Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Objectives Sections • Discuss what is meant by Artificial Intelligence (AI) • What is an Intelligent Artifact ? • How do we test for Intelligence ? Aim of this lecture • Allow the students to answer general AI questions • Allow the students to further investigate machine intelligence • Introduce the terms to be used through the rest of the course • What is Artificial Intelligence ? • Intelligence and Understanding • Intelligent Artifacts • Tests, Experiments and Conundrums • Conclusions Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Question 1 Question 2 Can a Machine Ever Be Intelligent ? What is Artificial Intelligence ? (survey) (ideas) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence What is Artificial Intelligence ? A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) Director: Steven Spielberg Artificial Intelligence (AI): is the study of how to make computers do things which, at the moment, people do better Elaine Rich, 1991 1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence What is Artificial Intelligence ? Artificial Intelligence (AI): is a branch of computer science and engineering that deals with intelligent behavior, learning, and adaptation in machines. ‘I think that...’ ‘You know about....’ ‘She is intelligent...’ Wikipedia Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ‘The machine thinks that...’ ‘The computer knows about....’ ‘It is intelligent...’ 2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Think about Question 1 Can a Machine Ever Be Intelligent ? (survey) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Maybe we are asking the wrong question Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Sections • What is Artificial Intelligence ? • Intelligence and Understanding • Intelligent Artifacts • Tests, Experiments and Conundrums • Conclusions 3 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Question 3 What is Intelligence ? What is Intelligence ? (ideas) Intelligence : The faculty of understanding. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Question 4 What is Understanding ? What is Understanding ? Understanding : (ideas) To comprehend something, or to recognise its significance. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence What is Understanding ? Understanding : Usually Requires Knowledge Human Knowledge • There is a lot of it. • It is hard to characterise accurately. • It is constantly changing. • It differs from data by being organised. 4 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AI Techniques Implicit - Explicit Top Down - Expert Systems Induced - Deduced Bottom Up - Neural Networks Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Sections N’Kisi • What is Artificial Intelligence ? • Intelligence and Understanding • Intelligent Artifacts • Tests, Experiments and Conundrums • Conclusions Wolfgang von Kempelen 18th Century Chess Automaton 5 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence No computer can play even an amateur-level game of chess. Hubert Dreyfus, 1960’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Why use AI to play games? We commonly think a good chess player is highly intelligent. Surely we cannot deny that such machines are intelligent. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Games are an intelligent activities. They provide a structured task in which it is very easy to measure success or failure. They do not require large amounts of knowledge. They were thought to be solvable by straightforward search from the starting state to a winning position. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Combinatorial Explosion ? 6 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Question 5 Is a chess machine intelligent ? (survey) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Question 6 Is a thermostat intelligent ? (ideas) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Dr. Sbaitso Soundblaster 7 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Sections • What is Artificial Intelligence ? • Intelligence and Understanding • Intelligent Artefacts COG MIT’s AI Lab Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Turing Test • Tests, Experiments and Conundrums • Conclusions Turing Test Alan Turing (1912-1954) A human is connected to a person and a machine via a terminal of some kind and cannot see either the person or machine. The interrogator's task is to find out which of the two candidates is the machine, and which is human only by asking them questions. If the human cannot make a decision within a certain time, the machine is considered intelligent. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Turing Test Turing Test Question : “What is 35,076 divided by 4,567?” Question : “What is 35,076 divided by 4,567?” Answer : ???? Answer : 7.6803153 8 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Turing Test Homepage Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Alice Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence My Little Tony Chinese Room JOHN SEARLE Intentionality Knowing what you are talking about 9 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Daniel Dennett and his Zombie’s Sections • What is Artificial Intelligence ? These thought-experiments arise from a situation lifted directly out of the toolbox most philosophers of mind, today, carry with them on the job Your brain starts to deteriorate and the doctors replace it, piecemeal, with silicon chip workalikes, until there is only silicon inside your refurbished cranium. • Intelligence and Understanding • Intelligent Artefacts • Tests, Experiments and Conundrums • Conclusions Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Computers can’t be intelligent argument 1 Computers can’t be intelligent argument 1 To many people, AI is highly provocative, because they associate with intelligence other properties which human intelligence bestows, To many people, AI is highly provocative, because they associate with intelligence other properties which human intelligence bestows, such as: - Sentience - experiencing feelings. - Self-awareness - being conscious of one’s own existence. - Intentionality - having the intention of ‘doing’ something, to achieve some goal which in some way matters to the doer. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Computers can’t be intelligent argument 2 Computers can’t be intelligent argument 2 One hundred years ago, anyone would have agreed that to play chess (or even calculate square roots) clearly required intelligence. Even today, if a chimpanzee were to play even poor chess, that would be heralded as proof of his intelligence. So why the difference? One hundred years ago, anyone would have agreed that to play chess (or even calculate square roots) clearly required intelligence. Even today, if a chimpanzee were to play even poor chess, that would be heralded as proof of his intelligence. So why the difference? The answer is that there are non-intelligent ways of achieving intelligent tasks. 10 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence If computers can’t be intelligent - what then IS Artificial Intelligence? Introduction to Artificial Intelligence If computers can’t be intelligent - what then IS Artificial Intelligence? The moving goal-posts argument gives what for us is the best definition of AI in the general perception: Artificial Intelligence is that which a computer can’t do! Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Machine Intelligence - what computers CAN do Machine Intelligence - what computers CAN do Most AI developers have a pragmatic approach to Machine Intelligence: Machine Intelligence is where a computer is used to accomplish a task which, were it to be done by a human, would require intelligence. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Question 7 (1 again) These problems won’t be solved soon, so don’t expect someone to tell you with certainty, whether a computer will be sentient. Perhaps it is a meaningless question, and we’ve been deluded by misleading verbiage into taking it seriously. Perhaps it will be solved soon, perhaps it will never be solved. Can a Machine Ever Be Intelligent ? (survey) 11