The Australian Publishers Association 50th Annual Book Design Awards 2001 The Australian Publishers Association 50th Annual Book Design Avvards 2001 Catalogue generously sponsored by Australian Book Connection Tl1e Australian Publishers Association Ltd Suite 60. 89 .Jones Street. Ultimo, NSW, 2007 Email: apa@publishers.asn.au © Copyright 2002 Print1ng by the Austral1an Book Connection Unit 8, 475 Blackburr> Road, Mt Waverley, VIctoria 3149 Telephone (03) 9545 6900 Facsimile (03) 9545 6266 Email paul@bookconn.com au Internal photography by Katherine Bl1ss Design and type5ett111g by Mary Callahan Good book design is ac knovv le dg e d and promote d 1n this c ountry bec ause of the c ontinuing contributions of many s upporte rs a nd advocates . Without th e m, th e se annual avvards c ould not happen . Th e industry a c knovvledges them here. Thank you Pa ul Murphy a nd Au s tralian Book Connection. on c e again , for th e ir generous sponsorship of the cata logue. Colorvvi ze Studios f or sca nning s e rvices . Murdoc h Books for providing their beautifu l venue at Millers Point , Sydn e y . for th e cockta il p a rty a nd avva rd ce remony. The sponsors of the individual categories - Allen & Unvvin, AMCOR Displays . Adob e Softvvare , Brovvn Prior And e r s on, Colour Symphony, The Co-op Bookshop , Desktop Magazine , Dymocks . G a la xy Bookshop . H a rp e rC o llin s Publish e r s, Hodder H e adlin e Au s tralia, .Joyce Thorpe Nicholson . McPherson's Printing Group , Thomson Learning , Pea r s on Educ ation Austra li a , Penguin Book s Au s tralia, Scholastic Australia , Shearer's Children ' s Book s hop , Toppan Printing. Danielle Cairis and Anali ese Cairis for designing th e call for e ntri es . Fiona Lin c o ln an d Hodder H e adlin e for g e n e rou s ly donating stud io time and David .J File Printe rs fo r printing the call for entries . Louisa Dear. Ru sse ll .Je ffe ry and H a rp e rCollin s for publi c ity and assistance vvith tickets and invitation s . To the judges for so generously sharing the ir time a nd e xpe rti se. Th ei r insightful a nd c onsidered contributions allovved the judging process to run smoothly and efficient ly . Thank you to all t he d es ign e rs vvhose vvork inspire d a gre at d e al of lively debate and admiration. Once aga i n , Lisa Highton and Shona Martyn , th e Book D e sign Avvards Comm1ttee, vvhose tirele s s dedication to the recognition and promotion of book design in Australia is inva lu a ble . Libby O ' Donne ll , Wendy Rapee and the Book Design Avvards Committee for organi s ing the Avvards . Cong ratulation s to Mary Callahan. vvhose vvonderful design g ra ce s t h e overall vvinner, Gould 's Book of Fish . and also this catal o gue. ~ ~diUXlCH JUDGES' REPORT 2001 This 50th year of design awards (a wonder in itself) is an opportunity to review both past her itage and contemporary ach ievements . Surprisingly, today ' s work has a great deal in common with some of the early award winners in thei r design simplicity and effectiveness . For the past 50 years, designers have worked under p ressures of expense , budgets, the vagaries of the market, cover committees, authors ' relatives ' opinions, and stil l managed t o com e up with excel lence. T he design awards celeb rate excel lence and innovation in book design and ensure a yearly review of already-hig h design s t andards . A team of 14 judges assembled in February to judge the largest number of entries ever (466) over the largest numbe r of categories. While the judges had t h e opportunity to preview the books during prelim inary judging, the judging day itse lf was a n in t ensive day. Overal l, the standard of design continues to rise, as the leve l of sophistication of both the des ign and the visual sophisticati on of the market a lso grows . Some (recently invented) categories such as literary f iction and non-fiction dominated , w h ile some, such as commercial fict ion were much sma ller than in prev ious yea rs. What was apparent was that books which wou ld have been stand -out a few years ago are now taken as the base leve l - mak ing those examples of startling , innovative des ign a ll the more remarkab le. While the judges took other factors into a c count during the judg ing, the key e lements were t h e des ign itse lf , whether it satisfied design criteria and whether it broke new ground. The book design awards are a vita l part of our industry, recognising the contr ibution o f a group of extraordina ry and talented indiv idua ls . It is an opportunity to ce lebrate the ir achievements , to encourage new talent and to push the standards of exc e ll ence ever higher. Thank you to all those who partic ipated and keep this bus iness vibrant . The core design awards judg ing pane l consisted of Anthony Battagl ia , Lou Johnson , Susan Wyn d h am , Fiona Henderson , Scott Whitmont, Gayna Murph y and Wayne Harr is . P review days were held so that judges cou ld g ive quiet considera t ion to t he entries, prior to judging day. Specialist judges came and went du r ing that day as the ir ca t ego r ies were judged and recommendations were brought back to the core panel. In o rder to ensure absolute fairness , any designer or publ isher with a vested interest removed themse lves from the room whi le their work was be ing d iscussed . Any tied decisions were ruled on by the (impartial) Chai r. Inevit ably, some decisions made wi ll be controversia l, some 'obvious' books may not be included ...however, the decisions were that of the judges on the day for the books that were submitted . Much lively debate was had , many inclusions and exc lusions agonised over, and much carefu l thought was g iven . In short , it was a reflection of the day to day process of Austra lian book design. Lisa Highton (Chair) ..JUDGES Gayna Murphy. Formerly an art d.rector in the magazine industry, Gayna started designing books in 1997. Her studio, Greendot Design is commissioned to produce work for the publishing, corporate and arts industries. Gayna's des1gns have been recognised twice for Outstanding Design of an Australian Published Book when she was awarded Best Des1gn of a Literary Fiction Book in 1999 for Pieces of a Girl and for The Company in 2000. Currently Gayna is working on a range of des1gner stationery products from wh1ch she hopes to make her fortune and retire early I Susan Lewis is Managing Ed1tor at Pearson Education Australia, and has been involved in educational publishing for over ten years. She has argued long and hard over the years that good des1gn does matter in educational publ1sh1ng, and considers working with talented book designers one of the great jOys of the job. Susan project managed three of the titles shortlisted in the Best Designed Tertiary and Further Education Book category in 2000, including the winner Molly Reynolds is an execut1ve producer with Beyond Onl1ne and is responsible for creating three broadband channels for Telstra Broadband subscribers. Before jo1ning Beyond Onl1ne Molly worked at the ABC as the TV Online producer; it mvo lved producing, designing and developing online content 1n a cross-media environment. Molly also teaches and studies new media. Sherman Young lectures in multimedia in the department of Media and Communication at Macquarie University. Prior to JOining academia. Sherman des 1gned and produced award w1nning CD-ROM and web-based multimedia products for a diverse range of industry and publishing clients. Kaye Richards is currently the General Manager of Scholastic Education. Kaye has had over 1 5 years experience 1n Australian educational publishing in the areas of sales. market1ng, publishing and general management Lou ..Johnson has worked in the book industry for over 1 2 years, including s ix years with Random House as national sales manager, head of sales and head of marketing . After a penod of overseas travel last year she jo1ned Allen and Unwin in November 1n the position of national sales manager. Scott Whitmont has owned and operated Lindf1eld Bookshop for three years after having enjoyed f1ve years as manager and partner 1n the business with its former owner Max Oliver. Always a biblioholic. Scott left multinational corporate l1fe to become happily ensconsed 1n bookselling life. providing personal service and recommendations to the readers of Sydney's North Shore and beyond . Carol Grabham has been a member of the Editorial and Production team at Jot1n Wiley & Sons Australia lor almost 15 years and 1s currently enjoying a fourth year as Developmental Editor. dedicated to develop1ng a range of Jacaranda titles for the School Division. Carol also has previous freelance experience with other educational and trade publishers. including McGraw-Hill. the University of New South Wales Press and Allen & Unwin Susan Wyndham is a senior writer on books and culture for the Sydney Morning Herald . She has been the Herald's literary editor and deputy editor (features/arts). Anthony Battaglia was the winner of the Joyce Thorpe Nicholson Best Des1gned Book Of The Year 1n 2001. and Best Designed Jacket of the Year for Catherine. An Intimate Portrait of a Champion. Anthony 1s the principal designer of Box Communications. an independent graphic des1gn studio specialising in the art direction and design of pnnt and screen based med1a projects. Catherine. An Intimate Portrait of a Champion is Anthony's first complete book. He was also highly commended for h1s design work on James Houston's Raw Moves in last year's awards Lynndy Bennet. A self-confessed bookaholic, Lynndy chose not to follow a career in sports physiology partly because it would have meant d1min1shed access to books (and hav1ng to pay full price for them) Lynndy has worked 1n the book trade more than half her life. For the last sixteen years she has been at Gleebooks 1n Glebe. NSW, where she is manager of Gleebooks Children's. Some of her other experience in the book trade includes having a children's book published and doing freelance professional proofreading for children's publishers. Lynndy has an 1ncreas1ng Interest in design, especially since being involved in the production of the ABA Specialist Children's Booksellers group publications. Gordon Jackson is the force behind KOALA BOOKS. He is proud that Koala is a wholly-Australian-owned company which specialises in children's books for under 1 Os. Gordon 's career began as a buyer for the Myer Group and later the Woolworths chain of companies. He has always loved children's product and is passionate about bringing quality books to children. After a stint as a stockbroker, he was able to acquire Koala Books. then a remainder bookselhng company. In JUSt ten years, he has turned it around to become one of Australia's largest specialist children's publishers. Koala has a growing reputation, both domestically and overseas Wayne Harris is a multi award winn1ng designer and illustrator who has taught graphic design and book des1gn at a tertiary level for many years. Fiona Henderson is Head of Publishing, Bantam Doubleday. Random House Australia. mari GRADED MATHW. • MOUNT < ~Q THE APA DESIGNER ' S HALL OF FAME This Award is given periodically to a designer who . over their lifetime. has made a significant contribution to the standards and quality of Australian book design . Th e designer is nominated by someone from within the industry and previous recipients have been Patrick Coyle, Alec Bolton and Arthur Stokes . The winner of this year's Hall of Fam e Award is Harry Williamson (nominated by lvor lndyk) . In an award-winning career spanning over 40 year s , Harry Williamson has been one of the pionee rs of modern Au stralian typography and graph ic design . Hi s magazine vvork has enhanced Vogue Australia. Art and Australia and , most recently, Heat. Hi s book design s in c lude Th e Australians (Rigby 1966), Max Dupain (Print Room Press 1991 ). Harry Seidler (Thames and Hudson 1992). Beyond books and magazines. his work has made a significant co ntribution to Australian corporate and institutional design, ranging from signage for the High Court to his $100 'Mawson' note. Hi s outstanding talent, his contribution to teaching , his reputation and the respect in which his work is held, make Harry Williamson a worthy award -winner, and an inspiration to future generations of Australian designers . THE JOYCE THORPE NICHOLSON BEST DESIGNED BOOK OF THE YEAR JUDGES' COMMENTS : An outright winner - creating period detail, from the endpapers to its u s e of coloured type and carefu l placement of the illustrations . The who le design and production makes this an obj ect of e legance and beauty. W I NNER GOULD'S BOOK OF FISH COVER DESIGN Mary Callahan INTERNAL DESIGN Mary Callahan COVER ILLUSTRATOR William Buelo\N Gould PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER Australian Book Connection o.•,..,tf'll4ttlb-.~J6rir rod••.u.c--,..,...__, ___,_.r. c-...,..,W,t-Hit~PJ;.rrff,._,._nc,_..t{ ---J,r~A•wt,lwr l ...tkU.~1lri.-Ji.. ~'T'bti.Jc.[~Lit.,..,_,m-z . .~ ..dt..,--M.a.'P.oc---1{ ;,,_....{ ~-lf'l - ~1.fo- Po•JO"f, W&U. Pl.UI"U wn:tJ lui last~. bas Ml.lrno:slwith-~wdunsiOrmc:to~ lt•• .nall.--an!,&JMK nwdaof;r.mn!, butCXKmoft" unpott:ustiOnMthan~cwlm~CJDC.Itl'OOpdlt. rocoucwtdlmrfillt1'n,al lhtJuVImtrvtbttilaotklr dus~m:olls..Ltypktiu~lhat 1 [Ofttdw:~~&a~~Jd!in.bat IOrtbctqbtpurplrlf'ika >rithwhoc:hiuibc..lld V'IDOUftd!ikalund.qua tkc:chidtaOnaJow.ack udyCftJWI&C.uptbttp &taDfftbnribdi.Wcl'ftl cfrbe maoy~l bnd!Jl(laa Wt fomltlw: lioorof the cd1 and, s,nudint tM ~il.rt. brt'IRCJt the' ~ •IW~•purplepowritt. Nco,n, I IWU'I thiJ powder lrrrh sptttk & &a, .-1 fnlmtbc~..ucillcobolp~cUcdpod.•tlw: $1D00th&JOO"Cdpalmo ftbtsa!Jop5bdltbulaft51$ THE MCPHERSON'S PRINTING BEST DESIGNED COVER OF THE YEAR .JUDGES ' COMMENTS: Not one cover but eight. An outstanding design , re -packaging Peter Carey' s backlist ostensibly for a younger audience but with broad market appeal. On e of the landmark book design events of the year. WINNER PETER CAREY (RE-ISSUE) SERIES COVER DESIGN Jenny Grigg INTERNAL DESIGN Paul Rendle COVER ILLUSTRATOR Jenny Grigg PUBLISHER University of Queensland Press PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group THE DESKTOP MAGAZINE YOUNG DESIGNER OF THE YEAR JUDGES' COMMENTS : Five young designers with impressive and high- profi le bodies of work. Jenny Grigg 's groundbreaking work with the Carey back list ensured her place as the outright winner in an exceptiona l year. WINNER Jenny Grigg TITLES SUBMITTED : PETER CAREY SERIES (8 Books) , UQP; GODDESS & THE GALAXY BOY I Ingrid Woodrow. UQP ; FLYBOY & THE INVISIBLE I Matt Zurbo , Pe nguin ; IN ONE SKIN I Kristina Olsson. UQP SHORTLISTED ELLIE EXARCHOS TITLES SUBMITTED 2007 A NOVEL I Robyn Williams- Hodder Headline THE GIRLS I Bruno Bouchet, Hodder Headline; FAITH SINGER I Rosie Scott, Hodder Headline; THE DIVINE WIND I Garry Disher. Hodder Headline; STRANGE OBJECTS I Gary Cre\11/, Hodder Headline; THE ARTIST AS A THIEF I Stephen Gray, Allen & Un\11/in; AHAB'S WIFE I Sena Jeter Naslund, Allen & Un\11/in; THE BLIND EYE I Georgia Blain , Viking/Penguin; THE DROWNER/THE BAY OF CONTENTED MEN/OUR SUNSHINE - Robert Dre\11/e Series - Penguin ~ ROBYN :wiLLIAMS ~: SHORTLISTED KATIE MITCHELL TITLES SUBM ITTED YOGA- SEQUENCES FOR YOUR BODY, MIND & SOUL I Jessie Chapman, HarperCollins; THE SEDUCTION OF SILENCE I Ben le Hunte , HarperCollins; THE LIFE & MYTH OF CHARMIAN CLIFT I Nadia Wheatley, HarperCollins; TWO CANADIAN CLUBS AND DRY AT THE MARTINI DEN I Gabrielle Williams, HarperCollins; THE VOYAGE OF THEIR LIFE I Diane Armstrong , Harper Collins; BURNING GROUND I Luke Pearl , HarperCollins THE VOYAGE OF THEIR LIFE I til' tiJ·F ,r,NU MYlH 0 .. SHORTLISTED MELISSA FRASER TITLES SUBMITTED WORLD OF CHICKENS I Nick Earls , Viking/Penguin; THE PENGUIN BOOK OF THE CITY I BEACH Robert Drewe. Penguin ; BUSH ORANGES I Kay Donovan . Viking I Penguin; AUSSIE NIBBLES SERIES I Rosemary Hayes et al. Puffin I Penguin ; THE ROUGH GUIDE TO GAY AND LESBIAN AUSTRALIA . Peng uin Books Australia ......._, ____ _____ __ _______ -------- _______ ___ ___.__ ----------------u.-0 "'" """' IOIEIT.EWE ...... _._<-. _ _ _ ... __ _ -------- _ ,... -- ...,_ ... ---~ -- -- - --------·---- SHORTLISTED CATE EGGLETON TITLES SUBMITTED National Library of Australia , OUR NATION ' S ALBUM : THE LIBRARY ' S FIRST 100 YEARS www.nla .gov.au/history/; National Library of Australia , EDMUND BARTON : OUR FIRST PRIME MINISTER Web Site www.nla .gov.au/barton/; National Library of Australia, TREASURES FROM THE WORLD ' S GREAT LIBRARIES Web Site www.nla .gov.au/worldtreasures/ THE ADOBE BEST DESIGNED LITERARY OR PUBLISHING WEBSITE JUDGES ' COMMENTS : Whi le th e se lectio n of W ebsites n o m in a te d w a s s till sm all , th e NLA's site w as cl e ar, f u n c tion a l a nd d isplay ed restra in t and taste . ,~~Adobe WINNER www.nla .gov.au/worldtreasures/ TREASURES FROM THE WORLDS GREAT LIBRARIES Website DESIGN Cate Eggleton PUBLISHER National Library of Australia SHORTLISTED www.allenandunwin.com ALLEN & UNWIN WEBSITE DESIGN Nada Backovic & Sue Jostons PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin www.johnwiley.com.au/highered/eco2e JOHN WILEY & SONS ECONOMIC WEBSITE DESIGN Liz Wiffen & Delia Sala PUBLISHER John Wiley & Sons www.bolinda .com BOLINDA PUBLISHING WEBSITE DESIGN Comtech PUBLISHER Belinda Publishing www.nla.gov.au/history/ National Library of Australia - OUR NATION'S ALBUM: THE LIBRARY'S FIRST 100 YEARS DESIGN Cate Eggleton PUBLISHER National Library of Australia www.curriculum.edu.au/accessasia/goindonesia/ Curriculum Corporation - GO INDONESIA STUDENT WEBSITE DESIGN Justin Dymott PUBLISHER Curriculum Corporation www.asauthors.org Society of Authors Website PUBLISHER Society of Authors THE COLOUR SYMPHONY BEST DESIGNED COOKBOOK .JUDG ES ' C OMMENTS : Th e judges f e lt the d es ig n of MAGGIE ' S TABLE w as a true re f lection of M agg ie h e rself . Th e design wo r ks we ll both funct ionally a n d v isu a ll y. cs WINNER MAGGIE ' S TABLE COVER DESIGN Sandy Cull INTERNAL DESIGN Sandy Cull {prelims) PHOTOGRAPHER Simon Griffiths PUBLISHER Viking I Penguin Books Australia PRINTER Midas Printing HIGHLY COMMENDED MOORISH COVER DESIGN Hamish Freeman & Klarissa Pfisterer INTERNAL DESIGN Hamish Freeman & Klarissa Pfisterer PHOTOGRAPHER Matt Harvey PUBLISHER Hardie Grant Books PRINTER Tien Wah Press SHORTLISTED COOKING WITH VERJU ICE COVER DESIGN Nikki Townsend INTERNAL DESIGN Nikki Townsend COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Lynette Zeeng PUBLISHER Viking I Penguin Books Australia PRINTER Mc P herson's Printing Group MAGGIE BEER - v._... ..., ~ ol _,. ,~ a..a.•-of'""-i-u• ..........,.,rt(,........ ...,.,.._ • ............. u(Mh..U..ot ... ~ l<>lniJ .. .,..tk.,..,.,..,,. SHORTLISTED STIR COVER DESIGN Guy Mirabella INTERNAL DESIGN Guy Mirabella PHOTOGRAPHER Ashley Barber PUBLISHER Viking I Penguin Books Australia PRINTER Midas Printing Co THE COLOUR SYMPHONY BEST DESIGNED ILLUSTRATED BOOK JU D G ES ' COMMENT S : Reflec t ing the market, there were fewer entries in t hi s catego ry th is year, bu t each was a st rong c and idate, showing th e brea dth of the illustrated market and t he re turn to mea ni ngfu l text . P L AC ES is both str iking and bo ld . T he t ext layou t makes strong arch itectura l impact. An exc iting and varied t ext g r id ofte n strengthened or reinforced the visual impact of the images . WINNER PLACES COVER DESIGN Guy Mirabella INTERNAL DESIGN Guy Mirabella COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Earl Carter INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHER Earl Carter PUBLISHER Viking I Penguin Books Australia PRINTER South China Press -···-. _.._----.......--· --------____ _.... --·-·-----..--... ___ ..... _____ ----·------· --·---·----·-·_.....------·-..... _ ......... _-...... -·----· ----___. ----__ ..... ------..----------..... __ --··-·"""' lJ<o.---·-. .-------·---·--,..,...--·--··-·-----__..._.........._,----...-·-. -- ........... . __ --·"""""'-__ "'"-""---· ___ ..... ......... ,__,... ,..,. .... . -..-. ...... ..... ...,. .... --. .. _~ _ ---~--- ..,... -._, ... .... ... --·--·--·-·--........---___ .. __ ............. ____ .,..__ _...-_______ . ---·---·........-. --.·-·-- .. -- ......... - -------. --·-·--- . ----.. . ·-*i .... ,_ ___ _ ..... -·-----:::::=.:=::.: ..._______ ... -- ... ---· __ .. _,.,.. __ _ _______ ___ ... _.. --. ___ ___ ___ . --·-- --·----· --------...,_ ...... ---..----.._.._ ....... -~--··-·- ... ~----" --·-~'--·- - ... - .. llooo- ----....-- --!Oio-o--•- _______ .. --·---~ .,. _ .. 111 .... - .... _..., .,. .... - - - - _.......,- :::-~".:-::=.:.:...-: ) ~·-·- ... _ _ _ _ ...._""';;ot ........... HIGHLY COMMENDED BUDDHIST STUPAS IN ASIA: THE SHAPE OF PERFECT ION COVER DESIGN Daniel New INTERNAL DESIGN Daniel New ILLUSTRATOR Kieran Grogan , Yvonne Bischofberger & Brett Moore PHOTOGRAPHER Bill Wassman PUBLISHER Lonely Planet PRINTER The Bookmaker International Ltd HIGHLY COMMENDED MOULIN ROUGE COVER DESIGN Bazmark I Catherine Martin INTERNAL DESIGN Bazmark I Catherine Martin COVER ILLUSTRATOR Bazmark I Catherine Martin INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHER Sue Adler PUBLISHER Allen & Unvvin PRINTER South China Printing Co SHORTLISTED GIRLOSOPHY 2: THE LOVE SURVIVAL KIT COVER DESIGN Justine O'Donnell- jmedia design ART DIRECTION Anthea Paul & Justine O'Donnell INTERNAL DESIGN Justine O'Donnell- jmedia design COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Marcus Clinton INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHY Ashley de Prazer. Marcus Clinton & Lavvrence Dovvd PUBLISHER Allen & Unvvin PRINTER Everbest Printing Co. Ltd China SHORTLISTED DRINK DRANK DRUNK COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Gree ndot Design INTERNAL DESIGN Gayna Murphy Gre endot Design COVER ILLUSTRATOR Alex Rovvland INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Alex Rovvland INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHER Alfonso Calero PUBLISHER Random House Australia PRINTER Tien Wah Press. Singapore .) l'~ SHORTLISTED YOGA- SEQUENCES FOR YOUR BODY. MIND AND SOUL COVER DESIGN Katie Mitchell INTERNAL DESIGN Katie Mitchell COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Dhyan INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHER Dhyan PUBLISHER HarperCollins Publishers PRINTER Griffin Press JESSIE CHAPMAN THE HarperCollins Publishers BEST DESIGNED NON-FICTION BOOK J UD G ES' C O MM ENTS: A lively collect ion o f b ooks in this category, many almost qua lif ying as il lustrated books. T he w inning design, DRIN K DRAN K D R UN K was ou t standing becaus e of the way it fully integ rated design and function seamlessly. The design is both accessible and w itty. : HarperCollinsPublishers WINNER DRINK DRANK DRUNK COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy - Greendot Design INTERNAL DESIGN Gayna Murphy - Greendot Design COVER ILLUSTRATOR Alex Rovvland PUBLISHER Random House Australia PRINTER Tien Wah Press Singapore HIGHLY COMMENDED QUIRKY QWERTY COVER DESIGN Di Quick INTERNAL DESIGN Di Quick INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Torbjorn Lundmark PUBLISHER University of NSW Press PRINTER Brown Prior Anderson SHORTLISTED AN INDELIBLE STAIN? COVER DESIGN Cathy Larsen INTERNAL DES IGN Lynn Twelftree COVER PHOTOGRAPH Baldwin Spencer Photographic Collection , Museum of Victoria PUBLISHER Viking I Penguin Books Australia PRINTER Australian Print Group SHORTLISTED THE STORY OF RATS COVER DESIGN Liz Seymour INTERNAL DESIGN Simon Paterson PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin PRINTER Griffin Press TheStory of RATS 1K1R t-II'ACT ON US, Alf> OUR IMPACT ON THill! S. ANTHONY BARNETT SHORTLISTED THE ROUGH GUIDE TO GAY AND LESBIAN AUSTRALIA COVER DESIGN Melissa Fraser INTERNAL DESIGN Melissa Fraser COVER PHOTOGRAPHE R Garry Moore I Getty Images INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Louise Hamilton White PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group SHORTLISTED ESPRESSO! MELBOURNE COFFEE STORIES COVER DESIGN .Johnathan Chong & Amelia Walker INTERNAL DESIGN .Johnathan Chong & Amelia Walker PUBLISHER Arcadia Imprint/ Australian Scholarly PRINTER Mercury Printeam THE GALAXY BOOKSHOP BEST DESIGNED FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION BOOK .JUDGES ' COMMENTS : This i s a c hallenging cat e gory for designers because the genre has such a w e ll - d e fined , al m ost p re s c r iptive look . The de si gn of GEOMANC ER howe v e r, managed to show somet h ing disti n ctive th a t set it apart from others in the field , whi le s t il l meeting th e bri e f pe r fect ly . WINNER GEOMANCER COVER DESIGN Cathy Larsen INTERNAL DESIGN Cathy Larsen COVER ILLUSTRATOR Nick Stathopoulos PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER Australian Print Group SHORTLISTED THE FOREST OF DREAMS COVER DESIGN Lazy Moon COVER ILLUSTRATOR Neal Armstrong PUBLISHER Ra ndom House Australia PRINTER Griffin Press . .· ·. .. : .· .· ·.; ·.:· . :::: Forest of . . · .'. SHORTLISTED COLD IRON TRILOGY COVER DESIGN D a ni e ll e C a iri s COVER PHOTOGRAPHER S c ott Cameron PUBLISHER Hodder Headline Australia PRINTER Griffin Pre s s SHORTLISTED MUSIC OF RAZORS COVER DESIGN David Altheim INTERNAL DESIGN David Altheim COVER PHOTOGRAPHER David Altheim & Photo Library PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group THE PENGUIN BOOKS AUSTRALIA BEST DESIGNED COMMERCIAL FICTION BOOK .JUDGES' COMMENTS : The evolution, or revolution , in this category is exciting . This is where new book a nd traditional design meet, as airport design and foil give way to bright colours and quirky imagery - proving that commercial fiction can b e witty and smart and a great design challenge . The joint winners in th is category exemplify this approach . ~ ROBYN WILLIAMS WINNER (.Joint) 2007 A NOVEL (left) COVER DESIGN Ellie Exarchos PUBLISHER Hodder Headline Australia PRINTER Griffin Press WINNER (.Joint) WORLD OF CHICKENS (belovv) COVER DESIGN Melissa Fraser INTERNAL DESIGN Melissa Fraser COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Tim de Neefe PUBLISHER Viking I Pengu in Books Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group SHORTLISTED NIP'N 'TUCK COVER DESIGN Liz Seymour COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Getty Images PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group SHORTLISTED THE GIRLS COVER DESIGN Ellie Exarchos - Scooter Design COVER ILLUSTRATION Anita Xavie PUBLISHER Hodder Headline Australia PRINTER Griffin Press SHORTLISTED FOUR FIRES COVER DESIGN Cathy Larsen INTERNAL DESIGN Tony Palmer COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Garry Moore and Austral International INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Pat Kermonde (maps) PUBLISHER Viking I Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson 's Printing Group THE ALLEN AND UNWIN BEST DESIGNED LITERARY NON-FICTION BOOK JUDG ES' COMMENT S: An enormous range of design styles was at play in this well-represented category, as evidenced by the length of the short list . The winner was described as a thing of beauty, marking the trend in this year 's awards to ' books as objects of desire ' . The use of type on the cover reflected the author and content . The whole package evoked a sense of intrigue. Hilary McPhee /_, ALLEN UNWIN WINNER OTHER PEOPLE ' S WORDS COVER DESIGN G ayn a Murphy - Gree ndot D es ign INTERNAL DESIGN Gayna Murph y Greendot Des ig n COVER ILLUSTRATOR Pa inting by M a rk Rothko PUBLISHER Pan Mac mill a n Au s tralia PRINTER M c Pherso n 's Pri n ting Group IH Ull!£11 r.-ort I''~ \\ORilS of the principle of Abong~n:.l ~df-dc terminatton and land nghts, the rccognidou of China and a view of the region th:u mdudW Austr.~ha. Whatever r.he fall mgs of that government, and th ere wa! much dmlltmonmcnt, the ploace fdt as tf It had been bcksuncd. The \\'t'akerung of our linh to Bnum ..,-en: pC'n:C'pu biC' :u the ethnic ami cultural nux of the pb cc became n cher. The du.ld~ n of the great waves of post-..,•; u mmugr:mon wtrc enrolling in uruversiucs and ternary colleges. The old smug mono-culture was fading fast. Australia \\l;lS surting to look and sound hkc .:r. more: contcmponry and cosmopoln:m society prcp;m:d to find tt! own w:lY forwa.rd. J•m Davidson. who would become the next cd.Jtor of Mran;in on the l"('tlrcmcnt of Clem Chnstcsen, dcscnbed on ha return to Ausmha 1n l:m: 1971 how the r~mg geneuuon 't:~ku Australi;ill culture an Its stn de and [may) shortly come to tak:C' 11 as us pnmuy pomt o( rc(cn:nce . they (~~l l ~ss and lm constramt md p~ek and chomc from whal ovcncas h~s to offer they regard Austraha as a (ully :~.u tonomous SOCI ety In short It 's thc1r m c trupolli.'" P art Two O ften I tu.ve been umpcd in the- ~W<lle of some hu~ long~mdm~ dune and dunng the IU~t , the wult.l Wm !4me unu~ual qu~rter }w quurted down through ~ SU';IQ of Ynd and rcYCaled luddcn llyen of gn-at annqwty ~ ' thouw1d )'t'"~l old camp of tht: Wangbnguru people. Or ~~ the g=gnphy nf an ol.det dll.rn" system wluch m rum mzy cuvn the fowhscd tt'tn<tisJ:S of l Pleutoec:ne fom~. I luvc: been looking on thC">C' byc:rcd 'arclueol.ogin', these gold and rui pdn of dllfett'nt histones and JyYems ;os ~ meuphor for the hunun psycht:, the W7f uch of us nmld be i«n as a walking nuny-byctc:d world of pzmom. mcem:al mcmonn.. neuroses, p:mcUc pancrnsandannentarchetypa '('?': John w,beley, An1n's Sanement in Catalogue. P(luttt•p. /Jdlllfftl/)AJ tltul &J,_,u,., l'n•ts/fll• th s••pslltl ~lflt. Rt:lllrwm,Sydney,I9'JJ,np HIGHLY COMMENDED ROSE BOYS COVER DESIGN Ruth Gruener INTERNAL DESIGN Ruth Gruener PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin PRINTER Griffin Press __j rose boys PETER _u..,.._..,. __ ROSE HIGHLY COMMENDED A CERTAIN STYLE COVER DESIGN John Canty INTERNAL DESIGN John Canty COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Desmond Woolley PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson 's Printing Group HIGHLY COMMENDED PLATYPUS COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Greendot Design INTERNAL DESIGN Simon Paterson INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Nancy Sawer PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin PRINTER Everbest Hong Kong ANN MOYAL COMMENDED THE TREE IN CHANGING LIGHT COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy - Greendot Design INTERNAL DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Greendot Design PUBLISHER Knopf I Random House Australia PRINTER Tien Wah Press Singapore COMMENDED GALLIPOLI COVER DESIGN Bland Design INTERNAL DESIGN Bland Design COVER PHOTOGRAPH Austin War Memorial INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPH Y Austin Wa r Memorial PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group GALLI POLl SHORTLISTED HUGHES COVER DESIGN Alex Snellgrove INTERNAL DESIGN Alex Snellgrove COVER ILLUSTRATOR Tadeusz Rozewicz COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Newspix PUBLISHER Duffy & Snellgrove PRINTER Griffin Press SHORTLISTED ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS COVER DESIGN .John Canty INTERNAL DESIGN David Altheim PHOTOGRAPHER Getty Images PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson 's Printing Group SHORTLISTED NEW YORK COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy - Greendot Design COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Ashkan Sahihi PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group Lily Brett NewYor SHORTLISTED COMPULSIVE VIEWING COVER DESIGN John Canty INTERNAL DESIGN Erika Budiman PHOTOGRAPHER (Nine Network) PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group SHORTLISTED FEEL OF STEEL COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy - Greendot Design PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group feel Helen Gamer THE HODDER HEADLINE AUSTRALIA BEST DESIGNED LITERARY FICTION BOOK JUDGES' COMMENTS : Another wellrepresented category showing enormous growth and talent and another set of joint winners . The diversity and sophistication of Australian book design today is showcased in this category. The winners are superb examples of how strong type and graphic elements can be used to create a bold and unique design . IillA H ODO ~ R H I:AOli N I> AUST II AUA WINNER (.Joint) PETER CAREY (RE-ISSUE) SERIES (previous page) COVER DESIGN .Jenny Grigg INTERNAL DESIGN Paul Rendle COVER ILLUSTRATOR .Jenny Grigg PUBLISHER University of Queensland Press PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group WINNER (.Joint ) GOULD'S BOOK OF FISH (below) COVER DESIGN Mary Callahan INTERNAL DESIGN Mary Callahan COVER ILLUSTRATOR William Buelow Gould PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER Australian Book Connection - COMMENDED NEW SELECTED POEMS (series) COVER DESIGN Alex Snellgrove INTERNAL DESIGN Maggie Cooper & Alex Snellgrove COVER ILLUSTRATOR Peter Goldsvvorthy, Jamie Grant, Phillip Hodgins PUBLISHER Duffy & Snellgrove PRINTER Griffin Press & dbooks SHORTLISTED AHAB'S WIFE COVER DESIGN Ellie Exarchos INTERNAL DESIGN Marysarah Quinn COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Bronek Kozka PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin PRINTER McPherson 's Printing Group SHORTLISTED BUSH ORANGES COVER DESIGN Melissa Fraser INTERNAL DESIGN Melissa Fraser COVER ILLUSTRATOR Rosanna Vecchio PUBLISHER Viking I Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson's Pr inting Group BUSH ORANGES kay donovan SHORTLISTED DIRT MUSIC COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Greendot Design INTERNAL DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Greendot Design COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Getty Images PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER McPherson 's Printing Group SHORTLISTED THE VOLCANO COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy - Greendot Design INTERNAL DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Greendot Design COVER ILLUSTRATOR (image) Joseph Heintz- 'The Elder' PUBLISHER Random House Australia PRINTER Griffin Press THE VOL CAN VENERO ARMANNO SHORTLISTED ROMEO OF THE UNDERWORLD I THE LONELY HUNTER (series} COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Greendot Design INTERNAL DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Greendot Design COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Getty Images PUBLISHER Vintage I Random House Australia PRINTER Griffin Press SHORTLISTED 1 5 KINDS OF DESIRE COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy- Greendot Design INTERNAL DESIGN Gayna MurphyGreendot Design PUBLISHER Vintage I Random House Australia PRINTER Griffin Press MANDY SAYER 15 KINDS OF DESIRE The Co-op Bookshop BEST DESIGNED TERTIARY AND FURTHER EDUCATION BOOK JUDGES ' COMMENTS : A sophisticated design , a good u s e of both the colour palette and white spa ce throughout - the care ful plac e ment of the photographs broke up the t e xt as n e cessary and added interest. : WINNER MACROECONOMICS 2nd Edition & MICROECONOMICS 2nd Edition COVER DESIGN Liz Wiffen INTERNAL DESIGN Liz Wiffen COVER PHOTOGRAPHER The Image Bank INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Wiley Art Department PUBLISHER John Wiley & Sons Australia PRINTER Kyodo Printing Co . Pty Ltd Singapore COMMENDED STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT COMPETITIVENESS AND GLOBALISATION COVER DESIGN Joanne Groud INTERNAL DESIGN Andrevv Burgess INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR MAPG , Shelly Communications PUBLISHER Thomson Learning PRINTER Markono Singapore SHORTLISTED ECONOMICS 2nd Edition COVER DESIGN Ramsay MacFarlane INTERNAL DESIGN Ramsay Macfarlane COVER ILLUSTRATOR Ramsay Macfarlane PUBLISHER Pearson Education Australia PRINTER Kyodo Printing Company SHORTLISTED MICROBIOLOGY 2nd Edition COVER DESIGN Liz Nicholson Design BITE INTERNAL DESIGN Liz Nicholson Design BITE COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Austral Photo Lab INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Lorenzo Lucia & Various INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHER Various PUBLISHER Pearson Education Australia PRINTER Through Pears on Education China SHORTLISTED MARKETING RESEARCH 2nd Edition COVER DESIGN Rob Klinkhamer INTERNAL DESIGN Rob Kl inkhamer PHOTOGRAPHS Photodisc Photos PUBLISHER Pearson Education Australia PRINTER Through Pearson Education Malaysia • et1ng NARESH MALHOTRA JOHN HALL MIKE SHAW PETER OPPENHEIM • ,. 2 ~ ;! ;; 0 0 ~ ;; 2 ~ ~ 0 2 SHORTLISTED PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE -AN INTRODUCTION COVER DESIGN Kerry Harriman - Love of D es ign INTERNAL DESIGN Dizign INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Xiangyi Mo. Patricia Woo & Karen Johns PUBLISHER McGraw-Hill Australia PRINTER Best Tri Colour Printing & Packaging Co PSYCHOlOGICAl SCIENCE I M I IO D IICTIOM BONO & Mcf.QNKCY THE PEARSON EDUCATION AUSTRALIA BEST DESIGNED SECONDARY EDUCATION BOOK JUDGES' COMMENT S : Chosen for its quirky contempora ry design and creative use of on e co lour. The judges noted that the typography complemented the il lustrations well. Special note was m ad e o f th e cov e r s which wo r k so well as a series . WINNER WORDSENSE 1, 2 & 3 COVER DESIGN Clare Richardson INTERNAL DESIGN Clare Richardson COVER ILLUSTRATOR Julie Knoblock INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Julie Knoblock PUBLISHER Reed Education PRINTER Markono Print Media P/L COMMENDED IMPACT ENGLISH Vols 3 & 4 COVER DESIGN Melissa Graham INTERNAL DESIGN Melissa Graham COVER ILLUSTRATOR (digital) Melissa Graham PHOTOGRAPHER Various PUBLISHER Thomson Learning PRINTER L Rex China COMMENDED EXPERIENCE OF NATIONHOOD COVER DESIGN Antart INTERNAL DESIGN Antart INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Tony Frankhauser (maps) PUBLISHER McGravv- Hill Australia PRINTER Best Tri-Colour Printing & Packaging Co EXPERIENCE OF NAI I ONIIOOD SHORTLISTED IN OUR OWN IMAGE COVER DESIGN Antart INTERNAL DESIGN Antart PUBLISHER McGraw-Hill Australia PRINTER Best-Tri Colour Printing and Packaging Co Dona ld Williams SHORTLISTED KENALILAH INDONESIA 1 COVER DESIGN Anne Stanhope INTERNAL DESIGN Anne Stanhope INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Petra Manzak & Vaughan Duck PHOTOGRAPHER Agency PUBLISHER Macmillan Education Australia PRINTER Malaysia Pierluigi SHORTLISTED SCI 1 COVER DESIGN Pierluigi Vida INTERNAL DESIGN Pierluigi Vida COVER ILLUSTRATOR Photomontage Australia Vida INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Varja Koman & Wendy Gorman PHOTOGRAPHE R Various PUBLISHER Pearson Education PRINTER China THE THOMSON LEARNING BEST DESIGNED PRIMARY EDUCATION BOOK J UDG ES' COMM EN T S: A difficult catego ry to judge because of th e variety of submissions . H owever, the winning design displayed an exc ellent fl ow from the cove r s ty le right through to the inte rna l design. T he cons isten t use of colour t h roug h out reflected the earthy natu ra l e lements of t h e t h eme . THOMSON WINNER ABORIGINAL PEOPLE , THEN AND NOW Vol 1 - 4 COVER DESIGN Lucy Adams INTERNAL DESIGN Lucy Adams PHOTOGRAPHER Coo-ee Picture Library INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Guy Holt PUBLISHER Reed Education PRINTER Craff Print Singapore COMMENDED FAST TRACKS COVER DESIGN MAPG I .Jennifer .Johnston INTERNAL DESIGN MAPG I .Jennifer .Johnston COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Malcolm Cross & Others INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR fan Forss INTERNAL PHOTOGRAPHER Various PUBLISHER Rigby I Reed Educational & Professional PRINTER Impact I Dah Hua Printing Press Co HongKong SHORTLISTED BULLYING: A WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH COVER DESIGN Ellie Exarchos - Scooter Design INTERNAL DESIGN Pauline McClenahan - Captured Concepts COVER PHOTOGRAPH Australia International INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Christina Miesen PUBLISHER ACER Press PRINTER RossCo Print SHORTLISTED JACARANDA PRIMARY ATLAS COVER DESIGN Delia Sala INTERNAL DESIGN Delia Sala INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Gary Collett, Paul Lennon, Patrick Watson Wiley Art Department PUBLISHER Jacaranda I John Wiley & Sons PRINTER Craft Print International THE DYMOCKS BEST DESIGNED CHILDREN'S BOOK COVER JU D GES' COMMENT S : In a crowded and visua lly literate market like this , a c over has to do something extraordinary to stand out . The winner pushes the boundaries with origina lity and effect to appea l to both adults and children . WINNER THE DAY MY BUM WENT PSYCHO COVER DESIGN Liz Seymour COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Corbis Westlight I The Photo Library PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group HIGHLY COMMENDED THE RED TREE COVER DESIGN Shaun Tan & Tina Denham INTERNAL DESIGN Shaun Tan & Tina Denham COVER ILLUSTRATOR Shaun Tan INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Shaun Tan PUBLISHER Lothi a n Books PRINTER Everbest Printing Co China __ __ ,...,.. ,.. .. , '""~~ SHORTLISTED AN ORDINARY DAY COVER DESIGN Armin Greder INTERNAL DESIGN Arm in Greder COVER ILLUSTRATOR Arm in Grede r INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Armin Greder PUBLISHER Scholastic Australia PRINTER Tien Wah Press Pty Ltd (/~7JarL!BBY GLEESON & AR~IIN CREOER INTERNAL DESIGN Monkeyfish SHORTLISTE D WHOSE TAIL. WHOSE EARS. WHOSE FEET Series COVER DESIGN Monkeyfish ILLUSTRATO R Jeannette Rowe PUBLISHER ABC Books PRINTER Quality Hong Kong JEANNETTE ROWE SHORTLISTED SHALOTT COVER DESIGN Wayne Harris COVER ILLUSTRATOR Wayne Harris PUBLISHER Random House Australia PRINTER Griffin Press SHORTLISTED FLASH JACK COVER DESIGN Marina Messiha INTERNAL DESIGN Marina Messiha ILLUSTRATOR Nathan Jurevicius PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson 's Printing Group THE SHEARER'S CHILDREN'S BOOKSHOP BEST DESIGNED CHILDREN'S NON-FICTION BOOK JUDGES ' COMMENTS : In a m a rket often dominated by materia l for girls , books for boys have to try h a rd er. BOYS ' STUFF is a real winner because it does its stuff perfectly. Th e message on th e cove r is cl e ar and th e inte rnal d es ign 'cool ' . The wh o le p ac k a g e reflects the conte nts and target marke t . WINNER BOYS' STUFF COVER DESIGN Antart INTERNAL DESIGN Antart INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Antart PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin PRINTER Griffin Press SHORTLISTED SHARKMAN COVER DESIGN Katrina Allan INTERNAL DESIGN Katrina Allen INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Eija MurchLempinen PHOTOGRAPHER Rodney Fox PUBLISHER Omnibus Books PRINTER Everbest Printing Gayna Murphy SHORTLISTED MORE SECRET GIRLS STUFF COVER DESIGN Gayna Murphy - Greendot Design INTERNAL DESIGN - Greendot Design PUBLISHER Random House Australia PR INTER Griffin Press SHORTLISTED STAR GIRL COVER DESIGN Liz Seymour INTERNAL DESIGN Liz Seymour COVER ILLUSTRATOR Priscilla Nielsen PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group COVER ILLUSTRATOR SHORTLISTED PAUL JENNINGS SUPER DIARY COVER DESIGN George Dale INTERNAL DESIGN George Dale Printing Group Terry Denton INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR various PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson's Terry Denton 'xclusive 't w. a teenag1 ·iddler" u.p with'YUCKLES' - • kooky comic Yulr. lt FACE TO FACE Suclt#d 'MOBILE' - I~ new story from the Wlurd of Weird 1 ~~~~~r!~~~~~~. tow• 5 agam .. .' Shocking revelotio1 from thr covrr HOT EMAIL ol.rti~t from hell THE BROWN PRIOR ANDERSON BEST DESIGNED CHILDREN'S FICTION BOOK .JUDGES ' COMMENTS : Cho s en for its sta ndout appeal and groundbreaking approach . I The Photo WINNER THE DAY MY BUM WENT PSYCHO COVER DESIGN Liz Seymour COVER PHOTOGRAPHE R Corbis Westlight Library PUBLISHER Pan Macmillan Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group SHORTLISTED DREAM BOY COVER DESIGN Andrew Cunningham INTERNAL DESIGN Andre w Cunningham COVER ILLUSTRATOR Jeff Raglus PUBLISHER Random House Australia PRINTER Griffin Press SHORTLISTED DOG TALES COVER DESIGN E. Murch- Lempinen INTERNAL DESIGN E. Murch-Lempinen ILLUSTRATOR .Janina Dawson PUBLISHER Omnibus Books PRINTER Hyde Park Press SHORTLISTED SAVING AUNT ALICE COVER DESIGN Jobi Murphy COVER ILLUSTRATOR Stephen Michael King PUBLISHER Random House Australia PRINTER Griffin Press Adelaide ly one of the most THE SCHOLASTIC AUSTRALIA BEST DESIGNED CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOK .JUDGES' COMM ENTS: Possib category. The chal lenging categories for book designers as the age range of the consumer is very wide . A strongly represented we ll balanced and winner was chosen for its originality and appropriateness and the fact it works on all levels. T he panels were ht provoking way. a lthough the topic is emotio n al there is a deftness to the design, which gu ides the reader through in a thoug LIBBY GI.EESOI\ & AH\111\ GllEDER • SCHOLASTIC WINNER AN ORDINARY DAY COVER DESIGN Armin Greder INTERNAL DESIGN Armin Greder COVER ILLUSTRATOR Armin Greder INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Armin Greder PUBLISHER Scholastic Australia PRINTER lien Wah Press Pty Ltd ,wfl :at~ hi, toa~t in silrnrf'. COVER COMMENDED THE RED TREE COVER DESIGN Shaun Tan & Tina Denham INTERNAL DESIGN Shaun Tan & Tina Denham Printing Co China ILLUSTRATOR Shaun Tan INTERNAL ILLUSTRATOR Shaun Tan PUBLISHER Lothian Books PRINTER Everbest SHORTLISTED WATERHOLE COVER DESIGN Graeme Base INTERNAL DESIGN Graeme Bas e ILLUSTRATOR Graeme Base PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER Australian Book Connection SHORTLISTED A MOOSE CALLED MOUSE COVER DESIGN Sandra Nobes INTERNAL DESIGN Sandra Nobes ILLUSTRATOR Martine Murray PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin PRINTER Everbest Printing Co China THE TOPPAN BEST DESIGNED YOUNG ADULT BOOK JUDGES ' COMMENTS : Th i s c ategory was e x c iti ng w ith many c u t ti n g edge designs . This reflects t he market- the ' design ' s a vvy yout h of today. T he d esi gn of FLASH JACK c ri e s ou t ' pi c k m e up ' . T he judg e s part icular ly f e lt that th e s trong image on the cover w as u s ed v ery effectively. Nathan Jurevicius WINNER FLASH JACK COVER DESIGN Marina Messiha INTERNAL DESIGN Marina Messiha ILLUSTRATOR PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group COMMENDED SHALOTT COVER DESIGN Wayne Harris COVER ILLUSTRATOR Wayne Harris PUBLISHER Random House Australia PRINTER Griffin Press COVER ILLUSTRATOR SHORTLISTED FLYBOY AND THE INVISIBLE COVER DESIGN Jenny Grigg INTERNAL DESIGN Cathy Larsen Dean Gorisse n & Matt Zurbo PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson 's Printing Group SHORTLISTED RAINCHECK ON TIMBUKTU COVER DESIGN Marina Messiha INTERNAL DESIGN Marina Messiha COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Getty Images PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group a story about lrtllllllt llrlltnlll and finding the ' __ ..._ prtecltltll I<IRSTEN MURPHY Gordon-Brown SHORTLISTED JINX COVER DESIGN Ruth Gruener INTERNAL DESIGN Ruth Gruner PHOTOGRAPHE R Susan PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group margar et wild SHORTLISTED FINDING GRACE COVER DESIGNER Wayne Harris INTERNAL DESIGN Wayne Harris COVER ILLUSTRATOR Wayne Harris PUBLISHER Allen & Unwin PRINTER McPherson's Printing Group for designers THE AMCOR DISPLAYS BEST DESIGNED CHILDREN 'S SERIES .JUDGES' COMMENTS : T here is a continual pressure 'does everyin this category to come up with fresh ideas for long running series . The 'WHOSE' series according to the judges, out' . thing right, and fulfils the brief.' The colours. format, and type all appeal to the market . As a series they 'stand JEANNETTE ROWE ~. ''- 'W o e .. • t a il? .- ~ AMCI9R DISPLAYS AUSTRALASIA WINNER WHOSE TAIL, WHOSE EARS, WHOSE FEET Series COVER DESIGN Monkeyfish INTERNAL DESIGN Monkeyfish ILLUSTRATOR Jeannette Rowe PUBLISHER ABC Books PRINTER Quality Hong Kong JEANNETTE Michelle Macintosh INTERNAL COMMENDE D CRIME WAVES SERIES - BLOOD ON THE MICROPHON E; SCAM COVER DESIGNER Griffin Press PRINTER Books Lothian PUBLISHER Pletes Sonya HER PHOTOGRAP COVER DESIGNER Pauline Meyer SHORTLISTED FOR CONSISTENT EXCELLENCE AUSSIE NIBBLES SERIES -Various Titles COVER DESIGN Melissa Fraser & David Altheim INTERNAL DESIGN Melissa Fraser & David Altheim ILLUSTRATOR(S) Various PUBLISHER Penguin Books Australia PRINTER McPherson 's Printing Group sse Auc;c;ie ~ibb/ec; Ke rry Klinner SHORTLISTED WOW! AMAZING SCIENCE FACTS AND TRIVIA COVER DESIGN Monkeyfish INTERNAL DESIGN Press Griffin PRINTER Books ABC PUBLISHER Axelsen Stephen ILLUSTRATOR INTERNAL SHORTLISTED FUNNY LITTLE BUGS SERIES COVER DESIGN Kerry Klinner INTERNAL DESIGN Kerry Klinner ILLUSTRATOR Antoon Krings PUBLISHER ABC Books PRINTER Quality Printing Lily Ladybird Anroon Kriny'> Like vvhat you see? .. Austral ian Book Connec tion prints avvard vvinners . colorwize studio colorvvize studio pty ltd Sa, 69 sir donald bradman drive hilton, south australia 5033 telephone 08 8152 0344 facsimile 08 8152 0388 email colorvvize@bold.net.au