r_lEffiffiffil=:= 12345
r_lEffiffiffil=:= 12345
Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 333 257 THE TELKKALA NICXNL DEPOSIT T. A. HAKLI REGIONAL GEOLOGY The Telkkälä ultramafic intrusion, some l6 km northwest of Lappeenranta in SE Finland, hosts a small nickel deposit embedded in Svecokarelian mica gneisses. The Telkkälä area is part of the Saimaa basin, which is composed of Svecokarelian supracrustal and plutonic rocks and Postsvecokarelian rapakivi granites (Fig. 55). The bulk of the supracrustal rocks are argillaceous sediments (Vorma 1965), although calcareous and arenaceous interlayers may also be encountered. The supracrustal rocks are in- tl- r;, TAIPALSAARI 1@.*.1 #_ sffi F.| -l-..--. t-.1--.-. ., r_lEffiffiffil=:= 12345 : liiA ff :ElE: Eiillft nlil! illiAll li ii II 5 lokm 6 Fig. 55. Simplified geological map of the Telkkälä area after Häkli et al. (1975).1. Mica gneiss; 2. Gabbro or diorite; 3. Granodiorite to quartz diorite; 4. Granite; 5. Rapakivi granite; 6. Lakes; 7. Haikkaanlahti Ni-showing; 8. Ahokkala Ni-showine. t7 258 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 333 truded by plutonic rocks ranging from granites to hornblendites and other ultramafics in composition. The hornblende variety predominates among the gabbros but norites are also met with, particularly west, north and east of Telkkälä. South and southwest of Telkkälä large areas of bedrock are occupied by Postsvecokarelian anorogenic rapakivi granites. Nickel showings, albeit small, occur in vari- of the Saimaa area. Two of them are close to the Telkkälä nickel deposit (Fie. 55): One at Ahokkala in a noritic body some 5 km east of Telkkälä and the other in a small mafic ous parts body at Haikkaanlahti, 2 km southwest of Telkkälä. There is a minor nickel deposit (Kitula) at Puumala (Marmo 1955), about 35 km northnortheast of Telkkälä. The latter was mined by Outokumpu Oy in 1970 at the same time as the Telkkälä deposit. PETROLOGY OF THE INTRUSION The Telkkälä nickel deposit is associated with a mafic intrusive measuring 50 x 150 metres in size (Fig. 56). The major axis of the intrusive parallels the NW-SE strike of schistosity of the surrounding mica gneiss (Häkli et al. 1975). The intrusive is differentiated, ranging from peridotite to cummingtonite gabbro in composition. The distribution of the lithologic units ex- hibits a concentric pattern, a peridotitic core being enveloped by a narrow rim of perknite. The outer portions are cummingtonite gabbro. The geophysics and tectonic features suggest that the intrusion plunges gently towards SE. The mica gneiss in the contact with the mafic body has frequently altered into garnet and cordierite gneisses, presumably owing to the thermal action of the intruding mafic magma. The peridotites show a large variation in mineral composition from olivine-rich variants to subperknites. The olivine grains are often fresh and coarse although in some places they are altered into serpentine. The olivines average 15.5 9o iron and 600 ppm nickel. The orthopyroxene, which assays 9 9o Fe and 155 ppm Ni, occurs as idiomorphic grains with partly uralitizated borders but it is also encountered as fine-grained crystals that seem to be of a younger generation than the idiomorphic ones. The amphibole, which crystallized later than the olivine and pyroxene, occurs in the intercumulus. The amphibole of the peridotites averages 4.4 tlo iron and 225 ppm Ni. The amphibole of the perknites is somewhat darker and richer in iron than is that of the peridotites, assaying 7.3 vlo Fe and 320 ppm Ni. The orthopyroxene of the amphibole is also richer in iron and nickel, averaging 13.4 ü/o Fe and 190 ppm Ni. The orthopyroxene is often altered into cummingtonite. Monoclinic pyroxene is an accessory. The perknites grade into gabbros with the appearance of plagioclase. The gabbros are hypidiomorphic in texture, with orthopyroxene, hornblende and cummingtonite as main minerals. Biotite may or may not be one of the major constituents. The composition of the plagioclase varies from Anro to Anuo, although in rocks with some quartz it is andesine. The orthopyroxene averages 13.3 Vo Fe and 155 ppm Ni. The corresponding figures for the amphibole are 6.9 9o Fe and 245 ppm Ni. Biotite, chlorite, apatite, quaftz, titanite, sericite. carbonates and zircon are the accessories. The abundance of sulphides varies, but it usually exceeds 5 90. The cummingtonite gabbro at the NW end of the intrusion is, however, almost devoid of sulphides. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 333 259 N ft'*:t B I XOXO oo 30m o o 'o o o $\ o o o \o ffis qffi1 trErrllrrr[ mrTrfffrn illllllllfill z 72+ ffis l-lo oo ^ ff-I rl z | | ' )<-. E"l e F-;_l o l*'{" Fig. 56. Ceological plan and cross section of the Telkkälä deposit after Häkli et al. (1975\. l. Peridotire; 2. Perknite; 3 Norite;4. Cummingtonite gabbro; 5. Massive sulphides;6. Mica gneiss;7. Ultramafic fragments in ore;8. Garnet;9 Amphibole. The heavy line denotes the cut-off boundary. The gabbros range in composition from the plagioclase-poor perknitic types through pale norites to cummingtonite gabbros. Orthopyroxene is altered to some extent into cummingtonite. whose abundance increases towards the contact of the intrusion with the mica gneiss. Adjacent to the mineralized portions, plagioclase, orthopyroxene and cummingtonite are alter- ed into chlorite. At the contact of the mafic intrusion with the 260 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 333 mica gneiss, the cummingtonite gabbro grades into sulphide-poor cummingtonite gneiss as qvartz and biotite increase. The transitional rock was presumably formed when the mafic magma interacted with the country rock. The massive ore either favours the contact with the mica gneiss or is associated with the pegmatite veins. The high-grade ore often ex- hibits sulphide network texture, in which garnet, hornblende, quartz, oligoclase, biotite and sometimes chloritized pyroxene and siderite are embedded in a sulphide matrix. Narrow pegmatite veins with oligoclase, microcline and quartz as main minerals and biotite, chlorite, apatite and opaques as accessories crosscut the mafic intrusion. GEOCHEMISTRY The compositional variation in the Telkkälä intrusion is shown in the ternary diagrams in Figs. 57 and 58. The most ultramafic members of the body are high-magnesia rocks that plot close to the MgO apex. The rock suite forms a gapless series from the MgO apex towards the AlrO, apex. The bulk of the samples are low in alkalies. Few samples, however, have elevated alkali values, presumably owing to contamination by the adjacent pegmatite veins or mica gneiss country rock. The intrusive exhibits CaO values that are low in relation to the MgO and AlrO, values. In this respect, the Telkkälä intrusion differs from the Kylmäkoski mafic body (Papunen 1980) and the Vammala, Stormi ultramafic intrusion (Häkli et ol. 1979). These three intrusions are not, however, directly comparable, because at Telkkälä the rocks are heavily minaralized, whereas at Vammala and Kylmäkoski large portions of the intrusion show only slight, if any, mineralization. Al2o3 Fig. 57. (NarO + KzO) - AlO, - ofMgO the diagram showing the compositions Telkkälä rocks. NarO * KrO Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 333 26r Al2o3 Fig. 58. CaO - Al:Or - MgO diagram showing the compositions of the Telkkälä rocks. ORE TYPES The sulphides occur as three ore types: mas- sive ores, matrix ores and disseminated ores. The massive ores are mainly restricted to the peridotites and perknites, whereas the matrix and disseminated ores favour cummingtonite gabbros. Pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite are the major primary sulphides. Sphalerite is occasionally encountered in abundances unusual for a nickel deposit. Ilmenite, like ilmenomagnetite, chromite and rutile, which are met with in peridotite, are primary oxides. Monoclinic pyrrhotite, which is more abundant than the hexagonal variety, is usually rather rich in nickel (average 0.35 go). pentlandite occurs as discrete grains together with and as exsolution bodies in pyrrhotite. Chalcopyrite often rims the pentlandite and pyrrhotite grains but it also occurs as stringers in gangue and massive ore. Supergene processes have produced secondary minerals that replace the primary sulphides. The alteration is mainly restricted to the SE part of the deposit, where pyrite, marcasite, bravoite, violarite, hematite, goethite and magnetite are encountered. The alteration that entails the depletion of iron from the sulphides began in the pyrrhotite with the formation of marcasite-pyrite lamellae parallel to the basal parting. The nickel abundance of pyrite and marcasite thus formed is only slightly higher than that of pyrrhotite. When in larger cavities, however, these minerals are richer in nickel; nickel values up to 3.5 go have been recorded in marcasite, and as much as 4.6 Vo in bravoitic pyrite. Pentlandite is often altered into violarite, and the process, which begins from the grain boundaries and cleavages, seems to precede the alteration of pyrrhotite. In places violarite is further replaced by chalcopyrite and marcasite; in fact the nickel-rich marcasites probably owe 262 Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 333 s {000 5O.O Vo 8000 pPm Vo 10 30 20 10 30.0 10.0 50,0 c/o 600 000 1000 ppm o/o 70 60 50 40 30 29 10 3.0 2.O 3.0 1,0 r.0 5.O Vo 3.o Vo 1000 PPm Fig. 59. Frequency distributions of S, Fe, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn and Pb in the Telkkälä deposit after Häkli et al. (1975). Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin their nickel to disintegrated violarite. With the exception of gossan, which partly covered the deposit, the'amount of oxides pro- 333 263 duced by the alteration processes is surprisingly small. ORE GEOCHEMISTRY In 1969-1970 about 200,000 tonnes of ore, averaging 1.06 9o Ni and 0.29 Vo Cu, were mined from the open pit. The frequency distributions of the elements incorporated in sulphides are positively skewed (Fig. 59). The large variation in S, Fe, Ni and Co is caused by the mode of occurrence of the sulphides, which varies from low grade dissemination to massive ores. The factor analyses performed on the geo- chemical data (Häkli et sl. 1975') demonstrates that four mutually independent agents were ac- tive during the formation of the sulphide deposit. They gave rise to the disseminated and matrix ores in cummingtonite gabbro, deposited the massive sulphides at the base of the intrusion, produced stringers and dissemination of the second generation chalcopyrite in country rocks, and finally generated the Zn-Pb mineralization. CONCLUSIONS A genetic model has been proposed by Häkli et al. (1975) for the formation of the Telkkälä nickel deposit, dated by the leadlead method at 1820 Ma. In this model, the concentric structure copper-rich sulphide liquid, which segregated from the bulk of the sulphide liquid after it had of the mafic intrusion is attributed to the dis- eration. The monosulphide solid solution then recrystallized at lower temperatures as pyrite, chalcopyrite, pentlandite and monoclinic pyrrhotite. Somewhat later. the vent introduced more charge through a vent of mafic silicate melt carrying appreciable amounts of sulphides in dispersed immiscible melt. On account of gravita- tive settling, the sulphide liquid concentrated in depressions at the base on the intrusion where it remained mobile after the consolidation of the magma. At a lower temperature the increased water pressure brecciated the rocks. The open spaces were then invaded by the sulphide liquid, and breccia and massive ores were produced. A been crystallized as a monosulphide phase, produced chalcopyrite stringers of the second gen- sulphur and cobalt and probably also some iron, zinc and lead, thus reducing the Ni/S and Ni/Co ratios, generating disulphides and producing a low-grade Zn-Pb mineralization at the base of the intrusion. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I thank the outokumpu Company publish this paper. for permission to
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