Winter 2008 - Colorado Court Reporters Association
Winter 2008 - Colorado Court Reporters Association
CCRA’s Annual Luncheon Sponsored by Freelance Committee 28-Feb-09 see pg.13 What’s Inside? Advertisers’ Index 18 Advertising Rates 2 Annual CCRA Luncheon ~ 28-Feb-09 3 & 13 Application for Membership 27 Are You A Value-Added Employee? ~ R.Matt 4 Blast From CCRA’s Past 5 Board Nominations 8 Calendar of Events 23 Deadlines to Submit to RAMBLINGS 2 Did You Know? 23 Fall Seminar Report ~ S. Noneff 16-17 Free Computer Classes 10 Job Opportunities 18, 21 & 24 Legislative Committee ~ P. Graves 10 Membership Committee ~ E. Valenti 7 New Member Applicants 19 New Year’s Resolutions 15 Officers & Directors 2 President’s Message ~ J. Martin 3 Pro Bono Volunteer ~ L. Koenig 14 Safety Tip 7 Susie DeWitt Honored in Boulder ~ P. Leroue 20 U.S.S. Wasp Veterans History Project ` J. Martin 11 Wheels of Justice Thank You to CCRA 26 CCRA RAMBLINGS RAMBLINGS P.O. Box 271327, Littleton, Co. 80127-0023 303.933.0577 ~ fax 303.933.0588 ~ 1 WINTER 2008 RAMBLINGS NEWSLETTER PLEASE NOTE CHANGES: OFFICERS & DIRECTORS President EDITOR ~ Lisa Kelly 303/832-5966 Vice- President ASSISTANT EDITOR ~ Sylvia Noneff 303/751-5688 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ~ Judi Ericson P.O. Box 271327 Littleton, Co. 80127 303/933-0577 ~ fax 303/933-0588 Pat Graves 719/481-9834 Secretary/ Treasurer Kathy Davis 303/295-3376 Directors: Linda Koenig Kirstin O’Malley Erin Valenti Debra Zoetewey Lisa Kelly Elaine Javernick Jason Meadors DEADLINES FOR COPY/ADS FOR UPCOMING ISSUES: MARCH 5 ~ JUNE 5 ~ SEPTEMBER 5 ~ SPRING 2009 SUMMER 2009 FALL 2009 Alternate Director Past President Are you an author? Submit articles that you write and would like to have considered for publication in NCRA Board RAMBLINGS. For information regarding Articles, please contact Lisa Kelly, Editor, at 303/832-5966 or ADVERTISING RATES Next Issue ~ Copy / Ads Due: March 5, 2009 For information regarding Advertising, please contact Judi Ericson at 303/933-0577 or AD Size Full Page Half Page Half Page One-Third Page One-Fourth Page Business Card Classified Ads Members Classified Ads Non-Members Reprints granted to all NCRA-affiliated publications; all others by written permission of CCRA. RAMBLINGS and RAMBLINGS on the Web reserve the right to edit or reset material submitted for space or aesthetic considerations. Letters to Editor may be published anonymously; writer must so request. All articles express the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of CCRA. Dimensions 7 1/2" X 10" 7 1/2" X 5" 3 5/8" X 10 3 5/8" X 7 1/2" 3 5/8" X 5" 3 1/2 " X 3 15/16 9 Lines max Pre-pay 9 Lines max Pre-pay Rate $125.00 $75.00 $75.00 $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 $10.00 $20.00 Please Submit your Ad and Check payable to CCRA at: CCRA RAMBLINGS P.O. Box 271327 Littleton, Colorado 80127-0023 RAMBLINGS and RAMBLINGS on the Web does not verify the content of any ads or web links, is not responsible for any representation made therein, and does not endorse any vendors, advertisers, etc. RAMBLINGS Joyce E. Martin 303/649-6284 2 WINTER 2008 CCRA’s Annual Luncheon sponsored by the Freelance Committee Kathy Davis, RDR, CRR, CMR February 28, 2009 - Save The Date for the Annual CCRA Luncheon. As usual, we will meet at Cinzzetti's Italian Market in Northglenn and enjoy their fabulous buffet fare. This is a great opportunity to catch up with other reporters, to learn what's up in CCRA, and to be brought up to date on some issues facing court reporting in the state of Colorado, such as gift-giving, a hot topic also on the national front. Betsy Murray, CCRA’s Lobbyist, will be on hand to update us on legislative issues. Please join us for this engaging and enlightening event. Please see page 13 for details and registration form! Plan to attend and … invite a colleague to join you! President’s Message Joyce E. Martin, RPR It’s hard to believe it’s the holiday season already and 2009 is right around the corner. As I look back over the year, I am reminded of what a great association we have. Colorado is fortunate to have such talented, dedicated, and hard-working professionals in our association. What a fabulous fall seminar we had in October at the Inverness. It takes hours and hours of preparation to plan a seminar, and Sylvia Noneff did a fantastic job of selecting interesting speakers, organizing our software breakout sessions, and finding an absolutely perfect venue for the seminar. Thank you, Sylvia! And a huge heartfelt thank you to Shelly Hunter for the outstanding results she accomplished with the fundraising. CCRA especially thanks the sponsors and vendors during our fall seminar. For those who contributed to our silent auction items, thank you! We had a fun and successful silent auction with generous and awesome donations. As we bring in 2009, many of us will be thinking about New Year’s resolutions. It is a time where we get to start anew, with a clean slate. New Year’s resolutions are akin to setting goals. While making your resolutions for 2009, think of not only ways to improve your personal life, but also ways to improve your professional life. Challenge yourselves in 2009. Resolve to write realtime, get involved with a committee, sign up a fellow reporter to join CCRA, or work towards and attain certification or even a higher level of certification. It has been a busy but fun-filled year. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, enjoying this special time of year with your families and loved ones. May you be blessed with health, prosperity, and happiness in 2009. Happy New Year! Joyce E. Martin Live a good and honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time. RAMBLINGS 3 WINTER 2008 Are You a Value-Added Employee? How many times have you recently been asked, “How is your 401(k) doing?” In these uncertain economic times, if you’re like me, it has been a frequent topic of conversation. My response is always, “I’m more concerned about maintaining gainful employment than I am my 401(k).” These times of budgetary uncertainties probably remind most of us official reporters of the 2002 State budget crisis. Eliminating official reporters in Colorado was a seriously discussed topic. Without the efforts of folks like Susie Dewitt and Barb Birger, along with Jerry Marroney, I assure you, we would not be working here today and having this discussion. Most of us will also remember an emergency meeting of official reporters called by Barb that was held at the Marriott Southeast on November 30, 2002, at which Mr. Marroney advised us of the importance of changing the way we do business, recognizing the importance of realtime reporting. At that time, you will remember, many of us did not have FTRs in our courtrooms. Recalling this history has made me wonder how well we officials have lived up to the Judicial Department’s expectations of us. Through our local Court Administrator, Karen Salaz, I was able to distribute a survey to judicial districts regarding realtime reporting in Colorado. See attached spreadsheet. Some districts obviously took Mr. Marroney’s advice about realtime to heart. RAMBLINGS 4 Richard J. Matt, RPR What I want to suggest in this article is that if you are not writing realtime at least to the judge, you are not a valueadded employee and not out-performing the FTR equipment. It also has been my experience that the judicial assistants really miss us when the reporter is not providing realtime reporting to them as well. Full CICs also are the best way to promote our profession to the folks who visit the courts, providing them day-in-day-out examples of the benefit of value-added realtime reporters over the use of FTRs. I would also like to suggest that realtime reporting is as important to each of us personally as Official Colorado Reporters as it is to our profession in general. Some official reporters will read this and have all kinds of reasons why they are not providing realtime to at least the judge. I am sorry, but there is no good reason (excuse) if we are to truly be recognized as the value-added employees we can be. All our jobs may very well depend on it. Utah is just a stone’s throw away. If by this article I have ruffled some feathers among our colleagues, good. That was certainly my intent, but also to remind us all not to remain complacent, rather to embrace technology that we can use to the advantage of the Judicial Department. WINTER 2008 Reprint from RAMBLINGS November-December 1995 RAMBLINGS 5 WINTER 2008 RAMBLINGS 6 WINTER 2008 Don't Fall for Slipping and Tripping Hazards Falls are one of the leading causes of workplace injury. And these aren't necessarily falls from heights such as ladders or construction scaffolds. Most are falls from the same level, caused by slipping or tripping. Here are some reminders about preventing falls: Keep obstructions out of walkways. These items are common causes of tripping accidents - stored materials, equipment, cables, cords, hoses and trash Keep doors and drawers of cabinets and workbenches closed Clean up any spills promptly. If this is not possible, make sure there is a barricade and sign Floor coverings such as carpets, mats and tiles should be secured to prevent tripping hazards Report any problems you find If you are carrying an item, be sure you can see over it or around it. This is especially important on stairways If you slip or trip - even if you are not injured - take a moment to figure out the cause. Correct or report any hazards such as wet floors or obstacles in traffic areas Membership Committee Erin Valenti, RPR, CRR We are all aware that there are many concerns facing the field of court reporting here in Colorado. Also, many of you have probably heard that all of the official reporters in Utah have been notified that their jobs will be cut as of next June. (Read more about it here: The Colorado Court Reporters Association is committed to serving the reporting community in Colorado by providing a lobbyist to monitor issues with our State legislature, providing a means for CEU points, and providing networking opportunities. Yet to continue serving all of you talented, hard-working reporters out there, we must have a strong membership in the CCRA. For $8.33 a month you are helping our state association in innumerable ways. So please remember to join or renew your membership for 2009. I wish you all a Happy New Year, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Spring Symposium in April! RAMBLINGS 7 WINTER 2008 2009-2010 CCRA BOARD NOMINATIONS NEEDED! Nominate your fellow professional . . . We are now accepting nominations for positions on the CCRA board. There are exciting challenges ahead for all of us in the court reporting profession. CCRA needs competent and energetic leaders to lead the way. Do your part – get involved. Take this opportunity to consider a fellow court reporting professional who you think has the skills and talent to lead CCRA into the future and nominate them for a position on the CCRA Board of Directors. Nominees must be a CCRA member in good standing and hold a valid RPR or CSR certification in order to be considered for a CCRA board position. Submit your nominee(s) in writing to: CCRA Nominating Committee C/O Elaine K. Javernick 3131 South Vaughn Way, Suite 224 Aurora, CO 80014 Or Fax to: DUE DATE: 720-449-0334 We must have the nominations by January 30, 2009. Nominations: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Supportive comments: RAMBLINGS (you may attach a separate sheet) 8 WINTER 2008 RAMBLINGS 9 WINTER 2008 Legislative Committee Report Pat Graves, RDR, CRR, CCP, CSR-Il. The legislative committee has been in discussion with our Lobbyist, Betsy Murray, over the last few months. It was great to have Betsy attend and speak at the fall conference. She spoke about the great American privilege called “voting.” She gave us information on where to find explanations for all the amendments that were voted on in November in Colorado. Betsy was also enthusiastic in her message of: Exercise your power to vote! In talking with Betsy after the elections, she informed me there were twenty-seven new legislators elected this fall. Her plan is to spend time with each of them to let them know about the wonderful and versatile profession of court reporting. Betsy will also be working to set up a realtime demonstration at one of the public sessions held during the 2009 Legislative Session. Speaking of realtime, embracing and improving realtime writing skills is imperative for every court reporter in the State of Colorado. For the officials in the state, realtime certification is mandatory. The ability for the judge and all other participants to see the realtime text and to use that text as a reference in making decisions is an invaluable tool. It sets the officials apart from other technologies and reinforces the fact that live realtime court reporters are integral to the efficiency and accuracy of the judicial process. For the freelance reporters in the state, realtime skills set them apart. Realtime skills add that extra layer of value and support to all attorneys as they navigate skillfully through depositions, arbitrations and public meetings. For the CART providers and captioners in the state, improving and honing realtime skills for communication access is essential. It is a grave responsibility to catch every word and present them clearly in an effort to ensure complete comprehension and equal access for people with any degree of hearing loss. Betsy encourages us all during the next few months to take time and meet with your legislators. Let them know about the wonderful court reporting profession. Tell them how you are integral to the entire judicial process, from deposition to trial. Tell them how integral you are to ensuring that there is equal access for all. You are the experts and they are interested in you as a constituent. Offer to be a resource if they have any questions. It is always a team effort, and the more we work together, the better we can educate. If you don't know your legislators’ contact information, you can go to and look them up. Or contact our lobbyist directly: Betsy Murray, 303-478-1207. CCRA is building a new website. The address remains the same ~, check it out! Free Computer Classes The Fort Collins Regional Library District offers several free computer classes to the public to promote information literacy. The classes cover computer basics, electronic communication, the Library website, Internet searching, and Microsoft Office. For more information go to RAMBLINGS 10 WINTER 2008 U.S.S. Wasp Veterans History Project By Joyce E. Martin Denise Truax’s father, Robert Truax, was aboard the U.S.S. Wasp, an aircraft carrier, on September 15, 1942, when it was attacked by the Japanese. In order to prevent unnecessary loss of life, the Captain ordered the ship abandoned and approximately 2,000 men were lowered into the sea and remained in the water for hours before being rescued. The aircraft carrier remained afloat but was literally floating in a burning pool of gasoline and oil. The survivors of the U.S.S. Wasp held their 36th Reunion at the Stapleton Radisson Hotel on Saturday, September 13, 2008. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Pat Newton, Deb and Ken Zoetewey, Stephanie Ostdahl, Denise Truax, Kathy Davis, Robin Osmond, Erika Yglesias, Lisa Vilpando, Kay Uhles, Sherry Becker, Sean Simpson, Anthony Martin, Shirley Wommack, Carly Cisneros, Karla Siewert, Katie Smith, Dave Lierman, Mariella Gonzalez, Jana Garcia, and Heather Sepulveda, all reporter/student volunteers, who came to the Radisson to interview and write the stories of these U.S.S. Wasp survivors. Heidi McGuire from Channel 9 News did a marvelous and compassionate job covering the story of the reunion, as well as filming part of a veteran’s interview. If you are interested in seeing Channel 9’s coverage of this story, go to the Channel 9’s Website and type in “sharing war stories.” Because of the commitment of these volunteers to the Veterans History Project, the stories of these veterans will be forever preserved at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. This is surely a small token of our appreciation for their dedicated service to our country. Sponsors for the Colorado Court Reporters Association 2008 Fall Convention Thank You Sponsors! Agren Blando Court Reporting & Video Co-Sponsors of the Friday Night Hospitality Suite Resling Reporting Services Co-Sponsors of the Friday Night Hospitality Suite Attorneys Service Center Saturday’s Sodas and Snacks Stormo Reporting Saturday’s Sodas and Snacks Patterson Reporting & Video Saturday’s Sodas and Snacks Wilson George Court Reporters, Inc. Sunday’s Drinks and Snacks Hunter + Geist, Inc. Sunday’s Drinks and Snacks RAMBLINGS 11 WINTER 2008 RAMBLINGS 12 WINTER 2008 RAMBLINGS 13 WINTER 2008 uncheo Is Februar n Reservations y 18, 2009 Mail or Fa . x your Re gistration today! Deadline fo rL _____ $60 Non-Member Street Address _____________________________________________________________ CANCELLATION POLICY: Minus $10 processing fee, refund will be given provided written notice of cancellation is given 7 days prior to the event. Please NOTE: No refunds will be given due to weather/road conditions. Acct # _____________________________________________________Exp. Date_________ VISA / MASTERCHARGE Accepted Only City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________ _____ $40 CCRA Member NAME ____________________________________________Phone _________________ To register please mail this form to CCRA, P.O. Box 271327, Littleton, Co. 80127-0023 or FAX 303-933-0588. CCRA phone: 303-933-0577. Checks should be made payable to CCRA. For charges please use the lines provided below. Questions/concerns ~ please call Kathy Davis @ 303-257-9778 Everyone is invited to join us! Fee includes a “market place” of wonderful Italian food and great dialogue! A variety of court reporting issues will be discussed. at Cinzzetti’s Italian Market 281 West 104th Avenue Northglenn, CO 303-451-7300 Sponsored by the Freelance Committee Saturday ~ February 28, 2009, 11:30-2:00 CCRA’s ANNUAL LUNCHEON Thank you, Silent Auction Contributors, for making the Colorado Court Reporters Association Silent Auction a success! * * * * * * * * * * * Denver Academy of Court Reporting Clark & Mayfield 15.4-inch Stafford Laptop Tote 18th Judicial District Court Reporters Miscellaneous Gift Basket “The New York” Basket Relaxation Basket 4th Judicial District Court Reporters $60.00 Gift Certificate for Bed, Bath & Beyond Myers Legal Video What Every Court Reporter Needs! Ketel One Vodka (1.75 Liter) Jose Cuervo Especial (1.75 Liter) Chivas Regal 12-year-old Scotch (1 Liter) Impact Legal Technologies $50.00 Gift Certificate to Cherry Creek Shopping Center Attorneys Service Center Wine Rack and Collection of Spanish & Portuguese Red Wines Christie Thakur – Premier Designs Jewelry $50.00 Premier Designs Jewelry Gift Certificate Beautiful Set of Jewelry Ken Zoetewey – Steno Right $100.00 Gift Certificate towards a Full-Service Steno Machine Cleaning Hunter + Geist, Inc. Two Bottles of Cabernet Two Bottles of Merlot $50.00 Gift Certificate to PF Chang’s Would You like the Experience of Volunteering for Pro Bono Projects? If so, please contact Linda Koenig, at 303/484-0571 or Thanks for your continued support of this valuable program! RAMBLINGS 14 WINTER 2008 NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS FROM YOUR BOARD MEMBERS Joyce E. Martin, President Kathy Davis: Positive thoughts have positive reactions and enhance relationships, work life, and health. Resolve to smile, and make it your goal to get at least one person every day to smile back at you. Linda Koenig: Convince someone who has never been to a CCRA seminar before to attend a seminar in 2009. Erin Valenti: Think kinder thoughts towards everyone, but mostly attorneys. Give one compliment every day. Pat Graves: Make a difference in people’s lives when interacting with them. It could be mentoring, teaching, or while providing services. Just “make a difference.” Deb Zoetewey: Take the time this year to mentor a student and/or a recent graduate. The results of mentoring and knowledge imparted can be valuable to the students/recent graduates as well as to the reporters. Lisa Kelly: Start a “Scrap Paper Drive”; collect paper scraps from reporters and drop paper off at DACR twice a year during the NCRA testing. Joyce Martin: Work towards attaining a higher certification; do something this year you’ve always wanted to do but were too afraid to do it. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas Edison “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” RAMBLINGS 15 Booker T. Washington WINTER 2008 Fall Seminar Report Sylvia Noneff, RPR Our hard-working CCRA Board tried something new this fall to enrich our seminar experience: an upscale, high-tech, state-of-the art facility. We were also concerned about gas prices (remember the four bucks a gallon we were paying last summer?) so we chose a local site. What a great choice! The Inverness was everything we hoped for – great food, great service, and truly excellent meeting and guest rooms. Attending seminars gives us a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones, get pampered with great food and service and – best of all! – learn something new. And we certainly learned a lot during the seminar. We started out Saturday morning bright and early with Attorney Bernard Poskus, who did a truly wonderful job of educating us about estate planning. Mr. Poskus’s father had Alzheimer’s, and because of having to deal with that, he became very active with the Denver Alzheimer’s Board. We learned so many helpful ways to deal with aging and disabled family members from him. Bernard Poskus, Esq. Next, we were privileged to have Thomas W. Hanson, CPA, share his knowledge of tax-preparation tips, financial planning, and how to deal with many different types of paperwork associated with our profession, from mileage logs to IRS forms. Thom has worked with reporters and reporting firms for many years, and he was so informative, knowledgeable and entertaining! After a wonderful lunch buffet, we started off the afternoon on Saturday with a look at reporting at the national level, taught by Jason Meadors. Jason just completed serving as an NCRA Director, and he shared with us what’s going on currently, as well as plans for the future, with our national association. He certainly gave us a lot to think about! Betsy Clark Murray RAMBLINGS Pat Graves 16 Joyce Martin WINTER 2008 We wrapped up Saturday with a CCRA Town Hall Meeting, hosted by CCRA President Joyce Martin and Vice President Pat Graves. This gave us all an opportunity to look at our profession at the state level, and also to catch up on what our board is currently working on. The audience participation was wonderful! CCRA’s Lobbyist, Betsy Clark Murray, was also there to fill us in on her efforts on our behalf. (pictured on page 16) Sunday morning we had two choices for classes. There were four CAT breakout sessions: Stenograph, taught by Katherine Hermosillo and Kerry Rink; Advantage Software, taught by Paul Zuckerman; StenoCAT, taught by Jason Meadors; and ProCAT, taught by Deby Owens. The feedback we received from these classes was tremendous. These folks worked hard and prepared well for us! Breakout sessions Sunday morning The other choice Sunday morning was to attend a Stenoswap, taught by Kathy Davis. As usual, Kathy did a great job of researching and teaching an informative, fact-filled class! Kathy’s class was followed by Teresa Coogle teaching for us a great class about the Realities of Realtime, filled with funny realtime stories, helpful hints, and encouragement for all. We ended the morning with my class on how to excel at NCRA testing, complete with mock exams. A special thank you to Shelly Hunter for her truly amazing fundraising efforts, and to all of you who contributed silent auction items or sponsored food and happy hour costs for us. Your generosity during these tough economic times was especially touching. Silent Auction Items Visiting Vendors! And the winner is . . . And last, but certainly not least, I would like to personally thank the CCRA Board for all of their help and encouragement, CCRA Executive Director Judi Ericson for all of her hard work, and CCRA Unofficial Photographer Jason Meadors for all the great pictures he took. It was a pleasure working with you all! The CCRA Board of Directors would like to extend a special Thank You to Sylvia Noneff for again chairing a wonderfully successful seminar! Sylvia has a heart for our association and a special knack for hosting these events and making them Fun! Well Done, Sylvia. RAMBLINGS 17 WINTER 2008 We have world-class Advertisers! We want to extend our sincere thanks to each of our Advertisers for their continued support! Take a look at opportunities inside this issue! ADVERTISERS’ INDEX Attorneys Service Center Caption Colorado Denver/Boulder Couriers Hunter & Geist, Inc. pg. 9 pg. 12 pg. 19 pg. 6 Meadors Court Reporting, LLC pg. 7 ProCAT Stylus pgs. 22 & 25 Reporters Paper and Mfg. Co. pg. 28 The Ninth Judicial District Court located in Lander Wyoming is seeking a certified shorthand reporter who is proficient in computer-aided transcription and is real time capable. Official court reporters must be competent in the making, preserving, transcribing, and delivery of verbatim record of trial and other proceedings. Other duties may be assigned by the Judge. This is a full time position in a busy district with occasional travel. Supplies are provided by the State of Wyoming, reporters are responsible for their own writers, computers, printer, and software. The reporter must live in the District. Position Location: Ninth Judicial District Court Lander, WY Salary: Base of $53,000.00 per year, plus $3.25 per original page for transcripts of criminal hearings and civil matters upon request of litigants. Benefits: Competitive Package Including: Holidays, Health, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance, Retirement Plan, Vacation, Sick days as approved by the District Judge. Closing Date: Open until filled Start Date: On or before April 15, 2009. Submit Application, Resume and copy or proof of RPR to: Rachelle Fontaine Administrator Courthouse 450 N. Second Street, Rm 260 Lander, WY 82520 (307) 332-4592 The State of Wyoming is an Equal Opportunity Employer. This is an At Will position. RAMBLINGS 18 WINTER 2008 Welcome New Member Applicants KAREN CLARK, PARKER SUSAN FALZONE, WESTMINSTER CHRISTINA MINER, PINE DEBORAH MOORE, PUEBLO WEST MICHAEL PACE, DENVER LEANNE PITTENGER, LITTLETON NANCY RHOADES, MONUMENT JESSICA SIMPSON, COLORADO SPRINGS RENEE VALENTINO, CENTENNIAL RAMBLINGS 19 FREELANCE/OFFICIAL ASSOCIATE STUDENT STUDENT ASSOCIATE STUDENT FREELANCE STUDENT STUDENT WINTER 2008 Thank You to all of our 2008 CCRA Fall Convention Vendors The Colorado Court Reporters Association greatly appreciates your Support! Beijo Bags Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing / Caption First Denver Academy of Court Reporting Lacey Naturals Premier Designs Jewelry ProCAT Stenograph Susie DeWitt Honored in Boulder by Penny Leroue On Friday, November 14, a celebration of the all-too-short life of fellow court reporter and friend Susie DeWitt was held at the Boulder County Justice Center. A large group, including many court reporters from around the state, gathered while Judge Carol Glowinsky shared many wonderfully fun memories of Susie in a ceremony to dedicate a bench displayed in the Justice Center courtyard. This bench was funded, in part, by contributions made by court reporters. RAMBLINGS 20 WINTER 2008 Denver Academy of Court Reporting Instructor Wanted Job Responsibilities: Working collaboratively with a team of long-term Instructors, an Instructor for DACR will serve the student needs for instruction, education, mentoring, coaching and guidance as needed to assist them to graduate from this skill-based program. Instructors support both the didactic and skill-training portions of the program of Court Reporting. The full-time Instructor with DACR will work 40 hours per week, with a 30 hour-perweek teaching load. There will occasionally be other duties as assigned to assist the team to the highest level of success for our students. A full-time position requires evening work (3 evenings a week 5:30 pm until 10:30 PM) and morning work (4 days per week 8:30 am until 2:30 pm). The part-time Instructor with DACR will work either mornings (30 hours per week with a 22 hour teaching load) or evenings (15 hours week teaching). The full-time and part-time 30-hour positions include benefits. Required Education/Experience/Skills (Minimum Qualifications): 1) Candidates must possess a Court Reporting degree or certificate and must be certified with the state (home state accepted if not Colorado) as a Court Reporter. 2) Candidate must also have a minimum of one year full-time experience in the field of Court Reporting. Desired Qualifications the Successful Candidate will Possess: 1) A solid understanding and appreciation of the court reporting field, and of the skill-based nature of this career. 2) Experience in leading or supervising skill-oriented groups 3) Experience working with CART, Captioning, Real-Time recording systems, Transcription, Scopist, or other paths in the court reporting field. 4) Skill at assisting, teaching, training, or educating people. Salary is commensurate with skills and experience. The Denver Academy of Court Reporting offers a comprehensive benefits package. If Interested, Please Contact: Kay Uhles, Director of Education, Denver Academy of Court Reporting 9051 Harlan Street, Suite 20, Westminster, Co. 80031 Phone: 303/427-5292 ext.114 Fax: 303/427-5383 RAMBLINGS 21 WINTER 2008 Importing Personal Dictionary/ Jobs from the Stylus using Stylus Sync Whether you are on Case Catalyst, Eclipse, StenoCAT, DigitalCAT, etc, following goes through the steps you use to import RTF jobs from the Stylus, or if you just want to update your dictionary from your software to the writer. 1. Connect to ActiveSync (see chapter “Connecting to ActiveSync”). 2. Double-click the Stylus Sync Icon. 3. Select the Production menu, and then select Import Jobs. 4. Below the words “Look In:” click on the down arrow and select the folder that contains the job to be imported. These folder locations are named by year and month. 5. Select all the files to be imported by placing checkmarks in them. 6. Select Steno to import just the steno file to be translated later, or select Text to import the RTF steno/textfile. 7. The “Save In” location will indicate where the files will be saved. Typically this should be the user folder for your CAT software. You can change this location by clicking on Browse, and then navigate to your user folder. a. If you have ProCAT Winner software, you can click the “Winner User ID” button to set the save in location to our user ID folder. b. If you have Windows XP operating system, you can click “CD-Write Folder” to set the save in location to the Windows CD burning folder. You can then follow the on-screen instructions to burn the files directly to a CD. See chapter “Burning Files to CD” for more information. 8. Select the Import button to retrieve your files. 9. If you selected to import a Text file, you may need to use your CAT software’s RTF conversion program to convert the RTF/CRE file to a transcript file. ActiveSync must be connected to use this feature. See chapter “Connecting to ActiveSync” for more details. RAMBLINGS 22 WINTER 2008 January 30 CCRA Board Nominations Due to Elaine Javernick February 28 CCRA Annual Luncheon Sponsored by Freelance Committee (pg.3 & 13)at Cinzetti’s in NorthGlenn, Co. March 1 CCRA Annual Dues for 2009-2010 March 1 Distinguished Service Award Nominations Due for 2009 March 5 RAMBLINGS Deadline to submit Articles & Ads April 25 CCRA Spring Symposium in Denver, Co. April 25 CCRA Annual Business Meeting in Denver, Co. April 25 CCRA Executive Board Meeting following Spring Symposium, Denver, Co. May 2 NCRA ~ Testing Day at Denver Academy of Court Reporting, Westminster, Co. Did You Know …? ¾ … That Utah Reporters Face Replacement? The Utah state court administrator's office has informed all 18 of the state's official reporters that their jobs will end next June. Utah for years has used a combination of video and stenographic reporters to cover different types of proceedings. After June 30, the courts will rely solely on video recording. The Utah reporters were not included in discussions leading up to the decision and are investigating options. (Reprinted from NCRA’s Website, 08-Dec-08) ¾ … Michelle Goodbee, Adams County District Court, won the Realtime Speed Contest at the United States Court Reporting Association National Convention in Denver? Michelle won the Q & A at 230 words per minute at 98.69 percent accuracy. What a wonderful accomplishment, Michelle! Congratulations! ¾ … That it costs merely $8.33 a month to reap the many benefits of being a CCRA member? Contact Erin Valenti, Membership Chairperson, for more. ¾ … Now is Your Chance to Nominate a deserving person for a Distinguished Service Award (DSA)? Look around …this could be anyone working in concert with CCRA either internally or externally … someone who is consistently there, supporting the association behind the scenes or way out in front … someone that you rely on? Who is that person you depend on to “get the job done right”, the person that is always there with whatever support is required to make court reporters in Colorado more effective? Watch your mailbox for the DSA Nomination Guidelines and nomination form to submit your candidate. Make a difference in someone’s 2009! You’ll be glad you took the time. ¾ … The Legislative Session starts January 7, 2009? This year Justice Mullarkey will be giving her Judicial to State speech to the legislature. ¾ … Sylvia Noneff is the NCRA Chief Examiner in Colorado? Any questions or concerns may be directed to Sylvia at The next NCRA Test Day is May 2nd at DACR. Did you know that? ¾ … The number of Student members in our association is growing? Contact Kirstin O’Malley at or Sherri Meadors at to ask how you can be involved as a Student Mentor … or … if you wish to be a Student Mentee! Pay it Forward! ¾ … CCRA Dues are “Due” by March 1st of each year? Soon you’ll be receiving your notice to renew for 2009-2010. Erin Valenti is our Membership Chairperson. Contact Erin at 970/498-6246 or if you have any questions – she’s planning her membership campaign now! ¾ … The Susie DeWitt foundation continues? Susie worked to establish a foundation to warn young people that even casual smoking can cause lung cancer. If you would like to aide in the continuation of Susie’s important work, Contributions may be made to the Susan L. DeWitt Foundation for Extended Breath, P.O. Box 270201, Louisville, CO 80027. Please visit her website: Thank You! ¾ … Erin Valenti is trying to figure out How to Celebrate her 30th birthday next year? Let us know what you decide, Erin! RAMBLINGS 23 WINTER 2008 Denver Academy of Court Reporting is seeking a goal-oriented individual to join our team! Director of Education Job Summary The Director of Education (DOE) reports to and works with the Campus Director to meet the educational mission of the College. As a member of the College’s management team the DOE contributes to the College’s strategic and operational plans and supplies general leadership to assure quality education and services to the College’s clientele. A qualified candidate will have at least three years experience as a student-centered, retention focused educator. This person will be responsible for planning all the academic and technical instruction; curriculum and program development, fiscal and personnel management of the instructional unit, instructional staff development, technology initiatives, measuring the outcome of the educational processes, maintain the accuracy of student records, coordinating the Advisory Board, and new student orientation. Essential Job Functions: 1. Provides day-to-day supervision of both on-ground and online instructional staff. 2. Provides day-to-day supervision of both on-ground and online classroom methodologies to ensure delivery of a level of instruction that maintains our educational standards and is in compliance with accrediting agencies, corporate policies and state or federal regulations. 3. Meets regularly with instructional staff to allocate resources, develop short and long term strategic plans for the educational process, and to implement policies and procedures. 4. Ensures that campus curriculum and schedules are appropriate to maintain effective and efficient use of academic supplies, personnel, and facility. 5. Assist in the development of academic partnerships with community. 6. Evaluate student inquiries and issues such as course withdrawals, grade appeals, academic concerns and academic standing, and resolve through appropriate action and to the satisfaction of the student, company and/or regulatory agencies in compliance with policies, procedures, and legal requirements. 7. Serves as a full-time faculty member with all rights and responsibilities, when necessary. 8. Recruitment, selection, orientation, supervision, development and evaluation of faculty. 9. Be involved in the authorization and accreditation processes of the institution. 10. Assist in the development and Implement of new educational programs appropriate to the mission of the institution. 11. Maintain an acceptable retention rate of students in accordance with institution, accreditation and company guidelines. 12. Perform academic progress evaluations quarterly and counsel students as applicable regarding CGPA, completion rate, failed courses. 13. Evaluate transfer student transcripts for possible transfer credit and determine student academic plan. 14. Assist with student placement efforts. 15. Plan, organize, and conduct Graduation and Awards ceremonies. 16. Other duties as assigned. Minimum requirements: Educational Requirements: ¾ Bachelor’s degree Work Experience: ¾ Minimum of 3 years school education experience ¾ Experience in delivering an online education program ¾ Experience working with accreditation agencies Preferred requirements: ¾ 2 years experience in educational management (proprietary preferred) ¾ Experience with or in the court reporting or legal field ¾ Ability to hire, train and supervise instructors ¾ Strong and successful student retention experience ¾ Ability to interact with all levels of individuals; excellent communication, interpersonal and problem solving skills ¾ Computer skills including MS Office Suite ¾ Strong attention to detail ¾ Outstanding multi-tasking abilities Clear understanding and appreciation for the for-profit education system. RAMBLINGS 24 WINTER 2008 RAMBLINGS 25 WINTER 2008 RAMBLINGS 26 WINTER 2008 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP I, _____________________________________________________________ hereby apply for membership in the Colorado Court Reporters Association. ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ____________________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ Business Phone: ________________________________ Fax: __________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________ Home phone will be printed in the CCRA Membership Directory. If you do not want your home phone listed, leave space blank. CATEGORY: Professional Shorthand Reporter/ Participating Member-- $100.00 Associate Member -- $75.00 _____ Official _____ Freelancer _____ Teacher/Instructor _____ Scopist/Proofreader _____ Vendor Student/Retired Member -- $25.00 _____ Student _____ Retired _____ CART Provider _____ Captioner _____ Videographer _____ Stenomasker _____ Voice Writer _____ Other Current Speed: _______ CERTIFICATIONS HELD CSR: State ______ Date _____________ RMR: Date__________________________ CRR: Date __________________________ RPR: Date ____________________ RDR: Date ____________________ Other: _______________________ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ____ I would like to volunteer for pro bono projects. ____ I would like to serve on a committee. ____ I am available for substitution in court. ____ I would like to be a mentor (or would like to be assigned one if a student). ____ I would rather be notified by e-mail that a mailing has occurred and check for the postings on the Internet myself than receive mailings, i.e. , Ramblings, membership directory. METHOD OF PAYMENT: ____ Check enclosed ____ Charge my Visa or MasterCard Card # ______________________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________________ Signature of Cardholder: ___________________________________________________________________ In submitting this application, and if I am accepted for membership, I hereby swear or affirm that I will uphold all of the provisions of the Constitutions and Bylaws of the Colorado Court Reporters Association and the Code of Professional Responsibility. My application includes my check payable to CCRA or my Visa/MasterCard authorization for the appropriate dues and is endorsed by a current CCRA member. Signature of Applicant: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________ Endorsed by: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ PLEASE RETURN YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PAYMENT TO: Colorado Court Reporters Association, 6751 Independence Street, Littleton, Colorado 80128-4047 Dues payments to CCRA are NOT deductible as charity deductions for federal tax purposes; amounts may be deductible as a necessary business expense. RAMBLINGS 27 WINTER 2008 CCRA RAMBLINGS P.O. Box 271327 Littleton, Co. 80127-0023 Return Service Requested
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