more Choices - Capitol Drugs


more Choices - Capitol Drugs
cr ealth
The Sea
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more Choices
for Spring 2005
1.INCREASE Lutenizing Hormone levels up to 186%
2.ENHANCE active free testosterone
3.INCREASE total Test-levels up to 40%
4.STIMULATE protein synthesis
1.Eurycoma Longifolia which increases free
Testosterone, the highly-active and superior form
of Testosterone (a major contributor to
muscle growth).**
2.Tribulus Terrestris, standardized to over 20%
Protodioscin, to increase Lutenizing Hormone
that pumps testosterone levels.**
3.Avena Sativa, an ancient herb that has been
traditionally used as a tonic to promote
male health.**
4.Nitrate Pump Complex, an enhanced NO
Arginine complex increases nitric oxide levels to
enhance nutrient transport / delivery and further
support muscle metabolism.**
Andro Nitrate4 FuelÆ is the ultimate Quadabolic Cellular
Potentiator activating a dramatic rise in total Test-levels and a
more positive ratio of active (free) to bound (simple) testosterone,
to enhance the body’s ability to develop muscle beyond simple
testosterone boosters.**
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
rugs, Inc
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Absorb More Calcium
How Magnesium Makes the Difference
For over 50 years, the dairy industry has pitched milk as a wonder
food whose calcium is the only protection we need against weak
bones. Yet, between foods and supplements, Americans have the
world’s highest calcium intake, and still suffer one of the world’s
highest rates of osteoporosis. While this is often blamed on genetic
weakness, studies prove otherwise. While calcium is vital for strong
bones, a study funded by the dairy industry itself shows that the
more milk we consume, the more bone we lose. The Harvard Nurses
Study, which tracked the diet and health of over 78,000 nurses, as
well as cross cultural comparisons from around the world, confirm
this. Bones are living tissues that must be constantly rebuilt in
a two-part process. In part one, cells called osteoclasts clear old
minerals out of bone tissue that has become weak and mottled, and
carry it into the blood. In part two, osteoblasts deposit new minerals
and collagen into the areas that have been cleared. Osteoclasts and
osteoblasts are stimulated by hormones called parathyroid hormone
(PTH) and Calcitonin. PTH stimulates osteoclasts to pull calcium
from bones, while Calcitonin stimulates Osteoblasts to deposit
calcium in them. When we lack magnesium, the balance between
PTH and Calcitonin tilts too far toward PTH. This results in over
stimulation of osteoclasts, thus causing net bone loss. Increasing
magnesium is the only way to correct this.
Rates of osteoporosis are lowest in cultures where the ratio of
calcium to magnesium is between 2:3 and 3:2. In cultures where
osteoporosis is a major problem, this ratio is 3:1 or higher. The
ratio of calcium to magnesium in dairy products is usually 10:1. This
is why high dairy consumption can correlate with high rates of
osteoporosis. A vegan diet provides about 500 mg. per day of both
calcium and magnesium. Studies show that vegans have stronger
bones than omnivores, especially after the age of 50. Studies also
show that magnesium supplements increase bone density, and thus
guard against osteoporosis. In two such studies, supplements that
provided only magnesium increased density by 7% and 8%. Another
study, by renowned gynecologist Guy Abraham divided women into
two groups. One of these groups received only dietary advice, while
the other received dietary advice plus a supplement that provided
600 mg. of magnesium and 500 mg of calcium. During the study,
those with the supplement increased bone mass by over 11%, while
those who received only dietary advice showed no significant gains.
These studies are considered profound for 2 reasons: First, bone
loss was long considered irreversible, and yet was reversed in
participants in these studies. Second, they show that magnesium is
the key to calcium being used to build strong bones. Through it’s
involvement in over 300 different enzyme systems, magnesium is
vital to every cell in the body. Thus, magnesium deficiency not only
prevents calcium from being deposited in bones, but impairs kidney,
adrenal, heart, brain, muscle and digestive function, compromises
nerve transmissions, restricts carbohydrate metabolism, inhibits
the activities of “B” vitamins, retards new cell growth, slows the
production of DNA, and so on. One of magnesium’s most important
duties is the formation of ATP, which is the molecule that provides
the energy for virtually everything that occurs within the cells.
When we lack magnesium, ATP becomes scarce, metabolism slows,
homeostasis becomes more difficult to maintain, stress takes even
greater tolls, and fatigue sets in. Without magnesium, calcium
cannot be efficiently deposited to bone tissues. When calcium does
not reach the bones, it can settle as arterial plaque, which then leads
to atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, angina, high blood pressure,
heart attack, stroke, and so on.
Despite the vast importance of magnesium, it remains the nation’s
most overlooked nutrient. Less than 20% of Americans get even
the recommended daily intake of magnesium, which most certified
nutritionists believe is artificially low to begin with. Less than 5%
get the levels (600-1200 mg) that are thought to promote optimal
What can be done?
If you eat dairy products, consider using a product such as Ionic Fizz
Magnesium Plus, by Pure Essence, to balance the calcium in your
diet. Because it reaches the stomach in 100% liquid, ionic form,
every milligram of magnesium is instantly available for absorption.
If you don’t consume dairy, consider Ionic Fizz Calcium Plus, which
provides ionic magnesium AND calcium in the ratio that is best for
building healthy bones. Both Ionic Fizz products also provide every
co-nutrient needed for bone construction and maintenance.
Over 80% of Americans fail to get even the minimum daily
requirement for magnesium, and over 95% get less than most
nutritionists believe is optimal. Magnesium deficiency can lead to
osteoporosis, migraines, muscle cramps, constipation, poor mental
function, fatigue and lethargy, and countless other problems.
Ionic Fizz Magnesium Plus is the world’s finest magnesium
supplement. Because it reaches the stomach in 100% liquid, ionic
form, every milligram of magnesium is instantly available for
absorption. And, you won’t believe how good it tastes!
If you eat dairy products, you need Ionic Fizz Magnesium Plus to
balance the calcium in your diet. If you don’t, you can use Ionic Fizz
Calcium Plus, which provides ionic magnesium AND calcium in the
ratio that is best for building healthy bones. Both Ionic Fizz products
also provide every co-nutrient needed for bone construction and
maintenance. v
Article provided by Pure Essence.
References available upon request, or visit
Supplement Facts Serving Size: 7 grams Servings Per Container: 30
© 2002-2004 Pure Essence Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Ionic Fizz is a trademark of
Pure Essence Labs, Inc. Information in this article is not intended to provide medical
advice or replace recommendations made by health professionals. These statements
have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration, and are not intended to
diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
creative health
The term homeopathy comes from the Greek
words homeo, meaning similar, and pathos,
meaning suffering or disease. Homeopathy
(“home-ee-AH-pah-thy”), also known as
homeopathic medicine, is a form of health
care that developed in Germany and has
been practiced in the United States since
the early 19th century. Homeopathy is an
alternative medical system built upon a
complete system of theory and practice.
Homeopathy takes a different approach
from conventional medicine in diagnosing,
classifying, and treating medical problems.
Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and
processes so as to prevent or treat illness. Treatment involves giving
very small doses of substances called remedies that, according to
homeopathy, would produce the same or similar symptoms of illness
in healthy people if they were given larger doses.
Treatment in homeopathy is individualized (tailored to each
person). Homeopathic practitioners select remedies according to a
total picture of the patient, including not only physical symptoms
but lifestyle, emotional and mental states, and other factors as well.
How Was Homeopathy Discovered?
In the late 1700s, Samuel Hahnemann, a physician, chemist, and
linguist in Germany, proposed a new approach to treating illness.
This was at a time when the most common medical treatments were
harsh, such as bloodletting, purging, blistering, and the use of sulfur
and mercury. At the time, there were few effective medications for
treating patients, and knowledge about their effects was limited.
recurrent vomiting could be treated with an emetic (such as
ipecacuanha) that would be expected to make it worse. Another
way to view “like cures like” is that symptoms are part of the body’s
attempt to heal itself. For example, a fever can develop as a result
of an immune response to an infection, and a cough may help to
eliminate mucus - and medication may be given to support this selfhealing response.
Hahnemann tested single, pure substances on himself and, in more
dilute forms, on healthy volunteers. He kept meticulous records of
his experiments and participants’ responses, and he combined these
observations with information from clinical practice, the known
uses of herbs and other medicinal substances, and toxicology;
eventually treating the sick and developing homeopathic clinical
➔ Continued on Page 6
If you eat dairy products, you need Ionic Fizz Magnesium Plus to
balance the calcium in your diet. Ionic Fizz Magnesium Plus is the
world's finest magnesium supplement. Because it reaches the
stomach in 100% liquid, ionic form, every milligram of magnesium
is instantly available for absorption. And, you won't believe how
good it tastes!
If you don't eat dairy, you can use Ionic Fizz Calcium Plus, which
provides ionic magnesium AND calcium in the ratio that is best for
building healthy bones. Both Ionic Fizz products also provide
every co-nutrient needed for bone construction and maintenance.
Hahnemann was interested in developing a less-threatening
approach to medicine. The first major step reportedly was when he
was translating an herbal text and read about a treatment (cinchona
bark) used to cure malaria. He took some cinchona bark and
observed that, as a healthy person, he developed symptoms that
were very similar to malaria symptoms. This led Hahnemann to
consider that a substance may create symptoms that it can also
relieve. This concept is called the “Similia Principle” or “like
cures like.”
The Similia Principle had a prior history in medicine, from
Hippocrates in Ancient Greece - who noted, for example, that
Drink your "raspberry lemonade" all spring
and summer and get your Cal/Mag too
Continued from Page 5
Hahnemann added two additional elements to homeopathy:
• A concept that became “potentization,” which holds that
systematically diluting a substance, with vigorous shaking
at each step of dilution, makes the remedy more, not less,
effective by extracting the vital essence of the substance. If
dilution continues to a point where the substance’s molecules
are gone, homeopathy holds that the “memory” of them - that
is, the effects they exerted on the surrounding water moleculesmay still be therapeutic.
• A concept that treatment should be selected based upon a
total picture of an individual and his symptoms, not solely
upon symptoms of a disease. Homeopaths evaluate not
only a person’s physical symptoms but her emotions, mental
states, lifestyle, nutrition, and other aspects. In homeopathy,
different people with the same symptoms may receive different
homeopathic remedies.
Hans Burch Gram, a Boston-born doctor, studied homeopathy in
Europe and introduced it into the United States in 1825. European
immigrants trained in homeopathy also made the treatment
increasingly available in America. In 1835, the first homeopathic
medical college was established in Allentown, Pennsylvania. By
the turn of the 20th century, 8 percent of all American medical
practitioners were homeopaths, and there were 20 homeopathic
medical colleges and more than 100 homeopathic hospitals in the
United States.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, numerous medical advances
were made, such as the recognition of the mechanisms of disease;
Pasteur’s germ theory; the development of antiseptic techniques;
and the discovery of ether anesthesia. In addition, a report (the
so-called “Flexner Report”) was released that triggered major
changes in American medical education. Homeopathy was among
the disciplines negatively affected by these developments. Most
homeopathic medical schools closed down, and by the 1930s, others
had converted to conventional medical schools.
In the 1960s, homeopathy’s popularity began to revive in the United
States. According to a 1999 survey of Americans and their health,
over 6 million Americans had used homeopathy in the preceding
12 months. The World Health Organization noted in 1994 that
homeopathy had been integrated into the national health care
systems of numerous countries, including Germany, the United
Kingdom, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Mexico. Several schools of
practice exist within homeopathy.
Persons using homeopathy do so to address a range of health
concerns, from wellness and prevention to treatment of injuries,
diseases, and conditions. Studies have found that many people
who seek homeopathic care seek it for help with a chronic medical
condition. Many users of homeopathy treat themselves with
homeopathic products and do not consult a professional.
What Kind of Training do Homeopathic
Practitioners Receive?
In European countries, training in homeopathy is usually pursued
either as a primary professional degree completed over 3 to 6 years
or as postgraduate training for doctors.
In the United States, training in homeopathy is offered through
diploma programs, certificate programs, short courses, and
correspondence courses. Also, homeopathic training is part of
medical education in naturopathy. Most homeopathy in the United
States is practiced along with another health care practice for
which the practitioner is licensed, such as conventional medicine,
naturopathy, chiropractic, dentistry, acupuncture, or veterinary
medicine (homeopathy is used to treat animals).
Laws about what is required to practice homeopathy vary among
states. Three states (Connecticut, Arizona, and Nevada) license
medical doctors specifically for homeopathy.
How Do Homeopaths Treat Patients?
Typically, in homeopathy, patients have a lengthy first visit, during
which the provider takes an in-depth assessment of the patient.
This is used to guide the selection of one or more homeopathic
creative health
remedies. During follow-up visits, patients report how they are
responding to the remedy or remedies, which helps the practitioner
make decisions about further treatment.
What Are Homeopathic Remedies?
Most homeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances that
come from plants, minerals, or animals. A remedy is prepared by
diluting the substance in a series of steps. Homeopathy asserts that
this process can maintain a substance’s healing properties regardless
of how many times it has been diluted. Many homeopathic remedies
are so highly diluted that not one molecule of the original natural
substance remains. Remedies are sold in liquid, pellet, and
tablet forms.
Does the FDA Regulate Homeopathic Remedies?
Because of their long use in the United States, the U.S. Congress
passed a law in 1938 declaring that homeopathic remedies are to be
regulated by the Federal Drug Administration in the same manner as
nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, which means that
most homeopathic remedies can be purchased without a physician’s
prescription. Today, although conventional prescription drugs
and new OTC drugs must undergo thorough testing and review by
the FDA for safety and effectiveness before they can be sold, this
requirement does not apply to homeopathic remedies.
Remedies are required to meet certain legal standards for strength,
quality, purity, and packaging. In 1988, the FDA required that all
homeopathic remedies list the indications for their use (i.e., the
medical problems to be treated) on the label. The FDA also requires
the label to list ingredients, dilutions, and instructions for safe use.
The guidelines for homeopathic remedies are found in an official
guide, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States,
which is authored by a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization
of industry representatives and homeopathic experts. The
Pharmacopoeia also includes provisions for testing new remedies
and verifying their clinical effectiveness. Remedies on the
market before 1962 have been accepted into the Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of the United States based on historical use, rather
than scientific evidence from clinical trials.
Are There Side Effects or Complications?
The FDA has learned of a few reports of illness associated with the
use of homeopathic remedies. However, the FDA reviewed these
reports and decided that the remedies were not likely to be the
cause, because of the high dilutions.
Homeopathic medicines in high dilutions, taken under the
supervision of trained professionals, are considered safe and
unlikely to cause severe adverse reactions. Some patients report
feeling worse for a brief period of time after starting homeopathic
remedies. Homeopaths interpret this as the body temporarily
stimulating symptoms while it makes an effort to restore health.
Liquid homeopathic remedies can contain alcohol and are permitted
to have higher levels of alcohol than conventional drugs for adults.
This may be of concern to some consumers. However, no adverse
effects from the alcohol levels have been reported either to the FDA
or in the scientific literature.
Homeopathic remedies are not known to interfere with
conventional drugs; however, if you are considering using
homeopathic remedies, you should discuss this with your health
care provider. If you have more than one provider, discuss it
with each one. As with all medicinal products, a person taking a
homeopathic remedy is best advised to: Contact his health care
provider if his symptoms continue unimproved for more than 5 days;
keep the remedy out of the reach of children; consult a health care
provider before using the product if the user is a woman who is
pregnant or nursing a baby. v
For More Information, Including references to studies and findings, contact
NCCAM Clearinghouse E-mail:
NCCAM Web site:
Address: NCCAM Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 7923, Gaithersburg, MD 20898-7923
Fax-on-Demand service: 1-888-644-6226
Web site:
Finding the Right Homeopathic
Medicine Has Never Been Easier!
Boiron’s CareKits allow both newcomers and experienced
users to enjoy the major benefits of homeopathy – no
side effects and no drug interactions. Each CareKit is
packaged in an attractive refillable box, containing three
of the most often used single homeopathic medicines for
a particular condition and a wellness insert designed to
complement the treatment. CareKits available include:
Quit Snoring, Quit Smoking, Cold, Sinus, Allergy, Summer
First Aid, Leg Cramps, Menopause, Stress, Jet Lag, Cold
Sore, and Kids First Aid.
Available at Capitol Drugs.
$21.00 value for $10.99 plus free carrying kit.
Could it Be...
Geopathic Stress?
Have you ever experienced or noticed changes in your body when
you traveled, visited or after moving to a new location? Never well
since? Are you living over underground streams, fault lines or points
where ley lines merge? What about jet lag, could it be from crossing
electromagnetic vortices? This may all be due to Geopathic stress.
We all generate our own individual electromagnetic fields, what of
other people, what of computers, microwaves, electrical currents
and what of the power of the earth and its magnetic vortices, how
will they affect us? Vortices that appear to be points of power or
energy on the Earth and the ley lines are the relationships between
those points with a template that is geometric in organization.
At these points of power are formations of geologic significance:
volcanoes, high mountains, hot springs, mineral deposits, sea
mounts, forks of rivers, river mouths, large falls, deep gorges, rock
outcroppings, and possibly others. Ley lines follow the great faults
and waterways on the surface of our earth.
This concept of energy vortices and ley has been practiced for
centuries. The Chinese have honored Feng Shui for dynasties. The
temples of the ancient world are located at powerful vortices, and
drawing lines between them will bring out patterns of triangles
linking geographic areas.
Disease patterns today are those caused by our compromised
immune system due to environmental pollution, vehicle
pollution, additives in our food and water supplies and increased
electromagnetic fields that are part of contemporary life:
microwave, radar, low frequency fields and the many devices used
for transporting electric voltage and the resultant magnetic current,
which disturbs our energy patterns and disrupting our vital force.
We have been caught up in an electromagnetic soup. Many centuries
are needed for our bodies to acclimate to this new environmental
change. Studies done on both animals and humans exposed to
electromagnetic fields, exposed to microwaves and 50mHz fields,
showed indicators of stress: increased levels of the adrenal hormone
cortisol, increased levels of acetylcholine, increased levels of
triglycerides, and increased cancers in children living near 200kV
power lines. There is an area of Texas, on the gulf that is known
as the cancer capitol, people there are exposed to areas of high
electrical and resultant magnetic fields. Double the normal level of
leukemia has occurred.
Geomancy is the science that explores the realm where human
consciousness meets and dialogues with the Spirit of the Earth. It
empowers the harmonious interaction between person and place As
man is the best receiver on earth of magnetic vibrations, being able
to detect subtle energy changes especially in the area of emotions,
feelings and consciousness the placement of his secular and spiritual
structures becomes important to his well being. Since we are now
exploring the reality of disease from electromagnetic sources, we
need to treat on the vibrational level and that leads us to the science
of homeopathy that prescribes on restoring the vital energy of the
body, its energetic patterns. In my private practice I noticed that
constitutional homeopathic preparations needed repeating more
than usual in several patients. Giving credence to the theory of
electromagnetic energy forces. And what of California, we are a
major center of fault lines. Imagine that effect on our bodies
energy fields. v
Dr. Michelle Levan, who has been involved in the medical field for 28 years,
has a PhD in homeopathy, PhD in nutrition, BS in Environmental Geology
and is member of the American Board of Clinical Pathologist. She is also a
Medical Astrologer. In her private practice she develops individual healing
programs based on each person mental, physical and emotional energy
profiles that create their realities. For more information, come to Dr. Levan’s
lecture (listed below), or call her at 818-995-1017.
For more information on Geopathic Stress Come to one of Dr. Levan’s lectures at Capitol Drugs:
Sherman Oaks
Thursday, May 26
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
West Hollywood
Wednesday, May 18
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
The information presented in this newsletter is intended for educational purposes and is obtained and extrapolated from published research and books.
It is not intended to be prescriptive, nor to replace the care of a licensed health professional in the diagnosis and treatment of illness.
creative health
Handling Menopause
Menopause will affect every woman at some
point in her life, usually between her late thirties and her
late fifties. The average American woman experiences
this transition around the age of 51. While the term
“menopause” is commonly used to describe the time
before actual menstrual cessation, the medical definition
of menopause is defined as the absence of menstruation
(for 12 months). The span of time before the actual
cessation of menstruation is called peri-menopause
and can last several years. During peri-menopause,
a woman notices various changes due to declining
hormones. Each woman’s experience will be different
as will her attitude toward it. While there are many
differences, there are also common tell-tale signs to look
for. Some transitions are smooth and quick, while others
are a bit more challenging. Like almost everything else,
preparation is the key. Knowing what to expect and
learning how to manage the symptoms early, can make
the difference between an event in one’s life to dread or
an event to cherish. v
Menopause and
Peri-Menospause Lecture
Are you completely confused about this stage of life? Do you
feel like you are going crazy? Are you having trouble focusing
on the simplest things? Is sleep a distant memory? If you want
answers to these questions, and more this is the lecture for you.
Bring your questions about PMS, Peri-Menopause and Menopause
and Nancy Richeimer will hopefully bring clarity to your
Nancy J. Richeimer is a Massage Therapist and a Kinesiologist,
and has twenty-five experience in consulting in Herbology,
Nutrition and Homeopathy.
Sherman Oaks
Thursday, June 9
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
West Hollywood
Wednesday, June 15
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Spring is in the air...
...and so are the allergens that make you sneeze and disturb your sleep. Not to mention
the bugs that sting and bite. Hyland's to the Rescue!
 Hyland's Seasonal Allergy Relief is a non-drowsy, all-natural formula for the relief of allergy symptoms of runny eyes and
nose from ragweed, grasses, mold and animal dander.  Ease the itch with Hyland's Bug Bite Ointment! This all-natural
homeopathic formula comes in a handy applicator tube for fast relief from the inflammation, itching, and pain of bug bites
and stings.  Hyland's Hayfever Tablets provide fast, non-drowsy relief of the symptoms of sneezing, runny and irritated eyes
and runny nose due to hayfever.  The change of season often disturbs regular sleep patterns, so make sure you have plenty
of Hyland's Calms Forté on hand for your customers. This formula provides all-natural, temporary symptomatic relief of
simple nervous tension and occasional sleeplessness. Hyland's Calms Forté works without contraindications
or side effects. No drug hangovers, no sedatives, just nature's answer to a good night's sleep.
© 2005, Standard Homeopathic Company. All rights reserved.
n, C
al T
supplements most recommended
by our personal trainers
back by popular demand!
Creatine is a compound that naturally occurs in our body to supply
energy to our muscles. It is possibly the most well-researched and
commonly used supplement on the market. Creatine gives gymgoers increased energy and shorter recovery times, allowing them
to do more cardio or lift more weight, leading to increased tone and
lean muscle mass.
Many of our clients are concerned about side-effects, such as
kidney stones. They have also either heard about or experienced
some bloating due to water retention when using plain creatine
monohydrate. In the five years and thousands of clients who have
used either of the products listed below, the only complaint has
been either taste, or, for one out of approximately 100 people, some
stomach upset.
NO-XPLODE (BSN) - Though creatine has been used for over a
decade, it has only recently been enhanced through a variety
of creatine delivery systems. The most popular pre-workout
supplement on the market is NO-XPLODE by BSN. For increased
workout energy and intensity, with maximum “pump,” NOEXPLODE contains a patented muscle volumizing creatine matrix
enhanced with Alpha-Keta Gluterate (AKG) for sustained Nitric
Oxide (NO) levels.
LIQUID CREATINE RESUM (Vyo-Tech) - Advanced stabilized liquid
creatine formula that is guaranteed stable in liquid form, it increases
energy levels and strength, and provides for an improved “pump”
after your workout with no water retention. Resum is popular
because it requires no mixing, can be kept in your gym bag, and
packs a whopping five gram dose of creatine in a heaping teaspoon.
Titled “the mother of all aminos” by Bill Phillips, the creator of
Body for Life, glutamine is referred to as “The Most Important
Amino Acid for Bodybuilders.” Glutamine levels must remain
constant in the bloodstream, and glutamine supplementation is
useful for improving and enhancing a wide variety of metabolic
functions. Glutamine is necessary to maintain proper function of the
immune system as well as for intestinal and adrenal functions. 60%
of the free-floating amino acids in skeletal muscle cells is glutamine.
Whether you’re doing cardio work or trying to build lean muscle,
glutamine supplementation is often the priority recommendation
because of its powerful anti-catabolic properties - it stops the break
down of muscle, and enhances the potential for increased growth.
- Liquid Glutamine (SRA): 1 tbls=3 grams (16 oz. bottle)
- Ultimate L-Glutamine (Biochem): 2 tabs=2 grams (90 tab bottle)
- L-Glutamine Tabs (Jarrow): 1 tab=1 gram (100 tab bottle)
- Essential Glutamine (Iron-Tek): Powder (500 gr.)
creative health
ARTHROLIN (Joint Support)
Protects and helps heal your joints, especially your knees, shoulders
(rotary cuff), elbows, wrists and ankles. It is often used to treat
arthritis or other joint damage. It is used by athletes to alleviate joint
pain and to either protect against injury or assist in the rebuilding
process of damaged cartilage. Glucosamine has been thoroughly
studied and has been found to help stimulate the production of
connective tissue, particularly cartilage. It can help you recover
from connective-tissue injuries, alleviate pain from injury or
arthritis, and even help strengthen this tissue.
Arthrolin works as both a preventative as well as to heal injuries.
The pharmaceutical grade ingredients includes highly absorbable
forms of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM (sulfur).
For anyone suffering from or worried about rotary cuff, shoulder,
knee, elbow or wrist injury. This product enhances flexibility and
endurance, and unlike many of the competitor’s brands, prevents
joint deterioration and assists in the regeneration of joint cartilage.
The anti-inflammatory herbal extracts and nutrients provide fastacting “pain killers.” v
It is so effective that many dog owners have successfully reversed
the effects of hip dysplasia in their pets with glucosamine
supplementation! Be sure to get a product that also includes
Chondroitin and MSM, to assist in the rehabilitation (rebuilding)
of the injured joint by making the connective tissue stronger while
increasing its flexibility/elasticity.
Mitch Grobeson completed Chapman University’s Nutritional Studies course, the
Aerobics and Fitness Association of America’s 2003 Nutrition Fundamentals and
Body Composition and Weight Control courses, and is a Certified Personal Trainer. As
a Martial Arts instructor, he provides rape and gay-bashing prevention seminars free of
charge. Mitch is a Sports Supplement Consultant for Power Zone, and is available for
consultations free of charge for Capitol customers.
Tom has been very successful with the supplements listed below, both with men seeking increased
muscle mass, as well as women seeking to decrease stored body fat. Tom does complete nutrition
and supplement profiling, as well as private personal training. Both men and women clients have
been able to achieve their goals in a surprisingly short period of time when training with Tom.
ESSENTIAL CREATINE (Iron-Tek) - “Pure creatine monohydrate
is simply the best for cell volumization. You don’t need anything
fancy. This aides in ATP replenishment which allows for greater
strength and decreased recovery time.”
ESSENTIAL L-GLUTAMINE (Iron-Tek) - “Glutamine is the supplement
of choice for both men and women because it aids in muscle
recovery and helps reduce the build-up of lactic acid in the muscle.”
CHROMIC FUEL (Twinlab) - “Chromium is a glucose disposal agent
which also aids in proper insulin function throughout the body. It
helps both men and women burn off unwanted body fat.”
VS-10 (Optimum Nutrition) - “This is a glucose disposal agent and
insulin mimicker that aids in the transport of nutrients into muscle
cells and increases vascularity and muscle hardness, making your
body more lean and firm.”
R/LA (AST) - “ALA is a powerful antioxidant which also helps
to regenerate other antioxidants and perpetuate their activity,
controlling the damaging effects of free radicals in your system.
This becomes more critical the harder you train. ALA is also both a
glucose disposal and nutrient transport agent which enables you to
enhance your workout capability.”
(Optimum Nutrition) “During intense exercise,
your body scavenges for
energy sources, which can
include the breakdown of
protein. Your body will
attack muscle in search
of Leuine, Isoleucine and
Valine. By supplementing with BCAA’s, you establish a protective
barrier against catabolism, stopping your body from breaking down
muscle for stored aminos.”
MASS RECOVERY DRINK - (American Body Building)
“Immediately following your workout is the ideal time for post
workout replenishment. MASS RECOVERY has whey isolate, the
fastest absorbing protein, as well as 60 grams of carbs, which is
needed to restore muscle glycogen levels. This is a very specific
window of time (after working out) and this drink is the fastest way
to achieve replenishment within that time.”
“This is the perfect nighttime protein. Taken before bed, the
micellular cassein is slowly digested, allowing your body to keep
protein in your system for up to seven hours while you sleep.
This is particularly important because your body releases IGF
while you sleep, and this protein is available for increased lean
muscle growth.” v
Thomas Nelson, ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, Nutrition Specialist can be reach by contacting PowerZone - 310.289.1125 or at
The Essential
Intestinal Microflora for Total Well Being
Beneficial bacteria are considered
the most commonly consumed
functional foods worldwide.
Although the words “culture” and
“starter” are not well understood
by many Americans, foods
fermented with beneficial bacteria,
such as yogurt, cheese, Kefir and
sauerkraut have been a part of our
diet since ancient times. Another
term for beneficial bacteria is
According to Schrezenmeir
and de Vrese, fermented foods
were expected to prolong the life span of Europeans as early as
the 1800s. Metchnikoof was recognized as the true grandfather
in understanding and conveying the health benefits of beneficial
bacteria. Today, numerous scientific studies demonstrate that
probiotic bacteria and foods fermented with beneficial organisms
have a variety of health benefits.
Probiotic Basics
There are hundreds of different bacterial species inhabiting the
human gut, most being anaerobic. Although the intestines of a fetus
are free from bacteria, the colonization of newborns’ intestines
starts immediately with delivery through the birth canal. The
composition of intestinal microflora varies from one person to
another depending on a person’s diet, age, medication, stress levels
and physiological conditions. While Bifidobacterium infantis and
B. breve are often the predominant friendly bacteria in infants, the
proportion of bifidobacteria in breast-fed infants is higher than that
of bottle-fed babies. Breast-fed infants, for example, have more
Bifidobacterium and fewer Enterococci than formula-fed babies.
Among the hundreds of bacterial species in the human digestive
tract, some are potentially pathogenic or putrefactive, while others
(probiotics) are friendly. The term probiotics is derived from the
Greek word meaning “for life.” This is in direct contrast to the term
we are all familiar with, “antibiotics.” ”Lactic acid bacteria (LAB)”
is also used for probiotic bacteria because most produce lactic acid.
Currently, there is not a standard definition for probiotics. However,
probiotics can be defined as:
“Viable organisms in a supplement or food form that exert health
effects on the host when consistently ingested.”
Probiotic bacteria are usually Gram-positive, nonsporing and
anaerobic. Probiotics are found in fermented or fortified foods,
and also in supplements (see Table 1 on next page).
By: Peilin Guo, MS, RD
To qualify as probiotics, the organisms should meet the
following criteria:
• Be safe to the host after ingestion
• Provide health benefits to the host
• Be able to survive the transit through the stomach and upper
small intestine in order reach the lower gastrointestinal tract
and colon
• Be produced in commercial scale, stored and delivered to the
host intestine
Health Effects of Probiotics
The concept of probiotics was introduced by Metchnikoff in the
early 1900s. However, scientific studies on the health benefits of
probiotic bacteria did not begin until the 1960s. In recent years,
there has been a dramatic increase in scientific work confirming
the prophylactic and therapeutic effect of consuming foods or
supplements that contain probiotics. Currently, probiotics are not
only widely used by health food consumers, they have also attracted
the interest of health care professionals, especially clinicians whose
interest in antibiotics have diminished.
Friendly probiotic organisms protect the host in many ways.
Among its many numerous benefits, probiotics are extraordinary
for people who consume little fiber or fermented foods, are taking
antibiotics, have repeated intestinal or vaginal infections, or travel
frequently. For those who simply want to maintain their well-being
or strengthen their intestinal immune system, probiotic products are
something to strongly consider.
The effects and supporting studies and clinical trials include:
1) Reducing antibiotic-associated infections and diarrhea: Millions
of antibiotic prescriptions are written annually for treating
infection-related conditions. Diarrhea is a common side effect
that follows antibiotic treatment. This vicious cycle normally
continues. Stronger antibiotics are continuously developed for
resistant pathogenic stains. Antibiotics are broad-spectrum
killers that destroy both pathogens and beneficial bacteria
residing inside the intestinal tract. Since pathogenic bacteria
tend to develop a resistance to antibiotics quickly, they can grow
uncontrolled, resulting in further infections. Probiotics such
as L. acidophilus, B. longum and Saccharomyces boulardii are
very promising in preventing and reducing antibiotic-associated
diarrhea (AAD) caused by Clostridium difficile, Staphylococcus,
Klebsiella and Candida species. Probiotics suppress the growth
and propagation of pathogens. Hence, they reduce the incidence
of severe diarrhea.
2) Reducing the incidence and severity of infections and diarrhea:
Probiotic bacteria also reduces the primary infections in both
experimental and clinical settings. In a double-blind, randomized
➔ Continued on Page 14
Table 1. Organisms Considered as Probiotics and Their Sources
Probiotic Bacteria Species
L. acidophilus
Major Distribution and Uses
Many species in this genus are well documented.
Commonly used in foods and supplements
Intestine and vagina; fermented milk drinks, feed additive,
Able to implant in the small intestine;
documented therapeutic use
Transient or non-implanting flora in
human intestine
L. bulgaricus
L. breve
Fermented foods, supplements
L. casei
Mouth, cheese, fermented milk, kefir, supplements
L. jugurti
Yogurt, fermented milk drinks
L. helveticus
Cheese, yogurt drink, kefir
L. plantarum
Fermented foods, supplements
Able to implant in the small intestine
L. rhamnosus
Able to implant in the small intestine
More than 30 species have been isolated. Most species in
this genus are human origin.
Strictly anaerobic; requires more
complex carbohydrates as nutrients;
some species are well documented
B. bifidum
Intestine of humans, especially infants; fermented milk
drinks, supplements
High level in infants
B. infantis
Intestine of infants, fermented milk drinks, supplements
Prevalent in infants
B. longum
Intestine of infants, fermented milk drinks, supplements
In the lower small intestine of both
adults and children
B. adolescentis
Intestine of adults
Able to implant in the small intestine;
documented therapeutic use
Previously called Lactococci. Most commonly used
in fermented foods
S. lactis
Butter, cheese, yogurt
Transit, do not implant in human
intestine; produces nisin used mostly
for food preservation; Needs to be
consumed constantly
S. thermophilus
Butter, cheese, yogurt
Transit, needs to be consumed
continuously for its effect
Commonly used to ferment meat, sausages, silage
A late comer in probiotic application
P. acidilactici
Meet, sausages
Enterococcus faecium
Previously called S. faecium. Has been used in
supplements, but concerns have been raised due to its
potential in communal infections.
A normal habitant of the
human gut
Cultured butter milk, cultured cream, kefir
Produces diacetyl; showing indication
in probiotic uses
L. diacetylactis
Saccharomyces boulardii
Supplements; reported to be effective in minimizing
infection-associated diarrhea
Continued from Page 12
trial with children attending day care, Hatakka and associates
observed that children who consumed milk fermented with
Lactobaciullus (rhamnosus) GG daily had significantly fewer
days of absence from day care due to illness. There was also a
reduction in the number of children suffering from respiratory
infections with complications. Additionally, there was a reduction
in antibiotic treatments for respiratory infection with the intake
of a product containing probiotics compared to the control group.
3) Maintain intestinal microflora balance by displacing or diluting
intestinal pathogenic flora: Probiotic microflora reduces the
different infections and helps maintain intestinal microflora
balance because:
• It directly inhibits the pathogenic bacteria in the intestine by
competing for nutrients and residing space
• It creates an unfriendly low pH environment for pathogenic
and putrefactive bacteria by producing organic acids, such as
lactic acid, acetic acid, and propionic acid
• It produces natural antibiotics, such as acidolin, acidophilin,
bulgaricin and plantaricin (bacteriocines) and other substances
that inhibit the growth of pathogens.
4) Decreasing toxic or carcinogenic metabolites and cancer risk:
Although direct experimental evidence for cancer suppression
in humans resulting from consumption of probiotics is lacking,
there is a wealth of indirect evidence based largely on laboratory,
in vitro or animal studies. Most of the reported data is on the
development of colon cancer using the combination of both
probiotics and prebiotics. The reported effects and proposed
probiotic mechanism, such as Lactobacillus casei Shirota, on
colon cancer development include:
• Enhancing natural killer cytotoxicity
• CD8 positive T lymphocytes
• Binding
• Degrading potential carcinogens
• Decreasing metabolites of pathogenic or putrefactive bacteria
(such as enzymes b-glucuronidase, nitroreductase and
glycocholic acid hydrolase) (20,21,22).
5) Modulate immune response: Intestinal microflora can have
significant influence on immune response in addition to their
effects on nonimmunologic gut defense. Probiotic bacteria
modulates the host defense mechanisms by affecting both
non-specific and modulating gut-associated immune function.
Oral administration of different lactic acid producing bacteria
such as L. acidophilus and L. casei affect the production of
IgA producing cells, enhancing levels of interferon-alpha and
polymorphonuclear cell phagocytic capacity. Probiotic bacteria
can also suppress inflammatory response and is helpful in
controlling intestinal inflammatory diseases. More and more
studies show that there is a correlative or suggestive link between
immune modulation and enhanced protection by probiotic
bacteria. However, not all the probiotic strains have the same
immunomodulatory effect.
6) Alleviating lactose intolerance: The inadequate amounts of the
lactose digesting enzyme beta-galactosidase in the intestinal
tract can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramping, bloating and other
discomforts. This condition is known as “lactose intolerance”
or “lactose maldigestion.” The effect of fermented milk and
milk products in reducing lactose intolerance are well studied.
Fermented milk products, such as yogurt, can improve lactose
digestion in lactose maldigesters. This is accomplished by betagalactosidase secreted by culture bacteria, the delayed gastric
empty and slowing intestinal transit. Heat-treated yogurt tends to
be less effective than fresh yogurt. In addition, fermented foods
with probiotic bacteria tend to be more effective than probiotic
supplements alone.
7) Other health effects: Additional physiological effects of
probiotics have been documented or indicated, including the
reduction of serum cholesterol, improving bowel regularity,
reduction and protection of radiotherapy associated intestinal
dysfunction, detoxification, treatment of food allergies,
among others. However, more studies are needed before any
conclusions can be made.
Probiotics, especially those belonging to Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium genera, have a very good safety track record. There
have been no reported drug-probiotic interactions. However, not
all the species have the same influence on the host, and people
with different physiological status or conditions will have various
responses to organisms. There have been some isolated incidences in
which beneficial bacteria have become infectious. Probiotics should
not be recommend to people with compromised immune systems or
with conditions prone to infections. People with these conditions
should consult their physician before taking probiotic supplements
or fermented foods.
Selecting Probiotic Supplements
The viability of probiotic organisms is very sensitive to temperature
and moisture. They are usually unstable when non-refrigerated or
exposed to moisture. Unless a product is specially manufactured
with a systematic control procedure, such as strain selection,
fermentation medium and environment, drying, encapsulation
and coating, it should be refrigerated. Consumers should question
products claiming “no refrigeration needed,” and ask for the
documentation from the manufacturer.
Another issue is whether to take a probiotic product with a single
strain or mixed strains. Since numerous microorganisms cohabitate
in the human intestine and each probiotic strain has its uniqueness,
there is a trend toward recommending the supplementation with
mixed strains.
The suggested dose of live bacteria is 3 billion to 4 billion daily,
but may vary with a person’s physiological conditions. Probiotic
products can be found in health/natural food stores and selected
supermarkets and drug stores. Probiotics are also available in
fermented foods, such as yogurt (especially yogurt with three
bacterial strains), acidophilus milk, capsules, tablets, powder
and liquid. v
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