Listen to and watch Martyr at


Listen to and watch Martyr at
During the five years that Martyr was alive and kicking (1982‐1987) the band released two albums that are
considered cult in the metal scene today. ‘For The Universe’ (1985) and ‘Darkness At Time’s Edge’ (1986) are
classic metal, a delight for those who love strong melodies, speedy riffs and a high level of technicality.
In those years Martyr appeared on compila on albums from Roadrunner and Metal Blade, was voted Holland’s
best new metal band in Aardschok magazine, has toured with several interna onal acts and appeared on Sky
Channel’s Monsters Of Rock.
Martyr disbanded in 1987 but reunited in 2001 to play the Heavy Metal Maniacs fes val. Four years later the
band revived almost the complete 1982 line up to play the Headbangers Open Air and Keep It True fes vals.
The flame started burning again and the band have con nued to play live ever since. December 2008 MARTYR
supported US Shock Rockers Lizzy Borden on their European tour. In 2009 and 2010 MARTYR hit the European
stages suppor ng great acts like Flotsam & Jetsam , Vicious Rumors, Jaguar, Evergrey.
In 2009 the first new Martyr record in almost 25 years was released . That’s when the new EP ‘Fear’ was
coupled with a re‐release of the classic ‘For The Universe’ album as a double digipack en tled ‘Fear The
Universe’ on Rusty Cage Records (RCR0017).
In 2010 and 2011 Martyr re‐entered the studio between the live shows, working on the successor for ‘Fear’.
A complete new album en tled “Circle Of 8” was released by Metal Blade Records in November 2011 world‐
wide and has proven to be a significant impulse in Martyr’s revival a er it’s release. With 30 years of MARTYR
(with a big celebra on in their home town Utrecht – Tivoli) and 30 years of Dutch Steel signed with Metal Blade
again : “The Clan Is Back Home and stronger than ever…..”
And the band proves it again in 2015 and 2016 with new na onal and interna onal tours and with the new and
heavy album ‘You Are Next” released by Into The Limelight Records in coopera on with Pure Steel Prmo ons and Soulfood
distribu on the band proves to be unstoppable.
“an appealing and versa le heavy metal album” (Aardschok ‐ Netherlands ‐ 8 out of 10 points)
“very good! Welcome back MARTYR “ (Heavy ‐ Germany ‐ 10 out of 12 points)
“rarely heard such a posi ve surprise” (Medicine Metal ‐ Germany – 11 out of 13 points)
“rooted very firmly in the strong metallic tradi ons” (BCFM Sunday Rock Show‐ UK ‐ 4 out of 5 points)
“a true phoenix rising from the flames” (Planet Mosh ‐ UK ‐ 9 out of 10 points)
“their best album so far” (Power Of Metal ‐ Denmark ‐ 81 out of 100 points)
“a great return of MARTYR” (Queens Of Steel ‐ Spain – 8,5 out of 10 points)
“a damn fine thrasher with edgy yet progressive toned vocals that just works on a lot of levels” (Pitriff –UK ‐89 out of 100 points)
“prescient and forward seeking, and not a lame cocaine‐memory nostalgia grab. Good job” (Slutmag – USA)
Martyr is:
Rick Bouwman ‐ Guitars
Wilfried Broekman ‐ Drums
Rop van Haren ‐ Vocals
Marcel Heesakkers‐ Guitars
Jeffrey Bryan Rijnsburger‐ Bass
Dutch Steel – Roadrunner Records – 1984
For The Universe – Megaton Records‐ 1985
Metal Massacre VI – Metal Blade Records ‐ 1985
Darkness At Time’s Edge – Metalloid Records – 1986
For The Universe reissue – High Vaultage / Metal For Muthas‐ 2004
Darkness At Time’s Edge – High Vaultage / Metal For Muthas‐ 2004
Fear The Universe 2CD (Fear & For The Universe reissue) – Rusty Cage
Records – 2009
Circle Of 8 – Metal Blade Records – 2011
You Are Next ‐ Into The LimeLight Records/Pure Steel/Soulfood ‐ 2016
Informa on:
Martyr: ‐ ‐ Phone: +31 (0)6 304 383 22 ‐
Agentur EAM
Pos ach 100163
45601 Recklinghausen ‐ Germany
Email: booking@agentur‐
Phone: 0049 (0) 23 61 ‐ 8 49 03 02
h p://www.eam‐
Gedurende de 5 jaar dat Martyr “alive and kicking” was (1982‐1987), hee de band 2 albums uitgebracht welke tegen‐
woordig worden beschouwd als Cult Classic Metal albums. ‘For The Universe’ (1985) and ‘Darkness At Time’s Edge’ (1986)
zijn weliswaar classic Heavy Metal, maar tevens een lust voor het oor voor diegene die houden van sterke melodieën, snel‐
le afwisselende riffs en een hoog technisch gehalte in dit genre.
Gedurende deze jaren verscheen Martyr ook op verzamel albums van Roadrunner en Metal Blade werd gekozen tot Hol‐
lands beste nieuwe (veelbelovende) Metal band in de Aardschok, toerde met vele na onale en interna onal acts en ver‐
scheen op Sky Channel’s Monsters Of Rock.
Martyr verdween in 1987, maar kwam weer bij elkaar in 2001 om op te treden op het Heavy Metal Maniacs fes val. Vier
jaar later, herleefde de band met bijna de gehele originele line up uit 1982 om op de Duitse fes vals te spelen zoals: Head‐
bangers Open Air en Keep It True. Het vlammetje was defini ef weer aangewakkerd en de band he sindsdien vele live
optredens gedaan. In December 2008 MARTYR supported US Shock Rockers Lizzy Borden op hun European tour. En in de
zomer van 2009 hee MARTYR wederom de Europese podia bestormd als support van Flotsam & Jetsam. In Februari 2009
is er dan eindelijk het eerste nieuwe MARTYR materiaal wat sinds bijna 25 jaar is uitgebracht.
Dat is het moment dat de nieuwe EP ‘Fear’ , gekoppeld aan de 2e re‐release van het klassieke album ‘For The Universe, ’
door Rusty Cage Records in een prach g dubbel digipack wereldwijd is gereleased. Dit alles onder de naam:‘Fear The Uni‐
verse’. Goede recensies en vele interviews wereldwijd brengen MARTYR op diverse podia (waaronder een NL tour met
Vicious Rumors) , gekenmerkt door ongekende podium energie en waanzinnige interac e met het publiek.
In 2010 en 2011 keerde Martyr terug naar de studio om, tussen de vele optredens en tours door, te werken aan de opvol‐
ger van “Fear” genaamd “Circle Of 8”. Dit album met krach g nieuw heavy materiaal is uitgebracht in November 2011 op
het befaamde US label Metal Blade Records en ontvangt overweldigende kri eken wereldwijd. Met 30 jaar MARTYR
(uitgebreid gevierd in Hometown Utrecht – Tivoli) , 30 jaar Dutch Steel Legends , en opnieuw veroverde wereldwijde
erkenning mag met recht gezegd worden : “The Clan Is Back Home, stronger than ever”……..
Iets wat de band opnieuw bewijst in 2015 en 2016 met vele shows in binnen‐en buitenland en een knal hard nieuw album
“You Are Next” opgenomen in 2014 en 2015 en uitgebracht bij Into The LimeLight Records in nauwe samenwerking met
Pure Steel Promo ons and Soulfood Distribu on.
“an appealing and versa le heavy metal album” (Aardschok ‐ Netherlands ‐ 8 out of 10 points)
“very good ! Welcome back MARTYR “ (Heavy ‐ Germany ‐ 10 out of 12 points)
“rarely heard such a posi ve surprise” (Medicine Metal ‐ Germany – 11 out of 13 points)
“rooted very firmly in the strong metallic tradi ons” (BCFM Sunday Rock Show‐ UK ‐ 4 out of 5 points)
“a true phoenix rising from the flames” (Planet Mosh ‐ UK ‐ 9 out of 10 points)
“their best album so far” (Power Of Metal ‐ Denmark ‐ 81 out of 100 points)
“a great return of MARTYR” (Queens Of Steel ‐ Spain – 8,5 out of 10 points)
“a damn fine thrasher with edgy yet progressive toned vocals that just works on a lot of levels” (Pitriff –UK ‐89 out of 100 points)
Martyr is:
Rick Bouwman ‐ Guitars
Wilfried Broekman ‐ Drums
Rop van Haren ‐ Vocals
Marcel Heesakkers‐ Guitars
Jeffrey Bryan Rijnsburger‐ Bass
Dutch Steel – Roadrunner Records – 1984
For The Universe – Megaton Records‐ 1985
Metal Massacre VI – Metal Blade Records ‐ 1985
Darkness At Time’s Edge – Metalloid Records – 1986
For The Universe reissue – High Vaultage / Metal For Muthas‐ 2004
Darkness At Time’s Edge – High Vaultage / Metal For Muthas‐ 2004
Fear The Universe 2CD (Fear & For The Universe reissue) – Rusty Cage
Records – 2009
Circle Of 8 – Metal Blade Records – 2011
You Are Next ‐ Into The LimeLight Records/Pure Steel/Soulfood ‐ 2016
Informa e:
Martyr: ‐ ‐ Phone: +31 (0)6 304 383 22 ‐
Agentur EAM
Pos ach 100163
45601 Recklinghausen ‐ Germany
Email: booking@agentur‐
Phone: 0049 (0) 23 61 ‐ 8 49 03 02
h p://www.eam‐
Listen to and watch Martyr at:
h ps://
h ps://