AcqDemo HR Training - USAASC | United States Army Acquisition
AcqDemo HR Training - USAASC | United States Army Acquisition
Department of Defense Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project Army HRM Human Resource Management (HRM) Policy, Processes & Procedures Spring 2014 For Additional Information on AcqDemo and CCAS Welcome • Welcome to AcqDemo HRM Policy, Processes and Procedures! • Course materials • Agenda • Administrative Information • Getting to know you - Name - Background - Your role in AcqDemo Army Signifies Army specific requirements 2 Introduction to AcqDemo What is NOT Changing Benefits, retirement, health, life, and other benefits Veterans’ preference Merit system principles Leave Work Schedules All remain the same! Fundamental due process Whistleblower protection Allowances & travel/ subsistence expenses Prohibited personnel practices Anti-discrimination laws 4 Background and References • Title VI - The Civil Service Reform Act, Title 5 U.S.C. 4703 (1978) • The National Defense Authorization Act for FYs 1996/1998/2003/2010/2011 • Federal Register (Jan. 8, 1999) with 5 Amendments (May 2001, Apr 2002, Jul 2002, Oct 2002, and Oct 2006) • DoD Operating Procedures dated 23 May 2003 and the Army supplement dated 11 Nov 2003 5 Federal Register Notices and Operating Procedures Amendments: May 21, 2001 - Occupational Series - Buy-In After Initial Implementation April 24, 2002 - Addition explanation on “Very High” - Minimum time 180 days to 90 days July 1, 2002 -Updated list of eligible organizations October 4, 2006 -Authority for an out-of-cycle payout under CCAS prior to transition to NSPS and addresses procedures for conversion to NSPS National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, Section 813 (b) extended AcqDemo to September 30, 2012. Public Law 104-106, February 10, 1996, Section 4308. Demonstration Project Relating To Certain Personnel Management Policies And Procedures Public Law 105-85, November 18, 1997, Section 845. Expansion Of Personnel Eligible To Participate In Demonstration Project Relating To Acquisition Workforce Public Law 107-314, December 2, 2002, Section 813. Extension And Improvement Of Personnel Demonstration Policies And Procedures Applicable To The Civilian Acquisition Workforce Public Law 108-136, November 24, 2003, Section 1112. Clarification And Revision of Authority For Demonstration Project Relating To Certain Acquisition Personnel Management Policies and Procedures Public Law 111-383, January 7, 2011, Section 872. Amendments To The Acquisition Workforce Demonstration Project 6 What is a Demonstration Project? (1of 2) • A demonstration project provides a means for testing and introducing beneficial change in Government-wide human resources management systems. • A Federal agency obtains the authority from OPM to waive existing Federal human resources management law and regulations in title 5, United States Code, and title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, to propose, develop, test, and evaluate interventions for its own human resources management system. • No waivers of law are permitted in areas of employee leave, employee benefits, equal employment opportunity, political activity, merit system principles, veteran’s preference or other prohibited personnel practices. 7 What is a Demonstration Project? (2 of 2) Examples of laws and regulations that may be waived under title 5 include: • Qualification requirements, recruitment, and appointment to positions; • Classification and compensation; • Assignment, reassignment, or promotions; • Disciplinary actions; • Providing incentives; • Establishing hours of work; • Involving employees and labor organizations in personnel decisions; and • Reducing overall agency staff and grade levels. 8 Eligibility for Participation In AcqDemo To participate in AcqDemo organizations must : • Be listed in Table 1 of the AcqDemo Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 5 / Friday, January 8, 1999 / Notices and as amended in July 1, 2002 • Submit a written request to DoD via their Component Representative requesting to participate. 9 AcqDemo Waivers to 5 USC Sect IX of AcqDemo Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 5 / Friday, January 8, 1999 / Notices waived the following: 10 AcqDemo Waivers to 5 CFR Sect IX of the AcqDemo Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 5 / Friday, January 8, 1999 / Notices waived the following: 11 What is Changing? The Personnel System Terms and Definitions Broadbands vs. Grades & Steps Rating and Rewarding Classification and Staffing Support Tools 12 Comparison 13 Comparison 14 Army Participating Organizations, Pay Pools and Union Participation ASA AL&T Army G-1/CPP Army AcqDemo Program Office USAASC HQ OASA AL&T DASA P I&A CSTC-A PEO Ammo AMSAA Chiefs AMSAA CCAD PEO Aviation DTC TACOM Cmd Grp SDDC AQ AMCOM Cmd Group ACC TACOM Chiefs AMCOM G Staff ACC NCR TACOM ILSC AMCOM IG ACC Picatinny AMSAA LAD Electronic Proving Ground, AZ TACOM IG AMCOM IMMC ACC RSA PEO EIS AMSAA JTCG Aberdeen Test Center TACOM Legal AMCOM SAMD ACC Warren PEO IEWS AMSAA MAD AMCOM SOD MICC HQ AMSAA SOD AMCOM TMDE ECC 411CSB/CCK BU BU OTC MEDCOM HCAA Yuma Proving Ground, AZ PEO CS CSS PEO GCS AEC ATEC HQ AMSAA CSAD JPEO CBD PEO C3T NGB CIO NBU NBU PEO MS SMDC Oct 2014 SoSI Conversion to AcqDemo in FY2014 BU PEO STRI NBU PEO Soldier CDG/AAF 15 Organizational Transition Process Organizational Transition Process Activity Timetable Closeout Appraisals (eg. TAPES) Determine Employee Career Path & Broadband Cancel Existing Position Descriptions (PD) Flow Establish New Position Requirements Documents (PRD) - SF 52 Special Considerations - Pay Retention - Temporary Promotions/ Details - Absentees (eg. LWOP, LWOP US) - Priority Clearances - Retirees (*Retirements submitted after conversion date will still convert to AcqDemo) Move Employee Into AcqDemo (NOA 894 General Adjustment) Conversion Document Generated - SF 50 17 Organizational Transition Steps Activity Will establish a timeline for conversion 18 Organizational Transition Steps AcqDemo Transition Plan for Conversion on 7 October 2012 Action Dates TASK 1 Mar 2012 Organization schedules training, i.e., Leadership Overview Q/A’s, AcqDemo Overview, Intro to CCAS, Writing Assessment, Pay Pool Panel 24-26 Apr 2012 or 22-24 May 2012 Tentative AcqDemo Overview for Senior Leadership, AcqDemo HR Training, CAS2Net Training – provided by the Army AcqDemo Office 30 Jun 2012 TAPES annual for GS-14/15’s Jul - Sep 2012 Organization creates Positions Requirements Documents in coordination with CPAC 31 Aug 2012 TAPES closeout for GS-13’s NLT 31 Aug 2012 or upon receipt Forward written agreement between Organization and Local for bargaining unit employees participation in AcqDemo to Army AcqDemo Office NLT 7 Sep 2012 Conversion Letter Notification to Workforce, Retained Pay, LWOP, LWOP-US NLT 11 Sep 2012 Organization submits data input sheet for employees' buyin and conversion to CPAC with effective date of 7 Oct 2012 11-13 Sep 2012 Just-In-Time Training – Conversion and Overview of AcqDemo and CCAS and CAS2Net NLT 5 Oct 2012 Publish Organizational CCAS Business Rules (pay pool structure, panel membership, funding levels, mandatory objectives, grievance process, and inadequate contribution) Example of an Activity timeline for Transition to AcqDemo 19 Organizational Transition Steps Activity Will establish a timeline for conversion TAPES - Special or Close Out Appraisals 20 Army Organizational Transition Steps Army 2.5 Performance Evaluation Closeout. Employees converting to this Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project will receive either special or closeout appraisals depending on their eligibility as stated in Army Table 2-1. 21 Organizational Transition Steps Activity Will establish a timeline for conversion TAPES - Special or Close Out Appraisals Transition Special Considerations 22 Organizational Transition Special Considerations • Employees on Grade and/or Pay retention – Placed in Broadband based on classification of current GS grade • Employees on Temporary Promotions/Details – Returned to position of record before entering the Demo (may be returned to Temp Promo/Detail after transition) • Written notification to absent employees (i.e. LWOP US, LWOP) – Notification to employees on extended leave or absences (See Appendix M for sample notification letter) • Clearance of internal and external priorities – No clearances required (e.g. do not need to clear PPP) • Conversion documentation – Prepare SF-52 (Salary Change/Reassignment) 23 Organizational Transition Steps Activity Will establish a timeline for conversion TAPES - Special or Close Out Appraisals Transition Special Considerations PDs to PRDS (Overview) 24 AcqDemo Position Requirements Document (PRD) PDs to PRDs • The AcqDemo Position Requirements Document (PRD) replaces the GS Position Description (PD) • Army G-1 FASCLASS will automatically convert GS PDs to reflect the appropriate AcqDemo Pay Schedule (Career Path – NH, NJ, NK), OCC Series Number, OCC Series Title and Broadband Level • Locally (Org/CPAC) the AcqDemo PRD must be edited locally in FASCLASS to reflect the appropriate AcqDemo 6 factor titles and descriptors for the corresponding Career Path and broadband level for each position. (e.g. 6 AcqDemo Factors replaces the 9 Factors of the Factor Evaluation System) 25 AcqDemo Position Requirements Document (PRD) PDs to PRDs • If there are significant changes to duties identified prior to transition into AcqDemo, the GS PD will require local reclassification of the position (i.e. GS-13 to GS-14) prior to the conversion of the AcqDemo PRD by FASCLASS. (e.g. Supervisory, Team Leader or increased complexity and responsibility duties) • Supervisor Positions – classified per General Schedule Supervisory Guide (GSSG) - Combination of technical & administrative direction of others - Major duty occupying at least 25% of position’s time - Meet at least the lowest level of Factor 3 (Managerial Authority) 26 AcqDemo Position Requirements Document (PRD) PDs to PRDs • Team Leader Positions – classified per General Schedule Leader Grade Evaluation Guide (GSLGE) - Lead 3 or more employees (one or two grade level) - Major duty occupying at least 25% of positions time - Don’t fully meet the lowest level of Factor 3 (Managerial Authority) • Once the organization determines the AcqDemo classification for each position that will transition into AcqDemo, the organization will need to complete the Excel spreadsheet that will be used by FASCLASS to convert the GS PD to the AcqDemo PRD. Return completed spreadsheet to Army AcqDemo Program Office. 27 Organizational Transition Steps Activity Will establish a timeline for conversion TAPES - Special or Close Out Appraisals Transition Special Considerations PDs to PRDS (Overview) Transition Highlights 28 Transition Highlights Management to Employee Notification Requirements • As early as feasible, but prior to the organization’s transition date, supervisors will provide notification to all employees regarding their AcqDemo bands • Supervisors will also advise employees who are on temporary assignments whether the temporary assignment will continue, be terminated, or be made permanent after transition • Organizations should notify employees on LWOP-US (those that are on leave without pay from the GS position because they are called to active duty) that the transition will occur, the date the organization is scheduled for transition, and the new AcqDemo broadband of the GS position they are assigned to See Appendix M of the DoD/Army Operating Procedures for the Employee Notification template. 29 Transition Highlights Position Review • Interoccupational Positions The AcqDemo classification system does not support inter-occupational positions; - Prior to transition, positions must be reviewed to determine which single occupational series is most applicable to the duties, responsibilities and qualifications required of the position. - Normally this will be the occupational series of the current incumbent. - • Interdisciplinary Positions - Like the GS classification system, the AcqDemo classification system also does support inter-disciplinary positions - An occupied interdisciplinary professional position is classified to the same AcqDemo OCC series to which the GS position is classified. - Use of an interdisciplinary position description, identifying all of the position’s potential occupations, is authorized for recruiting for such positions 30 Army Transition Highlights Developmental Positions Army 1.6.B (Army 1.5.B) Excluded Employees. All ACTEDS interns (regular and Presidential Management) will be excluded from the Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project. It is also recommended that local commanders mirror this exclusion for their local interns. Employees in the Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) (summer hire and stay in school), all positions designated as primary or secondary law enforcement officer (LEO) positions (5 U.S.C. Section 5541(3)), and all positions in the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) (10 U.S.C. Chapter 83) are excluded even if their series and organizations are listed in the Federal Register. Additionally, this demonstration project does not cover those positions that have previously been identified for coverage by a science and technology reinvention laboratory demonstration project. 31 Transition Highlights Temporary / Term Appointment Temporary Appointment Not-to-Exceed (NTE). Employees on temporary appointments will be converted into the demonstration project via an official personnel action using Nature of Action 515 (Conversion to Temp Appointment Not-to-Exceed). The original NTE date must remain the same. Term Appointment. Employees on a term appointment NTE four years will not have their NTE date altered. Employees serving on a term appointment NTE four years will be converted into the demonstration project by NOAC 508 (Conversion to Modified Term NTE) and NOAC 894 (General Adjustment). 32 Transition Highlights Performance Improvement Plan • Employees who are on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) at the time of conversion will not be converted into the demonstration project until successful completion of that PIP. • Employees who successfully complete the PIP will be bought in as of the effective date of the successful completion of the PIP, and their base salary will be calculated as of the original implementation date. 33 AcqDemo Salary Ranges by Career Paths and Broadband Levels 34 Transition Highlights Additional or Special Pays Type of Pay References Overtime – FLSA Exempt (5 U.S.C. 5541, 5542, 6123(a)(1); 5 CFR 550.114) Night Pay (5 U.S.C. 5545(a); 5 CFR 550.121-122) Sunday Pay (5 U.S.C. 5546; 5 CFR 550.171) Holiday Pay (5 U.S.C. 5546; 5 CFR 550.131) Standby Duty Pay (5 U.S.C. 5545; 5 CFR 550.141) Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime (5 U.S.C. 5545; 5 CFR 550.151) Compensatory Time Off for Religious Observances (5 CFR part 550, subpart J) Air Traffic Controller Differential all of 5 U.S.C. 5546a applies Premium Pay for Health Care Personnel 5 USC, Chap 55 and 38 USC Foreign Language Proficiency Pay 10 USC 1596 and 1596a Foreign Differentials and Allowances, including Living Quarters Allowance Dept State Stand Regs (DSSR), Sect 134.14c (Modified for Transition From NSPS to AcqDemo/GS) 35 Transition Highlights Other Information • Not Provisions of AcqDemo - Accelerated Compensation for Developmental Positions (ACDP) - Reassignment Salary Increase (up to 5%) - Special Salary Rate - Grade Retention (“Save Grade”) • In AcqDemo Pay Retention is indefinite (until the employee’s salary catches up to the base salary range) - 5 CFR, Chapter 5, Part 536 GRADE AND PAY RETENTION applies • Employees or Supervisors who are on their initial probationary period will continue until the probationary period requirements are met. 36 Organizational Transition Steps TAPES - Special or Close Out Appraisals Transition Special Considerations PDs to PRDS (Overview) Transition Highlights Activity Will establish a timeline for conversion How to Determine Career Path & Broadband 37 Career Paths / Broadband Level NH Business and Technical Mgmt Broadband Professional NJ NK Technical Mgmt Support Administrative Support I II III GS 1 - 4 GS 1 - 4 GS 1 - 4 GS 5 - 11 GS 5 - 8 GS 5 - 7 GS 12 - 13 GS 9 - 11 GS 8 - 10 IV GS 14 - 15 GS 12 - 13 • Grades associated with each Career Path and Broadband Level are collapsed together to create each broadband. • Upon conversion, Grades no longer apply. • Employees will transition into the Career Path and broadband level associated with the employee’s Occ Series and current Grade. 38 How to Determine Career Path / Broadband Level Contracting Specialist, GS-1102-12 NH Business and Technical Mgmt Broadband Professional NJ NK Technical Mgmt Support Administrative Support I II III GS 1 - 4 GS 1 - 4 GS 1 - 4 GS 5 - 11 GS 5 - 8 GS 5 - 7 GS 12 - 13 GS 9 - 11 GS 8 - 10 IV GS 14 - 15 GS 12 - 13 • OPM Job Series Apply: Therefore, 1102 = 1102 • Career Path: Reference Table 2, Jan ‘99 Federal Register 39 Career Path Table TABLE 2 - SERIES INCLUDED IN THE DoD ACQUISITION WORKFORCE PERSONNEL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Excerpts from Table 2, January 8, 1999 Federal Register, p. 1445 0011 0018 0020 0023 0025 0028 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERIES NUMBER SERIES TITLE BOND SALES PROMOTION SAFETY AND OCCUPTIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT COMMUNITY PLANNING SERIES OUTDOOR RECREATION PLANNING PARK RANGER ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SPECIALIST SERIES NUMBER 0019 0021 0102 0181 0187 SERIES NUMBER 0029 0085 0086 0105 TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERIES TITLE SAFETY TECHNICIAN COMMUNITY PLANNING TECHNICIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE AIDE PSYCHOLOGY AIDE AND TECHNICIAN SOCIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERIES TITLE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ASSISTANT SECURITY GUARD SECURITY CLERICAL AND ASSISTANCE SOCIAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR 40 How to Determine Career Path / Broadband Level Contracting Specialist, GS-1102-12 NH Business and Technical Mgmt Broadband Professional NJ Technical Mgmt Support NK Administrative Support I II III GS 1 - 4 GS 1 - 4 GS 1 - 4 GS 5 - 11 GS 5 - 8 GS 5 - 7 GS 12 - 13 GS 9 - 11 GS 8 - 10 IV GS 14 - 15 GS 12 - 13 • OPM Job Series Apply: Therefore, 1102 = 1102 • Career Path: Reference Table 2, Jan ‘99 Federal Register, 1102 = NH • Broadband: Reference Table Above*, GS 12 = NH III * January 1999 Federal Register 41 Organizational Transition Steps TAPES - Special or Close Out Appraisals Transition Special Considerations PDs to PRDS (Overview) Transition Highlights How to Determine Career Path & Broadband Activity Will establish a timeline for conversion Step Buy-In 42 Step Buy-In Procedures • Buy-in Full Employee Protection Approach Exceptions to Buy-in: If already at Step 10 of a GS grade, Buy-in does not apply If in a retained pay status Buy-in does not apply • Locality Adjustment—Added After Base Salary Is Computed • Formula for Buy-In: 1. Determine Employee’s Base Salary 2. Determine Value of Within-Grade Increase; then Steps 1-4 4-7 7-10 Time 52 Weeks 104 Weeks 156 Weeks [(time in step / time between steps) x step increase] + current salary = new AcqDemo base salary Percent of 52 Wks 52 Wks 52 Wks 104 Wks 104 Wks 104 Wks 156 Wks 156 Wks 156 Wks 43 Step Buy-In Example • Entering demonstration—GS-12/step 5, Series 1102 (Contracting Specialist) • Nominal time between step 5 and 6 = 104 weeks. • Assume employee has been a Step 5 for 86 of the 104 weeks for a within grade increase. The process to compute the employee’s new salary is: GS-12/Step 5 base rate of $68,993 GS-12 within grade increase is $2,029 86/104th (or .8654) of $2,029 is $1,756 $68,993 + $1,756 = $70,749 then add Locality Pay (This example uses the 2014 General Schedule Salary Table.) 44 Conversion Tool for WiGI Buy-in 45 Other Buy-in Scenarios Buy-in Examples of: Retained Grade and/or Retained Pay Special Salary Rates Another Pay Banding System Retained Grade and Retained Pay Situation 1 • No Buy-in for Individuals on Retained Grade and Retained Pay if salary exceeds maximum salary for broadband level • Example (RUS locality 14.16%) – GS-13 Step 00 with base salary of $110,676 ($96,948/$13,728) – Equivalent to GS-14 Step 5 – Maximum base salary for GS-13 is $94,108 w/locality $107,434 – Retained Pay is $110,676 – Retained Grade of GS-14 • Convert to AcqDemo as NH-III – NH-III with Retained Pay of $110,676 (until a terminating event, i.e., break in service of 1 workday or more, is demoted for personal cause or at the employee’s request, is entitled to a rate of pay which is equal to, or higher than, the employee's retained rate, declines a reasonable offer of a position rate which is equal to, or higher than, the employee’s retained rate) – – No buy-in because NH-III maximum salary w/locality is $107,434 Keeps Retained Grade of GS-14 (for two years beginning on the date the employee is placed in the lower graded position) *Salaries based on 2014 GS Pay with RUS Locality Tables47 Retained Grade Situation 2 • Buy-in for individuals on Retained Grade If salary does not exceed maximum salary for broadband level for existing grade • Example (RUS locality 14.16%) – GS-14 Step 2 with base salary of $88,395 w/locality $100,912 – Placed in a lower grade, GS-13, as a result of reduction-in-force procedures, transfer of function or mgt directed realignment – Maximum base salary for GS-13 is $94,108, w/locality $107,434 – $100,912 between GS-13/Step 7 $99,170 and 13/Step 8 $101,924 – Is on Retained Grade Status of GS-14 with pay of GS-13 Step 8 – Converts to AcqDemo NH-III and compute AcqDemo Buy-in – Retained Grade of GS-14 (for two years beginning on the date the employee is placed in the lower graded position) *Salaries based on 2014 GS Pay with RUS Locality Tables48 Former NSPS Employees on Retained Pay Situation 3 • Buy-in for former NSPS employees on Retained Pay if salary does not exceed maximum salary for broadband level for existing grade • Example (RUS Locality Rate of 14.16%) – YC-02 with base salary of $88,395 w/locality $100,912 – NSPS pay equivalent to GS-14 Step 2 – NSPS transition from YC-02 to GS-13 – No Retained Grade for NSPS employees upon transition out of NSPS unless employee was a GS-14 prior to NSPS – Upon transition from NSPS to GS, individual was placed in GS-13 Step 8 with adjusted base salary of $89,282 w/locality $101,924 • Convert to NH-III and Compute AcqDemo Buy-in *Salaries based on 2014 GS Pay with RUS Locality Tables49 Former NSPS Employees on Retained Pay Situation 4 • Buy-in for former NSPS employees on Retained Pay If salary exceeds maximum salary for broadband level for existing grade • Example (RUS Locality Rate of 14.16%) – YC-02 with base salary of $98,000 w/locality $111,878 – NSPS transition from YC-02 to GS-13 – Maximum base salary for GS-13 is $94,108, w/locality $107,434 – No Retained Grade for NSPS employees upon transition out of NSPS unless employee was a GS-14 prior to NSPS – Upon transition from NSPS to GS, individual is placed on retained pay status with total salary of $111,878 – – Convert to NH-III, no AcqDemo Buy-in NH-III with Retained Pay of $111,878 (until a terminating event, i.e., break in service of 1 workday or more, is demoted for personal cause or at the employee’s request, is entitled to a rate of pay which is equal to, or higher than, the employee's retained rate, declines a reasonable offer of a position rate which is equal to, or higher than, the employee’s retained rate) *Salaries based on 2014 GS Pay with RUS Locality Tables50 Special Salary Rate Step Buy-In Example - Entering Demonstration: $69,263 Special Salary Rate (GS-9/8) Locality Payment of 27.16% - Assume Employee Has Earned WGI Buy-In of $900.00 of $1385.00 - This Employee’s New Salary Will Include: Special Rate Divided by Locality Payment % for Demonstration Base Rate: $69,263/1.2716% = $54,469 Add WiGI Buy-In to Demonstration Base Rate for the New Demonstration Base Salary: $900 + $54,469 = $55,369 - Multiply New Base Salary by Locality Payment, then add the sum to the New Base Salary for New Total - Locality: $55,369 * 27.16% = $15,038 - Salary: $55,369 +15,038 = $70,407 (New total adjusted salary) 51 From Another Pay Banding System • Follow the converting out rules for the pay banding system • Use employee salary to determine equivelent GS Grade and Step • Then the AcqDemo buy-in 52 Organizational Transition Steps Activity Will establish a timeline for conversion TAPES - Special or Close Out Appraisals Transition Special Considerations PDs to PRDS (Overview) Transition Highlights How to Determine Career Path & Broadband Step Buy-In DCPDS Mass Transition Process 53 DCPDS Mass Transition Process Build Positions in DCPDS • Calculates new Salary (buy-in) • Includes new position number and sequence for each employee Complete Transition Worksheet Run Mass Transition in DCPDS Generate Mass Upload File • Changes employee’s salary and places them on new position • NPAs Generated (SF-50); (Misc Adjustment NOA-890) • Contains new salary, and new position information Using the Transition Tool Automates the DCPDS process 54 AcqDemo Human Resources Personnel System Changes of AcqDemo Training Outline – – – – – – – – – – – – Broadbanding, Classification and Position Requirements Document (PRD) Modified Staffing, Hiring & Appointment Authorities – Appointment Authority – Delegated Examining Authority – Scholastic Achievement Authority Pay Administration Voluntary Emeritus Program Flexible Probationary Period Expanded Development Opportunities – Academic Degree and Certificate Training – Sabbaticals Contribution-Based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) CCAS Payout Processing Reduction-in-Force (RIF) Procedures Converting Out / Determining GS Equivalency Summary 56 Broadbanding Classification Position Requirements Document (PRD) Broadbanding • The broadbanding system replaces the current General Schedule (GS) structure. • Occupations with similar characteristics are grouped together into three career paths with up to four broadband levels. • Designed to facilitate pay progression and to allow for more competitive recruitment of quality candidates at differing rates. • Benefits of Broadbanding: – Competitive promotions will be less frequent, and movement through the broadband levels will be a more seamless process than under current procedures. – Duty assignments may be realigned among people within an organization, not constituting a position change (reduces the number of RPAs or PRD reclassifications) – Broader latitude in assignments lead to greater retention of quality employee 58 Classification GS vs. AcqDemo Classification GS AcqDemo Occupational Family Career Path Pay Plan (GS) Pay Schedule (NH, NJ, NK) Grade Broadband Level (I, II, III, IV) (No Supervisory pay Schedule) OPM Occupational Title OPM Occupational Title OPM Occupational Series (#) OPM Occupational Series (#) Over 400 OPM GS Classification Standards 11 Standards Position Description (PD) (One for each Broadband Level based on Factor Descriptors*) Position Requirements Document (PRD) 60 Simplified Classification System Overview • OPM qualification standards for occupations • OPM classification standards for Occupational Series & Title (only) • GS Grade and AcDemo Factor broadband level descriptors used for broadband level determination • Classification authority delegated to commanders (or equivalent) by the Federal Register, may redelegate to subordinate level 61 Classification of AcqDemo Positions Six AcqDemo Classification Factors Problem Solving Leadership/Supervision Teamwork/Cooperation Communication Customer Relations Resource Management • Career Path, Factors, Descriptors, and Discriminators constitute grading criteria for determining appropriate broadband level • Each Factor has Descriptors for classifying duties and responsibilities • Standard across DoD and may not be changed 62 Career Path: Business Management & Technical Management Professional (NH) Example of Factor 4: Leadership / Supervision LEVEL DESCRIPTORS LEVEL I Takes initiative in accomplishing assigned tasks. Provides inputs to others in own technical/functional area. Seeks and takes advantage of developmental opportunities. LEVEL II Actively contributes as a team member/leader; provides insight and recommends changes or solutions to problems. Proactively guides, coordinates, and consults with others to accomplish projects. Identifies and pursues individual/team development opportunities. Level III Provides guidance to individuals/teams; resolves conflicts. Considered a functional/technical expert by others in the organization; is regularly sought out by others for advice and assistance. Defines, organizes, and assigns activities to accomplish projects/programs goals. Guides, motivates, and oversees the activities of individuals and teams with focus on projects/programs issues. Fosters individual/team development by mentoring. Pursues or creates training development programs for self and others. LEVEL IV Establishes and/or leads teams to carry out complex projects or programs. Resolves conflicts. Creates climate where empowerment and creativity thrive. Recognized as a technical/functional authority on specific issues. Leads, defines, manages, and integrates efforts of several groups or teams. Ensures organizational mission and program success. Fosters the development of other team members by providing guidance or sharing expertise. Directs assignments to encourage employee development and crossfunctional growth to meet organizational needs. Pursues personal professional development. DISCRIMINATORS - Leadership Role - Breadth of Influence - Mentoring/Employee Development -Leadership Role - Breadth of Influence - Mentoring/Employee Development -Leadership Role -Breadth of Influence - Mentoring/Employee Development -Leadership Role -Breadth of Influence - Mentoring/Employee Development 63 Classification Example: NH-03 Descriptors All Six Classification Factors: 1. Problem Solving 2. Teamwork/Cooperation 3. Customer Relations 4. Leadership/Supervision 5. Communication 6. Resource Management 64 Classification Supervisor and Team Leader Positions OPM Classification Standards are used for: • Deputies - may be classified in the same broadband as the position to which they report • Supervisors – PRD Supervisory Duty is classified per GS Supervisor Guide – – Combination of technical & administrative direction of others Major duty occupying at least 25% of position’s time (time i.e. time cards, approve leave, etc; plan development and req discussions; rating; review of products, policies and guidance to staff) – Meet at least the lowest level of Factor 3 (Managerial Authority) • Team Leaders – PRD Leader duty is classified per GS Leader Guide – – Lead 3 or more employees (one or two grade level) Major duty occupying at least 25% of position’s time (time i.e. comms to team members; reporting, monitoring, training of members, analysis of team’s progress and effectiveness, approve emergency leave up to 3 days) – Don’t fully meet the lowest level of Factor 3 (Managerial Authority) 65 Classification Appeals • May appeal at any time − Occupational Series − Title − Broadband Level • An employee may not appeal: - Accuracy of the position requirements document; - Demonstration project classification criteria; - Pay-setting criteria; - Propriety of a salary schedule; or - Matters grievable under an administrative or negotiated grievance procedure or an alternative dispute resolution procedure. 66 Position Requirements Document (PRD) AcqDemo Position Requirements Document (PRD) PDs to PRDs • The AcqDemo Position Requirements Document (PRD) replaces the GS Position Description (PD) • Army G-1 FASCLASS will automatically convert GS PDs to reflect the appropriate AcqDemo Pay Schedule (Career Path – NH, NJ, NK), OCC Series Number, OCC Series Title and Broadband Level • Locally (Org/CPAC) the AcqDemo PRD must be edited locally in FASCLASS to reflect the appropriate AcqDemo 6 factor titles and descriptors for the corresponding Career Path and broadband level for each position. (e.g. 6 AcqDemo Factors replaces the 9 Factors of the Factor Evaluation System) 68 AcqDemo Position Requirements Document (PRD) PDs to PRDs • If there are significant changes to duties identified prior to transition into AcqDemo, the GS PD will require local reclassification of the position (i.e. GS-13 to GS-14) prior to the conversion of the AcqDemo PRD by FASCLASS. (e.g. Supervisory, Team Leader or increased complexity and responsibility duties) • Supervisor Positions – classified per General Schedule Supervisory Guide (GSSG) - Combination of technical & administrative direction of others - Major duty occupying at least 25% of position’s time - Meet at least the lowest level of Factor 3 (Managerial Authority) 69 AcqDemo Position Requirements Document (PRD) PDs to PRDs • Team Leader Positions – classified per General Schedule Leader Grade Evaluation Guide (GSLGE) - Lead 3 or more employees (one or two grade level) - Major duty occupying at least 25% of positions time - Don’t fully meet the lowest level of Factor 3 (Managerial Authority) • Once the organization determines the AcqDemo classification for each position that will transition into AcqDemo, the organization will need to complete the Excel spreadsheet that will be used by FASCLASS to convert the GS PD to the AcqDemo PRD. Return completed spreadsheet to Army AcqDemo Program Office. 70 Position Requirements Document (PRD) • Generic Position Requirements Document (PRD) written at top of the broadband level • Candidates qualify (at a minimum) at bottom of broadband level • Position classified by management. CPAC verifies content and format. 71 PRD Elements • Position Information • Organization Information – Mission • Duties • Factors – Problem Solving – Teamwork/Cooperation – Customers Relations - Leadership/Supervision - Communications - Resource Management • Staffing KSA’s (component determination) • Supplemental Items (i.e. FLSA, disclosures, DAWIA or certification requirements, etc.) 72 Creating a Position Requirements Document (PRD) 73 Creating a Position Requirements Document (PRD) 74 Creating a Position Requirements Document (PRD) If directed by the command, include a position overview description before entering the duties Factor Descriptors will automatically populate based on the Career Path and Broadband selected for the position 75 Creating a Position Requirements Document (PRD) 76 Edits in FASCLASS of PD to PRD 77 Edits in FASCLASS of PD to PRD Army Item GS PD TO AcqDemo PRD Pay Schedule GS Now Becomes NH, NJ, or NK Grade/Level Grade Now Becomes Broadband Level I, II, III or IV Factors Nine Factors of FES Now Becomes Six AcqDemo Factors Becomes 78 Modified Staffing Hiring & Appointment Authority Definitions Related to Staffing External and Internal Hiring Process Flow Employee Mobility External Hiring Internal Placement AcqDemo Definitions Related to Staffing Army For a complete listing of all AcqDemo definitions see Appendix L of the DoD & Army OP dated 15 May 2003, Updated April 2014 Terms Definition BROADBAND LEVEL A broadband level is a pay range derived from the General Schedule pay rates. CAREER PATH One of three categories that an employee is placed in which corresponds to the employee’s occupational series currently held. CHANGE TO LOWER BROADBAND LEVEL The movement of an employee to a lower broadband level within the same career path or to a different career path and level in which the new broadband level has a lower maximum salary range than the broadband level from which the employee is being moved. CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENT WITHIN THE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Employees may receive a change in assignment without processing an Official Personnel Action, unless it results in a change to series, broadband level, or KSAs. No salary increase will be received by the employee. LATERAL TRANSFER (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) Reassignment between Agencies/components without change in basic pay except as provided by any WIGI or career ladder buy-in. (Army) LOWER BROADBAND LEVEL The lower broadband level is one whose maximum rate of pay is less than the maximum rate of pay of the employee's current broadband level. 80 AcqDemo Definitions Related to Staffing (con’t) Army Terms Definition NEW HIRE The first appointment to a position as a civilian employee within the Federal Government. POSITION REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT (PRD) The position requirements document for each employee provides jobspecific information, broadband level descriptors, and other information pertinent to the job, including staffing requirements and contribution expectations. This document replaces the current agency-developed position description. PROBATIONARY PERIOD The probationary period is a period of time in which supervisors evaluate a newly hired demonstration project employee’s contribution and conduct within the acquisition workplace environment to determine whether the employee should be retained. PROMOTION (Federal Employee Within the Demo.) The movement of an employee to a higher broadband level within the same career path (e.g. NK I to NK II) or a different career path and level in which the new broadband level has a higher maximum base pay than the broadband level from which the employee is being moved (NK II to NH II). Salary may be set at 6% to 20% over current salary or the minimum of the broadband level whichever is higher. 81 AcqDemo Definitions Related to Staffing (con’t) Terms Definition PROMOTION (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) Movement of a non-AcqDemo Federal employee selected under competitive or merit promotion procedures for an AcqDemo position in a broadband with a higher maximum base pay rate than the position currently held or previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service by the employee. Recommending official may approve increases up to 10 percent. Recommended increases from 10 up to 20 percent will be approved by a designated management official at least one level above the recommending official. REASSIGNMENT (Federal Employee Within the Demo.) The change of an employee from one position to another position within the same broadband level in the same career path or to a position in another career path and level in which the new broadband level has the same maximum salary rate than the broadband level from which the employee is being moved (e.g. NJ-I to NH-I). There is no change in base pay for employees within the Demo. REASSIGNMENT (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) Change of an employee from one position in another pay system to an AcgDemo position without promotion or change to lower broadband . Reassignment includes : (1) movement to a position in a new Occ series or to another position in the same series and (2) movement to a different position at the same grade/broadband level equivalency but with a change in salary that is the result of a different locality payment. (Buy-in applies, refer to Federal Register Vol. 66, No . 98, 21 May 2001 , Amendment to Federal Register Vo l. 64, No . 05, 8 Jan 1999, Sec V A.)” 82 Modified Staffing Employee Mobility Details Changes in Assignment Reassignments Promotions Temporary Promotions Competitive and Non-Competitive Mobility Accretion of Duties Employee Movement/Mobility (Movement Options – Details) Detail (GS to AcqDemo): A temporary assignment of an employee to a different position for a specified period, with the employee returning to his or her regular duties at the end of the detail. (5 U.S.C. chapter 33, subchapter III) Requirements: - Details (GS to AcqDemo) NTE 120 days, OR NTE up to 1 year - Employee (GS to AcqDemo) must remain in the same Occ series and the equivalent broadband level that the grade corresponds (i.e. GS-12 or GS-13 = NH-03) Detail NTE 120 No RPA required Do NOT “convert” in to AcqDemo Detail NTE 1 Year RPA Required; NOA 930 NTE Will “convert” into AcqDemo remain under their current appraisal system 84 Employee Movement/Mobility (Movement Options – Change in Assignment) DoD & Army Operating Procedures dated 15 May, 2003, Chapter 4, Para Change in Assignment Within the Demonstration Project (“Detail” AcqDemo to AcqDemo): Employees may receive a change in assignment without processing an Official Personnel Action, unless it results in a change to Occ series, broadband level (i.e. NJ-IV to NH-III), or KSAs. Requirements: - Must be qualified (OPM Standards apply) for the duties/position. - Employee must remain in the same Occ series, Career Path and Broadband level (i.e. NH-0301-03 to NH-0301-03) - Changes in Assignment NTE up to 1 year. - No RPA required for the Change in Assignment NTE. 85 Employee Movement/Mobility (Movement Options- Reassignment; NOA-721) DoD & Army Operating Procedures updated April 2014; Two Definitions of Reassignment for AcqDemo Federal Employee (Entering from Outside of the Demo): Change of an employee from one position in another pay system to an AcgDemo position without promotion or change to lower broadband . Reassignment includes : (1) movement to a position in a new Occ series or to another position in the same series and (2) movement to a different position at the same grade/broadband level equivalency but with a change in salary that is the result of a different locality payment. (Buy-i n applies, refer to Federal Register Vol. 66, No . 98, 21 May 2001 , Amendment to Federal Register Vo l. 64, No . 05, 8 Jan 1999, Sec V A.)” • Federal Employee (Within the Demo): The change of an employee from one position to another position within the same broadband level in the same career path or to a position in another career path and level in which the new broadband level has the same maximum salary rate than the broadband level from which the employee is being moved (e.g. NJ-I to NH-I). There is no change in base pay for employees within the Demo. 86 Employee Movement/Mobility (Movement Options- Reassignment; NOA-721) Federal Employee (Entering from Outside of the Demo) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Requirements: - Permanent (or temporary) reassignment to AcqDemo - RPA is required - Employee will “convert” to AcqDemo (i.e. conversion procedures apply – assignment to Career Path and Broadband level based on current GS grade & Occ series.) Federal Employee (Within the Demo), i.e. NH-III to NH-III Requirements: - RPA is required if changing Occ Series, different PRD or being reassigned permanently - Employee must stay in the same Career Path and Broadband Level Temporary Reassignment (NOA 921 NTE) from GS to AcqDemo positions is NOT recommended. Flexibility option would be to use Detail (NOA-930 NTE) instead. If however, Temporary Reassignment is used and expires or terminates, the employee will revert to his/her permanent position and pay plus any regularly scheduled within-grade increase if applicable, because the reassignment is only temporary. There is NO buy-in for Temp Reassignment. 87 Employee Movement/Mobility (Movement Options – Promotion; NOA-702) DoD & Army Operating Procedures updated April 2014; Two definitions of Promotion in AcqDemo Promotion (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Movement of a non-AcqDemo Federal employee selected under competitive or merit promotion procedures for an AcqDemo position in a broadband with a higher maximum base pay rate than the position currently held or previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service by the employee. Promotion (Federal Employee Within the Demo.) i.e NH-III to NH IV The movement of an employee to a higher broadband level within the same career path (e.g. NK I to NK II) or a different career path and level in which the new broadband level has a higher maximum salary rate than the broadband level from which the employee is being moved (NK II to NH II). 88 Employee Movement/Mobility (Movement Options – Promotion; NOA-702) Promotion (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Requirements: - Must be qualified (OPM Standards apply) for the duties/position - Is a competitive action - GS employee “converts” to AcqDemo (i.e., GS-13 to NH-IV and GS-14 to NH-IV) Promotion (Federal Employee Within the Demo) i.e NH-III to NH IV Requirements: - Must be qualified (OPM Standards apply) for the duties/position - May be a competitive or non-competitive action (e.g. accretion of duties) 89 Employee Movement/Mobility (Movement Options – Temporary Promotion NOA-703) Temporary Promotions in AcqDemo apply the same staffing process and definition used for Permanent Promotions. • Temporary Promotions may be either: -Competitive: More than 120 days -Non-Competitive: Not to Exceed (NTE) 120 days • Movement is to a higher broadband level than current broadband level or higher salary range than the current GS grade salary range. • If competed, may become Permanent if it was included in the original announcement. • Upon expiration of the Temporary Promotion, employee will return to original position (or equivalent) and pay, NOA-713. • May not be placed on more than one Non-competitive (NTE 120 days) Temporary Promotion within a 12 month period, unless there is further competition. 90 Army Employee Mobility Competitive and Non-Competitive Actions • Competitive – – Promotions Temporary Promotions greater than 120 days • Non-Competitive − − − − − − − − − Re-Promotions GS employee entering equivalent broadband Movement to a position having no greater salary potential than current or previously held position RIF placement Career Ladder Promotions Temporary Promotions NTE 120 days Modified Term Conversion Candidates not given proper consideration Accretion of duties (Army) 91 Employee Mobility Summary of AcqDemo to AcqDemo Movement • Promotion • Reassignment to another Career Path/Broadband Level • Change in Assignment OR Reassignment within Career Path/Broadband Level • Movement to a Lower Broadband – Voluntary/Involuntary/RIF/Return Disability NH Promotion II $27,431 - 65,371 (GS 5 – 11) III $60,274 - 93,175 (GS 12 – 13) NJ I $17,803 - 31,871 (GS 1 – 4) II $27,431 - 48,917 (GS 5 – 8) III $41,563 - 65,371 (GS 9 – 11) Lower Movement IV $84,697 -129,517 (GS 14 – 15) Promotion I $17,803 - 31,871 (GS 1 – 4) Chng&Reasmt IV $60,274 - 93,175 (GS 12 – 13) NK I $17,803 - 31,871 (GS 1 – 4) II $27,431 - 44,176 (GS 5 – 7) III $37,631 - 59,505 (GS 8 – 10) 92 Employee Mobility Army Accretion of Duties Accretion of Duties - The justification for the increase from a Broadband Level to a higher Broadband Level must be substantive and clear. Not only should the supervisor be able to demonstrate that the promotion was due to an accretion of duties, but the duties themselves should be explained in sufficient detail to fully support classification at that higher level. This documentation should be able to withstand later review by an independent authority. *Jun 2011 Army M&RA (G-1), Demonstration Project Representative provided additional guidance on Army Accretions: • An accretion of duties is based on additional duties and responsibilities that are added over a reasonable period of time to an employee's position. • Non-Supervisory positions may not accrete to Supervisory position. CHRA has determined that is a Competitive Action. • Employees on a Temporary Detail (or Change in Assignment) may not accrete. • An employee can be accreted from an NK 3 to an NH 2 as long as the employee meets the OPM Qualification Standard for the position. • Does not support or recommend the accretion of an employee from the NK III to a NH III position. 93 Modified Staffing Hiring & Appointment Authority External Hiring External Hiring • All hiring authorities available to hire employees covered by 5 CFR, are available for use under AcqDemo rules. (e.g. VRA, VEOA, EHA, ICTAP, etc.) • AcqDemo Appointment Authorities • Delegated Examining under AcqDemo • Scholastic Achievement Appointment 95 Appointment Authorities • Permanent – Same as Existing Career and Career-Conditional Appointments • Temporary – Same as Existing Temporary Authority • Modified Term Based on Existing Term Appointments (5 CFR 316.601) Up to 5 years + 1 Year extension (6 years total) May become PERM (Conversion to Career Conditional) without further competition after 2 years if: • • Stated in the vacancy announcement If initial appointment was a competitive action Must stay in the same Occ Series, Career Path and BBL 96 External Hiring Delegated Examining Authority • Competitive examining authority is delegated to the Components • Applies to all AcqDemo positions, but excludes: - - Wage Grade, STEP’s/SCEP (students, summer-hires), Firefighters and Law Enforcement Personnel, Administrative Law Judges, Senior Executive Service, Executive Assignment System, Senior Level Positions, and Any positions that require an examining process covered by court order. In Army, current delegation will remain the same. The ASA (M&RA) (CHRA) will obtain from OPM any required delegated examining authority for the CONUS CPACs, overseas commands, and for the independent Civilian Personnel Offices. 97 Competitive Examining Process No Change 98 Army AcqDemo Vacancy Announcements 4.1.4 Vacancy Announcements. Determinations of appropriate areas of consideration and length of open periods for receipt of applications will be made by considering the nature of the positions covered by the examination; their career potential; and the characteristics of the labor market. Army 4.1.4 (was Army 4.2.2) Vacancy Announcements. In addition to the above, refer to applicable provisions of the delegated examining agreement when determining appropriate area of consideration and length of open periods. A position has to be advertised representing the lowest equivalent GS step 1 to the highest equivalent GS step 10 in the broadband. Management will set the pay upon selection of the applicant consistent with qualifications/education and the expected contribution of the position. 99 External Hiring Delegated Examining Process May 11, 2010 Presidential Memorandum - Improving the Federal Recruitment and Hiring Process “(3) provide for selection from among a larger number of qualified applicants by using the "category rating" approach (as authorized by section 3319 of title 5, United States Code), rather than the "rule of 3" approach, under which managers may only select from among the three highest scoring applicants” • Candidates – – – – Candidates who meet basic qualifications at the lowest equivalent grade of the broadband level for the position will be further evaluated for knowledge, skills, and abilities directly linked to the position. Are assigned to one-of-three quality groups: basically qualified, highly qualified, or superior. Candidates will be given numerical scores of 70, 80, or 90 or above for this evaluation. Eliminates “Rule of Three” • Veterans have 5 or 10 pts. added to scores, annotated and listed ahead of others having the same numerical score. • Selecting officials receive a reasonable number of candidates. All in highest group are certified. 100 Example of Rank Order 101 Modified Staffing Hiring & Appointment Authority External Hiring Individual Conversion Post Organization Conversion Scholastic Achievement Authority ( NOTE: Expedited Hiring Authority is available to AcqDemo activities) Individual Conversion Process Post Organization Conversion Individual Conversion Process Flow (Post Selection) (Pre-Placement of Candidate) Management Official Desires to Fill Vacancy Flow Pay Setting Considerations*: HR/CPAC/ Management Official: CPAC/HR/ Management Official : - Determines Occ/CP/BBL -Referral List -Commander (or equivalent) Classifies Position -Vet Pref • Promotion (NOA 702) -Set pay anywhere w/in the BBL -No Buy-in -Select Candidate •Reassignment (NOA 721) -Buy-in Only -WiGI Buy-in or Set Pay (if appl) • Lateral Trans (NOA 130) -Buy-in Only -RPA for PRD Classification in FASCLASS & Vacancy Ann (Internal/External) -Close Vac Ann -Clear PPP -Make Offer GS to AcqDemo Move Employee Into AcqDemo Appropriate SF-50 Generated AcqDemo to AcqDemo •Promotion (NOA 702) -6% to 20%* (or >20%) •Reassignment (NOA 721) -No Pay Setting or Buyin New to Fed Service -Anywhere w/in the BBL 104 Scholastic Achievement Authority Scholastic Achievement Authority • Given to the AcqDemo project to permit the appointment of candidates with degrees to positions in NH Career Path at broadband level II. • New hires may be paid at a higher level on the basis of their scholastic achievements. – – Managers have the authority to set pay for new hires HR Specialist advises the Manager on pay setting options 106 Scholastic Achievement Appointments • Allows for Appointment of Degreed Candidates if: – Meet OPM minimum qualifications – Occupation has positive education requirement • Bachelors: NH-II - GPA ≥ 3.5 in Occupational Field of Study; and Overall ≥ 3.0 - Pay level up to GS-7, Step 10 equivalent • Masters: NH-II - GPA ≥ 3.7 GPA (Graduate) in Occupational Field of study - Pay level GS-9, Step 10 or GS-11, Step10 equivalent • Veterans’ Preference will apply when selecting candidates under this authority 107 Priority Placement Program Priority Placement Program 4.1.2 Priority Placement Program (PPP). The Demonstration Project remains subject to DoD’s Priority Placement Program, and OPM’s Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP) when applicable. PPP requisitions normally will be submitted at the highest grade reflected in the broadband level. Positions covered by a formal training program (e.g. Interns, Upward Mobility) are requisitioned at the entry level. For the use of the training (TRA) option, refer to the DoD PPP Operations Manual. 109 Priority Placement Program Army 4.1.2 (was Army 4.7) Priority Placement Program (PPP). Under this project, PPP will clear at the highest grade in the broadband. Reference ASA(M&RA) memorandum, dated March 12, 1999, subject: Priority Placement Program (PPP) Registration and Requisitioning under the Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project. Requisitions will be submitted at the target grade reflected in the broadband to which the position corresponds. The target grades for the Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project career path and broadband levels are as follows: In accordance with current PPP policy, positions covered by a formal training program are requisitioned at the entry grade with the “trainee” (TRA) option code. For example, a local intern position in NK II will be requisitioned at the GS-05 with the “TRA” option code. Demonstration project employees who are entitled to PPP registration must be registered using the General Schedule or Federal Wage System pay plans. The conversion procedure provided in Chapter 14, Section 14.2 will be applied to determine the registrant’s equivalent GS grade. That grade will be used as the basis for determining the grade level(s) in the General Schedule or the Federal Wage System for which PPP registration is appropriate. 110 Modified Staffing Hiring & Appointment Authority Internal Placement Voluntary / Involuntary Placement Returned to Duty Employee Mobility Internal Placement In addition to these Internal Placements Promotion Federal Employee Within the Demo i.e NH-III to NH-IV (NOA 702) (To include Temp Promotions) Reassignment Federal Employee (Within the Demo) i.e. NH-III to NH-III (NOA 721) Change in Assignment Within the Demonstration Project (“Detail” AcqDemo to AcqDemo) 112 Voluntary / Involuntary Downgrades Voluntary Change to Lower Broadband Level/Change in Career Path (except RIF). • When an employee accepts a voluntary change to lower broadband level or a different career path, salary may be set at any point within the broadband level to which appointed, except that the new salary will not exceed the employee’s current salary or the maximum salary of the broadband level to which assigned, whichever is lower. • An employee’s request for voluntary change to a lower broadband level or different career path should provide a reason(s) for the request. All actions shall be documented by use of an official personnel action and appropriately filed. 113 Voluntary / Involuntary Downgrades Involuntary Change to a Lower Broadband Level Without Reduction in Pay Due to Contribution-Based Action. • Due to inadequate contribution, an employee may move to a lower broadband level as a result of receiving partial or no general pay increase. When an employee is changed to a lower broadband level due to such a situation, it is not considered an adverse action. • Supervisors shall initiate an involuntary change to lower broadband level promptly after the pay pool manager approves the annual pay out. An official personnel action will be prepared to reflect this change. • The employee’s rate of basic pay shall remain unchanged. 114 Voluntary / Involuntary Downgrades Involuntary Reduction in Pay/Change to Lower Broadband Level in a Same or Different Career Path Due to Contributionbased Action. • An employee may receive a reduction in pay within his/her existing broadband level and career path; be changed to a lower broadband level; and/or be moved to a new position in a different career path due to a contribution based action. • In these situations, the employee’s base salary will be reduced by at least six percent, but will be set no lower than the minimum salary of the broadband level to which assigned. Employees placed into a lower broadband due to contribution based action are not entitled to pay retention. 115 Voluntary / Involuntary Downgrades Involuntary Reduction in Pay/Change to Lower Broadband Level/Change in Career Path Due to Adverse Action. • An employee may receive a reduction in pay within his/her existing broadband level and career path; be changed to a lower broadband level; and/or be moved to a new position in a different career path due to an adverse action. • In these situations, the employee’s salary will be reduced by at least six percent, but will be set no lower than the minimum salary of the broadband level to which assigned. Employees placed into a lower broadband due to an adverse action are not entitled to pay retention. 116 Voluntary / Involuntary Downgrades Reduction-in-Force (RIF) Action (Including Employees Who are Offered and Accept a Vacancy at a Lower Broadband Level or in a Different Career Path). • The employee is entitled to pay retention if all title 5 conditions are met; 5 CFR §536.103 Coverage and applicability of grade retention. 117 Return to Limited or Light Duty Return to Limited or Light Duty from a Disability as a Result of Occupational Injury to a Position in a Lower Broadband Level or to a Career Path with Lower Salary Potential than Held Prior to the Injury. • The employee is entitled indefinitely to the salary held prior to the injury and shall receive full general and locality pay increases. 118 AcqDemo Pay Administration “Pay Setting” Details (GS to AcqDemo) Change in Assignment (AcqDemo to AcqDemo) Reassignment (AcqDemo to AcqDemo) Promotions Temporary Promotions Reassignments Pay Administration (Details; GS – Internal or Matrix) Detail (Internal or Matrix): A temporary assignment of an employee to a different position for a specified period, with the employee returning to his or her regular duties at the end of the detail. (5 U.S.C. chapter 33, subchapter III) Pay Setting: - No salary increase will be received by the employee - Employee will return to original position - Employee remain GS and be rated in their current performance management system - May be eligible to receive Chapter 45 Incentive Award (on-the-spot, special act, etc.) at the discretion of Management 120 Pay Administration (Change in Assignment; AcqDemo to AcqDemo) Change in Assignment Within the Demonstration Project (“Detail” AcqDemo to AcqDemo): Employees may receive a change in assignment without processing an Official Personnel Action, unless it results in a change to Occ series, broadband level, or KSAs. No salary increase will be received by the employee. Pay Setting: - No salary increase will be received by the employee - Employee will return to original AcqDemo position - Employee will be rated under CCAS if she/he was under AcqDemo for 90 consecutive days immediately preceding 30 Sep - Salary may be increased only during the CCAS Pay Pool Panel process - May be eligible to receive Contribution Award (CA) during the CCAS Pay Pool Panel process - May be eligible to receive Chapter 45 Incentive Award (on-the-spot, special act, etc.) at the discretion of Management. 121 Pay Administration (Reassignment NOA-721 GS to AcqDemo) DoD & Army Operating Procedures updated April 2014; Two Definitions of Reassignment for AcqDemo Federal Employee (Entering from Outside of the Demo): Change of an employee from one position in another pay system to an AcgDemo position without promotion or change to lower broadband . Reassignment includes: (1) movement to a position in a new Occ series or to another position in the same series and (2) movement to a different position at the same grade/broadband level equivalency but with a change in salary that is the result of a different locality payment. (Buy-in applies, refer to Federal Register Vol. 66, No . 98, 21 May 2001 , Amendment to Federal Register Vo l. 64, No . 05, 8 Jan 1999, Sec V A.)” Pay Setting: - Employee will permanently convert into AcqDemo - Buy-in will apply (use “Conversion Calculator” - NO additional salary increase upon reassignment (i.e. “pay setting”) - May be eligible to receive Chapter 45 Incentive Award (on-the-spot, special act, etc.) at the discretion of management 122 Pay Administration (Reassignment NOA-721 AcqDemo to AcqDemo) • Federal Employee (Within the Demo): The change of an employee from one position to another position within the same broadband level in the same career path or to a position in another career path and level in which the new broadband level has the same maximum salary rate than the broad band level from which the employee is being moved (e.g. NJ IV to NH III). There is no change in salary for employees within the Demo. Pay Setting: - No salary increase will be received by the employee. - Employee will return to original AcqDemo position upon completion of assignment. - Employee will be rated under CCAS if she/he was under AcqDemo for 90 consecutive days immediately preceding 30 Sep. -Salary may be increased only during the CCAS Pay Pool Panel process. - May be eligible to receive Contribution Award (CA) during the CCAS Pay Pool Panel process. - May be eligible to receive Chapter 45 Incentive Award (on-the-spot, special act, etc.) at the discretion of Management. 123 Pay Administration (Promotion NOA-702) DoD & Army Operating Procedures updated April 2014; Two definitions of Promotion in AcqDemo Promotion (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Movement of a non-AcqDemo Federal employee selected under competitive or merit promotion procedures for an AcqDemo position in a broadband with a higher maximum base pay rate than the position currently held or previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service by the employee. Promotion (Federal Employee Within the Demo.) i.e NH-III to NH IV The movement of an employee to a higher broadband level within the same career path (e.g. NK I to NK II) or a different career path and level in which the new broadband level has a higher maximum salary rate than the broadband level from which the employee is being moved (NK II to NH II). Salary may be set at 6% to 20% over current salary or the minimum of the broadband level whichever is higher. 124 Pay Administration (Example1: Promotion Outside of the Demo NOA-702) Promotion (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Movement of a non-AcqDemo Federal employee selected under competitive or merit promotion procedures for an AcqDemo position in a broadband with a higher maximum base pay rate than the position currently held or previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service by the employee. For example, in 2014 – A GS-13 has a base salary range of $72,391 to $94,108 – NH-IV (former GS-14s/15s) has a salary range of $85,544 to $130,810 Recommending Official approves up to 10% base pay increase, Management Official above 10% up to 20% 125 Pay Administration (Example 2: Promotion Outside of Demo NOA-702) Promotion (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Movement of a non-AcqDemo Federal employee selected under competitive or merit promotion procedures for an AcqDemo position in a broadband with a higher maximum base pay rate than the position currently held or previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service by the employee. Question: What if I competitively select a GS 12 employee (i.e. GS-12 to NH-III position or GS-14 to NH-IV position) whose salary is in the lower range of the broadband level AND was NEVER in NSPS (NSPS i.e. YA-2, YD-2, or YA-3, YD-3 etc.)? This is a Promotion (NOA-702.) Recommending Official approves up to 10% base pay increase, Management Official above 10% up to 20% 126 Pay Administration (Example 3: Promotion Outside of Demo) NOA-702) Promotion (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Movement of a non-AcqDemo Federal employee selected under competitive or merit promotion procedures for an AcqDemo position in a broadband with a higher maximum base pay rate than the position currently held or previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service by the employee. Question: What if I competitively select a GS-12 or GS-13 employee who was previously a YA-2 in NSPS? Since the previously held highest maximum grade equivalency of the pay bands are the same, this employee is NOT Promoted and instead Reassigned (NOA-721) into AcqDemo. Important know the history. Use Reassignment pay setting rules 127 Pay Administration Exception (Example 4: Promotion Outside of Demo) NOA-702) Promotion (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Movement of a non-AcqDemo Federal employee selected under competitive or merit promotion procedures for an AcqDemo position in a broadband with a higher maximum base pay rate than the position currently held or previously held on a permanent basis in the competitive service by the employee. Question: What if I competitively select a GS-11 employee to NH-III who was previously in NSPS (YA-2)? AcqDemo FedRegs state that an employee must have their base pay rate set at no lower than the minimum of the pay range of the broadband level selected to. Promotion is the only way to set pay in AcqDemo. Recommending Official approves up to 10% base pay increase, Management Official above 10% up to 20% 128 Pay Administration – Pay Considerations (Promotion Entering Outside of Demo NOA-702) Federal Employee (Entering from Outside of the Demo) • Initial pay will be set at a level consistent with the individual's qualifications and the expected contribution of the position. • Employees will enter the demonstration project at – their existing rate of pay, – the minimum salary for the broadband level, or – a rate determined by management. • Hiring official will determine the starting salary based upon – available labor market considerations relative to special qualifications requirements, – scarcity of qualified applicants, – programmatic urgency, and – education/experience of the new candidates. 129 Pay Administration – Pay Considerations (Promotion Entering Outside of Demo NOA-702) DoD & Army Operating Procedures updated April 2014, Federal Employee (Entering from Outside of the Demo) Based on all previous considerations: • Recommending official may approve increases up to 10 percent. • Recommended increases from 10 up to 20 percent will be approved by a designated management official at least one level above the recommending official. 130 Pay Administration (Example: Promotion Within the Demo NOA-702) Federal Employee (Within the Demo): • Promotion is normally a competitive action. • The movement of an employee to a higher broadband level within the same career path (e.g. NH III to NH IV) • Movement to a different career path and level in which the new broadband level has a higher maximum salary rate 131 Pay Administration (Example: Promotion Within Demo AcqDemo to AcqDemo NOA-702) Pay Setting for Federal Employee (Within the Demo) • Salary after promotion shall be at least 6 to 20% greater than the employee's current salary; however, • May receive greater than a 20% increase if needed to reach minimum rate of new pay band. 67,852 For example – NH-IV salary range is $85,544 to $130,810 – NH-III selectee’s salary is $67,852 – NH-IV minimum is $85,544 or approx 28.63% 132 Pay Administration (Promotion for Retained Pay NOA-702) AcqDemo Employee Promoted on Retained Pay When an employee on retained pay is promoted to a higher broadband level, at a minimum, the employee’s salary upon promotion will be set in the higher broadband level (1) At 6% higher than the maximum rate (base + locality) of the employee’s existing broadband level, or (2) At the employee’s existing retained rate, or (3) Whichever is greater. 133 Pay Administration (Example: Promotion for Retained Pay NOA-702) AcqDemo Employee Promoted on Retained Pay (1) At 6% higher than the maximum rate of the employee’s existing broadband level, or (2) At the employee’s existing retained rate, or (3) Whichever is greater. Example: NH-III who is promoted but on retained rate of $118,392 (1) $94,108 * 6% = $5,646 $94,108 + 5,646 $99,754 $99,754 x0.2422 $24,160 $99,754 +$24,160*locality $123,914 (2) (3) Existing Rate $123,914 > $118,392 $118,392 $123,914 134 Pay Administration (Temporary Promotion; NOA-703) Temporary Promotions in AcqDemo apply the same staffing process and definition used for Permanent Promotions. • Temporary promotions may be either: -Competitive: More than 120 days -Non-Competitive: Not to Exceed (NTE) 120 days • Movement is to a higher broadband level than current broadband level or higher salary range than the current GS grade salary range. • If competed, may become permanent if it was included in the original announcement. • Upon expiration of the Temporary Promotion, employee will return to original position (or equivalent), NOA-703 and same pay of record • May not be placed on more than one non-competitive (NTE 120 days) temporary promotion within a 12 month period, unless there is further competition. 135 Pay Administration (Example: Temporary Promotion Outside of the Demo NOA-703) Promotion (Federal Employee (Outside of the Demo) Entering the Demo.) i.e. GS to AcqDemo Recommending official may approve increases up to 10 percent. Recommended increases from 10 up to 20 percent will be approved by a designated management official at least one level above the recommending official. Temporary Promotions may be either: -Competitive: More than 120 days -Non-Competitive: Not to Exceed (NTE) 120 days In either case (competitive or non-competitive), upon return to GS Position of Record, salary (with locality) will resume at the rate prior to Temporary Promotion. Depending on the NTE, the Employee will be rated under CCAS if she/he was under AcqDemo for 90 consecutive days immediately preceding 30 Sep. 136 Pay Administration (1 of 2) (Example: Temporary Promotion Within the Demo NOA-703) Promotion (Federal Employee Within the Demo.) i.e NH-III to NH IV “…Salary may be set at 6% to 20% over current salary or the minimum of the broadband level whichever is higher.” Temporary Promotions may be either: -Competitive: More than 120 days -Non-Competitive: Not to Exceed (NTE) 120 days OR In either case (competitive or non-competitive), upon return to Position of Record, salary (with locality) will resume at the rate prior to Temporary Promotion. 137 Pay Administration (2 of 2) (Example: Temporary Promotion Within the Demo NOA-703) Promotion (Federal Employee Within the Demo.) i.e NH-III to NH IV “…Salary may be set at 6% to 20% over current salary or the minimum of the broadband level whichever is higher.” Temporary Promotions may be either: -Competitive: More than 120 days -Non-Competitive: Not to Exceed (NTE) 120 days - Employee will be rated on the permanent position of record under CCAS. - The temporary promotion salary will be adjusted to include the percentage of any salary increase of the CCAS payout and the temporary promotion percent salary increase of no less than 6% of the permanent position of record new pay. 138 Expanded Development Opportunities Academic Degree & Certification Sabbaticals AcqDemo Academic Degree & Certification Training Extension of Degree and Certification Training Authority • DAWIA authorized degree and certification training for acquisition-coded positions through the year 2017 • AcqDemo: – Extended for the duration of the project – Expanded coverage to all AcqDemo positions • Authorizes local level approval for certification training – Funding, and procedures – Implementation is local responsibility 141 AcqDemo Sabbatical Sabbatical Army Sabbaticals Local authority approval − 3-12 month duration − Available to AcqDemo employees with 7+ years experience − The Employee may only take one sabbatical every five years. - The Employee must agree to provide a report summarizing the results of the sabbatical which includes what was accomplished and the benefits derived for the Employee, the organization, and the acquisition community. - The Pay Pool Manager will review application and post utilization assignment, if any. − See Appendix M of the DoD/Army Operating Procedures for the Army Sabbatical application process. 143 Contribution-Based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) AcqDemo Rating System CCAS Pay Adjustment References CCAS Appraisal and Scoring Contribution Improvement Plan Grievance Process CCAS Rating Cycle CCAS Process Pay Pool Manager / Panel Annual Planning Rating Official Notifies Employee of : 1 - Career Path and Broadband Level, Factors (Weights, If Any), Discriminators, Descriptors; and 2 - Overall Contribution Score (OCS) That Corresponds to Employee’s Pay Employee Prepares Summary of Contributions Mid-Point Review And Annual Assessment Rating Official Assesses and Rates Employees $$$ Pay Adjustment Effective 1st Pay Period In January DFAS Pay Pool Panel Determines Final OCS & Recommends Pay Adjustments Informal, Frequent Communication Between Rating Official And Employee Throughout the Year CPOC Rating Official Communicates Final OCS, Factors Scores, and Pay Adjustments to Employees CAS2Net Contribution Planning OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV --Pay Pool Panel-Beginning of Rating Period DEC JAN --Payout-- End of Rating Period 145 CAS2Net CAS2Net is the automated tool used to manage the AcqDemo performance management process called the Contributionbased Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) CAS2Net Database DoD AcqDemo Office DCPDS User Modules Browser CCAS Spreadsheet Browser Factor appraisals and recommended factor scores Personnel Data Changes Data Maintainers Pay Pool Panels Scores/Ratings Payouts Employees Supervisors Sub-panel Managers 146 Pay Adjustment References GS AcqDemo General Pay Increase (GPI)* General Pay Increase (GPI)* • Within-grade increases Contribution Rating Increase (CRI) (i.e., base pay increase) • Quality-step increases • Promotions (equivalent to grades within broadband levels) Locality Pay Performance Awards - 2.4% floor 1st year for new conversions - 2.0% floor subsequent years Locality Pay Contribution Awards (CA) (i.e. rating-based award) - 1.3% floor 1st year for new conversions 1.0% floor subsequent years Chapter 45 and other Incentive Awards Chapter 45 and other Incentive Awards 147 Annual Pay Adjustment -PAID OVER 26 PAY PERIODS -COUNTS TOWARD RETIREMENT CRI GPI LOCALITY Often incorrectly known as COLA -CURRENT PAY CANNOT BE REDUCED THROUGH CCAS ASSESSMENT --ONLY THROUGH ADVERSE ACTION + CA NEW PAY - Lump Sum 148 Expected Overall Contribution Score (OCS) Expected Contribution Range Employee’s Expected OCS (Overall Contribution Score) and Range are shown in CAS2Net. The Expected OCS and Range are based on the employee’s basic pay. Employees may determine their expected contribution range by locating the intersection of their basic pay with the rails of the normal pay range. Expected OCS 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4 Expected Contribution Range (Between The Rails) $67,958 149 149 All Employees Start Off “Between The Rails” Appropriately Compensated $130,500 A $100,000 C $67,958 $80,000 B $60,000 $40,000 Not To Scale Not to Scale Basic Pay $130,000 $20,000 GS-1 Step 1 * 1.08 * 1.020043 GS-1 Step 1 * 0.92 * 1.020043 GS-1, Step 1 $0 Overall Contribution Score 0 Not to Scale Expected OCS 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 100 71 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 ECR Expected Contribution Range Salary is consistent with contributions if OCS is 64-71 150 Supervisors will recommend both a Categorical Score and Numerical Score for each Contribution Factor 2012 Point Ranges for Career Paths and Broadband Levels NH-01 NH-02 NH-03 NH-04 Categorical Scores 1L Low 1M Medium 1H High 2ML 2MH 2L 2M MediumMediumLow Medium Low High 2H High 3L Low 3M Medium 3H High 4L 4M Low Medium 4H High Very High 96-100 115 4H High Very High 79-83 95 Numerical Scores 0-5 6-23 24-29 22-29 30-40 NJ-01 1L Low 1M Medium 0-5 6-23 41-50 51-61 62-66 61-66 NJ-02 1H High NK-01 30-40 41-50 79-83 79-83 NJ-03 Categorical Scores 2ML 2MH 2L 2M 2H 3L MediumMediumLow Medium High Low Low High Numerical Scores 24-29 22-29 67-78 52-61 62-66 43-51 NK-02 3M Medium 52-61 84-95 NJ-04 3H High 4L 4M Low Medium 62-66 61-66 67-78 NK-03 Categorical Scores 1L Low 1M Medium 1H High 2L Low 2M Medium 2H High 3L Low 3M Medium 3H High Very High 47-56 57-61 70 Numerical Scores 0-5 6-23 24-29 22-29 30-41 42-46 38-46 151 Example of recommending the Categorical Score and Numerical Score for a Contribution Factor NH-01 NH-02 NH-03 NH-04 Categorical Scores 1L Low 1M Medium 1H High 2ML 2MH 2L 2M 2H MediumMediumLow Medium High Low High 3L 3M 3H Low Medium High 4L 4M 4H Very High Low Medium High Numerical Scores 0-5 6-23 24-29 22-29 30-40 Factor – Leadership / Supervision NH LEVEL I – LEADERSHIP /SUPERVISION •Takes initiative in accomplishing assigned tasks. •Provides inputs to others in own technical/functional area. •Seeks and takes advantage of developmental opportunities. 9/7/2011 41-50 51-61 62-66 61-66 May be scored less than LEVEL II - LEADERSHIP/SUPERVISION •Actively contributes as a team member/leader; provides insight and recommends changes or solutions to problems. •Proactively guides, coordinates, and consults with others to accomplish projects. •Identifies and pursues individual/team development opportunities. 67-78 79-83 79-83 84-95 96-100 115 is a NH-03 May be scored more than LEVEL III – LEADERSHIP /SUPERVISION •Provides guidance to individuals/teams; resolves conflicts. Considered a functional/technical expert by others in the organization; is regularly sought out by others for advice and assistance. •Defines, organizes, and assigns activities to accomplish projects/programs goals. Guides, motivates, and oversees the activities of individuals and teams with focus on projects/programs issues. •Fosters individual/team development by mentoring. Pursues or creates training development programs for self and others. LEVEL IV – LEADERSHIP /SUPERVISION •Establishes and/or leads teams to carry out complex projects or programs. Resolves conflicts. Creates climate where empowerment and creativity thrive. Recognized as a technical/functional authority on specific issues. •Leads, defines, manages, and integrates efforts of several groups or teams. Ensures organizational mission and program success. •Fosters the development of other team members by providing guidance or sharing expertise. Directs assignments to encourage employee development and cross-functional growth to meet organizational needs. Pursues personal professional development. Leadership /Supervision 3M 75 Problem Solving Teamwork/Cooperation Customer Relations Communication Resource Management 152 Contribution Factor Scoring Supervisor may score at the Expected Level, Below the Expected or Above the Expected Score each FACTOR (Categorical and Numerical) Problem Solving Teamwork/Cooperation Customer Relations Leadership/Supervision Communication Resource Management 3M 71 3M 73 3M 73 3M 75 3M 74 3M 74 440 440/ 6 = 73 Overall Contribution Score *All AcqDemo employees’ contributions are assessed against the same six factors (no modification) 153 CCAS Compensation Regions $130,500 -8% $130,000 $$$$$ Above the Upper Rail (Inappropriately Compensated – A Region) (……., -8, -7, -6, -5, some -4) $80,000 $40,000 $20,000 Delta OCS ~-4 to ~+4 +8% Between the Rails (Appropriately Compensated – C Region) (some-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, most +4) $60,000 Not Scale To Scale Not To Basic Pay $100,000 Below the Lower Rail (Inappropriately Compensated – B Region) (some +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, ………..) $0 0 Not To Scale Overall Contribution Score 154 100 154 What happens when OCS is scored less than Expected Contribution Range (ECR)? $130,500 “A-Rating” Above the Upper Rail: Compensation ABOVE contribution $100,000 $67,958 $80,000 -Delta Salary $60,000 $40,000 Not To Scale Not to Scale Basic Pay $130,000 $20,000 GS-1 Step 1 * 1.08 * 1.020043 GS-1 Step 1 * 0.92 * 1.020043 GS-1, Step 1 $0 Not to Scale Overall Contribution Score 0 59 + 59 OCS – 67 Expected OCS = -8 Delta OCS 100 Expected OCS 64 65 -3 -2 66 -1 67 68 69 70 71 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 ECR Expected Contribution Range OCS of 63 or lower 155 What happens when OCS is scored within Expected Contribution Range (ECR)? $130,500 “C-Rating” Between the Rails: Compensation CONSISTENT with contribution $100,000 $80,000 $67,958 $60,000 $40,000 Not To Scale Not to Scale Basic Pay $130,000 $20,000 GS-1 Step 1 * 1.08 * 1.020043 GS-1 Step 1 * 0.92 * 1.020043 GS-1, Step 1 $0 Overall Contribution Score Not to Scale Expected OCS 0 64 -3 -2 65 66 -1 67 68 69 70 100 71 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 OCS of 64 - 71 + 67 OCS – 67 Expected OCS = 0 Delta OCS Delta OCS of -3 to -1 (some salary increase and some award) - Needed additional supervision, coaching, guidance, assistance to complete the objective(s) Delta OCS of 0 to +4 (some salary increase up to 6% (contingent on funding and some award) - Completed objective(s), contribution at appropriate current salary range 156 What happens when OCS is scored greater than Expected Contribution Range (ECR)? $130,500 $100,000 +Delta $67,958 $80,000 Salary $60,000 $40,000 Not To Scale Not to Scale Basic Pay $130,000 “B-Rating” Below the Lower Rail: Compensation BELOW Contribution $20,000 GS-1 Step 1 * 1.08 * 1.020043 GS-1 Step 1 * 0.92 * 1.020043 GS-1, Step 1 $0 Overall Contribution Score Expected OCS 0 64 65 66 -3 -2 -1 67 68 69 Not to Scale 70 71 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 100 73 + 73 OCS – 67 Expected OCS = +6 Delta OCS OCS of 72 or higher Delta OCS of +5 or higher (some salary increase up to 20% - contingent on funding and some award) - Completed objective(s), contribution at greater than current salary 157 CCAS Information Eligibility Special Situations DCPDS Annual Adjustment Process Employee Feedback Eligibility for CCAS Rating as of 30 SEPT • • • NLT 3 JULY In AcqDemo at least 90 days on September 30 to be eligible for a rating (NLT July 3); Less than 90 days on September 30 not eligible for CCAS distribution (but will receive full “G”); Away from normal duties for an extended period of time, (i.e., temporary promotion outside the parent organization or outside the demo, long-term full-time training, call to active duty, extended sick leave, leave without pay,etc.), then the rating official has two options: Presumes that employee would have contributed consistently with employee’s expected level and will be given an expected rating; Re-certifies employee’s last contribution appraisal. 159 DCPDS Annual Pay Adjustment Process DCPDS Post Cycle Activity Pay Pool Panel Payout Decision Upload Spreadsheet Data To CAS2Net CAS2NET Data Staged for Upload Into Modern DCPDS by CPOC Service HR Centers Process Pay Upload Transactions DCPDS Updates DCPS (DFAS) SF 52* Payout Types of Pay and Nature of Action Codes used for pay transactions are: - SF 50 General Pay Increase (GPI) & Contribution Rating Increase (CRI) NOA-894 Gen Pay Adjustment Salary that “carries over” to Award: NOA-885 Top of the band or at Control Point Contribution Award (CA): NOA-840 Individual Award, Rating Based 160 CCAS Special Situations Leaving After 30 September and Before the January Payout Situation after 30 Sep 2012 before 13 Jan 2013 Action By Pay Pool Administrator Submitted By Processing of Payouts Staying in same AcqDemo pay pool No change in CAS2Net Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Going to another AcqDemo pay pool in same CCPO region CAS2Net - After the start of the new pay year January 13, 2013, place the employee's record in Transfer. Change CCPO Code in employee’s CAS2Net record Change CCPO Code in employee’s CAS2Net record CAS2Net: Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Going to another AcqDemo pay pool in different CCPO region Going to another Component AcqDemo pay pool (e.g., Army to Navy) Leaving AcqDemo to GS within the same Component (e.g., Army to Army) Leaving AcqDemo to GS in a different Component (e.g., Army to Air Force) Leaving AcqDemo to GS in a different Department (e.g., Army to Department of ustice) Leaving AcqDemo – resigning from Federal service Retiring Retiring with an effective date of 1 Jan 2013 Enter the employee's End Date (first day not covered by AcqDemo) on the Employee Detail screen, click the View Loss button, and enter a reason for the loss. Do not delete the employee's record until after the start of the new pay year (January 13, 2013). Since the employee was in your pay pool on 30 September, he or she must still be rated. After the start of the new pay year January 13, 2013, delete the employee's record from CAS2Net. Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Pay Pool Administrator Pay Pool Upload by Pay Pool Administrator Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Personnel Region will process the awards (NOA 885 and/or NOA 840) with an effective date of the reassignment/separation. Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Personnel Region will process the awards (NOA 885 and/or NOA 840) with an effective date of the reassignment/separation. Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Personnel Region will process the awards (NOA 885 and/or NOA 840) with an effective date of the reassignment/separation. Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Personnel Region will process the awards (NOA 885 and/or NOA 840) with an effective date of the reassignment/separation. Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Personnel Region will process the awards (NOA 885 and/or NOA 840) with an effective date of the reassignment/separation. Personnel Regions download from CAS2Net Personnel Region will process the awards (NOA 885 and/or NOA 840) with an effective date reassignment/separation. 161 Contribution & Compensation CCAS Results – Part I Form Identifying info Signatures Scoring Pay info New EOCS OCS Plot Remarks 162 Contribution & Compensation CCAS Results – Part I Form Appraisal Details If on Pay Retention or Top of the Broadband. $85,000 Current Rate of Base Pay G Increase 0.0% +$ 0 CRI Increase 0.0% = $85,000 New Rate of Basic Pay + $20,578 Locality Pay 24.22% $105,578 New Total Salary $3,152 Contribution Award (of which $2,000 was CRI Carryover) New Expected OCS and Expected Contribution Range 163 AutoNOA CCAS Annual Appraisal Document Uploaded to AutoNOA by Supervisors or Pay Pool Administrators Part I – CCAS Salary Appraisal Form Part II – Supervisor Assessment Part III – Employee Self Assessment Upon upload, complete rating Will be added to e-OPF 165 AcqDemo Contribution Improvement Plan (CIP) Contribution Improvement Plans • Contribution Improvement Plans (CIP’s) should be considered in the case of employees whose contributions to mission accomplishment are inadequate • When are CIP’s mandatory vs. optional? How are they initiated? • Basically, there are two cases of inadequate contribution that could call for a CIP: 167 Mandatory CIP Scenario Inadequate Contribution (NH III Employee Score Sheet) Situation 1: When an employee’s contribution in any factor is numerically at or less than the midpoint of the next lower broadband level (for broadband Level I employees, a score of 0 in any factor), there is no supervisory discretion: a CIP must be issued. This is true regardless of where the employee's overall OCS falls (i.e. Category A, B, or C). FACTORS Problem Solving Teamwork/ Cooperation Customer Relations Leadership/ Supervision Commun. Resource Mgt Very High IV High Med Low 80 High NH-72 NJ-55 III 78 65 High M-H II 46 Med M-L Low NH-15 NJ-15 NK-15 78 Low Level NH-44 NJ-37 NK-34 Med 29 High I Med Low Table 3. Sample Contribution for Business Management and Technical Management Professionals 168 Optional CIP Scenario Inadequate Contribution Situation 2: When the overall contribution score places the employee in the “A” region, the CIP is Optional, therefore the rating official has a decision to make: – The Pay Pool Manager may decide not to issue a CIP, documenting this decision in a memorandum for record, and a copy of the memo provided to the employee and to higher management; or – The Pay Pool Manager may decide to issue a CIP, notifying the employee in writing that unless the contribution increases to—and is sustained at—a higher level, the employee may be reduced in pay, reassigned, changed to a lower broadband level, or removed from Federal Service 169 AcqDemo Contribution Improvement Plan (CIP) • We Advise Rating Officials to contact HR for Assistance! • Pay Pool Manager must approve the use of CIP and upon approval, Rating Official notifies employee in writing. CIP Notification must contain: — Specific areas in which the employee is inadequately contributing — Standards — Actions — Time for adequate contribution required of the employee in which contribution improvement must be accomplished — Assistance from the service or agency — Consequences of failure to improve (removal, reduction in band or loss of pay) • Employee must sustain adequate contribution for two years Sample notifications may be found in Appendix M of the AcqDemo Operating Procedures 170 AcqDemo CCAS Grievance Process CCAS Grievance Process Army • Employee may grieve: Overall Contribution Score / Factor Score(s) General Pay Increase (GPI) Contribution Rating Increase (CRI) Contribution Award (CA) Narrative (Army) • Bargaining Unit employees follow negotiated agreement, if any; if not • Non-Bargaining Unit employees follow established administrative procedures, with supplemental instructions. 172 Army AcqDemo Grievance Process Administrative Procedures (1of 2) * Calendar Days Employee Decides to Grieve Within *15 days of Receipt of CCAS Part I, Submit Written Grievance or Grievance Window Between Jan 16 - 30, Submit Written Grievance Copies to Employee (as necessary) Supervisor Makes Recommendation to Pay Pool Manager Pay Pool Manger Rules Update CAS2Net [Pay Pool Panel May Meet] (as applicable) Within *10 days of Date of Grievance, Forward Recommendation and Grievance Written Decision within *30 days of Date of Grievance Revise Parts I, II or Grievance Window NLT Feb 9, Forward Recommendation and Grievance (as applicable) Revise Personnel Action(s) or Grievance Window NLT March 1, Written Decision Inform Employee (as applicable) Approved Approved w/ adjustments Denied If Employee Disagrees Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) techniques should be used to resolve disputes consistent with the requirements of Subchapter 771, DoD Civilian Personnel Manual. ADR techniques include a broad range of approaches for dealing with conflict and seeking solutions satisfactory to all parties. These techniques include, but are not limited to, problem solving, mediation, facilitation, conciliation, settlement conferences, ombudsmen, and arbitration. Primarily for changes to the narrative only and not for changes to the factor score or overall contribution score. 173 Army AcqDemo Grievance Process Administrative Procedures (2 of 2) * Calendar Days Appeals to Next Higher Official Above Pay Pool Manager Copies to Employee Within *15 days of Receipt of Written Decision, Submit Request for Reconsideration (as necessary) *Changes in any part of the Employee’s pay out will require a revision of the Employee’s CCAS Part I and a NOA-002 Correction to: Update CAS2Net (as applicable) Final Ruling Within *60 days of Date of Request for Final Review, Written Decision Inform Employee Revise Parts I, II (as applicable) Revise Personnel Action(s) NOA-894 Gen Pay Adjustment (GPI) Misc Pay Adjustment (CRI) NOA-885 Top of the band or Control Point NOA-840 Individual Award, Rating Based (CA) (as applicable) Approved Approved w/ adjustments Denied 174 AcqDemo Modified Reduction-In-Force (RIF) Competitive Areas and Levels RIF Retention Standing Retention Service Credit Retention Register Acquisition Demonstration RIF • In Accordance with 5 CFR 351 Except: ― ― ― ― Master Retention List Demonstration Employees—in their own Competitive Levels and Competitive Areas Retention Register Factors Displacement (Single Round Process); move down to the next lower Broadband (*Exception: May move down 2 Broadband levels for Veterans with Compensable Service-Connected Disability of 30% or more) • Current Pay Retention and Appeal Procedures Apply – As specified in 5 CFR 536.104 and 351.901 In Army, those employees for whom RIF actions are covered by a negotiated grievance procedures (NGP) must grieve through their NGP, not the MSPB. 176 RIF Retention Standing Employees are listed on a RIF retention register by Tenure Group. Within each Group, listed by Veterans' Preference subgroups (AD, A, or B) in within each vet preference sub group listed adjusted length of creditable Federal service. • Tenure – which determines the retention group: – Group I – Career employees (3+ yrs govt. service) – Group II – Career-conditional employees (<3 yrs govt. service) – Group III – Term / indefinite appointments • Veterans’ Preference – which determines the retention subgroup: – AD – Veterans’ compensable preference (≥30% disability) – A – Veterans’ non-compensable preference (all others) – B – Employees not eligible for Veterans’ Preference • Length of Service – Service Computation Date as adjusted by Retention Service Credit, based on rating. 177 AcqDemo Retention Service Credit Federal Register /Vol. 64, No. 5 /Friday, January 8, 1999 /Notices V.B.4 Years of Retention Service Credit and Appraisal Rating Provisions Employees leaving the demonstration project will be assigned ratings of record that conform with pattern E of 5 CFR 430.208(d) based on the years of credit accumulated for the 3 most recent years during the last 4 years while under the demonstration project. Since the demonstration project does not make use of summary level designators used in the appraisal system and programs constructed under 5 U.S.C. Chapter 43 and 5 CFR Part 430, the retention service credit that is based on the employee’s OCS as shown in Table 7 will be translated to summary level designators as shown in Table 8 for use by the gaining agency. TABLE 8.—TRANSLATION OF RETENTION SERVICE CREDIT 178 Current Retention Service Credit 179 RIF Retention Register & Factors (Example Retention Register) Annotated Master Retention List Tenure & Subgroup RIF SCD Career Path & Broadband I AD 06-02-52 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof III NH-2003 Supply Prgm Mgr I AD 05-03-53 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof III NH-1102 Contract Negotiator I AD 07-26-55 Tech Mgt Support IV NJ-802 Engineering Tech IA 11-07-53 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof III NH-346 Logistics Mgt Spec IA 02-05-54 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof III NH-201 Pers Mgt Spec IA 02-07-54 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof I NH-2001 Supply Spec Ludy, Andrew IA 02-10-54 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof II NH-1102 Contract Specialist Waters, Edward IA 04-22-54 Admin Support I NK-326 Ofc Automation Clk Richards, Ralph IA 05-09-54 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof I NH-346 Logistics Mgt Spec Goode, Vincent IA 10-08-54 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof II NH-346 Logistics Mgt Spec Sugg, Steven IB 1-17-51 Admin Support I NK-326 Ofc Automation Clk Price, Jane IB 03-07-53 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof III NH-2003 Supply Prgm Mgr Jones, Rose IB 07-07-53 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof III NH-2001 Supply Spec Franc, Lizette IB 07-17-53 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof IV NH-201 Pers Mgt Spec Worth, Jean IB 12-01-53 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof I NH-2003 Supply Prgm Mgr King, Elizabeth IB 10-31-54 Tech Mgt Support II NJ-856 Electronics Tech Hart, Carole IB 11-08-54 Tech Mgt Support II NJ-802 Engineering Tech Ross, Barbara IB 01-10-55 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof II NH-2003 Supply Prgm Mgr Dante, Michele II AD 06-08-51 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof III NH-201 Pers Mgt Spec Displaced by Thomas Lowe, Lydia Displaces Higgs II A 02-20-51 Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof II NH-1102 Contract Specialist Displaced by White Gates, Lionel Separated Bus Mgt/Tech Mgt Prof I NH-201 Pers Mgt Spec Displaces by Lowe Higgs, Sylvia Separated II A 07-01-52 Classification RIF Impact Employee Placement/ Separation Brown, Samuel Position abolished White, Bryan Position abolished Thomas, Franklin Displaces Gates Arnold, Joseph Displaces Lowe Smith, Jonathan Explanation: (1) White’s position is abolished. Review of White’s official personnel records shows he is fully qualified only for positions in the 1102 series; there is no employee in White’s current broadband and the 1102 series; and thus, he displaces Gates, who is in that series and the next lower broadband. Gates, in turn, is separated because there is no one else with a lower retention standing who holds a position for which Gates is fully qualified. (2) Thomas’ position is abolished. Thomas displaces Lowe because Thomas is fully qualified for 201 positions, this offer of assignment requires no reduction in broadband, and Lowe is the employee of lowest retention standing. Lowe, in turn, displaces Higgs. As a 30 percent disabled veteran (subgroup AD), Lowe can be placed up to the equivalent of five GS grades below her present level; thus, she can go from the NH-III to the NH-I broadband in RIF. Finally, Higgs is separated. 180 Converting Out or Determining GS Equivalency Determining GS Equivalency If a demonstration project employee: • Is moving to a General Schedule (GS) position • Is moving to a Laboratory Demo position • Wants to determine if they meet the eligibility criteria to apply for a General Schedule (GS) position Then the converted GS grade and GS rate of pay must be determined before movement or conversion out of the demonstration project and any accompanying geographic movement, promotion, or other simultaneous action. – – – Losing agency converts employee to GS grade & step Pay setting is the responsibility of the gaining agency Pay is determined prior to any other simultaneous action 182 Determining GS Equivalency • Equivalency determinations are always calculated using the salary which includes Locality Rate. • Step 4 rule - compare AcqDemo salary to the highest grade in the broadband level and Step 4 of that highest grade. • The Step 4 rule will be used anytime an employee is seeking a position where a GS Equivalency is needed. 183 Determining GS Equivalency Example of an employee whose salary equals or exceeds Step 4 of the highest grade The individual is a Business Management & Technical Management Professional Broadband III employee with a salary of $87,900, locality of $12,447 (14.16% RUS) for a total salary of $100,347. Highest grade in NH Broadband III is GS-13. • Compare Step 4 of highest grade in the broadband: $90,906 GS-13, Step 4 (Base + Locality) = $90,906 to Employee’s total salary. $100,347 > $90,906 • Therefore, assign as GS-13 • $100,347, is between GS-13 Step 8 pay at $101,924 and Step 9 pay at $104,679 • Assign Step 9 = $104,679 (Base + locality) • Convert out as GS-13, Step 9 *Salaries based on 2014 GS Pay with RUS Locality Tables 184 Determining GS Equivalency Example of an employee whose salary does NOT equal or exceed Step 4 of the highest grade The individual is a Business Management & Technical Management Professional Broadband III employee with a salary of $67,321, locality of $9,533 (14.16% RUS) for a total salary of $76,854. Highest grade in NH Broadband III is GS-13. • Compare Step 4 of highest grade in the broadband: GS-13, Step 4 = $90,906 (Base + Locality), to Employee’s total salary. • Since $76,854 < $90,906 • Next compare $76,854 to GS-12, Step 4 pay at $76,446 • $76,854 > $76,446, • Therefore, assign as GS-12 • $76,854 is between GS-12 Step 4 $76,446 and Step 5 $78,762 • Assign Step 5 = $78,762 • Convert out as GS-12, Step 5 *Salaries based on 2014 GS Pay with RUS Locality Tables 185 Determining GS Equivalency Example of an exception to the Step 4 Rule The individual is a Business Management & Technical Management Professional Broadband III employee with a salary of $79,337, locality of $11,234 (14.16% RUS) for a total salary of $90,561. Highest grade in NH Broadband III is GS-13. • Compare $90,561 to Step 4 of highest grade in the broadband:GS-13, Step 4 = $90,906 • $90,561 < $90,906 • Next compare $90,561 to GS-12, Step 4 pay at $76,446 • $90,561 > $76,446 assign as GS-12 • But wait $90,561 > $90,344 GS-12, Step 10; so assign as GS-13 • $90,561 is between GS-13 Step 3 $88,151 and Step 4 $90,906 • Assign Step 4 = $90,906 • Convert out as GS-13, Step 4 Note: An employee will not be converted to a lower grade than the grade held by the employee immediately preceding a conversion, lateral assignment, or lateral transfer into the project, unless since that time the employee has undergone a reduction in broadband. *Salaries based on 2014 GS Pay with RUS Locality Tables 186 Contact Information Army AcqDemo Program Office Jerry Lee 703-805-5498 (Program Director) Tim Zeitler 703-805-1098 (Deputy Director and HR POC) 187