File - St. Thomas Anglican Church


File - St. Thomas Anglican Church
Where do we go from here? How do we get there from here?
Here we are in mid-September enjoying the last rays of brilliant sunshine of the
long, steamy summer we are experiencing this year. I trust you have had an opportunity to rest, to relax, to read, and to enjoy the great outdoors -- to hang out
with family and friends. Whether we’ve travelled to cottages in remote places
or to the bright lights of big, beautiful cities -- God’s world, our world, is still a
wonderful place to live in and to travel internationally, despite the challenges of
worldwide terrorism. I trust you too have had a chance to break from your routine, to stop and smell the roses during the lazy, hazy days of summer. Soon we
will welcome Fall and harvest season with its changing colours and landscapes
THE REV. CANON CLAIRE WADE as we anticipate Old Man Winter - one that experts say will be as cold and lasting as the summer has been hot and long, this year.
Heedless of the wind and weather, we soldier on: the various activities that comprise ministry at St. Thomas’, await us. Already, we are off to a great start with the visit of Archbishop Colin Johnson to help us kick-off
Sunday School and to bless our children and their backpacks as they return to school and church. The Archbishop
has remarked that he had an “absolutely wonderful morning at St. Thomas” – greeting the many faces with which
he was familiar and meeting many new faces. Our Youth are ready to go with a full array of activities; bible studies resume; mid-week services have started up, as have the various Fellowship Groups and Small Groups. A new
Small Group begun this month, explores forms of Contemporary Prayer. The Group, led by Lydia Hallard
and Laurie Yates (I am a member of the group), meets on Wednesday evenings at 6pm in the chapel and is currently exploring the art of “guided meditation”. We invite you to join us after a day at work in a busy, noisy and
sometimes confusing world, to immerse yourself in a time of quietness, of peace . . . as we seek to experience the
reaffirming, reassuring presence of God, deep within us. Each session lasts for an hour (you may wish to stay
longer for private prayer); no experience necessary! Simply drop in!
Another aspect of our ministry that we will be looking into critically this Fall is some visioning for the future of our Parish, as proposed by me and discussed at Parish Council last June. We live in very rapidly changing
times and in order to be effective ministers of the gospel to our community and wider world today, we must embrace change also! We must look ahead, be creative, open and flexible and be prepared to do some things differently. We have already seen and experienced the effects of Government intervention in the operations of our Child
Care Centre; thanks, in part, to the diligence and careful monitoring of the Board (parishioners), we have weathered the downturn and have practically returned to capacity. We have seen the change in Sunday church attendance
patterns – in co-parenting situations, some children can only show up intermittently; as well, Sunday is now a
workday and the church must increasingly compete with sports and other secular activities available on Sunday
mornings, in this post-Christian Age in which we are called to live and to minister God’s grace.
We have come a long way since occupying the new space, the chapel has been beautifully renovated and
thanks to a group of faithful men – our Property Guys -- our property is meticulously maintained, inside and outdoors, we are a sought-after venue for community and Diocesan events! Thanks to a member of the parish for replacing all the dying trees around the property and fertilizing all the grounds including the rectory as well as providing and installing bike racks. Thanks to the wardens and office team, those who keep us going administratively
-- our financial and other affairs are in good order, we are well-organized, we are fertile ground, ready to explore
new ways of being the church, of doing ministry in our diverse and growing community. Question is: Where do
we go from here? How do we get there from here?
Thanks to those who have already sent in suggestions -- we welcome any and all input from the congregation. We will take a Saturday in November to vision – to seek God’s will for our ministry, to pray, to put our heads
and hearts together – how do we move forward; where do we sense the Spirit is leading us and how do we join in
fully and faithfully as we seek to serve God and neighbour! Watch for the date and plan to attend. Jesus promises
that “the Spirit will lead us and guide us into all truth”. May the Spirit indeed inspire and lead us continually! And,
my thanks to all for faithfully staying the course through thick and thin. And, thanks be to God.
Canon Claire
FASHION SHOW & HIGH TEA! -- Join us on Sunday, September 25, 2 to 4
pm at St. Thomas. Clothes are by Connie Heron of Brooklin Village Shoppe.
NEXT BAPTISM: FEAST OF ALL SAINTS’ – November 06 , 10:30 am. Information re baptism preparation and additional dates available from the office.
HARVEST SUNDAY: October 02; . . . the sanctuary is decorated with produce from the land.
12th ANNUAL ST. THOMAS DUFFERS OPENGolf and Dinner; Golf Only, Dinner Only. Saturday, October 1;
Open to all Family and friends.WHISPERING RIDGE GOLF CLUB (Brawley & Lake Ridge); GREAT MENU!!
Contact: Keith Paine
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI DAY – TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2016, 7 pm This is the day to bring your beloved pet
for a blessing at our annual Pet Blessing service.
NATIONAL THANKSGIVING SUNDAY: October 09; We give God thanks for country, family & friends.
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, November 13, FAMILY SERVICE. Lest we forget!
MEN’S BREAKFAST & FELLOWSHIP: 2nd Saturday/ every month, 9am, starting September 10. For breakfast
and fellowship – Join us. All men and boys & girls are welcome.
“WOMEN OF FAITH” REFLECTIONS -- 3rd. Saturday/every other month. Next: September 24, 9am. Today we
prepare for the Fashion Show – next day! Please sign up where you are able to help on the poster in the foyer. Coffee
and muffins will be served instead of the usual full breakfast.
MESSY CHURCH – for the whole family – snacks, informal learning: crafts, games, bible storytelling and fun. 4th
Saturday every month, 10:30 am. Join Miss Shelley & Miss Laurie (3rd Sunday ONLY in September.) Saturday, September 17. Come and bring a friend.
AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY with Grace Alden & Team -- Mondays at 1:15pm, September 19.
SCRAPBOOKING with Anne Longman, Wednesdays 2 - 4, once monthly; Next September 14
BOOK CLUB with Sharon Mackinnon; 2nd Monday every month, 7 pm. September 19. Our book this month: AN
HONEST HOUSE by parishioner, Cynthia Reyes who will be in attendance. Join us!
AFTERNOON BIBLE STUDY with Grace Alden & Team -- Mondays at 1:15pm, September 19.
SCRAPBOOKING with Anne Longman, Wednesdays 2 - 4, once monthly; Next September 14
BOOK CLUB with Sharon Mackinnon; 2nd Monday every month, 7 pm. September 19. Our book this month: AN
HONEST HOUSE by parishioner, Cynthia Reyes who will be in attendance. Join us!
THE TUESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY with Gordon Wick, Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. The bible study group
is currently tackling the Gospel according to Luke. All are welcome!
Colin Johnson
visits St. Thomas’ and
blesses the children and
their backpacks,
“Back to Sunday School
Sunday”, Sept. 11, 2016
It will be a place where readers can
comment on articles in the newsletter
or events at St. Thomas’ and local or
world topics.
Proper decorum will be expected along
with signatures.
Submissions may be sent to or handed
in at church.
Looking forward hearing from you
Bruce Beveridge
Deadline for the
Advent Grapevine
will be Sunday, November 13, 2016
Send your submissions to
Bruce Beveridge
for hand written items, see him at
Connect with us online!
There are many ways to keep up to date
with the Church with our online presence. Just go to our website and you will see links to connect with us.
Join our Email list. Look us up on Facebook. Follow Claire on
Twitter. Join or update your pre-authorized giving or donate with
Port St. Lucie: Townhome (built 2008)
3 bdrm., 2 1/2 bath, dble. garage in back
Fully furnished and fully equipped kitchen
Mstr. bdrm with ensuite on main floor
Cable, wireless internet, alarm system,
landline phone, bbq, front and back patios
Overlooking pond across the street
2 Shopping centres walking distance
Community heated pool
Need more info., pictures, rental rates,
please contact if interested
Susan Murray @
Looking for a fun night out.
Join Michelle and Tammy as they host a Paint
on behalf of the youth to support the Mzuzu Project, on October 22 at 6:30 pm
Tickets can be purchased at:
There is only 72 Tickets available.
Keep an eye out for the posters at church.
If you need help purchasing tickets or have questions
please contact
Michelle at:
Tammy at:
I remember the truth of God’s love, and I heal myself and others.
Life on earth means things constantly change. The earth itself remains in motion as it rotates on its axis and orbits the sun. When I spend time in silent prayer with God, I remember that all things of spirit remain constant
and unchanged. Jesus’ life and ministry remind me that I, too, am born of Spirit. I live in the physical world, but
I am not of it. Through the Christ, I have access to the eternal life of Spirit.
If someone I love passes on, I honor them in my thoughts and prayers. By remembering them, I keep their spirits
alive in this world. I also remind myself of the underlying, eternal Spirit that unites us all.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.—Romans 12:2
From Daily Word
“Adopt A Family” Committee
As the name of our refugee sponsorship committee says, we are anxiously awaiting a family to adopt. The five Anglican
churches in our area – St. George’s Ajax, All Saint’s Whitby, St. Paul’s on the Hill Pickering, St. George’s Memorial Oshawa
and St. Thomas Brooklin; have agreed to support a refugee family through AURA, (Anglican United Refugee Alliance). Each
church has agreed to fundraise within their own community to provide for a refugee family for one year. St. Thomas decided
to raise funds ($8,400.) for the cost of food for the family for one year.
With your assistance and a great deal of assistance from the community we have so far, raised approximately 80% of the
funds. It has been a lot of hard work and fun, especially the Farmhouse Dinner that was accomplished with a donation by Andrew & Libby Wood and the helping hands of many others. Thank you for your help.
The churches together have, so far, raised enough money (30%) that AURA will put our name on the list for a refugee family.
The “Adopt a Family” Committee of Bruce and Heather Beveridge, Nancy and Rick Bugg, Betty Cincurak, Shelley Herder,
Don and Nancy Mills, Nancy O’Connor, Phyllis Parr, Laurie Yates and Rev. Canon Claire Wade thanks you for your support
as we continue to raise our last 20% of funds. The Church Barbecue on Sept. 11 th, a School Fundraiser by 4 schools in the
community and an Advent fundraiser of Christmas gift cards from Vandermeer Nurseries should finish off our commitment.
The enthusiastic support of this outreach project benefits not only the refugee family, but is especially good for St. Thomas’
name in the community.
…. from the Music Director …….
Welcome back to St. Thomas! I hope you had a wonderful and restful summer. Robin and I had a
wonderful trip to England with his choir (St. Simon’s), as we sang daily services in Lincoln and Chester. It was glorious singing in these enormous cathedrals!
This fall at St. Thomas’ will be busy and filled with opportunities, not the least of which is musical.
Choir has begun again, and we are preparing not only for Sunday services, but will shortly be preparing for an Advent Lessons and Carols service (November 27), as well as Christmas music. As always,
we gladly welcome any newcomers to the choir. If you are interested in joining us now, or closer to
Christmas, please let me know, or just come out on Thursday evenings from 7:30 until 9 PM.
Again this year, Kim and Lisa will work with our youth every third Sunday of the month – “Music
Sunday”. The youth prepare something and sing at the end of the service. We are so fortunate to have
these ladies’ musical talents to work with the youth.
I continue to look for people who play musical instruments. If you do and would perhaps like to play
in church, please speak with me.
Finally, the fall, all youth are invited to join us for work toward this year’s Christmas musical – “On
Our Way To Bethlehem”. There are both speaking and singing parts. The musical will be performed
on December 18th at 4 PM, followed by our Christmas congregational pot luck supper.
I look forward to serving at St. Thomas’ again this fall!
On Sunday, October 16at 3:00 pm, St. George’s Memorial Church in Oshawa will present an Organ and
Choral Concert by the celebrated organist, Dr. Thomas Fitches and the Choir of St. George’s, conducted
by Stephen Powell. It will be a celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the installation of the Casavant
organ. The Church is located at 39 Athol Street West in downtown Oshawa, at the corner of Athol and
Centre Streets. Ample parking is available. The concert will be preceded by another concert played on
St. George’s historic Carswell Bell Tower chimes, installed in 1924. A reception will follow in the
Lower Parish Hall.
There will be a free will offering. All funds will be given to the St. George’s Refugee Response Committee. There will also be an opportunity to make tax receiptable donations for anyone interested.
Books for the Journey
The Library Corner by Grace Alden
HELLO ALL PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS! This summer I have added more books and DVD’s for
our younger folks. Please browse through the bookcase in the middle of the library (by the door into the parish
hall) and the shelves under the centre windows where we have lots of new stuff. Do encourage your children and grandchildren to use the library. But, be sure to print your name on
the card in the book or DVD and put it in the little box on the shelf.
We have new Veggie Tales DVD’s including “Robin Good”, “Beauty and the Beet”,
“Sheerluck Holmes”, Where’s God when I’m Scared?” and “McLarry and Stinky Cheese”.
Also, Mike Scott found a couple of Thomas the Tank Engine DVD’s for us and they are in
the rack with the other DVD’s.
Now on the shelves by the DVD’s we have a number of the Arch Books by Concordia Publishing House (Lutheran) which are delightful presentations of bible stories and Jesus’ parables for kids in the 5 to 10 year old age group. I raised my kids on them as have millions
of other parents. NOTE TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS: You might find these useful for the Sunday
School too.
IN THE YOUTH BOOKCASE I have resources for tweens and older youth. I have added more of the Cul-deSac Kids books that I have publicized on Peter’s T.V. screen. They are written by Beverly Lewis who became
prominent by writing Amish fiction some years ago. The Cul-de-Sac Kids books are for 7 -10 year olds or even a
bit older. In the youth bookcase I have a number of books in the Trailblazer Series. These are mini biographies of
famous Christians. The books are geared toward high school age youth. A few specific ones: Corrie Ten Boom,
John Wesley, Martin Luther Sojourner Truth, and Gutenberg and the guys who got the Bible into the common
folks hands when the printing press was invented.
college, or the school of hard knocks, I am putting a display about Eric Liddell on the bulletin
board. We have two biographies of him, one of which just came out this year. It is entitled “For
the Glory”. Eric was the inspiration for the movie “Chariots of Fire.”
I have been talking up the book “The Bad-ass Librarians of Timbuktu” Current news reports
tell us that the terrorists who tried to destroy the libraries of Timbuktu were just convicted in
international court. YEAH! This book is the story of the people who prevented those terrorists
from obliterating this priceless Muslim literary heritage.
Also in the news lately has been the activity in the volcano Kilauea (kill-oo-ay eh) in Hawaii
which has been spewing lava and ash a lot in the past few years. The folks out there are nervous about the sound
and light display of Kilauea. One of my favourite mystery writers, Colleen Coble, wrote a series a couple of years
ago that very graphically pictures this activity. She called it “The Aloha Reef” series. I am putting a set in the little bookcase where the other mystery series are. If you’re interested, enjoy!
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield you;
You will find a solace there.
Blessèd Savior, Thou hast promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded
There will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there.
Heather was doing some genealogy research on her distant relatives in England and came across a woman with the last name of
Scriven. On Googling the name she came up with Joseph Scriven
in the Port Hope area in the 1800’s. A fascinating person, whose
claim to fame, was writing the words to one of the most famous
hymns. We decided to take a jaunt to find his grave in the Rice
Lake area on the side of a small country road south of Bailieboro.
A brief history is on the historic plaque, I encourage you to
Google his name and find out more about this incredible person.
Bruce Beveridge
ST. THOMAS STYLE - April 29, 2016
This tells the Proms story
Of a bus trip that was made,
To St. James Cathedral
From the Church of Claire Wade.
Sharon collected our fares,
For our safety, Claire did pray.
The school bus started up
And we were on our way!
We travelled busy highways
Arrived at St. James door,
But we had to wait outside
For a half hour more.
The doors finally opened
Our group rushed inside,
To get the best seats
To the front rows we tried.
With Union Jacks, two choirs
and the Regimental Band,
At The Last Night of the Proms
We celebrated British land.
Ken promenaded his flag
While we sang really loud,
Singing Rule Britannia
Made us feel happy and proud.
The flags were all waving
In this part of our story,
Our singing continued with
Land of Hope and Glory.
Our Proms Night was great fun
With songs and Union Jacks.
On the bus going home
We enjoyed tasty snacks.
Submitted by Ron Baker
On the lighter side… … .
I talk to myself, because sometimes I need expert advice.
My people skills are fine. It’s my tolerance of idiots that
needs work.
The biggest lie I tell myself is “ I don’t need to write that
down, I’ll remember it.”
When I was a child I thought nap time was a punishment.
Now it’s like a mini-vacation.
The day the world runs out of wine is just too terrible to
think about.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer
for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes
“Getting Lucky” means walking into a room and remembering why I’m there.
from Bob Stogryn
NOAH’S ARK: Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark.
ONE: Don't miss the boat.
TWO: Remember that we are all in the same boat!
THREE: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark .
FOUR: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do
something really big.
FIVE: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
SIX: Build your future on high ground.
SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the
NINE: When you're stressed, float awhile.
TEN: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
ELEVEN: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a
rainbow waiting.
I returned on July 21 from my 15 day trip to Sri Lanka. Our mission was accomplished, myself and five other
Canadians distributed 4,000 bedkits to 4,000 needy Children in small villages of Sri Lanka. This was the second time I have travelled to Sri Lanka as an overseas volunteer for Sleeping Children Around the World.
S.C.A.W. is a 100 percent charity that works with overseas partners, in this case the rotary club, to provide a
bedkit to children. $35 is donated here and sent overseas to purchase items to aid in the well being of a child .
When the kits are assembled a team travels overseas to distribute them.
The children are between the ages of 6 &12 and chosen by their teachers. We also photographed the recipient
and the donor will receive a photo.
Stay tuned, Rev. Claire has asked me to share about my experience and I will show a bedkit we brought back
with us to show donors what the children received. In the meantime take a look at their website at
Shelley Herder
Thanks to all the generous donors and for prayers!
W or d s t o l i v e
Expense Donations
If you wish to pay for an immediate ministry expense, fundraising event, or for supplies purchased for Coffee
hour or other social event, you may claim this as a tax deductible expense by submitting an “Expense Donation” with original receipts. This is a multiple benefit to us all. It reduces the expenses in the overall Operational Budget, it gives you a tax deduction which would be included in your annual Charitable Donations receipt, and the church can claim back the refundable portion of any HST that was paid. The Treasurer will give
you or e-mail you an “Expense Donation” form. As with all expense claims we request that original receipts
claims not be mixed with the receipts for personal items – it makes the HST calculations difficult.
St. Thomas Child Care Centre / Our Faith Our Hope (OFOH)
The government’s introduction of the all-day kindergarten program in 2014 created some serious challenges
for us and our St Thomas’ Child Care Centre (STCCC). While the enrolment so far in 2016 is very encouraging, it is unlikely that we will return to the income levels seen prior to all-day kindergarten. As a result a new
contract with STCCC was negotiated in 2016. STCCC is meeting the new payment schedule which was intended to cover our mortgage and loan payments, however, our increased operating expenses means that we
need to increase our regular offerings and fundraising to enable us to cover our Church operational budget.
The current deficit is $5,668.
Most of us who participated in the OFOH Diocesan Capital Fundraising Campaign have completed or have
nearly completed our commitment to this cause. Personally, Anne and I plan to continue giving the amount of
our OFOH pledge but instead give it to St. Thomas’. I challenge everyone to consider this additional support
to the overall ministry of St. Thomas.
Pre-Authorized Remittances (PAR)
Currently about 50 parishioners support the ministry of St. Thomas’ and FaithWorks by giving regular
monthly donations using PAR (it used to be called PAG). If you are not already doing so we would ask you to
prayerfully consider doing so instead of using Parish Envelopes or open offering on Sunday morning. PAR
helps us to better manage the monthly cash flow of income and expenses. Life intrudes on our attendance at
Sunday morning worship from time to time. PAR allows us to give regularly even though we might not always be present. If your circumstances change, your regular monthly donation amount may be changed simply
with no hassle by advising the Treasurer. PAR is also an excellent “Green” initiative – save time and paper. It
also creates less work for our Counters.
For the Betterment of St. Thomas’
Gordon Longman
( )
SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016
Brandon Smith, Ceileigh McAllister, Isabella German,
Jazmin Hughes, Justin Mendler, Karen King,
Sharon Robinson, Zoe Butterworth
Toronto Diocesan Choir School for Girls
August 14, 2016
Nancy & Don Mills, 50th Wedding Anniversary
Blessing & Luncheon Reception, Aug. 7, 2016
Cynthia Reyes new book launch “AN HONEST
HOUSE” along with the Memoir Writers
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Nancy Bugg learning the office routine
from Anne Longman on her retirement.
Alterations, Mending, Crafts,
Costumes - Right Here in Brooklin!
Call or text: 905 242-4251
H ow w ou ld y ou lik e to
a d v er t i se y o u r b u si n ess
o r ser v i c e i n t h e c o m i n g
i ssu es o f G r a p ev i n e.
T h i s w o u l d h el p y o u a n d
a l so h el p u s t o c o v er t h e
ex p en se o f p r i n t i n g a n d
p o st i n g ea c h i ssu e.
T h e c o st w i l l b e $10.00
f o r ea c h i ssu e o r $30.00
O: 416.445.4101
C: 905.447.2568
F: 289.315.0620
Associate David Cumberbatch 416.669.4122
St. Thomas’, is a loving, caring community, called to encourage and nurture people to
grow in faith; to share the Gospel message through the diversity of our worship experience; to live out our faith with joy and to invite others to share our spiritual journey.
Sunday Worship Services
8:30 am & 10:30 am
Wednesday Service at 10:00 am
101 Winchester Rd. E.,
P.O. Box 274,
Brooklin, ON.,
L1M 1B5
Church Office & Hall Bookings
Phone: 905-655-3883
Mailing label