Issue 58 - New Concepts in Global Tectonics
Issue 58 - New Concepts in Global Tectonics
New Concepts in Global Tectonics NEWSLETTER No. 58, March, 2011 ISSN: 1833-2560 Editor: Dong R. CHOI ( Editorial board Ismail BHAT, India (; Peter JAMES, Australia (; Leo MASLOV, Russia (; Cliff OLLIER, Australia (; Nina PAVLENKOVA, Russia (; David PRATT, Netherlands (; N. Christian SMOOT, USA (; Karsten STORETVEDT, Norway (; Yasumoto SUZUKI, Japan (; Boris I. VASILIEV, Russia ( _________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS From the Editor Japanese seismic crisis in March 2011: an urgent call for forming an international, multidisciplinary team for earthquake study and prediction from a new perspective………………………….….……..2 Letters to the Editor Lyttleton letter, Colin LAING…………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Solar cycles and earthquakes in the north-western Apennines, Italy, Valentino STRASER………………….…………..3 NCGT Newsletter and earthquake prediction, Alan HAYMAN………………….……………………….………………8 Articles Continental rocks in the Indian Ocean, Takao YANO, Boris I. VASILIEV, Dong R. CHOI, Seiko MIYAGI, Alexander A. GAVRILOV and Hisao ADACHI……………………………………………………………………..…9 The occurrence of continental rocks at 32 localities in the Indian Ocean is reviewed. Almost all of them were found in rises, plateaus, and ridges situated in the marginal ocean basins. To understand the ocean-floor processes, the thermal and compositional inhomogeneity and low fluidity of the mantle are important constraints. 9/56 year cycle: Californian earthquakes, David McMINN……………………………………………………………..29 This paper examines the prospect of a 9/56 year cycle in the timing of major earthquakes in California - Nevada - Baja California. The 9/56 year seismic cycle was hypothesised to arise from tidal triggering by the Moon and Sun. Most sigfinicant are ecliptical positions of the Sun, lunar ascending node and apogee. Short Notes Depth (endogenous) energy issues, Sergey ANIKEEV and Vladimir DUNICHEV……………………………………..41 Lithosphere plate issues, Sergey ANIKEEV and Vladimir DUNICHEV………………………………………………..42 Essay The Lake Titicaca enigmas, Peter JAMES………………………………………………………………………………44 Discussion Scientific logic behind surge tectonics hypothesis, M. Ismail BHAT, Christian SMOOT and Dong R. CHOI…………50 Publications How plate tectonics may appear to a physicist, Raymond A. LYTTLETON and Hermann BONDI…………………….64 Atmospheric masses of four solar system solid bodies, Gennady KOCHEMASOV…………………………………….66 Two deepest geoid minima on Earth (Indian) and the Moon (South Pole-Aitken basin), Gennady KOCHEMASOV….68 Cold Sun, John CASEY………………………………………………………………………………………………….70 Global volcanism and oceanizaion of the Earth and planets, Vyacheslav ORLENOK.....................................................71 News Global Cooling: Space and Science Research Corporation Press Release nos. 1, 2 & 4, John CASEY...........................74 Geoeruption before the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, Zhonghao SHOU................................................78 Conferences: IDPD-2011 Indian Workshop; IGC34 Brisbane; Earth expansion; History of Geological Map...............78 Documentary film on “Alternative geoscience”: an appeal, Alan HAYMANN.................................................................80 Financial contribution........................................................................................................................................................81 Advertisement ClimateStat, Bruce LEYBOURNE............................................................................................................82 ________________________________________________________________________________________ For contact, correspondence, or inclusion of material in the Newsletter please use the following methods: NEW CONCEPTS IN GLOBAL TECTONICS. 1. E-mail:,, or, each file less than 5 megabytes; 2. Fax (small amount of material): +61-2-6254 4409; 3. Mail, air express, etc., 6 Mann Place, Higgins, ACT 2615, Australia (files in MS Word format, and figures in jpg or tif format); 4. Telephone, +61-2-6254 4409. DISCLAIMER: The opinions, observations and ideas published in this newsletter are the responsibility of the contributors and do not necessary reflect those of the Editor and the Editorial Board. NCGT Newsletter is an open, refereed quarterly international online journal and appears in March, June, September and December. 2 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 FROM THE EDITOR Japanese seismic crisis in March 2011: an urgent call for forming an international, multidisciplinary team for earthquake study and prediction from a new perspective A nother historic magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit northeast Japan on 11 March. This monstrous earthquake (Sendai Earthquake - now officially called Great East Japan Earthquake) is of special interest for us – not only because of its extraordinary magnitude and the devastating tsunami that followed, but also because of its connection with the forces exerted by the Sun and the Moon. Geologically speaking, the mainshock is situated at the junction of the NNE-SSW outer arc trend and the perpendicular, younger WNW-ESE trough. The northern block of the trough is the well-known Paleozoic massif Kitakami Mountains, where I spent many years carrying out geological mapping. On land the trough boundaries are occupied by Quaternary volcanoes. Like many other major earthquakes in the Pacific margins, here too the available data indicate dominant vertical crustal movement – the rise of the island arcs and subsidence of the Pacific Ocean, an ongoing tectonic process since Mesozoic time. The well-publicized plate subduction story claimed to be the cause of this disaster is again irrelevant. I carried out a preliminary examination of the deep links of this shallow quake based on Blot’s energy transmigration law. At least three deep forerunners are involved; one in southwest Japan and two in the Russian Far East. They occurred in 2006 to 2007 – years corresponding to solar cycle 23’s declining period. Energy convergence has occurred. In addition, the romping (hopping-around) occurrence and regional extent of pre- and aftershocks throughout the central to northern Japan imply that the intensive thermal accumulation occurred in the upper mantle and the lower crust in the wide area in accordance with Tsunoda’s volcanic-earthquake (VE) process. These data imply that the Earth’s core has been discharging unusually strong energy since the declining period of solar cycle 23 and the arrival of solar cycle 24. On the other hand, the Great East Japan quake has provided valuable information about the Sun-Earth-Moon interaction in considering the earthquake triggering mechanism: There were two very powerful solar flares (coronal mass ejections) several days prior to the mainshock, and the Moon was closest to the Earth around the fatal day. Kolvankar et al. (NCGT nos. 56 & 57) discussed the Moon’s position and phase, which strongly affect shallow earthquake occurrence in particular. Additionally, Shou found a precursory earthquake cloud or geoeruption which appeared on 23 February 2011, 16 days before the main event, near the epicenter (see page 78 of this NCGT issue). Maslov and I (NCGT no. 57) have clarified the relationship (anti-correlation) between the solar cycles and earthquake frequency. The period from 2010 to 2014 corresponds to the troughs of the 44-year and 86-year solar cycles too – the time when seismic and magmatic activities are expected to increase. This is verified by the increased earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in many parts of the Pacific margins in recent years. Casey of the Space and Science Research Corporation (see pages 70 & 74-78) argues that the next 20 to 30 years are synchronous with the major troughs of the 200-year and 400-year cycles – the former being Dalton and the latter Maunder Minima – periods with low solar activity or “solar hibernation”. He warns of the arrival of a lengthy cool period with heightened tectonic and magmatic activities. The Great East Japan Earthquake can be considered one of the harbingers of this trend. Given the unimaginable destruction and tragedy caused by every devastating earthquake, we, as scientists, have a responsibility to make earthquake prediction feasible on a sound scientific basis. For this we need the right understanding of: 1) tectonic processes occurring inside the Earth, 2) local and regional geological/tectonic settings and seismic/volcanic history, and 3) earthquake generation and triggering mechanisms including solar and planetary influences. We have accumulated a fair amount of data in recent years in these fields and also know that there are unmistakable precursory signals prior to all major quakes. A well-funded, well-organized international, multidisciplinary team for earthquake study and prediction from a new perspective is now urgently needed, especially in the light of the arrival of a cool period with heightened tectonic and magmatic events. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 3 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor I came across in my files a letter to me from the late professor Lyttleton FRS. Also enclosed is a copy of a paper by him and Sir Hermann Bondi FRS (reproduced in p. 64-66) originally intended for Nature but published in the Journal of British Astronomical Association after Nature refused to publish it. The letter is significant as it gives evidence for a change of the moment of inertia of the Earth from 1875 BC and suggesting that the radius of the Earth has shrunk. Colin LAING Dear Dr. Laing, I was most heartened to get your letter of 14 September. It must have come by sea mail as I only got it a day or two ago. Bondi, Gold, and myself have seen the shallowness of continental drift for many years, but only went into print recently. As you probably know Harold Jeffreys was a lifelong opponent of it (he lived to 97). I enclosed a copy of the article we wrote in the B.A.A. Journ. Maddox, the editor of NATURE declined to publish it as he is completely sold on plate-tectonics. My book “The Earth & Its Mountains” was published in 1982 by Wiley and there must be copies in libraries in Australia. I am sorry to learn that suppression also goes on in Australia. Have you heard of the Dort shell of 100,000,000,000 comets? It is completely rot but hundreds of papers are published on its alleged properties, while Dort himself maintains a tight-lipped silence! I pointed out the error in M.N. (Monthly Note) shortly after it was published by Dort in his own journal, A.A.N. (Astronomical Association Note). I was pleased to hear that a large body in the U.S.A. is getting wise to the absurdity of plate-tectonics. Could you name a few and give me references. I enclose a few items that may interest you. I have several problems requiring my attention, but I am ailing with ME (myalgic encephalomyolitic postviral fatigue syndrome) and can only do a few hours a day 4 or 5 days a week from 9 to 12. My life is plagued by bogus theories and mistaken work. The only U.S. person I know that is anti-continental drift is Tommy Gold. He would like myself be much interested in your work: he has proved that if the Indian plate bashing into the Asian plate the Himalayas so produced would be less than 0.1 inch high. I enclose a card quoting Medawar. I suggest you copy it and send it your tect-boys. I had a number of papers in Proc. Roy. Soc. that I am sure you have access to. The last, about 1986, shows that the radius of the Earth is decreasing on average at a rate of 0.1 mm per year. But a lot can get done in 3000 million years since the Ramsey collapse. Do keep in touch and I will send you anything of interest. With kindest regards, Your sincerely. Raymond A. LYTTLETON 12 October, 1992 Cambridge, England ******************** Dear Editor SOLAR CYCLES AND STRONG EARTHQUAKES IN THE NORTH-WESTERN APENNINES, ITALY C hoi and Maslov in the latest NCGT Newsletter (no. 57) reaffirmed the direct link between the cycle of sunspots and terrestrial seismicity. The authors have underlined the close relationship between the solar maxima and minima and strong intensity seisms on a global scale and, in particular, with the depth of the respective epicentres. Choi and Maslov’s observation is further supported by the work of other authors (Odintsov et al., 2007; Gousheva et al., 2003), which showed a concomitance between sunspot cycles and the Earth’s seismicity. To verify the validity of the hypothesis formulated by Choi and Maslov (2010), the concept “from global to local” was transposed by examining the seismic zone of the North-western Apennine territory near Parma, in Italy (Fig. 1), which is characterized by rarely destructive seisms that do not exceed an intensity, I>8 and, almost never with a magnitude, M>5. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 4 The relationship (or better ‘anti-relationship’) between decennial solar cyclicity and the number of seisms on a global scale, was studied in the period 1973 – 2010, using data deriving from the catalogues of the SIDC (International Sunspot Number) and the NEIC (National Earthquake Information Centre). In diagram Fig. 2, it can be seen, especially in the first two cycles and the last one, that the increase in the number of global earthquakes corresponds to a low number of sunspots and that, on the contrary, the decrease in global seisms occurs during the solar maximums. The concept is bolstered in the subsequent diagram (Fig. 3) by the “trend line” between the two independent variables. An analogous trend has also been found for earthquakes with a magnitude M>6.5 on a global scale, again in the period 1973 – 2010, in relationship to the number of sunspots (Fig. 4). Instead, on a local scale (North-western Apennines – Italy), data were obtained from catalogues and scientific articles (Petrucci et al., 1996; Work Group CPTI, 1999), relating to the last two centuries, since we only have precise and accurate data on the number of sunspots from 1848 onwards. In the analysis it was not possible to establish a relationship between the solar maxima and minima with the depth of the epicentres, since the “Seismic Line of the Taro River” is characterized (Bernini and Papani, 1987) by seisms with epicentres that seldom exceed 30 kilometres in depth, i.e. below a magnetic basement upon which lies a part of the structure of the North-western Apennine chain (Bernini and Lasagna, 1988). Fig. 1. Index map 170 2400 160 2300 150 2100 Sunspot Number 130 120 2000 110 1900 100 1800 90 1700 80 1600 70 60 1500 50 1400 40 1300 30 1200 20 1100 10 0 1970 Overall Earthquake Number 2200 140 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1000 2010 Year Fig. 2. Sunspot number vs. overall earthquake number (courtesy of Maximum Teodorani) New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 5 170 160 150 140 Yearly Sunspot Number 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Yearly Overall Earthquake Number Fig. 3. Trend Line: sunspot number vs. overall earthquake number 180 160 Yearly Sunspot Number 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Yearly Earthquake Number with M > 6.5 Fig. 4. Trend line: sunspot number vs. yearly earthquake number with M ≥ 6.5 Table 1 shows the years when earthquakes occurred with an intensity I>6, and a magnitude of M>4, and the respective correspondence of the sunspot phases (maximum, decreasing phase, minimum and increasing phase). In general, the times when sunspots appear, even though following a clear cyclicity, are not often regular, but vary from 9 to 13 years while the mean is around 11.1 years. “The number of spots reaches a maximum; then over seven and a half years the figure reaches its minimum; it then takes three and a half years to reach its new maximum. The period therefore lasts eleven and one tenth years. But this can also vary, sometimes changing by a year or two less or more. Each maximum is therefore closer to the previous minimum.” (Bendandi, 1931). 6 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Table 1. Earthquakes with intensity I>6 and magnitude M>4, during the period 1931 – 2010 in the North-western Apennine area near Parma (Parmense), Italy, obtained from Petrucci et al. (1996), indicated with the letter “a”, and from the Parametric Catalogue of Italian Earthquakes, indicated in the table with the abbreviation “CPTI”. No. Year Intensity or Magnitude Sunspot Phase Epicentre Source 1 1831 I=7 Decreasing phase Parmense CPTI 2 1834 I=7 Minimum Parmense Ap. CPTI 3 1835 I=6-7 Minimum Cisa Pass CPTI 4 1849 I=6-7 Maximum Val di Taro CPTI 5 1857 I=6-7 Minimum Parmense CPTI 6 1886 I=7 Decreasing phase Parma East a 7 1897 I=7-8 Decreasing phase Langhirano a 8 1898 I=7 Decreasing phase Calestano a- CPTI 9 1906 I=6 Decreasing phase Compiano a- CPTI 10 1927 I=7 Decreasing phase Bedonia a 11 1934 I=6 Minimum Borgo Val di Taro a- CPTI 12 1934 I=6 Minimum Corniglio a 13 1937 I=6 Maximum Parma West a- CPTI 14 1946 I=6 Minimum Pione (Bardi) a- CPTI 15 1958 I=6 Maximum Collecchio a 16 1959 I=5-6 Maximum Santa Maria del Taro CPTI 17 1965 I=6 Minimum Corniglio a 18 1971 I=8 Decreasing phase Parma West a- CPTI 19 1972 I=6-7 Decreasing phase Calestano CPTI 20 1983 I=7 Decreasing phase Parma South-west a- CPTI 21 1995 M=4,2 Minimum Parmense CPTI 22 1996 M=4,1 Minimum Parmense CPTI 23 2007 M=4,2 Decreasing phase Parma-Piacenza CPTI 24 2008 M=5,1 Minimum Parma- Reggio E. CPTI From a reading of the data reported in Table 1, quasi-regular intervals of time can be seen, lasting on average around 11-12 years, with regard to the earthquakes of greatest intensity. Examples of the intervals of time between earthquakes are represented by: 1834-1857, 1849-1886, 1886-1898, 1898-1934, 1934-1946, 1946-1958, 1959-1971, 1971-1983, 1983-1995, 1995-2007, and 1996-2008. Moreover, from the table it can be noted that the strong earthquakes in the territory of Parma (North-western Apennines – Italy), never occurred during the increasing sunspot phase (i.e. during the three and a half years between the minimum and maximum), but always in the period between the maximum and the successive minimum. A direct link between the sunspot cycle and earthquakes remains an open question, despite the credible degree of correlation found to date. Only through interdisciplinary work will it be possible to clarify in the future how the decennial sunspot cycle acts directly on the terrestrial physics via a cause/effect mechanism. In the area under examination, the mechanism that might be hypothesized could be the one linked to the conductivity of the rocks and, in particular, to the abundance of argillaceous formations, good conductors of electrical charges and capable of acting on the mobility of ions as well as the underground. The amount of solar energy flux absorbed over time (in this case, a period of about 12 years) by the argillaceous rocks, might trigger a perturbation in the rocks’ condition of equilibrium and, as the mechanism gradually proceeds, “…the agitation is produced more rapidly than it subsequently decreases to return to a state of normality and immobility, as the ebb and flow of the sea teaches us” (Bendandi, 1931). To venture beyond the idea of a purely statistical analysis, the causes of seismic cyclicity in the Parmense region (North-western Apennines) ought to be sought in the geological peculiarities of the area under investigation. The seismic line of the Taro River is characterised by a magnetic basement, lying at a depth of around 30 km, where sedimentary marine formations of the Dominio Ligure may be found, consisting in New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 7 part of argillaceous formations, fragments of an ancient oceanic crust, flysch, and ophiolite rocks. The whole formed by various tectonic units, characterised by a Mesozoic-Tertiary sedimentary succession, torn apart at plastic levels and superimposed one on another (Ghelardoni and Zanzucchi, 1993). In hypothesizing a link between seismic and solar cyclicity it may be surmised that the conductivity of the rocks plays a key role. With this in mind, we might turn to the field studies carried out into this area of study using electrical tomography, which aimed to analyze geological sections in zones subject to deep gravitational movement. The values measured have shown that electrical conductivity is a function of the lithological, chemical and hydro-chemical nature of the ground. In general, Conductive Units are those referable to materials with fine granulometry, for the most part argillaceous. Intermediate Units are instead associable with intermediate situations in which the resistance value is generally a function of the argillaceous fraction and the degree of saturation of underground waters. Resistive Units refer to formations consistent with a calcareous, calcareous/marly or arenaceous nature. In general, more compact rocky masses present higher values of resistance, while more dispersed materials, if associated with an argillaceous matrix or containing saturation water, have a lower resistance. If we consider the parameter of electrical resistance as a unifying element that explains the superimposition of seismic recurrences and solar cyclicity, it is necessary to bear in mind yet other factors, such as porosity, the percentage of water content, the salinity of the water, and the presence of a fine matrix. The following table summarizes the resistance values [Ω], in relation to the type of ground, measured during geological surveys. --------------------------------------------------------------Type of ground Resistance of ground [Ω] --------------------------------------------------------------Marshland from 5 to 40 Soil, clay, humus from 20 to 200 Sand from 200 to 2,500 Gravel from 2,000 to 3,000 Pebbles generally lower than 1,000 Sandstone from 2,000 to 3,000 Granite up to 5,000 Moraine up to 30,000 ---------------------------------------------------------------From the table it can be seen that clays possess conductivity several degrees greater than other rocks and other rocky materials. As a result, clays may well perform a determinant role in carrying charges underground. Instead, at a deeper level, we may hypothesize a mechanism comparable to a “capacitor effect” that arises between the various geological formations. Experiments on this capacitor effect have provided encouraging results, above all when linked to the presence of water, as Massimo Teodorani (2008) has observed, over and above the laboratory simulations carried out by Joshua Warren of the L.E.M.U.R research group to interpret earthlight phenomena in the Brown Mountains. In the absence of direct proof, we can transpose the laboratory experience to the real scenario. A key role in interpreting the phenomena may be played by the deep-lying magnetic basement, which also seems to constitute, in a physical sense, the limit of the hypocentres of the Taro Valley seismic zone (Petrucci et al., 1996; Straser, 2007). Conducting layers, such as magnetite, and dielectrical ones like quartz, can store the energy produced by both piezoelectricity generated by quartz when under tectonic strain, and charges coming from the surface induced by the solar flux. The capacitor effect in the zones subject to stress in tectonically active zones can 8 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 therefore accumulate enough energy to create significant perturbations in the conditions of equilibrium of underground rocks. The capacitor effect hypothesized in this study may also explain the appearance of anomalous atmospheric phenomena (BLs and EQLs), both during the run-up to and the triggering phase of an earthquake. On a purely hypothetical level, it may be reckoned that in the ascendant phase of the solar cycle (lasting on average 3.5 years) a sizeable charge accumulates underground, carried by the rocky mass, and especially the clay complexes. Then, once the solar cycle has reached its maximum, this amount of new energy can affect the critical level of the rock’s resistance, and consequently, its condition of equilibrium, with the possibility of favouring the triggering of a seismic event. At that point, after the triggering effect of the earthquake, the mechanism enters a new cycle, respecting more or less the same intervals of time, dependent also on solar cyclicity. References Bendandi, R., 1931. Un Principio fondamentale dell’Universo. Osservatorio Bendandi – Faenza, Società Tipografica Editrice in Bagnacavallo, v. 1, p. 322. Bernini, M. and Lasagna, S., 1988. Rilevamento geologico e analisi strutturale del bacino dell’Alta Val Magra tra M. Orsaro e Pontremoli (Appennino Settentrionale). Atti Soc. Tosc. Sc. Nat. Mem. Anno 1988. Serie A, v. XCV, p. 139-183, fig. 16, tavv. F.t. 1. Bernini, M. and Papani, G., 1987. Alcune considerazioni sulla struttura del margine appenninico emiliano tra il T. Stirone e il T. Enza. Ateneo Parmense, Acta Nat., v. 23, 4. Atti del Meeting <Bridle deformation analysis in Neotectonics> Firenze, 17 aprile 1986. Choi, D., and Maslov, L. 2010. Earthquakes and solar activity cycles. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 57, p. 84-97. Ghelardoni, R. and Zanzucchi, G., 1993. Lo schema geologico dell’Italia. Museo del Petrolio di Vallezza, Società Petrolifera Italiana, p. 375 -411. Gousheva, M. N., Georgieva, K. Y., Kirov, B. B. and Atanasov, D., 2003. On the relation between solar activity and seismicity. RAST: Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, held November 20-22, 2003, in Istanbul, Turkey. Gruppo di Lavoro CPTI, 1999. Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani. ING, GNDT, SGA, SSN, Bologna, 1999, 92p. Odintsov, S.D., Ivanov-Kholodnyi, G.S. and Georgieva, K., 2007, (Abstract), published in Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Fizicheskaya, 2007, v. 71, no. 4, p. 608–610. Petrucci, F., Careggio, M. and Conti, A., 1996. Dinamica dei versanti e della pianura della Provincia di Parma. Ateneo Parmense, Acta Nauralia, v. 32, p. 1-39. Straser, V., 2007. Precursory luminous phenomena used for earthquake prediction. The Taro Valley, Northwesterm Apennines, Italy. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 44, p. 17-31. Teodorani, M., 2008. Sfere di Luce: Grande Mistero del Pianeta e Nuova frontiera della Fisica. Scienza & Conoscenza, Macro Edizioni, 192p., ISBN 88-6229-008-X. WEBSITES http:// Valentino STRASER 94, Località Casarola – 43040 Terenzo PR, Italy ******************** Dear Editor, I have actually been reading through all of the NCGT newsletters from the beginning (I'm on the fifth or sixth now), and it is a good reminder to me that, although the discussion of how the Earth really works is compelling enough, I should not under-emphasize earthquake prediction and the other items of current importance. This is not just a discussion of how science could benefit from more open-mindedness, but has actually become an urgent matter of survival. …. Are we actually to the level where we can predict what areas are going to be hit, and when? I suppose I will have my answer soon enough as I continue my research. Alan HAYMAN New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 9 ARTICLES CONTINENTAL ROCKS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN Takao YANO*, Boris I. VASILIEV**, Dong R. CHOI***, Seiko MIYAGI****, Alexander A. GAVRILOV** and Hisao ADACHI***** * Department of Environment Science, Faculty of Regional Science, Tottori Univ., Tottori, 680-855, Japan. ** Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia.; *** Raax Australia Pty Ltd., 6 Mann Place, Higgins, ACT 2615, Australia. **** Tokyo Metropolitan Kitazono Senior High School, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, 173-0004, Japan. ****** Tokyo Metropolitan Nerima Senior High School, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, 179-8908, Japan. Abstract: This paper reviews the occurrence of continental rocks at 32 localities in the Indian Ocean. Almost all of them were found in rises, plateaus, and ridges situated in the marginal ocean basins. In the world oceans – the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans – ancient continental rocks have been discovered at a total of 78 localities. Type A rocks (continental rocks located in continental margins deeper than the ocean-floor depth) indicate that part of the continent has submerged and turned to ocean floor – a phenomenon recognized by all proposed ocean-formation hypotheses. Type B rocks (continental rocks located in mid-oceanic ridges and ocean basins) and Type C rocks (rocks characterized by continental geochemical signatures) located in mid-oceanic ridges and ocean basins are incompatible with the hypothesis of ocean-floor spreading, but they provide powerful supporting evidence for the oceanization and microexpansion hypotheses. The two gigantic ring structures – the Dupal anomaly belt and the circum-Pacific mobile belt – indicate that the Earth’s mantle is rather inhomogeneous in chemical composition and is not so active and fluidal as generally believed. The keys to future ocean-formation debates are Type B and C rocks. To understand the ocean-formation processes, the thermal and compositional inhomogeneity and low fluidity of the mantle are important constraints. Keywords: continental rocks, Indian Ocean, ocean-floor spreading, oceanization, microexpansion, Dupal anomaly, circum-Pacific mobile belt, Earth’s dichotomy INTRODUCTION D espite the great significance of the numerous continental rocks discovered in the world ocean floors in recent years, their occurrence and distribution patterns have not been given serious attention by geoscientists. This review paper follows those by Vasiliev (2006) and Yano et al. (2009), which described the continental rocks discovered in the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans, respectively, and introduces our readers to the occurrence of continental rocks in the Indian Ocean. It also tabulates, analyzes, and evaluates their significance from the perspective of the formation of world oceans. CONTINENTAL ROCKS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN Although the Indian Ocean is smaller than the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, it is most complex geologically (Luyendyk and Davies, 1974). In this section we present an overview of the ocean-floor topography, and describe and classify the continental rocks discovered in the Indian Ocean. 1. Ocean-floor morphology Three oceanic ridges are present in the Indian Ocean: the Central Indian Ridge, Southwest Indian Ridge and Southeast Indian Ridge – they meet at the Rodrigues triple junction (Fig. 1, RTJ). The Central Indian Ridge extends to the Carlsberg Ridge, which connects to Aden Bay and the Red Sea. The Southwest Indian Ridge has a complex structure, is dissected by NNE-SSW fracture zones and covered by thick sedimentary layers. The Southeast Indian Ridge stretches southeastward for a long distance and connects to the Antarctic- 10 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Australian Discordance (AAD), which in turn links to the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (Luyendyk and Davies, 1974). The AAD is a segment about 500 km in length (120o – 128o E) and up to 4,500 m in depth. The ridge area is 500 m deeper than the western and eastern extensions and it has numerous fractures (Weissel and Hayes, 1971). The Indian Ocean is separated into three compartments – West, South and Northeast – bounded by central ridges (Udintsev, 1990). The areas with thick sediments (> one second in two-way travel time) are located in the offshore areas of East Africa and South Asia with uplifted mountains: 1) the Somali basin and Mozambique basin and Natal Valley (WSB+ESB, MZB, and NTV) in the western Indian Ocean, and 2) the Ganges Cone-Indus Fan in the northern Indian Ocean (Fig. 1). Whereas the sediments are relatively thin in the South Indian Ocean, the Central Indian Basin (CIB) and the Wharton Basin (WTB) (Ewing et al., 1969). In the marginal areas of the Indian Ocean there are many plateaus, ridges and rises, forming a complex ocean-floor topography – many of these are often block faulted with an offset of over 1,000 m (Udintsev, 1990). The crustal thickness of these rises ranges from 15 to 25 km – intermediate between continental and oceanic crusts. They are covered with and/or penetrated by post-Cretaceous mafic rocks. Their origin has been disputed: Do the rises consist of accumulated basaltic lavas or are they microcontinents? Figure 1. Bathymetric features of the Indian Ocean. Compiled from Interactive Maps, Shipboard Scientific Party (2006), Dercourt (2000) etc. 1) MIDOCEANIC RIDGE. Rodrigues Triple Junction: RTJ, Australian-Antarctic Discordance: AAD; 2) OCEAN BASIN. Australian-Antarctic Basin: AAB, Arabian Basin: ABB, Argo Basin: AGB, Agulhas Basin: ALB, Central Indian Basin: CIB, Cuvier Basin: CVB, Crozet Basin: CZB, Enderby Basin (African-Antarctic Basin): EDB, East Somali Basin: ESB, Gascoyne Basin: GSB, Mascarene Basin: MCB, Madagascar Basin: MDB, Mozambique Basin: MZB, Natal Valley: NTV, Perth Basin: PTB, South Australian Basin: SAB, West Somali Basin: WSB, Wharton Basin: WTB; 3) EDIFICE. Agulhas Plateau: ALP, Aphanasey Nikitin Rise: ANR, Broken Ridge: BKR, Chagos Ridge: CGR, Conrad Rise: CRR, Corzet Plateau: CZP, Davie Ridge: DVR, Elan Bank: ELB, Exmouth Plateau: EMP, Kerguelen Plateau: KGP, Laccadive Ridge: LCR, Mascarene Ridge: MCR, Mozambique Ridge: MZR, Naturaliste Plateau: NRP, Ninetyeast Ridge: NER, Seychelles Bank: SCB, South Tasman Rise: STR, Wallaby Plateau: WLP; 4) ISLAND/ARCHIPELAGO. Amsterdam: AT, Comoro: CM, Heard: HD, Kerguelen: KG, Marion: MR, Mauritius: MT, Rodrigues: RD, Reunion: RN. St. Paul: SP. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 11 2. Continental rocks As far as we know, a total of 32 occurrences of continental rocks have been reported from the Indian Ocean (Fig. 2). Almost all of them were found in the rises distributed in the marginal areas of the ocean. We believe there are many more references that we are unaware of. Below we describe continental rocks clockwise from the West Indian Ocean. All of them are considered to be non-ice-rafted dropstones in origin and have been judged to be in-situ. The encircled numbers below correspond to the localities in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Continental rocks in the Indian Ocean floor. Oceanic plate age after Dercourt (2000). See the text for 87 86 1 to ○ 32 . Dupal anomaly rocks ( Sr/ Sr ≥ 0.7038) from 1: Dupré and Allègre (1983), 2-3: continental rocks ○ Tatsumi and Nohda (1990), 4: Baxter et al. (1985), 5: Mahoney et al. (1989), 6: Dupré and Allègre (1983), 7-10: Mahoney et al. (1992), 11: Hamelin and Allègre (1985), 12: Mahoney et al. (1992), 13: Dupré and Allègre (1983), 14: Dupré and Allègre (1983) & Hamelin et al. (1986), 15: Hamelin et al. (1986), 16: Barling et al. (1994), 17: Mattielli et al. (1999), Frey et al. (2000), 18: Davies et al. (1989) & Weis et al. (1989), 19: Hilton et al. (1995) & Weis and Frey (2002), 20: Neal et al. (2002), 21: Frey et al. (2002), 22-24: Davies et al. (1989) & Weis et al. (1989), 25-26: Frey et al. (2002), 27-28: Neal et al. (2002), 29-30: Mahoney et al. (1995), 31-32: Weis and Frey (1991), 33-34: Dupré and Allègre (1983), 35: Weis and Frey (1991), 36: Tatsumi and Nohda (1990). Western Indian Ocean The West Indian Ocean floor is divided into many basins by rises and volcanic bodies (Fig. 1). Continental rocks have been found in these rises. 1 Granitic rocks in the Seychelles Islands ○ The Seychelles Islands lie at the northwest end of Mascarene ridge (MCR). The Seychelles Bank (SCB: 42,000 km2, water depth less than 60 m) underlying the islands consists of continental crust with the Moho at 12 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 33 km depth (Matthews and Davies, 1966). The Seychelles Islands are composed of about 100 islands surrounded by coral reefs, and 25 of the islands have exposures of granitic rocks (Ashwal et al., 2002). Two facies are recognized in the granitic rocks – main (grey and pink) and marginal phases (gneissose and porphyritic). Among isotopic ages (809-570 Ma), those between 750 and 755 Ma are considered reliable (Suwa et al., 1994; Plummer and Belle, 1995; Torsvik et al., 2001; Ashwal et al., 2002). At the CretaceousPaleocene boundary doleritic-gabbroic intrusives (73-62 Ma) and alkaline ring complexes (73-60 Ma) penetrated. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data indicate clear mixing of continental material (Dickin et al., 1986). 2 Arkose sandstone, granite-gneiss xenoliths in the Comoro Islands ○ The Comoro Islands (CM) form a WNW-ESE-extending volcanic island chain with a length of 300 km, and are located in the southern margin of the Somali Basin (WSB). The chain is composed of MioceneQuaternary alkaline basaltoids with an active volcano, Karthla Mountain. On two islands of the chain, three localities yielded numerous orthoquartzite xenoliths (maximum 30 to 40 cm in diameter), and one locality arkosic sandstone xenolith (max. 5 mm in diameter) (Flower and Strong, 1969). According to older records, these islands also produced granite and quartzite xenoliths (Vienne, 1900) and quartz monzonite and granodiorite xenoliths (Lacroix, 1922). These imply the presence of quartz (-feldspar) clastics and granitegneiss under the southernmost Somali Basin. 3 –○ 5 Granite-gneiss basement rocks in the Davie Submarine Ridge ○ The NNE-trending Mozambique Strait, with a width of 400 to 900 km and a depth of 2,000 to 3,000 m, separates the African continent from Madagascar Island. The Davie Submarine Ridge (DVR; Fig. 1) runs through the axial part of the Strait in a N-S direction, a little oblique to the axis; the ridge itself is a long narrow ridge measuring 50 x 600 km – a tilted block with a steeper eastern slope. Dredgings in the northern part of the ridge yielded: 1) gneiss and meta-arkose sandstone, argillaceous 3 , water depth 2,450 m, 84DR05], 2) arkose sandstone [○ 4 , water depth 1,875 m, 84DR06], 3) semischist [○ 5 , water depth 850 m, 84DR09]. arkose sandstone, calcareous sandstone, and quartzose turbidite sandstone [○ Some of the samples show shear deformation and metamorphism in the green schist phase (Bassias, 1992). There is no possibility that the dredged samples from the Davie Submarine Ridge are dropstones from icebergs, because all the dredge stations are at the exposed acoustic basements and range from 14° S to 19° S. These continental rocks are covered or penetrated by Late Cretaceous alkaline basaltoids. The Davie Ridge is veneered by Coniacian (in the southern part) and Eocene to Quaternary calcareous ooze – indicating northward deepening from the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene. In addition, there are reports of exposed granite on Juan de Nova Island (Pepper and Everhart, 1963; Flower and Strong, 1969; Fig. 2). To summarize the above, the northern part of the Davie Submarine Ridge is underlain by continental basement consisting of granite-gneiss and Lower Cretaceous arkosic covers. 6 –○ 8 Metamorphic rocks in the Mozambique Submarine Ridge ○ The Mozambique Ridge (MZR) is a NNE-SSW rise (100-200 km x 700 km; depth of the top 1,500-3,000 m), with a crust up to 20 km thick (Mougenot et al., 1991). The Natal Valley (NTV) separates the Mozambique Ridge from the African continent. The eastern steep slope of the ridge, 2,000 to 3,000 m high, is a long fault scarp along the Mozambique fracture zone, and the western gentle slope runs down to the Natal Valley. 6 , MD60DR3) from an exposed Mougenot et al. (1991) dredged anorthosite, gneiss and metagabbro (○ basement at the eastern scarp in the middle of the Ridge. Other teams (Hartnady et al., 1992; Ben-Avraham et al., 1995) hauled granite, “kinzigite”, and tholeiitic basalt from a steep cliff at the southwestern end of the Ridge. “Kinzigite” is a garnet-quartz-feldspar-biotite crystalline schist of granulite phase – it is a New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 13 characteristic rock in the 1-Ga old metamorphic belts in Mozambique and Madagascar (Mougenot et al., 1991). The Mozambique Ridge is covered by Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian-Barremian) terrestrial-shallow marine basaltic flows. A transgression produced deposition of terrigenous siltstone in an oxygen-depleted environment, and then in the Late Cretaceous (Coniasian-Santonian) the region subsided to become a deep ocean (Girdley et al., 1974). 9 –○ 12 Felsic metamorphic rocks in the Agulhas Plateau ○ The Agulhas Plateau (ALP) is a rise (400 x 700 km) with a depth of 2,000 to 2,500 m. The top of the acoustic basement is situated at 3,000 to 5,000 m below sea level. Due to the WNW-ESE faults the northern part of the plateau forms a complex block structure with a deeper acoustic basement. But the central and the southern parts have a flat top and a flat surface of acoustic basement with a shallower depth. The crustal thickness of the plateau is 20 km on average (24 km maximum). The 5.8-6.4 km/s layer (4.3 to 7.7 km thick) in the central to southern part is considered continental crust (Tucholke et al., 1981). While the central to southern part of the plateau has an extensive cover of deep-sea sediments, plenty of 9 - RD25, ○ 11 – RD27, continental rocks have been dredged at acoustic basements on marginal fault cliffs (○ 12 – RD26) and at an acoustic basement exposed through submarine erosion (○ 19 - RD28). The collected ○ rocks are angular to subangular (10 to 60 cm across), and a large number have ferro-manganese coatings 11 ) strong tension acted on to the bucket cable and many rock samples had (several mm thick). At RD27 (○ fresh surfaces just broken. The dredged specimens are felsic metamorphic rocks of greenschist to granulite facies (crystalline schist, gneiss and granulite) and fine-grained arkosic greywacke sandstone and rhyolite. Biotites of two metamorphic rock samples (DR25-3 and DR28-2) yielded K-Ar ages of 1,074 Ma and 478 Ma (Allen and Tucholke, 1981). In addition, pillow basalts and dolerites were hauled from the Plateau. As stated above, the central to southern Aghulhas Plateau is composed of continental crust. Extensive basaltic magmas intruded and erupted along the whole stretch of the Plateau, particularly in its northern part, in the Early Cretaceous (Tucholke and Carpenter, 1977; Tucholke et al., 1981). The flat acoustic basement top is considered a subaerial erosional plane of Late Jurassic age. The region deepened after basaltic igneous activities in the Early Cretaceous and is covered by latest Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) nannochalk. Southern Indian Ocean The South Indian Ocean consists of three basins: the Crozet, Enderby and Australian-Antarctic Basins (CZB EDB, AAB). They are divided by the Crozet-Conrad Plateau (CZP-CRR) and Kerguelen Plateau (KGP) (Fig. 1). The Antarctic margin, framed by a broad deep shelf (up to 360 km in width, 500 to 600 m in depth), slopes down a rather gentle continental slope. 13 Continental ultramafic xenoliths in the Kerguelen Islands ○ The Kerguelen Plateau (KGP) is a huge plateau (450-700 km x 2,500 km) extending in a NW-SE direction. The Plateau rises from the surrounding seabed at a relative height of 2 to 3 km, and has a crustal thickness of 15 to 25 km. The smooth top is 1,000 m or shallower in the north, deeper in the south where the top depth is 2,000 m. It is separated by a 3,700 m deep saddle from Antarctica (Fig. 1). The Kerguelen Island (KG, 130 km x 110 km) situated in the north of the Plateau has had volcanic activity continually from 45 Ma to the present; its magmatism shifted from tholeiitic to alkaline basalt with time. The Re-Os age and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope composition of ultramafic xenoliths (11 samples, harzburgite, lherzolite and wehrlitic-dunitie) in alkaline basaltic lavas gave an age of 0.58 to 1.36 Ga, and indicated that the xenoliths were derived from the continental lithospheric mantle (Hassler and Shimizu, 1998; Mattieli et al., 1999). 14 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 14 Fluvial conglomerate and felsic tuff in the Elan Plateau ○ A western branch of the central Kerguelen Plateau is called the Elan Bank (ELB). It is a narrow ridge measuring 200 to 300 km x 800 km; its flat top lies at a depth of 1,000 m and stretches for 600 km. The crustal thickness reaches 15 km or more; its seaward-dipping uppermost reflectors are basaltic lavas and the middle to lower section (6.8 km/s p-wave velocity) is considered continental (Charvis et al., 1997; Nicolaysen et al., 2001; Borissova et al., 2000). ODP site 1137 drilled at 1,004.5 m water depth with a drilled depth from the seabed of 371.2 m recovered terrestrial basaltic lava flows below late Campanian shallow-water sediments (glauconite- and shell-bearing calcareous sandstone) and Late Eocene-Quaternary pelagic sediments. These facts testify that the region became a deep ocean in Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene time (Fig. 3; Shipboard Scientific Party, 2000; Weis et al., 2001). Out of the seven basaltic lava units, two boundaries yielded seams of braided-river conglomerate (26.2 m thick) and felsic tuff (16.6 m). The conglomerate has gravels of boulder to pebble size and gravels are made of alkaline basalt, rhyolite, trachyte, granitoids, garnet-biotite gneiss (Fig. 4; Ingle et al., 2002b). Biotite in gneiss yielded a 40Ar/39Ar isotope age of 550 Ma, zircon 796, 836 and 938 Ma (207Pb/206Pb), and detrital zircon and monzonite 533, 686, 937 and 2,457 Ma (207Pb/206Pb), with an overall range from 533 to 2,457 Ma (Nicolaysen et al., 2001). Felsic tuff consists of sanidine-quartz crystalline-glassy tuff. The 40Ar/39Ar isotope age of sanidine phenocryst was 109 Ma. Pringle and Duncan (2000) consider that the acidic volcanic activities which produced felsic tuff and rhyolitic gravels took place simultaneously. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data imply that the magma which produced the tuffaceous layer and trachyte/rhyolite was derived from partial melting of the upper continental crust and did not originate from the flood basalt magmas at ODP site 1137 (Weis et al., 2001; Ingle et al., 2002b). As indicated above, the mid-Cretaceous Elan Bank was a lava plain of terrestrial flood basalts, on which braided rivers developed. The high variation in gravel species, isotope age and garnet composition (Reusch and Yates, 2003), as well as large gravel diameters, testifies that the Elan Bank had high-relief mountains nearby which were composed of Proterozoic gneiss-granitoids and felsic volcanoes. Therefore the Bank undoubtedly has ancient continental rocks at shallow depth, which were covered by basaltic layers (Ingle et al., 2002b; Frey et al., 2003). Figure 3. Lithostratigraphic section of the core and ratios of minor and isotope elements at ODP Site 1137A, Elan Bank (Weis et al., 2001). New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 15 Figure 4. Polished surface of a conglomerate core from the Elan Bank (ODP Site 1137A), the Kerguelen Plateau, after shipboard Scientific Party (2000). Figure 5. Nd-Sr isotopic plot for basaltic rocks from the Kerguelen Plateau and the Broken Ridge (partly modified after Frey et al., 2003). 15 Dupal anomaly basalt in the Elan Plateau ○ The seven units of basalt lava recovered from ODP Site 1137 on the Elan Bank (ELB) have rather high 87 Sr/86Sr isotope ratios and extremely low 143Nd/144Nd ratios, which are not as extreme as those in the southernmost Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Site 738) (Fig. 5; Weiss et al., 2001; Ingle et al., 2002a; Frey et al., 2003). Unit 10 at the bottom horizon shows the maximum anomaly (Fig. 3) and is estimated to have assimilated 5 to 7% continental material, given the composition of the garnet-biotite gneiss gravel drilled at the site (Ingle et al., 2002a). The unusually high values of the Dupal anomaly of the Elan Plateau basalts and the above-mentioned felsic volcanic activity suggest the assimilation and partial melting of the underlying continental crust (Weis et al., 2001; Ingle et al., 2002a; Frey et al., 2003). This is inferred primarily from realistic data on the source material (Weis et al., 2001), and differs from the views of, for example, Dupré and Allègre (1983), who attribute the Dupal anomaly to convecting materials, including sedimentary rocks, continental lithosphere, continental crust etc. in the deep mantle. 16 Gneiss and granitoids in the Labuan Basin and the subsidence process of the Kerguelen Plateau ○ The northeastern slope of the Kerguelen Plateau is steep and forms a linear fault scarp (Fig. 1). The southern half of this northwestern slope is bounded by the Labuan Basin, which is over 4,000 m deep. In this basin there are two to three discontinuous rows of tilted crustal blocks bounded by normal faults. On their summits basement rocks are exposed (Rotstein et al., 1991). From one of the basement exposures along the faults 15 ), gneiss-granitoids rocks have been dredged – their ages being 0.5 to 1 Ga (Montigny et (MD67, Fig. 2, ○ al., 1993; Gladczenko, 2001). Mid-Cretaceous (Albian-Aptian) terrestrial flood basalt lavas have been recovered from many drill holes on the Kerguelen Plateau (Frey et al., 2003). Sedimentary layers between basalt lavas contain tree fragments, 16 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 pteridophyte and conifer fossils, which indicate the presence of forests nearby (Francis and Coffin, 1992; Frey et al., 2002). Though showing some difference from block to block, the deepening process of the northwestern Plateau along the A-B profile was reconstructed as shown in Fig. 6 (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1989). A vast land, 400 x 2,000 km in area, became a submerged plateau with a depth of 1,000 to 2,000 m. If the sedimentary units are removed, the amount of subsidence reaches 3,000 to 4,000 m. The block movement formed the Labuan Basin with a depth over 4,500 m, while the highs of the tilted blocks exposed the Proterozoic granitic basement. 17 Dupal anomaly basalts in the southernmost Kerguelen Plateau ○ ODP Site 738 (2,252 m of water) in the southernmost Kerguelen Plateau (KGP) revealed a section of Oligocene-Maastrichtian nanno ooze-chalk, Campanian-Turonian shallow-water limestone, and terrestrial tholeiitic basalt lava (27.2 m long) in descending order (Alibert, 1991; Bohrmann and Ehrmann, 2006). This core stratigraphy testifies that, after the Early Cretaceous terrestrial flood basalt eruption, a transgression occurred in the Turonian, and the Plateau became deep in the Maastrichtian. The basalts have extremely high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70901 – 0.70984) and extremely low 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.51206 – 0.51211). These isotope values imply the assimilation of continental lithospheric material (probably continental crust) and prove the presence of continental lithosphere or continental crust under the southernmost part of the Plateau (Alibert, 1991; Mahoney et al., 1995; Frey et al., 2003). Figure 6. Subsidence history of the Kerguelen Plateau, after Shipboard Scientific Party (1989). The early Late Cretaceous neritic environment became subaerial, according to the drilling results.1: subaerial eruption of basalt lavas, 2: neritic sedimentation on an open shelf, 3: tilted uplifting and subaerial erosion of the northern part, 4: block faulting and deepening with accumulation of calcareous nanno ooze, 5: climatic cooling and an overlay of diatomaceous ooze. See Fig. 2 for the profile line A-B. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 17 Northeastern Indian Ocean The northern margin of the northeastern Indian Ocean is bounded by the continental margins of AustraliaSunda Arc-Indian Peninsula (Fig. 1). The ocean is divided into many basins by submarine rises that extend in N-S and WNW-ESE directions. 18 Semischists and conglomerates in the South Tasman Rise ○ The South Tasman Rise (STR) is an 800 km-southward protrusion from Tasmania Island. There is a saddle between Tasman Island and the Tasman Rise. The rise has a 1,500 – 2,000 m-deep top, with a summit depth of 730 m and a long, narrow dome-like morphology. The Rise is surrounded by over 4,000 m-deep basins bounded by steep cliffs. DSDP Site 281 (1,591 m deep) is located on the southwestern slope of the summit of the Rise. The recovered cores are: Quaternary-Miocene nanno-foraminiferal ooze, Oligocene-Eocene glauconitic quartzite with basal conglomerate in descending order. Below the unconformity, quartz-muscovite-chlorite semischist appeared (The Shipboard Scientific Party with additional contribution from Wilson, 1975). The semischist is of green schist facies with a whole-rock K-Ar age of 306 Ma (Oenshine et al., 1975). The basal conglomerate layer (2 m thick) consists of sandy pebble-sized conglomerate with detrital grains of semischist and quartz rock mixed with quartzite, glauconite, chert and granite (Andrews et al., 1975). These facts testify that the Tasman Rise is a continental submarine rise (Ovenshine et al., 1975), an extension of Hercynian foldbelt of eastern Australia (Udintsev, 1990). Unit 2 at the base of the Miocene (9.5 m in thickness) is the transitional facies from the Eocene-Oligocene shallow environment to the Miocene-Quaternary deep environment – indicating that the Rise deepened in the Early Miocene (The Shipboard Scientific Party with additional contribution from Wilson, 1975). 19 -○ 23 Continental rocks at the foot of the continental slope of Australia’s southern margin ○ The southern continental margins of Australia continue to the South Australian Basin (SAB) after passing steep continental slopes (4,000 to 5,000 m in depth). Continental rocks have been dredged from several localities at the foot of the continental slope and the basin margins (Fig. 1; Choi, 1997). On the southwestern continental slope of Tasmania the foot of the southern half forms a long fault scarp with a NNW trend. The scarp is of continuous steep cliffs up to 2,500 m high and lacks cover sediments. 19 , water depth 1,800 to Crystalline schists, gneiss, granitoids and pegmatites were dredged there (Fig. 2, ○ 3,750 m); their Kr-Ar ages ranged from Ordovician (444 – 469 Ma) to Early Carboniferous (344 – 355 Ma) (Hinz and Shipboard Party, 1985; Exon et al., 1996). The slopes in the area therefore consist of Paleozoic basement rocks which are unconformably overlain by neritic clastics of Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene age, 18 . similar to the stratigraphy at locality ○ The continental slope south of Adelaide is occupied by a gigantic Cretaceous basin (Otway Basin) with a bottom depth of over 9,000 m. The basement of the Cretaceous basin crops out at the northern margin of the 20 , South Australian Basin (SAB) – metasediments including metaquartzite were dredged there (Fig. 2, ○ 21 , water water depth 4,500 to 4,800 m; Exon and Lee, 1987) and also grey-green to black shale (Fig. 2, ○ depth 4,500 m; Exon et al., 1987). A comparison with land geology suggests that these rocks were Proterozoic to Paleozoic. 22 , water depth 2,070-2,500 m) granodiorite (Davies, 1988), and In the west of the continental slope (Fig. 2, ○ 23 ; M110-DR07) gneisses of amphibolite to granulite facies with a in the westernmost lower slope (Fig. 2, ○ minor amount of granitoids (Borissova, 2002; Beslier et al., 2004; Direen et al., 2007) were dredged from acoustic basements. 24 -○ 25 Dupal anomaly basalts in the Naturaliste Plateau ○ The Naturaliste Plateau is rectangular (200-250 x 400 km) and protrudes westward from the Naturaliste Peninsula at the southwestern tip of the Australian continent. The top of the plateau is 2,100 to 3,000 m 18 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 deep, separated from the continent by a saddle. The crustal thickness is 22 km, but decreases to 12 km under the saddle (Petkovic, 1975). The plateau is separated from surrounding basins over 5,000 m deep by steep slopes, of which the southern slope and a part of the western margin form linear fault scarps. A basaltic cobble (DSDP264-15cc) extracted from the Pre-Albian volcanoclastic conglomerate at the bottom 24 ) and the basaltic rocks Elt 55of the hole at DSDP Site 264 in the southeastern part of the Plateau (Fig. 2, ○ 87 86 25 , six samples) dredged from acoustic basement in the northwestern Plateau yielded high Sr/ Sr 12 (○ ratios (0.71298 and 0.70992 to 0.71302, respectively) and large negative ε Nd values (-12.9 and -7.3 to -12.8), and are rather depleted in Nb and Ta. These isotope and minor element data indicate the assimilation of continental materials, suggesting the presence of continental crust or lithosphere under the Plateau (Mahoney et al., 1995). 26 -○ 28 Gneiss and granitoids in the Naturaliste Plateau ○ 26 , MD110-DR11) the From a steep cliff at the southwestern end of the Naturaliste Plateau (NRP) (Fig. 2, ○ following rocks with a total weight of 77 kg have been dredged: granitoids, gneiss (quartz, kali-feldspar, biotite and garnet gneisses), gabbro, diorite, dolerite, and basalt – proving that at least part of the Plateau is continental and is covered and penetrated by mafic volcanic rocks (Beslier et al., 2004). From two localities 27 , SS09/05DR18; ○ 28 , SS09/05DR21, water depths 3,900 to 3,100 m), further west of the above site (Fig. 2, ○ gneiss and granitoids have been hauled (Hapin et al., 2008). These rocks yielded numeric ages of 1,230 to 1,290 Ma and had experienced low-grade metamorphism 515 Ma ago. These continental rocks came from an acoustic basement in seismic profiles. Because the acoustic basement with the same chaotic reflectors distributes throughout the southern margin of the Plateau, the southern Naturaliste Plateau is considered to be composed of continental rocks (Borissova, 2002). Direen et al. (2007), on the basis of a synthesis of geological and geophysical data, speculated that most of the Plateau is underlain by an attenuated continental crust (12.5 to 16 km thick), and is overlain by Cretaceous basaltic rocks (a few km thick). The Naturaliste Plateau is veneered by Quaternary to Middle Albian hemipelagic sediments. DSDP Site 258 (2,793 m depth) recovered glauconite sandstone and terrigenous claystone below the hemipelagic sediments – implying the deepening of the Plateau in the Albian time (The Shipboard Scientific Party, 1974b). 29 -○ 30 Dupal anomaly basalts in Broken Ridge ○ Broken Ridge (BKR) is a narrow ridge extending WNW-ESE (100-200 x 1,000 km). The top of the ridge is around 2,000 m deep, and the crustal thickness is 18 km. It shows features of tilted blocks with a gentle northern slope (less than 2 degrees) and a linear, steeper southern slope (over 10 degrees) (Mahoney et al., 1995). 29 , M-D8) hauled two Dredgings from the acoustic basement at the eastern end of the southern slope (Fig. 2, ○ basalts, which produced unusually high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70702 and 0.70729), low 206Pb/204Pb ratios (17.997 and 17.982), and negative ε Nd values (-2.6 and -2.7), and are relatively depleted in Nb and Ta. These isotope and minor element data indicate that the M-D8 basalt is contaminated by continental material (Mahoney et 30 , ODP Site 1142), terrestrial al., 1995). On the southern slope of the ridge, 100 km further west (Fig. 2, ○ basaltic lava has been drilled. It was divided into six units, the upper five units being alkaline and the bottom (sixth) unit theoleiitic basaltic andesite. Unit 6 has a very low 206Pb/204Pb ratio and high ∆ 8/4 (=[(208Pb/204Pb)DS – (208Pb/204Pb)NHRL]100; DS = given data set, NHRL = Northern Hemisphere reference line; Hart, 1984), and is relatively depleted in Nb and Ta. These signatures indicate the assimilation of continental materials (Mahoney et al., 1995; Neal et al., 2002; Frey et al., 2003). The terrestrial basalt lava from Site 1142 yields a whole-rock 39Ar/40Ar age of 94 to 95 Ma (Duncan, 2002). The lava was overlain by reefal calcareous sediments during a Santonian transgression. After undergoing a northward tilting movement and subaerial erosion, the region became a littoral environment. It was finally New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 19 covered by pelagic foraminiferal ooze in the Oligocene to Miocene. The deepening therefore took place around the Eocene-Oligocene boundary (The Shipboard Scientific party, 1974a). 31 Continental Triassic system in the Exmouth Plateau ○ The Exmouth Plateau (EMP) forms a NE-trending rectangular Plateau (300 – 400 km x 600 km) with a top depth of 800 to 2,500 m. A saddle called the Kangaroo Basin (1,000 m deep) separates the Exmouth Plateau from the northwestern Australian continental shelf. The northeastern and southwestern Plateau margins are separated from surrounding basins (5,000 to 7,000 m of water) by linear steep scarps. The northeastern part of the Plateau is extensively block-faulted. The Plateau’s crustal thickness is 20 km, its upper half being Phanerozoic sedimentary layers (Exon et al., 1992). A comparison with land geology led us to surmise that the lower half of the sedimentary layers is Permian in age, whereas the upper half (5 to 6 km thick) is Triassic to Quaternary on the basis of hydrocarbon exploration and DSDP well data. Mesozoic rocks are terrestrial to neritic sediments. Deepening occurred in the Latest Cretaceous to Paleocene. Cenozoic sediments consist of chalk and nanno ooze. Among the Mesozoic rocks, Middle to Upper Triassic ones are composed of fluvio-deltaic deposits with the hinterlands being a transitional continental to cratonic interior. Trachytic volcanic rocks appeared in the Upper Triassic. Jurassic-Cretaceous rocks consist of coal-bearing layers and shelf carbonates (Ito et al., 1992). Although no crystalline basement has been sampled from the Exmouth Plateau, the above-described factual data imply the presence of attenuated continental crust. The subsidence of the presumed pre-Permian unconformity reaches 11 to 12 km (Gradstein and Rad, 1991; Exon et al., 1992). 32 Aphanasey Nikitin Rise ○ The Aphanasey Nikitin Rise (ANR), occupying an area of 100 km x 250 km, stands on the over 5,000 m deep-sea floor in the Central Indian Basin (Fig. 1). The Rise has many volcanic cones, the highest summit being 1,549 m below sea level. The 90-75 Ma volcanic activity which formed the Rise is divided into: 1) initial phase – olivine-basalt volcanic cones, 2) main phase – a vast shield volcano of tholeiitic plagioclase basalt, and 3) final phase – summit volcanic cones of subalkaline trachytic basalt-trachyte (Almukhmedov et al., 1993; Borissova et al., 2001). The two pillow lava samples dredged from the 2,000 to 3,000 m deep water (CD28: Mahoney et al., 1996) and the 36 samples (9, 18 and 10 samples respectively) from each of the three phases mentioned above (Brissova et al., 2001) have been analyzed geochemically. All the samples were recovered from exposed acoustic basements and were located from 3°0’S to 3°10’ S. So there is no possibility that they are dropstones from icebergs. All the signatures of the former two and latter nine samples analyzed, including high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70641, 0.70662, and 0.703678-0.706670, respectively), and low 206Pb/204Pb ratios (16.77, 16.80) or 143 Nd/144Nd ratios (0.512117-0.512817), depletion in Ta and Nb, and enrichment in Pb and Ba, indicate the assimilation of continental materials into basaltic rocks, thus suggesting an underlying continental lithosphere (Mahoney et al., 1996; Borisova et al., 2001). 3. Classification of continental rocks The continental rocks in the Indian Ocean described above can be classified into the following groups – as adopted from Yano et al. (2009). (1) Type A: Continental crust-mantle blocks in the continental margins, situated deeper than the sea floor depth (2,000 to 6,000 m). 20 , ○ 21 , ○ 31 A1 (basement blocks beneath deep sedimentary basins): ○ 18 , ○ 19 , ○ 22 , ○ 23 , ○ 26 , ○ 27 , ○ 28 A2 (subsided fault blocks): ○ 20 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 (2) Type B: Continental rocks in ocean basins 1 ,○ 3 ,○ 4 ,○ 5 ,○ 6 ,○ 7 ,○ 8 ,○ 9 ,○ 10 , ○ 11 , ○ 12 B1 (100 km-size block): ○ 2 ,○ 14 (conglomerate), ○ 16 B2 (rock body, rock mass, or mineral grain): ○ (3) Type C: Rocks with geochemical characteristics originating from continental crust-mantle 13 C1 (rocks originating from continental lithospheric mantle): ○ 14 (tuff), ○ 15 , ○ 17 , ○ 24 , ○ 25 , ○ 29 , C2 (rocks originating from partial melting or assimilation of continental rocks): ○ 30 , ○ 32 ○ 14 is included in B2, and felsic tuff in C2. If In the above classification, conglomerate in the Elan Bank ○ 26 to ○ 28 in Naturaliste Plateau can be included continental crust terminates in the eastern part of the saddle, ○ in B1 instead of A2 as classified above. SIGNIFICANCE OF CONTINENTAL ROCKS IN THE OCEAN FLOORS In the earlier summary review by Meyerhoff and Meyerhoff (1974), continental rocks were recorded from 9 localities in the world oceans. Today the number is at least 78 (Fig. 7 and Table 1; Vasiliev, 2006; Vasiliev and Yano, 2006; Choi, 2007; Vasiliev and Yano, 2007; Yano et al., 2009; Yano et al., 2009; this report). The density of ocean-floor geological surveys varies from one area to another. A map of the world deepocean drilling sites ( shows that low-density areas are the South Pacific Ocean, the central and northern parts of the North Pacific, the South Atlantic, the Antarctic margins and the Arctic Ocean. Even considering these variations, the ancient continental rocks discovered in the Pacific Ocean are far fewer in number (Table 1). Our compilation is based on Vasiliev’s summary review (2006). Even if we make allowance for data we have missed, the overall picture will probably remain the same. The paucity of ancient continental rocks is due to the composition of the Pacific Ocean crust – it is predominantly mafic (Vasiliev, 2006 & 2009). The formation of oceans gives rise to the Earth’s dichotomy. In this regard, various hypotheses have been proposed: “permanent ocean”, “ocean-floor spreading”, “oceanization” and “microexpansion”. However, since the ocean floors are known to have been the site of tectonomagmatic activities in Meso-Cenozoic time, the permanent ocean hypothesis has to be abandoned. In this section, we will consider the significance of the continental rocks recovered from ocean floors in relation to the formation of oceans, with emphasis on global-scale circular structures. Table 1. Ancient and continental rocks in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 21 1. Type A This is the group of continental rocks located in continental margins deeper than the ocean-floor depth – 14 localities in the Atlantic and 10 localities in the Indian Ocean. Their presence is explainable either by: stretched and attenuated continental margin blocks that formed during rifting in the ocean-floor spreading theory (Whitmarsh et al., 2001; Rosenbaum et al., 2008, for example), subsided continental fragments in the oceanization theory (Beloussov 1960 & 1990), and the differential rise between the continent and ocean in the microexpansion theory (Hoshino, 1983, 1998 & 2010). Type A continental rocks prove that the region was once part of an adjacent continent. The phenomenon that part of a continent can turn into ocean floor has been accepted by all three proposed ocean-formation theories, with a vast amount of factual data coming from hydrocarbon exploration and deep-sea drillings. 2. Type B This group occurs in mid-oceanic ridges and/or ocean basins: 18 localities in the Atlantic Ocean, 14 in the Indian, and 4 in the Pacific. There are slightly different features in their occurrence in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Atlantic Ocean In the Atlantic Ocean, Type B rocks are widely distributed from mid-oceanic ridges to basins (Fig. 7). Whereas localities of subtype B1 are few, those of subtype B2 are far more common (Table 1). To explain Type B continental rocks plate tectonics has had to introduce additional mechanisms, such as non-spreading blocks, multiple ridge jumping, and oscillatory spreading. But these mechanisms have little factual evidence to support them and the mechanisms themselves are not clearly understood (Yano et al., 2009). However, Type B rocks provide strong factual support for the oceanization and microexpansion theories. Indian Ocean A unique feature of the Indian Ocean is that it has many large-scale submarine rises in its margins 2 ), all Type B rocks occur (Beloussov, 1990). B1 is more common than B2 (Table 1). Except for xenolith (○ in submarine rises. In contrast to the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, Type B rocks have not so far been discovered in the Indian mid-oceanic ridges (Figs. 2 and 7). The many discoveries of continental rocks in the submarine rises in the Indian Ocean forced the ocean-floor spreading theory proponents to propose that Gondwanaland fragments formed during the slow-speed spreading-rifting period along extinct spreading axes (Fig. 2; Storey, 1995; Todal and Eldholm, 1998; Frey et al., 2003, etc.). Oceanization supporters regard Type B rocks as relics of continents that once existed in the present-day oceans. The microexpansion theory explains them as exposures of basalt-covered continental crust (Hoshino, 2010). 22 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Figure 7. Ancient and continental rocks in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, complied from Vasiliev, 2006, Yano et al., 2009 and this paper. Pacific Ocean In the Pacific Ocean subtypes B1 and B2 are scarce in mid-oceanic ridges and basins (Fig. 7; Table 1). No explanation has been given for the presence of Type B continental rocks by the theory of ocean-floor spreading. However, for oceanization and microexpansion supporters, these rocks provide precious hard evidence for clarifying the structure of the Pacific Ocean. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 23 3. Type C Type C rocks are characterized by continental geochemical signatures. They are known to occur at 8 localities in the Atlantic Ocean and 9 localities in the Indian Ocean. Subtype C1 This rock type is continental ultramafic. In the Atlantic Ocean it is exposed in fracture zones near the midoceanic ridge or buried by sediments in the basin margins (Yano et al., 2009). In the Indian Ocean, it occurs 13 ). as volcanic xenoliths (Fig. 2; ○ Ocean-floor spreading proponents have tried to explain them away as fragments of stretched continental lithosphere formed during rifting (Whitmarsh et al., 2001) like Type A rocks, or have invented new mechanisms, as for Type B rocks (Kepezhinskas and Dmitriev, 1992; Hassle and Shimizu, 1998; Mattielli et al., 1999). However, others have admitted that the finds are “not easily explainable” (Bonatti and Honnorez, 1970). On the other hand, the oceanization and microexpansion hypotheses explain Type C1 rocks as exposures or xenoliths of underlying continental lithosphere. Subtype C2 This subtype is derived from the partial melting or assimilation of continental rocks. Plate tectonics traces its origin to old sedimentary rocks, oceanic crust, continental rocks recycling in the mantle, or to underlying continental fragments. Whereas oceanization and microexpansion regard it as originating from concealed continental crust and mantle. In the Indian Ocean the composition of isotopes and minor elements varies largely throughout mid-oceanic ridge basalt and oceanic island basalt, and volcanic rocks with isotope signatures high in 87Sr/86Sr and low in 206 Pb/204Pb and 143Nd/144Nd are widely distributed (Dupré and Allègre, 1983; Mahoney et al., 1998). Among 17 ; ODP site 738) and the Elan Bank them, Subtype C2 rocks in the southernmost Kerguelen Plateau (Fig. 2, ○ 15 ; ODP site 1137) point to the presence of continental rocks underneath. (○ Although not 100% certain, many rocks with a conspicuous Dupal anomaly (87Sr/86Sr ≥ 0.7038; Mahoney et al., 1989) have been discovered in the submarine rises (Fig. 2). They are considered to have assimilated underlying continental materials (Barling et al., 1994; Davies et al., 1989; Frey et al., 2002; Hilton et al., 1995; Mahoney et al., 1989, 1992 & 1995; Mattielli et al., 1999; Neal et al., 2002). If this assumption is correct, Subype C2 rocks would increase by several dozens in the Indian Ocean. This would mean that ocean-floor spreading could apply only to limited areas of the Indian Ocean, whereas it would boost the oceanization and microexpansion theories. 4. Gigantic ring structures The most critical key to the ocean-formation debate is rocks of Types B and C. We will have to wait for the further clarification of their distribution and petrographic characteristics by future advances in marine geology. In this regard one of the clues to understanding the solid Earth structure is represented by two gigantic ring structures. One of the ring structures is the distribution of the Dupal anomaly (Hart, 1984). This anomaly distributes along a small circle from the equator to 60° S latitude with a center at around 30° S latitude (Fig. 8). That the symmetry axis of the Dupal anomaly is close to the Earth’s rotation axis means that the Earth’s rotation has controlled the solid Earth structures for a long time and imposes strong constraints on mantle convection (Hart, 1984). After Hart’s study many researches have been published on the Dupal anomaly – they discussed inhomogeneous upper mantle structures (Nevel et al., 2007; Machida et al., 2009, for example). Based on published data, the present authors presume that there will be a similar Dupal anomaly belt in the northern hemisphere at around 30° N latitude and in the Arctic region. 24 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Another great ring structure is the circum-Pacific mobile belt (40,000 km in length), which develops along a great circle. In this belt since after Late Triassic time, Yanshan-Hiroshima, Bonin, Green Tuff and island arc movements (Fujita, 1990) have occurred. According to plate tectonic theory, the Yanshan-Hiroshima mobile belt comprises zones of active continental margins that are the site of independent subduction zones developed along western and southeastern Gondwanaland, the northern margin of the eastern Tethys, etc. They claim that after travelling continuously for 1,000 to 10,000 km over a time span of 200 Ma, the continuous volcano-seismic belts have aligned accidentally in the form of a great circle at the present moment in Earth history. This explanation is unacceptable – it is too fortuitous and unrealistic (Yano and Adachi, 2006; Yano and Wu, 2006). The circum-Pacific mobile belt has existed stably for 200 Ma and forms the largest circular structure on the Earth today. Naturally it should have imposed strong constraints on the tectonic movement of the solid Earth. Figure 8. Distribution of the Dupal anomaly belt (after Hart, 1984 with the permission of Nature Publishing Group [Licence no. 2602940653531]) and the circum-Pacific mobile belt (after Yano and Adachi, 2006). Baffin Island and West Greenland lavas after Jackson et al. (2010). These two gigantic ring structures suggest that the mantle composition is not homogenous and that the movement in the mantle is not so active and fluidal as generally believed. The inhomogenous, slow-moving mantle has been well characterized by recent studies by Jackson et al. (2010) and Graham (2010) on primordial mantle relics (4.55-4.45 Ga), the source for the Baffin Island-Western Greenland lava (60-62 Ma; Fig. 8) and by Peslier et al. (2010) on the water-poor tectosphere which allowed rigid continental massifs to retain long-term stability. Although seismic tomography has opened up a new era in the study of the Earth’s interior, it should be noted that the seismic velocity structures depicted in profiles reflect differences not only in temperature but also in chemical compositional (Nishimura, 1995). Indirect observations based on geophysical data have been a major driving force in marine research. However, the data represent averaged features with no constraints on time and quality (Vasiliev, 2006). Although still in an early stage, direct observation and analysis of the geology and rocks in the vast ocean floors are now possible, and have led to the discovery of continental rocks of several different types. We New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 25 have entered a new era in which more meaningful discussions can be developed based on rocks from ocean floors, against the background of an inhomogeneous and slow-moving mantle. CONCLUSIONS This paper has reviewed finds of continental rocks in the Indian Ocean, assessed the meaning of ancient continental rocks in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, and examined their implications for oceanformation hypotheses. The findings can be summarized as follows: 1) Continental rocks have been reported from 32 localities in the Indian Ocean (Table 1; Type A – 10, Type B – 14, and Type C – 9). Almost all of them occur in the rises, plateaus, and ridges situated in the marginal basins. However no occurrences are known from the mid-oceanic ridges in contrast to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Fig. 2). 2) A total of 85 ancient continental rocks have been discovered in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans (Fig. 7; Table 1). Type A rocks indicate that part of a continent has submerged and turned to ocean floor, a phenomenon recognized by all ocean-formation hypotheses. Type B and C rocks distributed in mid-oceanic ridges to ocean basins are incompatible with the hypothesis of ocean-floor spreading, but they provide powerful supporting evidence for the oceanization and microexpansion hypotheses. 3) The two gigantic ring structures – the Dupal anomaly belt and the circum-Pacific mobile belt (Fig. 8) indicate that the mantle has an inhomogeneous, slow-moving structure. The keys to future ocean-formation debates are Type B and C rocks. To understand ocean-formation processes, the thermal and compositional inhomogeneity and low fluidity of the mantle are important constraints. Acknowledgements: We sincerely thank Hiroo Kagami for his permission to produce this English version of the Japanese article that appeared in MAGMA, and we also thank him and Atsushi Tanase for their instructive comments on the Japanese version. We thank David Pratt for his invaluable editing of the English version. Kanji Sato and Tomoyoshi Kosaka encouraged us to prepare our papers on continental rocks in the oceans. Several figures are gratefully reproduced with the permission of Nature Publishing Group, in accordance with the applicable permission systems. REFERENCES CITED Alibert, C., 1991. Mineralogy and geochemistry of a basalt from Site 738: Implications for the tectonic history of the southernmost part of the Kerguelen Plateau. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, v. 119, p. 293-298. Allen, R.B. and Tucholke, B.E., 1981. Petrography and implications of continental rocks from the Agulhas Plateau, southwest Indian Ocean. Geology, v. 9, p. 463-468. Almukhamedov, A.I., Kashintsev, G.L., Matveenkov, V.V., Anoshin, G.N. and Sborshikov, I.M., 1993. Geochemical feature of the Aphanasey Nikitin Rise magmas (Indian Ocean). Geologiya i Geofizika, v. 10, p. 132-147 (in Russian). Andrews, P.B., Gostin, V.A., Hampton, M.A., Margolis, S.V. and Ovenshine, A.T., 1975. 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New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 29 9/56 YEAR CYCLE: CALIFORNIAN EARTHQUAKES David McMINN Independent cycle researcher Twin Palms, Blue Knob, NSW 2480, Australia Abstract: This paper examines the prospect of a 9/56 year cycle in the timing of major earthquakes in California Nevada - Baja California. These important events tended to cluster within this grid, far more than could be expected by chance. Hawaiian quakes were also assessed and showed similarities with seismic episodes in south western North America. Furthermore, record seismic quakes appeared selectively within the 9/56 year cycle and included such key historical events as the 1700 Great Cascadia quake, the 1906 San Francisco quake and the 1980 Mt St Helens eruption, as well as the record quakes for Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and Hawaii. Seasonality was another crucial factor as seismic events tended to occur around the same months of the year within various 9/56 configurations. The 9/56 year seismic cycle was hypothesised to arise from tidal triggering by the Moon and Sun. What seemed most significant were the ecliptical positions of the Sun, lunar ascending node and apogee. This implied that the angles between these factors and the spring equinox point may offer clues as to how this cycle actually functions. The siting of the Moon on the ecliptical circle should also have relevance, although no supportive evidence could be offered in the paper. Key words: earthquake, cycle, 56 year, California, Nevada Introduction 9/56 year cycle was first established in the timing of major financial panics in US and Western European history (Funk, 1932; McMinn, 1986, 1995 & 2006) and then extrapolated to seismic events by McMinn (1994 & 2004). This cycle consists of a grid repeating the interval 56 years vertically and 9 years horizontally. The 56 year columns have been called sequences and the 9 year horizontal rows subcycles. Major seismic episodes in California - Nevada - Baja California were found to bunch within this grid, a situation that also applied to major Hawaiian quakes. Record earthquakes in south western North America were also considered in relation to the 9/56 year cycle. A The plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is represented by the 360 degree ecliptical circle, with 00 E° being sited at the spring equinox point. The abbreviation E° was used to denote longitudinal degrees on the ecliptic and was equivalent to the angle made to the spring equinox point. The 56 year sequences have been numbered in accordance with McMinn (1995), with 1817, 1873, 1929 and 1985 being designated Sequence 01, 1818, 1874, 1930, 1986 as Sequence 02 and so forth. The full numbering was presented by McMinn (Appendix 2, 2002). 9/56 Year Seismic Cycle The US Geological Survey listed major quakes (mag => 6.9) occurring in California, Nevada and Baja California for the 1800-2000 period, with post 2000 events being inserted by the author (see Appendix 1). This compilation gave 31 events, of which 10 took place in the 12 months beginning April 15 of those years in Table 1. This compared with 2.5 that could have been expected by chance. Table 1 comprised five 56 year sequences or about 9% of the complete 9/56 year grid. However, it contained: * 36% of all major Californian earthquakes. * 58% of all major Californian earthquakes taking place in October to December. Crucially, four 56 year sequences in Table 1 (Sqs 25, 34, 43 & 52) experienced many record events. * Sqs 25 & 43 – First and second rank quakes in Baja California (mag 7.2. Apr 4, 2010 & mag 7.1 Nov 21, 1915). * Sq 34 – Record northern Californian quake (San Francisco. mag 8.25. April 18, 1906). * Sq 34 – Record New Mexico quakes happened on July 16 and November 15 in New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 30 * * * * * 1906 (both mag 5.8). Sq 34 - Equal first rank Arizona quake (Flagstaff. mag 6.2. Jan 25, 1906). Sq 43 - Record quake for Nevada (Pleasant Valley. mag 7.7. Oct 3, 1915). Sq 52 - Record quake for western USA (Great Cascadia. mag 9.0. Jan 26, 1700). Sq 52 - Record quake for Hawaii (mag 7.9. Apr 2, 1868). Sq 52 - Record US volcanic eruption (ex Alaska) (Mt St Helens, May 18, 1980). The notable exception was the record event for southern California (Fort Tejon, mag 8.25. Jan 9, 1857). Sq 25 Table 1 9/56 YEAR CYCLE: MAJOR QUAKES IN CALIFORNIA – NEVADA – BAJA CALIFORNIA 1800 – 2010 (mag => 6.9) Year beginning April 15 Sq Sq Sq 34 43 52 Sq 05 1803 +9 1812 Dec 08 Dec 21 1868 Oct 21 +9 1821 +9 1877 1841 +9 1850 +9 1859 +9 1897 +9 1906 Apr 18 +9 +9 1924 +9 1933 1953 +9 1962 +9 1915 Oct 03 Nov 21 1971 +9 1980 Nov 08 +9 1989 Oct 18 2009 Aug 03 2010 Apr 04 Years in bold contained quakes (mag => 6.9) in the year beginning April 15. Moderate Californian Earthquakes The US Geological Survey listed some 45 moderate earthquakes (=> 6.5 to =< 6.8 mag) for California – Nevada – Baja California during the period 1800 to 2010 (see Appendix 2). Of this figure, 17 occurred in an 18/56 year pattern (see Table 2), where as chance would dictate about 5.6. Table 2 Sq 10 1826 1882 1938 1994 #* 18/56 YEAR CYCLE: MODERATE QUAKES IN CALIFORNIA – NEVADA – BAJA CALIFORNIA 1800 – 2010 (mag 6.5 to 6.8) Year beginning January 1 Sq Sq Sq Sq Sq Sq 28 46 08 26 44 06 1804 1822 1806 1824 1842 1860 1878 * 1844 1862 1880 1898 1916 1934 ** #** 1900 1918 1936 1954 1972 1990 #* #***** 1956 1974 1992 2010 * ##** ##** 2012 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 31 The 56 year sequences are separated by an interval of 18 years. # Denotes major earthquakes => 6.9 mag in this table. * Denotes moderate earthquakes => 6.5 to =< 6.8 mag. Source of Raw Data: US Geological Survey. Major earthquakes (mag => 6.9) in south western North America happened preferentially in a 9/56 year pattern shown in Table 1. However, the lesser events mainly took place in an 18/56 year grid and in a different sector of the complete 9/56 year grid. Seasonality Sequences 43, 52 & 05 in Table 1 contained 7 major quakes in the 2.7 months to December 21, whereas only 0.5 could have been expected by chance. Such seasonality also showed up in other 9/56 year patterns. In the following grid, four important Californian quakes occurred in the 1.5 months to January 31, including the 1700 Great Cascadia and the 1857 Great Fort Tejon earthquakes. Sq 52 1700 Jan 26 1756 1812 Sq 05 Sq 14 Sq 23 Sq 32 Sq 41 Sq 50 1765 1821 1774 1830 1783 1839 1792 1848 1810 1866 1868 1877 1886 1895 1904 1801 1857 Jan 09 1913 1924 1933 1932 Dec 21 1989 1942 1951 1960 1969 1998 2007 2016 2025 1980 1922 Jan 31 1978 In Sequences 12 & 21, two major Californian quakes happened in the month to June 15. Sq 12 1884 1940 May 19 1996 +9 +9 +9 Sq 21 1893 1949 2005 Jun 15 The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 1980 Mt St Helens eruption took place in the month to May 18. Sq 34 1850 1906 Apr 18 1962 +9 +9 Sq 43 1803 1859 1915 +9 +9 +9 +9 1971 +9 Sq 52 1812 1868 1924 1980 May 18 2009 & 2010 Baja California Quakes The August 3, 2009 Baja California earthquake (mag 6.9) showed seasonality, as three major earthquakes (mag => 6.9) occurred in the 1.3 months ended August 20. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 32 1823 1879 1935 1991 Jul 12 Aug 17 +9 +9 +9 +9 1832 1888 1944 2000 +9 +9 +9 +9 1841 1897 1953 2009 Aug 03 The April 4, 2010 Baja Californian event (mag 7.2) occurred in the following 9/56 year grid together with two other major April quakes (mag => 6.9). The Californian earthquake of 1992 was anomalous as it happened mid year. The earthquakes on October 22, 2010 (Baja California) and December 16, 1954 (California) took place late in the year. 1806 1862 1918 Apr 21 1974 1815 1871 1927 1824 1880 1936 1833 1889 1945 1983 1992 Apr 25 Jun 28 2001 1842 1898 1954 Dec 16 2010 Apr 04 Oct 22 Hawaiian Earthquakes Hawaiian earthquakes often occurred within a similar section of the complete 9/56 year grid, as recorded for California in Table 1. The US Geological Survey listed 15 major quakes for the island of Hawaii (see Appendix 3). Of this figure, 8 took place in the 12 months ended August 31 of those years in Table 3, whereas 1.6 could have been expected by chance. Table 3 Sq 34 Sq 43 9/56 YEAR CYCLE: HAWAIIAN QUAKES Year ended August 31 Sq 52 1868 Mar 28 Apr 02 Sq 05 Sq 14 Sq 34 1877 1886 1895 1906 1915 1924 1933 1942 Sep 25 1962 Jun 27 1971 1980 1989 Jun 25 1998 1951 Apr 22 Aug 21 2007 2006 Oct 15 The 56 year sequences are each separated by an interval of 9 years. Years in bold contained major Hawaiian earthquakes in the 12 months ending August 31 of those years in the table. Five Hawaiian quakes occurred in the 3 months ended June 27 of those years in Table 3, while coincidence would give about 0.4. The record quake for Hawaii (Apr 2, 1868) also fell in Sequence 52 and thus within the same 9/56 year sector as did most record earthquakes in south western North America (Sqs 25, 34, 43 & 52). Discussion To the author’s knowledge, the timing of solar and lunar eclipses cannot be correlated to the timing of earthquakes. However, eclipse cycles are vitally important, because they give the repeating angles between Moon-Sun factors that determine the tidal forces on the Earth’s surface. Importantly, tidal triggering is the hypothetical mechanism for activating major earthquakes within the 9/56 year grid. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 33 Very similar angles between the Moon, the Sun, ascending node and apogee repeat every 223 synodic months (or one 18.0 year Saros), while the Earth - Moon distance will also be the same. These angles will also recur in similar ecliptical positions - plus about 11 degrees anticlockwise on the ecliptical circle every 223 synodic months (see Table 4). This repetition of angles is a property of the 223 synodic month interval that is separate from eclipse phenomena. 223 synodic months divided by two gives the Half Saros of 111.5 synodic months. Every 9.0 tropical years, the Moon repeats the same angle to the ascending node, with the Sun 180 degrees on the opposite side of the angular circle. The apogee - Sun angle is similar, while the apogee – Moon angle changes in multiples of 60 degrees. Every 1385 synodic months (or one 112 year eclipse cycle), the ecliptical positions of the Moon, Sun and ascending node repeat closely, giving rise to similar angles between these factors. Every 112 years, apogee will be sited plus about 240 degrees further anticlockwise on the ecliptic. Thus, the relative angles of apogee to the Moon, Sun and ascending node will increase by about 240 degrees. On the same date every 56 years, the ascending node is located a further 3 E° clockwise on the ecliptical circle (eg: as on July 1: 1761 - AN at 48 E°; 1817 - 45 E°; 1873 - 42 E°; 1929 - 39 E°; 1985 - 36 E°) (see Appendix 5). This reflects a close alignment between the 18.6 year lunar nutation cycle and the solar year. Every 692.5 synodic months (or one 56.0 year cycle), the Sun forms the same angle to the ascending node with the Moon 180 degrees on the opposite side of the angular circle. The relative angles of apogee to the Moon, Sun and ascending node change in multiples of 60 degrees. The 9/56 year cycle arises because the intervals of 111.5 and 692.5 synodic months give the angles of 0 and 180 degrees between the Moon, Sun and ascending node that recur very closely. Angles involving apogee repeat in multiples of about 60 degrees. 111.5 synodic months interval is equivalent to the 18.0 year Saros divided by two, while 692.5 synodic months is derived by dividing the 112 year eclipse cycle by two (see Appendix 4). Both the 18 year Saros and the 112 year cycle were listed by Robert van Gent in his extensive coverage of key Moon-Sun eclipse cycles. The importance of 0, 60, 120 and 180 degree angles in these cycles probably involves the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th harmonics. Table 4 Date Nov 16, 1906 Nov 26, 1924 Dec 08, 1942 Dec 18, 1960 Nov 16, 1906 Nov 21, 1915 Nov 26, 1924 Dec 01, 1933 Dec 08, 1942 Dec 13, 1951 Dec 18, 1960 Nov 29, 1682 Nov 22, 1794 9/56 YEAR ECLIPSE CYCLES AND THE ECLIPTICAL POSITION OF MOON-SUN FACTORS Phase Moon Sun Asc Node Apo E° E° E° E° 223 Synodic Month Interval (One Saros) NM 233 233 126 074 NM 244 244 138 087 NM 255 255 149 101 NM 267 267 160 115 111.5 Synodic Month Interval (One Half Saros) NM 233 233 126 074 FM 058 238 312 081 NM 244 244 138 087 FM 069 249 323 095 NM 255 255 149 101 FM 081 261 334 108 NM 267 267 160 115 1385 Synodic Month Interval (One 112 Year cycle) NM 248 248 138 321 NM 241 241 132 198 34 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Nov 16, 1906 Nov 07, 2018 NM 233 233 126 074 NM 225 225 120 310 692.5 Synodic Month Interval (One 56 Year cycle) Nov 29, 1682 NM 248 248 138 321 Nov 25, 1738 FM 064 244 135 079 Nov 22, 1794 NM 241 241 132 198 Nov 19, 1850 FM 057 237 129 316 Nov 16, 1906 NM 233 233 126 074 Nov 11, 1962 FM 049 229 123 192 Nov 07, 2018 NM 225 225 120 310 This table was presented to provide an example of how the Half Saros and 56 year cycle function in relation to ecliptical positions of the Moon, the Sun, ascending node and apogee. Abbreviations: NM New Moon; FM Full Moon Lunar Ascending Node Any events falling with significance in a 9/56 year pattern will always have the ascending node sited in two sectors approximately opposite in the ecliptical circle. For example, all 10 Californian earthquakes in Table 1 occurred with the lunar ascending node in two narrow segments of the ecliptical circle: * 285 – 325 E o - a 40 degree segment. * 135 – 145 Eo - a 10 degree segment. Events in an 18/56 year grid will have the ascending node in the same ecliptical sector. All 17 moderate events in the 18/56 year grid (see Table 2) happened with the ascending node located between 250 and 320 Eo, a 70 degree ecliptical segment. No exceptions arose for either pattern, a factor very unlikely to occur by chance. Apogee. Major earthquakes in California (see Table 1) and Hawaii (see Table 3) occurred with apogee sited in one of three sectors on the ecliptical circle: 050 – 095 Eo (7 events), 175 – 210 Eo (6) and 290 – 335 Eo (5) with no exceptions. Any phenomena occurring preferentially in a 9/56 pattern will have the apogee point grouped into three segments 120 degrees apart on the ecliptical circle. Apogee and the lunar nodes are strongly associated with Moon-Sun tidal effects and these forces may help explain why Californian and Hawaiian earthquakes fall within 9/56 and 18/56 year patterns. Aphelion – Perihelion. In a heavenly bodies’ orbit around the Sun, aphelion is the point where its distance to the Sun is greatest, while perihelion gives the least distance. For the Earth, the Sun is at aphelion on about July 4 and at perihelion on about January 4. On the latter date, Sun’s tidal effect would be strongest and this may have relevance to the timing of October to January Californian earthquakes in Table 1. No evidence can be offered to support this conjecture. Conclusions Major earthquakes (mag => 6.9) in California – Nevada – Baja California fell preferentially within the 9/56 year pattern as shown in Table 1. This particularly applied to events in the 2.7 months ended December 21. Four 56 year sequences (Sqs 25, 34, 43 & 52) also contained many record quakes in south western North America. Strangely, the major earthquakes (mag => 6.9) tended to group within one sector of the complete 9/56 year grid, where as moderate earthquakes happened in an 18/56 year grid (see Table 2) and in a different sector of the 9/56 year grid. It was assumed that both major and moderate quakes would occur in the same 9/56 year configuration, but this was not observed. Interestingly, Hawaiian earthquakes often took place within a similar sector of the complete 9/56 year grid – Sequences 34, 43, 52 & 05 in Table 1 for Californian quakes also appeared in Table 3 for Hawaiian quakes. Any events clustering in a 9/56 year configuration will always have the lunar ascending node in two narrow segments approximately opposite in the ecliptical circle. For events in an 18/56 year grid, the ascending New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 35 node will always be located within one segment of the ecliptic. Furthermore, the 9/56 year grid will always give the apogee point in restricted ecliptical segments 120 degrees apart. Seasonality was found to be relevant, as seismic events often happened around the same months within 9/56 patterns. Overall, the 9/56 year seismic cycle is speculated to arise from the varying angles between the Sun, lunar ascending node, apogee and the spring equinox point. The Moon should also have significance, although no supportive evidence was presented in the paper. Other factors may be important, such as diurnal cycles, the horizontal plane, perihelion and so forth, but this remains conjectural. The findings strongly suggest that Moon-Sun tidal triggering activates major earthquakes, causing them to happen within 9/56 year patterns. It implies that the Moon-Sun effect in seismology may be much stronger than previously considered possible. How these forces actually function remains the great unknown. Hopefully this paper offers some insights that will assist the design of much needed follow up research. If the Moon-Sun mathematics can ever be deciphered, accurate predictions could be given for windows when major quakes were most likely to occur. Such a breakthrough could potentially save many lives. References Funk, J.M., 1932. The 56 Year Cycle in American Business Activity. Ottawa, IL. McMinn, D., 1986. The 56 Year Cycles & Financial Crises. 15th Conference of Economists. The Economics Society of Australia. Monash University, Melbourne. Aug 25-29. McMinn, D., 1994. Mob Psychology & The Number 56. The Australian Technical Analysts Association Newsletter, p 28. March. McMinn, D., 1995. Financial Crises & The 56 Year Cycle. Twin Palms Publishing. McMinn, D., 2004. Market Timing By The Number 56. Twin Palms Publishing. McMinn, D., 2006. Market Timing By The Moon and The Sun. Twin Palms Publishing. McMinn, D., 2002 9/56Year Cycle: Financial Crises. US Geological Survey. Californian Earthquake History: 1769 to Present. US Geological Survey. van Gent, R., A Catalogue of Eclipse Cycles. Acknowledgements: The author wishes to thank the editor Dong Choi and the reviewer for their many helpful suggestions during the revision of the original manuscript. Their input was most appreciated. Year 1812 1812 1838 1857 1868 1872 1892 1899 1906 1915 1915 1918 1922 1923 1927 1932 1934 Appendix 1 MAJOR EARTHQUAKES IN CALIFORNIA - NEVADA - BAJA CALIFORNIA 1800 – 2010 (mag => 6.9) Mth Dy Mag Location 12 08 7.0 Wrightwood 12 21 7.0 Santa Barbara Channel 06 00 7.0 San Francisco Peninsula 01 09 8.25 Great Tejon earthquake 10 21 7.0 Hayward Fault 03 26 7.6 Owens Valley 02 24 7.0 Laguna Salada, BC 04 16 7.0 West of Eureka 04 18 8.25 Great San Francisco quake 10 03 7.3 Pleasant Valley, Nevada 11 21 7.1 Volcano Lake, BC 04 21 6.9 San Jacinto 01 31 7.3 West of Eureka 01 22 7.2 Cape Mendocino 11 04 7.3 South West of Lompoc 12 21 7.2 Cedar Mountain, Nevada 12 31 7.0 Colorado River New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 36 1940 1952 1954 1980 1989 1991 1992 1992 1994 1999 2005 2009 2010 2010 05 07 12 11 10 08 04 06 09 10 06 08 04 10 19 26 16 08 18 17 25 28 01 16 15 03 04 22 7.1 7.7 7.1 7.2 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.3 6.9 7.2 7.2 6.9 7.2 6.9 Imperial Valley Kern County Fairview Peak, Nevada West of Eureka Loma Prieta West of Crescent City Cape Mendocino Landers Mendocino Fracture Zone Hector Mine Offshore Northern California Baja California Mexicali, Baja California Baja California (a) Includes quakes in California, Nevada and Baja California (mag => 6.9). Events in bold occurred in the 12 months beginning April 15 of those years in Table 1. Main Source: US Geological Survey Californian Earthquake History: 1769 to Present. Appendix 2 MODERATE QUAKES IN CALIFORNIA, NEVADA & BAJA CALIFORNIA 1800 – 2010 (mag => 6.5 to =< 6.8) Year Mth Day Mag Location 1800 11 22 6.5 San Diego region 1836 6 10 6.75 Hayward Valley 1852 11 29 6.5 Volcano Lake, BC 1860 3 15 6.5 Carson City, Nevada region 1865 10 8 6.5 S. Santa Cruz Mountains 1872 3 26 6.75 Owens Valley 1872 4 11 6.75 Owens Valley 1873 11 23 6.75 Crescent City 1887 6 3 6.5 Carson City, Neveda region 1890 2 9 6.5 San Jacinto or Elsinore fault 1892 4 19 6.5 Vacaville 1892 5 28 6.5 San Jacinto or Elsinore fault 1898 3 31 6.5 Mare Island 1898 4 15 6.5 Mendocino 1911 7 1 6.5 Calaveras fault 1903 1 24 6.6 1910 8 5 6.6 W. of Crescent City 1915 12 31 6.5 W. of Eureka 1918 7 15 6.5 W. of Eureka 1934 7 6 6.5 W. of Eureka 1934 12 30 6.5 Laguna Salada, BC 1941 2 9 6.6 1942 10 21 6.5 Fish Creek Mountains 1948 12 4 6.5 Desert Hot Springs 1954 7 6 6.6 1954 8 24 6.8 Stillwater, Nevada 1954 11 25 6.5 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 1954 12 16 6.8 Dixie Valley, Nevada 1954 12 21 6.6 E. of Arcata 1956 2 9 6.8 San Miguel, BC 1968 4 9 6.5 Borrego Mountain 1971 2 9 6.5 San Fernando 1979 10 15 6.5 Imperial Valley 1983 5 2 6.5 Coalinga 1984 9 10 6.7 1987 11 24 6.6 Superstition Hills 1992 4 26 6.5 Cape Mendocino 1992 4 26 6.6 Cape Mendocino 1994 1 17 6.7 Northridge 1995 2 19 6.6 W. of Eureka 2003 12 22 6.6 San Simeon 2005 6 17 6.6 Offshore northern California 2006 1 4 6.5 Santa Rosalia BC 2010 1 10 6.5 Offshore northern California 2010 10 21 6.5 La Paz BC (a) Includes quakes in California - Nevada - Baja California (mag => 6.5 to =< 6.8). Events in bold occurred in the year beginning January 1 of those years in Table 2. Main Source: US Geological Survey Californian Earthquake History: 1769 to Present. Appendix 3 MAJOR HAWAIIAN QUAKES: 1865-2007 Year Mar 28, 1868 Apr 2, 1868 Oct 5, 1929 Sept 25, 1941 May 29, 1950 Apr 22, 1951 Aug 21, 1951 May 23, 1952 Mar 30, 1954 June 27, 1962 Apr 26, 1973 Nov 29, 1975 Nov 16, 1983 June 25, 1989 Oct 15, 2006 Mag 6.5-7.0 7.5-8.1 6.5 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.9 6.0 6.5 6.1 6.2 7.2 6.6 6.1 6.6 Region Mauna Loa south flank Mauna Loa south flank Hualalai Kaoiki Mauna Loa southwest rift Kilauea Kona Kona Kilauea south flank Kaoiki Honomu Kilauea south flank Kaoiki Kilauea south flank Offshore west side of the island Years in bold contained major Hawaiian earthquakes in the 12 months ending August 31 of those years in Table 3. Source of Raw Data: US Geological Survey 37 38 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Appendix 4 9 & 56 YEAR LUNISOLAR CYCLES 18.0 Year Saros Days 6,574.36 6,585.78 6,585.32 6,584.51 6,585.35 6,585.55 9.0 Year Half Saros Days 3,287.18 3,292.89 3,292.66 3,292.26 3,292.68 3,292.77 112.0 Year Cycle Days 40,906.88 40,901.16 40,899.89 40,900.44 40.899.94 40,900.12 56.0 Year Cycle 20,453.44 20,450.58 20,449.94 Years 18.00 18.03 18.03 18.03 18.03 18.03 Years 9.00 9.02 9.02 9.01 9.02 9.02 Years 112.00 111.98 111.98 111.98 111.98 111.98 56.00 55.99 55.99 Lunisolar cycles 18.0 Tropical Years 19.0 Nodical Years 223.0 Synodic Months (One Saros) 241.0 Tropical Months 242.0 Nodical Months 239.0 Apogee Months Lunisolar Cycles 9.0 Tropical Years 9.5 Nodical Years 111.5 Synodic Months (One Half Saros) 120.5 Tropical Months 121.0 Nodical Months 119.5 Apogee Months Lunisolar Cycles 112.0 Tropical Years 118.0 Nodical Years 1385.0 Synodic Months (One 112 Year Cycle) 1497.0 Tropical Months 1503.0 Nodical Months 1484.33 Apogee Months 56.0 Tropical Years 59.0 Nodical Years 692.5 Synodic Months (One 56 Year Cycle) 20,450.23 55.99 748.5 Tropical Months 20,449.97 55.99 751.5 Nodical Months 20,450.06 55.99 742.17 Apogee Months Synodic Month (or Lunar Month) is the interval between successive new Moons and is equal to 29.5306 days. Tropical Year (or Solar Year) is the time taken for the Sun to complete one cycle of the ecliptic from spring equinox to spring equinox and is equal to 365.2422 days. Tropical Month is the time taken for the Moon to complete one cycle of the ecliptic from spring equinox to spring equinox and is equal to 27.3216 days. Nodical Month (or Draconic Month) is the time taken for the Moon to complete one cycle from ascending node to ascending node and is equal to 27.2122 days. Nodical Year (or Eclipse Year) is the time taken for the Sun to complete one cycle from ascending node to ascending node and is equal to 346.6201 days. Apogee Month (or Anomalistic Month) is the time taken for the Moon to complete one cycle from apogee to apogee and is equal to 27.5546 days. Source: McMinn, 1995. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Appendix 5 39 MOON-SUN BACKGROUND INFORMATION Apogee Apogee is the point in the lunar orbit, where the Moon is the greatest distance from Earth, while perigee is the least distance. In the lunar apse cycle, the apogee – perigee axis (apsides) rotates counter clockwise around the ecliptical circle, with apogee passing from spring equinox to spring equinox every 8.8474 tropical years. The apsides axis is very important in oceanic tides on Earth. When the full/new Moon is at apogee, the amplitude of tides in New York Harbor is 50% lower than when the full/new Moon is at perigee. Apogee could be expected to play a key role in any Moon-Sun seismic effect. 9.0 divided by the 8.8474 year apse cycle yielded 1.02, while 56.0 divided by the apse cycle gave 6.33 (6 plus one third). Thus, every 9.0 years in the 9/56 year grid, apogee will be sited about 6 degrees further anticlockwise on the ecliptical circle. Every 56.0 years, apogee will be located 120 degrees further anticlockwise on the ecliptical circle. In the 9/56 year grid, apogee will therefore always located in three segments approximately 120 degrees apart on the ecliptical circle. For example, Table A gives the apogee position as on July 1 of those years in a 9/56 year grid. Apogee is always located in the following three segments 120 degrees apart 335 – 013 Eo; 095 – 135 Eo and 215 – 250 Eo with no exceptions. Table A 9/56 YEAR CYCLE & THE POSITION OF APOGEE Ecliptical Degree of Apogee on July 1 Sq 32 Sq 41 Sq 50 Sq 03 Sq 12 1763 1772 000 007 1792 1801 1810 1819 1828 100 106 113 119 126 1848 1857 1866 1875 1884 219 225 231 237 244 1904 1913 1922 1931 1940 337 344 350 356 002 1960 1969 1978 1987 1996 096 102 108 115 121 The 56 year sequences are separated by an interval of 9 years. Sq 21 1781 013 1837 131 1893 250 1949 008 2005 127 Apogee takes 5.995 tropical years to complete one cycle ascending node to ascending node. The 18.0 year Saros eclipse cycle divided by 6 produced the integral number three and the 9 year Half Saros divided by 6 gave 1.5 (one plus a half). The 56 year cycle divided by 6 gave 9.3333 tropical years (9 plus one third). Thus the angle between the ascending node and apogee oscillates by about 180 degrees every 9.0 years and by about 120 degrees every 56.0 years. This is illustrated on the same date in Table B, which gives ascending node – apogee angles grouping 60 degrees apart in the angular circle with no exceptions. Table B 9/56 YEAR CYCLE: ANGLE BETWEEN THE ASCENDING NODE & APOGEE Angle btn Ascending Node and Apogee on July 1 Sq 32 Sq 41 Sq 50 Sq 03 Sq 12 1763 1772 341 162 1792 1801 1810 1819 1828 282 102 283 103 283 1848 1857 1866 1875 1884 044 224 044 224 046 1904 1913 1922 1931 1940 165 346 166 346 168 1960 1969 1978 1987 1996 287 107 287 108 288 The 56 year sequences are separated by an interval of 9 years. Sq 21 1781 342 1837 103 1893 225 1949 346 2005 108 40 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Equinoxes These points are sited where the plane of the Earth’s equator projected out into the sky (celestial equator) cuts the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun (ecliptic). At these points, the equatorial ascending node is where the Sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north at 0 E° (0 Aries - vernal or spring equinox at around 20 March). The equatorial descending node is where the Sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south at 180 E° (0 Libra - autumnal equinox at around 22 September). Lunar Ascending Node The lunar nodes are imaginary points in the heavens, where the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun (the ecliptic) is cut by the plane of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth. The ascending (north) node is where the Moon crosses the ecliptic from south to north, where as the descending (south) node is where the Moon crosses from north to south. In the lunar nutation cycle, it takes 18.62 years for the ascending node to complete one cycle from spring equinox to spring equinox. Table C shows the ecliptical position of the lunar ascending node as on July 1 in a 9/56 year grid. This point is always found in two segments approximately 180 degrees apart in the ecliptical circle with no exceptions. Table C 9/56 YEAR CYCLE & THE POSITION OF THE ASCENDING NODE Ecliptical Degree of Ascending Node on July 1 Sq 32 Sq 41 Sq 50 Sq 03 Sq 12 1763 1772 019 205 1792 1801 1810 1819 1828 178 004 190 016 202 1848 1857 1866 1875 1884 175 001 187 013 199 1904 1913 1922 1931 1940 172 358 184 010 196 1960 1969 1978 1987 1996 169 355 181 007 193 The 56 year sequences are separated by an interval of 9 years. Sq 21 1781 031 1837 028 1893 025 1949 022 2005 019 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 41 SHORT NOTES (The following two short submissions by authors Sergey Anikeev and Vladimir Dunichev present some radical views of the machinations of geological processes and perhaps will stimulate discussion from readers of NCGT.) DEPTH (ENDOGENOUS) ENERGY ISSUES Sergey ANIKEEV and Vladimir DUNICHEV Sakhalin State University, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia; I t is believed that rocks are highly heated at depths of tens of kilometers. This energy is called depth or endogenous energy. What facts support this? No device has been installed at such depths. Hence, the direct data about presence of depth energy are absent. It is not surprising that physicists do not allocate such kinetic energy. There are mechanical, thermal, gravitational and other kinds of kinetic energy, but there is no depth energy. If there is no direct evidence, let’s consider indirect data. 1. Increasing temperature in the lithosphere, with depth, indicates the presence of a heat source at depth. It is an incorrect statement. It would be correct if the heat gain increased progressively. However, heat measurements in wells show a regressive, decelerating, gain in temperature, at depth: at 1 km the rate of increase is 3°С per hundred meters, at a temperature value of 30°С; at 2 km the gain is 2.9°С, with a temperature 59°С; at 3 km the figures are 2.7°С per 100 km, with a temperature of 86°С. This does not necessarily indicate a source in the depths. 2. There are basalts on the surface of the globe. There is coarse-crystalline granite at depth underlying crystalline slates and medium-grained gneisses. The distance between atoms is wider in amorphous substances than in crystalline bodies. Therefore, amorphous substances are more energy-saturated than crystalline. If there is depth energy, there would be high energy saturated basalt at depth, and crystalline granite forming on the surface. But the opposite occurs. Again, this suggest no heat source at depth. 3. The fact of outflow of lava is used as the empirical (observable) fact of endogenous energy presence. Molten lava evidently rises from the depth to the lithosphere surface., indicating extreme heat at depth, i.e. a depth-energy presence. But such conclusion is unwarranted. We observe the glowing lava on the surface, but we do not see or know what is beneath. A small analogy: if a number of men have left a room, one would conclude that there would be less people left inside. Indeed, no people might remain in the room. Outflowing lava indicates that thermal energy has risen and there is therefore less energy remaining in the depth. Thus, there may not be enough to provide a (general) heat source in the depths. So, neither direct nor indirect data prove the presence of endogenous energy at depth. It is a simulacrum – a copy which does not have its origin in nature, but is sensual-evident (empirical) image created by man, the fiction existing only in the human brain. If there is no depth energy, what is the thermal energy that heats the lava? Here, solar energy on the lithosphere surface has a role. The mechanism is as follows: granite, basalt, sandstone, limestone and other rocks on the surface weather to fragments and to clay, absorbing solar radiation. The alteration products accumulate solar energy in the form of potential free superficial energy, with internal energy the cause of atoms spreading, when crystalline minerals change to the amorphous. Alteration products, carried down to the bottom of the seas under gravity action, mix and average the chemical compounds. Layers of clay and sand are formed as cover. Its structure = (granite + basalt)/2. Overlapping by new layers leads to cementation, and then recrystallization of clays into argillites, slates, 42 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 gneisses, granites. There is a hydro-silicate solution of basalt composition between the granite crystals. Potential free, superficial, internal energy transforms into kinetic thermal energy in the process of recrystallization, which heats up a basalt solution. This, being less dense, rises to the surface as lava. Heat comes from beneath, but this is not endogenous energy. It is solar energy accumulated in the clay and released in course of its recrystallization into the granite. ******************** LITHOSPHERE PLATE ISSUES Sergey ANIKEEV, Vladimir DUNICHEV Sakhalin State University, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia; L et's find out what a lithospheric plate is and whether it exists in a reality or represents a simulacrum – a copy which does not have the original, and exists only in brain of a human. From a position of geometry, a plate represents a rectangular parallelepiped or the tetrahedral prism, two lateral opposite faces of which are much wider than two other lateral. Simple examples of plate models are books or cell phones. A projection of a plate on a plane is a rectangle. It is believed that the length and width of lithospheric plates are first thousands and hundreds of kilometers, respectively, with thickness up to 300 kilometers. The plate is called lithospheric because it comprises the lithosphere or rock shell of the Earth. If you lean a book or a cell phone against the globe – the model of the Earth – you will have the book contacting the globe surface in one point and the rest of the book hanging in midair (Fig. 1). Here comes a conclusion: the spherical form of the Earth does not allow for lithosphere plates to exist on the rock shell of the planet. Fig. 1. Illustration of flat lithosphere plate location on the spherical Earth with one point of contact. But, suppose, that the plate is bent to cover the lithospheric surface - although the plate is not rubber, but rocky and cannot be bent. Here, you have an arch instead of a plate in the end. The length of the arch will be the greatest on lithosphere surface, and will be reducing towards the center of the planet. A cone will result, instead of plate (Fig. 2). The top of the sunken cone is recorded by an earthquake hypocenter, and the base by an epicenter area of oval form. Fig. 2. Model of gravitational cone on the globe (top – an earthquake hypocenter, base – an epicenter area). New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 43 There are numerous bases of sunken cones on the lithosphere surface in the form of ocean basins, gulfs and bays in the coastal zone, plains of land and lakes on them. All these sunken structures have oval forms. Taking into account spherical form of the Earth, any plunging solid body will be only a cone, but never a plate. Plates, even if they would exist, cannot move on a sphere. People move them on a flat surface of a physical map. But the real surface of our planet is not flat, but spherical. Therefore, if the plates exist in reality, each of them will contact the Earth surface in one point, and two plates will face far into the air (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Illustration of flat lithosphere plates contact on the spherical Earth. It is impossible to move in a horizontal direction on a spherical surface. Movement of a solid body is possible only in case of mechanical energy application with arm and point of bearing. There is nothing to support such movement of lithospheric plates in nature. The plate would need to be pushed, applied a movement impulse. The vector size relates to the multiplication of weight of the plate to its speed and the weight of the plate would be unimaginably huge. Gravity directed vertically downwards to the center of planet authentically effects on all bodies on the lithosphere surface. The total vector movement, from a movement and gravity impulse, would be inclined downwards (Fig. 4). Plates could not move on a horizontal surface: they would plunge downwards at once. So, lithospheric plates are an illustration of flat and motionless form of the Earth with ignoring of gravity. This is not scientific view, but crazy idea stating things that actually do not occur in nature. Fig. 4. Down-directed total vector of plate movement as result of horizontal drive and vertical gravity impulse. 44 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 ESSAY THE LAKE TITICACA ENIGMAS From an Armchair Peter M. JAMES Key words: Lake Titicaca origin, polar shifts, large sea level changes, extinctions 1 INTRODUCTION or two centuries the origin of Lake Titicaca has posed something of a problem for geomorphology. Located at almost 4000 m elevation on the high plains of the Andes cordillera, its saline water and relics of oceanic fauna point to a one-time connection with the sea. But the question remains: how? This short submission discusses the physical environment of the lake and the associated long chain of salt pans of the Altiplano. It also deals with the peripheral geology of the Andes with the aim of presenting a case for massive changes in sea level at the end of the Pleistocene, rather than uplift of the Altiplano since that time. In turn, these sea level changes are explained as a direct consequence of polar wander and/or large precessional wobbles in the mode of spin of the Earth. The hypothesis also provides a logical mechanism for the extinction of whole genera that occurred at the end of the Pleistocene, in both North and South America. F 2 GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE ALTIPLANO Lake Titacaca is the most northerly of a series of saline lakes and salt pans, present over a distance of some 1,500 km along the Altiplano of Bolivia1 and extending south into Chile and Argentina. Lake Titicaca is the largest of the lakes, being some 200 km long, 55 km wide and almost 300 m in depth. Standing at an elevation of 3820 m, it is also the most elevated. Its waters are brackish and, although not well stocked with marine life, do contain oceanic-type mussels, crustacean and the only species of sea horse living outside the oceans. The lake is subject to occasional flooding from rivers that discharge into it from the north. At such times, the lake drains out slowly to the south along two hundred and fifty meandering kilometres of the shallow Desaguardero River, whose terminus is Lake Poöpo, at an elevation 40 m below than Lake Titicaca. The very low hydraulic gradient that exists between the lakes – less than 1 in 600 - explains the slow rate of drainage between the two bodies of water. In contrast to Lake Titicaca, Lake Poöpo is shallow, barely three metres in depth, and it supports no aquatic life since its waters are too saline. Lake Poöpo also drains seasonally - or seeps - under another low hydraulic gradient via the Laca Jahuir River, to Lake Coipasa (El. 3760 m). This lake is located approximately100km to the west and forms a low point in a salt pan of the same name. Just to its south is the extensive salt pan of Uyuni, 135 x 120 km in area, at much the same elevation as the Coipasa salt pan. Continuing south from Uyuni, further chains of salt pans and borax marshes extend across the southern border of Bolivia into Chile and Argentina. The significant points about the Altiplano terrain are threefold. Firstly, the ambient Andean rocks are predominantly crystalline, without deposits of halite (rock salt) which, on weathering, might have partly accounted for the present day salt pans. Secondly, the salt composition of both the lakes and the salt pans is typically identical with that of the present day oceans, reinforcing the indications of a marine connection. Thirdly, the fauna in Lake Titicaca indicate that the marine connection must have been in operation in very recent geological time. In other words, the unavoidable deduction is that the now almost 4000 m high Altiplano was – in the not so distant past – an arm of the sea. Its northern limit would have been imposed by 1 The description of the Altiplano, or high plain of Bolivia, is taken from a chapter by J.B. Delair and E.F. Oppé in Hapgood (1999). New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 45 the high mountains enclosing the northern side of Lake Titicaca, so that the sea connection appears to have come from the south. This sea connection is generally accepted in the literature. Disagreements arise, however, as to how it might have been achieved. Basically, two explanations are available. The first, which has been favoured by a majority of Earth scientists, is that South America has been dramatically uplifted in Recent times. The second is that the elevation changes have been the result of changes in sea level. Let us look at each proposal in turn. 3 THE OCEANIC CONNECTION 3.1 Uplift of the land Uplift of South America sufficient to explain the oceanic connection would require the northern part of the Altiplano to have been uplifted approximately 4000 m, with the southern end perhaps not much more than 50% of this. The uplift must have all occurred since the end of the Pleistocene, giving a rate of uplift in the north of the order of 300 mm per year. Such a rate is a couple of orders of magnitude greater than other rates of uplift presently recorded in active regions of the Earth's crust, like Rabaul. Admittedly, elevations of two or three metres are not unknown in association with intermittent earthquake events, but these are localised responses, not bodily elevation of a whole continent. A second major concern with the uplift proposal is: what mechanism would be capable of such a rapid, massive, and widespread uplift? Earth scientists often use the throw-away term "isostasy"2 to explain vertical oscillations of the crust and the postulate now has the status of a scientific myth. (A scientific myth, like any myth, is the product of a culture and, by general acceptance, purports to provide a total answer without the need for any further debate.) But if we look critically at isostasy, it does not work. Analyses made by the author of the most intense crustal loading of the lithosphere – a large seamount – shows that it is insufficient to cause any underlying creep deformation. Moreover, if isostasy were a valid mechanism we should be seeing dramatic evidence of subsidence in Antarctica, which has allegedly been under a polar ice cap for the best part of 15 Ma. However, parts of the Trans-Antarctic Mountains only a million years old stand at elevations of 1 km, despite the ice cap. Both of the above types of loading would have gravity on their side. Uplifts, on the other hand, have the added burden of working against gravity. It should be stated here that we are not talking of fold mountain uplift, which occurs in conjunction with compression and crustal shortening. In any event, if violent uplift of South America has taken place, by isostasy or any other unknown mechanism, it would surely have left its imprint on the present landscape. Unmistakeable evidence of recent uplifts would be recognisable in stream profiles on either flank of the Andes cordillera. Instead, what is found on either flank is evidence of long term stability, or at least stability since Tertiary times. Darwin noted that Tertiary sediments were deposited against the Andean foothills along 1800 km of the western (Pacific) side of the cordillera and over 2000 km along the Atlantic side. The deposits on the latter side are over 1000 km wide and they grade very gently outwards from the foothills of the cordillera, typically from elevations of no more than 300 m above sea level. On the Pacific side, the main valleys emanating from the foothills of the cordillera exhibit shingle-covered terraces sloping down as continuous features from the foothills to the plains. The stream profiles are without signs of major rejuvenation. There is often a break in sedimentation between Tertiary and Recent times but the outer zones of the Tertiary regimes appear to have been frequently covered by rudely stratified Recent deposits. These are now dissected to leave isolated and elevated marine terraces, or tablazos, recorded at several elevations. Examples include a thick bed of present-day shells forming an elevated terrace on Chiloe Island (Chile), recorded by Darwin at just over 100 m elevation. A Peruvian example, also cited by Darwin at an elevation of 25 m above present sea level, contained hard evidence of human occupation. 2 A concept introduced by the American geologist Dutton in the late 19th C, to explain the deep roots of fold mountains. 46 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Admittedly, the Tertiary history could conceivably be interpreted as an uplift of several hundred metres, with the Recent tablazos providing perhaps 25 to 100 m of this. Such uplift, however, falls well short of the 4000 m required to explain the elevation of the salt lakes on the Altiplano. The uplift proposal is further discredited by the lack of major disruptions between the cordillera and the Tertiary sediments on either flank. Latterly, researchers such as di Celma (2005) speak of orbitally induced (e.g. glacio-eustatic) sea level changes to explain the tablazos. This leaves the way open for the alternative interpretation of even more massive sea level change(s). 3.2 Sea Level Change If the Earth were a smooth spherical body, otherwise identical in size, mass, rate of spin, etc., the distribution of a surface veneer of water would be given, to a first order of accuracy, by equating potential and kinetic energy. Such a distribution is shown as curve A, in Figure 1: almost 12 km depth of water at the equator and dry at the poles – at least for this specific volume of water. This may sound dramatic. However, if the Earth were represented by a 500 mm diameter desk globe, the equatorial water depth would be represented by a veneer approximately 0.5 mm thick – about the thickness of cartridge paper. Not at all great in astronomical terms but very large in human terms. The actual distribution of water around the Earth, excluding the land masses, is of course not as shown by Curve A in the figure. A nearly constant depth of around 3.5 – 4 km exists from pole to pole, as illustrated by the rectangular Curve B. By inspection, it might be seen that this actual volume of water on the earth's surface is much less than in the case of Curve A. Returning to the hypothetical smooth, spinning Earth sphere, a more realistic representation of the effects of the centripetal accelerations on the actual volume of the water veneer would be given by Curve Ci: a little more than 6.5 km oceanic depth in the equatorial zone and generally tending to be dry over the higher latitudes. Why such a distribution does not exist and why the oceanic distribution is fairly constant across the latitudes is probably related to the fact that the Earth body distorts quasi-hydraulically itself, with an equatorial bulge of similar magnitude to the equatorial water depth in Curve Ci. Taking this simplistic view, if the pole were now to shift some twenty degrees, the original distribution of the water veneer, Curve Ci, should adjust to a position similar to that shown by Curve Cii. To us, quite large changes in oceanic levels would be imposed, with depths increasing in those quarters of the globe that were moved (by the equatorial shift) to lower latitudes, and depths simultaneously decreasing for the zones moving to higher latitudes. However, little change might be noticed at the equator's nodal points. The above descriptions apply to a hypothetical spherical Earth body. For the Earth spheroid, things are likely to be more complex. For instance, areas along the former equatorial bulge could well be left high and dry by small polar shifts, while former regions of polar flattening could be flooded. This model is, of course, relevant to the instantaneous reaction of the oceans to any polar shift. If that polar shift became a semi-permanent situation, however, one could expect that the Earth body to readjust its shape gradually in order to suit the new pattern of centripetal accelerations, in which case something like the previous distribution of the oceans, Curve B, might well be partly restored.3 We are left with the problem of how or why a polar shift might occur. The Cambridge astronomer, Tom Gold, once calculated that if a continent the size of South America, located at mid-latitudes, were to be uplifted by a mere 3 m, the change in centrifugal forces of the spinning Earth would cause a polar shift in order to allow the uplifted continent to straddle the equator. A rate of polar shift of one degree per ten thousand years was calculated, which is quite fast, geologically speaking. What we appear to be dealing with in the present situation is, however, a much more rapid polar shift, which might be explained by saying that Gold's example of a three metre uplift is probably a fairly innocuous 3 The effect on the crust of migration of major geoidal features, such as the equatorial bulge, has been dealt with by the author in articles on geoid tectonics, NCGT Newsletter, nos. 49, 50 & 51. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 47 disturbing force when compared to the uplift of the Andes, the Rocky Mountain or the Himalayan cordilleras - or, indeed, to the movements of the ice caps during the last ice age. For instance, the Arctic ice cap did not consist of a simple increase in area, spreading out evenly from the North Pole. Instead, the thick ice fronts underwent large advances and retreats across N.W. Europe, leaving Siberia warm at times. Similar advances and retreats occurred in the ice cap over Canada. Indeed, the oscillations were complex enough to have so far denied any full resolution of their history, Frenzel (1973). Figure 1. Hypothetical distribution of oceans in response to polar shifts Curve A: Hypothetical distribution of a water veneer on a spherical Earth Curve B: Actual distribution of oceans Curve Ci: Distribution of actual ocean volume on a spherical Earth Curve Cii: Hypothetical distribution in response of a 20 degree pole shift Other circumstantial evidence of rapid polar shifts over the period of interest come from the large paleomagnetic variations recorded by Creer (1981) or Verosub (1982), while field evidence from Greenland, Dawes and Kerr (1982), also reveals that the patterns of cold weather and sea level fluctuations were anything but regular during the period of the ice age. Finally, physical evidence points to a North Pole within Baffin Island, around 14,000 years ago. This position is some 30 degrees distant from the present pole position and would have meant an associated equator depressed an equal amount over South America. In which case, the location of Lake Titicaca would have been quite tropical, particularly if accompanied by large sea level rises there. There is yet another factor to be included in this prognostication. If large changes in polar locations are to occur, then the movements from an original pole to a new one is unlikely to be a simple, linear, shift. A more likely scenario would be a sort of spiralling approach to reach centripetal equilibrium. Whatever the wander path, one could nonetheless expect the polar wander to be accompanied by large precessional wobbles in the Earth's mode of spin. If so, difficulties arise in differentiating between the effects of the polar movements and the effects of the precessional wobbles, since precession alone would also have the capacity to produce quite violent changes in sea level. For a start, the principle of conservation of angular momentum would require some reduction in the rate of spin of the Earth to accompany such wobbles, possibly facilitating a spread of the oceans away from the equatorial zone. At the cessation of any period of large precessional wobble, the Earth's rate of spin would increase once more, as anyone who has spun tops would know. Both the reduction and the increase in the rate of Earth spin would influence oceanic distributions. 48 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 In summary, the factors that control the distribution of our oceans are indeed complex. But, on the positive side, allowance for sea level flexibility should help rescue the Earth sciences from the annoying habit of explaining certain enigmas with unrealistic claims, for instance: explaining elevated wave cut platforms in rock as the result of transient tsunamis; or explaining submarine valleys – present in all oceans as impressive canyons excavated in hard crystalline rocks, often with large abyssal sediment fans - as having been formed by intermittent, superficial, turbidity current activity. 4 OTHER ENIGMAS 4.1 The Lake Titicaca Strand Line Just above the present lake level a white strand line, obviously representing an earlier lake level, has been surveyed as a continuous feature for a distance of some 375 miles (600 km) to the south. It then disappears under the salt pans. Over the measured distance, the elevation of the strand line drops 800 feet (approximately 240 m), giving an average inclination of just over two feet per mile. This sloping strand has been cited as evidence that the uplift of the northern parts of South America has been greater than in the south. But there is an alternative. If we have the actual sea level at or near the level of Lake Titicaca, combined with the possibility of a nearby equator, then there would be no reason to suppose that the sea level "horizontal" under those conditions would be the same as the sea level "horizontal" of today. Perhaps this view requires further analysis. 4.2 The Terraced Mountain Sides Terraced slopes are to be found above Lake Titicaca and, indeed, on the slopes of the Altiplano from Peru to Bolivia, sometimes continuing up beyond the snow line. These are interpreted as being the relics of early Indian cultivations. Darwin also records the finding that, between Potosi and Oruro (Bolivia), ruins of Indian dwellings are also present up to the tops of the fringing mountains where the landscape is now desolate. The terraced areas and former habitations are more elevated that any agricultural cultivations or habitations of today, and the features have, again, been cited as evidence of massive uplift of the land. However, had the sea level once been as high as Lake Titicaca, as discussed above, the terraced cultivations would have been only nominally above that sea level, probably basking in a tropical environment. Climate change in the extreme! 4.3 Depths of Salt in the Salt Pans The author has no information on the depth of the salt pans that extend south from Lake Titicaca. Titicaca itself is some 300 m deep but is kept filled by the rivers flowing into it from the north, no doubt causing dilution of the original saline conditions. The rainfall further to the south is sparse and so one could speculate that, if the numerous salt pans were the result of evaporation of sea water, some of the salt pans could be very deep. The reason for suggesting this is that fold mountains, by their mode of formation through thrust faulting, often incorporate long stretches of valley land between the high cordillera spines, as seen today in the Rocky Mountain cordillera just north of the Canadian border. In the Andes, the internal valley zone has been infilled as a result of marine incursions inducing both sedimentation and salt deposition, eventually producing the present relatively flat topography of the Altiplano, a topography that incidentally loses elevation in the southerly direction. Bedrock, beneath the Antiplano could be quite deep in places - at least away from the protruding bedrock "islands". Incidentally, Darwin remarks that one such salt deposit, just to the east of Santiago in the Valle del Yeso, has a depth of salt of 2000 ft, or 600 m. 4.4 Massive Extinctions At the end of the Pleistocene, mega fauna suffered decimation over three fifths of the Earth's land surface, Scott (1937). In North America at this time, Hibben (1946) estimates that some 40 million animals died in a period of no more than a few centuries between 15,000 and 12,000 years ago. The period of extinction is likely to have been even shorter than this, to judge from the whole arrays of bones of mammoths, New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 49 mastodons, giant beaver, sabre-toothed tiger, giant sloth, bison, woolly rhinoceros, bear, camel and horse that have been found packed in the Alaska muck by Yukon gold fossickers, with finds including fragments of skin, hair, flesh, toenails ligaments, trees and even some human remains. The same arrays of fossils have been recorded in the gravels of New Jersey, in terraces in Texas (dated 12,600 BP), in the tar pits of Los Angeles and in the mass graveyards of South America, stretching from Caracas to Patagonia, from to elevations of 4000 m in Bolivia to sea level in the south. These findings led Darwin to wonder what catastrophe has exterminated whole genera. Modern traditionalists have tended to put the blame on overkill by bands of hunter-gatherers migrating down the two continents at the end of the Pleistocene. But, as Darwin pointed out, such an explanation might conceivably cover the loss of large quadrupeds, but the fossil arrays also include small animals, like mice. Moreover, the fossil graveyards sometimes contain evidence of early humans caught up in the same catastrophe. Massive sea level changes of the type discussed above would be an obvious and widespread extinction mechanism. It is not a new concept; geologists have long been aware of a nexus between extinctions of the past and sea level incursions and/or regressions. The more radical approach presented herein is that the large sea level changes have their origin in polar mobility. The winnowing effects of sea level changes would also tend to concentrate bones, etc., in banks or mud strands as, indeed, are many of the late Pleistocene fossils so concentrated. The relevance of the Missoula Floods (USA) may be cited here. These floods, that produced the widespread "scablands" over Washington State in north west of the country, emanated from the Missoula Basin some 14,000 years ago. The generally accepted explanation for them is the (repeated) failure of an "ice dam" 600 m high, located at the mouth of the Clarke Fork River at the lowermost end of the basin. Leaving aside the viability of such a high ice structure and its water holding capabilities, the author made traverses of the basin and peripheral areas in 2008, as described in NCGT #48. This inspection revealed the unusual situation of five relatively low passes in the Rocky Mountain Cordillera, all directed into the basin. All the passes showed evidence of being sculpted by large volumes of flowing water, while relic lake features in the upper parts of the basin stood at elevations much higher than the hypothetical ice dam at the mouth of the Clarke Fork River. Again, the topographical features made the concept of transient high sea level incursions the most plausible interpretation for the writer. REFERENCES Cantalamessa, G. and Di Celma, C., 2004. Origin and chronology of marine terraces of the Isla de la Plata. Jour. S. Amer. Earth Sc., v. 16, p. 633-648 Creer, K.M., 1981. Long period geomagnetic secular variation since 12000BP. Nature, July 16, p. 208-212. Darwin, C., 1840-1845. The Voyage of the Beagle. White Star Publ. version, Italy, 2006. Dawes, E.R. and Kerr, J.W. (eds.), 1982. Nares Strait and the Drift of Greenland, a conflict in plate tectonics. Geoscience 8, Mendeleser on Gronland DeVries, T.J., 1988. The geology of late Cenozoic marine terraces (tablazos) in northwestern Peru. Jour. South Amer. Earth Sc., v. 1, no. 2, p. 121-136 Di Celma, C., 2005. Basin physiography and tectonic influence on sequence architecture and stacking pattern: Pleistocene stacking of the Canoa Basin (Equador). Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 117, nos. 9/10, p. 1226-1241 Frenzel, B., 1973. Climate Fluctuations of the Ice Age. Case WesternUniv. Publ Gold, T., 1955. Instability of the earth's axis of spin. Nature, v. 175, p. 526. Hapgood, C., 1999. Path of the Pole. Adventures Unlimited Publ., Illinois Hibben, F.C., 1946. The Lost Americans. Crowell, N.Y. James, P.M., 1992. Very large changes in sea level. 6th Aus/NZ Geomech. Conf., N.Z. James, P.M., 1994. The Tectonics of Geoid Change. Polar Publ., Calgary James, P.M. – On Isostasy, see NCGT Newsletter nos. 42 – 45 James, P.M., 2008. The massive Missoula floods. NCGT Newsletter, no. 48, p. 5-22. Peltier, W.R., 1981. Ice age geodynamics. Earth & Planetary Sc., v. 9, p. 199-225 Scott, W.B., 1937. A History of the Land Mammals in the Western Hemisphere. Macmillan N.Y. Verosub, K.L., 1982. A paleomagnetic record from the Tangle Lakes, Alaska: large scale secular variation. Geophys. Research Letters, v. 9, p. 823-826 50 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 DISCUSSIONS SCIENTIFIC LOGIC BEHIND SURGE TECTONICS HYPOTHESIS M. Ismail BHAT Christian SMOOT Dong R. CHOI R ecent issues of the NCGT Newsletter carried criticism of the surge tectonics. The critiques are either half attempts (Karesten Storetvedt) or superficial (Peter James). While our response to Storetvedt should equally apply to James’ comment, we would however very briefly address his comment separately. Using this opportunity we shall also ask a question or two to those who advocate oceanization. And finally, we present a little puzzle for expanding Earth proponents. Karesten Storetvedt – Criticism off the mark Storetvedt (NCGT issue no. 57) denounced surge tectonics -- in favor of his wrench tectonics -- as unable to account for geological history. Our intention here, however, is not to pick holes in wrench tectonics or to defend surge tectonics. That is for the readers and time. We would instead argue what we believe is the scientifically most logical basis for enunciation of surge tectonics. Storetvedt writes “As I see it, the [surge tectonics] hypothesis has ignored too many data that didn't fit the box (just as has been the situation for Wegenerian drift and plate tectonics). To me many of the arguments sounded strained and constructed for the purpose.” But, except for one (tropical-subtropical conditions in Antarctica; see below), he neither identifies those “ignored” data nor tell the reader what arguments sound “strained” or “constructed for the purpose.” Isn’t that truly unscientific? Anyhow, one can’t be more off the mark. Surge tectonics isn’t being proposed as a model which is then beefed up and confirmed by data (something Storetvedt seems to prefer); instead it evolves from known data. Here is the story for those who haven’t read or heard about it. The evolution of surge tectonics happened through a series of articles by Arthur A. Meyerhoff and his coworkers that began in 1972 and culminated in the first presentation of the concept in 1989 at a conference sponsored by the Smithsonian Institute and Texas Tech University. The proceedings of the conference, including the surge tectonics concept, were later published in 1992. In 1995 Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences published its application under the title ‘Surge-tectonic evolution of southeastern Asia: a geohydrodynamics approach’ as a single paper issue. So, it was not just the enunciation of a concept but its testing as well. The year 1996 saw the consolidation and publication of the whole idea and its application in book form with one additional topic on magma floods. The book has just six chapters including a very short one on conclusions. It begins with a brief discussion of former and current concepts of Earth dynamics, including Earth contraction concept, which incidentally provides the basic framework for the surge tectonics. Pros and cons of each concept are presented, concluding with why there is need for a new hypothesis. Next it presents a short description of the history and evolution of techniques for data gathering. It is followed by a long discussion of 29 data sets that remain unexplained by all the current geodynamic models. The spread of these data sets is worth noting: from the smallest (like dip and strike, joints and lineations) through hydrothermal manifestations, linear anorogenic New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 51 belts, distribution of world evaporites, vortex structures, deep continental roots, morphology and seismic characters of different tectonic elements (rift zones, ocean ridges, island arcs, mountain belts), ocean floor bathymetry, oceanic basement, heat and microearthquake bands, Benioff zones, antipodal arrangement of oceans and continents, continental margin phenomena, seismotomography and convection, magma floods to presence or absence of certain tectonic elements in particular parts of globe (like island arcs and ocean island chains). The basic data in all these cases is sourced from published literature, predominantly by plate tectonicists. Does the whole spectrum look like “constructed for the purpose?” What is most significant here is the identification of a common denominator that defines all these 29 tectonic elements and how it lays the foundation for a new concept. That common denominator is the presence in the lithosphere of magma channels at various depths rising from asthenosphere across all tectonic elements and across all plate tectonic settings – rift, ridge, subduction zone and mountain belts. The magma channel is shown to be either active or fossilized with characteristic P-wave velocity range of 7.0 to 7.8 km/s. Next comes the construction of surge tectonics hypothesis. It begins with a discussion of the seismic velocity structure of the Earth and evidence for deep continental roots. Then we have discussion of eleven pieces of geological and geophysical evidence for a differentiated, cooling Earth, one of which also provides a neat explanation for the existence of asthenosphere: “As the Earth cools, it solidifies from surface downward. Because stress states in cooled [lithosphere] and uncooled [strictosphere, i. e. mantle below asthenosphere] parts are necessarily opposite one another, compression above and tension below, the two parts must be separated by a surface or zone … called the level of no strain.” This is followed by discussion of why the original contraction hypothesis fails as a viable geodynamic concept and how the presence of surge channels in an environment of compressive stresses of lithosphere does away with all the valid objections to the Earth contraction concept. That is to say, the contraction concept is revived in a new form that addresses all the known objections to its original form. Also, evidence for the flow of fluid (magma) under each tectonic element is presented and shown to control and define structural and morphological features of all the data sets. We then have the introduction of surge channel concept. In order not to give any impression of ownership to the idea of surge channels and give due credit to where it belongs to, literature review of the concept of surge and related concepts in Earth-dynamic theory is presented. Geotectonic cycle of surge tectonics is also briefly introduced here followed by geophysical and other evidence for the existence of surge channels, their geometry, demonstration of tangential flow, mechanism of eastward flow, their classification, geophysical/ geological criteria for their identification and their examples in different tectonic settings as well as how their variable thickness are controlled are presented and discussed. Next we see application of surge tectonics hypothesis to SE Asia and origin of magma floods. Quoting from the surge tectonics book -- Meyerhoff et al. 1996 -- and ignoring references to the cited literature as well as figures/tables, the broad framework of the hypothesis is thus: “Surge tectonics is based on the concept that the lithosphere contains a worldwide network of deformable magma chambers (surge channels) in which partial magma melt is in motion (active surge channels) or was in motion at some time in the past (inactive surge channels)… The presence of surge channels means that all of the compressive stresses in the lithosphere are oriented at right angles to their walls. As this compressive stress increases during a given tectonic cycle, it eventually ruptures the channels that are deformed bilaterally into kobergens [bilaterally deformed foldbelts]… “Surge tectonics involves three separate but interdependent and interacting processes. The first process is the contraction or cooling of the Earth. The second is the lateral flow of fluid, or semifluid, magma through a network of interconnected magma channels in the lithosphere [the cooled outer shell]. We call these surge channels. The third process is the Earth’s rotation. This process involves differential lag between the lithosphere and the strictosphere (the hard [still hot but cooling] mantle beneath the asthenosphere and lower crust), and its effects – eastward shifts.” No other geodynamic concept touches this aspect. 52 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Again quoting from the surge tectonics book, and ignoring references to the cited literature as well as figures/tables, here is how geotectonic cycle is envisaged under surge tectonics: “The asthenosphere alternately expands (during times of tectonic quiescence) and contracts (during tectogenesis). Thus when the asthenosphere is expanding, the surge channels above it, which are supplied from the asthenosphere, also are expanding; and when tectogenesis takes place, the magma in surge channels is expelled. Tectogenesis is triggered by collapse of the lithosphere into the asthenosphere along 30o-dipping lithosphere Benioff zones. The following is [the] interpretation of the approximate sequence of events during a geotectonic cycle. 1. The strictosphere is always contracting, presumably at a steady rate, because the Earth is cooling. 2. The overlying lithosphere, because it is already cool, does not contract, but adjusts its basal circumference to the upper surface of the shrinking stictosphere by (1) large-scale thrusting along lithosphere Benioff zones, and (2) normal-type faulting along the strictosphere Benioff zones. These two types of deformation, one compressive and the other tensile, are complementary and together constitute an example of NavierCoulomb maximum shear stress theory. 3. The large-scale thrusting of the lithosphere is not a continuous process, but occurs only when the lithosphere’s underlying dynamic support fails. That support is provided mainly by the softer asthenosphere and frictional resistance along the Benioff fractures. When the weight of the lithosphere overcomes the combined resistance offered by the asthenosphere and Benioff-zone friction, lithosphere collapse ensues. Because this process cannot be perfectly cyclic, it must be episodic; hence tectogenesis is episodic. 4. During anorogenic intervals between lithosphere collapses, the asthenosphere volume increases slowly as the lithosphere radius decreases. The increase in asthenosphere volume is accompanied by decompression in the asthenosphere. 5. Decompression is accompanied by rising temperature, increased magma generation, and lowered viscosity in the asthenosphere, which gradually weakens during the time intervals between collapses. 6. Flow in the asthenosphere is predominantly eastward as a consequence of the Earth’s rotation (Newton’s Third Law of Motion). Magma flow in the surge channels above the asthenosphere also tends to be eastward, although local barriers may divert flow in other directions for short distances. Coriolis force also must exert an important influence on asthenosphere and surge-channel flow, which by its nature is Poiseuille flow. Therefore, the flow at the channel walls is laminar and is accompanied by viscous, or backward drag. The viscous drag produces the swaths of faults, fractures, and fissures (streamlines) that are visible at the surface above all the active tectonic belts. These bands or swaths are example of Stokes’ Law (one expression of Newton’s Second Law of Motion). 7. During lithosphere collapse into the asthenosphere, the continentward (hanging wall) sides of lithosphere Benioff zones override (obduct) the ocean floor. The entire lithosphere buckles, fractures, and founders. Enormous compressive stresses are created in the lithosphere. 8. Both the lithosphere and strictosphere fracture along great circles at the depth of the strictoshere’s upper surface. Only two partial great circle fracture zones survive on the Earth today. These include the fairly extensive, highly active Circum-Pacific great circle and the almost defunct Tethys-Mediterranean great circle. 9. When the lithosphere collapses into the asthenosphere, the asthenosphere-derived magma in the surge channels begins to surge intensely. Whenever the volume of the magma in the channels exceeds their volumetric capacity, and when compression in the lithosphere exceeds the strength of the lithosphere that directly overlies the surge channels, the surge-channel roofs rupture along the cracks that comprise the faultfracture-fissure system generated in the surge channel by Poiseuille flow before the rupture is bivergent, whether it forms continental rifts, foldbelts, strike-slip zones, or midocean rifts. The fold belts develop into kobergens, some of them alpinotype and some of them germanotype. The tectonic style of a tectonic belt depends mainly on the thickness and strength of the lithosphere overlying it. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 53 10. Tectogenesis generally affects an entire tectonic belt and, in fact, may be worldwide, the worldwide early to late Eocene tectogenesis is an example. This indicates that the lithosphere collapse generates tectogenesis and transmits stresses everywhere in a given belt at the same time. Thus Pascal’s law is at the core of tectogenesis. Sudden rupture and deformation of surge channels may therefore be likened to what happens when someone stamps a foot on a tube full of tooth paste. The speed or rapidity of tectogenesis, then, is related to the number of fractures participating in the event, as well as to the thickness of lithosphere involved, the size of the surge channels or surge-channel system, the volume and types of magma involved, and related factors. 11. Once tectogenesis is completed, another geotectonic cycle or subcycle sets in, commonly within the same tectonic belt.” Summarising, surge tectonics views the Earth as “a very large hydraulic press. Such a press consists of three essential parts – a closed vessel, the liquid in the vessel, and a ram or piston. The collapse of the lithosphere into the asthenosphere is the activating ram or piston of tectogenesis. The asthenosphere and its overlying lithosphere surge channels – which are everywhere connected with the asthenosphere by vertical conduits – are the vessels that enclose the fluid. The fluid is magma generated in the asthenosphere. The magma fills the lithosphere channels. When the piston (lithosphere collapse) suddenly compresses the channels and the underlying asthenosphere, the pressure is transmitted rapidly and essentially simultaneously through the worldwide interconnected surge-channel network, the surge channels burst and the tectogenesis is in full swing. The compression everywhere of the asthenosphere compensates for the fact that the basaltic magma of the surge channels is non-Newtonian.” In conclusion, it is evident that the evolution and enunciation of surge tectonics as a viable geodynamic concept follow the most appropriate scientific approach – from basic data to process to encompassing framework (hypothesis). And, most importantly, that the concept “draws on well-known laws of physics, especially those related to the laws of motion, gravity, and fluid dynamics,” which are discussed throughout the text and again presented and explained in the appendix. As to its application to the geological past, that needs working out time-series information about increase in lithospheric thickness. Having said this, we do not claim surge tectonics to be the panacea for geodynamic problems. As Donna Meyerhoff-Hull wrote in her editor’s postscript (Meyerhoff et al., 1996), “He encouraged his colleagues to continue thinking about the hypothesis and wanted them to continue to improve it with their own data and idea”. However, we strongly believe, it addresses nearly every geological and geophysical piece of data currently available. After the enunciation of surge tectonics in 1992 and his death in 1994, numerous evidence supporting surge tectonics have continually emerged, many of which have been documented in our own platform, NCGT Newsletter: The data mainly come from field geological data, earthquake study, satellite altimetry and seismic tomography. They provide much clearer picture of surge tectonics. Some salient points are: 1) The outer core-sourced energy possibly in the form of heat, volatiles, or electromagnetics rises to the shallow Earth and transmigrates laterally along major fractured and porous zones – tectonic zones and orogenic belts, which trigger volcanic eruptions and major earthquakes by heating magmas and the upper mantle/lower crust. The well-tested and proven Blot’s energy transmigration phenomena (1976) and Tsunoda’s VE process (2009) testify to the presence of energy migration channels or surge channels. 2) Seismo-tomographic profiles across the Pacific Ocean show the correlation between the distribution of Jurassic and Cretaceous basins and that of faster mantle velocity down to 330 km depth, which in turn is underlain by slow mantle (Choi and Vasiliev, 2008; Fig. 1), while the continents are generally underlain by fast mantle through to the core-mantle boundary. These facts are in harmony with the cooling of the shallow mantle model – already cooled lithosphere and cooling strictosphere. Cooling of the Earth surface is also supported by earthquake focal mechanism studies; compressional in the shallow quakes and tensional in intermediate to deep quakes (Suzuki, 2001; Tarakanov, 2005). 54 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Figure 1. Mantle profile across the Pacific Ocean from Russia to South America (Choi and Vasiliev, 2008) compiled from tomographic images by Kawakami et al. (1994). Note the coincidence between the Mesozoic basin distribution and that of the fast shallow mantle (to 330 km), suggesting the cause-effect relationship between the cooling of shallow mantle and subsidence. There are numerous indisputable data that the oceanic areas had formed land until Mesozoic. K-K TZ = Korea-Kamchatka Tectonic Zone; T-K TZ = TanLu-Kamchatka Tectonic Zone; A-H line = AleutianHawaiian Islands Line. Stroretvedt states that “surprisingly low heat flow, the problem of finding anticipated magma chambers, a nearly complete lack of active volcanism, predominantly low-temperature mineral alteration, and a frequent occurrence of serpentized peridotites” along ocean ridges are “'deadly weapons' against seafloor spreading as well as surge tectonics.” No, these are not the data that discount either sea floor spreading or surge tectonics; indeed, also not expanding Earth. It is discomforting to see surge tectonics being clubbed with the concept that it is anti-thesis of. His statement is based both on denial of evidence and misunderstanding. Denial because, as stated above, there is a whole range of evidence that are marshalled (and cited with full publication details) for the existence of magma channels both under ocean ridges and elsewhere. Also, relevant literature gives data for heat flow exceeding 55 mW/m2; again, this includes ocean ridges. No concepts including plate, expanding and surge tectonics advocate 24x7 magma eruption along ocean ridges. Per year spreading rates given by plate tectonicists (and used also by expansionists) does not mean magma is erupting on daily or even yearly basis. These are supposed to be averages reduced to annual basis from those that are inferred from dating of magnetic stripes. As to low temperature mineral alterations, this problem has been discussed by several publications. We would specifically recommend the paper by W.S.D. Wilcock and J.R. Delaney (1996, Mid-ocean ridge sulfide deposits: Evidence for heat extraction from magma chambers or cracking fronts? Eearth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 145, p. 49-64). Although they use plate tectonics framework, it is more important to notice the conditions and processes they envisage remain broadly applicable irrespective of their broader tectonic model Yes, ST doesn't talk of evolutionary history but where does it come in the way of its application to that question. We would challenge Storetvedt to explain just a few of the data sets that we have listed – like, e.g., morphology of the ocean ridges, steamlines, 7.0-7.8 km/s anomalous layer, formation of asthenosphere, geographic distribution of island arcs, angular difference in lithospheric and strictospheric Benioff zones – using his wrench tectonics. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 55 Returning to Storetvedt’s comments. He laments surge tectonics ignoring “mention of the protracted tropical-subtropical conditions in Antarctica.” Climatic conditions -- current or past -- are not primarily a direct consequence of Earth dynamics but can be thought of as proxy for certain processes (e.g., erosion) and physiographic features of the Earth. Therefore, expecting a geodynamic model to be erected on such data is too much of a misplaced expectation. However, for the sake of completeness, it needs be mentioned that in the same year (1996) when book on surge tectonics was published, Meyerhoff et al. (1996) published a monumental piece of work tiled ‘Phanerozoic faunal and floral realms of the Earth; the intercalary relations of the Malvinokaffric and Gondwana faunal realms with the Tethyan faunal realm.’ It was published by the Geological Society of America as GSA Memoir 129. As can be gauged from the title, this publication discusses all available faunal and floral data – including from Antarctica -- to discount any mobilistic concept. We have already stated that we do not intend to criticize Storetvedt’s “Wrench Tectonics theory – which [he believes] is an attempt to unify the various facets of Earth history.” Again, that is for readers and time. However, before any one worries about testing his theory against Earth’s history, we would draw Storetvedt’s attention to one current, existing fact. On page 45 of the latest NCGT Newsletter (Issue #57) he presents a 3-D satellite view of “two tectonic 'whirlpool' junctions on the East Pacific Rise”. Though he doesn’t name the two “whirlpools,” the bigger one is the Easter Island and the smaller one is Juan Fernandez Island, both located on the East Pacific Rise in the eastern part of the central Pacific. Easter Island’s geological feature has been fairly well researched and discussed. Without describing their geological or geophysical characters, Storetvedt explains them away as the products of interaction of Easter Fracture Zone and Chile ridge with the East Pacific Rise. He writes: “It looks as if shear stress has produced a torque ripping off micro-blocks at the two cross-cutting junctions, after which the detached crustal units have been subjected to tectonic rotation.” (Notice the wishful language!) You can’t imagine a more simplistic approach when actual facts are taken into consideration. Figure 2 shows the structural geometry, deduced from side-sonar images and high-pass GEOSAT altimetry data. Notice the vortical morphology; it shows the Easter Island like an elliptical ring on the ocean bottom. And notice the feature is enveloped within the two axes of the East Pacific Rise – the “overlapping spreading centers” of plate tectonics. Some plate tectonics literature describes the Easter Island as rotating microplate. Some descriptions include: “Enclosing the core of microplate, the inner pseudofaults form a pattern resembling the meteorological symbol for a hurricane” (Larson et al., 1992); and “The result is a feature that appears much like a geological “hurricane” embedded in the crust of the earth” (Bird and Naar, 1994; Leybourne and Adams, 2001). Surge tectonics calls such structures as vortex structure. One might say there is so far no apparent conflict with wrench tectonics if Storetvedt’s wrench tectonics can produce the observed structural geometry. But that ends when you consider a complete gradation in form and style between overlapping spreading centers (incipient vortices of surge tectonics) and fully developed vortices so well documented in the surge tectonics book. More importantly, what would be the wrench tectonics explanation for similar overlapping spreading center-like structure like, e. g. the East African Rift Valley system (Fig. 3) or full-blown vortices like Dasht-i-Lut (Fig. 4) or Banda Sea vortex (Fig. 5)? Which of the intersecting fracture zones or ridges or shear belts would be invoked in these cases? 56 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Figure 2. Vortex structure in the Easter Island (for source reference see Meyerhoff et al., 1996). A typical symbol of atmospheric hurricane in the Earth’s crust. Figure 3. East African rift-valley system (for source reference see Meyerhoff et al., 1996). Another example of a continental tectonic vortex along a continental rift geostream. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 57 Figure 4. Dasht-i-Lut vortex structure, Iran (for source reference see Meyerhoff et al., 1996), a typical continental vortex along a fold belt. The orientation of the structures show that motions beneath the vortex were counterclockwise. Figure 5. Bathymetry (left) and 3-D bathymetric view of Webber Deep in the Banda Sea (Leybourne and Adams, 1999). Storetvedt writes: It is my opinion that the only way into the future is through application of well-established facts, primarily based on rock evidence and various other surface data1. But to go from there to aspects of real understanding we need a functional thought construction – a Theory! And a theory is an invention, invented for the purpose of explaining the diversity of observations and phenomena – and their interrelationship2. Therefore, a successful theory of the Earth will automatically establish an extensive phenomenological prediction confirmation sequence, spanning at least a major part of geological history. The ability of such a system must be its capacity to evolve in one direction only – from the characteristics of the Archaean to the features of the modern Earth3 for which uplift of mountain ranges worldwide probably 58 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 stands out as the most prominent event. Such an irreversible self-organizing development scheme is what my Global Wrench Tectonics is thought to delineate.” (Italics and superscript numbers by us.) With reference to the italicized point no. 1, we would say if Storetvedt did not find this approach in surge tectonics, for sure he has either not read it or he is definitely not talking about geological/geophysical facts. As to point no. 2, well, we have given a sampling of the 29 data sets. If they do not represent diversity of “observations and phenomena -- and inter-relationship”, again, for sure these very words must mean something unknown to us. Finally point 3: Let us wait to see how Global Wrench Tectonics explains the question we ask in relation to his “whirlpools” before we worry about how this “Theory” fares in Archaean. Peter James – superficial criticism With this we now turn to Peter James’ comments (NCGT issue no. 56). He writes: "Another recent development in the literature has been the concept of surge tectonics and its derivatives. So far, the thesis appears to be based on morphological-type interpretations. That is, if it looks ok – particularly on a computer screen – then it is ok. But such reasoning requires the next step: some quantitative analyses based on evaluation of the relevant stresses; the origin of such stresses; their effectiveness in a crustal environment where shear strength parameters are reasonably well established." Whether surge tectonics is based on just morphological-type interpretation is, we hope, addressed already in the preceding text, but to castigate it as "if it looks ok – particularly on a computer screen – then it is ok" is a severe unscientific aberration. We would limit ourselves by saying that it very obviously indicates that James hasn’t read surge tectonics. The day he would read it, he would not remain so ignorant as to ignore that every interpretation is in the light of established physical laws (mentioned in the preceding), and that even figures are not computer drawn (of course no problem if they were), let alone interpretations. Oceanization – reversal of established process It is something that has puzzled us all through. How can its advocates ignore energy requirements for such a process? If Earth scientists of any hue or affiliation can agree on any one thing, it is about Earth’s cooling that has resulted its shell structure via elemental differentiation – heavier towards the core, lighter towards the surface. A reverse process (that is what oceanization in effect is) should need heat input. What is the likely source for such heat? Invoking high magma temperature for assimilating continental crust, the problem is how much continental crust it can assimilate. Importantly, will it still produce basaltic crust with mineralogical, chemical and isotopic composition and density and seismic characteristics that mark the ocean floor? Wherever there is evidence (chemical/isotopic, rarely half-digested xenoliths) of crustal assimilation by basaltic magmas (remember it is only from continental settings), deduction is always for very, very minuscule amounts that get reflected in few trace elements and isotopic characters, never in mineralogy and never for wholesale assimilation. Even if one assumes basaltic magma swamping continental crust the compositional, density and seismic problems would remain. Evidence so far available is for basaltic magma “underplating” continental crust, not for assimilating and converting it into basaltic crust. The questions that need answering: a) How much heat, which, in turn, means what volumes of magma, is (are) required to assimilate and convert several km thick continental crust into ocean floor? And b) Do we have any evidence of such huge magmatism or is there any other source for such heat? Expanding Earth – a small puzzle Most of the Earth tectonic hypotheses involve the midocean ridges (MORs) in one way or another (Fig. 6). The MORs are a series of mountain ranges on the ocean floor, more than 84,000 kilometers (52,000 miles) in length, extending through the North and South Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, and the South Pacific. Several smaller ones, such as the Juan de Fuca Ridge, also add to that total. According to the plate tectonics and various expansion tectonic hypotheses, volcanic rock is added to the sea floor as the MOR spreads apart. Thus, the age of the rocks on the MOR are “0," aging away from the ridge until about 200 Ma. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 59 Figure 6. Stick figure diagram of the world’s midocean ridges. Note that most are not in the middle of the basins, nor do they circle Earth. Where this new ocean floor goes is open to discussion. In the plate hypothesis it disappears or is taken up in the collision margins or trenches. In the expansion model, it merely adds to the circumference of the Earth. The expansionists advocate an Earth about 35% smaller about 200 Ma ago. The present circumference of Earth is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 km) at the equator and 24,859.82 miles (40,008 km) around the poles. Taking a mean, Earth’s circumference would have necessarily been 35% less 200 million years ago, or about 26,000 km when all the continents were locked into one supercontinent according to a general consensus. Therefore, the circumferential growth appears to have been, for these past 200 Ma on the order of 14,000 km for a growth rate of 7 cm/yr at the equator. It would be less at this latitude, more on the order of 6 cm/yr. Most of the plate spreading rates appear to be 3-5 cm/yr (the range is 1-10 cm/yr). However, expansionists apparently use the magnetic anomalies to show this expansion rate. Due to the fallacies previously shown elsewhere, they are dealing in a dream world of made-up, fictitious figures that belie even themselves. But, for the sake of the argument, since many actually incorporate expansion into “newer” hypotheses, real ocean floor data will give real figures; that is, if one even believes in seafloor spreading by expansion or whatever means. To that end the present information that may directly affect any and all of the proposed tectonic hypotheses. Bathymetric information based on total coverage, multibeam sonar survey data from the Ocean Survey Program of the US Naval Oceanographic Office should suffice. The line spacing was enough to ensure total coverage, and overlap in some deeper areas, such that a sonar bottom map could be created leaving no room for doubt as to the geomorphology of the region in question.That region is in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean basin on the Hayes Fracture Zone (HFZ; Fig. 7). It is defined at the extremes by the Corner Rise/Seamount group on the west (centered at about 36oN, 51oW; Fig. 8) and the Atlantis/Cruiser/ Great 60 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Meteor platform on the east (centered at about 32.5oN, 28oW; Fig. 9) separated by a distance of some 1150 miles/2130 km. The feature straddles the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The time constraint is provided by the magnetic anomaly 33y (c74.5 Ma) and some of the ages of the Corner Seamounts (80-76 Ma) and the Cruiser Plateau (76 Ma). Figure7. Stick figure diagram of the North Atlantic Ocean basin showing the locations of the major seamount provinces and fracture zones. Small boxes show locations of Figures 8 and 9. Figure 8. Bathymetry of the Corner Seamount group at a 100-fm contour interval. The magnetic anomaly pattern is shown for the observed (bold dots) and the rotated anomalies (short-dashed lines). Ages taken from the DNAG. The southern two lines approximate the Hayes Fracture Zone location, and the northern that of the Oceanographer Fracture Zone. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 61 Figure 9. Multibeam sonar bathymetry at a 100-fm contour interval of the Cruiser/Irving/Hyeres platform lying in the eastern region of the Hayes megatrend. The attendant E-W trending seamount chain to the north lies between the Hayes FZ and the Oceanographer FZ, also part of the Hayes Megatrend. Otherwise, the dots and dashes are the same as those described on Figure 8. These features were selected based on the bathymetry of the inner walls and general morphology of the features. Resetting them to 74.5 Ma along the HFZ gives an exact fit, especially along the relatively steep inner walls of the adjoining edifices (Fig. 10). Also, the seamount provinces on the northern extreme; that is, the northwesterly-trending group of the Corner Seamounts and the Atlantis/Piglet Group north of Cruiser form a perfect in-line sequence bathymetrically. This led to the construction of the original idea in the first place, as one of us (Smoot) did the in-house contouring of both features and was on the lookout for possible guyots. His further work with Brian Tucholke of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute led to the addition of the magnetics information (Smoot and Tucholke, 1986). 62 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Because of the expansion parameters, this fits exactly into that plan. We have two features that possibly used to be part of the same paleo-plateau. We have the same fracture zone passing through both features. And, we have the exact same magnetic anomalies passing through the two different edifices-lagniappe, or serendipity, at its best. All we have to do is figure the expansion/spreading rate to settle many arguments. And, that value is 0.000029 km/yr, or 2.9 cm/yr. A problem exists because expansion apparently does not occur in continental crust. At this latitude the only oceanic crust available for expansion is the Pacific. The Indian Ocean does not exist at this latitude, the northern limit being about 25oN. The East Pacific Rise stops at about 22oN with only the Juan de Fuca Ridge, a relatively minuscule center, to the north of that. Therefore, for the expansion idea to work, the Pacific Basin must be growing by some other means. One has to ask: “how did the earlier, in fact, all of the expansionists come up with that growth size in the first place?” Someone please take the time to give us a reasonable explanation based on some kind of scientific facts-please. Figure 10. Resetting the bathymetry of Figures 8 and 9 by the use of the primary megatrend axis and the magnetic data brings the Corner Seamounts snuggly into the notch of the Cruiser and Irving platforms. All of the guyot/seamount studies show lower angled flanks toward the ocean floor due to sediment drape with the possible exceptions of slumps and these two features. At 100% bathymetric coverage by one-degree sonar beam width, this could not be a better fit and is an excellent region for a study of ocean floor "spreading." Less than 3-cm/yr it is. References Bird, R.T. and Naar, D.F., 1994. Intratransform origins of mid-ocean ridge microplates. Geology, v. 22, p. 987-990 Blot, C., 1976. Volcanisme et séismicité dans les arcs insulaires. Prévision de ces phénomènes. Géophysique, v. 13, Orstom, Paris, 206p. Choi, D.R. and Vasiliev, B.I., 2008. Geology and tectonic development of the Pacific Ocean. Part 4, Geological interpretation of seismic tomography. NCGT Newsletter, no. 48, p. 52-60. Kawakami, S., Fujii, N. and Fukao, Y., 1994. Frontiers of the earth and planetary sciences: A galley of the planetary New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 world. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 100, p. I-VIII. Larson, R.L., Searle, R.C., Kleinrock, M.C., Schouten, H, Bird, R.T, Naar, D.F., Rusby, R.I., Hooft, E.E. and Lasthiotakis, H. 1992. Roller-Bearing Tectonic Evolution of the Juan-Fernandez Microplate. Nature, v. 56, no. 6370, p. 571 -576. Leybourne, B.A. and Adams, M.B., 1999. Modeling mantle dynamics of the Banda Sea: Exploring a possible link to El Nina Southern Oscillation. MTS Oceans ’99 Conference, Seattle, Sept 1999, p. 955-966. Leybourne, B.A. and Adams, M.B., 2001. El Nino tectonic modulation in the Pacific basin. In: Proceedings of the OCEANS, 2001. MTS/IEEEConference and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA, 5 – 8 Nov, 2001, v. 4, p. 2400-2406 doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2001.9683. Meyerhoff, A.A., Taner, I., Morris, A.E.L. and Martin, B.D., 1992. Surge tectonics. In, Chatterjee, S. and Hotton, N., III, eds., “New concepts in global tectonics”. Texas Tech Univ. Press, Lubbock, p. 309-409. Meyerhoff, A.A., Taner, I., Morris, A.E., Agocs, W.B., Kamen-Kaye, M., Bhat, M.I., Smoot, N.C. and Choi, D.R., edited by Meyerhoff-Hull, D., 1996. Surge tectonics: A new hypothesis of global geodynamics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 323p. Meyerhoff, A.A., Boucot, A.J., Meyerhoff-Hull, D. and Dickins, J.M., 1996. Phanerozoic faunal and floral realms of the Earth: The intercalary relations of the Malvinokaffric and Gondwana faunal realms with the Tethyan faunal realm. Geol. Soc. America Mem. 189, 69p. Smoot, N.C. and Tucholke, B., 1986. Multi-beam sonar evidence for evolution of Corner Rise and Cruiser Seamount Groups, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 67, no. 44, p. 1221. Storetvedt, K., 2010. Facts, mistaken beliefs, and the future of global tectonics. NCGT Newsletter, no. 57, p. 3-10. James, P.M., 2010. New concepts and the paths ahead. NCGT Newsletter, no. 56, p. 3-5. Suzuki, Y., 2001. A geotectonic model of South America referring to the intermediate-deep earthquake zone. NCGT Newsletter, no. 20, p. 17-24. Tarakanov, R.Z., 2005. On the nature of seismic focal zone. NCGT Newsletter, no. 34, p. 6-20. Tsunoda, F., 2009. Habits of earthquakes. Part 1: mechanism of earthquakes and lateral thermal seismic energy transmigration. NCGT Newsletter, no. 53, p. 38-46. 63 64 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 PUBLICATIONS HOW PLATE TECTONICS MAY APPEAR TO A PHYSICIST Raymond A. Lyttleton, Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA Hermann Bondi, Churchill College. Cambridge, CB3 0DS (This paper originally appeared in Jour. British Astron. Soc., v. 102, no. 4, p. 194-195, 1992. Reproduction permitted by British Astron. Assoc., London on 7 Feb., 2011) M uch enthusiasm has been associated with the hypothesis of plate tectonics and the notion of continental drift but most of the discussion seems to flout Mcdawar’s dictum that the intensity of conviction felt for a hypothesis has no bearing on whether it is true or not. It would be wrong to dismiss some of the benefits of the plate tectonics theory but for the fact that it involves certain assumptions that are more than just difficult to accept by those of us brought up principally on mathematical physics. For example, we regard it as little more than fortuitous that the coastlines of the continents of South America and Africa should roughly fit together. (There is in fact a misfit of about 13°, though it is believed the fit is better when the margins of the continents are replaced by the continental shelves.) A number of authors have discussed this. For example, Lyustikh (1967) has shown that numerous examples of such similarities of form are found elsewhere on the Earth’s surface. It is difficult to see any sign of even an approximate fit in the northern hemisphere. Pro-drifters and anti-drifters can each select items of evidence that favour their views. What are really needed are incontrovertible data. Such data may be provided by considering the time periods associated with plate-tectonic movements, apparently 108 to 2 x 108 years. The latest estimates of the age of the Earth are around 4.6 x 109 years (Tayler, 1990). Thus plate tectonics tells us nothing about the history of the Earth for its first 44 x 108 years. The mechanism of colliding continental plates to explain mountain building has been examined by Professor T. Gold (1984), in particular the case of the Himalayas. Energy considerations show that the height of the Himalayas produced by the Indian plate, moving at a few centimeters a year, colliding with the Asian plate would be about 30 nanometres. Nor as will be pointed out later, can the hypothetical driving force of plate movements account for mountain building. These theories also fail to give any account of numerous earlier eras of mountain formation (Holmes, 1944 & 1965) during the past 2000 million years (see table). On the other hand, a phase-change interpretation of the core region of the Earth, based as it is on the lifetimes of radioactive elements, offers a mechanism with a halflife of 4000 million years that is still active today (Lyttleton, 1982). Radioactivity in the interior of the Earth, initially solid and cool throughout, leads after about 1000 million years to the sudden so-called Ramsey collapse, which in turn leads to the onset of a phase change to a liquid metallic core of initial radius 2042 km followed by a gradual increase to the present radius of 3473 km (Ramsey, 1948). Evidence for the rate of change of the Earth’s moment of inertia (C) comes from analysis of ancient eclipse data (Lyttleton, 1982 & 1986). The rate of change of C bears a simple relation to the couples exerted on the Earth by lunar and solar tides, which in turn are related to the apparent angular accelerations of the Moon and Sun (Muller and Stephenson, 1976). The original data, which go back to 1875 BC, yield the important result that during the past 3900 years, C has been decreasing at an average rate of 1.67 x 1027 g cm2 s-1. An independent calculation of the same quantity can be made from the change of moment of inertia of an initially all-solid Earth to the present situation, giving 1.72 x 1027 g cm2 s-1, the two figures are remarkably similar. A whole series of models may be calculated (Muller and Stephenson, 1976) from the time of the Ramsey collapse, which has been estimated to have taken place 3000 million years ago, to the present time. Calculations show that the radius of the Earth would have diminished by almost exactly 300 km. Here we New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 65 have a straightforward cause of mountain-building that has affected the Earth repeatedly since the time of the Ramsey collapse. A further difficulty with the plate-tectonic hypothesis is the absence of even a notional causative force for the plate movements. Convection in the solid mantle is a conceptual possibility but we are unaware of any quantitative analysis giving results to justify such an explanation. In any convective system, horizontal currents are secondary and easily deflected by obstacles. To ascribe the repeated eras of mountain building to the alleged continuous push of horizontal elements of convection loops is contrary to any analysis of convection and the energy that could thus be released by this means. The question may be asked, ‘What of the other terrestrial bodies - Venus, Mars, Mercury and the Moon?’ The mass of Venus is not much less than the Earth’s so it would be expected to have similar mechanical properties. Recent radar mapping has verified the existence of mountain formations at its surface. In contrast, Mars, with surface gravity only about 0.3 that of the Earth, is entirely free of surface features that resemble folded and thrusted mountains. This is also true of Mercury and the Moon, which are even smaller. In Mars, the internal pressures are far lower than at corresponding depths within the Earth, at Mars’s centre the pressure is only 0.17 that at the centre of the Earth. It is precisely because of the low pressure that no phase change can occur and thus no general contraction of the planet. The same argument applies to Mercury and the Moon. Where the shapes of the continental margins are concerned, there have been numerous ice ages in which several thousand feet of ice covered large areas of the globe. The ice can only have come ultimately from the oceans. The configurations of the land masses in these past eras may have been very different from their present shape and no guide to their subsequent development. However, the absence of an identifiable driving force and a quantitative analysis of the source of the alleged motions remains, in our view, the biggest gap in the plate tectonics theory. The primary cause must be vertical movement, driven not by a feeble horizontal component force of convection but by imbalances between gravitation and pressure gradients which are potentially of adequate magnitude to account for the recurrent eras of mountain building. We have explored this possibility and have found no evidence against such a hypothesis. Less episodic and far smaller vertical motions are those that plate-tectonics invoke in support of the analysis of mid-ocean ridges. Much is made of the notion of sea-floor spreading as giving some support to the phenomenon of magnetic stripes. However it is not at all clear what driving mechanism could account for these ridges and such oceanic features as the Mariana Trench and the Tuscarora Deep whose dimensions are comparable with those of the Himalayan Mountains. In physics, however, when there is a single piece of evidence in accord with an otherwise unsupported hypothesis, it is usual to search for alternative explanations. By the process of studying a variety of options, the currently accepted theories of physics have been refined to justify their status. It is the lack of study of alternatives to plate tectonics that reduces its plausibility in the eyes of a physicist. References: Gold, T., 1984. Intern. Stop Cont. Drift. Soc., v. 5, no. 1, p. 12 Homes, A., 1944 & 1965. Principles of physical geology. Ronald Press Co. Lyustickh, H.N., 1967. Geophys. Jour. Royal Astro. Soc., v. 14, p. 347. Lyttelton, R.A., 1982. The Earth and its mountains. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Lyttleton, R.A., 1986. Dynamical theory of the rotation of the Earth. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A., v. 408, p. 267-275. Muller, P.M. and Stephenson, F.R., 1976. NASA Lunar Program Office. Ramsey, W.H., 1949. Monthly Note. Royal Astro. Soc. Geophys. Suppl., no. 5, p. 409. Ramsey, W.H., 1948. Monthy Note. Roy. Astron. Soc., v. 108, p. 406. Ramsey, W.H., 1950. Monthy Note. Royal Astro. Soc., v. 110, p. 325 & 444. Tayler, R.J., 1990. Quart. Journ. Royal Astro. Soc., v. 31, p. 294. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 66 The main eras of mountain-building on the Earth over the last 2000 million years. Approximate dates are given in millions of years before the present. (After Holmes1944 & 1965) Cycle North America Mainly Europe Ⅸ CIRCUM-PACIFIC 1-70 My Ⅷ Younger APPALACHIAN 200-230 My Ⅶ Older APPALACHIAN 350 My Ⅵ Lake Superior 550 My ALPINE (incl. Asiatic extensions) 20-70 My HERCYNIAN (Central Europe-S. of Ireland) 200-250 My CALEDONIAN (Norway-British Isles) 310-320 My - Base of Cambrian CHARNIAN (England) (Katanga, Central Africa, 600My) Ⅴ KILLARNEAN (Lake Superior) 750 My Ⅳ LAURENTIAN (St Lawrence) 1050 My Ⅲ Great Bear Lake (Canada) and Black Hills of S. Dakota) 1350 My (Western Australia, 1250 My) Ⅱ Older Black Hills 1600 My MAREALBIAN (White Sea) 1600 My Ⅰ Manitoba 1750 My KARELIAN (Lapland-L. Ladoga & SE Norway) 850 My SVECOFENNIAN (S. FinlandStockholm) 1050 My Conglomerates containing pebbles of oldest known granite ******************* ATMOSPHERIC MASSES OF FOUR SOLAR SYSTEM SOLID BODIES (VENUS, EARTH, MARS, TITAN) IN RELATION TO THEIR TECTONIC GRANULATIONS Gennady G. KOCHEMASOV EPSC Abstracts, v. 5, EPSC2010-25, 2010. European Planetary Science Congress O nly four solid bodies of the Solar system have significant atmospheres (Figs. 1-4). Their compositions reflect processes of outgassing and evolution of solid geospheres. Main atmospheric components are at Titan N2 and CH4, Mars CO2, Earth N2 and O2, Venus CO2. Minor components mainly give them spectacular colors: orange, red, blue, and white. An important regularity concerns masses of atmospheres. They are inversely proportional to sizes of wave tectonic granulations of solid bodies and are also influenced by other physico-chemical conditions as temperature, gravity, and planetary masses. Relief ranges of solid bodies increase with increasing tectonic granule sizes (Kochemasov, 2009); atmospheric masses, on the contrary, increase with diminishing granule sizes (Kochemasov, 2006). Thus, intensity of “sweeping” out volatiles of planets increases with frequency of their wave “shaking” that is in an inverse correlation with their orbital frequencies. Planetary atmospheres as inseparable parts of planetary geospheres have close structural and compositional ties with underlying solid formations. Atmospheres are produced by solid bodies as a result of their New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 67 outgassing (“sweeping out” volatiles) that apparently is tied to their oscillations and tectonic granulations (Kochemasov, 2004 & 2006). The comparative wave planetology having stated that “orbits make structures” finds that two fundamental properties of all celestial bodies are most important for their structurization: movement and rotation. All bodies move in non-circular keplerian elliptic (and parabolic) orbits that imply periodic acceleration changes and appearance of inertia-gravity forces producing warping waves. In rotating bodies (but all celestial bodies rotate!) these waves are ordered in four ortho- and diagonal directions. Having stationary character and various lengths they interfere producing positive (+), negative (-) and neutral (0) tectonic blocks (Kochemasov, 1998). The fundamental wave 1 long 2πR gives ubiquitous tectonic dichotomy, the first overtone wave 2 long πR makes tectonic sectoring. Individual for any body waves whose lengths are inversely proportional to their orbital frequencies produce tectonic granules: higher frequency – smaller granule, lower frequency – larger granule. The following row shows increasing granule sizes (a half of a wavelength): Titan πR/91, Sun’s photosphere πR/60, Mercury πR/16, Venus πR/6, Earth πR/4, Mars πR/2, asteroids πR/1(Kochemasov, 1998, 2006 & 2009). One may say that Venus is tectonically “fine-grained”, Earth “medium-grained”, Mars “coarse-grained”. The wave produced granulation and known atmospheric masses indicate that fine-grained Venus is more thoroughly shaken out and released of its volatiles (degassed) than Earth and Mars. The atmospheric masses increase from Mars through Earth to Venus as ~ 0. 01 : 1 : 90. This is proved not only by its massive atmosphere containing a large amount of nitrogen but also by a very low ratio of radiogenic to primordial argon (Venus 1, Earth 300, Mars 3000) (Pollack and Black, 1979). The smaller volatile rich satellite Titan with high orbital frequency has an important atmosphere - probably only a remnants of what was totally outgassed during eons (Kochemasov, 2006). Most outgassed planets having transferred important part of their angular momentum to gaseous envelope and farther out were forced to slow down their rotation rate. Thus, there are slowly rotating Venus, Mercury, and Sun, moderately rotating Earth and Mars, and fastly rotating outer gaseous giant planets. Fig. 1. Titan, PIA09858, “Orange”, Natural color view, imaged by Cassini SC from distance of 2.3 mln. km. Fig. 2. Mars, PIA11029, “Red Planet”, Mars Global Surveyor’s image. Olympus Mons at center. Fig. 3. Earth, PIA10120, “Blue Planet”, MESSENGER Space craft’s image. Fig. 4. Venus, PIA 10124, “White Planet”, MESSENGER SC’s image. References Kochemasov, G.G., 2009. A regular row of planetary relief ranges connected with tectonic granulations of celestial bodies. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, # 51, p. 58-61. Kochemasov, G.G., 2006. Outgassing of planets in relation to their orbital frequencies. EUROPLANET-2006. Sci. Conference, Sept. 22-26, 2006, Berlin, EPSC Abstracts, v. 1, EPSC2006-A-00043, CD-ROM. Kochemasov, G.G., 2004. Terrestrial planets: volatiles loss & speed of rotation. 35th COSPAR Sci. Assembly, Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004, Abstract # COSPAR04-A-00913, CD-ROM. Kochemasov, G.G., 1998. Tectonic dichotomy, sectoring and granulation of Earth and other celestial bodies. Proceedings of international symposium on new concepts in global tectonics (’98 TSUKUBA)”, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 1998, p. 144-147. Pollack J.B. and Black D.C., 1979. Implications of the gas compositional measurements of Pioneer Venus for the origin of planetary atmospheres. Science, v. 205, #4401, p. 56-59. Images credit: Figure 1 - NASA/JPL/ Space Science Inst.; Figure 2 – NASA/JPL-Caltech; Figures 3-4 – NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 68 TWO DEEPEST GEOID MINIMA ON EARTH (INDIAN) AND THE MOON (SOUTH POLE-AITKEN BASIN) ARE DEEMED HAVING DIFFERENT ORIGINS BUT SURPRISINGLY SIMILAR BY THEIR TECTONIC POSITIONS GennadyG. KOCHEMASOV Translated from: “Planet Earth” system: 300 anniversary of the M.V. Lomonosov birthday. 1711-2011. Monograph., Moscow: LENAND, 2010. 480p. (p. 394-396) (In Russian) E arth and its satellite both are well studied topographically and gravimetrically. It turned out that at both bodies there are solitary unique planetary scale objects, origin of which puzzles scientists. Geophysicists know about existence of a unique depression in the geoid form on the Indian Ocean deep –112 m but its origin is mysterious. According to the prevailing theory plate tectonics the basin of the Indian Ocean was formed as a result of moving apart core blocks around a triple junction of the middle-ocean ridges. Such interpretation of the present tectonics contradicts to a real disposition of different ages planetary geologic blocks around the Indian minimum (Fig. 4, Kochemasov, 2009) and does not explain its profound nature. The minimum occurs at the axe “b” of three main Earth’s moments of inertia and thus is a fundamental part of its rotation figure (Liu amd Chao, 1991). Lunar Basins and Marea, as it is known, are traditionally considered as traces of impacts of giant cosmic bodies during an earlier bombardment (3 to 4 Ga ago). Even their regular symmetric disposition on the surface is neglected (Kochemasov, 1997). However, serious difficulties recently arise in concordance of their supposed ages with ages of “impact” breccias and relations between them. But the supporters of impacts stand firm on their opinion and do not accept alternatives. The South Polar-Aitken basin is considered as the largest impact basin in the Solar system; its depth is about 8 km with the total lunar relief range about 16 km. Comparative planetology could help in solution of the question. It turns out that both considered planetary structures occupy analogous positions in a wave structure of their bodies (Figs. 1-3). They are deeply subsided sectors (πR-structures) on their respective uplifted continental highland segments-hemispheres (2πR-structures) (Kochemasov, 1998). Such regular arrangement on two globes makes dubious their interpretation according to the hypotheses of plate tectonics and impacts (Kochemasov, 1998 & 2010). The central position of the Indian geoid minimum at the eastern hemisphere (segment) is shown in Fig. 4, where one can see symmetry of structures by their superposition under 180˚ rotation of the structural scheme of Fig. 4 about the minimum center. Outside the Fig. 4 scheme are two most famous symmetric objects of Earth – the subsided Arctic block and uplifted Antarctic block. The wave planetology thus throws light upon this “mysterious” phenomenon. Fig. 1. Lunar geoid. Center-down (dark blue) – SPA basin (moontopogeoidusgs_farside.jpg). Fig. 2. Earth’s geoid. Center-down (dark blue) – Indian minimum (832e4f812d1e.jpg). New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 69 3 Fig. 3. Schemes of different levels (+, ++, -, --) tectonic sectors on continental segments-hemispheres of the Moon (left) and Earth. The sectors are grouped around the Mare Orientale and the Pamirs-Hindukush mountain massif. Black – the most subsided sectors: SPA basin and Indian geoid minimum. Fig. 4. Earth’s tectonic granules (Congolese, Indian, Indonesian radial-concentric πR/2-structures) and tectonopairs around the Indian geoid minimum. 1. Tangential weakness zones; 2-7. Congolese superstructure and its superposition with rotation at 180˚ on Indonesian one; 2. Radial weakness zones, 3. Congo River and Borneo outlines, 4. Archean greenshist belts and Malay island arc, 5. Rifts in the craton frame and sea troughs, 6. Benoue trough, 7. Afar depression; 8-14. Indian superstructure: 8. Geoid isolines, m, 910. Radial weakness zones ( according to surface features-9, geoid anomalies-10), 11. Underwater ridges, 12. Grabens, 13. Folds in oceanic crust, 14. Closepet granit; 15-28. Tectonopairs: 15. Himalayas – “Anti-Himalayas”, 16. Altyn-Tagh – SW Indian Ridge, 17. Yangzi platform (Emeishan basalts) – Mascarene basin, 18. Tibet – Madagascar basin, 19. Tarim – Crozet basin, 20. Tian-Shan – elevated bottom between Isls. Kerguelen and St. Paul, 21. Central Kazakhstan – Kerguelen Plateau, 22. Gobi – Crozet Plateau, 23. Persian Gulf & Mesopotamia – basins off SW Australia, 24. AR cratons; South African – Sino-Korean, 25. Angola basin – Philippine plate, 26. Walvis Ridge – Ryukyu-Japan Isls., 27. Fracture zones; Zagros – Diamantina, 28. Archean cratons: West African – North Australian [1]. 70 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 References Kochemasov, G.G., 1997. The wave planetology against the impact and plate tectonics ones // Regularities and symmetry in the Earth’s structure. Proceedings of the I-III scientific seminars TRINITI RAS-MSU, 1994-1996. ROST, Moscow, 1997, 151 p. 5-17 (In Russian). Kochemasov, G.G., 1998. The Moon: Earth-type sectoral tectonics, relief and relevant chemical features. Abstracts of the papers submitted to the 3rd international conference on Exploration and utilization of the Moon, Oct. 11-14, 1998, Moscow, Russia. Eds. Galimov, E.M., Polyakov, V.B. and Sidorov, Yu.I., p. 29. Kochemasov, G.G., 2009. Geometric tectonic regularities in the Eastern hemisphere of Earth. MatGeoS’09. Geosciences from Earth to Space. 2nd workshop on mathematical geosciences, 07 to 08 December 2009, Freiberg, Germany. Kochemasov, G.G., 2010. Well known outstanding geoid and relief depressions as regular wave woven features on Earth (Indian geoid minimum), Moon (SPA basin), Phobos (Stickney crater), and Miranda (an ovoid). EGU Congress, Vienna 2010, Abstract # EGU2010-A-4044. Liu, H.S. and Chao, B.F., 1991. The Earth’s equatorial principal axes and moments of inertia. Geophys. Jour. Intern., v. 106, no. 3, p. 699-702. ******************** Published by: Trafford Publishing Company, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 300, Bloomington, IN, 47403, USA. The book is being submitted to a publisher. For enquiries please contact John Casey From the book: Mr. John L. Casey, a former White House space program advisor, space shuttle engineer, and consultant to NASA headquarters and Congress, tells us about his desperate quest. He is trying to alert the world about the next climate change, one that has potentially life altering consequences for everyone on the planet. In April 2007, Mr. Casey, independently discovered important cycles of the Sun that govern our climate. He then became the first researcher in the United States to accurately predict in advance, some of the most New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 71 significant events in the history of climate science followed by a highly public campaign to notify the people, the US government and the media. His predictions included the end of global warming, a long term drop in the Earth‘s temperature, a historic reduction in the Sun‘s output - what he has named a ―solar hibernation and the start of 30 years of record cold weather producing the world‘s worst subsistence crisis in history. He extended the ill-effects of this hibernation of the Sun in May 2010 with his forecast for record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This is not solely a telling of his amazing discovery but rather a forecast for the future that all will have to endure in the dangerous years ahead. His urgent message: Prepare! ******************** GLOBAL VOLCANISM AND OCEANIZATION OF THE EARTH AND PLANETS Monograph Author: Vyacheslav ORLENOK I. Kant State University of Russia Press 14, A. Nevsky St., Kaliningrad, 236041 For book order, contact: Price: U$40 ANNOTATION In this monograph the author develops his work on theoretical issues concerning the Earth and planets, the origin and evolution of the World Oceans, and the structure of the Earth’s crust. He presents numerous calculations of endogenously produced water and photolytic losses in the hydrosphere during different stages of geological history as well as examining initial (Katarchean) and recent (Cenozoic) periods in global volcanism, their influence on the generation of the sialic basement and the Earth’s oceanization. The volume and masses of indigenous materials and water pouring out onto the Earth’s surface have been calculated. The apparatus for photolysis making developed by the author made it possible to assess the hydrosphere’s conditions throughout the Precambrian and Phanerozoic. A relationship has been found between the life spans of the ocean basins and their areas, water masses and solar conditions. Our planet has never had available resources for making and retaining (for hundreds of millions of years) a deep-water ocean. Even a shallow ocean which could cover 80 % of the Earth’s surface due to photolytic water dissipation could disappear in just a few tens of millions of years. The author has determined substantial reductions in the radius of the Earth and planets and in other conditions such as volume, territories, masses and average density for 4.5 · 109 years, examined the characteristics of early volcanism and the hydrosphere regime on the surface of planets which belong to terrestrial group, and the planets-giants.This manual is intended for specialists in the field of Earth sciences as well as students, postgraduates of geographical and geological faculties of universities and other higher educational establishments. CONTENTS Preface Introduction System and non-system units of measurement used in this work Acknowledgements Chapter I. Contemporary Structure and Dynamics of the Oceanic Floor § 1. Oceanic Floor Relief, Seismotectonics and Volcanism § 2. Modern Views on the Nature of the Ocean Chapter II. Geological History of the Late Mesozoic Seas 72 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 § 1. Distribution of the Precambrian Granite-Metamorphic Rocks in Ocean Areas § 2. Paleogeography of Sea Basins in the Late Phanerozoic § 3. Paleogeography of the Cenozoic Ocean Chapter III. Cenozoic Global Volcanism and Oceanization of the Earth § 1. Evidence of the Grand Subsidence of the Ocean Floor § 2. Determination of the Ocean Floor Subsidence Rate § 3. Estimation of the Endogenous Water Inflow in the last 70 Ma § 4. The Estimation of the Photolytic Constant of Hydrosphere Dissipation § 5. The Estimation of Hydrosphere Photolytic Losses in the Geological History § 6. New Equation of the Water Balance Chapter IV. The Causes of Earth Oceanization § 1. Processes of Dehydration and Deserpentinisation of the Earth’s Crust § 2. Causes of the Cenozoic Global Volcanism § 3. Heat and Water Balance in the Oceanization Process § 4. The Impact of the Endogenous Water Supply on Ocean Level Change over the Past 140 Years Chapter V. Future of Terrestrial Oceans § 1.Determination of the Amount of Water on the Earth § 2. Why is a Proterozoic Ocean Impossible? § 3. How Long will the Present-day Ocean Exist? Chapter VI. Katarchean Global Volcanism and Formation of the Sialic Complex § 1. Pre-Geological Earth § 2. Evolution of the Sun § 3. Radius Reduction and Heat Loss Variations on the Earth and Other Planets § 4. Initial Global Volcanism § 5. The role of Short-Living Radioactive Isotopes in the Initial Volcanism § 6. The Precambrian Decline in Volcanism Chapter VII. Initial Volcanism and Water Generation on Other Planets § 1. Geological Aspects of the Problem Analysis § 2. Terrestrial Planets § 3. Giant Planets § 4. Titan, Triton and Galilean Moons of Jupiter Conclusions Bibliography SYNOPSIS In the geological history of the Earth new and little-known events and processes have allowed to make an essential review or updating current scientific hypotheses on the origin of world oceans, formation of the Earth’s hydrosphere and its losses, history and energetic sources of volcanism, and processes of terrestrial crust formation. Two major stages of global volcanism have been revealed; the first stage, Katarchean which resulted in the granite-metamorphic complex forming the continental and oceanic platforms (sial), and the second, Cenozoic, covering 2/3 of the Earth’s surface with modern deep world oceans. Based on the newly discovered important geological processes, an algorithm of quantitative estimation of a volcanism and the volume of escaped water at different stages of the Precambrian and Phanerozoic in the Earth and other planets was established. It shows that the initial volcanism occurred on the Earth and other planets was caused by a single energy source, which could be made only by short-life radionuclides such as 235 U. The avalanche of these elements covered upper ground in the final accretion of the planets. Thus, in the Earth and terrestrial planets favourable conditions for vast, shallow ocean basins were created. Shallow-water sediments of late Mesozoic-Jurassic, Cretaceous and Palaeogene discovered by the “Glomar Challenger” drilling program in the world oceans allowed the author to calculate the empirical ocean floor subsidence rate in the last 165 Ma. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 73 At the same time the subsidence rate drastically increased (more than once) at the turn of Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, from 25-30 mm per 1000 years in the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous, up to 200—800 mm per 1000 year in Palaeogene to Quaternary. As a result of approximation of the graph V(t) it was obtained exponential change in subsidence rate of the Ocean floor: V(t) = aet/c + b Coefficients a and b can be defined easily in the graph V(t) below (See Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Rate of endogenous water escape to the Earth’s surface in the last 165 Ma. The graph on the right: 0 — water; 2 — floor; 3 — deep water sediment; 4 — shallow-water sediment; 5 — basalts; A — wells in the Pacific and Indian Oceans; B — wells in the Atlantic Ocean (Orlenok, 1985 & 1998). An average subsiding rate of the ocean floor has been determined too for the last 70 Ma. It makes 100 mm per 1000 years that corresponds to 0.1 km/106 years. At the same time subsidence amplitude of the ocean floor at the basement surface is 7 km. In a modern ocean and offshore (hydrosphere of the land, glacier, atmosphere etc.) there is 1.6·109 km3 of water which is 0.7·109 km3 less than the volume of endogenous water escaped to the Earth’s surface during Cenozoic time. Then a question arises — where has this huge amount of water being half of the total volume of the present-day oceans escaped? Only one reason can be found — this volume has been lost through the photolysis and dissipated into the space. The calculation shows the annual loss being ~ 1016 g or ~10 km3/year. If we divide this value by an average area of the ocean which has been formed since Late Cretaceous up to today (320 · 106 km2), we obtain a constant of photolysis in hydrosphere equaling to Fn = 3.1 ± 0.4 · 107 g/km2 /year. Using this constant we can calculate irrevocable loss of hydrosphere in the geological history of the Earth. As a result we can determine that during the Precambrian and Phanerozoic times the amount of generated water was equal to twice the volume of the present oceans (3.14 · 109 km3), 2/3 of which (2.24 ~ 109 km3) formed in Cenozoic during oceanization process and only 1/3 (0.84 · 109 km3) in the Precambrian and most of the Phanerozoic. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 74 NEWS GLOBAL COOLING!! The following three press releases are from Space and Science Research Center (SSRC; now Space and Science Corporation), Orlando, Florida disclosing that the solar activity has entered a deep trough period, much deeper than initially expected - warning that this will possibly lead to a prolonged global mini-ice age. Several NCGT colleagues have joined the SSRC as Supporting Researchers. Press release 1-2011. SPACE AND SCIENCE RESEARCH CENTER P.O. Box 607841, Orlando, FL 32860, USA NASA DATA CONFIRMS SOLAR HIBERNATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE TO COLD ERA Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 3:00 PM. T he Space and Science Research Center (SSRC) announces today that the most recent data from NASA describing the unusual behavior of the Sun validates a nearly four year long quest by SSRC Director John L. Casey to convince the US government, the media, and the public that we are heading into a new cold climate era with 20 to 30 years of record setting cold weather. According to Director Casey, “I’m quite pleased that NASA has finally agreed with my predictions which were passed on to them in early 2007. There is no remaining doubt that the hibernation of the Sun, what solar physicists call a ‘grand minimum’ has begun and with it, the next climate change to a prolonged cold era. When I first called Dr. Hathaway and told him the NASA and NOAA estimates for the Sun’s activity were “way off” in both sunspot count and in which solar cycle the hibernation would begin (cycle 24 vs. cycle 25), he was polite but dismissive. Since that time both NASA and NOAA have been revising their sunspot estimates for solar cycle 24 lower every year and with each year their numbers have been getting closer to mine and the few other scientists around the world who had similar forecasts. The January announcement by NASA is now virtually identical to mine made almost four years ago.” NASA’s solar physics group headed by Dr. David Hathaway at the Marshall Space Flight Center, alerted the solar physics community on January 3, 2011 that the latest sunspot prediction for our current solar cycle 24 had been adjusted downward by a significant amount from recent years to a value of 70 ± 18 and an estimated peak of 59 sunspots during solar maximum in the June-July 2013 time frame. This number compares with their prediction of a much larger 2006 estimate of a very active Sun with 145 sunspots at peak. Many of the measures by which the Sun’s activity is measured like sunspot counts, have since set record low levels. Casey’s 2007 forecast however, came during the height of the man-made global warming movement at a time when any mention of a reduction in the Sun’s energy output much less a new cold climate, was political and scientific heresy. As Casey recounts, “Once I made my forecast for the Sun’s reversal in phase from global warming to global cooling and the start of a new cold climate period I was immediately attacked from all sides. Regrettably, that is the history of new scientific discoveries when anyone says the opposite of a belief that is well entrenched in conventional thinking. My prediction also ran into political roadblocks since at that time both presidential candidates were trying to woo the ‘green’ vote in what all knew was going to be a close election where every vote counted. Both Republicans and Democrats were saying manmade global warming was real and something should be done about it. Despite my strong space program credentials, what I was saying then was a message no one wanted to hear. Both liberal and conservative web sites launched attacks to discredit my research. Fortunately, the Sun has been on my side and it is a powerful ally. At long last, NASA has now come out with their own data that confirms my past predictions. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 75 After I had completed my original research and notified NASA, I tried to find others who had come to the same conclusion about the Sun and the next climate change. I want to take the time today to mention some of these prominent researchers who made the courageous step forward back then and went public with their predictions. The list is also posted at the SSRC web site. They include in the US: Dr.’s Ken Schatten, D. V. Hoyt, and W. K. Tobiska; in Europe and Russia: Dr.’s Habibullo Abdussamatov, Oleg Sorokhtin, Boris Komitov, Vladimir Kaftan, O. G. Badalyan, V. N. Obridko, J. Sykora, and J. Beer; in Australia: David Archibald, Dr.’s Ian Wilson, I. A. Waite, Bob Carter and Peter Harris; in China: Dr.’s Y.T. Hong, H.B. Jiang, L.P. Zhou, H.D. Li, X.T. Leng, B. Hong, X.G. Qin, L. Zhen-Shan and Sun Xian, and in Mexico: Dr. Victor M. V. Herrera. I also want to express my thanks to and hope to soon add the many more researchers to this partial list who have supported the position that the Sun drives climate change, not mankind, and that we have begun the transition to the next cold climate.” As to the linkage of the new cold era with this now confirmed solar hibernation by NASA, Director Casey clarified, “NASA is not the primary source for US government weather and climate forecasts. With the exception of NASA Goddard, that’s NOAA’s area of responsibility though we all rely on the data from weather satellites that NASA launches into orbit around the Earth and the Sun. But don’t ask any of the NASA or NOAA scientists to agree with the end of global warming and the now confirmed start of the next solar hibernation or for that matter a cold climate change. That would be career suicide given the measures the current administration goes to in order to preserve the myth of manmade global warming. In any case, decades of extreme cold weather always follow these hibernations of the Sun as the research shows going back 1,200 years or more. This next one has begun right on schedule, just as I predicted. We should therefore expect the same climate change to a long cold period just like it has done before. The last three record cold and long winters around the globe along with the lack of growth in the planet’s average temperature for the past twelve years, and a new long term downward trend in global temperatures are solid enough signals to prove that global warming ended as and when I predicted and that the Earth is rapidly proceeding into a long cold era. NASA’s announcement is clearly vindication for those of us who have spoken out for years against conventional climate science thinking, false statements and misleading reports of the UN and US government climate science officials, and had to endure slander and ridicule from AGW extremists. Now we need to prepare for what has arrived; twenty to thirty years of record setting, crop destroying cold weather. We should stop wasting precious resources on the past climate phase of Sun-caused global warming, bury this hubris of man-made climate change and listen to what the Sun is telling us. We need to do so immediately.” ****************** Press Release 2-2011 GLOBAL COOLING BEGINS AND GLOBAL WARMING ENDS WITH RECORD DROP IN TEMPERATURES Friday, February 4, 2011 5:00 PM. T he Space and Science Research Center (SSRC) announces today that the most recent global temperature data through January 31, 2011 using NASA and NOAA weather satellites supports the previous forecast from the SSRC that a historic drop in global temperatures is under way and that the previously predicted climate change to one of a long and deep global cooling era has begun. SSRC Director John L. Casey explains, “Based on the data from the AMSR-E instrument on board the NASA Aqua satellite, sea surface temperatures just posted this week showed their steepest decline since the satellite was made operational in 2002. This major drop from the warm temperature levels seen in 2010 is also echoed by a dramatic decline in atmospheric temperatures in the lower troposphere, where we live, with the data coming from NOAA satellites. At present rates of descent, both ocean and atmospheric temperatures are likely to soon surpass the temperature lows set in the 2007-2008 period. Even with a small correction that is usually seen after such a rapid drop, there is no doubt that the Earth is entering a prolonged 76 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 global cooling period and will soon set another record drop in temperatures by the November-December 2012 time frame as was forecast in the SSRC press release from May 10, 2010.” As to the long term implications, of this significant drop in global temperatures, Director Casey clarifies by adding, “While we always see a reduction from a previous El Nino high, this time the decline is different, very different. What is happening now is the effect of the natural La Nina cooling is being overpowered and accelerated by a once every 206 year solar cycle that has entered its cold phase. In 2007 after discovering this cycle, I was the first to announce to the White House, Congress, and the main stream media that this cycle would produce a “solar hibernation,” a major reduction in the output of the Sun which in turn would bring a new climate change to a cold era lasting 20-30 years. This hibernation also called a grand minimum was recently verified by NASA data using sunspot measurements and was announced in another SSRC press release January 25th of this year. In quick succession here in early 2011 we have seen two of the strongest possible validations of the global cooling phase of the 206 year cycle and the “Relational Cycle Theory” of climate change which I developed to account for the pattern of alternating cold and warm periods that we have seen for over two hundred years now. Although we will continue to see highly variable weather, the punishing winters the world has seen the past few years including the on-going record setting winter of 2010-2011, are just a sample of what is to come. Though the conclusions of my research and that of many others around the world has shown a new and potentially dangerous cold weather period is coming, the recent NASA data about the Sun going into hibernation and this week’s global temperature figures have provided critical evidence for our leaders and the public to finally see that the next cold climate era is here. It is also important to recognize that there has been no effective growth in the Earth’s temperatures for twelve years now and according to my calculations, the statistical peak of the long term curve of the past Sun-caused global warming was probably between 2005 and 2007. Global temperatures have suddenly returned to the same level they were in 1980 and are expected to drop much further. Given the momentum of the solar hibernation, it is now unlikely that our generation or the next one will return to the level of global warming that we have just passed through. Again, global warming has ended. It was always caused by the Sun and not mankind. The global cooling era has begun. The SSRC has a track record for accuracy in climate predictions that is among the best. It remains the only independent research organization in the US that has been consistently warning the US government, the media and the public that this new cold weather is upon us and that we need our people to prepare. As stated many times before, this solar hibernation will bring the worst cold in over 200 years and will likely cause substantial damage to the world’s agricultural systems. Here at the SSRC we will continue to post these releases with new updates so our citizens are well informed.” The satellite temperature data is available through several NASA and NOAA sources including Remote Sensing Systems, (RSS) out of Santa Rosa, California (, with both sea and atmospheric temperature charts available from the University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH) via the web site of UAH’s Dr. Roy Spencer. ( ******************** Press Release 4-2011 JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE A FOREWARNING OF MORE RECORD EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Monday, March 14, 2011 8:00 AM T he historic 8.9 earthquake and tsunami that struck off the coast of northwestern Japan shortly after 2:46 PM local time, on Friday, March 11, may be a forewarning of more and larger geophysical upheavals yet to come according to research done at the Space and Science Research Corporation, (SSRC). New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 77 Re-stating a warning issued in May of 2010, SSRC President Mr. John Casey highlighted the growing concern for quakes and tsunamis like that which has caused the Japanese people devastating loss of life, immense property damage and huge collateral effects like the threat of nuclear power plants going into meltdown, releasing deadly radioactive particles into the air. Casey elaborated by saying “In May of 2010, I issued a specific warning for record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions tied to the Sun’s activity. Our research report released at that time cited the strong correlation between the largest recorded earthquakes in the USA and volcanic eruptions globally, all tied to the advent of major declines in solar activity, what we call ‘solar hibernations.’ These hibernations are marked by dramatically reduced energy output of the Sun and last two to three decades or more. Now, here we are ten months later and the fifth largest recorded earthquake in the last 100 years strikes Japan. It was no surprise. Nor will be the ones to follow. Unfortunately, this massive earthquake and deadly tsunami that has caused catastrophic damage and loss of life in many coastal communities on the northeast coast of Japan may be just a sample of what is to come, not just for Japan but around the world. The last time we had a solar hibernation called the Dalton Minimum (1793-1830) it brought a worldwide subsistence crisis because of a record cold climate change that destroyed crops. To add to the difficult times then, some of the largest ever earthquakes and volcanic eruptions also took place. For example, here in the US we had the incredibly large New Madrid earthquakes that produced three 8.0 quakes between 1811 and 1812. These were the most powerful series of US quakes in our country’s history. Globally, we had several large eruptions including the largest volcanic eruption in modern history when Mt. Tambora in Indonesia exploded in 1815. All of these events took place during a solar hibernation. The research posted in May 2010 said we should once again expect historically large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions worldwide now that another hibernation of the Sun has started. The strength of this correlation was so striking that after the research was completed, I immediately notified US authorities, local government offices and media outlets in some of the most vulnerable zones in the US.” Adding to Mr. Casey’s comments are other supporting researchers for the SSRC. Dr. Fumio Tsunado and Dr. Dong Choi, are highly respected scientists and each have decades of research into seismic activity, especially in the area surrounding Japan. They view the Sendai quake as another signal of the interrelation of the Sun and Moon which respectively exert tidal and geomagnetic forces on the Earth. These forces can bring the strongest quakes to the surface though originating from deep within the Earth. Plate tectonics theory they say, which focuses in part on the movement of upper mantle layers and subduction zones, is not the only causal factor in the largest earthquakes and associated volcanic activity. For those we must look deeper. Speaking for both, Dr. Choi explained their assessment of the Sendai quake this way. “This extraordinary earthquake is the result of the convergence of deep-Earth derived energy at shallow depth (30 to 16 km). Heat was accumulated in the upper mantle and the lower crust, and uplifted to the overlying crustal blocks in the wide area offshore of northeast Japan in accordance with the volcanic-earthquake (VE) process developed by Dr. Tsunoda. There is no doubt today that the Earth’s core has been discharging very strong energy since the declining period of solar cycle 23 and the arrival of solar cycle 24. The increased earthquakes and volcanic activities worldwide in the last few years testify to this – an alarming trend which will further accelerate as the solar hibernation deepens.” ************ The Space and Science Research Corporation, (SSRC), in Orlando, Florida has been conducting important research since 2008 into the effects upon the Earth’s climate changes and related frequency and intensity of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions brought on during dramatic reductions in the Sun’s energy output. Studies of these ‘solar hibernations’ by the SSRC has made it possible for the SSRC to make highly accurate climate change and geophysical predictions for record events in advance of their occurrence. The SSRC is 78 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 the leading organization in the US advocating use of solar cycles to predict climate change, earthquake and volcanic activity and has been the most outspoken voice in the US for the need to prepare for the extreme cold and record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions it predicts during the current solar hibernation. The research reports of Dr. Tsunoda, pertaining to this press release are available at the NCGT Newsletter, no. 54, 2010. ( The SSRC Research Report 1-2010 “Correlation of Solar Activity Minimums and Large Magnitude Geophysical Events” is available at the SSRC web site ( ******************** A PRECURSORY GEOERUPTION BEFORE THE DISASTROUS JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE T he following picture is the geoeruption and earthquake cloud which appeared on 23 February 2011 - 16 days before the M9.0 Great East Japan Earthquake mainshock on 11 March, 2011. Zhonghao SHOU ******************** EDPD-2011 INDIAN WORKSHOP 21 to 25 September, 2011 Vivekananda Kedra, Kanyakumaari, Tamil nadu, India The last date for registering as participant in EDPD-2011 is 30th April 2011 and the deadline for abstracts submission is 10th May 2011. Find the following links helpful in registering and submitting your papers. If you have not registered yet, kindly complete the above processes as soon as possible as it will help us plan and manage the event comfortably. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. Biju LONGHINOS ******************** IGC34 BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA 5 to 10 August 2012 T he NCGT session has been requested to the IGC34 organizers on 21 February, 2011 as follows: New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 Name of Symposium: Communicating Convenor Full name: Email address: Co-convenors Full names and email addresses: Pursuit of a new global geodynamic paradigm <50 word Symposium Description: The session will critically examine accumulated geological and geophysical data from many corners of the globe, and on its basis discuss most plausible geodynamic systems – alternatives to plate tectonics. A wide range of topics will be included: continental rocks from ocean floors, deep Earth structure, earthquakes, Sun-Earth interaction, etc. Estimate Duration: e.g. ½ day 1 day 1 and ½ to 2 days 79 Dong R. Choi M. Ismail Bhat, India. Karsten M. Storetvedt, Norway. You can get more details of the IGC34 by visiting: ******************** The 37th Interdisciplinary Workshop "THE EARTH EXPANSION EVIDENCE: A CHALLENGE FOR GEOLOGY, GEOPHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY" will be held on October 4-9, 2011 in the "Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture" in Erice, Sicily, Italy. Please, inform all your colleagues interested in the Expanding Earth conceptions about this event. The organizers invite you to participate in the workshop with oral or poster contributions. You will find all the information, registration form, extended abstract guidelines and other additional materials on the web page of INGV ( into the section 'Conferences and seminars' 2011/ The Director of the Erice International School of Geophysics Prof. Enzo Boschi and the Directors of the workshop Stefan Cwojdzinski and Giancarlo Scalera would like to ask you filling in the registration form, and mail it to the local secretary of the meeting: Silvia Nardi (; Giancarlo Scalera ( This will serve us for a better planning, to get an idea about the number of participants, and how many of them are students. All registered participants will be added to the mailing list in order to receive the next circulars. Don't hesitate to contact the local secretary if you have any questions. Important Dates Workshop registration deadline: Friday, April 15, 2011 Abstract submission deadline: Friday, April 15, 2011 Deadline for arrival/departure communication: Friday, September 16, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________ 37th Course of the International School of Geophysics. The Earth expansion evidence: a challenge for Geology, Geophysics and Astronomy (EMFCSC, Erice, Sicily, 4 - 9 October, 2011) The last century was the time for Theories: relativistic, quantum, cosmological, and Earth sciences ones. Earthsciences followed this fashion by proposing the principles of plate tectonics. Expanding Earth, on the contrary, New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 80 was not developed as a theory in the sense of a commonly accepted paradigm, but had the characteristics of a field open to new investigations, new interpretations, and new results. This situation, which can be positively considered, is evident in the differing interpretations of the paleogeographical evolution of the Pacific and Indian oceans, in the cosmological or incidental motor of expansion still to be identified, in the different estimates of the radial expansion rates of the Earth, and this is a sign of a vitality: these ideas are not to be crystallized in a few postulates from which to deduce all the answers, and to which all the data have to be constrained. In the expanding planet schema a common explanation can be found of several outstanding problems coming from paleontology, paleomagnetism, geology and climatology. The interdisciplinary conference will collect contributions - oral and poster - in any scientific field relevant to the solution of the outstanding problems of a framework that albeit supported by compelling evidence, still is lacking of a definite cause of the expansion. Besides topics about Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geodesy, Paleogeography, Paleobiogeography, contributions about the links Expanding Earth has with Astronomy, Cosmogony of the Solar system, Cosmology, Foundations of Physics are especially welcome. We will try to achieve that all the different versions of the expanding Earth could be represented. ******************** CONFERENCE ON “HISTORY OF GEOLOGICAL MAPS AND RELATED GEOLOGICAL IMAGES IN THE WORLD”, AND “HISTORY OF SEISMOLOGY, VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTECTONICS” 2-10 August, 2011, Japan W e, Japanese members of INHIGEO (International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences) are preparing the annual meeting at Aichi University, central Japan from 2 to 10 August, 2011. Oral and poster presentations in addition to field excursions are included. The themes of the symposia are "History of Geological Maps and Related Geological Images in the World", and "History of Seismology, Volcanology and Geotectonics". Both oral and poster presentations are welcome. Please visit for more information. We look forward to meeting you at Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture in central Honshu, Japan. Yasumoto SUZUKI ******************** DOCUMENTARY FILM ON ALTERNATIVE GEOSCIENCE: AN APPEAL FOR TRAVEL FUND SUPPORT AND RESOURCES T he media is the central nervous system of society, and whenever something disastrous happens like the recent Sendai earthquake, it begins buzzing like a hand touching a hot stove. All of the sudden, folks everywhere look to Geologists for their answers. They tend to take for granted the advancements made in every other science, like those made in medicine and cosmology, as if Geology is expected to be just as far along in its pursuits of meaningful knowledge of the universe. It comes as quite a shock to them when they are told that tectonic activity is still largely unpredictable. What is missing from the discussion is the voice of the many scientists, some of whom have risked their careers to discover, analyze and interpret information that is critical to our understanding of the Earth. Also missing is an understanding of the politics of science or, for that matter, science education. These and many other things that are holding Geology back as a science are the reason I am so compelled to produce a film on the subject. I recently graduated from the University of Arizona with a BFA in Film Production, and I would like to use what I've learned to make a documentary about alternative concepts in Geology. The film will look at criticisms of Plate Tectonic theory as well as arguments for alternatives, present a detailed history of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 81 science, and investigate how such things are taught – or not taught – in schools. There is a right way to practice and teach science, and this film just may illustrate this method and show that, even in our modern times, we still have a lot to learn. I am looking to attend the Earth Dynamics, Perceptions and Deadlocks conference in India later this year, along with my colleague, Jon Sears. There, we will conduct interviews with any willing participants in attendance, as well as network and get references. Attending this conference will be a critical first step toward obtaining the material we need, and we are looking for any and all donations to help get us there, as well as a few other places of significance. We are also on the lookout for any relevant media which may be of significance to Geology history (esp. concerning the tectonic debates of the 50's and 60's). Such media could be an interview, speech, educational video or press release that may be located at the campus or organization of their origin and would be invaluable archive footage to include in the film. Anyone who wishes to learn more, make a donation, suggest resources or express their interest in participating may visit Anyone who is interested in being interviewed for the film or who has any questions or comments can email me as well at Alan HAYMAN _______________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUPPORT F ollowing suggestions from many readers, NCGT Newsletter has become an open journal. Now anyone can access all issues without log in. This will increase the number of readers dramatically. This means we have to rely on good-will, voluntary donations from readers as well as commercial advertisements to defray the journal’s running costs. We welcome your generous financial contributions. Hard copy subscription fee; US$140/year (or equivalent euros) plus postage. Advertisement fee structure: Premium position (back cover). Half page - U$60/issue, U$220/year; Full page – U$100/issue, U$360/year (or equivalent euros). Other positions, 10% discount. For more information, please contact If you have a PayPal account, please send the payment to the following account (PayPal accepts payment by credit cards; Visa and MasterCard – we encourage everyone to use this method; Account name: New Concepts in Global Tectonics E-mail: (NOT If you pay by bank draft or personal cheque, make them payable to: New Concepts in Global Tectonics, and mail to: 6 Mann Place, Higgins, ACT 2615, Australia. Bank account details for those who send money through a bank: Name of bank: Commonwealth Bank (Swift Code: CTBAAU2S), Belconnen Mall ACT Branch (BSB 06 2913). Account no. 06 2913 10524718. Name of account holder: New Concepts in Global Tectonics. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABOUT THE NCGT NEWSLETTER This newsletter was initiated on the basis of discussion at the symposium “Alternative Theories to Plate Tectonics” held at the 30th International Geological Congress in Beijing in August 1996. The name is taken from an earlier symposium held in association with 28th International Geological Congress in Washington, D. C. in 1989. Aims include: 1. Forming an organizational focus for creative ideas not fitting readily within the scope of Plate Tectonics. 2. Forming the basis for the reproduction and publication of such work, especially where there has been censorship or discrimination. 3. Forum for discussion of such ideas and work which has been inhibited in existing channels. This should cover a very wide scope from such aspects as the effect of the rotation of the earth and planetary and galactic effects, major theories of development of the Earth, lineaments, interpretation of earthquake data, major times of tectonic and biological change, and so on. 4. Organization of symposia, meetings and conferences. 5. Tabulation and support in case of censorship, discrimination or victimization. 82 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 58, March, 2011 ADVERTISEMENT PAGE Climate-Stat Geophysical Forecasting and Modeling with G-MagTeleDyn Climate Stat develops gravity/magnetic teleconnection dynamics climate models to account for short-term (hourly to monthly and seasonal) and long-term (decadal and inter-decadal) geophysical variations affecting electromagnetic, gravitational, and thermal coupling parameters to atmospheric forcing. 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