Harris County Public Infrastructure Department
Harris County Public Infrastructure Department
Harris County Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Front cover: pictures from top left going clockwise: proposed Joint Processing Center, dome of the Harris County 1910 Courthouse, proposed Institute of Forensic Sciences, proposed Joint Radio Shop, and the Leonel J. Castillo Community Center HARRIS COUNTY Architecture & Engineering Division 1001 Preston, 71h Floor Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 755-5370 Facilities & Property Management 1310 Prairie, Suite 140 Houston Texas 77002 (713) 755- 2255 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 24 , 2014 TO: Honorable Commissioners Court FROM : John R. Blount, Assistant County Enginec::Jt:'? Willie P. Loston, Director, Facilities & Pr~ Manage~ SUBJECT: Fiscal-Year 2014-15 Harris County Capital Improvement Program .~~ Gentlemen , Attached for your review is the Fiscal-Year 2014-15 Harris County Capital Improvement Program (CIP) . This program provides a comprehensive list of capital projects prepared by the Public Infrastructure Department (PID) , the Facilities & Property Management Department (FPM), and reviewed by Budget Management. Projects in this program were given priority on the basis of public safety, meeting time sensitive regulatory mandates , environmental compliance , and certain infrastructure related issues. Failure to fund these could result in building closures and possible fines, increased damage to the County's facilities and continued escalations in cost. A separate letter will be submitted to Commissioners Court requesting authorization to proceed and to fund recommended projects. A newly established Repair & Replacement Committee will also assist the capital planning process to accumulate , evaluate and prioritize repair and replacement projects and make recommendations to Commissioners Court. This group consists of Directors from PID , Budget Management, FPM , and Information Technology Center. Harris County is continuously working with other government entities to achieve capital and operational cost savings such as with the City of Houston on the Joint Processing Center and the Joint Radio Shop . In addition , Court has approved agreements initiated by PID to provide design , project management, and construction management services for other municipalities , management districts and Harris County related entities . JRB/JC/AP Harris County Capital Improvement Program Prepared by: Public Infrastructure Department and Facilities & Property Management Department June 24, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 ABOUT FY2014-2015 CIP ............................................................................................................. 1 DEPARTMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 1 Public Infrastructure Department.............................................................................................. 1 Facilities & Property Management Department ....................................................................... 2 THE CAPITAL PLANNING PROCESS .................................................................................................. 2 ATTACHMENTS Public Infrastructure Department Organization Chart Facilities & Property Management Department Organization Chart SECTION II PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT ........................................................... 4 HIGHLIGHTS ................................................................................................................................... 4 Architecture & Engineering Division ......................................................................................... 4 Construction Programs Division ............................................................................................... 4 Right of Way Division ............................................................................................................... 5 PID SUPPORTING OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITIES ........................................................................... 5 INITIATIVES..................................................................................................................................... 6 Program Management Solution................................................................................................ 6 Process Documentation ........................................................................................................... 6 Sustainability ............................................................................................................................ 6 Relocation of PID Staff ............................................................................................................. 7 PID Budgets Roll-Over ............................................................................................................. 8 Competitive Compensation ...................................................................................................... 8 PORTFOLIO SUMMARIES ................................................................................................................. 8 Architecture & Engineering Division ......................................................................................... 9 Construction Programs Division ............................................................................................... 9 Right of Way Division ............................................................................................................... 9 HARRIS COUNTY PARKS ............................................................................................................... 10 SECTION III HARRIS COUNTY CAPITAL PROJECTS .............................................................. 11 ATTACHMENTS Capital Projects Sheets .......................................................................................................... 12 Other Project Requests Submitted to CIP ............................................................................. 32 Completed Projects ................................................................................................................ 36 INDEX OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 601 Lockwood ......................................................................................................................... 12 701 Jail .................................................................................................................................... 12 Administration Building ........................................................................................................... 13 Animal Shelter......................................................................................................................... 13 Annex M .................................................................................................................................. 14 Astrodome ............................................................................................................................... 14 Atascocita Complex ................................................................................................................ 15 Branch Library - Administration .............................................................................................. 15 Branch Library - Aldine ........................................................................................................... 16 Branch Library - Freeman ....................................................................................................... 16 Branch Library – Parker Williams ........................................................................................... 17 Burnett-Bayland ...................................................................................................................... 17 Canal Street Records Warehouse .......................................................................................... 18 Civil Courthouse...................................................................................................................... 18 Congress Plaza....................................................................................................................... 19 Cotton Exchange .................................................................................................................... 19 Criminal Justice Center ........................................................................................................... 20 Cypresswood Courthouse ...................................................................................................... 20 Delta Building .......................................................................................................................... 21 Drug Building .......................................................................................................................... 21 Family Law Center .................................................................................................................. 22 Fire Station .............................................................................................................................. 22 Inmate Processing Center ...................................................................................................... 23 Institute of Forensic Sciences ................................................................................................. 23 Joint County/City Radio Shop ................................................................................................. 24 Joint Processing Center .......................................................................................................... 24 Katy Road Leadership Academy ............................................................................................ 25 Lomas Nettleton Garage ......................................................................................................... 25 Mosquito Control ..................................................................................................................... 26 New Baker Street Jail ............................................................................................................. 26 Old Franklin St. Jail ................................................................................................................. 27 Peden Building ........................................................................................................................ 27 RTC Facility ............................................................................................................................ 28 Southeast Annex..................................................................................................................... 28 Southwest Annex .................................................................................................................... 29 Transtar ................................................................................................................................... 29 Wilson Building ....................................................................................................................... 30 Youth Village ........................................................................................................................... 30 Section I SECTION I: INTRODUCTION About FY2014-2015 CIP This year’s FY2014-2015 Harris County Capital Improvement Program includes three sections. The first section provides a brief introduction to the capital planning process along with a brief overview describing roles and responsibilities for each of the departments and divisions. The second section includes the Public Infrastructure Department’s (PID) highlights, key initiatives, and portfolio summaries. The last section presents a comprehensive list of capital projects for FY2014-2015 prepared by PID and the Facilities & Property Management (FPM) Department. Departments Public Infrastructure Department The Public Infrastructure Department consists of five (5) separate Divisions: Architecture & Engineering (A&E), Right of Way (ROW), Construction Programs (CPD), Flood Control (HCFCD), and the Toll Road Authority (HCTRA), with both CPD and ROW reporting through the Deputy Executive Director over the A&E Division. The HCFCD and HCTRA issues will be submitted to Commissioners Court under separate cover. An organization chart for PID is located at the end of this section. Architecture & Engineering Division The mission of A&E is to execute the planning, study and design of various buildings, roads, bridges, traffic signals, drainage improvements, parks, and other architectural, engineering, and maintenance projects in accordance with adopted design standards. Construction Programs Division The Construction Programs Division is a multi-disciplined group managing construction of horizontal and vertical projects. The division is responsible for the majority of new construction by Harris County and includes five major sections: Major Building Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 1 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION Construction, Toll Road Construction, Road and Bridge Construction, Contract Compliance Section, and Quality Control Section. Right of Way Division The Right of Way Division has a multitude of functions. Responsibilities include the appraisal and negotiation of land acquisitions needed for public projects. ROW also conducts sale transactions for county and HCFCD properties. ROW acquires real estate as necessary for the construction of roadways, parks, drainage channels, detention ponds, recreational trails, and buildings. The most common forms of acquisition are fee purchase, easement purchase, and rights of entry. It is often necessary for the division to assist the County Attorney throughout the condemnation process. Facilities & Property Management Department The Facilities & Property Management Department’s operations and responsibilities support Harris County capital projects by ensuring that activities such as construction and renovation meet facility standards. FPM inspects, maintains, and repairs numerous Harris County owned and leased facilities. FPM is devoted to customer service and the tax payer. They provide a wide range of services for the general public and county employees who use Harris County’s facilities. FPM is constantly working hard to maintain the County’s facilities and provide a safe, clean and comfortable environment to conduct county business. An organization chart for FPM is located at the end of this section. The Capital Planning Process The process starts with capital requests submitted to PID by various departments of the county. A series of planning sessions are then held between PID, Budget Management, Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 2 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION and FPM. An online application tool is being developed to be used for all future departmental requests and will be used to assign priority of projects on the basis of public safety, environmental issues, and addressing critical infrastructure needs. In addition to the capital planning process, a Repair & Replacement Committee (R&R) was approved by Commissioners Court earlier this year. This group will also work towards gathering the necessary information to recommend capital projects to Commissioners Court. Below is a list of project categories: Project Request Categories Public Safety – Public Infrastructure Department will recommend to Commissioners Court that all projects that fall into this group be approved for funding. Environmental & Regulatory – All projects necessitated by local, state and/or federal codes and statutes will be recommended for Court approval and funding. Carpet, General Maintenance, Parking Lots, Painting & Repair – These projects will be included as part of the CIP process for informational purposes, but will initially be reviewed by FPM and/or the Repair & Replacement committee and formally presented to Court for funding approval on a prioritized basis. Space Requests – All departmental requests for additional building space will be reviewed as part of the County Master Plan review process, and subsequently presented to Court at a later date for approval and funding. All Other – Any project request that does not fall into one of the above referenced categories will be listed for Court informational purposes without any PID recommendation. Absent a directive from Court; these projects will be placed on hold. Harris County Capital Improvement Program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ontracts Contract Compliance Project Management Renovations Energy Management Detention Facilities MEP Shops Downtown Facilities Outlying Facilities Enterprise Software Technology Services Facilities Monitoring Customer Service Code Compliance Building Access Access/Code & Customer Service Buildings Central Plants Maintenance Operations Accounts Payable Foreclosed Properties Administration Fiscal Services Fiscal Analyst Asset Management Administration Lease Administration Property Management Director Organization Function Chart Human Resources Section II SECTION II: PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT Highlights The following information is presented on behalf of the Public Infrastructure Department for 2014-2015 Harris County Capital Improvement Program: Architecture & Engineering Architecture & Engineering has kept pace with the steadily increasing project demands of its clients. The project staff is currently managing and administering over 180 active infrastructure projects with an approximate value of $437 million. A&E continues to operate within the limits of its annual budget and is currently seeking individuals to fill key vacancies within the division. A&E is currently working with the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation (HCSCC) and Budget Management to review a listing of projects specific to the Reliant Arena. Once finalized, A&E will report its findings to Budget Management. The Permits group reports a high and sustained volume of permit activity. Though the growth rate has leveled out through 2013 and the first quarter of 2014, permitted construction value levels are 93% higher than 2010 and 50% higher than 2011. Construction Programs Division Construction Programs Division continues to manage construction projects designed by A&E as well as Harris County Toll Road Authority. Projects range from expanding or renovating existing facilities to constructing new buildings, roads, bridges, and tollways throughout Harris County. Since last year’s CIP presentation, CPD has completed over 150 projects valued at an estimated $250 million dollars. Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 4 SECTION II: PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT Right of Way Division The Right of Way Division continues to support PID by acquiring real estate for capital improvement projects. Right of Way acquired 482 parcels within last fiscal year by means of purchase, donation, prescription, or condemnation. PID Supporting Other Government Entities Harris County is continuously working with other government entities to achieve capital and operational cost savings. Harris County and the City of Houston are currently collaborating to design and construct the Joint Processing Center and the Joint Radio Shop. In both instances, the City of Houston is a financial partner and Harris County is a financial and managing partner. The Joint Processing Center will replace the existing Harris County Inmate Processing Center and several City of Houston jails. It will be sized to accept both county and city detainees. The new processing center will be owned and operated by Harris County and will accommodate County and City Departments that support processing functions. The Joint Radio Shop facility will support Harris County and the City of Houston Information Technology Center’s mobility group. The purpose of developing a joint facility is to achieve capital and operational cost savings for Harris County and the City of Houston. A court approved program that has been initiated by PID, is to provide project management expertise for the design and development as well as construction management services for other municipalities, management districts and Harris County related entities. Most notable among these projects is PID’s work with the Airline Improvement District, East Aldine Management District, Harris Health Services (HHS) and Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation (HCSCC). Funds received by PID for their services are deposited into a Pay As You Go (PAYG) account and used to fund small capital projects as well as certain environmental initiatives. Additionally, PID Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 5 SECTION II: PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT provides pro-bono engineering and design expertise to the Children’s Assessment Center (CAC) and the Harris County Psychiatric Center (HCPC). This has saved both entities millions of dollars in consulting and construction fees. Initiatives Program Management Solution Currently, there are multiple systems being used across the divisions to manage projects and workloads. PID’s goal is to find a long-term solution that will allow for more efficient managing, tracking, and reporting of projects. PID has determined it necessary to prepare and advertise a request for proposal with the intent to ultimately purchase an application that would be suitable for the needs of PID and the clients it serves. Process Documentation As mentioned in prior Capital Improvements Programs, PID has made several improvements to its current project processes. A third party process documentation consultant has been retained to assist PID in capturing and documenting the improved project processes and methodologies. A series of workshops were held within the past six months with key individuals. The deliverables are scheduled to be finalized by midyear of 2014. Sustainability Traffic Signals – LED Systems - Harris County is committed to lowering its operational costs by taking part in sustainability efforts. Traffic signals applications require constant reliability 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Harris County has taken the initiative to replace incandescent signals in all four precincts with high-efficiency, long-life LED systems that will provide dramatic energy and maintenance cost savings. Currently, this effort is 95% complete and is expected to be 100% complete by the end of June 2014. Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 6 SECTION II: PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT Facilities – L.E.E.D. - In 2009, Commissioners Court approved a policy requiring that all new buildings in Harris County be designed and constructed to meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program when feasible. In doing so, the County should experience lower building operating costs while demonstrating its dedication to sustainable building design and construction. PID will continue to work with clients to consider the most appropriate level of LEED certification as well as with Budget Management to fund initial expenses to be offset by lowering life cycle costs. Road Projects, Low Impact Development - PID has been actively pursuing alternative strategies for the design and construction of roads throughout Harris County. Low Impact Development (LID) as it is known, is a comprehensive approach to site planning, design, and stormwater pollution prevention. Throughout the course of the year, PID considers each road project request to determine if a LID strategy would be applicable. PID is committed to assisting clients save money on construction and maintenance of roads while positively impacting the sustainability of land and water resources. Harris County is considered a national leader in the development and implementation of LID strategies. Relocation of PID Staff The Public Infrastructure Department’s staff who occupy the Delta Building, located at 10555 N.W. Freeway, have outgrown the limited space at the building. An internal cost estimate to expand the Delta Building was conducted and it was determined that the cost to meet code requirements does not make economic sense. An initial programming or study to relocate the Delta Building occupants and other PID staff will be conducted at the end of the FY2014-2015 CIP cycle. Architecture & Engineering has received authorization of $250,000 to allocate towards the relocation study. Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 7 SECTION II: PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT PID Budgets Roll-Over As part of the FY2012-2013 Capital Improvement Program budget process, Court approved the funding for PID’s - PAYG program. This $4 million account was originally to be funded by the Budget Office, however, since inception; PID has been utilizing their general fund roll-over saving as the funding source. This program allows PID to initiate and fund small capital projects (< $750K) that otherwise would compete with other uses of both General Fund and debt instruments monies. To date, approximately $3.5 million worth of projects have been completed without increasing the debt service of the County, thus eliminating interest cost. An additional $3-$5 million in projects is scheduled to be funded over the next two years, and PID will continue to transfer future budget savings into this account. Competitive Compensation The Public Infrastructure Department has been working with HRRM and Budget Management Services on best practices for advertising, recruiting, and ultimately hiring new staff members. According to various sources, global demand for engineers is growing in all areas, especially within the U.S. oil and gas industry. The demand within the greater Houston area makes for a highly competitive market when searching for talent to fill PID vacancies. As a way to compete with private industries and other government agencies, it will be necessary to continue evaluating and making adjustments to existing salaries, salary maximums, and salary allocations for vacant positions. A recommendation will be made available to Commissioners Court at midyear review. Portfolio Summaries The first two tables below display portfolio summaries for the Architecture & Engineering Division and the Construction Programs Division. The third table displays a summary of the Right of Way Division’s parcels purchased and appraisals conducted for the last fiscal year. Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 8 SECTION II: PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT Architecture & Engineering Division (Dollars in Millions) FY2014-2015 Road & Bridge Projects Precinct Funding Joint Participation Funding Road & Bridge CIP Subtotal PCT 1 PCT 2 PCT 3 PCT 4 Total 49.7 36.6 16.3 83.6 186.2 9.3 20.7 14.5 18.1 62.6 $59.0 $57.3 $30.8 $101.7 $248.8 Other Capital Projects (Buildings, asphalt overlays, parks, water/wastewater, etc.) Table 1: Estimated project values available to bid this fiscal year Total $187.8 Construction Programs Division (Dollars in Millions) FY2014-2015 Projects Astrodome Select Demolition and Abatement Tomball Tollway Institute of Forensic Sciences Harris County Administration Building Façade Renovation Burnett-Bayland Gymnasium Total Table 2: CPD’s portfolio for select projects currently in construction Cost 8.0 115.0 70.0 8.0 3.14 $204.14 Right of Way Division (Dollars in Millions) FY2013-2014 Number of CIP Parcels Purchased Total Purchase Amount Number of Appraisals Conducted Table 3: ROW’s portfolio for FY2013-2014. Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 177 $8.7 105 9 SECTION II: PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT Harris County Parks Harris County currently has 178 parks with over 25,750 acres of land. Commissioners are continuously increasing number of parks as well as expanding existing parks in their corresponding precinct. Architecture & Engineering is continuously working to increase its resources to accommodate the growing needs for park planning and landscape architecture services. Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 10 Section III SECTION III: HARRIS COUNTY CAPITAL PROJECTS The Public Infrastructure Department and Facilities & Property Management have worked together with members of Commissioners Court, department heads, and other key stakeholders to prepare and present this year’s recommended capital improvement projects. A separate letter will be submitted to Commissioners Court requesting authorization to proceed and to fund recommended projects. This section includes the following attachments: Informational sheets referencing recommended PID and FPM projects; A list of other project requests submitted for Court review; A list of completed capital projects presented at last year’s CIP. Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 11 601 Lockwood Annex 40 601 Lockwood 2 Stories Built in 1938 193,902 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY FPM 660K Public Safety Fire alarm and suppression system 701 Jail Annex 42 701 North San Jacinto 9 Stories Built in 1990 580,400 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Elevator replacement FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 4.50M Facility Improvement Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 12 Administration Building 1001 Preston 9 Stories Built in 1977 277,341 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Buildout 5th floor office space PID 2.00M Facility Improvement Repair exterior concrete façade (phase II) PID 8.00M Maintenance Roof Repair PID 400K Facility Improvement PROJECT TITLE Animal Shelter Annex 37 612 Canino 1 Story Built in 1987 37,036 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Expand and renovate facility FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 750K Facility Improvement Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 13 Annex M Annex M 2525 Murworth Drive 2 Stories Built in 1964 199,932 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 PROJECT TITLE RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Repair parking lot FPM 1.50M Facility Improvement Astrodome 8400 Kirby Drive 18 Stories Built in 1965 140,000 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Abatement and other modifications FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 8.00M Facility Improvement Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 14 Atascocita Complex 2316-2326 Atascocita Road Location— Pct 4 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Convert from ground water to surface water PID 5.00M Regulatory Evidence Storage Building—Expand facility PID 613K Facility Improvement Evidence Storage Building—Partition building by agency PID 175K Facility Improvement FMO Building—Expand Facility PID 277K Facility Improvement Shooting Range—Repairs to firing range PID 175K Maintenance PROJECT TITLE Branch Library—Administration 5749 South Loop East 1 Story Built in 83,385 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Design and renovate library portion of the facility PID 9.10M Other Capital Projects Design study for residual building space PID 250K Other Capital Projects PROJECT TITLE Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 15 Branch Library— Aldine 11331 Airline Drive 1 Story Built in 1975 13,268 SqFt Location— Pct 4 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 PROJECT TITLE RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Repair parking lot FPM 50.0K Maintenance Branch Library— Freeman Annex 10 16603 Buccaneer Lane 2 Stories Built in 1986 36,102 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Roof Repair FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY FPM 330K Maintenance Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 16 Branch Library— Parker Williams 10851 Scarsdale Boulevard 1 Story Built in 1992 19,658 SqFt Location— Pct 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPART- PROJECTED COST CATEGORY FPM 50.0K Public Safety Fire alarm system repair Burnett-Bayland 6500 Chimney Rock 2 Stories Built in 1968 Location— Pct 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Homes—Construct new gym Rehabilitation Center– Install video surveillance system FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY HCJPD 3.14M Other Capital Projects PID 1.00M Facility Improvement Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 17 Canal Street Records Warehouse 5900 Canal Street 3 Stories Built in 1942 287,000 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 11.5M Facility Improvement Design and renovate facility Civil Courthouse 201 Caroline 18 Stories Built in 2006 661,011 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Buildout two Family Courts FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 5.50M Facility Improvement Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 18 Congress Plaza Annex 46 201 Caroline 17 Stories Built in 1986 401,794 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 PROJECT TITLE RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Buildout 17th floor PID 975K Facility Improvement Buildout basement PID 250K Facility Improvement Replace 17th floor HVAC PID 425K Facility Improvement Roof replacement PID 2.00M Facility Improvement Cotton Exchange Annex 44 1310 Prairie Street 16 Stories Built in 1924 222,240 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Elevator repair FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY FPM 45.0K Facility Improvement Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 19 Criminal Justice Center 1201 Franklin 20 Stories Built in 1999 753,000 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 1.00M Facility Improvement Replace elevator and control system Cypresswood Courthouse Annex 17 6831 Cypresswood 1 Story Built in 1977 25,408 SqFt Location— Pct 4 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Design and construct new facility PID TBD Other Capital Projects Purchase land PID TBD Other Capital Projects Replace chiller FPM 180K Facility Improvement PROJECT TITLE Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 20 Delta Building 10555 Northwest Freeway 2 Stories Built in 1978 96,069 SqFt Location— Pct 4 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 250K Other Capital Projects Study to identify a replacement facility Drug Building Annex 18 406 Caroline Street 4 Stories Built in 1940 66,572 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Fire alarm system repair FPM 90.0K Public Safety Fire suppression system repair FPM 120K Public Safety Elevator Repair FPM 95.0K Public Safety PROJECT TITLE Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 21 Family Law Center 1115 Congress 7 Stories Built in 1966 114,378 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Elevator repair PID 250K Facility Improvement Study to replace four IVD Courts PID 150K Other Capital Projects PROJECT TITLE Fire Station Annex 2 1302 Preston 5 Stories Built in 1923 63,197 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Repair elevator system FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 412K Facility Improvement Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 22 Inmate Processing Center 1201 Commerce 3 Stories Built in 1991 52,650 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY FPM 145K Facility Improvement Elevator repair Institute of Forensic Sciences 1861 Old Spanish Trail 9 Stories Built in: to be constructed 200,000 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Construct new facility PID 65.0M Other Capital Projects Fixtures, furniture and equipment & technical equipment PID TBD Facility Improvement Moving expenses PID 1.50M Other Capital Projects TECO central plant PID 2.40M Other Capital Projects PROJECT TITLE Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 23 Joint County/City Radio Shop 2318 Greens Road 1 Story Built in: to be constructed 43,000 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 3.20M Other Capital Projects Design and build new facility Joint Processing Center 3 Stories Built in: to be constructed 254,000 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Design and build new facility FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 70.0M Other Capital Projects Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 24 Katy Road Leadership Academy 9120 Katy Hockley Road 2 Stories Built in 1999 50,000 SqFt Location— Pct 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 800K Facility Improvement Install video surveillance system Lomas Nettleton Garage 119 Fannin 3 Stories Built in 1950 75,000 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Demo garage and build surface parking lot FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID 1.50M Other Capital Projects Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 25 Mosquito Control 6104 Dixie Drive 1 Story Location—Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS RESPONSIRESPONSIBLE BLE DEPARTDEPARTMENT MENT PID PID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT TITLE Environmental closure Environmental closure FY 2014 -2015 PROJECTED PROJECTED COST COST 150K 150K CATEGORY CATEGORY Facility Improvement Facility Improvement New Baker Street Jail 1200 Baker Street 6 Stories Built in 2002 603,324 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE PROJECT TITLE Domestic/fire water tank Domestic/fire water tack RESPONSIRESPONSIBLE BLE DEPARTDEPARTMENT MENT FPM FPM PROJECTED PROJECTED COST COST 125K 125K Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 FY 2014 -2015 CATEGORY CATEGORY Facility Improvement Facility Improvement 26 Old Franklin St. Jail Annex 22 1301 Franklin 13 Stories Built in 1980 812,500 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY PID TBD Facility Improvement Design 911 dispatch and ITC disaster center Peden Building Annex 27 600 North San Jacinto Street 4 Stories Built in 1929 64,200 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Fire alarm system repair FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY FPM 40.0K Public Safety Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 27 RTC Facility Annex 83 2223 W. Loop South 7 Stories Built in 1972 141,180 SqFt Location— Pct 4 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Elevator repair FPM 120K Facility Improvement Replace 2 chillers FPM 700K Facility Improvement PROJECT TITLE Southeast Annex Annex 14 5737 Cullen 2 Stories Built in 1960 17,505 SqFt Location— Pct 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Purchase land PID 3.50M Other Capital Projects Design and construct a new facility PID TBD Other Capital Projects PROJECT TITLE Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 28 Southwest Annex Annex 19 6000 Chimney Rock 1 Story Built in 1980 17,323 SqFt Location— Pct 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Roof repair FPM 200K Maintenance Parking lot repair FPM 500K Maintenance PROJECT TITLE Transtar 6922 Old Katy Road 3 Stories Built in 1998 52,000 SqFt Location— Pct 4 CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY Expand existing parking lot PID 2.90M Facility Improvement Renovate and expand facility PID 9.60M Facility Improvement PROJECT TITLE Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 29 Wilson Building Annex 21 49 San Jacinto 6 Stories Built in 1900 157,062 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY FPM 540K Facility Improvement Elevator repair Youth Village 210 J.W. Mills Drive 2 Stories Built in 1971 96,683 SqFt Location— Pct 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE Fire alarm system repair FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST CATEGORY FPM 330K Public Safety Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 30 Additional Capital Projects Various Locations CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECTED COST Master plan study– departmental space needs. (County Judge, Treasurer, Purchasing, Domestic Relations, District Attorney, Constable Precinct 8) PID 250K CSCD master plan study PID 120K Downtown camera security PID 120K Facility screening– xray/magnetometers FPM 315K Fund and maintain repair and replacement account PID 13.5M HHS Clinics Construction PID 13.7M LED traffic light conversion (Phase II) PID 1.40M Replenish PID Mobility Fund PID 4.00M Replenish PID pay as you go account PID 4.00M Subdivision road and drainage repairs reserve PID 2.00M Subdivision road and drainage repairs study PID 100K Tax Office master plan study PID 50.0K PROJECT TITLE Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 31 Other Project Requests Submitted for CIP FY 2014-2015 Various Locations OTHER PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECT TITLE 601 Lockwood—General building repairs FPM 8418 Lantern Point—Parking lot repairs FPM Administration Building—Roof repair FPM Agriculture Center—Annex 29—Fire alarm system repair FPM Annex 6—Roof repair FPM Annex 7— 1) Roof repair 2) Repair parking lot FPM Annex 11—Repair parking lot FPM Annex 45—Repair parking lot FPM Annex B— 1) Roof repair 2) Repair parking lot 3) Replace chiller FPM Annex M—Repair elevator FPM Atascocita Complex—1) Design/build mobile command storage facility 2) Site prep for Simunition Training Facility 3)SATS/YMAC-Bootcamp—Fire alarm and suppression system 4) Plumbing upgrades FPM Bay Area—Annex 10—Repair elevator FPM Baytown Courthouse—Annex 8—1) Roof repair 2) Repair parking lot FPM BBRC—Repair parking lot FPM Branch Library—Atascocita—General Maintenance, repair and carpet FPM Brach Library—Baldwin Boettcher—1) General Maintenance, repair and carpet 2) Roof repair 3) Fire alarm system repair FPM Branch Library—Fairbanks—1) General Maintenance, repair and carpet 2) Roof repair FPM Branch Library—High Meadows—Repair parking lot FPM Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 32 Other Project Requests Submitted for CIP FY 2014-2015 Continued Various Locations OTHER PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECT TITLE Branch Library—Katherine Tyra—General Maintenance, repair and carpet FPM Branch Library—Maud Marks—1) General Maintenance, repair and carpet 2) Roof repair FPM Branch Library—North Channel—General Maintenance, repair and carpet FPM Branch Library—Northwest—1) General Maintenance, repair and carpet 2) Roof repair 3) Repair parking lot FPM Branch Library—Octavia Fields Memorial—General Maintenance, repair and carpet FPM Branch Library—Parker Williams—General Maintenance, repair and carpet FPM Branch Library—South Houston—Repair parking lot FPM Branch Library—Spring Branch Memorial—General Maintenance, repair and carpet FPM Branch Library—Stratford—Repair parking lot FPM Burnett-Bayland—Repair parking lot FPM Carpenter Shop—Annex 30—Fire alarm system repair FPM Central Plant—Roof repair FPM Children’s Assessment Center—Annex 12—Repair elevator FPM Community Supervision—Annex 59—Repair parking lot FPM Cotton Exchange—Annex 44— 1) Replace cooling tower 2) Replace entry doors FPM Criminal Justice Center—1)Carpet, drywall and paint 2) Reconfigure space for hearing room on 20th floor Crites Warehouse—Roof repair Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 FPM/PID FPM 33 Other Project Requests Submitted for CIP FY 2014-2015 Continued Various Locations OTHER PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECT TITLE Delta Building— 1) Roof repair 2) Repair parking lot FPM District V Patrol—Repair parking lot FPM Drug Building—Annex 18—Roof repair FPM Fire Station—Annex 2— 1)Fire alarm system repair 2) Roof repair FPM Fisher Road—Building repair and parking lot PID FMO Complex—HAZMAT response station PID Inmate Processing Center— 1) Replace 2 boilers 2) Repair elevator FPM Jim Fonteno—Annex 26—Remodel window teller area PID John Phelp Courthouse—Replace two lektrievers & electrical FPM Juvenile Justice Baytown—Annex 33—Roof repair FPM Katy Road Leadership Academy—Replace chiller FPM Lockwood—Annex 39— 1) Fire alarm system repair 2) Repair parking lot FPM Meadowfern—Fire alarm system repair FPM Mickey Leland—Annex 31— 1) Replace carpet 2) Repair parking lot FPM Old 1301 Franklin St. Jail—Annex 22—Modify HVAC System PID Old Annex J—Annex 45—Remodel window teller area PID Pech Road—Annex 35—Repair parking lot FPM Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 34 Other Project Requests Submitted for CIP FY 2014-2015 Continued Various Locations OTHER PROJECTS FY 2014 -2015 RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT PROJECT TITLE Peden Building—Annex 27— 1) Replace 2 chillers 2) Roof repair FPM Social Services Old Annex S—Annex 49— 1) Parking lot repair 2) Fire alarm system repair FPM Southeast—Annex 14—1) Re-design and replace existing countertops 2) Remove wall and buildout three new offices 3) Repair elevator FPM/PID Southwest—Annex 19—1) Repair HVAC system 2) Repair roof leak 3) Request for backup generator FPM/PID Vehicle Maintenance Center—Roof repair FPM W. Kyle Chapman—Annex 25—1) Remodel Civil process department 2) Repaint facility interior 3) Repair laminate surfaces 4) Replace carpet 5) Replace courtroom signage 6) Roof repair 7) Fire alarm system repair 8) Replace 2 chillers FPM/PID Westside—Annex 11—1) Build new restroom for County staff 2) Replace lektriever & electrical 3) Workspace redesign FPM/PID Wilson Building—Annex 21—Replace chiller FPM Youth Village—Repair parking lot FPM Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 35 Completed Projects Presented at last year’s CIP Various Locations CAPITAL PROJECTS FY 2013 -2014 PROJECT TITLE Branch Library—Administration: completed purchase of facility Social Services Old Annex S– Annex 83: roof replacement Administration Building and RTC Facility—Annex 83: Installation of fire sprinkler system Atascocita—Academy Building: Installation of backup generator Todd Street Warehouse: Installation of backup gas generator North Bayou Central Plant: Completed construction of new facility Sylvan Beach Pavilion: Restoration completed Leonel J. Castillo Community Center: Renovation completed Harris County Capital Improvement Program 2014-2015 36