April 2007 - TeamShadowSPL.com


April 2007 - TeamShadowSPL.com
Email: canadianextremesounds@hotmail.com - No 04v07, April 2007
Letter from “The Big Chief”
The Beginnings
It was almost 6 years ago that Robert,
Willy and I sat at a local Starbucks to
stamp out the details of West Coast
Extreme SPL (WCES). Robert wanted
to have a very precise organization
with invited members only. Willy
wanted to make us well known, I
wanted for our name to be heard thru
audio world and to be feared.
Raymond Lal (Ray Ray) and Victor Krishna (Vic) were
brought in as they were 2 BC competitors that were well
known and well respected. It wasn’t long before all 5 of us
were having a beer in Vic’s backyard and we were coming
up with ideas. What were our intentions? Who is our
target? Why were we doing this? How much would it all
cost? Little by little, meeting after meeting, everything
came into place. WCES was born. It took a full year to
make the famous logo and to make the first newsletter
Change is Good…Change means growth.
The first year we only had about 7
competitors join. The second year
another 10. and then 10 more and
10 more. WCES has now grown to
over 50 members in the past 4
years. This is when it happened.
Although WCES was always
meant to be a western Based
competition team, it had now
sparked the following from the
east coast. Easterners were now wanting in on the little
club from BC. James MacGivallry, who heads up local
competition scene in Nova Scotia, wanted to be
highlighted. Same as Vince Kelty from Washington state.
Yuli Shumsky from East Coast was next to fill out our
It was very apparent that WCES needed to expand to
accommodate all these new competitors and shows.
East Coast Extreme SPL was created but was then
quickly dismissed. We knew that making a chapter for
each area would get too confusing.
The New CES is made
It was now apparent
what needed to be
done. Canadian
Extreme Sounds (CES)
is the new face of
competitor info in Canada. CES will cater to the car audio
enthusiast and will have more profiles, cover a broader
area of competitors and most importantly, it will highlight
everything from Clubs, Reader Rides, Events,
Competitors, Tips, ETC.
No, it isn’t easy and the task at hand is tremendously hard.
Help is what CES is about and help is what we got from
enthusiasts like Ryan Liden, Ben Stouze, Jordy Olmsted,
Jeff Boudreau, Martine Chaison, Don Doyle, James
MacGivallry, Etc. Help is what came from forums like
RevScene, After Market Productions, Zerohurtz and
Canadian Auto Sound Forum. The new CES magazine
look will be the bench mark for show posting and
competitor info.
This is the first newsletter for CES. Each month during the
competition season we will bring you a multi page
Currently included is:
Competitor of the Month
Dealer of the Month
Product of the Month
Tip of the Month
Shows list
We welcome you and we hope that you enjoy our new
Canadian Extreme Sounds (CES). It is our pleasure to
inform you and to bring you the news from around the car
audio world.
Patrick Riquelme (Team Shadow)
Proud Founding Member of Canadian Extreme Sounds
West Coast Extreme SPL
West Coast Extreme SPL was one of the larger Car Audio
Competition Clubs in Western Canada. WCES had been
around for only 4 years, but had grown substantially in the
past 2 years and continue to expand our already great
bunch of competitors.
Members range from SPL (sound pressure level)
competitors to SQ (sound quality) competitors, to car audio
dealers, to enthusiasts, to show and shine competitors, to
Demo Vehicle owners.
We salute all the efforts of our members and we extend an
invitation to our newly formed Canadian Extreme Sounds.
1 – Patrick Riquelme
Pat is a Founding Member of
WCES and Team Shadow.
Patrick wears many hats in the
car audio world. Pat thanks you
all for coming out and supporting
local shows. With Team Shadow,
Pat competed with a 1986
Ultimate civic and reached a record 170.4 on the sensor
mic, making Team Shadow the second to pass 170 on the
new sensor, making them the Loudest Iasca Vehicle in
2 – Robert Riquelme
Rob is a Founding Member of
WCES and Team Shadow.
Robert also wears many hats
such as promoter, shop owner,
competitor, Iasca sanctioned
judge, and many, many more.
Robert has one of the louder
demo vehicles in BC which can
be seen at almost all lower mainland shows. Robert owns
2 of 3 of the Team Shadow cars.
3 – William Riquelme
Willy is a Founding Member of
WCES and Team Shadow. He
is a silent partner that urges
you to support and attend local
shows. Willy’s vast automotive
knowledge is key in Team
Shadow’s success. Willy drives
his lemon yellow Ford Focus and can be seen patrolling
shows in lower mainland, BC.
4 – Raymond Lal
Ray Ray is a Founding Member
of WCES and is a Member of
Wicked Illusions Low-rider
Club. Ray Ray is a veteran
competitor with experience in
stock, super street and extreme
and now show and shines.
Watch out for Ray Ray’s new vehicle making it debut very
5 – Vic Krishna
Vic is a Founding Member of WCES
and is a Proud Member of Wicked
Illusion Low-rider Club. Vic attends
many local shows and has one of
the loudest superstreet vehicles in
Vancouver. Watch out for his green
machine to make some great SPL
New to CES will be:
Show Highlights and scores
Letter from the editor
Editorial from the 12 Volt Industry
Reader Rides
More shows covering a larger area
More SQ
6 – Jennifer Christensen
Jennie (SPL Builder’s Wife) is a
great supporter of WCES and
Team Shadow. You can
regularly see her pushing on
windows along with Sean (Mini
Shadow). Jennie installs her
own equipment and will be
competing in SQ one day.
Watch out for her SQ Taurus wagon.
7 – Milton Douvas
Milt is the first person to join
WCES out of our founding
member pack. Milton works in
sales and can be seen at show
and shines in lower mainland
BC. Milton started off in SPL
but has since moved into SQ.
Milton owns a Focal demo
vehicle and is always making improvements to it. Come
check him out at the shows.
8 – Bill Cheff
Bill is a Show and Shine
master. He is always out at
shows and loves to show off
his supercharged 1992 Ford
T Bird. Bill is part of the
Super Coupe Club of
Vancouver. There is nothing
that Bill likes more than to
hold onto ladies at car shows and get his pic taken.
9- Ryan Liden
Ryan is the newest member
of Team Shadow Extreme
SQ. Ryan has attended
shows since joining 3 years
ago and has put more show
hours than anyone else as a
judge, competitor and
promoter. Although he has shied away from SPL, his SQ
instinct has taken over. Ryan is rebuilding his 2004 Honda
now that he has sponsorship from the
Focal/Steg/AudioControl group. Ryan was featured as
Competitor of the Month
10 – Marcelo Jorquera
Marcelo supports WCES
whenever his busy work
schedule allows. You can see
Marcelo speeding through
Richmond, BC in his SPL
Corvette or his pimped out bike.
11 – Aaron Sharma
Aaron is an Alpine fanatic. You
can hear him blasting music at
150 db’s thru Surrey. Being a
seasoned competitor, he has
accumulated more trophies
than he can fit in his house.
Listen for Aaron’s Talon when
your driving down the streets.
12 – Justin Larouche
Justin is a Founding Member of
Team Deaf Trap. Justin is famous
for taking first place at Iasca finals
in Adv 2 and has recently
switched to SQ. Watch out for
him to take first in SQ as well.
Justin’s Toyota Echo is one sweet
sounding machine.
Email: canadianextremesounds@hotmail.com - No 04v07, April 2007
13 – Milun Tesovic
Milun loves to install all of his own
equipment. He has taken a hiatus this
year, but is coming back strong with a
completely new and impressive setup
in SQ. There is no doubt that since
joining WCES, he has great improved
his game. Come out and check out
his new Acura with JL install.
14 – Norman Wong
Mr. Db Drag. Norm came out and
beat everyone last year with his
150’s in stock. This year he is
opening up his own shop and is
hosting Db Drag shows. We can’t
wait to see what your secret build is.
15 – Tyler Bydnik
Tyler had deep roots in many
companies as a marketing and
promotions specialists. Tyler is
coming out with a massive system
thanks to his new sponsorship.
Watch out for Tyler to make some
waves in Streetmax and Adv. Tyler’s Asuna is going to hit
some big numbers next year. Tyler was featured as
Competitor of the Month.
16 – Sean Ojaroodi
Sean is Founder of Team
Ghost. Sean loves his Sound
Stream. He was the first person
to own a XXX15 woofer and a
XXX6500 amp in Canada. He
is rebuilding and will be making
some impressive number for
next year. Watch out Norm.
17 – Robert Della Malva
Rob is Founder of Team Audio
Vault. Although Rob is on hiatus,
watch for him to bring out another
demo vehicle in the near future.
Can you say…..monstrous….lol
18 – Juan Rojas
Juan is owner and operator of
Abalon Construction in
Calgary. Juan has one of the
loudest work trucks and you
can hear him blasting Spanish
music thru the streets. He
sponsors Team Shadow and
is always excited about supporting the industry.
22 – Team
“The Twins”
are the first
Canadians to
pass 170 on a
sensor mic,
they have the
vehicle in Db Drags in Canada and are true, dedicated,
hardcore, fanatical SPL competitors. These guys do Db
Drag Finals every year with their Isuzu Trooper. Riprock
was featured as Competitor of the Month
23 – Aaron Pottinger
Aaron joined us 2 years ago and
competed in SPL and attended
many show and shines. He
supports WCES at all shows and
always can be seen smiling.
32 – Derek Suderman
Derek joined us 2 years
ago and has come out to
support WCES at show
and shines. Although
Derek hasn’t made it out to
too many shows, WCES
thanks him for the support
that he does offer. Watch
for his Mazda protégé at
shows. Sorry no pic of Derek available
33 – Ryan McNeil
Ryan joined 2 years ago
and has supported WCES
at many shows. We are
happy to see him coming
out to shows again and
we can’t wait to see his
new install in his 2003
24 – Trevor Ens
Trevor joined 2 years ago but started
competing last year. His Treo and
Exile install hit 147.9 with 2- 10s in
his Subaru. Trevor is part of Team
Deaftrap. Watch for him to break the
150 mark by end of summer.
25 – Karl Ruppert
Karl has moved from stock to
sponsorship and competes with a
simple 600 watt system. Karl has
climbed to more than 145 and
keeps impressing the folks in BC
with his Neon.
34 – Tom Barnes
Tom is a great supporter of
WCES. Tom is always with the
Team Shadow crew and comes
to out many shows. One day we
hope that Tom will compete on
his own with his classic
Mustang. Sorry, no pic of Tom.
26 – George Dodd
Jorge is amassing his SPL
equipment and will be coming out
with his wall. Watch for his score
to climb next year in his Pontiac
27 – Joe Discuso
Joe joined us last year as a Show
and Shine specialist. He comes out
and supports WCES whenever he
can. Now that he is married we
expect great things from Joe and his
19 – Ross Graham
Ross’s MX3 is one of very few
competitors that does well in SQ
and SPL. Ross’s car includes a
separate system for each and also
has more multimedia than a radio
shack. Ross’s car can be seen at
show and shine and SPL/SQ competitions in BC.
28 - Joe Johnson
Joe is Founder of Team Lethal
Customs. He and his crew of
competitor attend many shows in BC
as well as host events. Joe is one of
few competitors that competes in SPL
and SQ and do them both well. Joe was featured as
Competitor of the Month. Watch for his monster Toyota at
shows near you.
20 – Rob Van Overdyke
Rob is a seasoned
competitor. No one puts
more miles on his car to
attend shows than rob.
Rob will regularly drive
10-15 hrs each way to
make shows. WCES was
honored to have Rob VO as the very first Competitor of the
Month for our newsletter. Keep up the great work Rob.
29 – Vince Kelty
Vince was the first USA
competitor to join WCES.
Vince has attended finals
and has made the trek into
Canada many times to
compete. Watch for his new
Extreme Memphis vehicle in
the new year as he has joined a powerful team of
competitors (Team soon to be announced). Vince was
featured as Competitor of the Month
21 – Markus Richter
Markus joined us last year and
hit some pretty impressive
numbers in Stock 1. Markus
hails from Williams Lake BC and
can be seen at local shows.
31 - Marty Wells
Marty has rebuilt his box and
has his focus set on stock 2. As
a member of Team Deaftrap,
Marty has hit some impressive
numbers with his gold Saturn.
Check out his new rims at a
show near you.
30 – Claude St Amand
Claude joined WCES and
has his eye set on Advance
2. Watch for “Mickey
Guzzler” to debut his new
wall next year and rip it up at
local shows with his
XXX10000d. Keep climbing
35 – Adam Christiano
Adam comes out to all local
shows to support. As a Member
of Team Ghost, Adam is always
around to help push on
windows and hold trunks down.
Soon Adam will unveil his latest
creation in his Camaro.
36 – James MacGivallry
James is an enthusiast,
competitor, installer, promoter,
and car show hosting, SPLing,
SQing, loud son of a gun. James
does it all and is the eastern
version of me, Pato. When he’s
not out hosting show or making
guys louder, James works on his
Toyota Matrix and is the Loudest Man in Nova Scotia.
James was featured as Competitor of the Month.
37 – Yuli Shumski
Yuli is a competitor that has
represented Canada by
attending both Db Drag and
Iasca finals. Yuli has held many
certified Canadian records in
Street and Stock classes. Yuli’s
scores are always high and WCES was honored to feature
him as Competitor of the Month.
38 – Dustin Page
Dustin has set his mind to
become the loudest Stock 3 in
Canada and currently hitting a
151.4db. Dustin is always tweak
and tuning his car to become
louder and is always at shows
near and far. Watch out for Dustin
this year as a member of Team
Email: canadianextremesounds@hotmail.com - No 04v07, April 2007
39 – Branden Gertsch
Branden tragically lost his life in a car
accident while driving out to one of Team
Shadow’s shows. Branden was prepping his
vehicle for Stock and was extremely excited
to come out and compete. Thank you
brother, for your support. RIP Branden.
40 – Ben Stouze
Benster joined us last year
and has already made waves
by climbing Stock 1. Ben has
been supporting WCES at all
local shows and we know that
he will make some impressive
numbers once he gets that
5000 watts amp in again.
Come check out his Honda for
41 – Will Lievers
Will is brand new to WCES and
has already gone up in score.
Will is always out supporting
WCES and we encourage him to
keep climbing. Watch out for his
SPL Honda.
42 – Rene Cardenas
Rene is a great supporter of Team
Shadow. Rene is a master
electronics genius and is
responsible for many of the
electrical devices on the Team
Shadow cars. Team Shadow
dreams it up and Rene builds it.
43 – Derek Sahlstrom
Derek is well known for having
his spl box with shag fur. Not
only does it hit loud it is cute
and furry. Derek is a great
supporter of WCES and Team
Shadow. Derek’s Honda can
be seen at local shows.
44 – Jeff Wong
Jeff is Owner/Operator of
Audio Motion. Jeff is a new to
WCES but is well known in
lower mainland, BC as a
competitive SQ’er. Perfection
is his only downfall….or is it?.
Jeff is constantly upgrading
his SQ Honda.
45 – Mike Malthais
Mike is one of those
multi wearing hat kinda
guys. He’s head of
Team Overdose, works
at Sounds Good ,
moderates at
RevScene, competes,
and installs all in one.
Mike was featured as
Competitor of the
46 – Cam MacNiel
Cam joined WCES last year.
He has already started to
increase his score and has
added some great things to
his car including a heat sink
for his amps that keeps his
amp as close to cold as
possible. Check out his
Honda at local shows.
Sorry no pic of Cam.
47 - Curtis Dodd
Curtis is a stock competitor
that wants to join the 150 club.
As a member of Team
Deaftrap, he is getting close
and will surely do it by years
end. Come check out his new
car at your local BC shows.
48 – Anthony Schandt
Anthony owns Wheels West
in Port Kells. As a new
Sponsor of Team Shadow,
we expect to see great things
from Anthony. Anthony has
been out to local shows and
is always supporting anyway
he can.
49 - Corey Lebrun
Corey has come out to shows
this year and has already
committed to getting louder
by buying his own mic
system. Corey will come
stomping out numbers next
year with his Explorer.
50 – Scott Husband
Scott is a new member that is
excited to get louder. He will surely
make his name be known next
year. Scott and his Sonoma can be
seen at lower mainland shows.
Sorry no pic of Scott
51 – Chris Turner
Chris is the latest member to join
WCES. Chris Honda will surely go
up in numbers. We are happy to
have Chris join us and we
welcome him to our family of
Sorry no pic of Chris
Competitor of the Month
This month we honor Mr. Promoter himself, James
Chevrette. James has been in the business for many,
years. James not only works in the industry, he is also a
Usaci Sanction promoter and Canadian Director. He is
also a SQ competitor that installs all his own gear. James
has now dabbled in spl and has his CRX hitting a steady
153.1. Most importantly he is a World Class competitor
and judge and has taken top spot in his SQ category
repeatedly. Congrats James, on being April’s Competitor
of the Month.
WCES: What is your name(s)?
James Chevrette – Westec on forums.
WCES: When did you start competing?
JAMES: IASCA in '93 (wow, I am really dating myself). I
had a Kenwood KAC-830 cassette deck, C-600 changer,
PPI 2050 amp, Polk Audio 4x6s, 2 Kenwood 10 inch subs
I used to hit a 127 db but now in SQ I’m hitting 138.8 db.
WCES: Any shout outs?
JAMES: To all the competitors that have supported any
competition format...thank you!
WCES: Are you affiliated with anyone?
JAMES: I am the current Canadian director for Usaci. In
'05 Kankar Marketing helped me with some DLS
WCES: What do you compete with now?
JAMES: Under construction at the moment...but SPL in
coming soon.
WCES: What car do you compete with now?
JAMES: 2000 Dodge Neon
WCES: Who is your spl idol?
JAMES: Mark Fukuda, the only competitor ever in win SQ
and SPL world titles with the same car in the same year.
WCES: What is next for you?
JAMES: Top 3 in Advanced Pro in SQ and top 6 at Db
Drag finals.
WCES: What your highest score ever?
JAMES: 146.7 hoping to break the fabled 150 this year...
WCES: What would you create if you had unlimited
JAMES: A car so loud that I can crush beer cans with a
single note!
WCES: What is your favorite product?
WCES: Who is your favorite competitor?
JAMES: ROB V.O. - of course!
WCES: Are you going to finals this year?
JAMES: Usaci and Db Drag.
WCES: How many awards have you won?
JAMES: 89, but winning Best of Show at the Usaci World
Championships in '04 is my favorite.
WCES: Can you remember your first win?
JAMES: '93 at the A&B Sound "Road to the Finals" Tour in
Nanaimo, BC
WCES: What is your biggest barrier as far as competing?
JAMES: Funding...
WCES: Who do you want to thank?
JAMES: Ralph at Usaci,
Moe Sabourin of Iasca,
Ray Choy formerly of Db Drag,
Jody Culbertson from Visions,
Dave Oakley from Andre's,
Pat at Team Shadow...lol.
Email: canadianextremesounds@hotmail.com - No 04v07, April 2007
Club of the Month
Tip of the Month
Product of the Month
RE XXX Woofer
This month we are
honored to have
Team Deaf Traps
as the very first
Club of the Month.
TDT hail from
Kamloops but have
made their mark all
over the place.
TDT consists of 6
members, 2 of
which are world
class competitors:
Co Founder, Justin Larouche, has taken 1st at Iasca finals
in Adv 1 with his Firefly and is now working on an SQ title
with his Echo.
Co Founder, Curtis, took 1st
place in stock 2 at Team
Shadows Finals with fellow
member Marty Wells .1
behind him.
CES’s first Tip of the month comes from Alma Gates. Alma
Gates retired this year after being a Legend and
Ambassador of car audio. Alma has had to overcome
great negativity not only with being the first female to
dethrone the loudest car but also now is overcoming major
political obstacles of having an SQ vehicle. Alma is the
most recognized person in car audio as an SPL’er and
Alma says:
Never give up, let people talk and be strong... I know all
this from being a female in car audio... it’s hard enough to
be in the scene but when you are female, its harder...and
now I have had to overcome some preconceived notions
about competing in SQ. Keep doing what you are doing no
matter what the negativity is, you’ll always come out on
Dealer of the Month
Marty Wells was also
recognized as Team Shadow Points Champion for Stock 2.
Richard Youds won 1 in Stock 1 while Trevor Ens went
thru a vehicular accident that left him car less for the final.
TDT competed at Iasca
events, Usaci events,
Db Drag events and
non sanctioned events.
These guys put tons of
hours into shows and tons of mileage into their cars to
make sure that Team Deaf Traps is a contender in SQ and
SPL. Thank you guys for your support and continue the
good work.
The unique look of the subwoofer is not purely cosmetic. It
was to improve the linear motion
of the cone and to offer the listener
very low notes with very little
distortion. Weighing in
at a 78 lbs, this is
not for the faint
of heart.
This sub was
designed to
be the top of
the sound
quality food
chain and offer
what is known as
near perfect bass. It features
54mm of linear 1 way excursion for massive sound output
potential, “Tork Tite” Terminals to reduce terminal
breakage, flat wound 3” 4 layer, split aluminum spider for
superb power handling, 2 large progressive spiders to
keep the moving parts in check and 4 pie shaped magnets
to control the whole structure.
For more information please call 1.877.277.MODZ
James Chevrette hit a whopping 153.1 in Prostock 1 and
set the bar high for future competitors. James is our
Competitor of the
Dustin Page is the
latest member to join
Team deaftraps. Watch
out for Dustin to break
some Canadian
RE Audio has
released their
XXX Sub,
Designed to
deliver the
and heart
bass notes
that will
even the most
expensive mobile audio
Show Highlights
SBN; Spring Break Nationals
Stef’s Auto and Electronics is your one stop automotive
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Stef’s Auto & Electronics also provides general repairs to
foreign and domestic cars, a full line of specialty window
films and car detailing.
You can come in a speak to Stef or Trevor about getting
lines such as Kenwood, RE, US Amps, Atomic, Clarion
Visonik and MA Audio for your car audio needs. SAE also
offers many brands of lighting, video, wiring and
accessories. SAE is hosted their Grand Opening on Sat
Aug 26th,2006. and is hosting an event on June 10 2007.
Come check out their install bays and their 1992 Honda
Civic with all the tricked out goodies.
Stef’s Auto & Electronics is committed to bring you honesty
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let you know what is best, YOU ARE our number one
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Once again, the biggest show in North America took place
in sunny Daytona Beach, Florida. Cars from all across the
eastern coast came out to pit themselves against each
other in Db Drag, Iasca, Meca and much, much more.
SPL Inc, from
Ontario came out
and took top spot
in in Iasca’s
Prostock 2 with a
152.2. Keyur
Patel, Chris
Wrobel, Jeff
Martine Chiasson,
along with Stuart LaFirst and Jeff Martins are part of the
crew. They blew a woofer during testing and then compete
in Db Drags, hitting a 151.7 with one woofer only.
Big shout out to Dale
Rouke, owner and
operator of Custom
Car Audio, who
came out all the way
from Cranbrook,
British Columbia to
compete. He was
actually on vacation,
bought himself some
product and used his rental vehicle. He built his boxes right
at the show with a jigsaw. Dale hit a 149 even in Db Drags
and a 150 even in Iasca. Now that is dedication and
Thank you both for coming out to represent Canada.
Go to www.springbreaknationals.com for more info.
Email: canadianextremesounds@hotmail.com - No 04v07, April 2007
What I need to know about
Competing in SPL?
My life as a competitor.
So there I am, sleeping on a rug in someone’s basement
apartment. It’s 3 in the morning, I just went to sleep and
there are 6 of the smelliest competitors sleeping on the
floor near me.
Chunk …phew…..rickster…phew….ryan….double phew.
Rounding out the bodies is 8 track boy and boy can I tell
you, that guys snores louder than my car burps. There is a
plethora of out of towners here. Why would I be sleeping
on the floor? Cause I am “Competitus Splus
Fanaticus”…or in laymans terms….I am an SPL’er. I live
and breathe car audio, I work in car audio, I collect car
audio mags, and many of the clothes I wear are car audio
related. This is typical lifestyle for the Canadian competitor;
sleeping in places that aren’t home, driving long distances
and most importantly, doing it with buddies and friends that
are as fanatical as we are.
I preach car audio wherever I go. Is this best for everyone,
or am I the only crazy SPL dude. You decide.
How I started…at Mobile Dynamics.
Matt had installation experience but more importantly he
was an electrical genius as well as a physics and
acoustical expert. Matt’s experiences and knowledge
combined with his talent and dedication were what made
Matt’s creation a Canadian Record holder. Years of trial
and error were what it took to get to this point.
A Burp explained
What happens in this burp? It is an unleashing of power at
full boar maximum output. Amplifiers heat up instantly,
head units skip, woofers melt and catch on fire,
windshields rattle and break, doors tremble like spaghetti,
air compresses and a score is registered. 161.7 db’s….a
new certified record for Canada!!! Back then, 6 years ago,
that was a lot for Super Street. These days, 170s are in
order. SPL has become quite the competition. In all of an
instant, your amplifier sees maximum current and voltage
allowed. Your woofers excurt their fullest, back and forth,
up to 80 times a second.
Your battery heats up as the voltage is drained from its
plates. The electrolyte boils, while current runs thru large
gauge wires and terminals. Any corrosion or improper
connections quickly heat up and cause dangerous fires if
not dealt with. This burp takes your car to the limit.
If anything breaks. It gets quickly replaced and retried
again and again until a record is broken and the system
can’t go no more. This is extreme at its best.
The myths of SPLing
Let’s look at a few myths that have made it to the mix and
well see how we can decipher them:
I know what you’re thinking. Here we go…heading into a
MD discussion that everyone has heard before. Well here
it is, my MD experience.
It was 2001 when I went to Mobile Dynamics. Mobile
Dynamics is the only school in Canada that teaches the
Fundamental Theories of Mobile Audio Installations.
The main reason that I got into competition was because
of Matt Gordash (Shop Instructor at MD far right front). He
had built this Super Street vehicle and, man was it loud.
Matt fiber glassed in some components into the floor and
then fiber glassed a front end amp into the center console.
Matt built a massive triple layer box in the truck box and
made a cut thru. 8 batteries were in the back and 8 MMats amps were mounted in the rear near the tail gate. 2
massive MMats 18’s were all the speakers that could fit.
Matt had put many years into Trevor Barbers truck and it
This vehicle had played louder than I ever heard and heck
he wasn’t even burping. What’s burping you might ask?
Burping is how SPL vehicles make noise. Competitors
have 30 seconds to register a score on a meter. Because
the intent is to be the loudest in your category, all heat and
electrical power is harnessed into one 3 second spurt of
sound. This sound is usually at a preset frequency where it
will become loudest in the vehicle. Since only 80Hz or less
is allowed in competition, it comes out as a low abrupt
tone, hence the burp.
Adding more woofers will make it loud.
It was always thought that if you have 4 woofers, your
vehicle would be louder than a vehicle with 2 woofers. Not
necessarily. These days guys like Alan Dante from Brazil
are using minimal woofers to achieve extremely loud SPL
number. Alan Dante played his system in the death match
and beat out Team Pioneer (15 woofers). Alan’s box
building expertise and testing has made it possible for his
design to be louder and create more pressure than anyone
else, for a longer period of time. This makes his system
more efficient and of course Alan proved this by playing his
system full boar for 5 minutes straight without killing
Will I break the bank competing
No, competing is not free. But it doesn’t take $30K to
compete unless you want to. With the growing number of
vehicles and competitors joining in, sanctions like Iasca
are introducing rookie classes for that 1-2 woofer in a
prefab box with one amp. Not every person that wants to
compete will be able to “break a record” . Iasca’s
introduction of this rookie class are what will allow the
“newbie” to compete against similar systems without
having to modify their vehicles or their systems. Db Drag
had a similar category called Mini Street. If you want to
compete with what you have, then there is a place for you
in the competition arena.
Shows are too far away
No one knows about traveling far to a show more than me.
I hit almost 30 shows in my first year. Only 10 shows were
close. Other shows were over 3 hrs away. This is less and
less the case. Db Drags in Alberta hosts more local shows
each year. James Chevrette from Usaci has kept all its
shows localized to within a decent driving distance from
Kamloops. Richard Wade of CSPL has announced over 22
shows based out of Ontario. Team Shadow promotes
Iasca shows out of Vancouver while After Market
Productions does Iasca out of Kingston. There is always
shows being promoted and more and more events are
popping up.
I won’t make it to finals. Why compete at finals?
Canadians have advanced their game more than any other
country. There is always a hand full of competitors that do
attend finals. There is always a bunch of competitors from
Ontario that go to Db Drag finals. Team Rip Rocks leads
the pack from Alberta and head out each season to Db
Drag finals. Dave Oakley and his band of merry drinkers
head out to Usaci finals in Kansas. Team Shadow has lead
out a pack to Iasca finals. Big shout out to Justin Larouche
that went all the way from
Kamloops to Vancouver to
Kansas City for Iasca
finals. Why would he do
this 42 hr one way drive?
To compete against the
best. Justin took first place
and brought home top
spot in Advance 1. This is
absolute competitor bliss.
He crammed his 6 ft
trophy into his firefly and
headed back with the
largest smile an SPL’er
ever had. Great job Justin
on the win.
Where to I compete? What sanction?
There are so many sanctions to pick from nowadays,
especially for Canadians. Which one is better? Which is
better for me? CES wants to inform you so that you can
make that decision.
(International Auto Sound Competition Association)
Iasca has been one of the two staples of competition in
Canada. Iasca offers SPL, SQ, Tuner Jam, Bass Boxing,
Nightglow, Etc. Team Shadow is the promoter for the west
coast and After Market Productions is the promoter in the
east coast.
Db Drag Racing
Db Drags is the other staple of Canadian Competition. Db
Drags offer SPL Bass Race. Rau Choy is the promoter for
the west while CSPL is the promoting it for east.
(United States Autosound Competition International)
Usaci has only recently come into Canada. James
Chevrette promotes Usaci in Canada. Usaci offers SPL,
SQ and Mini SPL.
Audio Drag
Audio Drag is a Quebec based sanction. Because Quebec
is primarily a French speaking province, Vatche
Ohanessian started it to facilitate our French speaking
brothern. Competitons are usually SPL only. Audio Drag is
based on the Db Drag format.
Canadian Sound Pressure League)
Richard Wade is the founder and coordinator of this
sanction. Based in Ontario, CSPL boasts 22 shows for this
new season and has been in talks to include Db Drag
competitions at 11 of their events. CSPL has had its
shows featured in Performance Auto Sound Magazine and
is growing in popularity.
(North East Sound Pressure League)
Created by Steve Smith and Chris Mcvay, this North
Eastern USA based sanction is making waves in Ontario.
Watch for their shows to be making a debut this year.
Although I have not even touched on all aspects of
competing, I will say this.
Competing is a personal thing. The effort that you put into
competing is the effort that you get out of it. Many friends
are made while competing. You have the choice of where
and when to compete. Compete in one or all of them.
Compete often. So let’s go out there and support the
sport. Most importantly, have fun.
See you in the lanes
Email: canadianextremesounds@hotmail.com - No 04v07, April 2007
Shows List
April 15 1x Db Drag
SPL Facility, 11 Creditstone Road
Concord, Ontario
May 5, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Fast Forward
Owen Sound, Ontario
May 5-6, Show and Shine
National Sport Compact
Montreal, Quebec
May 6, 1x Usaci
Cowichan Exhibition Grounds
Cowichan, British Columbia
May 6, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Stereo Connection
Cambridge, Ontario
May 20, 1x Tnespl
Uncle Steve's Halloween Party Adams, New York
May 24, 1x CSPL
Auto Sound Design
Thornhill, Ontario
May 27, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Barrie, Ontario
June 2, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Sidd's Radio
Toronto, Ontario
June 3, 1x Db Drag
Pete’s TV
Castlegar, British Columbia
June 3, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Audio Video Unlimited
Orangeville Fairgrounds, Ontario
June 2, Show and Shine
Driven to Perform
Calgary, Alberta
June 3, 1x Tnespl
Team Defj
Ogdensburg, New York
June 7, 1x CSPL
Stereo Connection
Cambridge, Ontario
June 9, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Fast Forward
Midland, , Ontario
June 10, 2x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Shark Mobile
North Bay, Ontario
June 10, 1x Db Drag
SPL Inc.
1533 McAdoos Lane
Kingston, Ontario
Tel: 613-531-0001
June 14, 1x CSPL
Owen Sound, Ontario
August 12, 1x Event
Team Defj
Ogdensburg, New York
June 16, 1x Usaci, Show and Shine
Vision Electronics
Prince George, British Columbia
August 11, Show and Shine
Hot Night in the City Cruise in
Kamloops, British Columbia
June 16, Show and Shine
Driven to Perform
Edmonton, Alberta
August 12, 1x Db Drag
Andre’s Audiotronic
Kamloops, British Columbia
June 17, 1x Db Drag, Show and Shine
Selective Sounds
Mississauga, Ontario
Aug 16, 1x CSPL
Owen Sound, Ontario
June 21, 1x CSPL
Stereo 1
Toronto, Ontario
Aug 17, 1xCSPL
Stereo 1
Toronto, Ontario
June 23, Show and Shine
Driven to Perform
Vancouver, British Columbia
Aug 18, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Fast Forward
Midland, Ontario
June 24, 1x Db Drag
Andre’s Audiotronic
Vernon, British Columbia
Aug 19, 1x Db Drag, Show and Shine
Selective Sounds
Mississauga, Ontario
June 28, 1x CSPL
Stereo Plus
Orillia, Ontario
Aug 23, 1x CSPL
Audio Plus
Orillia, Ontario
July 1, 1x Tnespl
2loud4you Soundoff
Arnprior, Ontario
August 25, 1x Tnespl
Sport Compact and Truck Blast
Oswego Speedway
Oswego, New York
July 12, 1x CSPL
Auto Sound Design
Thornhill, Ontario
July 15, Show and Shine
Royal City Cruise in
New Westminster, British Columbia
July 15, 1x Db Drag
Andre’s Audiotronic
Penticton, British Columbia
July 19, 1x CSPL
Stereo Connection
Cambridge, Ontario
July 21, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Fast Forward
Owen Sound, Ontario
July 22, 1x Tnespl
Uncle Steve's Christmas Party Adams, New York
July 22, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Barrie, Ontario
Aug 12, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Stereo Connection
Cambridge, Ontario
August 25, 3X Tnespl
TNESPL Finals *Invite only*
Oswego Speedway
Oswego, New York
Aug 26, 1x CSPL, 1x Db Drag
Shark Mobile
North Bay, Ontario
August 26, 2x Db Drag Western Finals
Andre’s Audiotronic
Kelowna, British Columbia
Sept 8, Show and Shine
Langley Good Times Cruise In
Langley, British Columbia
Sep 9 CSPL Canadian Finals
Barrie, Ontario
Sept 15-16, 3x Iasca Western Finals
Team Shadow Finals
October 12-14, Show and Shine
Sport Compact Performance 8
Montreal, Quebec
Comments and Suggestions
We appreciate your feed back. Please email us with show
info at:
Thank you kindly for all your support