2016 Summer School PreK-6 - Pleasant Hill R
2016 Summer School PreK-6 - Pleasant Hill R
Summer School 2016 Grades PreK-6 Pleasant Hill Intermediate School May 31st-June 24th Please bring your schedule and bus number first day of Summer School! ATTENDANCE Summer school classes bridge the gap that often occurs between the ending of one school year and the start of the next. Consistent, daily attendance will ensure that your child is gaining the full benefit of the program! Pleasant Hill R-III School District Questions may be directed to Vicki Hartsell, Summer School Principal vhartsell@pleasanthillschools.com or (816) 540-2220 Pleasant Hill R-III School District 2016 Summer School Grades Pre-K thru 6th Dates and Times Conduct Tuesday, May 31st- Friday, June 24th 8:00 a.m. — 12:15 p.m. Location Pleasant Hill Intermediate School 1204 East 163rd Street Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 816-540-3156 Transportation The district will provide transportation contingent on state funding. Complete the transportation section of the enrollment form. All transportation requests must be received by Thursday, April 28th or district-provided transportation is not guaranteed. Student Dress Appropriate dress is required. All school dress codes are in effect for summer school. Shoes must be worn at all times No hats may be worn in the building Tank tops (not undershirts), T-shirts and All classes are either 2 hour or 4 hour sessions. sweatshirts are acceptable as long as they are Use this year’s (15-16) grade placement to choose neat and clean. All shirts must be buttoned. classes. The length of skirts and shorts must extend Classes will be filled on a first come first serve babelow the finger tips. sis. No offensive writing (profanity, obscenity, Due to enrollment sizes, student’s schedules may sexual references, or references to alcohol, be adjusted. tobacco, or other drugs) If classes do not have enough students, other classes will be substituted. Class Schedules All school conduct codes for the regular school year will be in effect during the summer school session. Dismissal from summer school based on these codes is the decision of the Summer School Administration. Students are expected to behave in a manner that does not disrupt the learning process. Summer school is an optional program; therefore, behavior infractions will not be tolerated. Students engaging in inappropriate conduct will be removed from the summer school program by the administration. You will receive a copy of your student’s summer school classes and bus number by the last day of school. The summer school staff will be contacting you by phone to confirm enrollment and answer any questions you might have. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN BRINGS HIS/HER SCHEDULE AND BUS NUMBER ON THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER SCHOOL. Summe r asses Pre-K Summer School Children entering kindergarten will learn about letters, sounds and numbers to prepare them for the kindergarten curriculum. Students will enjoy learning to read and write as they experience Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop. This is a 4 hour course. Picture Book Workshop (K-1) Come one, come all and join me as we dive into the reading and writing process using newly selected beloved children’s picture books!! We will learn about parts of a story and the roles of authors and illustrators. In the practice of our illustrating and writing skills we will use various art supplies as we create our own versions of a few favorite tales and an original masterpiece. This is a 2 hour course. National Park Explorer (K-3) Come be a National Park explorer. We will explore unbelievable places like Yellowstone National Park and the moon like landscape of the Badlands through virtual tours and hands on activities. During the class we will build a volcano, create a cave, and cook native food. Students will learn about ancient trees that a car can drive through in the Giant Redwoods and the underground world of Mammoth Cave. This is a 2 hour course. Olympics “2016 Version” (K-3) Spend your summer school experience learning about the various games, history, and events surrounding the 2016 Summer Olympics in South America. We will explore not only the history and events of the games but the host country. We will create expression through a variety of paper crafts using words, pictures, numbers, and problem solving. Some projects include ring and torch making, reading Olym- 2016 Summer Classes Pre-K thru 6th pic activities, and hands-on homemade games like that of the Olympics. You will need to join in the fun to see what happens! This is a 2 hour course. ZOOBILEE ZOO—Look Who Lives at the Zoo! (K-1) Come and meet Zoe the Zebra, Montie the Monkey and Henry the Hippo! We will take a safari and read about animals at the zoo. While reading about our zoo friends, we will review our letters, numbers, count and read. Activities include constructing animals from various materials, graphing with animal crackers, Animal Bingo, and comparing/contrasting our zoo friends. So grab your safari hat and bug spray and come to Zoobilee Zoo! This is a 2 h our course. Fractured Fairy Tales (1-2) Cinderella Bigfoot..Once Upon a Motorcycle Dude..The Three Ninja Pigs?! Someone has taken our fairy tales and given them a big twist! We will read original fairy tales and compare them with these newly “twisted” versions! Get ready to hear about how annoying Cinderella can really be and to act out a current version of Little Red Riding Hood through Reader’s Theater! This is a 2 hour course. .Dive into Summer (1-2) Do you love swimming? How about building sand castles? Do you want to know more about what lives in the ocean? Dive into Summer is the class for you! We will learn about ocean animals and the habitat. You will feel like you are at the beach all summer long! This is a 2 hour course Getting Buggy with Art ( 1-2) (3-4) Join us as we learn about bugs through exploration, guest speakers, arts and crafts. Bugs will be used as inspiration for our art and craft projects during this course. Students will have opportunities to observe bugs up close and personal, including the handling of some bugs!! This is a 2 hour course Summe r asses Chocolate Fever! (3-4) Calling all chocolate LOVERS! Could there ever be such a thing as too much chocolate?! Chocolate pudding, chocolatecovered strawberries, chocolate bunnies, chocolate pie..In this course we will delve into Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith and find out what happens when you wish for too much chocolate! Of course we will have to sample chocolates as we go, just to be sure! This is a 2 hour course. The Fablab! (2-4) Students put your creative caps on and be prepared to work with a team to create many different and unique projects that could help solve real world problems or at least how to keep your brother and sister out of your room! This hands-on class will allow students to team up and use snap circuits, little bits, Legos, k’nex, magnets, and so much more to make creations that will help others solve a possible problem. Or just let their imaginations soar! Not only will we be creating we will also be breaking! That’s right we will work to break down some of the electronics that have been used in the past to see how it works, we may even see if we can put it all back together again! Finally, in Fablab we will also dig into the world of coding and open up even more possibilities of fun in our summer school adventure. Join us this summer to create and break in our Fablab! This is a 2 hour course. Animal Habitats (1-3) Do you love animals? Have you ever wanted to know more about where your favorite animals live? If so then join me and fellow classmates on adventure through five animal habitats including the grasslands, the forest, the ocean, the polar region, and the desert! We will explore what it is like in each of these regions and which animals call that region home. This is a 2 hour course. 2016 Summer Classes Pre-K thru 6th Under the Sea (K-3) (4-6) Our oceans are full of beauty and wonder, a separate world waiting for us to explore. We will become ocean explores this summer and learn about the mysteries of the oceans. We will research different ocean animals through books and videos, and create amazing ocean animal crafts! We will also use our math skills as we become awesome oceanographers! Join us and splash into summer reading, writing, math , art, and science! Daily activities will send imaginations diving down to the bottom of the ocean as students use everyday items to create ocean-related projects. This is a 2 hour course Math Workshop (K-1) (2-3) (4,5,6) Students will take part in hands-on-learning to solve Math problems that they may encounter on a daily basis. Students will problem solve, journal and demonstrate that they understand the concept of solving various math problems. This is a 2 hour course. Reading/Writing Workshop (K) (1) (2) Students will utilize Reader’s/ Writer’s Workshop to build on their reading comprehension and fluency skills by exploring different genres. Readers will learn how to ask questions, make connections using their prior knowledge. This is a 2 hour course Reading/Writing Zone (3-4) ( 5-6) Find your reading “Zone” through in-depth lessons in a small group setting by using the workshop model. If you are searching for books you can thoroughly enjoy reading and find strategies that work for you, this is your place in summer school! This is a 2 hour course 2016 Summer School PreK-6 Learning Through Movement /Healthy Kids, Healthy Brains (1-3)(4-6) Our bodies and brains are amazing things, during this course you will learn the importance of taking care of both your bodies and your brains. We will learn ways to be healthy through games and activities and learn how the body functions. Students will participate in a variety of activities, experiments and games that center around learning through movement. Together, we will tackle core subject material through physical games in the gym. Students will become Mathematicians, Scientists and Writers as they develop and explain their own games, use geometry, find measurements and averages, investigate ideas of force and motion and explore physical health, bones and muscles. Each week, a new theme will lead us through a series of exciting activities as students apply what they learn in school to the real world. Come along on this journey with to a happy, healthy, body and mind! This is a 2 hour course Video Game Creation (1-3) (4-6) Come one, Come All! Calling all Gamers, learn how to create your own video games! This course will be about exploring what is needed to construct the best video games. We will be learning the process to create a game, then we will be able to play the video games that we create! After mastering the construction of different styles of video games, we will be trying to solve real world problems through video games! This is a 2 course Be A Book Cook! (1-4) ½ cup of fun, 1 cup of imagination and a tablespoon of surprises. Come prepared each day to use your imagination as we bake and cook up treats and healthy food to eat and share with family and friends. Be amazed as you make s’more pops, edible play dough, monkey bread, muffins, puppy chow (that humans can eat!) and much, much more! Each food item we make will be connected to a children‘s literature book. At the end of summer school you will have your own Be a Book Cook cookbook to take home! This is a 2 hour Summer asses 2016 2016 Once Upon a Scientist Summer Classes (4-6) Explore your inner scientist as we combine reading and science in a fun way! We will be exploring states of matter through Oobleck and Ice Cream, we will create our own solar ovens to cook hot dogs, and we will take a look at things that crawl in the night! Messy at times, fun always as we put on our science goggles, record our data in our interactive notebooks, and explore the inner scientist inside all of us! This is a 2 hour course. School of Rock (3-6) Are you ready to rock?!? This course is for any 3rd through 6th grade student that loves music. We will be building math and ELA skills while analyzing songs. Throughout the four weeks of summer school, students will use their knowledge of fractions, mathematical operations, poetry, and figurative language to compose their very own song. Students will perform and record their songs using digital music apps, including Garage Band and Beatwave! This is a 2 hour course Life in Medieval Times (4-6) Travel back in time to the Medieval Age-where kings, queens, knights and peasants built spacious castles, explored new worlds, and invented fascinating devices. We will build catapults and castles, create maps and practice medieval math. We will read about the legends of dragons and Robin Hood and learn to talk like William Shakespeare. We will compare the stories of medieval times to the movies of today. Come be a lord or lady in medieval times! This is a 2 hour course. Please bring your schedule First day of Summer School! 2016 Summer School PreK-6 Summer asses 2016 2016 Summer Classes Reader’s Theater (1-6) The jungle is jumpin’ with a jazzy beat in this classic Disney musical, The Jungle Book, based on the book by Rudyard Kipling. This musical features a host of your colorful characters and favorite songs from the movie. Many levels of participation are needed— from singing solos to singing in the chorus, memorizing many lines to no lines. There is a place for you! We will include enrichment activities such as vocabulary development, animal research, character study, and use of expression. If you like to sing, dance and be in costume this class is for you. Come join the fun, but remember, if you take this class, you will not take any other classes during summer school. Every student will be responsible for his/her costume. So get the jungle beat and your dancing feet and discover your hidden star qualities. This is a 4 hour course! The Reader’s Theater meets at the Pleasant Hill High School from 7:50-12:00. Students taking part in the Reader’s Theater class will be transported by bus to and from the high school. ATTENTION STUDENTS! Have good attendance, behavior, and study skills and your name may be drawn for one of the daily give aways during summer school! ******************************** All School Picnic The last day of Summer School we will be having an All School Picnic as a reward for all students attending Summer School 2016! Students participating in the play will have a separate rewards function. Pleasant Hill R-III School District 2016 Summer School Enrollment Pre-K thru 6th Due Thursday, April 28, 2016 Will your student need bus transportation? Name: YES NO (complete bus form) _________________________________________________________________ (First) (Middle) (Last) Date of Birth:_______________ Age:_________ Gender: male female Grade for 2015-2016 School Year:________________ Parent/ Guardian: ______________________________________________________ Address: Phone: _____________________________________ (home)________________________ (city)_______________________________ (work)_________________________ (state)___________ (zip)___________ (cell)__________________________ Emergency Contact(s) Name:____________________________________ Name:___________________________________ Relation:__________________________ Relation:__________________________ Phone:___________________________ Phone:____________________________ Courses: List in order (every effort will be made to place students in their top 2 choices) Course #1: Course #2: Course #3: Course #4: I have read the summer school information and agree to follow all Pleasant Hill R-3 policies and procedures. I further understand that I will be asked to leave Summer School if I choose not to follow these policies and procedures. Student Signature ______________________________________ Parent Signature _______________________________________ RETURN TO YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER -orPLEASANT HILL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL C/O: Kari Barger 1204 E. 163rd Street Phone: 816-540-3156 Fax: 816-987-6316 Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 For Office Use Only SIS enrollment _____________________ Date Received ___________________ BY Thursday, April 28, 2016 Pleasant Hill R-III School District 2016 Summer School DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES BUS FORM Due: April 28, 2016 Student Name: _________________________________________________________________________ (first) (middle) (last) Birthdate:________________ Age:______________ Grade:_________________ Medical Problems or Allergies: Parent/ Guardian: ______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _ Phone: (home)________________________ (work)_________________________ (city)______________________________________ (cell)__________________________ (state)___________ Place of Employment: (zip)___________ ______________________________________________ Emergency Contact(s) Name:____________________________________ Name:___________________________________ Relation:__________________________ Relation:__________________________ Phone:___________________________ Phone:____________________________ Bus # ____________ Pick-Up Address _____________________________________ Bus # ____________ Drop-Off Address ____________________________________ ****Any other special instructions or information may be written on the bottom of this page.****