around my Aunt Annette’s dining
room table.
Marie’s repertoire, we all agree, included olive oil where the “oil” was pronounced like “earl” and water was “burled” not
“boiled.” (Imagine how the word “toilet” and “coil” sounded with that Coney Island accent.) Clipped “kew-pons” (translation: coupons) were redeemed at the supermarket a few blocks up on 86th Street. (Was that an Acme there on the corner of
91st Street in the mid-seventies? I can’t recall.)
(Yields about 30 cookies)
• Non-stick cooking spray
• 1/2 cup (1 stick) margarine or
unsalted butter, softened
• 1 1/2 cup sugar
• 1 cup canned pure pumpkin
• 1 large egg, beaten
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 1 teaspoon baking powder
• 1 teaspoon cinnamon
• 1 teaspoon nutmeg
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1 (6 ounce) package white chocolate chips
• 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)
photo credit: Staten Island Advance
• Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease 2 cookie sheets.
• In a large bowl use a hand mixer to cream together the margarine or butter and sugar until fluffy. Blend in the pumpkin, egg,
and vanilla.
• In a medium bowl sift the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.
• Add the flour mixture to the margarine or butter mixture and blend well. Stir in the chips and optional nuts. Drop the batter
by heaping teaspoons onto the prepared cookie sheets.
• Bake until lightly brown, about 12 to 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack before serving. Store leftovers in an air tight container.
— Adapted from a recipe by Faye Porter, “At My Grandmother’s Table” (Thomas Nelson, 2013) Source: Staten Island Advance, Silive.com
Bring the Family
Ronzoni The Pasta that Calls America Home
©2014 New World Pasta Company
A delicious meal with Ronzoni® pasta helps you create memories with
family and friends. Ronzoni® always cooks up perfectly and is
available in a variety of cuts, so your favorite recipes are sure to please.
Celebrate the holidays at home. Serve Ronzoni® pasta.
wo hundred and thirty people were in attendance at our 3rd annual Seeds of Talent showcase, sponsored by
Good Neighbor. The show started at 7pm and ended a bit after 9pm, with standing ovations. The perfomers were
boys and girls ages 4-15 years old. The talented singers and dancers were from countries such as Peru, Mexico,
Dominican Republic, Colombia, and Ecuador. They danced their native dances and sung in their native tongues.
The crowd cheered and applauded for these kids who have worked so hard for this show since July. The energy
was amazing!
Hundreds of performers showed up to auditions in Queens over the summer. These children were hand picked
by Julio Cesar en America and then the real work began. Rehearsals were twice a week with voice coach Lori
Fredrics and the dances choreographed by Gabrielle Sarrubbo, then a short showcase at Familia & Hogar at the
NYC Hilton in September, leading up to their show at El Museo del Barrio.
Dinner for the performers was donated by Vladimir Diaz, Pioneer Supermarket on Lexington Ave in NYC.
Dessert and snacks were kindly donated by Conagra, Marie Callendar and Bertolli Pies, and Hunts Snack Pack
Puddings. Café Bustelo served hot coffee. Jif Peanut Butter and Smuckers Jelly were slathered on crackers. All of
this was served before the show, at intermission and end of show. David’s Sunflower Seeds were handed out to the
departing guests.
For all their hard work and sweat, the children will be treated to a day in New York City, a Broadway Workshop,
lunch at the Hard Rock Café and then off to see Cinderella on Broadway.
Visit us at goodneighbornyc.com for photo gallery and be sure to follow Good Neighbor on Instagram and Like us on Facebook!
ood Neighbor recognizes Jenny Jorge, partner of Compare Foods located at 111 West
Merrick Road, Freeport, Long Island. Jenny organized her very own health community
fair for her customers on August 23rd and 24th of this year in honor of their 25th Anniversary in the Freeport community. Many partners and vendors contributed to the event
with their various product demos, raffles and family oriented activities. South Nassau
Community Hospital provided free health screenings for cholesterol, high blood pressure,
BMI and many other services through their CATCH program. Even WBLI 106.1 and
WBAB 102.3 showed up and supported the event with great energy and broadcasting.
Many food companies including Bimbo, Cafe Bustelo, Eat Well Hummus and many others
shared their delicious products. As Jenny stated, “This event was a fun way to showcase
some of our best products and allow customers to taste some new and different items that
they may not normally look for. But mainly, we decided to organize this event to show our
customers that they are appreciated and that we are grateful for the suppport they have
shown us during these 25 years.” Everyone enjoyed the fun atmosphere, food and appreciation from Compare Foods. Nassau County’s own Kathleen Rice, New York District Attorney, attended the event to show support to Jorge and the Compare Foods Anniversary.
The kids had a great time jumping in bouncy castles and hanging with Beembo the Bimbo
Bear while adults participated in the raffle where lucky winners won various prizes such as
food-filled gift baskets, Compare Foods gift cards, game tickets, concert tickets, children’s
bicycles, Six Flags tickets, and a 32” LED TV.
Jenny is doing an excellent job with Compare
proven to not only be a profound busibut leader in the community. She is an
to many and continues to provide
service with Compare Foods, its
bution to it’s customers, and what it
represents as a supermarket in the
New York Metropolitan area.
Foods as she is
ness woman,
We at Good Neighbor
Congratulate and Appreciate Jenny Jorge on
her accomplishments
and outstanding work
as partner of Compare
Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of New York, Inc.
Westchester, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan & Long Island
Jenny Jorge with her mother.
Pepsi, The Pepsi Globe, Pepsi Cola & the LIVE FOR NOW slogan are trademarks or registered trademarks of PepsiCo, Inc.
Next, cut the as carrot as finely as possible: A good way to do this is to shave it on the smaller holes of a box grater.
(These are tiny bits as you don’t want the carrot crunch to dominate the salad.)
BY: Pamela Silvestri
Add all of those ingredients together in a non-reactive mixing bowl with the juicy liquid from pickles or some white vinegar. Add salt. Refrigerate overnight, about 12 hours.
In the fall, zero in on this extra-terrestrial looking
vegetable: Kohlrabi.
Remove from fridge. Strain out the juices and discard.
It comes in the color purple or a rather pale shade
of green. And, as funky as it looks, this vegetable is
a much more elegant stand-in for its cabbage and
rutabaga cousins.
At this point, you can keep the kohlrabi salad crunchy: Use
it instead of iceberg lettuce, atop a creamy combination, like
chicken or tuna salad with it on a soft potato bun. Or, serve
it on the side of a sandwich platter finished with poppy or
black sesame seeds, for a color and crunch contrast.
Let’s break the kohlrabi down into what might be
more familiar tastes and textures. When raw, the
creature eats like a radish and cuts like an apple.
When cooked, a shrewd home chef can treat it like a
turnip or its curvacious, sweet rutabaga relatives —
stew it to perfection.
Slice the scallion bottoms vertically so they look like matchsticks. Chop the scallion greens (about 3 inches from the top)
horizontally into ribbons as thinly as possible. This adds some contrast to the overall look of the salad.
For a creamy version of the salad: Add a tablespoon each
of Greek yogurt, mustard and mayonnaise with a pinch of
photo credit: Pamela Silvestri
Kohlrabi pops up in mid-summer. For a gardener, it provides a great way to fill in a raised-bed garden or sunny plot
between produce stints, like lettuces and Swiss chard. Plus, the kohlrabi itself is a hardy plant that can be sowed
about a month before an anticipated first frost and harvested while temperatures hover around 40 degrees. So, expect to find it on local farm stands in the very near future.
Source: Staten Island Advance, Silive.com
F E L I Z N AV I D A D !
photo credit: Pamela Silvestri
T W I T T E R . C O M / G O O D N E I G H B O R N YC
If you know how to prepare it, you’ll absolutely love to eat it.
(Makes 4 to 6 side servings)
• 1 kohlrabi, leaves removed and reserved for another use
• 1/2 carrot, peeled and grated
• 1 scallion, with bottoms sliced vertically into matchsticks and/or horizontally into tiny rings
• 3 tablespoons chopped herbs such as parsley or tarragon (optional)
• 1/2 seeded bell pepper or 1 jalapeno (for a little kick) sliced into thin slivers (both optional)
• Salt
• 1/2 cup pickle juice or white wine vinegar
Trim the leaves and off-shoots of the kohlrabi. Reserve for another use — the washed leaves can be cooked like spinach — or just compost/discard them.
Slice the kohlrabi into 1/4-inch pieces, like an apple. Turn, and lie each piece flat, then chop into matchsticks as
thinly as possible. You can also use a mandoline to julienne the slices.
My husband Matthew is from Boston, so he thinks he’s
a good party host. Boston, for those who don’t know, is
famous for being a party town. On our wedding, for example, when the DJ played a song from Journey (don’t ask me
which one, because they all sound the same to me), he took
off his shirt and started imitating the band’s lead singer,
Steve Perry.
bother you. But in our parties, if you try to hide, someone will find
you. They’ll bring you some cheesy snacks or a plate filled with
beans, meat, rice, tortillas, the best fruit drink you have ever tasted,
and they will tell you a good joke. After that, it’ll be hard for you to
escape from dancing on the living room dance floor.
Anyway, he was like a fish in water.
And now to answer your question about what time we’ll be back.
Unlike the parties you’re used to, that have a start and an end time,
I said, we don’t believe fun should have a time limit. Just saying
goodbye can take you an hour. Besides, you’ll be lucky if you can
escape coffee time at the end of the night. Maybe we’ll come back
home at midnight. Or maybe not. One thing’s for sure: you’re
definitely not going to watch the game.
Then, we had a party with my Latino family. And that’s
when things got interesting. Before leaving he asked, “What
time are we coming back?” Why? I asked. “I want to catch
the end of the Sox’s game”.
It was the perfect moment to explain the rules of a Latino
Rule #1: Never, ever, get there early
Before answering what time we’ll be coming back, first I
have to tell you what time we’re getting there, I told him.
For my family parties, we have to get there at least 30
minutes after the start time. If you’re there on time, you’ll
be the first one. The host won’t even be ready, so you’ll be
asked to serve snacks, setup tables and chairs or even to
watch the kids. And it’s possible that you’ll have to do it for
the rest of the party.
Rule #2: If you are not well dressed, don’t show up
Some people go to parties with themed t-shirts and shorts.
This will never happen at our parties, I explained. Even if
it’s just a carne asada on a Saturday afternoon or a birthday
party, you should be wearing clean and ironed clothes and
your shoes should be shining. The women will be wearing
make-up. If someone takes kids, their hair will be combed
with gel and the girls will have ponytails or braids. So you
have to dress nice, honey.
Rule #3: You have to eat, chat and dance
At other parties, If you don’t want to mingle with other, you
can go sit in a corner, pull out your phone, and no one will
posiblemente te toque hacer eso durante toda la fiesta.
Regla #2: Si no estás vestido bien, no vayas
Rule #4: Latino gatherings don’t have an end time
Welcome to the family, my love!
Nina Hall is mother of two and a bilingual and bicultural journalist. She loves to write about music and fashion, as well as movies
and theatre that deal with the Latino lifestyle in the U.S. She lives
in San Diego, California with her husband and two daughters.
Visit Diasgrandiosos.com to find recipes that make you smile and stories
with Latin flavor.
Como mi esposo Matthew es de Boston, él cree que es muy
buen anfitrión para las fiestas. Boston, para quienes no
saben, tiene fama de ser una ciudad que sabe divertirse. En
nuestra boda, por ejemplo, cuando el DJ puso una canción
del grupo Journey (no me pregunten cuál, porque todas me
suenan igual), él se quitó la camiseta y se puso a imitar al
vocalista del grupo, Steve Perry.
En fin, estaba como un pez en el agua.
Después tuvimos una fiesta con mi familia latina. Y ahí es
donde la cosa se puso interesante. Antes de salir de casa me
preguntó “¿A qué hora volveremos?”. ¿Por qué?, le pregunté. “Quiero alcanzar a ver el final del juego de los Sox”.
Fue el momento perfecto para explicarle las reglas de una
fiesta latina.
Regla #1: Nunca, jamás, llegues temprano
Antes de contestarte a qué
horas vamos a regresar, primero debo decirte a qué hora
vamos a llegar, le dije. En las
reuniones de mi familia hay
que llegar por lo menos 30
minutos después de la hora
indicada. Y si llegas a tiempo,
seguramente serás el primero.
Ni siquiera el anfitrión estará
listo. Así que tendrás que
ayudar a servir las botanas,
sacar sillas y mesas o hasta
echarle un ojo a los niños, y
Hay personas que van a reuniones vestidas con playeras decoradas
con temáticas de fiesta y pantalones cortos. Pero esto nunca sucederá en nuestras fiestas, le expliqué. Aunque sea una carne asada de
sábado en la tarde o una fiesta de cumpleaños, tu ropa debe estar
limpia y planchada, tus zapatos brillantes y las mujeres vamos bien
maquilladas. Si alguien lleva niños, su cabello estará bien peinado
con gel, las niñas con su cabello recogido o en trenza. Por lo tanto,
querido, te me vistes bien.
Regla #3: Tienes que comer, conversar y bailar
Si no tienes ganas de convivir con alguien, en cualquier otra fiesta
te vas a una esquina de la casa, te sientas, sacas tu teléfono y nadie
te molestará. Pero en nuestras reuniones por más que trates de esconderte, alguien te encontrará. Te traerán unas botanas de queso
o un plato lleno de frijoles, carne, arroz, tortillas, la mejor bebida
de frutas que hayas probado en tu vida y compartirán contigo un
buen chisme. Más tarde será difícil que te escapes de bailar en la
sala transformada en una pista de baile.
Regla #4: Las fiestas latinas no tienen hora final
Y ahora para contestar la pregunta sobre a qué hora regresamos.
A diferencia de las fiestas a las que estás acostumbrado, en las
que se especifica una hora de comienzo y una hora final, le dije,
nosotros no creemos que la diversión tiene hora límite. Tan solo
el despedirse te puede tomar una hora. Además, tendrás suerte si
te escapas del cafecito al final de la noche. Quizás regresemos a la
casa a la medianoche. O quizás no. Una cosa sí es segura, definitivamente no podrás ver tu partido.
¡Bienvenido a la familia my love!
Nina Hall es una madre de dos hijas y periodista bilingüe y bicultural. Le encanta escribir sobre temas como música y moda así
como películas y teatro y sobre la vida de los latinos en Estados
Unidos. Vive en San Diego, California con su esposo y dos hijas.
Visita Diasgrandiosos.com para conocer recetas que te harán sonreír e
historias con sabor latino.
1. Buy Safe Toys
If you plan to buy toys for the kids in your life, choose
age-appropriate toys and look for labels with safety advice.
For young children, avoid toys with small parts, sharp edges,
and electric toys that can heat up. Always purchase safety
gear in addition to sports-related gifts or ride-on toys, such
as bicycles or skateboards.
decorations; do not overload electrical sockets; regularly water live
Christmas trees; and avoid the use of lit candles. As you should do
year-round, ensure that your smoke alarms are working.
7. Pay Attention to Food Portions and Physical Activity
2. Celebrate on a Budget
The holidays can be expensive, but you don’t have to break
the bank to celebrate. Take a few minutes to decide how
rations, and other holiday expenses. Once you’ve created a
spending plan, keep track of your purchases.
Shopping online can help you stick to a budget as you’ll
avoid the temptation of store displays and may be able to
use coupons and promotion codes. Before you buy, look for
and friends, but celebrations sometimes involve over-indulging in sweet treats and heavy foods. Even if you only gain one
or two pounds during the holidays, these gains can add up
your gifts will arrive on time; and read the return policy.
You can get through the airport security line faster by travel-
3. Give the Gift of Service
Sometimes the greatest gift you can give to others is service.
Studies show that reading to a child just three hours a week
carrying on liquids. You may have favorite liquid food items
(like cranberry sauce and gravy) that you want to enjoy
during the holidays, but it’s best to put them in your checked
bag or ship them ahead of time. If you’re at the airport and
need last-minute information about what you can and can’t
bring through security, use the MyTSA app or mobile website.
out at a local soup kitchen or food bank, you are directly
providing meals to hungry individuals.
4. Find Seasonal Employment
Even in a tough economy, businesses need extra help
around the holidays. Seasonal employment can help supplement your income and potentially lead to a permanent
5. Get Through the Holiday Blues
The holidays aren’t joyous for everyone. This time of year
can bring stress and feelings of loneliness. Exercise, focusing on positive relationships, and doing things that you
Institute of Mental Health for tips on how to help yourself
if you’re depressed. Keep in mind that winter depression
is caused by the lack of sunlight. Treatment for SAD is
much like other forms of depression, but may also involve
light therapy.
6. Be Safe and Save Money with LED Lights
Electricity bills can grow during the holidays if you decorate with strings of lights. Consider switching to LED
(light-emitting diode) holiday lights to save energy and
money. In addition to the cost savings, LED lights are much
to try to lose weight, but you can take steps to maintain your
weight. You want to enjoy your food but eat less of it, and
make physical activity a regular part of your day.
8. Pack for Hassle-Free Air Travel
9. Reduce Holiday Waste
waste, recycle, and reuse items. Did you know that about 40
percent of all battery sales occur during the holiday season?
Consider buying rechargeable batteries (and a charger) for
greeting cards, consider purchasing ones that are made of
recycled paper or sending electronic greetings.
10. Keep Food Safe
leaving food out for long periods of time can invite bacteria
that cause foodborne illness. To keep your holiday foods safe,
cook them thoroughly, use shallow containers, never leave
them sitting out for more than two hours, and keep them at
the appropriate temperature.
Make holiday clean-up a breeze
HoliDays are all about family. spenD less time cleaning tHis HoliDay season.
Tough on stains,
big on shine.
his morning I walked into MS 218, Rafael Hernandez Dual Language Magnet School, not knowing
what my morning would be like. This was also my first
introduction to the “Reaching Our Dreams” program.
There was a security guard posted at the entrance, and
the school was
decorated like an
elementary school,
warm and inviting.
I entered into a
school that is Dual
Language. Today’s
lessons were in
Spanish; tomorrow’s lessons are in
English. This school offers these children an amazing opportunity at a young age in their careers. Imagine having
a chance to read and write in two languages. I found out
from my meeting with Señor Caceres that the children
come from as far as Manhattan to attend this school. Recently, the school won awards from NYC and President
Obama for their “Healthy Eating Programs.”
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hour, listening intently, and no one even complained how
hot the auditorium was.
Next he introduced Sheny, who immigrated from El Salvador. She is a product of a divorced family, kidnapped
as a child, and her father was murdered in their home
when she was nine years old. She was passed around
from one family member’s home to another while growing up. Eventually, she was able to support herself and
put herself through four years of college. Now, she has a
full time job as a Marketing Director and is the founder
of a not-for-profit company called “Angels Care Community.” Sheny asked the children if they knew what they
wanted to be when they grow up, an engineer, a singer,
and a chef were the three she called on. These children
have dreams too.
Sheny has a dream
she is working
towards and that
is to build a school
in her father’s
hometown. She is
currently raising
money to achieve
Johnny Torres of
the dream of the
“Save Latin Amercommunity to
ica”, myself, the
establish more white collar jobs in their town. They need
representative of
an education to achieve this.
the “Good Neighbor Program” and The children in the auditorium were then asked to write
Sheny Guzman
an essay about how they felt today, if the presentation
of “Angels Care
mirrored their life, and what their dreams are. Ten essays
Community” had will be chosen from all entries and those children will
a brief converbe taken out to dinner at a local restaurant, and given
sation with Señor Caceres, the Principal, who then
awards for particigathered together grades 5-8. The children walked into
pation. They were
the auditorium, politely, in their uniforms, sat down and so excited when
were ready to listen to the presentation. Johnny’s speech we told them that
began reminding all the children they were geniuses. He this was just Phase
then asked them to scream out, “I am a genius”, raising
1 of “Reaching
their hands when asked “Are you a genius?” Much to my Our Dreams.”
surprise, every single hand in the room did not go up.
Johnny spoke to the children about studying hard, believing in themselves and staying away from drugs and
alcohol. He is a role model and a great motivational
speaker for the kids. The Principal and the teachers were
impressed and the children sat in their seats for the entire by Good Neighbor Representative
Power Tools: Using a tool you are unfamiliar with may lead
to mishandling and injury. Flooring and ladders may be wet
and slick, making power machinery use more dangerous.
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Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning:
CO is an odorless, colorless, and toxic gas
that can cause illness and death. Sources
of CO include generators, heaters, and
power washers or any gas, kerosene, or
propane-fueled equipment.
Sharp Objects and Debris: Debris is
a hazard and can cause injury. Designate
a “no-walk” zone to avoid thrown debris
Lead: If you know the age of the home
you are working in, you have an idea of
whether it contains lead-based paint.
About 87% of homes built before 1940
contain lead-based paint and can be in the
dust during cleanup efforts.
Asbestos: Asbestos-containing materials
such as pipe-insulation, floor tile, roofing
shingles, etc. should not be disturbed and
may require the use of licensed contractors for safe removal
and proper disposal.
Mold: Persons with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions, or who are immunocompromised should not
participate in or be around mold remediation or removal of
water-damaged materials.
Herramientas Eléctricas: El uso de una herramienta y no
está familiarizado puede dar lugar a un mal manejo y lesiones.
Pisos y escaleras pueden estar mojadas y resbaladizas, por lo que
el uso de maquinaria de energía es más
El monóxido de carbono (CO)
Envenenamiento: El CO es un gas
inodoro, incoloro y tóxico que puede causar enfermedad y muerte. Las fuentes de
CO incluyen generadores, calentadores
y arandelas de energía o cualquier gas,
queroseno, o equipos con propano.
Objetos afilados y escombros:
Escombros es un riesgo y puede causar lesiones. Designar una zona de “no-paseo”
para evitar lesiones residuos lanzados.
Plomo: Si conoce la edad de la casa
en la que está trabajando y usted tiene
una idea de si contiene pintura a base de
plomo. Alrededor del 87% de las casas
construidas antes de 1940 contienen pintura a base de plomo y puede ser volverse
polvo durante los trabajos de limpieza.
Amianto o Asbestos: los materiales que contienen amianto,
tales como tuberías de aislamiento, baldosas, tejas para techos,
etc, no deben ser perturbados y pueden requerir el uso de contratistas autorizados para la eliminación segura y la eliminación
Moho: Las personas con alergias, asma y otras afecciones respiratorias, o que están inmunocomprometidos no deben participar o
estar cerca de la eliminación del moho o la retirada de materiales
PPE is a means to further mitigate the impacts of present
• Hard hat, work gloves, rubber boots, goggles/safety glasses.
• N95 or P100 Respirators.
• Disposable Tyvek-type coveralls to protect regular work
• Depending on the worksite and other hazards, there may be
additional PPE recommended for certain projects.
Estar Seguro!
EPP es un medio para mitigar aún más los efectos de los peligros
/ riesgos presents.
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gafas de seguridad.
• N95 o P100 Respiradores.
• Overoles desechables de tipo Tyvek para proteger la ropa de
trabajo regulares.
• En función del lugar de trabajo y otros peligros, puede haber
EPP adicionales recomendados para determinados proyectos.
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Support your school
this Holiday Season
with Box Tops at your local
Holidays and other special occasions can be tough when it comes to
desserts. Whether it is cake for a birthday, pie for thanksgiving, or ice
cream on the 4th of July, sweets are everywhere.
Holidays are special occasion, so if you’d like to enjoy a small serving
of your favorite dessert, you can.
Es importante recordar que los postres tienen bastantes carbohidratos
en tan solo una pequeña porción, así que tendrá que asegurarse de que
su porción sea pequeña. Puede incluir un postre dulce en su comida
pero substituya una porción de postre por otro carbohidrato que está
en su plan alimenticio.
For example, if you want a small serving of pumpkin pie, then pass on
eating a dinner roll or sweet potatoes during the main course.
Por ejemplo, si usted quiere un pedazo pequeño de pastel de calabaza,
no coma los rollos de pan o el puré de camote (o patatas) durante la
hora de comida.
Considere estos consejos durante los días festivos. Estos pueden ayudarlo a controlar su deseo de comer azúcar cuando se sirve el postre:
1 lb bulk Italian pork sausage
1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
1 clove garlic, crushed
3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves
or 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves
1 teaspoon sugar
2 cups Muir Glen™ organic diced tomatoes (from 28-oz can), undrained
1 can (15 oz) Muir Glen™ organic
tomato sauce
12 uncooked lasagna noodles (12 oz)
1 container (15 oz) ricotta cheese or
small-curd cottage cheese (2 cups)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano
leaves or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (8 oz)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Prep Time
Total Time
1. 1 lb bulk Italian pork sausage in 10-inch
skillet, cook sausage, onion and garlic over
medium heat, stirring occasionally, until
sausage is no longer pink; drain.
Consejos de postres durante los días festivos
Try these tips this holiday season. They can help you manage your
sweet tooth when dessert is served:
1 HR 10 Min 2 Hr 10 Min
Los días festivos son ocasiones especiales, entonces si desea disfrutar de
una pequeña porción de su postre favorito, usted puede hacerlo.
It is important to remember that most sweets have a lot of carbohydrate in a small portion so you’ll want to keep portion sizes small. You
can work a sweet treat into your meal plan but substituting a small
portion of dessert for other carbohydrate already in your meal plan.
Tips for Desserts During the Holidays
Italian Sausage
Los días festivos y otras ocasiones especiales pueden ser difíciles por
la cantidad de postres ricos que se sirven. Si es pastel de cumpleaños,
pastel para el Día de Gracias, o helado para el 4 de julio, los dulces
estan en todos lados.
Decide ahead of time what and how much you will eat and how
you will handle social pressure (“No thank you, I’m too full.”).
Share one portion of dessert with someone else, and scrape off any
high-calorie whipped-cream topping or extra frosting.
Volunteer to bring your favorite dessert to social functions. Some
ideas are plain cookies, baked apples, or sugar-free puddings.
Is there someone else at the party who is trying to watch what they
eat? Avoid tempting sweets and ask them to join you for a walk
while dessert is out on the table.
And if you decide to have a treat, remember to cut back on the
other carbohydrate in your meal to help keep blood glucose levels
on track.
Revising Recipes
Decida con tiempo qué comerá y cuándo, y cómo reaccionará
ante una situación en donde se sienta presionado por aceptar una
porción de esta comida (“No gracias, ya estoy lleno”).
Comparta una porción de postre con alguien más, y no coma la
crema alta en calorías o la crema extra.
Ofrezca traer su postre favorito a alguna función social. Algunas
ideas son hacer galletas, manzanas horneadas, o pudding sin
¿Hay alguien más en la fiesta que está cuidando lo que come?
Trate de no tentarlo con el postre y pregúntele si quiere ir a dar un
paseo mientras el postre está en la mesa.
Y si decide comer algo dulce, recuerde no comer algún otro carbohidrato en su comida para ayudar a que la glucosa en la sangre
este normal.
There are ways to revise many dessert recipes so they are healthier and Revise las recetas
still great-tasting. Many times, you can replace up to half of the sugar
Hay muchas maneras de alterar las recetas de los postres para que sean
in a recipe with a sugar substitute.
más saludables pero igual de deliciosos. Muchas veces, usted puede
You can also try cutting down on sugar and increasing the use of cin- reemplazar hasta media taza de azúcar en la receta con sustituyentes
namon, nutmeg, vanilla, and other sweet-tasting spices and flavorings. de azúcar.
2. Stir in 2 tablespoons of the parsley, the basil, sugar, tomatoes and tomato sauce. Heat
to boiling, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat
to low; simmer uncovered about 45 minutes
or until slightly thickened.
3. Heat oven to 350ºF. Cook and drain noodles as directed on package.
4. In medium bowl, mix ricotta cheese, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, remaining 1 tablespoon parsley
and the oregano.
5. Spread 1 cup of the sauce mixture in ungreased 13x9-inch (3-quart) glass baking dish. Top with
4 noodles. Spread 1 cup of the cheese mixture over noodles; spread with 1 cup of the sauce mixture. Sprinkle with 2/3 cup of the mozzarella cheese. Repeat with 4 noodles, the remaining cheese
mixture, 1 cup of the sauce mixture and 2/3 cup of the mozzarella cheese. Top with remaining noodles and sauce mixture. Sprinkle with remaining mozzarella cheese and 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese.
6. Cover; bake 30 minutes. Uncover; bake about 15 minutes longer or until hot and bubbly. Let
stand 15 minutes before cutting.
2014 General Mills
Replace half of the fat in your recipe with applesauce or baby-food
prunes when making chocolate brownies, cakes, or cookies.
También puede disminuir el azúcar y aumentar el uso de canela, nuez
moscada, vainilla, y otros saborizantes.
Reemplace la mitad de la grasa en su receta con puré de manzana o
puré de ciruelas para bebes cuando haga masitas de chocolate brownThese tricks will help you make your recipes a little bit healthier.
However, you still must keep the portion small. Also, keep in mind that ies, pasteles, o galletas.
replacing fat with fruit ingredients increases the carbohydrate content. Estas sugerencias ayudarán a que sus recetas sean un poco más
saludables. Sin embargo, tiene que mantener las porciones pequeñas.
Search for healthier versions of recipes using our Recipes for Healthy También, tenga en mente que reemplazar la grasa con ingredientes de
Living resource. When searching other places for recipes, pick recipes fruta aumenta el contenido de carbohidratos.
that give you the serving size and the amount of carbohydrate.
Busque versiones saludables de sus recetas en nuestra sección de recesource: www.diabetes.org
tas. Cuando busque recetas en otros lugares, escoja recetas que le dan
el tamaño de la porción para servir y la cantidad de carbohidratos que
Café Bustelo and the Lady graphic are trademarks of Rowland Coffee Roasters, Inc.
The Staten Island Advance
announces its
open to residents of New York City.
Please submit original recipes before January 2, 2015
to the Advance at Food@siadvance.com.
Selected submissions will be among 30 finalist entries chosen to compete in the
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Hilton Garden Inn
Staten Island, NY
9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Categories include:
Young Chefs
(ages 12 through 18)
General Mills
(using at least 2 General Mills’
products in the recipe)
*Please submit up to one recipe per category.
GENERAL MILLS’ WINNERS: $250, $500, & $1,000
For more detailed rules, go to SILive.com/cooking/Cookbook
or email Advance Food Editor, Pamela Silvestri at Silvestri@siadvance.com.