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without prejudice - Copyright
An Authors' Trust Initiative. PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277 Tel +(61)438 005 051 Tel: + (61) 8737 3680 Fax: +(61) 8125 6766 Email: prosecute@copyright-archive.com www.copyright-archive.com Mar 19, 2014 WITHOUT PREJUDICE Legal Department Office 303, IInd Floor, Midland Plaza, Jhaver Estate, Thatipur Gwalior MP(INDIA) c/- B21,22 Mayur Plaza Thatipur Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 474001 India Jurisdiction: India monu singhal info@imperialtechnology.co.in;imperialtechnology s@gmail.com;imperialtechnologys2@gmail.com; +7.514026992 Dear Sirs, RE: UNAUTHORIZED USE OF COPYRIGHT MATERIAL (REF:WWW.EXA.COM.AU_FOLIO_SEO.HTML -VIMPERIALTECHNOLOGY.CO.IN_ - Case 118) We represent the owner of copyright in WWW.EXA.COM.AU (and all subpages, together the "Work"), Exa Pty Ltd. We have detected that you are using copyright material from http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html on http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ without permission. The copyright owner has a number of exclusive rights under international copyright law in the U.S. and all countries that have ratified the Berne Convention. These exclusive rights include the right to reproduce, publish and communicate the Works to the public (including by way of broadcasting or putting the Work online). It is an infringement of copyright to do any of the acts comprised in the copyright in relation to the whole or a substantial part of the Work, or to authorise such an act, without the permission of the copyright owner. We have evidence of infinging copyright material found on your web page. For example: "...ss goals... Read More. Custom Website Design. Imperial Technology. experienced Custom Web Design team of around 200 talented. professionals boasts. a portfolio of over 1000 satisfied.. organizations. Yahoo Store Design. For almost a decade, Imperial has been delivering outstanding yahoo results to its clients. A website that has been designed and developed. by us SEO & Internet Marketing. our employs the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology. With the best resources, we deliver a successful SEO solution.. every time.. Phone Development. Smart phones are advanced computing devices that allow users to install. and use advanced applications that capitalize on the features of that. specific device.. Read More. Your Offshore IT Partner. Home ! About ! Solution ! Product ! Industries ! Jobs ! Events ! Contact Us. Copyright 2012 -13.. Imperi..." This snippet was found on your site on Feb 16, 2014. However. it was in fact first published by Exa Pty Ltd on Oct 21, 2008. We have included a full and detailed report on all of the material copied from http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html by the owner of http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ at the end of this letter. You have seven (7) days to respond in one of the following ways: 1) Reply to this email immediately to discuss the problem and negotiate a license to continue using the material with our permission; OR 2) Dispute (or ignore) this demand, in which case we will automatically a) Have your site removed from your web host(ISP) - ; b) Have your domain, IP address and all associated email accounts blacklisted for copyright abuse; c) Have links to your domain removed from the indexes of Google, Bing and Yahoo and d) Institute proceedings for copyright infringement under United States law. If you choose to ignore or dispute this demand, we will incur significant additional legal costs enforcing our client's rights under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. ss 512(c)(3) and 512(d)(3) (D.M.C.A.)). Should you lose, your total liability will increase by two orders of magnitude. If you wish to confirm our authority to act on behalf of Exa Pty Ltd, we suggest you examine the signed power of attorney to be found at http://copyright-archive.com/briefs/authorities/exa. You will also see in that directory a certificate of registration of www.exa.com.au with the US Library of Congress, providing us with significant statutory advantages in legal action against you. The Copyright Archive is a new service, and we understand that you may not have heard of us. We also note that many people have paid web designers for material and may not be aware that this material was illegally copied. However, that is not a defence. We are in the process of choosing which infringements we prosecute to provide test cases. Inappropriate, ill-considered correspondence or worse, no correspondence, will put you at the top of the list in terms of companies we are likely to sue in your jurisdiction: India. More information about this situation, your case (number: 118) and the underlying law is available on our FAQ at http://www.copyright-archive.com/page_22.html. You are now on notice as to copyright in respect of the Work. If we do not receive a response by Mar 26, 2014 at the latest, we may immediately and without notice invoke automatic processes in order to protect our client's rights. These automatic processes include issuing "Pull down" notices under the D.M.C.A. which will be sent to Google, your web host (we have determined your ISP is: ), Microsoft and Yahoo. Sample copies of these notices are attached. Your domain has already been publically named and the full brief of evidence uploaded to http://copyright-archive.com/briefs/. A full copy of the HTML from http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ has been saved. Attempting to change, remove or otherwise destroy evidence will be seen as an admission of guilt. The same applies to attempts to deregister your domain or email accounts. As the developer of the Copyright Archive detection system, The Authors' Trust is committed to investigating copyright infringement to protect the interests of the author's we represent. Anyone with a website can join The Author's Trust and have us act for them. If you decide to join, we may be able to identify instances where your site has also been copied by others, and we may be able to recover damages for you. To join the Author's Trust, see the invitation here. I am authorised to negotiate any and all outcomes for this matter and you can call my personal phone number (+61438 005 051) to confirm that I am a real person and that our service is not fraudulent. Furthermore, we all make mistakes, especially computer software, and if you think we have made one in your case you need to tell us now. Otherwise, what happens next is automatic. While I am happy to discuss this matter in person, I prefer to see a written response by email first. You should reply to this email (prosecute@copyright-archive.com) to maintain your reference details (www.exa.com.au_folio_seo.html -v- imperialtechnology.co.in_ Case 118). Sincerely S. L. Moignard BA LLB(Hons) Grad Dip (Inf Tech) Grad Dip (Legal Practice and Ethics) as trustee for The Authors' Trust PS: I am happy to discuss repayment through programming or design time if you have the relevant skills. You also may be able to pay this settlement by signing up with the The Author's Trust. Call me or email me to discuss on +61 438 005 051 (slim@copyrightarchive.com). © Copyright 1996-2014 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved. Settlement Remittance Details Please pay by Mar 26, 2014 An Authors' Trust Initiative. PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277 Tel +(61)438 005 051 Tel: + (61) 8737 3680 Fax: +(61) 8125 6766 Email: prosecute@copyright-archive.com www.copyright-archive.com Case Number: 118 Reference: www.exa.com.au_folio_seo.html -v- imperialtechnology.co.in_ Settlement Demand Date: Mar 19, 2014 Penalty Amount: $295 USD for duration: 1791 days. Fee Amount: $589 USD Total Amount: $884 USD Payment Terms The Authors' Trust is the authorised collection and copyright agent for Exa Pty Ltd and you must pay the full amount to us to effect settlement. Proof of authority can be found at http://copyright-archive.com/briefs/authorities/exa. Payment Options a) 11 payments of $100 (20% b) 5 payments of $200 p/a) (14% c) 2 payments of $500 p/a) (8% d) 1 payment of $884 p/a) (0% p/a) The payment of an instalment converts the settlement offer to a debt due with the interest shown. Failure to pay any instalment will automatically incur additional interest. Certificate of registration: A certificate's probative value depends on whether the work was registered earlier or later than five years after the work was published. A certificate of registration 'made before or within five years after first publication of the work shall constitute prima facie evidence of the validity of the copyright.' 17 U.S.C. at 410(c) - we hold certificate number TX7761-615 for www.exa.com.au. Payment Methods 1) Use PayPal 2) Send cheques made out to: The Authors' Trust PO Box 105 PayPal id: +61438005051 (Please Coonawarra SA 5263 AUSTRALIA (Please include Case Number:118 with payment) include Case Number:118 with payment) 3) Bank Transfer: The Authors' Trust Name of Bank: BankSA BSB: 105070 Account: 25386940 Swift Code: SGBLAU2S Reference No: 118 (Please include this with payment). 4) Credit Card (Please include Case Number:118 with payment) Name on card:___________________________________________________________ Expiry:_______/_______ Card Number: CVV:_________________ Signature:_____________________________________________________________ Please advise proof of payment by email to prosecute@copyright-archive.com with your case number (118). If you pay within time, you will be granted a perpetual license to continue to use the infringing material forever. © Copyright 1996-2014 The Authors' Trust. All Rights Reserved. Brief of Evidence Full copy available at http://www.copyright-archive.com/briefs/www.exa.com.au_folio_seo.html -v- imperialtechnology.co.in_Case 118.pdf Copyright-Archive Report Completed comparing: http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html( versus http://imperialtechnology.co.in/( on Feb 16, 2014 using "* employs the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology" as a seed Statistically Impropable Phrase (SIP) initially and then comparing the entire text on both URL's. Details: 1) http://imperialtechnology.co.in/: Failed wbmachine - using Google Earliest Crawl Date as evidence of their date: Sep 16, 2013 2) http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html has an earlier Priority Date: Oct 21, 2008 than http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ : Sep 16, 2013. It will be necessary for the owner of http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ to prove they created and published the text in question from http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html earlier than Oct 21, 2008, requiring without 3rd party witnesses as to the precise content being available earlier as well as an independently certified contemporaneous web server access log showing unbroken crawler rejection of Google and Wayback between Oct 21, 2008 and Sep 16, 2013 (1791 days) via a robots.txt file prohibiting crawling,residing on http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ Otherwise, this infringement has been ongoing for 1944 days so far and as at Feb 16, 2014. 3) The level of character similarity between these text snippets is 405. This means out of 923 characters, 405 where the same, giving a percentage of 43.88%. 4) The level of character similarity between these two pages is 28%. This means out of 3120 characters on the smallest page, 861 were the same, giving a percentage of 27.60%, bearing in mind that the largest page (http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html) contained 37663 more characters than ours, and generated a percentage of 2.11% in that context. 5) The frequency of identical words occuring between the two snippets is 74%. This means out of 136 words in the smallest snippet, 101 where the same, giving a percentage of 74.26%, bearing in mind that http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html contained 2 more words. 6) The frequency of identical words occuring between the two pages is 94. In relation to http://imperialtechnology.co.in/'s 'unique word count' of 243, this is 38.68%. In relation to http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html's 'unique word count' of 1278, this is 7.36%. http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ contains 1035 less words. Using http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ with 243 unique words, the actual identical word frequency is 94 and the identical word frequency ratio is 38.68%. 7) The frequency of different words occuring between the two pages is 1184. In relation to http://imperialtechnology.co.in/'s 'unique word count' of 243, this is 487.24%. In relation to http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html's 'unique word count' of 1278, this is 92.64%. http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ contains 1035 less words. Using http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html with 1278 unique words, the actual identical word frequency is 94 and the different word frequency ratio is 92.64%. 8) The frequency of identical sentences (SLIPs - statistical less improbable phrases - 4 words) occuring between the two pages is 21. In relation to http://imperialtechnology.co.in/'s 'short sentence count' of 1658, this is 6%. In relation to http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html's 'short sentence count' of 156, this is 60%. http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html contains 1502 less sentences. Using http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html with 156 non-unique short sentences (NOSLIPs - Non_Unique Statistically Less Improbable Phrases), the actual identical sentence frequency is 21 and the identical sentence frequency ratio is 60% 9) The actual frequency of materially similar (if not identical) [Levenshtein < 30 characters] sentences occuring between the two pages is 14 (comparing http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html with http://imperialtechnology.co.in/), and 17 (comparing http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ with http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html). 10) In relation to http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html's NOSLIPs of 156, 14 amounts to 8.97%. 11) In relation to http://imperialtechnology.co.in/'s NOSLIPs of 1658, 17 amounts to 1.03%. 12) http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html contains 1502 less sentences than http://imperialtechnology.co.in/. Using http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html with 156 NOSLIPs, the actual materially similar sentence frequency ratio is 17 and the identical sentence frequency ratio is 10.90%. When the order of the pages is reversed, using http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ with 1658 NOSLIPs, the actual materially similar sentence frequency ratio is 14 and the identical sentence frequency ratio is 0.84%. 13) It is more accurate to refer to the higher percentage as otherwise legitimate copies are ignored. Therefore, the materially similar sentences ratio is 10.90%. 14) SUBSTANTIALITY: As merely indicative, we have added a small weighting of 0.025 per percent for scores of over 30% for snippet similarity. While the snippet is a subset of the whole page score, a high score here signifies the degree of copying intensity at one point in the document, making it easier to demonstrate an infringement. Greater than 44% of the characters in the snippet are identical and therefore the cost is 1.10 , making the total substantiality weighting 1.1. 15) SUBSTANTIALITY: It is highly improbable that 2 pages that have more than 25% character similarity do not contain copying. Therefore, this factor carries a 0.08 of a percent weighting. We are confident this page contains a substantial degree of copying because greater than 25% of the characters on http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ are identical - in fact 27.60% match. The additional weighting is 2.21 and the total weighting so far is 3.31 16) SUBSTANTIALITY: We have added a moderate weighting of 0.05 per percent for scores over 25.00% for identical words in the snippet. Even though the snippet is a subset of the whole page score, a high score here means that there is more intence of copying in one location of http://imperialtechnology.co.in/. As greater than 74.26% of the words in the snippet are identical the weighting is 3.71 and the total weighting is 7.02. 17) SUBSTANTIALITY: It is highly improbable that a page with more than 10% of identical words does not contain copying. Therefore, this factor carries 1.1 of a percent weighting. We are confident this page contains a substantial degree of copying because greater than 1.1% of the words on http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ are identical with http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html - in fact 38.68% match. The additional weighting is 42.55 and the total substantiality weighting so far is 49.57. 18) SUBSTANTIALITY: It is highly improbable that a page with more than 50 identical words does not contain copying. Therefore, this factor carries 0.02 of a percent weighting. We are confident this page contains a substantial degree of copying because 94 words on http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ are identical with http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html. The additional weighting is 1.88 and the total substantiality weighting so far is 51.45. 19) SUBSTANTIALITY: It is unlikely that a page with more than 5% identical sentences does not contain copying - in fact, that is the definition of copying. Therefore, this factor carries a 6 percent weighting. We are confident this page contains a substantial degree of copying because 60% sentences on http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ are identical with http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html. The additional weighting is 360.00 and the total substantiality weighting so far is 411.45. 20) SUBSTANTIALITY: It is highly improbable that a page with more than 4 actual identical sentences does not contain copying. This factor carries 10 of a percent weighting. We are confident this page contains a substantial degree of copying because 21 sentences on http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ are identical with http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html. The additional weighting is 210.00 and the total substantiality weighting so far is 621.45. 21) SUBSTANTIALITY: We are confident that this page contains a substantial degree of copying because more than 4 phrases on the page are materially similar if not identical to those on yours. In fact, there are 14 materially similar sentences on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html matching http://imperialtechnology.co.in/. This factor carries a 6 percent weighting. The additional weighting is therefore 84.00 and the total substantiality weighting so far is 705.45. 22) SUBSTANTIALITY: We are confident that this page contains a substantial degree of copying because more than 10% of phrases longer than 45 characters on http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ are materially similar if not identical to those on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html. In fact, there are 10.90 materially similar sentences. This factor carries a 4 percent weighting. The additional weighting is therefore 43.60 and the total substantiality weighting is 749.05. 23) FINAL SUBSTANTIALITY: For these reasons, the total extent of copying from http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html by http://imperialtechnology.co.in/ has been assessed at 749.05, where 100 amounts to an infringement that is legally actionable in terms of whether there is a sufficient degree of copying (whether the copying is substantial). Historical 3rd Party Evidence Screenshot recorded as of Sep 12, 2009 Work priority date Oct 21, 2008 http://web.archive.org/web/20090912123131/http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html/ Historical Snippets (text surrounding matched sentences as of priority dates) Context on their site as at Feb 16, 2014: ...ss goals... Read More. Custom Website Design. Imperial Technology. experienced Custom Web Design team of around 200 talented. professionals boasts. a portfolio of over 1000 satisfied.. organizations. Yahoo Store Design. For almost a decade, Imperial has been delivering outstanding yahoo results to its clients. A website that has been designed and developed. by us SEO & Internet Marketing. our employs the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology. With the best resources, we deliver a successful SEO solution.. every time.. Phone Development. Smart phones are advanced computing devices that allow users to install. and use advanced applications that capitalize on the features of that. specific device.. Read More. Your Offshore IT Partner. Home ! About ! Solution ! Product ! Industries ! Jobs ! Events ! Contact Us. Copyright 2012 13.. Imperi... Context on your site as at Oct 21, 2008: ...as been delivering outstanding SEO results to its clients. A website that has been designed and developed by Exa is carefully optimised using the industry\'s most rigorous Search Engine Optimisation process. Our clients are assured that once their website has had Exa\'s SEO treatment that it will rank highly in search engines, outperform its competitors and generate high return on investment. Exa employs the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology. With the best resources, we deliver a successful SEO solution everytime. Our results speak for themselves. See below for sample of Exa\'s SEO Results. For SEO Results relating to specific businesses or industries, or to discuss the results Exa can achieve for your business, Contact Us. Site. Keyword Combination. Search Engine Results. Pack And Send. Overseas Freight. Google. Interstate Deliveries.... Contemporary Screen Layout Comparison Recorded on Feb 16, 2014 http://imperialtechnology.co.in/( Recorded on Feb 16, 2014 http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html( Contemporary Snippets (text surrounding matched sentence) Context on their site as at Feb 16, 2014: ...ss goals... Read More. Custom Website Design. Imperial Technology. experienced Custom Web Design team of around 200 talented. professionals boasts. a portfolio of over 1000 satisfied.. organizations. Yahoo Store Design. For almost a decade, Imperial has been delivering outstanding yahoo results to its clients. A website that has been designed and developed. by us SEO & Internet Marketing. our employs the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology. With the best resources, we deliver a successful SEO solution.. every time.. Phone Development. Smart phones are advanced computing devices that allow users to install. and use advanced applications that capitalize on the features of that. specific device.. Read More. Your Offshore IT Partner. Home ! About ! Solution ! Product ! Industries ! Jobs ! Events ! Contact Us. Copyright 2012 -13.. Imperi... Context on your site as at Feb 16, 2014: ...as been delivering outstanding SEO results to its clients. A website that has been designed and developed by Exa is carefully optimised using the industry\'s most rigorous Search Engine Optimisation process. Our clients are assured that once their website has had Exa\'s SEO treatment that it will rank highly in search engines, outperform its competitors and generate high return on investment. Exa employs the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology. With the best resources, we deliver a successful SEO solution everytime. Our results speak for themselves. See below for a sample of Exa\'s SEO Results. For SEO Results relating to specific businesses or industries, or to discuss the results Exa can achieve for your business, Contact Us. View SEO Results by Industry: . View By Industry. Manufacturing & Industrial. Retail & Food. B2C. Profe... Full text from both sites Full text from their site: SEO , Search SEO Company SEO, Search Engine Optimisation, SEO Company LET US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN MIND If you would like a proposal or a consultation, please take a moment this ¦form *Name: *Postcode: *Organisation: *Number of Staff: Condition- Must have a minimum of 10 staff *Email: * Phone : Your website : Related website/s you like: *Please enter the text you see in the image: Digital Strategy Web Design or Application Search Ranking e Commerce Micro Sites Please describe the services you would like: CALL US ON 1800 09 69 69 CONNECT WITH EXA Home OUR WORK TESTIMONIALS PRODUCTS BLOG CONTACT US CONNECT WITH EXA : Home / SEO Results SEO Results For almost a decade , Exa delivering outstanding SEO results to its clients that designed and developed by Exa is carefully optimised using the industry\\\'s most rigorous Search Engine Optimisation process Our clients are assured that once their website has had Exa\\\'s SEO treatment that it will rank highly in search engines, outperform its competitors and generate high return on investment Exa most ¦professionals most advanced technology With the best resources , a successful SEO solution ¦everytime Our results speak for ¦themselves See below for a sample of Exa\\\'s SEO Results For SEO Results relating to or industries , or to discuss the results Exa can achieve for your business, Contact Us View SEO Results by Industry:View By Industry Manufacturing & Industrial Retail & Food B2C Professional Services Other Construction & Home Improvements Travel & Hospitality Transport & Automotive Site Keyword Combination Search Engine Results Steamline Engineering Boiler Tape Google Carbon Packing Melbourne Google Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australia Boiler Tape Google Australia Graphite Packings Google Australia Carbon Packings Google Australia Carbon Packing Melbourne Google Australia Pump Packings Google Australian Pages Boiler Tape Google Australian Pages Carbon Packing Melbourne Google Australian Pages Carbon Packings Google Australian Pages Graphite Packings Google Australian Pages Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australian Pages Valve Packings Google Australian Pages Industrial Crane Training Australia Industrial Crane Training Google Servicing Industrial Cranes Google Australia Refresher Crane Training Google Australia Industrial Crane Safety Google Australia Industrial Crane Training Google Australia Servicing Industrial Cranes Google Australian Pages Industrial Crane Safety Google Australian Pages Industrial Crane Training Google Australian Pages Refresher Crane Training Google Australian Pages Pack And Send Packing Solutions Google Australia Computer Packing Boxes Google Australia Pack And Ship Google Australia Courier Furniture Google Australia Computer Courier Google Australia Pack And Ship Google Australian Pages Computer Courier Google Australian Pages Packing Solutions Google Australian Pages Courier Furniture Google Australian Pages 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Google Australia Accessories And Fittings Google Australia Fittings And Accessories Google Australia Conduit Flashing Aqua Seals Google Australia Accessories And Fittings Google Australian Pages Conduit Flashing Aqua Seals Google Australian Pages Conduit Flashing Aqua Seals Google Australian Pages Fittings And Accessories Google Australian Pages Strip Connectors Google Australian Pages Lacnam Paints Sundry Enamel Google Sundry Enamel Google Heavy Duty Paints Google Australia Sundry Enamel Google Australia Industrial Paints Google Australia Sundry Enamel Google Australian Pages Industrial Paints Google Australian Pages Heavy Duty Paints Google Australian Pages Sundry Enamel MSN Sundry Enamel Yahoo Australia SOS Shipping Consultants Shipping Consultants Australia Google Shipping Consultants Google Australia Shipping Consultants Google Australian Pages International Logistic Consultant Google Australian Pages Shipping Consultants Australia MSN Shipping Consultants Melbourne MSN Shipping Consultants Australia Ninemsn Shipping Consultants Melbourne Ninemsn Shipping Consultants Melbourne Yahoo Shipping Consultants Melbourne Yahoo Australia Shipping Consultants Yahoo Australia C & N Ruggiero Commercial Rubber Disposal Google Australia Tyre Shredding Google Australia Commercial Rubber Disposal Google Australian Pages Rubber Disposal Google Australian Pages Rubber Recycling Google Australian Pages Tyre Shredding Google Australian Pages Tyre Disposal Yahoo Australia Mercury Heating And Cooling Ducted Cooling Google Cooling Systems Melbourne Google Cooling Systems Melbourne Google Australia Ducted Cooling Google Australia Ducted Cooling Google Australian Pages Cooling Systems Melbourne Google Australian Pages Cooling Systems Melbourne MSN Cooling Systems Melbourne Ninemsn Steamline Engineering Sealing Sets Google Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Graphite Packings Google Carbon Packings Google Carrara Packing Google Australia Graphite Packings Google Australia Carrara Gaskets Google Australia Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australia Sealing Sets Google Australia Carbon Packings Google Australia Carrara Packing Google Australian Pages Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australian Pages Firefly Millboard Google Australian Pages Graphite Packings Google Australian Pages Carbon Packings Google Australian Pages Pump Packings Google Australian Pages Valve Packings Google Australian Pages Carrara Gaskets Google Australian Pages Sealing Sets Google Australian Pages Packing Graphite Google Australian Pages Carbon Packings Sensis Australia Valve Packings Sensis Australia *note - statistics were correct at 15 02 2013 back to top SEO Company Exa is Australia\\\'s Premier SEO Company With a team of over 200 Online Marketing Professionals, we pride ourselves on delivering the most dynamic SEO solutions Exa websites are well designed, highly functional and user-friendly, and most importantly rank highly in search engines to be easily found by its target market Websites that are optimised by Exa, via our state-of-the-art SEO technology, consistently outperform their competitors\\\' sites, fulfil their online marketing objectives and generate high return on investment Search Engine Optimisation Effective Search Engine Optimisation is the key to successful online marketing Search Engine Optimisation is the process web ¦developers use for the purpose of improving a website\\\'s visibility in search engines Most often referred to as SEO, Search Engine Optimisation employs various techniques, including programming and scripting, to gain higher rankings and better positioning in search results SEO is a critical success factor in online marketing This is because search engines measure the importance of websites in relation to their relevance to given keywords Essentially when a search engine user enters a particular keyword or keyword phrase into the search engine\\\'s browser, a list of results are generated in the order the search engine sees most fitting It is the objective of the search engine to ensure that the information it delivers is the most appropriate to the enquiry Without effective SEO it is highly unlikely that a website will be rated by the search engine For customers to access a website simply and conveniently, and for a target market to locate goods and services, a website must be easily found in search engines for the most industry appropriate keywords Prior to major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN to assist with finding relevant websites, internet users were required to know the exact website address to the information they were seeking This made it virtually impossible to locate a business by its name, industry, category, service or product, for instance It was imperative that the internet user had the exact URL Search engines revolutionised the internet making it a more effective information resource and a powerful marketing tool The introduction of Search Engine Optimisation meant that businesses could extract maximum value from this new marketing medium, as SEO ensured that the website would receive maximum exposure Today, with millions of consumers purchasing goods online, the internet has become a global marketplace In the case of businesses that trade over the internet, their website becomes their shop-front To be competitive a set of objectives must be met These include good design that creates a professional image, functionality and ease of navigation, well written content and Search Engine Optimisation SEO gives companies an advantage as it means that potential customers find them more easily Being high in search results can improve the chances of winning potential business over a competitor SEO can also help to position a company as an industry leader, particularly if their website is found at the top of search results for the industry\\\'s most competitive keyword searches New markets can be accessed via Search Engine Optimisation, as consumers looking for specific goods and services find information relevant to their enquiry without specific information such as a company name or location While the purpose of SEO is to ensure that a website can be found in search engines for specific keywords and keyword phrases, the position it attains is also highly important Studies have proven that search engine users most trust the highest ranking websites, particularly those in positions one, two and three on page one of the search results The likelihood of the website being accessed decreases dramatically the further down the page it positions If a website is underperforming in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN for the keywords most relevant to the business\\\'s core offerings, it is necessary to seek the professional advice and services of an SEO expert Effective Search Engine Optimisation goes beyond the basic, traditional treatment to meta-tags Today, search engines use more sophisticated programs to measure a website\\\'s relevance SEO is a highly technical process Only dedicated, experienced SEO professionals, that demonstrate proven results in past performance, should be trusted with your company\\\'s Search Engine Optimisation For a consultation with an Exa SEO consultant, Contact Us Testimonials Read comments & feedback from our clients SEO Results See the difference WebMagnet makes to your SEO Folio View our impressive folio of over 1000 clients Contact Us Experts will assist with your enquiry Call 1800 096 969 GET OUR DIGITAL NUGGETS Gain access to news, insights and strategies Thank you! You have been subscribed to the newsletter LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? Search our site CONNECT WITH EXA Home Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimisation SEO Company Testimonials Portfolio Contact Us Articles March 2013 Target Android Apple Make Most Of Linkedin Google Images Quality Sales Leads November 2012 Mobility Tools Tips What Did Google Do To My Rankings Social Media Cookbook Australian Online Consumer Google Search August 2012 Top 10 Olympic Infographics Mobile Website or Mobile App Strategic Sales How Do I Engage With Social Media Spring Clean Your Website July 2012 Apple ditches Google Web pages that generate gales Case Study: Building the Guild Wars 2 Game Launch Site Time for a New Business Year Resolution? INFORMATION OVERLOAD: How Smart Businesses Control the Flow April 2012 Who\\\'s Minding the e Store How very Pinteresting Facebook Timeline RLB Case Study December 2011 Merry Online Christmas Google+ Branded Business Pages: Why you should sign-up 41 crucial questions to ask when choosing a web developer Freshen up for Google CASE STUDY: Bringing the best deal online to customers October 2011 The Mobile Revolution Are you part of the Revolution? LinkedIn: 6 Tips for Lead Generation The National Broadband Network Web 3 0 Are you ready for the next generation internet? Case Study: Reaching a Mobile Market August 2011 Facebook for Business: Tips for social success iPHONE5: The Rumour Mill Google Plus: Is it the new Facebook? Google Panda: New Algorithm New Rules Rider Levett Bucknall: A WORLD-FIRST SMARTPHONE APP June 2011 How to Treat Your Website for Tax Purposes Social Media: What it means for your business Find your place in google Top 10 Hidden Costs of Web Development Case Study: Winning with Online Presence April 2011 Is Yellow Pages Shrinking your Business? What a Cracker of an App! Yo! What\\\'s SMO? 7 Reasons to buy iPad 2 What you should know about E-Commerce security February 2011 How to stand out and dominate your market in 2011! Online Trends for 2011 Where are you with Location Based Marketing? To PPC or Not to PPC? Case Study: Website helps to better connect communities December 2010 Plan to avoid the ¦biggest mistake for 2011 NOW! Five reasons why B2B can benefit from Search Engine Ranking Facebook\\\'s new messaging system will it be worth the Hype? Print Media Decline; Why Papers Need to Adapt to The Internet Challenging Website Helps Raise Money for Brain Fitness October 2010 iPhone vs Android Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an AD AGENCY for Web Google Instant, what it means for SEO Why SEO isn\\\'t enugh? Why your website must not be run by your IT department 5 reasons to test your site in all major web browsers? August 2010 Five Lessons Learnt from Online Marketing History June 2010 What makes a good Mobile Site? Top 10 reasons why online video works Have you got your Google Goggles on? iPhone 4:the Next Generation Unveiled Little guys getting squeezed The shift in online marketing spend Winter 2009 The Apple of Your Phone Refining the Unrefined: Video Integration Online Case Study: UNU TKI Autumn 2009 Online Video Steps Up In 2009 Email Marketing Stamped For Success Google Maps Search Marketings Might & Muscle Google Analytics Services 1 Services 2 Services 3 Local Services Sitemap Links Links 2 Links 3 Web Design Melbourne Products Online Marketing Customised Solutions eCommerce Email Marketing SEO Web Design Web Development Website Packages WebMagnet Product Management System Content Management System Intranets Web Copywriting Hosting and Support Internet Security Project Scoping & Design Social Media Optimisation Google Maps Optimisation Digital Strategy About Us Background Methodology Exa Team ¦Careers Investor Relations Client Area Submit Testimonial Client Sign-Off Form Domain Registration IT FAQ Exa News News Privacy Policy Disclaimer Contact Us Head Office: 1186 Toorak Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 Australia P 1800 09 69 69 info@exa com au Exa USA USA Office 4558 Wesmillmar Drive Holt MI 48842, USA P +1 (517) 755 2432 Exa Sydney Sydney Office The Binary Centre, Suite 1 04, Building 1, 3 Richardson Place, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia P +61 (0)2 9889 8667 Exa Perth Perth Office 1/5 Ledgar Road, Balcatta Perth WA 6021, Australia P +61 (0)8 9240 4468 If you would like a proposal or a consultation, please take a moment to complete this formCondition- Must have a minimum of 10 staff CALL US ON 1800 09 69 69 CONNECT WITH EXA CONNECT WITH EXA : / SEO Results *note - statistics were correct at 15 02 2013 Testimonials Read comments & feedback from our clients SEO Results See the difference WebMagnet makes to your SEO Folio View our impressive folio of over 1000 clients Contact Us Experts will assist with your enquiry Call 1800 096 969 GET OUR DIGITAL NUGGETS Gain access to news, insights and strategies You have been subscribed to the newsletter LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? Search our site CONNECT WITH EXA Head Office: 1186 Toorak Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 Australia P 1800 09 69 69 info@exa com au USA Office 4558 Wesmillmar Drive Holt MI 48842, USA P +1 (517) 755 2432 Sydney Office The Binary Centre, Suite 1 04, Building 1, 3 Richardson Place, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia P +61 (0)2 9889 8667 Perth Office 1/5 Ledgar Road, Balcatta Perth WA 6021, Australia P +61 (0)8 9240 4468 Home OUR WORK TESTIMONIALS PRODUCTS ABOUT US BLOG CONTACT US Home Contact Us Steamline Engineering Boiler Tape Google Carbon Packing Melbourne Google Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australia Boiler Tape Google Australia Graphite Packings Google Australia Carbon Packings Google Australia Carbon Packing Melbourne Google Australia Pump Packings Google Australian Pages Boiler Tape Google Australian Pages Carbon Packing Melbourne Google Australian Pages Carbon Packings Google Australian Pages Graphite Packings Google Australian Pages Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australian 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Consumer Google Search August 2012 Top 10 Olympic Infographics Mobile Website or Mobile App Strategic Sales How Do I Engage With Social Media Spring Clean Your Website July 2012 Apple ditches Google Web pages that generate gales Case Study: Building the Guild Wars 2 Game Launch Site Time for a New Business Year Resolution? INFORMATION OVERLOAD: How Smart Businesses Control the Flow April 2012 Who\\\'s Minding the eStore How very Pinteresting Facebook Timeline RLB Case Study December 2011 Merry Online Christmas Google+ Branded Business Pages: Why you should sign-up 41 crucial questions to ask when choosing a web developer Freshen up for Google CASE STUDY: Bringing the best deal online to customers October 2011 The Mobile Revolution Are you part of the Revolution? LinkedIn: 6 Tips for Lead Generation The National Broadband Network Web 3 0 Are you ready for the next generation internet? Case Study: Reaching a Mobile Market August 2011 Facebook for Business: Tips for social success iPHONE5: The Rumour Mill Google Plus: Is it the new Facebook? Google Panda: New Algorithm New Rules Rider Levett Bucknall: A WORLD-FIRST SMARTPHONE APP June 2011 How to Treat Your Website for Tax Purposes Social Media: What it means for your business Find your place in google Top 10 Hidden Costs of Web Development Case Study: Winning with Online Presence April 2011 Is Yellow Pages Shrinking your Business? What a Cracker of an App! Yo! What\\\'s SMO? 7 Reasons to buy iPad 2 What you should know about E-Commerce security February 2011 How to stand out and dominate your market in 2011! Online Trends for 2011 Where are you with Location Based Marketing? To PPC or Not to PPC? Case Study: Website helps to better connect communities December 2010 Plan to avoid the biggest mistake for 2011 NOW! Five reasons wh...Warning - data truncated. Identical Sentences FIRST PAGE COMPARISON Solution; Company; SEO; Hosting; AND; Developer; from; project; their; outstanding; results to; A website that has; has been designed and; employs the most experienced; experienced SEO professionals and; and the most advanced; resources; we deliver a successful; For almost a decade,; has been delivering outstanding; results to its clients; - (21/1658), [http://imperialtechnology.co.in/]. SECOND PAGE COMPARISON Company; form; Application; CONTACT; outstanding; A website that has; has been designed and; experienced; professionals and; and the most advanced; we deliver a successful; industries; - (12/156), [http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html]. 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Materially Similar Sentences on our page SEO , Search SEO Company SEO, Search Engine Optimisation, SEO Company LET US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN MIND If you would like a proposal or a consultation, please take a moment this ¦form *Name: *Postcode: *Organisation: *Number of Staff: Condition- Must have a minimum of 10 staff *Email: * Phone : Your website : Related website/s you like: *Please enter the text you see in the image: Digital Strategy Web Design or Application Search Ranking e Commerce Micro Sites Please describe the services you would like: CALL US ON 1800 09 69 69 CONNECT WITH EXA Home OUR WORK TESTIMONIALS PRODUCTS BLOG CONTACT US CONNECT WITH EXA : Home / SEO Results SEO Results For almost a decade , Exa delivering outstanding SEO results to its clients that designed and developed by Exa is carefully optimised using the industry\\\'s most rigorous Search Engine Optimisation process Our clients are assured that once their website has had Exa\\\'s SEO treatment that it will rank highly in search engines, outperform its competitors and generate high return on investment Exa most ¦professionals most advanced technology With the best resources , a successful SEO solution ¦everytime Our results speak for ¦themselves See below for a sample of Exa\\\'s SEO Results For SEO Results relating to or industries , or to discuss the results Exa can achieve for your business, Contact Us View SEO Results by Industry:View By Industry Manufacturing & Industrial Retail & Food B2C Professional Services Other Construction & Home Improvements Travel & Hospitality Transport & Automotive Site Keyword Combination Search Engine Results Steamline Engineering Boiler Tape Google Carbon Packing Melbourne Google Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australia Boiler Tape Google Australia Graphite Packings Google Australia Carbon Packings Google Australia Carbon Packing Melbourne Google Australia Pump Packings Google Australian Pages Boiler Tape Google Australian Pages Carbon Packing Melbourne 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Google Australia Accessories And Fittings Google Australia Fittings And Accessories Google Australia Conduit Flashing Aqua Seals Google Australia Accessories And Fittings Google Australian Pages Conduit Flashing Aqua Seals Google Australian Pages Conduit Flashing Aqua Seals Google Australian Pages Fittings And Accessories Google Australian Pages Strip Connectors Google Australian Pages Lacnam Paints Sundry Enamel Google Sundry Enamel Google Heavy Duty Paints Google Australia Sundry Enamel Google Australia Industrial Paints Google Australia Sundry Enamel Google Australian Pages Industrial Paints Google Australian Pages Heavy Duty Paints Google Australian Pages Sundry Enamel MSN Sundry Enamel Yahoo Australia SOS Shipping Consultants Shipping Consultants Australia Google Shipping Consultants Google Australia Shipping Consultants Google Australian Pages International Logistic Consultant Google Australian Pages Shipping Consultants Australia MSN Shipping Consultants Melbourne MSN Shipping Consultants Australia Ninemsn Shipping Consultants Melbourne Ninemsn Shipping Consultants Melbourne Yahoo Shipping Consultants Melbourne Yahoo Australia Shipping Consultants Yahoo Australia C & N Ruggiero Commercial Rubber Disposal Google Australia Tyre Shredding Google Australia Commercial Rubber Disposal Google Australian Pages Rubber Disposal Google Australian Pages Rubber Recycling Google Australian Pages Tyre Shredding Google Australian Pages Tyre Disposal Yahoo Australia Mercury Heating And Cooling Ducted Cooling Google Cooling Systems Melbourne Google Cooling Systems Melbourne Google Australia Ducted Cooling Google Australia Ducted Cooling Google Australian Pages Cooling Systems Melbourne Google Australian Pages Cooling Systems Melbourne MSN Cooling Systems Melbourne Ninemsn Steamline Engineering Sealing Sets Google Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Graphite Packings Google Carbon Packings Google Carrara Packing Google Australia Graphite Packings Google Australia Carrara Gaskets Google Australia Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australia Sealing Sets Google Australia Carbon Packings Google Australia Carrara Packing Google Australian Pages Graphite Packings Melbourne Google Australian Pages Firefly Millboard Google Australian Pages Graphite Packings Google Australian Pages Carbon Packings Google Australian Pages Pump Packings Google Australian Pages Valve Packings Google Australian Pages Carrara Gaskets Google Australian Pages Sealing Sets Google Australian Pages Packing Graphite Google Australian Pages Carbon Packings Sensis Australia Valve Packings Sensis Australia *note - statistics were correct at 15 02 2013 back to top SEO Company Exa is Australia\\\'s Premier SEO Company With a team of over 200 Online Marketing Professionals, we pride ourselves on delivering the most dynamic SEO solutions Exa websites are well designed, highly functional and user-friendly, and most importantly rank highly in search engines to be easily found by its target market Websites that are optimised by Exa, via our state-of-the-art SEO technology, consistently outperform their competitors\\\' sites, fulfil their online marketing objectives and generate high return on investment Search Engine Optimisation Effective Search Engine Optimisation is the key to successful online marketing Search Engine Optimisation is the process web ¦developers use for the purpose of improving a website\\\'s visibility in search engines Most often referred to as SEO, Search Engine Optimisation employs various techniques, including programming and scripting, to gain higher rankings and better positioning in search results SEO is a critical success factor in online marketing This is because search engines measure the importance of websites in relation to their relevance to given keywords Essentially when a search engine user enters a particular keyword or keyword phrase into the search engine\\\'s browser, a list of results are generated in the order the search engine sees most fitting It is the objective of the search engine to ensure that the information it delivers is the most appropriate to the enquiry Without effective SEO it is highly unlikely that a website will be rated by the search engine For customers to access a website simply and conveniently, and for a target market to locate goods and services, a website must be easily found in search engines for the most industry appropriate keywords Prior to major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN to assist with finding relevant websites, internet users were required to know the exact website address to the information they were seeking This made it virtually impossible to locate a business by its name, industry, category, service or product, for instance It was imperative that the internet user had the exact URL Search engines revolutionised the internet making it a more effective information resource and a powerful marketing tool The introduction of Search Engine Optimisation meant that businesses could extract maximum value from this new marketing medium, as SEO ensured that the website would receive maximum exposure Today, with millions of consumers purchasing goods online, the internet has become a global marketplace In the case of businesses that trade over the internet, their website becomes their shop-front To be competitive a set of objectives must be met These include good design that creates a professional image, functionality and ease of navigation, well written content and Search Engine Optimisation SEO gives companies an advantage as it means that potential customers find them more easily Being high in search results can improve the chances of winning potential business over a competitor SEO can also help to position a company as an industry leader, particularly if their website is found at the top of search results for the industry\\\'s most competitive keyword searches New markets can be accessed via Search Engine Optimisation, as consumers looking for specific goods and services find information relevant to their enquiry without specific information such as a company name or location While the purpose of SEO is to ensure that a website can be found in search engines for specific keywords and keyword phrases, the position it attains is also highly important Studies have proven that search engine users most trust the highest ranking websites, particularly those in positions one, two and three on page one of the search results The likelihood of the website being accessed decreases dramatically the further down the page it positions If a website is underperforming in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN for the keywords most relevant to the business\\\'s core offerings, it is necessary to seek the professional advice and services of an SEO expert Effective Search Engine Optimisation goes beyond the basic, traditional treatment to meta-tags Today, search engines use more sophisticated programs to measure a website\\\'s relevance SEO is a highly technical process Only dedicated, experienced SEO professionals, that demonstrate proven results in past performance, should be trusted with your company\\\'s Search Engine Optimisation For a consultation with an Exa SEO consultant, Contact Us Testimonials Read comments & feedback from our clients SEO Results See the difference WebMagnet makes to your SEO Folio View our impressive folio of over 1000 clients Contact Us Experts will assist with your enquiry Call 1800 096 969 GET OUR DIGITAL NUGGETS Gain access to news, insights and strategies Thank you! 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INFORMATION OVERLOAD: How Smart Businesses Control the Flow April 2012 Who\\\'s Minding the e Store How very Pinteresting Facebook Timeline RLB Case Study December 2011 Merry Online Christmas Google+ Branded Business Pages: Why you should sign-up 41 crucial questions to ask when choosing a web developer Freshen up for Google CASE STUDY: Bringing the best deal online to customers October 2011 The Mobile Revolution Are you part of the Revolution? LinkedIn: 6 Tips for Lead Generation The National Broadband Network Web 3 0 Are you ready for the next generation internet? Case Study: Reaching a Mobile Market August 2011 Facebook for Business: Tips for social success iPHONE5: The Rumour Mill Google Plus: Is it the new Facebook? 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Print Media Decline; Why Papers Need to Adapt to The Internet Challenging Website Helps Raise Money for Brain Fitness October 2010 iPhone vs Android Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an AD AGENCY for Web Google Instant, what it means for SEO Why SEO isn\\\'t enugh? Why your website must not be run by your IT department 5 reasons to test your site in all major web browsers? August 2010 Five Lessons Learnt from Online Marketing History June 2010 What makes a good Mobile Site? Top 10 reasons why online video works Have you got your Google Goggles on? iPhone 4:the Next Generation Unveiled Little guys getting squeezed The shift in online marketing spend Winter 2009 The Apple of Your...Warning - data truncated. Our Page as and when scanned by Google [1] ...For almost a decade, * has been delivering outstanding SEO results to its clients [2] ...A website that has been designed and developed by * is carefully optimised using ...that it [3] will rank highly in search engines outperform its competitors and generate high ...* employs [4] the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology ...For SEO Results [5] relating to specific businesses or industries or to discuss the results ...Websites that are optimised by * via our state-of-the-art SEO technology consistently outperform [6] their ...competitors ' sites fulfil their online marketing objectives and generate high return on [7] investment ...Search Engine Optimisation is the process web developers use for the purpose [8] of improving ...Most often referred to as SEO Search Engine Optimisation employs various [9] techniques including programming ...and scripting to gain higher rankings and better [10] positioning in search results ...This is because search engines measure the importance of [11] websites in relation to their ...Essentially when a search engine user enters a particular [12] keyword or keyword phrase into ...It is the objective of the search engine to ensure that the [13] information it [14] ...Without effective SEO it is highly unlikely that a website will be rated by ...finding relevant [15] websites internet users were required to know the exact website address to ...Search [16] engines * the internet making it a more effective information resource and a ...The introduction of Search Engine Optimisation meant that businesses could extract maximum value [17] from ...this new marketing medium as SEO ensured that the website would receive maximum [18] exposure ...Today with millions of consumers purchasing goods online the internet has [19] become a global ...In the case of businesses that trade over the internet their website [20] becomes their ...SEO gives companies an advantage as it means that potential customers [21] find them more ...Being high in search results can improve the chances of winning potential [22] business over [23] ...SEO can also help to position a company as an industry leader particularly if ...New markets can be accessed via Search Engine Optimisation as consumers looking for [24] specific ...goods and services find information relevant to their enquiry without specific [25] information such as ...in search engines for specific keywords and keyword phrases the position it attains [26] is ...Studies have proven that search engine users most trust the highest ranking websites [27] [28] particularly ...If a website is * in major search engines such as Google Yahoo and ...Only dedicated experienced SEO professionals that demonstrate proven results in past performance [29] should be ...Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an AD AGENCY for Web [30] Footnotes - details of Google scans of our page Footnote/Sentence no.1 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "For almost a decade, [Proprietary or misspelled word] has been delivering outstanding SEO results to its clients" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22For%20almost%20a%20decade,%20*%20has%20been%2 0delivering%20outstanding%20SEO%20results%20to%20its%20clients%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1& start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: For almost a decade, Exa has been delivering outstanding SEO results to its clients. A website that has been designed and developed by Exa is carefully ... Footnote/Sentence no.2 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "A website that has been designed and developed by [Proprietary or misspelled word] is carefully optimised using" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22A%20website%20that%20has%20been%20designed%20a nd%20developed%20by%20*%20is%20carefully%20optimised%20using%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1 &start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: A website that has been designed and developed by Exa is carefully optimised using the industry's most rigorous Search Engine Optimisation process. Footnote/Sentence no.3 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "that it will rank highly in search engines outperform its competitors and generate high" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22that%20it%20will%20rank%20highly%20in%20search%2 0engines%20outperform%20its%20competitors%20and%20generate%20high%22&tbs=qdr:y9,s bd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... SEO treatment that it will rank highly in search engines, outperform its competitors and generate high return on investment. Exa employs the most experienced ... Footnote/Sentence no.4 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "[Proprietary or misspelled word] employs the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22*%20employs%20the%20most%20experienced%20SEO% 20professionals%20and%20the%20most%20advanced%20technology%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&st art=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... outperform its competitors and generate high return on investment. Exa employs the most experienced SEO professionals and the most advanced technology. Footnote/Sentence no.5 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "For SEO Results relating to specific businesses or industries or to discuss the results" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22For%20SEO%20Results%20relating%20to%20specific%2 0businesses%20or%20industries%20or%20to%20discuss%20the%20results%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sb d:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: For SEO Results relating to specific businesses or industries, or to discuss the results Exa can achieve for your business, Contact Us. View SEO Results by ... Footnote/Sentence no.6 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Websites that are optimised by [Proprietary or misspelled word] via our state-of-the-art SEO technology consistently outperform their" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Websites%20that%20are%20optimised%20by%20*%20vi a%20our%20state-of-teart%20SEO%20technology%20consistently%20outperform%20their%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&sta rt=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Websites that are optimised by Exa, via our state-of-the-art SEO technology, consistently outperform their competitors' sites, fulfil their online marketing ... Footnote/Sentence no.7 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "competitors ' sites fulfil their online marketing objectives and generate high return on investment" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22competitors%20'%20sites%20fulfil%20their%20online%2 0marketing%20objectives%20and%20generate%20high%20return%20on%20investment%22&t bs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... state-of-the-art SEO technology, consistently outperform their competitors' sites, fulfil their online marketing objectives and generate high return on investment. Footnote/Sentence no.8 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Search Engine Optimisation is the process web developers use for the purpose of improving" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Search%20Engine%20Optimisation%20is%20the%20proc ess%20web%20developers%20use%20for%20the%20purpose%20of%20improving%22&tbs=qd r:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Search Engine Optimisation is the process web developers use for the purpose of improving a website's visibility in search engines. Most often referred to as ... Footnote/Sentence no.9 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Most often referred to as SEO Search Engine Optimisation employs various techniques including programming" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Most%20often%20referred%20to%20as%20SEO%20Sear ch%20Engine%20Optimisation%20employs%20various%20techniques%20including%20progra mming%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Most often referred to as SEO, Search Engine Optimisation employs various techniques, including programming and scripting, to gain higher rankings and better ... Footnote/Sentence no.10 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "and scripting to gain higher rankings and better positioning in search results" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22and%20scripting%20to%20gain%20higher%20rankings% 20and%20better%20positioning%20in%20search%20results%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&s afe=off Google Snippet: ... Search Engine Optimisation employs various techniques, including programming and scripting, to gain higher rankings and better positioning in search results ... Footnote/Sentence no.11 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "This is because search engines measure the importance of websites in relation to their" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22This%20is%20because%20search%20engines%20measur e%20the%20importance%20of%20websites%20in%20relation%20to%20their%22&tbs=qdr:y9,s bd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: This is because search engines measure the importance of websites in relation to their relevance to given keywords. Essentially when a search engine user ... Footnote/Sentence no.12 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Essentially when a search engine user enters a particular keyword or keyword phrase into" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Essentially%20when%20a%20search%20engine%20user %20enters%20a%20particular%20keyword%20or%20keyword%20phrase%20into%22&tbs=qdr :y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Essentially when a search engine user enters a particular keyword or keyword phrase into the search engine's browser, a list of results are generated in the ... Footnote/Sentence no.13 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "It is the objective of the search engine to ensure that the information it" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22It%20is%20the%20objective%20of%20the%20search%20 engine%20to%20ensure%20that%20the%20information%20it%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0& safe=off Google Snippet: It is the objective of the search engine to ensure that the information it delivers is the most appropriate to the enquiry. Without effective SEO it is highly unlikely ... Footnote/Sentence no.14 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Without effective SEO it is highly unlikely that a website will be rated by" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Without%20effective%20SEO%20it%20is%20highly%20u nlikely%20that%20a%20website%20will%20be%20rated%20by%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0 &safe=off Google Snippet: Without effective SEO it is highly unlikely that a website will be rated by the search engine. For customers to access a website simply and conveniently, and for a ... Footnote/Sentence no.15 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "finding relevant websites internet users were required to know the exact website address to" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22finding%20relevant%20websites%20internet%20users%2 0were%20required%20to%20know%20the%20exact%20website%20address%20to%22&tbs=qd r:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... Yahoo and MSN to assist with finding relevant websites, internet users were required to know the exact website address to the information they were seeking. Footnote/Sentence no.16 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Search engines [Proprietary or misspelled word] the internet making it a more effective information resource and a" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Search%20engines%20*%20the%20internet%20making %20it%20a%20more%20effective%20information%20resource%20and%20a%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sb d:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Search engines revolutionised the internet making it a more effective information resource and a powerful marketing tool. The introduction of Search Engine ... Footnote/Sentence no.17 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "The introduction of Search Engine Optimisation meant that businesses could extract maximum value from" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22The%20introduction%20of%20Search%20Engine%20Opt imisation%20meant%20that%20businesses%20could%20extract%20maximum%20value%20fro m%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: The introduction of Search Engine Optimisation meant that businesses could extract maximum value from this new marketing medium, as SEO ensured that the ... Footnote/Sentence no.18 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "this new marketing medium as SEO ensured that the website would receive maximum exposure" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22this%20new%20marketing%20medium%20as%20SEO%2 0ensured%20that%20the%20website%20would%20receive%20maximum%20exposure%22&tbs =qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... meant that businesses could extract maximum value from this new marketing medium, as SEO ensured that the website would receive maximum exposure. Footnote/Sentence no.19 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Today with millions of consumers purchasing goods online the internet has become a global" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Today%20with%20millions%20of%20consumers%20purc hasing%20goods%20online%20the%20internet%20has%20become%20a%20global%22&tbs=qd r:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Today, with millions of consumers purchasing goods online, the internet has become a global marketplace. In the case of businesses that trade over the internet, ... Footnote/Sentence no.20 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "In the case of businesses that trade over the internet their website becomes their" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22In%20the%20case%20of%20businesses%20that%20trade %20over%20the%20internet%20their%20website%20becomes%20their%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1 &start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: In the case of businesses that trade over the internet, their website becomes their shop-front. To be competitive a set of objectives must be met. These include ... Footnote/Sentence no.21 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "SEO gives companies an advantage as it means that potential customers find them more" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22SEO%20gives%20companies%20an%20advantage%20as %20it%20means%20that%20potential%20customers%20find%20them%20more%22&tbs=qdr:y 9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: SEO gives companies an advantage as it means that potential customers find them more easily. Being high in search results can improve the chances of ... Footnote/Sentence no.22 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Being high in search results can improve the chances of winning potential business over" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Being%20high%20in%20search%20results%20can%20im prove%20the%20chances%20of%20winning%20potential%20business%20over%22&tbs=qdr:y9 ,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Being high in search results can improve the chances of winning potential business over a competitor. SEO can also help to position a company as an industry ... Footnote/Sentence no.23 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "SEO can also help to position a company as an industry leader particularly if" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22SEO%20can%20also%20help%20to%20position%20a%20 company%20as%20an%20industry%20leader%20particularly%20if%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&star t=0&safe=off Google Snippet: SEO can also help to position a company as an industry leader, particularly if their website is found at the top of search results for the industry's most competitive ... Footnote/Sentence no.24 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "New markets can be accessed via Search Engine Optimisation as consumers looking for specific" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22New%20markets%20can%20be%20accessed%20via%20 Search%20Engine%20Optimisation%20as%20consumers%20looking%20for%20specific%22&tb s=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: New markets can be accessed via Search Engine Optimisation, as consumers looking for specific goods and services find information relevant to their enquiry ... Footnote/Sentence no.25 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "goods and services find information relevant to their enquiry without specific information such as" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22goods%20and%20services%20find%20information%20rel evant%20to%20their%20enquiry%20without%20specific%20information%20such%20as%22&tb s=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: ... consumers looking for specific goods and services find information relevant to their enquiry without specific information such as a company name or location. Footnote/Sentence no.26 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "in search engines for specific keywords and keyword phrases the position it attains is" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22in%20search%20engines%20for%20specific%20keyword s%20and%20keyword%20phrases%20the%20position%20it%20attains%20is%22&tbs=qdr:y9,s bd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: While the purpose of SEO is to ensure that a website can be found in search engines for specific keywords and keyword phrases, the position it attains is also ... Footnote/Sentence no.27 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Studies have proven that search engine users most trust the highest ranking websites particularly" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Studies%20have%20proven%20that%20search%20engin e%20users%20most%20trust%20the%20highest%20ranking%20websites%20particularly%22&t bs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Studies have proven that search engine users most trust the highest ranking websites, particularly those in positions one, two and three on page one of the ... Footnote/Sentence no.28 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "If a website is [Proprietary or misspelled word] in major search engines such as Google Yahoo and" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22If%20a%20website%20is%20*%20in%20major%20search %20engines%20such%20as%20Google%20Yahoo%20and%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe =off Google Snippet: If a website is underperforming in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN for the keywords most relevant to the business's core offerings, it is ... Footnote/Sentence no.29 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Only dedicated experienced SEO professionals that demonstrate proven results in past performance should be" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Only%20dedicated%20experienced%20SEO%20professio nals%20that%20demonstrate%20proven%20results%20in%20past%20performance%20should% 20be%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: Only dedicated, experienced SEO professionals, that demonstrate proven results in past performance, should be trusted with your company's Search Engine ... Footnote/Sentence no.30 on http://www.exa.com.au/folio/seo.html: "Top 10 reasons you should NOT use an AD AGENCY for Web" was crawled by Google on Oct 21, 2008, proving it had been published to the world by that date. Test this for yourself with this link (go to the bottom of the last page of links to find the earliest dated record): http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Top%2010%20reasons%20you%20should%20NOT%20us e%20an%20AD%20AGENCY%20for%20Web%22&tbs=qdr:y9,sbd:1&start=0&safe=off Google Snippet: See top SEO results for a wide range of Exa clients in various industries. See how our clients' sites have outperformed their competitors and generated high ... PO Box 105, Coonawarra, SA, Australia 5277 Tel +(61)438 005 051 Official Affidavit 1. I am the Chief Developer at the Copyright-Archive, located in Coonawarra, South Australia. I make this declaration of my own personal knowledge. 2. The Copyright-Archive is a web application that searches for and locates copyrighted material on the internet that has been re-used without permission or citation. It uses search engines to find copies and the Internet Archive to date them and establish chronological priority. 3. The Internet Archive is a website that provides access to a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, it provides free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. The Internet Archive has partnered with and receives support from various well-known institutions and libraries, including the Library of Congress. 4. The Internet Archive has created a service known as the Wayback Machine. The Wayback Machine makes it possible to surf more than 240 billion pages stored in the Internet Archive's web archive. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can search archives by URL (i.e., a website address). If archived records for a URL are available, the visitor will be presented with a list of available dates. The visitor may select one of those dates, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the Web. The links on the archived files, when served by the Wayback Machine, point to other archived files (whether HTML pages or images). If a visitor clicks on a link on an archived page, the Wayback Machine will serve the archived file with the closest available date to the page upon which the link appeared and was clicked. 5. The archived data made viewable and browseable by the Wayback Machine is compiled using software programs known as crawlers that surf the Web and automatically store copies of website files, preserving these files as they exist at the point of time of capture. 6. The Internet Archive assigns a URL on its site to the archived files in the format http://web.archive.org/web/[Year in yyyy][Month in mm][Day in dd][Time code in hh:mm:ss]/[Archived URL]. Thus, the Internet Archive URL http://web.archive.org/web/19970126045828/http://www.archive.org/ would be the URL for the record of the Internet Archive home page HTML file (http://www.archive.org/) archived on January 26, 1997 at 4:58 a.m. and 28 seconds (1997/01/26 at 04:58:28). A web browser may be set such that a printout from it will display the URL of a web page in the printout's footer. The date assigned by the Internet Archive applies to the HTML file but not to image files linked therein. Thus images that appear on the printed page may not have been archived on the same date as the HTML file. Likewise, if a website is designed with "frames," the date assigned by the Internet Archive applies to the frameset as a whole, and not the individual pages within each frame. 7. Attached hereto as Exhibit A are true and accurate copies of printouts of the Internet Archive's records of the HTML files for the URLs and the dates specified in the footer of the printout. 8. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. DATE: Feb 16, 2014 SIGNED: S. L. Moignard BA LLB Grad Dip (Inf Tech)